Untitled - Florida Artists Group
Untitled - Florida Artists Group
• Florida Artist Group, Inc. 32nd Annual Exhibition JACKSONVILLE ART MUSEUM 4160 BOULEVARD CENTER DRIVE JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA MAY9-27, 1981 FOSTER HARMON GALLERIES OF AMERICAN ART 1415W. MAIN STREET SARASOTA, FLORIDA JUNE 9-27, 1981 • Florida Artist Group, Inc. PURPOSE The FLORIDA ARTIST GROUP was Incorporated as a non-profit organization of practicing artist who had gained recognition nationally or state-wide and whose work would contribute significantly to Its exhibitions. The purpose Is the stlmmulatlon of finer standards of the creative effort within the State of Florida. 2 Elsie Dorey Upham 261 Aqua Court Naples, FL 33940 1-813-262-0749 Muriel G. Watkins Rt. 5, P. 0. Box 50 H Fort Myers, FL 33901 1-81 3-481-4862 Rachel L. Webster 5595 Avenue Pescadora Fort Myers Bch., FL 33931 1-813-463-91 04 OFFICERS Marjorie Reiners Wendle 184 Carrlbbean Rd. Naples, FL 33940 1-813-261-0093 AREA CHAIRMEN President ..... . ........................ .. .... ... Anne Atz, Venice Immediate Past President .... ..... ...... ... Lee Lasbury, Englewood First VIce President ................ . .... Marcelle Bear, Jacksonville Second VIce President ....................... Jean Dean, Cape Coral Treasurer ............... .......... ..... Beatrice Rose, Palm Beach Recording Secretary ....................... Margaret Kelly, Lakeland Gallery Representative .. . ..... . . .... ...... Foster Harmon, Sarasota Educational Representative ...... . ........... Moe MItch ell, Sarasota tate Membership Chairman .......... .. .... Bunny Coppa, Ind iantown Area I . ............. ... .... .... ........ ... .... Reyna Youngerman Area II ............................. ............... Ceclly Hangen Area Ill ................................. . ... .. Marianne Reninger Area IV ........... ..... ............. . ..... Helen Dickey Anderson Area V ..................... .. .......... .. . ...... .. Margaret Kelly Area VI ..... ....... ............. ........ ..... ... .. F. Brown Eden Area VII ........................ . ................. . . Fred Dodson Area VIII ... ..... ............... . ............ Dr. William A. Silhan David Philip Wilson 340 West Ave. Naples, FL 33940 1-813-597-5641 Binnie B. Wilson 340 West Ave. Naples, FL 33940 1-813-597-5641 ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM Since 1949, the Florida Artist Group has held a symposium and a members' exhibition each year in a different Florida city. Its educational and other cultural aims are advocated at these meetings through lectures, panel discussions, films and exhibits. In addition to the Symposium and Exhibition held in the Spring, Area exhibitions and meetings are sponsored at other times in various places in the state. The nature of these meetings follows, in a small way, the character of the Spring meeting. They also serve to bring the members of the organization more closely together. AREA VIII Escambia, Santa Rosa, Walton, Okeloosa, Holmes, Washington, Bay, Jackson , Calhoun, Gulf, Gadsden, Liberty , Franklin , Leon , Wakulla and Jefferson Counties CHAIRMAN: DR. WILLIAM SHILHAN JURI ED SHOWS Bill Billingsley Rt. 1 , Box 584 Cantonment, FL 32522 Dr. William A. Silhan Route 1, Box 975-12-C Pensacola, FL 32507 To insure an annual exhibition of exceptional quality, the show is juried. The organization always brings in an eminent juror from out-of-state who is prominently associated with art administration , education or a painter or sculptor of national repute. Past locations of Exhibitions have included the Norton Gallery, Ringling Museum , Cummer Gallery of Art, the Jacksonville Art Museum, Miam i Metropolitan Museum and the Lowe Museum, University of South Florida, University of Florida, Rollins College, Daytona Museum of Arts and Sciences and many other outstanding galleries. 26 3 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE The PURPOSE of Florida Artist Group Is vibrantly alive after 32 years. We are proud that our members continue to make an Investment of themselves In the creative effort and also strive for higher standards . Our sincere thanks to Jacksonville Art Museum , Mr. Bruce Dempsey, Director, to the museum staff and volunteers for their contribution and cooperation in hosting our 32nd Annual Exhibition. We are thankful to Foster Harmon for having chosen this exhibit to be a part of the 1980-81 Season at the Foster Harmon Galleries of American Art, Sarasota. Special thanks are given for the generosity of the award sponsors as well as to Jacksonville Art Museum for their help In providing the catalogue of the exhibit. We are especially grateful to the many Florida Artist Group members who have given so generously of their time and talent to make the 32nd Annual a success. Florida continues to grow as an Important art center and Florida Artist Group, Inc. is proud to be a part of it. ANNE L. ATZ President, Florida Artist Group, Inc. ABOUT OUR JUROR 32ND ANNUAL EXHIBITION The Florida Artist Group, Inc. Is privileged to have as juror for our 32nd Annual Exhibition Mr. Joseph Shannon , Chief, Exhibits and Design, Hlrshhorm Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Mr. Shannon was born In 1933 In Lares, Puerto Rico. He grew up In Washington, D.C. where he was educated In public and private schools, and attended Corcoran School of Art for three years In the early 50's. He continued his painting studies at the Temple School of Fine Arts, Tucson, Arizona, for one year. Mr. Shannon had his first solo show In 1954-55 In Tuson, Arizona, and since then has had a solo exhibition every other year. He was affiliated with the Poindexter Gallery In 1968-79 and with the Tlbor de Nagy In 1980. He has had several museum shows Including the Corcoran Museum of Art, Washington, D.C.: the Mint Museum of Art, Charlotte, N.C.: the Chrysler Museum, Norfolk, Va. and the Kresge Art Center Gallery, East Lansing, Michigan . He Is represented In private and public collections. He has been Chief of the Department of Exhibits and Design at the Hlrshorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, since 1975. 4 Jean B. Dean 5329 Bay Shore Dr. Cape Coral , FL 33904 1-813-542-2233 Fred Dodson 404 Tenth St ., S. Naples , FL 33940 1-813-262-6082 Allee Durick At. 11 , Box 130 C Ft. Myers , FL 33908 1-813-482-4677 Mary Faulkner 1005 Palm Point N. Fort Myers, FL 33903 Ruth Ellen Franklin 159 Curlew St. Fort Myers, FL 33931 1-813-463-9664 Anna M. Gohl 5224 Cal usa Ct. Cape Coral, FL 33904 Clyde Hagerty 57412th Ave. S. Naples, FL 33940 1-813-261-8865 Liz Jacobs 1950 Gulf Shore Blvd. Naples, FL 33940 1-813-261-7556 Helen Kavanaugh 957 San Catlos Dr. Ft. Myers Bch., FL 33931 1-813-463-6032 Patricia L. Eng LaVIgne 6817 Hibiscus Lane Fort Myers, FL 33901 1-813-939-2404 Florence Leposky 1712 Beach Parkway Cape Coral , FL 33904 • Howard Leposky 1712 Beach Parkway Cape Coral, FL 33904 Patrick Morrison At. 3, Box 21 00 Bonita Springs , FL 33923 1-813-992-0580 Sandi Morrison 6184 Michelle Way Fort Myers, FL 33907 1-813-481-4113 Martin Nathan 3419 S.E. 18th Pl. Cape Coral, FL 33904 1-813-549-1266 Marilyn Niederman 5346 Chippendale Circle Fort Myers, FL 33901 1-813-481-8756 Elizabeth W. Niven 239 Dakota Ave. Ft . Myers Bch. , FL 33931 1-813-463-6798 Phillip H. Rasmussen 2428 McGregor Blvd . Fort Myers, FL 33901 1-813-344-7093 James Neal Renfro 261 Aqua Court Naples, FL 33940 1-813-262-8408 Mimi Romig At. 24, P. 0. Box 137 Fort Myers, FL 33908 1-813-481-2513 Alicia Schmidt 5203 Rutland Court Cape Coral , FL 33904 1-813-542-4746 Anne Tunis Summy 2885 Gulf Shore Blvd. Naples, FL 33940 1-813-261-3871 Margaret Ken Thomas 255 First Ave., N. Naples, FL 33940 1-813-261-8844 25 Jeanne Pellegrino 2888 Birchwood Dr. Orange Park, FL 32073 1-904-274-7900 Robert G. Young 30 Fern ham Ln ., Box 346 Palm Coast , FL 32037 1-904-455-3149 William T. Proctor 3609 Valencia Rd. Jacksonville, FL 32205 1-904-389-6598 Mun S. Quan 5442 John Reynolds Lane Jackson vi lie, FL 32211 1-904-744-1180 .. Estelle M. Carson 707 N.W.14th Ave. Gainesville, FL '32608 .. Hollis Holbrook 1710 S.W. 35th Place Gainesville, FL 32608 1-904-377-7719 .. Fred Messersmith 726 North Boston Deland , FL 32720 1-904-734-6180 Carol Richardson 142 Beach St. Ormond Beach, FL 32074 Marilynn Roland 112 Downing St., P.O. Box 950 New Smyrna Beach , FL 32069 1-904-728-2233 ..Joel Warner Reichard P. 0 . Box 57 Silver Springs, FL 32084 •Bruce Dempsey, Director Jacksonville Art Museum 4160 Boulevard Center Dr. Jacksonville, FL 32207 1-904-398-8336 AREA VII Hendry, Lee and Collier Counties CHAIRMAN: FRED DODSON Gene Roberds Star Route B Satsuma, FL 32089 1-904-328-4924 Dorothy C. Stewart 2842 Ionic Ave. J acksonvi lie, FL 3221 0 1-904-389-6909 Melissa Barry 490 Banyan Blvd. Naples, FL 33940 Frances Stone 3823 Eldridge Ave. Orange Park, FL 32073 1-904-264-2578 Dorothy Ault Brownell 1920 Crayton Rd. Naples, FL 33940 1-813-262-3599 Enzo Torcolettl Flagler College St. Augustine, FL 32084 Gwen K. Buchanan 3400 Gulf Shore Blvd. B2 Naples , FL 33940 1-813-261-3349 Colette Trent 37 Sea Park Dr. St. Augustine, FL 32084 Lou Carter 1808 Dogwood Dr. Marco Island, FL 33937 1-813-394-181 2 Mary Chase 5321 Bay Shore Dr. Cape Coral, FL 33904 Jean Wagner Troemel 6 South St. St. Augustine, FL 32084 1-904-824-3187 24 AWARDS Florida Artist Group Award ............ . .. .............. . .. $200.00 Susan Stair Stevens, Palm Beach TO SUCCESSION - ALL BELONG 011 on Canvas Hilton Leech Memorial Award .... . ....... ..... .. . .......... $200.00 Chryssie Tavrides, Lakeland LELIA VICTORIA Mixed Media Hilton Leech Memorial Award ......... . .. . ................. $200.00 Shirley Clement, Sarasota F.F. Watercolor Acrylic Dr. Robert Carson Memorial ........ .. ..................... $100.00 Carol Cornelison, Miami SHANNON SONG Collage Genevieve Hamel Memorial ............... . . . ....... ... .... $100.00 Richard Capes, Sarasota FAIR RIDER Collage and Drawing Reddi-Arts Award Penny Constantino, Daytona Beach ... . .. . . . . .......... $100.00 ONIONS AND STRAWBERRIES Acrylic on Linen Southeast Banks Award ...... . . .. . .. . . .......... . .. . ...... $100.00 Gene Babochenko, Sarasota THE DELICACY OF THE MONUMENTAL Oil on Canvas Southeast Banks Award ...................... . . ...... .. ... $100.00 Moe M ltchell, Sarasota MOVING APART Mixed Media Southeast Banks Award ................................... $100.00 Enzo Torcolettl, St. Augustine CARYATID Bronze Sculpture President's Award .............. . .. .. ..................... $50.00 Melissa Barry, Naples HERITAGE Mixed Media Grumbacher Silver Medallion Laura Mettam, Sarasota TURN IT ON Acrylllc 5 JURORS 1950·1981 Sarasota .. . .... .. . . .. . .... 1967 Dr. John Craft Miam i . . ......... . . .... . . . 1968 Frank Klelnhol z Gainesvi lie .. .. ....... .. . .. 1969 Joel Reeves Winter Park . ....... .. .... . 1970 Edward Weeks Venice .. . .. ............ . . . 1971 Albert Chrlst-Janer Lakeland ....... . ..... Fall, 1971 Gudmund Vlgtel St. Augustine . . . . . .. . ...... 1972 Boris Margo Boca Raton . .. . . . ... . ..... 1973 Dr. Lester H. Cooke St. Petersburg . .. . .. . . . .... 1974 Wm. H. Fagaly West Palm Beach ... .... .. . 1975 Donelson F. Hoopes Jacksonville ... . .... .. . .. . . 1976 Cleve Scarborough Miami .... ... . . ... . . .. . ... 1977 Tom L. Freudenhelm Naples . .. ..... ....... .... 1978 MartoAmaya Daytona . . . ............... 1979 David Reese Sarasota .. . ........ . . . . . .. 1980 Betty Parsons Jacksonville .......... .. ... 1981 Joseph Shannon Gainesville . .. ...... ... .... 1950 Robert Parsons Gainesville .... .. . .... .. ... 1951 Bartlett Hayes, Jr. Clearwater . . . .. .. . ........ 1952 Lamar Dodd Sarasota ........ .. . .... . .. 1953 H omer-Salnt-Gaudens Daytona Beach .. . ..... .. .. 1954 Wilbur David Peat West Palm Beach . ......... 1955 Thomas M. Beggs Bradenton . .. ...... . .. .... 1956 Herman Warner Williams, Jr. Winter Park .. .. ... . . ... . .. 1957 Robert B. Hale Tampa . ...... .... . .. .. . . . . 1958 Fred Conway Miami ....... . . .. .. . . .. ... 1959 Thomas Tibbs Bradenton ... . .. .. . ... . ... 1960 Donald M. Mattison West Palm Beach .. ... ... .. 1961 John Taylor and Andree Ruellan Daytona Beach ....... .. ... 1962 Gibson A. Danes St. Augustine . . . . .. . ....... 1963 Carl Holty Tampa . .. . . . .... ...... .. .. 1964 James Byrnes Bradenton .. ... ..... . ... . . 1965 Albert Chrlst-Janer Jacksonville ... . .... ..... .. 1966 Boris Margo Donna M . Stoddard 925 E. Lexington St. Lakeland , FL 33801 1-813-682-4832 Kathleen David 7645 Fort Caroline Rd. Jacksonvil le, FL 32211 1-904-7 44-1592 Chryssle E. Tavrldes 2317 Hollingsworth Hill Lakeland , FL 33802 1-81 3-688-5888 .. Hugh F. McKean P. 0 . Box 40 Winter Park , FL 32789 1-305-644-6716 Evelyn W. Draper 20 Ponte Vedra Circle Ponte Vedra Bc h. , FL 32082 1-904-285-6151 J. Everett Draper 20 Ponte Vedra Circle Ponte Vedra Bch. , FL 32082 1-904-285-6151 Gretchen Ebersole 7234 Stonehurst Rd . , N. Jacksonville, FL 32211 1-904-744-6480 AREA VI Volusia, Flagler, St. Johns, Duval , Nassau , Clay, Putnam , Marion, Alachua, Bradford, Uni on, Baker, Columbia, Gill christ , Levy, Dix ie, LaFayette, Suwanee, Ham ilton, Madi son and Tayl or Co unt ies CHAIRMAN: F. BROWN EDEN F. Brown Eden 5375 Sanders Rd . Jackson vi lie, FL 32211 1-904-744-1 203 Robert Miller Hall Flagler College St. Augustine, FL 32084 Jay Harder 1591 Lane Ave. , S. 33 Trafalgar Jacksonville, FL 32210 1-904-786-2867 Jules de R. Bacot North Florida Community College Madison, FL 32340 S. Barre Barrett 2601 S. Second St. Jacksonville Bch. , FL32250 Marcelle L. Bear 1200 San Amaro Rd. Jacksonville, FL 32207 1-904-737-8397 Joyce B. Kearney 5248 Shore Dr. St. Augustine, FL 32084 1-904-797-3079 William C. Kearney 5248 Shore Dr. St. Augustine, FL 32084 1-904-797-3079 Beth Bondzelt 6 Shawnee Trai I Ormond Beach, FL32074 1-904-677-6950 Harriet Lampe 203 Fairway Dr. Ormond Bch ., FL 32074 Jan Cain 257 Charlotte St. St. Augustine, FL 32084 Penny Cosentino 1632 Woodcrest #2 Daytona Beach, FL 32019 6 Babs Canning Martin 7136 Diamond Head Rd. Jacksonville, FL 32216 1-904-724-3788 23 Richard Loeb 6363 Gulf Winds Dr., #433 St. Petersburg, FL 33706 1-813-360-7820 Roberta Feldman 200 Fiame Ave. Maitland, FL 32751 1-305-831-4128 .. Jeanette M. Genius P. 0. Box 40 Winter Park, FL 32789 1-305-644-6716 Virginia Reeder 500 N. Gilbert St. Clearwater, FL 33515 1-813-442-3962 Kerri Anne Silvemell P.O. Box13 Odessa, FL 33556 1-813-842-5572 Gertrude E. Hessenauer 2714 Wyndham Lane Orlando, FL 32808 1-305-259-0295 Ruth Andress Stone 8820 Van Fleet Rd. Riverview, FL33569 1-813-677-5935 Eileen Holcomb 401 E. Lake Martha Dr. Winter Haven, FL33880 1-813-294-5062 Rhoda Tritschuler 79 Windward Island Clearwater, FL 33515 1-813-442-3578 Caroline E. lves 211518t h St., N.W. Winter Haven, FL 33880 1-813-293-9903 Anne B. Winslow 5224 Neptune Way Tampa, FL 33609 1-813-876-0683 Gregory Anthony Jones 524 Carey Place Lakeland, FL 33803 1-813-687-9404 .. Alida Conover 2109 Victoria Dr. Clearwater, F L 33515 1-813-733-6525 Lee Malone, Director St. Petersburg Museum of Fine Arts 255 Beach Dr., No. St. Petersburg, FL 33701 1-813-896-2667 Mona Jordan 302 Emerald Place, E. Indian Harbor Bch. , FL 32937 1-305-773-3976 TO SUCCESSION - ALL BELONG Susan Stair Stevens, Palm Beach Florida Artist Group Award Margaret E. Kelly 314 Easton Dr. Lakeland, FL 33803 1-813-686-8859 Goldie Lipson 724 Masterpiece Rd. Lake Wales , FL 33853 1-813-676-6624 Fonchen Lord 43-05 Oakglen Rd. Lakeland , FL 33808 1-813-646-1629 Marlls Newman 355 Lakeside Dr. Satellite Bch. , FL 32937 Ellen Plankey 2225 Abalone Ave. Indialantic, FL 32937 AREAV Indian River, Brevard, Osceola, Orange, Seminole, Polk and Lake Counties CHAIRMAN: MARGARET E. KELLY Helene. Cox 417 S. Lake Florence Winter Haven, FL 33880 1-813-324-4869 22 LELIA VICTORIA Chryssle Tavrides, Lakeland Hi lton Leech Memorial Award 7 • F.F. Shirley Clement, Sarasota Hilton Leech Memorial Award Susan H. Vinton 7940 Sandering Rd. Sarasota, FL 33581 Jean Sloane Walker A.D. #2- Box 797 F Punta Gorda, FL 33950 1-813-637-2603 Leila Watlington P.O. Box 1324 Venice, FL 33595 1-813-488-1217 Lyndsay White Cape Haze, P.O. Box 459 Placida, FL 33946 1-813-697-3121 Edith D. Willett 526 Sheridan Dr. Venice, FL 33595 1-813-488-7069 Thomas J. Williams 625 Linden Rd. Venice, FL 33595 1-813-488-5452 Olympia Zacchini 7035 Longbay Dr. Sarasota, FL 33580 1-813-355-2527 ..John Hammel, Jr. 4307 Camino Real Sarasota, FL 33579 1-813-924-3732 .. Foster Harmon P.O. Box 6187 St. Armands Sta. Sarasota, FL 33578 1-813-388-2873 1-813-955-1 002 AREA IV Hillsborough, Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando, Sumter and Citrus Counties CHAIRMAN: MAMIE HARRISON Helen Dickey Anderson 1723 Lakewood Dr., So. St. Petersburg, FL 33712 1-813-867-4417 Marjorie C. Armston 4 Belleview Blvd ., #602 Bellair, FL 33516 1-813-447-8333 Shirley Frank 8254 Forest Circle Seminole, FL 33542 1-813-391-1901 Almira E. Grammer 606515thSt., N. St. Petersburg, FL 33703 1-813-527-701 0 Muriel E. Green 486 W. Overbrook St. Belleair Bluffs, FL 33540 1-813-584-6077 Joan Wyeth Griggs 5217 Neptune Way Tampa, FL 33609 1-81 3-879-4069 Barbara Kale Harris 4533 Overlook Dr., N.E. St. Petersburg, FL 33703 1-813-527-7409 .. Dorothy Sherman Leach 2362 Pine Terrace Sarasota, FL 33581 1-813-924-7564 Mamie Harrison 950 Virginia St. Dunedin, FL 33528 1-813-733-5350 Bonnie Jones 1607 Cottagewood Dr. Brandon, FL 33511 1-813-689-2998 • • Elden Rowland 5453 Avenida del Mare Sarasota, FL 33581 1-813-349-1714 SHANNON SONG Carol Cornelison , Miami Dr. Robert Carson Memorial 8 21 Lee B. Lasbury P.O. Box 777 Englewood, FL 33533 1-813-474-2644 Dorothy P. MacDonald 100 Ocean Place Sarasota, FL 33581 1-813-349-7723 Paul Marco 2601 Melgert Pl. Sarasota, FL 33580 1-813-955-2803 Jeanette B. McCay 39 Lakeview Lane Englewood, FL 33533 1-813-474-7260 Tatiana McKinney 409 Darling Dr. Venice, FL 33595 1-813-488-1196 Laura H. Mettam 1425 Ladue Lane Sarasota, FL 33581 1-813-924-8632 Moe Mitchell 4211 Bradenton Rd. Sarasota, FL 33580 1-813-355-7087 Walter Mitchell 5 Sandy Cove Rd. Sarasota, FL 33581 1-81 3-349-1147 Ethel Morison P.O . Box 1354 Venice, FL 33595 1-813-488-3644 Terry Murray 1832 Pandora Dr. Sarasota, FL 33581 1-813-924-3080 Leroy W. Nichols, Jr. 618 Gillespie Ave. Sarasota, FL 33577 1-813-365-1 808 Nike Parton 840 Edgemere Lane Sarasota, FL 33581 1-813-349-7419 Mary Pearce 5400 Ocean Blvd. Sarasota, FL 33581 1-813-349-3789 Marianne Renlnger 115 Fiesole Venice, FL 33595 1-813-485-8826 Ann Ritz 8854 S. Tamiami Trail Sarasota, FL 33581 1-813-966-2039 Pat Ryan 1010 Mass Ave. Englewood, FL 33533 1-81 3-697-4481 Bernard Salander P.O. Box 883 Englewood, FL 33533 1-813-474-4514 Sonia H. Searing 6007 Dartmouth Bradenton, FL 33507 1-813-755-6172 Leona Sherwood P.O. Box 492 Longboat Key, FL 33548 1-813-383-3047 Miriam Shorr 8139 Broughton St. Sarasota, FL 33580 1-813-355-0865 lone C. Shriver 113 Sandy Hook Rd. Sarasota, FL 33581 1-813-349-1490 Emily Nash Smith 6719 Georgia Ave. Bradenton, FL 33505 1-813-755-7802 Larry Stults 5448 Avenida del Mare Sarasota, FL 33581 1-813-349-1496 .. Lois Bartlett Tracy 580 Artist Ave. Englewood, FL 33533 1-81 3-474-3365 20 • ., '·-·~~~~· ._,-·,·:.r·-:- ---$;· _._ .. . -~'!. ' ·_···.~:~. . ' . -~~· -,;;J}i.:". ~ - -:'. _ t',~··'_""'(:'· ~ ·- FAIR RIDER Richard Capes, Sarasota Genevieve Hamel Memorial ONIONS AND STRAWBERRIES Penny Constantino, Daytona Beach Reddi-Arts Award 9 - • ' THE DELICACY OF THE MONUMENTAL Gene Babochenko, Sarasota Southeast Banks Award Neil Garrison 260 47th St. , W. Bradenton, FL 33505 1-813-748-4464 •George Gibbs 932 Gibbs Rd. Venice, FL 33595 1-813-485-4841 Mary Gibbs 932 Gibbs Rd . Venice, FL 33595 1-813-485-4841 Bruce Gregory 2115 Lee Lane Saraso'ta, FL 33581 1-813-924-5649 Fran Beasley 1254 Point Crisp Rd. Sarasota, FL 33581 1-813-349-1848 Margaret T. Beeken 700 John Ringling, #1407 Sarasota, FL 33577 1-813-959-7721 Rose H. Brown 720 Alizarine Lane Englewood , FL 33533 1-813-4 74-5667 Vivian Burris 21 11 E I Cerito Ct. Punta Gorda, FL 33590 1-81 3-639-0463 Richard E. Capes 2116 Florinda St. Sarasota, FL 33581 1-813-924-8250 Jeanne Norman Chase 1602 Bay Rd. Sarasota, FL 33581 1-813-366-5032 Shirley Clement 3951 Red Rock Lane Sarasota, FL 33581 1-813-953-5021 • .. stella C. Coler 519 El Vernona Ave. Sarasota, FL 33577 1-813-955-5222 D.A. Gordon Dart 1722 North Drive Sarasota, FL 33579 1-813-366-1961 Marjorie Nee Deo 35 Sandy Cove Rd. Sarasota, FL 33581 1-813-349-8755 Virginia Hausted 2024 Alameda Ave. Sarasota, FL 33580 1-813-955-0655 Philip Held 3035 Wood St. Sarasota, FL 33580 1-813-366-5156 Connie Q. Heller 2045 Gulf of Mex ico Dr. Apt. 509 Longboat Key, FL 33548 1-813-383-3547 Emily W. Holmes 1243 Southport Dr. Sarasota, FL 33581 1-81 3-349-5374 Ru lsraels 8854 S. Tamiami Trail Sarasota, FL 33581 1-813-966-2039 Elsie B. Jones 350 Golden Gate Pt. Sarasota, FL 33577 1-813-365-0545 Julee Docking 1677 Hyde Park St . Sarasota, FL 33579 1-813-955-0927 Helen Fisher 941 Inlet Circle Venice, FL 33595 1-813-488-4042 MOVING APART Moe Mitchell, Sarasota Southeast Banks Award 10 Irene Layne Kantor 16371dle Lane Sarasota, FL 33581 1-813-921-1 253 19 .. E. Robert Hunter 201 Potter Rd. West Palm Beach, FL 33402 1-305-659-4088 •Richard A. Madigan, Director The Norton Gallery 1451 S. OJ ive Ave. West Palm Beach, FL 33406 1-305-832-5194 Beatrice Rose 233M iraflores Dr. Palm Beach, FL 33480 1-305-844-6113 Helen L. Rosenbaum 2840 S. Ocean Blvd. Palm Beach, FL 33480 1-305-588-4496 Thorvald Sanchez, Jr. 146 Seminole Ave. Palm Beach, FL 33480 1-305-655-2376 Eleanor Sllesky 33 Sunset Ave. Palm Beach, FL 33480 1-305-832-9356 John M. Sitton 1241 S. E.14th St. Deerfield Beach , FL 33441 1-305-427-5735 Mary Snow 291 River Dr. Tequesta, FL 33458 1-305-7 46-441 0 Susan Stair Stevens 2307 Ibis Island Palm Beach, FL 33480 1-305-588-2880 linda V. Strasser 5719 S . Flagler Dr. West Palm Beach, FL 33401 1-305-588-0588 Dr. Ronald M. Thompson 244 Essex Lane West Palm Beach, FL 33405 1-305-582-7451 Jane I. Waterman 724 Waterway North Palm Bch., FL33408 1-305-622-9233 Rachel Wells 2800 N. Flagler Dr., #607 West Palm Beach, FL 33407 1-305-832-5977 Harriet Weinberg 2295 S. Ocean Blvd. Palm Beach, FL 33480 1-305-588-6685 • AREA Ill Charlotte, Desoto, Glades, Hardee, Highlands, Manatee and Sarasota Counties CHAIRMAN: MARIANNE RENINGER Evelyn Anderson 6302 Riverview Blvd. Bradenton, FL 33505 1-813-792-7536 Beth Arthur 1138 Crescent St. Sarasota, FL 33581 1-813-349-3847 AnneAtz 601 Apalachicola Rd. Venice, FL 33595 1-813-485-11 50 Gene Babochenko 4211 Bradenton Rd. Sarasota, FL 33580 1-81 3-355-01 22 John W. R. Barends 1817 S. Osprey Ave. Sarasota, FL 33579 1-813-955-4763 Beatrice R. Bass 801 S. Lime Ave. Sarasota, FL 33577 1-813-955-5547 Carol Baumgartner 3849 EJ Poinier Ct. Sarasota, FL 33582 1-813-924-3668 18 CARYATID Enzo Torcoletti, St. Augustine Southeast Banks Award HERITAGE Melissa Barry, Naples President's Award 11 Mary Jean Wilson 13725S.W. 75th Ave. Miami, FL 33158 Ruth B. Wollowlck 10155 Collins Ave. Suite 1405 Bal Harbour, FL 33154 1-305-868-3222 Reyna Youngerman 10300W. Bay Harbour Miami Beach , FL 33154 1-305-866-1 27 4 Lola Gerow 11 Yacht Club Place Tequesta, FL 33458 1-305-746-3491 David William Ginsburg 2560 S. Ocean Blvd., #316 Palm Beach, FL 33480 1-305-582-0911 Ruth Barns Haberleln 2724 N. Garden Dr. Lake Worth, FL 33460 1-305-968-2952 Ceclly Hangen P.O. Bo>< 2573 Palm Beach, FL 33480 1-305-586-2691 Mary Ann Hayes 3417 Washington Rd . West Palm Beach, FL 33405 1-305-833-0930 Sylvia Jaffee 11 Burning Tree Lane Boca Raton, FL 33432 Janet Chapman Lis 12 Sunset Lane Pompano Beach, FL 33062 Gilda Lozito 307 Cordova Rd. West Palm Beach, FL 33401 1-305-833-0715 AREA II Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie and Okeechobee Counties CHAIRMAN: CECILY HANGEN TURN IT ON Laura Mettam, Sarasota Grumbacher Silver Medallion Gladys Armstrong 350 Beach Rd. Tequesta, FL 33458 1-305-746-7637 Lee Batterman 13772 Sand Crane Dr. Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 1-305-626-2727 Herman A. Benjamin 2600 S. Flagler Dr., #607 West Palm Beach, FL 33407 1-305-833-414 7 Melanie Bouton 4060 Kent Ave. Lake Worth, FL 33460 Sylvia Chilton 446 Braxilian Ave. Palm Beach, FL 33480 1-305-585-7864 BunnyCoppe 15917 S.W. 151 st St. Indiantown, FL 33456 1-305-597-2770 Mable D. Dickson 14 Golfview Rd. Palm Beach, FL 33480 1-305-659-1 236 12 Ethel Minton 100 Sunrise Ave., #524E Palm Beach, FL 33480 1-305-588-3555 Charmion Morris 5555 W. Gun Club Rd. Palm Beach, FL 33480 1-305-684-1 020 Louise Pike 500 S.W. 9th Ave. Boca Raton, FL 33432 1-305-391-8433 Syd Rabin 1701 S. Flagler Dr. West Palm Beach, FL 33401 1-305-659-1 707 17 MEMBERSHIP FLORIDA ARTIST GROUP PARTICIPATING ARTISTS • Associate •• Honorary ••• Life AREAl Broward, Dade and Monroe Counties CHAIRMAN : REYNA YOUNGERMAN Shirtey I. Green 1401 Baracoa Ave. Coral Gables, FL 33146 1-305-667-8308 Nancy Greenberg 7045 S.W. 11 Oth Terr. Miami, FL 33156 lllse Greenstein 20100 W. Country Club Miami, FL 33160 1-305-931-2528 Marvelle Adler Kaplan 5801 S.W. 11th St. , Miami , FL 33144 1-305-266-0501 Leon Gordon Miller 6959 Sunrise Drive Coral Gables, FL 33133 1-305-665-4666 Ruth A. Romoser 8025 S.W. 64th St. Miami, FL 33143 1-305-271 -8145 Eugenie Schein 1070 Stillwater Dr. Miami, FL33176 1-305-866-2307 Wayne Sessions 711 University Dr . Coral Gables, FL 33134 Larue Storm 3737 Justison Rd. Miami , FL33133 1-305-444-8820 WayneTimm 6790 Sunset Dr. South Miami, FL33143 1-305-661-9472 Dorothy Bosco 6350S .W. 106th St. Miami, FL33156 Dot Brady 345 N.E. 20th Terr. Miami, FL 33137 1-305-573-8446 Joan Carrier 1215 Manati Ave. Coral Gables, FL 33146 1-305-665-3696 Ramon Carullo 4735 N.W. 184th Terrace Miami, FL 33055 1-305-624-4849 Eleanora S. Chambers 5740 S.W. 51st Terr. Miami FL33155 1-305-661-0395 Carol Cornelison 12500 Crescent Way Miami, FL33156 .. Elizabeth Upham Davis 158 S. Prospect Dr., Coral Gables, FL 33133 Eileen Epaves 9498 Domican Drive Miami, FL 33189 1-305-235-1409 Enzo Gallo 500 N. Ansin Blvd. Hallandale, FL 33009 16 Anne Atz, Venice FROM HERE TO ETERNITY Acrylic Richard Capes, Sarasota FAIR RIDER Collage and Drawing Helen Dickey Anderson, St. Petersburg NIGHT TRAIN Acrylic Roman Carrullo , Miami THE GAME Oil on Paper Shirley Clement, Sarasota F.F. Watercolor Acrylic Evelyn Anderson, Brandenton WONDERLAND Acrylic Penny Const antino, Daytona Beach ONIONS AND STRAWBERRIES Acrylic on Linen Gene Babochenko, Sarasota THE DELICACY OF THE MONUMENTAL Oi I on Canvas Bunny Coppa, Indiantown PRIMARY Acrylic Airbrush Beatrice Bass, Sarasota LOVERS' DREAM FANCIFUL CREATURES SERIES Acrylic Carol Cornelison, Miami SHANNON SONG Collage John Barends, Sarasota SKY MIRROR 011 Pastel Helen Cox, Winter Haven MOTILITY Acryl ic College, Conte Melissa Barry, Naples HERITAGE Mixed Media Kathleen David, Jacksonville WOMEN ATTHEWELL Oil Carol Baumgartner, Sarasota EBB TIDE era-pastel Julie Docking , Sarasota SERAGLIO Acrylic Collage Beth Bonzeit , Daytona Beach WHITE LINE & 5 CIRCLES Acrylic on Canvas Dorothy Bosco, Miami TERRACED GARDEN Mixed Media Alice Durick, Ft. Myers PAN Oil Gwen Buchanan, Naples FLIGHT Watercolor Gretchen Ebersole, Jacksonville DIARY OF A DRESS- MARCH Mixed Media 13 F. Brown Eden , Jacksonville LOST RIVER Acrylic Collage Gregory Jones, Lakeland BEYOND THE LEVEL OF PAINT BUCKETS AND BRUSHES Mixed Media Elaine Epaves, Miami REMEMBRANCES Hand-made Paper Mona Jordon, Indian Harbor Beach UNTITLED Acrylic Shirley Green, Coral Gables WINTER TREK Etching Aquatint William Kearney, St. Augustine ENVIRONMENTAL Oil Nancy Greenberg, Miami PAST TEN VI Watercolor Lee Lasbury, Englewood FRAGMENTED FORCE Acrylic Bruce Gregory, Sarasota THREE WOMEN Acrylic Fonchen Lord, Lakeland STANDING FOLD #2 Aluminum Sculpture Anna Gohl, Cape Coral RED WHITE & BLUE Collage Babs Canning Martin, Jacksonville ORGANIC EMERGENCE 5 Graphite Clyde Hagerty, Naples SHADOWS Acrylic Laura Mettam , Sarasota TURN IT ON Acrylic Virginia Hausted, Sarasota A VIEW FROM THE ROCK Mixed Media Leon Gordon Miller, Coral Gables DANIEL'S INTERPRETATION OF NEBUCHADNEZZAR'S DREAM Serigraph Mary Anne Hayes, West Palm Beach EARTH CONTEMPORY Ink on Paper Emily Holmes, Sarasota TWILIGHT Watercolor Moe Mitchell, Sarasota MOVING APART Mixed Media Patrick Morrison VIEW FROM 1-75 IV Watercolor Ru lsraels, Sarasota PRIMEVAL REFLECTIONS Acrylic Sandi Morrison SUNDAY MORNING Paper Sylvia Jaffe, Boca Raton INFINITY Marble and Brass Sculpture Mary Pearce, Sarasota WOMAN AT CHING TOMBS Watercolor 14 Jean Pellegrino, Orange Park GENTLE BLUE BARRIER Acrylic Susan Stair Stevens, Palm Beach TO SUCCESSION - ALL BELONG Oil on Canvas Lou ise Pike, Boca Raton UNTITLED Fabric and Fiber Painting Dorothy Stewart, Jacksonville DIRECTION BLACK HOLE SERIES 7 Oil Phillip Rasmussen , Fort Myers REFLECTIONS Watercolor Frances Stone, Orange Park ACADEMUS'S GROVE Oil on Canvas James Neal Renfroe, Naples BEAR TRACKS PIECE #2 Sculpture Ruth Andress Stone, Riverview IMAGES IN FLORIDA SAND 011 Carol Richardson, Ormond Beach SELF CONTAINED Acrylic Watercolor Larue Storm , Miami HOMAGE TO BACH: VARIATIONS ON FOUR RECTANGLES Collage Gene Roberds, St. Augustine FLORIDA LANDSCAPE SERIES Ill Ink and Waterco lor Anne Sumy, Naples LUNAR ALMANAC Acrylic on Paper Mimi Romig , Miami OF SEA AND SKY Acrylic Chryssie Tavrides, Lakeland LELIA VICTORIA Mixed Media Ruth Romoser, Miami RUTH'S SONG Acrylic Under Cut Canvas Enzo Torcolettl, St. Augustine CARYATID Bronze Sculpture Beatrice Rose, Palm Beach THE MARBLE GORGE Susan VInton, Sarasota ESPADAS Acrylic 011 Thorvald Sanchez, Palm Beach NUEVITAS Acrylic M. J. Wilson, Miami TRAPS Watercolor Alicia Schmidt, Cape Coral SENTELL Oil Mary Snow, Tequesta THE FIORDS Acrylic and Watercolor 15
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