Volume 20 No. 21 - April 8, 2016
Volume 20 No. 21 - April 8, 2016
VOLUME 20 NUMBER 21 APRIL 8, 2016 CATHOLIC EDUCATION OFFICE ARCHDIOCESE OF ST. LOUIS Catholic schools join in creation of St. Louis mural at The Magic House CONTACT INFORMATION Sue Brown Director of Marketing and Community Relations E-Mail: suebrown@archstl.org Phone: 314.792.7304 Fax: 314.792.7315 Cell: 314.479.1283 Twitter: @CatholicEdSTL To subscribe to The e-Vangelizer, Write suebown@archstl.org PK through eighth-grade students from all over the St. Louis area have been busy helping in the construction of a permanent 280-square-foot mural of our beautiful skyline! Designed by St. Louis Priory School senior Connor Wright in the artistic style known as pointillism—a picture created from small dots of color—Connor used 330,000 dots in the form of simple crayons! Using an algorithm he designed that assigned a color to each pixel in the photo, Connor and his “student apprentices” inserted each crayon into 132 separate blocks. The completed mural has been permanently installed in The Magic House’s Grand Hall, adjacent to the main entr ance, and has been submitted for inclusion in the Guinness Book of World Records. A banner with the names of all schools that participated in this project is on display next to the mural. Please visit and feel proud of our students! At left, students from St. Anthony Catholic School in Sullivan use a color template, crayons, and caulk to create some of the 132 sections. "We just studied pointillism in art class," reported teacher Lori Little. “This was a gr eat oppor tunity for the students to apply their knowledge to a real-life work of art." St. Anthony students also utilized their organizational, leadership and cooperation skills as they worked in groups of six. "Each group developed a different system," observed chaperone Kim Hurt, "but the amazing thing was that they all worked!" Several students plan a return trip to see the finished product. "We can't wait to see it all put together!” Congratulations... Monsignor Jack Costello, Pastor of St. Peter Parish in Kirkwood and David Laughlin, President of Saint Louis University High School, recipients of the first annual NCEA Lead. Learn. Proclaim. Award as Catholic Educational Leaders! Congratulations … Rosati-Kain High School senior Bridget Taylor has received an Honorable Mention in the 2016 Missouri Scholars 100, a state-wide program that honors 100 of Missouri’s top academic students in the graduating class of 2016. Laura Clark, Principal of Holy Cross Academy-Our Lady of Providence Campus, recipient of the 2016 St. Rose Philippine Duchesne Principal Award! More Catholic school participation in The Magic House mural... Villa Duchesne junior Harper W. has been awar ded the University of Missouri Distinguished Achievement Award for Excellence in Science. Besides excelling in her science courses, Harper holds a leadership position in Villa Duchesne's Science Club and has been recognized for her research achievements though the STARS summer research program at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. Ursuline Academy seniors Katherine Cassani, Casey Doherty and Grace Freund have received an Honorable Mention in C-SPAN's StudentCam 2016 competition. StudentCam is a national video documentary competition that encourages students to think critically about issues that affect our communities and our nation. Their video on the topic of education reform was produced during the fall semester in Ms. Tracy Nondorf's AP Government cour se. The C-SPAN Bus will visit the private all-girls secondary school on April 18. Trinity Catholic High School—Winner of Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) Video Competition! See story at right... Above, students from St. Theodore Catholic School in Flint Hill show off the fruits of their labor—three of the 132 boxes used in the construction of the mural. “We worked on this project during the week of March 14-18,” they reported. At left, St. Theodore art teacher Connie Baalman supervises her students as they work on their section of the mural. At right, St. Patrick Catholic School in Wentzville sixth grader Lillie J. shows box #C6—one of 132 that comprise the world's largest crayon mural now on display at The Magic House. Trinity Catholic High School wins ACA Video Contest (continued from sidebar at left, bottom) All Catholic high schools across the Archdiocese of St. Louis are invited to participate in the Annual Catholic Appeal High School Video Contest. Three finalists are chosen by the Appeal Council from all of the entries, and their videos are shown at the Annual Catholic Appeal Kickoff Dinner attended by pastors and parish volunteers from across the archdiocese. All attendees at the dinner vote for their favorite video. The winning school receives a grant of $5,000 and the other two finalists receive Honorable Mention awards of $2,500. This year, Honorable Mentions go to St. John Vianney High School and Cor Jesu Academy. To view all 2016 entries, visit http://archstl.org/ACA2016-videocontest Memories of Holy Week... Students at St. Joachim Catholic School in Old Mines have focused on computer science in their technology classes this spring. Students in second through eighth grade are learning the basics in computer programming, which begins with simple lessons like learning to give directions (pictured below). Students in sixth through eighth grade have advanced further, programming their own games. It was March Gladness as the Little Flower Catholic School students, led by the seventhgrade class, celebrated Holy Week with a stirring Living Stations of the Cross devotion on March 18 for parishioners. St. Joan of Arc Catholic School celebrated that Jesus is the Bread of Life! The St. Joan of Arc second grade First Communion class baked bread for their Family Dinner befor e their Fir st Holy Communion. Eighth graders at All Saints Catholic School in St. Peters performed a Passion Play for the student body, parents and parishioners. Students volunteered for their parts, and their performance, solemn and reverent, began with the Last Supper (below, left) and concluded with the Burial of Jesus (below, right). The lessons, developed by Code.org, teach the students that computer science is fun and accessible at all ages. Students are encouraged to help their classmates debug their code mistakes. Below, Ben helps Hannah organize her code. ********** Congratulations to the Federation of Catholic Schools in the Northeast Deanery who have been awarded a $10,000 grant from the Koch Foundation, Inc. of Gainseville, Florida in suppor t of student r etr eats for sacramental preparation. “We are grateful to the Koch Foundation for this generous grant in support of our efforts,” said Cara Koen, Director of Advancement for the Federation of Catholic Schools in the Northeast Deanery. “The funds are needed to continue to enhance the collaborative work of our parishes and schools.” The Koch Foundation’s mission is built on the Koch's vision "to strengthen and propagate the Roman Catholic faith by providing grant support for a wide variety of evangelization efforts." To learn more, visit www.thekochfoundation.org Around the Archdiocese... Saint Mary Magdalen Catholic School celebrated the Feast of St. Joseph (March 19) by preparing the traditional St. Joseph’s Day altar. According to legend, the people of Sicily prayed to St. Joseph to intercede for them and send rain to salvage their dying crops— primarily the fava bean crops. The rains did come, and the people showed their gratitude by creating a beautiful altar of flowers, wine, bread and fava beans, a symbol of good fortune. Valle Middle School's Student Ambassadors wor k har d to spr ead the “Good News” about their school. (That’s what all student ambassadors do!) To show her appreciation for all their efforts, Assistant Principal, Jill Metzger recently treated the group to lunch in her office with pizza and soda! Fall, 2016 Student Ambassador Training Dates Set! Archdiocesan Secondary Schools— Wednesday, August 24, 9:00-Noon Cardinal Rigali Center (limit: 20 students) Elementary Schools—Grades 6—8 Wednesday, October 12 and Wednesday, October 26 11:30-2:30 (Choose one session; limit: 10 students) To register, write suebrown@archstl.org Today, many Catholic parishes continue the tradition with a special St. Joseph’s Day altar and by sharing loaves of bread and fava beans. The feast reminds us, who have been richly blessed, to share our blessings with those who have less. Above, St. Mary Magdalen’s St. Joseph’s Day altar. At right, SMM students distribute loaves of bread and fava beans to be shared with students’ families.