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gazetaria online - anglisht-print.indd
Rrapo Zguri The online media in Albania This publication was realized with the support of the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC). Rrapo Zguri THE ONLINE MEDIA IN ALBANIA Coworkers: Erion Habilaj Matilda Alku Rr “Gjin Bue Shpata”, Nr. 8, Tiranë TelFax: ++355 4 2229800 E-mail: 2 Table of Contents Object and Methodology ........................................................................................6 A few words on internet penetration in Albania .........................................9 The approach of traditional media on the web .........................................14 Individual websites or “digital native media” ...........................................18 Elements and traits of the Albanian online media ....................................21 General profile and types of publications ................................................21 The production of online content ................................................................22 The speed in reporting and publishing breaking news ......................24 The audience and the role of social media ..............................................25 Interactivity and readers feedback ...........................................................26 The online media and citizen journalism ................................................28 News on cell phones .........................................................................................28 Registration, design and archiving ............................................................29 Human resources and the economics of the online media in Albania ...........................................................................31 Profile of Albanian online media ..................................................................... 39 Summary .................................................................................................................... 60 Bibliography................................................................................................................62 3 4 T he Internet and the World Wide Web have ushered in historic developments in the field of information and communication. Like no other media, they have multiplied by thousands of times the expanse and the fund of information at our disposal, as well as the ways, means and techniques of collecting, processing and disseminating this information. “A fiber the size of a human hair can deliver every issue ever made of the Wall Street Journal in less than one second,”1 says Nicholas Negroponte, in his 1995 book Being Digital. Even though in its genesis the internet started life as a conspiracy-like secret project in “military uniform,” it would very soon be delivered to the public at large as a medium with extraordinary capacities and capabilities on collecting, processing and disseminating mass information. By getting involved and operating in the field of information, this new medium would set in motion and stir up all the traditional media that operated in this field, which besides a certain perception of threat, identified, some sooner others later, a new field of operations for their activity and survival. Jim Hall, a scholar of the new media, points out that: “The news media were the third global professional sector, after the military complex and higher education and research, to go online.”2 In Albania, the first institutions that managed to enter and explore the cybernetic space were scientific and academic institutions, such as the Informatics Department and Applied Mathematics of the University of Tirana, the INIMA institute, etc. On the other hand the news media, in general, would get online only after the birth of the first ISPs (Internet Service Provider), which facilitated the access to the internet to the wider public. 1. Negroponte, Nicholas, Being Digital. New York: Vintage Books, 1995 2. Hall, Jim, Online journalism: a critical primer. London: Pluto Press, 2001, p. 3 5 Object and Methodology T he object of this research study are the online media operating in Albania, and it should be first clarified that the term “online media” refers, for the purpose of this study, to “online news media”, while the phrase “Albanian media” that is often used in this study is used to identify media that operate within the territory of Albania, and not in the meaning of media written in Albanian. The scope of this study is the portrayal, as completely as possible, of the history and the development of online media in Albania up to the present, by identifying approaches, specific developments and characteristics in comparison with global model characteristics, formats and models of publications. We also need to assess the extent and the efficiency in the application of techniques and capacities of the web practices and genuine cyber-media developments, the level of interactivity, the speed in transmitting of the information, the managing strategy and business models they have pursued and the individual profile each have established. In order to explore tendencies, characteristics and specific traits of Albanian online journalism, some research-study methods have been used, such as: empirical research, comparative analysis, and interviews by questionnaire. The empirical research has been carried out through a monitoring of Albanian online media to identify specific developments in the Albanian web journalism. The period of monitoring extended from April 1, 2014 to July 1, 2014. The object of the monitoring and research were 45 most visited news websites, which were listed among the 300 most visited sites, according to an overall ranking for Albania presented from the statistical search engine Alexa, published on March 23, 2014. 6 A considerable amount of quantitative and qualitative data has been amassed from questionnaire-interviews organised by the Albanian Media Institute during the period of March-April 2014 with managers or representatives of 39 of these Albanian online media. These were the criteria in selecting the media to be interviewed: 1. The ranking of the interviewed website in the top-list of most-clicked news websites in Albania. 2. A proportional representation between online media that are offshoots of traditional media and “digital native media.” 3. A proportional representation between different kinds of online publications. The following table represents a ranking of Albanian news websites, as published on March 23, 2014 by Alexa search engine.3 Online media Ranking among the 45 most visited news websites 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3., accessed on March 23, 2014. 7 Alexa general ranking for Albania 2 11 13 14 15 18 20 21 23 28 29 32 33 40 41 51 55 57 61 68 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 69 71 72 77 81 89 91 94 97 104 108 110 117 126 130 140 149 159 166 180 185 188 255 263 286 Six out of the 45 monitored websites, namely:,, anabel. al,, and were left out of the questionnaireinterviews because of failure to contact them despite several tries or lack of cooperating will from the managers of these media. Both, the empirical research and the comparative analysis have focused on three main areas of interest: identification of the data, characteristics, practices and developments, the comparing of data, characteristics, practices and developments, and their contextual evaluation and interpretation, with an aim at coming up with conclusions and recommendations that would help online media operators improve their work to meet future challenges with success. 8 A few words on internet penetration in Albania T he resounding success of internet and the World Wide Web in the early 90s amplified the interest of Albanian academic institutions to be connected with the global information network. The first connection to the internet in Albania was established from the department of Informatics of the University of Tirana in 1993, through a dial-up connection with EARN centre in Pisa, Italy4. The connection functioned only for a few months due to technical problems with the lines and lack of investments. The offer of internet as a service opened to the public was made possible for the first time from UNDP in 1995 through a server installed at their Tirana headquarters.5 This service was offered for free mainly to civil society organizations, NGOs, and state institutions. The same thing was done two years later, in 1997, by the Soros foundation, by offering internet services not only to civil society organizations but also to media operators. In the meantime, in 1998, the first private ISP was established: ICC (Intellectual Communications Centre).6 Soon after three other ISPs, namely ADA-Net, AbissNet and ABCom entered the market. It is worth noting that two out of the first four ISP were established by companies that owned media organizations, such as the case of AbissNet, whose owner 4. Albania’s representative speech at the ITU conference (International Telecommunication Union) in Moscow, 2001. Link: Moscow/Docs/Albania%20TRA%20note.pdf, Accessed on 06.06.2014 5. Compendium, Cultural policies and trends in Europe, Albania, Link: http://www. , Accessed 12.04.2014 6. Albanian representative speech at the ITU conference (International Telecommunication Union) in Moscow, 2001. Link: Moscow/Docs/Albania%20TRA%20note.pdf , Accessed on 06.06.2014 9 also controlled Shekulli daily newspaper, or the case of ADA-Net which owned the media group Klan. This goes to show that media operators were among the first organizations to show any interest to introduce the internet as a commodity. In 1998 the parliament approved the law “On telecommunications in the Republic of Albania.” In that same year the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (ERT) was founded and it established an institutional base for further developments in this field and prepared the ground for strategic privatizations and granting of new licenses for internet, telecom and cellular telephony.7 After the year 2000 the internet started to be accessible to the general public, thanks to the expansion of services of ISPs to Albanian households and the creation of some private providers of services called “Internet cafe”. The pace of internet expansion was slow however, because of the hefty prices being applied. For example, at the beginning of 2000s, ALBtelecom offered internet services with a preliminary cost of installation that amounted to USD 500 (before taxes) while the monthly pay amounted to USD 400 (before taxes) for a 64 kbps internet connection and USD 6,000 a month (before taxes) for a 2 Mbps internet connection.8 The real growth and the massive use of internet in Albania commenced especially after the privatization of Albtelecom in 2007, which brought about a liberalization of the market and a reduction of prices for the internet service offered. The increase of the number of internet users in Albania has progressed alongside other indicators that relate to the advance and spread of information and communication technology for the public. Each year ITU (International Telecommunication Union), publishes a ranking of countries based on the IDI coefficient (ICT Development Index), which takes into account many indicators such as: the number of computers, number of cell phones, internet accessibility, etc. As shown in the following table, by the end of 2012 Albania was ranked 80th among 157 countries in the world with an IDI coefficient of 4.11, while the world average stood at 4.35, and Europe’s was 6.8.9 7. Tartari, Alban, Internet in Albania and its use by the media –history and the present, Studime Albanologjike, Issue 5 “History of the media and mediatization of history”, Tirana 2012 8. Same reference. 9. International Telecommunication Union, Measuring Information Society, 2013 10 countries in the world with an IDI coefficient of 4.11, while the world average stood at 4.35, and Europe’s was 6.8. 9 Albania’s ranking according to IDI coefficient for 2011 and 2012 Albania’s ranking according to IDI coefficient for 2011 and 2012 indicators such as: the number of computers, number of cell phones, internet accessibility, etc. As shown in the following table, by the end of 2012 Albania was ranked 80th among 157 countries in the world with an IDI coefficient of 4.11, while the world average stood at 4.35, and Europe’s was 6.8. 9 Albania’s ranking according to IDI coefficient for 2011 and 2012 Source: ITU, Measuring Information Society, Source: ITU, Measuring Information Society, 2013 2013 Albania was ranked last among European countries, as can be seen in the following chart Ranking in Europe and a graphic comparison with the global average Source: ITU, Measuring Information Society, 2013 Albania was ranked last among European countries, as can be seen in the following Albania waschart: ranked last among European countries, as can be seen in the following chart: Ranking in Europe a graphic comparison with the average global average Ranking in Europe andand a graphic comparison with the global Source: ITU, Measuring Information Society, 2013 Individual indicators for the Society, IDI coefficient Source: ITU, Measuring Information 2013 on Albania are shown in detail in the Source: ITU, Measuring Information Society, 2013 following chart: Individual indicators for the IDI coefficient on Albania are shown in detail in the Individual following chart: indicators for the IDI coefficient on Albania are shown in detail in the following chart: 9 International Telecommunication Union, Measuring Information Society, 2013 9 International Telecommunication Union, Measuring Information Society, 2013 11 Detailed forthe theIDI IDIcoefficient coefficient Albania, – 2012 Detailedindicators indicators for on on Albania, 20112011 – 2012 Source: ITU, Measuring Information Society, 2013 Source:ITU, ITU, Measuring Information Burimi: Measuring Information Society,Society, 2013 2013 Despite the gap with the developed countries in the report, it is worth thefast gap withinme the developed countries inusers the në report, itrastin is worth Pavarësisht diferencës në pace raport vendet e zhvilluara, ajo që bie sy në 2007 shqiptar notingDespite Albania’s the increase of internet after as noting fast pace in the increase of internet users after 2007 as can be seen in the following është ritmi i lartë i rritjes së numrit të përdoruesve të internetit pas vitit 2007, siç can be seen in the following table, a pace considered by the ITU as theshihet tab edhe në tabelën eincrease mëposhtme, një ritëm kythe iof ciliincrease është cilësuar nga ITU ritmi më i lartë considered byofthe ITU as in theEurope fastest rate in Europe forsithe period 2007i to 20 fastest rate for period 2007 to 2012. rritjes në Europë për periudhën nga 2007 deri në 2012. Chart the increase increaseofofthe thenumber number internet users in Albania Chart on on the of of internet users in Albania Grafika e rritjes së numrit të përdoruesve të internetit në Shqipëri Burimi: ITU, Measuring Information Society, 2013 Source:ITU, ITU,Measuring MeasuringInformation Information Society, 2013 Source: Society, 2013 12 The number of ISPs has increased considerably, with as many as 116 operating in 2012.10 According to ITU, the number of Albanians with access to internet has increased from 15 % in 2007, to 55% of the population by the end of 2012. At the same time, broadband internet penetration increased from 17% in 2011, to 21% in 2012.11 Cell phone companies Vodafone, AMC, and Eagle have had a significant impact on the accessibility and the increase in the use of broadband internet, as they offered, soon after 2010, the 3G technology for over 90% of their clients. However, a report of AKEP (Postal and Electronic Communications Authority) showed that the number of clients with broadband internet access in land-line and cell phones (3G with smart cards, USB/modem) stood at 210,000 by the end of first semester of 2013, as compared to some 215,000 by the end of 2012, with a slide of near 3%. The number of clients with broadband access in landline telephone networks at the end of the first semester of 2013 reached 168,000, an increase of 5% as compared to the end of 2012 and 20% when compared to 2011. In the meantime the number of clients with cellular broadband access (3G with smart cards USB/modem for use in computers) by the end of the first six months of 2013 amounted to some 42,000, as opposed to 55,000 at the end of 2012, with a reduction of 31%.12 The surge in the number of internet users in the last decade has affected the development of the online media. In general we can identify two main categories of online media in Albania. In the first group are listed the websites of traditional media (print, radio, television), while the second group gathers independent individual websites, otherwise known as “digital native media”, which are original web creations that have no relations with any traditional media. But, what kind of approach has each of these two media groups used to establish itself on the internet and what is their online profile? 10. International Telecommunication Union, Strategies for the promotion of broadband services and infrastructure: a case study on Albania, September 2012. 11. International Telecommunication Union, Measuring Information Society, 2013 12. AKEP, Statistical indicators in the electronic communications market, the first semester 2013, 13 The approach of traditional media on the web A s it was mentioned earlier the traditional media were the first to get involved with the web. In their midst, the first to get online and start their websites were the newspapers. There were several reasons for this: First, considering they are media based mainly on text, they didn’t have any major technical difficulties to continue publishing their information on the web. While TV and radio, by comparison found it more difficult, for in its beginnings internet had huge problems with opening and streaming of videos and audio files and their quality. Second, print media organisations didn’t need much time to realise that they were threatened the most from the web, as the new medium possessed extraordinary capabilities and capacities of collecting, disseminating and publishing of the information, by doing this much faster than the newspapers that in general were printed once in 24 hours. For this reason, because they felt more threatened, newspapers rushed to establish a shelter on the web, with the reasoning that ignoring the new medium was not the best idea. Rather on the contrary, taking it under consideration and using it to keep in touch with the audience through the web, it could also prepare the conditions for survival. Alongside the newspapers (in some cases sooner) among the first to anchor on the web were the news agencies. But, by comparison to the print, it was easier for them to adapt to the internet environment, because, to some extent, their existence and work practice up to that moment was based on wire reporting. Apparently this was the reason why the first Albanian media to go online was ATSH (Albanian Telegraphic Agency). In 1996, at a time when there were no ISPs in the country as yet, the agency offered for the first time internationally 14 online news on Albania, thanks to cooperation with TelPress in Italy and HR-Net in Greece.13 Amongst the newspapers and magazines, the first ones to create their online websites were Shekulli, Koha Jonë, Gazeta Shqiptare newspapers and Klan magazine, all of them in the span of one year, from January to December 1999. In February 2000, Carlo Bollino, the manager of daily Gazeta Shqiptare, established the first Albanian portal of online news with the name BalkanWeb. This website was special, as it was conceived as an authentic web-based media, that had no direct link with any traditional media and would have its own staff and would produce its own stories to complement the information and stories it would carry from the other media outlets of its mother organization. The first TV stations to open their websites were Top Channel and Vizion Plus, both in 2001. On the other hand, radios would go online several years later, but their websites have not yet managed to attract enough clicks. For this reason, the list of the monitored websites in this study does not include any radio website, as not a single one is included in the top 300 most visited Albanian websites according to Alexa statistical search engine. In their approach to the web the traditional media have followed different paths and models, and this can be seen in other countries as well, not only in Albania. Regardless of these different paths taken, scholars (such as John Pavlik in 2001, Pablo Boczkowski in 2004) distinguish three phases of evolution in this approach: In the first phase, the traditional media have used just a transfer online of their content produced for their traditional format – newspapers for print, and television stations for TV screens. This kind of approach is also called the “copy-paste” model, because the website publishes only stories and materials produced for the print edition or the programming of the mother media organisation. This approach totally ignores the specifics and capacities of the web. They don’t take advantage of the immediacy of the web to publish early any breaking news, as the content is updated every 24 hours. No use is made of the interactivity of the new medium. There are no hypertext links in the text and no advantage is taken of its capabilities to enrich the published information with context. Also there is no multimedia to speak of. 13. Tartari, Alban, Internet in Albania and its use by the media –history and the present, Studime Albanologjike, Issue 5 “History of the media and mediatisation of history”, Tirana 2012 15 It must be said that most of the Albanian traditional media have used this model for several years in the beginning of their online presence. The websites of daily newspapers Shekulli, Koha Jonë, Gazeta Shqiptare and at a later stage Korrieri, Panorama, but also other newspapers in the market before 2000 or those published after 2000, during this phase carried online only stories and materials published in print. The updating of stories was done only once in 24 hours, without any possibility to report properly or update breaking news stories. With the passing of time, made aware that this way of doing things had nothing to do with the online environment, most of the websites of newspapers, radio and TV would enter a second phase which took more into consideration the specifics of the web and makes the approach of the online media more dynamic. In this second phase, news websites, alongside news content from the traditional media, start to produce original content for the web. The information is updated from several times a day, to once every 10 minutes. More human resources are hired to work exclusively for the online edition and there is more ambition and effort in chasing and publishing breaking stories in real time, more options are included in the website with increased interactivity and multimedia, added context, etc. Slowly, the nucleus of the online newsroom starts to grow and to establish a certain degree of independence from the mother newsroom in the editorial decision-making and the content being published. It must be said, that most traditional media websites are presently in this stage or are heading towards a transition to a third stage, which is the preferred station of all the media that aspire to a long-lasting future online. In this third stage the website functions as a unit apart in human resources, management and the published content. All the published material is original product of the web and for the web. Stories that are written for the print version, in the case of newspapers, are either offered in the PDF version, or are not accessible from the website at all, with an aim at directing readers to keep buying the newspaper. In other cases there is a tendency to stop publishing the print version altogether, and to go on publishing only the web version, as is the case of Republika newspaper. This third phase is still in its infancy, and some renowned media in Albania aim to adopt this model, however it seems it will take some more time for the website to function independently from the mother media and be a business entity on its own. In this stage specific features and capacities of the web start to find a wider use, even though 16 in general we are still a long way from the full use of these capacities. Some of the questions in the questionnaire-interviews carried out by the Albanian Media Institute, circle around these approaches and the answers to these questions offer an overview of present practices acted upon from each website of the traditional media; later in this report we websajte të kanaleve websajte të agjensive të will discuss in detail elements of this overview when we’ll present the të TV lajmeve zetash websajte të revistave websajte origjinale profiles of all the monitored media. 15 9 1 1 1 1 1 However, it must be said that regardless of the applied approach, the websites of traditional media continue to remain the most important and sought-after sources of information for the online audience. This is 9 pointed out also by the fact that out of 45 monitored websites (also the most visited websites) 27 are websites of traditional media and 18 are individual websites. As the following chart shows, 15 out of 27 websites of traditional media are newspaper websites, nine of them are TV station websites, one is a magazine website, one is a news agency website (ATSH), and one is an original website established by a traditional media company but not an offshoot of a pre-existing media (BalkanWeb). 1 1 1 websites ebsites TV channel websites ebsites magazine i websites b it 15 9 ajmesh 1 9 ne s agency news agenc websites ebsites 1 15 newspaper p p websites original i i l websites b it TV channel websites 1 1 magazine websites news agency websites original websites websajte lajmesh 4 webzine 3 blogje lajmesh 2 agjensi lajmesh online 2 3 17 Individual websites or “digital native media” A longside the establishment of news websites from traditional media companies, many experienced and inexperienced individuals in the field of journalism joined the online news market, started their news websites, by becoming part of the Albanian online media ecosystem. These are websites that were born solely for the web, and for this reason they are often called “digital native media”. Four of these individual websites are among the top ten most visited websites from the Albanian online audience, namely:,, and The following table shows a list of the most visited individual websites and their ranking according to data collected from the statistical search engine Alexa, published on March 23, 2014. A list of most visited individual websites and their ranking Media online Ranking of 45 most visited news websites 4 8 9 10 15 18 20 21 24 25 18 Alexa general ranking for Albania 14 21 23 28 41 61 69 71 81 89 31110 shqiperia.com33 117 35130 gazetastart.com36 140 peshkupauje.com37 149 ama-news.al39 166 40180 ladyalbania.al41 185 Source:, accessed March 23, 2014 The fact that 18 out of 45 most visited news websites in Albania are individual websites shows that this group of online media plays a very important role in the online media ecosystem and provides an important contribution in keeping the internet audience informed. Individual websites in this list are wide-ranging when it comes to the kind of publication and the kind of information they publish. As it is shown in the following table, out of a total of 18 monitored individual websites, seven of them are news portals; four are news websites, three webzines (online magazines), 2 news blogging sites and two online news agencies. The profile of individual websites and the number for each kind 2 news portals 2 7 online news agencies 2 news websites webzines bi news blogs 3 online news agencies 4 20 18 16 14 12 10 Individual websites also represent interesting business models for online media, as the most successful of them aside from a growing public 19 have growing revenues, as shown from the monitoring or interviews also with their managers. In this context, the case of deserves special attention for the 13model it offers. The website is a combination of useful 19 8 6 4 No answer 3 2 2 information of the “buy-sell” kind and e-commerce with journalism and news, by functioning according to a model known as “news supermarket,” where alongside the latest news they offer services or goods, marketing or personalised PR, etc. It is not a coincidence that this online media has more sales and marketing people (five people) than journalists (four) in its staff, as a confirmation that the offering of the news is only part of the general multifaceted package offered by this portal. 14 In most cases, individual websites have started as one-person operations or with a staff of two-three people without any external financial support. But with the passing of time, they have managed to accumulate revenues, they have hired more people and they have managed to have more visitors than the majority of traditional media (such is the case of,,,,, etc.). When it comes to the web approach, individual websites, being “digital born media”, are closer to the model of authentic online media. They don’t have close ties to any traditional media and the content they generate is totally web-related. Depending on the human resources at their disposal, they update the content quite often or in moderation and are always timely when it comes to report on day’s main events. In the most successful models, the speed with which they report on the latest events is quite high, there are a lot of interactivity options and there are here-and-there elements of multimedia or the use of hypertext. In general, individual websites use quite successfully online marketing channels such as social media, Facebook, Twitter or YouTube to increase visitor traffic to their homepage or individual pages and that in part explains their high number of visitors, even though they mostly carry stories, articles, comments or editorials published first by other websites. Some of the individual websites are continuously contested and accused of running these stories often without respecting intellectual property rights and without permission for the use of written materials, videos or other items taken from other online media. 14. The data have been collected from a questionnaire-interview with Albert Tollkuci, website manager, on 15.04.2014. He was interviewed by Matilda Alku, as part of a series of questionnaire-interviews organised from the author of this study, with the support of the Albanian Media Institute. 20 Elements and traits of the Albanian online media T he cycle of questionnaire-interviews with managers or representatives of online media, organised by the Albanian Media Institute, provide a wide range of data relating to the traits, profiles, specific elements and other aspects of the functioning of Albanian online media. General profile and types of publications One of the initial conclusions deriving from these interviews relating to their general profile is that most Albanian news websites are of a general interest nature. Profiles of Albanian online media General interest 31 Targeted audience Sports Economy Lifestyle 3 2 2 Politics 1 So, out of 39 interviewed media, 31 of them declare they are general interest publications and only eight of them have specialised to target a specific audience. As many as three of them specialise in covering sports, two specialise in business reporting, two media sites report on VIPs, celebrities and lifestyle and one covers politics. To some extent this does not match with the forecasts and the prognosis of online media scholars which foresee a tendency towards specialinterest publications and towards hyper-local and hyper-topical news when it comes to the web journalism. This predominance of the general interest model in Albania’s case, but not only here, can be explained also 21 with the influence the traditional media profile has on the creation of the profile of the new media. This is evident, among other things, in the naming of categories or website sections: politics, sports, art and culture, lifestyle, crime and courts, business and economy, world news, etc. The Albanian media are also diverse and multifaceted from the point of view of the kind of publication they represent. In general, the dominant model is the “news websites” format, followed by the “news portal”, and the “online news agency” format; but there are also webzines and news blogging sites. However, if one analyses these formats, as stated from the managers of these online media, according to professional models and criteria, one can notice that some of the portals list more towards news websites and viceversa, while some news websites are considered online news agencies. This goes to show that the terminology connected with the models and formats of online publications is still unclear and evasive. The production of online content Regarding the online media product, its contributors and its authenticity, the interviews provide data that create an overview of the methods used to produce the news information and the actors involved. Here are the alternatives selected from the interviewees on the following question: The content published on your website … A It is entirely produced by the staff of your online media 5 B It is partly produced by the staff of your online media and some of it is created by the staff of the partner 20 traditional media C It is partly produced by the staff of your online media and some of it is carried over from other online media 12 D It is entirely produced by the staff of traditional media 4 A closer look at the selected alternatives reveals that alternatives A and C have been selected mainly from the managers of individual media, while answers B and D have been selected from the managers of websites of traditional media. Three of the latter have also opted for alternative C. A detailed analysis of these answers leads to these conclusions: 22 1 – Only five out of 14 individual online media that were interviewed produce all their content from their own staff, while the other nine publish original work from their staff but also carry some items from other online media. As it was mentioned earlier, the problem in this case remains respecting of intellectual property rights, because often the publication of stories or video footage taken from other websites is done without authorisation and sometimes they don’t even mention the source. 2 – From a total of 25 traditional media, four of them have no staff for the web and everything they publish online has been created by the staff of the traditional media, so they publish only the works produced for the print or TV, a continuation of the early “copypaste” stage. The rest, the remaining 21 other media, declare that the content of their media is produced in part from the web staff and in part from the staff of the traditional medium/media of the mother company. Furthermore, in three cases they also publish materials from other online media. Even the most visited websites, such as or balkanweb. com, a good portion of the materials they publish has been produced for the traditional media owned by the mother company and then carried over on the website. So, most of the shots and videos on BalkanWeb, are footage or excerpts taken from shows or stories from TV station News24, even though the site they are re-published is called BalkanWebTV. Also, on, most of the video shots are excerpts of shows from TV station Top Channel. Of course, this also happens with websites of many prestigious TV stations in the world, however it must be said that this format resembles a lot to the “copy-paste” model of the early stage of online media, as we are dealing with a simple transfer of the material from a TV screen into a computer’s, without taking into consideration the specific characteristics of the web. The monitoring of the online media shows that the journalists or the editors of the websites are primarily occupied with following the latest developments of breaking news or day’s main events. However, this monitoring of events is done from the newsroom. Only eight online media have or may deploy reporters in the field to closely monitor events, as is revealed from the answers to the question “Your news website, does it have reporters in the field?” Questionnaireinterviews results show that 31 other media have no reporters in the field. This lack of presence in the field is compensated with information 23 they may retrieve from the odd source at the scene or from colleagues of traditional media that work as reporters. So, in conclusion we may say that, despite the fact that 35 of the 39 online media we interviewed have human resources that work exclusively for the web, the contribution of these human resources on the online content is scarce and a good portion of the published material has been produced by the colleagues of the traditional medium/media, or is taken from other online media. This state of things shows that the Albanian online media still don’t have the capacities or resources to function as independent media entities, and it will take some time to reach the ideal model of a media that produces itself everything it publishes. 8 disa herë në ditë The speed in reporting and publishing breaking news 1 çdo 1 orë minuta 2 An important indicator of the functioning of the online media is the çdo 30 minuta çdo 1 orë a herë në ditë reporting44 and publishing of breaking stories. Scholars 1 8 value the element of performing instantaneously as one of the genuine 4 characteristics of web journalism. The data collected from the çdo 20 minuta interviewees during the course of interviews from the Albanian Media çdo 10 minuta Institute represent an optimistic picture in this field, as shown22in this table: çdo 20 minuta swiftness çdo430 minutaof 0 5 10 15 20 25 At an approximate average your website is updated (publishes a story or fresh information)… 8 several times a day minutes ak every 1 hour 1 every 1 hour several times a day 1 8 every 30 minutes i 4 every 20 minutes 4 every 10 minutes 22 0 5 10 15 20 25 The interviews show that the number of the media publishing a story or fresh updates every 10 minutes, according to the interviewees, is 22, a considerable number. But, a monitoring carried out by the author of these lines of these 22 media over the period of a week (April 12, 2014 Disi 16 Shumë 22 24 – April 18, 2014) showed that at least eight of these media updated their information in average once every 30 minutes or less often. In this case statements of interviewees may be interpreted as wishful thinking or aspirations of standards on their part, as yet not achieved, or may refer to the best moments of their media’s work. The audience and the role of social media In relation to the audience of the Albanian online media, the local trend matches the global trend: this audience increases year after year. This is also confirmed by the managers or the representatives of online media interviewed through questionnaire-interviews. Thus, when asked on the number of visitors to the site for the year 2013, as compared to the year 2012, as many as 38 of the interviewees answered “is growing”, and only one answered “is dropping”. Also, a comparative study for the four most visited news websites carried out by the author of these lines by referring to the data coming from proves that this increase is a common denominator for the audience of Albanian online media... Number of visits in one month. Comparison of 2013 and 2014. Total number of visits in one month Website January 15, 2013 – February 15, 2013 2 098 700 1 736 500 1 278 100 1 173 400 January 15, 2014 – February 15, 2014 2 413 600 2 103 500 1 554 100 1 546 200 Source: By emulating the best global practices, the Albanian online media are more and more appreciative of the role of the social media as an important conduit to increase their audience, through an increase of referral traffic streaming from these media. All the media that were interviewed say they have their official accounts in Facebook and Twitter, and some have accounts on other social media such as YouTube, Google+, LinkedIn or Flickr. During the interviews we asked: “How helpful have social media been in increasing the number of visitors to your website?” and the 25 1 Pak 0 Aspak answers show that in most of these media the effect of the social media has been great, as shown from the following15chart: 0 5 10 20 25 How helpful have social media been in increasing the number of visitors to your website? 22 A lot 16 Somehow 1 A little 0 Not at all 0 5 10 15 20 25 Interactivity and readers feedback Social media are being used for their ability to “share,” “like,” or “follow” websites, stories or different authors. A monitoring shows that most news websites have included these options in their homepage or for individual stories or video footage, by establishing opportunities to have interaction from their audience or with their audience. Besides these elements, they also have “share” options through email. They also offer other interaction opportunities with a comment a visitor may submit at the end of a story or a video footage, offering of channels of communication with the news desk or the authors through email, chat, or through Skype or Hangouts and lately even through Viber, WhatsApp, or through other channels of cellular telephony. The availability of so many options and channels of interactions from the audience have increased the intensity of feedback. This is also revealed from the answers of the interviewed on the question relating to feedback from readers. 26 m readers ga lexuesit online news agencies 4 The feedback from readers, sent to the online news desk (reporters, editors and other online staff) is: 20 19 18 16 13 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 3 No answer 2 2 2 No feedback from readers No answer 0 Frequent Occasional Rare So, 19 of the interviewees said they frequently receive feedbacks, 13 20 19 9 said they receive some, three – very few, and only two said they don’t get 18 feedback. Clearly, this situation can be explained with web’s capacities 16 13 to14 offer numerous chances for interaction, reaction and feedback, by 12 contrast to traditional media where these capacities and capabilities 10 have been very limited. 8 The use of the comment options from readers has caused a debate on 6 3 especially serious ethical problems the4 managing of the websites, and the 2 2 2 that appear in this section of the news websites. Albanian online media 0 several methods in managing of the comments and their publishing. use Të shpeshta Të herë pas hershme rralla Nuk ka reagime nga Pa përgjigje Interviews with the managers of theTëonline media shed light on methods lexuesit usedPainpërgjigje dealing with comments: Regarding the publishing of comments do you apply … A immediate automatic publishing without moderating 5 B immediate automatic publishing followed by moderating12 C publishing only after reading and approval from moderator or editor18 D we don’t have a comment section 4 As it can clearly be seen, methods and practices vary, but most of these media apply editing and moderating of comments and only five media don’t apply moderating, while four others don’t have a comment section. However, it must be mentioned that despite of moderating, ethical 27 problems such as hate speech, verbal violence, personal attacks, insults and name calling, etc. are present almost every day in most of Albanian news websites. Reasons for this situation are as follows: - First, some of the newsrooms don’t have human resources engaged exclusively to moderate comments. - Second, most of the online newsrooms have not yet established any code of ethics or self-regulating outlines for their website. - Third, some are conscious in allowing this situation, by arguing that these comments increase the number of visitors on the website. But this argument does not stand, taking into account the fact that the most visited news website from Albanians,, has no comment section at all. The online media and citizen journalism The democratisation and the opening to the masses of the process of gathering, producing and disseminating of the information has augmented the contribution of citizens in this process, thus giving birth of a special kind of journalism, that it is called “citizen journalism.” After some kind of initial reluctance in legitimising this kind of journalism, based on the argumentvizitorëve thattëcitizen journalists do meet standards ofi websajtit. Por ky argument i fundit bie,not po të kemi parasysh faktin se websajti lajmeve më i vizituar nga shqiptarët,, nuk ka fare hapësirë për koment. professional journalism, some online media have changed their approach and are creating some space devoted to citizens’ works and contributions Mediat online dhe gazetaria e qytetarëve on their websites, Demokratizimi dhe masivizimi i procesit të mbledhjes, prodhimit dhe shpërndarjes së Interviews on this matter show 15 eofqytetarëve the 39 Albanian online media informacionit, ka rriturthat kontributin në këtë process, duke sjellë lindjen e njëlloj gazetarie të veçantë që njihet me emrin “gazetaria e qytetarëve”. Pas njëfarë ngurrimi have created some sections for works submitted by citizen journalists, fillestar për ta legjitimuar këtë lloj gazetarie, duke u bazuar tek argumenti se gazetarët qytetarë and some of these works arenuk zotërojnë accepted and published. So, e standardet gazetarisë for example,, profesioniste një pjesë e has a separate section,mediave titled online kanë “Raportoni ju”, (You report) ndryshuar where citizens are invited topo krijojnë hapësirë për kontributet e qytetarëve brenda websajteve të tyre. Nga qasje dhe intervistat në këtë drejtim rezulton se 15 nga 39 media shqiptare online kanë krijuar publish stories, photoshapësirë or videos. më vete për gazetarinë e qytetarëve ose pranojnë dhe botojnë here pas here News on cell phones kontribute që vijnë prej tyre. Kështu, për shembull,, ka një seksion më vete që emërtohet “Raportoni ju”, (në foto) ku ftohen qytetarët që të publikojnë shkrimet, fotot apo videot e tyre. Lajmi përmes telefonisë celulare After 2010, when the cell phone company Vodafone launched their 3G Pas vitit 2010, kur kompania celulare Vodafone futi shërbimin 3G të internetit përmes internet service through cell phones which was followed soon after celularëve dhe u ndoq më pas edhe nga AMC dhe Eagle, mediat online filluan të aksesohen përmes smartphone-ëve. pse mungojnë trendi i aksesimit të lajmeve from AMC and Eagle, edhe the online mediaEdhe started tostatistikat, be accessed through përmes pajisjeve we don’t have data and statistics, the trend to smartphones. Even though mobile sidomos për grupmoshat e reja është tashmë i mirënjohur. Për t’iu përgjigjur këtyre zhvillimeve, mediat më të suksesshme kanë ofruar për lexuesit zgjidhje të ndryshme 28 ndryshuar qasje dhe po krijojnë hapësirë për kontributet e qytetarëve brenda websajteve të tyre. Nga intervistat në këtë drejtim rezulton se 15 nga 39 media shqiptare online kanë krijuar hapësirë më vete për gazetarinë e qytetarëve ose pranojnë dhe botojnë here pas here kontribute që vijnë prej tyre. Kështu, për shembull,, ka një seksion më vete që emërtohet “Raportoni ju”, (në foto) ku ftohen qytetarët që të publikojnë shkrimet, fotot apo videot e tyre. access news through mobile phone devices, especially among young age groups is well established and well-known. Lajmi përmes telefonisë celulare To meet these developments, the most successful media have offered Pas vitit 2010, kur kompania solutions celulare Vodafoneor futi special shërbimin 3Gapplications të internetit përmes their readers and visitors different celularëve dhe u ndoq më pas edhe nga AMC dhe Eagle, mediat online filluan të aksesohen to comfortably access website on phone a i tablet. So, edhetheir përmes smartphone-ëve. Edhe a psecell mungojnë statistikat,or trendi aksesimit të lajmeve përmes has created pajisjeve two apps, one for mobile iPhone sidomos për and one for Android,grupmoshat which reja është can be downloadedetashmë fromi mirënjohur. App Store or from Google. Për t’iu The same thing was done përgjigjurby këtyre zhvillimeve, mediat më të suksesshme kanë ofruar për lexuesit zgjidhje të ndryshme Also, BalkanWeb has created version their site apo aplikacione të posaçme për aksesiminanother komfort të websajtit të tyreof edhe në celular apo në tablete. Kështu ka krijuar dy apps-e, një për iPhone dhe një për telefonat with “responsive design” for those who prefer a web browser instead of mund tëjanë shkarkohen nga App prapa Store apo nga gjë ka bërë hënë se shumica e mediave tëAndroid tjeratë cilat online shumë nëGoogle. këtëTë njëjtën drejtim, një apps. However, it must noted that most of the online media lag edhebe Gjithashtu, Balkanweb ka other krijuar edhe një version të sajtit me ër mungesë vizioni dhe pjesa tjetër për mungesa të natyrës financiare. për ata që parapëlqejnë web browser në vend të apps-eve. Gjithsesi behind in this aspect;“responsive some design” of them may lack vision while the rest may lack financial resources. imi, dizajniRegistration, dhe arkivimi design and archiving ervistat-pyetësor dhe nga monitorimi edhe të dhëna që kanë tëdata bëjnë me Questionnaire-interviews anddalin the monitoring have also yielded that -in e regjistrimit apo me dizajnimin e websajteve të mediave online. Tabela relate to domain registration or the designing of online media websites. e htme paraqet e shows domainit që janë sot that në përdorim 45from mediat The prapashtesat following table domain suffixes are in usenga today the e ruara dhe numrin për secilin domain. Siçrespective shihet mbizotëron domain-i lokal 45 monitored media and the number for each. As can see the local domain .al is prevalent. mediave online sipas prapashtesës së domain-it The number of online media grouped by domain suffix 4 4 11 20 15 .al .com .tv .net 29 imi i websajteve shqiptare me domain-in vendor .al, ka një rëndësi të madhe për simin dhe njëkohësisht identitetin e hapësirës shqiptare online, si dhe për min nga motorët e kërkimit të informacionit të shkruar në gjuhën shqipe. Për këtë drejtuesit e mediave online, nuk duhet ta trajtojnë këtë thjesht si një çështje The registration of Albanian websites with the local domain .al is of significant importance in representing and sharing of the identity of Albanian space online, but also being localised and identified from search engines of information written in Albanian. For this reason, managers of Albanian online media should not consider their internet domain suffix just as a matter of one more choice of domain, but they should look further than that. When it comes to the applied design the data show that 16 of these websites have applied genuine original design, 20 were created using CMS (such as WordPress, Joomla, etc), while five have a mixed design. The kind of design they have applied is of significant importance for the degree of interactivity applied by the online media, effective exchange of communication with web databases and ease of navigation and information retrieval. Even though they are cheaper to create and easy to manage design models created with CMS pose limitations in creating and adding of new applications or dynamic options, and their dominance may be viewed as a problem that deserves attention and special studying. Another advantage of the web, according to the scholars of the new media, is its extraordinary capacity to store information. But, in real life, this capacity generates problems in managing and administering of the stored fund. So, one of the problems that the Albanian online media has faced, from the technical and managerial points of view, is the storing and the archiving of the published material and its retrieval from the website’s search engine. The data from the questionnaire-interviews show that only 22 of the 39 interviewed media have stored all the material they have published since the first day their website went online. The other 16 websites claim they haven’t stored everything for the following reasons a – changes of the website design (12 cases) b – change of URL (online address), server or hosting company (4 cases) c – lack of experience in storing information online (1 case) d – other technical problems (such as; server capacities, technical malfunctions, etc.), (5 cases) It may have happened that some of the media were faced with more than one of the abovementioned problems. The situation is even more serious and critical for those media that go bankrupt and shut down, such as the case of, where all the fund of online material is no longer accessible after the shut down, and in a way has vanished. Such a situation calls for foresight and a more effective management of the information fund produced by each website, to guarantee the preservation of this valuable wealth of information for the society. 30 Human resources and the economics of the online media in Albania T he hiring of human resources exclusively for the web and the filling of all the necessary positions in the structure of the online newsroom is of vital importance for the future of the online media. Even though there is tardiness in this direction, still from year to year, the human resources employed for the online newsrooms have increased. Only four out of 39 interviewed media have no human resources dedicated to the web, and the uploading online of material is done by the staff of the traditional media. On the other hand, 35 of them have a nucleus of online newsroom working for the web, or have established a full newsroom, as is the case with some independent websites. These media today employ as many as 276, with an average of nearly 7 employees per online media. The following table presents the data on the human resources involved and their work positions: Human resources of 39 online media Editor in chief, editors, reporters Copy editors Web master 180 4 33 Sales, Administration Marketing 21 28 Total 276 If we analyse these statistics on a case by case basis, it is revealed that the most visited websites also have a greater number of human resources. The number of people employed on an online newsroom varies from two to 16, with the exception of ATSH, which is a media organisation of a specific nature, and the number they employ is 39. 31 Regarding human resources we must distinguish between the individual media and the websites of traditional media, because in producing the content for the websites of the traditional media the online staff dedicated to the web is assisted by the staff of the mother media, while the individual media complete the cycle of operating and managing within one single structure of human resources. With the passing of time the online media have tried to create a business model for their enterprise. It is well known that the success of a business model for any industry depends to a considerable degree on the sources of revenue generated by this industry. In the case of online media the main sources of revenue are: 1 – Online advertising 2 – Revenues from e-commerce 3 – Income from selling of the media product Research and survey carried out in Albania and other countries reveal that advertising remains the main source of revenue for the online media. This is a paradox, as a new media is practically being feed and nourished from an old source of wealth. But even though advertising is the main source of revenue for news websites, still this source of income is surrounded and veiled by an array of uncertainties and question marks. The first uncertainty regarding advertising is related to the question whether they may generate enough revenues to guarantee survival and success. Susan Smith and John Allen Hendricks in their book New Media, New Technology, New Ideas or New Headaches, note that “business models supported by online advertising remain questionable… An advertising model can work at a break-even or slightly profitable level.” This opinion is also shared by Gillian Doyle, who points out that “advertising simply is not generating enough money to cover the costs of offering free services online.” This comes mainly due to the fact that advertisers pay for online ads and commercials a lot less than they would pay for the same ads in the traditional media, even though their advertising stays on 24 hours a day for many months and years on the website. In the meantime, another specific problem for the web is the distribution and the sharing of the advertising fund by many online media and channels, thus diminishing the portion that each media receives from this fund. The second quandary is related to the question of how long it will last this practice of advertising on news websites. In the traditional world of advertising the media have served as conduits and middlemen between the advertisers and the consumers. But, in the age of internet the advertisers can establish their own media and may not need middlemen, 32 as they may create, or have already launched, their web channels, on YouTube, social networks, on the blogosphere, etc. Another source of generating revenue is e-commerce. Some online media apply, besides advertising, the offering of goods or services on their website, while offering their media content for free all along. This model is being successfully used in Albania by some individual websites, which carry advertising but also have separate sections offering services or goods. It is not by pure chance that these website are ranked among the most visited Albanian online media, and they make a profit at the end of the month. When it comes to revenues from the selling of the media product it turns out that this source of income is still not generating any revenues worth mentioning. It is well-known that the internet started life as a non-profit project, financed by public funds from the US Department of Defense, and this “non-profit” genesis, accompanied by the offering of news and news-media related information for free, has been stalking and will continue to haunt the online media industry. This kind of tradition has changed the consumers’ behavior towards news information products. Several efforts to offer media content to paying customers have failed. Attempts at building a subscription base have failed, so have pay-per-article formats; nor have there been many success stories with micro-payment and aggregated micro-accounting schemes that function and depend on the selling of individual units of the online content. The paradox here is that even though the online audience increases year after year there is still no sign that this increase in audience may be converted to a boost in revenues any time soon. Besides the three sources of income mentioned here there are other revenue-generating methods on the internet, including making profits from the so-called “referral traffic” otherwise known as the “pay-perclick” method. Big advertising companies, such as Google, share with other online media “banner-ads” and pay these media a certain amount for each referral or click that comes from the online media website to the product website or the advertiser’s page. However, this method of “Google ads,” and in general the model of referral traffic, has mostly created and it is still creating income for global search engines and their aggregators, and global social media networks; but very little is going to local websites, except in cases when these websites are clearly leading the pack in their respective countries regarding the number of unique visitors. 33 Është regjistruar si biznes më 6 6 vete What is the business and the financial situation of the Albanian online media? To produce a clear picture of the business plans of some of the përfshirë brenda biznesit Është i p online media in Albania we require the help and the assistancetuaja of the data të medias/mediave collected from the questionnaire-interviews tradicionale conducted by the Albanian Media Institute. 25 Është regjistruar si aktivitet i OJF One of the questions posed to the managers of Albanian online media was related to the establishment of their businesses and their operation as a unit apart. Here are the data that come out of the answers to these questions: As a business unit, your website… 6 6 Is registered as a separate business unit Is included in the business unit of the traditional media 25 Is registered as an NGO activity The processing of this information reveals that only six out of a total of 39 media that were interviewed were registered as business entities in their own right; six other media operate as non-profit organisations (NPO), while two media offered no answers. The websites that operate as NPOs are individual websites (digital native); they don’t have any nga të ardhurat personale të relations or partnership to any traditional media.3 pronarit/pronarëve On the other hand, most news websites in Albania (25) have not registered as business nga të ardhurat e bizneseve entities të tjera të but operate in the framework of the media 4 kompanisë business or as part of a traditional media. Clearly when we consider the creation of a special business model for the online media here we nga të ardhurat e biznesit të mediave 7 encounter the first major hurdle. tradicionale This model of operating this business makes it almost impossible to clearly distinguish the contribution and the 0 1 2 productivity 3 4 5 of the 6 human 7 8 resources employed by the traditional media from the contribution and the productivity of the human resources employed exclusively for the web. This model makes it more difficult to estimate, also from an accounting point of view, the identification and allocation of respective costs and revenues. However, despite this model of doing business, when it comes to draw a general conclusion on the profitability of the business activity of their 34 online media, the interviewees do come up with an answer, which goes to show that at least they are interested or have some idea on the level of profitability. Here are their answers: As a business activity, your website… 13 Makes a profit 10 - Breaks even 3 13 Loses money No answer As shown from the chart, only 13 of the 39 online media that were interviewed result as making a profit in their business activity. The rest collect enough revenue to survive or lose money. On the other hand, the online media that lose money cover their expenses and losses from three sources: a – money is channelled in from the traditional media business b – funds are transferred from other businesses their company owns c – from the personal wealth of owner or owners, or from donations The numbers of the media that use these sources of revenue are shown in the table below: When losing money, how do you secure funds to keep going with your website? from the personal wealth of owner or owners, or from donations 3 funds are transferred from other businesses that company owns 4 money is channelled in from the traditional media business 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 As a matter of fact making up for losses with funds from the other 23the supporting company applies not only to the online media, businesses of 25 but also to the majority of the traditional media, especially newspapers, 20 which are presently grappled by an irreversible financial crisis. The 15 number of copies they sell is not enough to secure their survival, but 10 10 35 5 0 -5 Janë në rritje Janë afërsisht të 4 2 Janë në rënie Pa përgjigje th of om 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 even though they should have shut down a long time ago they are still 23 25 operating thanks to other resources at their owners’ disposal. 20Regardless of the level of profitability of the online media, the interviews show that the overwhelming majority of these websites 15 succeed in generating some10 revenue. So, 35 out of 39 online media we 10 interviewed manage to bring in some money, no matter how much they 4 collect or to what percentage it covers their costs. 5 2 Also, interviews reveal another trend: Most of the websites collected 0 more revenue during 2013 that the previous year. So, even though only 13 Janë në rritje Janë in afërsisht Janëactivity, në rënie this ratio Pa përgjigje of-539 media are profitable their të business is reversed njëjta when we compare the number of media making more money by the year, as shown in the following chart. As compared to the previous year, revenues for your website … 25 23 20 15 10 10 4 5 2 0 -5 Are growing Are approximately the same Are reducing No answer This chart shows that 23 online media have collected more money than the previous year, while 10 have generated the same amount of revenue and only two of them say they made less money. On the other hand, when the interviewees are asked how optimistic they are about the future of their online media finances, the ratio is reversed even further, and almost all of them rank on the “optimistic” and “very optimistic” side of the following chart: On a scale from 1 to 10, how optimistic are you on the future of your online media business? 36 33 35 30 25 Regarding the sources of revenue, the Albanian media do not differ 20 15 global trend. As many as 33 media we interviewed collect most from the 7 0 10 money from advertising, while of their subscriptions or other forms of selling 5of the media product amount close to zero. On the other hand, 0 seven online media, namely,,,, Reklamat në website Pagesat e abonimeve E-commerce, trafiku,,, and, online referal, etj. have added to their arsenal revenues from e-commerce or referral traffic. Revenue on your website (whatever they may be) is generated from… 33 35 30 25 20 15 0 10 7 5 0 Advertising Online subscriptions E-commerce, referral traffic, etc. To generate revenue from advertising several techniques have been used and are still being employed today. In addition to banner ads displayed on websites’ homepage, some media have also applied recently introduced techniques such as commercials leading up to video footage or audio material, as is the case of Is this technique welcomed by users? Scholars Susan Smith and John Allen Hendricks believe that in these cases there is a risk that “consumers may revolt when ads start appearing in videos”. In the meantime, some of the websites place so many ads in the upper part of their homepage that very little room is left is this section for breaking news stories or updated information on the day’s events. Among other things this is contravening the “iceberg” rule in homepage design, and also is a nuisance to consumers. This problem is evident on,,, etc. Another feature of the advertising-supported model is that it practises methods of charging based on air time and homepage square-inches, routines that are borrowed from the traditional media and are used almost verbatim, following the same logic and by using the same visual techniques for the online media. Being too tired and fatigued from the 37 advertising and commercials on the traditional media, the visitor in these cases has the tendency to get annoyed and even leave these websites. In conclusion, we can say that, in Albania’s case the business model of the online media is evolving very slowly. Even though the audience if on the increase, this is not being translated into more cash adding to their meagre finances. Some of the toughest challenges they will face in their future in this regard are putting into use the full potentials and capacities of the web in packaging and presenting the media product, and the identification of business models and solutions that work and adapt better to the mentality of the functioning of the new media. An important challenge remains the functioning of the online media as a separate business unit, independent from the decision-making and the finances of the traditional media or other satellite businesses of the mother company. 38 Profile of Albanian online media I n order to get a clearer picture on the landscape of the Albanian online media, let us take a look at the profiles and the characteristics of the 45 media we monitored, listed here according to their ranking by Alexa. Established on December 2001, is the property of Top Media company and it was launched online as the news portal of one of the most popular television stations in Albania: Top Channel TV. The large number of online visitors comes as a direct result of the reputation and the large audience this TV station enjoys. For several years this website has been one of the two most visited websites in the country, competing with the other Albanian successful portal The online newsroom has a staff of 11 employees: 10 journalists or editors, and one webmaster.15 Supporting and administrative activities or needs are covered by the staff of the traditional media. The portal has a general-interest profile, and covers a wide range of information and stories from politics to entertainment. The content they publish is mostly what is being produced for the programming of Top Channel, which means that most of the fund is made of news stories and video shots or excerpts from their TV shows. For example, the Web TV page of this portal contains only shows of Top Channel TV uploaded on the web through YouTube or Vimeo. The stories 15. The data were collected from the questionnaire-interview with webmaster Igli Gjelishti, on March 31.2014. Interview conducted by Matilda Alku, as part of a series of questionnaireinterviews organised from the author of this study, with the support of the Albanian Media Institute. 39 or the data produced by the online staff are not separated or branded differently from the rest of the material as after all every piece of material is tagged only as Top Channel. The information is updated continuously and quite often, but there have been cases when breaking news or updates have been published simultaneously with the TV channel or even after their initial broadcasting in regular newscasts, deciding not to take advantage of the speed and immediacy of the publication of information on the web. The stories that are produced daily are categorised according to relevance or importance, or in sections depending on their topics. Video materials are marked with the video symbol. The elements of multimedia in this portal derive for the publication of stories and shows in different formats, video or audio, but it must be mentioned that there are very few cases of genuine multimedia storytelling on any particular event. The portal does not have a comment section on stories, but there is a “share” option through e-mail and several social media networks or other aggregators. The portal places at the disposal of its readers apps for Android and iPhone, to comfortably access the website from those who visit the site through cell phones. The newsroom is successful in using social media networks to add to its audience. Top Channel’s page on Facebook, up to June 2014 had accumulated some 656,000 likes, which shows an effective use of social networks. Top Channel also has its own YouTube channel, and until June 10, 2014 as many as 11,581 videos were uploaded, and some of them have reached a record online audience for Albania, such as an episode from the Portokalli comedy show of October 13, 2013 that was watched by 124,671 people. It started on February 2000 as an online news agency. This website is one of the best examples of a success story and originality in the history of the Albanian online media. Balkanweb. com was founded by Edisud company as an original website that did not directly depend from any of the traditional media owned by the company such as Gazeta Shqiptare newspaper, TV News24, or Radio Rash, even though it was carrying and publishing a lot of materials and stories produced from and for these media. The goal was to establish an online news agency to report breaking news faster than the traditional media. Starting from 2007 this media, as well as the other media of the Mediasud company, are under the ownership of the Focus Group. 40 The website has a general interest profile. The media it uses range from text and still pictures, to video footage and audio tracks, making use of multimedia elements, even though there are very cases of genuine multimedia storytelling. The video shots published in the BalkanWeb TV section are mainly excerpts from television News 24 shows. On the other hand, Fotogaleria contains news in pictures taken from other media or the internet. In some cases the website has used live-streaming for breaking news, such as for example a live reporting on the strike of taxi-van drivers or the opposition parties protest against drug trafficking, but in general this has been a live-streaming of what was being broadcasted on News24 TV. The core of the newsroom is comprised of 5 journalists, one copy editor, and two webmasters.16 The monitoring of this website reveals that the staff of the online newsroom is very dedicated in reporting latest news and updates. The news items and stories produced by this staff is tagged Balkan Web and the initials of the journalist that worked on the story. When news articles, video or audio materials are taken from the other media of the company the source is identified, for example Gazeta Shqiptare, News 24, etc. On the other hand when there is cooperation between the online staff and the traditional media in producing a story, both sources are identified, for example, Gazeta Shqiptare/Balkan Web, etc. This website is renowned for speed in reporting breaking news and continuous updating of the information. However, the lack of journalists in the field reporting only for the web is still a big problem and in general there is not enough staff engaged with the online newsroom operations. BalkanWeb also uses social media networks Facebook and Twitter as additional channels to connect with their audience, but they don’t seem to be very effective. So, BalkanWeb page on Facebook has a total of 29,000 likes. In order to facilitate interaction with the audience, the website has a comment section and several options for feedback, also to “share” or “like” on any story they publish. is the website of Shekulli newspaper, which has been and still is one of the most important publications in Albania. Established in 1999 is considered one of the pioneers of the Albanian 16. The data were collected from the questionnaire-interview with Daniela Agushi, on April 1. 2014. Interview conducted by Matilda Alku, as part of a series of questionnaire-interviews organised from the author of this study, with the support of the Albanian Media Institute. 41 online media. In the beginning, for several years, the website published only stories produced for the print version, updating the information once every 24 hours, same as the print edition. Later, while continuing the publishing of newspaper stories, the newsroom hired human resources that would report and publish online in real time breaking news stories, taking more and more into consideration the characteristics of the web, its capacities and advantages. Presently, as shown by the data collected from the monitoring of the website during April-May 2014, the pace of updating the information is quite high. There are cases when there were updates or new stories posted every minute, as shown on the right. “Minuta e fundit” (Last Minute) section reports in real time and the work is carried out by the staff of the online newsroom, as well as all the data and the information related to breaking or last news. For the print version, the website has a special button marked “Shekulli Print” showing print-screens of front pages of several of the latest issues of the newspaper. The monitoring data clearly show a tendency to separate the newspaper production from the online stories and material and to prioritize the web. Online staff stories are tagged “Shekulli online” and the initials of the reporter. The preference for the online format is confirmed by the hiring of more human resources involved with the web newsroom. At the present this newsroom employs a personnel of 10 people, made up of six journalists, one copy editor, one webmaster, one sales agent and one person to deal with logistical and administrative support.17 Practically, such a structure of human resources constitutes a nucleus to kick start and keep an on line media walking on its own feet. 17. The data were collected from the questionnaire-interview with Florenc Stafa, online content editor, on April 7. 2014. Interview conducted by Matilda Alku, as part of a series of questionnaire-interviews organised from the author of this study, with the support of the Albanian Media Institute. 42 This website as well has a general interest profile, same as its mother media company Shekulli newspaper. Its homepage categorizes the data and the information in two general directories: The first one is similar to a newspaper traditional division of sections: politics, bussiness, crime, etc. The second one, sections stories and informations in different groups such as In depth, Life, Radar, etc. This categorization does not fit very well with the online environment and the context is unclear. The video gallery and the photo gallery contain videos and pictures taken mainly from the internet. Videos and audio tracks uploaded on the website to supplement a story are rare, a lack of multimedia elements, endemic to the Albanian online media. The website has interactive options to “share” or “like” stories, as well as comment sections at the bottom of each story. In order to avoid ethical problems the newsroom has placed a note in the comment section: “Shekulli newspaper asks from all its readers to refrain from using insults and verbal abuse in these comments. Instead, facts and your sound arguments may prove much more effective without the use of foul language.” However ethical violations with comments on individual stories abound. is one of most visited websites in the category of individual websites born for the web without any relation or partnership with any traditional media. It is ranked fourth in the general standing of the Albanian online media according to Alexa. Established in 2006 from s.r.l., at first with the address and later, this portal deserves special attention on its original approach, its special profile and the novelty it brings especially with a regard to the business model of an online media. The portal’s newsroom has a staff of 16, including four journalists, two copy editors, two web masters, five sales agents, and three 43 logistics and support personnel.18 This organizational chart of human resources is imposed by the multifaceted profile of the portal. The offering of news stories to its visitors is only one part of the activity of this portal that presents a wide range of elements. News is packaged and presented in several ways; through its subpage this website serves as an aggregator in collecting and publishing the latest news stories published by other Albanian online media. They even offer subscriptions deals in order to have full access to this aggregated package. On the other hand there are very few news stories and very little original material produced from the staff of The rest of the portal is dedicated to e-commerce, classified ads, buyand-sell, business information and marketing that generate revenue to keep this online business functioning. This portal offers advertising, services and goods for sale, useful information on several fields, etc., by adjusting its mode of operation to fit web dynamics and the specific nature of the online business. Subpages of this portal:, njoftime,,, emulate the best global models of online businesses and service websites. Many scholars that have studied in depth business models and practices of online media, point out that it is very difficult for the web-based media to make a profit with news, especially in this present environment when it is expected to get the news for free from the internet. For this reason similar models and methods must be further explored, in using news as a means to channel and increase the number of visitors to the website and then put to use other business tools and methods to make money from these visitors. Ikub is experimenting with this approach and so far they have been successful, but that may be controversial in the media circles, especially conservative ones. started operations as the website of the daily newspaper Tema and grew stronger as a media outlet in its own right when its publisher Mero Baze temporarily cancelled the print edition and focused entirely on the web version. The website was established in 2006, first at and later switched address to gazetatema. net. 18. The data were collected from the questionnaire-interview with Albert Tollkuçi, general manager, on April 15. 2014. Interview conducted by Matilda Alku, as part of a series of questionnaire-interviews organised from the author of this study, with the support of the Albanian Media Institute. 44 The website managed to attract a large audience especially thanks to its strong opposition to the government at the time. Apparently this opposition stance forced the management to switch domain and drop the suffix .al which is administered from a local government entity, and get the new domain name it still uses today. The website has a newsroom of 10, and is presently a profitable business mainly due to advertising it carries on its homepage19. This online media has a general interest profile; the data and the news stories are sectioned more or less according to a newspaper style. Gazetatema. net is renowned for frequently updating its content, reporting and timely publishing of main daily events. Most of the news stories on the website are original products of the Tema newsroom, and the contribution of the online staff in this process of gathering and processing of the information is significant. This website offers several opportunities to its readers to give feedback through a “Letter to the editor” section, “share” options and comment sections. The monitoring of this website reveals that the comment section is not filtered or edited, and regularly you’ll find expressions of hate speech, verbal violence, personal attacks, etc. Recently the website was equipped with its own web television called Tema TV, with video footage shot and edited from the online staff of Tema. In some cases video shots accompany the text of a story, thus producing a multimedia package, but however this method of work is still in its infancy. was established in 2003 from Panorama Group, to serve as the website of the bestselling newspaper in Albania in recent years, Panorama newspaper. Presently it is ranked sixth on the list of the most visited Albanian websites, according to statistical search engine Alexa. Similar to most other newspaper websites,, also adopted the so-called “copy-paste” approach when it first started, by publishing only stories and other material printed by the newspaper. However, at the moment the print edition is separate from the online publication, even though some of the stories and materials printed on the newspaper continue to be published on its website. 19. The data were collected from the questionnaire-interview with Bledar Lumani, deputy editor-in-chief, on April 7, 2014. Interview conducted by Erion Habilaj, as part of a series of questionnaire-interviews organised from the author of this study, with the support of the Albanian Media Institute. 45 The web newsroom for Panorama has not enough staff (a total of five people)20 but it still manages to report and publish in time breaking news stories or updates of main events. A one-week monitoring of “Latest news” section, from June 5 to June 11, produced the results shown on this table. Date Day Number of news stories June 5, 2014 Thursday 21 June 6, 2014 Friday 19 June 7, 2014 Saturday 15 June 8, 2014 Sunday 10 June 9, 2014 Monday 20 June 10, 2014 Tuesday 22 June 11, 2014 Wednesday 19 In average, some 20 stories are published daily on any given week-day, with the exception of Saturday and Sunday, thus assuring the coverage of the day’s main events. On the main page (homepage), breaking news stories are also listed on the news slider on the center of the page where news story headlines are displayed one after the other and also on the Flash section of the website. is also active on social media networks. On Facebook, this media outlet has some 181,000 likes. Also, the website offers “share” options and comment sections to urge readers to provide feedback and increase interactivity. In less than two years, this online media has succeeded to rank itself among the most visited news websites in Albania. It was established in October 2012 by FREE & FAIR MEDIA GROUP. started operations as an online news agency and the website of the newspaper by that same name. After the purchase by FREE & FAIR MEDIA GROUP of TV channel A1 Report, the website also publishes stories and video excerpts from shows produced by that TV station. Meanwhile, the television station has a website of its own. 20. The data were collected from the questionnaire-interview with Çlirim Hallaçi, editor for the website content, on April 8, 2014. Interview conducted by Erion Habilaj, as part of a series of questionnaire-interviews organised from the author of this study, with the support of the Albanian Media Institute. 46 is a dynamic and interactive website tailor-built to maximize web’s full potential, taking full advantage of the characteristics and benefits than the new technology provides. This online media, was one of the first to use genuine multimedia reporting, such as the case of a student bus crash near the south Albanian town of Himara, reporting on the confiscation by the police of a drug traffickers villa in Mamurras, north of Tirana, etc., where these events are reported with the use of several media, video, audio, text, still pictures, animatronics, etc. and the website of A1Report have a joint staff for the web. The online newsroom is composed of six reporters or editors, one webmaster and two sales agents. The company that owns these media also employs five more people that are involved with logistics and administrative tasks.21 Stories and other content produced by the web staff are tagged “Online newsroom.” But, it must be said that the staffs of the newspaper and the TV station provide a sizeable contribution for both websites, shedding light on the general situation of traditional media websites, where human resources, the work load and contributions are not clearly defined. The website has a button that takes its visitors to the print edition format, PDF, and recently, through an app and subscription, website customers are granted access to other materials: video, audio, etc. and options to personalize its content. The website has also a page for news reporting by citizens, titled “You report”. In addition to sections similar to the print format, the website also has a blog rubric, one page to upload videos or still pictures, and also a special section for lifestyle and gossip. The online news agency NOA (News of Albania) was established in 2006 as a “digital native media”. The website ranks eighth among the most visited news websites in Albania, and 21-st in the general ranking for Albania as issued by Alexa, on March 23, 2014. It is a general interest media that gives priority to the latest news from Albania, but also Kosovo and Macedonia. The website strives to publish original content, but they also carry material they get from other media on the internet. 21. The data were collected from the questionnaire-interview with Greta Malaj, editor-inchief for the web content, on April 15, 2014. Interview conducted by Matilda Alku, as part of a series of questionnaire-interviews organised from the author of this study, with the support of the Albanian Media Institute. 47 Following the general worldwide trend of the online media, NOA also publishes “soft news” or VIP gossip, as shown from this list of “top ranked stories” from June 12, 2014. At the NOA TV section, the agency offers live-streaming of broadcasting of some Albanian TV stations such as public TV station RTSH, Vizion Plus, News24, OraNews, Agon, etc. NOA has distinguished itself in covering of breaking stories and major events with intensive and vibrant reporting. The news agency is very active on social media networks. Its Facebook page had more than 336,000 likes by early June 2014. Another example of imaginative and effective use of etësor me Greta Malaj, kryeredaktore për webin, realizuar më datë Facebook was the creation of a special uadër të intervistave-pyetësor të organizuara nga autori i këtyre NOA page for the Brazil 2014 World Cup. This news portal is one of a series of individual websites and is considered one of the most successful sites in the Albanian online community. It was founded on July 4, 2003 by Idaver Sherifi, renowned for his passion and the willingness to invest in the new media, an investment that proved to be a successful one 11 years on. is presently a profitable enterprise while its number of employees has jumped from three to a staff of 11.22 The portal has several advertisements on its main page, which make for most of the revenue collected by this media. Under the slogan “The portal of all Albanians” the 22. The data were collected from the questionnaire-interview with Idaver Sherifi, general manager of the portal, on March 3. 2014. Interview conducted by Matilda Alku, as part of a series of questionnaire-interviews organised from the author of this study, with the support of the Albanian Media Institute. 48 website has established three main sections covering daily events from Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia. The news stories published on this portal are mainly original products, reported and packaged by the Albeu staff. On the other hand, most of the editorials or news analysis stories are taken from other online media, by attributing the source the story is taken from. This portal publishes many pictures or video shots taken from the internet, especially to complement sensational stories related to celebrities or important world news events. Even though its profile is one of general interest publication, a sizeable part of the information published on this portal is “soft news” separated in several categories: sports, showbiz, technology, curious facts and figures, lifestyle, entertainment, humour, etc. As it turns out this kind of information is the most popular on the web, and embracing it has been a tendency not only for the Albanian media but for websites all over the world. Similar to NOA, the website Albeu offers live-streaming of some TV stations that operate in Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia. was established by DARTA Group on June 4, 2009. It is an individual website, and the translation of its name into English means “latest news.” Less than a year from its creation the portal had a large following and ranked as one of the most visited Albanian online media, also thanks to a successful promotional campaign on social media networks and other web channels. As of early June 2014, the Facebook page of had more than 253,000 likes. is a general interest publication. The information and the content of the website are updated in average every 20 minutes. The published content is in part produced by the staff of the online media and some of it is taken from other online media. The website employs eight people: four are reporters or editors, one webmaster, two sales agents and one is taking care of logistics or administrative issues.23 From the business point of view this media is making a profit. The revenues are chiefly from coming from advertising and advertising 23. The data were collected from the questionnaire-interview with Taulant Manaj, editor for the website content, on April 11, 2014. Interview conducted by Erion Habilaj, as part of a series of questionnaire-interviews organised from the author of this study, with the support of the Albanian Media Institute. 49 services, but also from e-commerce, and the distribution of several hard copy publications in Albanian through this portal. This is the website of Dita newspaper, established in November 2012, at the same time the newspaper went to print. Both, the newspaper and its website are owned by a new media company Publikime Shqiptare (Albanian publications). Riding the wave of success following the newspaper’s publication, the website attracted a relatively large following on the web, and after a year and a half it is ranked 11th among the most visited Albanian news websites and is ranked 29th in Alexa’s general ranking for Albania. Dita newspaper and its website entered the Albanian media market by presenting a special profile with a very strong opposition stance to the then government and a modern graphic design. As a commercial unit, the website is a part of the business block of the traditional media. The staff of the web is comprised of four reporters, one webmaster and one sales agent.24 Besides the staff hired exclusively for the web, other human resources that work for the newspaper are involved with website operations. In other words, the content published on the website is in part produced by the staff of the online media and some of it has been produced by the staff working for the print edition. is the website of a TV station with the same name, Ora News TV. Founded on March 2011 from Yldon Media Group, this website is ranked second among the most visited websites of TV stations in Albania, leaving behind many of the websites of several national and local TV stations. The example of reveals that websites of the traditional media succeed only when they take upon themselves to report on breaking and latest news, adapting to the web and taking advantage of all of its characteristics. The staff of the web is made up of five people – four reporters and one webmaster25 – but, since Ora News is a 24-hour-news TV station, most of 24. The data were collected from the questionnaire-interview with Adrian Thano, editorin-chief, on April 14, 2014. Interview conducted by Erion Habilaj, as part of a series of questionnaire-interviews organised from the author of this study, with the support of the Albanian Media Institute. 25. The data were collected from the questionnaire-interview with Ervin Bahiti, editor for the website content, on April 8, 2014. Interview conducted by Erion Habilaj, as part of a series of questionnaire-interviews organised from the author of this study, with the support of the Albanian Media Institute. 50 the news stories and materials prepared from the staff of the traditional media are published and adapted for the web. The website is also one of the first to offer live-streaming of its TV shows. was established on 2007 from Top Media Group. is the website of the daily newspaper Shqip. The web newsroom is small, only five people, however they manage to stay on top of things in reporting breaking news or latest news updates – in average every 30 minutes.26 The published content is partly produced by the online staff and part of it is taken from the print edition, but they also publish world stories pulled from the internet and translated. This online media is successful in its use of social networks to distribute news stories and to boost its audience. The page of on Facebook had some 264,000 likes in early June 2014. is the website of Mapo daily newspaper, founded in 2010.27 Unlike other successful websites which invest in covering and reporting breaking or latest news is mostly preoccupied with news analysis and editorials that are also published in the newspaper in the OP ED section, this category also occupies center field in the website. The newspaper is a general-interest publication, so is the website. From a managing and an operational point of view is incorporated in the business and organizational structure of the traditional media, namely Mapo newspaper. was founded by journalist Mentor Kikia in September 2011 as an individual media. This news website is registered as a mouthpiece for a non-profit organization Alternative Civile (Civic Alternative). It offers a new model of establishing and operating an online media. The staff is comprised of 11 people – 10 are journalists working full time or part time and one webmaster. 28 26. The data were collected from the questionnaire-interview with Gjergj Erebara, deputy editor-in-chief, on April 3, 2014. Interview conducted by Matilda Alku, as part of a series of questionnaire-interviews organised from the author of this study, with the support of the Albanian Media Institute. 27. Source:*/ 28. The data were collected from the questionnaire-interview with Kliti Topalli, editor for the website content, on April 6, 2014. Interview conducted by Erion Habilaj, as part of a series of questionnaire-interviews organised from the author of this study, with the support of the Albanian Media Institute. 51 The main page of has an effective design and structure, as it places to the forefront the latest news stories posted on the website, as well as the latest news or postings for each category or section. The website is dynamic and offers several opportunities for interaction and feedback through comments, the “Denounce” section, “share” options, etc. is the website of an all-news TV station with the same name ABC News, founded on October 25, 2010 by the Albanian Broadcasting Corporation. It publishes mainly stories produced for the television, but it also carries other content such as videos or still pictures taken from the internet. The website gives precedence to the latest news by following the model of ABC News television station, but usually the latest news stories broadcasted on TV newscasts are also the latest stories published on the website. Even more so, they are first broadcasted on TV and then uploaded on the website, and the accompanying text is the script written by reporters and producers for the story or anchors lead-in. The nucleus of the online newsroom is tiny – four people in all, three of them are journalists/editors and one webmaster.29 was conceived as an online news agency, and it was established in 2003 by the publisher of Sot newspaper, Arian Prodani. This agency is managed as a segment of a larger business group that includes the company’s traditional media. Human resources for the web and print are not separated.30 However, the website reports on the latest news of the day and a good portion of the published content is different from the material published in the newspaper. In order to promote the print edition, the website has a section where visitors can read issues of the newspaper on the PDF format. The agency has a general-interest profile. There is a video section on the website and they are trying to include elements of multimedia in reporting, even though some of the video shots published in there are not produced by the agency but are taken from social media networks and the internet. 29. The data were collected from the questionnaire-interview with Entela Kaloti, editor for the website content, on April 8, 2014. Interview conducted by Matilda Alku, as part of a series of questionnaire-interviews organised from the author of this study, with the support of the Albanian Media Institute. 30. The data were collected from the questionnaire-interview with Blerina Luli, editor for the website content, on April 6, 2014. Interview conducted by Matilda Alku, as part of a series of questionnaire-interviews organised from the author of this study, with the support of the Albanian Media Institute. 52 is the website of the Albanian state-run news agency ATSH and the first news website in Albanian, established in 1996. Even though it is financed by the state budget and has a large staff (39 people), and has inherited a huge infrastructure the agency and its website have lost their leading role amongst the news agencies in the country. For a period of time the agency charged a fee to allow access to its online news products, but this didn’t work and now all of its web content is offered free of charge. is Albania’s most visited online magazine (webzine), and it is an example of innovation and a success story for new web publications. It started in 2010, and the magazine has an original configuration and approach. The content they publish is rich and colorful and is aimed mainly at the female audience, but this webzine has also other stories and materials that may appeal to a larger audience. Prevailing topics are soft news stories, fashion, lifestyle, entertainment, VIP gossip, etc. Established in November 1999, is one of the first websites of the Albanian traditional media, founded by the publisher of Koha Jonë daily newspaper, Nikollë Lesi. Presently the website publishes the latest news of the day and some news stories produced for the print edition. The online newsroom has a staff of six – three journalists, two webmasters and one sales agent.31 Even though it is one of the pioneers of the Albanian online media, the website now ranks 20th among news websites in Albania, due to the change in ownership and lack of investments. was founded on January 1, 2010 by the well-known media analyst and editorial writer Mustafa Nano. It is an individual website, and formally the website operates as a branch of the NPO Respublica. Overgrowing its blog phase, the website presently reports and publishes stories on breaking and latest news events. However most of the visits and comments focus on news analyses, opinion stories, 31. The data were collected from the questionnaire-interview with Saimir Kola, editor for the website content, on April 4, 2014. Interview conducted by Erion Habilaj, as part of a series of questionnaire-interviews organised from the author of this study, with the support of the Albanian Media Institute. 53 and op-ed articles. The newsroom has five journalists/editors, one webmaster, one sales agent and one administrative staff.32 is one of the first attempts to establish a special interest medium. As the name of the site reveals the website deals exclusively with political news stories. This is a digital native media and it was founded in September 2012 by the Union of Journalists and Political Analysts, and it serves as a branch of this NPO. The newsroom has six journalists and one webmaster.33 is the website of the Panorama Sport newspaper, established on November 27, 2011 by Panorama Group. It usually publishes stories that run in the newspaper but sometimes they also publish breaking news from sporting events. The online staff has only two people: one journalist and one webmaster.34 is the website of Klan national TV station, established in 2008. The online newsroom employs seven reporters/editors and one webmaster. The news stories and the data they put out on the site are produced with the contribution of both newsrooms: the online media staff and the television workforce. Since the start of 2014, the website has improved; it is becoming more dynamic and is being more aggressive in reporting and updating latest news stories. TV news stories, video shots they publish on the web are chiefly productions of TV Klan. is a newcomer in the Albanian web journalism club. It was established in September 2013 by AML Group, and in only nine months the website has managed to rank 25th among the most visited news websites in Albania. The website is very aggressive in reporting on the latest news. 32. The data were collected from the questionnaire-interview with Endri Meksi, manager, on April 6, 2014. Interview conducted by Erion Habilaj, as part of a series of questionnaireinterviews organised from the author of this study, with the support of the Albanian Media Institute. 33. The data were collected from the questionnaire-interview with Luljeta Progni, general manager/editor-in-chief, on March 29, 2014. Interview conducted by Matilda Alku, as part of a series of questionnaire-interviews organised from the author of this study, with the support of the Albanian Media Institute. 34. The data were collected from the questionnaire-interview with Alfred Lleshi, editor, on March 31, 2014. Interview conducted by Matilda Alku, as part of a series of questionnaireinterviews organised from the author of this study, with the support of the Albanian Media Institute. 54 However, some of the content they carry on the website is taken from other online media, and only a part of its content has been produced from its own staff. The website has also apps for cell phone access to the site. The staff is made up of eight employs – six are journalists, one webmaster and one sales agent.35 is one of the fastest growing websites, especially after June 20013 political elections in Albania. It is one of the strongest online advocates of opposition to the left-wing government. It publishes news stories and editorials produced by the staff of, but it also carries scores of press articles and other items taken from other online media. On Facebook, had some 111,000 likes as of June 2014. There is no data or information on the founders of the website or its staff. is the website of the television station by that same name Albanian Screen TV. It usually publishes stories and items broadcasted on the TV station, and mostly they just transfer the TV product online. The latest news stories they publish on the website are usually the latest stories broadcasted on the TV newscasts. The website was created in 2004 by Alsat TV Group. Presently, the online newsroom is composed of four people – three journalists and one webmaster. is the website of Sport Ekspres newspaper, dedicated to sports reporting, same as the newspaper. They mainly publish the latest news from sports and also stories produced for the newspaper. The website was established in December 2011 and employs a staff of five – four journalists and one webmaster.36 it was set up in 2001, and it was one of the first websites of Albanian television stations. It publishes mainly the content produced by the staff of the television station Vizion Plus but also video 35. The data were collected from the questionnaire-interview with Manuela Kau, administrator, on April 4, 2014. Interview conducted by Matilda Alku, as part of a series of questionnaireinterviews organised from the author of this study, with the support of the Albanian Media Institute. 36. The data were collected from the questionnaire-interview with Arbi Laçi, deputy editorin-chief, on March 3, 2014. Interview conducted by Matilda Alku, as part of a series of questionnaire-interviews organised from the author of this study, with the support of the Albanian Media Institute. 55 shots or news stories taken from the internet. The latest news stories are either produced by the online staff or taken from TV newscasts. The website offers live-streaming of shows from Vizion Plus. The newsroom employs a staff of five – four journalists and one webmaster.37 is ranked 30th among news websites in Albania. Its content is updated several times a day, to make possible extensive coverage of the latest news from the world of sports. The online newsroom has three reporters and one webmaster. is the website of A1 Report television station owned by FREE & FAIR MEDIA GROUP. As it was mentioned earlier, a1report. tv and, which are owned by the same company share one staff working for the web. This website publishes mainly the content produced by A1 Report television, its newscasts and several TV shows produced by this television station. is an online news portal, it was established in March 2012. It is an individual website. It publishes latest news stories from Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia, mostly taken from other Albanian online news media, by functioning as a news aggregator. This method of aggregating is controversial, especially regarding the violation of intellectual property rights by these websites. is one of the first Albanian individual news media on the web. It was established in 1999, by Armand Brahaj, one of the pioneers and founders of the Albanian cyberspace. The portal shqipëria. com publishes some news stories and other news items that are produced from its staff and the rest is taken from other online media. At the present the staff of the newsroom is composed of three journalists/editors.38 37. The data were collected from the questionnaire-interview with Ilir Dyrmishi, manager of the website, on March 31, 2014. Interview conducted by Matilda Alku, as part of a series of questionnaire-interviews organised from the author of this study, with the support of the Albanian Media Institute. 38. The data were collected from the questionnaire-interview with Erald Hoxha, editor for the website content, on April 2, 2014. Interview conducted by Matilda Alku, as part of a series of questionnaire-interviews organised from the author of this study, with the support of the Albanian Media Institute. 56 Established in 2006 is the website of the daily newspaper Telegraf under the ownership of Hekla sh.p.k. The news stories and the other items that are published online are in part produced by the staff of the web and some are written by the newspaper staff. The content is updated several times a day, reporting and updating news stories on a day’s main events. The online newsroom employs two journalists and one webmaster.39 is the website of Living magazine, established in August 2012 by Tring Communications company. The stories they publish focus on lifestyle, home and garden, making Living the only magazine specialized in this profile. This webzine updates its content several times a day. The newsroom employs a staff of four. is a digital native medium. Even though it contains the term gazette in its name, this medium was never published in print. It was published in April 2006 by Vala sh.p.k., as a general interest publication. Most of the news stories and items published by the website are original products. But they also carry news articles, video material or other items taken from other online media. employs much more staff than most of the other online media: 10 in total, of which seven are reporters, one webmaster and two people in sales and administrative duties. Sources of revenue are advertising on the site and Google ads.40 However they do not cover all the expenses, and to survive the website is injected funds from the other businesses of the company. is one of the first blogging sites in Albanian establishing the foundations of the Albanian blogosphere. It was founded in December 2003 by Penar Musaraj and Blendi Salaj. Some of the content published on the website has been created by the staff of the blog site, but it also contains many news articles or news editorials from other online 39. The data were collected from the questionnaire-interview with Anjeza Gjuzi, head of the sales department and supervisor for the web, on April 4, 2014. Interview conducted by Matilda Alku, as part of a series of questionnaire-interviews organised from the author of this study, with the support of the Albanian Media Institute. 40. The data were collected from the questionnaire-interview with Saimir Lleshi, editor for the website content, on April 5, 2014. Interview conducted by Erion Habilaj, as part of a series of questionnaire-interviews organised from the author of this study, with the support of the Albanian Media Institute. 57 media. At the present the newsroom is composed of six people who are mostly engaged as part-time contributors or blog moderators.41 is the website of a television station by that same name Scan TV, established in 2008. This medium has no human resources exclusive to the web and the online publishing of news stories is being done by the staff of the television station. Most off the online content is produced for the programming of the TV station. However, there are also news items taken from the internet. It specializes on business reporting. is an individual website. This portal was established by the non-profit organization AKI in September 2010. Its full-time and part-time staff includes three journalists and one webmaster. It publishes some original work, but also news stories, video, photos, etc taken from other media or the internet. is one of the more recent entries in the list of special interest news media. It was established in 2013, and the website publishes mainly news stories related to international events, thus contributing at filling a void in world news reporting in Albania. Some of the content is original work, while the rest of the stories or news items are taken from other online media. is one of the newest Albanian online magazines, which covers topics and issues relating to the female world. This website was established in June 2012 by Rediona Curaj and presently it employs a staff of three. As professed on its About us section, Lady Albania is a modern online informative platform that provides counsel and entertainment to all Albanian-speaking women. was established as a website for the Republika newspaper. The content published in this website is updated several times a day, but in some cases less frequently due to a lack of staff devoted to the web. It is a general-interest publication, with a bias 41. The data were collected from the questionnaire-interview with Blendi Salaj, co-founder and moderator, on April 15, 2014. Interview conducted by Rrapo Zguri, as part of a series of questionnaire-interviews organised from the author of this study, with the support of the Albanian Media Institute. 58 towards covering of political events. Starting from 2013 Republika has closed its print edition and is now an online-only publication. is the website of Monitor magazine, established in 2006 by Media Union. This webzine specializes in business reporting. It publishes mainly stories and news items contained in its print edition, while updating its content once in a while with information and data on the latest developments in the fields of business and economy. Presently they have no staff committed to the web. They have advertising, but some of the revenue is also generated by subscriptions or charges applied for some stories. is the website of the local television station Channel One, established in March 2011. The website publishes mainly content produced for the television station, but it also contains other items produced by the online staff or taken from the internet. was established on March 25, 2005 as the website of Tirana Observer newspaper. The content published on the website is partly produced by a staff of three working for this online medium, and the rest is a contribution of the staff of the traditional media. 59 Summary I n general we can distinguish between two main groups of online media in Albania: In the first group we list the websites of traditional media (press, radio, television), while the second group collects individual or independent websites, otherwise known as “digital native media”, which are original web creations that have no relations to any traditional media. The traditional media were among the first institutions to move towards the web. In their approach to the web, the Albanian traditional media went through three phases: During the first phase the traditional media applied just a transfer online of the content that they had prepared for their traditional format – newspapers for print and television stations to broadcast for TV screens. During the second phase news websites start to produce original content for the web in conjunction with publishing the traditional media product. In the third phase the website functions as a unit apart with regard to human resources, management and production. All the content that is published in the website is original product, of the web and for the web. Alongside the establishment of news websites from the traditional media companies the online news media circle was joined by individuals, experienced or with no experience at all in the field of journalism, that started their news websites thus becoming a part of the Albanian online media eco-system. Among the 45 most visited news websites in Albania, 18 are individual websites unaffiliated with any traditional media. The majority of the Albanian news websites (31 out of 45) are general interest publications. Almost all of them, 35 out of 39 online media that were interviewed have human resources working exclusively for the web, but the contribution of these human resources on the online content remains insufficient and a good portion of the published content is being produced by their colleagues of the traditional medium/media, is pulled 60 from the internet or is taken from other online media. Such a snapshot of the Albanian online media shows that they still do not have the capacities or the resources to function as independent media entities and it will take some time until they become a media that publishes only original material. The audience of the Albanian online media has matched the global trend as it is on the rise year after year. In the meantime, web operators are trying to apply and use to the best of their abilities the interactive qualities of the web and its capacities for hypertext and multimediality, even though in this respect the Albanian online media are only now taking their first steps. The most successful media have created apps to access their websites through cell phones and other mobile devices. Also, they are using with relative success social media networks as means to enlarge their audience. The online media have tried to develop business models that best fit their needs. However, the data from the interviews reveal that the majority of news websites in Albania (25) have not registered as a separate business entity, but operate within the bounds of their traditional medium or media businesses. Obviously, this is the first major hurdle when it comes to develop e business strategy for an online media. This way of running a business makes it almost impossible to clearly distinguish the contribution coming from the human resources employed in the traditional media from the contribution of human resources engaged exclusively to the web. It also makes it very difficult to estimate costs and revenues for each party. Research and surveys carried out in Albania reveal that advertising remains the main source of revenue for the online media as well. However, little revenue is also generated from paid subscriptions, e-commerce and Google ads. Despite achievements and the road so far, the adjustment and the improvement of the business model of the online media in Albania is advancing very slowly. Even though their audience is on the increase this is not being translated into more money for these cash-strapped media. One of the toughest challenges they will face for their future is a more effective use of internet tools and features that make a difference in reporting, packaging and the presentation of the media products. They also need to find business models and solutions that work for them and suit better the way the new media ought to function. An important challenge ahead remains the functioning of the online media as a lone-standing business unit, independent in their decision-making or indifferent to the revenues and wealth of the traditional media or other businesses of their mother company. 61 Bibliography • • • • • • • Boczkowski, Pablo J., Digitizing the news: Innovation in online newspapers. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2004 Doyle, Gillian, Understanding media economics, SAGE Publications, London, 2002 Hall, Jim, Online journalism: a critical primer. London: Pluto Press, 2001 Negroponte, Nicholas, Being Digital. New York: Vintage Books, 1995 Pavlik, John V. Journalism and new media. New York: Columbia University Press, 2001 Tartari, Alban, Internet in Albania and its use by the media –history and the present, Studime Albanologjike, Issue 5 “History of the media and mediatisation of history”, Tirana 2012 Smith, Susan and Hendricks, John Allen, New Media, New Technology, New Ideas or New Headaches, published by “The twenty - first century media industry”, Lexington Books, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. 2010 Webliography • ALEXA, • AKEP, • COMPENDIUM, Cultural policies and trends in Europe, Albania, • ITU, • TRAFFIC ESTIMATE, 62