Limousin - KK Seedstock
Limousin - KK Seedstock
2016 LIMOUSIN Show & Sale Saturday, February 20, 2016 Louisville, Kentucky Sponsored by the Kentucky Department of Agriculture CONSIGNORS: A C H FARMS LLC .................................... Bowling Green, Kentucky ................... 270.799.8685 AGRI-EXPOSURE..................................... Harrodsburg, Kentucky ...................... 540.280.5388 B.F. EVANS ............................................. Lexington, Kentucky .......................... 859.509.8046 FAWLEY FARMS ...................................... Lynchburg, Ohio ................................ 937.763.0931 ENGLEWOOD FARMS............................... Lancaster, Kentucky ........................... 859.533.1301 GRANDVIEW FARMS ............................... Mount Sterling, Kentucky ................... 859.498.0030 HB FARMS .............................................. Midway, Kentucky .............................. 859.338.9402 MARJON FARMS..................................... Earl Park, Indiana .............................. 815.383.2618 PATTON’S SELDOM REST FARM ............... Hillsboro, Ohio ................................... 937.840.6275 2016 LIMOUSIN Show & Sale SATURDAY | FEBRUARY 20, 2016 | 3:30 P.M. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY SALE-DAY PHONES: 502.367.5472 or 817.821.6262 (KEITH) SCHEDULE OF LIMOUSIN EVENTS: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2016 LODGING: 10:00 a.m ......................................................................... Limousin Breed Show Crowne Plaza Hotel 830 Phillips Lane | Louisville, KY 40209 Easy access from 126-4 Exit 8B/Free Parking For reservations, call 502.367.2251 3:30 p.m .............................................................................Limousin Breed Sale SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2016 8:00 a.m ...................................................................Junior Heifer & Steer Show AUCTIONEER: Bruce Miller SALES MANAGEMENT: KK SEEDSTOCK CONSULTANTS SPECIALIZED SALES 2300 Monument Ave., Richmond, VA 23220 Keith Kissee • Cell: 817.821.6263 • Ph: 804.353.2220 • Fax: 804.353.2221 e-mail: • FEMALES PLACING LOT NAME DOB CONSIGNOR ________ 14 PSRF CANDY 580 5/22/2015 PATTON’S SELDOM REST ________ 13 PSRF CAN’T GET ENOUGH 4/28/2015 PATTON’S SELDOM REST ________ 12 MJ CINDERELLA 11C 4/24/2015 MARJON FARMS ________ 11 MJ CAGNEY 7C ET 4/12/2015 MARJON FARMS GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE _______________________________________ BULLS PLACING LOT NAME DOB CONSIGNOR ________ 5 FWLY JAY 3/19/2015 FAWLEY FARMS ________ 4 FWLY PARKING ZONE 3/1/2015 FAWLEY FARMS ________ 3 HB COMRADE 511C 2/17/2015 HB FARMS LIMOUSIN GRAND CHAMPION BULL _________________________________________ TERMS & CONDITIONS: Cattle sell under the standard sale terms and conditions of the North American Limousin Foundation. EPD INFORMATION: Please note that EPDs may change from the time the sale catalog is printed until registration papers are transferred. PLACING LOT ________ 10 ________ 9 ________ 8 NAME MJ CINDY 3C ET WLBL AVALON 506C HB XTRA LADY 502C DOB 3/22/2015 3/6/2015 2/8/2015 CONSIGNOR MARJON FARMS WILL BLAYDES HB FARMS LIMOUSIN RS. GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE ____________________________________ PLACING LOT ________ 2 ________ 1 NAME MJ BOWL BOUND 19B PSRF BATTLE GROUND 452 DOB 9/13/2014 4/6/2014 CONSIGNOR MARJON FARMS PATTON’S SELDOM REST RS. GRAND CHAMPION BULL ______________________________________ BEST THREE HEAD ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PENS PLACING LOT NAME DOB CONSIGNOR ________ 15 GVMS AMY 21A 7/27/2013 GRANDVIEW FARMS ________ 17 HB SHERRY 444B 5/11/2014 BLAYDES & SONS LIMOUSIN ________ 19 HB MARGUERITE 494B 10/9/2014 HB FARMS LIMOUSIN GRAND CHAMPION PEN _________________________________________ LOT NAME DOB CONSIGNOR 16 GVMS BABE 97A 8/19/2013 GRANDVIEW FARMS 18 FWLY BUNNY 427 6/3/2014 BLAYDES & SONS LIMOUSIN 20 HB FANFARE 454B 8/25/2014 HB FARMS LIMOUSIN RS. GRAND CHAMPION PEN ______________________________________ 1 LIMOUSIN Show & Sale SALE BULLS PSRF BATTLE GROUND 452 1 LIM-FLEX 75% | BULL | DBL Black | DBL Polled 4/6/2014 | PSRF 452B | LFM2066590 PATTON’S SELDOM REST SCHILLING’S TALLADEGA CALO BRICKYARD 902W EXG E839 1407 M175 LS LOT 1 KRVN NASKAR 013N RCSX RAINY DAY 80R BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 1407 PAF 4019 6807 E839 GPFF BLAQUE RULON AMY JO DHAN 20L EXLR NEW GENERATION 071M JBRH SHEZA DANDY BW 84 WW CE DHVO DEUCE 132R PSRF XANDRA 05 JBRH SHEZA RUBY BW WW YW MK CM SC DC YG CW RE MB $MI 8 1.5 0.8 12 -.14 21 .32 -.03 47 58 83 22 2 832 YW 1,214 PSRF Battle Ground 452 is a successful show bull from the Patton Seldom Rest show string. This excellent breeding bull was the 2015 Ohio State Fair Grand Champion Bull, and one of the top individuals ever born in the Patton program. The son of CALO Brickyard 902W is from one of the best donor females in the Patton cow herd. He is a high-performing bull with a big scrotal measurement, sound and fluid in his movement, and is ready to go to work. MJ BOWL BOUND 19B 2 LIM-FLEX 50% | BULL | HOMO Black (T) | HOMO Polled (T) 9/13/2014 | MJMB 19B | LFM2069335 MARJON FARMS S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 D A TRAVELER 004 703 ROSEWOOD ERICA 5010 Dam of Lot 2 SBLX TRUE LOVE 918T SITZ TRAVELER 8180 BOYD FOREVER LADY 8003 LEACHMAN SAUGAHATCHEE3000 R A ERICA 456 BLACK DIAMOND QUAIL RUN RAMONA BP EXLR LIMITED EDITION 765J AUTO CITY NIGHTS 214H BW 80 WW CE GPFF BLAQUE RULON SBLX TRUE LOVE 918T MAGS MANUELA BW WW YW MK CM SC DC YG CW RE MB $MI 8 2.3 1.1 19 0 34 .22 .10 54 67 102 22 8 - YW - MJ Bowl Bound 19B is the homozygous polled, homozygous black son of D A Traveler 004 703, the popular Angus bull. This Lim-Flex fall yearling is from a stellar cow family, and his maternal and paternal siblings have been some of the most impressive individuals in the breed. SBLX True Love 918T, his dam, has become one of the top donor females in the industry. The daughter of MAGS Manuela has contributed greatly to the MarJon breeding program, and her offspring have made a big impact on the breed. This is an excellent Lim-Flex bull. HB COMRADE 511C 3 LIM-FLEX 62% | BULL | HOMO Black (P) | HOMO Polled (T) 2/17/2015 | HBBH 511C | LFM2071787 HB FARMS LIMOUSIN MAGS WINSTON MAGS Y SO TANGLED MAGS UNTANGLE LOT 3 2 CE MAGS Y-AXIS HB SCOTCH CAP 303A HB SCOTCH CAP 114Y BW WW YW MK CM SC 12 0.3 63 102 26 10 0.6 BT CROSSOVER 758N MAGS STRAWBERRY MAGS SASQUATCH AUTO COOKIE CUTTER 295R TC ABERDEEN 759 MAGS UAHUKA KAJO RESPONDER 120R EXLR SCOTCH CAP 507N BW 84 WW 632 YW - DC YG CW RE MB $MI 19 -.09 31 .44 .26 59 HB Comrade 511C is a powerful bull from the HB program. The multiple generational Lim-Flex bull contains some of the best lineage in the industry. His dam is a young daughter of the popular MAGS Y-Axis from an Angus dam. His sire, MAGS Y So Tangled, is the former National Western Grand Champion Bull. This lineage has created a most balanced EPD set, and the most recognizable consistency is contained within this young bull. This is a great opportunity to obtain the best the HB program has to offer. LIMOUSIN Show & Sale SALE BULLS FWLY PARKING ZONE 4 LIM-FLEX 75% | BULL | HOMO Black | HOMO Polled 3/1/2015 | GMEG 522C | LFM2089996 FAWLEY FARMS D A TRAVELER 004 703 EF XCESSIVE FORCE CFLX MOLLYS IMAGE CE WULFS NOBEL PRIZE 3861N CLLL PURPLE PASSION 920U MAGS RAYLEEN BW WW YW MK CM SC 7 0.7 63 89 31 8 0.9 S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 ROSEWOOD ERICA 5010 DHVO DEUCE 132R JCL PEPPERMINT COLE WULF HUNT WULF’S CASUAL 3161C EF MAIN STAY 541M MAGS MANDARIN 425L BW 85 WW 739 YW - DC YG CW RE MB $MI 24 -.01 23 .23 .12 53 FWLY Parking Zone 522C is the homozygous polled bull from the Fawley herd. The Lim-Flex son of EF Xcessive Force from CLLL Purple Passion is one of the top bulls produced in the Fawley program. He is thickly constructed and impressively designed from end to end. The progeny from EF Xcessive Force have been as popular as any in the industry. His dam, CLLL Purple Passion, has become one of the great foundation females in the program. She was a popular show female, and now, a marvelous breeding individual. Years of selective breeding is represented in the pedigree of this excellent bull. LOT 4 FWLY JAY 5 PUREBRED | BULL | DBL Black | HOMO Polled 3/19/2015 | GMEG 518C | NPM2089995 FAWLEY FARMS WULFS XCLUSIVE 2458X WULFS ZANE X238Z WULFS MYRLENE 2332M WZRK PRIMESTAR 861P WULFS MISSIVE 2258M COLE WULF HUNT WULFS JOY BELLS 9202J KRVN NASKAR 013N G H G FOREVER LADY 565 DVFC COOKIE MONSTER 108H GERK JENNY 710V BW 85 WW CE LOGANS REMIX 303T GMEG JENNY FWLY JUST J BW WW YW MK CM SC DC YG CW RE MB $MI 7 2.2 0.3 24 -.23 26 .59 .04 51 59 88 27 6 709 YW - FWLY Jay 518C is a purebred Limousin bull of extraordinary potential and breeding power. The son of Wulfs Zane X238Z from GMEG Jenny, has a most time-honored pedigree from years of genetic improvement represented within his. Many of the lines in the breed are marriageable to the genetics made available through this bull. This is the only purebred bull in the offering, and he is a real breeding piece for the future of the industry. LOT 5 2016 NATIONAL JUNIOR LIMOUSIN SHOW & CONGRESS SCHEDULE THURSDAY, JULY 7 8:00 a.m. Barn available FRIDAY, JULY 8 8:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. Move-in NALJA Board of Directors interviews at the fairgrounds. MONDAY, JULY 11 8:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. TUESDAY, JULY 12 8:00 a.m. SATURDAY, JULY 9 July 7 - July 14, 2016 Lexington, Kentucky Join us in Lexington in July! 8:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. Check-in State officers and advisors meeting Sullivan Supply Stock Show U Tenderfoot Social SUNDAY, JULY 10 7:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Church service Cow Camp pre-lims Limousin Beef Cook-Off Membership meeting Opening ceremonies with meal & entertainment to follow Steers, Bred & Owned Purebred Females, Owned LimFlex Females; carcass contest immediately following show Judging Contest 3:00 p.m. Limousin Cow-Calf Pairs, Lim-Flex Cow-Calf Pairs, Bred & Owned Lim-Flex Bulls, Bred & Owned Purebred Bulls, Bred & Owned Lim-Flex Females, Owned Limousin Females Public Speaking WEDNESDAY, JULY 13 8:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. Showmanship Team Fitting Cow Camp Finals, NALJA Presidential Election immediately follows THURSDAY, JULY 14 8:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. All-American Limousin Futurity NALJA Awards Banquet and Dance at the Clarion Hotel Lexington 3 LIMOUSIN Show & Sale DONOR FEMALES ENGD UNIQUE 1501Y 6 LIM-FLEX 50% | COW | HOMO BLACK (T) | HOMO Polled (T) 10/5/2011 | ENGD 1501Y | LFF2003648 ENGLEWOOD FARMS V D A R NEW TREND 315 B/R BLACKCAP EMPRESS 76 N BAR EMULATION EXT G A R 6807 TRAVELER 1432 LVLS SECRET WEAPON 4408K AUTO KYRIA 232K RADS BLACK PRODIGY BLACK INK HERSHEY KISS B/R NEW DESIGN 036 G A R PREDESTINED G A R EXT 4206 BW 68 WW CE AUTO DOLLAR GENERAL 122R JONK POLL UNIQUE 70U JONK BLACK SILK BW WW YW MK CM SC DC YG CW RE MB $MI 6 1.4 .02 39 .49 .80 81 71 113 37 8 - 21 - YW - Due 3/24/16 to MAGS Y-Axis Dam of Lots 6, 6A, 6B, 6C JONK POLLED UNIQUE 70U ENGD Unique 1501Y is one of the top donor females in the Englewood herd. The homozygous polled, homozygous black Lim-Flex female has one of the most impressive EPD sets in the breed. The GAR Predestined-sired female is from JONK Poll Unique 70U, the purebred daughter of AUTO Dollar General. Undisputed genetic power and consistency is readily available through this excellent pedigree of proven genetics. This young and proven donor represents genetics that will enhance the breed for years to come. She will calve soon after the sale to MAGS Y-Axis. 6A 6B 6C Sire of Lots 6A, 6B, 6C G A R PREDESTINED 4 EMBRYOS Top embryos are offered from this excellent cow family. The GAR G A R PREDESTINED X JONK POLL UNIQUE 70U Predestined embryos BW WW YW MK SC MS from JONK Poll Unique 1.3 71 114 35 0.8 .80 70U are full sibs to ENGD 1501Y. The MAGS Undoing embryos from JONK Poll Unique LIM-FLEX 69% | HOMO BLACK | HOMO POLLED 70U are offered as MAGS UNDOING X JONK POLL UNIQUE 70U exceptional Lim-Flex BW WW YW MK SC MS genetics from the 1.8 74 110 37 0.8 .39 trait-leading purebred donor cow. The Wulf Shop Talk embryos are great opportunities to PUREBRED | HOMO BLACK | HOMO POLLED obtain more purebred WULFS SHOP TALK 2332S X JONK POLL UNIQUE 70U genetics from this great BW WW YW MK SC MS foundation donor cow. LIM-FLEX 50% | DBL BLACK | HOMO POLLED 4 EMBRYOS 9 EMBRYOS 1.4 75 107 35 0.4 -.05 CJLM LADY IN FOCUS 7 LIM-FLEX 50% | COW | BLACK | POLLED 02/13/2009 | CJLM 571W | LFF1933885 A C H HOLDINGS S A F FOCUS OF E R MYTTY IN FOCUS MYTTY COUNTESS 906 CE HARVEST OLYMPUS HSFM 1125L DVFC FASCINATION 309E BW WW YW MK CM SC 8 1.9 64 94 28 8 - S A F FAME G D A R FOREVER LADY 246 SITZ ALLIANCE 6595 BALDRIDGE COUNTESS 357 WINTERSHALL JUPITER LABORIEUSE PUNCH SOULES QUEEN 35V 4 72 WW 537 YW - DC YG CW RE MB $MI 13 -.19 28 .51 .30 62 AI’d 11/6/15 to ENGD Wild West 947W, safe in calf LOT 7 BW CJLM Lady in Focus 571W is one of the pillar donor females in the A C H Holdings program. This massive, powerful Lim-Flex female has been one of the anchor females in the donor group, and her progeny have been some of the most impressive individuals in the herd. The daughter of Mytty In Focus has produced remarkably and is a proven producer of high quality embryos. This female offered in the Kentucky Beef Expo is a donor cow of excellence. She combines all the great traits of the Lim-Flex lines of genetics. LIMOUSIN Show & Sale SALE FEMALES HB XTRA LADY 502C 8 LIM-FLEX 56% | COW | DBL Black | DBL Polled 2/8/2015 | HBBH 502C | LFF2071780 HB FARMS LIMOUSIN TC ABERDEEN 759 MAGS Y-AXIS MAGS UAHUKA CE WULFS X SIGN HERE X578X HB XTRA LADY 339A RVDR XTRA LADY 034X BW WW YW MK CM SC 13 -1.5 61 100 35 10 0.9 C R A BEXTOR 872 5205 608 TC BLACKBIRD 4034 DHVO DEUCE 132R CARROUSELS PINA COLADA S A V NET WORTH 4200 WULFS ROYALTY 5078R RVDR TORO 715T EXG TILLY 2711T RVDR BW 58 WW 615 YW - DC YG CW RE MB $MI 23 -.28 28 .81 -.01 50 Open Heifer HB Xtra Lady 502C is a flashy show heifer from the HB program. This perfectly balanced, correctly constructed female has unlimited potential as a show heifer and future brood cow. The trait-leading female ranks in the top 3% of the breed for milk, and all traits are balanced and indicate problem-free genetics for the future. This MAGS Y-Axis daughter has the look and design of the many great ones sired by the great breeding bull. LOT 8 WLBL AVALON 506C 9 LIM-FLEX 50% | COW | DBL Black | HOMO Polled (P) 3/6/2015 | WLBL 506C | LFF2071782 HB FARMS & B.F. CATTLE CO. TC ABERDEEN 759 MAGS Y-AXIS MAGS UAHUKA CE DAMERON FIRST CLASS AUTO AVALON 222A AUTO LANA 255L BW WW YW MK CM SC 9 -1.4 62 98 36 7 0.9 C R A BEXTOR 872 5205 608 TC BLACKBIRD 4034 DHVO DEUCE 132R CARROUSELS PINA COLADA EXG RS FIRST RATE S903 R3 DAMERON NORTHERN MISS 311 EXLR DAKOTA 353G TEXS STAR 208Y BW 60 WW 669 YW - DC YG CW RE MB $MI 20 -.29 26 .66 -.05 50 Open Heifer This heifer by MAGS Y-Axis is from one of the uniquely bred Lim-Flex females in the industry. Her dam, AUTO Avalon 222A, is the daughter of the exceptional Angus bull, Dameron First Class. She, in turn, was the Grand Champion Lim-Flex female in the 2015 Eastern Regional Show. The combination of genetic lineage offered through the blood of this exceptional female makes this March-born heifer one of the outstanding show heifers to sell this spring. LOT 9 MJ CINDY 3C ET 10 LIM-FLEX 50% | COW | HOMO Black (T) | HOMO Polled (T) 3/22/2015 | MJMB 3C | LFF2086482 MARJON FARMS S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 D A TRAVELER 004 703 ROSEWOOD ERICA 5010 SITZ TRAVELER 8180 BOYD FOREVER LADY 8003 LEACHMAN SAUGAHATCHEE3000 R A ERICA 456 BLACK DIAMOND QUAIL RUN RAMONA BP EXLR LIMITED EDITION 765J AUTO CITY NIGHTS 214H BW 74 WW CE GPFF BLAQUE RULON SBLX TRUE LOVE 918T MAGS MANUELA BW WW YW MK CM SC DC YG CW RE MB $MI 8 2.9 1.1 19 0 34 .22 .10 54 67 102 22 8 654 YW - Open Heifer MJ Cindy 3C ET is a late March heifer who’s homozygous polled and homozygous black. The Lim-Flex female is a paternal sister to EF Xcessive Force, and is from the highly appreciated donor, SBLX True Love 918T, the daughter of MAGS Manuela. She is one of the many superb progeny from the best lineage available in North America. This heifer has the bred-in potential to be one of the most competitive young females offered. The MarJon program has brought forth some of the top genetics in the industry, and this young heifer is one of the best. Sire of Lot 10 D A TRAVELER 004 5 LIMOUSIN Show & Sale SALE FEMALES MJ CAGNEY 7C ET 11 PUREBRED | COW | HOMO Black (T) | Horned (T) 4/12/2015 | MJMB 7C | NPF2086474 MARJON FARMS GPFF BLAQUE RULON DHVO DEUCE 132R AMY JO DHAN 20L CE AUTO BLACK DAKOTA 129J MAGS XESTURGY BOHI RED ROBIN 282R BW WW YW MK CM SC 4 2.7 76 118 25 4 1.2 BLACK DIAMOND QUAIL RUN RAMONA BP BLACK CAT DHAN 152G GPFF AMBER JO EXLR DAKOTA 353G DFLC JET SET BPC 34Y CONNEALY LEAD ON MAGS MANUELA BW 67 WW 665 YW - DC YG CW RE MB $MI 22 -.10 44 .47 -.09 52 Open Heifer Dam of Lot 11 MAGS XESTURGY MJ Cagney 7C is the homozygous black female sired by DHVO Deuce 132R and the well-known and tremendously appreciated donor, MAGS Xesturgy. The daughter of BOHI Red Robin has emerged as one of the premier donor females from the entire cow family, and this heifer is the most current version of this championship line. The genetically stacked heifer sells as one of the standout opportunities this spring to obtain the most elite seedstock. She is another one of the exciting genetic pieces from MarJon Farms. MJ CINDERELLA 11C 12 LIM-FLEX 75% | COW | DBL Black | DBL Polled 4/24/2015 | MJMB 11C | LFF2085080 MARJON FARMS GPFF BLAQUE RULON DHVO DEUCE 132R AMY JO DHAN 20L CE D A TRAVELER 004 703 EF YOUR WISH 334Y EF SURPRISE PARTY 491R BW WW YW MK CM SC 6 1.9 80 119 26 6 1.3 BLACK DIAMOND QUAIL RUN RAMONA BP BLACK CAT DHAN 152G GPFF AMBER JO S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 ROSEWOOD ERICA 5010 AUTO BLACK DAKOTA 129J EXLR 231J BW 70 WW 667 YW - DC YG CW RE MB $MI 19 -.08 42 .40 -.22 47 Open Heifer Dam of Lot 12 EF YOUR WISH 334Y MJ Cinderella 11C is a late April heifer from the exceptional MarJon herd. The daughter of DHVO Deuce 132R is from a former national champion female that has become a donor female in the MarJon herd. The pedigree and EPD profile is in perfect harmony. The phenotype of this heifer is perfectly suited for a show heifer. Years and years of genetic perfection is represented in all of the MarJon contributions to this year’s offering. PSRF CAN’T GET ENOUGH 13 LIM-FLEX 46% | COW | DBL Black | DBL Polled 4/28/2015 | PSRF 500C | LFF2089487 PATTON’S SELDOM REST B/R NEW DESIGN 036 G A R EXT 4206 GPFF BLAQUE RULON MAGS MANDA G A R PREDESTINED EXLR 199H J BAR 7 RANGER G 3145 VORD LUSCIOUS 101L G A R PREDESTINED MAGS YOKEMATE MAGS SEVENTEEN BW 68 WW CE MAGS UTLEY PSRF ZADA 200 VL SWEET CHEEKS BW WW YW MK CM SC DC YG CW RE MB $MI 7 1.3 0.9 - -.18 27 .63 .78 78 Open Heifer 60 93 30 8 - YW - PSRF Can’t Get Enough is a late April heifer from the Patton Seldom Rest breeding program. The progeny by MAGS Yokemate have been extremely competitive and popular. The females make up a large portion of the herd, and they have made great breeding females. This young female is an outstanding show-heifer prospect. LOT 13 6 LIMOUSIN Show & Sale SALE FEMALES/PENS OF FEMALES PSRF CANDY 580 14 LIM-FLEX 68% | COW | DBL Black | Polled 5/22/2015 | PSRF 580C | LFF2089488 PATTON’S SELDOM REST B/R NEW DESIGN 036 G A R EXT 4206 GPFF BLAQUE RULON MAGS MANDA JCL LODESTAR 27L VL SWEET CHEEKS TASF SHOOTER 262S JCL BLACK SUSAN G A R PREDESTINED MAGS YOKEMATE MAGS SEVENTEEN CE PSRF 60W PSRF YES GIRL 180 TASF URSULA 280U BW WW YW MK CM 4 3.0 64 98 26 SC 7 DC - BW 72 WW - YW - YG CW RE MB $MI -.24 32 .71 .36 65 Open Heifer This May heifer is the youngest in this year’s show and sale. Her balanced EPDs make her one of the standout heifers in this offering, and she represents some of the best lines ever to emerge from this good program. This prospect has much potential and possibilities as a show heifer and future brood cow. Everything is in check—both phenotype and genotype. LOT 14 ENGD WILD WEST 947W Sire of Lots 15 & 16 GVMS AMY 21A 15 GVMS BABE 97A 16 PUREBRED | COW | HOMO Black (P) | Het Polled (T) 7/27/2013 | GVMS 21A | NPF2043717 PUREBRED | COW | DBL Black | HOMO Polled (T) 8/19/2013 | GVMS 97A | NPF2043732 GRANDVIEW FARMS GRANDVIEW FARMS COLE WULF HUNT WULFS NEGOTIABLE 3172N COLE WULF HUNT WULFS JOY BELLS 9202J AUTO DOLLAR GENERAL 122R MAGS MANDARIN 425L ANDERS JAG DANP CODYS FIRST GIRL WULFS SIRLOIN 3172S ENGD WILD WEST 947W WULFS TEANNA 7491T BW 73 WW CE MAGS UNADVISED GVMS DAWN 22X GVMS MALINDA BW WW YW MK CM SC DC YG CW RE MB $MI 7 2.0 0.2 6 -.28 30 .62 -.12 49 69 97 32 10 AI’d 5/25/15 to MAGS Zarah PE’d 6/26/15 to 8/20/15 to TWMC Mr High Lite 401B BW 76 WW CE WULFS KEYSTONE 7522K GVMS CHARLEE BRJL KLASSY KENTUCKY BABE BW WW YW MK CM SC DC YG CW RE MB $MI 9 1.9 -.30 26 .64 -.19 45 - YW - This is an excellent daughter of ENGD Wild West from the GrandView program. The homozygous black female has a balanced set of EPDs from a proven brood cow. She will have a homozygous black calf later this spring. This purebred female is from one of the best lines in the GrandView herd. COLE WULF HUNT WULFS NEGOTIABLE 3172N COLE WULF HUNT WULFS JOY BELLS 9202J WULFS GAGE 5158G WULFS GIN GIN 7522G WLCC DOLLAR BILL PLLP KLASSY 431W WULFS SIRLOIN 3172S ENGD WILD WEST 947W WULFS TEANNA 7491T 63 90 33 8 0.3 11 - YW - AI’d 5/25/15 to MAGS Zarah PE’d 6/26/15 to 8/20/15 to TWMC Mr High Lite This homozygous polled female is a powerful daughter of ENGD Wild West. Popular genetics are offered all down the line with this exceptional female. GrandView Farms is one of the most faithful breeders in Kentucky, and has supported the Kentucky Beef Expo for many years. This is an excellent female from and excellent herd. 7 LIMOUSIN Show & Sale PENS OF FEMALES WULF WELL SUITED W709 Sire of Lots 17 & 19 HB SHERRY 444B 17 GMEG REBECA 834U Dam of Lot 18 FWLY BUNNY 427 18 PUREBRED | COW | DBL Black | DBL Polled 5/11/2014 | BNLM 444B | NPF2050647 LIM-FLEX 75% | COW | DBL Black | HOMO Polled (P) 6/3/2014 | FWLY 427B | LFF2061013 BLAYDES & SONS LIMOUSIN WULFS RANSOM 3059R WULFS WELL SUITED W709 CWS TOE THE LINE 709T CE MAGS KAPTAIN AMERICA HB SHERRY 110R QUAIL RUN SHERRY BP BW WW YW MK CM SC 8 1.5 61 86 24 3 0.4 WILL BLAYDES WULFS NASA 1212N WULFS NOBILITY 3059N GLACIAL QUANTUM 3330 17K GFLI NADIA 331N EXLR DAKOTA 353G MAGS GLORIA QUAIL RUN OSBORN BP LKCC SMITH 568J DHVO DEUCE 132R TGBC DUECE 123Z BLEL CASUAL 646S BW 75 WW CE EXLR MODERATOR 053M GMEG REBECA 834U EXLR REBECA 797S BW WW YW MK CM SC 5 3.4 624 YW 921 DC YG CW RE MB $MI 24 -.23 23 .41 -.18 44 76 107 22 3 0.9 GPFF BLAQUE RULON AMY JO DHAN 20L BR MIDLAND EXLR 412J EXLR JUDO 459J EXLR EMPRESS 502K CARROUSELS PURE POWER EXLR REBECA 7130M BW 80 WW - YW 264 DC YG CW RE MB $MI 7 -.04 37 .36 -.02 52 AI’d 5/26/15 to MAGS Y-Axis PE’d 6/5/15 to 8/3/15 to Heritage 7008 Ten X 345 AI’d 5/25/15 to MAGS Y-Axis PE’d 6/5/15 to 8/3/15 to Heritage 7008 Ten X 345 HB Sherry is a polled, black female sired by Wulfs Well Suited W709 from an good-producing foundation purebred cow. She represents some of the most consistent genetics in the industry, and sells as a highlight from the program at HB Farms. Trait-leading genetics are abundantly available in this genetic package. This homozygous polled female is a superb breeding piece from the Rebeca cow family. This former successful show heifer has become a powerful breeding female, and is the dam of this excellent breeding female. She is attractively molded from today’s most superb genetic lines, and is a breedleading female for a dedicated establishment. She sells as one of the highlighted bred females. HB MARGUERITE 494B 19 HB FANFARE 454B 20 LIM-FLEX 37% | COW | DBL Black | HOMO Polled (P) 10/9/2014 | HBBH 494B | LFF2065955 LIM-FLEX 62% | COW | DBL Black | DBL Polled 8/25/2014 | HBBH 454B | LFF2065969 HB FARMS LIMOUSIN WULFS RANSOM 3059R WULFS WELL SUITED W709 CWS TOE THE LINE 709T CE UTP 2X15 1946 ET UTP MARGUERITE 2679 UTP MARGUERITE 2396 BW WW YW MK CM SC 14 -1.2 62 100 24 8 - HB FARMS LIMOUSIN WULFS NASA 1212N WULFS NOBILITY 3059N GLACIAL QUANTUM 3330 17K GFLI NADIA 331N RITO 2X15 OF RITA 8Z22EXP U T P ERICA 60 UTP VOLUNTEER 1494 UTP MARGUERITE 1762 TC ABERDEEN 759 MAGS Y-AXIS MAGS UAHUKA BW 65 WW DC YG CW RE MB $MI CE LH RODEMASTER 338R HB FANFARE 261Z TUBB FANFARE 782T BW WW YW MK CM SC 26 -.04 28 .16 .21 57 13 -0.9 628 YW 955 56 96 31 11 1.1 C R A BEXTOR 872 5205 608 TC BLACKBIRD 4034 DHVO DEUCE 132R CARROUSELS PINA COLADA JCL LODESTAR 27L VERMILION E BLACKBIRD9546 WULFS FANFARE 4055F TUBB STRIKE 558R BW 68 WW 469 YW 884 DC YG CW RE MB $MI 22 -.25 26 .65 -.01 49 AI’d 11/26/15 & 12/14/15 to MAGS Y-Axis PE’d 12/31/15 to 2/1/16 to HB Barnstormer 4848ET AI’d 11/26/15 to SYES Backstage PE’d 12/22/15 to 2/1/16 to Heritage 7008 TenX 345 HB Marguerite 494B is one of the top Wulfs Well Suited females available. She is from an anchor Angus female in the HB program, and represents the genetic strength available to the industry. This is a fault-free Lim-Flex female and will be a great replacement female. She will calve early next fall. HB Fanfare 454B is a tremendous daughter of MAGS Y-Axis from a trait-leading daughter of LH Rodemaster 338R. The genetics represented here are some of the most progressive in the industry, and are representative of the best available from the HB program, one of the best supporters of the Limousin breed and Kentucky Beef Expo. 8 LIMOUSIN Show & Sale EMBRYOS 12 EMBRYOS 21 MAGS WINSTON MAGS Y SO TANGLED MAGS UNTANGLE 81% | HOMO BLACK | DBL POLLED AGRI-EXPOSURE MAGS Y SO TANGLED CE BW WW YW MK CM SC DC YG CW RE MB $MI 8 1.9 58 84 26 9 - 10 -.08 22 .28 .31 60 MAGS SAVAGE MAGS WALLPAPER MAGS GRETCHEN BT CROSSOVER758N MAGS STRAWBERRY MAGS SASQUATCH AUTO COOKIE CUTTER 295R GPFF BLAQUE RULON MAGS MANDA COLE FIRST DOWN 46D MAGS BENJI MAGS Wallpaper has proven to be one of the great purebred donor females in the industry. The popular show heifer and donor has become a producer of the absolute best. The embryos by the National Champion Bull, MAGS Y So Tangled, will result into some of the most highly sought-after genetics in the industry. These are breed-leading Lim-Flex genetics. MAGS WALLPAPER 1 EMBRYO 22 D A TRAVELER 004 703 EF XCESSIVE FORCE CFLX MOLLYS IMAGE LIM-FLEX 63% | DBL BLACK | DBL POLLED AGRI-EXPOSURE EF XCESSIVE FORCE CE BW WW YW MK CM SC DC YG CW RE MB $MI 8 0.1 67 100 26 8 - 16 -.01 29 .37 .17 57 3 EMBRYOS 23 SCHILLING’S TALLADEGA CALO BRICKYARD 902W EXG E839 1407 M175 LS LIM-FLEX 63% | DBL BLACK | HOMO POLLED AGRI-EXPOSURE TGBC JENNY LEE 002Y CALO BRICKYARD 902W CE BW WW YW MK CM SC DC YG CW RE MB $MI 10 1.3 57 82 23 4 - 10 -.17 21 .50 .13 53 2 EMBRYOS 24 D A TRAVELER 004 703 EF XCESSIVE FORCE CFLX MOLLYS IMAGE LIM-FLEX 75% | HOMO BLACK | DBL POLLED CE BW WW YW MK CM SC DC YG CW RE MB $MI 8 -0.9 70 107 28 9 - 16 .04 32 .17 .09 54 9 EMBRYOS 25 JCL LODESTAR 27L TGBC SWIZZLE 270W MAGS SWIZZLE BT CROSSOVER 758N MAGS WINSTON MAGS STRAWBERRY LIM-FLEX 75% | DBL BLACK | HOMO POLLED AGRI-EXPOSURE MAGS WINSTON C L BURBANK TGBC JENNY LEE 002Y TGBC JENNY LEE 208W KRVN NASKAR 013N RCSX RAINY DAY 80R BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 1407 PAF 4019 6807 E839 MAGS REJUVENATOR LH RADIANT 323R FWLY BIG TIME LESF 4913P TGBC Jenny Lee is one of the great daughters of C L Burbank. This Lim-Flex donor is as perfectly molded as any female in the breed. The embryos by EF Xcessive Force and CALO Brickyard 904W perfectly complement the lineage of the spectacular donor. Front-seat genetics are offered with these embryos from the most respected genetics in the land. AGRI-EXPOSURE TGBC SWIZZLE 270W C L BURBANK TGBC JENNY LEE 002Y TGBC JENNY LEE 208W S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 ROSEWOOD ERICA 5010 DHVO DEUCE 132R JCL PEPPERMINT MAGS REJUVENATOR LH RADIANT 323R FWLY BIG TIME LESF 4913P CE BW WW YW MK CM SC DC YG CW RE MB $MI 13 -0.3 72 114 24 12 - 14 -.03 37 .34 .36 65 JCL LODESTAR 27L TGBC SWIZZLE 270W MAGS SWIZZLE S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 ROSEWOOD ERICA 5010 DHVO DEUCE 132R JCL PEPPERMINT HUNTS HI-LITER 245G LOGAN’S CHEERLEADER 280G CARROUSELS PURE POWER MAGS MARQUEE C A FUTURE DIRECTION 5321 BT ROYAL PRIDE 237G EXLR NEW GENERATION 071M MAGS FRUITFUL 487M HUNTS HI-LITER 245G LOGAN’S CHEERLEADER 280G CARROUSELS PURE POWER MAGS MARQUEE TGBC Swizzle is one of the great daughters of JCL Lodestar in the industry. The embryos by EF Xcessive Force and MAGS Winston are representative of the breed’s absolute best. These embryos offer unlimited potential for the most progressive breeders wanting to be on the leading edge. These embryos can hold the key to major progress available in the industry. KK SEEDSTOCK CONSULTANTS SPECIALIZED SALES 2300 Monument Ave., Richmond, VA 23220 Keith Kissee • Cell: 817-821-6263 Ph: 804/353-2220 • Fax: 804/353-2221 2016 KENTUCKY FARM BUREAU BEEF EXPO SCHEDULE BREED SHOWS BREED SALES ANGUS ................................................................................ Friday, February 19, 10:00 a.m. ......................................................... Saturday, February 20, 12:00 p.m. BEEFALO............................................................................... Friday, February 19, 2:30 p.m. ............................................................ Saturday, February 20, 9:30 a.m. CHAROLAIS........................................................................ Saturday, February 20, 12:00 p.m. ......................................................... Saturday, February 20, 4:00 p.m. GELBVIEH ............................................................................. Friday, February 19, 1:00 p.m. .......................................................... Saturday, February 20, 11:30 a.m. LIMOUSIN ......................................................................... Saturday, February 20, 10:00 a.m. ......................................................... Saturday, February 20, 3:30 p.m. HEREFORD............................................................................ Friday, February 19, 1:00 p.m. ............................................................ Saturday, February 20, 1:00 p.m. RED ANGUS ......................................................................... Friday, February 19, 10:00 a.m. ......................................................... Saturday, February 20, 10:00 a.m. RED POLL ............................................................................. Friday, February 19, 4:00 p.m. ............................................................ Saturday, February 20, 9:30 a.m. SHORTHORN ...................................................................... Saturday, February 20, 10:00 a.m. ......................................................... Saturday, February 20, 1:00 p.m. SIMMENTAL .......................................................................... Friday, February 19, 4:00 p.m. ......................................................... Saturday, February 20, 11:00 a.m. PEN HEIFERS ........................................................................ Friday, February 19, 2:00 p.m. ............................................................ Saturday, February 20, 2:00 p.m. Don’t Miss These Other Expo Events! Junior Heifer, Steer and Market Heifer Jackpot Shows Trade Show & Youth Judging Contest MAJOR CO-SPONSORS: Kentucky Farm Bureau and the Kentucky Department of Agriculture, Ryan Quarles, Commissioner Additional information: