Case Study – Culford School Energy Supply


Case Study – Culford School Energy Supply
Case Study – Culford School Energy Supply
Project details:
GG Eco Solutions are supplying low carbon biomass energy to Culford School in Suffolk,
England under a long-term contract. The energy is supplied to more than ten buildings
throughout the 600 acre park from a newly installed biomass energy system and district
heating network, designed, installed and funded by GG Eco Solutions. The biomass fuel for
the project is sourced from local, sustainably managed woodlands.
Energy supply start date:
March 2012
Buildings served:
Culford Hall, Swimming pool, Boarding houses, Teaching blocks, Staff houses
Length of district heating pipework:
1600 metres
Energy supply contract term:
15 years
Contact for further information:
Greg Hilton +44 (0)7770 866107
Biomass energy made easy…
GG Eco Solutions specialises in the supply of
renewable energy under long-term contract. We are
giving selected clients the opportunity to improve
their green credentials at the same time as
significantly reducing their long-term energy costs.
Building on success
We have recently entered a 15 year agreement
with Culford School in Suffolk. Under this
collaboration a new renewable energy system has
been installed within the school grounds. The costs
of installing the new system have been met fully by
GG Eco Solutions, whilst Culford School are
charged for the energy they use at a significant
discount to their existing oil fired energy system.
Significant annual savings
The management team at Culford School were
attracted by the significant reduction in their energy
costs whilst removing them from the volatility of
fossil fuel prices, currently at historic highs. The
school knows in advance what it will be paying for
energy, which in turn makes budgeting far easier.
The Culford School project will each year replace
around 400,000 litres of heating oil with sustainably
sourced wood chip, saving over 1000 tonnes of
carbon dioxide emissions in the process.
How it works
Subject to project viability, GG Eco Solutions can
supply energy to your site under a long-term
contract. We would design, fund and install a new
biomass (wood fuelled) energy system on your
site, supplying hot water via a network of
underground pipes connected to your existing
heating system. You would pay for the energy you
use at an agreed price that will undercut your
current fossil fuel costs. See our website for more
What next?
We would be happy to undertake a free appraisal
to quickly determine whether a GG Eco Solutions
Utility Contract will work for your site. For further
information, and to arrange your free appraisal,
please donʼt hesitate to contact us using the
details below.