Wielki Brat Google


Wielki Brat Google
Friend or guardian? Part I
Artur Strzelecki
Pass G., Chowdhury A., Torgeson C.: A Picture of Search, 2006.
Greed 
5 types of Googlebot
What is the best spying software from
how to kill your wife
how to kill your wife
wife killer
how to kill a wife
dead people
pictures of dead people
killed people
dead pictures
dead pictures
dead pictures
murder photo
steak and cheese
photo of death
photo of death
dead people photos
photo of dead people
decapatated photos
decapatated photos
car crashes3
car crashes3
car crash photo
source: Google Earth, position: 38°49'4.40"N, 121°29'39.82"E.
Another mistake on Maps?
Near future 
End of Part I
Heavy introduction to Google AdWords. Part II
Artur Strzelecki
Teams and Organizations match
Overview of written report
Vocabulary and terminology
AdWords Account
Ad Group
Facebook requirements
10 teams
10 non-profit organizations
6-7 students per team
2 weeks of developing campaigns
Country: Romania
Account: handicapped.a@gmail.com
Password: netaware2013
Country: Spain - Valencia
Account: handicapped.b@gmail.com
Password: netaware2013
Country: Germany
Account: handicapped.c@gmail.com
Password: netaware2013
Country: France - Quimper
Account: handicapped.d@gmail.com
Password: netaware2013
Country: Netherlands
Account: e.handicapped@gmail.com
Password: netaware2013
Country: Hungary
Account: electronic.a.netaware@gmail.com
Password: netaware2013
Country: France - Savoie
Account: electronic.b.netaware@gmail.com
Password: netaware2013
Country: Spain - Leon
Account: electronic.c.netaware@gmail.com
Password: netaware2013
Country: Poland
Account: electronic.d.netaware@gmail.com
Password: netaware2013
Country: Belgium
Account: electronic.e.nataware@gmail.com
Password: netaware2013
2 weeks of developing campaign
Written report (in english)
◦ Detailed requirements of report ->
◦ Will be given on Tuesday 26th February at 13:30 
Create and run Page on Facebook
◦ Evaluation with activities & responsiveness
Basic functions
◦ Choose keywords for which sponsored
links are displayed
◦ Sponsored links are in text form
◦ Character limits: 25, 35, 35
◦ Broadcast links in the Google search
engine and the Google Display Network
◦ Pay per click (PPC)
◦ Ads are displayed for selected keyword at a time
when user is interested – precisely target your
◦ Control: budget, cost per click (CPC), number of
keywords, target
◦ Search engine users don’t treat sponsored links as
◦ Analyze effect of actions made in AdWords after 3
◦ No minimum spending requirement or time specified
◦ Global reach
Blog – A type of website or online journal that
allows you to publish articles and updates that
visitors can comment on.
Display Ads – Ads displayed on websites. Display
ads can be static or animated and include
images, video, text, and interactive elements.
Email Marketing – A marketing technique
whereby email is used to promote products or
services to potential customers and generate
repeat business from existing customers.
Local Marketing – Marketing initiatives that
promote your business to potential customers in
your region, state, or city (local area).
Organic (Natural) Search Results – Free listings displayed
on search engine results pages that are relevant to the
search terms entered.
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) – An online payment model where you
only pay when someone clicks on your online ad.
Return on Investment (ROI) – A way to measure the
performance, or efficiency, of an investment. To calculate
the ROI of your marketing investments, divide the benefits
(return) by the cost of the investment.
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) – The use of online
advertising on search engine results pages to help visitors
find your website. SEM often uses pay-per-click (PPC), a
bidding model that charges advertisers only when
someone clicks on their ad (also referred to as cost-perclick, or CPC).
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – Improving a
website’s presence in organic search engine
Search Engine Results Page – The list of websites
displayed by a search engine, such as Google,
after someone searches for a word or phrase.
Social Media – Websites, blogs, forums, online
communities, social networks, image and video
sharing sites that encourage people to interact,
share, and collaborate.
Social Media Marketing – Advertising and
promoting your business, products and services
through social media and social media sites.
Ad – An advertisement that is displayed on
search results pages, alongside or above search
results, and websites. With AdWords, you can
create text, image, video and mobile ads
Ad Group – A group of related ads that share a
keyword list. With AdWords, you can create up to
100 ad groups per campaign
Campaign – A marketing campaign that defines
your geographic targeting, budget, settings and
more. A campaign is made up of ad groups, ads
and keywords. You can create up to 25
campaigns in your account
Click – When someone sees your ad and clicks on
it to visit your website
Clickthrough rate (CTR) – The ratio of the number
of times your ad was displayed (impressions) to
the number of times it was clicked. For instance,
if an ad is displayed to 100 people, and 2 of
them click on it, your CTR is 2%
Conversion – When a visitor to your website
completes a desired action; this can be an online
purchase, filling out a form, signing up for a
newsletter, or posting a comment
Cost-per-click (CPC) – The amount of money
you pay each time a visitor clicks your ad.
The Max CPC is the highest amount you are
willing to pay for a click
Destination URL – The web page people will
be directed to after clicking on your ad. This
page may be different from your Display URL
or homepage
Display URL – The URL that is included in your
ad (fourth line)
Impressions – The number of times your ad
was displayed to potential customers
Keyword list – The list of words or phrases
you want your ad to appear for, when
someone searches for them
Quality score – A measure of how relevant
your keyword and ad are to people who
search for your business, products or
services. Quality Score is measured on a scale
of 1-10 (with 10 being the highest), and the
higher your Quality Score, the better
At least two campaigns
◦ First in national language (eg. hungarian)
◦ Second in english
Your AdWords account features 5 core tabs.
These tabs will allow you to navigate to
different sections of the account, such as
billing, campaigns, or tools. Most work
usually happens in the Campaigns tab.
You will find a second set of tabs in the
middle window. These tabs help you navigate
to keywords, ads and your selected settings.
A campaign is simply a
way of organizing your
advertising efforts to
help you achieve your
goals. For example, if
you creating ads for
Non-Profit O., you
might create separate
campaigns for charity,
fundations, and
donations and then
create ads as part of
each campaign.
Ad groups are exactly what they sound like —
groups of ads — plus keywords
Ad groups allow you to create a tightly
themed keyword lists and ads for every
product that you offer.
Keywords are words and phrases that you
choose as potential triggers for your ad
You should pick keywords based on what you
think people are most likely to enter when
they’re looking for your products or services
on Google.
Be relevant: Make sure that your ad text is closely
related to the product and services you offer.
Highlight what sets you apart: In other words,
why should someone contact or buy from you,
and not someone else?
Include a call to action: After someone clicks on
your ad, what do you want them to do next? Do
you want them to buy something, sign-up to
your newsletter, contact you, or take another
Use keywords that are 2-3 words long
Keywords that consist of two or more words
tend to be more specific and therefore may
speak better to what a potential customer is
searching for
Use negative keywords
Negative keywords keep your ads from
appearing for searches that aren’t likely to
drive business your way (e.g. queries
including the word ‘government’)
Use the Keyword Tool
The Keyword Tool helps you discover new
keywords and potential negative keywords.
To find it, go to the Reporting and Tools tab
in your account or go directly to
First step , we are going to like official
Fanpage - NetAware Erasmus Intensive
Programme at the University of Economics
◦ http://www.facebook.com/pages/NetAwareErasmus-Intensive-Programme-at-the-Universityof-Economics/116937258435929
Second step
◦ Create own Facebook Page for your Organization
(non-official page) and name it eg. Electronic E
◦ At least two entries per day (including weekend)
◦ Evaluation with activities & responsiveness