HTS Triax™ Energy Cable Systems
HTS Triax™ Energy Cable Systems
HTS Triax™ Energy Cable Systems HTS Cables and Accessories A New Way To Energ ize Ultera® – helping to create the breakthrough for HTS technology The potential of HTS technology is immense. In order to assist the HTS technology to between the two companies is taken into It is not just that energy suppliers no longer achieve its commercial break-through and account, Ultera® now has ten years of practi- lose unnecessary energy during transmission transform it as quickly as possible into cal experience in the daily provision of HTS across their extensive networks. Motors, ge- effective long-term solutions, nkt cables cables for energy supply in Europe and North nerators and transformers with HTS conduc- and America’s biggest cable manufacturer tors are also much smaller, and achieve the Southwire Company established the Ultera America. Together they represent the three ® most successful installations worldwide with same output at much lower energy consump- joint venture in 2002. Just like nkt cables, HTS cables, thus opening the door wide to a tion. For business the use of HTS technology Southwire is also an innovator and pioneer in new way to energize. will mean long-term savings worth billions. the field of superconductor technology. For people it is the future purely and simply. If the actual length of the cooperation ® HTS Triax™ Energy Cable Systems High-temperature superconductor tech- world’s leading companies in the design, 50,000 households and companies benefited. nology (HTS) is the key technology for manufacture and marketing of low, medium In future it will be millions. tomorrow’s electricity market. Compared and high-voltage cables and accessories. In with copper conductors, HTS ceramic cables addition, with its workforce of 3000 employ- have a number of significant advantages. For ees this European high-tech corporation has example they can conduct electric current been making history in energy technology for without resistance at app. 200°C below more than 130 years now. No wonder then zero. Transmission capacity is five times that nkt cables has also led the market in higher than that of conduc-tors made of researching and producing superconductive copper, while current loss is reduced to one cables from the very beginning. As early as tenth. The development of HTS cables is 2001 the first superconductive cable was in-separably linked to the name nkt cables. put into operation in a public power supply However, nkt cables is not just one of the network in Copenhagen. At the time a total of HTS Cables with BSCCO tapes, copper stabiliser, Cryoflex® dielectric, semiflexible cryostat Product Scope HTS cables can be configured in several ways using the same materials and production processes. The most efficient and high-performing configuration for the medium-voltage (MV) up to 72 kV is the HTS Triax™ design. nkt cables also has experience in coaxial single-phase cables which are suitable for higher voltages. The HTS cable conductors can also be supplied with a conventional warm PE insulation. nkt cables continually develops the voltage rating and the performance within the product scope described in the following table. nkt cables offers cable conductors made from the 1st generation Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3OX superconductors, while also working on integrating the new 2nd generation superconductors based on Y(RE)Ba2Cu3OX materials into these cable designs.“ Property/Um/kV 2 NT NE PE-insulated, single phase X Coaxial, single phase X Triax, three phase X X Specialty conductors X (X) LV 10 15 X X D X 36 72.5 150 X D D D D D D D D NT: No Thermal Load, NE: No EMF, LV: Low Voltage specialty conductors, X: available, D: under development Construction Code HT B C CR S WM 2Y Codes CR: HT: HTS triaxial cable design B: BSCCO-type HTS conductor laminated S: with a metal sheath C: Construction code: HT-BC-CRS(WM)2Y Copper wire or tape screen Construction code with (WM): Corrugated “wellmantel” semiflexible Added copper stabiliser for over-current protection Cryoflex® electrical insulation 2Y: rigid thermal insulation: HT-BC-CRS(RL)2Y thermal insulation Construction code with YBCO-type polyethylene outer sheath HTS conductor: HT-YC-CRS(WM)2Y Type HT-BC-CRS(WM)2Y 7.6/13.2 kV Dimensions/Ampacity, 3x kA 1.25 2.00 2.5 3.0 3.4 Conductor, BSCCO laminated, hollow ID mm 25 29 35 1 1 Copper stabiliser, cross section mm2 0 0 55 60 60 Cryoflex® insulation mm 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 Screen, copper tape, cross section mm2 80 80 110 120 120 Outer cable core diameter mm 5 9 62 68 68 Weight, HTS cable core, 3 phases Cable core kg/m 3.5 .8 5.5 6.5 7 Permissible pulling force kN 10 15 20 20 20 Bending radius during laying/at terminations (min) m 3/1.5 3/1.5 3/1.5 3/1.5 3/1.5 Semi-right corrugated duct, ID/OD mm 60/110 60/110 8/13 8/13 8/13 PE outer sheath thickness mm 2 2 3 3 3 11 11 150 150 150 160 Thermal insulation Total OD Termination OD mm 12 12 160 160 Permissible pulling force kN 10 10 15 15 15 Bending radius during laying/at terminations (min) m 3/1.5 3/1.5 3/1.5 3/1.5 3/1.5 Heat leak, duct section W/m 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.5 Heat leak, joints W/ea. 10 10 15 15 15 Electrical data Conductor DC resistance at Pnom µOhm/m <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 Conductor AC loss at Pnom *(Toperation 67 K to 79 K) W/m/ph 0.2-0.3 0.3-0.6 0.3-0.9 0.-1.2 0.5-1.5 AC loss power factor, n P=k*ln 3 3 3 3 3 Capacitance, eqv. phase-to-ground µF/km 3.3 3.7 .6 5.2 5.2 Inductance, eqv. single phase mH/km 0.026 0.02 0.019 0.017 0.017 MVA 29/57 6/91 57/11 69/137 78/155 Power rating (continuous load) at 13,2 kV 1 circuit/2 circuits *Conductor AC loss at Pnom depends on operation temperature, 67-79 K 3 Type HC-BC-CRS(WM)2Y 21/36 kV Dimensions/Ampacity, 3x kA 1.25 2.00 2.5 3.0 3.4 Conductor, BSCCO laminated, hollow ID mm Copper stabiliser, cross section mm2 25 29 35 41 41 40 40 55 60 Cryoflex® insulation 60 mm 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 Screen, copper tape, cross section mm2 120 120 120 120 120 Outer cable core diameter mm 57 61 67 73 73 Weight, HTS cable core, 3 phases 7.5 Cable core kg/m 4 5.2 6 7 Permissible pulling force kN 10 15 20 20 20 Bending radius during laying/at terminations (min) m 3/1.5 3/1.5 3/1.5 3/1.5 3/1.5 Semi-rigid corrugated duct, ID/OD mm 84/143 84/143 84/143 98/163 98/163 PE outer sheath thickness mm 3 3 3 3 3 150 150 150 170 170 180 Thermal insulation Total OD Termination OD mm 160 160 160 180 Permissible pulling force kN 15 15 15 20 20 Bending radius during laying/at terminations (min) m 3/1.5 3/1.5 3/1.5 4/2 4/2 Heat leak, duct section W/m 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.7 1.7 Heat leak, joints W/ea. 10 10 15 15 15 Electrical data Conductor DC resistance at Pnom µOhm/m <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 Conductor AC loss at Pnom*(Toperation 67 K to 79 K) W/m/ph 0.2-0.3 0.3-0.6 0.3-0.9 0.4-1.2 0.5-1.5 AC loss power factor, n P=k*ln 3 3 3 3 3 Capacitance, eqv. phase-to-ground µF/km 2.2 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.0 Inductance, eqv. single phase mH/km 0.032 0.029 0.025 0.022 0.022 MVA 65/130 104/208 130/260 156/312 177/354 3.0 3.4 Power rating (continuous load) at 30 kV 1 circuit/2 circuits *Conductor AC loss at Pnom depends on operation temperature, 67-79 K Type HT-BC-CRS(WM)2Y 42/72 kV HTS Triax™ Energy Cable Dimensions/Ampacity, 3x kA 1.25 2.00 2.5 Conductor, BSCCO laminated, hollow ID mm 25 29 35 41 41 Copper stabiliser, cross section mm2 40 40 55 60 60 Cable Core Cryoflex® insulation mm 4,7 4,7 4,7 4,7 4,7 Screen, copper tape, cross section mm2 120 120 120 120 120 81 Outer cable core diameter mm 65 69 75 81 Weight, HTS cable core, 3 phases kg/m 4.5 5.8 6.5 7.5 8 Permissible pulling force kN 10 15 20 20 20 Bending radius during laying/at termination (min) m 3/1,5 3/1,5 3/1,5 3/1,5 3/1,5 Semi-rigid corrugated duct, ID/OD mm 84/143 84/143 84/143 98/163 98/163 PE outer sheath thickness mm 3 3 3 3 3 150 150 150 170 170 180 Thermal Insulation Total OD Termination OD mm 160 160 160 180 Permissible pulling force kN 15 15 15 20 20 Bending radius during laying/at termination (min) m 3/1,5 3/1,5 3/1,5 4/2 4/2 Heat leak, duct section W/m 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,7 1,7 Heat leak, joints W/ea. 10 10 15 15 15 Electrical Data Conductor DC resistance at Pnom µOhm/m <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 Conductor AC loss at Pnom W/m/ph 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 AC loss power factor, n P=k*ln 3 3 3 3 3 Capacitance, eqv. phase-to-ground µF/km 1,6 1,7 2,0 2,2 2,2 Inductance, eqv. single phase mH/km 0,039 0,036 0,031 0,028 0,028 MVA 108/217 173/346 217/433 260/520 294/589 Power Rating (continuous load) at 50 kV 1 circuit/2 circuits Accessories Contents Joints 5 Terminations 5 Cooling System 6 Monitoring System 7 High-current Switchgear 7 Product Scope nkt cables sells and installs the HTS Terminations and joints. We can also specify and source the cooling system as well as the monitoring system. Joints A 15 kV HTS Triax™ joint is 3 m long with an outer diameter of 31 cm. It contains the joints of all three phases and a common screen. 15 kV Triax Joint Terminations A 15 kV HTS Triax™ termination is 3.9 m long. The main body is installed at a height that gives the appropriate safety distance to the top bolts. The picture shows an outdoor version of the termination. nkt cables will convert this termionation to an indoor version on customer request. 15 kV Triax Terminations 5 Cooling System The following cooling solutions have been The cooling power can be divided between improves the energy efficiency of the cable developed with Praxair Inc. The reliability one or several cooling stations. The emer- systems but requires supply- and service- of the cable cooling system is guaranteed gency backup features are located in the points at several locations along the line. through the following three features: terminal cooling stations. The line cooling stations are compact units of active coolers The matrix of coolers consists of N+1 Redundant cooling machines in a that can be placed at intermediate locations or N+2 closed-cycle, low-maintenance coo- matrix of coolers along the line. The distance between cooling ling units. Cooling solutions can be develo- Eight hours of backup in a stations depends on the available cross sec- ped together with major cryogenics system suppliers to fit individual user requirements. cold storage tank tion for pumping the cooling fluid. Distances Continuous 2/7 advanced surveillance of 2-6 km are possible for compact sys- by a cooler operations center tems. Closer spacing of the cooling stations Terminal Cooling Station Line Cooling Station Line Cooling Station Terminal Cooling Station 6 Terminal Cooling Station Monitoring System These data are treated and analyzed automa- The HTS Triax™ Energy Cable is monitored tically. The cable system operator is supplied disconnect w/o customer 2 h per day, 7 days a week by an advanced with one of four simple status commands: interruption surveillance system. The surveillance system collects data on temperature, pressure and 3 – “Red”: 0 – zero: flow of the cooling medium, the temperatures of the terminations and joints load and the 2 – “Yellow”: Malfunction – Manually The cable system is under Automatic disconnect with service – Do not energize customer interruption 1 – “Green”: The cable system is ready operastional status of the cooling machinery Urgent malfunction – The service provider can perform remote dia- to operate gnostics through an advanced monitoring sys- and back-up systems. tem with complete access to all system sensors. High-current Switchgear nkt cables can facilitate contacts to switchgear suppliers. The following are examples of commercially available switchgear products from various suppliers (2007). Examples Type Model Ventilation Rated voltage kV A B C D E F G H Indoor Indoor Indoor Indoor Indoor Outdoor Outdoor Outdoor HVX VAH VAH VD HD PMI SPS2 PMI passive passive active active passive passive passive passive 15 17.5 17.5 12* 2 72 15** 15*** Rated current, max. A 3000 000 8000 000 3600 3000 000 000 Short-circuit, max. kA 0/50 50 50 63 0 0 31/0 0/63 BIL kV 95 95 95 125 350 110 650 making time ms 5 90 90 7 breaking time ms 2 5 5 60 60 58 5 *available in 12, 1.5, 36 and 0.5 kV models **available in 15, 25,38, 8and 78 kV models ***available in 121, 15 and 170 kV models 7 Installation and Protection Making it easy … Step™ Installation, where the cable core can With nkt cables’ HTS Two-Step™ Installation The HTS Triax™ Energy Cables are well- be installed separately from the thermally approach, the cable joints can be spaced up suited for installation in high-density city insulating tube. This gives higher flexibility to 2 km apart and there is only one joint per areas where disturbances to traffic and and quicker response to the requirements of three-phase cable. Any open trenches can be infrastructure need to be kept to a minimum. each installation site, and above all, it reduces re-closed even before the cable installation nkt cables has developed an innovative the number of cable joints. new installation procedure, the HTS Two- starts, and the access-holes need to stay open for only a minimum amount of time. HTS Two-Step™ Installation Prelude Step one placed in the spacings between cryostat sec- In the prelude to the installation procedure, In the first installation step, the thermally tions (Fig. 2). As soon as the cable is in place, the trench is excavated, PE ducts are instal- insulating tube (the “Cryostat”) is provided the cryostat sections are joined together, led, and concrete or other suitable protection in lengths of 100-700 m. Shorter sections and the access holes can be closed. Cable is installed. The trench is then re-closed are joined together as they are pulled into over-length is introduced through a patented with rock, sand or soil. There are no special the PE duct, for distances of 500-700 m at procedure so that the thermal shrinkage can requirements on the thermal properties of a time (Fig.1). The cryostats are provided as be accommodated. The work outside of the the refill, since the HTS Triax™ Energy Cable flexible or rigid sections, depending on the station areas is now complete and there are does not release heat into the trench. curvature of the cable route. Spacings are no further disturbances in the public space. left between successive cryostats. Culmination In the case of a retrofit into an existing duct, the old cables are removed through access Step two The HTS Triax™ Energy Cable system is holes located at the old cable joints. The old The HTS Triax™ cable core is provided in completed by terminating the cable in the sta- cable is sent for recycling, while the duct is lengths up to 2 km. It is inserted at one end tion areas, and by connecting and starting the cleaned and lubricated. of the trench, and pulled through several cry- cooling system. ostat sections, with the help of cable pushers Fig. 1 Fig. 2 8 Thermal Monitoring and Damage Detection A smaller parallel duct is installed near the To sum it up: Making use of nkt cables’ of early system studies to evaluate the best cryostat. Optical fibres are pulled into the expertise and engineering assistance already cable solutions. Making use of nkt cables’ ex- duct and used for distributed temperature in the design stage, is the first step for pertise and engineering assistance already in sensing. Any damage to, or degradation in smooth realization of the project. the design stage is the first step for a smooth realization of your project. the cryostat will show up as a temperature signal at the location of the damage. Engeneering assistance Optionally, some of the fibres can be used for nkt cables can provide advanced enginee- communication. Fibres for thermal monitoring ring services already in the early planning can be provided as external skid wires in the stage of a project. Our engineers can provide case of a retrofit into an existing duct where electrical data, thermal simulations and no parallel duct is available. proposed cable-system layouts as a part Service Contracts Service contracts are offered where the task of maintaining the cable installations in good condition is transferred to the shoulders of nkt cables. With this offer it is ensured that skilled personnel takes care of the superconducting cables. Regular checks of the conditions and, if necessary, initiation of remedial action at an early stage guarantee the value of the assets. 9 Testing Testing of cables and accessories com- Type tests and long-term tests have been prises routine and special tests performed made on components and also for qualifica- in the factory as well as tests on site after tion of complete cable systems. Newly devel- completion of the installation. These tests oped cables and accessories are subjected are performed in compliance with customer to tests in the field lasting several years and requirements and various national and inter- comprising electrical and thermal stressing national standards like IEC, EN, VDE, NF, BS, far beyond of what can be expected during NEN, AEIC and others. normal operation. Research & Development & Innovation We know how nkt cables’ laboratory researches in and A complete recycling concept for all recyclable cable types develops environmentally sustainable plastic By virtue of 0 years of experience within cable Please contact us to learn how you can best materials for cables and leads and also recycling, we are the only European cable handles quality control of raw materials and manufacturer with a complete recycling con- finished goods. The HV laboratories perform cept for all recyclable cable types. We recycle Quality from beginning to end electrical tests on the cables. cable waste at our environmentally approved Quality from beginning to end is an essential recycling plant in Stenlille. Our plant in Stenlille part of nkt cables’ manufacturing philosophy. nkt cables’ technicians are internationally is among the first 100 Danish companies with recognized for their specialized knowledge in DS/EN ISO 1001 certification. compound development. nkt cables was the act in the best interest of the environment. dispose of your cable waste. This is ensured by a combination of certified quality control throughout the production first company in the world to introduce lead- We take our environmental responsibility process and the use of raw material from free PVC cables in which the poisonous lead seriously, for which reason environmental approved sub-suppliers only. This places stabilizers had been replaced by the relatively considerations play an important role in all nkt cables in a fine position in international harmless calcium and zinc stabilizers. The departments of our company, irrespective of competition and secures flexibility to adapt idea was so good that the Danish Minister for it being a question of product development, rapidly to changing market requirements. Environment and Energy prohibited marke- production or working processes or removal ting cables with leaded PVC after December of worn-out products. 1, 2001. Research plays an important role in all parts of nkt cables. Recently, NKT nkt cables is of course certified according to ISO 9001. For us it is not only a question of considering Research, nkt cables’ sister company, carried the environment when recycling and recover- 10 Of course we also assist our customers to out revolutionary research in materials tech- ing cable waste. Environmental considerations nology. This research enabled nkt cables to are also decisive in our selection of materials begin the production of fibre optical cables and suppliers as well as in the planning of as early as in 1980 and to put the world’s production processes. In this way we minimize first superconducting HV cable in a public the environmental impact related to the pro- network in 2001. duct life cycle: production - use - removal. Quality Assurance and Environmental Responsibility 11 nkt cables GmbH Schanzenstraße 6 – 20 D-51063 Cologne (Germany) Phone +49 (0)2 21- 6 76-0 Fax +49 (0)2 21- 6 76-26 46 Direct contact for your region: Central Europe Carsten Wolff Phone +49 (0)2 21- 6 76 -20 31 Representation offices Belgium: +32 / 476 981 429 Netherlands: +31 / 646095035 France: +33 / 616 12 15 44 nkt cables Spain S. L. Edifici Testa Alcalde Barnils 64-68 escal B, 3º piso, local 3 Sant Cugat del Valles E-08174 Barcelona, Spain Phone:+34 / 93 59 07 017 Fax: +34 / 93 67 50 528 Scandinavia and UK Brian Scott Phone +45 / 5966 1213 International Hans Damm Jensen Phone +49 (0)2 21- 6 76 -20 76 Representation offices Moscow: +7 (495) 7774858 UAE: +971 2 4493550 12 nkt 2.2000 11.08 K.F.C. siebel Representation office GB: +44 / 78340 569 28