FEBRUARY 2016 Harvest Newsletter Volume 16, Issue 2 SHEKINAH CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES Offering an Opportunity for Transformation since 1979... Thank you to our supporters and volunteers. The inmates in all the facilities are so greatful for all you do to support Shekinah Ministries. The church behind the walls are praying for each and everyone of you. May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ continue to bless you all abundantly. INSIGHTS FROM INMATES ATTENDING THE JANUARY 23RD AND 24TH ARROWHEAD CORRECTIONAL FACILITY SEMINAR. Volunteers: Roger and Ruby Johnson *Thank you for tonight, it blessed my heart and made me realize that God is with me always. I need to ask Him in prayer for wisdom and understanding reading His Word. *Could Shekinah Ministries come every week? The way Roger talked about how much God loves us and how He sees us, helped me with my walk with the Lord. *I want to thank you all for coming to share the Lord with us. We so appreciate Shekinah Ministries. *Knowing that I do not need to impress the Lord. I don’t have to live in my past. God wants us to walk with Him and have a loving relationship with Him. I believe the Holy Spirit is working powerfully in this church and in Shekinah ministers. *I really enjoyed the teachings and guidance and comfirmation, that I am loved and worth something. I would like to thank Roger and Ruby and most of all God, who has given you both the compassion to come and care for and teach us. *I would like to take more time to express my gratitude, but anyway I would say and encourage you to continue to do God’s will. *I was able to recognize that I have a very high value with the Lord and He needs me to surrender my whole will to Him. Your message was full of love and I appreciate your message and the time the two of you take, to show us love and to share God’s Word! *Thank you guys so much for your ministry. I pray you guys will keep coming back. Thank you for being true to Hebrew 13:3 NIV “Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering”. *The peace that Roger shows in His walk with the Lord. I love Roger’s spirit! I am the Chaplain’s Clerk, so I see first hand all of the other ministries that come into our facility. The men respond more postively everytime Shekinah Ministers to us than any other ministry. *I thank Roger and Ruby for loving us and bringing us the Word of God. May God protect you as you travel home. 1 The church of Arrowhead Correctional Facility By: Roger Johnson It was such a beautiful winter day that coats were not required, but it felt like t-shirt weather. You never know when you have been to a facility a number of times, just who is still there or who has been released for home, community housing or transferred to another facility. This was the case of the numbers at Arrowhead; we had 23 inmates the first session, 43 inmates in the second session and not enough room for all the inmates in our last session. So many times we all identify our selves by our past, not much different in this church! We focus on the problems and how we can fix them or stay away from them. All this may be good, but is it the true answer? When you’re wearing green or a number on your chest, this can be a real problem. Not that repentance is not required, but we all need to pick from where we are and realize the truth of what the Almighty says about us, Become who He created us to be! Men of worship, faith and perseverance. To do this we go through various trails and a humble attitude will work with God. He who is faithful will exalt you in due time, in the mean time we need the wisdom of God to be our guide. If we keep our eyes on Him we get the privilege of seeing the hand of the Almighty working for us not against us. What a glorious church at Arrowhead, for all wanted to grow up in the Lord! Don’t we all? - 2 PLEASE MARK THIS DATE ON YOUR CALENDARS WE NEED SPONSORSHIPS OF: $360 TO SPONSOR A FULL TEAM OF FOUR $180 TO SPONSOR ½ TEAM $90 FOR SINGLE PLAYER You can also sponsor a hole for $100 – your company name or individual name will be posted at the T-box. PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED TO THE WINNERS Lunch of Hamburgers, hot dogs, potato chips and beverages will be served after the tournament. Please register before May 15, 2016 COME FAMILY AND FRIENDS This year, the 18-hole shotgun tournament will start at 7:30 AM, with the driving range and putting green open promptly at 6:30 AM. Each attendee will receive a welcome bag full of special gifts upon registering, and a tasty Santiago’s breakfast burrito that will start you off with just enough spice to make those drives long and your golf ball out of the rough. Not a golfer? Come out and enjoy the warmth of the sun and a cool breeze on your face. We are also attaching a form for teams and players, if you know of anyone who loves to golf. If you need more information or have questions, please feel free to call us at our office; 303-682-9593. Thank you in advance for your consideration of supporting our ministry. 3 SHEKINAH MINISTRIES NON-PROF STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID LONGMONT, CO PERMIT NO. 377 P.O. Box 6760 Longmont, Colorado 80501 (303) 682-9593 Office (303) 682-8918 Fax CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE! WWW.INJAIL.ORG ALSO, @ SHEKINAH CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES ***RETURN ADDRESS REQUESTED This letter was sent to the Shekinah office by the Chaplain at Arrowhead Correctional Facility. 4
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