

Puget Soundings
Bremerton-Base Subvets Award Winning Quarterly Newsletter
By Submariners, For Submariners, and Friends
Vol. XIII Issue 5
Bremerton Base, PO Box 465, Silverdale, WA 98383-0465
Nov/Dec/Jan 2010/11
USS Growler (SS-215), a Gato-class submarine, was the third ship of the United States Navy named for the
growler, a large-mouth black bass. Her keel was laid down by the Electric Boat Company of Groton, Connecticut. She was
launched on 2 November 1941 (sponsored by Mrs. Robert L. Ghormley), and commissioned on 20 March 1942 with Lieutenant Commander Howard W. Gilmore in command.
First patrol (June – July 1942)Growler’s first war patrol began 29 June 1942 as she cleared Pearl Harbor for her assigned patrol area around Dutch Harbor, Alaska; topping off at Midway Island on 24 June she entered her area on 30 June.
Five days later she saw her first action; sighting three destroyers, Growler closed them submerged, launched her torpedoes
and then surfaced. Her torpedoes struck the first two targets amidships putting them out of action, and hit the third in the
bow but not before that target had launched two torpedoes at Growler. As the Japanese torpedoes "swished down each
side", Growler dived deep, but no depth charges followed. The Japanese destroyer Arae was sunk, and the other two were
severely damaged. Growler completed her patrol without finding any more targets, and on 17 July berthed at Pearl Harbor.
Second patrol (August – September 1942) On 5 August 1942 Growler began her second and most successful war patrol, entering her area near Taiwan on 21 August. Two days later she conducted a submerged night attack on a freighter,
surfacing to give chase when both torpedoes ran under the target and failed to explode; the freighter's quick exit into shallow waters prevented Growler's gun attack. Patrolling amidst a large fishing fleet on 25 August, Growler sighted and fired at a
large passenger freighter but all three torpedoes missed; after a three-hour depth charge attack, in which some 53 "ash
USS Growler (SS-215)
Boosters— Christmas Party
2010 Holland Club Inductees continued
USSVI Creed & Base Officers
Eligible for Pension — Russa’s New Sub
Storekeeper – – Fun in the Sun
On Eternal Patrol USS Growler (SS-215)
Deterrent Park
Minutes of Meeting 09/21/10
CDR Comments—Welcome Aboard
China builds new Sub
Minutes of Meeting 10/19/10
USS Growler (SS-215)
2010 Holland Club Inductees
Important Dates & Soup Down Schedule
Take her down! — Howard Gilmore (MOH)
The Past, Present, and Future — Pride Runs Deep!
To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of
their duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds and supreme
sacrifice be a constant source of motivation toward greater accomplishments.
Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States of America and it’s Constitution.
That's our CREED, but it's not who we are. We are United States Submarine Sailors! We were, and are,
members of the elite fighting force of the United States Navy. We are all QUALIFIED IN SUBMARINES.
Included are submariners from the very early boats: S, R or earlier; WWII boats; post-war GUPPY boats and
FBM and Fast Attack Submariners.
All Qualified in Submarines from E2 to 4 Stars. Retired, short timer, or active duty - it makes no difference.
If you are Qualified in Submarines we want you in United States Submarine Veterans. Inc.
David Niemy
Fred Borgmann
Past Commander
Don “Red” Bassler
Editor, Puget Soundings/
Bonefish Mgr
Sam Swenson
Vice Commander
Jim DeMott
Fireworks Chairman
Mike Sullivan
Dick Litscher
Holland Club Chairman
“Dave” Davenport
Treasurer/Membership Chairman
Tommy Robinson
Ralph W. Harris
Chief of the Boat
Hank Hollis
Scholarship Chairman
John Gardner
Deterrent Park Mgr
Don “Red” Bassler
Western District 4 Commander
John Mansfield
Puget Soundings—Nov/Dec/Jan 2010/11 Issue 5
USSVI—Bremerton Base Quarterly Newsletter
USS Albacore
USS Growler
USS Corvina
USS Sculpin
USS Capelin
USS Sealion
USS Scorpion
USS Swordfish
USS S 36
USS Argonaut
USS Sturgeon E 2
USS S 26
USS Growler (SS-215) Continued, cans" were dropped, Growler surfaced and almost immediately spotted a convoy.
After two hours of maneuvering, she failed to catch up with the main body of the convoy but did fire at and sink an exgunboat, Senyo Maru. No more ships appeared in this immediate area for three days, so Growler shifted to the east side of the
island. First to fall victim was Eifuku Maru, a 5,866 ton cargo ship, which Growler sank within 40 minutes of first sighting her
31 August. On 4 September Growler sank Kashino, a 10,360 ton supply ship; three days later she sent two torpedoes into
the 2,204 ton cargo ship Taika Maru, which broke in half and sank in two minutes. On 15 September Growler cleared her
patrol area, and arrived back at Pearl 30 September.
Third patrol (October – December 1942) During refitting, new surface radar was installed, as well as a new 20 mm
gun; thus equipped, Growler sailed from Hawaii for her new patrol area in the Solomon Islands across the key Truk-Rabaul
shipping lanes. Her patrol area in these days of bitter fighting over Guadalcanal was almost continually covered by enemy
planes and only eight enemy ships were sighted with no chance for attack. Growler cleared the area 3 December and arrived
in Brisbane, Australia, on 10 December.
Fourth patrol (January – February 1943) 1 January 1943 saw Growler sail from Brisbane. Entering her patrol area,
again athwart the Truk-Rabaul shipping lanes, on 11 January, she waited only five days before sighting an enemy convoy.
Maneuvering inside the escorts, Growler launched two torpedoes and saw them hit; then, as her war diary reports, she was
in the unfortunate predicament of being about 400 yards (370 m) from the destroyer and had to dive without being able to
continue the attack. She was credited with sinking Chifuku Maru, a passenger/cargo ship. The patrol continued as normal
with two further attacks, but no sinkings until shortly after 01:00 7 February when Growler stealthily approached a gunboat
for a night surface attack. The small fast ship suddenly turned to ram. Unable to avoid the collision, Gilmore ordered left
full rudder and all ahead flank, and rammed the enemy amidships at 17 knots (31 km/h). As machine gun fire raked them
at point-blank range, Commander Gilmore ordered the bridge cleared. As the commanding officer, Gilmore was the last
to leave the bridge, but was grievously wounded before he could get below. Realizing that he was jeopardizing his boat's
escape, he ordered "Take her down!". The XO, Lt Cdr. Schade, shut the hatch and dived the boat. By saving his command
at the expense of his own life, Gilmore became one of the six submariners to earn the Medal of honor. A seaman and another officer also lost their lives in this incident. Severely damaged but still under control, Growler returned to Brisbane
under command of her executive officer (the "exec" or "XO"), Lieutenant Commander Arnold F. Schade; she docked 17
“It’s a big ocean. You don’t have to find the enemy if you don’t want to”—Dick O’Kane (MOH)
The Past, Present, and Future — Pride Runs Deep!
Welcome Aboard
USSVI Bremerton Base
Ray Burkard -- Qualified in 1982 on USS Scamp
I wish the best of the holiday season’s greetings to all of my Bremer- Nicholas Fellander -- Qualified in 1999 on USS
ton Base shipmates. We had a wonderful summer event calendar and
Hampton SSN-767.
I’m looking forward to the November Veterans Day, the Auburn paJarrad
J. Garis — Qualified in 2002 on USS Conrade and the festive Christmas dinner that Hank has planned for the
necticut SSN-22.
Mark Quintero — Qualified in 2003 on USS SeaI want to let all of the members that regularly attend the memberwolf
ship meetings, know that I empathize with your pain and boredom at
the reading of the changes to the bylaws. It was tedious, and time
Dannel L. Stanley — Qualified in 1993 on USS Pinconsuming, but necessary. On the up-side, we were all a part of mak- tado SSN-672.
Base Commander’s Comments
ing the bylaws a better document. Thank you for your patience and
support. And since I’m in the Mea-Culpa mood, I must apologize for
the changes to the soup down schedule. We adjusted the schedule to
better support the restaurants that supported our scholarship program
and that created differences between the newsletter listing and the
listing in Gertrude Check. To those members that showed up and
wondered why they were the only ones attending, well, I say sorry
and thanks for the support.
Welcome aboard to the many new members who have joined the
Bremerton Base in the last few months. Thanks to the members that
recruited you into our organization and I hope that you enjoy our
fellowship as much as all the rest of us. Remember, we are all a part
of the effort to recruit and renew our memberships.
My newsletter notes would not be complete without a plea for
volunteers. We have a small group of members that work hard for the
membership to keep the base on an even keel. I ask the rest of you to
think about how you can help to support the base. Remember that the
more members that are involved in base operations, the lighter the
load on any one individual and the better the base will run. Your support can take various forms. Maybe it will be in the form of a donation in support of one of our programs or volunteering some time on
an event or committee. Perhaps it’s something as simple as attending
a parade, the Friday soup down, or the monthly membership meeting.
In closing, I remind everyone that the base exists for the membership and they are in control of the course we steer. In order for the
membership to be in control each individual member must let the
Eboard know their comments and desires. If there is an issue that you
would like to discuss at a meeting, please let me know so I can put it
on the agenda.
RM1(SS) Denny L. Davenport, USN, Ret., recently converted Annual to Life Membership in USSVI & Bremerton
ETCS(SS) David Turley, USN, active duty, recently renewed his lapsed Annual Membership in Bremerton Base
at the urging of Hank Hollis.
Base Membership 292
National Membership—13,657
Talk to a shipmate and ask him to join USSVI
Bremerton Base Subvets. It only takes a couple
minutes. We value your membership.
“SAIC is proud to support
The Bremerton Base Subvets”
I hope you have a great holiday season and thank you for all that you
do to support the Bremerton Base and our dolphin brotherhood.
Dave Niemy
USSVI Bremerton Base
Puget Soundings—Nov/Dec/Jan 2010/11 Issue 5
USSVI—Bremerton Base Quarterly Newsletter
The Past, Present, and Future — Pride Runs Deep!
USS Growler (SS-215) Continued, February for extensive repairs. Following the refit, the submarine was nicknamed
the Kangaroo Express, as the refabricated bow had two nickel kangaroos as decorations.
Fifth, sixth, and seventh patrols Growler’s fifth, sixth, and seventh patrols, out of Brisbane to the Bismarck-Solomons
area, were relatively uneventful, heavy enemy air cover and a lack of targets resulted in her coming home empty-handed
from all but the fifth, on which she sank the passenger/cargo ship Miyadono Maru. The seventh patrol was marred by trouGoshe
to page
8 to continue
ble with the storage battery and generators, and on 27 October 1943, only 11 days out of Brisbane,
was ordered
Pearl Harbor (arriving 7 November) and from there to the Navy Yard at Hunter’s Point, California, for an extensive overhaul and refitting.
Eighth patrol (February – April 1944) Returning to the Pacific, on 21 February 1944, Growler departed Pearl Harbor,
and after refueling at Midway Island, headed for her patrol area. However, a week out of Midway Island a typhoon's high
seas and wind delayed her arrival to the patrol area. Once on station, Growler was again plagued by violent weather which
made even periscope observation almost impossible. Growler returned to Majuro on 16 April
Ninth patrol (May – July 1944)The submarine departed Majuro 14 May to take up patrol in the Mariana Island-Eastern
Philippine Island-Luzon area, where the first stages of the attack on the Mariana Island and the Battle of the Philippine Sea
were getting underway. Rendezvousing with Bong (SS-385) and Seahorse (SS-304) to form a wolf pack, she continued the
patrol closing several targets but achieving firing position only once, when she sank the cargo vessel Katori Maru.
Tenth patrol (August – September 1944) Her tenth patrol, out of Pearl Harbor on 11 August, found her in a new
wolf pack, nicknamed "Ben's Busters" after Growler’s skipper, Commander T.B. ("Ben") Oakley; in company with Sealion
(SS-315) and Pampanito (SS-383), she headed for the Formosa Straits area. Aided greatly by reconnaissance and guidance
from friendly aircraft, the wolf pack closed a convoy for night surface action 31 August; their torpedoes plunged the Japanese into chaos, with their own ships shooting at each other in the dark, but no sinkings were reported. Two weeks later,
12 September, the wolf pack sighted a second convoy and closed for torpedo action. A destroyer spotted Growler and attacked her, but the sub calmly fired a spread of torpedoes at the oncoming destroyer. Heavily damaged by the torpedoes,
the flaming destroyer bore down on Growler and only adroit maneuvering took the submarine out of the enemy's way; paint
on the bridge was seared by the heat of the passing destroyer. Meantime Growler’s other torpedoes and those of Sealion and
Pampanito were hitting the convoy, and when Ben's Busters returned to Fremantle on 26 September, they were credited
with a total of six enemy ships. Growler had sunk the destroyer Shikinomi and the Japanese frigate Hirodo; her companions
also racked up two kills each. One of the sunken vessels was transporting Allied prisoners of the Japanese; the three submarines rescued over 150 Allied prisoners. This difficult operation had been carried out despite rough seas caused by an approaching typhoon.
Eleventh patrol (October – November 1944)Growler’s 11th and final war patrol began out of Fremantle on 20 October 1944 in a wolf pack with Hake (SS-256) and Hardhead (SS-365). On 8 November the wolf pack, again headed by
Growler, closed a convoy for attack, with Growler on the opposite side of the enemy from Hake and Hardhead. The order to
commence attacking was the last communication ever received from Growler. After the attack was underway, Hake and
Hardhead heard what sounded like a torpedo explosion and then a series of depth charges on Growler’s side of the convoy,
and then nothing. All efforts to contact Growler for the next three days proved futile. The gallant submarine, veteran of
seven successful war patrols, was listed as lost in action against the enemy, cause unknown. Possibly she was sunk by one of
her own torpedoes, but it is probable that the convoy's escort, destroyer Shigure, and kaibokan (frigates) Chiburi and CD-19
sank her.
Growler received eight battle stars for her
service in World War II.
“For the U.S.A. and the U.S. Navy—the North Pole” — Bill Anderson (LOM/PUC)
The Past, Present, and Future — Pride Runs Deep!
Bremerton Base Boosters for 2010 UpDated 11-18-10
The following Members are recognized for their generous donations to the Base Operating Fund.
Rig for dive
Periscope depth
Battle Stations
Deep Submergence
Unit Citation
Bob Paulson
Don “Red” Bassler
Bobby Baker
Dick Litscher
Thomas Bryson
Lynne Ryan
Tommy Robinson
(for Patrick)
(for Dirty Ernie)
Robert Hulet
Dick Litscher
Dave Niemy
SATURDAY DECEMBER 11 2010 Holland Club Awards at 1300 Elk's LODGE Bremerton
Buffet Menu
Sliced Roast Beef
Teriyaki Chicken
Scallop Potatoes
Rice Pilaf
Vegetable Trey
Rolls & Butter
BBQ Meatballs
Steamed Vegetables Relish Trey
Chicken Drumettes Assorted Salads
Tax and Gratuity is included for the food.
Liquor and soft drinks are separate and can be acquired at the bar or at your table at 1200. Food will
be available after the Holland Club and or the 10 year awards at 1300.
$40.00 per couple, Subvets pay per couple paid or mailed prior to Nov 19, 2010.
$20.00 Per single, Subvet pay per person paid or mailed prior to Nov 19, 2010.
$45.00 per couple, Subvets pay per couple after Nov 19, 2010.
$25.00 per Single, Subvet pay per person after Nov 19, 2010.
Please make the check out to USSVI Bremerton Base Subvets!
Present or mail check to COB Hank Hollis, 3021 Marine Drive, Bremerton, WA
Get Your
Ticket Now!
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Don’t Be
Ahoy “Annual Dues” Shipmates,
The USSVI & Bremerton Base annual dues renewal for 2011 is underway. Please renew for 2011 by sending a $40 check made out to USSVIBremerton Base for your 2011 annual dues. When received, I will forward $20 to National and deposit $20 in the Base treasury and send you a
2011 sticker for your National membership card. If you are a USSVI Life Member and Base Annual Member just send $20 for Base dues.
Please send your dues check to:
USSVI-Bremerton Base,
P.O. Box 465, Silverdale,
WA 98383-0465
Attn: Treasurer
Other dues options that you may want to consider are:
National + Base Annual Dues:
__Five Years: $90+$90=$180__Three Years: $55+$55=$110__One Year: $20+$20=$40
National Life Dues: (National Life Dues does not include Base Life Dues).
76> =$100 66 to 75=$200 56 to 65=$300 46 to 55=$400 To 45 =$500
A membership application is also attached. Please note the end of year “special dues” for new members. We all know a submariner out there who
is not a member … I encourage you to sign him up! It’s valued members submariners like you who make USSVI and Bremerton Base the great
association that we enjoy. Sign up a few more “bubble heads” and we will be even stronger.
We are striving for zero loss in membership for 2011. Please send your dues before December 31, 2010. If you have any questions regarding
the Base or your membership just send an email or phone. Fraternally,
Tommy Robinson
USSVI-Bremerton Base
Treasurer and Membership Chairman 360-871-6899 (Message)
More Info About USSVI can be Viewed at
Honor Our WWII Submarine Heroes — They are few!
Eligible for a pension
VET-01: You may be a wartime vet, eligible for a pension and not even realize it....
Submitted by: Pat Householder on 8/29/2010
--------------------------------------------------------A little-known veterans' benefit for long-term care expenses is available to wartime veterans and their spouses. But the
benefit is being overlooked by thousands of families, industry observers say.
The Special Pension for Veterans' Aid and Attendance pays up to $1,644 a month, $19,736 annually, toward assisted living, nursing homes or in-home care for veterans 65 and older who served at least 90 days including at least one day during wartime — stateside or overseas.
Congress defines the periods of war. If your Military Service includes at least 91 days including at least one within any of
these time periods: Dec 7, 1941, thru Dec 31, 1946; June 27, 1950 thru Jan 31, 1955; August 5, 1964 thru May 7th
1975; and from August 2nd 1990 to date, you may qualify for this benefit, subject to certain asset and income limits.
Veterans and their spouses can receive up to $23,396 annually and spouses of deceased veterans, $12,681.
Follow the link for more information…$22,000-a-Year-Tax-F
Russia's Newest Sub 'Yury Dolgoruky' Completes Sea Trials
Brahmand Defence and Aerospace News, September 29, 2010
MOSCOW: The Project 955, Borey class strategic nuclear powered submarine ‘Yury Dolgoruky’ of Russia has successfully completed its sea trials at White Sea, a media report said. The Sevmash shipyard has carried out the test for the new
submarine before it enters into service with Russian Navy. According to RIA Novosti, "All the submarine's systems performed well, and the problems revealed during previous tests have been resolved," Sevmash said.
Fourth-generation Borey class nuclear-powered submarine has displacement of 24,000 tons and it is capable to dive down
to 450 meters. It is 70 meters (580 feet) long with a hull diameter of 13 meters (42 feet) and can board a crew of 107.
It is also capable to carry up to 16 ballistic missiles and torpedoes.
The delay in the development of troubled Bulava submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) is also seen as the prime
reason behind the delay of the submarine launch.
Sevmash shipyard is constructing three other Borey class nuclear submarines, the Alexander Nevsky, the Vladimir
Monomakh and Svyatitel Nikolai (St. Nicholas) for Russian Navy. Russia is also planning to build eight more
submarines from Borey class nuclear submarines by 2015.
There is room for everything aboard a Submarine except a mistake—Sub School
The Past, Present, and Future — Pride Runs Deep!
Become Part of U.S. Submarine
Have your name or group's name engraved on brick
To Find your brick go to
For a brick application form go to
Any questions, call Don Bassler 360-602-0250
Dedicated in April 2000 to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the U.S. Submarine Fleet, the proudly
named " Deterrent Park" offers a place for learning, quiet contemplation and a natural location for
honoring our shipmates on distinguished occasions.
The park is located on Naval Submarine Base Kitsap, Bangor, centrally located near Submarine Group
NINE headquarters, TRIDENT Training Facility and the Off-Crew Administration Building.
The Centerpiece of the park is a full scale replica of an FBM submarine topside with the USS
WOODROW WILSON (SSBN 624) sail and upper rudder. Additional features include the Forty-One For
Freedom Memorial, describing Submarine Force history, and a ceremonial area.
The park is used frequently for Retirements and other Official Ceremonies by local Naval Commands.You
can continue it's operational availability by donating a memorial brick.Your 4.5 x 9", "submarine black",
brick with engraved message will be used to form the submarine's missile deck.
Typical messages can be name, rate/rank, dates served, date qualified, or boats served on, in memory
(Deceased Shipmates), or any other message that meets the decorum of the site.You will receive a
certificate verifying the message to be engraved and a chart showing approximate
location of your brick.
Each brick is $40.00, which includes all engraving costs.You may purchase as many bricks as
you wish. Once purchased, bricks become park property.
Naval Base Kitsap is responsible for the maintenance of the park and keeps the submarine replica and
surrounding grounds in top ceremonial condition.
The submarine veterans of the USSVI Bremerton Base are responsible for the marketing and sale of the
bricks. All profits realized after the engraving of the bricks will go to support our efforts “To
perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties
while serving their country.”
I called my stockbroker yesterday and asked him what I should be buying.
He said, "Canned goods and ammunition."
“Neither timid nor reckless men should go to sea” —ADM Arleigh Burke
The Past, Present, and Future — Pride Runs Deep!
Has China Built A New Stealth Submarine?
Chosun Ilbo, October 4, 2010
China's neighbors are worried that the People's Republic may already have produced a stealth submarine, the South China
Morning Post in Hong Kong reported Sunday.
Three weeks ago, photos of a new submarine built at a Chinese naval shipyard in Wuhan failed to draw much attention
when they were posted on several websites. But that changed last week when the China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation
disclosed that the Wuhan shipyard had built a new submarine, as well as more details of the craft.
China has not yet officially announced that this is a stealth sub, but neighboring countries have become nervous as military
experts say that is what it is, the paper claimed.
"The talk in our community is that we are seeing the first signs of a completed new design," the daily quoted one Asian
military expert as saying. "The question is ... just how quiet have they been able to make it? Stealth is everything when it
comes to submarines and at some point China is going to finally crack it."
It also quoted the People's Liberation Army Daily as saying Da Liang Long, a professor at the PLA Navy's Submarine Academy, won an award from the Central Military Commission for his "considerable" work on submarine stealth technology.
"Naval officials in the region say encounters between submarines are increasing. Such encounters will become more frequent as countries such as Japan, Korea, Australia, Vietnam and Indonesia expand and update their submarine fleets in the
face of China's rising military strength. The PLA will soon have more submarines than the United States Navy," the daily
Please Remember to Pass This Issue to Another Sub veteran
1.Richard W. Becker. Qualified on USS SEGUNDO (SS-.398).No response to date !
1532 Taylor Cutoff Road (FRANCIS)
Sequim, Wa 98382-8289
360-681-7571 e-mail
*2.Louis S. Caretti CWO USN RET. Qualified on USS REDFIN(SS-272) Package mailed as requested.
5357 E. Hillcrest Drive
Port Orchard, Wa.98366-8101 (DONNA)
360-871-6443 e-mail
*3.Gary Carr EMCM(SS) USN RET. Qualified on USS ROCK (SS-274).recieved e-mail bio/desires to be
inducted at Christmas/H.C. dinner.
12901 Overland Trail (JOSEPHINE)
Bremerton, Wa 98312-9621
360-830-0442 e-mail
*4. L. V. Denson SKCM(SS) USN RET. Qualified on USS GRAYBACK (SSG-574) package mailed as
37981 Fawn Road NE
Hansville, Wa 98340-8791
360-638-2734 no e-mail address
*5.Donald Goldsberry EMCM(SS) USN RET. Qualified on USS GROWLER(SSG-577)received bio desires
to be inducted at the Christmas/H.C. dinner
5336 Bunker St NE
Bremerton, Wa98311-2433
*6.Terral S. Gray SOS2(SS) USN. Qualified on USS BLUEGILL (SS-242) requested that his package be sent
to the Island Empire Base for induction. Package mailed as requested.
902 S.Wilson Court(MONICA)
Kennewick, Wa 99336-995
509 783-4496 e-mail
“SAIC is proud to support
The Bremerton Base Subvets”
Puget Soundings—Nov/Dec/Jan 2010/ 11 Issue 5
Gary “Dutch” Kaiser Quotes
The greatest pleasure in life is doing
what people say you cannot do.
USSVI-Bremerton Base Quarterly Newsletter
Submariners Trade with Establishments Advertising in Puget Soundings
*7.Jack E. Hamilton CDR USN RET. Qualified on USS PIPER (SS-409) inductee for 2010 under new national 5 year requirement
10731 Warren Rd NW
Silverdale, Wa.98383-7378
360-308-9845 e-mail
*8 Robert E. Lee ETCM(SS) USN RET. Qualified on USS CUBERA (SS-347). Received e-mail requestion induction at the Christmas/H. C. Dinner. Will send bio later. Qualified with James Smith ETC(SS) and requests to be inducted at the same time.
26446 Kingsview Loop NE (DENISE)
Kingston, Wa 98346-9684
360-297-4462 e-mail
*9.Richard L Litscher ETCM(SS) USN RET. Qualified on USS TRUMPETFISH(SS-425). Dick wants to be inducted at the Christmas/H.C. dinner-will send bio later.
4929 Johnson Street NW (NOLA)
Bremerton, Wa 98311-2443
360-373-1838 e-mail
*10.James Smith ETC(SS) USN RET. Qualified on USS CUBERA (SS-347). recieved his bio, desires to be inducted at the Christmas/H.C. dinner.Will be inducted with shipmate Robert E.Lee ETCM(SS).
305 NE Paulson Road (KAREN)
Poulsbo, Wa.98370-7994
360-692-9797 e-mail
*11.James P. Smith CAPT.USN RET. Qualified on USS CAVALLA (SS-244) pakage mailed as requested.
410 Skiatook lane (BARBARA)
Loudon, Tn.37774-3189
865-408-0825 e-mail
12.Gerald A. Stuart FTCM(SS)USN RET. Qualified on USS HARDER (SS-568) inductee for 2010 under new National five year
requirement elimination.
1613 Wheaton Way
Bremerton, Wa.98310-4340
360-373-3633 e-mail
*13. Milo H. VanDecar MS2(SS) USN. Qualified on USS Caiman (SS-323) Van Decar was inducted at the Annual picknic in July.
801 Hidden Trails Road (BOBBI)
Port Townsend, Wa. 98368-9002
14.Bobby R. Whitlow CWO4 USN RET. Qualified on USS SPIKEFISH(SS-404) (1955) Inductee for 2010 under new national five
year requirement elimination.
14609 41st Ave Ct NW
Gig Harbor, Wa 98332-9042
15.Marian Almond Windell CWO4 USN RET. Qualified on USS WAHOO(SS-565) (1957) Inductee for 2010 under new national
five year requirement elimination
PO Box 609
Coupville, Wa 98239-0609
*16.Neil R. Wollam CRD USN RET. Qualified on USS RASHER (SS-269) Inducted at the May USSVI monthly Meeting.
Gary “Dutch” Kaiser Quotes
Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?
Behind every successful man is a surprised woman. - Maryon Pearson
“The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war” —ADM Hyman Rickover
The Past, Present, and Future — Pride Runs Deep!
The Storekeeper webpage at . It contains Ships Store sale items, vest
forms, contact information, and links to the National
Storekeeper’s inventory and his on-line U-Tube video
catalog. View and select the items you want, drop me an
email or phone call, and I will get them ordered. 12 western silent service hats will arrive on Friday also I have a
good supply of golf hats. New belt buckles are coming in.
Also you can be the first one to own a Joe Negri challenge
Ralph W. Harris
USSVI-Bremerton Base/Storekeeper
Ervin Schmidt Sends...
Well here is your chance Shipmates. Subvets &
Spouses and all, would you like to spend four
months or more in the Yuma AZ Sun? You would
have the Barbel Shipmates and shopping nearby?
How about a Park Model, fully furnished and ready
to live in, its in the Yuma foot hills, with an attached awning to cover your car? All you need is
your car and a suit case full of clothes, if you want
to wear them. Minimum 4 months at $750/mo,
Contact Al Durkee ( 928-342-3683) or Ervin
(425-778-7647) for details.
Newsletter Advertising Rates
Full Page, 4 issues - $500
Half Page, 4 issues - $250
1/4 page, 4 Issues - $125
1/8 Page, 4 Issues - $60
Single Issue - $100
Single issue - $50
Single issue - $25
Single issue - $13
P lease contact Puget Soundings Editor
Sam Swenson for details at 360-275-3638
Puget Soundings—Nov/Dec/Jan 2010/11 Issue 5
USSVI—Bremerton Base Quarterly Newsletter
The Past, Present, and Future—Pride Runs Deep!
Minutes of the meeting conducted 09/21/10.
The Bremerton Base Commander, Dave Niemy, called the meeting to order at 1900 hours with the Opening
observances were conducted. 34 members and prospective members signed the roster.
*The Base Commander recognized shipmates Fred Borgmann and John Clear for their accomplishments and for
being recipients of the Robert Link awards at the National Convention.
*The Base Commander then introduced Willie Slusarski of the Washington Department of Veterans Affairs. His
presentation on Veterans health benefits was very informative and he finished up with details about the Washington
Veterans Home at Retsil.
*The minutes from the August 17 meeting were read and approved as read. • The Base Treasurer, Tommy Robinson, reports that the
Base net worth is at $64,114. This was divided among the Life Fund ($28,757), the Scholarship Fund ($15,684), and the General
Fund ($19,671). He also has profit and loss statements for the membership to look at The report was approved as presented.
*Scholarship Committee Chairman, John Gardner, is receiving thank you letters from several 2010 winners. He also acknowledges
that the Ways and Means committee has recommended that the 2011 scholarships do not exceed the amount of money taken in
during this year’s fund raising projects.
*Membership Committee Chairman, Tommy Robinson, announced that his position is open and needs another volunteer. The Base
has 293 paid up members and that the 2011 dues drive is underway. He has sent out letters via e-mail and snail mail to all annual
dues paying members.
*The Ways and Means Committee has nothing to report.
*The Scholarship Review Committee has met and will continue meeting until a consensus is reached and a report is readied for
presentation to the EBoard sometime before years’ end.
*Puget Sounding Editor-in-Chief, Sam Swenson, has set 15 October as the deadline for the next issue. Anyone with ideas, stories, or
pictures should have them in to him prior to that date.
*Fire Works Committee Chairman, Sam Swenson, announced that the position is also open for a new volunteer. He reports that the
net proceeds from the fireworks sale was between $3,400 and $3,500.
*The USS Bonefish (SS 223) Float Coordinator, Sam Swenson, reports that the float will be in the Auburn Veterans Day parade and
will be at the Kitsap County Fairgrounds for the annual Veterans Day program November 11.
*Shipmate John Gardner announced that the Base sponsored submarine birthday Dolphin Dash will be saturday, April 9, 2011. John
says that the next TTF graduating class will be the USS Daniel Boone (SSBN 629) class on 8October. He states that the Radioman
classes will all be conducted at New London. The navigation ETs will continue here at TTF.
*Holland Club Chairman, Dave Davenport, explained that the National Constitution and By-Laws had just been revised allowing
annual dues paying members to enter the Holland Club without the 5-year prior membership. There are now four additional Base
members eligible for 2010 induction.
*Chief-of-the-Boat, Hank Hollis, has the annual Holiday Party set for Saturday, December 11, at the Bremerton Elks Lodge. The
facility is in East Bremerton on Pine Road. Cost is $40 per couple if paid before November 19.
*The Base Commander encourages the membership to participate on an information table at TTF. The program has been in progress
most of the year. The table is now setup every other month during the lunch break on the first Wednesday of the month. The
Base Storekeeper also is on hand selling items of interest.
*The Base Commander is assisting the scheduling of a Trident sub tour for South Sound Base, Seattle Base, and Bremerton Base. The
tour is now scheduled for Tuesday, October 26. Members are reminded that the climb to enter and exit the ship is rather
difficult. If you can’t make the climb, please don’t sign up for the tour. The bus will depart Keyport Museum parking lot at 0930
and returns at 1500 hours. The tour will include a stop at TTF.
*There is a Base Booster Club, which is meant to properly recognize members donating money, time, work, etc. Make your
recommendations to the Base Commander.
*There has been some static about different versions of the Friday Soup Down List. The Puget Soundings list can get quarterly updates
only. The preferred listing is on the Gertrude Check. Revisions are kept to a minimum but must be made to track the businesses
that help USSVI projects. Base Vice Commander, Jim DeMott, has been making the advanced call to the restaurant each week so
that they have ample warning of our arrival. If members want, they can call him and we will have the right information.
*The Second Reading of the proposed changes to the Base Constitution and By-Laws was conducted. The third and final reading will
be at the October 19 meeting followed by a vote.
*The 50/50 raffle ($45) was won by Dick Litscher and was donated to the General Fund.
The meeting was adjourned at 2105 hours.
Ex communi periculo, fraternitas — (From common peril, brotherhood)
Submariners Trade with Establishments Advertising in Puget Soundings
James L. Dixon, DMD
Advanced Cosmetic Dentistry
2520 Perry Avenue, Suite A, Bremerton, WA 98310
(360) 479-2240
Web Site:
Northwest Practice Dedicated to Excellence
Remember, your smile is a curve
that can set most things straight!
From the Editor of the
Puget Soundings Newsletter
As the Editor, please call if you would like to receive the newsletter via our web site, Sam Swenson
at or 360-275-3638 and to
hold your newsletter until you return please call
the National office 360-337-2978.
Sam Swenson Jr.
Puget Soundings Editor
Help Wanted – November 2010
Holland Club Chairman — makes sure that
qualified members are inducted.
Newsletter Editor – Write, edit, publish and
distribute the newsletter.
Membership Committee Chair – Responsible
for recruiting new members and retaining current
Puget Soundings—Nov/Dec/Jan 2010/11 Issue 5
USSVI—Bremerton Base Quarterly Newsletter
Messdeck Skinny and/or What Really Happened!
Minute of the meeting conducted 10/9/10.
The Bremerton Base Commander, Dave Niemy, called the meeting to order at 1900 hours.
• Opening observances were conducted. 32 members (later revised to 35 members) signed the roster including one associate member
and one visitor.
• The third reading of the proposed revisions to the Base Constitution and ByLaws proceeded. The Base Commander
and Base Vice Commander read all thirteen proposals. Each proposal was opened for discussion. Each proposal was listed
in order on ballot sheets issued to each attending voting member.
• The results of voting:
Delete Treasurer need for bond – Article V, Section 11, Item K 30 yes votes/0 no votes.
Revise/clarify life membership dues – Article IV, Section 6 30 yes votes/0 no votes.
Change terms of office from one to two years – Article V, Section 3 30 yes votes/0 no votes.
Change Base elections from June to November – Article VIII, Section 2 29 yes votes/1 no vote.
Change Base Commander travel allowance – Article V, Section 7 30 yes votes/0 no votes.
Revise proof of qualification – Article IV, Section 1 30 yes votes/0 no votes.
Require Base Vice Commander to conduct audit – Article V, Section 9 30 yes votes/0 no votes.
Correct Tolling of Bells/Boats – Article IX, Section 1, Item 4 30 yes votes/0 no votes.
Allow Base Commander to modify order of business – Article IX, Section 1 30 yes votes/0 no votes.
COB to be responsible for ceremonial equipment – Article V, Section 12 29 yes votes/1 no vote.
Add duties of newsletter Editor – Article VI, Section 3 29 yes votes/1 no vote.
Add Fireworks Committee to appointments – Article VI, Section 7 29 yes votes/1 no vote.
Add Parade Float Manager to appointments – Article VI, Section 6 29 yes votes/1 no vote.
• The minutes of the September 21 meeting were read and approved as read.
• The Treasurer sent a report informing that the Base has over $64,000 in assets. The report was approved as presented.
• There are 292 members in the Bremerton Base with 90 owing 2011 dues.
• Scholarship Chairman, John Gardner, announced that the 2011 applications would be ready after the first of the year.
Also, letters of introduction to be presented to local businesses for donations will be ready at the same time.
• Ways and Means Committee and Base Chaplain had nothing to report.
• Base Storekeeper, Ralph Harris, has a leather jacket, shirts, patches, and pins for sale. He says hat the supply of 2011 USSVI calendars is getting low, so you better buy one soon.
• The Float Coordinator, Sam Swenson, announced that the float sustained minor rain damage from the recent storms. He
will clean up and do work as necessary this weekend. He states that the float will be ready for the Auburn Veterans Day parade,
November 6, and the Kistap Veterans Day proceedings on November 11.
• Fireworks Chairman (outgoing), Sam Swenson, introduced Fireworks Chairman (incoming), Mike Sullivan. Sam asked the membership to give his relief the same outstanding support that he had while he was chairman.
• Events coordinator, John Gardner, gave announcements about the Base involvement in: Veterans Day parade, Auburn,
Saturday, November 6; Veterans Day program at Kitsap County Fairgrounds between 0900 hours and 1300 hours, Tuesday,
November 11; TTF graduation January 20, 2011 for class USS Sam Rayburn (SSBN-635); and Dolphin Dash at Bangor, celebrating
the submarine service 111th birthday, Saturday, April 11, 2011. All members are invited to participate.
• Holland Club Chairman, Dave Davenport, reports that he hasn’t heard from the four new inductees.
• The Base Commander reports: Deterrent Park brick sales are happening and that Past Base Commander, Don Bassler, will
be our liaison for the project. The Gertrude Check web site has its’ own server and address. Invites the membership to the Holiday
Party at the Bremerton Elks Lodge, Saturday, December 11, at 1200 hours. Pay the COB $40 per couple prior to
November 19. He needs members to man our USSVI table at TTF during the lunch break on the first Wednesday of every
Other month commencing November 3. The membership is invited to a lunch buffet at Bangor at 1130 hours, Tuesday, October
26, to meet and greet visiting members of the Blueback Base, Seattle Base, South Sound Base, and Peninsula Base.
The Submariner Association of Canada (West) is hosting USSVI members to Victoria, BC, to celebrate the 50 birthday of
HMCS Grilse (SS 71) on April 29, 30, May 1, 2011 weekend. Grilse was the former USS Burrfish (SS 312). Bremerton Base is
invited to the COMSUBGRUP 9 Change of Command at Deterrent Park, Friday, October 29 at 1000 hours. Shipmate Dick
Litscher has offered to be the next Holland Club Chairman.
• The 50/50 raffle ($42) was won by Ralph Harris, which will be deposited in the Storekeeper’s fund. Shipmate Sam Swenson won
the shirt donated by the Base Storekeeper.
The meeting was adjourned at 2015 hours.
Come to Meetings ... We Always Have Sea-stories and Often a Have a Speaker
The Past, Present and Future—-Pride Runs Deep!
PUGET SOUNDINGS, A Quarterly NEWSLETTER, XIII#5, Nov/Dec/Jan 2010/11
Issue Date, Nov 1, 2010
PO BOX 465
SILVERDALE, WA 98383-0465
Permit # 92
We meet Monthly at FRA #29
521 National Ave., Bremerton
Tue Nov, 16th @ 1900 (7PM)
Sat Dec, 11th @ 1200 X-Mas Party Elk’s Lodge Bremerton
Tue Jan, 18th @ 1900 (7PM)
Nov 05 Hale’s Ale House,
Kitsap Mall, Silverdale
Take a Break—Come to Soup Down! You gotta eat lunch! It’s the
LT William “Willie” Spoon Official Friday Luncheon that helps to
support our scholarships. Come alone or bring a old shipmate.
Bring a young shipmate if you know one. We eat lunch, tell a sea
story or two, sometimes a fabrication, and occasionally an outright
lie … Not intentionally, of course ... but these things do happen.
Come join the fun!
Nov 12 Boston’s Dell & Pizza,
210 Burwell St. , Bremerton
Nov 19 Brother Don’s,
4200 Kitsap Way, Bremerton
Nov 26 Family Pancake House,
1034 Bethel Avenue, Port Orchard
Dec 03
Los Cabos,
4120 Wheaton Way, Bremerton
Dec 10
Chips Casino,
1500 NE Riddell Rd. East Bremerton
Dec 17
Round Table Pizza,
3276 Northwest Plaza Rd., Silverdale
Jan 07
Brother Don’s,
4200 Kitsap Way, Bremerton
4908 Kitsap Way, Bremerton
Manchester Inn,
2386 Colchester Dr. E. Manchester
FRA #29,
521 National Ave., Bremerton
Jan 14
Jan 21
Jan 28
Take a break—come to lunch!
The Above establishments support the
Lt. William “Willie” Spoon
Memorial Scholarship
Probably best to jot the dates on a 3X5 card or just buy a Subvets
calendar. Always check New
Nov 03—0900 E-Board Meets at FRA#29
Nov 16—1900(7pm)Bremerton Base Meets at FRA#29
Dec 01—0900 E-Board Meet at FRA #29
Dec 11—1200 Bremerton Base Christmas Party, 1300 Holland
Club Induction and awards
Jan 05—0900 E-Board Meets at FRA#29
Jan 18—1900 (7pm)Bremerton Base Meets at FRA#29
Please Pass This Issue to Another Subvet