BARSCOM GX3XG BRAINTREE RAYNE HALSTEAD COLCHESTER STEBBING DUNMOW COGGESHALL G3XG G6BRH NOTLEY WITHAM Monthly Communication of the Braintree and District Amateur Radio Society June 2016 ...4 Jun 16 Contents Chairman’s Chat Chairman’s Chat ………..….. 2 A Rare QSO ……….……….. 4 Meeting Reports ..…..………. 5 AGM Report .….…....………. 6 Club Meetings and Nets ….… 8 Rallies ………………………. 9 Contests …………………….. 10 Committee Info ……..…….... 10 Club Info …………………… 11 John, M5AJB Well here we are starting another new club year. Firstly a reminder for the next club meeting, the Construction Contest. We have some good entries in the past, so lets hope this continues this year. The entries do not have to be radio related, any thing you have constructed can be entered. I can remember one year we had entered a Bird Box that a club member had made. BADARS Club Library We hold a collection of books and DVDs that feature electronic construction, operation, the history of radio, shortwave listening and other forms of technology to do with radio, including the ‘Secret’ work carried-out by amateurs during the war years.. The next reminder is for the DF hunt June 20th. This will be on 2m. For this evening we usually have an earlier start. Meet at the club for 19:30, so we can do the usual announcements then be ready for Melvin’s first transmission at 19:45. This gives us a little more time to find him. Personal Note from Tony GØIAG. Well that’s all from me this time , will se you at the next meeting. I wish the club and the new committee every success in the future. I will remain a member and attend meetings when I can. 73 for now. Tony. 2 1 .....6 Jun 16 Faros in Portugal; so not the little A rare QSO but not DX light aircraft I’d imagined at that altitude. Turns out Jerry is Captain Mike G8DJO of a 737 and in a spare moment is allowed to indulge in his amateur radio hobby. No he’s not off duty, So, my 10m transceiver project he’s in the cockpit, using the continues; this afternoon I was aircraft’s HF kit a Collins HFS900D, 400W PEP to a slot fed learning the mystical art of programming my PIC (programable antenna that is essentially the whole interface controller) that will control of the tail fin of the aircraft. Some aircraft still have HF transceivers the operation of the hybrid for operation on routes where VHF PLL/DDS VFO. Meanwhile I was is inadequate for contacting ATC idly scanning 20 metres, when I apparently. He came back to me on heard a CQ de PH9HB/Aeronautical the second attempt and gave me 5 Mobile, which caused me to prick & 7 for my 100W SSB. I’m now up my ears a little. Listening further, awaiting a QSL via eQSL. I heard that Jerry is currently 41,000 feet over Guernsey and heading for Jerry’s ‘shack’ 4 1 Meeting Reports Tony, GØIAG Jun 16 antennas. The Club’s IC746 and FT897 were used for HF and VHF respectively. Because of adverse atmospheric conditions over the 2 days, combined with contests (bad planning by somebody) not many contacts were made. 21 on HF, 12 of which were Mills and 8 on VHF - 1 was a Mill. May 2nd was a Natter night with the accent on Mills On The Air planning as the main topic. Melvin has re-vamped the Windom antenna to suit the mills site ready for the event. The use of VHF/UHF was questioned as the site location makes the use of those bands near impossible. QSL matters were discussed as not many cards are received any more because of electronic QSLing. The club refurbishment project of the FTDX400 receiver will be notarised step by step, with a full report sent to RADCOM when finished. A brief discussion followed on the club AGM to be held on May 16th . Operators over the weekend were. Melvin GØEMK, John M5AJB, Edwin GØLPO, Neville G8CDG, Geoff G1WRH, Martin MØFAQ and Howard G6LXK. Jenny Hume also supported on Sunday. Mills On The Air, 14/15th May, was once again at Alderford Water Mill was the venue for the event. Set up on the Friday afternoon was carried out by John, Melvin, Edwin and Neville, the usual crew. An HF dipole and 2/70 co-linear were the The Mill volunteers were very busy with over 90 visitors over the weekend which meant a lot of interest in the radio station. Our thanks go to the Mill trustees for hosting the event, hopefully the Mill will be warmer next year. 5 1 AGM Report Jun 16 present given a copy. He said the clubs finances were in good shape. Melvin GØEMK gave a report on the Mills On The Air weekend and Geoff G1WRH said he had enjoyed being involved as a committee member. The Club’s AGM took place on May 16th , with 15 members present, a quorum. The meeting was opened at 20.00 by Tony GØIAG. There was no Editors report. After the adoption of pre-circulated minutes, for which there were no matters arising, the reports by the committee members were given. Howard G6LXK, the club Librarian reported that library stocks were good and a small income for the club came from Library book hire. The Chairman reported that it had been a good 40th anniversary year for the club but frustrating for him as he lived too far away to take a full active roll in club events and meetings. He gave his thanks to the other committee members for keeping things on an even keel. There were no proposals to the AGM so the meeting moved on to the Awards section. The Founders Trophy was awarded to Edwin GØLPO for his presentations to club meetings and behind the scenes support and help at club events. The Secretary, John M5AJB, said it had been an interesting year with a wide range of topics covered at the meetings and good speakers plus a variety of social events for those who enjoyed them. Membership had stayed on par with last year. In the absence of the Editor, The new Harold King Editors Trophy, sponsored by his son, Tony, was given to Geoff G1WRH for his interesting articles in BARSCOM. The Treasurer, Neville G8CDG, gave the financial report with all The committee then stood down. 6 1 Jun 16 Nominations for the post of The treasurer, Neville G8CDG Chairman were requested. There agreed to carry on in post as did members Melvin were none, so John M5AJB "non-post" GØEMK and Geoff G1WRH, all volunteered to take the post; he was with unanimous support. voted in unanimously. He then took the chair and asked for The Editor has agreed to carry on nominations/volunteers for the now vacant Secretary's post. After a for the time being and the Librarian said he was happy to continue as short silence, Edwin GØLPO volunteered to take the job on; all well. voted in favour. There being no further business, the meeting closed. The massive ship, built by Hyundai Heavy Industries, South Korea, weighs 184,000 tons and is 1,312ft long, compared to The Shard's 1,014ft height. The carrier - the size of four football pitches - returned to Asia with goods from Britain. World’s Largest Ship Daily Telegraph The world's largest ship, with a massive cargo so big it could supply everyone in the country with something, arrived in Britain, January last year. Guests from across the shipping industry and community were invited to a quay-side lunch and VIP tour of the ship at Felixstowe. The Chinese-owned CSCL Globe, which is longer than The Shard is tall, left Shanghai on its maiden voyage on December 8 carrying 19,100 containers. Four thousand of which, with a total of 57,000 tons of cargo of food, drink, clothing, electrical goods and furniture were unloaded at Felixstowe in Suffolk. The ship was carrying such a variety of goods, including millions of razors, it is likely everyone in the country would would have bought something from it. Fully-laden, the ship can carry 156 million pairs of shoes, 300m tablet computers or 900m tins of beans. 7 1 Jun 16 Club Meetings and Nets Club Net - 08.00 pm local time 2 Meters (S15) (145.375 MHz) 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 Jun Construction Contest evening Club 2m Net DF hunt on 2 m Club 2m Net Sep Railways on the Air planning, Natter night 12 Club 2m Net 19 Operating evening HF, 2m & 70cms 26 Club 2m Net 5 Jul DRM Radio check over Pt 2 Operating evening HF, 2m & 70cms Club 2m Net Club BBQ Club 2m Net 10 17 24 Oct Jota Planning, DRM Radio check over Pt 3 Club 2m Net TBA Club 2m Net 7 14 21 28 Nov Surplus equipment sale. Club 2m Net TBA Club 2m Net 5 12 19 26 Dec Christmas social. Club 2m Net Natter evening. Club 2m Net 3 Aug 1 TX factor 10 8 Club 2m Net 15 Talk - Mark Haynes MØDXR, Kenwood & DXPeditions 22 Club 2m Net 29 Club 2m Net Club Equipment You can borrow the club’s Aerial Analyser for only £1/day and the Morse Tutor (Less Battery) for 50p/2-week session. Ask one of the Committee for information 8 1 Jun 16 Rallies 4 & 5 JUNE SUSSEX ELECTRONICS AND RADIO FAIR (SERF 2016) Eastbourne. admin@serf.org.uk [www.serf.org.uk] 26 JUNE WEST OF ENGLAND RADIO RALLY Frome, Somerset. More details from Shaun, G8VPG on 01225 873 098 or by email to rallymanager@westrally.org.uk. [www.westrally.org.uk]. 5 JUNE SPALDING & DARS ANNUAL RALLY [www.sdars.org.uk] 2 JULY BANGOR & DISTRICT AMATEUR RADIO SOCIETY RALLY Details from Harry 0289 142 2762 email norman.newell@yahoo.com. 11 JUNE MARTIN LYNCH @ 60! - Staines 12 JUNE EAST SUFFOLK WIRELESS REVIVAL (Ipswich Radio Rally) The Orwell Crossing Lorry Park, A14 Eastbound, Nacton, Ipswich. [www.eswr.org.uk] 3 JULY 20th RED ROSE QRP FESTIVAL Contact Les Jackson, G4HZJ, on 01942 870 634 or by email to g4hzj@ntlworld.com 15th JUNCTION 28 RALLY Alfreton adylawri@btininternet.com. 9 JULY STOCKPORT RADIO SOCIETY RALLY Other information available from Nigel Roscoe, G0RXA on 0745 090 4422 or by email to info@g8srs.co.uk. 18 JUNE SOUTH LANCS SUMMER RALLY [www.slarc.co.uk/rally]. 19 JUNE 29th NEWBURY RADIO RALLY Details from rally@nadars.org.uk [www.nadars.org.uk] 17 JULY McMICHAEL RADIO RALLY Reading Details Pete, G8FRC 0118 969 5697. [www.mcmichaelrally.org.uk]. 9 1 Jun 16 Contests VHF HF Jun 12 0900-1300 2nd 144MHz Backpackers 18/9 1400-1400 50MHz Trophy Contest VHF Championship 26 0900-1200 50MHz Contest CW VHF CW Championship 26 1400-1600 70MHz Cumulatives #4 Jun 4/5 1500-1500 NFD 6 1900-2030 80m CC DATA 15 1900-2030 80m CC CW 23 1900-2030 80m CC SSB Jul 4 1900-2030 80m CC CW 13 1900-2030 80m CC SSB 17 0900-1600 Low Power Contest 21 1900-2030 80m CC DATA 30/1 1200-1200 IOTA Contest Jul 2/3 1400-1400* VHF NFD 3 1100-1500 3rd 144MHz Backpackers 17 1000-1600 70MHz Trophy Contest VHF Championship NEW Committee Chairman: John, M5AJB 01787 460947 1 Ross Cottage, Southey Green Secretary/Membership Secretary: Edwin, GØLPO 01376 324031 42 Panfield Lane, Braintree, Treasurer: Neville, G8CDG Ordinary Members: Geoff, G1WRH 01376 323223 Melvin, GØEMK 10 07745 569564 .12 Jun 16 Braintree and District Amateur Radio Society The club meets every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month at Braintree Hockey Club, Church Street, Bocking. Doors open at 7.30 pm, meetings run from 8 pm to 10 pm. Members may sell or exchange equipment etc. before the start of each meeting, during the tea/coffee break and may advertise in BARSCOM free of charge. Membership is £16 annually; Senior members (State Retirement age) and Junior members, under 18, pay £10. A door fee of £1 is also payable at each meeting by members and visitors. Some members have had problems with UHF and BZ access, and as a result the Club Net will now operate on 2 metres only. This should make it easier for all members to remember the frequency, and for non-members to find the net. The net will use V30 (S15) 145.375 MHz, starting 20.00 hrs local time on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Mondays of each month. BARSCOM is sent to members by e-mail on the first of the month; paper copies are available at the first meeting of the month (plus postage if appropriate). Please send articles for publication to i.wager@kaladel.net. The deadline for submissions for the next edition is 25th of the month. Items will be published in the first available edition subject to space availability. For more information and pictures of events and projects see our Web Site at www.badars.co.uk Please contact our Chairman for details about commercial adverts. BARSCOM Editor (Ian, G8MKN) © BADARS 2016 - E.& O.E. 11 1. . 3 Call in to our new SUPERSTORE any Saturday for that EXTRA SPECIAL deal! Tel: 0345 2300 599 Web: HamRadio.UK SAFE ONLINE SHOPPING Shopping online with ML&S is safe and secure. E&OE Martin Lynch & Sons Ltd. Wessex House, Drake Avenue, Staines, Middlesex TW18 2AP. E-mail: sales@hamradio.uk NEW ICOM IC-7300 100 Watt HF/50/70MHz First batch in (and out!) Second batch due before end April - demonstrator in store. The IC7300 spor ts HF+6m+4m coverage, it’s 100W, houses an eye-catching touchscreen TFT display and includes an internal antenna tuner. For more information on this remarkable new Transceiver from Icom see www.HamRadio.uk/ic7300 WATCH ML&S TV Get yourself a brew, pull up a chair & watch ML&S TV! All of our videos on one TV channel. E&O ML&S Mobile site! Just click HamRadio.UK/mobile from any 04 April 2016 CDXC (IC-7300 ).indd 1 .....7