The last `goodie bag`
8 April 2010 week The last ‘goodie bag’ How the infotainment magazine Stern TV has shaped the German TV landscape for 20 years Germany France Angela Merkel visits RTL Television M6 Replay: catch-up TV champion N-TV has the most popular news app Greece Alpha TV ratings grow steadily 14 the RTL Group intranet week 14 8 April 2010 week 14 Cover: Günther Jauch during one of the first editions of Stern TV in 1990 The last ‘goodie bag’ How the infotainment magazine Stern TV has shaped the German TV landscape for 20 years Germany France 2 the RTL Group intranet week 14 “Serious information, exciting reports, spot-on advice” Günther Jauch interviewing Mikhail Gorbatchev Stern TV is arguably the most popular current events TV magazine on German television and has now been on air for 20 years – but in fact, to begin with, the magazine wasn’t actually planned as such. Helmut Thoma, then CEO of RTL Television, wanted to establish another “face” for RTL Television alongside Thomas Gottschalk. “At the time I had become somewhat painted into the ‘entertainment’ corner in publicservice broadcasting,” Günther Jauch recalls. “So I said yes to Thoma on the condition that they would let me do a journalistic magazine – and Stern TV was born.” The magazine started as a half-hour programme and is currently on air for nearly two hours each week. The first live show with Günther Jauch hit German TV screens on 4 April 1990. He doesn’t like to think back to this moment despite the show’s success – because criticism rained down from all sides. “Take your foot off the accelerator, Günther,” broadsheet Süddeutsche Zeitung recommended. Twenty years later, Jauch agrees with their assessment: “The critics Stern TV has been one of the most-watched current-event weeklies on German television for 20 years. Günther Jauch about the secret to its long-running success. Germany - 8 April 2010 were − just this once, of course − completely right. We delivered a half-hour that was as hectic as it was high-strung…and it didn’t take long for me not to like it myself any more,” says Jauch. “It took some time before we hit our stride and found our style. But after that, things really have always gone well.” Günther Jauch has welcomed more than 7,000 guests to his studio in over 900 shows, including celebrities like Mikhail Gorbachev, Angela Merkel and Michael Schumacher. “Twenty years ago, no one would have thought it possible that Stern TV would be able to do so well for more than two decades in a constantly changing TV market. Stern TV is one of the last ‘goodie bags’ on television.” According to Jauch, the secret to success lies in the broad range of topics that can be covered in the show. “Our secret may well be that, basically, ‘anything goes’ for the programme,” he says. “Serious information, exciting reports, spot-on advice, the courage to be off-the-wall or humorous. But above all: the fun of a live show, something that has In 2006, Günther Jauch had a shot at being a sumo wrestler, fighting World Champion Sandra Köppen during the show 3 the RTL Group intranet week 14 Mika Häkkinen, Günther Jauch and Michael Schumacher (from left to right) become practically exotic on television. For me as its presenter, this makes the show an exciting weekly challenge even after twenty years. “ The magazine has repeatedly presented humaninterest stories that moved millions of TV viewers deeply. The Stern TV cameras were there when Siamese twins Lea and Tabea, conjoined at the head, were separated from each other in a dramatic surgery. Stern TV also accompanied 3-year-old Nils when he received the donor’s heart that saved his life. Nor has the magazine shied away from controversial issues in its 20 years on the air. It used a hidden camera to expose dirty dealings with child pornography, and infiltrated the extremely dangerous dogfight scene. Naturally, Günther Jauch has his own personal highlights from 20 years of Stern TV. “When Germany was finally reunited, we succeeded in luring Mikhail Gorbachev away from a big business dinner, which promised to be rather boring for him, into a big appearance on our show – live and somewhat unplanned,” Jauch recalls, and still grins at the memory. “We also forced a former vice chancellor – Jürgen Möllemann – to resign with a story about advertising for shopping-cart chips. That doesn’t exactly outshine all the other shows, but it does stick in the memory even years later.” For the past ten years, Jauch has not only moderated the show, but has also produced it with his own production firm ‘Information and Unterhaltung’. “I daresay there is no other magazine that has the same kind of freedom of form and content as we do. No one tells us what to do,” Günther Jauch told in an interview with Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (FAS). “That is an incredible privilege in television, which is absolutely teeming with financial controllers, market researchers and CD sellers. Stern TV regularly runs product tests. And there are advertising customers who are not amused by negative results. The channel is fully behind us and lets us test what we want.” Last year, Stern TV attracted an average 19.7 per cent of 14- to 49-year-old viewers, which puts it above the channel average. On 7 April at 22:15, RTL Television aired the 20th anniversary special featuring highlights from 900 episodes of Stern TV. 1.63 million viewers aged 14 to 49 tuned in to celebrate with Günther Jauch, representing an audience share of 17.4 per cent. “The programme is very elaborately made and expensive,” Jauch told the FAS, recaping the changes that have been made over the past two decades. “One thing that has changed is our viewing habits – partly because computers allow you to set your own pace. The perceived tempo has changed completely. Seen from this angle, the show may have become somewhat anachronistic. If you were to pitch it as a new concept today – even to the public-service broadcasters – you wouldn’t be able to push it through.“ 4 the RTL Group intranet week 14 Visiting RTL Television Angela Merkel A very relaxed and at times highly entertaining Angela Merkel paid a keenly anticipated visit to RTL Television in Cologne. Belgium - 2 April 2010 The German Chancellor Angela Merkel shared many political as well as some personal insights. Following a conversation with Anke Schäferkordt and Peter Kloeppel, she went on to answer political and personal questions from the news team in an extensive Q&A session in the RTL Aktuell editorial offices, keeping everyone well entertained in the process. Who would have thought, for instance, that Angela Merkel quite often chooses to relax to Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? in her rare spare time? She also likes to watch RTL Aktuell when the opportunity arises. And how down to earth can a chancellor be? In Merkel’s case, one learned that even a top-level politician can be adamant about doing her own shopping at the weekend in order to cook her husband his favourite meal. This might make her sound almost like just another citizen – if it weren’t for the big political issues like Greece’s problems in the EU, the unemployment figures, relations with Turkey and questions about the coalition. Anke Schäferkordt, Angela Merkel and Peter Kloeppel (from left to right) Merkel’s visit ended with an interview with RTL Nachtjournal’s Christof Lang on current issues such as fuel prices, unemployment, bank levies and the coalition with the liberal party FDP. Angela Merkel told political, but also some personal anecdotes 5 the RTL Group intranet week 14 An up-to-date and timely news offering The readers of voted N-TV mobile app Germany’s best news app. The popular application is now available for the Blackberry as well. Hans Demmel Germany - 2 March 2010 Horizont is a German weekly trade publication for marketing communications, advertising and media – and its Web site is 40.2 per cent of users have voted for the app published by the news channel N-TV as their favourite. The N-TV app came in ahead of the Financial Times Deutschland (30.8 per cent) and (8.5 per cent) apps, both of which are published by Gruner + Jahr. So the top three apps in the reader voting are all from the Bertelsmann group. The app of N-TV’s direct competitor N24 came in sixth, scoring 2.4 per cent of the votes, while the Welt app brought up the rear with 1.1 per cent of votes. Readers were asked to choose their favourite from 10 news apps, from 1 to 26 March. “We are delighted about the great popularity of our mobile application. It is an up-to-date and timely news offering that ideally complements our TV and online site,” comments Hans Demmel, managing director of N-TV. “The download figures for our new BlackBerry app show that we cater precisely to the needs of our viewers, who like to be well informed wherever they happen to be.” N-TV’s popular mobile app has been available for the BlackBerry since 1 April, so now iPhone as well as BlackBerry users can stay abreast of the latest news in business, politics, sport and the weather − in texts, pictures and video. The push function ensures that Breaking News are immediately delivered to the user’s BlackBerry. Another plus: users can put together their own individual menu. The N-TV mobile app runs on all devices for which there is a firmware version 4.5, and may be downloaded from www.n-tv. de/blackberry. It has already been downloaded some 50,000 times since its launch last week. A free app for the iPhone and iPod Touch has been available from the Apple App Store since November 2009, and has been downloaded around 400,000 times to date. The N-TV app on iPhone and Blackberry 6 the RTL Group intranet week 14 Sweeping campaign RTL Creation has launched an extensive on- and off-air campaign to promote the new season of the glamorous show highlight Let’s Dance. Quickstep or Dancing Fool? Germany - 6 April 2010 The off-air campaign is comprised of billboards and print ads. Their large-scale motifs show couples executing sophisticated dance moves in front of the RTL Television logo. Passionate, dynamic dance moves also dominate the City Light poster motifs, which feature elaborate dance costumes in the broadcaster’s signature colours and slogans like “Mambo or Rambo?”, “Quickstep or Dancing Fool?” and “Twist or Rubbish?“ spark viewers’ curiosity about the celebrities’ dancing prowess in the live shows. The outdoor ad campaign runs from 30 March to 15 April, while the print ads have been run since 1 March. The on-air campaign includes silhouette teasers showing a couple seen only in outline dancing in front of a glamorously glittering RTL Television logo. There are also trailers featuring the moderators apparently floating through space on dance step instructions. Promotional trailers and image trailers pick up on the idea of the City Light poster motif. The on-air campaign launched on 13 March 2010, and trailers featuring the candidates and the judges have been added since the beginning of April. From 6 April to 9 April commercials will also be shown on info-screens in big German cities, and launched a Let’s Dance online special on 1 April. Let’s Dance poster 7 the RTL Group intranet week 14 Going to court Nicolas de Tavernost Groupe M6 has filed a complaint to France’s highest court over regulators’ approval of TF1’s acquisitions of two TV channels, Nicolas de Tavernost told the newspaper Les Echos in an interview. France - 7 April 2010 Nicolas de Tavernost, Chairman of the Management Board of Groupe M6, said that Groupe M6 would do everything it could to contest the deal, which will allow TF1 to expand its presence in digital free-to-air channels by acquiring the two channels TMC and NT1. “This decision is a serious error of TV sector regulation. This takeover has strengthened an operator who already occupies a dominant position, thereby exposing the general French TV market to risks,” de Tavernost said. The Conseil supérieur de l’audiovisuel (CSA), which regulates broadcast TV in France, approved TF1’s purchase of the two channels on 24 March 2010, imposing eight conditions on the group that it said were intended to blunt any negative impact of the deal. Tavernost said that the conditions the CSA imposed on TF1 are not going far enough. “First of all, they are temporary. Secondly they do nothing to resolve the key issue, namely TF1’s dominant position,” he said. “Requiring NT1 to air a weekly cultural programme will in no way change the crucial issues determining the balance in the sector: pluralism and operator diversity.” 8 the RTL Group intranet week 14 And the Top Chef of 2010 is… The finale of Top Chef drew 4.3 million viewers and an audience share of 28.8 per cent among housewives under 50. France - 6 April 2010 Since its first broadcast on 22 February, Top Chef the culinary show presented by Sandrine Corman and Stéphane Rotenberg, has performed brilliantly on the French channel, and the last show was no exception. For the first challenge in the Top Chef grand finale, the four contestants had to rise at 2:00 in the morning to do their food shopping at Rungis, the largest market in Europe, and then cook either a cut of meat or a fish found there. At the end of this first test, it was Alexandre who was eliminated. The remaining three contestants then had to prepare an entrée, main course and dessert for a famous caterer. As with the first challenge, one of the contestants was forced to relinquish dreams of victory: Brice. Romain Tischenko, winner of Top Chef 2010 The final event for the remaining two contestants consisted of preparing a menu for 100 people, which involved 300 dishes to arrange – and 10 hours to do it. For this last test it was not the usual panel of judges voting – Ghislaine Arabian, Jean-François Piège, Christian Constant and Thierry Marx – but the viewers. The winner in this ultimate challenge was Romain, who leaves with the “Top Chef 2010” toque and the sum of EUR 100,000. 9 the RTL Group intranet week 14 Catch-up TV champion M6 Replay has established itself as the leader in catch-up TV, in usage and as the best catch-up TV service, in the eyes of the French. France - 2 April 2010 According to the Global TV study carried out by Médiamétrie on viewers over the age of 15, around ten million French viewers already occasionally availed themselves of the various options for watching TV programmes online. Half of them (51.5 percent) turn to M6 Replay. Nowadays, M6 offers the largest selection of programmes on catch-up TV, with 88 per cent of its programme schedule in the 17:00 to 24:00 time slot. Another survey – the “Etude NPA” – also yielded gratifying results for Groupe M6: When asked “What do you think is the best catch-up TV service?” 42 percent of those surveyed replied: “M6 Replay.” Inaugurated in 2008, M6 Replay enjoys wide distribution. Initially launched on PC, the service was then quickly developed for a wide range of media, including computer, television and mobile. Popular and positive For W9’s 5th anniversary, the presenters on France’s number one DTT channel celebrated the event in true fashion, with humour and emotion. France - 7 April 2010 Launched on 31 March 2005, W9 established itself as leading DTT channel in France within a very short period of time – and its growth continues. With a total audience share of 2.7 per cent, W9 is already the 8th most-watched channel in France. Since its creation, W9 enjoys incredible popularity and holds a positive image among viewers. From 27 March to 2 April, Stéphane Rotenberg, Alexandre Devoise, François Pêcheux, Vincent Desagnat, Benjamin Morgaine and Daphné Desjeux paid tribute to W9, sharing their favourite memories since the channel was launched, on Camille Combal’s programme Azap. Also shown were excerpts from videos showing W9’s emblematic presenters at the age of five, as imagined by the channel. Even back then, one could see they were destined for TV Land and the path that would lead them to W9 had already been marked out… 10 the RTL Group intranet week 14 Steady growth Lakis Lazopoulos and Eleni Menegaki Following steady growth since the beginning of the year, Alpha TV attained the number-two position during prime time in March with an audience share of 18.8 per cent, behind Mega (20.2 per cent) but ahead of Antenna (18.3 per cent). Since the start of the current TV season, Alpha is the only channel to show year-on-year growth in audience share. Alpha TV’s scored an average all-day audience share of 14.8 per cent – an increase of 15.6 per cent compared to the same period in 2009. In prime time, Alpha’s average audience share actually increased by 53 per cent compared to the same period last year, reaching 17.3 per cent. Alpha TV in Greece grew its audience shares once more, and was the country’s number-two channel during prime time in March. Greece - 8 April 2010 “This is the result of our consistent strategy of offering quality programmes,” wrote Alpha Media Group CEO Christoph Mainusch in a letter to the employees. “Not only can we count on the performance of our daytime programmes with the flagship Coffee with Eleni, but we have also seen the great success of our returning brands like Al Tsantiri, Pame Paketo and Chart Show.” Later this spring, Alpha TV will be launching new shows like the live shows of Greek Idol, All about Greek Idol and the lifestyle magazine Exclusive. STD: Season-to-date In prime time, Alpha’s average audience share actually increased by 53 per cent compared to the same period last year 11 the RTL Group intranet week 14 Awards in March Eva Habermann presented Das sind meine British Virgin Islands At this year’s TV Crime Festival in Wiesbaden, the “German TV Crime Award” was once again presented. On 6 March Bella Block – Vorsehung, a film produced by UFA Fernsehproduktion for ZDF, was named the best German TV crime movie. The actor Wotan Wilke Möhring, the film’s producer Cornelia Wecker and ZDF editor Pit Rampelt accepted the rather unusual prize of 1,000 litres of wine. In addition to the main prize, the film also won the reader’s choice award of the readers of the regional Wiesbadener Kurier newspaper. This was the first time in the history of the festival that the judges and the audience independently picked the same film as their favourite. The N-TV feature Das sind meine British Virgin Islands won the Caribbean Journalists’ Award 2009 at the ITB in Berlin. The report about the Caribbean isles, aired as part of N-TV’s Christmas 2009 programming, prevailed over rival programmes such as Verliebt in Saba (ZDF-Infokanal) and Saint Lucia (Sky) in the category ‘TV & Radio’. The “Caribbean Tourism Organisation” judges were particularly taken by the brilliant images and the broad range of information presented to whet viewers’ appetite for travel. The Pietshow Several RTL Group companies won prizes in March, including UFA Fernsehproduktion for Bella Block – Vorsehung and N-TV for its feature Das sind meine British Virgin Islands. Luxembourg - 7 April 2010 “Highly trustworthy thanks to certified quality, security and transparency” was the verdict reached by the Tüv experts following a thorough review of Super RTL’s two educational online clubs for children, Toggo – Clever Club and Toggolino Club. Tüv-Süd bestowed its ‘s@fer-website’ quality seal on the two portals. In order to receive the coveted Tüv seal, the clubs were put through their paces in a threestep procedure, and subjected to numerous security checks. User-friendliness was a focus of the review, alongside data security and privacy protection. The Pietshow, which Grundy UFA produces for the German social networks Mein VZ and Studi VZ, was nominated for an ‘International Digital Emmy Award’, as was the online comedy Print Friends by FMX. The Digital Emmys will be presented in Cannes on 12 April. Lippels Traum, the screen adaptation of Paul Maar’s classic novel for young adults, has been nominated for the German Film Award in the category ‘Full-length children’s movies’. Lippels Traum is a Collina Film production, and opened in theatres in autumn 2009, distributed by Universum Film. Camerawoman Jana Marsik was nominated in the category ‘Best Camera/art work’ for her work on the film. She has already won a Bavarian Film Award for best art work for Lippels Traum and Same same but different. 12 A big kiss Television will on On 13 April, RTL part of the seas air the second se season 6. During premiere to HouMayfield Psychiatric his stay at the gory House kisses Hospital, Gre e German actress y th Lydia, played b . 24.8 per cent of the te en ot P to Franka to 49 tuned in viewers aged 14e first part. watch th the RTL Group intranet week 14 The Dutch TV market in March In March, RTL Nederland’s channels attracted 33.4 per cent of their 20- to 49-year-old target market, coming in well ahead of the public-service broadcasters (27.8 per cent) and the SBS group (25.4 per cent). Netherlands - 2 April 2010 Beating audience records With a 28.9 per cent total audience share during prime time (17:00 to 23:00) in March 2010, Belgian channel RTL-TVI registered its best month since 1997. Belgium - 6 April 2010 Launching marketing activities Ad Audience, the German joint venture founded on 25 January by the advertising sales houses, IP Deutschland, G+J Electronic Media Sales, Sevenone Media and Tomorrow Focus, officially began marketing target-group-specific sites on 1 April. Germany - 6 April 2010 Audiovisual support for prisons France’s Justice Minister Michèle Alliot-Marie signed an agreement with Groupe M6 aimed at supporting and developing audiovisual activities and training in prison. France - 8 April 2010 Gordon Ramsay returns to haunt the kitchens The second season of Cauchemar en Cuisine, a 13-part docu-reality presented by Daphné Desjeux with Simone Zanoni, starts on 8 April at 20:35 on W9. France - 8 April 2010 14 er PuGbroluipsh RTL den ierre Frie 45, Bd P xembourg u L-1543 L tion Produc , n g i s e D g Editor, Marketin s and up RTL Gro Communication te Corpora
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