PDF - Jan Barboglio
PDF - Jan Barboglio
A A. Magdalena Container 20½ x 20½ x 13" 7602 B. Angel d’ Paz Tazon 6½ x 6½ x 9¼" 3036CL C. Domingo Domo B 2 | JanBarboglio.com 13 x 13 x 11½" 1232 C JanBarboglio.com | 3 A B D E F G A. Artesanál Tray 14 x 14 x 20½" 3006 B. Cruz Cork - Screw 2 x 1 x 5¼" with gift box 1344 C. Mouse Cork - Screw 3¼ x 1 x 4" with gift box 1345 D. Servilleta Hacienda 26" Shipped pack 4 5752 E. "El Jefe Jaguar" Goblet 3½ x 3½ x 7¾" Shipped pack 2 3056 F. Luciana Nesting Tray B C 13¾ x 17½ x 1" 2234 G. Mama's Key Tray 7 x 4½ x 1¼" 3448 4 | JanBarboglio.com H I J F K H. Vino Blanco Onca Goblet 4¼ x 4¼ x 8" Shipped pack 2 3153BL L I. Vino Rojo Goblet 4 x 4 x 7" Shipped pack 2 3154AZ J. Monterrey Bowl 4 x 4 x 4" Shipped pack 2 1356 M K. Angelica Tray 32½ x 13½ x 3¾" 2238NK L. Posada Paper Towel Holder 7 x 7 x 15¼" 7755NK M. Ofelia Vessel - Azul 6½ x 6½ x 4¾" 3156AZ N. Cordova Cordial 2¼ x 2¼ x 5¼" Set of 4 with gift box as shown 5419 N JanBarboglio.com | 5 "Onca" – black phase jaguar Although popular folklore is replete with references to black or melanistic jaguars (Panthera onca)… no scientific documentation had been provided to confirm the existence of them in Northern Mexico until the early morning of September 6, 2004. A dark, stalky, robust skulled, female with black spots forming a rosette with a central dot was observed. It was much darker than normal lighter phase jaguars. Melonism in jaguars has now been shown to be caused by a dominant mutation of a single gene. Beautiful but deadly, the jaguar evokes powerful human emotions. Strong and agile, with razor sharp claws and deadly fangs, this impressive beast is identified with the qualities which make humans brave and successful. As a stealthy, silent killer with an acute sense of smell, an ability to see in the dark with mirrored eyes, the jaguar is identified as a spirit helper in the spiritual world and provides one of the most dazzling symbols of priests and kings. G A B A. Ofelia Vessel…Media Noche C. Pajaro d’ Noche Decanter B. "El Jefe" Jaguar D. Moreno Glass 6½ x 6½ x 4¾" 3156BL 26 x 5 x 5½" 7043 6 | JanBarboglio.com 5¼ x 3¾ x 9¾" 5391BL 3¾ x 3¾ x 4" Shipped pack 2 3055BL E. Pilar Onca Flute G. Vino Blanco Onca Goblet F. Frances Onca Goblet H. Mendoza Decanter 2¼ x 2¼ x 11¾" Shipped pack 6 5514BL 4¼ x 4¼ x 9" Shipped pack 2 3155BL 4¼ x 4¼ x 8" Shipped pack 2 3153BL 6¼ x 2¾ x 9¼" 5396BL E H F G C D E JanBarboglio.com | 7 “Ochraceous Buff” lighter phase jaguar Endowed with a spotted coat described as “ochraceous buff”, the jaguar is well adapted for hunting either in the trees or in water. These qualities give the jaguar a distinctive presence in the art and religion of ancient Mexican cultures. The jaguar is quick, agile and powerful enough to take down the largest prey in the jungle. It is the largest of the big cats in the Americas. Therefore, all animals are the jaguars prey, yet it is prey to none. Only humans have killed jaguars, which may explain why indigenous peoples regard humans and jaguars as spiritual equals. This leads to a belief that the jaguar is a spiritual lord over all animals and endowed with powers of fertility. The importance of the jaguar was dramatically shown during the excavations in the 1980’s in Mexico City. In “El Templo Mayor”, archeologists discovered feline jaguar skeletons buried with polished green balls of jade gripped between their fangs. Many believe that the green jade is a sign of water and preciousness… “El Templo Mayor” is regarded as the cosmic water mountain. B Across Mexico, in pre-Columbian, Colonial, and modern times, indigenous ideas about the jaguar are not concerned with worshipping the natural animal. Instead, beliefs of what the jaguar means and represent for humans, become part of the native Mexican way of seeing and understanding the world. In viewing the world in this traditional way, “every man carries the jaguar within himself, and every jaguar is a man in disguise”. A A. "El Jefe Jaguar" Carafe with Glass 4 x 4 x 10½" 5403 B. "El Jefe Jaguar" Tall Shot Glass 2¼ x 2¼ x 4¼" set of 4 with gift box. 5416 C. "El Jefe Jaguar" Decanter 5¾ x 2½ x 9¾" 5395 8 | JanBarboglio.com D. "El Jefe Jaguar" Jarron 9¼ x 9¼ x 9½" 5402 E. "El Jefe Jaguar" Stemless 4 x 4 x 4½" Shipped pack 2 3057 F. "El Jefe Jaguar" Goblet 3½ x 3½ x 7¾" Shipped pack 2 3056 B C D E F JanBarboglio.com | 9 A B 10 | JanBarboglio.com E D A. Santa Treeblessing 3¾ x 1¼ x 9¼" Shipped pack 2 3093 B. Adelita Esfera - plata 3½ x 5 x 5½" Shipped pack 6 2183PL C. Adelita Esfera - rojo C 3½ x 5 x 5½" Shipped pack 6 2183RD D. Adelita Esfera - verde 3½ x 5 x 5½" Shipped pack 6 2183GR E. Adelita Esfera - azul 3½ x 5 x 5½" Shipped pack 6 2183AZ JanBarboglio.com | 11 HORSESHOE Without a doubt, the most commonly recognized symbol of good luck in modern North America is the horseshoe. In North America, it is also said to serve a magically protective function when nailed above a door; it must point up "or the luck will run out." As a Mexican tradition, the horseshoe is generally hung facing downward, "so the luck can pour onto you." A. Horseshoe Game Board 8 x 8 x 2¾" 2943 WEE MOUSE Once there was a little mouse who didn't have a name, But because he was so nice and kind, very important he became. Each and every house should have a Wee Mouse. B. Wee Mouse Game Board 8 x 8 x 2¾" 2942 12 | JanBarboglio.com C. Barboglio Canister 5 x 5 x 15¼" 2.5 Qt. 7976-2.5QT D. Barboglio Canister 5 x 5 x 12½" 2 Qt. 7976-2QT E. Barboglio Canister 5 x 5 x 10½" 1.5 Qt. 7976-1.5QT C D E JanBarboglio.com | 13 A C D 14 | JanBarboglio.com E G H I J K Each item sold separately L A. Carmonita Railroad - 6 votives D. Toro Torrez G. Carranza Vaso Grande J. Santo Niño B. Carmona Railroad - 12 votives E. Carranza Dispenser H. Tissue Box K. Carranza Tray 22¾ x 5¼ x 5¼" 4232 41¼ x 5¼ x 5¼" not shown 4233 C. Peralta Pez Pisapapel 8¼ x 3¼ x 1½" 7039NK 5 x 5½ x 5½" 2133 3¼ x 3¼ x 7¼" 1628 F. Carranza Vaso Chico 3¾ x 3¾ x 3¾" not shown 1629SM 3¾ x 3¾ x 5¾" 1629LG 5 x 5 x 6" 1523N I. Carranza Dish 7½ x 5¼ x 1¾" 1627 5¼ x 5¼ x 6½" 1630 14¾ x 10¼ x 1¾" 1626 L. Peralta Pez Box 9½ x 7½ x 5½" 1480NK JanBarboglio.com | 15 A. Cruz Aragon 2¼ x 51 x 1½" 9790 B. Angel 4 x 2 x 5" 4537NK C. Santo Catarino 3 x 4¾ x 3½" 2954NK D. Guardian Angel 3¾ x 2¾ x 2" Shipped pack 6 1555 E. Houseblessing Cross 3¾ x 2¾ x 2" Shipped pack 6 7002 F. Primavera Chica 10 x 6¾ x 12½" 7243SM G. Santa Catarina Box 8¾ x 8¾ x 7" 1481NK A 16 | JanBarboglio.com B F C D G E JanBarboglio.com | 17 A A B LONGHORNS The millions of head of cattle that trail drivers rounded up after the Civil War and trailed to northern markets were longhorns, descendents of those first tough Spanish cattle that had, through natural selection, adapted to the heat, the bugs, the grass of the south coastal plain. Today, other breeds outnumber them, but some ranchers still breed Longhorns for their endurance, resistance to heat and disease, and their ability to fend for themselves. 18 | JanBarboglio.com A. Juarez Hurricane 10¼ x 10¼ x 25¾" 3961CL B. Cerillos Longhorn 12 x 3 x 1¾" 8209 D C C. Santo Niño Vela 3¼ x 3¼ x 7¾" 2180 D. Escudo Navasqüez 2¾ x 60 x 1" 9789 E. Ballin Vela 3¼ x 3¼ x 7¼" 2186 E C JanBarboglio.com | 19 A. Claro Candlestick 6 x 6 x 21" each 4683 D 20 | JanBarboglio.com B. Arturo Candelabra 24½ x 24½ x 30" 4669 JanBarboglio.com | 21 A 22 | JanBarboglio.com B A. Clara con Golondrina 6 x 6 x 6½" 1488 B. Clara con Ballin 6 x 6 x 8¼" 1487 C. Clara con Corona 6 x 6 x 10¼" 1486 C JanBarboglio.com | 23 B A C 24 | JanBarboglio.com E A. Martinez Candelabra 17¼ x 11½ x 18½" 4668 B. Rosalinda Vase 9¼ x 9¼ x 19" 3974 D C. Carlos Magno Firescreen 69 x 6 x 29½" 8180 D. Linea Bar Cart - “Tito” 25¾ x 18 x 40¼" 2664 E. Mouse Cork - Screw 3¼ x 1 x 4" with gift box 1345 F. Frances Goblet 4¼ x 4¼ x 9" Shipped pack 2 3155AZ G. Vino Rojo Goblet 4 x 4 x 7" Shipped pack 2 3154AZ F G JanBarboglio.com | 25 A B C A. Aguilar Lantern with Hurricane 10½ x 10½ x 30¼" 3963CL B. Aguilar Hurricane Only 7½ x 7½ x 15¾" 3963CL-G C. Jimenez Chandelier 20¼ x 20¼ x 31¼" 36" chain and ceiling attachment plate 4211E D. Zamora Decorative Screen 42 x 17 x 33¼" 8199 E. Mesa Morelia D 26 | JanBarboglio.com 11½ x 11½ x 24" 3622 E JanBarboglio.com | 27 A. Pete Jr. Side Bar 26 x 19 x 35" 2505MD B. Carranza Vaso Grande 3¾ x 3¾ x 5¾" 1629LG C. Servilleta Hacienda 26" Shipped pack 4 5752 D. San Antonio 21 x 12¼ x 35" 1975 E. "El Jefe Jaguar" Carafe with Glass A 4 x 4 x 10½" 5403 B C 28 | JanBarboglio.com D E JanBarboglio.com | 29 A. Pasion d’ Isa 25 x 5 x 36¾" 5364 B. Juana y Enrique 24 x 1½ x 24" 5368 C. Alas San Gabriela 23¼ x 5 x 25¾" 2828 D. Alas San Gabriel 24½ x 5 x 17¼" 2829 E. Capillita table 34¾ x 13 x 33¼" 2488 A B 30 | JanBarboglio.com C D E JanBarboglio.com | 31 JanBarboglio.com 145 Cole Street, Dallas, Texas 75207 Telephone: 214-698-1920 Fax: 214-698-8611 sales@janbarboglio.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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