Greetings to all! Don`t Miss This Fabulous Sale!
Greetings to all! Don`t Miss This Fabulous Sale!
Issue July 2016 Newsletter Greetings to all! Smiling faces and new homes were found for many treasures during our Summer Solstice Sale. Thanks to all who helped us make this annual event a great success. We now have room for all the new goodies we found at INATS (Int'l New Age Trade Show) in Denver, Co. We'r e receiving inventory already, so be sure and check out all the new arrivals in the store now. LOOK FOR US ON SOCIAL MEDIA! We will be introducing new products in our Rock Depot throughout this year, starting with a new arrival of hundreds of cabs. Multiple sizes in mixed Copper minerals, Boulder Opal, Rhodocrosite, Lapis, Turquoise, Nuumite, Larimar, Amazonite, Tanzanite, Varasite, Lipidolite, Jaspers and various other colorful minerals are now available. Additionally, in this purchase we received a number of beautiful cut slabs, ready for making your own cabs. While in Denver we also attended the Int'l Bead and Jewelry show and brought back several varieties of drilled natural stone beads, minerals and natural point crystals to help create remarkable jewelry pieces. I will be speaking twice in July, at the Metaphysical Fair July 16th & 17th and Body Mind and Spirit. the following weekend at Palmer Auditorium. I will be talking about "Crystal Vibrations & How They Work for You." If you've ever attended one of my classes, you know that each one is very interactive and varies depending on the audience needs. So I hope to see everyone at both events. Wishing everyone a fun-filled, sparkly 4th of July. What's New? In The S tore Many Blessings! Karen Richards & the Nature's Treasures Staff Don't Miss This Fabulous Sale! Pocket Charms Butterfly Suncatchers Annual Customer Survey TAKE OUR SURVEY & YOU COULD WIN A CHANCE TO SIT IN THE GIANT GEODE FOR A PHOTO! We'd love your feedback on your experiences at Nature's Treasures. Please take a moment to answer our survey by clicking here and you will be automatically registered for a raffle to win a chance to have your photo taken in our 5,000 lb. geode. TAKE OUR SURVEY! Smudge Fans! 3rd Annual City Wide Treasure Hunt Save the Dates! August 3rd, 4th & 5th Nature's Treasures 3rd Annual Citywide Treasure Hunt Saturday, August 6th Nature's Treasures 3rd Annual Rock Fest New Candles, the yellow one is Citronella! Help for outdoor summer fun! New Jewelry Li ne Cosmic Love Connections! Our newest j ewelry li ne i s now avai lable i n-store! The Cosmi c Love Connecti ons j ewelry li ne remi nds us of the soul connecti ons shared between any two i ndi vi duals. Each neck lace depi cts two astrologi cal si gns beauti fully i nterwoven i n a sturdy desi gn for everyday wear! Whether getti ng a gi ft for your parents to remember thei r anni versary, mani festi ng a partner for yourself, or honori ng a profound fri endshi p, these neck laces mak e the perfect memento! In The Depot Carving Burrs Register NOW! 100's of new Cabs! New Slabs Are you interested in receiving information and specials from our online store? Click here to get on their list! New Arrivals Black Banded Agate Obelisk July's Birthstone Ruby N atural R uby i s one of four "preci ous" gemstones (i ncludi ng Di amond, Emerald and Sapphi re) owi ng to i ts rari ty, monetary value, and hardness. R uby i s red corundum, an alumi num oxi de mi neral wi th a hardness of 9 out of 10 and second only to Di amonds. Trace amounts of chromi um cause i ts ri ch, red color as opposed to Sapphi re, whi ch i s also i n the corundum fami ly. The name, R uby, comes from the Lati n word rubeus, meani ng "red." U nti l 1800 when R uby was recogni zed as a vari ety of corundum, thi s gemstone was categori zed as "carbuncle" alongsi de red spi nels, tourmali nes, and garnets. In anci ent Indi a legend goes that thi s stone was created before mank i nd for the sole purpose of bei ng owned by man. It was beli eved to si gni fy sti mulati on, heat, li fe and power. To thi s day, many wear or carry R uby to overcome exhausti on and lethargy. It sti mulates ci rculati on and ampli fi es energy and vi tali ty to the whole system. H owever, those who are hi ghly sensi ti ve or i rri table may fi nd thi s stone over-sti mulati ng or uncomfortable to wear. R uby has been k nown to calm hyperacti vi ty i n some i ndi vi duals. It promotes a courageous atti tude, and may i ncrease one's success i n controversi es and di sputes. Monthly WINNER! $25 Giftcard Winner is: BECOMING RECOGNIZABLE in the 5th Dimension Leah LaChapelle - July 6, 13 and 20 Manifesting with the Nature Devas Laura Tree - July 9 Create a Mosaic Mandala Cheryl Rae - July 10 Sanskrit Mantra for Abundance & Healing Jennifer P. Be sure to enter the drawing next time you're in the store! DAILY IN-STORE PRACTITIONERS 11:00AM - 6:00PM Friday 1 - Tara Ventura Psychic num erology & counseling, channel, energy healing, oracle card reading Saturday 2 - Traci St. Croi Laura Tree - July 17 Ancient Sacred Rituals Folade Speaks - July 31 Chakrapportal - In Dialogue With Your Chakras Folade Speaks August 15, 22 Evidential m edium , psychic Saturday 2 - Adrienne DeWolfe Angel harp therapy, psychic and Tibetan Reiki m aster Sunday 3 - Leslie Amerson Em pathic, intuitive knowing and awake channel gifts Sunday 3 -Ginger Martin Clairaudient, tarot Monday 4 - Bob Groleau Energy Healing Tuesday 5 - Laura Tree Reiki Master Teacher, Sanskrit m antra therapy, divinely inspired intuitive reading Wednesday 6 - Diane Parma Num erology readings, palm istry, 9 star astrology, angel readings, and reiki Thursday 7- Richard Cisneros Psychic m edium Friday 8 - Anne Berlin Psychic m edium , psychom etry, work with archangels & Ascended Masters Saturday 9 - Alyssa Johnson Spiritual intuitive, channeler, Higher Self teacher Saturday 9 -Stefanie Fix Tarot card reading & dream interpretation Sunday 10 - Sara Hansen Clairvoyant, life path and flower readings, sacred geom etry pendants, and Young Living essential oils Sunday 10- Mia Loweree Akashic record consulting, universal intuitive Monday 11 - Thumper Donnelly Medium , clairvoyant psychic, energy healing, past lives Tuesday 12 - Kramer Wetzel Astrology chart & reading, tarot, good hum or Wednesday 13 - Diane Parma Num erology readings, palm istry, 9 star astrology, angel readings, and reiki Thursday 14 - Elaine Ireland Tarot reading & psychic work Friday 15 - Tara Ventura Psychic num erology & counseling, channel, energy healing, oracle card reading Saturday 16 - Derek Flurry Path working, Tarot reading, energy healing Saturday 16 - Alyssa Johnson Spiritual intuitive, channeler, Higher Self teacher Sunday 17 - Ricardo Gonzales Psychic Sunday 17 - Leigh-Ann Galpin Monday 18 - Eva Lott Metaphysical m inister, reiki m aster, stress m anagem ent Tuesday 19 - Sharon Sampsel California's Award Winning Psychic Wednesday 20 - Sharon Sampsel California's Award Winning Psychic Thursday 21 - Richard Cisneros Psychic m edium Friday 22- Anne Berlin Psychic m edium , psychom etry, work with archangels & Ascended Masters Saturday 23 - Siri Khalsa Spiritual support, energy clearing, astrology reading Saturday 23 - JennJenn Sosler Reiki, sound healing, and card readings Sunday 24 - Kathy Cabarcas Healing, intuitive life coaching Sunday 24 - Julie Reeves Sighted intuitive astrology, tarot & past life consultation Monday 25 - Thumper Donnelly Medium , clairvoyant psychic, energy healing, past lives Tuesday 26 - Kramer Wetzel Astrology chart & reading, tarot, good hum or Wednesday 27 - Diane Parma Num erology readings, Palm istry, 9 star Astrology, Angel readings, and Reiki Thursday 28 - Elaine Ireland Tarot reading & psychic work Friday 29 - Mia Michel Intuitive, and healer, Akashic Records Consultations, Past Lives and Soul Readings Saturday 30 - Maria Prinz Transform ational healing com bining arom atherapy intuitive reading/spiritual guidance Saturday 30 - Michael Zarchian Advanced energy healing Sunday 31 - Lisa Karpowicz Clairvoyant, psychic reading, teach psychic tools, healing, tarot Sunday 31 - Leslie Wierling Psychic m edium , tarot card reading Subs for July Mondays - Bob G roleau Tuesdays - Susan Norgren Wednesdays - Kevan Ryon Thursdays - Mia Michel Fridays - Mia Michel AURA PHOTOS Aura, Meridian & Chakra Photos & Video Eric Pearl Events in August - Palmer Event Center ~ Looking Forward ~ From England: Neal & Zena: Atlantean Healers - September Tuesday & Wednesday by appointment only Thursday through Monday Walk-ins Welcome! 12:00pm-6:00pm Starting at $15 This Month's Rentals July 16th 2:00-4:00pm The Studio at INTRO TO PRANIC HEALING with Brunie Kosta, a student of Master Co's - G et creative with our friends at Creative Facebook page: LearnPranicHealingWithBrunie Side Jewelry Academy! July 22nd 7:00-8:15pm The Studio at VIBRATIONAL ENERGY HEALING with Petro Bass, professional percussionist and sound healing guide $30 -CASH ONLYFacebook page: tombiflow email: Wire Wrapping Classes NATURE'S TREASURES IN THE COMMUNITY Beginning Jewelry Classes Welding and Sculpture Visit for a full class calendar! Citrethyst Nature's Treasures on KEYE This month Nature's Treasures will be attending: Spiritual Life Production's Metaphysical Fair on July 16th-17th and the Body, Mind, Spirit Expo on July 23rd-24th. Our owner, Karen Richards will be speaking at both events! Check local listings for times. PERSONAL CRYSTAL SHOPPING SERVICE Dianna, Austin's Crystal Whisperer offers her shopping service to help you find, understand and connect with the rocks, minerals and crystals that are perfect for you! Click the following link for more information & available dates. h ttp:// sti n scr ystal wh i sper er .com /cal en dar Rates start as low as $15.00 for 10 m inutes Meet Our Staff Ametrine is a rare gem variety of quartz named for its naturally occurring combination of purple AMEthyst with yellow ciTRINE. These two color varieties are believed to occur together because of a process known as twinning by which two chemically distinct quartz crystals intergrow. The amethyst gets its color from Fe4+ , while citrine is colored by Fe3+ . Synthetic versions of ametrine can be made in a lab, but this process is considered difficult and costly. Heat treatment of amethyst to create citrine cannot generally produce ametrine because heating causes all purple hues to turn yellow. Read More. Laura Tree is teaching two courses this summer! Register Now! A Summer Series by Adrienne Goff Four Crystals for Empaths and Sensitive Souls Sugilite is a godsend for sensitives who are on their spiritual path due to its ability to protect, purify, awaken, and ground. It can come in various shades of purple, and some specimens contain spots of black, grey, or white. Sugilite is a shielding stone that forms an impermeable bubble of protection around you. Its protective quality keeps you safe from intrusive or disharmonious energy, negative emotions, and lower thought-forms from others or from your environment. It can also block psychic attack and prevent entity attachment. Sugilite brings in the violet fame of purification and helps you to transmute and dispel negative energy, patterns, and karma that might be affecting you-whether it originates from others or from yourself. Perhaps this is why Sugilite is commonly recommended for sensitive souls, children, or starseeds who have difficulty adjusting to the negativity that is prevalent on the Earth plane. Sugilite awakens the higher chakras and keeps your intuition sharply tuned, while also grounding and balancing you. Since it boosts the intuition, it helps empaths to navigate their surroundings and to avoid negative situations and people. It can also help empaths who do healing or metaphysical work to enhance their healing and psychic gifts. The presence of manganese, iron, and lithium gives Sugilite a calming, balancing, and grounding quality that is especially helpful for empaths. Being grounded and centered makes it easier to be aware of your own energy and to detect when you are being affected by outside influences. C ontact Information Main Store Hours Sunday - Thursday 10:00am - 7:00pm Friday and Saturday 10:00am - 8:00pm Phone: 512.472.5015 | Online Store- |