st pauls organs
st pauls organs
The Organs of Saint Paul Church 1905 Jesse Woodberry & Co. (gallery organ) 1920’s Paul Mias (electrified) 1947 Casavant Frères (new console) Cover photo taken by Len Levasseur 1960 Casavant Frères (chancel organ) 1970’s Æolian-Skinner (additions) 1999 Robert M. Turner (new console) 1999 Walker Technical Co. (additions) Chancel Organ Pedal (enc. with Great) 16 Principal 16 Subbass 16 Flute Conique (Sw.) 16 Bourdon Doux (Sw.) 8 Spitz Principal 8 Holzflöte (Sw.) 4 Choralbass 16 Posaune (Sw.) 16 Basson (Sw.) 8 Trompette (Sw.) 4 Rohr Schalmei (Sw.) Positiv (unenc.) 8 Rohrflöte 8 Erzähler 4 Klein Prinzipal 4 Nachthorn 2 Gemshorn III Cymbel Chimes Great (enc.) 16 Flute Conique (Sw.) 8 Principal 8 Bourdon 8 Spitzflöte (enc.) 8 Spitzflöte Celeste (enc.) 4 Octave 4 Klein Prinzipal (Pos.) 2 Blockflöte IV Mixture 8 Trumpet (enc.) 8 Cromorne (enc.) Swell (enc.) 8 Diapason 8 Holzflöte 8 Viole de Gambe 8 Viole Celeste 8 Dulcet II 4 Principal 4 Flute Harmonique 2⅔ Nasard 2 Flageolet 1⅗ Tierce 1⅓ Larigot Cover photo taken by Len Levasseur III Plein Jeu 16 Basson 8 Trompette 8 Hautbois Tremulant Cymbelstern Gallery Organ Pedal (unenc.) 32 Contra Geigen 32 Untersatz 16 Montre 16 Diapason 16 Violone 16 Bourdon 16 Lieblich Gedeckt (Sw.) 10 ⅔ Grosse Quinte 8 Montre (ext.) 8 Octave 8 Cello (ext.) 8 Bourdon (ext.) 8 Gedeckt (Sw., ext.) 4 Super Octave 4 Solo Flute 32 Contra Posaune 16 Bombarde 16 Trombone 16 Corno Di Bassetto (Ch.) 8 Tromba (ext.) Chimes Choir (enc.) 8 Geigen Prinzipal 8 Concert Flute 8 Gamba 8 Gamba Celeste 8 Gedeckt 8 Dulciana 8 Unda Maris 4 Octave 4 Koppelflöte 2⅔ Nazard 2 Blockflöte 1⅗ Tierce 1⅓ Larigot III Petit Fourniture 8 Tuba Mirabilis (unenclosed) 16 Corno Di Bassetto 8 Trompette Harmonique 8 French Horn 8 English Horn 8 Flügelhorn 8 Clarinet 8 Vox Humana Irish Harp Tremulant Great (unenc.) 16 Violone (Ped.) 16 Gemshorn 8 Principal 8 Violoncelle 8 Flute Harmonique 8 Gemshorn 8 Bourdon 4 Octave 4 Flute Octaviante 2 Fifteenth IV Mixture 8 Trumpet 16 Double Tromba (Ped.) 8 Tromba (Ped.) Swell (enc.) 16 Lieblich Gedeckt 8 Stopped Diapason 8 Viola Pomposa 8 Viola Celeste 8 Flauto Dolce 8 Flute Celeste 4 Principal 4 Waldflöte 2 Octave III Plein Jeu 16 Fagotto 8 Cornopean 4 Clarion 54 pipe ranks 55 electronic ranks (4 perc.) *64-level combination action *Full complement of couplers *Transposer and Sequencer *Tuning equal, and A = 429 Hz