Dock Talk July 2010 - Healey Lake Property Owner`s Association


Dock Talk July 2010 - Healey Lake Property Owner`s Association
July 2010
Dock Talk is a publication of the Healey Lake Property Owners Association (HLPOA)
From the President
Mark your calendar now!
Well, I must say this summer is shaping up quite nicely. Although the TO DO list for your executive is low this year, here are a few of the projects to be completed this year:  3 sign boards at the Main, Foxback and Pine Bay Landings shows events and news on Healey Lake.  Fire box in Healey Bay.  Executive ` Meet and Greet` around the lake.  E‐mail alerts to members advising when the new issues of Dock Talk are available online. As most of you are aware, the e‐mail alerts have been completed and by all accounts the feedback has been very positive. Thanks to all who collected and provided bottles. The proceeds of $724.45 will be used in support of the Regatta. The Regatta T‐shirts contest closed on July 15/10. Stay tuned for the results. If you wish to volunteer to help with the 2010 Regatta, please contact me through my e‐mail. As we get colder to Regatta time, all details will be shown on Have a safe and happy season, please remember to watch your wake and let’s keep the wild animals wild. If there are any questions or concerns regarding your Healey Lake Property Owners Assoc., please contact me. Regards, Dan MacLeod, President, HLPOA E‐mail: July 31 Healey Lake Regatta Lakeshore Marina September 5 Semi‐Annual Meeting Healey Lake Lodge, 10 AM In this issue
Tennis Club News 2 New! The Healey Lake Store 2 Massasauga Rattlesnake Anti ‐venom Update 3 The Loon Yodel & Toronto Zoo Turtle Tally 6 Do you belong to HLPOA? 7 Benefits of HLPOA membership 7 Do you know? Eurasian Watermilfoil 7 Healey lake Property Owners Membership Form 8 Councillor’s Corner 10 On the Dock...Korean Salad 12 The Last Word 12 The Healey Lake Store …
It’s New!
The Healey Lake Property Owner's Association (HLPOA) is proud to announce that via our website, we have opened up the Healey Lake Store. This store is an internet based store via our affiliation with a Huntsville apparel company. Currently 35 distinct items are available for sale via our website, all with an attractive emblem of the map of Healey Lake and lake name. Items include various clothing products, hats, clocks, cribbage boards and more. Please visit the website and look for The Healey Lake Store. Orders are placed via the internet. The company will then phone you within a few days to confirm size requirements and payment details. Shipments usually take a couple of weeks. If you have any questions, please contact us via the website. Tennis Club News
Thanks to those who have responded to date, to the Tennis Club’s appeal for a $25.00 donation to keep the courts operational: For a sneak peek, please click on
store.php but do not order from the Store until the e‐mail newsletter is received. 
Jim McAdams and Emily Morina  Eric and Diane Collier  Tom and Carolyn Knott  Peter and Vanessa Hintze  Mike and Cheryle Smith  Jim and Carole Dunkley  Bob and Pat Dann  Armand and Marlene Gilks  Jodee Kirk  Frank and Verona Rush  Robert and Beverley Edgar AND A very special thanks to Peter and Susan Arnold at Lakeshore Marina and Pierre Lebrun for their most generous donations. 2
We are still in need of further donations this year so please think about supporting this special amenity on our lake. Donations can be dropped off at Mariner’s Cove Marina, Attention: Vanessa Hintze Ed: Don’t forget the generous offer from the Tennis Club. All paid up HLPOA members can use the courts free of charge; otherwise the cost is $10. per hour. The courts are booked through Mariner’s Cove Marina. Also it has been suggested that a donation of $25. per family could go a long way in sustaining the tennis courts and the club. Rattlesnake Anti-venom
The West Parry Sound Health Centre (WPSHC) is reporting that a anti‐venom depot has been re‐established at this facility. This provides for a coordinated supply of the anti‐venom serum and places a focus on the expertise needed to respond to the bite of the Massasauga rattlesnake. For those who need this service, the WPSHC is prepared to treat and have an adequate supply of the anti‐venom serum. Here are a few tips provided on the WPSHC’s web site:  Wear protective footwear (such as hiking boots that cover the ankle) and long, loose fitting pants, especially when hiking at night or in open rocky areas, through brush or long grass.  Use a flashlight when traveling at night.  Always watch where you are putting your feet and hands. Poke around gently with a stick before reaching into brush, under rocks, or into dark places where snakes may be hiding.  Keep pets on leashes; curious pets are more likely to encounter a snake than people.  If you hear a rattlesnake, STAY CALM! Stop walking, and then determine the snake's location. Slowly move away from the snake and give it room to also move away. Enjoy the unique encounter but observe it from a distance and try not to disturb the snake.  Never pick up snakes or other wild animals. Do not harass, chase, or threaten a snake.  For more information: Note the white stripes running along the jaw. Source: 3
Habits Curious things, habits. People themselves never knew they had them. Agatha Christie Habit is habit and not to be flung out the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time. Mark Twain How use doth breed a habit in a man! Shakespeare 4
The Loon: Yodel
two or three introductory notes, followed by a series of repeated phrases. If the level of aggression Nancy Gilchrist
is increased, the number of repeat syllables will also increase and therefore the yodel will be much longer. The yodel of the loon. What a familiar sound. Throughout the years, there have been different I am hoping to hear from area residents of the lake if they observe any loon chicks on our lake observations made about the loon’s vocalization. (375‐2324). If we are lucky enough to have young They have 3 long distance vocalizations: on our lake again this year, we should already be  The wail which is more of a gathering call observing them. They will be unable to dive for over  The tremolo which occurs when there is some the first month and the parents will find food for the kind of threat; and young and teach them how to fish. Loon chicks  The yodel which is only given by the male. catch their first food on their own when they are This yodel seems to be associated with territorial around two or three weeks old, but they rely on defence as the robin does in its advertising song. their parents for almost all of their food until the The loon however only yodels in response to a end of the summer. The adults slowly wean the direct threat. chicks and by the time they are eight to ten weeks Every male loon has its own yodel. However, if they they could feed themselves but they stay with the change their territory their yodel also changes. This adults hoping for continued free meals. is very different from other birds. When birds learn Chicks grow quickly. Chicks are nearly the size of their songs, this remains constant for life. Loons are the adults by eight weeks although they continue to such a primitive bird it is surprising they would have put on weight and their bill lengthens some after such flexibility. When the loon migrates to a new this time. At ten to twleve weeks their flight territory it doesn’t try to imitate the previous feathers are fully grown and they strengthen their resident‘s yodel. It makes its yodel as different as flight muscles by flapping their wings vigorously and possible from that of the previous resident. The by rowing across the surface of the lake. The loon male loon who takes over the new territory has a family is together only three to four months. clear idea of what the previous resident’s yodel Another interesting fact is that I have sounded like. Interestingly, the loon’s weight also also joined the has an effect on the sound of their yodel. The Toronto Zoo Turtle Tally heavier (weight) the loon, the lower their pitch. Another interesting fact is that while a loon is living Toronto Zoo Turtle Tally only within its territory it will lose approximately requires you to input any sightings that you have of 77 grams per year while a female will gain about 62 turtles in Southern Ontario. They require you to grams. To most that wouldn’t mean much; how‐
report your turtle sightings by entering your ever, over a five year period a male loon will observations into their on‐line database. have lost about 9% of it’s body weight The purpose is to collect, record and store therefore having a higher pitched yodel. A location and species information on Ontario potential intruder will pay attention to this turtles, including species at risk. Turtles are and will be able to identify the condition of most often seen in June when they are the territorial loon by listening to its yodel traveling to reach their nesting sites. and recognize the loon’s fighting ability by The information that is collected in this data‐
their yodel. The resident male will battle the base will be submitted to the Natural Heritage intruding male, the resident female will battle the Information Centre and will be used to learn more intruding female and the bystander will then pair about turtle distributions in Ontario. If you are and mate with the winner. The loon’s yodel length will also indicate a loon’s willingness to attack. The typical yodel consists of 6
Did you know? Toronto Zoo Turtle Tally cont’d The Eurasian Watermilfoil is an aggressive submerged aquatic plant , native to Europe, Asia and North Africa that has become one of the most widely distributed non‐native aquatic species in North America. HPLOA President Dan MacLeod has received information from a company that treats this invasive species. It has been discovered and treated in Lake Puslinch in Cambridge and Lake Scugog in the Trent‐Severn. This species can blanket a large area in a couple of seasons. For more information as well as pictures of this plant go to
A=Page&PID=12 interested in joining just Google “Turtle Tally” or enter the website address
AdoptAPond/TurtleTally.asp. By joining you will get a great package of turtle information for southern Ontario as well as pictures of the different species of turtles you may possibly observe. If you do not have access to a computer, I would be happy to record your turtle sightings. Just let me know and I can e‐mail or you can arrange to drop by our cottage and pick up the identifying page for the turtles and then just contact me when you observe one and I will log on their site. I would like to caution you all: Please be aware of the wildlife on and around our lake and steer clear of them! Appreciate their beauty from a distance! If your address has changed or is about to change, please notify me. Do you belong ?
Sharon Tosswill, Sharon Tosswill, Membership Secretary 2565 Proudfoot Street Mississauga, Ontario L5C 2N9 Home: 905‐275‐6834 Cottage: 705‐375‐1357 Hope all are enjoying the beginning of a new season at the lake. Welcome to our newest cottagers. For those who have not renewed their membership please find the form on page 8. Thanks very much in advance. Membership form—see page 8 Special thanks go to Peter Watkinson of Royal LePage Real Estate, MacTier, Curt Coulson of Aim Realty, MacTier and Leo Hintze of ReMax Realty Parry Sound‐Muskoka, who pay for a one‐year membership for all new cottagers whose places they have listed and sold. We very much appreciate it. Enjoy the benefits of membership in the HLPOA!  Courtesy lights mark danger spots in the lake,  Provides and maintains fire pumps & ice augers,  Carries out Cottage Watch in the winter ‐ FREE!  Maintains 3 HLPOA docks and parking areas,  Membership ‐ Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Privacy Act
Due to the privacy act as put out by the government, we will no longer be listing names and addresses in the fall issue of Dock Talk. If you need to contact a neighbor, call me and I can put you in touch. HEALEY LAKE PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION INVOICE 2010 The dues of $30.00 are now due, and I would greatly appreciate receiving them. Association,  Free tennis at the Healey Lake Tennis Club  Represents cottage owners’ interest with the Township of the Archipelago  Regular quality testing of lake water  Annual August Regatta  Annual and Semi‐annual meeting  Dock Talk newsletter ‐ keeps you up to date. 7
Healey Lake Property Owners Association Membership
Name______________________________ Street _________________________________
City_________________________________ Prov.____________Postal Code___________
Telephone__________________911 Address_____________________________________
E – Mail___________________________________________________________________
Make cheque $30. payable to Healey Lake Property Owners Association
Send to:
Sharon Tosswill, HLPOA Membership Secretary
2565 Proudfoot Street, Mississauga, Ontario L5C 2N9
Councillor’s Corner
Woods Bay Transfer Site
For those who use the Wood's Bay Transfer Site, the blasting is done and the site will soon be levelled. Now the G8 and G20 are over and we can find a fencing contractor, it will be fenced and the Healey Lake Road Washout
compactors will be installed by mid July. On Thursday June 24th, a large washout occurred on the Healey Lake Road before the Transfer Building Projects
Station. It took about four hours to get one lane Anyone with a project this summer please check with open and the rest was fixed the next morning. It the building department before you start to make was done so quickly because almost all the needed sure you won't have any problems. People I talk to all equipment was onsite doing the road upgrades. tell me about the good advice and tips they pick up when talking to our staff. Road Work Completion
Gang Calling System for Fire Fighters
The road work is on schedule to be completed the end of July. The paving contract has been awarded The township is working with a resident of Crane Lake to Fowler Construction. They will be doing the who has researched a better communication add‐on Crane/Blackstone Lakes Roads and then the Healey to the 911 service that will allow associations with fire Lake Road. Paving will take about six weeks starting pumps to set up any number of responders with a in September. gang calling system when a fire or emergency is reported. Staff are checking out a company in Compactors
The compactors have been installed and are Sudbury who offers this service. The good news is that it will only cost the associations a very small one working at the Healey Transfer Station. The cameras time set up fee. are running, the new attendant building has been Please contact me if you have any concerns or installed and hooked up. A new traffic pattern will problems. be in use sometime in July. Tel. Days 705 835‐7550 Everything seems to be working well thanks to you supporting our efforts to manage waste in a E‐mail: grant @ Have a great summer; take it easy on the water and responsible way. 10
play safe. Grant Walker, Ward 6 11
On the dock
Korean Salad 1 bag of baby spinach 2 cups sliced mushrooms 10 strips cooked bacon cut into 1 inch pieces 5 hard boiled eggs (sliced) 1 large handful of bean sprouts Combine above in a large bowl Dressing 1/2 cup canola oil 1/2 cup white sugar 1/4 cup ketchup 1/4 cup vinegar 3‐4 green onion Mix well and pour over salad. Toss salad. The Last Word
Nancy Simpson Summer has arrived along with lots of heat and humidity. I have probably swam more this summer already than all of last. Last week‐end was a special one for a couple of reasons: Our visiting friends like to cook ’gourmet style’ from time to time and we have been the beneficiaries of these talents over several visits. This one was a great meal—trout with lemon and herbs on the BarBQ , coconut rice and a Korean salad . Dessert was fresh Bruce Peninsula raspberries with Devon cream, served on sponge cake rounds topped with whipped cream and garnished with a mixed berry coulis. Are you wondering if your invitation got lost in the mail ? It probably did. One reason I am telling you about this meal is because you too can enjoy this lovely salad as we share the recipe. The other treat of the week‐end was a walk with friends who are knowledgeable about the beauty that surrounds us here on Healey Lake: the striations left on the rocks as the glaciers receded, the serious scratch marks left on an high outcropping of jagged rock‐presumably as a bear stretched to mark his territory. Do you know how many needles are in the cluster of white pine trees? Fascicles (small or select bundles) of 5. The piece de resistance was the discovery of the Indian Pipe plants close to our cottage. I don’t know how common this species is around the Lake but it was really neat to see them standing small but tall—the little white plant that has no chlorophyll. What a delightful vista and what a delight to share this with friends who enhance our appreciation of these surroundings. Opps! I neglected to thank Mr. Collier for giving me a ‘heads up’ about the Giant Hogweed that was profiled in the May 2010 issue of Dock Talk. The news of late indicates growing concerns about this invader and the damage it can do. I hope your summer is going well. Let us know what amazing things you are discovering around Healey Lake 12
this summer. Enjoy!