Message to the White Female


Message to the White Female
t'\155AGE TO
Aufrit 6 IScAirrytl eick Wt""-E t, E L 2- 3 14C —046 cuid -tin IS b oo k- WetS
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I come from out of the darkness to bring you into the light I
am every thing wicked to the unrighteous and everything good
to those that represent the truth and what is real I take no
side of any ideology or organization only the side of love,
truth, peace, freedom, and justice. And I,m fully aware that
what I represent has to be enforced sometimes through
aggressive negotiations. Also I am aware if there is anything
big that you want done the only way to bring about change is
through the women and the only way to do that is to make them
conscious of what needs to be changed. This is why I address
you the white female but, not only to make you aware of the
need for change but to thank you for your assistance and love
for all that you have done to bring about change in the past
and how you have picked up the responsibility (the black male)
that the black woman has abandoned because she has been brain
washed to believe that we are not her responsibility anymore,
or she is a victim of the Willy Lynch Letter which has lead
her to become a Willy Lynch Negro (WLN) that practices
misandry towards the black male, or she has grown tired of
carrying us because the black female has been carrying us
since we all first step off the first slave ships that landed
on the shores of America and since your white brothers refuse
to discontinue his attacks against us or give us reparations I
believe that you white woman out of the kindness of your heart
and duty as a woman with maternal instinct should pick up the
raines where the black woman has clasped and because your
brother continues to insist on leading an aggressive attack
against the black male and our children who he sees as enemy
number one. I will admit that you have done a great deal
already by marching with us when we have been wronged, by
defying your white brothers and your reputation by loving
black men and giving us babies. I commend you and have the
utmost respect for you because what has always been acceptable
for white men and black women in this country as far as them
laying down with each other has never been acceptable for us.
But regardless what is or is not acceptable you have displayed
your strength and defied your white brother to do what is
right for yourselves, others, and in the sight of the creator.
And because of this attribute I truly believe that the white
female if she chooses has the ability to vibrate on the wave
length of the higher self much easier then her white brother
because while his nature is competitive yours is maternal. In
this introduction I would like to point out and discuss a few
things that I believe can improve our relations, sacrifices
that the white female has done for our cause, topics that are
included in this book, statements of wisdom, opinions, and
1. Because most women are the 1St teachers of the children
they set the standards for our societies morals and beliefs.
This is why I believe and have faith Ow that the white female
can bring change to this country and the world because shes in
position to do so but only if she listens to the messenger in
2. As proof of those that brought change to the wicked system
of slavery the most advocate individuals were your white
female Abolitionist one of great importance being the white
female that wrote Uncle Toms Cabin which helped to kick off
the Civil War. Also we can't forget the fact that it was a
white female social reformer that established the NAACP.
3. I want to thank you white female for your support and the
hard earned money that you sent to us brothers that are
incarcerated, the passionate letters that you wrote and the
precious time that you took out of your lives to come visit
use rather rain sleet or anow l endured harassment from guards,
ridicule from family, society and your peers. I want to thank
you for the moral and spiritual support that you gave usithe
telephone calls that you allowed us to make to you even when
phone calls from prisons were ridiculously expensive. Some of
you gave us a reason to keep going when we felt like we
couldn't go on. While those of us that were released on parole
and smart enough to follow you home you gave us the support
system we needed in order to survive in society (your support
was our rehabilitation) and when I hear black females that
have abandoned black men to incarceration ask why is their so
many black men with white women my answer to that question is
why isn't there even more.
4. How can we bring and end to racism in this country as we no
it you ask. Well one way is through education but that will
not be enough, and it absolutely want happen through white men
laying down with black women because they have been laying
down with each other every since the first female victim of
slavery stepped foot off the first slave ship and there union
hasn't change anything. Also white men place themselves in
competition with every race of man on the planet and the white
female. So reaching them is virtually impossible. And since we
no that racism want be eradicated by trying to convincing
white men to bring it to an end or through education alone. So
the only method and person left that we can reach and ask for
their assistance is the white female because throughout the
history of America even though we all no that their are some
racist pig (RP) white females we also no that the majority of
them are not and to give you proof when Obama ran for the
presidency he received a lot of his support from white females
that sympathized for our cause. Also a white female is the one
that gave birth to him, but regardless of the fact that Obama
was half white (even though he is still considered a Moor) all
the white male seen was a nigger but the white female
identified him as one of there own because he is
SR 41M,
0, 41 your son and because of what we achieved • through the
support of the white female I hope that you bless the world
with many more children like him i because through you we can
ultimately end racism as long as you don't let your kid grow
up to be a sell out (SO). Now don't get me wrong I've seen
white men and black women support white men that were on the
dick end of black females but .what kind of change have they
brought to this country besides the fact that they can brag
about being the first interracial couple and so forth. When
its so much bigger then that, but my question to you is how
many of those same black females and white men support a black
man being in a relationship with a white female especially in
politics because sports doesn't count. Because your most
racist white male supports those types of relationship because
theres a 100 million dollars involved and the white males in
power would rather the black male split there money with a
white female then someone black in order to keep us blacks
down trodden, broke and powerless.
5. When I speak of Black folk throughout this book I'm
sometimes going to refer to them as Moors because Africa is a
continent not a nationality and so is America and because of
GAO 6( 5 rt tea
the white man wicked personalit4to reverse everything good to
something negative now the term black is associated with
everything evil and bad.
6. I must be a hardliner in order to break my people away from
having a slave mentality no matter how extreme I become
because its for the good of my people and I bet if your people
was functioning in a state of mind similar to how my people
are functioning you would most likely do the same for yours no
matter what it took if you could help it.
7. A real man and woman is responsible, mature, confident, and
dependable. There children respect them (if they have any).
While others that are righteous have high regard for them
because they no that they will stand on the truth and what is
right regardless of peer pressure, contradicting beliefs, or
conflicting emotions. They are stand up individuals with
decent character who,!,,* fair but stern. That recognize when
they have children that their life doesn't belong to them
anymore. They believe whole heartedly in family values and
collectivity. And if theres a question that they don't dealt
understand they want have a problem with asking somebody to
help them find the answer. They set realistic goals and are
dedicated to provide a better life for themselves and their
children if they have any t while refusing to allow anyone to
bring confusing and disarray into their lives disrupting them
from achieving their goals. They also immediately bounce back
from failure while learning from their mistakes. These
individuals are role models for those that are righteous,
family oriented, and those that want to achieve.
8. War is not a game where only WMD are used but espionageiand
preventive measures.
9. The higher self is the mother of virtue and the harmony of
life that breed justice, mercy, love, peace, and truth. The
lower self breeds hatred, slander, lewdness, murder, theft,
and everything that harms.
10. Just because I might say something that you don't agree
with orllike don't throw the baby out with the milk.
11. I am what my ancient four fathers were (a) The 1St
builders of civilization (b) defenders of truth, (c) The
inventors of maths the creators ultimate truth (d) people of
science, (e) people of spirituality that were in tune with the
laws of the universe.
12. Regardless how much I told the fellows that I was agnostic
they refused to believe me. They would even argue me up and
down in refute of my claims. Stating that the way I moved and
some of the things that I said and stood for contradicted all
my claims of agnosticism.
13. Charles Darwin ideology about the fact that only the
strong survive is true, which is related in human terms as
those that out think you as well as out fight you. This is why
us at the bottom to those at the top are used as a human
resource (cattle). In the same manner and attitude that drug
dealers and citizens feel about junkys.
14. We need to encourage and push with finesse our children to
achieve and succeed.
15.When the youth began to think that they don't need there
elders any more l they are fools because those that are wise
have already been there and done that i and can give the youth
game on how to achieve. Also when the elders began to think
that they don't need the youth they are old fools and thats
because the youth is our future. And the same goes for women
and men.
16. Us Moors are everything we once were in reverse.
17. If you see individuals communicating with one another
using offensive language as the norm l you no that you are
dealing with savages.
18. The reasons why the people in power don't want us Moors
within there good ol' boy organizations, clubs, and circles is
because that is were they share their ideals on how they are
going to deal with usspfloorS,
19. Theres 2 stereo typical types of scary nigga(er) rolesione
is the nigga(er) thats scared to death. Then theres the
nigga(er) role that isscary.
20. Its is oxy moron and foolish to believe that people that
are smart are lame, or game guffy. Because theirs a difference
between intellect and common sense.
21. An example of what is pure evil is the Pope that gave his
blessing to his white Christian brothers to enslave the Moors.
Those that wrote the declaration of independence and the
constitution of the united states demanding freedom for
themselves while enslaving the Moors of Amexem (Africa). The
individual or group of individuals that came up with the
ideology of racism. Those that came up with the system of
misogyny. Those that target children for their own personal
pleasures, and hate.
22. It has always been strange to me how people that I don't
rotate with was always telling people what I was on or what I
was talking about or what I represented.
23. The reason why its so hard for some people to except me is
because I'm like the father that they never had.
24. Don't get me wrong I know that I'm not an expert on the
things that I'm discussing with you but what I'm giving you is
a foundation somewhere to start from.
25. Individualism is for animals and savages. Even the family
structure can't function properly on individualism, and as the
family goes so goes a nation.
26. "Rebel baby" by starting a revolution where we encourage
as many white females as we can to give birth to as many of
those beautiful bi racial children as they can. Taking this
generation down in history for that specific act l which will be
remembered as long as this great country exist and even
27. A woman is a ref lexion of her man and a man is a ref lexion
of his woman because birds of a feather flock together. And in
cases where opposites attract it depends on who is more
28. What we need to understand is that the Caucasoid male will
always have an envy and hatred for us Moors because it is
Also his true
encoded in his DNA and goes back many nature is everything we are in reverse. As example while us
Moors are naturally people of the higher self the Caucasoid is
a creature of
lower self. While we are blessed to have
melanin in our bodies they have little to non. While we are
blessed to have curly hair the Caucasoid has straight hair.
While the suns rays are nurturing to us Moors the suns rays
are the Caucasoid enemy and etc.
29. It has become acceptable to the black female that the
black male will fail.
30. The misconception about how mind altering drugs makes us
perform better is helping to destroy us how do we counter that
belief ?
31. I want to thank those white females that have stepped up
in the place of the black female for us black men because the
black female has it just has hard as the black male and she is
by herself and our families or under attack by this government
and those that are in power.
32. Sometimes I feel so in harmony with the things around me
that when a branch full of leaves moves back and forth blowing
in the wind I can feel the vibrations flowing through the
33. Before we were a conquered race of people the black man
For oAton4+1k t r
and womans loveAwas spiritualinot about lust and to give you
an example of what I'm saying heres a few songs by two of the
greatest woman R&B singers to express there love for a black
man. But in order for you to feel what I'm saying you have to
listen to the lyrics that are written in the songs: Anita
Baker "Your my Angel", Patti Labelle "If only you knew".
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I've found during my investigation that the white female in
this post civil rights era has more sympathy for black man and
understands our struggles more then some black females and
thats because we as black folk are Willie IthIch Negroes (WLN)
that are full of hatred for one another. So we have no
sympathy for ourselves or those that look like us.
Its not a phenomenon that white females no how to play there
position when it comes to how they treat a black man and thats
because white folks families are not under attack like black
folks families are. So the white female grew up in a
productive and constructive family environment. And because of
that the white female is family oriented and patient with
black men. But some of us Moors on the other hand come from
broken homes with no family orientation because our families
are under attack by this countries government and the white
While I was incarcerated in the Missouri Department of
Corrections the white male recognized that white females were
giving quite a few black men support and that after those
black men were released from incarceration there recidivism
dropped because the white females were getting married to the
black males and having successful families with lots of
children. So in order to put a stop to it the white male
exploited a few bad experiences that white females had with
incarcerated blacks using there WMI inflaming the public.
After that was achieved the prison admin took advantage of a
falsely created atmosphere and made it a violation for any
inmate to place themselves on social websites where they could
meet women because the correctional institution discovered
that white females were always the first i over all others to
reply to the calls of the black mans plight.
If you hook up with a dude on probation or parole give them an
ultimatum letting them no if they go back to the street your
relationship will be over because there going to jail and you
don't want that stress. Also you need to let them no that if
they go back to prison or jail because of there wrong doing
that your going to leave them and that you are going to have
sex with whomever you want to while there incarcerated because
you are a person that has needs that you can't turn off
because they decided topail
White women need to understand that they don't have to put up
with a white males shit because he's intimidated by your
success. Because all you have to do is hook up with a black
man especially a hood cat and refine him I guarantee you that
you don't have to be afraid because black men dig white women
as much as white women dig black men i all you have to do is
reach out to him because some of them may be intimidated by
your social status but not your success and once you except
him you will love his swag (and don't allow your selves to be
misled by that foolish Jerry Springer show or Love and Hip Hop
which ain't nothing but a Jerry Springer Soap Opera). Also
alot of black men are use to women being the bread winner
because some of them grew up in single parent homes. The only
thing is that you must be patient with him because of his
destructive up bringing and environment but once you show him
how to be a good man to his woman and his kids the both of you
will have the best times of your lives especially if your ther
e for him when he really needs you because he doesn't no what
trust and loyalty really is. Also I no that I don't have to
tell you about how black men are discriminated against. Black
men that grew up in broken homes that may not have a GED or
high school diploma may have a hard time finding a decent job
are a job at all because they may have low self esteem or give
up looking because they feel that the only jobs available for
them are menial jobs or that they will be discriminated
against if they find a job that pays well.
I don't no what it is about blonds but it seems to me that
they are the ones that are the strongest female in white
society because they are the ones that I see that are most
likely not to give a damn about white male intimidation when
it comes to hooking up with black men. I don't no if its
because blonds love them some black man are what but I'm here
to let it be known that I believe that blond headed white
girls shouldn't be the only ones having all the fun. And black
men love them some white woman rather
thick or slim so
don't fall for the stereo type that the white male presents to
you on his HMI. He only does that to try and make it look like
us blacks can only hook up with what white men call there
rejects but as they say one mans trash is another mans
treasure so if they don't appreciate you we will. The reason
why some black males are attracted to full size white women is
because they associate her structure with the muscle mass of a
black female.
Also after studying and doing time I believe that men need a
woman in our lives more then women need us in there lives
because women on average don't mind being alone while men
mostly are the opposite. Also in actuality men chase women not
the other way around. On the real I believe that the men that
need you the most right now is the black male even if its just
as a friend or a little bit of your time and company.
What I ask of any white female that hooks up or wants to hook
up with a black man is that you protect him from your white
male counter part because there not going to blame you for
being in a relationship with a Moor there going to blame him.
Also in order to gain respect from us black men that are in
doubt about you, you must quit falsely accusing us of fake
rapes and reprimand any white female that you no has or wants
to because she only causes mistrust and hatred between us.
Also because you no that white men hate when we hook up that
the police who are the black males arch enemy you can not
confide in, unless its an absolute emergency otherwise keep
the police out of your business because they are looking for
an excuse to attack the black male for any reason and this we
both no pm 0, without a doubt because I no that you are not
stupid. And we both no that in the end you have the ultimate
power and authority over your relationship with the black male
because all you have to do to destroy him is call the police
and you no that they are going to assist you in any way even
if you are lying. So if it gets to a point where you feel you
need to get the police involved in your business leave him
because we don't believe in calling the police on one another
even when we fight and if you move like I'm telling you to you
will gain all the respect in the world from black folks as a
I want you to recognize that white
am and
black women claims
that 410 black men are white women craznis game in reverse
because they really are the ones that are crazy for each other
and they have been every since the first black woman stepped
off the first slave ship and they are still fucking like crazy
to this day. So when they talk that shit about us let them no
that that shit that they are talking about is game recognized.
Another thing that I want you to no is that when you have a
child by a black male in actuality it strengthens your childs
genes just as well as it does any female that produces a child
by a black male because now your child is going to be in tune
with nature and not an enemy of the sun because now your child
has melaninlits skin which keeps it from having to subject
itself to dangerous tanning beds in order to achieve that
healthy glow.
Also I no that you are aware that 9 times out of
10 your going to produce a beautiful little girl are a handsom
e son and that its rare that a child that you have by a Moor
will be unattractive. Another thing is that your child will
most likely be born with that
and curly i or wavy
hair also there hair will be more manageable.
Also not only should you refuse to be intimidated by white men
but grandma tol if she has a problem with your choice to be
different and a free thinker. Its your body to do with as you
please and no one else.
Also your a groan woman even if your a
Also if your grandma or mom has a problem with it,
it might be because there jealous of you and
fact that
you had the courage to do something that they were afraid to
do but always wanted to rather they tell you the truth about
there fantasies or not.
Also you hooking up with a Moor is uplifting for him, giving
him something to be proud of something to live for helping him
to become the man he always wanted to be and dreams ofiyou
will also be showing him how to be family oriented if he
doesn't already no but you must protect him from those that
want to destroy him and from himself, and also from those that
look like him. The one way that you can help him live on is by
blessing him with a child because if you can't save him
personally then you can save him through his seed.
The white females that I honor are the ones that have the most
to lose but don't give a damn about how there white male
counter part thinks or feels. They did what they wanted to do
and remained successful. These white women I look at as
pioneers in the game because they hooked up with black men and
gave white men the finger. Just to name a few: All of the
Kardasians besides Kendall and Kourtney, I also honor Iggy
Azaila, Christina Aguilera, Brook Hogan, Jennifer Lopez, Heidi
Klum, and Brigette Nielsen. I could go on but I believe that
I've made my point. And I feel if they were strong enough to
defy all odds why can't you. I mean look at how many black
females Win at the top that are laying down with white men
and there doing it / and they don't give a damn about how we
ems and they don't have to hide it like we do also they
celebrate and brag about it they show case there relationships
out in the open but us we have to sneak and hide how we feel
tormmis one another while trying to save face. Unlike them we
have to protect and think about our careers and all that mess
because were living in fear of reprisal and backlash while
black women and white men that engage in race mixing careers
excel. Sotask you whats wrong with that picture and who in the
hell do they (the white male and the black female) think they
are because as far as I'm concerned there not any better than
us (the black male and the white female) and I don't feel that
they should be able to enjoy something that we are not allowed
to enjoy. Also just as free as the black female and the white
Ocattr Opot
male that S his on toplican lay down with whomever they please so
should the white female be able to preform the same act. Also
just like the white male who is banging a "black female that
is on top of her game" while she doesn't have to be in a
relationship with a rich and famous white male and/or a super
star. I feel that the white female that is on top of her game
should enjoy the same privileges because since she is already
rich she should be able to be with someone black that makes
her happy regardless how the white male feels because its not
always about money especially if you already have it,
sometimes its about happiness. Also just like the white male
is allowed to live out his fantasies by shacking up with a
hood female you should be able to do the same with a hood cat
because you have fantasies to, and should be able to live out
yours just like him. And I feel that you don't need his
approval to do so.
So don't be intimidated or afraid of white male backlash
because they need you more then you need them if they want to
exist or make money and if they have anything to say about you
laying down with black men let it be known that they have been
laying down with black women since black women stepped off the
first slave ships that hit the shores of America and they are
still sleeping with them to this day some are even sleeping
around on there white wives withIblack female co workers and
The white male in order to prevent the black male and white
female from sleeping together have tried to condition us
through movies and there WMI that our relationships are going
to end in disaster, Heres a few movies that I present to you
to prove my point: Obsession, Hancock, Mandingo, The Movie 0,
No good Deeds, Purple Rain, Rosewood, Tuskegee Airmen, Set it
off, Shaft, Flight, Man on Fire, Into the Storm, Catalac
Records, Red Tails, Waiting to Exhale, and Malcolm X. But it
is the exact opposite when they make a movie where a white
male and a black female is having sex because if you notice
the sex and relationship that they have on the big screen is
always to hot for T.V. or reality.
I remember watching a talk show on BET in the early 2000's and
there was this white male comedian on the show I can't
remember his name but he played a role in Ice Cubes movie Ride
Along with Kevin Heart and he was the white guy in the grocery
store that was pouring honey all over his body. Well while on
the talk show that I'm talking about i he was on the show with a
white female i and the host of the show asked the white female
why did she like black meni and her descriptioniwhy she felt
the way she did about black men was beautiful and heart felt.
As far as I'm concerned I believe that she was vibrating on
black folks wave length. to give you an example of what she
said that makes me feel the way I feel / is:soWhen she responded
to the questioned askedi she stated the difference between a
black male and a white male is that white men you can throw in
a washing machine i but black men you have to hand wash because
so delicate. Then she went on to say that while you can
toss white men in a dryer black men you have to take out side
and hang them a clothes line to air dry. She
other things but I no that I don't have to mention them all
because I no that you get my drift but every thing she said
about why she loves black men so much I've only heard come out
of the mouth oftconscious black females. But what I like about
the things she said about black men they weren't staged like
when you hear white males talk about black females. Also after
listening to her talk about black men how could black men not
love her for the things that she said and how she feels. Plus
the things she said about black men was so sweet and heart
felt that she made the black female hostesses on the show feel
uncomfortable and the white comedian upset. I'm not going to
lie to you I'm a hard core black nationalist and a hard liner
"at that" but if I had a chance to meet a white female that
was like her I could make her my woman because I no that she
would respect what • on and assist me without being on some
fake bull shit because if she was I could peep it NMI because
of the frame of mind I'm in but why take the chance because
its a dirty game with no rules and if a white female came
along for the purpose to set me up and destroy me would other
white females come to my rescue noing what they would be up
against in order to save me from the powers that belbecause
the white female should no how I really feel about imribecause
of the thing that I have written in this book but if I came
under attack by the white male and all of there weapons no
matter what they say or how it looks would the white female
step up to bat for me or leave me hanging because I refuse to
date out side of my race noing that when I come under attack
that the white female is going to leave me out there bad, and
even though you may say that you want abandon me in my time of
need the only way that I can find out if that is true is to
give you a chance but I will be taking a serious chance with
my lifei something I don't no if I want to do and even though
everybody deserves a 2nd chance white women are known for
betraying black men over the ages time and time again. So my
question is can I trust you with my life during crunch time
because maybe one day crunch time may come. I guess the only
way were going to find that out is if crunch time ever comes.
I want to give you an option which is if you get your feelings
hurt by any white man my advice to you is not to allow them to
break your heart to a point where you turn yourselves out and
go gay when you can come home where you really belong and get
you a black man
because I believe we can love you better then
any white man can because while they see you as a 2nd class
citizen us black men see you as something special, something
soft, and womanly, a female that noes how to take care of home
and her man, something that lights a fire within our loins,
and a blessing. And believe me I'm speaking for all the black
men that are into white women and if you don't believe me all
you have to do is ask. Mother fuck what you see on Jerry
Springer because that shits game. So before you decide to make
a decision to go gay or even kill yourselves because your not
happy with your life give us black men a try. I guarantee you
that you want be disappointed.
Growing up in these prisons have taught me alot and one of
those things is that I've learned that white women per cappa
are the most loyal women on the planet and because of your
loyalty black men have reaped the benefits of your kindness
and good heart. And I must say that as black women have lost
respect for us (the black male) you have been picking up the
pieces where she left off and has abandoned us. Another thing
that I learned is that the white female noes how to take care
of home by keeping it drama free. Your only competition and
problem is that you have to watch out and beware of other
white females that will try to steal your man and just like
you are aware that men are weak when it comes to women they
also are aware of the fact. So whenever you capture you a
mandingo its not him that you have to watch out for its those
other bitches.
What I want you to understand is that you don't have to be a
punk and allow white men to intimidated you because you are
the largest power block in this country all you have to do is
exercise it and everybody in the world will bow down to you.
You are the one that made Oprah, also there would be no white
man or woman without you. So all you have to do is let it be
known that if the white male doesn't get some act right that
you want have a problem going somewhere else to get the love
and respect that you need. Because regardless what race of man
that you lay down with your DNA will always live on and thats
because all children come from woman not man that is where the
saying mamma's baby daddys maybe comes from. So I want you to
always remember that if your not getting what you need at home
black men are here for you even if its just for companionship.
BI Racial N evyoeS
If you have a bi racial child I'm going to teach you how to
raise that child properly so it want be a sell out (SO) unless
if that is what you want your child to be. One of the thingS
that you must do is protect your child from the history that
they teach at schools about Moors because it helps them to
develop low self esteem and self racial hatred (SRH) another
thing you must be is conscious about is what they watch on
T.V. concerning black folks. And how you protect your child
from history books in schools is you buy aftermarket history
books written by black scholars pertaining to ancient African
history but it must be from a Moors perspective because if you
give it to them from a White scholars perspective its going to
be full of lies, manipulation, and White racist views. So not
only are you not going to get the truth your going to assist
in helping to destroy your child. I will tell you this I've
heard so many Moors say that history doesn't matter but after
I introduced them to it not only did they feel totally good
about themselves they couldn't get enough of reading about
there own history and it shouldn't matter to you how radical
the books are because sometimes thats what it takes to stop
them from becoming S.O. and WLN full of SRI-I. Now when it comes
to T.V., movies, and the music industry you must be careful
because those S.O. Negroes will play any role or sing and rap
any song in order to get paid and in the industry those S.O.
Negro perpetuate stereo types, they play roles that promote
SRH, and they help to secure our inferiority amongst Whites.
In all the Negroes in the industry rather there in music or
film are your child biggest enemy.
The reason why bi racial children claim to be bi racial before
Moorish American is because they don't want to associate
themselves with a race of people that are associated with
every thing bad and are considered ex slaves. So you must
instill in your children a sense of race pride.
How can any unconscious non Moor raise a strong black child
rather it be male or female that doesn't no there African
roots and culture. And if that is not your purpose then you
are raising a sell out Negro (SON).
If you are a White female that has
bi racial kids and a
black man at home you are basically a part of the black family
and thats because not only is your husband black but your kids
are considered black. So I suggest that you conform to us like
we conform to you all and vibrate on our wave length.
The mulatto has a rich history in this country as well as a
history of selling out and just as much as the mulatto has
hurt us they have helped us from Frederick Douglas and so
forth (do your home work if you want to no more) but my
question to you is do you want your child to grow up to be a
S.O. or a racist mulatto that hate themselves and black people
because this is the kind of child you are going to raise if
you don't teach them to have race pride and you best believe
that your bi racial child will suffer from "ethnic/racial
disorientation" where they will be confused because they are
going to want to be White but can't but they refuse to be
black because of the negative stigma that comes along with
being black regardless if its true or not if you don't teach
them to have race pride which there is nothing wrong with
being proud to be who you are and regardless of the fact that
your child is bi racial the strongest gene thats in them 10
4Lt fAt.
according to science isliblac
So they are black and also it
is easy for them to be black because black folks except bi
racial children as black while White will not under any
circumstances except a bi racial child as White period
especially the radical whites regardless how you may try and
force the issue. Also I hear bi racial children cry about the
fact that they got teased when they were children but who
didn't get teased when they were children t but as adults we
have to let kiddy shit go and when it all comes down to it if
you don't want your child to suffer from ethnic/racial
disorientation then its best that you do what I tell you
unless MO like your child being a confused S.O., racist
mulatto. Another things IMMII I hear people with bi racial
children saylithat there going to teach there kid to be proud
of both of there racial heritage and both of there history but
I tell you that you don't need to teach them about there White
side because white America it self will teach them that
everyday and every where they go or look, what you need to
teach your bi racial kid is there Moorish heritage and history
from a black scholars point of view if you want them to be
proud of who they are as a Moor.
Regardless how you maybe in denial about racism it exist and
it comes in many forms the main two are out right in your face
racism and the other is institutionalized racism both are
driven by negative stereo types and hate. Another thing that
you must warn your child about is the fact that if there not
on there P's & Q's they can get themselves hurt or killed by
racist whites and other groups in this country that have
negative views about blacks even other blacks regardless if
your child is doing every thing right. Also you want your
child to be strong and proud not a Sambo or a dancing Negro
just to get along in life subjecting themselves to all types
of humiliation from others.
Also you must not discriminate against your bi racial child or
treat them as if they are the black sheep of the family
because that can have lasting negative effects on your child
also you must always remember regardless of societies negative
opinion of you and your child or the childs baby daddy : that
child is of your blood i from your womb that you carried for 9
months and breath life into so that child is you and yours
alone so how could you treat your self bad because treating
your child bad is like treating your self bad also in the end
people will have more respect for you and your child if you
stick by your child no matter what so fuck the world and some
man also its your job to protect your child from all no matter
what or who it is and you should without a doubt demand that
all who come into contact with your child have the utmost
respect for your child letting it be known that
man nor
woman regardless who they are can come inbetween or before you
and yours and this you should stand on for life because you
can get dick any where inside your race or outside of it. The
reason why I tell you to put your bi racial child on a
pedestal is because there going to experience racism, abuse,
and all the disadvantages the world has to offer so if any
child needs to be loved its your bi racial child especially if
its a boy. But believe me in the end you will be rewarded ten
fold and thats because your mulatto child will love you
unconditionally and if you have any white children they are
going to assist you in protecting your bi racial child because
they will respect how you are moving. Also your gift to the
world can assist us in ending racism as we no it today and
this is something that desperately needs to be done and I
believe this feat can only be achieved through the white
female and no other because if there was a race conscious bi
racial child in every white family in America like it has been
in ours whites that are racist or before they become racist
will have no choice but to conform or sympathize for your
child that is a Moor because of how much respect you have for
your child. Aren't you tired of the hate its just hate for no
reason which started from a few greedy pigs that promoted
racism in order to make slavery work (which was all game).The
sad part about it all is the racism that was created by those
fools for profit has infected us all and there dead and gone.
I truly believe that racism can only be eradicated by the
white female blessing the world with those beautiful mulatto
children but only if there race conscious otherwise they'll
just be S.O. and racist towards black folks and if you don't
want to be bothered with a man then use him as a sperm donor
and send him on his way. Let me reassure you that racism and
hate will not be eradicated by black women laying down with
white men or any other non black because black women and white
men have been fucking since the first black female stepped off
the slave ship until today and ain't a damn thing change
beside that fact that out right racism has changed into
institutionalized racism so my question is this what is the
point of them fucking and what are they achieving beside
getting a nut. This is why it is up to you white woman only
you and your sacrifice can bring change and end racism as we
know it today and in the future. We just started hooking up
seriouslyi recently unlike black women and white men and I
believe that by us coming together we can achieve what white
men and black women never could because all they were in it
for was for the money and a nut. So I believe that we should
give it a try and if we fell atleast it felt good trying and
you no what they say "if it feels good do it" and all it takes
is just one.
Theres nothing more degrading and insulting then Moors calling
themselves nigga(er)s a disparaging term that was given to
victims of slavery in order to dehumanize them. This is why it
sickens me to hear a bunch of blacks in a crowd or any where
slanging the n-word because to me they sound like a bunch of
Klan members which I can understand because we are in
actuality racist white folks walking around in black face. But
whats even more ridiculous is after we finish calling
ourselves and every body else a nigga(ER) WE get upset when
somebody else calls us the n-word. It has gotten so bad Op barn
now that Mexicans are using the n-word amongst themselves and
recently I heard a Mexican call a black female on T.V. a
nigga(er) bitch. So my request to you is for you not to allow
your bi racial children Ali to use the n-word because so many
of us have died over that word fighting to stop the use of it.
While ignorant Negroes today insist on using it regardless of
the words wicked history. Also that word is not a term that
should be used by those that have class and any self respect.
The reason why I'm addressing these issues to you is because
if you have bi racial children your child is my child and I
have a duty to you and your child because your child is of my
people and just like all other races of people my duty is to
save my people first before I focus on saving the world and at
this particular time my people on average are at the bottom of
everything from the highest drop (push) out rate from school,
to the highest unemployment rate, to black on black crime, to
the highest incarceration rate, the highest poverty rate,
health, lowest marriages, the highest rate of single parent
homes, and etc. Based on those pitiful statistics my people
need up liftment rather they want it, like it, no it, or not.
Also you must not allow your bi racial children to fall for
the divide and conquer trap that the people at the top have
devised in order to cause confusion and SRH. So that they can
maintain control by encouraging your children to mark more
then one box or claim to be biracial and not black but in
order for this to take place you are going to have to teach
your child race pride so they can be proud to be Moors.
Also you must be careful of the black people that you allow
your bi racial children to hang around because of the fact
that us Moors suffer from "Destructive Cultural Belief
Syndrome". Where we have passed down and reinforced negative
stereo types, SRI!, inferiorities and low self esteem and we
don't even no it or even listen to any one that exposes this
fact. And because your child (if they are unconscious)
identifies themselves with us, your child may develop those
same destructive beliefs and personalities andleven worse.
Stcond ClotS5 tri-rz-to
Over the ages especially within the Caucasoid society from the
Indo European to the albino Arab, women have been looked upon
as inferior and after the world was conquered by the Caucasoid
the rest of the world has taken on there cultural belief. The
excuses that are used to push woman into an inferior role is
that there extremely emotional and less decisive than men,
less intelligent, and less creative. Also there seen as
physically weak. But research shows that even though women may
not be as strong as men on average l our emotional behavior,
intellect, and creativeness are the same. What actually led
the Caucasoid to push the female into second class citizenship
was there lust for power and the fact that they looked at
woman as useless breeding machines because they could not
wield a sword. The Caucasoid males hatred for woman was also
included in there religions along with the rest of society
• denying them the rights that the God mother blessed every man,
woman, and child. If you look at the Caucasoid religions of
the past you will see that there gods were murderers, rapist,
preformed incest, fornication, deceit, misogynist, murdered
there own families even there own children, they were
scandalous with no morals. And as we all no mans ultimate goal
is to please and emulate and honor there god(s). Also we must
realize the fact that the Caucasoid misogynist beliefs have
made it into there stolen religions of today which are
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam which originally all came out
of Africa. During the 1900's women were forced to fight there
Caucasoid brothers and die for there right to vote, there
right to use birth control, amongst other things. (see) the
movie "Suffragette". Also you can read about women movements
in your encyclopedia. Also women that have been forced into
second class citizenship in Israel are just gaining some long
sought after rights considering prayer and these are modern
times (2016). But in the world of Islam you will see that in
the year 2016 women are still being extremely oppressed in
there societies. Also you can only imagine the things that
black women had to endure at the hands of the Caucasoid since
they were treating there own woman like shit and this is
because black women were viewed as chattel and sex objects
which is still the same today as far as the black woman being
• sex object Even the president of the United States
got involved in the oppression of woman from Theodore
Roosevelt to Ronald Reagan just to name a few. My question is
how has the white female remained so loyal to a society of men
that have throughout history discriminated against them.
Also the reason why there is such an aggressive attack on
abortion and the use of contraceptives is because of the
genetic warfare that is going on right up under your nose and
you don't even no it. Along with the fact that the white male
wants the white female at home barefoot and pregnant waiting
on him hand and foot subject to his rules begging him for
money, at his will, at his beck and call but if you are in
your right mind I no that you don't want to end up back in
that position again. I encourage you in order to change this
attack directed at you, for you to have as many beautiful
black babies by black men as possible. Then lets see how the
white male feels about abortion and contraceptives after that)
you can even make "get pregnant pacts" with you and a bunch of
your friends where you all get pregnant together by black men,
are the same black male what do you have to lose plus if any
thing you will have fun doing it also I bet you after you
start producing all those pretty little bi racial babies there
attack will cease.
The white male and his albino cousin the Arab has always tried
to make the woman out to be the problem by blaming sin on the
woman, while also making felonious claims about women
inferiority, mentality, psychology, and a womans scorn. And
since the Caucasoid has conquered the world spreading there
culture across the globe all other races have adopted there
culture. When if they studied history they would no that women
being weak and the problem is a lie and thats because mankind
is the most murderous, vindictive, greedy, and violent
creature on the planet.
The Caucasoid male has set up websites encouraging the rape of
woman for the purpose of putting them back in there places
because as the Caucasoid claims women have become to uppity
and the website has a large following. Also the Caucasoid male
has set up websites where they promote misogyny. But this
behavior is not strange because they have been practicing this
type of behavior since the cave its in there DNA. To
investigate my accusations go online and check for yourself at
Storm Front, Reddit, and Gamer Gate. Also read the
mberEbony magazine.
European men are raping women like crazy in colleges across
America and the sad part about it is these individuals
represent the best that this country has to offer and those
that are going to rule our society. Also the authorities have
buried tens of thousands of legitimate rape kits which are
evidence of violent crimes an when asked why l the police
claimed they didn't have the money i but yet they have plenty of
money to investigate for years, arrest, test a nickle rock of
crack, and convict a child from an extremely poor black
community and sentence him to life. After discovering how the
authorities are protecting white male rapist from prosecution
we can see why young white males are so rape crazy and why the
white female is terrified of any white male that comes into
contact with her child regardless if there family or not (now
you see what black women before they had the law on there side
had to deal with at the hands of white men) "As I said before
the chickens have come home to roost". In prisoni rape amongst
white men is so prevalent that
vat', white offender that hits
the yard is approached and there paper work checked to see if
there baby rapist first i then they check
OS dalli
there paper
work to see if they are snitches. I believe because of the
fact that the authorities are protecting white male rapist and
that rape is so common within white society that the white
female has every right to be scared to death. The white male
propensity for rape is so bad that the white media has to use
there WMI to convince and plead with white male S to stop the
raping of woman, and on colleges and in white society no woman
or child is safe from the white male its so bad that the white
establishment has had discussions about instituting classes in
schools that teach consent because white men ignore women that
tell them no. Have you heard the commercial "that it isn't sex
if its not by consent". That commercial is not a message for
black men that commercial is targeted in the direction of
white males you don't hear black females telling stories about
how there scared to death of getting raped or there children,
even though rape is not an incident thats secluded to one
particular society because it happens everywhere but its not
something that us blacks on average support and those that do
are victims of the Caucasoid culture i this is why I'm trying to
get us back to the people we once were before we were a
conquered people. Also I'm getting the record straight about
who are the real vicious rapist in this country because the
white male has stereo typed black males as being such when in
actuality he is the savage and he has a history of this
behavior but if he can keep the attention off of himself by
placing it on others then no one recognizes his crimes against
humanity (the woman).
utnost +int rued monsfer
The Caucasoid male including the albino Arab based on
historical facts is the most wicked and manipulative race of
man and creature on the planet. The Caucasoid forced every
race of man including one another to fight in order to survive
and save themselves from destruction at the hands of the
Caucasoid. They have constantly wage war against man and the
earth itself every since they step foot out of the caves. The
rest of the world in order to survive the challenges of the
Caucasoid have been forced to adapt to there tactics through
war and economic dependency,
my argument to the white female is how dare you have the
audacity to practice racism towards any body especially
towards the Moors in this country after all of the things that
you've been through at the hands of the Caucasoid male. And as
a mother your self how could you assist in allowing murderers
to go free that have killed children which has made you a
murderer in the eyes of the world and God. Those of you that
carry yourselves in this manner don't have the right to call
yourselves god fearing people or even wholesome and pure
because you are just as much as a monster as the Caucasoid
male but what else should be expected of you because you are
his daughter. What is wrong with you when are you going to
realize that the root to end all racism if that is what you
want rest with you through copulation with the black male. I
see terrorist Caucasoid men in there madness promoting white
supremacy and hatred and if like them you inspirer to be then
you are a monster. Because look at what white supremacy has
inflicted on the world, Hitlers Germany, Slavery and 150 to
200 million Moors dead, 90% of the native American population
wiped out of existence through biological warfare, the
dropping of the atomic bomb, the caste system in India, the
destruction of the aborigines in Australia, the spread of
racial hatred everywhere across the globe and perpetual war
where millions are dying and starving to death. Is this what
you white woman represent because I was told that females are
blessed with maternal instincts not competitive instincts like
a man. But I guess if like the Caucasoid male you want to be,
like the Caucasoid male you are.
The Caucasoid male hatred for blacks is destroying this
country because instead of us rebuilding the infrastructure of
this country, or enlisting in the military, driving trucks,
welding, and etc. The Caucasoid male would rather spend
hundreds of billions of $ locking its blacklup in prisons.
The Caucasoid males hatred for us Moors is so strong that
they'd rather bring illegal aliens into this country to
replace its black citizens and feed the illegals family before
they feed ours and if you disagree look at the unemployment
statistics. The Caucasoid males hatred is so strong for us
Moors that they would rather destroy the culture of this
country bringing in illegals, and spend on average of $50.000
a year on locking us Moors up in prisons destroying our
families, attacking our children by killing, dehumanizing, and
locking them up. Sparing no expense on minor charges while
they only give people on disability $700,00 a month, which is
less then $12,000,00 a year. Also instead of them cutting
(out) welfare and food stamps from up under our children and
those that are in need, SSI, Medicare, and Medicaid all they
have to do is let all of the people go that they have locked
up eithese modern day plantations doing Draconian sentences
for minor offenses as example 25 years for the minor
possession of a bullet using the excuse of some ones imis to
justify bullshit sentences like that and like fools were going
for it. What I want to no is when are we going to get tired of
these people and there cronies running game on us, even there
radio and television personalities from conservative talk
radio and liberals to there boob tube. Because the hundreds of
billions of $ that there spending on the war on (blacks) crime
they could be spending that money on other things more
productive like feeding our families and paying down this
countries sky rocketing debt.
The Caucasoid males racist influence has been so affective
that all non Moors around the world have become just as
racist if not more towards blacks if not more then the worst
of your terrorist white supremacy groups.
The Caucasoid is so racist that every thing they touch has
been influenced by racism. tHIS IS WHY YOU MUST PAY ATTENTION
The Caucasoid male because of there superiority complex and
there misogynist attitude towards women. When they wrote there
version of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. That they stole
out of Kemet (Egypt) Africa i they included within the scripture
how mankind has dominion over
everything on earth.
I always hear whites complaining about criminals and crack
dealers. But what about criminals and meth dealers, meth
babies, meth mouth, and white heron addicts. By addressing
the issue in the same aggressive manner in which they
addressed crack.
Lf f
The Caucasoid male is so wicked and hateful00 blacks that
they have set up website's displaying disgusting and unethical
photos of whites that have been killed by blacks. What length
want these people go to instill hatred i how tasteless will they
become to promote and inspire hate. Those people don't even
have any respect for the dead or there families that have to
look at those pictures of there loved ones in the worst way.
As I once said in one of my other books and I'm standing on it
and that is that people that are racist are crazy as hell and
need psychological help.
has Comm
According to the Nation Magazine the Caucasoid male 4.0011.
more terrorist acts in this country then any non white race of
people in the U.S.
I had a job working at Rockhurst college in the 80's working
in the kitchen and the white girls that were students at the
college while coming through the chow line to be fed would
come on to me and I would respond in kind. As these encounters
continued to persist white male students became angry and
complained to my boss about me messing around with the white
females at the school this was not the first time I had
experienced this which happened another time when a white male
was fucking all the black females at a school that I use to
hang out at. The white males didn't say a word while there one
white comrade was banging all of the black females at the
school and neither did the black male students or the white
females even though they viewed all the black females as
whores me as well as the black male students but when the
black male students and the white females started fucking all
of a sudden the white male student started crying like bitches
so even while there young i white males believe IMMO they are
privileged and superior believing that they have a right to
race mix while others are not allowed i and that bullshit story plot+
limp black males are white woman crazy is game in reverse
because white women like to get down with us just LIMO as much
as we like to get down with them but from the way white women
come on to us black males they want us a little bit more then
we want them. But when you look at history white men did every
thing in there power to get there hands on black women and
since they can't rape and blackmail black women into laying
down with themlthere now using there weapon of mass
indoctrination (WMI) to convince black women to lay down with
them through conditioning and nefarious brain washing and
manipulation tactics starting with our little girls so in
actuality whose really desperate because us black males in
order to fuck white women don't have to spend billions of $ to
brainwash white women or any other race of women to lay down
with usiregardless how money the white male spends trying
there best to dehumanize us to the world what the white male
doesn't understand is that not only do um, black males have
the magic stick but its hard for women to resist our genetics
so we don't need to spend billions to dehumanize and brainwash
women to see us in a superior light while convincing women to
see all others in a negative light. The chickens have come
home to roost. After white males instituted mass incarceration
in teuSt.e4
and eel drugs in our communities destroying our families
and our children lives. Now those same drugs like Heron has
crept into there communities destroying there homes and there
children lives. Turning there children that could have been
doctors and statesmen into junkies and failures like it did
our children that they labelled monsters and predators instead
of victims. But as they say whats good for the goose is good
for the gander.
After this countries government gets through destroying its
black citizens lives and homes who do you think there going to
start on next. Hitler did it in Germany to Germany's white
citizens just as well as Stalin who instituted collectivism on
Russia's citizens.
I disagree with the scripture that God gave man dominion over
the earth because can man stop an earthquake , can man stop a
hurricane, can man stop a volcano from erupting, or the earth
from rotating on its axis, or how and when it rotates around
the sun ?. What mankind has done is take the things that god
herself has provided us all for free and now he sales it to
us. After he has corrupted and captured what was good forcing
us to purchase it from him in order to survive are live in
On NPR'S "Weekend Edition" at 9:31 on Sunday, march 27, 2016 a
man was being interviewed about a discussion he had with Nixon
and his administration and he stated that Nixon and his admin.
informed him that the Nixon admin. had gm enemies, one was the
blacks and the other was the Anti war protesters. Focusing on
the blacks. As you no the Nixon admin. was the first to coin
the fraise "war on crime". When asked how the Nixon admin. was
going to deal with the nation blacks the N A stated that they
were going to demonize the blacks by associating them with
hard core drugs and that they were going to loop it on the
6:00 news and etc. As you can see if you have eyes the design
that Nixon's admin. put into play was kicked into high gear
under the Reagan admin. and signed into law by Clinton. This
proves that when it comes to us blacks political parties don't
White men always feel that they are under attack if they have
to make room for any body but themselves.
The Catholic church has been in existence for over a thousand
years and had the nerve to elect a Pope from Germany that was
one of Hitler's youth before they even seriously considered
electing a person of color or a woman to the Papal now is that
white supremacy or what 7.
Black females and White males are always complaining about
black men and white women laying down with one another but
during my investigation of black females I couldn't find one
that hadn't been banged out by a white male not to say there
isn't any but its true that so many black women have been
banged out by white males, then what white males and how many
are involved, is it the one tints siting across the table from
you or the one thats telling you that he doesn't believe in
race mixing. Because the one thing that I've discovered during
my studies is that white men don't believe in race mixing when
it comes to black men laying down with white women but when
white men lay down with any thing out side of the white race
theres no complaints. We've seen this behavior from white men
throughout American history rather it be practiced by the
average white male or the Politician that shapes the laws, to
your elitist. They all can fuck any thing rather it be the
white female or any other race of female even if shes from
outer space. But the white female better not lay down with any
one out side of her race this rule also applies to the black
male. But this same rule does not apply to the black female or
the white male because with them love is blind and to give you
an example of one of the things I'm talking about. STROM
THURMOND A politician from south Carolina was a vicious and•
very adamant racist and segregationist. He was also a married
man but regardless how much of a dixiecrat and a confederate
flag waving fool he was when he wasn't slobbering mad and
yelling obscenities about how blacks and whites shouldn't be
swimming in the same swimming pool he was at home swimming
around in his black maid. Which was totally disrespectful to
his loving and faithful wife of many years 1 and don't you think
for once that how black females and white males was getting
(4 +t.' t pit
downWL ,is not going on today. Hell we can't even turn on
the T.V. or open up a magazine without seeing them fucking
each other like crazy. That loon Strom Thurman like many
others today that talk that same bullshit had the nerve to
produce children with his Negro courtesan. But what I be
tripping off of is (which might seem strange) is what type of
conversations were they having between the both of them. Also
I RECOGNIZED that the offense that he committed against his
wife and his contradictive behavior doesn't seem to bother
white males because his behavior like many other white men of
power that slept around with black women is not mentioned in
any historical literature which is also true of George
Washington our countries first president andjmad dog rapist of
black female victims of slavery. I MET THIS white GUY name Benjamin Johnson that has a body like Homer Simpson and a face
like uncle Fester in stinky Ms. Deans class while in
Leavenworth USP,sfl he use to brag about all of his baby
momma's one was a Mexican, the other was a native Mierican,
and the other one was a black female. I remember he use to
call his black baby momma so many bitches that I thought that
was her name but what was sad about it all is she use to come
up to the prison and visit him every time the doors opened and
she kept his books fat. He use to brag to us about how he
would fuck her and how she sucked his dick. He also told us
about how she caught him cheating and how she found out how he
S GS&t
had got S female pregnant that he was cheating on her with.
The reason why he started race mixing is because he was so
LI 7.
angry about his sister dating a black male that he wanted
revenge also because of his sisters actions he became
disgusted with white females. He told us how his father hated
the fact that him and his sister was race mixing because he
was a hard core racist but to no surprise to me Johnson told
us that one day his racist pig of a pops brought a black chic
home and banged her back out. He also told us a story about
how a Aryan brotherhoodi a white guy that is a member of a
terrorist group l after seeing him with his black baby momma and
kids came over to there table in the visiting room and shook
his hand giving him props for taming his black baby momma and
there two mulatto children. (I wonder how many black women
have the terrorist banged in his life time)I'm not going to
abovi- 1-kt,
lie to you I seen what he told us jP
as an insult and I
let it be known because how do you think that terrorist would
act if he seen me in the visiting room with a fine white woman
and our two kids, do you think that he would have came over to
our table and shook one of our hands in approval "HELL NAW".
What he would have wanted was our heads even our children
heads. This‘why when I hear a black female and a white male
holler out that shit about how they don't believe in race
mixing I no that they are only referring to black men and
white women because those same rules do not apply to them
because if it did they would disapprove of it no matter who
was doing it so I don't have any respect for nothing there
talking about when it comes to that issue. Also black women
use black men as an excuse to race mix when every body and
anybody noes that "men" will fuck any thing and I believe if
you don't believe in race mixing you want do it period "no
excuses" so if you do indulge its something you wanted to do
in the first place. So I make it a point to tell all black
women that make that statement about how black men do it to
not use us as an excuse for something IS they wanted to do
any way. And I say this to you because black women will use us
as an excuse to whore themselves out to white men, some of
them even go so far as to literally beg white men for the dick
or to be in a relationship with them. Black women desperation
to lay down with white men is what influences white men to see
them as whores.
The one thing that I must commend black women for that date
out side of there race is that while there more than willing
to abandon the black male to prison. They will faithfully eft
ride out a whole bit with a white male or any non black
regardless how they treated them before they got locked up.
Heres a few stories that I want to present to you about the
different attitudes crd experiences when it comes to white men
IMO and black women. While I was a practicing unlicensed
pharmaceutical technician some of my clients were prostitutes
and there biggest customer base was white men. I use to wonder
how many of them had wives and children at home because most
of them were hard working men and as a matter of fact when I
would venture out side of my community into the white
neighborhoods I would see some of them with there lily white
families at stores and restaurants but I would ignore em for
the purpose of not exposing them and they did the same. I had
a black friend that was dating a black chic that had 3 kids by
a married white man that had a white wife and children by his
white wife but he wouldn't acknowledge his mulattopiall until
he came around to bang his black piece of ass on the side and
because the married man lived around the corner from his side
piece when ever he drove by his side pieces house with his
white wife and white kids in his car he ignored his black
piece of ass on the side and there mulatto children. And from
what my partner told me the white dudes children were hurt
the fact that there father wouldn't acknowledge them
and there mother was well aware of this fact because she
talked about it all of the time with my friend but yet she
layed down and had 3 babies by that dude what a piece of shit.
All I can say is how selfish of those 2 idiots for doing there
children like that the pigs. Another thing I don't like is how
the weirdest looking white men brag about how they have the
pick of the litter amongst the black females from the hood
tla t
females to the college educated i antrofessional black
females, and the mulattoes that come out of the white
community that are born of white women. You can tell that
them having unlimited access to the desperate Negro female
(DNF) strokes there superiority complex causing them to exude
an arrogant attitude when in actuality they may have the pick
of the litter from the DNF but beautiful white women want give
that same bragging white male the time of day.ZP
I knew this
dude name chuck that I met in Leavenworth USP who was my celly
in A&O, he was on a violation. He had been violated by his
white P.O. because he didn't like the fact that Chuck had 2
white girls living with him even though the 2 white girls were Wu; nO
WO. oroQacif
4400m404• So since his P.O. couldn't separate them legally
(after telling Chuck that he could not hang out with them) he
found another way that led to Chuck getting violated.
I remember when Eric Bonnet got caught cheating on Holley
Berry, all the black women cried out for his head but when
Robin Thicke was accused of cheating on his black wife and
mother of his children black women didn't say a word. This had
led me to believe that theres 2 standards of whets excepted by
torblack women between white men and black men.
k,S)Another thing that I've noticed is that we can't look at a
magazine, T.V., or a movie without seeing a white male on the
dick end of every thing fine from black women
black men,
Indian women, Asian women, Mexican women, Women from outer
space, and etc. While at the same time we have to listen to
white men tell us that were not allowed to race mix "yea
After studying I now no where the statement once you go black
you never go back came from. Well it came from white males
learning how easy it is to fuck black women. And after
finding how easy it
there now taking full advantage of
I respect peoples K norace mixing belief as long as they don't
force that belief on others.
As you can clearly see from history its a myth that all black
men desperately chase behind white women. But history does
show that white men do chase desperately behind black women
and black women behind white men. Also its a proven fact that
just because a white male is racist to the core that, that
doesn't mean he want lay down with a black female.
The white male has placed the white female up high demanding
no one to touch her out side of the white race unless
have a million $. But while he places her up high demanding no
one touch her he treats her like a second class citizen. Then
=c1 her with all races of
to add insult to injury he sleeps
females. Meanwhile threatening any white woman that dareVls+0
look in the direction of some one out side of the white race.
901,Ce, MDC1/1t1
NiNcoe (RM M)
In this chapter as you can see by the title I,m focusing on
the race mixing Negro (RMN). In some of my other chapters I've
given several reasons why I believe that the RMN sympathizes
for non Moor instead of making the non Moor sympathize for
them and I have one more belief and thats because the RMN
subconsciously feels inferior to their White masters that
there in a relationship with while placing that same white
individual in a superior position unconsciously besides the
fact that they are victims of the Willie Lynch. And to give
you the ability to judge for yourself I'm going to give you a
few examples of my encounters with a few RMN. But first I want
to touch on this issue and thats that all of my life I've
heard Moors claim that someone
a Sell out (SO) but I
wondered what
a S.O. and how did they get that way because
in order for someone to become a S.O. something had to take
place because they weren't born that way. Theres a process to
breaking an individual of there pride and dignity and turning
them into a S.O. On the real I don't have a problem with
blacks race mixing because I don't no there situation but I
must admit that I don't like when black women do it because I
believe that we need to get back to ourselves amongst other
things also without the black woman there would be no us but
if blacks insist on race mixing I believe they should make
whoever they are laying down with conform to us not us conform
to them because when we conform to others we have a problem
with selling out our own people which makes us look shameful
in the eyes of others which causes them to lose respect for us
as a race. This is one of the many reasons why I disagree with
us race mixing but in order to show you how to make others
sympathize for our cause I might have to sacrifice and
rat by
example so I can show you how its done. My thing is I no White
males and other non Moorish males don't have a problem with
race mixing Negroes selling out because of there competitive
n lat.* Negroes (SON)
nature and the fact that ussisellout
can tit
use but my question to you white woman iso lthat what you like ?
or how you get down ? do you promote our people that are? to
S.O. ? does that turn you on ? would you like for your child
to be a S.O.N. ? do you think that when Negroes S.O. thatithatS
sexy ? or do you disapprove of Negroes being S.O. ? because I
feel this is how you should feel and I believe also that a
S.O.N. should turn you off (because thats a conquered Negro)
not turn you on because S.O.N. rather your lover or your child
is the equivalent of having a Klan member in your family,
house, or your bed and if a S.O.N. is a S.O. to there own then
how can you trust that individual to be loyal to youlalso
there going to be remembered as traitors to there own race and
my thing is do you want to be remembered as the spouse or
parent of a traitor and I don't mean those that are looked
upon as traitors because they represented what was right t and
the truth and it hurt somebodies feelings I'm talking about
S.O.N. equivalent to Charles Barkley and Stacey Dash these two
individuals are pitiful and theres others. Hell as a brain
washed Negroestrith a destructive belief of a criminal l who was
a cancer to myicommunity regardless if I recognized it or not)
I was a S.O.N. So if I don't spare myself I be damn if I'm
going to spare any others. Now to present you with a few
examples of RMN and there behavior:
Mc Kinney Bey a good associate of mines that lived in B Lower
at Leavenworth USP in cell 165 had a celly name FED that had
tattoos all over his face who was a RMN and a Christian and
like most Christian Negroes that I've met there all Willie
Lynch Negroes (WLN).This Negro couldn't stand black people or
anything that represented black folks. He hated anything or
any group that promoted race pride and he criticized and
argued with Kinney on a regular. He also use to tell stories
about how he would have his White Baby momma spank him while
calling him a nigger amongst other perverted things but he
as vial c4
admitted that he didn't like that his sister was a RMNpia her
daughter because he knew how they were being carried by their
White male lovers.This RMN was so combative that he stressed
MC Kinney Bey out on a regular. But eventually MC BEY moved
out of the cell and after he did he felt a vail of relief come
over him as he told me he could finally relax.
The RMN Charles Barkly is so wicked that he sided with the
murderous Cops that kill our children but you never hear him
say a word when the situation clearly shows Cops killing our
babies. As an example where was that S.O.N. when that Cop in
Chicago shot that little black kid in Chicago over 10 times
while he was lying on the ground helpless ?
I met Jackson through my student prodigy Boelter who was a
super star who could possibly pass me up in understanding if I
had more time with him but he brought that S.O.N. Jackson
around me and it ended in disaster because Jackson was a
S.O.N. to the fullest he even told me that regardless how
White women that he has dated has called him a nigger he said
that he still loves
that he can't get enough of them.
That made me lose respect for him. Also even though I always
remained truthful he would make up excuses for Whites
meanwhile denying us Moors the same privilege His love for
WhiteC and my presentation about the truth about there wrong
doingi towards us drove him so crazy that he would argue with
me in a very aggressive manner. One time he became so heated
that I told him that Whites should put him on retainer.After
he tried to get me attached by some Al Islam cats I told him
that our relationship was over. I also cut ties with Boelter
for bringing that fool around me but as time went on Boelter
slicked his way back into my presence and theta because
kin! t IC
Boelters thirst for the knowledge that I AM* MM. strong but I
told him not to bring anymore idiots around me. I also let him
no that just because someone maybe cool with him does not mean
they can be cool with me.
I met Green originally in CRCC prison but we ended up meeting
again in C-1 Leavenworth USP he was in cell 101. He used to be
a hood cat also he has been racemixing all his life and his
baby momma is a White chic. He doesn't really discriminate
when it comes to getting his freak on and I've never really
heard him say anything derogatory about black females but I
believe the reason why he likes White chics so much based on
some of the things that I've heard him say is because he finds
them more docile and patient with him and his imperfections.
And you best believe he had some really serious imperfections
enough so that when his celly Mr. Smith talked about hooking
him up with a black female I told him not to / because black
females have enough problems already and Mr. Smith agreed.
I met Oscar Lee in the library while I was looking for a cell
to move to because the Feds is very segregated especially
amongst blacks because of how tribal we are and the lack of
racepride and the hatred. I was in a St. Louis cell and since
I'm from K.C.M0 I had to movethis is a rule that5practiced
throughout the Feds amongst the blacks. And the cell situation
was one of the Feds worst problerkbesides the cats from your
town pressing you about your paper work to see if you were a
rat. Mr. Lee helped me get into C-Wing by introducing me to
Buddy. After I moved into C-Wing I got to no Lee and I found
out that he was a RMN and like most RMN that I've met he was a
WLN that subconsciously hated black people and he expressed
his hatred for blacks openly
and when I would point out the truth about White racism and
how it affected blacks he would argue with me / sometimes out of
the secret hatred that he had for me 1 he would start arguments
with me out of thin airl his love for Whites was extreme and
his discontent for blacks was the same in the opposite he
became so angry one time that I had to cut him off and I
helped him alot for free / something that was not a common
practice in the FEDS because nothingS
for free in the FEDS I
used to read and write all his letters and type up his e-mail
that he sent to his family. Also I was very confidential so
his person business, names, and addresses of the people he
loved I never gave or repeated it to no one. So after I told
him that I was through with him the next day he came to me and
apologized and he told me that he will never engage in those
types of conversation with me again but on the real I never
really held those typeC of conversation with him because I
already knew that he was caught up.(How waft of the Negroes
developed there dislike for me is by ear hustling) After we
reconciled our relationship mom smooth because he recognized
that he needed me more then I needed him and he was a user and
also a diplomat by nature but since he was so skilled in
gaining the trust of White people I used him as my spy and he
was really good at it andlbecause he was a slick individual to
BY+ -WC Oat 140W15
those that couldn't peep gamelt will admit i Lee was really a
good dude at heart,
My best friend Robert Howard who is dead now from a gun shot
wound to the head hooked up with this White female and married
her but before he married her he was a womanizer that slept
with thousands of women. But as soon as the opportunity
presented itself for him to hook up with a White female he
started talking about how black women weren't any good, and
how they were whores because of how easy it was for him to
sleep with them i even while they were in relationships t he even
made these statements to his own sister Kathy who was a solid
and proud black woman but what my partner Rob didn't no was
that the White female that he was going to marry only wanted
him because she thought that he had money because he was a
boxer but when she found out that he was broke she divorced
him and sent his
packing back to Kansas City.
My celly Penny in Leavenworth USP who was from Colorado and a
RMN when we conversed would make statements about how he
didn't fuck with nigga(ER)s meaning all black people when he
was on the streets and all of the other saying in my chapter
Klansmen handbook of stereo types he even made the statement
about how nigga(er)s are always late and stood on it. He was
also a Christian Negro just like the rest of the Negroes in
this chapter that I have addressed so far. He made some
statements about blacks that were so foul that it was hard for
me to see him any other way then as the enemy. But what was
hypocritical of him was that like Lee they complained about
racism constantly mycelly Penny even caught 5 extra years for
whooping a white dude for calling him a nigga(ER) BUT
REGARDLESS HOW bad Negroes get treated by whites they
continue to love them but what I have come to discover is
that most Christian Negroes think like that and the same goes
for Al Islam Negroes but I learned what they both have in
common is that there religion doesn't teach race pride. And
because of that the Christian Negroes eat out of the White
folks asses while the Al Islam Negroes eat out of the Arabs
asses whom are both our former slave masters. The one thing I
do have to admit is that Penny could cook his ass off he was
so good that the guys on the hill were paying him to cook for 4Ltnni
Vim also he made a pizza so good that it taste like it was
cooked in a pizzeria.
Stinky Ms. Dean was my boss at Leavenworth USP in the
education dept. she was a sell out (SO) bitch. That bitch did
me so dirty that I can't stand to look at her I remember when
she first stated working for the education dept. I made sure
that she hired me to work for her as her clerk. After her
classes started dudes that were assigned to her classes would
talk bad about her but I WOULD ALWAYS STICK UP FOR HER I would
come to hear defense so much and so aggressively that even
though dudes would continue to talk about her they felt
uncomfortable doing it in my presence. She had 4 classes one
of them being her third class which was full of white dudes
when that class would come into session she would become happy
and giddy I could tell it was her favorite class. When she
wouldt go on the dudes in the other classes she would let the
Whites get away with whatever. This one White dude name
Benjamin Johnson showed her a picture of his black baby momma
and thats all it took for her she let him do and say whatever/
I remember one time he was talking about eating pussy in the
class room and all she did was smile about it. I could tell
that she really enjoyed engaging with him. It didn't even
offend her that every time he referred to his black baby
momma he called her a bitch. One day he was angry about the
fact that he had to come to school he went so hard on Ms. Dean
that she came to work the next day upset but she didn't say
samisMIN, to him about it. Also unbeknownst to her he use to
talk bad about her just like all the others when she wasn't
around. I remember one
time her White tutor farted at the
desk sitting right up under her and she laughed about it. That
bitch was a S.O. for real. While on the other MUM hand the
bitch couldn't stand me when all I did was talk to the
brothers about how they should get there lives together and
develop race pride. One time she had the nerve to attack me
for telling the brothers in the class to have respect for
women and how they need to pull there pants up. Seithat
bitch hated me to death op she was to far gone to bring back.
Then she attacked me for talking about how proud I was about
the melanin I had in my skin. I guess after several months of
hearing me talk to the brothers about not coming back to
prison and about being better fathers she couldn't take it
anymore. So she set me up by sending one of her well known
racist White co workers at me name Adams and while firing me
the racist pig (RP) talked bad to me using profanity and all.
The ignorant fool knew that I couldn't do anything about it
and I knew he was trying to draw me out so I played it off
because I knew that he wanted me to snap out so that he could
lock me up. What I didn't like most was that the stinky bitch
knew I was a proud Blackman and she sat there and listened to
that Klansmen talk bad to me and didn't give a damn because
she was the one that set it up. On the real I wouldn't have
tripped off her if she would have released me from my duties
in a respectful manner by simply telling me that she didn't
need my services anymore because that would have been
respectful. After the brothers in the class heard about what
she had done to me regardless of the fact that I got on there
nerves they talked bad to that S.O. BITCH but she didn't give
a damn and to turn the situation back on me she told them lies
about how I wasn't doing my job and so forth i that S.O. trollop
was off the chain. Well after she got rid of me only the White
dude and MC Kinney Bey was left and they were her tutors
eventually she hired another clerk to replace me and he was
black to my surprise but there are not to many White guys that
want to work in the education dept. because its not enough
money in it and theres no hustle. Also they no that the staff
in the education dept.
disrespectful and rude. The only
time they wanted to work in education was when this desperate
Negro female (DNF) worked in education and she was setting it
out to the White guys. Well there came a change in policy
where they wanted only one tutor in the class room while the
others would be assigned to the library. So stinky Ms. Dean
had to chose who she wanted in her class working beside her
and of course she choose the White guy and kicked the brothers
out. Also the S.O. bitch was pregnant by a White Jew
(imposter) I remember when me and her had a discussion about
her race mixing and she told me that her man was a Jew, like
White Jews (imposters) are not racist pigs (RP) So I gave her
a few historical examples and accounts of how racist White
Jews (imposters) have been towards blacks all over the world
THAT IT WAS ON regardless the fact that I told her that I
didn't care if she was a RMN as long as she was happy. I even
got on the brothers that were trying to holler at her and like
I told her I told them why would you try and mess up that
womans life even if she is willing to get down because she has
Ms beautiful black children at home (by a blackman) and if you
mess up her life then you mess up her children lives because
they depend on there mother to provide for them. So if you
don't give a damn about her atleast think about her children
before you mess up her life / I remember when I told her that
she looked at me like I totally offended her. But like she
said to me during a conversation that it was her choice about
what she did with her body not mines regardless if I was
looking out for her best interest. So as far as I'm concerned
shes to far gone and you no what Malcom X said about those
types of Negroes if a race war kicks off.
I met my guy Donta Boelter a young cat from Chicago that fell
out of Nebraska me and him use to joke around all of the time
I remember that I use to call him Nill from sucka's ville
amongst other things after I brought him out of his nigga(er)
state of mind (NSM) he told me that wise men should surround
themselves with other wise men this is why he said he choose
to hang out with me regardless the fact that his Christian
him not to. Also there was no shortage of
individuals commenting on how wise and knowledger was but
thats understandable when you are surrounded by people that
don't study or read anything conscious. But I no that if I
was in the mist of individuals that spent there entire life
studying I would be of common stock to them. Well when I met
Boelter he was a dead RMN, Willie LYNCH NEGRO (WLN), and a
BRAIN WASHED NEGRO (BWN). As alot of blacks are
he was a
Christian and like alot of blacks that I no that are
Christians there opinions about black women were negative and
it didn't help that his black baby momma cheated on him with a
Mexican cat and sucked his dick and every thing on the first
night they hooked up i she told Boelter like a fool that the
Mexican cat bent her over the bathroom sink and banged her
from the back and she rode his dick on the couch amongst other
things that they did. Boelter told me that when he confronted
the dude about him banging his girl he said that the dude told
him that he didn't fuck Boelters girl i Boelters girl fucked
him. Beolter told me that he stayed with his girl for a year
after that but he refused to kiss her and he also told me that
it hurt him that she had used money that he gave her to cheat
on him with. He told me that after he couldn't take it anymore
400 left herttshe hooked up with some other dude and one time
while visiting his kid the got his dick sucked by her while
her man was in the other room he said that made him lose even
more respect for her but what grossed him otiZ:nfter she
sold some pussy to an old White man for $1000.00. He said that
his Black baby momma convinced him that all black bitches
EWA lot+
weren't shit. He told me that he ONIMMIni IWOMMONN respect
for educated Black females because as he said the first thing
they do after acquiring an education was run and jump into the
arms of a White maleand they were all stuck up. His hatred
for black women was extreme like alot of young black males
things that they have seen black females do. So he started
dating White females which he enjoyed and eventually got
pregnant but he had been ruined by his Black baby momma and
was afraid to love. After leaving his second baby momma who
was White and to me the best one, AFTER having fun banging
every White girl that spread her legs for him which was quite
a few/ from whole clicks I to threesomes andlone on onesthe
hooked up with a Mexican/White female. He told me that him and
her kicked it but he continued to cheat on her as away to stay
strong also he said that as a man it was hard for him to walk
away from all the vagina that was coming his way from all of
the white girls in
Illsaymea town he told me that they were
literally taking the dick from him. He told me that one of his
girls friends use to pay him to have sex with her and give his
girl whatever she asked her for but Aft girl never knew what
was going on. Then he said his girl caught him cheating and
lied on him and got him locked up on a violation and the
courts gave him 2 years in the FEDS on violation. That shit
made me extremely upset and I told him that he better not ever
go back to that bitch because she will never have any respect
for him period. When I first met Boelter he was fucked up but
he had a serious thirst for knowledge that I only seen in
myself. But the difference between him and me was I took in
information on its face value which cause me to take in alot
of bad information while Boelter on the opposite fought hard
against taking in information which made it hard for me to
give him any new information SIMI sometimes frustrated me. I
remember when we first started interacting and our
conversations were about black women he use to have me so
frustrated even though he never knew because of how patient I
was with him I had to go to my good brother MC Kinney Bey to
get therapy. Eventually Boelter IMMO gave up on Christianity
which was a good thing because Christian Negroes are hard to
awaken from the deade which is also true with Negroes that
peclaim to be Al Islam. Once he stepped away from
Christianity he grew with rapid speed because now he was free
to think outside of the box he wasn't a slave anymore to
religion or anything else. At first he use to claim how
history didn't matter until I introduced him to Ashra Kwesi
and one of his DVD's called "Biblical Myth" part two. The
reason why I always introduce the dead to part two is because
I found it to be the most effective at rocking peoples
foundation and waking them up. Then I taught him how to be a
critical thinker. I also taught him how important family is
and instead of me reducing myself down to his level I forced
him to come up to mines. Then I convinced and taught him how
to pay attention to politics because the laws that those
people pass can affect his children, every day I gave him
something new. I taught him in life that its a thinking mans
games and that if he wanted to no how the big boys in the game
put it down that he should study them. I literally stood him
on solid ground giving him a foundation to stand on also as I
continued to grow I made sure that he continued to grow with
me. I ALSO DID THIS WITH MC Kinney Bey. I seen these two
individuals as my students even though MC Kinney Bey was
already self aware. One of the things that I feel was most
important that I taught Boelter was how to have true racepride
not just in words but in actions, and about collectivity and
how the woman "especially" the black woman is humanity and a
living god in the flesh that doesn't no who she really is and
until she recognizes the fact she will remain in a nigga(ER)
state of mind I also made him aware of the fact that I had to
learn the hard way after being drug back into the lake of
filth time and time again trying to save the dead that now
when I try to bring someone out of their nigga(er) state of
mind S they start kicking and screaming to remain in those
conditions I drop that ass back into the water and I want
acknowledge them until I see them pulling themselves out and I
recommended that he do the same. At this particular time while
I'm writing this book he is still here so their is still time
for us both to continue to expand in knowledge. But my main
concern now is that he is leaving in May 2016 and it is now
March 2016 an I've got to make sure that he doesn't fail and
come back to prison and thats because our future (his
children) is in his hands ammo need him more than ever. So in
his case just like many others "Failure is not an option".
3 fla ws poterbed otd; Gt4
The relationships I've had with White females in the past were
quite pleasant. I really don't have any compliant and thats
because I'm not really hard to please because all I want is a
little bit of respect and some love and if you can provide
that to me we will be alright. Well my first relationship with
a White girl was when I was 16 and a resident at Gary Job Corp
located in Texas. I was their for several months and I
couldn't get any play from the black females on the hill and I
was very popular but I guess I was just not there type I guess
it happens (be's) like that sometimes. So I met this White
female that was pregnant by her older sisters husband who she
was living with at the time she became pregnant. So her sister
out of anger sent her to Job Corp (J C) but while she was at J
C she met and started dating one of the fella's on the camp
that I was cool with. Me and her use to talk all the time as
friends she told me a lot about her personal life but I never
judged her because it wasn't my place. She dug me and my cool
layed back personality and the fact that I was a nice kid. So
she informed me that her younger sister was coming to Job Corp
and would I like for her to hook me up with her sister. So I
asked her how did she look and she showed me a picture of her
and I was like hell ya ! because she was beautiful and she had
one hell of a body which you could clearly see because she was
wearing a 2 piece bathing suit. So she hooked me up and when
her sister arrived at the camp we wasted no time geting
acquainted. I told her about my situation and how none of the
females on the camp wouldn't give me any play and how I needed
some. So we went behind one of the buildings, layed a cloth on
the ground and made passionate love by moon light in the
warmth of the night before lock down. During the short time we
spent together she was as sweet as my grand mother. I remember
her being so beautiful that every where we went people stopped
and stared at her loveliness. As a couple we were the talk of
the camp even the staff use to trip off of her beauty and
thought that we made a good couple. We also made a lot of
people jealous from the guys to the girls and some of the
dudes that I use to be cool with stop kicking it with me
because of there hate. One day a pack of incredibly pretty
black females approached me while I was alone and they sweated
me about being with a white girl. So I told them that they
left me no choice because wouldn't none of them give me any
play. So after going back and forth about my decision I said
to them all that I would quite her right now this minute if
one of them would hook up with me and they all refused. So I
MOVED on and continued to kick it with my girl. I remember we
use to smack it out every night under the stars. She use to
love to ride me and at times she was very aggressive during
those times we would be so into it that it was virtually
impossible to watch out for security but the sneaking also
made the sex much funner and exciting. I remember when we went
to chow she use to sit all up under me while every body
watched us and I loved it she would do things like rub my
shoulders, my head, my forehead to comfort me and also to let
me no that she didn't give a damn about what people were
thinking or saying. She was letting it be known that she was
their for me which was something that I had never experienced
before and it was cool. I'm not going to lie to you she is the
sweetest female that I've ever met thus far besides my great
grand mother Augusta Hightower. If I was wise enough at the
time she would have been the woman that I would have spent the
rest of my life with. I would have had 10 kids by her. Well
there was this black female on the camp that was really nice
looking that I had been trying to hook up with for the longest
before my girl had arrived on the camp and she always played
hard to get when it came to me. She use to love to tease me
but never commit. She also lied to me about her being a virgin
because several dudes on the camp had ran her. But after I
hooked up with my sweet heart I forgot all about her so I
moved on. Well one day I gave my sweet heart my favorite shirt
to wear and
when she wore it in her assigned housing unit
all of the black females went to the black female that had
played me and beat her ass they whooped her so good that she
left Job Corp and went home. Even though I felt sorry for her
she was scandalous for playing with my feelings
and lying
to me because she made me look like a damn fool in the eyes of
every body. As time went on me and my sweet heart continued to
kick it we really enjoyed each others company I must admit
that we were having a lot of fun but there was one thing that
was missing in my life and that was my mother I missed my mom
so much that I decided to quite Job Corp which turned out to
be the biggest mistake of my life but I was young, stupidiand
in love with a woman that hated my guts and if I could take
that foolish decision that I made back I would because that
horrible decision turned my whole life around and up side
down. Regardless the years that have went by I still think
about my sweet heart or the girl that I let get away to this
day. I just hope that her life turned out good because she was
to sweet for it to turn out any other way. We would have been
good for one another because we were both to sweet to take
advantage of one another. I could see other guys breaking her
heart just like many females over the years have broken mines
because we basically had the same personality. I've learned
over the years that when 2 people come together with
personalities like me and her they are never suppose to let
each other go but I was young and I didn't recognize that me
and her was vibrating on the same wave length and I didn't
have to sell out so she must have been vibrating on my wave
length not me on hers also during the short time we were
together we never not once had a single disagreement, our
relationship the whole time was filled with smiles, laughs,
and good sex. I still remember when I broke the news to her
about me leaving she cried her heart out and begged me to stay
that incident still haunts me to this day but regardless how
bad I felt at the time the love I had for my mother was
stronger then reason but I can't help but think to this day
that I betrayed a good girl and hopefully I didn't scar her
like I have been scarred by all of the women that I have come
into contact with after her. Well after I left Job Corp I
never seen or heard from her again.
The 2nd White female I hooked up with I was 18 years old and
at that particular time I was selling drugs and I had already
been through a few bad relationships. I had a homey name Jig
(Anthony Sales) that had a clean 6-4 Impala, it was the late
80's and I was doing the damn thing are atleast I thought I
was. My homey Jig hooked me up with a White chic through a
black female that he was messing with. Well after hooking up
with her we kicked it. She use to come and pick me up in her
nice car and we would go to the movies, swimming, the Mall,
the park and else where. Sheet another girl that I had lots of
hot sex with. She dug me so much because I was so cool the she
fell head over hills in love with me we went every where toget her. She had a body like Ice Tee's girl Coco and she was
really cute with a cute smile. And because of that she left me
no choice but to tax that ass. Also because of how she looked
and the way she was built every where I took her in the hood
dudes honked there horns and made cat calls at her. Since I
wasn't the jealous type we had a really cool relationship with
lots of laughs we even talked about having kids because we
recognized how compatible we were for one another and that we
would be good parents to our kid(s). Then her friend told me
that she had started using drugs and that was a no i no for me.
So I left a letter in my girl friends wind shield wipers
telling her about her self and how I didn't mess around with
females that got high on harsh drugs unless I considered them
a jump off. She was so hurt because of what I had said to her
in that letter and the fact that I had found out that she ran
off to who knows where because when I asked her friend / had she
seen her she told me she hadn't seen her in a long time and
that she didn't no where she was at and that she had just
disappeared. So that would be the last time I would see her
until the early 90's at Tony's liquor on 31St and immediately
after seeing me see wanted to hook up. So me being the nice
guy that I was I I was willing to give her another chance even
though she had a little baby fat on her from recently giving
birth to her first child. After we made it to her friends
house that lived a few blocks away from the store (the same
friend might I add) we chilled on the porch. Some thuggish
looking brother showed up who I found out was her baby daddy.
Well after her baby daddy showed up she immediately told him
to leave but I told him instead that I would leave but he was
a player about him self and told me that he would leave and
that I should stay then he left. But I could tell that he was
hurting because he was feeling her. After we got reacquainted
we had a discussion about what took place when we were
teenagers and I told her that I was not upset with her friend
for what she did by warning me about her drug usage and after
discussing that for a while she apologized to me She informed
me that she was so hurt about losing me that she went off and
got herself cleanand have been clean every since. She told me
that the baby she just had was suppose to be mines and I
agreed. After we kicked it that day we hooked back up several
days later and she took me out to her house. She lived out
north in a fat crib she told me that if I hooked up with her
gis her house would be my house and that if I wanted it
the basement which was really nice and fully furnished would
be my personal man cave and personal space where she would
never invade unless I permitted her to. She also told me that
if I didn't want to work or hustle she didn't give a damn
because she would rather have me at home then in thee streets.
After conversing, having a few laughs, and cuddling it was
time for us to go to bed. After we layed down I tried to hit
it but she wouldn't let me. But what she didn't no was that I
had recently gotten out of a relationship with a fat female
that was so unattractive to me that my dick stop working and
even though I had banged a few proper females after leaving my
fat girl I was still shell shocked and because the female I
was with now had some baby fat on her I was scared that she
might have the same affect on me. This is why I was trying to
hit it to make sure that she wouldn't have the same affect on
me as my fat broad. But when she wouldn't give me none it made
me even more afraid. So after we departed in the morning I
made up my mind to move on. So when she called me over at my
uncle big Anthony's house on 35th St I would not answer her
calls so eventually she stopped calling me. On the real I wish
that I would have met her before I met my big broad (so with
her it was bad timing) because my fat girl ruined me. But when
it comes to me life has one hell of a humor because now I'm
afraid to mess with a fat or cubby female unless shes a jump
off because I live in fear of the fact that my dick will
getting hard. On the real I wish that I could mess with fat chics because if I could that is all I would mess with because
they are so good to a brother but I'm one of those that are
misfortunate my lossIsomeone elses gain.
Now Daniel she was a "bad young white bitch" who I had a whole
lot of fun with and a different story. But that story I HAVE
already told in my book "Beware: The Book of Knowledge".
e tcSt 4int bct,vn
This chapter is about learning how to counter those that
oppose you. Some things I'm going to show you how to counter,
while others I'm going to allow you to figure out on your own,
also I'm going to give you some examples of how the game is
played. And to help you understand the games that are being
ran on you l I'm going to present to you t the tools you need to
utilize in order to counter those that oppose you and the
tools they are using against you. But first you need to
recognize and understand the language that applies so you will
no how to counter, attack, and maintain:
Counter act,
Counter attack,
Counter balance,
Counter espionage,
Counter intelligence,
Counter mand,
Counter measure,
Counter mine,
Counter offensive,
Counter plot,
Counter poise,
Counter pose,
counter punch,
Counter spy,
Counter weight.
I need you to under stand that some of the things that you are
going to read in this chapter may sound stupid to you but what
I'm doing is trying to get you in the mood, and habit of
practicing your counter technic. Also I'm going to ask you
questions about how things can be instituted, utilized, and
how to solve problems. So here we go.
Dudes today don't have a players bone in there bodies all they
are about is aggression they don't even slow it downfalso
being a player is not about how many women you've fucked its
about swag and style. The group I grew up with even though
they may have been rogues they were about getting money,
dressing fly, smelling good, 2 stepping, and catering to the
ladies. After gangster rap and mass incarceration came along
it fucked up the true understanding of what a player is.
Because now instead of players we are misogynist with no
class. The style today is pants sagging down to our knees with
our whole ass hanging out, dusty looking, while constantly
bouncing around in high gear. Then we must look at the dudes
in the industry that are R&B singers that are killing the true
game of playerism by looking and acting gay by wearing skinny
jeans and dying there hair blond. What I say about this is
that we need to take our true style of playerism back from the
misogynist rappers and gay looking R&B singers in the industry
because theres nothing soft about being a player because being
a true player is about style and attitude And in saying all
gs that how do we counter the Negroes in the industry thats
killing true playerism ?.
Negroes can't help but come to the defense of whites rather
right or wrong because of the fact that they have been brain
washed to believe that some white Jesus (imposter) died on the
cross to save there souls. How you counter that is you place
pictures of Jesus as a black man (which is a fact of who he
really was) in your line of site and all around you. How do
you assume this problem should be countered ?
Blacks at this particular time want even give the republican
party a chance to prove themselves. As far as I'm concerned
the only way you will every encourage blacks to give the
republicans the time of day is by exposing the democrats and
there transgression committed esimmai Blacks. But first you
need a plat form and also what needs to be done is someone
needs to come along and tell the conservatives, those that are
on TV. and talk radio to shut the hell up with there racist
rhetoric. How do you think that Blacks can be convinced to
vote Republican ?
Any organization that doesn't agree with the conservatives
that are way to the right
call liberalsilike
being a liberal is a bad thing. When in actuality its healthy
to have two sides of the story. What counter would you use to
demonize the conservatives ideology ?
Some blacks
remain products of slavery to this day and how
you can tell is that some of us rather we recognize it or not,
still practice:psychologicallym the attributes of a slave. How
do you suggest we change this way of thinking ?
Black folks in this country are at the bottom of every thing
and its all of our duty to use all the resources available to
us not to just focus on our individual selves but on us as a
collective. How do you assume that we not only change our
conditions but convinces blacks to work together as a team ?
Create a campaign to force people to start calling our
ancestors victims of slavery instead of slaves because the
term slave is dehumanizing. Also anyone that tries to rebel
from the change attack them vigorously by calling them racist,
fools, savages, S.O., UNSYMPATHETIC, AND SO FORTH. Do you
agree with what I'm writing or do you have a better ideal that
you believe would be more affective ?
The Police, the U.S. government, and this countries laws have
always been the enemy of black folks in this country. So how
do you believe we go about changing this o besides the fact of
making the people aware ?
They specialize in reversing the game this is why you blame
yourself for your situation while ignoring the root cause of
the problem thats causing you to move and think the way you
do. Because if you don't figure out and fix the root cause the
problem will always remain regardless if you take
responsibility for your own actions or not. How would you go
about helping people learn about the root cause of there
problems ?
Conservative T.V. and talk radios job is to reverse any
sympathetic feeling that any whites or anybody else (including
blacks) may have for blacks folks rather the sympathy be fore
a single black, group of blacks, black children, or an
organization representing blacks. How would you go about
reversing conservative talk radio and T.V. ?
Because of white misinformation about Africa us blacks don't
even think about traveling to the motherland while whitec
travel there on a regular to vacation. My question to you is
what would you do inorder to change how blacks feel about
Africa and get them to visit the country ?
When I was growing up we use to chant things like this for an
example: If your white your alright, if your black your wak,
if your brown your down, and if your red your dead. How do you
counter this ?
The first weapon used to inflame the people to achieve any
major goal is the WMI. How do you counter that ?
As I've said before the conservatives job is to reverse any
movement that blacks institute to fight against white
oppression. One of there tactics is to label the movement
racist, the other is to minimize the movement to one issue
that they can exploit. What tactics do they use in order to be
able to convince the people to agree on what there saying ?
and how do you reverse the game ?
While the conservatives fuck us out right. The liberals do its
with a smile i and there fingers crossed behind there backs. So
who can we trust ? and how do we force them to
pass our
agenda into law ?
Its hard to raise a good kid in the hood because there are so
many distractions that are pulling on him or her to go bad. So
what do you do in order to save your child i do you change your
location or do you change the environment that you live in ?
and what if you are to poor to move then what do you do ?
Most Negroes that claim to be Christians or Al Islam are some
of the most hateful blacks towards there own kind that I've
encountered. And thats because these two groups of Negroes
don't have a lick of racepride what so ever. So how do you
change this ? Because these two types of Negroes will fight
you tooth and nail before they allow you to bring any thing
around them that teaches racepride. They may even snap out on
you if you even try to talk to them about it. So how do you
reach them ?
Americans are constantly being told how to think and what to
think but never how to think for themselves. How do you
promote and teach people how to think for themselves ?
Negroes with a slave mentality no matter the age insist on you
calling them a nigga(er) and if you tell them not to call
themselves a nigga(er) they will become angry with you,
stating that not only are they a nigga(er) but they will be a
nigga(er) until death. And if you are black and you ask them
not to call you a nigga(er) they will become angry with you
and call you a nigga(er) out of spite because you asked them
not to call you a nigga(er), even if it causes friction
between the both of you. So my question to you is how do you
reverse this trend where blacks become hardcore in labeling
themselves nigga(er)s ?
How do you convince people that are ashamed of there history
that history does matter, or that history does matter even if
there not ashamed ?
When it comes to us Moors political parties don't matter. How
we can solve this problem is by creating a political group(s)
inside of an already existing party like the tea party that
moveC within the Republican Party. This way if a political
party doesn't pass our agenda the political group that exist
inside of the political party can hold them accountable by
either shifting to another political party, by shifting to
another candidate, or by placing there own candidate in
office. But what we don't need is any more S.O. so called
leaders in the political game because they constantly sell us
out. So how do we go about convincing blacks to form and
support political groups inside of political parties ?
They use double agents to help them condition and push
negative stereo types on black folks I these Negroes usually 111111Qrt
"mulatto Negroes" that don't really consider themselves to be
blackfolks, "Latinos Negroes" that feel the same as the
mulatto Negroes, race mixing Negroes (RMN), Negroes that are
"slaves to the American dream" (SAD), and Willie lynch Negroes
(WLN). How can we expose these types of Negroes for who they m0115
are and the damage there causing us ? Also how can we utilize
these Negroes in reverse, and is it possible for us to gather
double agents of our own that we can utilize i and how do we go
about doing it since we lack the resources that those in power
have ?
The status quo for some blacks is destructive. How do we
counter it ?
Our children are searching for a purpose but they are under
attack by the establishment. So my question to you is how do
we counter the establishments attack, meanwhile giving our
babies a purpose and what type of purpose do we give them and
how do we reach them and at what age do we start ?
how do we convince blackfolks to get involved in politics/
while convincing them that the government works for them ?
How do we teach black folks that once we feel good about
ourselves we will protect and take care of our communities.
Also how do we reverse the Negroes in the industry that
promote abandoning our communities. Because as long as we
don't have any respect for the communities we live in we will
not invest in it even while we watch outsiders come in and
rape our communities of all the little resources that we do
have. While not putting any thing back in it.
Conscious blacks can't fight against racism and oppression
without the vigorous intervention of S.O.N.. These Negroes are
the first line of defense for the racist power structure that
is our enemy. How do we counter these S.O.N. ?
The ENTERTAINMENT industry is on the attack to capture our
children while there young. In schools and with the use of the
WMI. That is why our children are so adamant at becoming
entertainers instead of seeking out more realist avenues to
success. We have to recognize that its big money in the
entertainment industry and there willing to spend billions of
$ in order to (attack) attracted your kids. What we need to do
is steal our kids back from the entertainment industry by
showing them other ways where they can make big money and/Or
be successful. One way can be by you demonizing the industry
and/or the Negroes in it. The other way can be to convince
your kids to use the industry as a hobby or a hustle to
achieve other things. You can also let your kids no that the
industry is full of employees not employers. What ever the
case we need to steal our children back from the industry. My
question to you is how do we go about achieving this ?
One of the reasons why our children end up on public
assistance is because of the push out rate from schools by
teachers that have no tolerance for our babies of color.
Because they can't get a job paying affordable wages they end
up on public assistance. So I ask you how do we inspirer them
to get there GED so they will acquirer a secondary education
where they can make a decent living wage which will encourage
them to get off of public assistance on there own t with out
being forced tol by some ruthless and hard hearted politician.
Us black folks use to keep our business to ourselves by not
putting our business in the streets we at one particular time
had class but now that we arevace of people that are starving
for attention we put all of our business out on the streets
like bafoons for example the ignorant Negroes that allow
themselves to be exploited on talk shows they don't cm how
stupid and low class they look. How do we reverse this
foolishness ?
Jesus Christ was a black man
a doubt about it see ASHRA
Kwesi's biblical myth part 2, The Negroes are so brain washed
that when they do draw a picture of a black Jesus they draw
him with straight hair when in actuality Jesus had locks or
what we call today dreads. So how do we convince black folks
to depict the Black Jesus in his original state which is with
dreads ?
I've heard blacks state that people they no that are living a
life of crime are doing good. Which is one of the destructive
beliefs that is killing us. How I reverse this foolishness is
by telling them that I feel that the individual there talking
about must be doing bad because in order for him to be putting
himself at risk taking penitentiary chances he must be doing
bad. My question to you is how would you have responded to a
statement like that'!
The one thing that I respect about white men is that no matter
how much race mixing they do it bothers them to see their
women date outside of there race but thats because unlike
black men, white men have race pride and since we don't have
race pride us black men don't give a damn about who our women
lay down with. It wouldn't matter if an alien from mars came
to earth with 6 legs we would happily give our daughters and
sisters to it without question and our women are so fucked up
that they would willing go to it themselves because the
desperate Negro female (DNF) will fuck anything white using
any excuse to whore herself out villeno respect for herself,
or her race. So why should the black man give a damn about her
if she has no self respect. The opposite is true with white
men when it comes to handing over there daughters and sisters
they would put up a fight but the difference between black
women and white women is that white women on average have
self respect and race pride regardless if they date outside of
there race. Also black women try to make it look like they
just started layikes
down with white men recently / when theyhave
been laying down with white men every since they stepped off
the first slave ships / so them fucking white men ain't nothing
new this is why I can't understand why black women try to use
us as an excuse to do something that they have always been
doing. But in actuality black men not giving a damn about the
black female laying down with non blacks show how much we
really don't give a damn about our women or our race. But we
would be a fool to trip off black women whoring themselves out
to white men since we no there going to do it any way and
thats because some black women have the moral decency of a
man. But this is only because as conquered people our cultures
have been reversed because before we were a conquered race of
people we would not allow our women to date out side of our
race because we seen them as living Gods and our black women
also respected this belief even though black men may have
dated outside of the race. But now that black men and women
are brain washed Negroes (BWN), and WLN with no race pride
what so ever along with the fact that some black woman have no
self respect or morals i we as a race have become pitiful. I ask
you how would you go about changing this ?
The white male while locking the black male out of the job
market. they hire the black female then they start raping to
her asking her questions about her personal life. From there
the white male turns the conversation into bashing and
dehumanizing the black male and if the black female is not
race conscious she willing falls for the oldest trick in the
book and joins in with the white male in bashing the black
male and will eventually end upi on the end of the white males
dick. Also if she is in a relationship with a black male at
the time (especially if he is not successful) she will began
bashing him. As the situation worsens Ow IMO MOOS ma smug
eventually the black male will abandon the relationship
breaking up the home. (Mission accomplished t the white male
wins). But this could never happen if the black female was
race conscious and aware of the institutional racism that the
black male is dealing with. Also another reason why the black
female falls for this same trick over and over again is
because she is a DNF and a WLN that views the black male as
inferior and weak while viewing the white male as superior and
strong. Because if she wasn't the things that I claim her to
be she would not engage in degrading and dehumanizing
conversations about the black male with her white co worker.
This is why I commend the white female thats successful and
involved in a relationship with a good black man that may not
be as fortunate as her, that refuses to betray him while
starring extreme peer pressure in the face because us black
men are not your responsibility yet you have come to our
rescue and have picked up where the black women has abandoned
us this is why I have so much respect for white women that are
true. What I want to no is how can I encourage more of this
behavior from the white female ?
Since the Negro in the industry is so quick to S.0.. How can
we utilize those samesell out Negroes m (SON) to do our bidding
with out the resources at our disposal that the king of the
industry have ?
Some blacks in this country think that just because they open
up a business that other blacks are going to deal with them,
but this is not true especially if the black individual is
doing business out of a hole in the wall and thats because a
hole in the wall doesn't look professional are like there
doing good business so everybody in that case is going to pass
them by to go and do business with someone that looks the part
and thats because in this country image is every thing rather
your doing good business or not. Also in some cases because
a k4
Wm of blacks are WLN they want do business with each other.
My suggestion to how you counter that is you purchase a well
established business that franchises out to entrepreneurs or
if you can afford it rent out a space in a nice looking
building or do business over the web or establish a home
business and if you have to put a white face on it in order to
win then that is what you must do. Also as far as acquireing
office space in those big beautiful building that you see down
town or up town prices vary from monthly f to weekly f to yearly
and in some cases they even rent out space like they do in
some hotels so call around and do your home work to see whats
up. My question to you is what would you add or change to
perfect this issue that I'm discussing ?
When ever us blacks come up with an ideal or a way to make
money a white male always finds a way to get involved and we
don't have a problem with letting them in which is the total
opposite of what they do for us unless we are serving them.
Then after we let them in instead of us making them conform to
us we conform to them and thats because our nature is
different and that difference comes from the fact that they
are a race of people that function well on there lower self
while we on the other hand or the total opposite but once you
began to move on your lower self it constantly craves to be
feed. Also after we conform to there way of life we began to
practice there culture this is what lead to our demise and how
we ended up a conquered race of people practicing and
worshiping everything in reverse because after we let them in
they studied and mastered our culture then they conquered us,
after they conquered us they stole our culture and religions
and claimed it as there own while wiping out
es existence
ties that we had to the culture and religions that they stole
from us. So my question to you is how do we reverse all of
this ?
The one thing that I've learned is that in the business world
its just as scandalous as the criminal world the difference is
the people in the business world use the law.
What I have created hear is war games, a think tank. Because
I've learned that the people in power learn from there
mistakes by analyzing them. Eventually not only do they learn
how to correct there mistake but they learn how to counter
them and also how to utilize there mistake.
What I would like to ask you is what can I do to attract the
attention of the people in mass (especially the youth) and
irker t, 0,4400 ft
hold on to Agtin a world where information is moving at
lightening speed. Also what method can I institute to change
the way people think in mass.
The powers that be are leading such a successful campaign
against us blacks on so many different fronts that if need be
they can fall back on one or even several of them and still be
0 fh s tic
Heres the order from student to teacher, master general, then
1.prodigy (this is a rare occurrence)
2. student
5.grand master
6. leader
Regardless how far I rise amongst the ranks I will always
remain a student/teacher. And if you would like to become my
student/teacher you must be prepared to break away or tear
your self away from every thing you've been taught so we can
rebuild you.
a biott ic- teck(ler
What you must be careful of as a black leader if you are not a
sell out (SO) and are affective at moving the people. First
you must be careful of law enforcement because they are the
first line of defense. They will set you up or try to draw you
out so they can kill you or they will invent an excuse so that
they can kill you. They will use justifiable homicide as there
excuse to get away with murdering you or they will free case
you and lie to the people so they can lock you up and if you
go to trial the prosecutor will do everything in his power to
make sure that you have an all white jury because theylready
no that White people already no how to play there position
without being toldi so theres a strong possibility that you are
going to get convicted. And by sending you to prison they can
take you out of the game just as well as if they killed you.
This is why you always make sure that you prepare someone (a
student) to take your place at any time and in order to make
sure that he or she has the same respect and credibility as
youyou must introduce him or her to the people as your
student/equal if not better. Also the people in power have
been so effective in demonizing us that other races of people
that are non black will join forces with White people (even
our own) to destroy you. Beware of law enforcement because
they will attack you just (because) from hearing about what
your talking about rather your moving the people are not. Then
there is the brain washed Negro (BWN), the Willie Lynch negro
(WLN), The slave to the American dream (SAD) and the Negro
that has gotten themselves caught in a bind with the law that
wants to save themselves by selling you out. These Negroes
will kill you, attack you, set you up, assassinate your
character and etc. In dealing with law enforcement you must
remain straight and do the best you can to have witnesses
around you as much as possible and when you travel it would be
best if possible that you never drive yourself, to keep your
self out of harms way and tickets. Always remember in this
game you can't trust no one not even family. Also you must be
careful of the Negro because they will crash you out, provoke
you, antagonize you, or just run up on you and gun you down or
stab you to death out of love for there white masters. If your
on probation or parole you must be extremely careful and play
it straight and never get caught slipping because you have to
out think your P.O. because there going to use every trick in
the book to get you. Using there hard to beat rules of P&P
and there authority to harass and antagonize you. So you must
be humble, courteous, and respectful regardless of your P.O.
foolishness and attacks. The next thing thats going to be used
against you is the weapon of mass indoctrination (WMI) and
there clever manipulation tactics to try and discredit you,
assassinate your character, and destroy you. There whole
agenda is to convince the people to stop listening to you and
they will use any tactic necessary, lies, mis-information, by
word of mouth, video, or photo's. So you must respect and fear
your opponent and do every thing in your power to stay several
steps ahead of them because there tactics are unlimited and
they or very crafty for example
04g have been able to use the
oldest tactic in the book on us for years and the 011e Negroes
keep falling for it and that trick is some female (any female)
calling rape on them but especially the White female l but don't
put it pass them using a black female because they will sell
you out just as well as any other so don't be a fool this is
why it is best for you to have a woman in your life or a man,
and that you steer clear of others unless you record every
sexual encounter that you have with a woman or man that is not
your wife or spouse which is not a good look for a female if
it gets out so it would be best if she remains with her one
lover. What I want you to remember is that your playing a game
of chest with people that have unlimited amounts of money,
power, and influence and there Grand Masters at the game.
Tint, one fercuif as-A.44-1i f(ve etrct,„4Some people believe that individuals that are those of the 5%
and those of the 1% of the 5% are only good people that move
by the higher self but this is not true as example the 5% are
those such as Darth Vader and Luke Sky Walker who are both
products of the force. Also they did not tap into the force
the force tapped into them. This only happens to a small
percentage of individuals in the galaxies population. The
force is not about good or bad its about how you utilize the
force which is based on how you think. But the les OF THE 5%
that are on God status is like Palpatine and Yoda who are both
extremely very gifted and strong in the force and are a very
rare group within the 5%. And AS YOU CAN SEE THOSE THAT ARE OF
THE 1% are also on both sides of the force. Me I am even more
rare then that because I function best within the gray area
and thats because I am a righteous man that must utilize
nefarious tactics inorder to prevail against the wicked. Those
that are of the 5 and 1% in the past have left a road map for
those that are of the 95% to follow this is why we mistake
those that are of the common people that have achieved 5 and
15 i And 5%
lt statul Those that have mastered the art of the 5 and 1%
maybe wise in how they move but they cannot break away from
the flock because they are hard wired not to. You can tell who
they are by how they think because those that are of the 5 and
lt are not driven or controlled by their lower or higher self
even thought they battle with them both. In actuality they
move within one or the other, because they chose to, because
in life you must chose sides. This is why I no that I must be
strange because I feel much more comfortable in the middle. I
believe its because I maintain flexibility and the freedom to
be a free thinker and in this world its a thinking mans game
so how you think is what its all about not about how much
money you have if you lack real power, or about image without
substance, its not about intellect if you lack wisdom. In
regards to all the above its strictly about how you think and
how you move. Because while in the world of spookism you maybe
judged by your thoughts in this world you are judged by your
actions which is based on how you react to your thoughts. Also
those that are of the 5 and 1% may not ever reach there full
potential or even no who they are because they have been
brainwashed to move like a commoner even though the attributes
of the force (the ability to be a critical thinker and think
outside of the box) is in them. MOST OF THE TIME THE dead will
only mature in the force if there is someone around to awaken
and train them but there are those that are so unusual that
the force is so strong in them that it draws them out on its
own. But the only way that they will ever be able to master
the ability they possess is if they study, read, and learn
from interacting i depending on what there on.
Word or +In c
1. The only demonstration that the messenger in me finds to be
more amazing then life and how it is self aware is the one
that created it.
2.Black folks brains are heavier then any race of people on
the planet. Black people are more forgiving on average then
any race of people on the planet i besides with one another and
thats because we are BWN and WLN. Black people on average are
the most spiritual race of people on the planet even though
the powers that be are trying there damndest to reverse that
with the use of there WMI.
3.Everything in the universe vibrates on a certain wave length
an if you learn how to live in total peace with your higher
self and become in tune with the laws of nature, you like the
Kemetian (Egyptian) and the Dog Tribe of Amexem (Africa) will
be able to leave your body and travel the universe with your
mind and spirit.
4.A wise man told me a story about an elephant that was
chained to a tree in the wild watching all the elephants walk
by. When the elephant that was chained to the tree was finally
released he never moved because he never recognized that he
was free.
5.A white male and a mulatto male born of a white female have
no spiritual connection with a black female nor a WLN i the only
connection they have with her is lust.
6.Jazz fans consist on average of mostly intellectuals, people
that are cultural, those with class, and the laid back.
7.Men brag about being whores, they even take pride in it,
they've made a song about it "I'm a hoe" by Houdini. Which is
the total opposite of women or atleast it should be. But
lately I've seen women move in the ways of men especially
black women which is sad because they want to act like whores
and talk like whores but don't want to be treated as such. Now
thats a contradiction and if you have a problem with what I'M
SAYING then don't attack me attack the women that put there
business on the streets bragging about how they suck dick, and
how they like it up the ass, and how they like to be choked
and there asses smacked, and how they have had dudes run
trains on them, and about how many 3 somes they had, Because
they've turn a classy model industry into something low class,
and whorish, helping to establishing the stereo type that all
black women are sex objects.
8.The battle thats taking place on star wars between the dark
is symbolic to the battle thats going on
side and the
within man between the higher self and the lower self.
9.As a non black woman if you want to no what it feels like to
be a victim of racism all you have to do is think about the
time someone took advantage of you sexually rather you knew
about it at the time or not and magnify it, times 10 and if
you can understand that then you've got it.
10.Blacks that are race conscious and corrupt are the worst.
11.Just because man claims to be in accord with a title or an
organization doesn't mean there in harmony with what they
claim to represent and thats because man is not perfect so
when you encounter someone that is in conflict with what they
claim to represent don't hold the title or the organization
accountable for mans imperfections.
12.Blacks in this country might not no who the hell they are
as far as there names, religions, culture, and nationality.
Also who we believe we are may change every decade but atleast
were trying to find ourselves unlike some other races and
nations that were conquered by the Caucasoid. They have just
given in to there masters names, and cultures without a fight
and thats because they have been truly conquered.
13.Hopefully because I've been hurt so much and so many times
by black women that I'm not scarred but I believe that I maybe
and it disturbs me but what I belive is that black woman want
give a damn anyway because our race is full of black woman
that are victims of the Willie lynch so there attitude about
black men
044044444k 40 it seems is Misandry.
14.In a society full of nuts, individuals that are considered
Oem 444
amp mare the crazy ones.
15.While others may not be patient with me, I remain patient
with them.
16.0ne guy said to the other that it seems like they were
going to be working at there dead in jobs forever. The other
guy responded that I might work here for the rest of my life
but not forever.
17.The only rules in this game is the way the pieces move
otherwise there are no rules. So if you don't like the way the
game is played then don't play the game.
18.Prison stunts your maturity because of the lack of
responsibility that you deal with on a regular in society.
18.Being a good dad is not based on how much money you spend
its about the time you spend with your child and your belief
19.A child in there innocence is the purest form of man.
20.No child born is convicted of sin (a transgression against
the creator) until that child knowingly gives into its lower
21.Just because a Negro is a Christian or practices Al Islam
doesn't mean they have to be naive about racism.
22.White people can say the word black in the nastiest way
that I've ever heard the word pronounced.
23.Who do you believe is more powerful the man that has a
hundred million $ or the man that controls how the man with
the hundred million $ thinks ?
24.1 don't give a damn about who you are, your social status,
how much money you have, your accomplishments, where your
from, how you look, or dress, the material things you have
acquired, how holy you are, your fame and etc.. What I care
about is how you think.
25.In this world its a thinking mans game.
26.Economic oppression and greed is the root of all evil.
27.In the book mis-education of the Negro by Carter G.
Woodson. He states that if a person controls how you think,
they don't have to worry about your actions. This is because
they already no how you are going to move. For example if you
are indoctrinated by the Will to be a WLN and some where down
the line you become successful you are going to be a WLN that
has become successful.
28.WLN prefer to be amongst whites more then they do there own
29.If you care about you children and there future you should
pay attention to politics rather local or federal.
30.Just because a person has etiquettes and class doesn't mean
that they can't have swag, or not be stern. Also it doesn't
mean that they must be politically correct.
31.Even as a Black Nationalist THATS TRULY AWARE OF THE TRUTH
THAT Mary AND Jesus WAS a moor and God is a spirit. The
European has through his WM1 burned the depiction of god,
Jesus, and Mary as white into my subconscious where when I
close my eyes thats •the only way I can picture them. And
because of the fact that it is hard for me to shake the false
images EVEN THOUGH I am aware of the truth I can understand
why the EWE becomes offended and puts on there cape in defense
of whites when they believe that a Moor is attacking some one
white rather the Moor is right or wrong. And because the BWN
places whites on god status subconsciously the BWN is always
ready to defend and forgive whites without reason because the
false white Jesus forgave them. This effect is also true with
whites that have been brain washed with these same images, and
the rest of the European imperialist conquered world.
32.Purchase 90 days worth of food ration least you suffer the
same fate of those that were victims of hurricane Katrina
33.1 did an unbias survey and it confirmed my belief which is
between Christianity and Islam most WLN and BWN come forth
from the Christian belief. So as far as the black question is
concerned our biggest problem is the WLN, and the BWN that
comes forth mostly from the Christian belief. Also the BWN and
the WLN is the gate way mentality to becoming a S.O.N. and a
slave to the American dream (SAD).
34.If your searching for a flaw in a diamond you'll never
notice its beauty. This is why I believe all of the black
females that I've been with or passed me by didn't recognize
me for my potential and who I really am.
35.I've never heard whites justify the killing of there own
people by other races, by quoting how many of there ownikillta
one another. But this practice is common amongst us blacks.
36 The scales of justice is suppose to be blind but in
actuality she is peeking this is why us blacks who only commit
13% of this nations crimes wind up being the most race of
people incarcerated.
37.When I see someone black that is new come into the industry
if its a male I wonder how long Am iegoing to take before
they play the role of a homosexual l and when its a female I
wonder how long
in it
goingto take before she ends up on the
end of a white males dick.
38.Black women in urban have given themselves such a bad image
that mMW every time I see a black female in one of those
magazines I associate her with porn just as well as many other
men that look at those magazines. Urban magazines was suppose
to be away for black woman to get exposure in the model
industry a way to be appreciated and associated with class but
the exact opposite is accuring because every time I look at
one of those magazines I only look at them for the purpose of
seeing how some female likes to be fucked and if she is a dick
sucker not for the appreciation of her beauty alone and
because of that all of the black females that are in those
magazines seem like porn whores in the making. Tramps that
will do any thing for money. Its seems like us blacks can't
get away from being entertainers or sex objects. When theres
other ways of getting money and becoming successful like Tech
giants,hedge fund managers, learning how to use debt to make
money while at the same time creating jobs for others.
39.A womans vagina is so cold that it breaths life / so a mere
man doesn't have a chance when pitted against a wise and
clever woman.
40.During my studies I encountered whites that claimed that I
was a racist and would refuse to associate themselves with me.
But when I would see them later on during the day I would see
them hanging out with racist whites which to me was a
contradiction of what they claimed they stood for. Also the
same Negroes that claimed I was racist for telling the truth,
when not in the company of whites would use racial slurs when
referring to whites which to me was also a contradiction of
what they claimed to represent.
41.Some Negroes might be S.O. and don't even no it.
42.1 had to learn how to develop common sense.
43.Its ridiculous how many fools have an opinion that don't
study and how many of them stand on information they have
received from people without question that don't studyk Then
after they receive information from someone they think they
can trust they refuse to contest it or allow anyone else to do
44.According to Title 28: Federal civil
judicial procedure and rules 2009 edition - Title 28-3002
definitions,page 1129, chapter 176, Dept collections, section
(15) "United States" means - 00 a Federal Corporation,
45.To give you an example of a critical thinker an issue came
up about how to eat healthy and one guy said that in order to
eat healthy you shouldn't eat any meat because of information
that he read in a book. Then I said to him that if it is true
that we should not eat any meat then why do we have canines
for the purpose of eating meat. Then I told him that he must
be careful of where he gets his information from aMMIIMM
because the information that he is quoting may have come from
animal lovers that are bias in the information that they are
giving to the public but this is also true with those that
make a living selling meat.
46.The most powerful word in any language and culture isitnoY
47.It's a myth that the best teacher is personal experiences
the reason why I make this claim is because it depends on the
situation for example in some situations its best to learn
from other peoples experiences so you want have to suffer the
consequences of a bad choice because what would you rather do,
crash out and then learn from your mistake on how not to crash
out while digging yourself out of a bad situation or learn
from someone else that has crashed out so you want have to
48.As a warning to people that have children living with step
parents. Always be respectful to those that have possession of
your children even the childs own mother or father because you
don't want to take any chances with angering any individual
that has access or possession of your child because you never
no how someone may react to your offense against them while
they have your children in there possession when your not
around. If you have a gripe with an individual that has
possession of your kid(s) then handle the situation with class
unless forced to do otherwise but if it ever gets to that
point then I believe you should get the courts or the police
49.0ne of the things that I've learned in life thats hard to
do is "change". And thats because in most cases it either has
to grow on us, be forced on us, or come after a traumatizing
event. And thats because we are habit forming creatures and
what is common practice comes easy "regardless of anything"
and thats because we are also creatures of the path of least
resistance and what we already no we view as the path of least
resistance. In saying all that we as black folks are failing
in everything,rveryway and because of that we desperately
need change but in order to bring about change we first have
to embrace it because it seems like allowing it to grow on us
is not working, nor through force, or trauma. And thats
because of our Destructive Beliefs and the machine thats
keeping us that way. But our situation can change but only if
we listen to the messenger that dwells in me.
50.Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that we should not allow
our children to take advantage of the entertainment industry
because theres a lot of money and opportunity in it. What I'm
saying is we should teach our children that theirs other ways
to achieve and that is why they need to acquire an education.
Also we need to teach them how to utilize the industry to
create jobs for our people or to get an advanced education.
Also as advice to those that don't have an education rather it
be a high school diploma, a GED, or a secondary education.
That they should put as much energy into getting an education
as they do in trying to make themselves slaves of the
g -C lec4tcnS
1. I remember when I was around 15 years old my hatred for who
I was psychologically was strong l as well as otherqour hatred
for ourselves was so strong that you couldn't even call
someone black an African without them snapping out. To give
you a serious example of how strong my hatred was for self I
met this girl name Africa that went to my school she was a
nice looking female we were both inipth grade at the timelI
believe I was around 15 and she was maybe 14 what ever the
case I met her at her apartment complex and we snuck into a
vacant apartment I remember she use to wear an afro which at
the time I felt wasn't cool but I was an unconscious fool that
didn't no any better because if I had the same frame of
thought then that I do now I would have asked her father for
her hand in marriage, well after I got her into the vacant
apartment I started freaking her by nibbling, sucking, and
kissing her all over her ears and neck I could tell that she
was hot but after I asked her for some several different times
she continued to tell me no so I got tired of asking and I
just reached down and grabbed her by her pants around her
waist line and snatch her pants and panties down to her ankles
and instead of her rebelling she yelled out is this what you
want / and as I stood back I noticed that she was thick and
shapely as a grown woman and I responded, yes. Then I grabbed
her by her arms and laid her down on the carpeted floor
snatched open her legs and rammed myself inside of her in a
lustful manner and she gasped but she didn't resist. As we got
off into the sex I noticed that she couldn't take an inch of
my love without running, screaming, scratching, and crawling.
Trying to do everything in her power to get away from my love.
All the while I was telling her to put her legs up. After
going at it for about 30 minutes she finally compiled with my
demands and as I felt her legs go up I felt myself go deeper
inside of her and it felt good but it didn't last long because
she cried out like I was killing her and put her legs back
down. After that I took it upon myself to put her legs over my
shoulders and gave her a good pounding i her love was extra
tight and I could feel her wetness but after awhile of taxing
her in that position I decided to let her legs down and grab
her by her ass as I was stroking her she booty walAround the
whole entire room causing the back of my hands and wrist to be
rubbed raw from carpet burns there was even times where I had
to pull her from out of the corners of the apartment walls
where she began to climb them. I remembered when we started
having sex it was broad day light but when I looked up at the
windows it had turned dark outside. But what we was doing felt
so good I couldn't stop even though she had warned me that she
had to be home before it got dark and I guess it felt so good
to her that she didn't want me to stop either because all she
did was scream, and moan in pleasure or at least I thought
that was what she was doing because we went hard for what had
to have been several hours without her once telling me to get
up or how she had, had enough. She was making so much noise
and doing so much booty walking that I had to ask her while I
was taxing her if she was a virgin and she told me no. Finally
I came inside of her and it was a hard one. I remember me and
her was sweaty to death. As I got up I remembered what she
told me about how she had to be at home before sundown and I
didn't want the responsibility of escorting her home so I took
off running and left her in the apartment by herself and ran
all of the way home. The next day at school I played her off
like I didn't no her because I didn't want anybody to no I had
messed around with her because she was from Africa and her
name was Africa and to me if people knew that I had messed
around with her I would have been embarrassed regardless how
nice looking she was. The next day after that my sister came
to me and told me that Africa had hollered at her and told her
that she wanted to meet up with me again and that I should
show up at 7:00 on the dot. So me being young dumb and full of
cum I took her up on her offer. When I arrived at her
apartment she was waiting on me on her porch and as I approach
her out of nowhere her father came out of the darkness with a
belt in
hand misig her in the other explaining to me about
HOW I had disrespected him and how I could have gotten his
daughter pregnant. I'm not going to lie to you I was scared to
death I thought that he was going to shoot me are something
but after hearing him out I ran off and never messed with
Africa again even though she continued to ask for me through
other people to hook up with her. After years went by and OrAt
coming to no myself I would love to apologize to her for
abandoning her in her time of need. Also now that I am the man
that I am who is race conscious and full of pride I think her
name was beautiful and I wish that, that moment we shared
would have ended up with her getting pregnant because I would
have been proud of the fact of her giving me the blessing of a
child. But if I never meet her in this life again I hope that
she has a chance to read this book and no that I appreciate
the time that we spent together and the fact that she gave
herself to me even though we were just kids.
2. I remember I saved somebody's life twice l once when I was in
Houston, TX ameiftiMM. in some apartments with my mom on Villa
Where my partner Floyd's uncle was drowning and after
we got him out of the pool I gave him mouth to mouth and
pumped his lungs to get the water out of them along with this
lady that helped me until the ambulance arrived to take him to
the hospital. That night was a night that was full of
adrenaline and a night that I will never forget. The next
person I saved was a white dude that was choking to death on a
piece of turkey in the kitchen at western Missouri
correctional center (WMCC). I gave him the Heimlich maneuver
and while I was pumping his chest a large piece of turkey meat
came out of his mouth it was crazy but he was happy to be
alive and I was happy to have saved his life even though I
tried to play tough like it was nothing.
3. I remember while I was doing my tour in cross roads prison
I met this guy name K-9 in the *hole that had beat me out of a
sack of weed that I had delivered to him from another inmate
and because he beat me I took it upon myself to pay the debt.
I remember how he ended up in the hole. he was from St Louis
with another dude from the Lou name Big Roadster and B.R. was
a savage homosexual so what happened was during count time
B.R. grabbed K-9 by one of his ass cheeks and shook it to
wake him up for count but K-9 played it off so B.R. done it
again after that K-9 checked out of the cell with B.R. and
came to the hole and that is how we met.
4. While working on the serving line at Leavenworth USP me and
Demer a C.O. was having a real good discussion about history
and this Europe didn't like what we were talking about so he
interjected so I told him that I don't give a damn about how
us talking about our pastimakes him feel because I refuse to
not be able to talk about my peoples past history because his
people were savages. Soon after that I had another argument on
the line with a guard and while we were having a heated debate
I called him a European and it angered him i so he called me an
African and I thanked him for such an honor and he walked away
stating that I was to far gone. Another argument occurred
between me and some Asian C.O. who falsely accused me of being
racist. But later own in the week she came back and apologized
to me for making those false accusations and I excepted it with dignity and class. When I first started working in the
kitchen I was forced to steal and sell what I had stolen in
order to by hygiene which made me feel embarrassed but my co
worker reveled in it because they had been reduced to crumb
5. I remember one time on 28th street in KCMG) I had a fight
with this big JUNKY we fought like crazy but as my homey
Anthony Sales seen he was about to get the best of me he
jacked a pistol grip pump and put it to the big junkys head
and threaten to blow his brains out if he didn't freeze. I was
such a player that after the fight was over instead of me
tripping with the junky I gave him a piece of dope for putting
up such a good fight. I remember my dead homey Rob brought
this female over to the house on 28th street back in the 80's
and after he banged her out my uncle Tony wanted to hit her
but she wouldn't let him so he started tripping with her and
they ended up fighting while she was in the nude thata shit
was funny as hell. I remember while I was living on 28th
street mej my partner Rob j my uncle Hennyl
and his friend Greg
was at the house and Rob brought this female to the house that
my uncle swore up and down was a homosexual l so we all decided
not hit 410 it or get our dick sucked by whatever the hell it
was besides Rob. So after Rob finished getting him some head
from (it) and gave (it) its piece of dope in exchangeiGreg
decided to trip with (it) and it got ugly. Well the fight
started in the house and lead to (it) getting in the car after
(it) got in (its) car (it) ran the car up the side walk onto
the grass and across the yard trying to run Greg over but Greg
got away by running up on the porch that shit was funny as
hell we laughed about that shit for weeks and we drove Rob for
getting down with what we believed was a homosexual every time
we seen him until we lost interest and moved on to something
6. I remember one time me and my fat girl was going at it I
was probably a blessing to her because I was young and I used
to beat that thang of hers up on a regular something she
wasn't use to. Well one night• I was hitting her and on this
particular night I was stroking her at rapid speed. I guess I
was going so fast that it tickled her to death because she
just started laughing out of no where but I didn't give a damn
because I just kept on stroking
DAMN either because she shore in hell didn't tell me to stop.
7. I met Mr. Smith in Leavenworth USP he was a good old man in
his mid 60's he had been a crash dummy through out most of
his life but finally he had got it right because he had grown
tired of doing time and the way I could tell is because from
the first time I met him till the time he was about to leave
every thing changed about him from his conversation to his
interest and I was proud of him and he was proud of me to. He
like me so much because and what I was standing on that he
gave me all of his information when he left and to me that
said a lot because at his age he wasn't no dummy or friendly
so I seen his friendly gesture as a way of him letting me no
that I was some one that an individual who was raised in a
world of bottom feeders could trust.
8.There was this inmate name Pledge that worked in the kitchen
with me at Leavenworth US?. He was a zip damn fool. I have
many rules and one of them is that I try to do everything in
my power to stay away from fools that can't thinkl and he was
one of those fools. For example one time we were working on
the serving line and I had stacked some trays on top of the
trays he had already put condiments on so he got upset about
it and pick the trays that I had stacked on top of the trays
that he had stacked and he threw them across the the table
smashing them up against other trays knocking them to the
floor so I got away from the fool by leaving the line all
together. Because I realize that its a thinking mans game and
that I was dealing with a fool that couldn't think. Also this
fool claimed to be a devout Christian but he wasn't at all
Christian like. When the guys heard about what he had done on
the line they said that he did that because he has something
personal against me which was true and I had already peeped
it. I remember one time the ignorant fool offered me some
koolaid-aid and I excepted it out of trying to be 'diplomatic
and he used that as away to strike out at me. I remember him
telling some white dude that you can't give a nigga(er)
nothing. On the real he was the true definition of a willy
lynch Negro (WLN) which is full of hatred for his own people.
He was also a race mixing Negro on top of that. Well where his
anger came from was the fact that I was very critical of the
Christian religion as well as white folks and he didn't like
either one. Especially me being critical about white people
and because of my criticism of white folks that ignorant fool
wanted to kill me. And thats because that WLN had a real love
for his white master while having a true and serious hatred
for his own people. Because while he came to the rescue of
white folks when something negative was said about them he
bashed black people to death hurling some of the most vilest
statements out of his mouth about blacks that I've ever heard
right in front of white folk, NOON
Mae Om IMMO 411411, WWII This dude to me was a real
piece of shit.
9.0ne day while sitting around thinking about my partner
Hollywood who had already left for home. I remember how he use
to give me game on how to dress classy and how to conduct
myself. But I also remember the time that I caught him lying
to me about his Benz which was a CLS. What he lied about was
the year of the car S tried to make it seem like it was an up
to date model and that he paid over a 100 thousand for it when
that was not the case. In actuality it was a 2006 and he
bought it sometime after 2010 but the discussion about the car
took place in 2015. But I didn't care about his lies because
he only did it to make himself look bigger then he already was
when in actuality there was no need for him to do so because
to me the way he was living on the streets was cool
because he had a beautiful wife that was successful, he lived
in a $400.000 house and they were both happy, also his 2
daughters were very beautiful and they were college educated
and as he was very cultured they were also. So I seen no needfoe
ips him having to lie to me or anyone. But regardless of his
lies I will always have respect for the knowledge he shared
with me. But I'm not going to lie to you l me and Boelter made
hell of fun out of him lying'',
is to get a good laugh and a good
laugh we got. But I will say that Hollywood wasn't to happy
about us catching him in that lie or the fact that we laughed
at him because of it. He used to try and get me but I am to
seasoned to make upset because someone is driving me hell I'm
so seasoned that if the joke that a person cracks on me is a
good one hell I'm going to laugh at it my damn self and maybe
make a few comment to make it even more funnier. But I can't
say the same for my guy Boelter because Hollywood got him in
his feeling, he had Boelter mad as hell one day driving him
about him lying about how he claimed to have lost weight
because Boelter before we met him had lost almost a hundred
pounds taking him down close to 200 lbs. I remember me getting
a real good laugh that night while we were otA2ND floor Rec.
10.Another thing that I use to trip off of was how the federal
courts was giving people life, or a million years in prison
for having a prior property crime, labelling it a violent
offense for the purpose of using it to enhance an individuals
sentence which to me was barbaric.
11. All of the O.G. was feeling me because they could feel what
I was on because of the era that they came out of and they
could see that I was genuine and passionate in my belief.
another thing that they liked was that I was a player that had
class and I new all of the slow jams from there era and that
half the time I was putting them up on game about songs that
was hella player from there era that they had either forgotten
are hadn't heard of, like my main man Mike who had the same
birth day as me which was 5/15 even though the year that we
was born was different. My main man Mike was a 2 stepper which
was something that I wish I knew how to do. Also me and him
use to debate with the cats from shy town about who had the
coldest 2 step in the country which was something that I also
use to debate about with Hollywood and this brother name A.
White that worked with me in the kitchen who was from Chicago
himself. Me and this brother use to also debate about who was
the originalWhite and theother White even though he was
older then me. But I kept it going because it was good clean
12. I remember one time I had to take a dump really bad but
the bathroom in the library was stinking something awful
because some one had just got through taking a dump right
before I came in. But regardless how I wanted to wait for the
smell to leave I couldn't wait so I sat down and handled my
business. Well while I was taking a dump every body that came
into the bathroom was blaming the stench that had been
lingering in the bathroom before I came in and sat down on me
and regardless about me telling them it wasn't me, didn't
nobody t
want to hear what I was talking about s it was
funny as helli so funny that I had to laugh my damn self.
13.1 remember one time while I was at work that fool Pledge
and a brother name Demer that worked the salad bar was sitting
in a section where the homosexuals sat and that damn fool
Pledge started making statements about how him and Demer could
get the cooties from sitting in those chairs so they both got
up and moved. What that reminded me of was a scene that I seen
in a movie that, that S.O. trollop Holly Berry played in
called Dorthy Danridge where she stuck her toe in a swimming
pool full of racist pigs (RP) and crazy white people and they
all jumped out of the swimming pool screaming in fear,
slobbering mad, and hysterical "how ridiculous". What those
idiots were displaying is called Negrophobia, what those two
idiots in the kitchen displayed is called homophobia which is
some thing that I used to suffer from but grew out of in my
mid thirties but even though I don't approve of homosexuality
I refuse to discriminate against anyone because if I didn't I
would be a contradiction of myself and everything that I
represent as a Black Nationalist and that is something that I
refuse to do. Also they helped me to realize how foolish and
stupid I was at one particular time because what they did kind
of made me upset with them. But I do have to say that just
like I don't have a problem with compromise I feel that the
feeling should be mutual otherwise there will be no harmony.
14. When I first started working on the serving line I used to
bring out food and give it to these three homosexuals Cookie,
Cup cake, and Sugar. I used to do it because I was cool like
that and I no that as homosexuals they were being
discriminated against and I didn't like that so I made it a
point to look out for them well the guards seen what I was
doing as far as me bringing them food off the line and they
started teasing me about me having sexual relations with them
and instead of me getting upset I would laugh at the jokes
because to me thats all they were. But this one guard named
Benal was serious about me not giving them anything he even
threatened me so I had to tell them that I couldn't look out
for them anymore.there was also these 2 guys on the line one
named Flocko who was a Mexican the other Shake a black dude
and these 2 cats argued like they were a couple it was
hilarious I'm not going to lie to you shake was so aggressive
when he attacked that he was to much for me so when he got
started on me I would bow out every time even the guards gave
shake his space but only because he was so entertaining but
him and Flocko would go hard sometimes they would go so hard
on each other that it seemed like they were going to start
fighting but we all new that, that was just how they got Oft
hell even the guards didn't get in between them when they went
at it and I can understand why because they were funny as hell
but there was one guy that worked on the line that the both of
them avoided and that was this light skinned Negro name D.
Williams a student of Al Islam this Negro was not only an
angry Negro but a WLN like most Al Islam Negroes he couldn't
stand black people he ate out of white folks and Arabs asses
but because he was so angry nobody really liked messing with
him I had a couple of run ends with the fool not because I
came in contact with him because I tried to do everything in
my power to stay out of his way but that fool did everything
he could to find a reason to get in my way. One incident was
over a damn mop that I had grabbed thinking that no one was
using i in which nobody probably was but it might have been his
way of being able to try and start some shit with me but
because I no that its a thinking mans game I got out of his
way without incident then one day while talking to this young
brother name T.Y. on the serving line the damn fool yelled out
to me that I shouldn't be talking to T.Y about no racist shit
but Alg was the last thing that I was °n i l was talking to T.Y.
about his responsibility to his kids and his family so I told
the damn fool that thats not what I'M ON PLUS HE YELLED THAT
time he came at me I had a book on how to start a non for
profit corporation and he yelled out to me that I'm probably
not going to like that book because it was not on that racist
shit and I told him that the way you keep coming at me you
should ask the white folks to put you on retainers fees and he
said naw its just that I don't blame white people for my
problems and I responded that I don't either but I'm not
politically correct so I'm going to tell the truth about whom
ever I don't give a damn who they are. After that encounter I
went and hollered at his people to tell them to tell this
ignorant fool to back the fuck up off me because I didn't even
talk to that damn idiot because his hatred for black woman and
men was to offensive to me because while he could sit around
and talk bad about us Moors you better not say a damn thing
negative in ear shot about white people because that Negro
would put on his cape and come running and if your not smart
enough to out think that fool you may end up in a fight with
him about his love for white people and that was something
that I refuse to do but how he reacted was not uncommon when a
WLN heard someone black say something negative about white
15. I remember one time I was in the library having a
discussion with some brothers about a particular subject and
this Negro from east St Louis that sold explicit photo's
started saying to me the white man this i and the white man that/
so I ignored him and kept talking to the fellow', what amazed mt
• about these WLN was that it did tomatter what you talked about
are how many different topics that you touch oni all they heard
was when you made a statement about white folks and when you
did it got those WLN highly upset. Now even though I did
everything in my power to ignore that idiot he made his way to
the table that I was sitting at hoping to draw me Oft but my 5tbd
friend Boelter peeped what he was doing and distracted him
by changing the conversation so after the fool seen that he
couldn't draw me out he left but the very next day while I was
at work the fool started yelling the white man this and the
white man that and when he seen that I was not going to
respond he yelled out ain't that what you are on i so I
responded no I'm about the truth i leMplier I seen him again in
the library making copies of his photo's to sell and I didn't
say nothing so the next day as we WERE PASSING EACH OTHER ON
OUR WAY TO CHOW I told him that I hope the way that I
conducted myself in the library was satisfactory to him
because I didn't want him to rush me over something I might
have said about white folks because I no how you nigga(er)s
feel about white people after that exchange he never saidtword
to me about that bullshit again,
16. Sometimes I have these intense feelings about freedom and
the things that I did in the past and the things that I would
like to achieve in the future but I no that in actuality it
might be over for me and that Nixon's plan to destroy us
blacks that was past into law by Clinton was extremely clever
and I fell victim to it because I wasn't wise enough to
recognize what was going down just like millions of use blacks
but if I ever get the chance to save the future from those in
•the government and those sell out (SO) that are slave to the
THE REST OF MY LIFE, brain power, AND ENERGY into doing so.
17. One of the things that I took as an honor was the fact
that some of the guys on the camp that I was on gave me there
names when usually when someone called you by someone elses
name that individual would rebel for
instance l a Moor name
Chuck use to call me Chuck, and a Mexican dude name Poncho use
to call me Poncho, and a white guy name Louie use to call me
Louie and today as I write this literature I'm going to make
it known to them how I appreciate there compliment.
18. Since I've been down I've been going through a lot
psychologically and I think that I maybe scarred. And it
saddens me because I love black women but I think the pain
that I have allowed some of them to cause me has taken its
toll. I don't no what to do about it because I don't want to
give up on them but I don't want to hurt them either because
I have trust issues because it is really not in me to dog
somebody out and revenge is out of the question. So in order
to save black women from me and the fact that I maybe carrying
a lot of pent up hostility inside of my heart for black woman
for the pain that a few have caused me I might choose to date
outside of my race because the last thing that I want to do is
lay the pain caused by someone else on the shoulders of the
innocent because they look like or remind me of those that
have caused me pain in the past. I don't hate black women and
I never could but I no when you love someone some times you
have to let the ones you love go because you may cause them
more problem being in a relationship with them then if you
just walk away so that is what I may chose to do. And its all
because I'm afraid because I'm weak when it comes to black
women the same as I was with my mother. I'm so weak that the
first black woman that I come in contact with that I'm
attracted to I may fall in love with and regardless how I may
love her and treat her like a queen that doesn't mean she's
going to feel the same as me and on the real I can't trust
anybody with my heart any more because to me the game of love
is a dirty game. Whats even worse is the fact that blacks hate
each other to much for me to give my heart to another WLN and
thats because even though some of us may love one another or
have love for one another we don't have any respect for one
another and I would rather have a womans respect more then her
love. Also who knows what may happen in the future because I
may never make it out of hear alive or by the time I make it
out of this hell I maybe to old to care about love what ever
the case just because I may never love again or may never be
able to find love in this life time that doesn't mean that you
should stop searching because there is someone out there for
us allwhat I believe happened to me was that I missed the
love of my life when I left Job Corp when I was 16 chasing
behind a woman that hated my guts.
19. C.O. Demer was a good man or at least he seemed to be and
me and him use to have some deep conversations. Also every day
he came to work he used to have a word of the day and
sometimes I would challenge his word of the day and sometimes
I wouldn't depending on how he worded it but I enjoyed the
conversations we use to engage in they were very heart felt
and even though he was a Christian he was the first Christian
that I've met that wasn't a WLN that was race conscious but
some times our differences in belief led us to engage in
friendly conflict but these were our best times because that
is when we were able to test our skills. Also whenever he said
something profound he would walk it off but there was times
when he said something so profound that he didn't even
recognize it and I did so I walked it off for him and when I
did that we would both laughed it off I will admit that for a
guard that was more tied to is uniform then he was his people
he was a good man you just hadlremember regardless of his
demeanor and personality he was still a guard. I told him that
I was going to put him in my book and he said that it was okay
as long as I put some of his many profound statements in my
book. So hears a list of some of them (a) wisdom is knowledge
and action applied appropriately. (b) Maybe if I be good you
will give me a cookie, Maybe if I treated you special you will
give me some nookie, but if maybe were bricks you wouldn't
stand it so lets not talk about maybe because maybe ain't it,
Maybe if I stayed in school, maybe if I went to college, Maybe
if I went to the military, Maybe I'd have more knowledge. But
if your boss paid you on maybe I know you would quit, So lets
not talk about maybe because maybe ain't it, if, ands, or
abouts, almost doesn't count. Do I have to listen to Brandy to
figure that out, either your going to do it or your not, if
you can't don't commit and lets not talk about maybe because
maybe ain't it. (c) me and C.O. Demer was having a discussion
about what wisdom consist of. I SAID THAT wisdom consist of
intellect and common sense. I said that intellect is knowledge
acquired and common sense is based on the choices you make.
Demer said that common sense to him is what is common or a
common belief amongst a group of people such as different
races of people may apply or believe what is common sense in
contradiction to what another group or race may believe and
what is considered common sense may very from house to house
and even amongst different sub cultures. So in the end that is
why common sense is not so common.
20. Mr. Amerson Bey 21403-044 was the Sheikh (Sk) of the
compound and a real wicked man also he is a homosexualiwell
before I get to him I'm going to give you a run down on
everything i well when I first hit the yard I wanAo attend the
Moors Science Temple of America (MSTofA) So I was introduced
to this dude name Speed Bey who was the grand Sk at the time
because Amerson Bey had stepped down because of allegations of
his homosexual activity So as me and Speed Bey conversed he
told me that not only was he a Sk but he was also a gang
banging blood so right there I decided to not attend the
MSTofA well after several months I decided to attend and to
see if I could help bring some change to the organization so
after attending several meeting I went and hollered at speed
bey but I DID IT IN AWAY Were I was playing like I was
talking to someone else while letting him hear me about how
serious I am about the woe and his organization and how if
a person thats on the board is not moving in accord with the
poodift that they should step down well a week after hearing me
make those statements he stepped down so Amerson Bey WAS
FORCED TO TAKE THE position because nobody else wanted it but
at this time I didn't no that AMERSON bey WAS gay so as I
found myself around the temple I noticed that one of the board
members named Pritchett Bey who was the Chairman of the MSTofA
was using the N-word more then Lyndon B. Johnson so I
confronted him about it and he gave me some lame excuse about
how he has been struggling with the word and all that mess
but to my understanding that was something he should have
dealt with before he took the position so after pressing him
about the issue about a week later he stepped down from the
board and like Speed Bey not only did he step down from his
position he left the temple all together t well soon after that
I found out that the Sk was a flaming homosexual but I knew
that he was well like?r and I even respected him myself but I
knew that he had to go i because he wasn't moving in accord
Noble Drew Ali and even though I wasn't a
with the
member of the organization I was a stout supporter because the
temple is what brought me out of the darkness into the light
was trying to do even though
also I respected what the
I'm agnostic. But as I told others just because I may not be a
believedoesn't mean I don't respect other peoples beliefs and
I believe if you are black that you should join an
organization that teaches race pride as well as about the love
of god well the Sk presented the opportunity to me to go on
the attack trying to oust him from his position because he
slapped the homosexual that he had been running around with so
I new that my good brother MC Kinney Bey was solid so I told
him that he needed to institute some rules that people on the
board needed to abide by in order to be on the board since he
had become the chairman and he did and it stirred up a mess
the Sk didn't want to step down because he had life and the
position of Sk was all he had in the world also he was the
devil and a liar this fool was selling drugs while he was the
standing Sk and he was messing around with boys he was an
abomination also he was killing the membership of the temple
but he did not give a damn plus some new dudes from St Louis
showed up and most dudes that I met from the Lou were bottom
feeders and they stuck by the Sk through think and thin Ossisp
the organization in to a gang itwas pitiful so I stopped
going and I told Kinney that he needs to stop going to, and
that if he couldn't step away from wrong in here then he
wouldn't be able to step away from wrong on the streets so he
stepped down from his position and the guys in the
organization tried to get him to come back but he refusediwell
one day I was talking to several of the members and I told
them that the reason why I stepped down is because I refused
to attended the meeting with a flaming homosexual sitting at
the top of the organization because homosexuality represented
death and that the Sk was the devil himself and that the most
desired position for the devil i was for him to be seated at the
head of the churchwell word got back to the Sk and him and a
couple of his goons rolled up on me in Chow and confronted me
we could discuss it
about what I had said so I told him
during Sunday school but that was the last thing that the Sk
wanted done so he told me to never come to the temple again
and I honored his request but what I did was got a taste of
what it is like to try to make things right and now I no my
mission in life the only reason why I couldn't achieve every
thing that I wanted to in here is because I didn't have my big
stick like Morgan Freeman did in the movie Lean on me i but the
next time I strike I believe that I am only going to get
better because this was my first test run of trying to make
things right amongst my people. As I said before I want to be
a grand master and thats what I'm going to be if I ever make
it out of this hell and if I can't do it then I'm leaving a
road map for a 5 or 1 percenter to study my teachings and put
it down. But before him or her can pull it off they first have
to recognize that on the scale that I'm talking about playing
on, the game of chest will be extremely serious because its
for the life of our future and theres a lot of people, power,
and money involved in keeping us oppressed and its a dirty
game with no rules.
21. I met MC Kinney Bey in stinky Ms.Deans class he was her
tutor and I was HER clerk. After I found out that he was a
Moor we got acquainted. We use to debate about Islam and other
issues like the voting rights act and when it had been signed
into law. We use to have such good conversations that stinky
Ms Dean got jealous. As we became cooler he became one of my
student/teachers just like Donta Boelter. I used to make him
laugh a lot but I knew that he wasn't happy because he wanted
to be at home with his family and his family wanted him at
home with them but he had 35 years for nothing but some damn
crumbs which was 57 grams of crack that the court through an
informants testimony turn into several kilos of dope without
any proof besides the informants testimony in which an
informant trying to save there life will say anythinglit
sadden me that such a good dude and his family had to suffer
at the hands of a government that hated it black citizens but
for as long as blacks have been in this country the government
has been our enemy. I remember the time me and Kinney fell out
over some white dude that I proved was lying to him and me
about the law but that was to be expected because Kinney like
so many others is desperate to get out of prison so the last
thing that they want somebody to do is steal there hope from
them which is how he seen me. He became so upset with me that
he kicked off a big ruckus behind me bringing the truth to him
about his white friend that was a fraud. But I couldn't allow
our relationship to end over a fraud. Eventually I found out
that Kinney couldn't handle an aggressive debate when the
person that he's talking to want listen or over talks him for
instance one time we were having a debate about religion but
it was about a religion that was not of his own which was Al
Islam also there was an Al Islam participant present at the
time we was going back and forth so because I knew the best
individual to talk to about the issue was the Al Islam cat I
turned to him for information and because Kinney seen that as
me ignoring him he took it as an insult so he threw his chair
across the library and stormed off and went to talk to
somebody else dragging them into our conversation. This was
not the only time that he reacted like that but over time I
learned how to communicate with him by controlling the
conversation. I knew how to push his buttons whenever I
pleased but it was all in fun and games because for real he
was really a cool and calm individual but everybody has there
faults his was just that he was not a good debater. Kinney was
also the chairmen of the MSTofA but when he spoke he would
bore you to death because he was to peaceful so I told him
that one day I'm going to start a debate with him before he
took to the podium so that he could be fired up and we laughed
about it. I'm not going to lie to you I keep the brother
laughing. I also helped him with is legal work in order to try
and help him get home to his babies and his girl who he had
been away from for over 10 years also he did a petition for
clemency and I helped him with that and that is in now as I
write this chapter well the the people denied his clemency on
frivolous grounds but they gave him the option 'to appeal but
him being used to being turned down was going to just give up
but I told him that he should write them a letter asking them
to tell him what was the offense that he had committed so he
could appeal there decision because they had denied him
without letting him no the specifics i well after he wrote them
that letter they responded by asking him to send them more
information about his situation to see if they wanted to grant
him clemency. He was happy to death so I told him to write his
people and tell them to write the clemency people which might
help his chances by letting them no that he has a support
system and people that love and support him so that if they
let him out he want be alone. My brother had a beautiful
family, heV daughter that was 9, a daughter that was 19, and
a son that was 16, also he loved his girl because she was good
to him and very supportive, she came up imme to see him every
time the doors opened and brought his children along with her
I don't no what her age was but I do no that she was at least
6 years younger then him and he was 37. The cool thing about
her was that only one of the kids was MRS that being the
youngest one but his other kids loved her so much that they
moved in with her and followed her around every where she
went. Well one day he told me that some new dude just hit the
pound that he new from another camp and he told him that his
friend was banging Kinney's girl and that they were doing the
family thing and now the dude was locked up in CCA possible
headed to Leavenworth USP where we were at. I could tell my
brother Kinney was hurt so I had to counsel him so he wouldn't
start tripping because I no once those images of your girl
getting pounded start going through a mans head theres no
coming back from that. So I had to let him no that he couldn't
trip on her doing her thang because he has been gone for 10
years amongst other things l he told me that he had, had a rough
nights sleep tripping off his girl. So I counseled him about
that and that weekend his girl came up and seen him already
noing what was going on because he had already talked to her
about the situation. So before he went on his visit I coached
him on what to ask and say to her and he did exactly what I
said and everything worked out okay. After all I had done for
Kinney he told me that I was HIS ANGEL and that regardless how
I claim to be agnostic he doesn't believe that I am. He told
me that he not only believed that I knew that there was a god
but that he could tell that the creator was working through me
in order to save and bring love to others and that is the
reason why I was so stern. He then told me that the only
reason that I claimed to be agnostic is because I had been
scarred by Christian belief and life.
Q•ieS+onS and icterias
1.(a) On
the Internet News station (Kemet News) at the end of
every weekly broadcast play the game of chest with your
viewers by making a move but let the viewers no that in this
game of chest there life is involved and that life is the one
that calls the shots and that if they have any suggestions email, write, call, or text it to the news station for
correspondence. (b)Kemet News which is a for profit
organization also needs to have a non for profit organization
that is educational where after receiving donations it uses
the donated money to wake people up by buying pro black
literature, and films and give it to people for free, also
provide free trips to Kemet. The non for profit organization
should be named Pure at Heart Project (PHP). (c)Also if
possible make short films about our ancient/history thats
heroic (like the history channel use to show before it became a
reality channel)from donated money. (d)Also I need to consider
the fact if I can raise enough revenues to operate Kemet News
as a for profit corporation otherwise I have to operate it as
a non for profit organization. (e)Kemet News if it can't
function on its own can be an extension of the
organization/religion of the sacred and divine (womb) Q/M or
vice versa. (f) Another thing I must consider is which would
be best for Kemet News to operate it as a for profit or non
for profit corporation. (g) When it comes to Kemet News or any
organization that I promote or am apart of I need hardliners
in place to run them that want sell out (SO) and are not
afraid to offend. Because in order to reverse what us Moors
suffer from which is institutionalized racism and our own
Destructive Cultural Belief Syndrome hardliners are what we
need. (h)Whatever you do in order to attract white female
viewers and defend the organization from white spin doctors
that are going to try an counter Kemet News I need a white
female sympathizer that sympathizes for our cause.
2.Black leaders should not eat food or drink any beverage
thats prepared by unfamiliars or if they leave it unattended.
3.Blacks being freed from prison after an exoneration is like
when a freed man was released from slavery after being
wrongfully captured and enslaved by bounty hunters out to make
a quick buck.
4.We need to convince our kids before they crash out that they
need to get there GED. One of the ways to solve that problem
is to make it easily available to them and how you do that is
by showing them how they can get an accredited GED online.
5.Create a magazine and website called "Class" or something
similar where you show Moors in America looking classy and
talking about class, business, and family. Also you should use
expensive material objects and places to support the image
even showing individuals in the nude or half nude as long as
its in a classy manner.
6.The number one enemy of black folks is the Negroes in the
industry because they assist the enemy in destroying us in
droves by the millions.
7.The most foolish and clever universal answer to every
question that can't be answered by believers of religionithat
doesn't make any sense is "God can do anything" .Even when the
subject under discussion is ridiculous and a contradiction to
order, truth, and causes confusion. Which is not an attribute
of God. So instead of excuses lets use common sense if you are
8.A bottom feeder is an individual that has no morals and in
some cases no class either.
9.Show, prove, and advertise how all women no matter her race
can acquire themselves and give birth to genetically strong
children by laying down with black men or by giving birth to a
black mans child even if through artificial means.
10.In order to bring a stop to mass incarceration whites are
going to have to start crying out loudly i otherwise the white
population who are the real power of the nation will continue
to see mass incarceration as something thats only seriously
affecting people of color and the last thing white folks give
a damn about is people of color i All there conditions and
11.The powers that be no that a lot of white women are having
mulatto children so they are through there WMI trying to
condition the mulatto female born of white women to race mix
with white men so they can produce children because they no
that the white male will fuck anything with a vagina. This way
they can keep the white race in existence as well as wage
genetic warfare against blacks.
12.During the Clinton admin. the prison population went from
300 or 500 thousand to almost 2 million was that a coincidence
or do you believe that it was done by design ? After Clinton
signed the crime bill giving the country 16 billion $ to build
a 151 additional prisons he knew that they were going to be
filled and in order to fill them the crimes that people were
getting 3 years for he started giving them 20 years for/and
passed additional laws to make those doing the 20 years do 85%
of that 20 years now do you think that was a coincidence or by
design ? Also under his administration he instituted the
policy were prisons went from rehabilitation to punishment and
because of that the recidivism rate during his administration
went from 10 to 15% to 70% meaning that before his admin.
after you was paroled you only had a 10 to 15% chance of
coming back to prison but during and after his admin. you had
a 70% chance of coming back to prison. Now do you think that
that was by accident or by design ? Also during his admin. he
passed laws forcing most of the prisons to take out programs
that were helping people maisisibilame themselves. Do you
think that/ that was an accident or by design ?
MeMoo) e,4 c 44, t, gladc. Ftvwth,
• Besides the fact that the black male is under attack by this
countries government and its corporate entities I hold the
black female accountable for our corrupt state of mind and
thats because she is the first teacher of the children and if
she is not race conscious her children want be race conscious.
If she promotes individualism then our children are going to
be individualist. When a woman race mixes and produces a child
the mother in most cases adopts her spouses culture but
because most black men and women are Caucasoid in black face
they practice a Caucasoid culture rather the culture be
Christianity or Al Islam. So when they race mix and produce a
child they can't institute a culture of there own because they
aren't aware of the fact that they have a culture of there
own. Now if a black male thats race conscious race mixeshis
woman and his child will adopt his culture. But a black female
that race mixes and produces a child will not achieve the same
affect because as long as the non black male remains amongst
her and there child he is going to fight against her way of
life and thinking tooth and nail because of his competitive
nature and belief in his way of life and culture. This will
also be true if she lays down with a BWN, SON, or WLN because
these types of Negroes or Caucasoid in black face and will
fight to maintain, practice, and pass there masters way of
life and culture onto there children against the mothers will
so the only option that the race conscious black female has is
to hook up with a race conscious black man or raise her child
on her own while exposing her child to race conscious
literature, movies hat have not been tainted by Caucasoid
racism) ) and male mentors. Now the race conscious black male on
the other hand can lay down with any woman no matter her race
and teach his spouse his way of life and his true culture and
she will pass what she has been taught to there children. But
the only way this can be achieved is if the female that the
race conscious black male lays down with is well cultured and
family oriented no matter her race. Also when a black male and
black woman that are both racially and culturally unaware
produce a child together because they are both Caucasoid in
black face they are going to produce children that are the
same. But because most of us blacks don't no who we are as a
race because we don't no our history we will continue to
practice a culture that is not of our own which is one of the
main reasons why we as a race of people are so fucked up.
If your looking for a man that want cheat then your a fool
because it is very rare that you will ever find a man with
such strength (but that doesn't mean that you have to
sacrifice your morals because of mans weakness) and thats
because unlike woman that ovulate once a month men ovulate
every day i all day and they are genetically just as well as
instinctively built and driven to cheat. Forget what the
Caucasoid religion tells you about that one man, one woman
crap, and the lying experts that make money off of lying to
you about mans capability to be monogamist. Because history
shows you that man has always been promiscuous or had more
then one wife. And since this is true I tell you that with man
all you should concern your self with as a woman if you are
not in a polygamist relationship is, not if your man is
cheating but if he is taking care of home and has the respect
for you not to bring drama into your life from other
And if you take my advice then you will find that your life
and relationships will be much more pleasant and peaceful. (it
is the foolish culture and belief of the Caucasoid that one
woman and one man can live in harmonyi thattcomes from there
foolish Christian religion that one man and one woman gave
birth to every man on earth which is scientifically impossible
because eventually throughout the years the constant practice
of incest would have produced a race of sick and deformed
children just as well as there SS that a man can be
married to god has produced a bunch of priest that are
molesting children which has been a common practice for ages
amongst the catholic priest until recently and thats because
the creator never made man for one woman no more then he made
man to practice abstinence or to be married to the spirit of
the creator in the since of how man would be married to a
woman and thats because the creator made man for the purpose
of spreading his seed, to pay homage to the creator for
blessing him with life through the Q/M, and for providing for
him. But because woman has allowed herself to be fooled into
believing that Caucasoid mess / they are now expecting to much
of a mere man and are now sacrificing there morals for the
purpose of acting out in revenge which is exactly what the
evil wants which is to break down the family and the moral
fabric of woman and as the woman goes so does the moral health
and structure of our society/ that is map the womans health and
happiness is of the most importance regardless of the
misogynist teachings and culture of the Caucasoid male (rather
a homosexual or not). History also shows us that men can't
handle woman cheating like woman can men, and thats because
women are stronger then men emotionally when it comes to the
heart and our egos. This is also true because men are
instinctively hard wired to protect the vagina which brought
about the statement that we've all heard which is "mothers
baby dadys maybe" and because of this fact men have been
driven to insanity trying to protect a womans vagina for
example men have forced women to wear chastity belts in there
absence, another example of how men have reacted in trying to
protect a womans vagina is that they have forced woman through
policy to wear clothes that cover there whole bodies, even
there faces leaving only there eyes exposed and if it wasn't
for the fact that women amOw to seei men would force them to
cover up there eyes also. Note to the reader: no where in
black (Moorish), Amexem (African) history before we became a
conquered race of people did we make our women wear chastity
belts or cover themselves from head to toe in clothing because
for one it was to hot. So most of the time we walked around
half in the nude. Even though we found our woman to be very
attractive and beautiful just as we do today because just as
they look today they looked a thousand years ago (so when you
look into the face of a black woman today your looking into
the face of our Q/M from a thousand years ago) the black mans
love for the black woman was more about spirituality, not
lust. But now that us so have adopted the culture of the
Caucasoid we have taken on there nature which is of the lower
self. And because of that we are now every thing we once were
in reverse. This is why noing our true history is so important
so we have the option of noing who we really are according to
our culture, our true nature and spirituality. Otherwise we
leave our selves and our history subject to someone else and
that someone else might be someone that hates you. Also people
are judge by history and at this particular time what will be
the legacy that we live behind today for our children (the
future). Another thing you need to understand about men and
the reason why they cheat is because they are hard wired to
spread there seed. Now do you understand why I promote
polygamy because this practice cuts down a mans chances of
cheating. Also heres another truth that supports my argument
about men and there instinctive drive to spread there seed.
Ask any man whats his fantasy and I bet you if he hasn't all
ready done it i he will say 2 women at one time. Also mans drive
to spread his seed is so strong that he has the highest
propensity for rape, which is something you rarely see women
perform. Another fact that supports my accusations is that
women out of fear of men taking advantage of there children
have to go to great lengths to protect there children from men
that maybe sexual deviants and predators. atis drive to spread
arm seed is so serious that prostitution is a very lucrative
business and you may have / your self i sold some pussy to a man
at least once in your life. Also most of the money that is
spent on prostitution comes from men that have wives at home
(even though we no male prostitution does exist it is
extremely rare). Also during mating season we all no that men
do most of the hunting not women. And because of mans whorish
ways and lack of morals this is why women control and set the
I don't
moral standards for any and every society not
give a damn what those lying memmie, religious leadersfand
misogynist tell you because the proof is in the pudding and
the truth is common sense because the evidence is right in
your face. Also I want to address the fact that not only do
women set the moral standards for there society and not men,
M 0 (flt4
also chose the genetic make up of there children (even
though us Moors chose our childrenrsed on the fact that we
are products of the Willie lynch letter and white supremacy)
and not men. Men because of there drive will plant there seed
any where without giving it a first or second thought. But in
most cases out side of rape a man can't lay down with a woman
unless she allows him to. So ultimately its the womans choice
who she breeds with not the man because he can't preform the
act if he is not allowed. So in the end as I have mentioned
various times throughout my 3 books "Beware: The Book of
Knowledge", "Why I hate Nigga(er)s", and this book alsolis
that ultimately the womans chooses her childs genetics rather
they are going to be weak based on white supremacy and the
Willie lynch letter or genetically strong based on the facts
that science has proven 100% that black men are genetically
stronger, physically, spiritually, and psychologically.
Even though we no there are white women that are some of the
most racist and foul human being on the plant there are also
some that are as sweet as they come. In saying that I've heard
white woman say some of the sweetest and most beautiful things
about black men. I've also heard white females say things so
cool about black men that I've never heard black women say
"personally" (movies and R&B song not included) on the real
most of the things that I've heard black women say about black
men are ugly. Its almost as if some white women that are
attracting, to black men are vibrating more on black men wave
length then black women. But I've personally heard black men
say some of the most beautiful things about black women but
only from those black men that were genuinely race conscious
otherwise they are labelled as bitches and hoodrats. This is
why I can't understand why black women don't promote Black
Nationalism but I guess since black women are just as much a
victim of the Willie lynch letter as unconscious black men
black women don't give a damn about how black men feel about
them because black women don't give a damn about black men.
The reason why the information that I'm addressing is so
important is because some black men are seeking relationships
out side of the black race to find peace and loyalty which is
something they believe that they can't find at home. Also
because us Moors are WLN allot of poor and down trodden black
men feel more comfortable and confident dating white women
that are well off then they do black woman. Also there are
more white females that are up lifting poor black men then
there are rich and middle class black men in relationships
with poor white women. In order for black men and black women
to become one like before we were conquered and adopted a
culture thats not ours which has caused us to become WLN THAT
LACK RACE PRIDE . The black female who is the first teacher of
the child needs to teach our children (the future) Black
Nationalism. Also the black female has to come to realize like
the white female has, that its hard for • black men in America
which is actually what black women in the past understood.
Also the black female needs to learn how to be patient with
the black male like the white female is, and stop tripping off
the small shit (like on the things that I mention above as
long as your man is taking care of home so stop looking for
trouble because trouble is what you are going to find. What
you need to focus on more is how to keep your family together
especially if you insist on practicing a culture that is not
yours) and let a man be the man and stop placing yourself in
competition with him. Also give him some space to move around.
Another thing you need to do is stand by your man through
thick and thin like white women do that are dating black men
not just when things are good but when things are at there
worst even if you just remain his friend. Also instead of
tearing down your man uplift him through patients like the
white woman does when she dates a black man because as she
understands its about happiness first not drama • games
especially when the bills are paid even if she is the one
paying them because as she under stands who wants to be in a
miserable relationship. Because as I've learned SO the white
female that is dating a black man noes that love is about
respect and happiness and that the worst thing that a woman
can do is use sex as a weapon or emasculate him because in
all, all a real black man wants is peace something
that were
not getting at home. This is why some black men are seeking
relationship outside of the black race which has nothing to do
with finance, he just wants a peace of mind and a woman that
recognizes her place in the home and in there relationship.
The Sacre,J anti DtviA t (t.00,4 6) Quet4 moikef Pfivt)
1.Any man of any race can be a supporter of this organization
as long as they respect, promote, and are believers in the
womans true nature as a living god and abide by all laws that
are written in the guidelines of this organization/religion.
2.There is no need to pray to the creator asking for
forgiveness from something outside of your self because the
spirit of the creator lies within you so you can pray in
silence. Also the creator recognizes if your prayers are
genuine because you will be sincere in correcting your
transgression while trying everything reasonable in your power
to keep it that way.
3.There should never be any revised versions of this book even
though it can be translated into different languages the
word/meanings must remain the same as what is written in the
original literature.
4.A 50 percenter or more is a human male that has 50% or more
of the genetics/DNA of the original man (0/M).
5.The gateway in a womans womb can be opened even if the seed
of a 50% or more or the seed of the 0/M is placed in a womans
womb through artificial means.
6.The genetics/DNA of a 50% or more or the 0/M can not be
created artificially, only by the works of the creator.
7.If there exist no 50% or more or 0/M to open up the gate way
to allow the spirit of our ancestors to come back through the
womans womb our ancestors spirit will exist in purgatory
without the possibility of ever becoming one with the
ur Ie dtSSolved CLAJCpreadiatrOSt+trnpky,
creator4 This is why the Evil does every thing in its power to
extinguish the human race as a whole and/or condition them to
move in accordli there lower self.
8.The Queen Mother (Q/M) that represents the Queen Mother
Matriarch (QMM) gets paid from the donations that are given to
the QMM by the board. All Q/M can have side jobs outside of
the organization/religion (0/R) as long as it doesn't
contradict or conflict with the (0/R).
9.All children born to women and men that or
members/supporters of this 0/R should have there children
blessed by emerging them in water which is the life giving
fluid of mother earth which represents the fluid in the
mothers womb that the child grows in during its 9 months
before birth. Emerging the child in mother earth AMMe t giving
fluid is a way of paying homage to the creator for blessing
the woman with the womb and the gateway for our loved ones and
ancestors to come back through for the purpose of making
themselves right with the creator. But before any child can be
blessed first it must be proven that the childs father is a
50% or more or an 0/M.
10.The sacred and divine (womb) Q/M is an 0/R that is in
harmony with the creator so its about the truth not confusion
or contradiction like the Evil. So even though all Q/M are
allowed to read from any book religious or otherwise. The Q/M
can not promote spookism or false truths and if she speculates
she must let it be known. These are a few examples of what is
not allowed: (a)pictures and images of Satan or the devil
because the Evil is a thought, a spirit, or any wo/man in the
flesh that bring unjust destruction. So the Evil comes in any
forms seen and unseen. (b)No images or stories about some
Jesus that walked on water or how he came back form the dead
in 3 days unless you can proven without a doubt what he looked
like or that he came back from the dead without speculation or
faith alone. (c)No story about the trinity as written and
describe in the Holy Bible. (d) No story about how some Jesus
died for your sins. (e)No story about how Moses split the Red
Sea "how ridiculous". (f)No stories about how Samson beat a
1000 men with the jaw bone of an ass. (g) No Noah or that
ridiculous story about some flood or the curse story. (h)No
Mohumet talking to an angel about Islam. (i)No ghost walking
through walls. (j)No virgin births. (k)and no pictures or
images of these or (any) individuals or (any) events should be
shown or describe unless you have uncontested proof of there
true existence and how they looked without the use of
speculation and/or faith. Regardless if I have mentioned them
in this contract or not.
11.You should never look for the creator anywhere out side of
you body because the spirit of the creator dwells within you.
12.There can be no pictures or images of anyone spiritual or
otherwise that represent the 0/R besides the Q/M's and the
original messenger. The only exception to this rule is the
depiction of the original Q/M's (EVE'S) and the original 0/M's
(Adam's) which can only be depicted as the blackest shade of
olive or onyx absent any facial features and this is because
we don't no what they looked like besides the color of there
skin and the fact that they came out of Amexem the true garden
of Eden. But exactly where in Amexem for now only the creator
noes which will be reveled when the creator decides to do so.
Also there should be no pictures or images of the creator
because the creator is a spirit not a wo/man that dwells in us
all and in every thing like the atom.
13.Even though the creator has the attributes of both man and
woman the creator in actuality has more attributes of a woman
and not man because not only does the creator provide it
brings forth life and the woman is the only creature of
human/mankind that can preform such a feat.
14.Also under no circumstances should you teach that
misogynist mess about how Eve gave Adam an apple to eat
bringing sin into the world or any other misogynist teaching
rather it be a story of old or of age or how Eve came forth
from a mans (Adam) rib because that foolish story is
ridiculous and it makes no sense what so ever and as I've said
before the creator is about order, and the truth not
contradiction, chaos, or confusion. Because if the creator was
going to bring forth life why not bring it first from a woman
where it comes from today and has for as long as science has
revealed. That rib foolishness is unrealistic and causes
nothing but confusion and chaos is the which is the hall mark
of the evil. If any thing wo/man was created simultaneously
but until the creator wants to reveal to us how wo/man truly
came into existence our only concern is to follow the
universal laws of nature unless it is your job to search for
the origins of wo/man. Otherwise in fact I've never met a man
or woman alive today that didn't have a navel. I made that
statement to a damn fool and he stated that Eve gave birth
after being cursed to bear children "what an idiot". Some
people will believe anythingll!
15.Those that are members/supporters of the 0/R of the Sacred
and Divine (womb) Queen Mother (Q/M), should celebrate the
first of the year during its original time which occurs in
March in the northern hemisphere on the first day (which
begins at sun up) of "spring". Those that live in the southern
hemisphere must also celebrate spring during its original
time. The reason for this ceremony is to show homage to mother
earth and the creator for blessing the earth and wo/man with
(new) life (giving birth) in the original garden of Eden where
the first man and woman were truly created.
16.Every time a woman gives birth to a child(ren) its a
constant reminder of the blessing that the creator gave to
woman and how god like she really is. But its even more of a
blessing and a showing of homage and praise to the creator and
respect and love to our ancestors when she gives birth to the
spirit of one or more of our ancestors so that they can make
themselves right with the creator so when they pass into the
spiritual realm where the creator dwells they can finally be
one with the creator if they have been judged worthy.
17.Women that are members/supporters of this 0/R should take
pride in being good wives (which has nothing to do with paper
work or rituals) if they are in a relationship and good
mothers if they have a child(ren) of there own or somebody
elses. Men also that are members/supports of this 0/R should
also take pride in being good husbands (which also has nothing
to do with paper work) if they are in a relationship and good
fathers if they have a child(ren) of there own or somebody
elses. How to be a good Mother and wife as well as how to be a
good Father and husband should be one of the many important
things taught to members/supporters of this 0/R.
18.Saturday is the holy day at this particular time because it
is the day chosen by the messenger in me to represents the
first day that woman gave birth to her first child. But if
circumstances change another day can be chosen.
19.The QMM is at the top (the head) of the 0/R. Next in line
is the one and only Q/M that represents the QMM. Under the 4/M
you have the the sub Q/M of the 0/R that can be of any race an
d any color that govern over there own chapters of the 0/R any
where in the world or the next. All Q/M rather matriarch or
otherwise while representing there positions and the 0/R can
be single. But if there dating or in a relationship the man
(because we are against homosexuality making it clear that no
Q/M matriarch or otherwise can be a homosexual and tints
because the creator made women for man, and man for women)
must be a 50% or more or a 0/M otherwise the Q/M rather sub or
otherwise must step down from her position as Q/M. The Q/M
theta representing the Q/MM (not the subs Q/M) must meet all
the requirements of the QMM as far as her genetics and hue
(absent the virginity requirement)
20.Those that are born from the seed of mankind can AS become
one with the creator s ..MIR
ei WS WI
Ampa ems
S sal 40
eft amme 00 Om WM While those that are
born from the seed of mankind are here they must meet all the
requirements of what it owing takes to become one with the
creator before they pass otherwise there spirit will
be, forted +ti
Co frte t,ctcic 4-L-0
0, GO V/0 r frit rtior
t oni
4+ Mei pun %)p,!taft. thsal it% 4
ar WM
St ail AO a. Sie #
wolvianS two /Kb ali tnot ei fiNtessatiloF evr anCtS4 4 6
c. ent
U In tin t
greispcceSSeC +In
00110 OD mil#10
MEAM 4kti.n.Sel g eS nIk4 tut-Pk-I-Lc tretn.#4r,
21.In order to make your self right with the creator before
you pass so that you can become one with the creator in the
after life your good must out weigh your bad and when you pass
there can not be any anger, envy, or hate in your heart.
Before you pass you must try your best to make amends with
those you have truly offended. Also regardless your belief(s)
and/or actions if your not in accord with the universal laws
44J 4kt wising-re.
of naturel(which are the 10 commandments that came out of the
constitution of MAAT from Kemet) you will not be allowed to
become one with the creator after you pass. And the only way
you will no if your good out weighs your bad is after you pass
which is when your spirit will be judged. So it is best while
your here that you move in accord with your higher self.
22.The reason why I tell you to read from any and/or all
(holy) books during the holy day or otherwise is because I
don't want you to be enslaved by any one particular frame of
thought. Also theres good in all (holy) books regardless how
much falsehood and ridiculousness is in them. So my advice to
you is for you to stick with the teachings about the lower and
the higher self and giving honor and praise to the creator
most of all and the Q/M (eve).
23.What is most important to the creator is that you move in
accord with the universal laws of nature and the higher self,
not a bunch of rituals and titles.
24.Money and gifts should be donated to the 0/R. Also there
will be products for sell that represent, promote, and
support the 0/R and to bring those that are psychologically
dead into consciousness for the purpose of keeping the 0/R
strong and as a way of getting information out to reverse the
Evils belief that women are 2ND class citizens instead of the
living goddesses that they truly are. And our goal after we
reverse the effects that the Evil has cause is to keep it that
way so women will never return back to those conditions.
25.The vessel of the messengers birthday is May the 15, 1969
and should be celebrated for the fact that through him the
messenger was born and delivered to you your salvation where
if you belive and practice it with sincerity you will be
lifted back up to the position in life where you where before
the Evil persuaded mankind to change your position through
26.Children born from males that are mankind are easily
susceptible to the Evil and will if possible create mischief
on earth by manipulating others, waging wars, capitalizing off
others weaknesses, having disregard for others, practicing
every thing in the extreme, waging wars against nature,
forcing others to mimic them in order to survive through
manipulation and economic depression and dependency, to
compete or through competition. And as proof about mankind
transgressions against the world the messenger in me reveals
to you the facts that are recorded history. Mankind has been
waging war against the human race, women, and the world every
since he made first contact for example out of greed mankind
has killed almost over 2 hundred million Moors through
slavery, he created mass incarceration, purposely killed off
90% of the native Americans, devastated whole continents,
Hitlers 11 million deaths in his concentration camps combined
with 50 million deaths during the 2ND world war, 10 million
during the 1St world war, millions during the Vietnam war,
Stalin of Russia who killed 20 million of his own citizens
through collectivism, the invention of the nuclear bomb,
Napoleon of France, the Pope giving his blessing to enslave
the Moors of Amexem, Charlemagne of France, the Crusades and
etc. just to name a few out of many offenses that mankind has
inflicted on the world and humanity. The holy bible tells you
how the Evil is in those that are of mankind read Ezekiel
chapter 38: 2, and the holy Quran sura 18: 94 and how Gog and
Magog are descendants of Japheth chapter 10: 2-4 who are
Caucasoid along with the Ashkenas who are the one that claim
to be the original Jews today but are not see Ashra Kwesi DVD
biblical myths part 2 and Revelations chapter 2: 9. These
individuals stole the religion from the Moors and twisted into
something perverse creating the false curse story of Ham and
his son Canaan see Genesis chapter 9: 20 - 27 and the lies about
a Moses that never existed see Exodus for this felonious and
ridiculous story that is not only in the Jewish Torah, but the
Holy Bible, and the Holy Quran which are all fake religions
that were stolen out of Kemet and twisted into a book of
misogynist and racist foolishness amongst other things. But
the Caucasoid is not the only one considered of mankind it
circumferences all those that do not have atleast 50% or more
of the creators true chosen peoples genetics/DNA in them and
these chosen people are those that came out of (originated in)
the true garden of Eden which is located in Amexem what we
call Africa today. This is true rather your in denial of the
facts or otherwise.
27.The Q/M that represents the QMM is paid for her services
out of the money thats donated to the QMM. The sub Q/M that
have there own chapters (Temples) that collect donations must
donate a fair share or all of the money and gifts they receive
from there members/supporters to the QMM.
28.This is a religion of old just like all religions of today
that came from religions of yesterday. But some were twisted
into something grotesque. Also if you you do your studies of
ancient history with an unbias eye you will find that all
religions rather in whole or in part came out of mother
29.If you want the full scope and true understanding of this
0/R you must seek the out the information from all of my 3
books. From this book, Beware: The Book of Knowledge, and Why
I Hate Nigga(er)s. Until it is transferred to its own book
with out a word/meaning or understanding changed.
30.The Q/M representative of the QMM can act in place of the
QMM until the QMM is ready/available to act own her own. In
order for the Q/M to be appointed to her position as Q/M she
must be voted in by the QMM her self, or the messenger, or the
people, or the board, or a combination of. All Q/M rather sub
or otherwise are appointed to there position to serve for life
unless they step down, or "Pass" into the after life, or are
disposed from there positions as Q/M because they violated the
laws written in the Holy texts.
31.0pen up a social website for the members/supports of the
0/R so they can share pictures of there children with one
another and engage in discussions about the 0/R.
32. One of our missions is to bring wo/man back to there
original state genetically and spiritually, so we can have
peace on mother earth which is how it was before the Evil that
15 z
lurks within mankind brought mass suffering, division, and
strife to the world.
33.What needs to be understand by the members/supporters of
this organization is that the Evil working through others are
going to do every thing in there power to stop this 0/R
because there are those that are benefiting from things being
the way they'are, those that will do any thing for money (SO),
those that believe in hate, division, and that woman Should
remain 2ND class citizens, and that woman are not worthy of
being viewed as the living goddesses that they are. So it is
up to the women that believe better of themselves and support
this 0/R if they are going to allow the masters of
manipulation (the Evil) to trick them into turning there backs
on what is good (not only for women but for men and the
children (the future) also).
34.The reason why women are in the position there in today is
because wo/man grew soft and adopted other religions and
cultures that were manipulated and twisted by the Evil and
wo/man when warned about the Evil and its purpose and how to
defy the Evil ignored the messenger and was punished for
turning there backs on the creator and the creators (message)
35.Donations to the 0/R can be made any time as long as its
over $1.00.
36.In truth, for us (all) the new day begins at sunrise and
the night begins at sundown while the conclusion of the 24
hour day ends after the last second expires the minute that
sunrise begans. This is how it always was and how it always
has been, until the Evil through mankind changed the time
where the new 24 hour day begins in the middle of the night.
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