the Business Sponsorship Packet
the Business Sponsorship Packet
March 1st, 2016 To Whom It May Concern: Greetings! We are gathering once again to fight one of the fastest growing crimes in the world; human trafficking. We are looking for financial sponsorships or donations, so we can bring awareness of human sex trafficking into our communities and region. On Saturday, August 20th, 2016, many will be gathering at the Woodland Trails Park, in Elk River for the 4th Annual Running For Justice 5k Fun Run/Walk! We invite you to view our website at Our Facebook page is: Running For Justice 5k. Last year, Running For Justice hosted a November 21st Creating Safe Communities Conference with funds raised at the 5k, sponsorships and donations given. Also, we were able to host a Community Café Conversation on Feb 28th, 2016. We believe both events were very fruitful, bringing more awareness into our communities and giving participants tools to further the cause, whether in a small-scale or substantial way. We are very grateful to have been given these opportunities! In November 2015 we had two amazing opportunities to bring sex trafficking awareness. We had the privilege to train staff at the Americinn, in Princeton. We also showed the Chosen DVD, then talked to about 70 students and staff at Ivan Sand School in Elk River. DTN Ministries ( will be the recipients of at least 10% of the funds, again, this year. The remaining funds will go towards supporting the fight against Human Sex Trafficking in our communities and beyond. Our vision is to work toward bringing sex trafficking awareness materials into schools, train hotel staff, financially come alongside non-profit organizations who are providing needs for vulnerable youth, and to bring a Community Café Conversation into several more local venues. Please, take a moment to view the Sponsorship Levels Form (donations accepted, too) and consider joining with us to make a difference. If you would like to sponsor Running For Justice, we would appreciate your financial commitment by July 29th. We have included a self-addressed stamped envelope for your convenience. Please, use the stamp, even if you are not supporting us. There are some more important instructions on the Commitment Form. We are a non-profit 501c (3) tax exempt organization.(EIN # 46-5683123) Thank you for your kind consideration in partnering with us. Please, feel free to contact us with any questions. Sincerely and gratefully, Susie Weigel Running For Justice Founder/ Facilitator 763.389.2504 Attachments: Sponsorship Levels Sponsorship Sign-Up Commitment Form Running For Justice 2016 Flyer Running For Justice 5k 2015 Pic page Business Sponsorship Levels 4 Annual Running For Justice 5K Fun Run/Walk August 20th, 2016 th Platinum Level $2,500 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Your company logo on our website Your company logo on back of event t-shirts Your company logo on banner at event Your company name posted at water station/s Set up your table and your banner to promote your company the day of event 10 tickets to participate in the 5K run/walk; can give away Company name and donation will be mentioned on Facebook and in runner packets Gold Level $1,000 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Your company logo on our website Your company logo on back of event t-shirts Your company logo on banner at event 6 tickets to participate in the 5K run/walk; can give away Company name and donation will be mentioned on Facebook and runner packets Silver Level $500 1) 2) 3) 4) Your company logo on back of event t-shirts Your company logo on banner at event 4 tickets to participate in the 5K run/walk; can give away Company name and donation will be mentioned on Facebook and runner packets Bronze Level $250 1) Your company logo on banner at event 2) 4 tickets to participate in the 5K run/walk; can give away 3) Company name and donation will be mentioned on Facebook and runner packets OtherDonations may be monetary, gift cards, items for prizes, Silent Auction items, or donated services. If the value is over $250, your gift becomes a sponsorship. We appreciate everything! All sponsorships/donations are acknowledged on Facebook. Questions? Contact Susie at or phone # 763.389.2504. Thank you! Business Sponsorship & Donation Commitment Form 4th Annual Running For Justice 5k Fun Run/Walk Saturday, August 20th, 2016 Business Name:__________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________ Contact Name: ______________________ Email: ________________ Phone #: __________________ Website_________________________ Sponsorship or Donation: Platinum Level-$2500 Gold Level-$1,000 Silver Level-$500 Bronze Level-$250 Other (donation/Silent Auction, etc) _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ If you are able to help us with this tax deductible sponsorship, or a financial donation, please make the check to: Running For Justice, sending it before July 29thth, 2016. If you donate a gift card or items to our Silent Auction let us know via phone or e-mail and we will pick it up. If you have services we could us prior to or the day of the 5k, contact us. Thank you for your generosity! We appreciate it so much! If you choose to do a sponsorship, we need your eps or ie Adobe formatted company logo sent to so we can give it to our vendor for various advertising, according to the sponsorship level you choose. If you sponsored us before, we have it on file. Sincerely, Susie Weigel Running For Justice Founder/Facilitator 763.389.2504 Human Trafficking is the Second Fastest Growing Criminal Industry in the World! We will be Gathering Together to Raise Awareness of Human Sex Trafficking, Raise Funds, and to Have Fun! Event: 4th Annual Running for Justice 5K Fun Run/Walk When: Saturday, August 20, 2016 Arrival: 8:30 a.m. • Run Starts: 9:30 a.m . Where: Woodland Trails Park 20135 Elk Lake Rd. Elk River, MN 55330 (Due to limited parking, carpool if possible!) Cost: Ages 0-12 Run FREE with Registered Parent/Guardian Ages 13-100+ $25.00 Early Bird Rate until June 30 $35.00 July 1 – August19 $40.00 August 20 (Day of Race) Note: t-shirt is not guaranteed after 8/8 re gistration. They will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis on day of the race. Prizes Awarded Proceeds: At least 10% will go to DTN Ministries – the remainder will be used to support the fight against Human Sex Trafficking in our communities and beyond. To Volunteer, Sponsor, Donate Prizes or Silent Auction Items, Contact Susie: • 612-567-1266 Facebook: Running for Justice 5k Register Now!!! We are Accepting Donations for Silent Auction & Prizes