2News Summer 05 Catalog
2News Summer 05 Catalog
THE BEST IN COMICS & LEGO® PUBLICATIONS! SPRING 2013 SAVE 15 WHE % N YO ORD U ONL ER INE! Ambitious new series documenting each decade of comic book history! MODERN MASTERS: RON GARNEY AMERICAN COMIC BOOK CHRONICLES: 1960-64 & The 1980s THE STAR*REACH COMPANION JOHN WELLS covers comics in the 1960-64 JFK and Beatles era: DC’s new GREEN LANTERN, JUSTICE LEAGUE and multiple earths! LEE and KIRBY at Marvel on FF, SPIDER-MAN, HULK, and X-MEN! BATMAN’s “new look”, Charlton’s BLUE BEETLE, CREEPY #1 & more! Ron Garney can draw cinematic blockbuster action with the best of them, as his iconic runs on Captain America, Wolverine, and Weapon X will attest. But he also excels at depicting quiet moments and emotional nuance in his work. Join authors JORGE KHOURY and ERIC NOLEN-WEATHINGTON—along with JASON AARON, TOM PALMER, ALEX ROSS, and friends—as they document Garney’s career through an exhaustive interview, and a wealth of rare and unseen art, including a gallery of commissioned pieces, many in fullcolor. Now shipping! ISBN: 978-1-60549-040-3 MODERN MASTERS: CLIFF CHIANG Complete history of the influential 1970s independent comic, featuring work by and interviews with DAVE STEVENS, FRANK BRUNNER, HOWARD CHAYKIN, STEVE LEIALOHA, WALTER SIMONSON, BARRY WINDSOR-SMITH, KEN STEACY, JOHN WORKMAN, MIKE VOSBURG, P. CRAIG RUSSELL, DAVE SIM, MICHAEL GILBERT, and many others, plus full stories from STAR*REACH and its sister magazine IMAGINE. Cover by CHAYKIN! MATURE READERS ONLY. KEITH DALLAS documents comics’ 1980s Reagan years: Rise and fall of JIM SHOOTER, FRANK MILLER as comic book superstar, DC’s CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS, MOORE and GAIMAN’s British invasion, ECLIPSE, PACIFIC, FIRST, COMICO, DARK HORSE and more! 1960-64: (224-page FULL-COLOR HARDCOVER) $39.95 (Digital Edition) $11.95 • ISBN: 978-1-60549-045-8 • Out now! Spotlights the career of CLIFF CHIANG (artist of DC’s New 52 breakout hit WONDER WOMAN series) through a career-spanning interview, and loads of both iconic and rarely seen artwork from Cliff’s personal files. There’s also an in-depth look into the artist’s work process, and an extensive gallery of commissioned pieces, many in full-color. By CHRIS ARRANT and ERIC NOLEN-WEATHINGTON. Ships May 2013! ISBN: 978-1-60549-050-2 (192-page trade paperback with COLOR) $27.95 ISBN: 978-1-60549-051-9 • (Digital Edition) $9.95 • Ships July 2013 1980s: (288-page FULL-COLOR HARDCOVER) $41.95 (Digital Edition) $13.95 • ISBN: 978-1-60549-046-5 • Out now! (120-page trade paperbacks with COLOR) $15.95 each (Digital Editions) $5.95 DAN SPIEGLE: A LIFE IN COMIC ART Documents his 60-year career on DELL and GOLD KEY’S licensed TV and Movie adaptations (LOST IN SPACE, KORAK, MAGNUS ROBOT FIGHTER, MIGHTY SAMPSON), at DC COMICS (BATMAN, UNKNOWN SOLDIER, TOMAHAWK, JONAH HEX, TEEN TITANS, BLACKHAWK), his CROSSFIRE series for ECLIPSE, DARK HORSE’S INDIANA JONES series and more, with rare artwork, personal photos, and private commission drawings. Written by JOHN COATES. (104-page trade paperback) $14.95 • (Digital Edition) $4.95 ISBN: 978-1-60549-049-6 • Ships May 2013 PLUGGED IN! COMICS PROS IN THE VIDEO GAME INDUSTRY Offers invaluable tips for anyone entering the Video Game field, or with a fascination for both comics and gaming. KEITH VERONESE interviews artists and writers who work in video games full-time: JIMMY PALMIOTTI, CHRIS BACHALO, MIKE DEODATO, RICK REMENDER, TRENT KANIUGA, and others. Whether you’re a noob or experienced gamer or comics fan, be sure to get PLUGGED IN! (128-page trade paperback with COLOR) $16.95 ISBN: 978-1-60549-047-2 • (Digital Edition) $5.95 • Now shipping! THE BEST OF ALTER EGO, VOL. 2 This sequel to ALTER EGO: THE BEST OF THE LEGENDARY COMICS FANZINE presents more vintage features from the first super-hero fanzine, begun by JERRY BAILS & ROY THOMAS. Editors ROY THOMAS and BILL SCHELLY reveal undiscovered gems from all 11 original issues published from 1961-78, including features on Hawkman, the Spectre, Blackhawk, the JLA, All Winners Squad, the Heap, an unsold “Tor” newspaper strip by JOE KUBERT, and more! (160-page trade paperback) $19.95 • (Digital Edition) $7.95 ISBN: 978-1-60549-048-9 • Ships May 2013 CBA’s Jon B. Cooke is back in April! Make ready for COMIC BOOK CREATOR, the new voice of the comics medium! TwoMorrows is proud to debut our newest magazine, COMIC BOOK CREATOR, devoted to the work and careers of the men and women who draw, write, edit, and publish comics, focusing always on the artists and not the artifacts, the creators and not the characters. Behind an ALEX ROSS cover painting, our frantic FIRST ISSUE features an investigation of the oft despicable treatment JACK KIRBY endured from the very business he helped establish. From being cheated out of royalties in the ‘40s and bullied in the ‘80s by the publisher he made great, to his estate’s current fight for equitable recognition against an entertainment monolith where his characters have generated billions of dollars, we present Kirby’s cautionary tale in the eternal struggle for creator’s rights. Plus, CBC #1 interviews artist ALEX ROSS and writer KURT BUSIEK, spotlights the last years of writer/artist FRANK ROBBINS, remembers comics historian LES DANIELS, talks to TODD McFARLANE about his new show-all book, showcases a joint talk between NEAL ADAMS and DENNIS O’NEIL on their unforgettable collaborations, as well as throws a whole kit’n’caboodle of other creator-centric items atcha! Join us for the start of a new era as TwoMorrows welcomes back former Comic Book Artist editor JON B. COOKE, who helms the all-new, all-color COMIC BOOK CREATOR! 80 pages • $8.95 All-color • Quarterly Digital Edition: $3.95 Order online, or at any comic book shop with Diamond Order Code JAN131397 THIS JULY: COMIC BOOK CREATOR #2 (double-size Summer Special) COMIC BOOK CREATOR #2 pays tribute to the late, great JOE KUBERT in a 160-page double-size extravaganza squeezed between Kubert homage covers by SERGIO CARIELLO and TIM TRUMAN. Includes comprehensive examinations of each facet of Joe’s career, from Golden Age artist and 3-D comics pioneer, to top Tarzan artist, editor, and founder of the Kubert School. It’s replete with Kubert interviews, rarely-seen art and artifacts, plus testimonials, remembrances, portraits, anecdotes, pin-ups and mini-interviews by faculty, students, fans, friends and family—with special emphasis on the history of the Kubert School, its illustrious alumni, and Joe’s impact as instructor! (164-page FULL-COLOR magazine) $17.95 (Digital Edition) $7.95 • Ships July 2013 CBC 4-issue Subscriptions PRINT: $36 US with FREE Digital Editions DIGITAL: $15.80 ($45 First Class US • $50 Canada $65 First Class International • $95 Priority International) Subscriptions include the double-size Summer Special ALSO BY JON B. COOKE: WILL EISNER DVD/BLU-RAY WILL EISNER: PORTRAIT OF A SEQUENTIAL ARTIST is the definitive documentary on the life and art of the godfather of the American comic book. Premiering at the prestigious Tribeca Film Festival, this award-winning feature film includes interviews with KURT VONNEGUT, MICHAEL CHABON, JULES FEIFFER, ART SPIEGELMAN, FRANK MILLER, STAN LEE, GIL KANE as well as the never-before-heard “Shop Talk” audio tapes featuring JACK KIRBY, HARVEY KURTZMAN, MILTON CANIFF, NEAL ADAMS, JOE KUBERT and others! (96-minute DVD, all regions) $20 • (BLU-RAY) $26 NEW AND UPCOMING ISSUES: THE RETRO COMICS EXPERIENCE! FOCUSING ON GOLDEN & SILVER AGE COMICS BACK ISSUE #64 BACK ISSUE #65 “Bronze Age Backup Series”! Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Metamorpho, GOODWIN and SIMONSON’s Manhunter, PASKO and GIFFEN’s Dr. Fate, “Whatever Happened To…?”, Nemesis, Rose and the Thorn, Seven Soldiers of Victory, art and commentary by CARY BURKETT, JOHN CALNAN, DICK GIORDANO, MIKE GRELL, ELLIOT S! MAGGIN, DAN SPIEGLE, cover by GRELL and JOE RUBINSTEIN. “Bronze Age B-Teams”! Defenders issue-byissue overview, Champions, Guardians of the Galaxy, Inhumans, PETER DAVID’s X-Factor, Teen Titans West, Legion of Substitute Heroes, an all-star chatfest of Doom Patrol interviews, plus art and commentary by ROSS ANDRU, SAL BUSCEMA, KEITH GIFFEN, TONY ISABELLA, PAUL KUPPERBERG, ERIK LARSEN, GEORGE PÉREZ, BOB ROZAKIS, cover by KEVIN NOWLAN. (84-page FULL-COLOR magazine) $8.95 (Digital Edition) $3.95 • Ships April 2013 (84-page FULL-COLOR magazine) $8.95 (Digital Edition) $3.95 • Ships June 2013 BACK ISSUE #66 BACK ISSUE #67 ALTER EGO #116 C o l l e c t o r CELEBRATING THE LIFE & CAREER OF THE “KING” OF COMICS TM THE PROFESSIONAL “HOW-TO” MAGAZINE ON COMICS, CARTOONING & ANIMATION KIRBY COLLECTOR #61 ALTER EGO #117 JOE KUBERT TRIBUTE! Four Kubert interviews, art by RUSS HEATH, NEAL ADAMS, MURPHY ANDERSON, MICHAEL KALUTA, SAM GLANZMAN, and others, MR. MONSTER’S COMIC CRYPT, BILL SCHELLY’s Comic Fandom Archive, FCA’s Captain Video conclusion by GEORGE EVANS that inspired Avengers foe Ultron, cover by KUBERT, with a portrait by DANIEL JAMES COX! GOLDEN AGE ARTISTS L.B. COLE AND JAY DISBROW! DISBROW’s memoir of COLE and his work on CAT-MAN, art by BOB FUJITANI, CHARLES QUINLAN, IRWIN HASEN, FCA (Fawcett Collector’s of America) on the two-media career of Captain Video, MICHAEL T. GILBERT in Mr. Monster’s Comic Crypt, BILL SCHELLY on comics fandom history, Cat-Man cover by L.B. COLE! (84-page FULL-COLOR magazine) $8.95 (Digital Edition) $3.95 • Ships April 2013 (84-page FULL-COLOR magazine) $8.95 (Digital Edition) $3.95 • Ships May 2013 ALTER EGO #118 ALTER EGO #119 “Bronze Age Team-Ups”! Marvel Team-Up and Two-in-One, Super-Villain Team-Up, CLAREMONT and SIMONSON’s X-Men/New Teen Titans, DC Comics Presents, SuperTeam Family, HANEY and APARO’s Batman of Earth-B(&B), Superman/Captain Marvel smackdowns, plus art and commentary by BUCKLER, ENGLEHART, GARCÍA-LÓPEZ, GIFFEN, LEVITZ, WEIN, and a classic GIL KANE cover inked anew by TERRY AUSTIN. “Heroes Out of Time!” Batman: Gotham by Gaslight with MIGNOLA, WAID, and AUGUSTYN, Booster Gold with JURGENS, X-Men: Days of Future Past with CHRIS CLAREMONT, Bill & Ted with EVAN DORKIN, interview with P. CRAIG RUSSELL, “Pro2Pro” with Time Masters’ BOB WAYNE and LEWIS SHINER, Karate Kid, New Mutants: Asgardian Wars, and Kang. Mignola cover. JACK KIRBY: WRITER! Examines quirks of Kirby’s wordsmithing, from the FOURTH WORLD to ROMANCE and beyond! Lengthy Kirby interview, MARK EVANIER and other columnists, LARRY LIEBER’s scripting for Jack at 1960s Marvel Comics, RAY ZONE on 3-D work with Kirby, comparing STEVE GERBER’s Destroyer Duck scripts to Jack’s pencils, Kirby’s best promo blurbs, Kirby pencil art gallery, & more! AVENGERS 50th ANNIVERSARY! WILL MURRAY on the group’s behind-thescenes origin, a look at its first decade with ROY THOMAS, STAN LEE, JACK KIRBY, THE BROTHERS BUSCEMA, TUSKA, ADAMS, COLAN, BUCKLER, ENGLEHART, MERRY MARVEL MARCHING SOCIETY, MR. MONSTER, BILL SCHELLY, FCA, Golden Age Blue Beetle artist E.C. STONER, unused Avengers cover by DON HECK! MARC SWAYZE TRIBUTE ISSUE, spotlighting FCA (Fawcett Collectors of America)! Salutes from Fawcett alumnus C.C. BECK and OTTO BINDER, interview with wife JUNE SWAYZE, a full Phantom Eagle story from Wow Comics, plus interview with 1950s Dell/Western artist MEL KEEFER, MICHAEL T. GILBERT in Mr. Monster’s Comic Crypt, and a SWAYZE Marvel Family cover from the 1940s! (84-page FULL-COLOR magazine) $8.95 (Digital Edition) $3.95 • Ships July 2013 (84-page FULL-COLOR magazine) $8.95 (Digital Edition) $3.95 • Ships August 2013 (104-page magazine with COLOR) $10.95 (Digital Edition) $4.95 • Ships June 2013 (84-page FULL-COLOR magazine) $8.95 (Digital Edition) $3.95 • Ships June 2013 (84-page FULL-COLOR magazine) $8.95 (Digital Edition) $3.95 • Ships July 2013 BACK ISSUE #68 BACK ISSUE #69 DRAW! #25 ALTER EGO #120 ALTER EGO #121 “1970s and ‘80s Legion of Super-Heroes!” LEVITZ interview, the Legion’s Honored Dead, the Cosmic Boy miniseries, a Time Trapper history, the New Adventures of Superboy, Legion fantasy cover gallery by JOHN WATSON, plus BATES, COCKRUM, CONWAY, COLON, GIFFEN, GRELL, JANES, KUPPERBERG, LaROCQUE, LIGHTLE, SCHAFFENBERGER, SHERMAN, STATON, SWAN, WAID, & more! COCKRUM cover! TENTH ANNIVERSARY ISSUE! Revisit the 100th, 200th, 300th, 400th, and 500th issues of ‘70s and ‘80s favorites: Adventure, Amazing Spider-Man, Avengers, Batman, Brave & Bold, Casper, Detective, Flash, Green Lantern, Showcase, Superman, Thor, Wonder Woman, and more! With APARO, BARR, ENGLEHART, POLLARD, SEKOWSKY, SIMONSON, STATON, and WOLFMAN. DAN JURGENS and RAY McCARTHY cover. LEE WEEKS (Daredevil, Incredible Hulk) gives insight into the artform, YILDIRAY ÇINAR (Noble Causes, Fury of the Firestorms) interview and demo, inker JOE RUBINSTEIN shows how he works, “Comic Art Bootcamp” with MIKE MANLEY and BRET BLEVINS, “Rough Critique” of a newcomer by BOB McLEOD, and “Crusty Critic” JAMAR NICHOLAS reviews art supplies and software! Mature readers only. X-MEN SALUTE! 1963-69 secrets, rare ‘60s BRAZILIAN X-MEN stories, lost ‘60s XMen “character sheet” by STAN LEE, ROY THOMAS on the 1970s revival, art and artifacts by KIRBY, ROTH, ADAMS, HECK, FRIEDRICH, and BUSCEMA—plus the MARVELMANIA fan club story, interview with Golden Age writer ED SILVERMAN, FCA, Mr. Monster, BILL SCHELLY, and JACK KIRBY’s unused X-Men #10 cover! GOLDEN AGE JUSTICE SOCIETY ISSUE! Features on JOHN B. WENTWORTH (Johnny Thunder), LEN SANSONE (Atom), and BERNARD SACHS (All-Star Comics inker), art by CARMINE INFANTINO, PAUL REINMAN, MART NODELL, STAN ASCHMEIER, BEN FLINTON, and H.G. PETER, plus FCA, Mr. Monster, and more! Cover homage by SHANE FOLEY to a vintage All-Star image by IRWIN HASEN! (84-page FULL-COLOR magazine) $8.95 (Digital Edition) $3.95 • Ships Sept. 2013 (100-page FULL-COLOR magazine) $9.95 (Digital Edition) $4.95 • Ships Nov. 2013 (84-page FULL-COLOR magazine) $8.95 (Digital Edition) $3.95 • Ships July 2013 (84-page FULL-COLOR magazine) $8.95 (Digital Edition) $3.95 • Ships August 2013 (84-page FULL-COLOR magazine) $8.95 (Digital Edition) $3.95 • Ships Oct. 2013 TwoMorrows Publishing 10407 Bedfordtown Drive Raleigh, NC 27614 USA Phone: 919-449-0344 E-mail: store@twomorrowspubs.com 2013 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (with FREE Digital Editions) Media Mail PRESORTED FIRST CLASS MAIL US POSTAGE PAID RALEIGH NC PERMIT NO. 1854 ORDER ONLINE AT: www.twomorrows.com Digital Only 1st Class Canada 1st Class Priority US Intl. Intl. JACK KIRBY COLLECTOR (4 issues) $50 $68 $65 $72 $150 $15.80 BACK ISSUE! (8 issues) $60 $80 $85 $107 $155 $23.60 DRAW! (4 issues) $30 $40 $43 $54 $78 $11.80 ALTER EGO (8 issues) $60 $80 $85 $107 $155 $23.60 COMIC BOOK CREATOR (4 issues w/Special) $36 $45 $50 $65 $95 $15.80 BRICKJOURNAL (6 issues) $57 $72 $75 $86 $128 $23.70 ® TwoMorrows. A New Day For Comics & LEGO Fans! • Digital Editions: $3.95 each, or save with a digital subscription (digital editions are included FREE with a print subscription)! • Back Issue, Draw, Alter Ego & Comic Book Collector are now all full-color! • Lower international shipping rates! For the latest news from TwoMorrows Publishing, log on to www.twomorrows.com/tnt To get e-mail updates of what’s new from TwoMorrows, sign up for our mailing list! http://groups.yahoo.com/group/twomorrows THE MAGAZINE FOR LEGO® ENTHUSIASTS OF ALL AGES! MINIFIGURE CUSTOMIZATION: POPULATE YOUR WORLD! Full-color book with step-by-step tutorials on customizing LEGO® Minifigures, showing decal design and application, color alteration, custom part modification and creation, plus tips on minifigure displays to present your custom figures impressively! Learn the tools to use, plus tips and tricks from professional customizer JARED K. BURKS (known online as Kaminoan), and see a gallery of some of the best custom figures ever created! (80-page FULL-COLOR trade paperback) $9.95 • (Digital Edition) $3.95 Now shipping! MINIFIGURE CUSTOMIZATION 2: WHY LIVE IN THE BOX? The sequel takes an advanced look at the hobby, introducing more complex techniques, with tutorials on virtual customization, designing decals and advanced decal application, custom part modification and creation, 3-D printing, advanced painting techniques, lighting figures with LEDs or EL wire, tips on minifigure displays, and digital photography tips to capture your custom figures in the best light. Includes a Gallery of minifigures from top customizers, with favorite tips and tricks. By JARED K. BURKS. (80-page FULL-COLOR trade paperback) $9.95 • (Digital Edition) $3.95 Ships Fall 2013 BRICKJOURNAL #23 BRICKJOURNAL #24 BRICKJOURNAL #25 STAR WARS issue, with custom creations from a long time ago and far, far away! JACOB CARPENTER’s Imperial Star Destroyer, MARK KELSO’s Invisible Hand, interview with SIMON MACDONALD about building Star Wars costume props with LEGO elements, history of the LEGO X-Wing, plus our regular features on minifigure customization by JARED BURKS, “You Can Build It” instructions, and more! LEGO TRAINS! Builder CALE LEIPHART shows how to get started building trains and train layouts, with instructions on building microscale trains by editor JOE MENO, building layouts with the members of the Pennsylvania LEGO Users Group (PennLUG), fan-built LEGO monorails minifigure customization by JARED BURKS, microscale building by CHRISTOPHER DECK, “You Can Build It”, and more! MEDIEVAL CASTLE BUILDING! Top LEGO® Castle builders present their creations, including BOB CARNEY’s amazingly detailed model of Neuschwanstein Castle, plus others, along with articles on building and detailing castles of your own! Also: JARED BURKS on minifigure customization, AFOLs by cartoonist GREG HYLAND, stepby-step “You Can Build It” instructions by CHRISTOPHER DECK, and more! (84-page FULL-COLOR magazine) $8.95 (Digital Edition) $3.95 • Ships March 2013 (84-page FULL-COLOR magazine) $8.95 (Digital Edition) $3.95 • Ships May 2013 (84-page FULL-COLOR magazine) $8.95 (Digital Edition) $3.95 • Ships July 2013 YOU CAN BUILD IT 1 & 2 Compiles step-by-step instructions by some of the top custom builders in the LEGO fan community! BOOK ONE is for beginningto-intermediate builders, and features instructions for creations from a fire engine and Christmas ornaments to miniscale models from a galaxy far, far away! BOOK TWO is for intermediate-toadvanced builders, with more detailed projects to tackle, from a miniscale yellow castle and miniland people, to a mini USS Constitution! Together, they take you from novice to expert builder, teaching you key building techniques along the way! (80-page FULL-COLOR trade paperbacks) $9.95 each (Digital Editions) $3.95 each • Both now shipping!
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