challenges, opportunities and risks that you face when
challenges, opportunities and risks that you face when
Presented by Isiko-Nabongo Stephen Founder and Managing Director Flona Commodities ltd Email:, Tel: +256772409557 Introduction Overview of pineapple production in Uganda Flona Commodities Limited(FCL) activities FCL- Experience as player Challenges using the ISO 14067 and Opportunities Recommendations Conclusions Flona Commodities Ltd 2 Flona Commodities Ltd 3 Overview of pineapple growing in Uganda Pineapple(ananus) is widely grown by small scale farmers in the central, Eastern and western parts of Uganda. Varieties : smooth Cayenne and Victoria. Maturity period; pineapple takes 18 months Support to farmers; eg government, donors Flona Commodities Ltd 4 FLONA(FCL) Activities FCL is a private limited company, registered in Uganda in 1995 FCL owns an organic fruit processing facility and a demonstration farm on 8 acres Has registered 300 small-growers(SGs) growing pineapple, mango, jackfruit, papaya and apple banana in two locations in central Uganda Recruits, sensitizes and registers SGs Trains and facilitates Certification of SGs for Organic and ISO 14067 Procures pineapple from small scale farmers for processing. Flona Commodities Ltd 5 Flona’s activities Current position for ISO 14067 Data collection started Pre-audits, validation and Certification foreseen in 2014 Flona Commodities Ltd 6 Farmers delivering pineapple Flona Commodities Ltd 7 Flona staff weighing and preparing pineapple for drying Flona Commodities Ltd 8 Flona staff sorting and packing pineapple Flona Commodities Ltd 9 Challenges: fragmented small holder fields which make supervision cumbersome. destruction of trees, burning of farm wastes. Poor planting materials. Poor control of pests and diseases Unskilled own farm labor mainly by women and children. Poor harvesting methods, transportation and no post harvesting facilities. Flona Commodities Ltd 10 Land degradation caused by destruction of plant cover Flona Commodities Ltd 11 Challenges cont’d Disinterest of SGs in changing status quo. Poor knowledge by SGs in farm waste management Certification cost for individual farmers prohibitive. High cost of buying processing equipment Poor packaging material. Use of diesel generators, charcoal and fire wood by pineapple processors which increase carbon emission Transportation: Uganda is land locked and uses heavy trucks and cargo aircrafts. Flona Commodities Ltd 12 Challenges in ISO14067 development the data collection based on annual production might not reflect the real situaton Sampling rule must be clearly defined with consideration with fact that the grower has other crops As a result of the above challenges, meeting quality requirements is very difficult and cumbersome. It requires: training fragmented farmers Continuous scouting and internal Inspection External inspection and Audit Cost of certification is very high for an ordinary farmer. Besides the cost and bureaucracy in renewing certificates is high Renewal of certification is also a challenge Flona Commodities Ltd 13 Opportunities arising from ISO 14067 Certification. Access to regional and international markets Training: farmers and stake holders are trained in Good Agricultural practices. SGs trained in waste material management, making composite manure, making clean energy like bio-gas and briquettes. ISO 14067 standards introduces stake holders to improved processing technologies . Leads to emergence of agro-ecotourism and training centers Improved social welfare of stake holders. Flona Commodities Ltd 14 Training staff and farmers Flona Commodities Ltd 15 Recommendations • Continous Sensitization and training of stake holders. • Introduction of forum to offer support and advisory services to the pineapple sector. • Introduction of multiplication centers and demo gardens which would collabolate with the regulatory body • Specific/improved technologies tailored and suitable for African environment (power efficient and affordable) • Packaging materials which are qualitative and biodegradable • Partnership between stake holders, standards bodies and buyers Flona Commodities Ltd 16 Conclusion A strong partnership between local stake holders, buyers and international standards bodies will create a sustainable, qualitative supply of healthy foodstuff and yet protecting the environment. It will further lead to the improvement welfare of all the players especially the small holder farmers and enhance trade globally Flona Commodities Ltd 17 THANK YOU Flona Commodities Ltd 18