CAO Liste des subventions 2012-2013


CAO Liste des subventions 2012-2013
2012-2013 Grants Listing
Liste des subventions 2012-2013
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
OntariO artS COunCiL
2012-2013 GrantS LiStinG
COnSeiL deS artS de L’OntariO
LiSte deS SuBVentiOnS 2012-2013
OAC Grants Listing
Aboriginal Arts
Access and Career Development
Anchor Organizations
Arts Education
Arts Service Organizations
Community and Multidisciplinary Arts
Franco-Ontarian Arts
Media Arts
Northern Arts
Ontario-Quebec Artist Residencies
Visual Arts and Crafts
Arts Investment Fund
Awards and Chalmers Program
Ontario Arts Foundation
Front Cover (top):
Couverture (en haut) :
Video still from Sincerus, a short film by John Graham.
(Photo courtesy of John Graham)
Plan fixe de Sincerus, court métrage de John Graham.
(Reproduction autorisée par John Graham)
Liste des subventions du CAO
Arts autochtones
Accès et évolution professionnelle
Organismes phares
Éducation artistique
Organismes de service aux arts
Arts communautaires et multidisciplinaires 19
Arts franco-ontariens
Arts médiatiques
Arts du Nord
Résidences d’artistes Ontario-Québec
Arts visuels et métiers d’art
Fonds d’investissement dans les arts
Prix et programme Chalmers
Fondation des arts de l’Ontario
Front Cover (bottom):
Couverture (en bas) :
Krešimir Špicer (left) as Max and Meghan Lindsay as Agathe in
Opera Atelier’s production of Der Freischütz (The Marksman) at
The Elgin Theatre in Toronto. (Photo: Bruce Zinger)
Le Freischütz , produit par Opera Atelier au théâtre Elgin de
Toronto, avec Krešimir Špicer (à gauche) dans le rôle de Max et
Meghan Lindsay dans celui d’Agathe. (Photo : Bruce Zinger)
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
GrantS LiStinG
This report lists all grants awarded to organizations and individuals in the 2012-2013
fiscal year, and final payments made in the 2012-2013 fiscal year related to grants
awarded in previous years, as well as the names of all jurors and advisory panel
members. In 2012-2013, there were more than 65 granting programs at OAC.
Ensuring the relevance, fairness and consistency of these programs and therefore
the process for allocating grants is both rigorous and complex.
Applicants whose applications are in process are never asked to sit on juries or
advisory panels. Organizations receiving multi-year operating support are not assessed
by advisory panels in Year 2 or Year 3 of their granting cycle. Representatives of
organizations receiving multi-year funding may act as a juror or advisor.
LiSte deS SuBVentiOnS
Ce rapport annuel recense les subventions accordées aux organismes et aux particuliers
pendant l’exercice financier 2012-2013, les derniers versements faits pendant cet
exercice pour des subventions octroyées lors d’exercices précédents, ainsi que le nom
des membres des jurys et des comités d’évaluation. En 2012-2013, le CAO a administré
plus de 65 programmes de subvention. Les moyens utilisés pour assurer la pertinence,
l’impartialité et la cohérence de ces programmes et, par conséquent, du processus
d’octroi des subventions, sont à la fois rigoureux et complexes.
Les candidats dont les demandes sont en cours de traitement ne siègent jamais aux
jurys ou aux comités d’évaluation. Les organismes qui reçoivent une subvention de
fonctionnement pluriannuelle ne sont pas évalués par un comité pendant l’exercice 2 ou
l’exercice 3 de leur cycle de financement. Les représentants d’organismes recevant une
subvention pluriannuelle peuvent servir de jurés ou de conseillers.
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
aBOriGinaL artS
artS autOChtOneS
A visitor watches an accompanying video to artist Justine
McGrath’s The Protector, part of the Concealed Geographies
exhibit co-presented by A Space Gallery and imagineNATIVE
Film + Media Arts Festival. (Photo: Michael Ruszczycki)
Une visiteuse regarde la vidéo qui accompagne The Protector,
œuvre de l’artiste Justine McGrath, dans le cadre de
l’exposition Concealed Geographies, présentée conjointement
par A Space Gallery et le Festival imagineNATIVE du film et
des arts médiatiques. (Photo : Michael Ruszczycki)
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
aBOriGinaL artS
artS autOChtOneS
Sara rOque
The OAC recognizes and values the arts produced by
Aboriginal peoples of Ontario. OAC’s Aboriginal Arts
programs are designed to support professional Aboriginal
artists and organizations to develop, create, produce or
present new artistic works, to encourage arts engagement
with Aboriginal communities and to enhance the lives
and careers of Aboriginal artists. Aboriginal Arts programs
are assessed by professional Aboriginal artists. All OAC
programs are open to Aboriginal and/or diverse artists or arts
organizations. The term Aboriginal includes status, nonstatus, Métis and Inuit people.
Le CAO reconnaît et apprécie les œuvres d’art produites
par les peuples autochtones de l’Ontario. Les programmes
d’arts autochtones du CAO ont comme objectif d’aider
les artistes professionnels et les organismes autochtones
à développer, créer, produire ou présenter de nouvelles
œuvres d’art, de développer un intérêt pour les arts dans
les communautés autochtones et, finalement, d’améliorer la
vie et la carrière des artistes autochtones. Les programmes
d’arts autochtones sont évalués par des artistes autochtones.
Tous les programmes du CAO sont ouverts aux artistes
et aux organismes autochtones, ainsi qu’aux artistes et
aux organismes des communautés culturelles. Le terme
autochtone inclut les Indiens inscrits et non inscrits, les
Métis et les Inuits.
aBOriGinaL artS eduCatiOn PrOJeCtS
PrOJetS d’éduCatiOn artiStique autOChtOneS
February 2012 / Jurors
Février 2012 / Jurés
Nathan Adler, Orangeville
Susan Elizabeth Blight, Toronto
Kevin Lee Burton, Winnipeg, Man.
Cheryl A. Maracle, Hagersville
Jean Marshall, Fort William First Nation
Aanmitaagzi, North Bay, $12,000
Shannon Gustafson, Thunder Bay, $10,000
imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival, Toronto, $9,000
Marcel Labelle, Arthur, $10,000
Duane Linklater, North Bay, $9,000
Rene Meshake, Guelph, $5,800
Native Child and Family Services, Toronto, $10,000
Simon Jacob Memorial Education Centre, Webequie, $12,000
White Buffalo Healing Lodge Inc., Nobel, $10,000
Wii-Kendiminiing Nishnaabemowin Saswaansing,
Peterborough, $10,200
September 2012 / Jurors
Septembre 2012 / Jurés
Keith Barker, Toronto
Sean Conway, Curve Lake
Michelle Derosier, Thunder Bay
Lorrie L. Gallant, Brantford
Lisa Myers, Port Severn
Jason Baerg, Courtright, $9,000
Kathy Brant, Deseronto, $5,500
Kristy Cameron, Atikokan, $800
Centre for Indigenous Theatre, Toronto, $10,000
First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada,
Ottawa, $6,000 (collaborating with / en collaboration avec
Roots Research and Creation Collective, Toronto)
Shannon Gustafson, Thunder Bay, $6,000
Bradley Henry, Ottawa, $850 (collaborating with /
en collaboration avec Christina Moore, Wakefield)
Deanne Hupfield, Toronto, $7,300
Kaha:wi Dance Theatre, Toronto, $8,700
Métis Fiddler Quartet, Toronto, $10,000
Christina Moore, Wakefield, $850
Nipissing First Nation Culture Department,
Garden Village, $11,000
Roots Research and Creation Collective, Toronto, $6,000
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
aBOriGinaL artS PrOJeCtS
PrOJetS d’artS autOChtOneS
February 2012 / advisors
Février 2012 / Conseillers
Nathan Adler, Orangeville
Susan Elizabeth Blight, Toronto
Kevin Lee Burton, Winnipeg, Man.
Cheryl A. Maracle, Hagersville
Jean Marshall, Fort William First Nation
Aboriginal Curatorial Collective / Collectif des Conservateurs
Autochtone, Toronto, $20,000
Mary Anne Barkhouse, Minden, $9,000
Jimson Bowler, Peterborough, $10,500
Terril Calder, Toronto, $18,000
Clifford Cardinal, Toronto, $10,000
Kevin Chief, Ottawa, $7,000
Penny Couchie, North Bay, $20,000
Michelle Derosier, Thunder Bay, $7,000
Meegwun Fairbrother, Toronto, $12,000
Catherine Gull, Moosonee, $11,720
Shy-Anne Hovorka, Nipigon, $15,000
iNative: The Toronto International Aboriginal Music Festival,
Toronto, $10,000
Joel Johnson, Ohsweken Six Nations Reserve, $9,000
Sally Kewayosh, Walpole Island First Nation, $16,500
Cheryl L’Hirondelle, Toronto, $17,000
Maaiingan Productions, Toronto, $15,000
Justin Many Fingers, Toronto, $13,000
Cara Mumford, Peterborough, $8,000
Native Women in the Arts, Toronto, $15,000
Tannis Nielsen, Toronto, $15,000
Nishnaabe Theatre Performance, Toronto, $15,300
O’Kaadenigan Wiingashk Collective, Peterborough, $10,000
Sage Paul, Toronto, $7,000
James Ransom, Ottawa, $20,000
Red Sky Performance, Toronto, $20,000
Leanne Simpson, Peterborough, $8,000
Douglas Williams, Curve Lake, $10,980
September 2012 / Jurors
Septembre 2012 / Jurés
Keith Barker, Toronto
Sean Conway, Curve Lake
Michelle Derosier, Thunder Bay
Lorrie L. Gallant, Brantford
Lisa Myers, Port Severn
Sarah DeCarlo, Peterborough, $10,000
Alyssa Delbaere-Sawchuk, Toronto, $10,000
Meegwun Fairbrother, Toronto, $17,000
Robert Friday, Ottawa, $5,500
Michael Greyeyes, Aurora, $20,000
imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival, Toronto, $18,000
Indigenous Performing Arts Alliance (IPAA), Toronto, $8,000
Indigenous Routes, Toronto, $19,000
Iroquois Arts Collective, Ohsweken, $20,000
Kaha:wi Dance Theatre, Toronto, $18,000
David Laronde, Temagami, $10,000
Rene Meshake, Guelph, $5,000
Edmund Metatawabin, Fort Albany, $20,000
Nishnaabe Theatre Performance, Toronto, $17,000
O’Kaadenigan Wiingashk Collective, Peterborough, $17,000
Outside Looking In, Toronto, $17,000
Red Diva Projects, Toronto, $20,000
Arthur Renwick, Rama, $15,000
Waubgeshig Rice, Ottawa, $4,000
Chad Solomon, Peterborough, $20,000
Amanda Strong, Milton, $15,000
Weengushk Film Institute, M’Chigeeng, $19,000
Tara Williamson, Peterborough, $15,000
aBOriGinaL PreSenterS in the nOrth –
MuSiC eVentS
diFFuSeurS autOChtOneS du nOrd –
éVèneMentS MuSiCaux
February 2013 / Jurors
Février 2013 / Jurés
Bonnie Couchie, Pic River
Stan Kapashesit, Moose Factory
4AM in Thunder Bay Association, Thunder Bay, $3,000
Garden River First Nation, Garden River, $3,000
N’Swakamok Native Friendship Centre, Sudbury, $3,000
Temagami Artistic Collective, Temagami, $3,000
Wasauksing Communications Group Inc.,
Parry Sound, $3,000
Aanmitaagzi, North Bay, $19,000
Aboriginal Experiences, Arts and Culture, Ottawa, $16,000
Agokwe Collective, Toronto, $13,000
ANDPVA, Toronto, $15,000
Amber Asp-Chief, Orléans, $9,000
Michael Belmore, Minden, $15,000
Jimson Bowler, Peterborough, $9,500
Quentin Commanda, Toronto, $14,000
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
aCCeSS and Career deVeLOPMent
aCCèS et éVOLutiOn PrOFeSSiOnneLLe
Mohammeds, an installation by Sandra Brewster on display
as part of an exhibition at Alice Yard in Port of Spain, Trinidad
and Tobago. (Photo: Sandra Brewster)
Mohammeds, installation de Sandra Brewster dans le cadre
d’une exposition à Alice Yard, dans la ville de Port of Spain, en
Trinité-et-Tobago. (Photo : Sandra Brewster)
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
aCCeSS and Career deVeLOPMent
aCCèS et éVOLutiOn PrOFeSSiOnneLLe
BuShra Junaid
OAC’s Access and Career Development program supports
professional development and skill-building opportunities
that advance the artistic work and careers of Aboriginal arts
professionals and arts professionals of colour.
Le programme Accès et évolution professionnelle du CAO
favorise le perfectionnement professionnel et l’acquisition de
compétences visant à faire progresser le travail et la carrière
artistique des professionnels des arts autochtones et des
professionnels des arts de couleur.
May 2012 / Jurors
Mai 2012 / Jurés
Barbara Lee Croall, Milton
Mehdi Hamdad, Ottawa
Vital Kasongo-Nyindu, Toronto
Tawiah M’Carthy, Toronto
Nathalie Roy, Amherstburg
Sinara Rozo, Toronto
Maria Sabaye Moghaddam, Ottawa
Dianah Smith, Toronto
Paul Ackah, Brampton, $9,000
Kawa Ada, Toronto, $8,000
Isaac Akrong, Toronto, $8,984
Meryem Alaoui, Toronto, $6,000
Sharlene Bamboat, Toronto, $12,780
Joseph Bitamba, Brampton, $11,620
Denise Bolduc, Toronto, $3,000
Ozan Boz, Toronto, $7,000
Sandra Brewster, Toronto, $9,320
Michael Caldwell, Toronto, $3,500
Zilia Castrillon, Toronto, $5,000
Tracey-Mae Chambers, Dunnville, $13,000
Germaine Chazou, Ottawa, $7,320
Stephanie Comilang, Toronto, $6,000
Ian de Souza, Toronto, $5,000
Maya Annik Despres-Bedward, Toronto, $11,000
Francesca Durham, Burlington, $5,000
Nafee Nelly Faïgou, Welland, $6,015
Alex Felipe, Toronto, $7,500
Richard Fung, Toronto, $4,500
Gomo George, Toronto, $7,500
Anya Grant, Toronto, $3,500
Virginia Green, Toronto, $15,000
Paul Gutierrez, Toronto, $4,000
Tiffany Hsiung, Toronto, $14,500
Sistah Lois Jacob, Toronto, $7,000
Rachel Kalpana James, Ottawa, $8,500
Ian Kamau Prieto-McTair, Toronto, $5,000
Gitanjali Kolanad, Toronto, $10,000
Chetan Kothari, Toronto, $7,000
Tzu-Ying “Tom” Kuo, Toronto, $13,000
Bradley Ladouceur, Toronto, $7,000
Djennie Laguerre, Toronto, $6,320
Amy Lam, Toronto, $8,000
Latoya (Joy) Lapps, Toronto, $9,000
Surendra Lawoti, Toronto, $2,000
Jade Lee Hoy, Brampton, $6,700
Eun Mi Lee, Maple, $13,000
Min Sook Lee, Toronto, $14,457
Lindsey Lickers, Toronto, $5,000
Chase Lo, Mississauga, $8,000
Tanya Lukin-Linklater, North Bay, $8,000
Isaac Luy, Oakville, $4,595
Keiron Lyn, Toronto, $10,000
Ramses Madina, Ottawa, $4,000
Eiko Maeda, Woodbridge, $4,000
Kanwer Singh Mahl, Toronto, $5,500
Keli Maksud, Toronto, $5,300
Tuku Matthews, Toronto, $5,000
Heidi McKenzie, Toronto, $7,500
Alana McLeod, Toronto, $5,353
Mariana Medellin-Meinke, Toronto, $3,000
Fantahun Mekonnen, Toronto, $8,000
Márcio Mendes, Toronto, $4,285
Tokiko Narula, Burlington, $6,630
Ngozi Paul, Toronto, $11,400
Hesper Philip-Chamberlain, Toronto, $9,000
Mohammad Sarrafzadeh, Toronto, $9,000
Ashton Shearer, Toronto, $6,000
Nayani Thiyagarajah, Toronto, $5,500
Allix Thompson, Vaughan, $14,718
Allyson Trunzer, Toronto, $6,000
Dawn Wilkinson, Brampton, $6,000
Elizabeth Wong, Toronto, $9,400
Caroline Xia, Toronto, $842
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
anChOr OrGanizatiOnS
OrGaniSMeS PhareS
Actors perform in the Shaw Festival’s production of Ragtime.
(Photo: Emily Cooper)
Des acteurs de la pièce Ragtime en spectacle au festival
Shaw. (Photo : Emily Cooper)
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
anChOr OrGanizatiOnS
OrGaniSMeS PhareS
BiLLyann BaLay
Director of Granting Programs
Directrice des programmes de subvention
The Anchor Organizations program provides operating
support to organizations that are significant to their sectors
and their regions through the scope of their artistic activity,
their role within the cultural community, their size and their
financial and operational complexity. Anchor organizations
are artistic institutions that are of sufficient expertise and
scale to perform consistently at an international level of
excellence, attract audiences internationally and provide a
standard of leadership in their artistic discipline for both the
province and the country. These organizations are assessed
by advisory panels for the community and multidisciplinary
arts, dance, media arts, opera, orchestras and theatre
operating programs.
Le programme Organismes phares accorde des subventions
de fonctionnement aux organismes qui contribuent
significativement à leur secteur et à leur région par
l’envergure de leur activité artistique, le rôle qu’ils tiennent
dans le milieu culturel, leur ampleur et la complexité
de leur financement et de leur fonctionnement. Il s’agit
d’établissements artistiques qui, grâce à leur degré de
spécialisation et à leur portée, se produisent uniformément
à un niveau d’excellence international, attirent des
auditoires du monde entier et font office de chefs de file
dans leur discipline artistique à l’échelle provinciale aussi
bien qu’à l’échelle nationale. Des comités d’évaluation
étudient les demandes de ces organismes dans le cadre des
programmes de fonctionnement de différentes disciplines
(arts communautaires et multidisciplinaires, danse, arts
médiatiques, opéra, orchestres et théâtre).
February 2012
Février 2012
Note: The Canadian Opera Company, Canadian Stage
Company, National Ballet of Canada, National Ballet
School, Shaw Festival, Stratford Shakespeare Festival,
Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto International Film
Festival and the Toronto Symphony Orchestra are in year
two or three of multi-year funding, and the program officers
reviewed their applications.
Multi-year Operating – year two
Subventions de fonctionnement
pluriannuelles – exercice 2
Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto, $281,000
Toronto International Film Festival, Toronto, $200,000
Toronto Symphony Orchestra, Toronto, $2,065,700
Multi-year Operating – year three
Subventions de fonctionnement
pluriannuelles – exercice 3
Canadian Opera Company, Toronto, $2,278,900
The Canadian Stage Company, Toronto, $715,000
The National Ballet of Canada, Toronto, $2,271,100
The National Ballet School, Toronto, $600,000
Shaw Festival Theatre Foundation, Canada,
Niagara-on-the-Lake, $1,219,400
Stratford Shakespeare Festival, Stratford, $1,693,900
Community and Multidisciplinary arts
Organismes d’arts communautaires et
april 2012 / advisors
avril 2012 / Conseillers
Lila Cano, Thunder Bay
Noora Zainab Sagarwala, Toronto
Jyoti Sapra-Shannon, Peterborough
Daina Warren, Winnipeg, Man.
Renée Wetselaar, Hamilton
Multi-year Operating – year One
Subventions de fonctionnement
pluriannuelles – exercice 1
Harbourfront Centre, Toronto, $625,704
Nota : La Compagnie d’opéra canadienne, la Canadian Stage
Company, le Ballet national du Canada, l’École nationale de
ballet, le Shaw Festival, le Stratford Shakespeare Festival, le
Conservatoire royal de musique, le Festival international du film
de Toronto et l’Orchestre symphonique de Toronto sont dans
l’exercice 2 ou 3 d’un cycle de financement pluriannuel et leur
demande a été examinée par les responsables des programmes.
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
artS eduCatiOn
éduCatiOn artiStique
Elder Carol Guppy works with youth as lead artist for
Aanmitaagzi’s Dances of Resistance, a community engaged
workshop at Big Medicine Studio on Nipissing First Nation.
(Photo: Sid Bobb)
L’aînée Carol Guppy, artiste principale de Dances
of Resistance, projet de recherche-développement
communautaire de la compagnie de théâtre Aanmitaagzi,
anime un atelier pour jeunes dans le Big Medicine Studio de
la Première Nation de Nipissing. (Photo : Sid Bobb)
Listing/ Liste
/ Listedes
artS eduCatiOn
éduCatiOn artiStique
naSreen Khan
ChriStina aKrOnG
Associate Officer
Responsable adjointe
eLeanOr aLBaneSe
Interim Associate Officer
Responsable adjointe intérimaire
BarBara GiLBert
Interim Associate Officer
Responsable adjointe intérimaire
OAC’s Arts Education programs provide support to arts
education initiatives for learners of any age in schools and
community settings. These initiatives include new works,
hands-on workshops, artists’ residencies, arts education
forums and conferences, professional artist presentations for
young audiences and the development of artistic resources
for teachers. Arts education experiences are a catalyst
for creativity, lifelong learning and the development of
cultural literacy. OAC partners with the arts community and
education communities in this effort.
Les programmes d’éducation artistique du CAO
subventionnent des initiatives d’éducation artistique pour
des apprenants de tout âge à la fois en milieu scolaire et
en milieu communautaire. Ces initiatives comprennent de
nouvelles œuvres, des ateliers pratiques, des résidences
d’artistes, des forums et colloques d’éducation artistique,
des présentations d’artistes professionnels destinées aux
jeunes publics et le développement de ressources pour les
enseignants. L’éducation artistique est un catalyseur de la
créativité, de l’éducation permanente et de l’acquisition du
savoir culturel. Le CAO établit à cette fin des partenariats
avec le milieu artistique et le milieu de l’éducation.
artists in education
artistes en milieu éducatif
January 2012 / Jurors
Janvier 2012 / Jurés
Adwoa A. Badoe, Guelph
Kedre Browne, Mississauga
Rose-Anne Cardinal, Sudbury
Alvaro De Minaya, Ottawa
Nicholas Delbaere-Sawchuk, Toronto
Shy-Anne Hovorka, Nipigon
Ana Lorena Leija, Guelph
Yvette Martin, Toronto
Alexandre Mattar, Ottawa
Eva Ormut, Toronto
Isaac Thomas, Toronto
Catrina von Radecki, Guelph
Vera Wabegijig, Ottawa
Clayton Windatt, Sturgeon Falls
Grant amounts include supplemental payments for travel costs.
Le montant des subventions comprend une somme
supplémentaire destinée aux frais de déplacement.
Melissa Altro, Toronto, $4,395
David Archibald, Newburgh, $7,788
Leslie A. Ashton, Toronto, $6,300
François Aubry, Toronto, $6,300
Anne Barber, Toronto, $5,550
Albert Barrocks, Mississauga, $4,200
Daniel Bédard, Sudbury, $5,250
Nicole T. Bélanger, Crysler, $6,374
Brigitte Berman, Toronto, $6,564
Danielle Bleackley, Toronto, $4,200
Crystal Bradford, Haysville, $1,050
Shannon Bramer, Toronto, $4,200
Anna Camilleri, Toronto, $5,250
Lila Cano, Thunder Bay, $7,950
Linda A. Carson, Ottawa, $5,754
Jennifer Cayley, Lanark, $6,858
Rodrigo Chávez, Toronto, $5,030
Geneviève Cholette, Toronto, $6,300
Eleanor Crowder, Ottawa, $9,392
Elizabeth Cunningham, Eden Mills, $2,016
Catharine Curtin, Toronto, $8,962 (collaborating with /
en collaboration avec Eduardo Gómez, Toronto)
Jim Dalling, Toronto, $5,422
Karen Darricades, Toronto, $6,424
Mario del Monte Martinez, Toronto, $8,534
(collaborating with / en collaboration avec Mireya
Escalante Mena, Toronto)
Earl Dionne, Fort Erie, $6,300
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Monica Dufault, St. Catharines, $4,468
Loretta Durat, Sault Ste. Marie, $1,050
Moudu Ekhar, Toronto, $4,650
Jennifer Elchuk, Peterborough, $8,712
Mireya Escalante Mena, Toronto, $8,612
Ruben Esguerra, Toronto, $7,888
Rick Fines, Peterborough, $2,100
Kim Fiocca, Grimsby, $8,000
Susan Fitzmaurice, Bracebridge, $6,924
Mike Ford, Toronto, $2,100
Élise Gauthier, Ottawa, $5,250
Dara Gellman, Toronto, $2,100
Dalia Gesser, Battersea, $4,316
Eduardo Gómez, Toronto, $8,962
Sarah R. Granskou, Kitchener, $6,300
Katherine Grier, Ottawa, $6,300
Julia Gutsik, Greely, $5,819
Gunnel Hag, Toronto, $5,435
Dale Colleen Hamilton, Eden Mills, $3,108
Noelle Hamlyn, Mississauga, $5,250
Julie Hartley, Toronto, $2,100
Christine Harvey, Inverary, $5,466
Greg Hindle, Loretto, $7,681
Yaovi Hoyi, Ottawa, $2,100
Wenyun Hua, Toronto, $5,250
Joan F. Hug-Valeriote, Guelph, $6,550
Bernice G. Hune, Toronto, $6,300
Patrick Y. Jenkins, Toronto, $7,392
Allen Kaeja, Toronto, $5,408
Ian Keteku, Ottawa, $6,300 (collaborating with / en
collaboration avec Nathanaël Larochette, Ottawa)
Liam Kijewski, Haysville, $1,050 (collaborating with / en
collaboration avec Crystal Bradford, Haysville)
Christina Kingsbury, Guelph, $5,582
Shane Kirshenblatt, Newmarket, $5,550
Louisa Krátká, Guelph, $5,769
Joe Lapinski, St. Catharines, $6,300
Louise Laroche, Brampton, $5,392
Nathanaël Larochette, Ottawa, $6,300
Chantal Leblanc, Toronto, $6,300
Kurt Lehner, Newmarket, $7,503
Pat Lewis, Toronto, $2,100
Kathy MacLellan, Ottawa, $6,300
Coleen MacPherson, Toronto, $6,265
Glenn Marais, Newmarket, $8,493
Camille Martin, Toronto, $4,200
Mosa Neshamá McNeilly, Guelph, $6,908
Lise Melhorn-Boe, Kingston, $7,128
Debbie Metzler, Kaministiquia, $2,540
Sue Ann Miller, Creemore, $2,844
Patrick S. Moore, Peterborough, $5,614
Steev Morgan, Maberly, $8,048
Andrea Nann, Toronto, $7,598
Martha Newbigging, Consecon, $5,250
John A. Nolan, Ottawa, $6,300 (collaborating with /
en collaboration avec Kathy MacLellan, Ottawa)
Laurel Oger, Thunder Bay, $6,300
Cristin Osborne, Kitchener, $6,300 (collaborating with /
en collaboration avec Sarah R. Granskou, Kitchener)
Andrew Owen, Toronto, $6,300
Jim Parker, Whitby, $6,300
Michel Payment, Lafontaine, $11,815
Patricia Phelan, Toronto, $7,310
Sandra Phillips, Elora, $6,651
Andrea Piller, Picton, $5,328
Emily Poirier, Toronto, $2,363
Taimi Poldmaa, Sault Ste. Marie, $6,525
Janice Pomer, Toronto, $6,300
Diliana Popova, Toronto, $3,150
Gary Rasberry, Yarker, $4,200
Joanne Rich, Lefroy, $5,874
Michael Riordon, Picton, $3,674
Liliana Rodriguez, Toronto, $5,250
Jacqueline Rowe, Fort Erie, $6,300 (collaborating with /
en collaboration avec Earl Dionne, Fort Erie)
Jessica Runge, Toronto, $4,200
Lucy Rupert, Toronto, $1,050
Peter McPherson Ryan, Ottawa, $5,453
Pamela Schuller, Toronto, $7,259
Marc Scott, Alfred, $6,931
Melanie Siegel, Richmond Hill, $4,200
Michelle Silagy, Toronto, $7,598
Susan H. Stopps, Toronto, $6,300
Trevor Strong, Kingston, $4,200
Sandra Tarantino, Toronto, $4,200
Bonnie L. Thomson, Seagrave, $4,200
Todd Tremeer, Bowmanville, $6,300
Sarah Tsiang, Kingston, $5,250
Diana Tso, Toronto, $3,150
Allycia Uccello, Campbellville, $4,200
Lise C. Vaugeois, Thunder Bay, $2,100
François Viau, Clarence Creek, $7,021
Maureen Walton, Marysville, $5,540
Paul Walty, Toronto, $9,141
Neil H. Warren, Toronto, $6,609
Susan Watson Ellis, Haliburton, $8,151
Pamela M. Williams, Toronto, $2,043
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
aboriginal artists in Schools
artistes autochtones dans les écoles
arts education Organizations
Organismes d’éducation artistique
January 2012 / Jurors
Janvier 2012 / Jurées
Marie Gaudet, Toronto
ShoShona Kish, Barrie
Brenda Lee, Garden Village
april 2012 / advisors
avril 2012 / Conseillers
Claire Calnan, Toronto
Chantal Leblanc, Toronto
Barb Matousek, Sioux Lookout
Vishnu Ramcharan, Toronto
Allister Xavier, Ottawa
Grant amounts include supplemental payments for travel costs.
Le montant des subventions comprend une somme
supplémentaire destinée aux frais de déplacement.
Priscilla Aibens, Wikwemikong, $3,675
Hanna Bear, Constance Lake, $5,250
Cheryl Bomberry, Ohsweken, $5,460
Danka Brewer, Tichborne, $6,998
Eileen Sam Conroy, Madoc, $9,168
Louis Esmé Cruz, Toronto, $5,699
Michael Cywink, Espanola, $11,040
Alyssa Delbaere-Sawchuk, Toronto, $6,300
Conlin Delbaere-Sawchuk, Toronto, $6,300
(collaborating with / en collaboration avec
Alyssa Delbaere-Sawchuk, Toronto)
Nicholas Delbaere-Sawchuk, Toronto, $6,300
Jean Hookimaw, Attawapiskat, $3,570
Tanya Lukin-Linklater, North Bay, $6,826
Caroline Mahlikah Awe:ri Outten, Toronto, $5,040
Kirk Sherbert, Kingston, $5,250
Norman Shewaybick, Webequie, $4,200
Chad Solomon, Peterborough, $1,050
Nancy Wesley, Constance Lake, $5,250 (collaborating
with / en collaboration avec Hanna Bear, Constance Lake)
Multi-year Operating
Subventions de fonctionnement pluriannuelles
Arts for Children and Youth, Toronto, $75,000
Community Arts & Heritage Education Project,
Thunder Bay, $40,000
Drum Artz Canada, Toronto, $16,000
Mariposa in the Schools, Toronto, $50,000
Multicultural Arts for Schools & Communities (MASC),
Ottawa, $120,000
Outside Looking In, Toronto, $35,000
Prologue to the Performing Arts, Toronto, $220,000
Regent Park Focus Youth Media Arts Centre,
Toronto, $30,000
The Remix Project, Toronto, $40,000
Sketch Working Arts for Street-involved and
Homeless Youth, Toronto, $80,000
Urban Non-Violent Initiatives Through Youth (UNITY),
Toronto, $20,000
annual Operating
Subventions de fonctionnement annuelles
DAREarts, Palgrave, $30,000
Inner City Angels, Toronto, $75,000
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
arts education Projects
Projets d’éducation artistique
March 2012 / advisors
Mars 2012 / Conseillers
David Bobier, Thorndale
Joanne Books, Thunder Bay
Rose-Anne Cardinal, Sudbury
Nicholas Delbaere-Sawchuk, Toronto
Jaime Koebel, Ottawa
Ana Lorena Leija, Guelph
Alexandre Mattar, Ottawa
Mackenzie Muldoon, Toronto
Debashis Sinha, Toronto
Africville Dandaro Centre, Lakefield, $9,000
Axis Music, Toronto, $11,000
Penny Bateman, Long Sault, $6,500
Beaver Theatre Co., Toronto, $9,500
Carousel Players, St. Catharines, $10,000
Chamber Factory: Works for Small Ensembles,
Toronto, $8,000
Community Arts Guild, Toronto, $12,000
Female Eye, Woodbridge, $8,000
Flash Frame Film and Video Network, Thunder Bay, $9,500
Girls Rock Camp Toronto, Toronto, $9,500
Hamilton Music Collective, Hamilton, $10,000
IMPACT – Indian Martial & Performance Art
Collective of Toronto, Toronto, $8,600
In Forma Theatre, Toronto, $12,000
Just Us Collective, Thunder Bay, $7,500
Lookup Theatre, Bognor, $9,000
MacGregor Park Art Club, Toronto, $11,550
Michael McMurtry, Toronto, $6,190
Sameena Mitta, Ottawa, $4,148
No.9: Contemporary Art & the Environment, Toronto, $8,000
Chrissy Poitras, Picton, $1,900
Port Dover Harbour Museum – Norfolk County,
Port Dover, $8,000
Propeller Dance, Ottawa, $9,000
ReFrame Peterborough International Film Festival,
Peterborough, $8,600
Maria Sabaye Moghaddam, Ottawa, $9,000
Christina Sealey, Hamilton, $6,037
Southern Currents Film and Video Collective,
Toronto, $10,000
Stolen From Africa / Volé D’Afrique, Toronto, $8,000
SuiteLife Arts for Youth, Toronto, $9,625
Théâtre-Action, Ottawa, $11,711
Kyle Topping, Picton, $1,900 (collaborating with /
en collaboration avec Chrissy Poitras, Picton)
W5ART Collective, Toronto, $9,000
October 2012 / advisors
Octobre 2012 / Conseillers
Betty Carpick, Thunder Bay
Paul Chaput, Kingston
Pablo Felices-Luna, St. Catharines
Judith Manger, Toronto
Sameena Mitta, Ottawa
Frédéric Nzeyimana, Toronto
Kearon Roy-Taylor, Burlington
Dominique St-Pierre, Luskville
Mary Abma, Brights Grove, $4,000
Alameda Theatre Company, Toronto, $9,000
L’Alliance culturelle de l’Ontario, Ottawa, $6,000
Aluna Theatre, Toronto, $10,800
The AMY Project (Artists Mentoring Youth), Toronto, $11,000
Arts Council – Haliburton Highlands, Haliburton, $9,000
ArtsCan Circle, Newmarket, $11,375
Asian Arts Freedom School, Toronto, $11,500
Association francophone pour l’éducation artistique en
Ontario, Bourget, $6,000
Karine Barrass, Toronto, $8,295
Cahoots Theatre Company, Toronto, $10,500
Culture for Kids in the Arts, Hamilton, $5,559
Kristen Fahrig, Toronto, $10,000
Fédération de la jeunesse franco-ontarienne, Ottawa, $7,000
Gryphon Trio, Toronto, $5,285
Impossible Arts, Toronto, $9,500
Jazz FM91, Toronto, $8,000
Kapisanan Philippine Centre for Arts & Culture,
Toronto, $10,000
Djennie Laguerre, Toronto, $3,750
Leitmotiv, Ottawa, $9,800
Lindsay Concert Foundation, Lindsay, $11,000
Jeffery Mann, Kingston, $7,876
Métis Fiddler Quartet, Toronto, $6,000
Kate Nankervis, Toronto, $8,000
Off the Wall, Stratford Artists Alliance, Stratford, $10,000
Eva Ormut, Toronto, $8,000
Patricia Phelan, Toronto, $6,900
Playmakers! Theatre School, Stratford, $7,600
RESIGHT, Hamilton, $5,559 (collaborating with / en
collaboration avec Culture for Kids in the Arts, Hamilton)
The School of Dance, Ottawa, $12,000
Tara Luz Danse, Ottawa, $6,875
Théâtre de la Vieille 17, Ottawa, $5,875
Theatre Rusticle, Toronto, $10,000
Toronto Tabla Ensemble, Toronto, $10,000
Hilda Van Netten, Cobourg, $9,500
Woodstock Art Gallery, Woodstock, $8,000
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
artS SerViCe OrGanizatiOnS
OrGaniSMeS de SerViCe aux artS
Jason Doell (left) and Steph Chua participate in the Canadian
League of Composers’ Emerging Composer Mentorship
Project program. (Photo: Matthew Fava)
Jason Doell (à gauche) et Steph Chua participent au
programme Projet de mentorat pour compositeurs
émergents de la Ligue canadienne des compositeurs.
(Photo : Matthew Fava)
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
artS SerViCe OrGanizatiOnS
OrGaniSMeS de SerViCe aux artS
MiChaeL Murray
The Arts Service Organizations program provides operating
and project support for provincial or national membershipbased organizations that serve the province’s various arts
sectors. This English-language program is intended to
deliver services and programs that advance the development
of arts professionals and arts organizations in Ontario.
Le programme Organismes de service aux arts octroie des
subventions de fonctionnement et de projets aux organismes
d’envergure provinciale ou nationale qui desservent
les différents secteurs artistiques de la province. Ce
programme de langue anglaise vise à appuyer les services
et programmes qui favorisent le développement des artistes
professionnels et des organismes artistiques de langue
anglaise en Ontario.
February 2012 / advisors
Février 2012 / Conseillers
Jessa Agilo, Toronto
Adonis Huggins, Toronto
Dan Kershaw, Toronto
Lora Northway, Thunder Bay
Catherine O’Grady, Ottawa
Sarah Quinton, Toronto
Anand Rajaram, Markham
Priya Ramanujam, Toronto
Brett Savory, Toronto
Tracee Smith, Toronto
Samuel Thomas, Niagara Falls
Multi-year Operating
Subventions de fonctionnement pluriannuelles
Artist-Run Centres and Collectives of Ontario,
London, $29,000
ArtsSmarts / GénieArts, Toronto, $50,000
Canadian Association of Fringe Festivals, London, $9,300
Canadian Dance Assembly, Toronto, $26,100
Canadian League of Composers / Ligue canadienne
des compositeurs, Toronto, $12,000
Canadian Music Centre, Toronto, $66,000
CAPACOA, Ottawa, $16,000
CARFAC Ontario, Toronto, $65,000
CCI – Ontario Presenting Network, Toronto, $77,000
Choirs Ontario, Toronto, $15,000
Cultural Careers Council Ontario, Toronto, $24,000
Dance Ontario Association, Toronto, $27,000
Dancer Transition Resource Centre, Toronto, $32,000
The Documentary Organization of Canada / L’Association
des documentaristes du Canada, Toronto, $15,000
FUSION: The Ontario Clay and Glass Association,
Toronto, $31,500
League of Canadian Poets, Toronto, $65,000
Magazines Canada, Toronto, $51,000
Ontario Association of Art Galleries, Toronto, $60,000
Ontario Council of Folk Festivals, Ottawa, $47,500
Ontario Crafts Council, Toronto, $93,000, Toronto, $26,100
Orchestras Canada / Orchestres Canada, Toronto, $75,445
Playwrights Guild of Canada, Toronto, $55,000
Professional Association of Canadian Theatres,
Toronto, $50,000
Professional Writers’ Association of Canada, Toronto, $19,750
Theatre Ontario, Toronto, $95,850
Toronto Alliance for the Performing Arts, Toronto, $24,000
The Writers’ Union of Canada, Toronto, $116,798
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
annual Operating
Subventions de fonctionnement annuelles
Aboriginal Curatorial Collective / Collectif des Conservateurs
Autochtone, Toronto, $28,000
ANDPVA, Toronto, $49,000
ArtsBuild Ontario, Waterloo, $17,691
Canadian Alliance of Dance Artists, Ontario
Chapter, Toronto, $10,000
Canadian Authors Association, Orillia, $17,691
Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild,
Toronto, $20,000
Canadian Conference of the Arts, Ottawa, $7,125
Cobalt Connects, Hamilton, $28,000
Literary Press Group, Toronto, $37,500
Media Arts Network of Ontario / Réseau des arts
médiatiques de l’Ontario, Toronto, $25,000
Ontario Book Publishers Organization, Toronto, $21,000
Project Grants
Subventions de projet
Arts Council – Haliburton Highlands, Haliburton, $6,000
(with / avec Fay & Associates, Minden)
Canadian Actors Equity Association, Toronto, $7,500 (with /
avec Alliance of Canadian Cinema TV And Radio Artists
(ACTRA), Toronto)
Canadian Alliance of Dance Artists, Ontario Chapter,
Toronto, $2,000 (with / avec Collective of Black
Artists, Toronto)
CAPACOA, Ottawa, $8,000 (with / avec Orchestras Canada /
Orchestres Canada, Toronto)
Choirs Ontario, Toronto, $9,000
Cultural Careers Council Ontario, Toronto, $9,000 (with /
avec AOE Arts Council, Ottawa)
Cultural Pluralism in the Arts Movement Ontario,
Toronto, $6,000 (with / avec Canadian Dance
Assembly, Toronto)
Dragon Tree Collective, Guelph, $4,000 (with / avec
Guelph Arts Council, Guelph)
FUSION: The Ontario Clay and Glass Association,
Toronto, $9,000 (with / avec W.K.P. Kennedy Gallery,
North Bay)
Hamilton Arts Council, Hamilton, $4,733 (with /
avec Workers Arts and Heritage Centre, Hamilton)
NSAI Toronto Regional Workshop, Brampton, $4,000
(with / avec Nashville Songwriters Association
International, Brampton)
Picasso Pro, Toronto, $10,000 (with / avec SPiLL,
Gatineau, Que.)
Playwrights Guild of Canada, Toronto, $8,000 (with /
avec Theatre Museum Canada, Toronto)
South Asian Dance Alliance of Canada, Mississauga, $6,000
(with / avec Sampradaya Dance Creations, Mississauga)
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
COMMunity and
MuLtidiSCiPLinary artS
artS COMMunautaireS et
Diana Giardino (left) and Dan Watson in Arts4All’s production
of I Was a Brave Child at the Davenport Perth Neighbourhood
and Community Health Centre in Toronto. (Photo: Katherine
Diana Giardino (à gauche) et Dan Watson, dans I Was a
Brave Child, pièce de Arts4All présentée au Davenport Perth
Neighbourhood and Community Health Centre à Toronto.
(Photo : Katherine Fleitas)
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Listing/ Liste
/ Listedes
COMMunity and MuLtidiSCiPLinary artS
artS COMMunautaireS et MuLtidiSCiPLinaireS
LOree LawrenCe
OAC’s community and multidisciplinary arts programs
support two kinds of artistic activities: community arts
involves artists collaborating with community groups
who otherwise might not have access to the arts in the
co-creation of new work and in the transfer of cultural
practices; and multidisciplinary and integrated arts, which
include the creation, production and presentation of work
that incorporates two or more artistic disciplines. Examples
of these are festivals, events, series and interdisciplinary
experiments. Community and multidisciplinary arts
programs are aimed at increasing public participation and
engagement in and enjoyment of the arts in their many
forms, as well as in bringing artists together to work across
Les programmes d’arts communautaires et
multidisciplinaires du CAO appuient deux types
d’activités artistiques : d’une part, les activités artistiques
communautaires dans lesquelles des artistes collaborent
avec des groupes de la collectivité qui, sans cela,
n’auraient pas accès aux arts, à la création collective de
nouvelles œuvres et au transfert de pratiques culturelles ;
d’autre part, les activités artistiques multidisciplinaires et
intégrées, dans lesquelles des artistes créent, produisent
et présentent des œuvres relevant de deux disciplines
artistiques ou plus. Exemples : festivals, évènements, séries
et expérimentations interdisciplinaires. Les programmes des
arts communautaires et multidisciplinaires visent à amener
le public à participer aux arts et à en apprécier les différentes
formes aussi bien qu’à donner aux artistes l’occasion de
créer des œuvres qui chevauchent plus d’une discipline.
artists in the Community/workplace
artistes dans la communauté ou le milieu de travail
March 2012 / Jurors
Mars 2012 / Jurés
Alana Bartol, Windsor
Clyde Brooks, Hamilton
Alex Felipe, Toronto
Sarah King Gold, Sudbury
Cheryl L’Hirondelle, Toronto
Amanda Parris, Toronto
4Elements Living Arts, Little Current, $6,000 (with /
avec LaCloche-Manitoulin Business Assistance
Corporation, Gore Bay)
Art Gallery of Hamilton, Hamilton, $10,000 (with /
avec Hamilton Health Sciences – St. Peter’s
Hospital, Hamilton)
Ronna Bloom, Toronto, $10,000 (with / avec Mount Sinai
Hospital Occupational Health Department, Toronto)
Centre for Spanish Speaking Peoples, Toronto, $7,500 (with /
avec Essencia Arts Collective, Toronto)
Chirikli Collective, Toronto, $7,000 (with / avec
St. Christopher House, Toronto)
Micah Donovan, Toronto, $7,500 (with / avec YMCA
of Greater Toronto, The YMCA Academy, Toronto)
Everybody’s Theatre Company, Eden Mills, $8,555 (with /
avec Rural Learning Association [RLA], Honeywood)
Sean George, Barrie, $10,000 (with / avec Mental Health
and Addictions of Simcoe County, Barrie)
Ruth Howard, Toronto, $7,000 (with / avec North Bay
Public Library, North Bay)
Bryce Kanbara, Hamilton, $7,500 (with / avec Muslim
Association of Canada [Cordoba House], Hamilton)
Sean Mauricette, Toronto, $5,000 (with / avec
African Canadian Heritage Association, Toronto)
Mosa Neshamá McNeilly, Guelph, $8,000 (with / avec
Onward Willow Better Beginnings Better Futures, Guelph)
Metropolitan Action Committee on Violence Against
Women and Children (METRAC), Toronto, $7,000 (with /
avec Rosina Kazi, Toronto)
Parkdale Activity Recreation Centre, Toronto, $10,000 (with /
avec Making Room Community Arts, Toronto)
Parya Trillium Foundation, Markham, $5,000 (with /
avec Soheil Parsa, Toronto)
Punjabi Community Health Services, Brampton, $8,950
(with / avec Amanda Williams, Toronto)
Spoken Forum Collective, Toronto, $7,000 (with / avec
East Scarborough Storefront – Tides, Toronto)
SuiteLife Arts for Youth, Toronto, $3,000 (with / avec
Georgina Island Cultural Tours, Sutton West)
Rebeka Tabobondung, Toronto, $9,450 (with / avec
St. Michaels’ Hospital, Toronto)
Malarville Varatharaja, Markham, $5,000 (with /
avec Markham Tamil Seniors, Markham)
Whippersnapper Gallery, Toronto, $7,500 (with / avec
Toronto Community Housing, Toronto)
Dan Yashinsky, Toronto, $7,000 (with / avec Stop
Community Food Centre, Toronto)
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
October 2012 / Jurors
Octobre 2012 / Jurés
Saniya Ansari, Toronto
Ashley Burton, Wahnapitae
Anna Camilleri, Toronto
cj Fleury, Wakefield
Michelle Soulliere, Windsor
Arts4All Creative Society, Toronto, $9,000 (with /
avec Davenport Perth Neighbourhood Centre, Toronto)
Danah Beaulieu, Windsor, $8,846 (with / avec House of
Sophrosyne, Windsor
Black Bird North Arts, Blind River, $8,000 (with / avec
Mississaugi First Nation Education Department,
Blind River, Mississaugi First Nation)
Centre3 for Print and Media Art, Hamilton, $10,000
(with / avec OPIRG McMaster, Hamilton)
The Creative Works Studio, Toronto, $10,000 (with /
avec Maggie Flynn, Toronto)
Edge of the Woods Theatre, Huntsville, $7,656 (with /
avec Muskoka Seniors, Huntsville)
Kristen Fahrig, Toronto, $10,000 (with / avec MacGregor
Park Art Club, Toronto)
Diane Therese Halpin, London, $10,000 (with / avec
Chelsey Park Retirement Community, London)
Keys To The Studio, Toronto, $9,200 (with / avec
Keyholders, Toronto)
Donna Kwasnicki, Lasalle, $9,000 (with / avec
Windsor Downtown Mission, Windsor)
Making Room Community Arts, Toronto, $7,500 (with /
avec Parkdale Activity Recreation Centre, Toronto)
Faith Nolan, Burnt River, $7,700 (with / avec Elizabeth Fry
Society – Toronto, Toronto)
Bernardo Padrón, Toronto, $9,985 (with / avec Success
Beyond Limits, Toronto)
SPiLL, Gatineau, $10,000 (with / avec
Andrea Donaldson, Toronto)
Paul Stewart, Toronto, $2,318 (with / avec Fred Victor
Centre, Toronto)
Nicholas Stirling, Toronto, $9,000 (with / avec Centre for
Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto)
Urban Arts Initiative, Hamilton, $9,350 (with / avec
Leon Robinson, Hamilton)
Windsor Women Working with Immigrant Women, Windsor,
$10,000 (with / avec Christopher Rabideau, Windsor)
Rita Zavagnin, Thunder Bay, $6,000 (with / avec
Dusty Not Rusty Players, Thunder Bay)
Community and Multidisciplinary
arts Organizations
Organismes d’arts communautaires et
april 2012 / advisors
avril 2012 / Conseillers
Lila Cano, Thunder Bay
Noora Zainab Sagarwala, Toronto
Jyoti Sapra-Shannon, Peterborough
Daina Warren, Winnipeg, Man.
Renée Wetselaar, Hamilton
Multi-year Operating
Subventions de fonctionnement pluriannuelles
Abilities Arts Festival: A Celebration of Disability Art
and Culture, Toronto, $17,500
Algoma Arts Festival Association, Sault Ste. Marie, $15,000
Art Starts Neighbourhood Cultural Centre, Toronto, $39,000
Children’s Peace Theatre, Toronto, $22,000
Clay and Paper Theatre, Toronto, $32,000
De-ba-jeh-mu-jig Theatre Group, Wikwemikong, $263,000
Immigrant Culture and Art Association, Hamilton, $19,100
Indigenous Culture and Media Innovations, Ottawa, $45,000
Jumblies Theatre, Toronto, $37,500
Kapisanan Philippine Centre for Arts & Culture,
Toronto, $15,000
Latin American-Canadian Art Projects, Toronto, $19,950
Luminato, Toronto, $60,000
MABELLEarts, Toronto, $28,000
Mayworks Festival, Toronto, $27,952
MERA, McDonald’s Corners, $7,500
Myths and Mirrors Community Arts, Sudbury, $33,000
Ojibwe Cultural Foundation, M’Chigeeng, $31,500
Ottawa International Children’s Festival, Ottawa, $48,498
Red Pepper Spectacle Arts Incorporated, Toronto, $38,000
Red Sky Performance, Toronto, $65,000
Shadowland Theatre, Toronto, $20,000
Sheatre, Kemble, $22,000
Sunfest – Cross Cultural Arts Committee, London, $35,000
Woodland Cultural Centre, Brantford, $57,210
Workers Arts and Heritage Centre, Hamilton, $36,000
Workman Arts, Toronto, $45,000
Young Centre for the Performing Arts, Toronto, $25,000
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
annual Operating
Subventions de fonctionnement annuelles
Aanmitaagzi, North Bay, $29,000
Brantford Arts Block, Brantford, $19,000
Canadian Community Arts Initiative, Mississauga, $28,500
Expect Theatre Inc., Toronto, $30,000
Gibson Centre, Alliston, $20,000
Koffler Centre of the Arts, Toronto, $60,000
Native Women in the Arts, Toronto, $24,950
One World Arts Inc., Ottawa, $10,000
Community arts Councils
Conseils des arts communautaires
Final payment of grant from previous fiscal year:
dernier versement d’une subvention accordée au
cours de l’exercice précédent :
Sunfest – Cross Cultural Arts Committee, London, $35,000
april 2012 / advisors
avril 2012 / Conseillers
François Girard, Sudbury
Patrice James, Ottawa
Lisa S. Pijuan-Nomura, Hamilton
Coman Poon, Toronto
Licia Vreugde, Brampton
Multi-year Operating
Subventions de fonctionnement pluriannuelles
AOE Arts Council, Ottawa, $37,500
Arts Council – Haliburton Highlands, Haliburton, $9,475
Arts Council – Windsor & Region, Windsor, $25,000
Arts Etobicoke, Toronto, $39,000
Council for the Arts in Ottawa, Ottawa, $12,150
Guelph Arts Council, Guelph, $10,000
Hamilton Arts Council, Hamilton, $7,640
Kingston Arts Council, Kingston, $11,000
Lakeshore Arts Committee, Toronto, $16,650
Markham Arts Council, Unionville, $13,500
Oakville Arts Council, Oakville, $6,570
Prince Edward County Arts Council, Picton, $15,000
Quinte Arts Council, Belleville, $9,450
Scarborough Arts, Toronto, $19,000
Urban Arts Community Arts Council, Toronto, $38,000
annual Operating
Subventions de fonctionnement annuelles
Mississauga Arts Council, Mississauga, $20,000
Scugog Council for the Arts, Port Perry, $10,000
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
integrated arts
arts intégrés
Multi-arts Projects
Projets multiarts
March 2012 / Jurors
Mars 2012 / Jurés
Olga Barrios, Ancaster
Peter Chin, Toronto
Nichola Feldman-Kiss, Ottawa
Sean George, Barrie
Jacob Zimmer, Toronto
March 2012 / Jurors
Mars 2012 / Jurés
Alfredo Caxaj, London
Jennifer Dallas, Toronto
Lisa Marie DiLiberto, Toronto
Sean George, Barrie
Stefan St-Laurent, Ottawa
Elizabeth Chitty, St. Catharines, $9,000
Sharada K. Eswar, Brampton, $9,000
Eventual Ashes, Toronto, $9,000
The Harvester’s Collective, Wikwemikong, $13,625
Ruth Howard, Toronto, $8,000
No Media Collective, Toronto, $14,000
Public Recordings Performance Projects, Toronto, $6,000
Olivia Rojas, Toronto, $6,000
Jordan Tannahill, Toronto, $12,000
Christopher Willes, Toronto, $11,000
Yellow Wallpaper, Hamilton, $11,400
Helen Yung, Toronto, $5,000
Baobab Afrikan Arts, Toronto, $15,000
Cape Farewell Foundation, Toronto, $15,000
Cue Collective, Toronto, $17,500
House of PainT Festival of Urban Arts and Culture,
Ottawa, $13,000
Jp King, Toronto, $14,000
Manifesto Community Projects, Toronto, $17,500
Median Contemporary Arts, Toronto, $6,000
Mary Rashleigh, Dorset, $4,500
SUM°, Toronto, $16,000
Supercrawl Productions, Hamilton, $14,300
Tom Thomson Art Gallery, Owen Sound, $15,000
White Water Gallery, North Bay, $8,000
October 2012 / Jurors
Octobre 2012 / Jurés
Philippe Charbonneau, Gatineau
Sharada K. Eswar, Brampton
Ame Henderson, Toronto
Arturo Herrera, Windsor
Reena Katz, Toronto
Artengine, Ottawa, $12,000
Martha Baillie, Toronto, $15,000
Department of Public Memory, Toronto, $18,619
Sean Frey, Toronto, $11,600
Christina Kingsbury, Guelph, $7,400
The Looking Sea Collective, Hamilton, $14,000
Massimus Collective, Toronto, $6,000
M. Nourbese Philip, Toronto, $10,000
Henry Adam Svec, London, $11,000
October 2012 / Jurors
Octobre 2012 / Jurés
Kobèna Acquaah-Harrison, Scarborough
Howard Adler, Ottawa
Franco Boni, Toronto
Sage Paul, Toronto
Catrina von Radecki, Guelph
Aboriginal Experiences, Arts and Culture, Ottawa, $12,000
Broken City Lab, Windsor, $10,000
Caribbean Cultural Institute, Barrie, $11,000
Durham Art Gallery, Durham, $16,000
Edge of the Woods Theatre, Huntsville, $14,000
House of PainT Festival of Urban Arts and Culture,
Ottawa, $19,000
Iranian-Canadian Centre for Art and Culture,
Thornhill, $15,000
Pratibha Arts, Toronto, $7,000
princess productions, Toronto, $8,000
Suitcase in Point, St. Catharines, $14,000
Supercrawl Productions, Hamilton, $12,000
Aki Takahashi, Toronto, $5,000
Shannon Taylor, Peterborough, $2,000
Toronto Alternative Arts and Fashion Week, Toronto, $19,000
Urban Non-Violent Initiatives Through Youth (UNITY),
Toronto, $10,548
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Musicians performing during the Guelph Jazz Festival.
(Photo courtesy of the Guelph Jazz Festival)
Des musiciens en spectacle lors du Festival de jazz de Guelph.
(Reproduction autorisée par le Festival de jazz de Guelph)
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Pat BradLey
The objective of the Compass program is to assist arts
organizations with organizational development projects
and to assist arts managers with professional development
projects, to help build administrative and management
capacity in the arts.
Le programme Compas a comme objectif d’appuyer les
projets de développement organisationnel des organismes
artistiques et les projets de perfectionnement professionnel
des administrateurs des arts afin de renforcer les capacités
d’administration et de gestion dans le domaine des arts.
March 2012 / Jurors
Mars 2012 / Jurés
Irfan Ali, Toronto
Elizabeth Aman-Hume, Markstay
Said Benyoucef, Burlington
Mela Constantinidi, Ottawa
Peter Honeywell, Ottawa
Lise Leblanc, Ottawa
Christina Sit Yee, Toronto
Action et Développement Jeunesse, Ottawa, $5,000
Association des théâtres francophones du Canada,
Ottawa, $5,000
Sue Balint, Toronto, $4,540
Classic Theatre Festival, Perth, $4,000
Fuse Magazine, Toronto, $1,500
Guelph Arts Council, Guelph, $5,500
Guelph Jazz Festival, Guelph, $5,000
House of PainT Festival of Urban Arts and Culture,
Ottawa, $7,500
Justina M. Barnicke Gallery, Hart House, Toronto, $7,000
Music Niagara, Niagara-on-the-Lake, $4,100
Ottawa Arts Court Foundation, Ottawa, $9,500
Regent Park Film Festival, Toronto, $5,300
La Slague du Carrefour francophone, Sudbury, $5,000
Symphony in the Barn, Durham, $4,000
Théâtre Belvédère, Ottawa, $2,000
Theatre Ontario, Toronto, $6,000
VTape, Toronto, $5,000
Windsor Symphony Orchestra, Windsor, $7,000
July 2012 / advisors
Juillet 2012 / Conseillers
Irfan Ali, Toronto
Norma Chuchmuch, Thunder Bay
Karen Dolan, Kingston
Darcy Killeen, Toronto
Art Metropole, Toronto, $3,500
Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, Toronto, $6,000
Cantabile Choirs of Kingston, Kingston, $4,000
Consortium Aurora Borealis, Thunder Bay, $4,370
Edge of the Woods Theatre, Huntsville, $7,500
Laurie Kilgour-Walsh, Brantford, $2,340
Lakeshore Arts Committee, Toronto, $5,750
Manitoulin Conservatory for Creation and Performance,
Evansville, $9,055
Mouvement d’implication francophone d’Orléans,
Ottawa, $2,986
La Nouvelle Scène, Ottawa, $5,000
Malgorzata Nowacka, Toronto, $3,000
Small Print, Toronto, $5,000
STAF, Toronto, $5,000
Stolen From Africa / Volé D’Afrique, Toronto, $4,532
Textile Museum of Canada, Toronto, $6,000
Urban Non-Violent Initiatives Through Youth (UNITY),
Toronto, $6,250
Sigrid Velis, Toronto, $2,080
White Water Gallery, North Bay, $8,400
november 2012 / advisors
novembre 2012 / Conseillers
Sophie Anne Edwards, Little Current
Nicole Griffith-Reid, Toronto
Natalie Joy Quesnel, Ottawa
Patti Shaughnessy, Peterborough
Annie Wilson, St. Catharines
Association des professionnels de la chanson et
de la musique, Ottawa, $6,000
Diasporic Genius Productions, Toronto, $5,000
Dusk Dances, Toronto, $3,500
Esmeralda Enrique Spanish Dance Company, Toronto, $4,300
Guelph Jazz Festival, Guelph, $5,580
Hot Docs, Toronto, $5,000
Immigrant Culture and Art Association, Hamilton, $7,500
Inner City Angels, Toronto, $5,000
Kingston Arts Council, Kingston, $6,000
MacLaren Art Centre, Barrie, $3,000
Propeller Dance, Ottawa, $4,550
Red Diva Projects, Toronto, $5,000
Red Dress Productions Incorporated, Toronto, $6,000
Sheatre, Kemble, $5,500
Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival,
Toronto, $5,607
VTape, Toronto, $10,000
The Word On The Street, Toronto, $5,000
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Yvonne Ng, Mairéad Filgate, Molly Johnson and Meredith
Thompson perform in The Horologium, choreographed by
Michael Caldwell and performed at Dusk Dances Haliburton
in Head Lake Park. (Photo: Myra Stephen)
Yvonne Ng, Mairéad Filgate, Molly Johnson et Meredith
Thompson en spectacle dans The Horologium, chorégraphié
par Michael Caldwell et présenté au festival Dusk Dances
Haliburton dans le parc Head Lake. (Photo : Myra Stephen)
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Listing/ Liste
/ Listedes
MyLeS warren
OAC’s Dance programs encourage the development of
dance and dance artists by supporting Ontario-based dance
companies, presenters, independent creators, dance training
organizations and service associations.
Les programmes de danse du CAO favorisent le
développement de la danse et des artistes de la danse
en appuyant les compagnies de danse, les diffuseurs, les
créateurs indépendants, les organismes de formation et les
organismes de service de l’Ontario.
Culturally diverse dance training Projects
Projets de formation en danse multiculturelle
September 2012 / Jurors
Septembre 2012 / Jurées
Neena Jayarajan, Thornhill
Chemagne Martin, Toronto
Atri Nundy, Toronto
Arabesque Dance Company, Toronto, $5,500
IMPACT – Indian Martial & Performance Art Collective of
Toronto, Toronto, $8,615
Laya Bhava Dance Academy, Markham, $6,115
dance initiatives
initiatives de danse
april 2012 / Jurors
avril 2012 / Jurés
Robert Abubo, Toronto
Robert Desrosiers, Toronto
Parul Gupta, Toronto
Andrea Innes, Ottawa
Lisa La Mantia, Hamilton
Atlas Moves Watching Dance Projects,
Peterborough, $15,000
Sylvie Bouchard, Toronto, $4,500
Dance Matters Dance Productions, Toronto, $11,000
Joanna de Souza, Toronto, $7,500
Marie-France Forcier, Toronto, $5,000
Jasmyn Fyffe Dance, Toronto, $14,000
Barbara Lindenberg, Toronto, $10,000
Manifesto Community Projects, Toronto, $10,000
Anjali Patil, Ottawa, $8,000
Propeller Dance, Ottawa, $12,500
Series Dance 10, Ottawa, $12,500
Rina Singha, Toronto, $12,500
Lacey Smith, London, $11,500
Throwdown Collective, Toronto, $5,000
Toronto Urban Development Symposium (TUDS),
Toronto, $15,000
Darryl Tracy, Toronto, $8,500
Sashar Zarif, Thornhill, $12,500
Zata Omm Dance Projects, Toronto, $5,000
October 2012 / Jurors
Octobre 2012 / Jurées
Neena Jayarajan, Thornhill
Laurence Lemieux, Toronto
Tina Nicolaidis, Toronto
Santee Smith, Hagersville
Renata Soutter, Gatineau
Amanda Acorn, Toronto, $5,000
Alias Dance Project, Toronto, $15,000
Aroha Fine Arts, Stittsville, $15,000
BoucharDanse, Toronto, $5,000
Break it Down Dance Initiatives, Toronto, $5,000
Amelia Ehrhardt, Toronto, $5,000
Waawaate Fobister, Toronto, $5,000
Gadfly, Toronto, $5,000
House of PainT Festival of Urban Arts and Culture,
Ottawa, $13,800
JDdance, Toronto, $15,000
Kala Nidhi Fine Arts of Canada, Toronto, $15,000
Elizabeth Kmiec, Milton, $5,000
Louis Laberge-Côté, Toronto, $12,000
Brandy Leary, Toronto, $5,000
Lana Morton, Wendover, $12,960
Mrudanga Dance Academy, Amherstburg, $14,000
Niagara Dance Company, St. Catharines, $15,000
Jacob Niedzwiecki, Toronto, $5,000
on the MOVE Collective, Toronto, $5,000
Ottawa Dance Directive / centre de danse contemporaine,
Ottawa, $13,000
pounds per square inch performance, Toronto, $5,000
Anjelica Scannura, Toronto, $10,000
Lua Shayenne, Toronto, $5,000
Simcoe Contemporary Dancers, Barrie, $10,000
Throwdown Collective, Toronto, $6,500
The Toronto Dance Community Love-In, Toronto, $5,000
Malarville Varatharaja, Markham, $5,000
William Yong, Toronto, $5,000
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
dance Organizations
Organismes de danse
March 2012 / advisors
Mars 2012 / Conseillers
Catherine Carpenko, Orangeville
Yvonne Coutts-Martignago, Ottawa
Adina Herling, Thornhill
Learie McNicolls, Toronto
William Yong, Toronto
Multi-year Operating
Subventions de fonctionnement pluriannuelles
Ballet Jörgen Canada, Toronto, $179,500
Canadian Contemporary Dance Theatre, Toronto, $75,000
CanAsian Dance Festival, Toronto, $25,200
Dance Collection Danse, Toronto, $25,000
The Dance Current, Toronto, $13,100
dance Immersion, Toronto, $49,000
Dancetheatre David Earle, Guelph, $25,000
Dance Umbrella of Ontario, Toronto, $95,347
DanceWorks, Toronto, $62,000
Dusk Dances, Toronto, $30,000
Esmeralda Enrique Spanish Dance Company,
Toronto, $16,200
Fujiwara Dance Inventions, Toronto, $16,800
Kaha:wi Dance Theatre, Toronto, $40,000
Menaka Thakkar Dance Company, Thornhill, $45,000
MOonhORsE dance theatre, Toronto, $15,000
MOTUS O Dance Theatre, Stouffville, $21,800
Peggy Baker Dance Projects, Toronto, $24,600
princess productions, Toronto, $15,000
Sampradaya Dance Academy, Mississauga, $25,000
Sampradaya Dance Creations, Mississauga, $63,000
The School of Dance, Ottawa, $47,500
The School of Toronto Dance Theatre, Toronto, $51,500
Series 8:08, Toronto, $8,000
Toronto Dance Theatre, Toronto, $173,500
Tribal Crackling Wind for the Arts, Toronto, $15,250
annual Operating
Subventions de fonctionnement annuelles
Al-Arz Lebanese Art Group, Ottawa, $10,000
Ballet Creole, Toronto, $31,115
Canada Dance Festival Society, Ottawa, $46,656
The Chimera Project, Toronto, $10,000
Coleman Lemieux & Compagnie, Toronto, $50,000
Collective of Black Artists, Toronto, $68,861
Corpus Dance Projects, Toronto, $42,120
Dancemakers, Toronto, $90,780
Dreamwalker Dance Company, Toronto, $15,000
The Guelph Contemporary Dance Festival, Guelph, $18,668
hum dansoundart, Toronto, $14,250
inDANCE, Toronto, $10,000
Kaeja d’Dance, Toronto, $31,065
Korean Dance Studies Society of Canada, Toronto, $23,800
Nrtyakala – Classical Indian Dance, Thornhill, $20,000
ProArteDanza, Toronto, $16,000
Public Energy, Peterborough, $45,800
Public Recordings Performance Projects, Toronto, $15,000
Quinte Ballet School of Canada, Belleville, $20,000
Tara Luz Danse, Ottawa, $15,000
Ontario dances
Ontario danse
March 2012 / advisors
Mars 2012 / Conseillers
Michel Dozois, Ottawa
Denise Fujiwara, Toronto
Bill Kimball, Peterborough
Some applicants received more than one Ontario Dances
grant. Amount listed is total of awards.
Certains candidats ont reçu plus d’une subvention dans le
cadre de ce programme. Le montant indiqué représente le
total des subventions.
Burlington Performing Arts Centre, Burlington, $15,250
Capitol Centre, North Bay, $26,450
Centre for the Arts, Brock University, St. Catharines, $23,700
The Chatham Capitol Theatre, Chatham, $19,000
Flato Markham Theatre, Markham, $16,250
The Grand Theatre, Kingston, $30,387
Living Arts Centre, Mississauga, $13,500
Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts, Oakville, $15,750
The Registry Theatre, Kitchener, $9,000
River Run Centre, Guelph, $20,850
September 2012
Septembre 2012
In 2012, requests from the following arts organizations were
reviewed by the officer and not an advisory panel.
En 2012, les demandes des organismes suivants ont été
examinées par le responsable du programme et pas par un
comité d’évaluation.
Ballet Creole, Toronto, $9,000
Chartier Danse, Toronto, $3,200
Coleman Lemieux & Compagnie, Toronto, $5,000
Corpus Dance Projects, Toronto, $2,500
Gadfly, Toronto, $2,500
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
artS FranCO-OntarienS
FranCO-Ontarian artS
Sous pression 4 / Air Borne 4, installation de PADEJO dans la
rotonde de la place David Pecaut pour Nuit Bouffe, à Toronto.
Activité organisée par le Bureau des regroupements des
artistes visuels de l’Ontario. (Photo : André Pilon)
Air Borne 4 / Sous Pression 4, an installation by PADEJO in the
Rotunda at David Pecaut Square for Nuit Bouffe Toronto. The
event is organized by Bureau des regroupements des artistes
visuels de l’Ontario. (Photo: André Pilon)
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
artS FranCO-OntarienS
FranCO-Ontarian artS
CLaudette JaiKO
LuCiana Pierre
Responsable adjointe
Associate Officer
Les programmes du Bureau des arts franco-ontariens
du CAO encouragent le développement des arts, des
artistes et des organismes artistiques de la province dans
toutes les disciplines fondées sur la langue française.
Ces programmes sont conçus pour favoriser l’accès des
communautés francophones de l’Ontario aux arts et sont
offerts uniquement en français. Le poste de responsable
adjointe des arts francophones a été créé pour appuyer le
travail du Bureau des arts franco-ontariens afin d’assurer une
aide supplémentaire aux candidats francophones et diriger
des jurys et comités qui évaluent les demandes présentées
en français aux programmes des arts franco-ontariens
et d’autres disciplines (Chalmers, Compas, Tournées
ontariennes, Tournées nationales et internationales, etc.).
OAC’s Franco-Ontarian Arts programs encourage the
development of Franco-Ontarian arts, artists and arts
organizations in Ontario in all language-based arts
disciplines. These programs are designed to encourage
access to the arts for all francophone communities. Programs
are available in French only. The Francophone Associate
Arts Officer position was created to support the work of the
Franco-Ontarian Arts Office in order to provide additional
assistance to francophone applicants and administer
assessment panels of Franco-Ontarian arts programs and
French-language applications to other granting programs
(Chalmers, Compass, Ontario Touring and National and
International Touring etc).
aide à la diffusion artistique
distribution/dissemination of the arts
avril 2012 / Conseillers
april 2012 / advisors
Lisa Breton, Hamilton
Denyse Marleau, Marionville
Valérie Picard, Hearst
Thomas Tumbu, Toronto
André Wète, Ottawa
Subventions de fonctionnement pluriannuelles
Multi-year Operating
Conseil des arts de Hearst, Hearst, $42,000
La Nouvelle Scène, Ottawa, $100,500
Subventions de fonctionnement annuelles
annual Operating
Centre culturel Frontenac, Kingston, $25,000
Les Concerts La Nuit sur l’étang, Sudbury, $30,000
Salon du livre de Toronto, Toronto, $22,500
Le Salon du livre du Grand Sudbury, Sudbury, $45,000
Subventions de projet
Project Grants
Action et Développement Jeunesse, Ottawa, $8,470
Alliance Française de Toronto, Toronto, $20,694
Centre africain d’accueil, de développement et d’intégration,
Ottawa, $6,083
Centre communautaire régional de London, London, $3,080
Centre culturel ARTEM, New Liskeard, $7,294
Centre culturel La Ronde, Timmins, $11,897
Centre culturel Les trois p’tits points, Alexandria, $3,870
Centre culturel Louis-Hémon de Chapleau Inc.,
Chapleau, $4,924
Centre franco-ontarien de folklore, Sudbury, $9,156
Centre francophone de Toronto, Toronto, $7,700
La Clé d’la Baie en Huronie – Association culturelle
francophone, Penetanguishene, $6,600
Conseil des organismes francophones de la région de
Durham, Oshawa, $14,268
Contes nomades, Ottawa, $3,965
Festival de la Curd, St-Albert, $20,000
Francophonie en fête, Toronto, $20,000
Maison des arts de Russell, Embrun, $2,426
Mouvement d’implication francophone d’Orléans,
Ottawa, $16,807
La Slague du Carrefour francophone, Sudbury, $21,716
SOFIFRAN – Solidarité des femmes immigrantes
francophones du Niagara, Welland, $5,400
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Septembre 2012 / Conseillers
September 2012 / advisors
Germaine Chazou, Ottawa
Dominique Denis, Toronto
Rita Giroux-Patience, London
Joël Lauzon, Sudbury
artistes visuels et des métiers d’art
Francophone Visual and Craft artists
Septembre 2012 / Jurés
September 2012 / Jurors
Jean-Salomon Andre, Brampton
Marion M. Bordier, Ottawa
Clarissa Inglis, Dundas
Joseph Muscat, Toronto
Subventions de projet
Project Grants
Afrique Nouvelle Musique, Toronto, $13,710
Association canadienne-française de l’Ontario – Ottawa,
Ottawa, $7,200
CanAfric Theatre CanAfrique, Mississauga, $5,120
Centre français Hamilton, Hamilton, $7,105
Centre régional de Loisirs culturels, Kapuskasing, $12,411
Conseil des Arts de Nipissing Ouest, Sturgeon Falls, $7,335
Fédération de la jeunesse franco-ontarienne, Ottawa, $4,800
Festival franco-ontarien (2006) Inc., Ottawa, $9,000
Festival Kompa-Zouk de l’Ontario Inc, Toronto, $16,000
Franco-Fête de la communauté urbaine de Toronto,
Toronto, $12,000
La Meute culturelle de Lafontaine, Tiny, $13,780
Muséoparc Vanier, Ottawa, $15,000
Place du Partage, Windsor, $2,127
Le Regroupement des Femmes Immigrantes Francophones,
Mississauga, $8,150
Salon du livre de Hearst, Hearst, $13,727
Philippe Blanchard, Toronto, $7,500
Mustapha Chadid, Gatineau, Que., $15,000
Line Dufour, Holland Landing, $15,000
Karole Marois, Ottawa, $7,500
Michèle Provost, Gatineau, Que., $7,500
Mana Rouholamini, Ottawa, $5,000
Paul Walty, Toronto, $7,500
dernier versement d’une subvention accordée au
cours de l’exercice précédent :
Final payment of grant from previous fiscal year:
Le Centre culturel Les Compagnons, North Bay, $11,192
arts visuels, arts médiatiques et métiers d’art :
organismes et centres d’artistes autogérés
Francophone Visual, Media arts and Crafts:
Organizations and artist-run centres
avril 2012 / Conseillers
april 2012 / advisors
Jennifer Lefort, Gatineau, Que.
Jason St-Laurent, Ottawa
Yves Theoret, Toronto
Subventions de fonctionnement pluriannuelles
Multi-year Operating
Centre d’artistes Voix Visuelle, Ottawa, $22,000
Galerie du Nouvel-Ontario, centre d’artistes,
Sudbury, $55,000
Subventions de fonctionnement annuelles
annual Operating
Le Laboratoire d’Art, Toronto, $30,000
Subventions de projet
Project Grants
Centre d’artistes Voix Visuelle, Ottawa, $12,000
Galerie Glendon, Toronto, $12,000
Le Laboratoire d’Art, Toronto, $12,000
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
avance médias
Media arts Currents
Octobre 2012 / Jurés
October 2012 / Jurors
Joseph Bitamba, Brampton
Andréa Cohen-Boulakia, Toronto
Britta Evans-Fenton, Ottawa
Alexandre Loukos, Toronto, $16,865
Bruno Moynié, Toronto, $36,226
Anne-Marie Rocher, Toronto, $5,000
Cheryl Rondeau, Ottawa, $17,300
Nadine Valcin, Toronto, $33,859
Chanson et musique
Songs and Music
Juin 2012 / Jurés
June 2012 / Jurors
Marc Auguste, Toronto
Mohamad El M’rabet, Ottawa
Simon Larochette, London
David Poulin, Sudbury
Yves Doyon, Sudbury, $8,000
Philippe Flahaut, Toronto, $2,500
Jean-Baptiste Foaleng, Toronto, $4,800
Mehdi Hamdad, Ottawa, $8,000
Stella Joly, Sudbury, $2,500
Sadi Daniel Kasongo, Ottawa, $4,320
Gillian Kirkland, Ottawa, $6,000
Mélissa Ouimet, Casselman, $10,000
Hélène Nicole Richard, Toronto, $4,000
décembre 2012 / Jurés
december 2012 / Jurors
Hassan El-Hadi, Toronto
Tricia Foster, Toronto
Jean-Michel Ouimet, Gatineau, Que.
Yvan Bilodeau, Gatineau, Que., $7,740
Jordan Brito, Ottawa, $8,780
Gabrielle Goulet, Bourget, $6,880
Simon Jutras, Sudbury, $4,000
Métis Fiddler Quartet, Toronto, $8,780
Karim Mokairita, Ottawa, $8,600
David Muipatayi, Gatineau, Que., $8,600
Janie Renée Myner, Vankleek Hill, $8,000
dernier versement d’une subvention accordée au
cours de l’exercice précédent :
Final payment of grant from previous fiscal year:
Jean-Guy Chuck Labelle, Noelville, $4,000
Création littéraire
décembre 2012 / Jurés
december 2012 / Jurors
Christina Georges, Ottawa
Didier Kabagema, Toronto
Daniel Marchildon, Tiny
Suzanne Charron, Val Caron, $12,000
Eddy Garnier, Gatineau, Que., $8,155
Daniel Groleau Landry, Ottawa, $6,000
Recxon Kabuasa Biko, Ottawa, $12,000
Gilles Latour, Ottawa, $12,000
Mishka Lavigne, Gatineau, Que., $4,300
Fété Ngira-Batware Kimpiobi, Welland, $9,000
Daniel Poliquin, Ottawa, $12,000
Andrée Poulin, Gatineau, Que., $7,000
Paul Savoie, Toronto, $12,000
Février 2012 / Conseillers
February 2012 / advisors
Lucie Hotte, Ottawa
Yvon Malette, Ottawa
Valéry Vlad, Toronto
Subventions de fonctionnement pluriannuelles
Multi-year Operating
Éditions David, Ottawa, $47,000
Les Éditions du Vermillon, Ottawa, $50,000
Éditions Prise de parole, Sudbury, $71,750
Subventions de fonctionnement annuelles
annual Operating
Éditions du Gref, Toronto, $9,495
Éditions L’Interligne, Ottawa, $72,000
Virages, Toronto, $10,000
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Jets de théâtre
theatre tracks
avril 2012 / Jurés
april 2012 / Jurors
Joël Beddows, Ottawa
Ghislain Caron, Toronto
Lisa L’Heureux, Ottawa
Subventions de fonctionnement pluriannuelles
Multi-year Operating
L’Alliance culturelle de l’Ontario, Ottawa, $12,000
Association des groupes en arts visuels francophones,
Ottawa, $18,000
Association des professionnels de la chanson et de la
musique, Ottawa, $105,000
Association des théâtres francophones du Canada,
Ottawa, $25,000
Bureau des regroupements des artistes visuels de l’Ontario,
Ottawa, $40,000
Front des réalisateurs indépendants du Canada,
Ottawa, $10,000
Regroupement des éditeurs canadiens-français,
Ottawa, $28,000
Réseau Ontario, Ottawa, $148,250
Théâtre-Action, Ottawa, $145,000
Hugues Beaudoin-Dumouchel, Ottawa, $2,000
Beaver Theatre Co., Toronto, $7,000
Nathaly Charrette, Gatineau, Que., $10,500
Alain Doom, Ottawa, $3,000
Julian Doucet, Ottawa, $2,500
Marianne Lambert, Toronto, $5,000
Guy Marsan, Ottawa, $7,000
Productions Roches brûlées, Sudbury, $10,500
Théâtre la Barouette, St-Albert, $4,000
décembre 2012 / Jurés
december 2012 / Jurors
Heather Hermant, Toronto
Marcel Joseph, Gatineau, Que.
François Ouimet, Gatineau, Que.
Collectif BUS 1.2.3., Toronto, $8,750
Yaovi Hoyi, Ottawa, $5,000
Mishka Lavigne, Gatineau, Que., $8,665
Magali Lemèle, Gatineau, Que., $10,000
Sarah Migneron, Joël Beddows et Céline Paquet,
Ottawa, $8,435
Organismes franco-ontariens de service aux arts
Franco-Ontarian arts Service Organizations
Février 2012 / Conseillers
February 2012 / advisors
Shahla Bahrami, Ottawa
Nathalie Fave, Toronto
Pierre-Paul Mongeon, Sudbury
Suzanne Richard, Ottawa
Subventions de fonctionnement annuelles
annual Operating
Association des auteures et auteurs de l’Ontario français,
Ottawa, $60,000
Subventions de projet
Project Grants
Alliance nationale de l’industrie musicale, Ottawa, $9,000
Association des théâtres francophones du Canada,
Ottawa, $4,085
Fédération culturelle canadienne-française, Ottawa, $10,000
avril 2012 / Conseillers
april 2012 / advisors
Joël Beddows, Ottawa
Ghislain Caron, Toronto
Isabelle Jeaurond, Ottawa
Subventions de fonctionnement pluriannuelles
Multi-year Operating
Théâtre de la Vieille 17, Ottawa, $112,000
Théâtre du Nouvel-Ontario Inc., Sudbury, $170,000
Théâtre du Trillium, Ottawa, $71,020
Théâtre français de Toronto, Toronto, $130,000
Théâtre la Catapulte, Ottawa, $123,000
Subventions de fonctionnement annuelles
annual Operating
Compagnie Vox Théâtre, Ottawa, $46,550
Créations In Vivo, Ottawa, $24,000
Théâtre la Tangente, Toronto, $36,100
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Gloria Fung accepts PEN Canada’s One Humanity Award on
behalf of recipient Liu Xiabo during the International Festival
of Authors’ Words and Music: An Evening with Rohinton
Mistry. (Photo courtesy of
Gloria Fung accepte le prix One Humanity décerné par PEN
Canada à Liu Xiabo au cours d’une soirée paroles et musique
en compagnie de Rohinton Mistry qui s’est tenue pendant le
Festival international des auteurs. (Reproduction autorisée
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Listing/ Liste
/ Listedes
JOhn deGen
Officer (until November 2012)
Responsable (jusqu’en novembre 2012)
MiChaeL SCheLLenBerG
Officer (from February 2013)
Responsable (à partir de février 2013)
OAC’s Literature programs encourage the development of
writers, literary performers, publishers and presenters across
the province. Programs assist with the creation, publication,
presentation and distribution of literature in Ontario. All but
one program are English-language only.
Les programmes de littérature du CAO favorisent le
développement des écrivains, artistes de la création parlée,
maisons d’édition et diffuseurs de toute la province. Ils
appuient la création, la publication, la présentation et la
diffusion d’œuvres littéraires en Ontario. Ces programmes, à
l’exception d’un seul, sont offerts uniquement en anglais.
Block Grants to Book Publishers
Maisons d’édition
February 2012 / advisors
Février 2012 / Conseillers
Mandy Brouse, Waterloo
Nik Burton, Regina, Sask.
Karen Foster, Sutton West
Sharanpal Ruprai, Toronto
Julie Wilson, Toronto
annual Operating
Subventions de fonctionnement annuelles
Annick Press Limited, Toronto, $43,588
Between the Lines Incorporated, Toronto, $30,043
Biblioasis Inc, Emeryville, $22,520
Black Moss Press, Windsor, $9,166
BookLand Press Inc, Markham, $6,463
Book Thug, Toronto, $17,093
Brick Books, London, $34,006
ChiZine Publications, Toronto, $37,136
Coach House Books, Toronto, $42,135
Cormorant Books Inc, Markham, $43,172
Dundurn Press Limited, Toronto, $50,043
ECW Press Limited, Toronto, $56,303
Exile Editions Limited, Holstein, $7,916
Fifth House Publishers, Markham, $20,235
Fitzhenry & Whiteside Limited, Markham, $18,760
Groundwood Books Limited, Toronto, $48,385
Guernica Editions Inc, Toronto, $17,499
House of Anansi Press Inc, Toronto, $44,005
Inanna Publications and Education Inc, Toronto, $23,985
Insomniac Press, London, $30,661
James Lorimer & Company Ltd. Publishers, Toronto, $25,000
Kegedonce Press, Owen Sound, $27,543
Kids Can Press Limited, Toronto, $53,173
Mansfield Press, Toronto, $8,130
McArthur & Company Publishing Ltd., Toronto, $10,416
Owlkids Books Inc, Toronto, $17,307
Palimpsest, Kingsville, $3,338
Pedlar Press, Toronto, $18,354
Playwrights Canada Press Ltd., Toronto, $50,255
Porcupine’s Quill Incorporated, Erin, $28,995
Quattro Books, Toronto, $13,332
Red Deer Press, Markham, $9,999
Scrivener Press, Sudbury, $3,750
Second Story Press, Toronto, $29,614
Thomas Allen Publishers, Markham, $33,161
Tightrope Books, Toronto, $10,629
TSAR Publications, Toronto, $15,224
University of Toronto Press, Toronto, $28,130
Wilfrid Laurier University Press, Waterloo, $34,828
Wolsak and Wynn Publishers Limited, Hamilton, $10,629
Literary Festivals and Organizations
Festivals et organismes littéraires
March 2012 / advisors
Mars 2012 / Conseillers
Madhur Anand, Guelph
Julie Bisaillon, Thessalon
Susan Crean, Toronto
Jason Dickson, Bracebridge
Kalpna Patel, Toronto
Multi-year Operating
Subventions de fonctionnement pluriannuelles
Canadian Children’s Book Centre, Toronto, $32,000
Diaspora Dialogues Charitable Society, Toronto, $27,000
International Readings at Harbourfront, Toronto, $70,000
Ottawa International Writers Festival, Ottawa, $40,000
Ottawa Storytellers, Ottawa, $12,000
Storytelling Toronto, Toronto, $40,000
The Word On The Street, Toronto, $20,000
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
annual Operating
Subventions de fonctionnement annuelles
Kingston WritersFest, Kingston, $14,000
National Magazine Awards Foundation, Toronto, $17,500
PEN Canada, Toronto, $31,000
Writers in Electronic Residence, Toronto, $28,500
Project Grants
Subventions de projet
A B Series, Ottawa, $8,000
African Canadian Children’s Literary Festival,
Toronto, $6,000
Brockton Writers Series, Toronto, $3,500
Canzine Festival Collective, Toronto, $3,500
Eden Mills Literary Association, Rockwood, $12,000
First Nations House, Toronto, $8,000
The Force for Cultural Events Production, Inc.,
Toronto, $10,000
Hamilton Literary Festival Association, Hamilton, $10,000
Impossible Arts, Toronto, $15,000
Life Rattle Press, Hamilton, $4,000
Literary Arts Windsor, Windsor, $10,000
Northwestern Ontario Writers Workshop,
Thunder Bay, $5,000
NorthWords Muskoka Literary Festival, Huntsville, $7,705
Poetry London Reading Series, London, $3,000
Prince Edward County Authors’ Festival, Picton, $5,000
Rowers Pub Reading Series Inc., Toronto, $4,000
Stories in the North, Thessalon, $2,500
Telling Tales Festival c/o Rotary Club of Hamilton
Sunshine Fund, Hamilton, $5,000
Toronto Poetry Project, Toronto, $8,000
Toronto Small Press Group, Toronto, $6,560
Tree Reading Series, Ottawa, $8,500
Two Women Productions, Lanark, $5,105
VERSe Ottawa, Ottawa, $6,000
Words Aloud, Durham, $10,000
June 2012 / advisors
Juin 2012 / Conseillères
Angie Gallop, Thessalon
Aisha Sasha John, Toronto
Sherry Lawson, Rama
Sandra Ridley, Ottawa
Emily Schultz, Wallaceburg
annual Operating
Subventions de fonctionnement annuelles
AI: Architecture and Ideas, Toronto, $4,000
Alternatives Journal, Waterloo, $13,500
Arc Poetry Magazine, Ottawa, $30,000
Brick: A Literary Journal, Toronto, $33,000
Broken Pencil, Toronto, $16,000
C Magazine, Toronto, $27,000
Canadian Art Magazine, Toronto, $45,000
Canadian Theatre Review, Toronto, $12,800
Carousel, Guelph, $9,000
Cinema Scope, Toronto, $20,000
CNQ: Canadian Notes & Queries, Emeryville, $7,000
Descant, Toronto, $32,000
Devil’s Artisan, Erin, $3,000
Exile, the Literary Quarterly, Holstein, $16,000
The Feathertale Review, Ottawa, $5,000
Fuse Magazine, Toronto, $24,376
Hamilton Arts & Letters, Hamilton, $2,500
Literary Review of Canada, Toronto, $33,000
Musicworks Magazine, Toronto, $35,000
MUSKRAT Magazine, Toronto, $20,359
The New Quarterly: Canadian Writers & Writing,
Waterloo, $25,000
Opera Canada, Toronto, $20,000
Ornamentum, Toronto, $4,750
Our Times, Toronto, $6,660
Pilot Pocket Book, Toronto, $5,600
POV Magazine, Toronto, $24,450
Prefix Photo, Toronto, $30,000
Public, Toronto, $11,400
Quill & Quire, Toronto, $23,000
Spacing, Toronto, $23,180
Taddle Creek, Toronto, $5,000
This Magazine, Toronto, $25,500
Urbanology Magazine, Toronto, $14,000
The Walrus, Toronto, $45,000
The WholeNote Magazine, Toronto, $19,000
Windsor Review, Windsor, $4,400
WORN Fashion Journal, Toronto, $9,600
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
word of Mouth
de bouche à oreille
writers’ reserve
réserve des écrivains
december 2012 / Jurors
décembre 2012 / Jurés
Rafay Ansari, Cambridge
Tomy Bewick, Burlington
Laurent Glaude, Plantagenet
Alice Sabourin, Thunder Bay
January 2013
third-Party recommenders
(Periodicals and Publishers)
Abena Amoako-Green, Ottawa, $2,000
Adwoa A. Badoe, Guelph, $4,000
Sonny Berenson, Toronto, $4,000
Marla Brennan, Toronto, $4,000
Élise Gauthier, Ottawa, $7,500
Sergio Guerra, Ottawa, $4,000
Stéphane Guertin, Ottawa, $4,000
Melissa Larkin, Demorestville, $8,000
Nathanaël Larochette, Ottawa, $5,000
Janice Lee, Kitchener, $5,000
Rene Meshake, Guelph, $5,000
Dwayne Morgan, Ajax, $6,400
Afrakaren Niles, Toronto, $4,000
Vanessa Rotondo, Ottawa, $5,100
Henrick Sales, Toronto, $5,000
Nolan Schmerk, Thunder Bay, $4,000
Arianne Shaffer, Toronto, $4,000
David Silverberg, Toronto, $4,000
Andrea Thompson, Toronto, $5,000
Nichola Ward, Toronto, $4,000
Anne-Marie Woods, Toronto, $6,000
Janvier 2013
tiers recommandataires
(Périodiques et maisons d’édition)
Annick Press Limited, Toronto
Arc Poetry Magazine, Ottawa
Between the Lines Incorporated, Toronto
Biblioasis Inc, Windsor
Black Moss Press, Windsor
BookLand Press Inc, Markham
Book Thug, Toronto
Brick Books, London
Brick: A Literary Journal, Toronto
Broken Pencil, Toronto
ChiZine Publications, Toronto
Coach House Books, Toronto
Cormorant Books Inc, Toronto
Descant, Toronto
Diaspora Dialogues Charitable Society, Toronto
Dundurn Press Limited, Toronto
ECW Press Limited, Toronto
Exile, the Literary Quarterly, Holstein
Guernica Editions Inc, Oakville
Hamilton Arts & Letters, Hamilton
House of Anansi Press Inc, Toronto
Inanna Publications and Education Inc, Toronto
Insomniac Press, London
James Lorimer & Company Ltd. Publishers, Toronto
Kegedonce Press, Owen Sound
Kids Can Press Limited, Toronto
Mansfield Press, Toronto
The New Quarterly: Canadian Writers & Writing, Waterloo
Owlkids Books Inc, Toronto
Palimpsest, Kingsville
Porcupine’s Quill Incorporated, Erin
Quattro Books, Toronto
Scrivener Press, Sudbury
Second Story Press, Toronto
Taddle Creek, Toronto
Thomas Allen Publishers, Markham
Tightrope Books, Barrie
TSAR Publications, Toronto
Wolsak and Wynn Publishers Limited, Hamilton
WORN Fashion Journal, Toronto
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Some applicants received more than one Writers’ Reserve
grant. Amount listed is total of awards.
Certains candidats ont reçu plus d’une subvention dans le
cadre de ce programme. Le montant indiqué représente le
total des subventions.
Rafi Aaron, Toronto, $3,000
Graig Abel, Mississauga, $1,500
Nathan Adler, Orangeville, $3,500
Marion Agnew, Shuniah, $4,500
Leah Albrecht, Toronto, $2,000
Debra Anderson, Toronto, $2,000
Graham Arnold, Toronto, $4,500
Katherine Ashenburg, Toronto, $1,500
Liubov Balabanova, Richmond Hill, $5,000
Anne Baldo, Windsor, $1,500
Nelson Ball, Paris, $1,500
Yvonne Bambrick, Toronto, $1,500
Karen Barr, Nepean, $1,500
Virginia Barter, Toronto, $1,500
Steven Barwin, Thornhill, $1,500
Jack Batten, Toronto, $1,500
Jill Battson, Toronto, $6,000
Penny-Anne Beaudoin, Amherstburg, $1,500
Helaine Becker, Toronto, $1,600
Jonathan Bennett, Keene, $4,500
Priscilla Bernauer, Amherstburg, $1,500
Julie Berry, St. Thomas, $4,500
Angel Beyde, Toronto, $3,100
Maria Birmingham, Brampton, $2,000
Michael Blouin, Kemptville, $3,000
Christian Bonk, Windsor, $5,500
Julie Booker, Toronto, $4,500
Paula Boon, Huntsville, $1,500
Andrew Borkowski, Toronto, $1,500
Roo Borson, Toronto, $1,500
Marian Botsford Fraser, Stratford, $2,000
Hélène Boudreau, Markham, $3,000
Mark Bourrie, Ottawa, $1,500
Kelly Boutsalis, Toronto, $1,500
Suzanne Bowness, Toronto, $3,000
Robert Boyczuk, Toronto, $1,500
Alex Boyd, Toronto, $1,500
Nadia Bozak, London, $5,000
Christene Browne, Toronto, $1,500
Heather Browne, Inverary, $3,100
Jill Bryant, Kingston, $1,500
Kyle Buckley, Toronto, $1,500
April Bulmer, Cambridge, $3,000
Nina Bunjevac, Toronto, $6,000
Ian Burgham, Toronto, $2,000
Graeme Burk, Ottawa, $1,500
Carly Butler, Leamington, $2,500
Julie Cairnie, St. Catharines, $1,500
Janet Calcaterra, North Bay, $1,500
Julie Cameron Gray, Toronto, $1,500
Liam Card, Toronto, $1,500
Leslie Casey, Barrie, $4,500
Kate Cayley, Toronto, $1,500
Monique Chénier, Timmins, $1,500
Peter Chiykowski, Toronto, $9,100
Evie Christie, Toronto, $4,500
Michael Christie, Thunder Bay, $2,000
Suzanne Church, Kitchener, $1,500
Pauline Clark, Thessalon, $1,500
Christine Clarke, Brampton, $2,000
Marina Cohen, Markham, $2,000
Kathryn Cole, Toronto, $2,000
Stewart Cole, London, $1,500
Victor Coleman, Toronto, $7,000
Kevin Connolly, Toronto, $8,500
Sally Cooper, Hamilton, $1,500
Claudia Coutu Radmore, Carleton Place, $1,500
Danielle Couture, Toronto, $6,000
Elizabeth Creith, Thessalon, $1,500
Cyril Dabydeen, Ottawa, $1,580
Ian Daffern, Toronto, $1,500
Degan Davis, Toronto, $1,500
Laina Dawes, Toronto, $1,500
Willow Dawson, Toronto, $4,000
David Day, Toronto, $1,500
Jasmine D’Costa, Toronto, $1,500
Rocco de Giacomo, Toronto, $6,000
Mark Dickinson, Peterborough, $2,000
Cherie Dimaline, Toronto, $10,000
Christopher Doda, Toronto, $2,000
Jeramy Dodds, Orono, $4,600
Jeffery Donaldson, Stoney Creek, $3,000
M.R. Donnelly, Mississauga, $2,000
Philippa Dowding, Toronto, $1,500
Lise Downe, Toronto, $1,500
Glen Downie, Toronto, $4,500
Anne Dublin, Toronto, $1,500
Mark David Dunn, Sault Ste. Marie, $2,000
Phil Dwyer, Toronto, $1,500
Amanda Earl, Ottawa, $1,500
Chris Eaton, Toronto, $10,000
Daria Essop-Lafontaine, Toronto, $1,500
Jann Everard, Toronto, $1,500
Robert Everett-Green, Toronto, $2,500
LM Falcone, Toronto, $1,500
Sharon Field-Brennan, London, $1,500
Rebecca Fisseha, Toronto, $1,500
Judith Fitzgerald, Port Loring, $5,500
Lisa Foad, Toronto, $1,800
Bill Freeman, Toronto, $3,000
Victoria Freeman, Toronto, $1,500
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Elyse Friedman, Toronto, $7,550
Caitlin Galway, Toronto, $1,750
Gale Zoë Garnett, Toronto, $3,000
Alyssa Garrison, Toronto, $1,500
Leonard Gasparini, Toronto, $1,500
Greg Gatenby, Toronto, $1,500
Claudio Gaudio, Toronto, $2,000
Ashleigh Gaul, Cobalt, $8,500
Asher Ghaffar, Toronto, $1,550
Sèphera Girón, Toronto, $1,500
Susan Glickman, Toronto, $5,000
David Goldstein, Toronto, $1,500
Ian Gormely, Toronto, $1,500
Steve Green, Windsor, $2,500
Virginia Green, Toronto, $1,500
Terry Griggs, Stratford, $3,000
Faye Guenther, Toronto, $1,500
Helen Guri, Toronto, $1,500
Jason Guriel, Toronto, $3,000
Benjamin Hackman, Toronto, $3,100
Melissa Hardy, Port Stanley, $6,000
Amber Harper-McMillan, Toronto, $4,500
Maureen Scott Harris, Toronto, $1,500
Steven Heighton, Kingston, $1,500
Sara Heinonen, Toronto, $3,250
Jason Heroux, Kingston, $1,500
Tina Holdcroft, Toronto, $5,000
Ava Homa, Toronto, $3,500
Lance Hornby, Mississauga, $1,500
Stephanie Howell, Toronto, $3,000
Stephen Humphrey, Toronto, $3,500
Kim Hutchinson, Windsor, $6,500
Luciano Iacobelli, Toronto, $1,500
Paul Illidge, Peterborough, $3,000
Deanna Janovski, Toronto, $1,500
Aisha Sasha John, Toronto, $4,600
Jim Johnstone, Toronto, $4,500
Amy Jones, Thunder Bay, $3,000
Katie Jordon, Toronto, $1,500
Kathy Kacer, Toronto, $1,500
Ian Kamau Prieto-McTair, Toronto, $1,500
Kumaran Kankesan, Toronto, $2,000
Shari Kasman, Toronto, $3,000
Greg Kearney, Toronto, $5,000
Penn Kemp, London, $1,500
Heather P. Kirk, Barrie, $2,000
Kathryn Lackie, Elliot Lake, $6,500
Ben Ladouceur, Toronto, $1,500
Liisa Ladouceur, Toronto, $2,000
Donald Lajoie, Windsor, $2,500
Stephen Laroche, Belleville, $1,500
Andrew Larsen, Toronto, $5,100
JonArno Lawson, Toronto, $1,500
David Layton, Toronto, $1,750
Amanda Leduc, Hamilton, $1,500
David N. Lee, Hamilton, $2,000
Lucy Leiderman, Toronto, $1,500
Carly Lewis, Grimsby, $1,500
Laurie Lewis, Kingston, $5,000
Leanne Lieberman, Kingston, $1,500
Kenneth Lillie-Paetz, Wahnapitae, $1,500
Michael Lista, Toronto, $1,500
Matthew Loney, Toronto, $1,500
Graeme Lottering, Tottenham, $1,500
Deb Loughead, Toronto, $1,500
Nicolaas Maandag, Toronto, $1,500
Andrew MacDonald, Toronto, $3,000
Kirsteen MacLeod, Kingston, $3,500
Paula Mallea, Gore Bay, $1,500
Kim Maltman, Toronto, $1,500
Chris Marks, Mississauga, $2,000
Helen Marshall, Toronto, $6,600
Michael Matheson, Toronto, $1,500
Joseph Maviglia, Toronto, $1,500
Derek McCormack, Toronto, $4,500
Kathleen McCracken, Markdale, $2,700
Christina McFarlane, Toronto, $2,750
Andy McGuire, Grand Bend, $3,000
robert a. mclennan, Ottawa, $4,000
Sylvia McNicoll, Burlington, $1,500
Heather Anne Menzies, Kars, $1,500
Suzanne Methot, Toronto, $6,000
Bruce Meyer, Barrie, $2,000
Shawn Micallef, Toronto, $4,000
Conor Mihell, Sault Ste. Marie, $3,000
Sarah Miller, Toronto, $1,500
Jean Mills, Guelph, $750
Christine Miscione, Dundas, $3,000
Jessica Moore, Toronto, $1,500
Martin Mordecai, Kitchener, $2,000
Monica Lin Morishita, Toronto, $1,500
Jim Munroe, Toronto, $6,000
Sachiko Murakami, Toronto, $6,000
Eric deG.H. Murphy, Toronto, $2,000
Mary-Lynn Murphy, Goulais River, $4,500
Adam Nayman, Toronto, $1,500
Peter Norman, Toronto, $6,000
Debbie Okun Hill, Camlachie, $1,500
Sheree-Lee Olson, Toronto, $3,000
Mark Osbaldeston, Toronto, $1,500
Claudia Osmond, Toronto, $1,500
Laura Palumbo, Toronto, $1,500
Sofi Papamarko, Toronto, $1,500
James Papoutsis, Toronto, $2,000
Marianne Paul, Kitchener, $2,000
Ursula Pflug, Norwood, $1,500
Lisa Pike Fiorindi, Markham, $4,500
Ben Powless, Ottawa, $10,000
Robert Priest, Toronto, $3,000
Althea V. Prince, Toronto, $1,500
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Zarmina Rafi, Mississauga, $1,500
Michael Redhill, Toronto, $7,000
Aimee Reid, Hamilton, $1,650
Jael Richardson, Brampton, $1,500
Robin Richardson, Mississauga, $3,000
Tanis Rideout, Toronto, $5,000
Sandra Ridley, Ottawa, $7,500
Michael Riordon, Picton, $2,000
Ray Robertson, Toronto, $3,000
Alexandra Rockingham, Dundas, $4,750
Gretchen Roedde, Haileybury, $2,000
Stan Rogal, Toronto, $6,000
Rob Rolfe, Owen Sound, $2,000
Leon Rooke, Toronto, $3,000
Jacob Rose, Toronto, $1,500
Suri Rosen, Thornhill, $2,000
Richard Rosenbaum, Toronto, $1,500
Stuart Ross, Cobourg, $3,500
Jeffrey L. Round, Toronto, $1,500
Ian W. J. Roy, Ottawa, $1,500
Zoë Roy, Toronto, $1,500
Bernadette Rule, Dundas, $1,500
Richard Scarsbrook, Toronto, $1,500
Jacob Scheier, Toronto, $4,500
Jena Schmitt, Sault Ste. Marie, $2,000
Diane Schoemperlen, Kingston, $8,000
Victoria Sedova, Toronto, $5,000
Olive Senior, Toronto, $4,000
David Seymour, Toronto, $3,500
Liane Shaw, Dacre, $1,500
Gisela Sherman, Burlington, $1,500
Kenneth Sherman, Toronto, $1,500
Vanessa Beaulieu Shields, Windsor, $2,000
Suzannah Showler, Toronto, $4,750
Kara Sievewright, Toronto, $1,600
Goran Simic, Toronto, $4,500
Leanne Simpson, Peterborough, $5,000
Bardia Sinaee, Toronto, $1,500
William Slavin, Millbrook, $2,000
Faye Smailes, Toronto, $3,000
Carolyn Smart, Sydenham, $6,000
Tom Smart, Toronto, $4,000
Russell Smith, Toronto, $2,000
Robert Smith?, Ottawa, $1,500
Kilby Smith-McGregor, Toronto, $7,050
Norman Snider, Toronto, $3,000
Karen Solie, Toronto, $9,000
Chad Solomon, Peterborough, $4,250
Debbie Spring, Thornhill, $1,500
Sean Stanley, Toronto, $1,500
Andrew Steinmetz, Ottawa, $5,000
Robert Earl Stewart, Windsor, $3,000
Cordelia Strube, Toronto, $2,000
Andrew F. Sullivan, Courtice, $6,000
Moez Surani, Thornhill, $7,000
Kevin Sylvester, Toronto, $3,000
Shawn Syms, Toronto, $1,500
Claire Tacon, Guelph, $3,000
Julia Tausch, Hamilton, $1,500
Royston Tester, Burlington, $3,250
Souvankham Thammavongsa, Stouffville, $4,500
Jason Timermanis, Toronto, $1,550
Peg Tittle, Sundridge, $1,500
Mark Totten, Gatineau, $4,000
Ann Dekker Towell, Bothwell, $1,650
Matthew J Trafford, Toronto, $4,550
Blair Trewartha, Sudbury, $5,500
Mark Truscott, Toronto, $1,500
Ayelet Tsabari, Toronto, $9,100
Paul Tyler, Ottawa, $2,000
Peter Unwin, Toronto, $3,500
Priscila Uppal, Toronto, $4,500
Mary B. Valencia, Toronto, $1,500
Thom Vernon, Toronto, $3,500
Halli Villegas, Barrie, $1,500
Susan Wadds, Sebright, $1,500
Myna Wallin, Toronto, $3,100
Natalie Zina Walschots, Toronto, $1,500
Phoebe Wang, Toronto, $2,250
Christopher Ward, Toronto, $2,000
Robert Ward, Toronto, $1,500
Mary Paul Wells, Toronto, $5,000
Zoe Whittall, Toronto, $5,000
David Whitton, Toronto, $6,000
Janet Wilson, Eden Mills, $1,500
Heather E. Wright, Guelph, $750
Robert Yates, Hamilton, $1,500
Lindsay Anne Zier-Vogel, Toronto, $1,500
Final payment of grant from previous fiscal year:
dernier versement d’une subvention accordée au
cours de l’exercice précédent :
Eleanor Albanese, Thunder Bay, $1,500
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
writers’ works in Progress
Œuvres en cours
February 2012 / Jurors
Février 2012 / Jurés
Tamara Faith Berger, Toronto
Danielle Couture, Toronto
Asher Ghaffar, Toronto
Shoilee Khan, Mississauga
Conor Mihell, Sault Ste. Marie
Adam Sol, Toronto
Sarah Tsiang, Kingston
Craig Davidson, Toronto, $12,000
Elisabeth de Mariaffi, Toronto, $12,000
Jeffery Donaldson, Stoney Creek, $12,000
David Goldstein, Toronto, $12,000
Donna Grassby, Richmond Hill, $12,000
Catherine Hanrahan, Toronto, $12,000
Sandra Kasturi, Toronto, $12,000
Aaron Kreuter, Toronto, $12,000
Lynne Kutsukake, Toronto, $12,000
Melanie J. Little, Toronto, $12,000
Leanna McLennan, Toronto, $12,000
Martin Mordecai, Kitchener, $12,000
Denise O’Rourke, Toronto, $12,000
Soraya Peerbaye, Toronto, $12,000
Sandy Pool, Erin, $12,000
Ray Robertson, Toronto, $12,000
Emily Schultz, Wallaceburg, $12,000
Leslie Shimotakahara, Toronto, $12,000
Andrew F. Sullivan, Courtice, $12,000
Harry Tournemille, St. Catharines, $12,000
David Whitton, Toronto, $12,000
June 2012 / Jurors
Juin 2012 / Jurés
Heather Ann Birrell, Toronto
Michael Blouin, Kemptville
Saadia Ali Bokhari, Toronto
Zarmina Rafi, Mississauga
Robin Richardson, Mississauga
Richard Sanger, Toronto
Gil Adamson, Toronto, $12,000
Gary Barwin, Hamilton, $12,000
Angel Beyde, Toronto, $12,000
Alan Cumyn, Ottawa, $12,000
Eric Foley, Toronto, $12,000
Valentina Gal, Toronto, $12,000
Camilla C.T. Gibb, Toronto, $12,000
Spencer Gordon, Burlington, $12,000
Benjamin Hackman, Toronto, $12,000
Kumaran Kankesan, Toronto, $12,000
Ben Ladouceur, Ottawa, $12,000
Barbra Leslie, Toronto, $12,000
Michael Lista, Toronto, $12,000
Cheryl Rainfield, Toronto, $12,000
Rebecca Rosenblum, Toronto, $12,000
Karen Solie, Toronto, $12,000
Caroline Stellings, Waterdown, $12,000
Sarah Tolmie, Kitchener, $12,000
Sarah Tsiang, Kingston, $12,000
Betsy Walters, Toronto, $12,000
Maggie L. Wood, London, $12,000
October 2012 / Jurors
Octobre 2012 / Jurés
Pamela C Mordecai, Kitchener
Grace O’Connell, Toronto
Sandy Pool, Toronto
Stuart Ross, Cobourg
Leslie Shimotakahara, Toronto
Moez Surani, Markham
Clayton Windatt, Sturgeon Falls
Nancy Belgue, Kingsville, $12,000
Nadia Bozak, London, $12,000
Lynn Crosbie, Toronto, $12,000
Willow Dawson, Toronto, $12,000
Jeramy Dodds, Orono, $12,000
Kristyn Dunnion, Toronto, $12,000
Kenny Fries, Toronto, $12,000
Tory Hetherington, Toronto, $12,000
Jessica Hiemstra, Toronto, $12,000
Anna Maxymiw, Toronto, $12,000
Bruce Meyer, Barrie, $12,000
Sandra Nicholls, Ottawa, $12,000
Claudia Osmond, Toronto, $12,000
Ian W.J. Roy, Ottawa, $12,000
Ron Schafrick, Toronto, $12,000
Kara Sievewright, Toronto, $12,000
Faye Smailes, Toronto, $12,000
Jason Timermanis, Toronto, $12,000
Mark Truscott, Toronto, $12,000
Thom Vernon, Toronto, $12,000
Lisa Young, Toronto, $12,000
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
writers’ works in Progress – northern deadline
Œuvres en cours – date limite du nord
december 2012 / Jurors
décembre 2012 / Jurés
ElizaBeth Hill, Neebing
Sharon Irvine, Thunder Bay
Blair Trewartha, Sudbury
Michael Christie, Thunder Bay, $12,000
Elizabeth Creith, Thessalon, $12,000
Barry Grills, North Bay, $12,000
Holly Haggarty, Thunder Bay, $12,000
Terry Johnson, Whitefish Falls, $12,000
Amy Jones, Thunder Bay, $12,000
Jennifer Morrow, Sioux Lookout, $3,500
Jean E. Pendziwol, Thunder Bay, $12,000
John Pringle, Atikokan, $12,000
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Media artS
artS MédiatiqueS
Installation view of Other Worlds, an exhibit at Vector: Game + Art
Convergence, a Game Art Festival in Toronto. From left: pictured
works include Zenith by Arcane Kids, Trip by Axel Shokk, Void
One by Luis Hernandez and Proteus by Ed Key and David Kanaga.
(Photo: Brenda Liu)
Partie de l’installation Other Worlds, exposée au festival d’art de
jeux vidéos intitulé Vector: Game + Art Convergence, à Toronto,
dans laquelle on peut voir (à partir de la gauche) les œuvres Zenith,
d’Arcane Kids ; Trip, d’Axel Shokk ; Void One, de Luis Hernandez ;
Proteus, d’Ed Key et David Kanaga. (Photo : Brenda Liu)
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Media artS
artS MédiatiqueS
MarK haSLaM
OAC’s Media Arts programs support and encourage the
development of Ontario media artists and assist artist-run
media arts production centres, presenters, distributors,
festivals and artists’ collectives. These programs support and
encourage the various forms of media arts, including film,
video, digital media, sound art, electronic arts, game arts and
Les programmes d’arts médiatiques du CAO soutiennent et
encouragent le perfectionnement des artistes médiatiques
de l’Ontario et appuient les centres de production d’arts
médiatiques autogérés, les diffuseurs, les distributeurs,
les festivals et les collectifs d’artistes. Ces programmes
subventionnent et stimulent les différentes formes d’arts
médiatiques, notamment le film, la vidéo, les médias
numériques, l’art sonore, les arts électroniques, les arts du
jeu et les installations.
Media artists: emerging
artistes médiatiques : artistes en début de carrière
november 2012 / Jurors
novembre 2012 / Jurés
Nadine Arpin, Sioux Lookout
Ed Janzen, Kingsville
Jith Paul, Ottawa
Amanda Strong, Milton
Jeffrey Tran, Brampton
Rosa Aiello, Hamilton, $10,000
Chris Chung, Toronto, $10,000
Nadine Espinoza, Toronto, $9,000
Jennifer Linton, Toronto, $10,000
Riaz Mehmood, Thunder Bay, $8,500
Rehab Nazzal, Markham, $7,600
Mark Pariselli, Toronto, $5,831
Zoja Smutny, Toronto, $10,000
Diedie Weng, Toronto, $10,000
James Wilkinson, Thunder Bay, $8,350
Final payment of grants from previous fiscal years:
derniers versements de subventions accordées au
cours des exercices précédents :
november 2010
novembre 2010
Tom Hillman, Toronto, $10,000
Lena Macdonald, Toronto, $10,000
november 2011
novembre 2011
Andrew Chiang, Mississauga, $10,000
Samuel Chow, Toronto, $10,000
Phil Connell, Toronto, $10,000
Craig Conoley, Nepean, $10,000
Yi Cui, Toronto, $10,000
Igor Drljaca, Toronto, $10,000
Chris Hanratty, Toronto, $10,000
Steven Hoepfner, Toronto, $10,000
Vanessa Jung, Toronto, $10,000
Joe Kicak, Burlington, $10,000
Stephanie Law, Toronto, $10,000
Yoann Malnati, Toronto, $7,810
Colina Maxwell, Dundas, $10,000
Simon Mercer, Dundas, $8,000
Aref Mohammadi, Toronto, $9,945
Colina Phillips, Hamilton, $10,000
Jeffrey Pike, Mississauga, $9,800
Maria-Saroja Ponnambalam, Toronto, $10,000
Adam Shamoon, Toronto, $8,000
Ambereen Siddiqui, Toronto, $6,100
Amanda Strong, Toronto, $10,000
Elinor Svoboda, Toronto, $10,000
Jordan Tannahill, Toronto, $5,000
Amar Wala, Toronto, $10,000
Joyce Ka-Kei Wong, Toronto, $10,000
Glen Wood, Toronto, $10,000
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Media artists: Mid-Career and established
artistes médiatiques : artistes en milieu de
carrière et établis
april 2012 / Jurors
avril 2012 / Jurés
Evond Blake, Toronto
Marianne Corriveau, Ottawa
Drew Gauley, New Liskeard
Michelle Latimer, Hamilton
Marcel O’Gorman, Kitchener
Shane Belcourt, Toronto, $20,000
Alexander Carson, Toronto, $10,000
Anna Fahr, Greely, $32,000
Chris Gehman, Toronto, $20,555
John Graham, Ottawa, $13,000
Erik Harju, Worthington, $26,000
Mike Hoolboom, Toronto, $40,000
Charles Ketchabaw, Toronto, $16,600
Gail Maurice, Mississauga, $40,000
Christopher McNamara, Tecumseh, $6,500
Paramita Nath, Toronto, $35,000
Jason O’Hara, Toronto, $30,000
Rob Thompson, Toronto, $9,150
October 2012 / Jurors
Octobre 2012 / Jurés
Jason Baerg, Courtright
Stephen Lang, Sault Ste. Marie
Nevenka Redzic Toth, Ottawa
Tamara Zeta Sanowar-Makhan, Toronto
Isabella Stefanescu, Waterloo
Cliff Caines, Toronto, $40,000
Nichola Feldman-Kiss, Ottawa, $35,000
Wrik Mead, Toronto, $22,050
Rosamund Owen, Toronto, $40,000
Final payment of grants from previous fiscal years:
derniers versements de subventions accordées au
cours des exercices précédents :
april 2011
avril 2011
Gisèle Gordon, Toronto, $38,000
William Taylor, Toronto, $40,000
October 2011
Octobre 2011
Adrienne Amato, Toronto, $35,000
Jordan Canning, Toronto, $21,000
Lesley Chan, Dundas, $40,000
Solomon Friedman, Toronto, $25,000
Luo Li, Dundas, $40,000
Richie Mehta, Mississauga, $40,000
Media arts Organizations
Organismes d’arts médiatiques
March 2012 / advisors
Mars 2012 / Conseillers
Deanna Ford, Thunder Bay
Zicky Hammud, Ottawa
Marnie Parrell, Toronto
Madi Piller, Toronto
Julie René de Cotret, Hillsburgh
Multi-year Operating
Subventions de fonctionnement pluriannuelles
Artengine, Ottawa, $20,000
The Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre,
Toronto, $46,000
Charles Street Video, Toronto, $51,800
Ed Video Media Arts Centre, Guelph, $42,000
Factory Media Arts Centre, Hamilton, $15,000
Hot Docs, Toronto, $38,100
Images Festival, Toronto, $53,900
imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival, Toronto, $67,200
Independent Filmmakers Cooperative of Ottawa,
Ottawa, $27,300
Inside Out Toronto Lesbian and Gay Film and Video
Festival, Toronto, $48,400
InterAccess Electronic Media Arts Centre, Toronto, $51,800
Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT),
Toronto, $49,350
Media City Film Festival, Windsor, $20,000
New Adventures In Sound Art, Toronto, $30,000
The Ottawa International Animation Festival,
Ottawa, $28,000
Planet in Focus: International Environmental
Film & Video Festival, Toronto, $21,660
SAW Video Co-op, Ottawa, $53,700
Toronto Jewish Film Festival, Toronto, $29,700
Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival,
Toronto, $35,000
Trinity Square Video, Toronto, $44,600
VTape, Toronto, $51,150
Worldwide Short Film Festival, Toronto, $25,000
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
annual Operating
Subventions de fonctionnement annuelles
Bay Street Film Festival, Thunder Bay, $12,000
Cinéfest Sudbury International Film Festival,
Sudbury, $20,000
Kingston Canadian Film Festival, Kingston, $10,800
Near North Mobile Media Lab Collective, North Bay, $15,000
Pleasure Dome, Toronto, $21,000
Reelout Arts Project Inc., Kingston, $11,400
Regent Park Film Festival, Toronto, $12,000
Southern Currents Film and Video Collective,
Toronto, $20,900
Subtle Technologies Arts Projects, Toronto, $10,500
Weengushk Film Institute, M’Chigeeng, $17,100
Media arts Projects
Projets d’arts médiatiques
March 2012 / Jurors
Mars 2012 / Jurées
Deanna Ford, Thunder Bay
Madi Piller, Toronto
Julie René de Cotret, Hillsburgh
Art for Commuters, Toronto, $4,500
Available Light Screening Collective, Ottawa, $5,000
Biindigaate Film Festival, Thunder Bay, $8,000
Diaspora Film Festival Group, Toronto, $6,000
The 8 fest Small-Gauge Film Festival, Toronto, $5,000
Festival of Moving Media, Guelph, $10,000
Gendai Gallery, Toronto, $3,000
Mouvement d’implication francophone d’Orléans,
Ottawa, $8,000
Multicultural Cinema Club, Kitchener, $5,000
ReFrame Peterborough International Film Festival,
Peterborough, $8,000
Toronto International Deaf Film and Arts Festival,
Mississauga, $6,500
Toronto Palestine Film Festival Collective, Toronto, $6,000
September 2012 / Jurors
Septembre 2012 / Jurés
Hugo Ares, Toronto
Terril Calder, Toronto
Beth Mairs, Worthington
Angus McLellan, Guelph
Electric Eclectics, Meaford, $10,000
Female Eye, Woodbridge, $10,000
Grey Zone Collective, Durham, $10,000
Independent Imaging Collective, Mount Forest, $10,000
London Lesbian Film Festival, London, $10,000
ReelWorld Film Festival Inc., Toronto, $5,000
Team Vector, Toronto, $10,000
Thunder Bay Environmental Film Network,
Thunder Bay, $10,000
Media arts Projects: regional Media artists’
Collectives initiative
Projets d’arts médiatiques : Collectifs régionaux
d’artistes médiatiques
december 2012 / Jurors
décembre 2012 / Jurés
Azam Fouk Aladeh, Kitchener
Marilyn Gray, Mindemoya
Martha Newbigging, Consecon
Kerry Swanson, Toronto
360 Sault Media Arts Collective, Sault Ste. Marie, $15,000
Highlands Media Arts, Minden, $12,350
London Ontario Media Arts Association, Thorndale, $15,000
Momentum Film and Video Collective, Windsor, $15,000
North Light Media Collective, Thunder Bay, $15,000
Peterborough Media Arts Collective, Peterborough, $14,000
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Singer Andres Sierra (centre) performs with dancers Jasmine
Renee Thomas (left) and Marie-Anne Ross (right) during
Toronto’s North by NorthEast Festival. (Photo: Jose Luis)
Le chanteur Andres Sierra (au centre), accompagné des
danseuses Jasmine Renee Thomas (à gauche) et Marie-Anne
Ross, en spectacle pendant le festival North by NorthEast de
Toronto. (Photo : Jose Luis)
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Listing/ Liste
/ Listedes
daVid G.h. ParSOnS
Classical Music Officer
Responsable de la musique classique
MiChaeL Murray
Popular and World Music Officer
Responsable de la musique populaire et de la
musique du monde
OAC’s Music programs support the creation, production and
presentation of music from a range of genres and from across
the province. All programs encourage the performance of
work by Canadian composers and musicians.
Les programmes de musique du CAO appuient la création,
la production et la présentation d’œuvres musicales dans une
gamme de genres et dans toutes les régions de la province.
Tous les programmes favorisent l’exécution d’œuvres de
compositeurs canadiens par des musiciens canadiens.
Choirs and Vocal Groups
Chorales et ensembles vocaux
February 2012 / advisors
Février 2012 / Conseillers
Christopher Blake, Niagara-on-the-Lake
Karen Burke, Brampton
Ann Monoyios, Ottawa
Mary Ellen Pauli, Timmins
Multi-year Operating
Subventions de fonctionnement pluriannuelles
Amabile Choirs of London Canada, London, $23,550
Bach Children’s Chorus, Toronto, $14,250
Cantabile Choirs of Kingston, Kingston, $13,800
Chorus Niagara, St. Catharines, $18,200
Elmer Iseler Singers, Toronto, $53,440
Guelph Chamber Choir, Guelph, $8,000
Guelph Youth Singers, Guelph, $15,900
Hamilton Children’s Choir, Hamilton, $15,000
Oakville Children’s Choir, Oakville, $13,440
Ottawa Choral Society, Ottawa, $10,600
The Peterborough Singers, Peterborough, $8,480
St. Marys Children’s Choir, St. Marys, $15,000
Toronto Children’s Chorus, Toronto, $57,000
Toronto Mendelssohn Choir, Toronto, $44,940
annual Operating
Subventions de fonctionnement annuelles
Amadeus Choir of Greater Toronto, Toronto, $20,530
Elora Festival Singers, Elora, $38,410
Fanshawe Chorus London/Gerald Fagan Singers,
London, $8,500
Grand Philharmonic Choir, Kitchener, $10,790
London Pro Musica, London, $10,175
Mississauga Children’s Choir, Mississauga, $9,000
The Nathaniel Dett Chorale, Toronto, $36,100
Orpheus Choir of Toronto, Toronto, $9,000
Ottawa Bach Choir, Ottawa, $6,630
Pax Christi Chorale, Toronto, $7,526
VIVA! Youth Singers of Toronto, Toronto, $7,850
Young Voices Toronto, Toronto, $14,250
Project Grants
Subventions de projet
Algoma Festival Choir, Sault Ste. Marie, $2,500
Cellar Singers, Collingwood, $4,000
Countermeasure, Toronto, $3,000
DaCapo Chamber Choir, Waterloo, $4,500
Dulcisono Women’s Choir, Thunder Bay, $3,500
Exultate Chamber Singers, Toronto, $3,000
The Larkin Singers, Toronto, $3,500
MCS Chorus, Mississauga, $4,000
Oakville Ensemble, Oakville, $2,500
Ottawa Children’s Choir, Ottawa, $5,000
Ottawa Classical Choir, Ottawa, $2,000
Rafiki Youth Choir, Thunder Bay, $3,600
Seventeen Voyces of Ottawa, Ottawa, $3,500
Tallis Choir of Toronto, Toronto, $3,500
Tone Cluster, Ottawa, $4,000
Toronto Chamber Choir, Toronto, $3,000
Vesnivka Choir Inc., Toronto, $4,000
Victoria Scholars Men’s Choral Ensemble, Toronto, $3,500
Windsor Classic Chorale, Windsor, $2,800
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Classical Music recording Program
enregistrement de musique classique
October 2012 / Jurors
Octobre 2012 / Jurés
Gisèle Dalbec Szczesniak, Kingston
Robert M. DiVito, Toronto
Nazila Eftekharimanesh, Richmond Hill
Christien Ledroit, Hamilton
Christina Quilico, Toronto
Réa Beaumont, Toronto, $6,000
Nik Beeson, Toronto, $5,400
Canadian Art Song Project, Toronto, $9,000
Canadian Electronic Ensemble, Toronto, $3,800
Rachel Mercer, for / pour Ensemble Made In Canada,
Toronto, $8,000
Monsoon Music, Toronto, $9,300
Nicholas Storring, Toronto, $8,500
Music Commissioning
Commande d’œuvres musicales
October 2012 / Jurors
Octobre 2012 / Jurés
Gabriel Dharmoo, Montréal, Que.
Christien Ledroit, Hamilton
Michael Pepa, Richmond Hill
Deirdre Piper, Perth
Lydia Wong, Toronto
André Alexis, Toronto, $2,500 (collaborating with /
en collaboration avec James Rolfe, Toronto)
Kristi Allik, Kingston, $6,400 (with / avec Kingston
Symphony Association, Kingston)
Rose A. Bolton, Toronto, $2,800 (with / avec
Continuum Contemporary Music, Toronto)
John Burge, Kingston, $9,840 (with / avec Sinfonia
Toronto, Toronto)
Allison Cameron, Toronto, $6,785 (with / avec
CONTACT contemporary music, Toronto)
Anna Chatterton, Toronto, $5,000 (collaborating with /
en collaboration avec Juliet Kiri Palmer, Toronto)
Brian Current, Toronto, $7,250 (with / avec Toronto
Symphony Orchestra, Toronto)
Alex Eddington, Toronto, $3,175 (with / avec Suzuki
String School of Guelph, Guelph)
John Kameel Farah, Brampton, $6,750 (with /
avec Soundstreams Canada, Toronto)
Paul Frehner, London, $9,940 (with / avec Nadina
Mackie Jackson, Toronto)
Jasper J. Gahunia, Toronto, $5,500 (with / avec Groupe
RUBBERBANDance, Montréal, Que.)
Scott Good, Toronto, $8,500 (with / avec New Music
Ensemble of the Glenn Gould School, Toronto)
Christos Hatzis, Uxbridge, $9,000 (with / avec Afiara
String Quartet, Toronto)
Anna Hostman, Toronto, $4,000 (with / avec
Continuum Contemporary Music, Toronto)
Kevin Lau, Toronto, $7,400 (with / avec
Mary Kenedi, Toronto)
Emilie LeBel, Toronto, $5,980 (with / avec
Rubbing Stone Ensemble, Banff, Alta.)
Brent Lee, Windsor, $3,600 (with / avec Silver
Birch String Quartet, Sudbury)
Robert Lemay, Sudbury, $4,750 (with / avec
Helen Pridmore, Sackville, N.B.)
Alexina Louie, Toronto, $8,900 (with / avec
James Ehnes, Bradenton, U.S.)
Riho Maimets, Toronto, $3,760 (with / avec
Larkin Singers, Toronto)
Richard Mascall, Leith, $2,000 (with / avec
Marc Djokic, Montréal, Que.)
Jordan Pal, Toronto, $11,770 (with / avec
Gryphon Trio, Toronto)
Juliet Kiri Palmer, Toronto, $24,000 (with /
avec Soundstreams Canada, Toronto)
Monica Pearce, Toronto, $4,000 (with / avec
junctQin keyboard collective, Toronto)
Abigail Richardson-Schulte, Dundas, $5,400 (with /
avec Cecilia String Quartet, Dundas)
James Rolfe, Toronto, $1,000 (with / avec Canadian
Art Song Project, Toronto)
February 2012 / advisors
Février 2012 / Conseillers
Brian Finley, Campbellford
Kristina Marie Guiguet, Ottawa
Shan (Sam) Guo, Toronto
Jane Hargraft, Seattle, U.S.
Multi-year Operating
Subventions de fonctionnement pluriannuelles
Opera Atelier, Toronto, $210,000
Queen of Puddings Music Theatre Co., Toronto, $52,300
Tapestry New Opera Works, Toronto, $110,000
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
annual Operating
Subventions de fonctionnement annuelles
Canadian Children’s Opera Company, Toronto, $19,000
Opera Hamilton, Hamilton, $90,000
Opera in Concert, Toronto, $9,035
Opera Lyra Ottawa, Ottawa, $135,000
Toronto Operetta Theatre, Toronto, $8,000
Project Grants
Subventions de projet
Autumn Melody Collective, Ottawa, $6,400
Chinese Opera Group of Toronto, Toronto, $9,000
Classical Music Consort, Toronto, $15,000
Toronto Masque Theatre, Toronto, $16,000
March 2012 / advisors
Mars 2012 / Conseillers
Margaret J. Boyd, Parry Sound
Glen Fast, Kingston
Jehanbakhsh (John) Jasavala, Toronto
Celeste Pelliccione, Unionville
Multi-year Operating
Subventions de fonctionnement pluriannuelles
Esprit Orchestra, Toronto, $120,000
Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra, Hamilton, $100,000
Kingston Symphony Association, Kingston, $70,000
Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Orchestra Association,
Kitchener, $365,000
National Youth Orchestra of Canada, Toronto, $85,000
Orchestra London Canada Inc., London, $202,000
Ottawa Symphony Orchestra, Ottawa, $55,000
Sinfonia Toronto, Toronto, $17,740
Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra & Chamber Choir,
Toronto, $367,000
Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra, Thunder Bay, $222,000
annual Operating
Subventions de fonctionnement annuelles
The Niagara Symphony Association, St. Catharines, $48,950
Ontario Philharmonic, Oshawa, $15,000
Thirteen Strings Chamber Orchestra, Ottawa, $20,000
Windsor Symphony Orchestra, Windsor, $199,500
Project Grants
Subventions de projet
Canadian Sinfonietta, Thornhill, $8,000
Cathedral Bluffs Symphony Orchestra, Toronto, $6,000
Deep River Symphony Orchestra, Deep River, $6,000
Georgian Bay Symphony, Owen Sound, $13,000
group of twenty-seven, Toronto, $5,000
Guelph Symphony Orchestra, Guelph, $11,500
International Symphony Orchestra, Sarnia, $13,000
Kindred Spirits Orchestra, Markham, $10,000
North Bay Symphony Orchestra, North Bay, $14,000
Northumberland Orchestra and Choir, Cobourg, $5,000
Oakville Symphony Orchestra, Oakville, $13,000
Orchestra Toronto, Toronto, $8,253
Orchestras Mississauga, Mississauga, $14,000
Peterborough Symphony Orchestra, Peterborough, $12,500
Quinte Symphony, Belleville, $4,500
Sault Symphony Association, Sault Ste. Marie, $15,000
The Scarborough Philharmonic, Toronto, $6,000
Sudbury Symphony Orchestra Association Inc.,
Sudbury, $25,000
Timmins Symphony Orchestra, Timmins, $25,000
Popular Music
Musique populaire
June 2012 / Jurors
Juin 2012 / Jurés
Randeep Kahlon, Brampton
David Laronde, Temagami
Janice Lee, Kitchener
Janisa Weekes, Toronto
Linsey Wellman, Ottawa
Henok Aklome, a.k.a. Henok Abebe, Guelph, $6,000
Angelina Allemano, a.k.a. Lina Allemano, for Titanium
Trio, Toronto, $6,000
Robert Bodkin, a.k.a. Jack Bodkin, for / pour Pram Trio,
Toronto, $7,000
Bonjay, Toronto, $8,000
Yaniusky Borrell Morales, a.k.a. Yani Borrell,
Thornhill, $10,000
David Braid, Toronto, $3,000
Ernesto Cervini, Toronto, $6,000
Christine Cochrane, a.k.a. Crissi Cochrane, Windsor, $5,162
Julie Crochetière, a.k.a. Julie C, Toronto, $3,500
Mitchell Crosby, a.k.a. Prince Mitch, Dorchester, $3,000
Angelo Daniele, a.k.a. Palehock,Thunder Bay, $3,000
Shanya Lynn Dawson, Mount Hope, $6,000
Nicholas Delbaere-Sawchuk, Toronto, $4,000
Telmary Diaz, Toronto, $10,000
Clayton Drake, for / pour The Almighty Rhombus,
Sudbury, $6,500
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Luis Enrique Escamilla, a.k.a. Quique Escamilla,
Toronto, $10,000
John Kameel Farah, Brampton, $4,000
Daniel Faraldo, a.k.a. Dan-e-o, Toronto, $6,500
Jaron Freeman, a.k.a. Jaron Freeman-Fox, Toronto, $5,000
Stephen Giroux, for Coast Redwood, Sudbury, $3,500
Valery Gore, Toronto, $6,000
Genevieve Gorman, Toronto, $3,500
Alanna Gurr, Guelph, $3,000
Edward Hanley, Toronto, $3,625
Hollerado, Toronto, $7,500
Gregory Hoskins, Guelph, $6,194
Yaovi Hoyi, a.k.a. Yaovi Ganyo Hoyi, Ottawa, $3,500
Lyndon John, a.k.a. Lyndon John X, Brussels, $3,000
Peter Katz, Toronto, $3,000
Elaine Kelly-Canning, for / pour Carnival Moon,
Toronto, $6,500
Taylor Kirk, for / pour Timber Timbre, Toronto, $6,000
Daniel Latner, Toronto, $3,000
Nathan Lawr, for / pour Minotaurs, Guelph, $10,000
Zachary Leighton, Toronto, $3,000
Anne Lindsay, Toronto, $5,500
Jeffrey McClellan, for / pour Kolapore, Mississauga, $3,500
Fantahun Mekonnen, a.k.a. Fantahun Shewankochew,
Toronto, $3,000
Bethany Moore, a.k.a. Beth Moore, Port Colborne, $6,000
Mark Morley, a.k.a. Rel McCoy for Relic and / et
Fresh Kils, Brampton, $10,000
Imaaji Phenoon, a.k.a. IMAAJI, Brampton, $6,000
Chris Ramos, Toronto, $3,000
Adrian Raso, Guelph, $6,750
Arthur Renwick, Rama, $6,000
Tara Rice, for / pour 5th PROJEKT, Toronto, $3,000
Shannon Rose, Ottawa, $6,000
Samba Squad, Toronto, $7,000
Nagata Shachu, Toronto, $3,500
Crystal Shawanda, Wikwemikong Unceded, $4,000
Yun Tein Shia, a.k.a. Tim Shia, Toronto, $3,000
Tejinder Sidhu, a.k.a. Blitz, Mississauga, $8,500
Darren Sigesmund, for / pour Darren Sigesmund Strands III,
Toronto, $6,500
Lucas Silveira, for / pour The Cliks, Toronto, $4,000
Eon Gyasi Sinclair, for / pour The Soul Professionals,
Toronto, $6,500
Gavin Sleightholm, a.k.a. Gavin Slate, Toronto, $3,000
Brandon Solomon, Kettle Point First Nation, $5,769
Sound of Lions, Ottawa, $6,000
Still Life Still, Toronto, $6,000
Robert Szabo, a.k.a. Rob Szabo, Toronto, $3,500
Vineet Vyas, Toronto, $3,000
Mark Weinstock, a.k.a. Marky Weinstock, Toronto, $7,500
Sacha Williamson, Pickering, $3,000
Michelle Willis, Thornton, $7,000
Robert Wiseman, a.k.a. Bob Wiseman, Toronto, $6,000
december 2012 / Jurors
décembre 2012 / Jurés
Hassan El-Hadi, Toronto
Tricia Foster, Toronto
Veronica Johnny, Gore Bay
Michelle McCullock, Thornhill
Evelyn Morrallee, Hamilton
Jean-Michel Ouimet, Gatineau, Que.
Kuljit Sodhi, Gatineau, Que.
A Tribe Called Red, Ottawa, $3,000
Colin Amey, Ajax, $6,500
Daniel Barnes, Toronto, $3,000
Michael Bennett, a.k.a. Mr. Bennett, Barrie, $6,500
Joseph Brownrigg, Ottawa, $3,000
Tanika Charles, a.k.a. Miz Chawls, Toronto, $6,500
Annabelle Chvostek, Toronto, $4,000
Charlotte Cornfield, Toronto, $3,000
Jermaine Cowan, St. Catharines, $5,000
Andrew Cox, a.k.a. Jaydahmann, Toronto, $3,500
Jessica Deutsch, Toronto, $3,500
Justin Dunlop, a.k.a. J.D., Hamilton, $8,500
Kathryn DuTemple, a.k.a. Katie DuTemple, Toronto, $3,500
Kathleen Edwards, Toronto, $3,500
Eh440, Toronto, $10,000
Ruben Esguerra, a.k.a. Beny, Toronto, $6,500
James Everett, for / pour metheus Bound, Toronto, $6,500
Michael Field, a.k.a. Mike Field, Toronto, $6,500
Mike Ford, for / pour The Cocksure Lads, Toronto, $6,500
Daniel Fortin, for / pour FIN, Toronto, $6,500
Daniela Gesundheit, for / pour Snowblink, Toronto, $6,500
Larry Graves, for / pour Drumhand, Toronto, $9,035
John Griffith, for / pour The Griffith Hiltz Trio, Toronto, $3,500
Adrian Gross, Toronto, $3,000
Omar Guzman, a.k.a. Omar Linx, Toronto, $5,000
Madison Horwitz Rodriguez, a.k.a. Maddy Rodriguez,
Toronto, $4,000
Derek Jancar, a.k.a. Drex Incredible, Toronto, $8,500
Ami Jetté, for / pour El Chebeb, Ottawa, $3,000
Sarah Johnson, a.k.a. Sarah Loren, London, $1,500
Raymond Kashiba, a.k.a. Herléo Muntu, Gatineau,
Que., $7,000
Philippe Lafreniere, a.k.a. Phil Motion, Ottawa, $4,000
Tracy Lalonde, Lancaster, $3,000
Latoya (Joy) Lapps, a.k.a. Joy Lapps Princess of Pan,
Toronto, $3,800
Andrew Laviolette, Thunder Bay, $3,000
Khadijah Lopez, Mississauga, $3,000
Shannon Lyon, Toronto, $8,500
Anouk Masters-Leniveau, a.k.a. Anouk Laure,
Toronto, $3,000
El Hadji MBaye, a.k.a. Elage Mbaye, Gatineau, Que., $8,000
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Paul Metcalfe, for / pour The Heavyweights
Brass Band, Toronto, $8,500
Monsoon Music, Toronto, $10,000
Adamandea Nantsios, a.k.a. Mandia, Ottawa, $6,500
Susan Newberry, for / pour Sue Newberry &
The Law, Peterborough, $8,500
Christian Overton, Toronto, $10,000
Celia Palli Monguilod, .a.k.a. Celia Palli, Toronto, $3,500
David Plowman, a.k.a. Apt, Toronto, $3,000
D’Ari Pouyat, for / pour DARKLARK, Demorestville, $8,500
Quartette, Toronto, $8,500
Andrea Ramolo, for / pour Scarlett Jane, Toronto, $3,500
Musqwaunquot Rice, for / pour BIIPIIGWAN,
Parry Sound, $5,000
Kyle Shushack, for / pour Bay City Sound Collective,
Thunder Bay, $3,000
Andres Sierra, Toronto, $4,000
Eric Stein, for / pour Beyond the Pale, Toronto, $10,000
Shawnee Lynne Talbot, a.k.a. She King, Toronto, $8,500
Ian Tamblyn, Old Chelsea, $5,336
James Taylor, for / pour Yuka, Toronto, $6,500
Antoine Tremblay-Beaulieu, Sudbury, $2,000
Ventanas, Toronto, $3,000
Vandana Vishwas, Mississauga, $2,829
Nancy Walker, Mississauga, $6,500
Marla Walters, for / pour The Digs, Pickering, $8,000
Billy J. White, Burlington, $8,500
diffuseurs et producteurs
april 2012 / advisors
avril 2012 / Conseillers
Alicia Borisonik, Hull
Aristocles Carastathis, Thunder Bay
Cheryl Ewing, Kitchener
John Kameel Farah, Brampton
Kevin James, Ottawa
Cam Lund, Newmarket
Suba Sankaran, Toronto
Nolan Schmerk, Thunder Bay
Bandana Singh, Toronto
Multi-year Operating
Subventions de fonctionnement pluriannuelles
Aldeburgh Connection, Toronto, $18,840
Amici Chamber Ensemble, Toronto, $6,450
Ashkenaz Foundation, Toronto, $24,000
Continuum Contemporary Music, Toronto, $18,000
Hannaford Street Silver Band, Toronto, $34,450
Music TORONTO, Toronto, $44,100
NUMUS Concerts Inc., Waterloo, $26,400
Small World Music Society, Toronto, $48,300
Soundstreams Canada, Toronto, $96,300
Talisker Players Chamber Music, Toronto, $8,700
Toronto Blues Society, Toronto, $28,000
Toronto Consort, Toronto, $25,500
annual Operating
Subventions de fonctionnement annuelles
Aradia Ensemble, Toronto, $7,600
The Array Centre for Contemporary Music /
Arraymusic, Toronto, $24,300
Art of Time Ensemble, Toronto, $25,000
Bharathi Kala Manram, Mississauga, $14,250
CCMC Music Gallery, Toronto, $44,650
The Chamber Music Society of Mississauga,
Mississauga, $13,500
Chinese Artists Society of Toronto, Toronto, $10,000
CONTACT contemporary music, Toronto, $8,790
Lindsay Concert Foundation, Lindsay, $10,190
Nagata Shachu, Toronto, $13,750
New Music Concerts, Toronto, $39,900
Raag-Mala Music Society, Toronto, $9,120
Via Salzburg, Toronto, $12,600
Project Grants
Subventions de projet
416 Toronto Creative Improvisers Festival, Brampton, $3,000
5-Penny New Music Concerts, Sudbury, $11,000
The Academy Concert Series, Toronto, $3,000
Algoma Conservatory of Music, Sault Ste. Marie, $10,000
Art Gallery of Hamilton, Hamilton, $5,500
Artengine, Ottawa, $9,000
Bobcaygeon Music Council Inc., Bobcaygeon, $8,000
Canadian Contemporary Music Workshop, Dundas, $10,000
Capella Intima, Hamilton, $3,830
Capital Brassworks, Ottawa, $4,500
Chamber Music Hamilton, Hamilton, $3,000
Consortium Aurora Borealis, Thunder Bay, $8,000
Convergence Ensemble, Toronto, $500
Deep River Summerfest, Deep River, $5,000
Eaglewood Folk Festival, Wasaga Beach, $5,000
Folkus Concert Series, Clayton, $4,000
Gryphon Trio, Toronto, $10,000
John Weinzweig Centenary, Toronto, $2,000
Lina Allemano Four, Toronto, $4,800
LINK Picnic Festival, Waterloo, $8,217
Markham Jazz Festival, Unionville, $10,000
Mooredale Concerts, Toronto, $4,500
Neruda Productions for Arts and Culture, Waterloo, $4,000
Nujazz Festival, Toronto, $8,000
One World Trio Collective, Toronto, $3,000
Pan-Afrikan Coalition of Canada, Ottawa, $5,000
Performing Arts Bancroft, Bancroft, $8,000
St. Lawrence Acoustic Stage Performances Inc.,
Morrisburg, $4,000
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Toronto Palestine Film Festival Collective, Toronto, $7,000
Toronto Tabla Ensemble, Toronto, $7,000
Wavelength Music Arts Projects, Toronto, $12,000
The Windermere String Quartet, Toronto, $4,000
Women’s Musical Club of Toronto, Toronto, $5,000
november 2012 / advisors
novembre 2012 / Conseillers
Crystal Ewasiuk, Windsor
La-Nai Gabriel, Toronto
Alice Ping Yee Ho, Toronto
James Keelaghan, Perth
Elizabeth Lance, Gatineau, Que.
Aaron Lightstone, Vaughan
Bud Roach, Hamilton
Guy Traficante, Sault Ste. Marie
Sandra Whiting, Toronto
Multi-year Operating
Subventions de fonctionnement pluriannuelles
Brott Music Festival, Hamilton, $50,000
Festival of the Sound, Parry Sound, $47,825
Georgian Bay Folk Society, Owen Sound, $26,250
Guelph Jazz Festival, Guelph, $41,400
Hillside Festival, Guelph, $43,000
Music Niagara, Niagara-on-the-Lake, $20,000
Northern Lights Festival Boreal, Sudbury, $15,000
Ottawa Chamber Music Society, Ottawa, $110,000
Ottawa Jazz Festival Inc., Ottawa, $63,720
Shelter Valley Folk Festival, Grafton, $15,000
Toronto Summer Music Festival, Toronto, $32,000
Westben Arts Festival Theatre, Campbellford, $20,000
annual Operating
Subventions de fonctionnement annuelles
All-Canadian Jazz Festival Port Hope, Port Hope, $12,000
Blue Skies Cultural Centre, Pefferlaw, $9,500
desiFEST, Markham, $15,000
Electric Eclectics, Meaford, $12,000
Elora Festival, Elora, $38,880
Goderich Celtic Folk Society, Goderich, $20,525
Home County Folk League, London, $20,000
IRIE Music Festival Incorporated, Mississauga, $7,500
Manifesto Community Projects, Toronto, $24,000
Mariposa Folk Foundation, Orillia, $10,800
Muhtadi International Drumming Festival, Toronto, $27,500
Music Africa, Toronto, $22,800
Music and Beyond, Ottawa, $48,500
Ottawa Bluesfest, Ottawa, $60,800
Ottawa Folk Festival, Ottawa, $12,000
Porquis Blues Society, Porquis Junction, $7,200
Stratford Summer Music, Stratford, $33,225
Toronto Downtown Jazz Society, Toronto, $34,200
Trout Forest Music Festival, Ear Falls, $12,000
Uptown Waterloo Jazz Festival, Waterloo, $5,850
Project Grants
Subventions de projet
Aboriginal Experiences, Arts and Culture, Ottawa, $10,000
Alliance Française de Toronto, Toronto, $4,500
Asah Productions, Brampton, $7,000
Batuki Music Society, Toronto, $3,000
Bobcaygeon Music Council Inc., Bobcaygeon, $6,000
Brookside Music Association, Midland, $5,000
Colours of Music, Barrie, $11,261
Evergreen Club Contemporary Gamelan, Toronto, $6,000
Gallery Players of Niagara, Virgil, $6,000
The Grand River Jazz Society, Waterloo, $8,000
Holstein Bluegrass Festival, Brampton, $3,500
House of PainT Festival of Urban Arts and Culture,
Ottawa, $17,000
INNERchamber Inc., Stratford, $3,000
LINK Picnic Festival, Waterloo, $10,000
Lula Music and Arts Centre, Toronto, $7,500
The Mill Race Folk Society, Cambridge, $5,000
MonstrARTity, Mississauga, $6,500
Open Ears Festival of Music and Sound, Kitchener, $6,000
Piano Salon, Toronto, $3,600
Pierre Schryer Band, Thunder Bay, $7,258
Prince Edward County Music Festival, Picton, $10,000
Raging Asian Women Taiko Drummers, Toronto, $6,500
River and Sky Arts in the Woods, Sudbury, $10,500
Royal Canadian College of Organists – Ottawa Ctr.,
Ottawa, $8,000
Steel City Jazz Festival, Oakville, $2,000
SweetWater Music Festival, Owen Sound, $7,000
Theatre of Early Music, Ottawa, $5,000
The Thin Edge New Music Collective, Toronto, $1,405
Toronto Vocal Arts Festival, Toronto, $2,500
TorQ Percussion Quartet, Toronto, $4,000
Uma Nota Culture, Toronto, $8,500
Vision Africana2000 Cultural Groupe, Toronto, $6,000
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
nOrthern artS
artS du nOrd
From left: Richard Sheridan Willis as Heinrich and Jessica
Moss as Frieda in the Sudbury Theatre Centre’s production
of The Clockmaker by Stephen Massicotte. (Photo: Callam
À partir de la gauche : Richard Sheridan Willis (Heinrich)
et Jessica Moss (Frieda), dans The Clockmaker, pièce de
Stephen Massicotte produite par le Sudbury Theatre Centre.
(Photo : Callam Rodya)
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
nOrthern artS
artS du nOrd
ChriStina aKrOnG
The Northern Arts program acknowledges the distinctive
nature of the arts produced in northern Ontario. The program
provides project support for new works by northern Ontariobased arts organizations, individual artists and collectives. It
also funds projects that present or promote the distribution of
northern arts and artists in recognition that audiences in the
north need access to more arts experiences. The Northern
Arts Consultants provide grant application guidance to
artists and arts organizations based in Ontario’s far north,
northwest and northeast.
Le programme Arts du Nord reconnaît la nature particulière
de la production artistique dans le nord de l’Ontario. Ce
programme offre des subventions de projet aux organismes,
artistes et collectifs du Nord pour la création de nouvelles
œuvres. Il finance aussi des projets dont le but principal
consiste à présenter, promouvoir et diffuser les arts et les
artistes du Nord pour que les auditoires de cette région aient
accès à un plus grand nombre d’expériences artistiques. Les
conseillers artistiques pour le Nord aident les artistes et les
organismes artistiques du Grand Nord, du Nord-Ouest et du
Nord-Est à présenter une demande de subvention.
May 2012 / Jurors
Mai 2012 / Jurés
Daniel Bédard, Sudbury
Pauline Clark, Thessalon
John Emms, Timmins
Kirsten Kosloski, Thunder Bay
Suzanne Morrissette, Thunder Bay
4Elements Living Arts, Little Current, $12,750
Alliance Chorale Ontario, Kapuskasing, $3,200
Lorrina Belluz, Thunder Bay, $11,700
Brood Records Collective, North Bay, $6,000
Amanda Burk, North Bay, $8,650
Dave Clement, Thunder Bay, $12,750
Julie Cosgrove, Thunder Bay, $10,200
Jean-Paul De Roover, Kakabeka Falls, $10,100
Susan Goldberg, Thunder Bay, $5,100
Ryan Gustafson, Thunder Bay, $10,000
Brian Raymond Holden, Thunder Bay, $6,500
IMPACT Theatre, Sioux Lookout, $12,750
Caroline Kajorinne, Gorham, $10,000
Noël Keag, Thunder Bay, $12,750
Kids Kaleidoscope Entertainment Series,
Sioux Lookout, $4,750
Robert Lemay, Sudbury, $5,100
Tanya Lukin-Linklater, North Bay, $10,200
Beth Mairs, Worthington, $12,500
Moonbeam Cultural Centre/Art Gallery, Moonbeam, $12,750
Émilie O’Bonsawin, Hanmer, $11,250
Piotr Skowronski, Thunder Bay, $12,750
Sudbury Symphony Orchestra Association Inc.,
Sudbury, $8,200
Peter White, Whitefish Bay, $15,000
november 2012 / Jurors
novembre 2012 / Jurés
Rodney Brown, Thunder Bay
Susan Goldberg, Thunder Bay
Yoko Hirota, Sudbury
Gunhild Hotte, Cochrane
Scott Merrifield, Sudbury
Roy Morris, Muskrat Dam
Stéphane Paquette, Hanmer
Lindsay Sarazin, North Bay
Association canadienne-française de l’Ontario, région de
Témiskaming, New Liskeard, $9,500 (with / avec
AkoufèN, Gatineau, Que.)
Rod Carley, North Bay, $12,500
Harriet Carlson, Red Lake, $11,500 (with / avec
James Mcgowan, Sudbury)
Julian Cote, Naughton, $11,000
Crestfallen Theatre, Sudbury, $12,600
Cindy Doire, Timmins, $6,500
Drew Gauley, New Liskeard, $1,450
Kyle Giardino, Thunder Bay, $10,600
Guitars Alive, Sudbury, $5,700
Allison Huot, Sault Ste. Marie, $12,000
Jaymie Lathem, North Bay, $13,000
David W. Lewis, Callander, $11,000
Debbie Metzler, Kaministiquia, $10,000
Near North Arts, North Bay, $13,000
Northwestern Ontario Writers Workshop,
Sioux Lookout, $7,100
Pierre Schryer Band, Thunder Bay, $11,500
Pistol George Warren, Sudbury, $5,330
Printers Five, Haileybury, $11,800
Productions Roches brûlées, Sudbury, $10,000
Richards Landing Arts & Cultural Events
Committee, Richards Landing, $9,500
Mansel Robinson, Chapleau, $9,400
Salon du livre de Hearst, Hearst, $13,150
Windsong Music, Powassan, $6,920
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
OntariO-queBeC artiSt reSidenCieS
réSidenCeS d’artiSteS OntariO-quéBeC
Visual artist Xiao GuoHui’s solo exhibit at the Christopher
Cutts Gallery in Toronto. From left: pictured works include
Winner’s Game and Blindfolded.(Photo: Xiao GuoHui)
Dans l’exposition solo de l’artiste visuel Xiao GuoHui à la
galerie Christopher Cutts de Toronto, on peut voir entre
autres (à partir de la gauche) Winner’s Game et Blindfolded.
(Photo : Xiao GuoHui)
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Listing/ Liste
/ Listedes
OntariO-queBeC artiSt reSidenCieS
réSidenCeS d’artiSteS OntariO-quéBeC
CLaudette JaiKO
The Ontario-Quebec Artist Residencies program is for artists
from Quebec and Ontario to undertake a creation-based or
professional development project in the other province. This
program is open to both francophone and anglophone artists.
Le programme Résidences d’artistes Ontario-Québec donne
aux artistes d’une province l’occasion d’entreprendre un
projet de création ou de perfectionnement professionnel
dans l’autre province. Ce programme est ouvert aux artistes
francophones et anglophones.
april 2012 / Jurors
avril 2012 / Jurés
Christian Chapman, Fort William First Nation
Nathanaël Larochette, Ottawa
Bindu Mehra, Toronto
Mark Sepic, Toronto
Meredith Hall, Toronto, $4,000
Claudia Moore, Toronto, $4,500
Elysha Poirer, Toronto, $3,630
Alanna Stuart, Toronto, $7,870
Adam Sturgeon, Guelph, $10,000
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
From left: Jessica Salgueiro, David Christo, Ben Irvine and
Lindsay Owen Pierre in One Little Goat Theatre’s production
The Charge of the Expormidable Moose, written by Claude
Gauvreau and directed by Adam Seelig. (Photo: Yuri Dojc)
À partir de la gauche : Jessica Salgueiro, David Christo,
Ben Irvine et Lindsay Owen Pierre, dans The Charge of
the Expormidable Moose, pièce de Claude Gauvreau mise
en scène par Adam Seelig et produite par One Little Goat
Theatre. (Photo : Yuri Dojc)
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Pat BradLey
OAC’s Theatre programs encourage the work of Ontariobased theatre organizations, creators and other artists
involved in theatre in Ontario. These are English-language
programs only.
Les programmes de théâtre du CAO favorisent le travail
d’organismes de théâtre, de créateurs et d’autres artistes
actifs dans le domaine du théâtre en Ontario. Ces
programmes sont offerts uniquement en anglais.
Playwright residency
dramaturges résidents
april 2012 / Jurors
avril 2012 / Jurés
Glen Gould, Toronto
Kathryn MacKay, Kingston
Donald Woo, Toronto
Kawa Ada, Toronto, $10,000 (with / avec Cahoots
Theatre Company, Toronto)
Lawrence Aronovitch, Ottawa, $8,500 (with / avec
Great Canadian Theatre Company, Ottawa)
Damien Atkins, Toronto, $10,000 (with / avec
Crow’s Theatre, Toronto)
Keith Barker, Toronto, $7,000 (with / avec
Native Earth Performing Arts., Toronto)
Ari Belathar, Toronto, $10,000 (with / avec
Alameda Theatre Company, Toronto)
Leanna Brodie, Toronto, $10,000 (with / avec
4th Line Theatre, Millbrook)
Sean Dixon, Toronto, $10,000 (with / avec
Tarragon Theatre, Toronto)
Miriam Fernandes, Toronto, $10,000 (with / avec
Theatre Passe Muraille, Toronto)
Rong Fu, Toronto, $10,000 (with / avec fu-GEN
Asian-Canadian Theatre Company, Toronto)
Thomas Morgan Jones, Toronto, $10,000 (with /
avec Shakespeare In Action, Toronto)
Daniel MacIvor, Toronto, $10,000 (with / avec
Factory Theatre, Toronto)
Christopher Morris, Toronto, $10,000 (with / avec
Blyth Festival, Blyth)
M. Nourbese Philip, Toronto, $10,000 (with / avec
b current, Toronto)
Erin Shields, Toronto, $10,000 (with / avec
Nightwood Theatre, Toronto)
Jordan Tannahill, Toronto, $10,000 (with / avec
Nightswimming, Toronto)
theatre Creators’ reserve
réserve des créateurs de théâtre
March 2013
third-Party recommenders (theatres)
Mars 2013
tiers recommandataires (théâtre)
4th Line Theatre, Millbrook
Alameda Theatre Company, Toronto
Aluna Theatre, Toronto
b current, Toronto
Blyth Festival, Blyth
Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, Toronto
The Cabaret Company, Toronto
Cahoots Theatre Company, Toronto
The Canadian Stage Company, Toronto
Carousel Players, St. Catharines
Crow’s Theatre, Toronto
The Factory Theatre, Toronto
Festival Players of Prince Edward County, Picton
fu-GEN Asian-Canadian Theatre Company, Toronto
The Grand Theatre, London
Great Canadian Theatre Company, Ottawa
The Harold Green Jewish Theatre Company, Toronto
Jumblies Theatre, Toronto
Mammalian Diving Reflex, Toronto
Mixed Company Theatre, Toronto
The MT Space, Kitchener
Native Earth Performing Arts, Toronto
Necessary Angel Theatre Company, Toronto
Nightswimming, Toronto
Nightwood Theatre, Toronto
Obsidian Theatre Company, Toronto
Odyssey Theatre, Ottawa
Pat the Dog Playwright Centre, Kitchener
Pleiades Theatre, Toronto
Port Stanley Festival Theatre, Port Stanley
Puppetmongers Theatre, Toronto
Roseneath Theatre, Toronto
Shaw Festival Theatre Foundation, Canada,
Smile Theatre, Toronto
Studio 180 Theatre, Toronto
Suitcase in Point, St. Catharines
SummerWorks Theatre Festival, Toronto
Talk Is Free Theatre, Barrie
Tapestry new opera works, Toronto
Tarragon Theatre, Toronto
Theatre Aquarius, Hamilton
The Theatre Centre, Toronto
Theatre Direct Canada, Toronto
Theatre Gargantua, Toronto
Theatre Passe Muraille, Toronto
Theatre Smith-Gilmour, Toronto
Thousand Islands Playhouse, Gananoque
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
The Toronto Fringe, Toronto
Volcano, Toronto
Young People’s Theatre, Toronto
Some applicants received more than one Theatre Creators’
Reserve grant. Amount listed is total of awards.
Certains candidats ont reçu plus d’une subvention dans le
cadre de ce programme. Le montant indiqué représente le
total des subventions.
A & A Productions, Ajax, $1,000
Ciara Adams, Toronto, $1,500
Kate Alton, Toronto, $1,000
Jessica Anderson, Ottawa, $1,000
Andrea Mapili & Byron Abalos, Toronto, $6,500
Heather Marie Annis, Toronto, $2,000
Architect Theatre, Toronto, $7,500
Maja Ardal, Toronto, $6,800
Leslie Arden, Cookstown, $2,500
Nina Arsenault, Toronto, $2,000
Asah Productions, Brampton, $3,000
Damien Atkins, Toronto, $2,000
Christine Aziz, Toronto, $1,000
Marie Beath Badian, Toronto, $2,000
The Bain Arts Collective, Toronto, $3,500
Karen Balcome, Ottawa, $1,000
David Bateman, Toronto, $1,000
Conrad Beaubien, Hillier, $1,000
Gillian Bennett, Toronto, $1,000
Stephanie Berntson, Toronto, $1,500
Raoul Bhaneja, Toronto, $3,000
Nova Bhattacharya, Toronto, $1,000
Nicolas Billon, Toronto, $1,500
Rachel Blair, Toronto, $2,000
Body Theatre, Toronto, $1,000
Douglas Bowie, Kingston, $1,000
Lara Bradley, Sudbury, $1,000
Daniel Brooks, Toronto, $1,000
Trina Brooks, London, $1,500
Lauren Brotman, London, $1,000
Danya Buonastella, Toronto, $1,000
Kyle Capstick, Toronto, $1,000
Kate Cayley, Toronto, $3,000
Ida Chan, Toronto, $3,000
Brenley Charkow, Stratford, $1,500
Martha Chaves, Toronto, $2,000
Jasmine Chen, Toronto, $3,500
Emelie Chhangur, Toronto, $1,000
Lisa Codrington, Toronto, $1,750
Colectivo Pez Luna / Moon Fish Collective, Toronto, $1,500
Michele Coleman, Toronto, $1,000
Wesley J. Colford, Toronto, $1,000
Collision, Toronto, $5,000
Consumer Circus, Milton, $1,500
Trevor Copp, Burlington, $2,000
David S. Craig, Toronto, $3,000
Mark Crawford, Toronto, $2,000
Brandon Crone, Toronto, $1,000
Jeff Culbert, London, $1,000
Mitchell Cushman, Toronto, $1,000
Krista Dalby, Picton, $1,000
Ned Dickens, Kingston, $1,000
Nicolas Di Gaetano, Ottawa, $3,000
Beau Dixon, Peterborough, $3,000
Brett Donahue, Toronto, $2,000
Li Dong, Toronto, $1,000
Sunny Drake, Toronto, $1,000
Peter Duschenes, Ottawa, $2,500
Alexander Dvorak, Barrie, $1,000
Audrey Dwyer, Toronto, $2,500
Alex Eddington, Toronto, $1,000
Edge of the Woods Theatre, Huntsville, $2,000
Cathy Elliott, Toronto, $1,000
Sharada K. Eswar, Brampton, $1,000
David Fancy, Welland, $1,000
Jennifer Fernandes, Toronto, $1,000
Miriam Fernandes, Toronto, $2,000
FIXT POINT, Toronto, $4,000
Diane Flacks, Toronto, $1,000
Erin Fleck, Toronto, $1,000
Nicholas Flood, Toronto, $1,000
Susanna Fournier, Toronto, $4,900
Denise Fujiwara, Toronto, $1,000
Steven Gallagher, Toronto, $1,000
Carina Gaspar, Kitchener, $1,000
Sky Gilbert, Hamilton, $1,000
Trista Gilbert, Cavan, $1,000
Carlos Gonzalez-Vio, Toronto, $1,000
Cathy Gordon, Toronto, $1,000
Natasha Greenblatt, Toronto, $1,000
Jefferson Guzman, Toronto, $1,500
Steafan Hannigan, Baltimore, $1,000
Peter Haworth, Ottawa, $2,500
Charles Hayter, Toronto, $1,000
Emma Mackenzie Hillier, Toronto, $1,000
Yiwei Hu, Toronto, $1,000
The Humble Fawn Collective, Toronto, $2,000
Tanja Jacobs, Toronto, $3,000
Thomas Morgan Jones, Toronto, $3,500
Lori Nancy Kalamanski, Toronto, $1,500
Ian Kamau Prieto-McTair, Toronto, $1,000
Daniel Karasik, Toronto, $4,000
Robert Kempson, Toronto, $4,000
Rafi Khan, Ottawa, $1,500
Alanis King, Ottawa, $2,500
Jules A Koostachin, Toronto, $1,500
Rosa Laborde, Toronto, $6,000
Niki Landau, Toronto, $1,000
Jani Lauzon, Toronto, $4,000
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Adam Lazarus, Toronto, $2,000
Julia Lederer, Toronto, $1,000
Ana Lorena Leija, Guelph, $2,000
lemonTree theatre creations, Toronto, $2,000
Lisa L’Heureux, Ottawa, $1,500
Chase Lo, Mississauga, $1,000
Lorrie Gallant and Lisa VanEvery, Brantford, $2,000
Winston Luc, Toronto, $1,000
Viktor Lukawski, Milton, $1,000
Kate Lynch, Toronto, $2,500
Kathy MacLellan, Orléans, $1,000
Jason Maghanoy, Toronto, $1,500
Lynda Martens, London, $1,000
Andy Massingham, Ottawa, $2,000
Arianne M. Matte, Toronto, $1,000
Sharron Matthews, Stratford, $2,000
Tawiah M’carthy, Toronto, $5,000
Kathleen E McDonnell, Toronto, $2,000
the mcguffin company, Toronto, $1,000
Radha S. Menon, Hamilton, $1,000
Monique Mojica, Toronto, $1,500
Viv Moore, Toronto, $1,000
Jessica Morales, Toronto, $1,000
Leora Morris, Toronto, $1,000
Hannah Moscovitch, Toronto, $1,000
Jessica Moss, Toronto, $2,000
Colleen Murphy, Toronto, $1,000
Music Picnic, Toronto, $1,000
Ciarán Myers, Kitchener, $1,000
Alistair Newton, Toronto, $1,000
Amy Nostbakken, Toronto, $5,000
Mariló Núñez, Toronto, $3,000
Michael O’Brien, Toronto, $1,000
Thomas Olajide, Toronto, $4,500
Ngozi Paul, Toronto, $2,000
Philip McKee Performance Projects, Toronto, $2,000
Alexander Poch-Goldin, Toronto, $7,000
Navneet Rai, Toronto, $2,500
Karin Randoja, Toronto, $2,000
Shawna Reiter, Toronto, $3,000
Erin Robinsong, Toronto, $1,000
Spencer Robson, Toronto, $1,000
Douglas A. Rodger, Toronto, $1,000
Martha A. Ross, Toronto, $1,000
Keith Roulston, Blyth, $1,000
Anusree Roy, Toronto, $3,250
Banuta Rubess, Toronto, $1,000
Rob Salerno, Toronto, $1,000
Richard Sanger, Toronto, $1,000
Andrea Scott, Toronto, $6,500
David Sereda, St. Catharines, $2,500
Seventh Heaven Collective, Toronto, $1,500
Emil Sher, Toronto, $5,500
Erin Shields, Toronto, $9,500
Pamela Mala Sinha, Toronto, $1,000
Six & Eight Collective, Toronto, $1,500
Rosamund Small, Toronto, $3,000
Garret C. Smith, Toronto, $2,000
Shoshana Sperling, Toronto, $1,800
Jodi Sprung-Boyd, Toronto, $3,000
Isabella Stefanescu, Waterloo, $1,000
The Suck and Blow Collective, Toronto, $2,000
Robin Sutherland, Sault Ste. Marie, $1,500
Meghan Swaby, Toronto, $1,000
Aleka Si Mei Swanson, Toronto, $1,500
Jordan Tannahill, Toronto, $1,000
Simeon L. Taole, Toronto, $1,500
Rehana Tejpar, Toronto, $1,000
Andrew Templeton, Toronto, $1,000
Julie Tepperman, Toronto, $1,000
Theatre 4.669, Ottawa, $2,000
TheatreRUN, Toronto, $3,000
Bonnie Thomson, Toronto, $1,000
Alexandra Tigchelaar, Toronto, $3,000
Grant Tilly, Toronto, $3,500
Evan Tsitsias, Toronto, $2,000
Robert Tsonos, Bobcaygeon, $2,000
U.N.I.T. Productions, Toronto, $2,500
Michelle Urbano, Toronto, $1,000
Alejandro Valbuena, Toronto, $2,000
Thom Vernon, Toronto, $2,500
Vertical City, Toronto, $1,000
Daniela Vlaskalic, Toronto, $2,000
Craig Walker, Kingston, $1,000
Johnnie Walker, Toronto, $1,000
Marika Warner, Toronto, $2,000
Robert Watson, Toronto, $2,000
Evan Webber, Toronto, $2,000
Michael Wheeler, Toronto, $1,500
Paula I. Wing, Toronto, $2,000
Eric Woolfe, Toronto, $6,500
David Yee, Toronto, $5,000
Nathalie Younglai, Toronto, $1,500
Helen Yung, Toronto, $1,500
theatre Organizations
Organismes de théâtre
March 2012 / advisors
Mars 2012 / Conseillers
Kawa Ada, Toronto
Eric Coates, Ottawa
Andrew Moodie, Toronto
Laurel A. Smith, Perth
Heidi Uhlig, Thunder Bay
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Multi-year Operating
Subventions de fonctionnement pluriannuelles
Aluna Theatre, Toronto, $18,000
Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, Toronto, $157,000
The Cabaret Company, Toronto, $17,000
Cahoots Theatre Company, Toronto, $40,000
Carousel Players, St. Catharines, $140,000
Centre for Indigenous Theatre, Toronto, $49,000
Crow’s Theatre, Toronto, $34,000
The Factory Theatre, Toronto, $148,000
The Grand Theatre, London, $225,000
Great Canadian Theatre Company, Ottawa, $193,000
Magnus Theatre Company, Thunder Bay, $152,000
Mammalian Diving Reflex, Toronto, $23,000
Mixed Company Theatre, Toronto, $16,000
Modern Times Stage Company, Toronto, $18,000
The MT Space, Kitchener, $30,000
Native Earth Performing Arts, Toronto, $70,000
Necessary Angel Theatre Company, Toronto, $83,000
Nightswimming, Toronto, $30,000
Nightwood Theatre, Toronto, $56,000
Obsidian Theatre Company, Toronto, $67,000
Pleiades Theatre, Toronto, $18,000
Puppetmongers Theatre, Toronto, $18,000
Roseneath Theatre, Toronto, $109,000
Smile Theatre, Toronto, $30,000
STAF, Toronto, $80,000
Studio 180 Theatre, Toronto, $18,000
Sudbury Theatre Centre, Sudbury, $100,000
Talk Is Free Theatre, Barrie, $25,000
Tarragon Theatre, Toronto, $239,000
Theatre Aquarius, Hamilton, $262,000
The Theatre Centre, Toronto, $50,000
Theatre Direct Canada, Toronto, $157,000
Theatre Orangeville, Orangeville, $82,000
Theatre Passe Muraille, Toronto, $126,000
Theatre Smith-Gilmour, Toronto, $20,000
Theatrefront, Toronto, $16,000
VideoCabaret, Toronto, $30,600
Volcano, Toronto, $26,000
Young People’s Theatre, Toronto, $383,000
annual Operating
Subventions de fonctionnement annuelles
Acting Up Stage Company, Toronto, $20,000
AfriCan Theatre Ensemble, Toronto, $10,800
Alameda Theatre Company, Toronto, $15,000
b current, Toronto, $22,800
Carlos Bulosan Theatre, Toronto, $18,950
The Company Theatre, Toronto, $12,000
Essential Collective Theatre, St. Catharines, $6,300
fu-GEN Asian-Canadian Theatre Company, Toronto, $30,000
The Harold Green Jewish Theatre Company, Toronto, $9,450
Lyndesfarne Theatre Projects, St. Catharines, $6,555
Paprika Festival, Toronto, $10,000
Pat the Dog Playwright Centre, Waterloo, $30,000
Rag & Bone Puppet Theatre, Ottawa, $10,000
Salamander Theatre for Young Audiences, Ottawa, $18,000
Shakespeare In Action, Toronto, $15,000
Suitcase in Point, St. Catharines, $16,200
Theatre Columbus, Toronto, $24,168
Theatre Gargantua, Toronto, $14,400
Theatre Kingston, Kingston, $18,000
Theatre Museum Canada, Toronto, $15,000
Theatre Smash, Toronto, $9,500
Project Grants
Subventions de projet
Theatre Ontario, Toronto, $120,000
november 2012 / advisors
novembre 2012 / Conseillers
Kawa Ada, Toronto
Eric Coates, Ottawa
Andrew Moodie, Toronto
Laurel A. Smith, Perth
Heidi Uhlig, Thunder Bay
Multi-year Operating
Subventions de fonctionnement pluriannuelles
4th Line Theatre, Millbrook, $59,000
Blyth Festival, Blyth, $139,000
Lighthouse Festival Theatre, Port Dover, $49,789
London Fringe, London, $18,000
Magnetic North Theatre Festival, Ottawa, $70,000
Odyssey Theatre, Ottawa, $43,000
Ottawa Fringe Festival, Ottawa, $18,000
Soulpepper Theatre Company, Toronto, $380,000
SummerWorks Theatre Festival, Toronto, $24,500
Thousand Islands Playhouse, Gananoque, $251,000
The Toronto Fringe, Toronto, $75,000
annual Operating
Subventions de fonctionnement annuelles
A Company of Fools, Ottawa, $12,150
The Driftwood Theatre Group, Toronto, $20,000
Festival Players of Prince Edward County, Bloomfield, $21,600
Humber River Shakespeare Co., Toronto, $15,000
Port Stanley Festival Theatre, Port Stanley, $40,000
St. Lawrence Shakespeare Festival, Prescott, $24,800
Theatre By The Bay, Barrie, $12,150
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Final payment of grant from previous fiscal year:
dernier versement d’une subvention accordée au
cours de l’exercice précédent :
Odyssey Theatre, Ottawa, $43,000
theatre Projects
Projets de théâtre
February 2012 / Jurors
Février 2012 / Jurés
Sarah Conn, Ottawa
Jason Maghanoy, Toronto
Heather Majaury, Waterloo
Sarah Phillips, Picton
Tanisha Taitt, Toronto
Ars Mechanica, Toronto, $4,000
Bear & Co., Ottawa, $12,000
Birdtown and Swanville, Toronto, $10,000
The Black Musical Theatre Project, Markham, $7,500
Burning Playgrounds, Toronto, $4,000
Edge of the Woods Theatre, Huntsville, $1,500
Evolution Theatre, Ottawa, $6,000
FIXT POINT, Toronto, $10,000
Glen Gould, Toronto, $10,000
Independent Aunties, Toronto, $7,000
Diane Johnstone, Mississauga, $5,000
Kitchenband, Toronto, $12,000
the mcguffin company, Toronto, $8,500
Philip McKee, Toronto, $8,000
The Nervous System, Peterborough, $8,000
Michael O’Brien, Toronto, $4,000
Old Pirate Theatre Co., Toronto, $10,000
Outside the March, Toronto, $9,000
Joseph Jomo Pierre, Toronto, $10,000
Project: Humanity, Toronto, $10,000
Pyretic Productions, Toronto, $7,000
Shadow of a Doubt Collective, Picton, $5,000
Small Wooden Shoe, Toronto, $13,000
Suburban Beast, Toronto, $10,000
The Supine Collective, Toronto, $5,000
Theatre 20, Toronto, $5,000
Theatre Ji, Toronto, $5,000
Theatre Rusticle, Toronto, $11,000
Toronto Sketch Comedy Festival, Toronto, $11,000
Toronto Taxi Collective, Toronto, $3,000
John Turner, Evansville, $4,000
Why Not Theatre, Toronto, $12,000
Gein Wong, Toronto, $3,000
august 2012 / Jurors
août 2012 / Jurés
Colin Bruce Anthes, St. Catharines
Christopher Bedford, Ottawa
Leah-Simone Bowen, Toronto
Cathy Elliott, Toronto
Lynda Hill, Toronto
Jill Battson, Toronto, $7,000
Blue Balloon Productions, Toronto, $5,000
Citizen Theatre Collective, Toronto, $5,000
Convergence Theatre, Toronto, $15,000
The Cooking Fire Theatre Festival, Toronto, $10,000
Deluxe Hot Sauce, Ottawa, $15,000
DNA Theatre, Toronto, $14,000
Paul Ebbs, Toronto, $5,000
Eldritch Theatre, Toronto, $9,000
Flashing Lights Collective, Toronto, $8,000
The Gallops, Toronto, $8,500
Em Glasspool, Peterborough, $5,000
Susanna Hamnett, Toronto, $7,000
Thomas Morgan Jones, Toronto, $4,000
Kaleidoscope Collective, Waterloo, $7,000
Julia Lederer, Toronto, $7,000
lemonTree theatre creations, Toronto, $7,500
Lost&Found Theatre, Kitchener, $7,000
Adam Nashman, Toronto, $1,600
New Stages Peterborough, Peterborough, $7,000
NeXt Company Theatre, St. Catharines, $7,000
North Road Theatre, Sudbury, $15,000
One Little Goat Theatre Company, Toronto, $13,000
Laurel Paluck, Peterborough, $4,000
The Peace Maker Collective, Toronto, $10,000
Praxis Theatre, Toronto, $8,000
The Quickening Theatre, Toronto, $5,305
Red Snow Collective, Toronto, $5,000
STO Union Theatre Company, Ottawa, $5,000
Theatre Crisis, Toronto, $9,000
Toronto Festival of Clowns, Toronto, $6,500
twinwerks//zwillingswerk, Toronto, $5,000
Vertical City, Toronto, $12,000
Winterreise Collective, Toronto, $5,000
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Installation view of visual artist Ernestine Tahedl’s solo
exhibition entitled Opus at the Modern Gallery in Zagreb,
Croatia. (Photo: Ernestine Tahedl)
Vue de l’installation intitulée Opus de l’artiste visuelle
Ernestine Tahed, à laquelle la Moderna galerija de Zagreb, en
Croatie, a consacré une exposition. (Photo : Ernestine Tahedl)
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Listing/ Liste
/ Listedes
aenGuS Finnan
OAC’s Touring office programs support professional artists and
arts organizations who tour performances, exhibitions and arts
events that showcase the creativity, innovation and excellence
of Ontario artists across the country and on the international
stage. They also support the exchange of artistic experiences
across national and international boundaries, help develop
knowledgeable audiences and provide presenters with more
opportunities to network, learn and preview performances for
programming upcoming seasons.
Les programmes de tournées du CAO appuient les artistes
professionnels et les organismes artistiques voulant faire
des tournées de spectacles, d’expositions et d’évènements
artistiques qui font valoir, au Canada et à l’étranger, la
créativité, l’innovation et l’excellence des artistes de l’Ontario.
Ils appuient également l’échange d’expériences artistiques à
l’intérieur et à l’extérieur du pays, contribuent à développer
des publics avertis, et donnent aux diffuseurs la possibilité
de réseauter, de s’informer et de voir des spectacles à
programmer éventuellement pour les saisons à venir.
national and international residency
résidences nationales et internationales
april 2012 / Jurors
avril 2012 / Jurés
Damien Gilbert, Thunder Bay
Robert Lemay, Sudbury
Miranda Liverpool, Mississauga
Amy Nostbakken, Toronto
Raechelle Vyn, Peterborough
Chris Boni, Mississauga, $5,400
Barbara Buntin, Cobourg, $8,400
Katherine Burns, Toronto, $2,490
Allison Cameron, Toronto, $8,000
Rosalie Favell, Ottawa, $3,000
Melissa Fisher, Toronto, $5,500
Cait Harben, Toronto, $6,250
Anna Klishevych, Toronto, $5,000
Amy Lam, Toronto, $2,750
Corwyn Lund, Toronto, $9,850
Victoria Mata, Toronto, $5,000
Jonathan McCurley, Toronto, $2,700
Lindy Mechefske, Kingston, $3,700
Rui Pimenta, Toronto, $3,550
Malarville Varatharaja, Markham, $7,250
Suritah Teresa Wignall, Toronto, $5,400
October 2012 / Jurors
Octobre 2012 / Jurés
Melanie Brulee, Toronto
Beau Dixon, Peterborough
Linda Hutsell-Manning, Cobourg
Esie Mensah, Toronto
Arthur Renwick, Rama
Grace Channer, Toronto, $8,000
Sarah Cormier, Toronto, $4,000
Sally Frater, Hamilton, $4,000
Alexandra Gelis, Toronto, $7,400
Hannah Miami Jickling, Toronto, $4,000
Alex Karolyi, Vaughan, $2,500
Reena Katz, Toronto, $6,000
Julia Male, Toronto, $2,000
Russ Mason, Sault Ste. Marie, $5,500
Kate Nankervis, Toronto, $5,500
John Royal Wood Nicholson, Toronto, $8,000
Pria Patroni, Toronto, $3,000
Natasha Powell, Toronto, $3,500
Helen Reed, Toronto, $4,000
Matthew Romantini, Toronto, $8,000
Daniel Young, Toronto, $8,000
national and international touring
tournées nationales et internationales
March 2012 / advisors
Mars 2012 / Conseillers
Jimson Bowler, Peterborough
Sean Meades, Sault Ste. Marie
Emily Pearlman, Ottawa
Natalie Joy Quesnel, Ottawa
Dieudonné Rakotomamonjy, Toronto
Amos Rimtobaye, Montréal
Debbie Slade, St. Catharines
Genevieve Twomey, Kitchener
Ballet Jörgen Canada, Toronto, $17,000
Brandon Scott Besharah, Toronto, $5,800
Ernesto Cervini, Toronto, $9,000
Chanda Chevannes, Toronto, $10,000
The Chimera Project, Toronto, $23,000
Pierre Chrétien, Ottawa, $16,000
Joshua Cockerill, Toronto, $8,750
Créations In Vivo, Ottawa, $2,500
Eliana Cuevas, Toronto, $16,364
Entre Activa Collective, Toronto, $15,000
Esprit Orchestra, Toronto, $33,000
Free Play Duo, Toronto, $7,000
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Fujiwara Dance Inventions, Toronto, $13,000
Drew Gonsalves, Toronto, $11,000
Gryphon Trio, Toronto, $8,900
Aaron Lightstone, Vaughan, $13,400
Madison Violet, Toronto, $8,900
MAGNOLIUS, Toronto, $8,500
Mammalian Diving Reflex, Toronto, $11,500
Haley McGee, Toronto, $5,600
Menaka Thakkar Dance Company, Thornhill, $9,500
Queen of Puddings Music Theatre Co., Toronto, $31,000
Ian Robb, Ottawa, $4,000
Shuffle Demons, Toronto, $7,900
Yvon Soglo, Gatineau, $19,000
Eric Stein, Toronto, $6,750
Alanna Stuart, Toronto, $6,900
Jessica Stuart, Toronto, $11,500
Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra & Chamber Choir,
Toronto, $46,000
Ernestine Tahedl, King City, $5,600
Théâtre de la Vieille 17, Ottawa, $10,500
Théâtre du Nouvel-Ontario Inc., Sudbury, $16,000
Théâtre du Trillium, Ottawa, $16,000
Tribal Crackling Wind for the Arts, Toronto, $8,500
Boja Vasic, Toronto, $15,000
September 2012 / advisors
Septembre 2012 / Conseillers
Michel Bénac, Ottawa
Donna Bennett, Campbellford
Anna Kajtar, Toronto
Janet Morton, Guelph
Nathalie Nadon, Toronto
David Oiye, Toronto
Tam-Ca Vo-Van, Ottawa
Philip Beesley, Toronto, $20,000
Annabelle Chvostek, Toronto, $5,500
Luke Doucet, Toronto, $16,000
Ed Video Media Arts Centre, Guelph, $2,300
Elmer Iseler Singers, Toronto, $14,200
Evan Webber and Frank Cox-O’Connell, Toronto, $16,000
Janak Khendry Dance Company, Toronto, $24,000
James Keelaghan, Perth, $4,000
Srinivas Krishna, Toronto, $9,685
Marc LeMyre, Toronto, $12,000
Mammalian Diving Reflex, Toronto, $11,500
David Muipatayi, Gatineau, $8,000
The National Ballet of Canada, Toronto, $28,500
Ottawa Art Gallery/La Galerie d’art d’Ottawa,
Ottawa, $14,500
Evalyn Parry, Toronto, $11,500
Red Sky Performance, Toronto, $29,250
Retrocity, Toronto, $8,000
Yun Tein Shia, Toronto, $9,406
Shuffle Demons, Toronto, $14,000
Sarah Slean, Toronto, $17,000
Yvon Soglo, Gatineau, $10,959
Theatre Crisis, Toronto, $11,000
April Verch, Pembroke, $2,700
Ontario arts Presenters
diffuseurs des arts de l’Ontario
March 2012 / advisors
Mars 2012 / Conseillers
Jimson Bowler, Peterborough
Sean Meades, Sault Ste. Marie
Emily Pearlman, Ottawa
Dieudonné Rakotomamonjy, Toronto
Debbie Slade, St. Catharines
Almonte in Concert, Almonte, $7,000
Atikokan Children’s Entertainment Series, Atikokan, $5,800
Atikokan Entertainment Series, Atikokan, $5,500
Children’s Stage Lakefield, Lakefield, $3,000
City of Elliot Lake, Elliot Lake, $1,750
Dryden Entertainment Series, Dryden, $3,000
Fort Town Concert Association, Maitland, $3,000
Geraldton Children’s Entertainment Series, Geraldton, $4,000
Geraldton Kinsmen Overture Concerts, Geraldton, $5,000
The Grand Theatre, Kingston, $8,000
Kids & Co. Fort Frances Family Entertainment Series,
Fort Frances, $7,200
Kirkland Lake Family Entertainment Series,
Kirkland Lake, $5,000
Lake of the Woods Concert Group, Kenora, $2,750
Nineteen on the Park Arts & Entertainment
Centre Corporation, Stouffville, $7,250
Nite on the Town Entertainment Series,
Manitouwadge, $3,000
On Stage for Kids, Almonte, $4,500
Pied Piper Kidshows Inc., Haileybury, $8,000
Puppets Up! International Puppet Festival, Almonte, $6,500
Razzamataz Kids’ Shows, Haliburton, $6,000
Red Lake Wilderness Entertainment Series, Red Lake, $4,000
River and Sky Arts in the Woods, Sudbury, $7,500
Sioux Hudson Entertainment Series, Sioux Lookout, $7,500
Sleeping Giant Folk Music Society, Thunder Bay, $3,750
Sunday Smiles Family Entertainment Series, Kenora, $3,000
Tallwater, Markdale, $5,500
Theatre Operating Committee, Deep River, $4,000
Tune Your Ride Collective, Toronto, $1,500
Victoria Jubilee Hall Project, Walkerton, $7,000
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
September 2012 / advisors
Septembre 2012 / Conseillers
Donna Bennett, Campbellford
Anna Kajtar, Toronto
Janet Morton, Guelph
David Oiye, Toronto
Brockville Concert Association, Brockville, $7,500
Children’s Delight Series, Dryden, $3,500
Diasporic Genius Productions, Toronto, $5,000
Dusk Dances Ottawa Collective, Ottawa, $5,000
Elliot Lake Entertainment Series, Elliot Lake, $4,500
Fergus Grand Theatre, Fergus, $3,500
FrancoQueer, Toronto, $4,000
Haliburton Concert Series, Haliburton, $4,500
Haliburton County Community Co-operative,
Haliburton, $5,000
Kincardine Summer Music Festival, Kincardine, $8,000
Port Hope Friends of Music, Port Hope, $4,000
River Run Centre, Guelph, $5,500
Ontario touring
tournées ontariennes
March 2012 / advisors
Mars 2012 / Conseillers
Jimson Bowler, Peterborough
Sean Meades, Sault Ste. Marie
Emily Pearlman, Ottawa
Natalie Joy Quesnel, Ottawa
Dieudonné Rakotomamonjy, Toronto
Amos Rimtobaye, Montréal
Debbie Slade, St. Catharines
Genevieve Twomey, Kitchener
Thunder Bay Art Gallery, Thunder Bay, $16,100
Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra, Thunder Bay, $49,500
Toronto Symphony Orchestra, Toronto, $61,000
Tottering Biped Theatre, Burlington, $3,000
September 2012 / advisors
Septembre 2012 / Conseillers
Michel Bénac, Ottawa
Donna Bennett, Campbellford
Anna Kajtar, Toronto
Janet Morton, Guelph
Nathalie Nadon, Toronto
David Oiye, Toronto
Tam-Ca Vo-Van, Ottawa
AkoufèN, Gatineau, $27,303
Amélie et les singes bleus, Toronto, $8,697
Ballet Creole, Toronto, $7,500
The Driftwood Theatre Group, Toronto, $12,000
Dusk Dances, Toronto, $23,000
Elmer Iseler Singers, Toronto, $17,000
Evan Webber and Frank Cox-O’Connell, Toronto, $3,000
imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival, Toronto, $20,000
Jeunesses Musicales Ontario, Toronto, $6,500
Magnus Theatre Company, Thunder Bay, $30,000
Roseneath Theatre, Toronto, $40,000
Sampradaya Dance Creations, Mississauga, $49,000
Sheatre, Kemble, $14,000
Sarah Slean, Toronto, $18,000
Theatre Direct Canada, Toronto, $7,000
Théâtre Jeunesse en Tête Inc., Ottawa, $6,000
Theatre of Early Music, Ottawa, $12,000
VideoCabaret, Toronto, $10,000
Ballet Jörgen Canada, Toronto, $49,000
Canadian Contemporary Dance Theatre, Toronto, $12,000
Compagnie Vox Théâtre, Ottawa, $9,000
Mastikédigère, Ottawa, $16,000
MOTUS O Dance Theatre, Stouffville, $17,000
John Royal Wood Nicholson, Toronto, $20,000
Ottawa Art Gallery/La Galerie d’art d’Ottawa,
Ottawa, $32,000
Evalyn Parry, Toronto, $9,700
Productions Cazabon, Ottawa, $15,200
Red Caravan, Toronto, $18,000
REEL Canada, Toronto, $37,500
Roseneath Theatre, Toronto, $19,500
Alanna Stuart, Toronto, $2,700
Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra & Chamber Choir,
Toronto, $27,500
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
travel assistance
aide au déplacement
The Travel Assistance fund exists primarily to support
Ontario presenters who wish to attend either Ontario
Contact, the Ontario Presenting Networks’s annual
showcasing event, or Réseau Ontario’s Contact ontarois. One
subsidy is allowed per organization on round trips of 300 km
or more and is calculated on a per kilometre rate with flight
expenses factored into the final support figures for presenters
travelling from Northern Ontario communities.
Le fonds d’aide au déplacement vise principalement à
défrayer les diffuseurs ontariens qui souhaitent assister
à Contact ontarois, vitrine annuelle des arts de la scène
francophones organisée par Réseau Ontario, ou à Ontario
Contact, vitrine annuelle de langue anglaise organisée par
Ontario Presenting Network. Les organismes ont droit à une
seule subvention pour des trajets aller-retour de 300 km ou
plus, subvention calculée en fonction du kilométrage et qui,
pour les diffuseurs en provenance de collectivités du nord de
l’Ontario, couvre aussi les déplacements en avion.
October 2012
Octobre 2012
Algonquin Theatre, Huntsville, $173
Arts Council of Sault Ste. Marie and District, Sault Ste.
Marie, $454
Atitkokan Entertainment Series, Atikokan, $878
Bobcaygeon Music Council Inc., Bobcaygeon, $151
Capitol Centre, North Bay, $248
Children’s Delight Series, Dryden, $906
Classic Theatre Cobalt, Cobalt, $341
Cornwall Concert Series Association, Cornwall, $316
Dryden Entertainment Series, Dryden, $966
Elliot Lake Entertainment Series, Elliot Lake, $367
Geraldton Children’s Concert Series, Geraldton, $921
Geraldton Kinsmen Overture Concerts, Geraldton, $921
Joshua Bates Centre, Athens, $247
Kids & Co. Fort Frances Family Entertainment Series,
Fort Frances, $962
Kids Kaleidoscope Entertainment Series,
Sioux Lookout, $981
Kirkland Lake Arts Council, Kirkland Lake, $394
Lake of the Woods Concert Group, Kenora, $1,289
Performing Arts Lakefield, Lakefield, $160
Perth Performing Arts Committee, Perth, $268
Razzmatazz Kids Shows!, Minden, $178
Red Lake Wilderness Entertainment Series, Red Lake, $1,047
Showplace Performance Centre, Peterborough, $138
Sioux Hudson Entertainment Series, Sioux Lookout, $981
Theatre Operating Committee, Deep River, $312
Tour de Fort, Fort Frances, $962
Town of Ajax, Ajax, $100
Felicity Wowk, Haileybury, $339
January 2013
Janvier 2013
Centre communautaire régional de London, London, $366
Centre culturel ARTEM, New Liskeard, $310
Centre culturel Frontenac, Kingston, $105
Centre culturel La Ronde, Timmins, $922
Le Centre culturel Les Compagnons, North Bay, $217
Centre culturel Les trois p’tits points, Alexandria, $61
Centre culturel Louis-Hémon de Chapleau Inc.,
Chapleau, $550
Centre français Hamilton, Hamilton, $712
Centre francophone de Toronto, Toronto, $224
Centre régional de Loisirs culturels, Kapuskasing, $884
La Clé d’la Baie en Huronie – Association culturelle
francophone, Penetanguishene, $319
Les Concerts La Nuit sur l’étang, Sudbury, $293
Conseil des arts de Hearst, Hearst, $1,843
Conseil des Arts de Nipissing Ouest, Sturgeon Falls, $310
Conseil des organismes francophones de la région de
Durham, Oshawa, $448
Festival du Loup, Lafontaine, $351
Frédéric Levac, St-Bernardin, $57
Andrea Lindsay, Montréal, $121
Vincent Poirier, Vars, $21
David Poulin, Sudbury, $294
La Slague du Carrefour francophone, Sudbury, $293
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
ViSuaL artS and CraFtS
artS ViSueLS et MétierS d’art
Installation view of Michael Snow’s TAUT, part of the
Archival Dialogues: Reading the Black Star Collection exhibit
at the Ryerson Image Centre during Nuit Blanche 2012.
(Photo: Clifton Li)
Vue de l’installation de Michael Snow TAUT, dans le cadre
de l’exposition Archival Dialogues: Reading the Black Star
Collection qui s’est tenue au Centre de l’image Ryerson au
cours de Nuit Blanche 2012. (Photo : Clifton Li)
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
ViSuaL artS and CraFtS
artS ViSueLS et MétierS d’art
CarOLyn VeSeLy
Visual Arts Officer
Responsable des arts visuels
LiSa wöhrLe
Associate Visual Art and Crafts Officer
Responsable adjointe des arts visuels et des
métiers d’art
OAC’s Visual Arts programs support and encourage the
development of Ontario visual artists and craft artists and
assist public art galleries, artist-run art galleries, production
centres, presenters, distributors, festivals, artists’ collectives
and craft organizations. These programs support the range
of media and expression used in all aspects of visual arts
and craft.
Les programmes d’arts visuels du CAO soutiennent et
encouragent le perfectionnement des artistes en arts visuels
et en métiers d’art de l’Ontario. Ils appuient également les
galeries d’art publiques, les galeries d’art autogérées, les
centres de production, les diffuseurs, les distributeurs, les
festivals, les collectifs d’artistes et les organismes de métiers
d’art. Ces programmes soutiennent la gamme d’expressions
et de supports utilisés dans tous les aspects des arts visuels et
des métiers d’art.
aboriginal Curatorial Projects
Projets de conservation autochtones
October 2012 / advisors
Octobre 2012 / Conseillers
Candice Hopkins, Albuquerque, U.S.
Heather Igloliorte, Montreal
Adrian Stimson, Saskatoon
Forest City Gallery, London, $27,000
Wanda Nanibush, Toronto, $27,000
The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa, $20,000
Ryerson Image Centre, Toronto, $24,000
Thunder Bay Art Gallery, Thunder Bay, $15,000
Craft Projects – Connections
Projets de métiers d’art – connexions
Aboriginal Experiences, Arts and Culture, Ottawa, $12,000
Fire and Fusion, Toronto, $12,000
Jewellery Arts Collective, Toronto, $12,000
Metal Arts Guild of Canada, Toronto, $12,000
Thunder Bay Potters’ Guild, Thunder Bay, $2,500
Craft Projects – Creation and development
Projets de métiers d’art – création et développement
October 2012 / Jurors
Octobre 2012 / Jurés
Alexandra Anagnostou, Toronto
Roisin Fagan, Hamilton
Andrew Goss, Owen Sound
Chiho Tokita, Toronto
Melissa Twance, Thunder Bay
Joseph Yanuziello, Wainfleet
Phil Abernethy, Nobel, $8,000
Elizabeth Aston, Toronto, $5,000
Dorothy Caldwell, Hastings, $15,000
Suzanne Carlsen, Toronto, $5,000
Brad Copping, Apsley, $12,500
Scott Eckert, Toronto, $12,500
Heather Goodchild, Toronto, $12,000
Noelle Hamlyn, Mississauga, $5,000
Reed Hansuld, Mississauga, $5,000
Jenny Iserman, Walkerton, $4,170
Kate Jackson, Toronto, $5,000
Benjamin Kikkert, Toronto, $5,000
Jp King, Toronto, $4,850
Edward Klein, Mississauga, $6,800
Mary Kroetsch, Guelph, $4,850
Eun Mi Lee, Maple, $5,000
Janet Macpherson, Toronto, $4,649
Michelle Mendlowitz, Toronto, $5,000
Meghan Scott, Toronto, $4,850
Peter Sloan, Corbeil, $12,500
Jessica Steinhäuser, Guelph, $8,000
Peter Swanson, Niagara-on-the-Lake, $5,000
Michael Torosian, Toronto, $13,600
Wilma van Berkel, London, $1,817
Tanya Zaryski, Kimberley, $6,000
Patrycja Zwierzynska, Toronto, $5,000
October 2012 / Jurors
Octobre 2012 / Conseillers
Alexandra Anagnostou, Toronto
Roisin Fagan, Hamilton
Andrew Goss, Owen Sound
Chiho Tokita, Toronto
Melissa Twance, Thunder Bay
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Culturally diverse Curatorial Projects
Projets de commissariat d’expositions de
cultures diverses
October 2012 / Jurors
Octobre 2012 / Jurés
Crystal Mowry, Cambridge
Edward Pien, Toronto
Camille Turner, Toronto
Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Kingston, $17,000
Blackwood Gallery, Mississauga, $12,000
Justina M. Barnicke Gallery, Hart House, Toronto, $23,000
Prefix Institute of Contemporary Art, Toronto, $12,000
Textile Museum of Canada, Toronto, $15,500
Thames Art Gallery, Chatham, $26,000
Wedge Curatorial Projects, Toronto, $15,000
exhibition assistance
aide aux expositions
June 2012
third-Party recommenders
Juin 2012
tiers recommandataires
A Space, Toronto
Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Kingston
Agnes Jamieson Gallery, Minden
Art Gallery of Algoma, Sault Ste. Marie
Art Gallery of Hamilton, Hamilton
Art Gallery of Northumberland, Cobourg
Art Gallery of Peterborough, Peterborough
Art Gallery of Sudbury/Galerie d’art de Sudbury, Sudbury
Art Gallery of Windsor, Windsor
Artspace, Peterborough
Burlington Art Centre, Burlington
Cambridge Galleries, Cambridge
Definitely Superior Art Gallery, Thunder Bay
Durham Art Gallery, Durham
Forest City Gallery, London
Fort Frances Museum, Fort Frances
Galerie 815, Hearst
Galerie Céline-Allard, Toronto
Galerie du Nouvel-Ontario, centre d’artistes, Sudbury
Galerie Eugène Racette, Ottawa
Galerie Glendon, Toronto
Galerie SAW Gallery, Ottawa
Gallery 44 Centre for Contemporary Photography, Toronto
Gallery Stratford, Stratford
Gendai, Toronto
Glenhyrst Art Gallery of Brant, Brantford
Gore Bay Museum, Gore Bay
Grimsby Public Art Gallery, Grimsby
Hamilton Artists Inc., Hamilton
Harbourfront Centre, Craft Department, Toronto
Immigrant Culture and Art Association, Hamilton
InterAccess Electronic Media Arts Centre, Toronto
Judith & Norman ALIX Art Gallery, Sarnia
Justina M. Barnicke Gallery, Hart House, Toronto
Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery, Kitchener
Macdonald Stewart Art Centre, Guelph
MacLaren Art Centre, Barrie
McIntosh Gallery, London
McMaster Museum of Art, Hamilton
Mercer Union, Toronto
Modern Fuel Artist-Run Centre, Kingston
Museum London, London
Niagara Artists Centre, St. Catharines
Ojibwe Cultural Foundation, M’Chigeeng
Ontario Crafts Council, Toronto
Pictograph Gallery, Atikokan
Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery, Toronto
Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa
Rodman Hall Arts Centre, St. Catharines
SAW Video Media Art Centre, Ottawa
South Asian Visual Arts Centre (SAVAC), Toronto
St. Thomas – Elgin Public Art Centre, St. Thomas
Station Gallery, Whitby
Textile Museum of Canada, Toronto
Thames Art Gallery, Chatham
Third Space Art Projects, Ajax
Thunder Bay Art Gallery, Thunder Bay
Timmins Museum: National Exhibition Centre, Timmins
Tom Thomson Art Gallery, Owen Sound
Varley Art Gallery, Markham
W.K.P. Kennedy Gallery, North Bay
White Water Gallery, North Bay
Women’s Art Resource Centre (WARC Gallery), Toronto
Woodland Cultural Centre, Brantford
Woodstock Art Gallery, Woodstock
YYZ Artists’ Outlet, Toronto
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Some applicants received more than one Exhibition
Assistance grant. Amount listed is total of awards.
Certains candidats ont reçu plus d’une subvention d’aide
aux expositions. Le montant indiqué représente le total des
Caleb Abbott, Ottawa, $500
Mary Abma, Brights Grove, $500
Robert Achtemichuk, Kitchener, $1,090
Marie Adam, Ottawa, $985
Kim H. Adams, Grand Valley, $1,000
Tod Ainslie, Burlington, $1,500
Don Allain, Richmond Hill, $500
Basil AlZeri, Toronto, $1,500
Jean-Salomon Andre, Brampton, $1,500
Jaime Angelopoulos, Toronto, $500
Sara Angelucci, Toronto, $1,000
Myfanwy Ashmore, Toronto, $1,000
Elizabeth Aston, Toronto, $1,100
Ghislaine J. Auger Boileau, Clarence Creek, $1,000
Jeet Aulakh, Windsor, $1,500
Hamid Ayoub, Ottawa, $800
Sally Ayre, Toronto, $1,500
Jason Baerg, Toronto, $1,500
Adrian Baker, Almonte, $500
Biljana Baker, Thunder Bay, $500
Bruce Baklarian, Toronto, $1,300
Sharlene Bamboat, Toronto, $750
Biljana Banchotova, Toronto, $1,200
Mary Anne Barkhouse, Minden, $1,500
Shelley Beach, Haliburton, $763
Adam Beanish, Callander, $1,260
Lise Beaudry, Toronto, $1,500
Steven Beckly, Toronto, $600
Katrina Jennifer Bedford, Kitchener, $1,200
Ron Benner, London, $1,500
Katie Bethune-Leamen, Toronto, $750
Evond Blake, Toronto, $1,000
Philippe Blanchard, Toronto, $1,500
Vojmir Blazek, Wallaceburg, $1,000
Cindy Blazevic, Toronto, $825
Danielle Bleackley, Toronto, $500
Siegfried Blum, Priceville, $1,250
E. Gary Blundell, Gooderham, $1,500
Eric Boissonneault, North Bay, $1,500
Marion M. Bordier, Ottawa, $500
Daniel Borins, Toronto, $1,500
Dickson Bou, London, $1,000
Janet Bourgeau, North Bay, $1,500
Atanas Bozdarov, Brampton, $500
Douglas Bradford, Sault Ste. Marie, $500
Aimée Britten, Ottawa, $500
Collette Broeders, Lasalle, $750
Stephen Brookbank, Hamilton, $500
Jason Brown, Toronto, $600
Valerie Brown, Fonthill, $500
Mavourneen Bruzzese, Thunder Bay, $500
Jennifer Budd, Paris, $500
Avril Bull-Jones, Baltimore, $1,000
Amanda Burk, North Bay, $1,400
Barry Burniston, North Bay, $1,000
Jack Butler, Toronto, $1,000
Robyn-Marie Butt, Woodstock, $500
Jane Buyers, Elmira, $1,400
Michael Callaghan, Holstein, $1,250
Robin Cameron, Orillia, $1,000
Jamie Campbell, Toronto, $1,000
Laurel Campbell, Niagara Falls, $500
Gabriela Campos, Holstein, $650
Bruno Capolongo, Grimsby, $500
David Carlin, North Bay, $1,500
Suzanne Carlsen, Toronto, $1,000
Robert Ralph Carmichael, Echo Bay, $500
Lyn Carter, Orton, $1,200
Gabriela Casineanu, Toronto, $1,350
Olivia Cataford, Sarnia, $1,500
Tracey-Mae Chambers, Dunnville, $1,500
Jeanette Charron, Haliburton, $1,500
Chikonzero G. Chazunguza, Ottawa, $800
Angel Chen, Toronto, $500
Hyang Cho, Guelph, $1,000
Ying-Yueh Chuang, Toronto, $900
Ann F. Clarke, Thunder Bay, $580
Jordan Clarke, Toronto, $800
David Clarkson, Toronto, $1,250
Jacquie Cobb, Hamilton, $500
Caryn Colman, Temagami, $1,500
Melissa Connors, Aweres Twp, $1,000
Leigh Cooney, Stratford, $1,100
Natalie Cooney, Ajax, $500
Tony Cooper, Clarington, $500
Margot Cormier Splane, Timmins, $1,000
Stephanie Cormier, Toronto, $500
Vanessa Cornell, Chatham, $500
Julie Cosgrove, Thunder Bay, $1,500
Lynn Coutts, Fergus, $1,500
Pixie Cram, Ottawa, $1,000
Nicole Crowder, Ottawa, $500
Bruce Cull, Latchford, $1,250
Patrick Cull, Kitchener, $500
Robyn Cumming, Toronto, $500
Paul Cvetich, Lynden, $600
Ernest Daetwyler, Atwood, $1,500
Steve Daigle, Windsor, $700
Jay Dart, Port Perry, $500
Michael Davidson, Toronto, $1,000
Dianne Davis, Toronto, $700
Margaret Dawson, Windsor, $600
Steve deBruyn, London, $1,190
Laura De Decker, Waterloo, $1,500
Erika DeFreitas, Toronto, $900
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Adamo de Pax, Toronto, $500
Marie de Sousa, Toronto, $500
Maria Luisa de Villa, Oakville, $500
Delio Delgado, Hamilton, $1,000
Trudy Dempsey, Amherstburg, $600
Susan M. Detwiler, Guelph, $500
Sarindar Dhaliwal, Toronto, $1,499
Kim DiFrancesco, Brantford, $500
Shirin Divanbeigi, Toronto, $1,000
Damon Dowbak, Kaministiquia, $1,220
Maura Doyle, Ottawa, $900
Patrick Doyle, Thunder Bay, $1,500
Beth Dubeault, Windsor, $650
Anyse Ducharme, Ottawa, $1,500
Corinne Duchesne, Burlington, $580
Adèle Duck, Windsor, $1,500
Stefan Duerst, Godfrey, $500
Annie Dunning, Guelph, $1,000
Pat Durr, Ottawa, $1,500
Susan Duxter, Windsor, $500
Larry A. Eisenstein, Toronto, $550
Shaun Elie, Ottawa, $1,500
Léa England, Hearst, $1,500
Caitlin Erskine-Smith, Toronto, $1,500
Masoud Eskandari, Hamilton, $500
Liza Eurich, London, $500
Fausta Facciponte, Mississauga, $500
Pat Fairhead, Bracebridge, $1,500
Rosalie Favell, Ottawa, $1,500
Sarah Febbraro, Toronto, $1,350
Nichola Feldman-Kiss, Ottawa, $1,500
Elliot Ferguson, Kingston, $750
Mary Filipchuk, Kingsville, $650
Erin Finley, Toronto, $500
Melissa Fisher, Toronto, $750
Joe Fleming, Toronto, $500
Cesar Forero, Kirkland Lake, $1,500
Stephen Forsyth, Toronto, $500
Normand Fortin, Kapuskasing, $1,350
Renato Foti, Kitchener, $1,500
Tony Fouhse, Ottawa, $950
Alexa Fraser, St. Catharines, $555
Amy Friend, St. Catharines, $500
Anna Frlan, Ottawa, $1,150
April Gates, Haliburton, $1,100
Wyn C. Geleynse, London, $1,500
Daphne Gerou, Toronto, $500
Catherine Gibbon, Dundas, $500
Lorraine Gilbert, Ottawa, $1,500
Sky Glabush, London, $1,500
Sally Glanville, London, $600
Alan Glicksman, Owen Sound, $1,500
Susan Gold / Smith, Windsor, $1,300
Sybil Goldstein, Toronto, $1,000
Adrian Göllner, Ottawa, $1,200
Dave Gordon, Kingston, $1,500
Nancy M. Green, Ottawa, $500
Scott Gregory, Windsor, $500
Martha Griffith, Toronto, $1,000
Maggie Groat, St. Catharines, $680
Michel Guerin, Evansville, $1,500
Insoon Ha, Toronto, $500
Sadko Hadzihasanovic, Toronto, $1,500
Lauren Hall, Toronto, $500
Peter Haller, Cobourg, $1,000
Toni Hamel, Oshawa, $1,250
Noelle Hamlyn, Mississauga, $1,500
John Haney, Hamilton, $500
Judith Harper, Port Hope, $500
Nik Harron, Kitchener, $650
Osheen Harruthoonyan, Toronto, $1,300
Joseph Hartman, Hamilton, $1,500
Katharine Harvey, Markham, $1,500
Gita Hashemi, Toronto, $1,500
Matthew Hawtin, Windsor, $1,500
Sherri Hay, Toronto, $1,500
Susan Hay, Clinton, $500
Ralph Heather, Paris, $1,000
Karen Henderson, Toronto, $1,050
Robert Hengeveld, Toronto, $1,350
Arturo Herrera, Windsor, $1,450
Jane Hill, Dundas, $500
Greg Hindle, Loretto, $1,500
Lisa Hirmer, Guelph, $850
Marla Hlady, Toronto, $1,500
Jonathan Hobin, Ottawa, $1,500
Stephen Hogbin, Wiarton, $500
William Hornbostel, Port Hope, $500
Dipna Horra, Ottawa, $1,500
Gunhild Hotte, Cochrane, $1,000
Shirley Howard, Englehart, $1,000
Warren Hoyano, Brampton, $750
Joan F. Hug-Valeriote, Guelph, $1,500
Sharon Hunter, Bruce Mines, $500
Hanna Hur, Toronto, $1,500
Danny Hussey, Ottawa, $500
Daniel Hutchinson, Toronto, $1,000
Christopher Ironside, Richmond Hill, $500
Brad Isaacs, London, $610
Mustafa Ismael, Hamilton, $1,300
Pedro Isztin, Ottawa, $1,500
Gaye Jackson, Toronto, $600
Kate Jackson, Toronto, $1,100
Aline Joanis, Ottawa, $1,500
Anne Johnson, Ottawa, $565
Elizabeth Johnson, Dorset, $500
Rae Johnson, Toronto, $750
Karen Jordon, Ottawa, $500
Leonard Jubenville, Pain Court, $1,000
Laurie Kang, Toronto, $500
Supria Karmakar, Fergus, $500
Susan Dawn Kay, Toronto, $500
Eric Keast, Fort Frances, $1,500
Jean-Paul Kelly, Toronto, $1,500
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Lynn Kelly, Toronto, $900
Paul Kelly, North Bay, $1,500
Christine Kim, Toronto, $1,150
Henna Kim, Markham, $1,200
Peter Kingstone, Toronto, $1,000
Fiona Kinsella, Hamilton, $1,200
James Kirkpatrick, London, $1,500
David Knight, Guelph, $750
Heather Kocsis, Cambridge, $1,500
Soheila Kolahdouz Esfahani, Waterloo, $1,000
Dagmar Kovar, London, $1,500
Karina Kraenzle, Ottawa, $500
Elzbieta Krawecka, Toronto, $600
Yuriko Kubota, Toronto, $500
Cameron Kuntz, Lakefield, $900
Shawn Kuruneru, Newmarket, $1,000
Will Kwan, Toronto, $1,500
Rachel Labonté, Sturgeon Falls, $1,100
Mariana Lafrance, Little Current, $1,000
Johanne Lafrenière, Gatineau, Que., $750
Colette Laliberté, Toronto, $1,500
Mark Laliberte, Toronto, $1,000
Natalia Laluque, Toronto, $750
Doris Lamontagne, Ottawa, $1,500
Fleur-Ange Lamothe, Paris, $800
Justin Langlois, Windsor, $500
Marissa Largo, Toronto, $1,500
Marguerite Larmand, Simcoe, $700
Caroline K M Larsen, Unionville, $1,000
Arlene Laskey, Brantford, $500
Jaymie Lathem, North Bay, $1,000
David Lattanzi, Hamilton, $500
Charlene Lau Ahier, Ottawa, $500
Yam Lau, Toronto, $1,400
Marcia Lea, Brantford, $800
Eun Mi Lee, Maple, $1,050
Hélène Lefebvre, Ottawa, $800
Nina Leo, Toronto, $500
Christine Leu, Toronto, $500
Maria Lezón, Ottawa, $500
Jimmy Limit, St. Catharines, $500
Britt-Marie Lindgren, Bruce Mines, $1,500
Laura Little, Tilden Lake, $1,500
Jose Rubolio Loney, Hamilton, $1,200
Jennifer Long, Toronto, $600
Angela Lorenzen, London, $1,500
Irene Loughlin, Hamilton, $1,500
Tania Love, Toronto, $750
Jeanette Luchese, Innisfil, $1,435
Elizabete Ludviks, Hamilton, $950
Morris Lum, Mississauga, $600
Ramune Luminaire, Lakefield, $1,200
Corwyn Lund, Toronto, $1,500
Charmaine Lurch-Gilmore, Toronto, $500
Eamon Mac Mahon, Toronto, $800
Melanie MacDonald, St. Catharines, $1,000
Andrzej Maciejewski, Yarker, $1,500
Firth MacMillan, Toronto, $1,500
Judy Major-Girardin, Cambridge, $1,000
Virginia Mak, Toronto, $600
Charles Mamo, Windsor, $500
Samina G.N. Mansuri, Toronto, $700
Michael Maranda, Toronto, $750
John Marriott, Toronto, $1,500
Jean Marshall, Fort William First Nation, $1,500
Bernadetta Marszalek, Ancaster, $1,100
Janice Mason Steeves, Rockwood, $500
Maryse Maynard, Ottawa, $1,200
Sanaz Mazinani, Toronto, $1,400
Katy McCormick, Toronto, $600
Jill McCubbin, Almonte, $500
Sally McCubbin, Toronto, $1,100
Nancy McDermid, Tehkummah, $1,000
William McFarlane, Nestor Falls, $675
Leona McIntyre, Windsor, $500
Wendy McIntyre, Port Colborne, $1,500
Jason McLean, London, $1,000
Mary McLoughlin, Peterborough, $700
Christopher McNamara, Tecumseh, $1,500
Henrjeta Mece, Toronto, $1,200
Riaz Mehmood, Thunder Bay, $1,220
Anne-Denise Mejaki, New Liskeard, $1,500
Jaclyn Meloche, Ottawa, $1,000
Liz Menard, Toronto, $1,200
Debbie Metzler, Thunder Bay, $1,500
Sandy Middleton, St. Catharines, $1,765
Aliki Mikulich, Brantford, $500
Sona Mincoff, Guelph, $750
Chris Miner, Kingston, $1,500
Samantha Mogelonsky, Toronto, $500
Mohammed Mohsen, Toronto, $700
David Morris, St. Thomas, $1,500
Suzanne Morrissette, Thunder Bay, $500
Janet Morton, Guelph, $1,500
Shannon Moynagh, Brampton, $750
Ozrenko Mrkic, Toronto, $580
Joseph Muscat, Toronto, $1,500
Lisa Myers, Port Severn, $1,500
Viktoriya Myronenko, Simcoe, $500
Erika Wynne Neilly, Toronto, $600
Jon Nelson, Thunder Bay, $1,500
Steve Newberry, Hamilton, $500
Touka Neyestani, Toronto, $600
Luke Nicol, Thunder Bay, $1,325
Louise Noguchi, Toronto, $500
Maureen Faith O’Connor, Toronto, $750
Susy Oliveira, Toronto, $500
Andrew O’Malley, Ottawa, $1,000
Sasha Opeiko, Windsor, $1,300
Abdi Osman, Toronto, $800
Aaron Oussoren, Toronto, $1,300
Cheryl Pagurek, Ottawa, $1,000
June Pak, Toronto, $1,500
Valerie Palmer, Wawa, $750
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Walter Pape, New Liskeard, $1,000
Pascal Paquette, Toronto, $1,500
Ryan Park, Toronto, $500
Maria Parrella-Ilaria, Sault Ste. Marie, $500
Anna Passakas, Toronto, $1,000
Pam Patterson, Toronto, $1,500
Scott Pattinson, Guelph, $1,500
Dianne C. Pearce de Toledo, London, $1,500
Rose Pearson, Haliburton, $800
Luc Pelchat, Haileybury, $1,500
Theodor Pelmus, Ottawa, $1,500
Joshua Peltier, Wikwemikong, $1,450
Grayce Perry, Elora, $1,000
Vessna Perunovich, Toronto, $1,500
Kasia Piech, Thunder Bay, $1,130
Derrick Piens, Toronto, $500
Madi Piller, Toronto, $1,500
André Pilon, Mississauga, $1,500
Andrea Pinheiro, Sault Ste. Marie, $750
Joël Plamondon, Hearst, $1,500
Allison Platt, Hamilton, $1,000
Meghan Price, Toronto, $800
Sean Procyk, Waterdown, $1,500
Rod Prouse, Tiny, $1,300
Tazeen Qayyum, Oakville, $930
Nathalie Quagliotto, Montréal, $800
Jamie Quail, London, $1,500
Bozica Radjenovic, Ottawa, $1,500
Tharmila Rajasingam, Toronto, $500
Roslyn Ramsay, Kitchener, $500
Susan Rankin, Apsley, $1,250
Heather Rathbun, Toronto, $1,050
Leena Raudvee, Toronto, $1,300
Isabelle Regout, Gatineau, $1,500
Amin Rehman, Toronto, $500
Dale Reid, Toronto, $500
Marianne Reim, Beamsville, $1,000
Erika Reisenberger, Flamborough, $500
Julie René de Cotret, Hillsburgh, $1,100
Tasman Richardson, Toronto, $1,200
Milly Ristvedt, Tamworth, $500
Mitch Robertson, Toronto, $750
Kevin Rodgers, Kingston, $1,500
Margaret Rodgers, Oshawa, $1,500
Ruth Rodgers, Little Britain, $500
Matthew Rogalsky, Kingston, $900
Tomas Rojcik, Mississauga, $600
Victor Romao, Windsor, $1,000
Mana Rouholamini, Ottawa, $1,250
Chantal Rousseau, Kingston, $500
Ian W. J. Roy, Ottawa, $500
Kemah Sackie, Hamilton, $1,000
Eugen Sakhnenko, Toronto, $500
Anastasia Sakkab, Toronto, $500
Eugenio Salas, Toronto, $750
Clare Samuel, Toronto, $600
Aman Sandhu, Toronto, $750
Ya’el Santopinto, Toronto, $500
Elizabeth Savard, Wellington, $500
Josée Savaria, Newmarket, $500
Amy Schissel, Ottawa, $1,500
Kathleen A. Schmalz, Guelph, $500
Bill Schwarz, Cambridge, $500
Jennifer Sciarrino, Toronto, $500
David Scott, Cambridge, $500
Stephen Seguin, Hamilton, $590
Shamsi Shahrokhi Hessami, Thornhill, $1,000
Sam Shahsahabi, Thunder Bay, $1,500
Bill Shawanda, Sheguiandah, $1,500
Keith Shearsby, Brantford, $800
Christopher Shoust, Sault Ste. Marie, $1,500
Anne Siciliano, Dryden, $1,000
Elisha Sidlar-Monroe, Manitowaning, $1,500
Amy Siegel, Toronto, $600
Esther Simmonds-MacAdam, Peterborough, $500
Meera Margaret Singh, Toronto, $1,100
Sanjeev Sivarulrasa, Ottawa, $500
Justyna Skawinska, Mississauga, $500
Shawn Skeir, Toronto, $900
Andrea Slavik, Windsor, $1,445
Ariel Smith, Ottawa, $1,500
Peter A Smith, Bowmanville, $1,500
Katarzyna Smuga, St. Catharines, $500
Allen Smutylo, Wiarton, $1,500
Rachael Speirs, Toronto, $600
Ilona Staples, Toronto, $820
Mark Stebbins, Toronto, $1,500
Carl Stewart, Ottawa, $1,100
Diane Stewart, Blind River, $1,250
Stefan St-Laurent, Ottawa, $1,500
Barbara Suen, Oshawa, $750
Karen Suk, Hamilton, $500
Cole Swanson, Toronto, $500
Amy Swartz, Toronto, $1,000
Donna Szoke, St. Catharines, $1,000
Amy Thompson, Ottawa, $500
Sigrun Torinus, Windsor, $1,500
Ruta Tribinevitius, Sheguiandah, $1,500
Wendy Trusler, Peterborough, $850
Annie Tung, Toronto, $600
Laurent Vaillancourt, Hearst, $1,000
Tracy Van Oosten, St. Catharines, $500
Boja Vasic, Toronto, $1,500
Sharon Veldstra, London, $500
Adriene K. Veninger, Blue Mountains, $500
Jim Verburg, Toronto, $800
Eva Verity, Toronto, $500
Brandon Vickerd, Toronto, $500
Lori Victor, Ottawa, $500
Douglas Walker, Toronto, $1,500
Matthew Walker, Hamilton, $550
Paul Walty, Toronto, $1,000
Victoria Ward, Gooderham, $1,500
Gemma Warren, Toronto, $600
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Sara Washbush, Brockville, $500
Leslie Watts, Stratford, $500
Bert Weir, McKellar, $1,500
Tavi Weisz, Ottawa, $1,000
Nicolette Westfall, Windsor, $500
Jacob Whibley, Toronto, $500
Steven White, Chatsworth, $1,500
Elaine Whittaker, Toronto, $550
Anna Wieselgren, London, $441
Marian Wihak, Toronto, $500
Kate Wilhelm, Guelph, $1,500
Harry D. Wilkinson, Rodney, $500
Kate Wilson, Toronto, $750
Kirsty Wilson, Collingwood, $1,450
Cheryl Wilson-Smith, Red Lake, $1,498
Clayton Windatt, Sturgeon Falls, $1,500
Elise Windsor, Toronto, $500
Rachael Wong, Toronto, $550
Lenni Workman, Warkworth, $750
Xiaojing Yan, Thornhill, $1,100
Emily Young, Ottawa, $500
Michael Yuhasz, Owen Sound, $1,000
Arnold Zageris, Peterborough, $1,500
Patrycja Zwierzynska, Toronto, $1,100
aboriginal artists – Materials and
Supplies assistance
artistes autochtones – aide pour
matériaux et fournitures
July 2012
third-Party recommenders
Juillet 2012
tiers recommandataires
Anemki Art Collective, Fort William First Nation
Neto Hatinakwe Onkwehowe Native Arts, Niagara Falls
Ojibwe Cultural Foundation, M’Chigeeng
Woodland Cultural Centre, Brantford
Colleen Arch, Kenora, $500
Jilanna Bacchus, Toronto, $500
Lance Baxter, Thunder Bay, $500
Darlene Bebonang, M’Chigeeng, $500
Leo Bebonang, M’Chigeeng, $500
Ed Blanchette, Thunder Bay, $500
Robert Boddy, Walpole Island First Nation, $500
Claudette Bressette, Kettle and Stony Point
First Nation, $500
Rosalee Bruce, Grassy Narrows, $500
Kristy Cameron, Atikokan, $500
Roxane Corbiere, M’Chigeeng, $500
Judy Couchie, North Bay, $500
Nicole Daigle, Cambridge, $500
Karen T. DeLeary, Wallaceburg, $500
Audrey Deroy, Thunder Bay, $500
Denise Dokis, Dokis First Nation, $500
Dawn Driver, Thunder Bay, $500
George Dylinda, Fort Frances, $500
Westwind Evening, Toronto, $500
Stephen Flowers, Ottawa, $500
Lesley Gagnon, Sault Ste. Marie, $500
Julie Gallagher-Robin, Sudbury, $500
Ryan Gustafson, Thunder Bay, $500
Shannon Gustafson, Thunder Bay, $500
Charles Hebert, North Bay, $500
Gilbert Hill, Ohsweken, $500
Kathryn Isaac, Walpole Island First Nation, $500
Jason Jenkins, Toronto, $500
Clayton King, Barrie, $500
Annie Kooses, Timmins, $500
Beth Kotierk, Toronto, $500
Ashley Lamothe, St. Catharines, $500
Eugene Lefrancois, Kaministiquia, $500
Duane Linklater, North Bay, $500
Angela Loft, Toronto, $500
Tanya Lukin-Linklater, North Bay, $500
Roy Madahbee, Aundek Omni Kaning First Nation, $500
Jordan Meekis, Ottawa, $500
Brenda Monastyrski, Kitchener, $500
Suzanne Morrissette, Thunder Bay, $500
Shelley Niro, Brantford, $500
Catina Noble, Ottawa, $500
Phyllis Osahgee, Wallaceburg, $500
Rod Ostamas, Thunder Bay, $500
Darwin Peters, Pikangikum First Nation, $500
Cathy Rodger, Thunder Bay, $500
Deborah Sands, Wallaceburg, $500
Melinda Shank-Miles, Burlington, $500
Mildred Carol Soney, Walpole Island First Nation, $500
Catherine Tammaro, Toronto, $500
Debra Tate, M’Chigeeng, $500
Randy Thomas, Thunder Bay, $500
Isaac Narciso Weber, Toronto, $500
Johanna Wells, Walpole Island First Nation, $500
Angela Williams, Sarnia, $500
Beverly Williams, Wallaceburg, $500
Kelsa Williams, Walpole Island First Nation, $500
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Public art Galleries
Galeries d’art publiques
June 2012 / advisors
Juin 2012 / Conseillers
Sylvie Gilbert, Montreal
Sharon Godwin, Thunder Bay
Zhe Gu, Kitchener
Larry Hughsam, Toronto
Elwood Jimmy, Toronto
Multi-year Operating
Subventions de fonctionnement pluriannuelles
Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Kingston, $97,000
Art Gallery of Algoma, Sault Ste. Marie, $35,000
Art Gallery of Hamilton, Hamilton, $237,000
Art Gallery of Mississauga, Mississauga, $31,500
Art Gallery of York University, Toronto, $59,500
Burlington Art Centre, Burlington, $50,000
Cambridge Galleries, Cambridge, $70,000
Carleton University Art Gallery, Ottawa, $27,000
Gallery Stratford, Stratford, $33,000
Grimsby Public Art Gallery, Grimsby, $27,500
Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery, Kitchener, $111,000
Macdonald Stewart Art Centre, Guelph, $71,000
MacLaren Art Centre, Barrie, $142,000
Museum London, London, $159,000
Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art, Toronto, $77,000
Oakville Galleries, Oakville, $105,500
Ottawa Art Gallery/La Galerie d’art d’Ottawa,
Ottawa, $104,000
Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archives, Brampton, $19,000
Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery, Toronto, $216,000
The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa, $80,000
Rodman Hall Arts Centre, St. Catharines, $30,000
Station Gallery, Whitby, $33,000
Textile Museum of Canada, Toronto, $118,500
Thunder Bay Art Gallery, Thunder Bay, $105,000
Tom Thomson Art Gallery, Owen Sound, $82,000
Visual Arts Centre of Clarington, Bowmanville, $15,650
annual Operating
Subventions de fonctionnement annuelles
Art Gallery of Northumberland, Cobourg, $5,000
Art Gallery of Peterborough, Peterborough, $57,000
Art Gallery of Sudbury/Galerie d’art de Sudbury,
Sudbury, $47,700
Art Gallery of Windsor, Windsor, $182,000
Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery, Waterloo, $63,000
Durham Art Gallery, Durham, $24,000
Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art, Toronto, $91,000
Judith & Norman ALIX Art Gallery, Sarnia, $34,500
Koffler Gallery, Toronto, $33,500
Latcham Gallery, Stouffville, $16,006
McIntosh Gallery, London, $29,500
McMaster Museum of Art, Hamilton, $37,450
Temiskaming Art Gallery, Haileybury, $13,300
Thames Art Gallery, Chatham, $37,420
Varley Art Gallery, Markham, $40,300
Public art Galleries Projects
Projets de galeries d’art publiques
June 2012 / Jurors
Juin 2012 / Jurés
Sylvie Gilbert, Montreal
Sharon Godwin, Thunder Bay
Zhe Gu, Kitchener
Elwood Jimmy, Toronto
Blackwood Gallery, Mississauga, $10,000
Doris McCarthy Gallery, Toronto, $10,000
Prefix Institute of Contemporary Art, Toronto, $10,000
Rail’s End Gallery, Haliburton, $2,500
University of Toronto Art Centre, Toronto, $10,000
Visual artists: emerging
artistes visuels : artistes en début de carrière
december 2012 / Jurors
décembre 2012 / Jurés
Julie Lassonde, Toronto
Asma Mahmood, Mississauga
Andrew Morrow, Ottawa
Nigit’stil Norbert, Toronto
Kelly Wallace, London
Aden Abebe, Toronto, $5,000
Micah Adams, Mississauga, $5,000
Curtis Amisich, Toronto, $5,000
Melanie Authier, Ottawa, $5,000
Katrina Jennifer Bedford, Kitchener, $5,000
Stefan Berg, Toronto, $5,000
Cindy Blazevic, Toronto, $5,000
Jesse Boles, Toronto, $5,000
Matthew Booth, Mississauga, $5,000
Jason Brown, Toronto, $5,000
Andreas Buchwaldt, Toronto, $5,000
Rebecca Cairns, Brampton, $5,000
Aislinn Caron, Toronto, $5,000
Juozas Cernius, London, $5,000
Joshua Cleminson, Guelph, $5,000
Dianne Davis, Toronto, $5,000
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Olga Dermendji, Windsor, $5,000
Debbie Ebanks Schlums, Mansfield, $5,000
Andrew Emond, Toronto, $5,000
Harry Enchin, Toronto, $5,000
Scott Everingham, Toronto, $5,000
Stephen Fisher, Toronto, $5,000
Tori Foster, Toronto, $5,000
David Frankovich, Toronto, $5,000
Amy Friend, St. Catharines, $5,000
Martin Golland, Ottawa, $5,000
Francisco-Fernando Granados, Toronto, $5,000
Neil Harrison, Toronto, $5,000
Louis Helbig, Ottawa, $5,000
Lisa Jayne Irvine, Mississauga, $5,000
Sarah Johnson, Ottawa, $5,000
Mark Kasumovic, Hamilton, $5,000
Kim Lee Kho, Brampton, $5,000
Paul Kimmerly, Kingsville, $5,000
Tristram Lansdowne, Toronto, $5,000
Joyce Lau, Toronto, $5,000
Hélène Lefebvre, Ottawa, $5,000
Ryan Legassicke, Toronto, $5,000
Gareth Lichty, Kitchener, $5,000
Derek Liddington, Toronto, $5,000
Marie Lugli, North Bay, $5,000
Tanya Lukin-Linklater, North Bay, $5,000
Morris Lum, Mississauga, $5,000
Gavin Lynch, Ottawa, $5,000
Elly Mackay, Owen Sound, $5,000
Sean Martindale, Toronto, $5,000
Linda Martinello, Toronto, $5,000
Jonathan McCurley, Toronto, $5,000
Suzanne Morrissette, Thunder Bay, $5,000
Lisa Myers, Port Severn, $5,000
Tibi Neuspiel, Toronto, $5,000
Rafael Ochoa, Toronto, $5,000
Wojciech Olejnik, Toronto, $5,000
Abdi Osman, Toronto, $5,000
Ryan Park, Toronto, $5,000
Andrea Pinheiro, Sault Ste. Marie, $5,000
Mary Catherine Porter, Toronto, $5,000
Jenna Faye Powell, London, $5,000
Mark Prier, Dundalk, $5,000
Benjamin Rodger, Ottawa, $5,000
Liane Ross, Ear Falls, $5,000
Jennifer Sciarrino, Toronto, $5,000
Meera Sethi, Richmond Hill, $5,000
Paul Sharp, Ottawa, $5,000
Keith Shearsby, Brantford, $5,000
Luke Siemens, Toronto, $5,000
Esther Simmonds-MacAdam, Peterborough, $5,000
Matthew Sparling, Hamilton, $5,000
Jennifer Stewart, Ottawa, $5,000
Beth Stuart, Hamilton, $5,000
Jessica Thalmann, Thornhill, $5,000
Cara Tierney, Ottawa, $5,000
Kyle Topping, Picton, $5,000
Guillermo Trejo, Ottawa, $5,000
Winnie Truong, Toronto, $5,000
Aaron Vincent Elkaim, Toronto, $5,000
Dustin Wenzel, Stittsville, $5,000
Joyce Westrop, Ottawa, $5,000
Xiaojing Yan, Thornhill, $5,000
Visual artists: Mid-Career
artistes visuels : artistes en milieu de carrière
September 2012 / Jurors
Septembre 2012 / Jurés
Laura Barrón, Toronto
Tannis Nielsen, Toronto
Laurent Vaillancourt, Hearst
Pearl Van Geest, Guelph
Robert Achtemichuk, Kitchener, $7,500
Teresa Ascencao, Toronto, $7,500
Jason Baerg, Toronto, $7,500
Scott Carruthers, Toronto, $7,500
Tony Cooper, Clarington, $7,500
Ernest Daetwyler, Atwood, $7,500
Stephen Fakiyesi, Toronto, $7,500
Brendan Fernandes, Newmarket, $7,500
Anna Frlan, Ottawa, $7,500
David Gillanders, Ottawa, $7,500
Katharine Harvey, Markham, $7,500
Patrick Howlett, London, $7,500
Wenyun Hua, Toronto, $7,500
Danny Hussey, Ottawa, $7,500
Stephen Ibbott, Toronto, $7,500
Kip Jones, Toronto, $7,500
Ruth Kaplan, Toronto, $7,500
Dan Kennedy, Toronto, $7,500
Soheila Kolahdouz Esfahani, Waterloo, $7,500
Mara Korkola, Toronto, $7,500
Radoslaw Kudlinski, Toronto, $7,500
Stephen Lang, Sault Ste. Marie, $7,500
Howard Lonn, Toronto, $7,500
Tania Love, Toronto, $7,500
Tor Lukasik-Foss, Hamilton, $7,500
Kal Mansur, Toronto, $7,500
Roberta McNaughton, Toronto, $7,500
Andrew McPhail, Hamilton, $7,500
Allyson Mitchell, Toronto, $7,500
Sasha Pierce, Toronto, $7,500
Allison Platt, Hamilton, $7,500
Sandy Plotnikoff, Toronto, $7,500
Tina Poplawski, Tiny, $7,500
Tazeen Qayyum, Oakville, $7,500
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Tanya Read, Toronto, $7,500
Julie René de Cotret, Hillsburgh, $7,500
Thelma Rosner, London, $7,500
José Seoane, Windsor, $7,500
Dionne Simpson, Toronto, $7,500
Meera Margaret Singh, Toronto, $7,500
Daryl Vocat, Toronto, $7,500
Robert Waldeck, Waterloo, $7,500
Richard Watts, Toronto, $7,500
Guo Hui Xiao, Toronto, $7,500
Kevin Yates, Grafton, $7,500
Cybèle Young, Toronto, $7,500
Visual artists: established
artistes visuels : artistes établis
May 2012 / Jurors
Mai 2012 / Jurés
Sarindar Dhaliwal, Toronto
Gary Evans, Alliston
Lorraine Gilbert, Ottawa
Shelley Niro, Brantford
Jay Wilson, Toronto
Mary Anne Barkhouse, Minden, $15,000
Ron Benner, London, $15,000
Lyn Carter, Orton, $15,000
Chikonzero G. Chazunguza, Ottawa, $15,000
Susan M. Detwiler, Guelph, $15,000
Janieta Eyre, Toronto, $15,000
Rosalie Favell, Ottawa, $15,000
Christian Giroux, Guelph, $15,000
Spring Hurlbut, Toronto, $15,000
Shelagh Keeley, Toronto, $15,000
Nestor Kruger, Toronto, $15,000
Kelly Mark, Toronto, $15,000
Kent Monkman, Toronto, $15,000
Valerie Palmer, Wawa, $15,000
Greg Staats, Toronto, $15,000
Monica Tap, Toronto, $15,000
Johannes Zits, Toronto, $15,000
Visual arts: artist-run Centres and Organizations
arts visuels : centres d’artistes autogérés et
March 2012 / advisors
Mars 2012 / Conseillers
Lyn Carter, East Garafraxa
Linda Grussani, Ottawa
Nadia Kurd, Thunder Bay
Elizabeth Levitt, Toronto
Stephen Remus, St. Catharines
Multi-year Operating
Subventions de fonctionnement pluriannuelles
A Space, Toronto, $48,150
Art Metropole, Toronto, $25,750
Artspace, Peterborough, $29,400
Centre3 for Print and Media Art, Hamilton, $27,000
Contact Toronto Photography Association (Contact Festival),
Toronto, $30,000
Contemporary Art Forum Kitchener and Area (CAFKA),
Kitchener, $15,800
Definitely Superior Art Gallery, Thunder Bay, $35,500
Fado Performance Inc., Toronto, $21,000
Galerie SAW Gallery, Ottawa, $42,900
Gallery 101/Galerie 101, Ottawa, $38,900
Gallery 44 Centre for Contemporary Photography,
Toronto, $63,700
Gallery TPW (Toronto Photographers Workshop),
Toronto, $42,909
Hamilton Artists Inc., Hamilton, $28,900
Mercer Union, Toronto, $50,400
Modern Fuel Artist-Run Centre, Kingston, $26,500
Niagara Artists Centre, St. Catharines, $26,600
Open Studio, Toronto, $48,150
South Asian Visual Arts Centre (SAVAC), Toronto, $28,000
YYZ Artists’ Outlet, Toronto, $46,500
annual Operating
Subventions de fonctionnement annuelles
Artcite Inc., Windsor, $35,650
Contemporary Textile Studio Co-operative, Toronto, $10,000
Elora Centre for the Arts, Elora, $16,625
Forest City Gallery, London, $26,000
London Clay Art Centre, London, $18,500
Toronto Free Gallery, Toronto, $7,500
Whippersnapper Gallery, Toronto, $10,000
White Water Gallery, North Bay, $17,125
Women’s Art Resource Centre (WARC Gallery),
Toronto, $24,035
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Visual arts Projects
Projets d’arts visuels
June 2012 / Jurors
Juin 2012 / Jurés
Corinna Ghaznavi, Durham
Crystal Migwans, Ottawa
Rui Pimenta, Toronto
Geneviève Thauvette, Toronto
CRAM Gallery Collective, St. Catharines, $9,000
DAREarts, Palgrave, $10,000
Jim Miller, Toronto, $8,000
Nether Mind, Toronto, $9,000
Nia Centre for the Arts, Toronto, $5,500
Ottawa School of Art, Ottawa, $3,500
ReFrame Peterborough International Film Festival,
Peterborough, $6,500
Swapnaa Tamhane, Toronto, $10,000
Two+One Collective, Toronto, $8,500
december 2012 / Jurors
décembre 2012 / Jurés
Rachelle Dickenson, Toronto
Chantal Gervais, Ottawa
Srimoyee Mitra, Windsor
Olexander Wlasenko, Whitby
Art for Commuters, Toronto, $3,500
Critical Mass: A Centre for Contemporary Art,
Port Hope, $8,000
Katherine Dennis, Toronto, $5,000
FIELDwork, Maberly, $8,000
Gendai, Toronto, $8,200
Le Laboratoire d’Art, Toronto, $7,500
Latin American-Canadian Art Projects, Toronto, $8,000
Earl Miller, Toronto, $7,500
Paola Poletto, Toronto, $10,000
Rear View Curatorial Collective, Toronto, $7,764
School of the Photographic Arts: Ottawa, Ottawa, $5,000
The Trading Partners Collective, Toronto, $8,000
Tobaron Waxman, Toronto, $10,000
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
artS inVeStMent Fund
FOndS d’inVeStiSSeMent danS LeS artS
From left: Jasmine Chen, Rylan Wilkie, Jajube Mandiela and
Darrel Gamotin in a scene from Blue Planet, a Young People’s
Theatre production. (Photo: Mark Seow)
À partir de la gauche : Jasmine Chen, Rylan Wilkie, Jajube
Mandiela et Darrel Gamotin, dans une scène de Blue Planet,
production de Young People’s Theatre. (Photo : Mark Seow)
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Listing/ Liste
/ Listedes
artS inVeStMent Fund
FOndS d’inVeStiSSeMent danS LeS artS
Maura BrOadhurSt
The Arts Investment Fund (AIF) is in the final year of a threeyear initiative, created by the Government of Ontario and
administered by OAC –¬ it has disbursed $27 million since
its launch in 2010-2011. Its goal is to help arts organizations
build their capacity and audiences through fundraising,
marketing, revenue growth and private-sector support. Only
organizations that receive OAC operating funding are eligible
for AIF support.
Le Fonds d’investissement dans les arts (FIA), initiative
de trois ans créée par le gouvernement de l’Ontario et
administrée par le CAO, en est à sa dernière année et a versé
27 millions de dollars aux organismes artistiques depuis
son lancement en 2010-2011. Son objectif consiste à aider
les organismes artistiques à renforcer leurs capacités et à
élargir leurs auditoires par la collecte de fonds, le marketing,
l’augmentation des revenus et l’appui du secteur privé.
Seuls les organismes qui reçoivent une subvention de
fonctionnement du CAO sont admissibles à l’aide du FIA.
august 2012
août 2012
4th Line Theatre, Millbrook, $7,720
A Company of Fools, Ottawa, $1,767
A Space, Toronto, $6,301
Aanmitaagzi, North Bay, $3,795
Abilities Arts Festival: A Celebration of Disability
Art and Culture, Toronto, $2,290
Aboriginal Curatorial Collective / Collectif des
Conservateurs Autochtone, Toronto, $3,664
Acting Up Stage Company, Toronto, $2,617
AfriCan Theatre Ensemble, Toronto, $1,963
Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Kingston, $12,693
Alameda Theatre Company, Toronto, $1,963
Al-Arz Lebanese Art Group, Ottawa, $2,879
Aldeburgh Connection, Toronto, $2,465
Algoma Arts Festival Association, Sault Ste. Marie, $1,963
All-Canadian Jazz Festival Port Hope, Port Hope, $1,570
L’Alliance culturelle de l’Ontario, Ottawa, $1,570
Aluna Theatre, Toronto, $2,355
Amabile Choirs of London, Canada, London, $3,082
Amadeus Choir of Greater Toronto, Toronto, $3,141
Amici Chamber Ensemble, Toronto, $844
ANDPVA, Toronto, $6,412
AOE Arts Council, Ottawa, $4,907
Aradia Ensemble, Toronto, $1,047
The Array Centre for Contemporary Music /
Arraymusic, Toronto, $3,180
Art Gallery of Algoma, Sault Ste. Marie, $4,580
Art Gallery of Hamilton, Hamilton, $31,013
Art Gallery of Mississauga, Mississauga, $4,122
Art Gallery of Northumberland, Cobourg, $1,309
Art Gallery of Peterborough, Peterborough, $7,459
Art Gallery of Sudbury / Galerie d’art de Sudbury,
Sudbury, $6,935
Art Gallery of Windsor, Windsor, $23,816
Art Gallery of York University, Toronto, $7,786
Art Metropole, Toronto, $3,370
Art of Time Ensemble, Toronto, $3,271
Art Starts Neighbourhood Cultural Centre, Toronto, $5,103
Artcite Inc., Windsor, $4,665
Artengine, Ottawa, $1,309
Artist-Run Centres and Collectives of Ontario,
London, $3,795
Arts Council – Haliburton Highlands, Haliburton, $1,548
Arts Council – Windsor & Region, Windsor, $3,271
Arts Council of Sault Ste. Marie and District,
Sault Ste. Marie, $916
Arts Etobicoke, Toronto, $5,103
Arts for Children and Youth, Toronto, $9,814
Artspace, Peterborough, $3,847
ArtsSmarts / GénieArts, Toronto, $6,543
Ashkenaz Foundation, Toronto, $3,141
Association des auteures et auteurs de l’Ontario
français, Ottawa, $7,851
Association des groupes en arts visuels
francophones, Ottawa, $2,355
Association des professionnels de la chanson
et de la musique, Ottawa, $13,740
Association des théâtres francophones du Canada,
Ottawa, $3,271
b current, Toronto, $3,141
Bach Children’s Chorus, Toronto, $1,865
Ballet Creole, Toronto, $5,817
Ballet Jörgen Canada, Toronto, $23,489
Bay Street Film Festival, Thunder Bay, $1,570
Bharathi Kala Manram, Mississauga, $1,963
Blue Skies Cultural Centre, Pefferlaw, $1,309
Blyth Festival, Blyth, $18,189
Brantford Arts Block, Brantford, $2,617
Brott Music Festival, Hamilton, $6,543
Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, Toronto, $20,544
Bureau des regroupements des artistes visuels
de l’Ontario, Ottawa, $5,234
Burlington Art Centre, Burlington, $6,543
The Cabaret Company, Toronto, $2,225
Cahoots Theatre Company, Toronto, $5,234
Cambridge Galleries, Cambridge, $9,160
Canada Dance Festival Society, Ottawa, $7,537
Canadian Alliance of Dance Artists, Ontario
Chapter, Toronto, $1,309
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Canadian Association of Fringe Festivals, London, $1,217
Canadian Children’s Book Centre, Toronto, $4,187
Canadian Children’s Opera Company, Toronto, $2,617
Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery, Waterloo, $8,244
Canadian Community Arts Initiative, Mississauga, $3,729
Canadian Contemporary Dance Theatre, Toronto, $9,814
Canadian Dance Assembly, Toronto, $3,795
The Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre,
Toronto, $6,019
Canadian League of Composers / Ligue canadienne
des compositeurs, Toronto, $1,570
Canadian Music Centre, Toronto, $8,636
Canadian Opera Company, Toronto, $426,577
The Canadian Stage Company, Toronto, $110,987
CanAsian Dance Festival, Toronto, $3,298
Cantabile Choirs of Kingston, Kingston, $1,806
CAPACOA, Ottawa, $2,584
CARFAC Ontario, Toronto, $5,496
Carleton University Art Gallery, Ottawa, $3,533
Carlos Bulosan Theatre, Toronto, $2,748
Carousel Players, St. Catharines, $18,320
CCI – Ontario Presenting Network, Toronto, $10,076
CCMC Music Gallery, Toronto, $6,150
Centre culturel Frontenac, Kingston, $3,271
Centre d’artistes Voix Visuelle, Ottawa, $2,879
Centre for Indigenous Theatre, Toronto, $6,412
Centre3 for Print and Media Art, Hamilton, $3,533
The Chamber Music Society of Mississauga,
Mississauga, $1,963
Charles Street Video, Toronto, $6,778
Children’s Peace Theatre, Toronto, $2,879
The Chimera Project, Toronto, $1,767
Chinese Artists Society of Toronto, Toronto, $1,309
Choirs Ontario, Toronto, $1,963
Chorus Niagara, St. Catharines, $2,382
Cinéfest Sudbury International Film Festival, Sudbury, $2,617
Clay and Paper Theatre, Toronto, $4,187
Cobalt Connects, Hamilton, $3,664
Coleman Lemieux & Compagnie, Toronto, $6,543
Collective of Black Artists, Toronto, $9,984
Community Arts & Heritage Education Project,
Thunder Bay, $5,234
Compagnie Vox Théâtre, Ottawa, $6,412
The Company Theatre, Toronto, $1,570
Les Concerts La Nuit sur l’étang, Sudbury, $3,926
Conseil des arts de Hearst, Hearst, $5,496
CONTACT contemporary music, Toronto, $1,211
CONTACT Toronto Photography Association
(Contact Festival), Toronto, $3,926
Contemporary Art Forum Kitchener and Area
(CAFKA), Kitchener, $2,068
Continuum Contemporary Music, Toronto, $2,355
Corpus Dance Projects, Toronto, $6,124
Council for the Arts in Ottawa, Ottawa, $1,590
Créations In Vivo, Ottawa, $3,141
Crow’s Theatre, Toronto, $4,449
Cultural Careers Council Ontario, Toronto, $3,141
Dance Collection Danse, Toronto, $3,271
The Dance Current, Toronto, $1,714
dance Immersion, Toronto, $6,412
Dance Ontario Association, Toronto, $3,533
Dance Umbrella of Ontario, Toronto, $12,477
Dancemakers, Toronto, $13,975
Dancer Transition Resource Centre, Toronto, $4,187
Dancetheatre David Earle, Guelph, $2,617
DanceWorks, Toronto, $8,113
DAREarts, Palgrave, $3,926
De-ba-jeh-mu-jig Theatre Group, Wikwemikong, $34,415
Definitely Superior Art Gallery, Thunder Bay, $4,645
desiFEST, Markham, $1,963
Diaspora Dialogues Charitable Society, Toronto, $3,533
The Documentary Organization of Canada / L’Association
des documentaristes du Canada, Toronto, $1,963
Dreamwalker Dance Company, Toronto, $1,963
The Driftwood Theatre Group, Toronto, $2,617
Drum Artz Canada, Toronto, $2,094
Durham Art Gallery, Durham, $3,141
Dusk Dances, Toronto, $3,926
Ed Video Media Arts Centre, Guelph, $5,496
Electric Eclectics, Meaford, $1,570
Elmer Iseler Singers, Toronto, $6,993
Elora Centre for The Arts, Elora, $3,271
Elora Festival, Elora, $5,365
Elora Festival Singers, Elora, $5,290
Esmeralda Enrique Spanish Dance Company, Toronto, $2,120
Esprit Orchestra, Toronto, $15,703
Essential Collective Theatre, St. Catharines, $1,309
Factory Media Arts Centre, Hamilton, $1,963
The Factory Theatre, Toronto, $19,367
Fado Performance Inc., Toronto, $2,748
Fanshawe Chorus London/Gerald Fagan Singers,
London, $1,392
Festival of the Sound, Parry Sound, $6,258
Festival Players of Prince Edward County, Bloomfield, $2,826
Forest City Gallery, London, $3,402
fu-GEN Asian-Canadian Theatre Company, Toronto, $3,926
Fujiwara Dance Inventions, Toronto, $2,198
FUSION: The Ontario Clay and Glass Association,
Toronto, $4,580
Galerie du Nouvel-Ontario, centre d’artistes, Sudbury, $7,197
Galerie SAW Gallery, Ottawa, $5,614
Gallery 101 / Galerie 101, Ottawa, $5,090
Gallery 44 Centre for Contemporary Photography,
Toronto, $8,335
Gallery Stratford, Stratford, $4,318
Gallery TPW (Toronto Photographers Workshop),
Toronto, $5,615
Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art, Toronto, $11,908
Georgian Bay Folk Society, Owen Sound, $3,435
Gibson Centre, Alliston, $3,271
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Goderich Celtic Folk Society, Goderich, $2,686
Grand Philharmonic Choir, Kitchener, $1,102
The Grand Theatre, London, $29,442
Great Canadian Theatre Company, Ottawa, $25,255
Grimsby Public Art Gallery, Grimsby, $3,599
Guelph Arts Council, Guelph, $1,309
Guelph Chamber Choir, Guelph, $1,047
Guelph Dance, Guelph, $2,571
Guelph Jazz Festival, Guelph, $5,417
Guelph Youth Singers, Guelph, $2,081
Hamilton Artists Inc., Hamilton, $3,782
Hamilton Arts Council, Hamilton, $1,389
Hamilton Children’s Choir, Hamilton, $1,963
Hamilton Fringe Festival, Hamilton, $1,963
Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra, Hamilton, $13,086
Hannaford Street Silver Band, Toronto, $4,508
Harbourfront Centre, Toronto, $278,838
The Harold Green Jewish Theatre Company, Toronto, $1,963
Hillside Festival, Guelph, $5,627
Home County Folk League, London, $2,617
Hot Docs, Toronto, $4,986
hum dansoundart, Toronto, $1,963
Humber River Shakespeare Co., Toronto, $1,963
Images Festival, Toronto, $7,053
imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival, Toronto, $8,793
Immigrant Culture and Art Association, Hamilton, $3,957
inDANCE, Toronto, $1,309
Independent Filmmakers Cooperative of Ottawa,
Ottawa, $3,572
Indigenous Culture and Media Innovations, Ottawa, $6,543
Inner City Angels, Toronto, $9,814
Inside Out Toronto Lesbian and Gay Film and Video
Festival, Toronto, $6,333
InterAccess Electronic Media Arts Centre, Toronto, $6,778
International Readings at Harbourfront, Toronto, $9,160
Judith & Norman ALIX Art Gallery, Sarnia, $4,515
Jumblies Theatre, Toronto, $4,907
Kaeja d’Dance, Toronto, $4,279
Kaha:wi Dance Theatre, Toronto, $3,271
Kapisanan Philippine Centre for Arts & Culture,
Toronto, $1,963
Kingston Arts Council, Kingston, $1,439
Kingston Canadian Film Festival, Kingston, $1,413
Kingston Symphony Association, Kingston, $9,160
Kingston WritersFest, Kingston, $1,832
Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery, Kitchener, $14,525
Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Orchestra
Association, Kitchener, $47,762
Koffler Centre of the Arts, Toronto, $7,851
Koffler Gallery, Toronto, $4,384
Korean Dance Studies Society of Canada, Toronto, $2,460
Le Laboratoire d’Art, Toronto, $3,926
Lakeshore Arts Committee, Toronto, $2,179
Latcham Gallery, Stouffville, $2,094
Latin American-Canadian Art Projects, Toronto, $2,748
Latino Canadian Cultural Association, Toronto, $3,533
League of Canadian Poets, Toronto, $8,506
Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto
(LIFT), Toronto, $6,458
Lighthouse Festival Theatre, Port Dover, $6,515
Lindsay Concert Foundation, Lindsay, $1,333
Literary Press Group, Toronto, $4,907
London Clay Art Centre, London, $2,421
London Fringe, London, $2,355
London Pro Musica, London, $1,402
Luminato, Toronto, $7,851
Lyndesfarne Theatre Projects, St. Catharines, $2,257
MABELLEarts, Toronto, $3,664
Macdonald Stewart Art Centre, Guelph, $9,291
MacLaren Art Centre, Barrie, $18,581
Magazines Canada, Toronto, $6,674
Magnetic North Theatre Festival, Ottawa, $9,160
Magnus Theatre Company, Thunder Bay, $19,890
Mammalian Diving Reflex, Toronto, $3,010
Manifesto Community Projects, Toronto, $3,141
Mariposa Folk Foundation, Orillia, $1,413
Mariposa In The Schools, Toronto, $6,543
Markham Arts Council, Unionville, $1,963
Mayworks Festival, Toronto, $3,658
McIntosh Gallery, London, $3,860
McMaster Museum of Art, Hamilton, $4,901
Media Arts Network of Ontario / Réseau des
arts médiatiques de l’Ontario, Toronto, $3,271
Media City Film Festival, Windsor, $2,617
Menaka Thakkar Dance Company, Thornhill, $4,293
MERA, McDonald’s Corners, $1,551
Mercer Union, Toronto, $6,595
Mississauga Arts Council, Mississauga, $2,617
Mississauga Children’s Choir, Mississauga, $1,309
Mixed Company Theatre, Toronto, $2,094
Modern Fuel Artist-Run Centre, Kingston, $3,468
Modern Times Stage Company, Toronto, $2,355
MOonhORsE dance theatre, Toronto, $1,963
MOTUS O Dance Theatre, Stouffville, $2,853
The MT Space, Kitchener, $3,926
Muhtadi International Drumming Festival, Toronto, $3,599
Multicultural Arts for Schools & Communities
(MASC), Ottawa, $15,703
Museum London, London, $20,806
Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art, Toronto, $10,076
Music Africa, Toronto, $3,141
Music and Beyond, Ottawa, $6,346
Music Niagara, Niagara-on-the-Lake, $2,617
Music TORONTO, Toronto, $5,771
Myths and Mirrors Community Arts, Sudbury, $4,318
Nagata Shachu, Toronto, $1,799
The Nathaniel Dett Chorale, Toronto, $4,973
The National Ballet of Canada, Toronto, $310,924
The National Ballet School, Toronto, $78,513
National Magazine Awards Foundation, Toronto, $3,271
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
National Youth Orchestra of Canada, Toronto, $11,123
Native Earth Performing Arts Inc., Toronto, $9,160
Native Women in the Arts, Toronto, $4,030
Near North Mobile Media Lab Collective, North Bay, $1,963
Necessary Angel Theatre Company, Toronto, $10,861
New Adventures In Sound Art, Toronto, $3,926
New Music Concerts, Toronto, $5,496
Niagara Artists Centre, St. Catharines, $3,481
The Niagara Symphony Association, St. Catharines, $6,405
Nightswimming, Toronto, $3,926
Nightwood Theatre, Toronto, $7,328
Northern Lights Festival Boréal, Sudbury, $1,963
La Nouvelle Scène, Ottawa, $13,151
Nrtyakala – Classical Indian Dance, Thornhill, $2,617
NUMUS Concerts Inc., Waterloo, $3,455
Oakville Arts Council, Oakville, $955
Oakville Children’s Choir, Oakville, $1,675
Oakville Galleries, Oakville, $13,805
Obsidian Theatre Company Inc., Toronto, $8,767
Odyssey Theatre, Ottawa, $5,627
Ojibwe Cultural Foundation, M’Chigeeng, $4,122
Ontario Association of Art Galleries, Toronto, $7,851
Ontario Book Publishers Organization, Toronto, $2,748
Ontario Council of Folk Festivals, Ottawa, $6,216
Ontario Crafts Council, Toronto, $12,170
Ontario Philharmonic, Oshawa, $1,963
Open Studio, Toronto, $6,301
Opera Atelier, Toronto, $27,480
Opera Hamilton, Hamilton, $14,721
Opera in Concert, Toronto, $1,642
Opera Lyra Ottawa, Ottawa, $22,049, Toronto, $3,415
Orchestra London Canada Inc., London, $27,971
Orchestras Canada / Orchestres Canada, Toronto, $9,872
Orpheus Choir of Toronto, Toronto, $1,178
Ottawa Art Gallery/La Galerie d’art d’Ottawa,
Ottawa, $13,609
Ottawa Bach Choir, Ottawa, $1,014
Ottawa Bluesfest, Ottawa, $8,375
Ottawa Chamber Music Society, Ottawa, $14,394
Ottawa Choral Society, Ottawa, $1,387
Ottawa Folk Festival, Ottawa, $3,926
Ottawa Fringe Festival, Ottawa, $2,355
The Ottawa International Animation Festival, Ottawa, $3,664
Ottawa International Children’s Festival, Ottawa, $6,346
Ottawa International Writers Festival, Ottawa, $5,234
Ottawa Jazz Festival Inc., Ottawa, $8,338
Ottawa Storytellers, Ottawa, $1,374
Ottawa Symphony Orchestra, Ottawa, $7,197
Outside Looking In, Toronto, $4,868
Paprika Festival, Toronto, $1,309
Pat the Dog Playwright Centre, Waterloo, $3,926
Pax Christi Chorale, Toronto, $985
Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archives, Brampton, $2,486
Peggy Baker Dance Projects, Toronto, $3,219
PEN Canada, Toronto, $4,057
The Peterborough Singers, Peterborough, $1,110
Planet in Focus: International Environmental Film &
Video Festival, Toronto, $2,834
Playwrights Guild of Canada, Toronto, $7,197
Pleasure Dome, Toronto, $2,748
Pleiades Theatre, Toronto, $2,355
Porquis Blues Society, Porquis Junction, $1,047
Port Stanley Festival Theatre, Port Stanley, $5,234
Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery, Toronto, $28,265
Prince Edward County Arts Council, Picton, $1,551
princess productions, Toronto, $1,963
ProArteDanza, Toronto, $2,094
Professional Association of Canadian Theatres,
Toronto, $6,543
Professional Writers’ Association of Canada, Toronto, $2,584
Prologue to the Performing Arts, Toronto, $28,788
Public Energy, Peterborough, $5,993
Public Recordings Performance Projects, Toronto, $1,963
Puppetmongers Theatre, Toronto, $2,355
Queen of Puddings Music Theatre Co., Toronto, $6,844
Quinte Arts Council, Belleville, $1,865
Quinte Ballet School of Canada, Belleville, $4,135
Raag-Mala Music Society, Toronto, $1,570
Rag & Bone Puppet Theatre, Ottawa, $1,309
Red Pepper Spectacle Arts Incorporated, Toronto, $4,973
Red Sky Performance, Toronto, $8,506
Reelout Arts Project Inc., Kingston, $1,492
Regent Park Film Festival, Toronto, $1,570
Regent Park Focus Youth Media Arts Centre, Toronto, $3,926
Regroupement des éditeurs canadiens-français,
Ottawa, $3,664
The Remix Project, Toronto, $5,234
Réseau Ontario, Ottawa, $22,671
The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa, $10,468
Rodman Hall Arts Centre, St. Catharines, $3,926
Roseneath Theatre, Toronto, $14,263
Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto, $36,770
Salamander Theatre for Young Audiences, Ottawa, $2,355
Salon du livre de Toronto, Toronto, $2,944
Le Salon du livre du Grand Sudbury, Sudbury, $5,888
Sampradaya Dance Academy, Mississauga, $3,271
Sampradaya Dance Creations, Mississauga, $8,244
SAW Video Co-op, Ottawa, $7,027
Scarborough Arts, Toronto, $2,486
The School of Dance, Ottawa, $6,216
The School of Toronto Dance Theatre, Toronto, $6,739
Series 8:08, Toronto, $1,047
Shadowland Theatre, Toronto, $2,617
Shakespeare In Action, Toronto, $1,963
Shaw Festival Theatre Foundation, Canada,
Niagara-on-the-Lake, $417,528
Sheatre, Kemble, $2,879
Shelter Valley Folk Festival, Grafton, $1,963
Sinfonia Toronto, Toronto, $2,321
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Sketch Working Arts for Street-involved and
Homeless Youth, Toronto, $10,468
Small World Music Society, Toronto, $6,320
Smile Theatre, Toronto, $3,926
Soulpepper Theatre Company, Toronto, $49,725
Soundstreams Canada, Toronto, $12,601
South Asian Visual Arts Centre (SAVAC), Toronto, $3,664
Southern Currents Film and Video Collective, Toronto, $2,879
St. Lawrence Shakespeare Festival, Prescott, $3,245
St. Marys Children’s Choir, St. Marys, $1,963
STAF, Toronto, $10,207
Station Gallery, Whitby, $4,318
Storytelling Toronto, Toronto, $5,234
Stratford Festival, Stratford, $844,166
Stratford Summer Music, Stratford, $4,348
Studio 180 Theatre, Toronto, $2,355
Subtle Technologies Arts Projects, Toronto, $1,374
Sudbury Theatre Centre, Sudbury, $13,086
Suitcase in Point, St. Catharines, $2,355
SummerWorks Theatre Festival, Toronto, $3,206
Sunfest – Cross Cultural Arts Committee, London, $4,580
Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra & Chamber Choir,
Toronto, $48,024
Talisker Players Chamber Music, Toronto, $1,138
Talk Is Free Theatre, Barrie, $3,271
Tapestry New Opera Works, Toronto, $14,394
Tara Luz Danse, Ottawa, $1,963
Tarragon Theatre, Toronto, $31,274
Temiskaming Art Gallery, Haileybury, $1,832
Textile Museum of Canada, Toronto, $15,506
Thames Art Gallery, Chatham, $4,897
Theatre Aquarius Inc., Hamilton, $34,284
Theatre Beyond Words, Niagara-on-the-Lake, $6,006
Theatre By The Bay, Barrie, $1,767
The Theatre Centre, Toronto, $6,543
Theatre Columbus, Toronto, $4,161
Théâtre de la Vieille 17, Ottawa, $14,656
Theatre Direct Canada, Toronto, $20,544
Théâtre du Nouvel-Ontario Inc., Sudbury, $22,245
Théâtre du Trillium, Ottawa, $9,293
Théâtre français de Toronto, Toronto, $17,011
Theatre Gargantua, Toronto, $2,094
Theatre Kingston, Kingston, $2,355
Théâtre la Catapulte, Ottawa, $16,095
Théâtre la Tangente, Toronto, $4,973
Theatre Museum Canada, Toronto, $1,963
Theatre Ontario, Toronto, $13,936
Theatre Orangeville, Orangeville, $10,730
Theatre Passe Muraille, Toronto, $16,488
Theatre Smash, Toronto, $1,309
Theatre Smith-Gilmour, Toronto, $2,617
Théâtre-Action, Ottawa, $18,974
Theatrefront, Toronto, $2,094
Third Wall Theatre, Ottawa, $1,767
Thirteen Strings Chamber Orchestra, Ottawa, $2,617
Thousand Islands Playhouse, Gananoque, $32,845
Thunder Bay Art Gallery, Thunder Bay, $13,740
Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra, Thunder Bay, $29,050
Tom Thomson Art Gallery, Owen Sound, $10,730
Toronto Alliance for the Performing Arts, Toronto, $3,141
Toronto Blues Society, Toronto, $3,664
Toronto Children’s Chorus, Toronto, $7,459
Toronto Consort, Toronto, $3,337
Toronto Dance Theatre, Toronto, $22,703
Toronto Downtown Jazz Society, Toronto, $4,711
The Toronto Fringe, Toronto, $9,814
Toronto International Film Festival, Toronto, $268,503
Toronto Jewish Film Festival, Toronto, $3,886
Toronto Mendelssohn Choir, Toronto, $5,881
Toronto Operetta Theatre, Toronto, $1,309
Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival,
Toronto, $4,580
Toronto Summer Music Festival, Toronto, $4,187
Toronto Symphony Orchestra, Toronto, $327,704
Tribal Crackling Wind for the Arts, Toronto, $1,996
Trinity Square Video, Toronto, $5,836
Trout Forest Music Festival, Ear Falls, $1,570
Urban Arts Community Arts Council, Toronto, $4,973
Urban Non-Violent Initiatives Through Youth
(UNITY), Toronto, $2,617
Varley Art Gallery, Markham, $5,273
Via Salzburg, Toronto, $1,649
VideoCabaret, Toronto, $4,004
Visual Arts Centre of Clarington, Bowmanville, $2,048
VIVA! Youth Singers of Toronto, Toronto, $1,027
Volcano, Toronto, $3,402
VTape, Toronto, $6,693
W.K.P. Kennedy Gallery, North Bay, $3,795
Waterloo Community Arts Centre, Waterloo, $1,243
Weengushk Film Institute, M’Chigeeng, $4,973
Westben Arts Festival Theatre, Campbellford, $2,617
Whippersnapper Gallery, Toronto, $1,309
White Water Gallery, North Bay, $2,241
Windsor Symphony Orchestra, Windsor, $27,480
Women’s Art Resource Centre (WARC Gallery),
Toronto, $3,311
Woodland Cultural Centre, Brantford, $6,738
The Word On The Street, Toronto, $2,617
Workers Arts and Heritage Centre, Hamilton, $5,888
Workman Arts, Toronto, $5,888
Writers in Electronic Residence, Toronto, $3,926
The Writers’ Union of Canada, Toronto, $15,284
Young Centre for the Performing Arts, Toronto, $3,271
Young People’s Theatre, Toronto, $50,118
Young Voices Toronto, Toronto, $1,865
YYZ Artists’ Outlet, Toronto, $6,085
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
OaC arts investment Fund for Publishers
and Periodicals
Fonds d’investissement dans les arts du CaO pour
les éditeurs de livres et de périodiques
OAC has contributed an additional $1.1 million over three
years for English- and French-language book and magazine
publishers in Ontario. This group includes for-profit entities,
which are not eligible for the province’s Arts Investment Fund.
OAC’s interest in the book and publishing world has always
been focused on the creation of a distinct Ontario literature.
Le CAO a affecté un montant supplémentaire de 1,1 million de
dollars sur trois ans aux éditeurs de livres et de périodiques de
langue française et de langue anglaise de l’Ontario. Comme
ce groupe comprend des entités à but lucratif, il n’est pas
admissible au Fonds d’investissement dans les arts. L’intérêt
du CAO pour le monde du livre et de l’édition a toujours été
axé sur la création d’une littérature ontarienne distincte.
august 2012
août 2012
Annick Press Limited, Toronto, $4,107
Arc Poetry Magazine, Ottawa, $4,233
Between the Lines Incorporated, Toronto, $1,213
Biblioasis Inc, Emeryville, $3,623
Black Moss Press, Windsor, $1,372
Book Thug, Toronto, $3,626
Brick Books, London, $3,502
Brick: A Literary Journal, Toronto, $4,657
Broken Pencil, Toronto, $2,258
C Magazine, Toronto, $3,810
Canadian Art Magazine, Toronto, $6,350
Canadian Theatre Review, Toronto, $2,258
Carousel, Guelph, $1,270
ChiZine Publications, Toronto, $1,669
Cinema Scope, Toronto, $2,822
CNQ: Canadian Notes & Queries, Emeryville, $988
Coach House Books, Toronto, $5,182
Cormorant Books Inc, Markham, $4,593
Descant, Toronto, $4,515
Devil’s Artisan, Erin, $423
Dundurn Press Limited, Toronto, $6,115
ECW Press Limited, Toronto, $4,732
Éditions David, Ottawa, $6,632
Éditions du Gref, Toronto, $1,940
Les Éditions du Vermillon, Ottawa, $7,055
Éditions L’Interligne, Ottawa, $10,160
Éditions Prise de parole, Sudbury, $10,125
Exile Editions Limited, Holstein, $2,061
Exile, the Literary Quarterly, Holstein, $2,258
The Feathertale Review, Ottawa, $706
Fifth House Publishers, Markham, $1,517
Fitzhenry & Whiteside Limited, Markham, $1,778
Fuse Magazine, Toronto, $4,300
Groundwood Books Limited, Toronto, $4,314
Guernica Editions Inc, Toronto, $2,128
Hamilton Arts & Letters, Hamilton, $353
House of Anansi Press Inc, Toronto, $5,147
Inanna Publications and Education Inc, Toronto, $2,991
Insomniac Press, London, $3,199
James Lorimer & Company Ltd. Publishers, Toronto, $3,671
Kegedonce Press, Owen Sound, $2,524
Kids Can Press Limited, Toronto, $6,994
Literary Review of Canada, Toronto, $4,657
Mansfield Press, Toronto, $2,792
McArthur & Company Publishing Ltd., Toronto, $4,021
Musicworks Magazine, Toronto, $4,939
The New Quarterly: Canadian Writers & Writing,
Waterloo, $3,528
Opera Canada, Toronto, $3,528
Ornamentum, Toronto, $706
Owlkids Books Inc, Toronto, $2,217
Palimpsest, Kingsville, $1,386
Pilot Pocket Book, Toronto, $1,129
Playwrights Canada Press Ltd., Toronto, $5,197
Porcupine’s Quill Incorporated, Erin, $3,674
POV Magazine, Toronto, $3,450
Prefix Photo, Toronto, $4,233
Public, Toronto, $1,609
Quattro Books, Toronto, $1,176
Quill & Quire, Toronto, $3,245
Red Deer Press, Markham, $1,292
Scrivener Press, Sudbury, $1,605
Second Story Press, Toronto, $2,877
Spacing, Toronto, $3,271
Taddle Creek, Toronto, $706
This Magazine, Toronto, $3,598
Thomas Allen Publishers, Markham, $1,923
Tightrope Books, Toronto, $2,760
TSAR Publications, Toronto, $3,095
University of Toronto Press, Toronto, $4,568
Urbanology Magazine, Toronto, $1,976
Virages, Toronto, $1,411
The Walrus, Toronto, $6,350
The WholeNote Magazine, Toronto, $2,681
Wilfrid Laurier University Press, Waterloo, $2,634
Windsor Review, Windsor, $621
Wolsak and Wynn Publishers Limited, Hamilton, $1,577
WORN Fashion Journal, Toronto, $1,355
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
awardS and ChaLMerS PrOGraM
Prix et PrOGraMMe ChaLMerS
The Honourable Michael Chan (left), Minister of Tourism,
Culture and Sport, presents Richard Rose, Artistic Director
of Tarragon Theatre, with the Premier’s Arts Award for
Excellence in the Arts.
L’honorable Michael Chan (à gauche), ministre du Tourisme,
de la Culture et du Sport, remet le Prix du premier ministre
pour l’excellence artistique à Richard Rose, directeur
artistique de Tarragon Theatre.
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
awardS and ChaLMerS PrOGraM
Prix et PrOGraMMe ChaLMerS
MyLeS warren
CarOLyn GLOude
Associate Awards Officer
Responsable adjointe des prix
OAC manages private funds established by individual donors
to benefit the arts. The income from these funds allows us
to present awards, scholarships, grants and fellowships to
artists for purposes identified by the individual donors. OAC’s
Awards Office administers the awards programs in addition to
administering awards on behalf of the Government of Ontario,
the Ontario Arts Foundation and other foundations. We
also assist individuals who are interested in establishing an
endowment or award in support of the arts at OAC.
Le CAO gère des fonds privés que des donateurs individuels
ont établis pour soutenir les arts. Les revenus de ces fonds lui
permettent de décerner à des artistes des prix, des bourses et
des subventions aux fins déterminées par les donateurs. Le
Bureau des prix du CAO administre ces programmes de prix
et administre aussi des prix pour le compte du gouvernement
de l’Ontario, de la Fondation des arts de l’Ontario et d’autres
fondations. Il aide également les personnes intéressées à établir
auprès du CAO une dotation ou un prix en faveur des arts.
Please note that in this report, the date of awards listed does
not necessarily correspond to the date of awards ceremonies.
Veuillez noter que la date des prix indiquée ici ne correspond pas
nécessairement à la date des cérémonies de remise des prix.
the Chalmers Family Fund
Fond de la famille Chalmers
Chalmers arts Fellowships
Bourses Chalmers de recherche artistique
June 2012 / Jurors
Juin 2012 / Jurés
Nova Bhattacharya, Toronto
Mateo Guez, Toronto
Justin Langlois, Windsor
Jani Lauzon, Toronto
Andrea Lindsay, Cornwall
Duncan Weller, Thunder Bay
Jinny Yu, Ottawa
Daniel Brooks, Toronto, $40,250
Trevor Copp, Burlington, $33,200
Eve Egoyan, Toronto, $46,020
Christy Garland, Toronto, $50,000
Scott Good, Toronto, $19,300
Alexa Hatanaka, Toronto, $13,150
Matthew Heiti, Sudbury, $20,300
Michael Herring, Toronto, $20,425
Darryl Arthur Hoskins, Toronto, $35,000
Rick Hyslop, Toronto, $38,650
Istvan Kantor, Toronto, $31,600
John Knechtel, Toronto, $46,000
Elizabete Ludviks, Hamilton, $40,000
Sean Martindale, Toronto, $22,100
Michael A. Miller, Toronto, $32,800
Geoffrey Pugen, Toronto, $36,810
Tamira Sawatzky, Toronto, $25,000
Heather Segger, Toronto, $11,000
Elizabeth Shepherd, Toronto, $13,520
Camilla Singh, Toronto, $21,850
Jeffrey St. Jules, Toronto, $16,800
Christine Swintak, Toronto, $21,000
Richard Underhill, Toronto, $15,225
Chalmers Professional development Grants
Subventions Chalrmers de perfectionnement
June 2012 / Jurors
Juin 2012 / Jurés
Nick Ali, Toronto
Carolyn Bell Farrell, Barrie
Robert Kingsbury, Guelph
Guy Marsan, Ottawa
Tamar Adams, Toronto, $7,500
Wendelin Bartley, Toronto, $7,500
Claire Bennett, Toronto, $7,500
Shirsha Chakraborty, Brampton, $7,500
Reshmi Chetram, Markham, $7,500
Brian Current, Toronto, $7,500
Megan Findlay, Ottawa, $7,500
Nicholas Fox-Gieg, Toronto, $7,500
Daniele Guevara, Toronto, $7,500
Rebecca Hennessy, Toronto, $7,500
Thomas Morgan Jones, Toronto, $7,500
Deborah Margo, Ottawa, $7,500
Leora Morris, Toronto, $7,500
Yvonne Ng, Toronto, $7,500
Fabio Ragnelli, Toronto, $7,500
Amin Rehman, Toronto, $7,500
Don Scott, Toronto, $7,500
Isabella Stefanescu, Waterloo, $7,500
Daniel Wild, Toronto, $7,500
Caroline Yergeau, Ottawa, $7,500
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Colleen Peterson Songwriting award
Prix Colleen Peterson de composition
de chanson
Vida Peene Fund – Canadian art acquistion
Fonds Vida Peene – acquistion de peintures
august 2012 / Jurors
août 2012 / Jurées
Christine Cochrane, Windsor
ElizaBeth Hill, Neebing
Joëlle Roy, Tiny
The fund contributes to purchases of Canadian paintings by
the Art Gallery of Hamilton.
Le fonds participe à l’achat de peintures canadiennes par le
Musée des beaux-arts de Hamilton.
Ariana Gillis, Vineland, $1,000
Leslie Bell Prize for Choral Conducting
Prix Leslie Bell pour chefs de chœur
June 2012 / Jurors
Juin 2012 / Jurés
Brainerd Blyden-Taylor, Toronto
Robert Filion, Ottawa
Dean Jobin-Bevans, Richards Landing
Halyna Kvika Kondracki, Toronto
Rachel Rensink-Hoff, Hamilton
Jamie Hillman, Chatham, $10,000
Ontario arts Council aboriginal arts award
Prix du Conseil des arts de l’Ontario pour les
arts autochtones
april 2012 / Jurors
avril 2012 / Jurés
Christi Belcourt, Espanola
Cherie Dimaline, Toronto
Bryan LaForme, Hagersville
Steve Loft, Toronto
Patti Shaughnessy, Peterborough
Shelley Niro, Brantford, $7,500
emerging aboriginal artist award
artiste autochtone de la relève
Tracey Anthony, Hagersville, $2,500
Art Gallery of Hamilton / Musée des beaux-arts de Hamilton,
Hamilton, $7,656
Some OaC awards are not given out on an annual
basis. the following awards were not presented in
Certains prix ne sont pas octroyés chaque année. Les
prix suivants n’ont pas été attribués en 2012-2013 :
Heinz Unger Award
Prix Heinz Unger
John Adaskin Memorial Fund
Fonds commémoratif John Adaskin
John Hirsch Director’s Award
Prix John Hirsch de mise en scène
Oscar Morawetz Award for Excellence in Music Performance
Prix Oscar Morawetz d’excellence en interprétation musicale
Vida Peene Orchestra Award
Prix Vida Peene aux orchestres
administered by OaC on behalf of the Government
of Ontario:
Prix administrés par le CaO pour le compte du
gouvernement de l’Ontario :
Pauline McGibbon award
Prix Pauline McGibbon
March 2012 / Jurors
Mars 2012 / Jurés
Kim Blackwell, Toronto
John Doucet, Ottawa
Sky Gilbert, Hamilton
Kelly Thornton, Toronto
Ravi Jain, director / metteur en scène, Toronto, $7,000
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Premier’s awards for excellence in the arts
Prix du premier ministre pour l’excellence
december 2011 / Jurors
décembre 2011 / Jurés
Lesley Belleau, Peterborough
Daniel Brooks, Toronto
David Earle, Guelph
Yoko Hirota, Sudbury
Luo Li, Dundas
Michèle Matteau, Ottawa
Debbie Metzler, Thunder Bay
artist award Laureate
Lauréate du volet artiste
Shirley Cheechoo, media arts / arts médiatiques,
M’Chigeeng, $35,000
OaC administers the nomination and evaluation
process for the following awards on behalf of the
Ontario arts Foundation:
Le CaO gère le processus de mise en candidature et
d’évaluation des prix suivants pour le compte de la
Fondation des arts de l’Ontario :
K.M. Hunter Artists Awards
Prix K. M. Hunter aux artistes
Laura Ciruls Painting Award
Prix Laura Ciruls de peinture
Louis Applebaum Composers Award
Prix Louis Applebaum de composition
Orford String Quartet Scholarship
Bourse du quatuor à cordes Orford
emerging artist award Laureate
nouveau talent prometteur
Heather Manitowabi, visual arts / arts visuels,
Wikwemikong, $15,000
Paul de Hueck and Norman Walford Career
Achievement Awards
Prix Paul de Hueck et Norman Walford de
réalisation professionnelle
artist award Finalists
Finalistes du volet artiste
Lydia Adams, music / musique, Caledon East, $2,000
Lawrence Cherney, music / musique, Toronto, $2,000
Dennis Lee, literature / littérature, Toronto, $2,000
David W. McFadden, literature / littérature, Toronto, $2,000
Richard Underhill, music / musique, Toronto, $2,000
Ruth and Sylvia Schwartz Children’s Book Awards
Prix Ruth et Sylvia Schwartz de littérature jeunesse
arts Organization award Laureate
Lauréat du volet Organisme artistique
Tarragon Theatre, theatre / théâtre,Toronto, $50,000
Virginia and Myrtle Cooper Award in Costume Design
Prix Virginia et Myrtle Cooper de création de costumes
Please see the Ontario Arts Foundation pages for details.
Pour les détails, veuillez vous reporter aux pages de la
Fondation des arts de l’Ontario.
arts Organization award Finalists
Finalistes du volet Organisme artistique
Hot Docs, media arts / arts médiatiques,Toronto, $2,000
Images Festival, media arts / arts médiatiques,
Toronto, $2,000
Ottawa Chamber Music Society, music / musique,
Ottawa, $2,000
Roseneath Theatre, theatre / théâtre, Toronto, $2,000
Théâtre du Nouvel-Ontario Inc., theatre / théâtre,
Sudbury, $2,000
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
OntariO artS FOundatiOn
FOndatiOn deS artS de L’OntariO
The Ruth and Sylvia Schwartz Children’s Book Awards
laureates. (Cover image for The Whole Truth courtesy of
HarperCollins Publishers Ltd. Cover image for Loon courtesy
of House of Anansi and Groundwood Books.)
Les lauréates des prix Ruth et Sylvia Schwartz de
littérature jeunesse 2012. (Reproduction de la couverture de
The Whole Truth autorisée par HarperCollins Publishers Ltd.
Reproduction de la couverture de Loon autorisée par House of
Anansi et Groundwood Books.)
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
OntariO artS FOundatiOn
FOndatiOn deS artS de L’OntariO
aLan waLKer
Executive Director
Directeur général
ann BOyd
Associate Director
Directrice adjointe
“We work with arts patrons to build long-term support for the
arts in Ontario.”
« Nous travaillons avec les mécènes des arts afin de construire
un soutien de long terme pour les arts en Ontario. »
The Ontario Arts Foundation (the Foundation) is a public
non-government foundation established in 1991 to encourage
and facilitate private giving to the arts. The Foundation works
with donors to build lasting endowments in support of the
arts based on their philanthropic wishes, and currently holds
over 300 endowments established by individuals, foundations,
corporations and arts organizations.
Both the OAC and the Foundation have awards programs.
Awards and scholarships are established through gifts from
donors and are administered according to each donor’s
wishes. The OAC manages the selection process for several
awards established through funds at the Foundation. When
the OAC and the Foundation have collaborated on an award,
the name of the award is listed in the OAC’s Awards pages
and the Foundation’s pages.
La Fondation des arts de l’Ontario (FAO) est une fondation
de bienfaisance publique non gouvernementale créée en
1991 pour encourager et faciliter les dons privés aux arts.
Elle établit des fonds de dotation à perpétuité pour les arts
en collaboration avec les donateurs et en tenant à réaliser les
objectifs philanthropiques de ces derniers. La FAO détient plus
de 300 dotations établies par des particuliers, des fondations,
des sociétés et des organismes artistiques.
Le CAO et la FAO ont tous deux des programmes de prix. Les
prix et bourses sont établis grâce aux dons de donateurs et sont
administrés conformément aux volontés de ces derniers. Le
CAO gère le processus de sélection de plusieurs prix établis par
des fonds de la FAO. Si un prix fait l’objet d’une collaboration
entre le CAO et la FAO, il figure aussi bien dans les pages du
CAO que dans les pages de la FAO.
Board of directors
Conseil d’administration
Anthony R. Graham (Chair / président)
Michael M. Koerner, C.M. (Treasurer / trésorier)
John D. McKellar, C.M., Q.C. (Vice-Chair / vice-président)
Kevin Fairs
Kevin Garland
Gaelen Morphet
Hugh O’Neil
James Pitblado, C.M.
Timothy R. Price
Donald M. Ross
Katherine L. Smalley
Please note that in this report, the date of awards listed does
not necessarily correspond to the date of awards ceremonies.
Veuillez noter que la date des prix indiquée ici ne
correspond pas nécessairement à la date des cérémonies
de remise des prix.
Gina wilkinson Prize for an emerging
Female director
Prix Gina wilkinson pour metteures en
scène émergentes
March 2013 / Jurors
Mars 2013 / Jurés
Micheline Chevrier
Bonnie Green
Eda Holmes
Jackie Maxwell
Tom Rooney
Bob White
Krista Jackson, $2,000
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
hal Jackman Fund
Fonds hal Jackman
Acting Up Stage Company, $3,000
Authors at Harbourfront Centre, $5,000
Canadian Children’s Opera Company, $2,000
Canadian Opera Company, $368,400
Esprit Orchestra, $10,000
National Ballet of Canada, $325,000
National Ballet School, $10,000
Ontario Arts Foundation Arts Scholarship Fund, $25,468
ProArteDanza Performance Inc., $5,000
Toronto Symphony Orchestra, $10,000
Toronto International Film Festival, $25,000
hugh d. McKellar Fund
Fonds hugh d. McKellar
april 2012
avril 2012
St. Michael’s Choir School, $3,025
Lambton County Music Festival, $800
K.M. hunter artists awards
Prix K. M. hunter aux artistes
april 2012 / Jurors
avril 2012 / Jurés
Fariz Ahmadov, Toronto
Lesley Barber, Toronto
Danielle Baskerville, Toronto
Jonathan Bennett, Keene
Benjamin Bowman, Toronto
Ins Choi, Toronto
Bonnie Devine, Toronto
John Gundy, Toronto
Gunilla Josephson, Toronto
Celia Barker Lottridge, Toronto
Kyo Iona Maclear, Toronto
Abena Malika, Toronto
Alisa Palmer, Toronto
Kazik Radwanski, Toronto
Ricardo Sternberg, Toronto
Bageshree Vaze, Toronto
Jennifer H. Waring, Dundas
Jacob Zimmer, Toronto
Paul Frehner, music / musique, London, $8,000
Darryl Arthur Hoskins, co-laureate / colauréat , dance /
danse, Toronto, $4,000
Rosa Laborde, theatre / théâtre, Toronto, $8,000
Ayelen Liberona, media arts / arts médiatiques,
Toronto, $8,000
Jean Marshall, Thunder Bay, visual arts / arts visuels, $8,000
Shani Mootoo, literature / littérature, Toronto, $8,000
Heidi Strauss, co-laureate / colauréate, dance /
danse, Toronto, $4,000
Laura Ciruls Painting award
Prix Laura Ciruls de peinture
February 2013 / Jurors
Février 2013 / Jurés
Laura Barrón, Toronto
Tannis Nielsen, Toronto
Laurent Vaillancourt, Hearst
Pearl Van Geest, Guelph
Andrew Rucklidge, Toronto, $3,500
Orford String quartet Scholarship
Bourse du quatuor à cordes Orford
May 2012
Mai 2012
Emily Kruspe, Toronto, $1,500
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
richard-Vaillancourt Legacy Fund
Fonds héritage richard-Vaillancourt
december 2012
décembre 2012
Théâtre français de Toronto, $5,000
ruth and Sylvia Schwartz Children’s Book awards
Prix ruth et Sylvia Schwartz de littérature jeunesse
tim Sims encouragement Fund award for work in
the Comedic arts
Prix du fonds d’encouragement tim Sims en
art comique
november 2012 / Jurors
novembre 2012 / Jurés
Dave Merheje, Toronto
British Teeth (Filip Jeremic & Allana Reoch), Toronto
Gary Pearson, Toronto
Naomi Snieckus, Toronto
Peter Hill, Toronto
May 2012
Mai 2012
Christi Olson, Toronto, $5,000
nominating Committee
Comité de mise en candidature
Deirdre Baker, children’s book reviewer /
critique de livres pour enfants, Toronto
Tammy Grieve, bookseller / libraire, Belleville
Wendy Nancoo, librarian / bibliothécaire, Windsor
Virginia and Myrtle Cooper award in
Costume design
Prix Virginia et Myrtle Cooper de
création de costumes
Picture Book Category
Volet Livres illustrés
Grades 2 and 3 students, Parkdale Junior and Senior Public
School / Élèves de 2e et 3e année de la Parkdale Junior and
Senior Public School, Toronto
June 2012 / Jurors
Juin 2012 / Jurés
Bonnie Deakin, Stratford
Ken MacDonald, Toronto
Kim Renders, Kingston
Dana Osborne, Stratford, $15,000
Author / auteure, Susan Vande Griek, Halifax, N.S., $3,000,
and illustrator / et illustratrice Karen Reczuch, Acton, Ont.,
$3,000, for / pour Loon
young adult / Middle reader Category
Volet Livres pour jeunes lecteurs
Grade 8 students, Parkdale Junior and Senior Public
School / Élèves de 8e année de la Parkdale Junior and
Senior Public School, Toronto
Kit Pearson, Victoria, B.C., $6,000, for / pour The Whole Truth
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
william and Mary Corcoran Craft awards
Prix william et Mary Corcoran de métiers d’art
april 2012
avril 2012
Natalie Eldershaw, textiles / textile, $700
Lee Ann Janissen, ceramics / céramique, $700
Laura Langford, furniture / ébénisterie, $700
Andrea Parson, glass / verre, $700
Some awards administered by the Foundation are
not given out on an annual basis. the following
awards were not presented in 2012-2013:
Certains prix ne sont pas octroyés chaque année. Les
prix suivants n’ont pas été attribués en 2012-2013 :
Douglas James Dales Fund
Fonds commémoratif Douglas James Dales
Christina and Louis Quilico Awards
Prix Christina et Louis Quilico
Christopher Dedrick Fund
Fonds Christopher Dedrick
Louis Applebaum Composers Award
Prix Louis Applebaum de composition
Paul de Hueck and Norman Walford Career Achievement
Prix Paul de Hueck et Normal Walford de réalisation
Canada Cultural investment Fund
Fonds du Canada pour l’investissement
en culture
The following organizations have established endowment
funds at the Foundation under the terms of the Endowment
Incentives Component of the Canada Cultural Investment
Fund (formerly Canadian Arts and Heritage Sustainability
Program). The program is offered by the Department of
Canadian Heritage.
Les organismes suivants ont créé des fonds de dotation
auprès de la FAO en vertu du volet Incitatifs aux fonds de
dotation du Fonds du Canada pour l’investissement en
culture (appelé auparavant Programme de consolidation des
arts et du patrimoine canadiens). Le programme relève du
ministère du Patrimoine canadien.
Canadian Stage Company
Drayton Entertainment
Factory Theatre Lab
Kingston Symphony Association
Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Orchestra Association
Orchestra London Canada
Soulpepper Theatre Company
Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra
Tarragon Theatre
Théâtre français de Toronto
Théâtre la Catapulte
Thousand Islands Foundation for the Performing Arts
Toronto Children’s Chorus
Windsor Symphony Orchestra
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
arts endowment Fund Program
Programme Fonds de dotation pour les arts
The following organizations have established endowment
funds at the Foundation under the Arts Endowment Fund
(AEF) program. The AEF is a program of the Government of
Ontario through the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport
and is administered by the Ontario Arts Foundation.
Les organismes suivants ont créé des fonds de dotation
auprès de la FAO dans le cadre du Fonds de dotation pour
les arts (FDA). Le FDA, programme du gouvernement de
l’Ontario relevant du ministère du Tourisme, de la Culture
et du Sport, est administré par la Fondation des arts de
4th Line Theatre Company
A Space
Agnes Etherington Art Centre
Algonquin Arts Council
Amabile Choirs of London, Canada
Amadeus Choir of Greater Toronto
Amici Chamber Ensemble
Art Gallery of Algoma
Art Gallery of Hamilton
Art Gallery of Mississauga
Art Gallery of Northumberland
Art Gallery of Peterborough
Art Gallery of Sudbury / Galerie d’art de Sudbury
Art Gallery of Windsor
Art Gallery of York University
ArtHeart Community Art Centre
Art Starts Neighbourhood Cultural Centre
Arts Council of Sault Ste. Marie and District
Arts Etobicoke
Arts for Children and Youth
Arts Ottawa East-Est
B.A.A.N.N. Theatre Centre
Ballet Creole
Ballet Jörgen Canada
Bluewater Summer Playhouse
Blyth Festival
Brampton Arts Council
Brantford Symphony Orchestra Association
Brockville Concert Association
Brott Music Festival
Buddies in Bad Times Theatre
Burlington Art Centre
C The Visual Arts Foundation
Cambridge Galleries
Canadian Art Foundation
Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild
Canadian Children’s Book Centre
Canadian Children’s Opera Company
Canadian Conference of the Arts
Canadian Contemporary Dance Theatre
Canadian Cultural Society of the Deaf
Canadian Film Centre
Canadian Stage
Cantabile Choirs of Kingston
Capitol Theatre Heritage Foundation
C.C.M.C. Music Gallery
Carousel Players
The Cellar Singers
Centre for Indigenous Theatre
Choirs Ontario
Chorus Niagara
Cinefest Sudbury International Film Festival
CKCU Ottawa Folk Festival
Clay & Paper Theatre
Community Arts Ontario
Contact Contemporary Music
Continuum Contemporary Music
Corpus Dance Projects
Council for the Arts in Ottawa
Creative Works Studio
Dancer Transition Resource Centre
Dancetheatre David Earle
Danny Grossman Dance Company
DAREArts Foundation
De-ba-jeh-mu-jig Storytellers
Definitely Superior Art Gallery of Thunder Bay
Design Exchange
DNA Theatre
Drayton Entertainment
Dufferin Arts Council
Dundas Valley School of Art
Ed Video Media Arts Centre
Elmer Iseler Singers
Elora Festival
Equity Showcase Theatre
Esprit Orchestra
Factory Theatre Lab
Festival of the Sound
Forest City Gallery
The Toronto Fringe
Fujiwara Dance Inventions
FUSION: The Ontario Clay and Glass Association
Gallery 44 Centre for Contemporary Photography
Gallery Stratford
Gallery TPW
Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art
Georgian Bay Symphony
Glenhyrst Art Gallery of Brant
Grand Philharmonic Choir
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
The Grand Theatre
Guelph Arts Council
Guelph Chamber Choir
Guelph Jazz Festival
Guelph Youth Music Centre
Haliburton Highlands Guild of Fine Arts
Hamilton Artists Inc.
Hamilton Arts Council
Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra
Hannaford Street Silver Band
Homer Watson House & Gallery
Hot Docs
Huntsville Festival of the Arts
Inner City Angels
Inside Out Toronto Lesbian and Gay Film and Video Festival
Kaeja d’Dance
Kingston Artists’ Association
Kingston Arts Council
Kingston Symphony Association
Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery
Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber Orchestra
Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Orchestra Association
Koffler Gallery
Latcham Gallery Association
League of Canadian Poets
Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto
Lighthouse Festival Theatre
Lindsay Concert Foundation
London Community Orchestra
London Fanshawe Symphonic Chorus
Lost & Found Theatre
Macdonald Stewart Art Centre
MacLaren Art Centre
Magnus Theatre
Mammalian Diving Reflex
Mariposa In The Schools
MASC Artists for Schools and Communities
McIntosh Gallery
Mercer Union
Mississauga Choral Society
Mixed Company
Modern Times Stage Company
MOTUS O Dance Theatre
Muskoka Lakes Music Festival
National Shevchenko Musical Ensemble Guild of Canada
National Youth Orchestra of Canada
Native Earth
Necessary Angel Theatre Company
New Music Concerts
Niagara Symphony Association
Nightwood Theatre
Nine Sparrows Arts Foundation
Norfolk Arts Centre at Lynnwood National Historic Site
Northern Lights Festival Boréal
Numus Concerts Inc.
Oakville Arts Council
Oakville Galleries
Obsidian Theatre Company Inc.
Odyssey Theatre
Ontario Association of Art Galleries
Ontario Crafts Council
Ontario Handweavers and Spinners
Open Studio
Opera Atelier
Opera Canada
Opera in Concert
Opera Lyra
Orchestra London Canada
Orchestra London Chatham-Kent Ontario Branch
Orchestra Toronto
Orchestras Canada
Orchestras Mississauga
Orillia Museum of Art & History
Ottawa Art Gallery / La Galerie d’art d’Ottawa
Ottawa Bluesfest
Ottawa Chamber Music Society
Ottawa International Jazz Festival
Ottawa School of Art
Ottawa Symphony Orchestra
Peggy Baker Dance Projects
Peterborough Artists’ Inc. ARTSPACE
Planet in Focus
Pleiades Theatre
Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery
Professional Writers Association of Canada
Prologue to the Performing Arts
Queen of Puddings Music Theatre
Quinte Arts Council
Quinte Ballet School
Quinte Symphony
Red Maple Foundation
Regent Theatre Foundation
Renaissance Singers
Robert McLaughlin Gallery
Rodman Hall Arts Centre
Roseneath Theatre
Royal Canadian Academy of Arts
Royal Conservatory of Music
Salamander Theatre for Young Audiences
S.A.W. Gallery
S.A.W. Video
Scarborough Arts Council
Scarborough Philharmonic Orchestra
School of Dance (Ottawa) Pre-Professional Programme
School of Toronto Dance Theatre
Seaway Valley Singers
Shakespeare In Action
Showboat Festival Theatre
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Smile Theatre
Solar Stage
Soulpepper Theatre Company
Soundstreams Canada Concerts
St. Bernadette’s Family Resource Centre
St. Marys Children’s Choir
St. Thomas-Elgin Public Art Centre
Station Gallery
Stirling Festival Theatre
Storytelling Toronto
Stratford Summer Music
Sudbury Symphony Orchestra Association
Symphony Hamilton
Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra
Talisker Players Chamber Music
Tapestry New Opera Works
Tarragon Theatre
Textile Museum of Canada
Theatre Collingwood
Theatre Columbus
Theatre Direct Canada
Theatre Gargantua
Theatre Kingston
Theatre Orangeville
Theatre Passe Muraille
Thirteen Strings Chamber Orchestra
Thousand Islands Foundation for the Performing Arts
Thunder Bay Art Gallery
Thunder Bay Symphony
Timmins Symphony Orchestra
Toronto Arts Foundation
Toronto Children’s Chorus
Toronto Consort
Toronto Dance Theatre
Toronto International Film Festival
Toronto Mendelssohn Choir
Toronto Operetta Theatre
Toronto Philharmonia
Toronto School of Art
Toronto Summer Music Foundation
Trinity Square Video
Upper Canada Playhouse
Via Salzburg
Visual Arts Centre of Clarington
Westben Arts Festival Theatre
White Water Gallery
Windsor Symphony Orchestra
W.K.P. Kennedy Gallery
Women’s Musical Club of Toronto
Workers Arts and Heritage Centre
Writers’ Union of Canada, The
Young People’s Theatre
YYZ Artists’ Outlet
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Credits / Collaborateurs
Writing / Rédaction
Carol Anderson
Editing / Révision
Kirsten Gunter
Editorial Assistant and Coordination
Coordination et aide à la rédaction
Ashleigh Hodgins
French Translation and Editing
Traduction et révision (en français)
Tsipora Lior
Copyediting, English
Révision (en anglais)
Edna Barker
Design / Conception graphique
Beehive Design
ISSN 2291-3114 (Online/En ligne)
ISBN 978-1-4606-3800-2 (Online/En ligne)
Ontario Arts Council 2012-2013 Grants Listing
Liste des subventions 2012-2013 du Conseil des
arts de l’Ontario
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013
Ontario arts Council
151 Bloor Street West, 5th floor
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1T6
Toll-free in Ontario:
Fax: 416.961.7796
Conseil des arts de l’Ontario
151, rue Bloor Ouest, 5e étage
Toronto (Ontario) M5S 1T6
Sans frais en Ontario :
Télécopieur : 416.961.7796
Dancer Harinnya Rajasekeran in Janak Khendry Dance
Company’s production KAAL-TIME at the Kamani Auditorium
in New Delhi, India. (Photo: Avinash Pasricha)
La danseuse Harinnya Rajasekeran, dans Kaal – Time,
production de la compagnie de danse Janak Khendry
présentée à l’auditorium Kamani de New Delhi, en Inde.
(Photo : Avinash Pasricha)
The Ontario Arts Council is an agency of the Government of Ontario.
Le Conseil des arts de l’Ontario est un organisme du gouvernement de l’Ontario.
2012-2013 Grants Listing / Liste des subventions 2012-2013