Recent developments in superhydrophobic surfaces and their
Recent developments in superhydrophobic surfaces and their
Biofouling, 2006; 22(5): 339 – 360 Recent developments in superhydrophobic surfaces and their relevance to marine fouling: a review JAN GENZER & KIRILL EFIMENKO Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA (Received 12 May 2006; accepted 22 August 2006) Abstract In this review, a brief synopsis of superhydrophobicity (i.e. extreme non-wettability) and its implications on marine fouling are presented. A short overview of wettability and recent experimental developments aimed at fabricating superhydrophobic surfaces by tailoring their chemical nature and physical appearance (i.e. substratum texture) are reviewed. The formation of responsive/‘‘smart’’ surfaces, which adjust their physico-chemical properties to variations in some outside physical stimulus, including light, temperature, electric field, or solvent, is also described. Finally, implications of tailoring the surface chemistry, texture, and responsiveness of surfaces on the design of effective marine fouling coatings are considered and discussed. Keywords: Marine fouling, wettability, superhydrophobic surfaces, responsive/‘‘smart’’ surfaces, amphiphilic surfaces Introduction Questions frequently asked are ‘‘why is it so difficult to design an antifouling (AF) surface’’ and ‘‘why cannot the design of an ‘optimal’ AF surface be based on what is already know about wettability?’’ This is because there the various surface-modification methods capable of fabricating both non-stick and very sticky surfaces are well-known. For instance, it is known that frying pans have to be coated with Teflon in order to make them non-stick. Gortex (a specific version of a Teflon-like material) raincoats protect the wearer during rainy days. The opposite of wettability, namely very wettable surfaces, is also well known. For example, before painting a house, a primer is typically applied, which enables facile application of the final coating layer. In their quest to develop effective AF coatings, researchers soon realised that much more was required than applying a high quality layer of Teflon. Initial insight into this complex issue can be seen by surveying the partition of proteins at surfaces (Norde, 1996; Latour, 2004 and references therein). Being composed of hydrophobic cores and hydrophilic coronas, proteins typically partition relatively readily on both hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces. The quantity of adsorbed protein is regulated by the conditions of the surrounding solution; it is highest close to the protein’s isoelectric point, where charges from neighboring proteins are effectively eliminated. Proteins can physisorb on hydrophilic surfaces via attachment of their coronas to the substratum. When in contact with hydrophobic materials, proteins can ‘‘open up’’ and place their hydrophobic segments directly on the surface. The latter phenomenon leads typically to protein denaturation, i.e. adsorption into some irreversible conformational state, from which proteins cannot recover readily. This simple example illustrates that wettability itself, at least at its very extremes, cannot aid the design of an efficient protein-repellent surface. Indeed, it has now been appreciated that it may not be wettability itself, but rather the structure of water molecules near the substratum, which may help in the design of protein-resistant surfaces. Ethylene glycol-based surfaces represent examples of such materials (Mrksich & Whitesides, 1996). They can effectively bind water molecules and prevent intervening proteins from replacing them, hence making them protein adsorption-resistant. When extending this simple example (the emphasis being on ‘‘relatively simple’’ as many outstanding issues still remain in designing effective proteinresistant surfaces) to more complex cases involving Correspondence: Jan Genzer, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-7905, USA. E-mail: ISSN 0892-7014 print/ISSN 1029-2454 online Ó 2006 Taylor & Francis DOI: 10.1080/08927010600980223 340 J. Genzer & K. Efimenko biomaterial adsorption, the complexity of the problem can be immediately appreciated. One of the issues is the fact that almost any biomass is made of hydrophobic, hydrophilic, and charged components. Moreover, these bio-moieties are adaptable (or ‘‘smart’’); they can adjust their state to the adsorbing medium very rapidly and efficiently. This, obviously, makes the task of designing an efficient AF surface very challenging. In order to conceive an optimal foul resistant surface, the driving forces that govern the partition of biomass on man-made surfaces first have to be identified and controlled. Wettability is a key parameter that needs to be tailored. As will be discussed below, wettability is intimately related to both chemical constitution and the physical topology of surfaces. There are many examples in nature, some of which are discussed below, where wettability due to ‘‘chemistry’’ is fine-tuned by additional topology effects. Another important issue in creating effective functional AF surfaces is the ability of surfaces to change their appearance in response to some external trigger. The ability of surfaces to respond to variations in outside stimuli will depend crucially on how fast reconstruction events take place on those surfaces. Clearly, a very complex set of issues involving various molecular phenomena, which are mutually intermingled, are involved (Anderson et al. 2003). The authors are not proposing to solve the lasting problem of biofouling in this paper. Instead, the review will highlight recent experimental developments aimed at understanding wettability of materials. Particular emphasis will be on non-wettable surfaces as they provide informative insight about how the structure of the surface influences the partitioning of the liquid phase. The experimental findings will be put in the context of recent theoretical models. Some recent case studies will also be reviewed, which are aimed at designing so-called responsive/‘‘smart’’ surfaces, structures that change their characteristics as a result of some external stimulus, such as light, temperature or wettability. Finally, some outstanding issues relevant to the rational design of an effective AF surface will be outlined. Wettability ‘‘101’’ Since many excellent reviews dedicated to this topic have appeared recently (Feng et al. 2002; Blossey, 2003; Callies & Quéré, 2005; Sun et al. 2005a; Marmur, 2006a; 2006b; 2006c) only a brief account of some of the outstanding phenomena in the field will be discussed. Wettability represents a fundamental property of any material; it reveals information about the chemical structure of the material and its surface topology. However, as will be discussed below, decoupling these two effects is not always straightforward (and in some instances nearly impossible) to do. More than 200 years ago, the English physician Thomas Young, identified in a recent biography as ‘‘the last man who knew everything’’ (Robinson, 2006), described the forces acting on a liquid droplet spreading on a surface (cf. Figure 1a). The so-called contact angle (y) of the drop is related to the interfacial energies acting between the solid-liquid (gSL), solid-vapor (gSV) and liquid-vapor (gLV) interfaces via: cos ðyÞ ¼ gSV gSL gLV ð1Þ The expression given by Equation 1 is a clear oversimplification of the real situation as it is strictly valid only for surfaces that are atomically smooth, chemically homogeneous, and those that do not change their characteristics due to interactions of the probing liquid with the substratum, or any other outside force. Any real surface exhibits two contact angles, so-called advancing (yADV) and receding (yREC) contact angle. The difference between them, referred to commonly as the contact angle hysteresis (CAH), is a measure of the surface ‘‘non-ideality’’ (Gao & McCarthy, 2006c). As will be discussed below, the CAH is intimately related to the adhesion of materials on surfaces. Depending on the value of y, as measured by water, so-called hydrophilic (y 5 908) surfaces can be distinguished from hydrophobic (y 4 908) surfaces. Extremes to those two categories are superhydrophilic and superhydrophobic surfaces. The latter category is particularly interesting as it characterises surfaces that are nearly completely nonwettable (typically taken as y 4 1508). Depending on the level of surface roughness two different regimes can be distinguished. In the so-called Wenzel regime (Wenzel, 1936; cf. Figure 1b), the liquid wets the surface, but the measured contact angle (y*) differs from the ‘‘true’’ contact angle (y): cos ðy Þ ¼ R cos ðyÞ ¼ R gSV gSL : gLV ð2Þ In Equation 2, R is the ratio between the actual surface area of the rough surface and the projected (apparent) area. A close inspection of the expression given by Equation 2 reveals that in this wettability regime, roughness promotes either wettability (y 5 908) or non-wettability (y 4 908), depending on the chemical nature of the substratum. When the surface is made of small protrusions, which cannot be filled by the liquid and are thus filled with air, the Superhydrophobicity and marine fouling 341 Figure 1. Liquid droplet spreading on a flat substratum (a) and rough substrata (b) and (c). Depending on the roughness of the substratum, the droplet is either in the so-called Wenzel regime (b) or the Cassie-Baxter (c) regime. wettability enters the so-called Cassie-Baxter regime (Cassie & Baxter, 1944) (cf. Figure 1c): cos ðy Þ ¼ 1 þ fs ½cos ðyÞ þ 1 gSV gSL þ1 : ¼ 1 þ fs gLV ð3Þ In Equation 3, fS is the fraction of the surface that is in contact with the liquid; the remaining fraction (1 7 fS) is in contact with air. Note that Equation 3 only applies to cases where the liquid touches just the top of the surface. If partial penetration of the grooves occurs, a more complex version of Equation 3 is required. Because the pores are filled with air, which is hydrophobic, the contact angle always increases, relative to the behavior seen on a flat substrate having an identical chemical composition. Hence surface topography may have a very profound effect on material wettability. Wettability on physically smooth surfaces Before discussing the roughness effect on wettability, it is appropriate to return to flat surfaces and consider how the information about surface wettability can be used to evaluate surface energies of materials by using Equation 1. While the surface tension of the probing liquid (gLV) is known, information about the interaction energy at the interface between the substratum and the probing liquid (gSL) is typically not available. In situations like this, measurements using several probing liquids are usually performed, which invoke one of a few approximations, such as the geometric mean approximation (GMA). For a two-liquid case (L1 and L2), the corresponding expressions read: cos ðyL1 Þ gdL1V þ gpL2V j 1=2 p 1=2 k ¼ 2 gdL1V gdSV þ gL1V gpSV ; ð4Þ cos ðyL2 Þ gdL2V þ gpL2V j 1=2 p 1=2 k ¼ 2 gdL2V gdSV þ gL2V gpSV : ð5Þ In Equations 4 and 5, gd and gp denote the dispersive and polar components of the surface energy, respectively. Figure 2 demonstrates the applicability of the GMA approach in determining the surface energy of a substratum made by co-depositing carboxy- and methyl-terminated alkanetiols onto a gold-coated substratum. The composition of the resulting self-assembled monolayer (SAM) on gold is adjusted by varying the relative amount of each component in the deposition solution. By measuring the advancing contact angles using deionised water and diiodomethane (cf. Figure 2a) and invoking the GMA, the surface energy of the SAM as a function of the composition could be evaluated (cf. Figure 2b). It has to be noted that the assumptions behind the GMA are valid primarily for hydrophobic surfaces; the surface energies corresponding to the SAMs having a large content of the hydrophilic component represent only crude approximations. An additional limitation is that advancing contact angles are used (instead of ‘‘true’’ contact angles) in evaluating the surface energy; this is primarily because of lack of sufficient information. In spite of these limitations, the GMA provides useful insight into the surface energetic of materials. For instance, by exploring the data in the inset to Figure 2b, it can be seen that while the value of the dispersive component of the surface energy remains roughly constant, the polar component contribution increases steadily with increasing the content of the carboxy-terminated alkanethiol in the SAM. The GMA is not the only equation of state used to characterise the surface energies of materials. For instance, Kwok and Neumann derived an expression relating the contact angle of a solid to gSV and gLV via (Kwok & Neumann, 2000): 1=2 2 g ebðg1V gSV Þ ; ð6Þ cos ðyÞ ¼ 1 þ 2 SV gLV where ¼ 0.0001246 m2 mJ71 is a constant that has been shown to describe the behavior of a large variety of materials. Simultaneous co-deposition of two interfacial modifiers onto substrata, such as those discussed in the preceding example, typically leads to surfaces 342 J. Genzer & K. Efimenko Figure 2. (a) Advancing contact angle of water (circles) and diiodomethane (squares) measured on self-assembled monolayer (SAM) made of HS(CH2)15COOH (A) and HS(CH2)17CH3 (B) as a function of the concentration of A in A/B solution. (b) The surface energy of the SAM as a function of the concentration of A in A/B solution evaluated from the data given in (a) using the geometric mean approximation. The inset to (b) depicts the dispersive and polar components of the surface energy as a function of the concentration of A in A/B solution. The solution comprised 1 mM of the alkanethiols in tetrahydrofuran. whose contact angle (ymix) can be described by the classical Cassie-Baxter equation: cos ðymix Þ ¼ f1 cos ðy1 Þ þ f2 cos ðy2 Þ; ð7Þ where f1 and f2 (¼17f1) are the fractions of the surface having contact angles y1 and y2, respectively. The assumption behind Equation 7 is that mixing two chemically distinct moieties leads to homogeneous surfaces with no in-plane phase separation. There are instances, however, which require surfaces with chemically distinct regions (and hence wettabilities) having well-defined spatial dimensions and distributions present simultaneously on the same sample. Over the past few years several methodologies have been developed that facilitate the formation of substrata comprising various wettablity patterns with lateral dimensions ranging from hundreds of nanometers to several micrometers. Among the most widely-practiced techniques are those, which are based on so-called ‘‘Soft lithography’’ (Xia & Whitesides, 1998a; 1998b; Xia et al. 1999; Whitesides & Love, 2001 and references therein). Applications which utilise such chemically patterned substrata range from open-air microfluidic channels (Gau et al. 1999; Gao & McCarthy, 2006b) to mimicking functions of biological species, such as the Namib Desert Beetle (Zhai et al. 2006 and references therein). Finally, for some other applications, it is desirable that wettability changes gradually and continuously across the substratum. This can be accomplished by producing surfaces with a positiondependent and gradually varying chemistry (Ruardy et al. 1997; Genzer 2002; 2005, and references therein; Genzer et al. 2003). Such wettability gradients have been successfully used to direct motion of liquid drops (Chaudhury & Whitesides, 1992), create gradient nanoparticle assemblies (Bhat et al. 2002), and serve as templates for polymerisation (Wu et al. 2002; Bhat et al. 2006a, and references therein; 2006b, and references therein). The previous examples illustrate that surface wettability can be tuned by judiciously choosing the chemical nature of surfaces and the spatial distribution of various chemistries used. Non-wettable surfaces will be made typically by close-packing molecules that possess relatively low surface energies. The moieties of interest include primarily methylated and fluorinated carbons, whose surface energy decreases in the following manner: 7CH2 4 CH34 CF2 4CF2H 4 CF3. Hence flat surfaces with the lowest surface energy should be created by close-packing trifluoromethyl groups. Hare et al. (1954) predicted that such surfaces should have a surface energy of 6.0 mJ m72. Nishino and coworkers recently reported on creating surfaces comprising hexagonally packed 7CF3 groups via vapor phase epitaxial growth (Nishino et al. 1999). They reported contact angles of 1198 corresponding to the surface energy of 6.7 mJ m72. Many other strategies for creating hydrophobic surfaces containing fluorinated moieties exist and some of these have been reviewed recently (Nakajima et al. 2001). The wettability of surfaces depends crucially not only on the chemical composition of the chemical modifiers but also on their packing on the surface. Typical SAMs possess a variety of structural defects; hence, achieving close-packing over large surface areas is very difficult. Genzer and Efimenko (2000) showed that this limitation can be removed by depositing those modifiers onto flexible substrata and deforming the substrata mechanically. This can be achieved by stretching the substratum, depositing the molecules, for instance, in the form of reactive organosilanes, and releasing the strain from the Superhydrophobicity and marine fouling substratum. A schematic illustrating the procedure is depicted in Figure 3. In their paper, Genzer and Efimenko (2000) demonstrated that by assembling fluorinated organosilanes the wettability of the resulting surfaces reached values as high as y 1308 for water. The aforementioned examples reveal that there is an upper limit of non-wettability that can be achieved on flat substrata (y 1308). In order to increase the substratum non-wettability beyond this limit, a trick has to be resorted to, based on combining the ‘‘chemical wettability’’ with the effect of the substratum topography, which has a very profound effect on liquid spreading on such surfaces, as discussed earlier. The next section will demonstrate that surfaces with water contact angle 41708 can be generated by including surface roughness into the picture. Wettability on physically rough surfaces Nature offers a diverse wealth of inspiration not only for artists, but also for scientists and engineers. The beauty of plants and animals is clearly associated not only with their visual appearance but also with their functionality. In many instances the desired functionality is achieved by tailoring the chemistry and texture on both living and non-living objects. Take, for instance, the moth’s eye (cf. Figure 4a). Its unique structure comprising hexagonally organised microscopic pillars, each 200 nm in height, facilitates very low reflectance for visible light. As a result, the eye works like a ‘‘black hole’’, i.e. it absorbs almost all light arriving from nearly any direction. It may thus be considered as a perfect antireflective structure. Another example involves one of many kinds of colourful butterflies (cf. Figure 4b) where not and all colouring of the wings stems from pigments. While red and yellow colors typically result from some color pigments, blue and green shades originate primarily from light scattered off the rather complex hierarchically organised scales. Hence, it is the combination of coloring pigments and the sizes and spatial arrangement of the scales (and their ribs), which endow butterflies with their inherent visual beauty and also hidden functionality. Reptiles will now be considered briefly. Geckos can climb steep smooth walls and ceilings very swiftly. This ability stems from the unique structure of their feet, which are made of hundreds of thousands of hairs (‘‘setae’’) decorated with hundreds of submicron-sized pads (‘‘spatelae’’) positioned at each seta tip (cf. Figure 4c). The feet adhere to the walls via simple van der Waals forces under a vacuum; the fast locomotion of geckos is facilitated by the special design of their feet, making them stick rapidly to a surface and releasing their grasp in a fraction of a second (Autumn, 2006). 343 In the previous example, a situation was considered where roughness can promote adhesion. Yet, there are numerous design examples in nature that facilitate quite the opposite and which are clearly more relevant to the topic of this review. For instance, the skin of many kinds of fish or reptiles appears to be clean of any contamination. Many insects also benefit from the design of their wings and legs that make them non-wettable. Using this phenomenon it is possible to explain why water striders can stroll on water (cf. Figure 4d). The unique hierarchical structure of their microsetae along with hydrophobicity (fraction of air ¼ 97%) can support the weight of the insect; a single leg can support 152 dynes (¼ 1.52 milli-Newtons), which is 15-times the entire water strider’s body weight. Lastly, what is perhaps the most well-known example of water repellency in nature, namely the leaves of certain plants, will be considered (Neinhuis & Barthlott, 1997). Plants are quite diverse in their wettability characteristics. Hence, while floating leaves are wax-free and wettable, leaves emerging from the water surface (or growing on land) are water-repellent. Plants are capable (at least partially) of regenerating destroyed waxes due, for example, to rain or mechanical abrasion. But it may take days for this to happen, so the question arises: Why is water repellency so important to these plants? One of the most important reasons for the existence of water repellent surfaces is that it provides protection against pathogens supplied by free water, such as bacteria or fungal spores. Therefore water removal minimises the chances of infection. In addition, dust particle removal from leaf surfaces minimises the changes of, for example, the plant overheating or salt injury. One of the most studied examples involves the lotus leaf (Nelumbo nucifeara). Its water repellency (y 4 1508) stems from a unique surface texture, which comprises convex microstructures (papillose epidermal cells) immersed in a sea of a dense layer of epicuticular waxes. As in other water-repellent plants, contaminating particles are carried away from the surface of the lotus leaf by water droplets (cf. Figure 5). In order for this cleaning procedure to take place, the adhesion of dirt particulates to the surface of the leaf has to be smaller than that to the traversing water droplet. While this phenomenon of self-cleaning, termed the Lotus effect, has been the subject of considerable scientific interest over the past two decades, it represents nothing new to many Asian cultures, which have been aware of it for centuries and for this reason considered the lotus leaf as a symbol of purity. The few case studies from flora and fauna discussed above provide examples of the role surface texture plays in affecting the wettability of materials. They demonstrate how important roughness is for 344 J. Genzer & K. Efimenko Figure 3. (a) Schematic illustrating the technological steps leading to the production of mechanically assembled monolayers (MAMs). A pristine poly(dimethyl siloxane) (PDMS) network is cast into thin ( 0.5 mm) films and subsequently stretched. The stretched substratum is then exposed to a UV/ozone beam to produce the surface hydrophilic 7OH groups. The chlorosilane molecules are deposited from the vapour phase on this stretched substratum and form an organised assembled monolayer. Finally, the strain is released from the modified PDMS substratum, which returns to its original size, causing the grafted molecules to form a densely packed MAM. The lower panel shows photographs of a water droplet spreading on each of the substrata. (b) Schematic representation of molecular packing in SAMs (upper) and MAMs. (c) Water droplet spreading on top of PDMS covered with SAMs made of fluorinated chlorosilanes (left) and MAMs packing the same chemical moieties (right). Figure 4. (a) SEM image of a moth’s eye (reproduced with permission from Syncroscopy). (b) Butterfly wings are composed of hundreds of thousands of scales with complex hierarchical structures. The scale details are shown with different levels of magnification (reproduced with permission from Professor Tina Carvalho). (c) Details of a gecko’s feet (reproduced with permission from Professor Kellar Autumn). (d) Water strider (Gerris remigis) walking on the surface of a lake (reproduced with permission from Andy Purviance). (e) Close-up of a lotus leaf (Nelumbo nucifeara), an example of a super-hydrophobic plant. The roughness of the leaf surface results from the coexistence of micronsized bumps and nanoscale hair-like structures (reproduced with permission from Professor Wilhelm Bartholott). tailoring the wettability/non-wettability of materials and hence provides inspiration to scientists and engineers in their quest for designing artificial non-wettable surfaces. Earlier in the text the two existing theories of wettability on physically rough surfaces were discussed. Numerous scientific papers Superhydrophobicity and marine fouling 345 Figure 5. (a) Water droplet rolling on a lotus leaf (reproduced with permission from Zoltan G. Levay). (b) Drop of water rolling off a dirty tissue with the lotus effect. As the drops fall, the dirt is washed off (reproduced with permission from ITV Denkendorf, Germany). (c) and (d) Schematic depicting the motion of a liquid droplet on an inclined substratum covered with ‘‘dirt’’. When moving on a flat substratum, where the adhesion between the ‘‘dirt’’ particles and the substratum is high, the droplet passes through. A different situation occurs on a substratum that is topographically decorated, where the ‘‘dirt’’ particles have difficulty adhering to it. As the liquid droplet rolls off the substratum it picks up the ‘‘dirt’’ particles and hence cleans the substratum. have been dedicated to this interesting and important topic. About a decade ago, scientists from the Kao Corporation in Japan demonstrated that complete control over wettability (from super-wettable to completely non-wettable) can be achieved by adjusting the fractal dimension of their substrata made of alkylketene dimers (Onda et al. 1996; Shibuichi et al. 1996). Of particular interest is to understand which regime describes most accurately liquid wetting in the non-wettability regime. Yoshimitsu et al. (2002) studied water wettability on surfaces comprising pillars with different aspect ratios decorated with a thin layer of a semifluorinated surfactant. By varying the aspect ratio of the pillars, Yoshimitsu et al. were able to tailor the surface area of the pillars and hence the parameter R, defined earlier in Equation 2. They discovered that at low aspect ratios the wettability could be described by the Wenzel model; with increasing R there was a transition from the Wenzel to Cassie wettabilities. He et al. (2003), Patankar (2003) and Marmur (2003; 2004) provided independently, theoretical insight into understanding wettability on such surfaces by assuming an array of pillars with height h and surface made of squares, each having a side length a and spaced at a distance of from one another b. By evaluating the wettability using the Wenzel and Cassie models, they established the conditions for the existence of the Wenzel and Cassie regimes in terms of a, b, and h. These studies revealed that in order to achieve non-wettable surfaces (Cassie regime), it is necessary to construct a surface from slender and sparsely spaced pillars (minimal a/H, maximal b/a). The wettability in the Wenzel and Cassie regimes was studied in detail by Bico et al. (1999; 2001), Quéré et al. (2003), Lafuma and Quéré (2003) and Callies and Quéré (2005). They showed that there is a critical value of fS, the fraction of the surface that is in contact with the liquid, below which the Cassie regime exists and above which the Wenzel regime is thermodynamically more stable. The corresponding transition occurs at a certain critical wetting angle (yc) defined by: cos ðyc Þ ¼ fs 1 : R fs ð8Þ Hence at contact angles larger than yc air pockets should be present beneath the drop, which, in turn, exists in the Cassie regime. Quéré and coworkers also discussed the stability/metastability of the two regimes. They showed that metastable Cassie drops may form on surfaces, which thermodynamically prefer the Wenzel regime. The metastability was demonstrated in several ways. For instance, by applying small pressure on the metastable Cassie droplet, the droplet slipped to the stable Wenzel regime (cf. Figure 6c). Similarly, a Cassie droplet receded into a Wenzel droplet by allowing a small amount of the liquid to evaporate (cf. Figure 6d). Finally, Quéré and coworkers showed that the state of the droplet depended on the amount of liquid 346 J. Genzer & K. Efimenko Figure 6. (a) Shapes of 1 mg water droplets spreading on pillar structures with varying roughness factor (R). The corresponding contact angles (y*) and roughness factors (R) are: (from left to right): 1148/1.0, 1388/1.1, 1558/1.2, 1518/2.0, and 1538/3.1 (reproduced with permission from Yoshimitsu et al. 2002). (b) A diagram depicting the transition between the Cassie and Wenzel wetting regimes; the dividing factor between the two regimes is the fraction of the surface that remains in contact with the liquid (fS), which defines the ‘‘critical’’ contact angle, yc. (redrawn from Lafuma & Quéré, 2003). (c) and (e) Water droplet deposited on a surface in Cassie (left drop) and Wenzel (right drop) regimes. The transition from the Cassie to Wenzel regimes is induced by: (c) applying a small pressure, (d) evaporating some liquid, and (e) adjusting the volume of the drop (reproduced with permission from Callies & Quéré, 2005). (cf. Figure 6e) as well as the means of depositing the liquid on the surface. For instance, when the liquid was deposited on the surface at once, it formed a Cassie-like droplet. In contrast, when the liquid was delivered in the form of a mist, it wetted the surface instantly as a Wenzel droplet. A particularly appealing demonstration of generating superhydrophobic surfaces was presented in a series of papers by Li et al. (2001; 2002) and Feng et al. (2003) (cf. Figure 7). Surfaces decorated with vertically standing carbon nanotubes (CNTs) exhibited very high water contact angles. Furthermore, fluorinating the CNTs led to surfaces having contact angles 41708. Theses workers also established that surfaces comprising sparsely spaced polyacrylonitrile needles possessed contact angles 41738. These studies confirmed the predictions of the wettability theories in that they demonstrated that nonwettability can be achieved by: (i) decreasing the area of the substrate that is in contact with the liquid, and (ii) by hydrophobicizing the substratum by fluorination. In the recent literature there are other examples of creating superhydrophobic surfaces that rely on manipulating the texture of the solid. These involve fluorinating plasma-modified polyethylene terephthalate plastic sheets (Teshima et al. 2003), creating surface clusters via deposition gold on of structured polyelectrolyte multilayers (Zhang et al. 2004), fabricating surfaces from plastic micro-sized fibers (Jiang et al. 2004), solvent casting poly(methyl methacrylate)/fluorinated polyurethane films (Xie et al. 2004), or templating engineering plastics, such as polycarbonate (Guo et al. 2004) or poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (Feng et al. 2004). Non-wettability can be pushed to its limit as discussed a very recent report by Gao and McCarthy (2006e), in which an extreme Cassie regime was documented by reporting yADV ¼ yREC ¼ 1808. A very appealing method of creating efficient superhydrophobic surfaces has been developed by Erbil et al. (2003), who showed that gel-like porous coatings with water contact angles as high as 1608 can be fabricated from cheap polypropylene plastics by tailoring the type of solvent and the deposition temperature, which, in turn, govern the roughness of the resultant coating. An issue closely related to the wetting regime involves adhesion between the liquid and the substratum. While in the Cassie regime, the adhesion is small and the drop can easily be separated from the substratum, Wenzel droplets adhere to the substratum more strongly. A first glimpse at this behaviour can be obtained by exploring the contact angle hysteresis (CAH). CAH is high for the Wenzel regime and low for the Cassie regime, as demonstrated experimentally by Bico et al. (1999). Surfaces with Superhydrophobicity and marine fouling 347 Figure 7. (a) Cross-sectional view of aligned carbon nanotubes (CNT) on surfaces. (b) Water droplet on CNT surface. (c) Water droplet on fluorinated CNT surface (reproduced with permission from Li et al. 2001). (d) Cross-sectional view of aligned polyacrylonitrile (PAN) nanofibers on surfaces. (e) Water droplet resting on the PAN nanofiber surface (reproduced with permission from Li et al. 2002). different topographies may have the same area at the solid/air interface but a different so-called contact line (cf. Figure 8a and 8b) and hence a different contribution of the so-called line tension (Buehrle et al. 2002; de Gennes et al. 2003). This phenomenon is not captured by either the Cassie or Wenzel wettability laws. Substrata that have continuous contact with the liquid may enter one of many metastable states and hence contribute to a lower receding contact angle. In contrast, surfaces made of isolated posts do not provide continuous contact between the liquid and the substratum; the wettability on such surfaces would be much closer to the ‘‘true’’ thermodynamic state characterised by yADV ¼ yREC. One way to examine the adhesion of the liquid to the substratum is to evaluate to so-called roll-off (or sliding) angle, a (Chen et al. 1999): m g sin ðaÞ gLV ½cos ðyREC Þ cos ðyADV Þ; rdrop ð9Þ where rdrop is the radius of the drop. The roll-off angle can be evaluated (very approximately) by equating the gravitational force acting on a droplet on an include place to the adhesion, which is assumed to be roughly proportional to the difference between cosines of the receding and advancing contact angle (cf. Equation 9 and Figure 8c). While recent theoretical study discussed that the use of advancing and receding contact angles in Equation 9 may not be applicable (Krasovitski & Marmur, 2005), this expression is still used as a good starting point for discussion. In order to fully appreciate the effect of the CAH on adhesion, in Figure 8d estimates are provided of the roll-off angle for a water drop having a volume of 30 ml as a function of the cosines of the advancing and receding contact angles. This result illustrates that increasing the difference between the advancing and receding contact angle raises the roll-off angle, which, in turn, increases the adhesion between the liquid and the substratum. This CAH-induced adhesion is a very commonplace phenomenon. For instance, during a rainy day some water droplets remain frequently deposited on the window. The explanation is that even though the glass is positioned vertically (i.e. its sliding angle is 908), it is the contact angle hysteresis (yREC yADV), probably caused by impurities in or on the glass (e.g. dust particles) or local physical heterogeneities, which causes small water droplets to adhere effectively to the window surface. The question may also be asked, how does the spatial distribution of the texture motif affect the ability of the drop to roll off the substratum. Again, nature helps answer this question. For instance, grass leaves are not very smooth, typically containing lines of protuberances (veins), which enable the drops of water to slide down to the ground more easily (cf. Figure 9a and 9b). Several research groups have attempted to mimic this by creating surfaces that possess spatially anisotropic wettability (cf. Figure 9c and 9d). In particular, Yoshimitsu et al. (2002) 348 J. Genzer & K. Efimenko Figure 8. (a) Schematic representation depicting liquid spreading on two surfaces having the same fraction of the solid phase (honeycomb and pillar shapes) but very different contact lines. (b) Optical micrograph of a contact line measured on a substratum covered with honeycomb-like barriers (reproduced with permission from Öner & McCarthy, 2000). (c) Schematic depicting the shape of liquid drops on hydrophobic (left panel) and hydrophilic (right panel) substrata before (upper panel) and after (bottom panel) tilting. (d) Roll-off angle as a function of the advancing and receding contact angles (yADV and yREC, respectively) calculated for a droplet having 30 ml volume. provided evidence that on substrata comprising lines of pillars, water runs off more easily when moving in the direction parallel to the pillars, relative to the orthogonal direction. Physical roughness effects considered thus far involve primarily one dominant length scale. Yet, there are instances, where multiple length scales of roughness are present and act in concert. Returning to the example of the lotus leaf, a close examination of the surface of the plant reveals multiple length scales of roughness ranging from nano- to micrometers. In a recent publication, Cheng et al. (2006) addressed the role of the multiple roughness features on the water repellency of the Lotus leaf and showed that scales of both lengths are important for the Lotus leaf effect to be efficient. By baking away the nanosised hairs on the leaf, Cheng and coworkers showed that the inherent ability of the Lotus leaf to self-clean was substantially reduced. The importance of multiple length scales in the ability to repel water from lotus leaf-like structures has very recently been confirmed by Gao and McCarthy (2006a; 2006d). The effect of multiple roughness length scales on wettability is not a completely new phenomenon. Botanists have long been aware of this (Neinhuis & Barthlott, 1997) and even theoretical models discussing the effect of multiple levels of roughness on wettability have been presented (Herminghaus, 2000). It still remains to be seen what role the hairs in certain plants play. Is it just the combination of multiple roughness levels that affects plant wettabilities, or, as recently proposed (Otten & Herminghaus, 2004), does the elasticity of the hairs play also some role in keeping plants clean? The exact answers to such questions are not yet known. While some methodologies exist that facilitate the creation of surfaces with complex multiscale roughness (Efimenko et al. 2005), tailoring the roughness features independently on all length scales in order to achieve the best desired effect is still in its infancy. Hence one possible way to make an efficient superhydrophobic surface is to rely on nature to provide Superhydrophobicity and marine fouling 349 Figure 9. (a) Water drops sliding down grass (reproduced with permission from Saskia). SEM image of (b) a rice leaf (Oryza sativa) and (c) a surface made of aligned carbon nanotubes (reproduced with permission from Feng et al. 2002). (d) SEM micrographs of a one-dimensional groove structure (left) and pillar-like structure (right) with the same structural dimensions as the one-dimensional groove structure. Schematic illustration of the measurement direction for the groove structure (below). (e) Dependence of sliding angles on the weights of the water droplets in parallel direction (&, y ¼ 1358), orthogonal direction (~, y ¼ 1178) on the one-dimensional groove structure, and on the pillar-covered structure (., y ¼ 1398) (reproduced with permission from Yoshimitsu et al. 2002). effective templates, which can then be imprinted using standard molding technologies into almost any material (Fürstner et al. 2005; Sun et al. 2005b). Thus far, only surfaces whose wetting properties are fixed have been considered. In some situations, a material surface that behaves like a chameleon may be beneficial, i.e. it adjusts its surface characteristics in response to some external stimulus. Such surfaces are generally termed responsive (or ‘‘smart’’). Wettability on responsive surfaces A responsive/‘‘smart’’ surface changes its physicochemical surface characteristics in response to, for example, a chemical, electrical or mechanical external stimulus. A detailed discussion of this topic is outside the scope of this review, so the phenomenon will be illustrated by a few selected examples of changing wettability ‘‘on demand’’. A more comprehensive treatment can be found in recent reviews (Galaev & Mattiasson, 1999; Russell, 2002; Luzinov et al. 2004) and a monograph dedicated specifically to this topic (Minko, 2005). The first case involves wettability changes induced by light. An example is the well-studied lightinduced cis/trans isomerization of azobenzene. The ability to change wettability using azobenzene-based derivatives (specifically, calixresorcinarene modified with four azobenzene chains) in controlling wettability of materials was used by Ichimura et al. (2000) in creating real-time wettability spatial patterns on flat surfaces. By irradiating surfaces covered with self-assembled monolayers of the aforementioned moiety with ultraviolet (UV) light, the surfaces became wettable. By exposing the surface to blue light, the azobenzene flipped back to the trans conformation thus making the substratum less wettable. By asymmetrically irradiating the substratum with UV and blue light, a wettability gradient was generated that was capable of moving liquids along the substratum. However, the rather high contact angle hysteresis present in the system did not enable motion of polar liquids; only hydrophobic liquids, such as olive oil, were transported. Similar UV-induced wettability changes have been seen in oxides of certain transition metals, such as TiO2 and ZnO. Wang et al. (1997) reported that when 350 J. Genzer & K. Efimenko irradiated with UV light, the originally hydrophobic TiO2 turned hydrophilic. After removing the UV source, the initial hydrophobicity was recovered. This work was followed by other studies (Sun et al. 2001; Liu et al. 2004; Wu et al. 2005), which confirmed the same phenomenon also for ZnO. The mechanism behind this peculiar behaviour can be explained in terms of the effect of the UV light on the sub-surface structure of the oxide. UV illumination generates electrons, which travel to the surface and react with adsorbed oxygen molecules. Water molecules then coordinate readily into surface oxygen vacancies leading to dissociative adsorption of additional water molecules. Sun et al. (2001) reported that the rate at which the surface renders wettable increases with increasing UV power (cf. Figure 10). The process is completely reversible and the material becomes hydrophobic after removing the UV radiation. This phenomenon of UV-induced variation in surface structure of oxides has already been utilised in the fabrication of so-called ‘‘self-cleaning windows’’, manufactured by Pilkington (‘‘Activ glass’’) and PPG Industries (‘‘SunClean glass’’). In the presence of sunlight, nanometer-sized TiO2 particles, incorporated into the glass during the manufacturing process, act as photocatalysts and at the same time increase wettability. The photocatalytic process helps to break down organic material deposited on the surface and the increased wettability improves removal of the loosened particulates by water running down readily in waves. Temperature can also be used to regulate the wettability of materials. For example, when oil is poured into a frying pan and heated to a higher temperature, the oil forms less wetting droplets. This is relevant to a certain class of polymeric systems that exhibit a so-called lower critical solution temperature (LCST) behavior in aqueous solutions. At low temperatures the polymers are hydrophilic and dissolve readily in water. Upon raising the temperature, the polymer solubility decreases and finally at a certain temperature, called the critical temperature (TC), the polymers collapse and turn more hydrophobic. The temperature, at which this so-called coil-to-globule transition occurs, varies from polymer to polymer. Probably the most current studied system that exhibits this behavior is poly(N-isopropyl acylamide) (PNIPAAm) (Schild, 1992). The temperature-induced wettability variation has been confirmed by several groups on systems involving surface-grafted PNIPAAm. In a recent paper from the authors’ laboratory, some studies are summarised that demonstrate the coil-to-globule transition in surface-grafted PNIPAAm is affected by the presence of salt (Jhon et al. 2006). The latter effect may be particularly important when considering application of PNIPAAm-based smart coatings in salty waters (e.g. ocean waters). Several groups have combined the surface-responsiveness of PNIPAAm Figure 10. (Top panel) Water droplet spreading on top of ZnO surface before (left) and after (right) illumination with ultraviolet (UV) light. Bottom panel) Water contact angle on ZnO (left) and TiO2 (middle) surfaces as a function of the illumination time having different intensities (.: 0.1, : 2.0, and 4: 50 mW cm72) and the recovery to hydrophobicity for both surface as a function of time in the dark (right) (reproduced with permission from Sun et al. 2001). Superhydrophobicity and marine fouling with the ability of physically rough surfaces to magnify the wetting effects (cf. the Wenzel regime discussed earlier) in creating coatings capable of switching reversibly from superhydrophilic to superhydrophobic states (Fu et al. 2004; Sun et al. 2004a). As demonstrated by the data in Figure 11, the resultant surface can change wettability reversibly over extremely large range with almost no hysteresis (Sun et al. 2004a). An electric field represents another external force that can be used to alter the performance of surfaces. 351 Lahann et al. (2003) used an electric field for dynamical control of conformation of alkane molecules attached to solid supports. By applying a positive (or negative) potential on the substratum Lahann et al. (2003) were able to attract (or repel) the carboxylated terminus of the alkane molecules towards (or away from) the substratum, which, in turn, altered the alkane conformation from gauche to trans states casing variations in wettability. Based on the seminal work of Lippmann (1875) and Vallet et al. (1999) it is known that wettability of materials can be Figure 11. Thermally responsive wettability for a flat PNIPAAm-modified surface. (a) Change of water drop profile of PNIPAAm polymer brushes on flat substratum upon elevating the temperature from 258C (left, y ¼ 63.58) to 408C (right, y ¼ 93.28). (b) Diagram of reversible formation of intermolecular hydrogen bonding between PNIPAAm chains and water molecules (left) and intramolecular hydrogen bonding between C¼O and N H groups in PNIPAAm chains (right) below and above the LCST. (c) Wettability of PNIPAAm on rough surfaces having groove spacing D low temperature (~, 258C) and at high temperature (&, 408C). The groove spacing of ? represents flat substrata. (d) Water drop profile for thermally responsive switching between superhydrophilicity and superhydrophobicity of a PNIPAAm-modified rough surface with groove spacing of about 6 mm, at 258C and 408C (reproduced with permission from Sun et al. 2004a). 352 J. Genzer & K. Efimenko enhanced by applying an electric field between the liquid and the substratum. For example, Krupenkin et al. (2004) used electrowetting on rough surfaces to generate responsive surfaces capable of changing the wettability in real time from completely non-wettable to completely wettable using relatively small voltages. This work illustrates how by judiciously combining the interplay between the chemical wettability and the effect of substratum geometry the wettability of materials can be varied repetitively. Finally, a brief consideration of wettability-induced non-wetting. While in a typical case the presence of polar liquids, such as water, promotes the segregation of hydrophilic groups to material surfaces, as demonstrated by a series of papers (see e.g. Carey & Ferguson, 1996; Koberstein, 2004; Crowe & Genzer, 2005). Makal and Wynne (2005) designed a surface that becomes more hydrophobic when exposed to water. Their ‘‘contraphilic’’ material comprises a polyurethane block decorated with semifluorinated and 5,5-dimethyhydantoin groups. In the dry state, the inter- and intra-molecular hydrogen bond interactions dominate. However, exposing the material to water induces the amide-water hydrogen bonding, which, in turn, releases the semifluorinated groups that travel to the surface and render it hydrophobic. So, the presence of water can induce non-wettability; the surface is ‘‘smart’’ and ‘‘schizophrenic’’ at the same time. While it still remains to be seen how useful this type of coating is for the design of efficient AF surfaces, there are clearly many other applications in the area for example of microfluidic devices and switches. Implications to biofouling After considering a variety of effects influencing wettability of materials, it is appropriate to return to the original question: Can superhydrophobic surfaces reduce bioadhesion? The answer is not clear. Baier (e.g. 1970; 1972) published a series of papers, in which he indicated that the amount of bioadhesion does not correlate well with the surface energy of the substratum. He reported that there was a window in surface energies (20 – 30 mJ m72), within which adhesion was minimal. Substrata having surface energies below 20 and above 30 mJ m72 exhibited appreciable amounts of adsorbed biomass. Baier’s findings have been confirmed by other groups (see e.g. Dexter et al. 1975; Dexter, 1979; Schrader, 1982). There are some indications, however, that point to direct correlations between the surface chemistry and adhesivity of biomolecules. Absolom et al. (1983) conducted a series of experiments aimed at uncovering the thermodynamic driving forces governing the adsorption of bacteria on surfaces. They reported that adhesion of bacteria on solid substrata was dictated by the interplay between the surface energies of the three phases involved, namely, the surface energy of the bacteria, the surface energy of the substratum, and the surface tension of the suspending liquid. Absolom et al. (1983) stated that bacteria adsorbed readily to hydrophilic substrata when the bacterial surface energy was larger than that of the suspending liquid. In contrast, increasing the surface energy of the surrounding liquid beyond that of the bacteria caused the bacteria to adsorb preferentially onto hydrophobic surfaces. However, as pointed out by Fletcher and Pringle (1985), the situation is more complex. In particular, these authors stressed the importance of the liquid medium on attachment of bacteria to surfaces. Specifically, they argued that the actual interfacial energy contribution due to the liquid medium is greatly affected not only by the interaction of the liquid with the surface but also by the presence of any dissolved macromolecules which adsorb on surfaces, and surface active agents that themselves influence the surface tension of the liquid and hence the thermodynamics of adhesion. Whilst in general, adhesion of bacteria involves, at least in part, hydrophobic interactions (a water exclusion mechanism), additional interactions, such as van der Waals forces, hydrogen binding and electrostatic interactions may also mediate partitioning of bacteria on surfaces (Sorongon et al. 1991). Wiencek and Fletcher (1995) carried out a systematic study utilizing SAMs with a variable composition of hydroxy- and methyl-terminated alkanethiols on the adhesion of estuarine bacteria. They reported that the number of attached cells and the slowest cell detachment increased steadily with increasing substratum hydrophobicity (cf. Figure 12a). They also attempted to provide molecular insight into the relative effects of adsorption and desorption on net bacterial cell adhesion and concluded that desorption, rather than adsorption, determined the net number of attached cells at any given time. The study of Wiencek and Fletcher (1995) provided evidence that substratum wettability affects the number of cells that attached reversibly of irreversibly but it had no effect on the residence time required for development of irreversible adhesion. The observed decrease in cell detachment on more hydrophobic surfaces was attributed to the increased degree of irreversible adhesion on the SAM surfaces. Wiencek and Fletcher (1995) also speculated that water molecules preferentially attached to surfaces with a higher degree of hydrophilicity, which in turn acted as a barrier for irreversible adhesion of cells. As discussed later by Ista et al. (1996), the situation is quite complex and they reported on the adsorption of Cobetia marina (syn. Deleya marina) and Staphylococcus epidermis on SAMs made of Superhydrophobicity and marine fouling 353 Figure 12. (a) Number of cells attached to surfaces comprising mixed SAMs made of CH3 and OH terminated thiols. The number of cells attached after 2 h increases with increasing hydrophobicity of the substratum (reproduced with permission from Wiencek & Fletcher, 1995). Attachment of (b) Staphylococcus epidermis and (c) Deleya marina to SAMs formed from thiol-based SAMs with different terminal groups including CF3, CH3, (CH2 CH2 O)6, and COOH. While S. epidermis adsorbs primarily on the carboxy-terminated SAMs, D. marina attaches preferentially to the hydrophobic (trifluoromethyl- and methyl-terminated) SAMs (reproduced with permission from Ista et al. 1996). Attachment of (d) Cobetia marina and (e) Ulva linza zoospores to mixed SAMs made by co-depositing either CH3/ OH or CH3/ COOH terminated thiols. In both cases, the number of attached cells increases with increasing the substratum hydrophobicity. C. marina shows similar behavior on both types of surfaces, however, U. linza zoospores appear to respond differently to OH vs COOH termini present in the SAM (reproduced with permission from Ista et al. 2004). methyl-, carboxy-, and PEG-terminated moieties (cf. Figure 12b and 12c). Ista et al. (1996) observed that while the quantity of C. marina adsorbed was highest on the methylterminated SAMs, S. epidermis attached preferentially to carboxy-terminated SAMs. In both cases, no attachment was observed on PEG-terminated SAM surfaces. Substrata comprising mixed SAMs made of co-depositing methyl- and hydroxyl-terminated thiols have been tested against zoospores of the green macrofouling alga Ulva (syn. Enteromorpha) (Callow et al. 2000). Positive correlation between the number of spores that attached to the SAM surface and the substratum hydrophobicity was reported. Ista et al. (2004) also reported on an experiments aiming at systematically exploring the attachment of C. marina and Ulva linza to SAMs made by mixing alkanethiols with hydrophobic and different hydrophilic (hydroxylvs carboxyl-) tail groups. Whilst C. marina attached with an increased abundance to SAMs having a higher content of the hydrophobic (methyl-terminated) alkanethiol (cf. Figure 12d), attachment of Ulva spores was found to be more complex (cf. Figure 12e). Specifically, these researchers reported that while Ulva spores also attached in higher numbers on hydrophobic surfaces, the density of adhered zoospores on hydroxyl- vs. carboxyl- terminated surfaces was different, suggesting a direct effect between the physico-chemical properties of the surface and the glycoprotein adhesive secreted by the spores on settlement that facilitates adhesion to the surface (see Callow & Callow, 2006). Some work has also been done on exploring marine fouling on surfaces decorated with responsive materials. In particular, Ista and López (1998) and Ista et al. (1999) published a series of papers reporting on the utilisation of PNIPAAm in preventing biofouling. Ista et al. (1999) described experiments 354 J. Genzer & K. Efimenko aimed at studying the adsorption of C. marina (syn. Halomonas marina) on PNIPAAm surfaces. They observed that while the organism attached when the PNIPAAm-covered substrata were in their hydrophobic state (above its TC) it desorbed when PNIPAAm transitioned to a more hydrated state. Concurrently, C. marina was also seen to attach in great quantities to hydrophilic PNIPAAm (below its TC) but was removed when the opposite transition occurred. These observations imply that when C. marina attaches to a hydrophilic surface it does so in a different manner than it attaches to a more hydrophobic material. This means that different adhesion mechanisms are used under different environmental conditions and that a single organism may posses a variety of different adhesins. In addition to the correlations between substratum wettability and bioadhesion, there are indications that contact angle hysteresis (CAH) has some effect on biofouling. Working with perfluoroalkyl-containing acrylate coatings, Schmidt et al. (2004) confirmed that while the amount of biofouling did not correlate with the surface energies of the coatings (tuned by varying the composition of the coating), in agreement with the earlier observation of Baier they reported that the adhesive properties of the surface correlated with water CAH; coatings with the best release properties exhibited the lowest CAH. Does this result mean that rather than trying to make superhydrophobic surface efforts should be concentrated on designing strategies that would minimise the CAH? This question cannot be answered unambiguously at this time. Clearly, there are many issues that need to be resolved. Some interesting and inspiring ideas have been presented in recent works by Marmur (2006a; 2006c). The first strategy for solving the biofouling problem is based on utilising superhydrophobic surfaces for decreasing the contact area between the solid surface and water, thus minimising the chances of biofoulers reaching the surface. The second approach benefits from designing surfaces that prefer contact with water rather than biomass. Such superhydrophilic surfaces would then act as an analog to an ethylene glycol (EG)-based protein-resistant surface. While this latter strategy seems feasible, the actual sample design has not yet been worked out. Even the EG-based surface may not represent the most generic type of material capable of preventing protein adsorption. Indeed, recent work has revealed that EG may not be performing that well in all instances. Some proteins, such as lysozyme, are capable of displacing water molecules from the vicinity of EG coatings and adsorb rather readily (Lord et al. 2006a; 2006b). In spite of these shortcomings, correlations between foul-release properties of surfaces and their surface energy still exist. Brady (2001) and Brady and Singer (2000) found out that the relative bioadhesion of pseudobarnacles (a proxy for barnacles) on various polymeric surfaces is related to (gCE)1/2, where gC and E are the critical surface energy and the elastic modulus, respectively (cf. Figure 13). These researchers also pointed out the effect of coating thickness on adhesion. Adhesion appears to decrease with increasing coating thickness; coatings whose thickness was 4 100 mm did not exhibit any marked improvement in decreased bioadhesion. These findings thus suggest that the mechanical properties of materials may also affect the extent of bioadhesion, which is supported by recent work employing live barnacles (Sun et al. 2004a; Wendt et al. 2006) and ‘soft’ algal fouling (Chaudhury et al. 2005). The role of stiffness on bioadhesion is not completely new and has been known to cell biologists for some time (see e.g. Discher et al. 2005 and references therein). Experiments revealed that when cultured on solid substrata (e.g. tissue-culture polystyrene dishes), cells proliferate readily relative to situations involving more compliant materials. Whilst understanding of this behaviour is still far from complete, recent observations indicate that at least part of the reason for such behavior may be associated with the fact that cells may alter their biological functions (e.g. signaling pathways) based on the substratum stiffness (Kong et al. 2005). Hence surface chemistry and the mechanics of materials act in concert in regulating biological functions. While these findings are very exciting and important for developing novel genedelivery strategies, they also reinforce the aforementioned notion that partitioning of biological species at man-made surfaces very likely depends on much more than merely the surface energetic of materials. In addition to various chemical approaches, surface topography has also been shown to play a role in mechanical defense against macrofouling on a larger scale, which may be hindered by certain surface structures, e.g. spicules (Wahl, 1989). Callow et al. (2002), Hoipkemeier-Wilson et al. (2004), and Carman et al. (2006) demonstrated that engineered topographically corrugated surfaces are capable of reducing biofouling. The degree to which biofouling was reduced was found to depend on the dimensions of the geometrical protrusions as well as the chemistry of the surfaces. Detailed studies pertaining to examining the effect of surface topography on biofouling has also been reported by other groups (Bers & Wahl, 2004; Scardino & deNys, 2004; Scardino et al. 2006). While these studies demonstrated the antifouling potential of microtopographical surfaces, the underlying mechanism responsible for reduced fouling (i.e. settlement and attachment) still remains unclear. One conclusive implication of these studies is the fact that adhesion strength is Superhydrophobicity and marine fouling 355 Figure 13. (a) Schematic of the Baier curve indicating the surface energies of typical organic layers and polymers: semifluorinated SAM (SFSAM), poly(tetrafluoro ethylene) (PTFE), poly(dimethyl siloxane) (PDMS), polystyrene (PS), poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET), and polycarbonate (PC). The yellow area denotes the approximate region of minimal bioadhesion. (b) Relative adhesion plotted as a function of (gCE)1/2, where gC and E are the critical surface energy and the elastic modulus, respectively, for poly(hexafluoropropylene) (PHFP), PTFE, PDMS, poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF), polyethylene (PE), PS, poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), and Nylon-66 (adapted from Brady & Singer, 2000). related to the number of attachment points of the marine organism on the surface (Scardino et al. 2006). Notwithstanding any influences of surface topography in terms of disrupting the searching behaviour of motile spores or larvae, it would be expected that fouling organisms that are larger than the primary length scale of the surface texture would exhibit reduced adhesion strength as there would be fewer attachment points. Conversely, when settling on surfaces with topographic features of larger length dimensions, i.e. larger than the cell or organism, more attachment points are presented, thereby facilitating stronger adhesion. Because biofouling encompasses a very diverse range of marine organisms with settling stages (cells, spores, larvae) that span several orders of magnitude, a topographical pattern having a single length scale will not likely perform as a generic AF surface. Rather, surface corrugations having multiple length scales acting in concert should be utilised in the design of an effective AF surface. The hierarchically wrinkled topographies developed by Efimenko et al. (2005) may represent a convenient platform for designing such surfaces. Preliminary experiments, currently in progress (Efimenko et al. personal communication), indicate that coatings based on such topographies may indeed be efficient in preventing biofouling of some marine species, such as barnacles (so-called ‘‘hard fouling’’). While more work still needs to be done to fully understand this phenomenon, initial observations suggest that coatings comprising roughness features on multiple length scales may represent a new and promising platform for fabricating efficient foul-release marine coatings. What still needs to be established is the ‘‘appropriate’’ level of roughness needed to minimise bioadhesion of various marine organisms. Referring again to the earlier discussion, it might be expected that the roughness should be smaller than the size of the settling cell/organism. Various marine organisms may also settle differently on various kinds of surfaces. This presents a confusing and complex situation when considering what should ‘‘the ideal’’ AF surface be made of chemically. Perhaps the notion of the responsive/ ‘‘smart’’ surface can provide what is required, but regardless of how ‘‘smart’’ the surface is, it will not likely ‘‘outsmart’’ all marine organisms. In common with other living matter, marine organisms are quite adaptable. However, some of the design strategies coming from various research groups working on responsive materials should be helpful here. One possible scenario was recently explored by Gudipati et al. (2005) who synthesised a series of polymeric networks comprising hyperbranched fluoropolymers (HPFP) and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) chains and studied their resistance against a variety of proteins, including bovine serum albumin, lectin, and lipopolysaccharides (cf. Figure 14). They also explored the performance of the HPFP-PEG coatings against settlement and release of zoospores and young plants of the green fouling alga Ulva. Earlier work by Gan et al. (2003) and Gudipati et al. (2004) established that the surfaces of the HPFP-PEG networks comprised both compositional and topographical structures, which stemmed from 356 J. Genzer & K. Efimenko Figure 14. (Left) A Schematic illustrating the structure of polymer networks comprising hyperbranched fluoropolymers (HPFP) and poly(ethylene glycol) chains (PEG). (Right) HPFP-PEG network that contain 45% of PEG exhibit the highest resistance towards protein adsorption (reproduced with permission from Gudipati et al. 2005). phase separation between the HPFP and PEG components. The HPFP-PEG network surfaces exhibited surface reconstruction when placed in polar media, such as water, which resulted in surface segregation of the more hydrophilic PEG component to the coating/liquid interface. Their recent work revealed that the best coatings capable of minimising protein adsorption and also facilitating a high degree of removal by hydrodynamic forces of Ulva zoospores and young plants were those that comprised 45 weight % of the PEG component. These researchers attributed this observed behavior to the compositional and topographical heterogeneity of their coatings. They also hypothesised that while ‘‘hard fouling’’ (e.g. adhesion of barnacles) may indeed be correlated with the surface energy and bulk properties, e.g. elastic modulus of the coating, ‘‘soft fouling’’, involving the adhesion of for instance, Ulva zoospores, does not exhibit such strong correlations. Another strategy was recently suggested by Krishnan et al. (2006) who designed amphiphilic block copolymers (ABCP) based on polystyrene (PS) and polyacrylate (PA) blocks and used the latter block as an anchor for an amphiphilic chain comprising a hydrophilic polyethylene glycol part and a hydrophobic tetrafluoethylene part (cf. Figure 15). When assembled on substrata, the PS block acted as a substratum binder while the PA block exposed the amphiphilic side chains to the exterior. The materials were tested against Ulva and cells of a diatom, Navicula, two organisms with very different settlement and adhesion characteristics; Ulva sporelings (young plants) weakly adhere to hydrophobic fouling release whilst Navicula is known to adhere strongly to hydrophobic surfaces (Holland et al. 2004; Chaudhury et al. 2005). While both organisms were found to adhere to the ABCP surfaces, they were both easily removed by applying a simple water jet cleaning. This behaviour was explained by considering the amphiphilic nature of the surfaces. Hence, the presence of both blocks clearly made an impact on the rather unusual long term resistance of these materials to both organisms, with such diverse attachment mechanisms and bioadhesives (see Callow & Callow, 2006; Chiovetti et al. 2006). This work and the experiments of Gudipati and coworkers referred to earlier suggest that in order to design effective marine coatings capable of resisting multiple marine species, surfaces that are amphiphilic in nature may need to be designed. Before concluding, it is appropriate to elaborate on one further point. The limited number of examples discussed in this review indicates clearly that designing surfaces that resist marine fouling is a very complex task. They reveal that controlling surface chemistry, topology, and perhaps also surface dynamics is important in the design of efficient marine coatings. Considering the broad range of marine organisms, their adaptable nature and the range of bioadhesives they employ (see Smith & Callow, 2006), it may be impossible to come up with an environmentally benign coating design that is completely and universally non-fouling. However, some progress in protecting ships in an environmentally benign way has been made through the use of the silicone fouling release coatings. One possible avenue in this endeavour would involve designing Superhydrophobicity and marine fouling 357 Figure 15. (a) Comblike block copolymer with amphiphilic side chains. (b) Proposed mechanism for surface reconstruction of the ethoxylated fluoroalkyl side chains upon immersion of the surface in water. The picture on the left indicates the orientation of side chains in air whereas that on the right shows the effect of water immersion. (c) Settlement of Navicula on glass, PDMS, and amphiphilic polymer surfaces. (d) Percentage removal of Navicula from each substratum. A60 denotes the amphiphilic polymer surfaces annealed at 608C. (e) Settlement of Ulva spores on glass, PDMS, and amphiphilic surfaces. (f) Percentage removal of Ulva sporelings from each substratum after exposure to a shear stress of 53 Pa in a water channel. A60 and A120 are the amphiphilic surfaces annealed at 60 and 1208C, respectively (reproduced with permission from Krishnan et al. 2006). more robust and efficient foul-release coatings by incorporating some of the strategies discussed in this review. Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Office of Naval Research. The authors are grateful to Professor Avi Marmur (Technion – Israel Institute of Technology) for reading the manuscript and providing invaluable insight and comments. The authors also want to express their gratitude to Dr Maureen Callow (University of Birmingham) for her support, helpful comments, and invaluable assistance in finalising the text. 358 J. Genzer & K. 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