Volume 33, Issue 1 - Music Theatre of Wenatchee


Volume 33, Issue 1 - Music Theatre of Wenatchee
January 2013—Page 4
Script Notes
Music Theatre of Wenatchee
233c N Wenatchee Ave
P. O. Box 3042
Wenatchee WA 98807-3042
Phone: (509) 662-7814
E-mail: info@mtow.org
Inside this issue:
MTW Board:
President: Sheryl Sutherland
President-Elect: Jeff Heminger
Treasurer: Colleen Bowen
Secretary: Sue Lawson
Paul Atwood
Cynthia Brown
Marie Carlson
Arlene Jones
Tiffany Mausser
John Merritt
Nita Paine
Daina Toevs
Steve Zimmerman
(More members will be voted in at
the annual meeting on January
20th, 4:00 pm at the Playhouse.)
In our next issue:
Happy Days
And more ...
Volume 33 Issue 1
January 2013 Page 1
Inside this issue:
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s
Apple Blossom Musical Happy
Annual Meeting
Playhouse news
Leaving Board Members
Music Theatre of
Wenatchee, Inc.
Music Theatre of Wenatchee needs your membership to continue producing quality plays and musicals. Becoming a member of MTW is a great way to show your support.
Membership Benefits:
 Our quarterly newsletter
 Early notice of ticket sales
 Ticket discounts for "Member Nights"
 Invitation to semi-annual meetings
 Members at the Associate Producer level or above are listed
in each show program.
There are Six levels of sponsorship:
 $25.00 — Sponsor (no program listing)
 $50.00 — Patron (no program listing)
 $100.00 — Associate Producer
 $250.00 — Producer
 $500.00 — Executive Producer
 $1,000.00 — Benefactor
Contact us online for the membership form and mail your
check or money order to P.O. Box 3042, Wenatchee, WA, 98807. Your membership is very important to us.
Tickets are on
sale now for
“One Flew Over
the Cuckoo’s
Nest”! This
iconic play
takes place at a
state mental
hospital somewhere in the Pacific Northwest
in the late
1950s. It’s the
battle between
McMurphy and
Nurse Ratched
for control of
the “chronic patients” at the
This moving,
intense, and
beautifullyacted show is one that
you won’t want to miss.
You’ll see many of your
favorite MTW veteran
actors, and meet newcomers that are sure to
become new favorites as
Performance Dates:
January 10-12, 7:30 pm
January 17-19, 7:30 pm
January 24-26, 7:30 pm
January 19, 2:00 pm
At the Riverside Play-
Billy Bibbit, John
Ryan as Scanlon,
Justin Valdez as
Mr. Martini, John
Mausser as Cheswick, Rob Spradlin as Ruckly,
Brad Behrens as
Dr. Spivey, Eric
Herrick as Aide
Warren, Budd
Gilyard as Aide
Williams, Dana
Winter as Nurse
Flinn, Alicia
James as Candy
Starr, Dylan Emrys as Sandy,
Milo Klanke as
Aide Turkle, Rick
Benge as Colonel
Tickets are available at the Performing
Arts Center Box Office, at
** Please note that this
pacwen.org or by calling
show contains strong
663-ARTS. You can also
language and violence,
purchase tickets at the
and is not recommended door and MTW now acfor children.
cepts debit and credit
Cast List:
Jared Morgan as Randall
Member Night Thursday
P. McMurphy, Tiffany
tickets are only $12, reguMausser as Nurse
Ratched, Vern Smith as lar price tickets are $15
and student rush tickets
Chief Bromden, Matare also available for $5 at
thew Pippin as Dale
Harding, Jacob Scott as the door only; students
must present ID.
One Flew Over the
Cuckoo’s Nest
MTW News
Apple Blossom Musical
Happy Days
Leaving Board Members
Annual Meeting
Playhouse News
Leaving Board Members (cont.)
Board Members
On Christmas Eve, we lost
a valued member of MTW.
Bob Lawson lost his battle
with cancer. His family was
with him when he passed.
Bob helped with so many
productions. He supported
MTW and his wife through
the last 50 years. His
bright smile and sweet
spirit will be missed. Our
hearts and
prayers go out
to Sue and
their entire
January 2013—Page 2
2013 Apple B
January 2013—Page 3
Happy Days The Musical
Produced by Melissa Carlson
Sunday, Monday, Happy Days…Tuesday,
Wednesday, Happy Days…You know the
theme song!
members coming soon!
Praise for Happy Days,
A New Musical:
The 2013 Apple Blossom Musical
“Happy Days, A New Musical” that is
based on the classic TV show we all know
and love and you’ll be singing along to
this charming and fun show. Even if
you’re too young to remember, you’ll be
singing along by the end!
We’ll take you back to the 1950s with
Richie, Potsie, Ralph Malph, The Cunninghams, Pinky Tuscadero and of
course “The Fonz” as they try to save
their favorite hangout, “Arnold’s”, from
being demolished. Will the gang be able
to save the day?
Happy Days is a family friendly show
that will be performed at the Riverside
April 24-27, May 2-5, 9-11 7:30pm
2:00pm Matinees May 5, 11, 12
Directed by Daina Toevs
“The characters of Happy Days-A New Musical will need no introduction. Like old
friends, they are instantly recognizable and
-Los Angeles Times
“A family friendly romp thru the last years
of the 50’s.”
-Nashville Entertainment Examiner
The cast list will be announced soon! Check
www.mtow.org for the complete list or for
more details.
So get out your letterman’s jacket, bobby
socks, and poodle skirts as we go back in time
to “Happy Days”. But make sure to get your
tickets early…the show runs for three weeks
only! Advance notice for ticket sales to MTW
“It’s a light-hearted family musical…Lyricist
Paul Williams only adds to the squeaky
clean charm of Happy Days.”
-Huntsville Times, Alabama
Some Fun Facts….
It’s that time again. January marks the beginning
of our membership drive and our annual meeting.
We encourage you to attend our meeting on Sunday, January 20th, at 4:00pm.
We will be showcasing our current production of
“One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”, directed by
Cynthia Brown. Also a sneak peek at our 2013 Apple Blossom Musical, “Happy Days”, directed by
Daina Toevs. These are two fabulous productions
and you will be truly entertained when you see
We will have a short business meeting that will include voting in new board members, the minutes
from last year’s meeting, and saying a sad good-bye
to some wonderful people leaving the board.
The Playhouse Facelift
Mark Wavra and Terry Valdez have agreed to give
the Playhouse lobby a new design, putting up display cases, café tables, and memorabilia.
We had the lobby painted and new design will be
a welcome addition to our incredible facility. We
are hoping this will give the theatre a bit of elegance and an eye-pleasing space.
This way we can utilize our lobby and maximize
the openness of the entryway. This will be a continuous process so we can keep our facility as upto-date as possible. We are excited for this project
and we hope you will be able to enjoy our theatre
as much as we do. We truly thank you for all your
This is an event not to miss. We will be providing
hors d’œuvres, desserts and drinks. Please come
and celebrate another great season.
Happy Days aired on ABC from January
15th, 1974 to September 24th, 1984.
Leaving Board Members
It is with a sad heart that
we have some long
standing members leaving the
board this year. It is a great loss
for us as we will miss their talent and expertise.
musicals, most known for his part
of the King in The King and I.
Leaving the board this year is
Keith Sexson, one of the founders of MTW. He has been
serving MTW for over 50
years. Keith is responsible for
so much of MTW that we can
hardly list it all. He is a true
treasure and a very talented
Without his leadership and
knowledge, MTW would not be
the great organization it is today.
He is one of the people ensuring
musicals; Guys and Dolls, The Mu- that MTW continues its incredible
sic Man, My Fair Lady, Annie Get legacy of quality theatre.
Your Gun, and The Most Happy
Keith will be missed and we wish
Fella to name a few. Along with
him well on the continuing jourThe Fantasticks, A Funny Thing
ney. We give you our heartfelt
Happened on the Way to the Fothanks for all the years of support
rum, Laura and After Dark. Keith
and wonderful friendship.
has performed in many plays and
Keith directed the first MTW
production, Rosalinda. Over the
years, he has directed many
Annual Meeting-Jan. 20th
Keith was a college professor for
many years. He has taught many
people the joys of acting and being a part of live theatre.
Leaving Board Members (cont.)
Everhart is
taking some
time off. She
has been a
board member for over
20 years. She
has held each board position at
one time or another. She has
been the president and most recently, the treasurer. Marilyn
helped structure MTW’s business side.
Marilyn directed in the New
Directors Festival 4, Hello
Dolly and The Fantasticks. She
has played the piano in over 60
productions in the last 30 years.
The years that Marilyn has been
in our bands and orchestras have
been invaluable. There is no
amount of thank you’s that would
be sufficient.
Fortunately, she will still be involved by being the musical director for this year’s Apple Blossom
show, “Happy Days”.
the years. He makes sure
the lights are working,
and had the outside of the
Playhouse completed with an
awning and the sign above the
door. These have helped MTW be
a beacon to the community.
We will miss these individuals in
Glenn Isaacson is also leaving the our day-to-day operations of the
board. He has been a board mem- theatre. Please give them a generber, treasurer and president as well ous “Thank You” the next time
you see them. We have become
as many other
what we are because of these peopositions. He
ple and we thank them with all
has been reour hearts.
sponsible for
many of the
changes to the
theatre over
Come join us at the annual meeting to vote on the future board
members. We have some big
shoes to fill.