December Newsletter - Clark


December Newsletter - Clark
Whiteland Community
High School
Volume 20, Issue 2
December 2014
Happy Holidays!!!
Inside this Issue:
From everyone at WCHS!
Page 1– Happy Holidays!
Book Rental due Dec.
31st, Coffee with Dr. Spray.
This is just a sampling of some of the
great activities that took place on the morning of
October 29th, while sophomores and juniors were
taking the PSAT test. We tested over 800 students
that day.
Page 2—Thanks to Business Partners!
Page 3—Harlem Wizards
vs. WCHS Teachers & Staff!
Order tickets now!
The freshmen were given activities planned to prepare them for college and careers, plus information
on financial planning.
Page 4—Guidance News,
WCHS-9 News, Dual-Credit
Page 5—More Guidance
Information, PSAT, FAFSA
Page 6—ACT, SAT, Scholarships, Spotlight on…
The seniors started their day off listening to a
presentation on financial planning. Then, senior
Page 7—Teacher Voicemail,
FFA News
Page 8—World Travel Club,
Peer Activities
Page 9—Senior Yearbook
Ads for sale, Need a Tutor?
Page 10—Booster Club
Page 11—In10sity to perform at Orange Bowl!
Be a sponsor.
Page 12—Follow Warrior
Beat Radio, the high school
athletic station
Page 13—Coupon for
Welch’s Christmas trees to
benefit cheerleaders going
to National Competition
students were sent to elementary schools, to
a nursing home, to the FFA center, on college
visits, or given the task of sprucing up the front of the building.
In the photo above, a group of senior students
were playing chair volleyball with a group of senior citizens at the Morning Pointe Retirement
home. The picture to the right, another group of
seniors spent the morning beautifying our campus by pulling weeds and planting new landscape. Still others visited Franklin College or
other college campuses to get to know more
about their campus. The students who were given the opportunities for community service enjoyed giving back and helping. We are proud of
our students and their giving spirit!
Book Rental Fee Invoices will be mailed
home the middle of September.
All book rental fees will be due by December 31, 2014.
Visit our home page
and click on the School
Meals, then REVTRAK payment link. For book rental
and lunch accounts.
This notice is to inform you of the immunization
requirements for your senior year. You (that is all
of the seniors!) are required to have a second
MCV4/ Menactra shot. This is a new requirement
by the Indiana Department of Education. The only
exception to this requirement is if you had your first
MCV4 shot after your 16th birthday.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel
free to contact the school nurse (5353138) or our corporate nurse, Mrs.
Johnson, R.N. (535-3889).
Superintendent’s Coffee
Location: Whiteland Elementary School
120 Center Street – Whiteland – 46184
The Clark-Pleasant Administration and Board of
School Trustees want parents and community members to take an active role in the educational process. With this in mind, Dr. Spray would like to
invite parents and community members to participate
in a series of meetings during the school year to
discuss current initiatives within the school and to
provide updates of exciting things happening in our
school community. The community coffee dates are
below, hope to see you there. Thanks!
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
6:30 p.m.
Child Care Provided by Baxter YMCA
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Warrior Connection
We thank our business partners for their continued support.
Bailey & Wood Financial Group
Main Source Bank
Johnson Memorial Hospital
Beck Automotive
Best Buy
Gale Engineering
John Deere Landscaping
Beeson Mechanical Service
Jessen Funeral Home
Camby Family Dentistry
Family RV Rentals
Endress & Hauser
CSO Architects
Wallman Financial
Ice Miller
Central Security
Central Indiana Chiropractic
Kelsay Farms
Larry Shaw CPA
Bradley Chevrolet
Key Bank
Hoosier Jewelry
American Health Network
Heartland Bank
Brozinnis Pizzeria
Bose, McKinney & Evans
Pizza King
Dairy Queen
Dominos Pizza
White Castle
McDonalds (Whiteland Pilot)
Bardach Awards
Hi-Way Lanes
Rascals Fun Zone
Franklin Skate Club
Crystal Graphics
Southern Bowl
Men’s Warehouse
Red Barn Elephant Ears
Horace Mann
First Merchants Bank
State Farm (Shannon Muse)
We extend an invitation for your business to become a part of our winning team. In exchange for
support we publicize our business partners through announcements at sporting events, listing them
in programs, promotions on Warrior TV, school wide announcements, and businesses are highlighted in newsletters to the homes of every high school student.
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Warrior Connection
Order Your Tickets Now!
Go to & click “Buy Tickets” or complete this form and Return it to your school today.
**Courtside Plus Raffle**
Be one of the first 100 fans to buy a ticket and be entered into a drawing to win a FREE
upgrade to our Courtside Plus Package, which includes courtside seating, an exclusive pregame
meet & greet with the Wizards, and a FREE souvenir!
1 winner will be chosen and receive up to 2 upgrades
Student Name_____________________________________
Phone #_____________________________
HR Teacher_________________
# of Student Tickets _________ @ $8.00 each ($10 at door) Total $_________
# of General Admission Tickets _________ @ $10.00 each ($12 at door) Total $_________
# of Reserved Admission Tickets ________ @ $15.00 each (advance only) Total $_________
# of Court Side Plus (CSP) Tickets _________ @ $25.00 each (advance only) Total $_________
TOTAL $___________
*Children 3 & under admitted free *Limited # of CSP/Reserved tickets *CSP not available online * *Non-Refundable
*Order does not guarantee purchase *We will notify you if tickets are sold out *
Please return this form to your school marked Harlem Wizards Tickets: c/o School Coordinator Patti Keaton. Make
checks payable to: Clark Pleasant Education Foundation. Please note: Tickets ordered through the schools will be
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Warrior Connection
Visit the guidance dept. webpage @ Click on the guidance department link for more information on: *scholarships*
*college visits*
The students are assigned to a guidance counselor according to
their last name. The alphabetical split is as follows::
Staying Connected with the Guidance Department
Mrs. Fritz, Director of Guidance, 535-3135
The guidance department has a wealth of information and wants very
much to keep all families informed. Here are ways that you can stay
Mrs. Ehringer, Guidance Counselor, 535-3265
Mr. McMillan, Guidance Counselor, 535-3136
Mrs. Austin, Guidance Counselor, 535-3134
at Click on the guidance department
link for more information on scholarships, colleges, and information specific to grade levels
Like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter
@WhitelandHSGuidance (no spaces), and on My Big Campus
HS guidance code is: t4q9bmrh
Make sure your current email address has been provided so you
can receive email reminders of upcoming events or deadlines.
Call the guidance office at 535-3189 to update your email
Mrs. Short, Registrar
Mr. James Burns, Butler University Intern
Mr. Alex Bailey, IUPUI Intern
In order to accommodate you more efficiently, please call ahead to make an
appointment to meet with your guidance counselor.
Dual Credit
Dual credit is a phrase used at the high school frequently. What is
dual credit? Dual credit is any course offered at WCHS or Central 9
Career Center that earns a student both high school and college
credit. Dual credit classes can either be taught by a high school
staff member with special training that qualifies them to teach a
college course or it may be an actual college professor that travels
to our campus. Dual credit classes differ from AP classes in the
way in which college credit is awarded. Dual credit classes award
college credit based on the semester grade earned in the course.
Students can be awarded college credit in AP courses based on
scores on AP exams at the end of the year.
WCHS9- “Define Yourselves!”
Parents– please take the time to review your freshmen student’s
first semester performance. Encourage your student to reflect on
the following, “What did we do well?” and “What can we do better?” Research indicates that freshmen students who do not earn
at least 10 credits by the end of 9th grade have a greater risk of
not graduating with their class.
Purpose of Guided Instruction: 1.Seek out the teacher for extra
help/retest. 2. Work on homework.
Students should make teacher contact a priority. They have 40
minutes M, T, Th, and F to retake exams and to get extra help.
Students just have to ask for a pass for the teacher they will be
visiting. Assignments which don’t require assistance should be
completed at home after school.
There are many benefits to dual credit. Students that take college
classes in high school are exposed to the different academic demands of college level work. Our students report they learn about
the pacing of college classes, the level of reading and writing re
quired, as well as time management and organization. In addition,
dual credit classes benefit students and parents because they are
offered to high school students at a fraction of the cost of regular 
tuition. Students can transfer college credits earned at WCHS to all
Indiana public universities and many private colleges. WCHS has
made an effort to offer dual credit classes that are general education core classes that could benefit any college-bound student, no
matter their intended major or degree.
Dual credit classes are designed for juniors and seniors. Some of
the dual credit classes we have slated for the 2015-2016 school
year are listed below. We expect this list to expand as the year
progresses. To see a full listing and explanation of dual credit process, costs, and transferability, see the WCHS Dual Credit Hand- 
book online at To navigate to the handbook,
click on guidance and then academic information.
2015-2016 Dual Credit courses from Indiana University: English
Composition, Introduction to Literature, Chemistry, and Advanced
2015-2016 Dual Credit courses from Ivy Tech Community College: English Composition, Public Speaking, Sociology, and Psychology
Remember nothing great accomplished without giving
a great effort.
Students will receive a new schedule when we return from the
holiday break. Remember: second semester classes cannot be
changed and schedules have been adjusted to reflect failed graduation requirements. Please refer to page 15 of the student
handbook on scheduling policies.
Freshman students completed schedule requests for their sophomore year the week of November 17. Students and parents have
until December 19th to request changes. After that time, parents
will have to make contact through guidance to make additional
changes. All schedule adjustment requests must be made by
June 1, 2015.
Please visit the 2018 group on My Big Campus for news and
resources of everything going on at WCHS-9. The calendar is
updated with deadlines and events of interest. Visit MBC by
going to and login by typing your student’s id number and password, then choose Whiteland Community High School as your school. If you have difficulty, please do
not hesitate to contact us at 535-3855.
Finally, please remind your student to dress appropriately for the
upcoming winter season, especially those who make transitions
between buildings during the day.
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Warrior Connection
Financial Aid (FAFSA) Help
Completing the FAFSA correctly and on time is one of the most important steps seniors can take in preparing for college. The FAFSA is completed
online based on 2014 tax information and helps colleges determine what grants and loans your student may be eligible for from the federal government, the state government, or the college themselves. For families not eligible for grant assistance, the FAFSA is the first step in applying for student or Parent Plus loans. The FAFSA must be submitted online by March 10th.
WCHS and Johnson County offer several opportunities for help with the FAFSA.
Help Sessions at WCHS
January 12th beginning at 6:30 pm in the high school auditorium, a representative from ISM College Planning will give a general presentation
on the financial aid process. This presentation is a lecture/ PowerPoint format with a time for questions at the end.
February 4th from 3:00 pm until 7:00 pm in computer lab D100, staff will be available to help families complete the FAFSA online. Families are
encouraged to bring in documents and ask questions specific to their unique FAFSA. The goal of this day is for families to leave with the
FAFSA completed correctly and submitted.
Help Sessions in Johnson County and surrounding area
February 10 at Central Nine Career Center from 8:10 am until 7:00 pm
Students and families from Johnson County are invited to attend this FAFSA day for assistance in completing their 2015-2016 FAFSA. Consultants will be available to interpret the results of the FAFSA and what the Expected Family Contribution means for their student and family. Students and families who have already completed a FAFSA and would like assistance in understanding the results are also encouraged and invited to attend.
February 22nd beginning at 2:00 pm is College Goal Sunday.
College Goal Sunday is a statewide initiative to help families complete the FAFSA.There are many locations in Indianapolis and Columbus that
are host sites for College Goal Sunday. These events are staffed by financial aid experts who can help answer questions for families as they
complete the FAFSA. See for a location near you.
PSAT and Accuplacer
On October 29th, all 10th and 11th graders took the Preliminary SAT, also known as the PSAT. Results are returned to the school in
late December or early January.
Counselors will visit junior classrooms in January to return and interpret results. For juniors, the results of the PSAT may determine
whether students need to take an additional test in February called Accuplacer. The PSAT can predict whether a student is on track
to be college ready by high school graduation. If a student’s PSAT score shows they are not on track to do college level work, the
Accuplacer can give the student and school more information about skills that need to be reviewed and practiced so the student can
enter college without taking remedial English and math courses. The Accuplacer is an online test given during the school day that
gives immediate results and feedback.
Sophomore results will be passed out at the Sophomore Parent Night on January 26th starting at 6:30 pm in the high school auditorium. At this meeting, counselors will review results, give information on the next steps of preparation for college, and provide information on scheduling for junior year. Students whose families are not able to attend the Jan. 26th meeting will receive their results
during GI in early February.
Southside College Fair
On March 10th, 2015 from 6:30 pm until
8:00 pm the University of Indianapolis
hosts a fantastic college fair in their football
dome. This college fair draws 60+ colleges
from Indiana and the Midwest. It is a great
opportunity for students and parents to
begin researching college options. This fair
is a great activity for students in grades 911. Freshmen and sophomore students can
talk to admission reps about academic expectations from high school such as GPA
and course selection. Juniors can ask more
specific questions about programs and campus life as they try and narrow down their
college application lists.
Central 9 Career Center
Warrior Wardrobe
Any student planning on
attending Central 9 Career
Center for the 2015-2016
school year should complete a C9 enrollment form
and return it to the guidance office. This is true for
current C9 students as
well. C9 enrollment forms
are now available in the
guidance office.
The Warrior Wardrobe is excited to be open
during Guided Instruction on Tuesdays and
Thursdays. Students are able to receive 5
items per visit and can contact their guided
instruction teacher for a pass. If any adults
are interested in volunteering to supervise the
wardrobe from 10:05-10:45 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday, please contact Casey Moeller via email at:
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Looking ahead…
Students should begin taking the SAT and ACT no later than March of their junior year. We recommend students take each test one time. After
scores are received, students can analyze results, compare them to college admission expectations, and register for additional testing if needed.
Most students will take the SAT or ACT twice.
Register for the ACT at The ACT Plus Writing costs $54.50. Students on free/reduced lunch or 21st Century Scholars may
ask their counselor for a fee waiver.
ACT Test Dates
Feb 7
ACT (sign up deadline Jan. 9th)
April 18
ACT (sign up deadline March 13th)
June 13
ACT (sign up deadline May 8th)
Register for the SAT at The SAT costs $52.50. Students on free/reduced lunch or 21st Century Scholars may ask their
counselor for a fee waiver.
Jan 24
SAT (sign up deadline is Dec. 29th)
Mar 14
SAT (sign up deadline is Feb. 13th)
May 2
SAT (sign up deadline is April 6th)
June 6
SAT (sign up deadline May 8th)
Students planning on attending Ivy Tech or Vincennes University after high school are not required to take the ACT or SAT for admission, although both schools will use scores if provided. Ivy Tech and Vincennes University provide their own placement test called the Accuplacer. (The
version of the Accuplacer that we will be giving juniors in February is the same version used by Ivy Tech.) Proprietary schools often have their
own placement tests as well, so students are not required to have an ACT or SAT score for admission. Examples of proprietary schools are International Business College, Harrison College, Kaplan College, Art Institute of Indianapolis and Lincoln Tech, to name a few.
Seniors: Please apply for the scholarships offered through Johnson County Community Foundation. Information and applications can be
found at
As the winter and spring progresses, the WCHS guidance office will receive more and more scholarship applications. A comprehensive
list is now on the main high school website under “students.” Announcements are also made on My Big Campus and our other modes of
Spotlight on...
Collin Scott and Sam Venter were named All-State Singles in district 5. To put this in perspective, there are more than
300 tennis teams divided among 8 districts. Our district has 34 teams in it, and the top 12 singles players from each district are
ranked. Out of the over 100 possible singles players in our district, Collin and Sam were ranked in the top 12.
FFA members you may have in class when we return from break on their hard work on the Kelsay Farms Giant Straw Bale Decorating
Competition! Our FFA beat out Indian Creek, Franklin, and C-9 and took home first place in the contest! The chapter was awarded $250
and members voted to use it to shop for a needy family this holiday season.
On November 1st, sixteen student council members attended the Indiana Association of Student Councils State Convention in downtown Indianapolis. These students participated in leadership activities, heard inspirational speakers, and enjoyed dancing, a magician,
and games. Our school was also recognized as a Riley Miracle School by Riley Children's Hospital.
In November, the Varsity Cheerleading Competition Squad competed at the Hoosier Regional Championship at Warren Central High
School. The squad received 1st place and a bid to compete in the National High School Cheer Championship Finals to be held at Disney
World in February. Members of the squad are: Avery Bowman, Makayla Hawk, Haley Striby, Sadie Welch, Makayla Lucas, Kerrigan Miller, Michaela Wilson, Alyssa Beetler, Maggie Fuson, Allyssa Giddens, Bailey Hamer, Ashley Hamer, and Peyton
Vaziri. Coach Jennifer Lema and the girls are very excited to be representing Whiteland at this year’s Nationals. These same ladies
finished 2nd and the MidState Conference Championship and three seniors named to Midstate Conference Team: Ashley Hamer, Bailey
Hamer, and Peyton Vaziri.
Congratulations to Alyssa Dailey for being named ICGSA Academic All State Honorable Mention for the 2014-2015 volleyball season!
Congratulations, Whiteland Warriors for raising $2,000. towards our $20,000. goal for Riley Children’s Hospital at the first annual 5K
Superheroes Run for Riley Day held in early November! Students had a great time racing against Superman and other superheroes
for a very worthy cause.
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Dial 535-2025, then the teacher’s extension to either leave a message or listen to assignments.
Aragon, Angela
Griffin, Dana
Morrison, Niki
Baker, Leah
Gross, Abby
Nehrt, Renee
Waraitch, Kuldeep
Bangel, Brandon
Gunn, Katie
Perry, Natalie
Bennett, Amy
Hand, Mike
Pope, Vickie
Guidance—Voicemail Only
Bradley, Jan
Hartman, Mike
Rector, Dan
Austin, Stephanie
Breidinger, Elizabeth
Hedrick, Marianne
Rinehold, Christa
(Adult & Child)
Brownfield, Justin
Hicks, Brad
Rittman, Michael
Ehringer, Laura
Burbank, Susan
Holder, Erin
Roberts, P. Kyle
McMillan, Dave
Burk, Sheri
Holladay, Nicole
Rossman, Jen
Director: Fritz, Shannon
Canary, Becky
Hout, Gena
Sampson, Pete
Registrar: Short, Kim
Carlsgaard, Jess
Huckstep, Jared
Shipp, Kyle
CP Academy-Voicemail Only
Cecil, Allison
Jeffries, Malerie
Smith, Dameion
Lisa Morris
Clawson, Jeff
King, Sarah
Smith, Lanna
Ryan Norris
Colter, Erica
Kovacs, Bill
Smith, Raenell
Stephanie Deel
Cravens, Rachel
Kunz, Todd
Smola, Kate
Administrators—Voicemail Only
Croy, Todd
Land (Hume), Sarah
Spinks, Steve
Bechinski, Dave
Due, Candice
Lang, Kate
Thompson, Sue
Holman, Brent
Emerson, Gerry
Leach, Nicole
Tichenor, Lavana
Larkin, Kara
Estridge Kristin
Lewis, Natalee
Towler, Justina
Sears, Ken (Athletics)
Fish, Tim
Linn, Derek
Vanderveen, Brian
Skobel, Luke
Fisher, Darrin
Litsey, Emily
VanHorn, Justin
Zobel, Tom, Principal
Fredbeck, Jan
Lopez Perez, Lina
Wadsworth, Matt
Fuentes, Brooke
Lukich, Brian
Walters, Ashlee
Garner, Janet
Lyons, Jessica
Webb, Adam
Owen, Jill
Gebhart, Marie
Mercer, Pam
Werner, Greg
Gillespie, Jenny
Meyer, Gina
Williams, Steve
Trivett, Jayne
Gillespie, Mike
Moeller, Casey (Mr. Weil)
Wood, Chris
Gonzales, Christina
Moffett, Elizabeth (JAG)
Wrege, Amanda (Virtual lab)
Snyder, Denise
FFAThe WCHS FFA has had a busy first semester filled with many exciting activities! Our Soil Evaluation Team competed in the Area Contest
on October 1st in Martinsville. Our “Whiteland FFA Gold Team” consisting of Emily Dougherty, Ethan Dougherty, Eric Dougherty, and Autumn
Peterson was recognized for placing as a Top 10 team. Emily Dougherty also placed 15th as an individual of over 100 participants! The chapter
also participated in the Kelsay Farms “Decorate a Bale” contest and turned an ordinary round straw bale into an exciting creation. Whiteland battled
Indian Creek and C9 FFA’s in this competition and brought home 1st place and $250. The chapter voted to use their winning prize to shop for a needy
family this Christmas.
The chapter took 17 outstanding young men and women to the National FFA Convention in Louisville, KY on October 29-31st. The students
were privileged to hear moving keynote speakers, including Nick Vujicic, who helped motivated students to lead and “go all out” in their lives. Members also toured one of the largest career and college fairs in the country with over 100+ exhibits ranging from Agricultural colleges, universities, trade
schools, companies, and corporations.
FFA also helped serve the community by volunteering at the Clark Elementary Fall Festival on November 7 th. This allowed students to
engage with younger students in the community and promote the chapter to not only
the students but the community. WCHS FFA will wrap up the fall semester with annual fruit sales, competing in the Area Crops Evaluation competition on December 4 th in
Shelbyville, and our annual Christmas celebration on December 10.
Whiteland FFA participated in an amazing program on November 18, 2014
and impacted thousands! During their Million Meal Marathon shift, they assisted 200
other FFA members and 1,000 community volunteers to package 260,000 meals
for needy Hoosiers! It was a very meaningful and impactful program for our students and they came away humbled and grateful for the opportunities and resources
they have in their own lives. We also made the afternoon news! Check out the link
below to see our students packing meals on WTHR Channel 13. Our students can be
seen at the very beginning of the footage in their blue and yellow FFA shirts working
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WCHS Travel Club
WCHS Travel Club is offering a once in a lifetime opportunity for the summer of 2016. We will be traveling to Dublin, Ireland;
Northern Wales; London, England; Paris, France; and Normandy in order to learn about other cultures and languages. EF
Tours is a well-known company that sends students all over the world to prepare them for the current global community. They
offer many simple ways to enroll and get started on this next adventure. Parents are even welcome to sign up and come along.
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Leach at or Mrs. Breidinger at, or visit the following website:
Thank you to the Nutrition and Wellness classes for baking cookies for Operation Bundle Up November 7th. This
service project was appreciated by the workers who helped distribute winter coats families in Johnson County.
Peer Helper Activities:
1. We organized Operation Bundle Up for this year. Over 400 coats were collected from CPCSC for families to
receive a winter coat, hats and gloves. United Way of Johnson County has been sponsoring this program over
10 years.
The 10th annual Thanksgiving Food Drive was conducted November 10-14 to collect food for Interfaith Church
Food Pantry of Johnson County. Overall 3,000 pounds of food was collected.
3. Each Thursday Peers participate in "Service Thursday" activities. They have worked at Warrior Wardrobe,
Turning Point Church sorting coats, and visiting residents at Christina Place. They have also worked on projects at WCHS. Please contact, if anyone has a service project you need help with.
4. For the last 20+ years, Peer Helpers have promoted Red Ribbon Week. Although it won't solve the problem,
we at least want to make kids aware that it is still a concern and choose NOT to abuse and use drugs, alcohol
and tobacco. This year’s theme was “I Choose to Refuse”. The week was held when we got back from fall
break, October 27-31.
Below is a sampling of some of the questions given during this week:
1. A person can become addicted to heroin after using __________ time(s).
2. The most widely used drug in America is ________________________
3. What type of drug(s) do teens die of more than any other. ________________________
4. The ____________________ Law protects youth for calling 911 when reporting high health risks from underage
alcohol and drug consumption.
5. What group of teens tend to drink more than others? ________________________________
Answers: 1. one 2. alcohol 3. prescription 4. Lifeline Law (Senator Merritt) 5. athletes
Mrs. Jeanine Motsay mother of a honor student and athlete who lost his life to an overdose of synthetic LSD and
Senator Merritt sponsor of the Lifeline Law spoke to WCHS9 during Red Ribbon Week. They emphasized saying
no to drugs and being aware of the dangers of drugs.
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Warrior Connection
Whiteland Community High School Tutoring List for 2014-15
the Whiteland
On Twitter
Social Studies
For. Lang.
Dave Bechinski
Greg Werner
Marie Gebhart Jan Bradley
Dave McMillan
Kate Smola
Sarah King
Stephanie Deel
Lina Lopez Perez
Kyle Roberts
*Hourly rates may vary and are set by each individual teacher.
**To contact a teacher for tutoring, please call WCHS at 317-535-7562.
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Whiteland Community High School
Adult Booster Club
Dear WCHS Families,
We are asking you to consider becoming a member of the Whiteland Community High School
Adult Booster Club. Like so many other schools, Whiteland is faced with a tight budget. With
your help we would like to provide academic and athletic support for our students. Below is a
list of funding requests that we have either fulfilled in the past or are considering funding in
the future. Aside from membership dues our only source of funding for extras that benefit the
students of WCHS is from profits from the in-school concession stand. So please join today!
Academic Funding
Academic Letter Jackets
Competition Fees for Academic Teams
Art Class/Matting Tools
Star Warrior Awards
James Sleighter Scholarship
Adult Booster Club Scholarships
School Attendance Award
Athletic Funding
Softball Uniforms
Senior Athlete Banners
Track Warm-ups
Swimming Record Board/
Football Uniforms
Training Equipment
Baseball Uniforms
Conditioning Equipment
Basketball Uniforms
Soccer Goals
Cross Country Tent
Record Banners for Hallways
Wrestling Mat Hoist System
Tennis Court Windbreaks
Ice Machine for the Training Room
Golf Training Equipment
Cheerleading Uniforms
Golf Bags
Conference Patches
Membership Options
Family Membership
Business Membership $100.00
Staff Membership
$20.00 ______
Corporate Sponsor
$1000.00 ______
--------------------------------------(DETACH AND MAIL WITH PAYMENT)-------------------------------Please make check payable to: WCHS Booster Club
Mail to:
WCHS Adult Booster Club
300 Main Street
Whiteland, IN 46184
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Warrior Connection
300 Main Street
~ Whiteland, IN ~ 46184
Electric Impulse Studio
8 Trafalgar Square
~ Trafalgar, IN ~ 46181
Dear Dance Team Supporter:
Whiteland Community High School is excited to announce that our competitive level dance team, In10sity, has received a personal invitation
to participate in the 2014 Orange Bowl Halftime show in beautiful Miami, FL! This program was created during the 2012-2013 school year, as
an opportunity for students who currently train in local studios and are passionate about the art of dance, to be able to contribute to the
Whiteland team spirit at basketball and football games and to experience the excitement of performing for their peers and community while
continuing to train in the sport they love. Their hard work has paid off!
With your help, we will be taking 7 very talented young ladies, to Florida over the holiday break, to rehearse and train with professional choreographers to compose a halftime production that will be performed for 70,000+ live fans, as well as be broadcast on national television! The
students also have an opportunity to earn high school credit in the performing arts arena by participating in this trip, which cost approximately $1500.00 per dancer.
The dancers will be participating in a variety of activities this season to meet our fundraising goals such as selling pizzas, washing cars, hosting children’s dance camps, etc. If you would like to contribute to their efforts you may become an official team sponsor by selecting one of the
options below. Please complete the form at the bottom of this letter and return it with your sponsorship check (made payable to: WCHS
In10sity) to the studio address at the top of this letter. You may also use the PayPal link on our team site:
We sincerely thank you for your support and look forward to entertaining you this season! Any specific questions can be directed to team
coach/director, Tracey Wade, at 317-878-4950.
Thank you,
Tracey Wade – WCHS Dance Team Director
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yes! I would like to become an official dance team sponsor!
Platinum Sponsor - $200.00+
Receives: Facebook ad, website ad, t-shirt recognition, AND 8x10 full color framed ad on studio wall - 1 year
Gold Sponsor - $150.00
Receives: Facebook ad, website ad, AND recognition on our “Operation: Orange Bowl” t-shirt
Silver Sponsor - $100.00
Receives: Business card size ad on our team Facebook page AND studio website for 1 year.
Bronze Sponsor - $50.00
Receives: Business card size ad on our team Facebook page.
Name or Business Name ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Contact Number: _____________________________________________________
*Please attach business card.
Whiteland Community
High School
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage Paid
Whiteland, IN 46184-1599
Whiteland Community High School
300 Main Street
Whiteland, IN 46184
Permit No. 50
Phone: 317-535-7562
Fax: 317-535-7509
“Define Yourselves”
To ALL parents of WCHS students:
Please hold your student(s) accountable for any overdue library materials.
We DO NOT charge library fees. Therefore, I am
asking for your help. We have students who have overdue
materials and other students would like to read them. Help
us by holding your student accountable for library materials
that are overdue. Also, if you happen to locate a book that
has our barcode on it that has WCHS Library over the top,
please send it back to the school, no questions asked.
If the student has lost the item, the library will
accept a replacement (exact book, same author) since we
DO NOT receive the funds back into the library accounts to
re-purchase. If you have any questions or concerns, feel
free to call me at 535-7562 ext. 3142. Thank you for your
help and support!
Mrs. Snyder, Media Specialist
Clark-Pleasant Community School Corporation does not discriminate on the
basis of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, age,
or individuals with disabilities, including limited English proficiency, in its
programs or employment policies as required by the Indiana Civil Rights Act
(I.C. 22-9.1), Title VI and VII (Civil Rights Act of 1964), the Equal Pay Act of
1973, Title IX (Educational Amendments), and Section 504 (Rehabilitation Act
of 1973).
Get in the BEAT, with Warrior Beat Radio!
Follow the Whiteland Warriors!
To listen to the broadcast, go to:
Live broadcasts will be heard once on the site. Broadcasts will be
uploaded and archived for pre-recorded availability shortly after
the conclusion of each event.
Warrior Beat radio relies on sponsors to for the radio to work. If
you are interested in sponsoring these broadcasts, contact Chris
Wood at Thank you for your support!
The Safe School Helpline has been an effective tool in helping to create a safer school environment by utilizing a communication link between your
school, students and parents.
*Suicide is the second leading cause of death among teens.
The Safe School Helpline is now providing an additional service allowing students to talk directly to a trained clinician at any hour of the day or night.
These professionals, with this nationally certified service, will be there to help when problems in a student’s life become too great to handle alone.
If you have any questions, please call 1-800-325-4381.