15TH ANNUAL A M E R I C A N P U B L I C P O W E R A S S O C I AT I O N PUBLIC POWER LINEWORKERS RODEO nar y Prelimgiram Pro M AY 1 6 , 2 0 1 5 SACRAMENTO, CA ED H T OS BY Join the national community of public power lineworkers to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Public Power Lineworkers Rodeo! The Rodeo is the ultimate venue for public power lineworkers to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in two levels of competition: journeyman and apprentice. Journeyman teams and apprentice are judged on safety, work practices, neatness, ability, equipment handling, and timely event completion. About the 2015 Lineworkers Rodeo Host As the nation’s sixth largest community-owned electric service provider, Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) has been providing low-cost, reliable electricity for more than 65 years. SMUD is a recognized industry leader and award winner for its innovative energy-efficiency programs, renewablepower technologies, and for its sustainable solutions for a healthier environment. For more information about SMUD, visit As a participant in the Public Power Lineworkers Rodeo since its inception, SMUD has been fortunate to win dozens of individual and team awards. The utility hosted the Rodeo in 2006 and is excited to bring this industry showcase to California again in 2015. Agenda at-a-Glance Friday, May 15 All events on Friday take place at the Sacramento Convention Center in Sacramento, Calif. 7:30 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. Training Course Registration Desk Open 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.Training Courses for Apprentice and Journeyman Lineworkers 11:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.Rodeo Expo • Take advantage of this valuable opportunity to connect with industry experts as they display their latest products and services. 11:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.Rodeo Registration & Sales • Registration for apprentice, journeyman teams, judges, and greeters/auditors. 2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Judges, Greeters, and Auditors Meeting (Mandatory Event) • Judges, greeters, and auditors should register prior to attending this meeting. Judges will proceed to the Apprentice Written Test at the conclusion of this meeting. 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Apprentice Written Test Event • Apprentices must register prior to this event and arrive by 4:00 p.m. for the test. Saturday, May 16 Rodeo competition events on Saturday occur at Gibson Ranch Park in Sacramento, Calif. The Rodeo Awards Banquet takes place at the Sacramento Convention Center. 7:30 a.m. Opening Ceremony 8:00 a.m. 15th Annual Public Power Lineworkers Rodeo Competition 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Lineworkers Rodeo Vendor Expo 6:00 p.m. Rodeo Awards Banquet (Tickets Required) • Competitors, judges, volunteers, families, and guests are invited to celebrate the Rodeo winners and participants. Sunday, May 17 – Wednesday, May 20 2015 Engineering and Operations Technical Conference APPA’s Engineering & Operations Technical Conference provides an excellent forum to discuss real world issues, enabling attendees to make informed decisions about routine T&D projects and special undertakings such as smart grid, cybersecurity, and renewable energy. This is the only national conference designed to meet the needs of public power engineering and operations staff and focuses on transmission and distribution, environmental policy, generation, safety, SCADA, metering, security, system planning, and supply chain management. More information can be found at Training Courses The Public Power Lineworkers Rodeo training courses offer an excellent opportunity for apprentice and journeyman lineworkers to boost their knowledge and encourage success in the field through working safer and smarter. Training course registration information is located at and on the competitor registration form. Training Coordinator: Michael Willetts, Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association, Minn. Friday, May 15 8:00 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. Track 1: Accident Review & Investigation When employees adhere to defined training, work procedures, safety best practices, and resources such as the APPA Safety Manual and OSHA standards, they can mitigate powerline work dangers. Attendees will learn from their peers’ experiences by reviewing accidents and incidents that public power lineworkers have faced. Track 2: Arc Flash: Understanding OSHA 1910.269 & Developing SOPs Because arc flash protection and FR protective clothing are a requirement for lineworkers, standard operating work procedures and hazard assessments are a necessity. Attendees will learn compliance resources and best practices to facilitate their responsibilities related to arc flash protection. 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Track 3: Regulator Safe Operation & Best Practices Handling an energized regulator is an extremely dangerous activity, but with proper training, lineworkers can perform this task safely. Participants will learn the hazards associated with operating an energized regulator and review safe operations and best practices for proper handling. 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Track 4: Fall Protection Selection, Safety, and Best Practices for Lineworkers Fall protection is the “new normal” for electric utilities. Utilities must make appropriate choices when selecting personal protective equipment for lineworkers, since the lives of their lineworkers may depend on it. Attendees will learn important factors to consider when selecting equipment and best practices for utility fall protection programs. Frequently Asked Questions Competitors may submit questions about competition events via until May 1. After May 1, all questions should be asked on-site. Journeyman and Apprentice Competition Events Saturday, May 16 All events are timed and held on non-energized facilities. Visit for full event specifications and answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs). JOURNEYMAN TEAM EVENTS APPRENTICE EVENTS Journeyman Master Judge Apprentice Master Judge Aaron Haderle Kissimmee Utility Authority, Fla. 4kV Crossarm Change Out Chief Judge: Mike Conyers, Missouri Public Utility Alliance, Mo. Teams will change out an eight-foot light crossarm with the insulators on a horizontal structure with two phases. All necessary hardware will be on the ground when teams start the event. 12kV Deadend Insulator Replacement Chief Judge: Steve Stanfill, Jackson Energy Authority, Tenn. Team members will replace a single phase deadend insulator on a simulated hot line. They will de-energize, test, and ground a single phase line before replacing the insulator. Deadend Transfer Pete Wyffels Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association, Minn. Crossarm Relocation Chief Judge: Woodie Wilson, ElectriCities of North Carolina, N.C. The apprentice will relocate a wooden arm 90 degrees from its original location. The apprentice will remove both the arm and brace bolt, rotate the arm 90 degrees either direction, and reinstall using the same hardware. The new location (holes) will be six inches above or below the original location. Double Deadend Bell Chief Judge: Kenneth Roberts, Huntsville Utilities, Ala. The apprentice will change both polymer suspension insulators out on a single-phase double deadend. The apprentice must restore the work station to its original condition. Chief Judge: Steve Ledford, Memphis Light, Gas & Water, Tenn. Hurtman Rescue Competitors will transfer a single deadend primary conductor and a single deadend neutral conductor from an existing pole to a new pole set four feet away. An individual apprentice rescues a “hurtman” mannequin from the top of a pole. Event staff will provide groundman support. This annual event reinforces the importance of safety and looking out for each other in the field. Hurtman Rescue Chief Judge: Tom Sage, Murfreesboro Electric Department, Tenn. Team members will rescue a “hurtman” mannequin from the top of a pole. One team member climbs, the second opens the switch, and the third tags the mannequin. This annual event reinforces the importance of safety and camaraderie when performing line work. Chief Judge: David Dwinell, Denton Municipal Electric, Tex. Single Phase Conductor Tie In Chief Judge: Trevor Roth, Nebraska Public Power District, Neb. The apprentice will remove the phase and neutral conductors from the sheaves. Next, the apprentice will tie the conductors in the neutral spool and phase insulator. The construction of this event is single-phase. Obstacle Course Chief Judge: Rose Foster, Santee Cooper, S.C. The first climber will climb a pole equipped with three eight-foot crossarms, stopping at each arm and relocating the arm-mounted device to the arm’s opposite end. When the first climber is on the ground, the second team member will climb the pole and relocate each device back to the other end of the arm. After both climbers have relocated the equipment and the last climber has both feet on the ground and has removed the fall arrest device from the pole, the ground person opens the barrel in the cut-out with a fiberglass extension stick. Scoring Judge Michelle Palmer, American Municipal Power, Inc., Ohio Ken Stone, Braintree Electric Light Department, Mass. Written Test Written test takes place on Friday, May 15, at the Sacramento Convention Center Chief Judge: Bob Rumbaugh, American Municipal Power, Inc., Ohio The 20-minute written test encourages lineworkers to know and demonstrate safety rules at all times when working in the field and during competitions. Questions come from specific sections of the APPA Safety Manual, 15th Edition. Competitors seeking “Overall Apprentice” recognition must earn a high score in this event. Registration Deadlines and Fees For additional information on what items fees cover and to register for the event, please visit Apprentice and Journeyman Teams Registration Deadline: April 22, 2015 Category Fee by April 8 Fee April 9-April 22 Team with judge................................... $500 (each)...................................$550 (each) Team without judge............................... $600 (each)...................................$650 (each) Apprentice ........................................... $250 (each)...................................$300 (each) Training courses .................................. $50 (each).....................................$75 (each) Volunteers: Judges, Greeters, Auditors and General Volunteers Hard-working volunteers are essential to the Rodeo’s success and serve as judges, auditors, greeters, and general helpers. Volunteer registration information is located at The deadline to register is April 22, but positions will close as the desired number of volunteers is achieved. Hotel Information Hyatt Regency Sacramento, 1209 L Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 • 916/443-1234 Visit for more information about guest room features and hotel amenities. Check-in: 3 p.m. Check-out: Noon On-site parking: Overnight valet: $25 daily; Self-parking: $17 daily Internet access: Complimentary wireless high-speed Internet access is available in the main lobby. In the guestrooms, there is a $9.94 charge per 24 hour period. Special APPA Room Rate: Single/Double $175 per night, (plus tax, 15%) Reservations Please make your reservations directly with the Hyatt Regency Sacramento. Online: Visit under “Hotel Information” to make your hotel reservation online. Group Code: appappa By phone: 888/421-1442; be sure to mention the APPA Lineworkers Rodeo and Engineering & Operations Technical Conference. Cut-off Date: April 15, 2015 Rooms may sell out before the cut-off date, so make your reservation early. Contact the APPA Meeting Services department at 202/467-2908 if you need additional assistance. Hotel Reservation & APPA Cancellation Policy The cut-off date to receive the APPA group rate (plus tax) is Wednesday, April 15, 2015. If rooms remain in the APPA block after the cut-off date, the APPA group rate will be honored. If not, you may be charged a higher rate. The room block may sell out before April 15, so early reservations are encouraged. For individual reservations call 1-888-421-1442 and reference “Lineworkers Rodeo and Engineering & Operations Technical Conference” or make your reservation online at go/2015LIRO. The Hyatt Regency Sacramento should receive all reservations no later than April 15, 2015. Cancelled reservations that are not resold may become a financial liability for APPA, so please make your reservations thoughtfully. If you require additional assistance with housing please contact Meeting Services at 202/467-2941 or About Sacramento Experience a one-of-a-kind visit to Sacramento, California’s capital. With more than 230 days of sunshine per year, Sacramento sits at the juncture of the American and Sacramento rivers, making it an ideal destination for city and nature lovers alike. Visitors can bike the paved American River Parkway or take a boat ride along Sacramento’s scenic riverfront. Other options include touring the beautiful California State Capitol Building and exploring Old Sacramento where the cobble-stone streets are lined with preserved and restored historic buildings from the 1800s. This 28-acre National Historic Landmark District provides a glimpse into life during the California Gold Rush era. Sacramento is also home to a prolific number of museums, including the California State Railroad Museum and the Crocker Art Museum, the longest running art institution of its kind in the United States. Open since 1927, the Sacramento Zoo provides entertainment for the whole family and is home to over 140 native, exotic, and endangered species. Known as “America’s Farm-to-Fork Capital,” Sacramento’s restaurants are renowned for their creative, locally sourced menus. Take the opportunity to meet local farmers and pick up fresh produce at the downtown Sunday Farmer’s Market. If you’re feeling adventurous, there are many exciting areas to explore outside of Sacramento. Potential day trips include heading to the mountains near Lake Tahoe, visiting one of Northern California’s famous wineries, or exploring the streets of San Francisco. Contact Information APPA Contacts Rodeo Registration Sheila Kasasa Phone: 202/467-2994 Email: Sponsorship and Vendor Expo Pamela Cowen Phone: 202/467-2903 Email: General Rodeo Laura Cornwell Phone: 202/467-2989 Email: Hotel Joy Campbell Phone: 202/467-2908 Email: Puesh Kumar Phone: 202/467-2985 Email: General Rodeo Information E&O Conference Ursula Schryver Phone: 202/467-2980 Email: Important Dates to Remember Competitor registration • Reduced rate deadline: April 8 • Final deadline: April 22 Hotel reservations • APPA group rate cut-off date: April 15 Volunteer (Judges, Greeters, Auditors, General Volunteers) registration • Deadline: April 22 Submitting FAQs • Deadline: May 1 M AY 1 6 , 2 0 1 5 SACRAMENTO, CA LINEWORKERS RODEO PUBLIC POWER 15TH ANNUAL D TE S HO BY A M E R I C A N P U B L I C P O W E R A S S O C I AT I O N 2451 Crystal Drive Suite 1000 Arlington, VA 22202-4804 Standard Presorted U.S. Postage Paid Arlington, VA Permit No. 188
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