Open Spaces Newsletter – Summer 2011


Open Spaces Newsletter – Summer 2011
Summer Newsletter 2011 Volume 18, Number 2
New Ventura River Steelhead Preserve!
On June 17th, the OVLC
purchased a 1.3 river mile stretch
of the Ventura River which
provides perhaps the best refuge
for the endangered Southern
California Steelhead on the entire
river. This section of the river
near its confluence with San
Antonio Creek has deep, cool,
shaded pools that don’t dry up
in the hot Ojai summers. As a
result, this 65 acre Steelhead
Preserve provides a refuge
for the endangered Southern
California Steelhead as they
await flow conditions which allow
them to continue their migration. paces
(See “Steelhead Lifecycle” box on
page 4.) July 22, 2011
In addition to steelhead, this
preserve offers a home to 31 other
state or federal level special status
species. This list includes the California
Red-legged Frog, Least Bell’s Vireo,
Details on page 2.
Great Egret, White-faced Ibis, and
Southwestern Pond Turtle.
With the goal of protecting
Ojai Valley’s views, trails, water and
wildlife, this scenic place which offers
outstanding opportunities for public
enjoyment and educating children
“checks all the boxes”, and is a
marvelous new natural amenity in the
Ojai Valley. Our Ojai Valley community
Southern California Steelhead population down by 90%.
has been and will continue to be
defined not by what we create, but
by what we refuse to destroy. With
this purchase, the OVLC has taken
a huge step torward protecting the
entire 15 mile long Ventura River. Changing hands only once in the last
Ojai Valley Land Conservancy
100 years, protection opportunites for
P.O. Box 1092 • Ojai, CA 93024
this keystone preserve were rarer than
370 W. Baldwin Rd. A-4
the endangered species it hosts. After
Tel. 805.649.6852 • Fax 649.8913
investing years building relationships
with the former owners of the property,
and with $2 million in grants from the
State Coastal Conservancy (restricted
to acquisition costs only) and the
California Department of Fish & Game’s Board of Directors
Roger Essick, President
“Fisheries Restoration Grant Program,”
Larry Rose, Vice President
the OVLC is proud to have purchased
this preserve for future generations of
Stefanie Coeler, Secretary
Cari Guerrero, Treasurer
wildlife and Ojai Valley residents.
The financial support of our
Mary Bergen
Jesse Grantham
members enabled staff to secure
Margot Griswold Brian Holly
the funding to purchase the Ventura
River Steelhead Preserve, and we
Allan Jacobs
Don Reed
Cricket Twichell Nathan Wallace
are thankful. An additional $250,000
Barbara Washburn Deborah Whorf
is necessary to prepare the Steelhead
Preserve for public visitation. We hope
that our members, new members, Greg Gamble, Executive Director
and others feel that this protection
effort is worth their additional support. Rick Bisaccia, Preserve Manager
Darcy Gamble, Development Director
Join us on July 22nd at the
Marti Reid, Office Manager
new Steelhead Preserve for a free
Brian Stark, Conservation Director
celebration. Members are welcome to
Todd Bertola, Restoration Technician
bring guests. Join us in celebrating yet
another sacred place in the Ojai Valley. Trevor Marshall, Restoration Technician
Photo left: Deep perennial pool on the Ventura River.
New Steelhead Preserve
From Ojai: Take Highway 33 to Oak
View. Turn right at Santa Ana Blvd. Continue until it ends at Santa Ana
Road, turn left. Continue for about
1.7 miles. You’ll come to a curve in the
road and go down a hill. You’ll then
see the driveway on your left, marked
by an Ojai Valley Land Conservancy
sign. From Ventura: Take Highway 33
towards Ojai and exit at Casitas Vista
Road. Turn right twice, go under the
freeway and continue on to Santa Ana
Road. Turn right at Santa Ana Rd.,
and continue for 1.4 miles. You’ll see
the driveway on your right, marked by
an Ojai Valley Land Conservancy sign. For a map and additional details go to
Future Steelhead Preserve Conservation Center: Possible environmental education hub, meeting place, collaborative science center. Plans to be finalized based on the results of the conditional use permitting process and fundraising efforts.
OVLC members and their guests are invited to a Ventura River
Steelhead Preserve celebration. Share this event with your non-OVLC
member friends.
When: Friday, July 22nd at 4:00 PM, until the party ends
Where: Ventura River Steelhead Preserve at 9458 Santa Ana Road
4: 00 PM
IT’S WONDERFUL! Join us as we acknowledge the im- portant role the State Coastal Conservancy and the California Department of Fish & Game played in purchasing this Preserve.
4:30 PM CHECK IT OUT! Take a self-guided exploration of the Preserve to see what all this excitement is about.
5:00 PM
MIX IT UP! Mingle while munching on hors d’oeuvres at the future Steelhead Preserve Conservation Cen-
ter. There will be a no host bar. Bring some cash.
6:00 PM
COME AND GET IT! The OVLC provides barbeque and non-alcoholic drinks. Those whose last names begin with A-O bring a side dish or salad while those with last
names beginning with P-Z bring a dessert. If you have other potluck preferences, just let us know.
6:30 PM
IT’S HAPPENIN’! Hear Greg Gamble, the executive
director of the OVLC, talk briefly about the significance and future of the Ventura River Steelhead Preserve.
7:00 pm
SHAKE IT, BABY, SHAKE! Let the music begin and let it end when it ends. PLEASE RSVP BY JULY 15th, 2011
The Zen Cats
The Zen Cats’ sound takes you away
to a smooth and peaceful place.
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Three Rivers Band
The Three Rivers Band plays classic rock that will rip you out of your
peaceful place and get you moving. OVLC’s own Brian
Stark is the bassist!
7:01 PM to 9:00 PM
Donated Wine
For The July 22nd
OVLC business sponsor
and get recognized at the
new Steelhead
Preserve party
on July 22nd.
Call for details.
Help plan this
fabulous party?
Call Marti at
649-6852 ext 2
today. We need
help with set
up, take down,
food, and parking.
Wildlife and Plants Offer
Outstanding Nature Study
Preserve Place
Because of all the water there is
more food for animals and plant
growth and so there are many more
opportunities for nature study. Being out and about as much as I am,
I get to see a lot. In April, I came
across four Sandhill Cranes with
their signature red caps feeding in a
field right next to the Ventura River
Preserve. This was the first sightLeon Pahle, Jamie Weil, Mike Gourley and Neil Knight
ing in the Ojai Valley. People are that several pairs of White- after working at the Ilvento Preserve.
tailed Kites are living happily along
New Trails Continue to Wow
the river too. Birdlife on the Ojai
Meadows Preserve and ConOpening the new Old Baldwin
ALERT: At the new Old Baldwin Trailfluence Preserves is especially rich
Trailhead with its 2.5 new miles
with many species of ducks and
of trail had us hopping this spring. head the OVLC will install an automatic gate that will allow entrance to
other waterbirds including Green
If you haven’t been to check it
Herons, Sora’s and Great Egrets. out yet you should go! You might the Ventura River Preserve from 7:30
One day I saw a flock of 14 Whitesee grazing deer and White-tailed AM - 7:30 PM 7 days a week. Until the
permits are granted for the gate (hopefaced Ibis at the Meadow pond. Kites and certainly Great Blue
With their long white bills and irides- Herons hunting for gophers. This fully very soon) the Preserve entrance
will open and close according to the
cent brown,purple and green feathsummer there will be a new entry
existing gate hours: 7:30 AM to 4:30
ers it made for an astounding site. gate which will enable preserve
PM M-F, 7:30 AM to 12:00 PM Sat. and
It’s gratifying to know that more and
users daily access into the eveclosed Sun. You can walk in even
more life is returning to the Meadow ning. We are still working on
though the gate is closed.
due to OVLC restoration efforts. If
the OVLC portion of Kennedy
you have never seen Turkey VulRidge Trail and there will be more
tures and Egrets hanging out in the
trailcrew opportunities on OVLC’s
Hike with Rick
branches of our Valley Oaks on the
new Ventura River Steelhead
at the new Old
Ojai Meadows Preserve, then you’re Preserve.
in for a treat!
on July 28 at 8:30
AM. Details on pg. 5.
To read the
Preserve Manager’s
Work With Rick Bisaccia
Working on OVLC’s volunteer trail crew is not for everyone. If
you like wind in your hair, bugs in your teeth, and sun on
your bug bitten neck, and have an overwhelming desire to cut
and move brush, then we need you!
As a trail crew volunteer you get to work with like-minded
souls led by the Preserve Manager, who is pretty cool. You get
to benefit from a workout, a hike, and the satisfaction of helping keep OVLC’s trails open to the public. Old-timers especially appreciate the iced drinks. It’s not a sexy job, the pay is
nonexistent, but the people are great and we do real work!
Volunteer, Mike Gourley sums it up best, “Personally, I thrive
on having clouds of no see-ums swarming around my sweat
covered head; it makes me tougher and somehow, quite frankly
a better person….” Nuf said? Sign up with or
Darcy at 649-6852 ext 6.
Photo documentation of Rick Bisaccia by Brooks Institute student Doriane Raiman.
Gopher snake on Oso Ridge Trail, Ventura River Preserve.
Go to:
Conservation Corner
A Word From Brian Stark, OVLC’s Conservation Director And Musician
The Power of One…or Maybe Five
For this season’s newsletter, I want to talk a bit about how important the
efforts of a single person, or a small group, can be to the process of habitat
restoration. Over my years in the restoration field, I have witnessed small
miracles that were brought about simply by the dedication of one person
or a small group of people. I’ll call these “micro-miracles”. If all volunteers
could see the results of these projects they would feel much more confident
in the value they bring. One of these small projects was done this year on
the Ojai Meadows Preserve.
Those that have seen the restoration of the Ojai Meadows Preserve
from the beginning will remember the first big restoration area between
Nordhoff High School and the big pond. Most of this restoration area has
established very well and created a great deal of habitat. Nestled among all
the new natives, however, were several areas that just didn’t take. To meet
our project goals, we needed to turn these places around but we didn’t
have a budget for the work.
This is when the Girl Scouts stepped in to make a big difference!
Last fall we partnered with Bonnie Walters, her daughter Crista, and 4 others in Camarillo Troop 107 to focus on 2 weedy areas which would earn
them their Silver award. The girls spent 8 half-days over the course of 4
months keeping the weeds at bay and planting native grases. The project
was a great success and the
area is now all native grasses. The secret of their success was their geographic
focus and consistent efforts
applied over time. Even if
just one person works on
a small area consistently,
there will be success. These
successes last a long time,
maybe forever, and provide very tangible benefits
to wildlife. I am no longer
amazed that one person’s
effort can have a lasting impact on the ground. Here’s
to micro-miracles!
Field trip
A good looking group of trail volunteers. Thanks!
A New Cutting Edge Bird
Checklist For The Ojai
Meadows Preserve Go To...
Online Presentation Of The
Grand Opening Of The
New Trailhead Go To...
Latest Ventura River Preserve
Trailmap Available Go To..
at the Meadows included contemplation and fun!
Steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) are the anadromous form of coastal
rainbow trout, spending part of their life in the ocean and part in fresh water. Steelhead spend 1-2 years in the ocean before returning to spawn in
southern California streams. Unlike other anadromous Pacific salmonids,
steelhead may survive spawning, return to the ocean, and spawn again in
a later year. Steelhead typically migrate upstream when stream flows rise
during a storm event, typically between January and March, but potentially
even later in the Ventura River. In the upper reaches of streams in the Ventura River basin, females dig pits in the gravel and deposit their eggs which
are fertilized by males, and then covered with gravel by the female creating
a “redd.” Juveniles emerge a handful of weeks later and spend 1 to 3 years
in freshwater before migrating to the ocean usually between March and
June. Adapting to the unpredictable flow conditions of the Ventura River,
some steelhead remain landlocked, for years or generations, awaiting flow
conditions which allow their return to the ocean. Steelhead were listed as
federally endangered in southern California in 1997 because barriers such
as dams blocked steelhead migration necessary for spawning. It is said
that the steelhead population has declined more than 90 percent in the
Ventura River.
Ben, age 7; a young scientist at the Meadow, and
his younger sister Plum, age 4; taking a run.
T oo l s T o M i n i m i z e Y o u r T a x e s
Minimizing Taxation Using Charitable Bequests
July 12, Tuesday, 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Charitable remainder trusts can allow you to sell appreciated assets
tax free, receive a charitable giving tax deduction, and provide you with
income for life. Charitable lead trusts, gift annuities, and other tools also
provide options for tax wise estate planning. Come to this session to understand your options. Speakers: Howard Smith and Vicki Breen
Minimizing Taxation Using Life Insurance
July 14, Thursday, 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Whether you currently own life insurance or not, this is an important session. Life insurance can be used to add liquidity to your estate, pay estate
taxes with discounted dollars, and to make charitable bequests. Come
learn about the significant benefits of an irrevocable life insurance trust
and more. Speakers: Vicki Breen and Howard Smith.
Ventura River watershed is Ojai Valley’s only source of water!
Howard J. Smith is a vice president & wealth advisor
at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney. He focuses on asset
management for risk adverse and high net worth individuals, foundations, and non-profit organizations. He
served for 3 years as board chair of the Ventura County
Economic Development Association, and has been
honored multiple times for community service. Smith
is an active member of the Estate Planning Council of
Ventura County as well as the Planned Giving Advisory
Council at California State University Channel Islands.
Howard Smith
RSVP by July
8th for one or
both of the estate
planning events.
Held at the OVLC
located at the old
honor farm off
Hwy. 150.
Victoria Breen
Victoria Breen is owner and president of Derby & Derby, Inc., a
California Registered Investment
Advisor since 1986, located in Ojai. Since 1992 Victoria has served on
the board of directors of Pacific
Global Investment Management
Company. She served on the board
of the Ojai Valley Land Conservancy
for 4 years and the Rotary Club of
Ojai for 8 years. Derby & Derby,
Inc. specializes in wealth management, retirement planning, estate
preservation, and legacy planning.
OVLC Calendar of Events
MinimizeTaxation Using Charitable Bequests, RSVP
Minimize Taxation Using Life Insurance, RSVP
New Steelhead Preserve Party, 4:00 pm, RSVP
Hike w/ OVLC’s R. Bisaccia, 8:30 AM, RSVP by 7.21
Wild About Ojai, Healing Our Watershed,10:00 AM, RSVP
July 12
July 14
July 22
July 28
July 30
Ojai Meadows Preserve Tour, 8:30 AM
Ventura River Preserve Tour, 8:30 AM
Ventura River Preserve Docent Training,8:30AM, RSVP
Ojai Meadows Preserve Tour, 8:30 AM
September 3 Ojai Meadows Preserve Tour, 8:30 AM
September 3 Ventura River Preserve Tour, 8:30 AM
Wild About Ojai
Environmental Learning Series
Healing Our Watershed
July 30, 2011, Saturday
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
In 2000, American Rivers named
the Ventura River the 3rd most
endangered river in America. Today, the river is on its way to recovery, and the prospects for the
future of the entire watershed,
the Ojai Valley’s only source of
water, are positive. Join us for
an informative panel discussion about protected areas, dam
removal, steelhead restoration
efforts, and more. OVLC Conservation Director, Brian Stark, will
be joined by other Ventura River
watershed experts. The panel
will be held at our new Ventura
River Steelhead Preserve and
will be followed by a hike. Don’t
miss this chance to learn about
current Ventura River protection
efforts. This event is the first time
that the Steelhead Preserve will
be open to the general public! Wild About Ojai events are free
for OVLC Members and $10 for
Become a member today!
Please RSVP to Marti at 6496852 ext 2 or
October 1 Ojai Meadows Preserve Tour, 8:30 AM
October 1 Ventura River Preserve Tour, 8:30 AM
What do the
Local plants and
animals have to
say about the
Ojai Valley Land
new Ventura River
“We have been
waiting for this day
since human settlement!” - Anonymous Threatened
and Endangered
Animal Activists
“We’re so excited;
we can taste the
pollen already!”
- Ojai Butterflies
Local 33
“The acorns are
the future.” - Val E.
Match of $10,000: Making The Meadow Accessible To All
Two anonymous Ojai angels will match any gifts made
up to $10,000. This Meadow fund will enable the Ojai Valley Land Conservancy to build and maintain the long awaited
bridge across the outlet of the pond on the Ojai Meadows
Preserve. The absence of a bridge has made it difficult, and
often impossible, for people to complete the beautiful interpretive loop trail at the Preserve. If you want to help make access
to all a reality on the Ojai Meadows Preserve, simply send in
a check with the word “bridge” on it or submit a gift online
and in the comments write “bridge.” Some people have been
Membership renewals and
giving levels will be acknowledged at the end of
2011 and will be based on
cumulative giving. New
members and gifts in honor
or in memory will be listed
New Members
waiting for more than 5 years to more safely access the entire
Ojai Meadows Preserve which is teaming with wildlife! Individuals, clubs, and other organizations are encouraged to make a contribution. The bridge’s project budget
includes the cost of building the bridge and a maintenance
reserve to ensure the bridge is maintained in good condition. To meet the budget, service club contributions and in kind contributions will be necessary beyond this $10,000 match. Now that the Meadow has benches, interpretive panels, and healthy natural areas, it is time to build a bridge so that
everyone can enjoy this jewel of Ojai. The bridge project on
Lucila E Arango
Sunny Cross
Robin & Dominique Daniels
Roy Hooper
Amber Kramer
Lisa S Marshall
Trevor D Marshall
Karen Palm & Michael McLenaghan
Judy Mize
The Ojai Valley School - 100th
Douglas Reed
Marti & Dan Reid
Susie & Patrick Williams
by wheelchairs.
Contribute to the bridge project and you will be thanked
at a celebration on the Meadow when the bridge is unveiled. The Ojai Valley Land Conservancy staff is committed to making sure that everyone who wants to attend, no matter what
their physical challenges, can attend.
Gifts in Honor or Memory
the Ojai Meadows Preserve has been given new life thanks to
these anonymous donors. The Ojai Valley Land Conservancy
wants to make its preserves as accessible as possible to
everyone in the Ojai Valley. The new bridge will be crossable
“I love the smell
of wildflowers in
the morning; it’s
almost as sweet as
carrion.” - Turk E.
“You’re going to do
WHAT?” - Invasive
Mustard and Wild
Radish Coalition
OVLC member for 20 years,
Barbara McClay Rambo Watson ,
October 16, 1915 - September 19, 2010
From Joann Moses In honor of
Harry Oppenheimer’s Birthday
From Susan Bee in Memory of
John G. Bee, DVM
Today’s trip was AMAZING! The kids
loved (OVLC docent) Bill (Fox) and said,
“It was the best field trip of the year!”
They want to hike again. Let me know
when you have an opening for a trip to
the Meadows sometime after the first
week of May. We would love to go with
Bill again. Thank you again!
Bill was GREAT - so patient and
open minded. He developed a great
relationship with the kids and his knowledge on the biome was incredible and
inspiring. Thank you again!
Best, Terri Hooson and the Kids
in Room 7.Ventura Charter School
These are the birds and other animals
that my grandson...saw at the Ojai
Meadows Preserve today...We enjoyed
ourselves and will no doubt visit there
again! Judy Mize
Thank You!
Well, I became a member because I
moved to the area from Maine a year and
a half ago. My favorite places to run are
Sulphur Mtn and the Ventura River Preserve. I am thankful to have such a well
maintained and special place to run and
enjoy. I spend a lot of time in areas that
are protected and I wanted to be a part of
that. I love the Ojai Valley. Anonymous
Dad and I finally experienced your ADA trail. It was
BEAUTIFUL and you should be so very proud of all the
work and thought that went into it. Dad, being a wonderful handyman, really admired all the wood bracings along
the concrete path.
It’s a little taste of heaven out there and we
lucked out on a beautiful day! Thanks for a lovely time!
Carrie & Don from T.O.
I am an avid hiker and mountain biker. Your Conservation efforts improve the quality of life for all of us that live
in the outdoors. I have done some trail maintenance
with Rick. He is a wonderful asset to the conservancy. However, his job is too big for one man and the trails are
in great need. Thank you for preserving this land for all
of our enjoyment. Anonymous
New Board Members And Staff
We welcome Barbara Washburn back to the board of
directors. A New England
transplant, Barbara moved
to Los Angeles 22 years
ago. As she became aware
of the rapid development
up and down the California
coast, she developed a passion for land preservation. Drawn by the unspoiled
beauty of the Ojai Valley
she and her husband Deric
Barbara Washburn, Returning to Board moved to Ojai in 1998. Barbara immediately became
Don Reed, New to Board
involved with the Ojai Valley Land ConserDon is a retired teacher and headvancy as a volunteer and joined the board
master. Don initially taught in New
of directors the first time in 2004. Barbara
England, but he moved to Ojai in
is the chair of the docent group and can
1970 to work at the Thacher School. often be spotted walking her leashed stanAt Thacher he taught physics and
dard poodle, Charley, on the Ojai Meadastronomy, served in several adminis- ows Preserve.
trative positions, coached gymkhana,
Todd has worked
and led trips in the Sespe backcounat his father’s
try. Don left Thacher in 1985 and for
orchards and
21 years worked as headmaster at
for Churchill
four independent schools located in
Orchards in
Illinois, California, Colorado and VirOjai. He also
ginia. In 2008 he and his wife Susan
worked for twenty
fulfilled their life long dream of retiring
years as a social
in Ojai. Don maintains his interest in
worker with at
education and board governance by
risk teenagers. serving as treasurer of the Monica
He likes creating
Ros School and chair of the scholart and visiting
arship committee of the board of
the Santa Bardirectors for the Rotary Club of Ojai’s
bara Museum of
Educational Foundation.
Natural History
with his children
ages 18, 14 and
New Restoration Tech.,Todd Bertola
Trevor has worked as a volunteer for OVLC once a
week for the past 8 months. He has helped out substantially with trail maintenance, plantings, and other
physical projects. Trevor will be working with Todd Bertola on the Ventura River Confluence Preserve and the
Ventura River Preserve. He is an environmental studies
student preparing to transfer into the university system. He worked for 10 years as a heavy equipment operator
at Damar Construction, and is married to Monica who is
the daughter of Lynn Hebenstreit and Suza Francina of
New Restoration Tech.,Trevor Marshall
Rabobank, N.A.
Cari Guerrero
Vice President
Branch Manager
People Matter
Old Creek Ranch Winery
Euterpe Farms
667 South Rice Road
Channel Islands Sportfishing
Law Office of Thomas E. Malley
The Oaks at Ojai
Riverview Ranch
(805) 290-5724
Shanbrom, Casey and Associates
Vintage Production California
Barnhart & Barnhart Insuance Services, Inc.
Grove Care, Inc.
Index Fresh
Meiners Oaks Ace Hardware
Oso Ranch
Rogers, Sheffield, & Campbell LLP (Phil Moncharsh)
Waite, Jacobs & Atkinson, Attorneys
Wildland Fire Specialists, LLC
Ojai Phone Book
Ojai Valley Directory
Bostrom & Associates
The Ojai Vineyard
PO Box 1092 Ojai, CA 93024
Nonprofit Org.
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 351
Ojai, CA
Become an OVLC docent! Docent
training for the Ventura River Preserve takes place August 11, 2011
at 8:30 AM at the Riverview Trailhead off Rice Road just south of El
Roblar. Call Marti at 649-6852 ext
2 to save your place today. See
docent praise for Bill Fox on page
6 of this newsletter.
OVLC needs a late model pickup
truck for work on Preserves. Please email Brian Stark at if you have one
that you would like to donate or
sell for a great price.
Please do not forget to RSVP for
the Steelhead Preserve party on
July 22nd.
A holding pool on the Ventura River like the ones at the new Ventura River
Steelhead Preserve. These pools provide a sanctuary for the steelhead when
other parts of the river are dry. When the river fills the fish continue upstream to
Partner of the Ojai Valley Land Conservancy and
Arts Alive grant recipient, Dianne Bennett sells her
lovely Meadow inspired art. Some of the proceeds
go to OVLC.
Please renew before the Steelhead Preserve party on
July 22, 2011. Call 649-6852 to check your status.

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