PESCAJA, Nizza Monferrato og Roero
PESCAJA, Nizza Monferrato og Roero
PESCAJA, Nizza Monferrato og Roero 3 elementer udgør grundfilosofien på Beppe Pescaja’s vingård: SOLEN – er det første vigtige element. Solen står for omsorg for naturen og enkelhed. Synonym for terroir og mikroklima. HJERTET – er drivkraften der holder gang fortagsomhed og kreative idéer. Det daglige liv med passionen for forbedringer. SJÆLEN – er vigtig at have med hele vejen for at give personlighed og skabe det unikke i sin egen stil. Producenten Beppe Pescaja er meget kendt lokalt i Piemonte hvor hans Barbera-vine konstant ligger helt i top i de lokale vinguider og vinkonkurrencer der afholdes hvert år i Piemonte. Beppe er utrolig passioneret og entusiastisk og det er som om Lidt om vinene: De 2 meget kraftfulde rødvine ”Solis” og ”Soliter” er topvinene på hhv. Barbera/Cabernet Sauvignon og 100% Barbera. Begge lagret på små egefade. ”Soliter” er den rene frugtige Barbera uden fadlagring. Nebbiolo’en fra den ”forkerte” side af floden (dvs. fra Roero) er det elegante lyse modsvar på Barbera. Hvidvinene ”Solo Luna” og Roero Arneis er begge på 100% Arneis-druer. Velnok den hvide drue som har størst potentiale i Piemonte. ”Solo Luna” er fadlagret og en af de mest komplette hvidvine fra Piemonte, men produktionen er meget lille. PIEMONTE denne passion kan smages i hans vine. Pescaja ønsker at lade terrioret komme til udtryk i vinene frem for at give dem et internationalt præg og fælles for alle hans vine er, at de er fantastisk elegante, kraftfulde, frugtige og i perfekt balance. Arneis-hvidvinsdruen er Pescajas store stolthed – han har været en af drivkrafterne bag den nye DOC Terre Alfieri. Beppe bruger en speciel teknik med flydende kvælstof til hurtig nedkøling af druerne. Han er én af blot 15 vinproducenter på verdensplan, der har et anlæg som dette. Vinene produceres uden brug af sprøjtemidler og andre kemikalier. Der tilsættes kun lidt sulfitter til sidst i processen for at stabilisere vinen. Vinliste: “Solis” Rosso Monferrato DOC ....................................... kr 225,“Solneri” Barbera d’Asti Superiore NIZZA DOC .............. kr 185,”Soliter” Barbera d’Asti DOC ........................................... kr 115,”Tuké” Nebboli DOC Langhe .......................................... kr 115,“Solo Luna” Arneis Terre Alfieri DOC ............................. kr 185,Terre Alfieri DOC ............................................................ kr 115,Roero Arneis DOCG ....................................................... kr 115,- SOLE CUORE ANIMA Piemonte PESCAJA PIEMONTE A21 Asti A21 Pescaja Provincia di Asti ISTORIAHIST P E S sole (sun) C cuore (heart) A anima (soul) J A Today for his revolutionary production methods and his work on the vines, Beppe has really created his own Arneis that cannot be equaled in terms of its concentration and expression. Today it is possible to find Pescaja wines on wine menus of the most famous restaurants in Milan and Turin for example “Il Sorriso di Soriso”, the most famous Piedmont restaurant (3 Michelin stars) or at the Grand Hotel in Milan (5 stars). Here the search for the exceptional and the final expression of the land is permanent. The new white wine, Terre Alfieri, has been defined as a completely new type of benchmark in terms of white wines. It has become an international classic on the same level as Chablis, Sancerre or Pouilly-Fumé. ‘06 ‘04 ‘02 ‘98 ‘96 ‘90 Acquisition of a “cryogenic” continuous cooling machine of the pressing for the transfer of the must in a carbon dioxide snow cyclone at –20° C. Plantation of 4 hectares of vines (Arneis, Chardonnay, Sauvignon) in the area of the Alfieri hills with the aim of producing a new white sine that is very original and universal. Construction of a splendid new winery, partially underground beneath the hills of Cisterna d’Asti, endowed with a revolutionary system of the permanent immersion of the cap by a system of horizontal rotation. Acquisition of the most important Pescaja land “Opera Pia” in the really beautiful area of Nizza Monferrato, the land of the grand piedmontese red: the Barbera Lunnae is created, a pure and concentrated Arneis, aged in barrels, the final result of Beppe’s exceptional savoir-faire in terms of white wine. At 19 years of age Guido Giuseppe acquires the first cisterna d’asti vines and builds his first winery. For him producing wine is a great aspiration (the love of life, his passion for nature and vineyards show the richness of the land) and as a challenge he throws himself in this profession in spite of his studies in economics that promise him a brilliant career. Initially, Beppe produces only white wines, based on the famous autoctone vine from Piedmont: the “Arneis”. TESSERAE ROERO ARNEIS DENOMINAZIONE DI ORIGINE CONTROLLATA Variety: 85% Arneis, 10% Chardonnay, 5% Sauvignon Blanc Ageing: 100% Stainless steel tanks Appellation: Monferrato Terre Alfieri DOC Variety: 100% Arneis Ageing: 100% Stainless steel tanks Appellation: Roero Arneis DOC PESCAJA Variety: 100% Nebbiolo Ageing: 100% Stainless steel tanks Appellation: Langhe Nebbiolo Variety: 100% Barbera Ageing: 100% Stainless steel tanks Appellation: Barbera d’Asti DOC Variety:100% Barbera Ageing: 100% in new barriques Appellation: Monferrato Rosso DOC Variety: 60% Cabernet Sauvignon, 40% Barbera Ageing: 100% in new barriques Appellation: Barbera d’Asti Superiore Nizza DOC AUDESLAUDE P E S sole (sun) C cuore (heart) A anima (soul) J A Pescaja Piemontesi wines from the XXI century Wines with a unique charcter, modeled by the soul of Beppe Beppe loves to associate some philosophic thoughts with each bottle. His wines are not the fruits of hazard but the result of a profound reflection on the connection between life and the earth, wine being the ultimate expression of this alliance. Each label tells a story, it’s up to our palates to discover it! Of one thing we can be certain: all the wines have a strong personality! An innovative company, using the very latest technology The love of the land and the desire to express it does not mean holding back on the use of the most sophisticated equipment that will get the greatest number of possible characteristics from a wine. At Pescaja all the innovative methods that still leave the natural goodness are used to produce a “modern” wine suited to the demands of the times and endowed with a strong personality. Horizontal rotary wine-makers are part of the special equipment that Beppe uses. They allow a super-extraction of the must and especially the tannin contained in the skins thus completely eliminating the extraction of the tannin in the grape pips. The total cooling technique of the must prevents it from becoming sulphurous during fermentation and reduces the presence of exogenous products in the wines. The association of traditional viticulture with great quality “Hi-Tech” equipment does not mean forgetting about looking after the vines. On the contrary the characteristics of the grapes are super-expressed sublimated by using the technique, it is only possible to work with material of the highest quality. Beppe pays particular attention to the care of the vines and to obtaining bunches of grapes of unparalleled purity and concentration. The quality of the new plantation can be clearly seen from afar, bordering on perfection. Attention to detail and precision in the extreme Points 1 and 2 highlight this goal but the final touch that perfectly translates the insatiable desire for perfection that animates Beppe can be seen in the professional elegance of the Pescaja bottles, an out-of-the-ordinary confection, The labels are covered in a green leaf protected by a plastic microfilm created by one of the oldest and noblest printmakers in Italy who have a unique experience in the field. These labels express the finesse of the Pescaja wines and the continuous search for perfection. Fruity wines! Few wines have a strong personality and a fruity taste that is so powerful and decidedly pure. Due to the striking nature of his wines, Beppe is a bit of magician in Piedmont. Tanks: four 100 hectoliter tanks with automatic total immersion of the must and regular injection of oxygen. Electronic temperature control for each individual tank. Ultra-sophisticated instantaneous cooling system of the must (only very few producers in the world have such equipment). More than 35 tanks allow the lots to be separated at the end so to produce wine of exceptional quality. The barrique cellar is located under the hill and the use of air-conditioning in the cellar is very limited and the wines thus benefit in terms of quality. All the materials belong to Pescaja and production at all times is personally supervised. This ensures constant control of all the various stages the final product being what one can only describe as “perfect”! OMUSVINARI PROPERTIES CELLAR PESCAJA TOP IN TECHNOLOGY Localisation: they are mainly located in “Roero”, “Langhe”, and the “Colline Alfieri” in the area of “del Monferrato”; three zones that are particularly suited to vine growing (the many hills ensure perfect exposure to the sun). They are also influenced by the nearby alps (hard winters and cool summer nights) and by the mediterranean sea which is only 80 km away. For the red vines the land is basically limestone, for the whites it is sandy-clayey. PESCAJA Region: Piedmont. North-east Italy between Cisterna d’Asti and Nizza Monferrato, around 50 km from Turin. PRAEMIUM P E S sole (sun) C cuore (heart) A anima (soul) J A Luca Maroni Guida dei vini Italiani 2007 “SOLNERI 2004, really impressive.” “SOLITER 2005 magnificent mature fruitiness.” ”TERRE ALFIERI ARNEIS LUNNAE 2005, a wine of absolute excellence that takes this autoctone variety to the highest level of concentration that one can possibly imagine. Congratulations!” Luca Maroni “Annuario dei Migliori Vini Italiani 2007” “LUNNAE ... the best Arneis ever.” “Golosario”, A celebrated Gastronomic Club owned by Paolo Massobrio Barbera “SOLITER 2005” cone of the top 100 Italian wines! Wooden case 6 bottles * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Magnum 1,5 l Dbl Magnum 3l Wooden case 1 Magnum WHITE WINES Arneis Roero DOC Terre Alfieri DOC Lunnae Arneis DOC PESCAJA RATIO VINUM Wooden case 1 bottle Bottle 3/4 l RED WINES Tuké Nebbiolo DOC Soliter Barbera d’Asti DOC Solneri Barbera d’Asti Superiore Nizza DOC Solis Monferrato Rosso DOC * CONTACT phone / fax + 39 0141 979217 PESCAJA 14010 Cisterna D’Asti (AT) - Frazione San Matteo, Via Cima 59 phone+39 0141 979711 fax+39 0141 979217 Monferrato Bianco SOLO LUNA VARIETY ORIGIN: Colline Alfieri. South oriented Vineyard. VISION: pleasure, meditation, to be kept at the moment (As Horace stated). PRODUCTION TECHNIQUE: skin maceration both with short cap upgrading and immediate pressing. Fermentation and ageing made in wooden casks. ORGANOLEPTIC SENSATION: long and full – bodied are the surrounding and persistent sensations: these are the fundamental details of this wine characterised by a strong and penetrating personality. Its colour moves from a hot summer midday to the silence of a quiet evening searching for old sensations. The emotion is that of a hidden place kissed by a silver moon. Terre Alfieri Arneis d.o.c. VARIETY ORIGIN: Arneis Colline Alfieri VISION: Fresh and fragrant, simple and well balanced PRODUCTION TECHNIQUE: white vinification with small percentage of iced CO2 maceration. Fermentation made in iron tanks. ORGANOLEPTIC SENSATION: range of colours from sunny yellow to skinny green. Strong taste and smell but easy and clean as a grape just harvested. Roero Arneis VARIETY ORIGIN: Roero. Sandy soil VISION: Fresh and fragrant, simple and well balanced PRODUCTION TECHNIQUE: white vinification with small percentage of iced CO2 maceration. Fermentation made in iron tanks. ORGANOLEPTIC SENSATION: range of colours from sunny yellow to skinny green. Strong taste and smell but easy and clean as a grape just harvested. Monferrato Rosso SOLIS “So is the run of the healthy children, so is the spring made of yellow flowers in a gorgeous green” VARIETY ORIGIN: Hill countryside surrounding Nizza Monferrato. South oriented vineyard, calcareous loam rocks. No cold valley draughts. VISION: cross the borders, careless for the extremism. PRODUCTION TECHNIQUE: skins maceration and consequent traditional fermentation. Ageing in wooden casks of different sizes and for different times. Woods of different origins. ORGANOLEPTIC SENSATION: fresh fruit, well mature for a good balance. Time gives dimension to sensations, the becoming complexity. Barbera dʼAsti SOLNERI “As the run of a bright comet in a dark night, as the disappearing of the opaque chimeras while the silent dawn grows” VARIETY ORIGIN: Hill countryside surrounding Nizza Monferrato. South oriented vineyard, calcareous loam rocks. No cold valley draughts. VISION: the primary elements Sun, Earth and human being searching for the dark as the mixture and the summarise of harmony and multiplicity. PRODUCTION TECHNIQUE: skins maceration and consequent traditional fermentation. Ageing in wooden casks of different sizes and for different times. ORGANOLEPTIC SENSATION: The colour and the warm of the Sun becoming wine. Continuous and compact grains up till the edge. Good plotting of the texture compounds a san invitation to a golden complexity. Barbera dʼAsti SOLITER “As the dream and the waking mixes together, as the caress of a warm sunlight, that’s how Sun and Earth meet” VARIETY ORIGIN: Hill countryside surrounding Nizza Monferrato. South oriented vineyard, calcareous loam rocks. No cold valley draughts. VISION: is the main principle of the soil, the expression of a face to face dialogue between the vineyard and the terroir without any man intervention. PRODUCTION TECHNIQUE: skins maceration and consequent traditional fermentation. Ageing in iron tanks with small percentage in wooden casks. ORGANOLEPTIC SENSATION: full and sweet as a well mature fruit. It expresses the harmony of smoothly running summer days, the scent of a spring rich of fresh red fruits and spices. Langhe Nebbiolo Tuké “As a butterfly softly flying on a flower, as the morning breeze waking up the new day” VARIETY ORIGIN: Roero VISION: simplicity, given by the most complex of the varieties. PRODUCTION TECHNIQUE: traditional vinification made by pip separation in the middle of the fermentation process ORGANOLEPTIC SENSATION: fresh fruit, strong texture also given by a firm colour, fruity smells, less airy.