Sashay - Oklahoma Square Dance Federation
Sashay - Oklahoma Square Dance Federation
Sashay Official Publication of Dec 2012/ Oklahoma Square Dance Federation Jan 2013 Established 1947 “ Laugh, Love, Live. Keep Square Dancing Alive.” HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ONE AND ALL!!! We wish to extend our greetings for the upcoming holidays to all the square dancers in Oklahoma and surrounding states. Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and a very Happy New Year. This time of year is just one great big celebration after another and isn’t it fun. We are looking forward to the end of this year with mixed emotions. We have had a wonderful year serving as your OSDF President but are also anticipating next year when we will be the immediate past president. We compared this past year to that of having a baby. We went through all those months of carrying the “child”, then having moments of some very hard labor, but after is all said and done, the joy and love that one feels after it is over is indescribable. We have truly enjoyed this past year and we certainly could not have done any of it without the wonderful work by our state board, both elected and appointed. Our appreciation to each of you goes far beyond what words can say. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. We wish Glen and Linda Bray , president elect, and the incoming board all the best and look forward to continuing to serve on the 2013 state board. We do want to give special thanks to all of you who made our “retirement” such a wonderful evening. Friday night at the pre-party was made very special for us. All of the kids were together with us under one roof. This is the first time in over 30 years that this has been accomplished. Also, our dear friends of over 30 years from California were also on hand to help us celebrate. Saturday night at the State Festival was totally memorable. The ride in on the “hunting boat” and then the final ride in the wheelbar- Volume 49 No. 6 Circulation 400 Email 1659 Inside this issue: President’s Message Thank You! Thank you! 1 Inside Story 2 1st Vice President Immediate past President 3rd Vice President Inside Story 3 Northwest District news SW District news Visit Nine Dances Inside Story 4 Singles Coordinator news 2nd Vice President Inside Story Green Country news Panhandle District news 5 Inside Story 6 Southern District news North Central District news Ron and Barb Smith, 2012 OSDF President row was so much fun. The rest of the evening went by in a blur of activity but was so much fun. Thanks again!!!! That about wraps things up for this very last article that we will be doing for the Sashay as OSDF presidents and probably one of the shortest columns you will ever see from us. We will continue to travel the state and dance with as many of you as possible. We look forward to seeing you all in a square real, real soon and remember to “LAUGH, LOVE AND LIVE….KEEP SQUARE DANCING ALIVE!!! Inside Story OSDF sponsored USDA Insurance 7 -OSDF Officers & District Presidents 8 -OSDF web address -News Deadline— Jan20th Special points of interest: Number ONE district in Ticket Sales—Southern VISIT NINE—What a way to have FUN Young dancers work hard in Green Country QUILTS! Who would have thought they would bring square dancers together. Sashay Page 2 1st Vice President—Glen and Linda Bray Glen & Linda Bray O.S.D.F. 1st V.P. & Festival Chairman November 4th, 2012 We met with Bob Huckeby at the Biltmore Hotel on Thursday evening and laid 3600 of the 4000 sq. ft. of dance floor in the South Ballroom. We were assisted by Gene & Barbara Morton, Marvin & Donna Kay Pierce, Bill and Molly Guthrie, & Tim Calvert, my brother and a Circle 8 square dancer, and two of the hotel employees. The floor went down easy. We really enjoyed the Friday night Pre-party, it was decorated very well and Wonderful gifts were provided for the Board, Attendance was great. We want to “Thank Everyone” for all their hard work in helping us to have a great 2012 Festival, the attendance was great this year. Every room seemed to have a lot of dancers attending the scheduled event, It is nice to have the room to spread out so we can enjoy the workshops and fun dances. The sewing clinic was packed with over 50 women and “men” in attendance. A nice Showcase of Ideas was located in the hall near the registration table, may be more Districts will par- Immediate Past President—Ray and Patricia Mills Greetings from your 2012 OSDF Immediate Past President We hope everyone had a wonderful time at the preparty and state festival held at the Biltmore this month. We enjoyed planning the pre party and have enjoyed serving as your Immediate Past President this year. Congratulation to our newly elected OSDF board! We hope you enjoy serving as much as we have. This year's pre party attendance was the largest ever. Let's hope that next year even tops that. Our thanks to everyone who helped us with the registration table and to the decorating committee. We hope everyone has a blessed and joyous Christmas holiday and new year. Remember that we are all on the publicity committee. We look forward to seeing each of you in a square. ticipate this next year. The Fashion Show was a hit and everyone seemed to enjoy their part of the entertainment, there was a lot of participation to make this a success. We had some great vendors and a lot of shopping was done this weekend. The evening Entertainment was enjoyed by all, we really drew a crowd from the others in the hotel, they seemed to want to join in the dancing. We had 25 squares in the Grand March with possibly another 10 squares sitting out. We had a large number of dancers to join us for the removal of the floor, We want to express our sincere thanks to these wonderful volunteers. There was a total of 147 room nights for this weekends event. At this time, we have a total of 433 that signed up at the Registration table. We hope to see you in a square soon. 3rd Vice President—John and Phyllis Mattison We really enjoyed serving in the office of Third Vice President of OSDF. The roundups were a lot of work, but the rewards were very great. In our three years of being involved with OSDF, we have met so many people (whom we now consider friends), that we would never have met otherwise. Thanks to all of you in every district for being such supportive, fun - loving people. At the last roundup in Chickasha, we even gained a new family member, which we found at Best Western – a kitten, which we named (what else) Chickasha! By the way, this kitten is so sweet, but she is a monster; she tears up my house worse than my kids did as toddlers. But that’s her nature. We love her in spite of her “messes”, just the way God loves us even when we follow our sinful natures and “mess up”. Thanks again. Thanks for all the memories. We will never forget you. Volume 49 No.6 Page 3 Visit Nine Schedule—Daniel and Phelica Scott Visit 9 Merry Christmas, Joyous Holidays and a Happy 2013. To our square dance family, you have made 2012 a marvelous square dance year. We are so grateful that you share the hobby we enjoy so immensely. You have given Daniel & me a wonderful present all year long by attending the dances, signing the Visit 9 rosters and dancing with us. We have enjoyed the opportunity to serve as your Visit 9 State chairman. It is a program that we have believed whole heartedly in since we started square dancing. Nothing better than traveling, seeing the country, meeting and dancing with new people as well as old friends, and polishing your skills to different callers. We invite you all to give the Visit 9 program a whirl! We have had great participation in the Visit 9 program as of date and we appreciate the excellent help of the out- standing District chairs: Art & Johnnie(C), Charles & Jenean (GC), Chuck & Sandra(NC), Chris, Teresa, Don, Elaine(NE), Gene(NW), DuWayne & Martha(P), Hans & Helga (SC), Shawn(S), and Lyle & Judy(SW). 20 Visit 9 dances were held in 2012. We have had a total of 456 sign-ins as of November 16.YA~HOO~ November 30 Central’s 66th Jamboree ~ India Shrine Center 3601 NW 36th St Oklahoma City. 6:30 PM, Registration/ Reception 7:15, Presi- dent Entry - 8:00 Grand March, 3601 NW 36th St. Final 2012 Visit 9 dance: SW district Travel/New Year’s Eve dance Dec 31, 9 PM, Jimmy Gouch, caller, Elk City’s square dance hut After December the Visit 9 trail will be resting until spring of 2013. Visit 9, it’s a fun square dance time! Southwest District—Gerald and Ann Sherrill Southwest District is growing strong. We have a few small clubs ,but our dancers are attending those dances and helping keep them holding dances. Our travel dance is coming up Dec 31 at 9 PM at the Hut in Elk City. Jimmy Gouge is calling. It is a Visit Nine dance. The SW Roundup will be March 2, 2013 at the Pioneer Center in Weatherford. District callers. The Rt 66 Jamboree is July 12-13, 2013 at the Elk City Convention Center. The new SW officers are: Vernon & Lois Schimmels, President; Mike and Myrna Perkins, 1st VP; John and Debby Tunning, 2nd VP; William Yow and Beverly Petross, Secretary; Ken and Neola Stephens, Treasurer. Hub City Squares was the top ticket selling club and Ken and Neola Stephens was the top seller. Come dance with us in SW district. We’ll show you a good time! Northwest District—- Allan & Sue McBride - Interim President The State Festival is history now, & although we could not personally dance - we were there to cheer on the winners. The top 3 Ticket sellers this year in our District this year were: Linda Meyer Woodward Wranglers with 5,520 , Berniece Gilchrist Woodward Wranglers with 3,150 & Dene Bell - Harper County Squares with 2,600. Several from the Northwest District made it to the festival & we all had a great time. It was hard to believe that none of the winning tickets were sold by anyone in the Northwest District. Lessons are underway in our district & at least one Club - the Woodward Wranglers, have a good set of students. Hopefully these will all complete the class & turn out to be good club members later. Red Carpet Squares will be hosting the Northwest District Fall Festival at the Shattuck Oklahoma Golf Club on November 17th with Fred Trujillo doing the calling. This will all be history by the time you get to read this, but hope we saw some of you there. December 31st Red Carpet Squares will be hosting a New Years Eve Dance in Shattuck Oklahoma. If you don't have somewhere else to bring in the New Year, come to the Northwest & share it with us. See you in a square Jim & Linda – reporting. Sashay Page 4 Singles Coordinator—Wlliam Yow and Beverly Petross Where has this year gone? It seems that it was only yesterday that we were asked to serve as your Singles Coordinators. The Shrine Benefit in August was great and a success thanks to each one that had a part of that. The after party on Saturday night in Okla City at the Festival was also great. We started with 6 squares and ended up with one square of enduring dancers. At least the time was from 10:30 to 11:30 pm to end the full day.. While the dancing was going on,, the floor was being pulled apart from under our feet, We had a surprise guest to show up for the after party too, Willie Nelson and his play boy bunny along with their troop of callers . So if you missed them, you missed a good time There were some flashers among us and with them were the whistlers too. Again thanks to Rod & Lois Ford and the other callers that finish out the evening with us.. Appreciate each one of you so much. Again William and I would like to say thanks to each District's Single Coordinators for a job well done during the year. Remember to send any information that you want to get out to your State Single Coordinator as we can not do this by ourselves. Thanks for allowing us to serve you this year, May each one of you have a wonderful Holiday season,, spend it with family & friends and share .. Most of all "Remember the Reason for the Season". 2nd Vice President—Bill and Molly Guthrie Hello to all OSDF dancers. What a great year it has been for us. Selling a total of 102,437 tickets on a car that no one liked has really been an unbelievably experience for us. The ticket chairmen went that extra mile making tickets available to the dancers at all times. We couldn't have ask for a better group of people to work with. Our love and thanks go out to each of them.. The winners of the prizes are as follows: The 1965 Mustang---Sharon Goad, the 43 inch TV-----Mary Lara, The camera----Carla Harris, the Kindle Fire---Morgan Fuller, the 12 massage package---Phyllis Evans, the ladies dress by Nancy Cole----Gary Waldie, the Red River package- ---Leonard Bell, the beautiful Jewelry Box---Justin McCasland, 100.00 by Susan Davidson and $100.00 y Cecil H Wright. The high ticket sellers were: Margaret EvanHamburg, 10,420 tickets sold, Yellow Rockers, Southern District, John and Phyllis Mattison 7050 tickets sold, Green Country and Linda Meyer 5520 tickets sold, Northwest District. The top three clubs were: Davis Yellow Rockers 13800, Southern District, Sharon Goad of Sands Springs, OK Winner of 1965 Mustang Woodward Wranglers 12,110, Northwest District and Lake Keystone 7,280 of Green Country. Our gratitude goes to all that sold tickets, bought tickets and supported our program. Volume 49 No.6 Page 5 Green Country District—John and Phyllis Mattison Green Country is completing its most successful year to date. The district is growing at a fast pace; many eager young faces are seen at our dances. The Pumpkin Patch Festival, under the leadership of Jim & Linda Frederick, was a great success. The Cowboy Hall of Fame Dancers once more performed at the festival; this is becoming a tradition which we hope will continue. Visit Nine Chairmen, Charles & Jenean Herndon, signed in 86 people at the festival – making Green County the Number One Visit Nine district in OSDF, for 2012. Green Country was third in the state in ticket sales, with a total of 15,750; this was in spite of the fact that 2 couples, who usually sell many tickets, were out because of illness. We also lost Bill & Billie Campbell who were fantastic ticket sellers. Lake Keystone Squares was the Number Three club in OSDF with 7,270 tickets sold. Our third place club, Ramblers, which sold 2,795 tickets, had 5 children – ages 6 through 15 – who sold a total number of 2,230! This leaves 565 tickets left for the adults to sell. “And a little child shall lead them”. Congratulations to all of our clubs for their great efforts in selling tickets on the green mustang. Congratulations to Margaret in Southern District, for being Number One in the State, and to her district for being Number One in OSDF. Congratulations to all of the districts for their efforts. We really, really, really had fun at the State Festival this year. The Fashion Show – Laugh In, was a “hoot”. Thanks to our directors Jim & Julia Reese, to John & Alice Long for writing the script, and to all of our fantastic actors who did such a wonderful job. We hope that Ron & Barb Smith enjoyed the fashion show and our part in the Laugh-In. visitations in November: Family Squares on November 29, which was a benefit dance for Toys for Tots; Central District 66th Jamboree on November 30. Our December visitation will be at Lake Keystone Squares, at the Mannford Community Center, 101 Green Valley Park Road, Mannford, for the Heart 4 Children Ministries. The benefit dances starts at 7:30. Admission per person is a new unwrapped toy worth $5.00. All toys will be donated to Heart 4 Children Ministries. Come out & enjoy good dancing, fellowship, and fun. You will also be helping a worthy cause. Look for the new OSDF website at You might find yourself! “We appreciate the love and concern shown to Shirley during her illness as shown by the cards, phone calls, food and flowers.” Thanks, George and Shirley Hazlett Green Country had two Panhandle District—Garrell and Lesa Young Here in the Panhandle District most of the harvesting is complete and everyone is ready to dance. We had a good group attend the State Festival and they reported having lots of fun. Perryton Promenaders had a Tenderfoot Dance on Nov.15. Promenaders have 3 couples and 5 singles attending lessons. These people will be a wonderful addition to our square dance family. Perryton will dance Dec.1 with Don Main and the Plus Dance will be Dec.20 with Lanny Weakland. The New Year's Eve Dance will be at Shattuck with Rod & Lois Ford. Currently Keyes does not have any dances scheduled, I'm sure we will be dancing with the Ladies in the new year. Fill up your car with good friends and find a dance. It is worth the effort. See you in a square soon. Sashay Page 6 Southern District—Dean and Rose Lloyd MERRYCHRISTMAS and H A P P Y Y E A R S from Southern District Several Southern District Dancers attended the State Festival which was enjoyed by all. Those that did not attend missed a great Festival. Our District's first lady, Rose Lloyd, is at home and mended well after her double knee replacement surgery on October 23rd. Keep her in your prayers as it will be awhile before she will be able to join up on the dance floor. There are several in our district that need your prayers that have losses and health issues. Also, Southern District is still gloating on hosting the victory dance and look for a repeat next year. Southern District elected Officers for 2013 at their annual meeting on September 15th with the following results. President: Don & Vivian Kampbell lst Vice President: Don & Cindy Schoenecke 2nd Vice President: Weldon & Lola Stubblefield Secretary: Wayne & Linda Davis Treasurer: Dorothy Keyes We have a great slate of officers for the coming year, so when you see them, thank them for North Central District—Tom and Margene Pierce We would like to Thank everyone for coming to our Festival and Quilt show at Stillwater. We had a great time getting it ready for you. Those attending know that we had some accidents with members and they were not able to be there. Sandy Mullins took a fall down her stairway getting her quilts ready to come and broke her wrist. She is now recovering from the accident. We are all trying to get ready for Thanksgiving as I am sure most of you are doing the same thing. ‘ Looking forward to seeing everyone in a square real soon. Be very careful with your Christmas shopping when using your debit and credit cards. The scammers are out in full force. Margene, Tom and the North Central District Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. ARE YOU REGISTERED? DO IT NOW!! Only 7 months until the 62nd National Convention in Oklahoma City with the Ghost Riders live band. BE THERE! agreeing to serve and keeping our activity strong. Our next Southern District function will be our New Years Dance in Ada at Willard High School. We will eat at 8 PM and dance from 9 until midnight with Tim Tanner of Wichita Falls, TX.. As for as yours truly knows, all the clubs in the district will be dancing their normal dance night during the holidays. But it might be a good idea to call ahead. I know Southern Circle will be dancing on their regular night of December 22nd. Southern Circle is having lessons at the present with seven new prospects. Hopefully they will continue. Also, Southern Circle had a float in the Ardmore Festival of Lights Christmas Parade on November 27th. Keep up with Southern Circle through their facebook page. This may be my llst article to the Sashay as hopefully a new Southern District Publicity Chairperson will be appointed for the coming year. I have enjoyed keeping you informed of the happenings in the southern most part of the state. Keep dancing, it will keep you young. Skip & Lou Gates, Publicity, Southern District Volume 49 No.6 Page 7 USDA INSURANCE COORDINATORS NOTES I Enrollment time is fast approaching An e-mail was sent to most affiliates to let them know that our rate for 2013 will remain at $4.45 per dancer. We are so fortunate to have this low rate again. Many of you expressed the opinion, when asked about changes, that you did not want an increase; this seemed to be the most important issue. Markel listened to us and this along with a very low loss ratio kept the rate the same for another year. As you may remember there was information sent to you previously this year letting you know that due to some wording in our policy that some non-dancing activities would be covered only for the year 2012. This is just a reminder that -the policy has been updated to reflect the original intent of our insurance - to cover dancing activities. Keep this in mind when you get requests from your clubs in 2013 that if an activity rather than dancing is planned there has to be dancing at the activity to get a certificate and then only the dancing is covered. For example, if there is a volleyball game at an activity there would be no coverage if someone was hurt playing volleyball. There was some discussion at our insurance meeting in Washington about worldwide coverage. You are covered worldwide while dancing; however, you need to understand that if you are out of the USA you might have to cover your medical expenses and then file a claim when you return to the USA. The reason for this is that Markel does not have agents worldwide. Remember that before you can enroll any of your clubs for 2013, your state federation dues must be paid to USDA. The dues letter was mailed around the week of September to either the federation president, insurance chairman or perhaps to your treasurer - it 'depends on who has been designated by your federation to receive the letter. If it is not you, please check with your federation president as many times this letter gets mislaid with the recipient not realizing it has an effect on -your insurance enrollments. A reminder, too, that even though your new enrollments will begin soon, your clubs still have to pay for any new members who join their club through the remaining months of 2012. Clubs must maintain their status of 100% of members being covered even during the new enrollment period. Another issue is the class roster - remind the clubs that it is important to mail the class roster as soon as the class is established and that beginning and ending dates must be given for the class. If the roster is not submitted then there is no coverage for the students. The coverage is free but the club has to do its part to receive this free coverage. As always, USDA feels that our accident medical and liability insurance is well worth the premium charged for this coverage. My thanks to all of you for the work you do for your federation as insurance chairmen. Please contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. If you have not responded to my e-mail requesting trifolds and enrollment forms, please do so in the near future. -Pat Inglis, USDA Insurance Coordinator, P.O. Box 22, Tucker, GA 30085-0022 Phone 404/298-6148 FAX 404/298-6149 e-mail: Web pare: then Programs then Insurance Check with your District Insurance Chairman for compliance. The Federation Chairman is George and Shirley Hazlett Oklahoma Square Dance Federation Newsletter Articles Deadline for the Feb/Mar issue is OSDF Officers and Staff—2012 President Ron and Barb Smith PO Box 62 Martha, OK 73556 580-301-9621 1st Vice President Glen and Linda Bray 7420 High Meadow Ln Piedmont, OK 73078-9349 405-373-1380 2nd Vice President Bill and Molly Guthrie 2147 NW Ozmun Ave Lawton, OK 73505 3rd Vice President John and Phyllis Mattison 31814 Dunegan Rd Mannford, OK 74044 Treasurer John and Debby Tunning Rt 1 Box 64A Mountain Park, OK 73559 580-482-5430 Secretary Norvell and Mary Dalley 974 Burnside Rd Davis, OK 73030 580-622-3901 580-353-1762 918-865-4674 Immediate Past President Ray and Patricia Mills 14106 County St 2710 Minco, OK 73059-9730 Accountant Glenn and Roselind McCulley, CPA’s 580-774-0856 713-553-1630 Marvin and Donna Kay Pierce 516 SW 103 St Oklahoma City, OK 73139 405-691-6382 General Chrmn, 62nd NSDC Gene and Barbara Morton 2320 16th St Vernon, TX 76384 940-553-4415 Historian Avis Strasner PO Box 137 Keyes, OK 73947 580-546-7682 Loraine Conner PO Box 392 Keyes, OK 73947 580-546-7239 Insurance Chairman George and Shirley Hazlett 9016 S Lakewood Ct Tulsa, OK 74137 NEC Advisor 918-488-1990 Harry and Pat Nelson 4506 Rosemont Ave Grand Prairie, TX 75052 Parliamentarian PO Box 518 Mannford, OK 74044 972-639-3733 Jim and Julia Reese 918-865-2846 Program & Ad Chairman Ron and Ruby Kuhlman 3936 NW 6th St Newcastle, OK 73065 Publicity Robert Orman and Billie Davis 1812 Markham Dr Newcastle, OK 73065 Sashay Editor 405-387-3126 Mike and Myrna Perkins 6 Sandra Rd Clinton, OK 73601 Singles Coordinator 580-323-5953 Beverly Petross PO Box 1062 Elk City, OK 73648 580-225-4674 William Yow 3207 W 3rd Elk City, OK 73644 Visit Nine 580-225-0810 Daniel and Phelica Scott 609 N 15th Duncan, OK 73533 580-467-2177 The SASHAY is on the Web at: Bobby Willis and Dalaina Tillman 550 Ruby Rd #54 Coppell, TX 75019 Education Jan 18, 2012 405-352-4497 PO Box 1626 Weatherford, OK 73096-1626 Caller Coordinator WebMaster Ken Robinson, 405-392-4826 District Presidents-2012 Central District 17275 N.E. 23rd St Choctaw, OK 73020 329443 E 990 Rd Wellston, OK 74881 Green Country District 31814 Dunegan Rd Mannford, OK 74044 North Central District 1400 Country Club Dr Perry, OK 73077 Northeast District 6105 E 49th St Tulsa, OK 74135 Northwest District 302 Dogwood Ln Enid, OK 73703 Panhandle District Rt 2, Box 111 Turpin, OK 73950 South Central District 2147 NW Ozmun Ave Lawton, OK 73505 Southern District 13 June Dr Sulphur, OK 73086 Southwest District PO Box 473 Sayre, OK 73662 Vernon Willis 405-390-8426 Vicki Eslick 405-454-0152 John and Phyllis Mattison 918-865-4674 Tom and Margene Pearce (Acting Pres) 580-336-2963 Fred and Sammie Kraushaar 918-622-8111 Allan & Sue McBride—Interim Pres. @ 580-233-0680 Garrell and Lesa Young 580-778-3369 Bill and Molly Guthrie 580-353-1762 Dean and Rose Lloyd 580-622-3385 Gerald and Ann Sherrill 580-729-2940 62nd National Square Dance Convention® Oklahoma City, Oklahoma June 26, 27, 28, 29, 2013 Hotels, Hotels, Hotels. The prices for the hotels on Meridian Ave. are the best you will find at any convention. All have free parking while you are their guest. These hotels are just a few miles from Will Rodgers World Air Port and offer free shuttle service from the airport to their hotel. Beginning Tuesday afternoon bus service will begin making the runs to hotels and the RV Campground. You will be able to ride downtown to Cox Convention Center without your convention badge and bus pass. You will need both to ride back to your hotel or the campground. You must return your completed registration form if plan on using the RV Camping facility. The 62nd NSDC Housing Committee has partnered with Oklahoma City Convention and Visitors Bureau to provide convention attendees website access to make their own hotel reservation. From you can click the link “Hotel Reservation” then click “62nd National Square Dance Convention” and you will have access to all of our convention hotels. Each hotel offers information and pictures of their property. You will see that some are blocked. They are currently full but we are working with the CVB to have more rooms released and made available for our convention. Note also, that some hotels have minimum night stay requirements. All hotels on Meridian Ave. and the RV Campground are several miles from the Cox Convention Center. Bus passes for each rider will be needed to ride. There is parking in Downtown Oklahoma City, but don’t spend your time looking for that ideal space. You will also have to pay each time you leave and reenter. Then those Oklahoma City drivers! Leave the worry to our bus drivers. Sit back and enjoy the view worry free and relax. This week the tour committee has learned that one of our pre-convention tours has been discontinued for the 2013 season. Discoveryland’s performance of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s “Oklahoma!” will be dark for our convention. This was the owner of Discoveryland’s decision and refunds or other tours will be offered to attendees. We are currently exploring other tour ideas to fill this cancellation. Be sure and check for current updates for additional tours. Square dance conventions just wouldn’t be complete without ice cream. Ice cream will be available inside the convention center, just not Braums. You’ll have to get out and find one of these ice cream gold mines, but it will be worth your effort. Braums is Oklahomas ice cream heaven. Before you arrive in Oklahoma City do your internet work and locate a store in your path. All stores are within 300 miles of Oklahoma City. Don’t pass by without stopping in. Read the complete story and find a store at . THE SCOOP ON BRAUM’S Braum’s Ice Cream and Dairy Stores…just the name conjures up visions of scrumptious ice cream, giant hamburgers, dairy fresh milk, fresh baked goods, even meats, fruits and vegetables. So what’s the story behind Braum’s? Well, we can sum it up with two words “vertical integration”. Basically it means that we believe that if you want something done right…you do it yourself. A concept that Founders, Bill and Mary Braum and their children are proud of. Want more information about the 62nd National Square Dance Convention®? Your free copy of National Squares E-Magazine is just clicks away. The National Executive Committee has the link for you to subscribe. From click on the link on the left side of the page and enter your information. You will begin receiving convention information on your home computer. You are encouraged to share the magazine and print it for those that don’t have a computer. In July 2013 you will then receive information for the 63rd National Square Dance Convention® in Little Rock, Arkansas. Oklahoma City is no stranger to tragedy. Just a few blocks north of Cox Convention Center is the Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum. On the morning of April 19th, 1995 the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building was destroyed. This gate marked 9:03 represents the moment we were changed forever by the horror and then the hope. The outside grounds are open 24 hours a day. There is also an indoor museum where you can sit and listen to a meeting that was taking place across the street from the Murrah Building.