Claude Chouet, Sales Director Matrasur


Claude Chouet, Sales Director Matrasur
Robotics is used in many industries but remains a rather recent technology for composite part manufacturing where it is necessary to associate the proper metering & dispensing equipment with a good knowledge of automation processes.
The real challenge in the Composite Industry is to propose a solution that is technically and financially viable, and above all: at every operator’s reach! In this field, it now exists a unique robotic technology that can truly be considered a user-friendly production tool that will bring repeatability to the production process, control over raw material (temperature, quantities), quality consistency, increased operator safety, and represents a step towards environmental regulation com
New robo'c technologies for composite part manufacturing Robo'cs remains a rather recent technology for composite part manufacturing where it is necessary to associate the proper metering & dispensing equipment with a good knowledge of automa'on processes. The real challenge in the composite industry is to propose a solu'on that is technically and financially viable, and above all: at every operator’s reach! Discover how new robo'c technologies can truly be considered an answer to this challenge. Automa'on & Composites: Facts & Perspec'ves Composite products suffer from high manufacturing costs and the poten4als for the automa4on of part manufacturing processes remain under inves4gated. This opens significant perspec4ves to robo4c solu4ons which represent a source of compe44veness to companies and contribute to a sustainable approach. Robo4cs has long been used in many industries but remains a rather recent technology for composite part manufacturing where it is necessary to associate proper metering & dispensing equipment with a good knowledge of automa4on processes. That is exactly Matrasur Composites’ job. Many companies in the composite part manufacturing business seek means to increase produc4vity, improve working condi4ons for their operators, guarantee quality consistency, and achieve control over their produc4on flow. To achieve this, companies need to automate their produc4on process. How to Automate Produc'on? The challenge is for companies to rethink their produc4on process and modernize their produc4on tool while taking into account current and future environmental regula4ons. As equipment suppliers Matrasur works with engineers specialized in automa4on, mechanics, and robo4cs who carry out comprehensive feasibility studies and develop leading-­‐edge solu4ons that are adapted to each workshop configura4on. This approach allows for a smooth and successful implementa4on and integra4on of the equipment at our clients’ site. Robo4c solu4ons developed by Matrasur Composites offer significant benefits to both small and large size companies around the world. Automa4on of manufacturing processes with the help of robo4c solu4ons concern a variety of applica4ons, from the spray-­‐up of gelcoat, resin, chopped laminate to the trimming and surface grinding of finished parts. Four typical Company situa'ons of automa'on: 1 Bathtub Manufacturing Plant The company was facing the following problems: lack of compe44veness, important material waste rates, uncontrolled produc4on flow, and new environmental regula4ons in the site area. The result of the automa4on process was a 100% automated line which included the thermoforming process, handling opera4ons, spray-­‐up of chopped laminate, and part trimming. With robo4cs they achieved to produce 1 bathtub every 1.10 min for a total of 700 bathtubs in two 8-­‐hour working shiQs instead of 1 bathtub / 3.5 min for a total of 140 parts in 1 working shiQ. Material savings reached around 10%, and produc4on was concentrated in a smaller area (2000 m² brought down to 800 m²) so that energy costs of the plant were minimized and the environmental constraints met. The automa4on process allowed to obtain an op4mized produc4on flow star4ng with the robo4c spray-­‐up of moulds with release agent, gelcoat, barrier coat, and chopped laminate, their transfer into the curing zone and part demoulding area. The result was a significant decrease by close to 70% of the total number of labor hours needed to manufacture a pool (from around 40 hours of labor down to 13 hours), and of annual raw material costs (decreased by around 12%). Product quality and working condi4ons were also significantly improved. Op'mized Produc'on Flow with the help of robo'cs 3 Automa'on in Small Size Companies Small-­‐size companies oQen have a large variety of parts to be manufactured, in small series, with limited personnel, with a hand-­‐oriented approach. The company strategy is oQen either short term or undefined. The goal is to be able to automate produc4on with a technology that remains at their reach, a turn-­‐key system that is well developed and affordable. Matrasur Composites’ unique simplified robot programming technology based on the copy by the robot of the movements made by an operator makes robo4cs accessible to small companies which are numerous in the composite industry. Claude Chouet, Sales Director Matrasur Composites, France Robo'c Applica'on Technologies by Matrasur Composites Matrasur Composites’ offers two leading-­‐edge robo4c applica4on technologies: ROBOMAT Spray-­‐up Robot Robomat is a unique robot featuring a simple & fast programming technology based on the copy of the movements made by an operator with the robot’s arm. This instantaneous programming technology allows almost any operator to teach the robot while spraying a part. No special programming skills are required. Other than offering this unique technology, ROBOMAT is mul4-­‐task. The same robot can spray, in turns, barrier coat, gelcoat, resin, chopped laminate… Its main benefits include process repeatability, product quality and significant raw material savings. USIMAT Part Trimming and Finishing Robot This range of robots is especially designed for part trimming & finishing opera4ons. It is possible to use electric or pneuma4c spindles with a large choice of tools and complementary systems including mould support carts, a floor-­‐rota4ng axis, a mould posi4oning system, cabin & dust extrac4on systems, among others. Its main benefits include : reduced cycle 4mes, very high precision, no operator exposure to dust, possibility to gather all trimming opera4ons in one area of the workshop. Robomat (Spray-­‐up) & Usimat (Trimming) technologies developed by Matrasur Composites Example of Compact Robo'c Cell for small series 4 Automa'on for Product Capacity Increase in Low Cost Labor Countries The main problems that are addressed when introducing automa4on processes in low-­‐
cost labor countries are the expected rapid growth produc4on capacity, the expected quick return on investment, personnel availability and training, quality issues, and environmental rules. Here again, it is possible to automate produc4on by integra4ng an automated conveyor line with two spray-­‐up robots it is possible to reduce handling and cycle 4mes, achieve quality consistency (faster roll-­‐out) and limit emissions (environmental issues solved). Furthermore very li_le training is needed. Matrasur Composites’ & Automa'on It is possible to automate produc4on in the composite industry with the help of affordable and user-­‐friendly robo4c solu4ons that will bring valuable benefits to the Company: Repeatability to the produc4on process, control over raw material (temperature, quan44es), quality consistency, increased operator safety, environmental-­‐friendly produc4on methods. Robo4c solu4ons can be implemented and are beneficial for both small and large size companies around the world. Important is that clients are supported during set-­‐up, start-­‐up, that they are provided with the necessary training and are backed up by a good Customer Service. Automa'on of bathtub manufacturing – Before and A5er 2 Industrial Produc'on Line for FRP Pools The company encountered a certain number of problems including the crea4on of a new produc4on site with inexperienced staff, a limited workshop surface and the desire to have a total control over produc4on costs. Integra'on of a robot line with a conveyor Robo'cs can transform composite workshops by providing an opportunity to combine quality, produc'vity, sustainable development while sa'sfying the highest produc'on requirement standards of both small and large-­‐size companies.