hire top quality candidates


hire top quality candidates
Fleet Maintenance
Warehouse Personnel
Who Are We?
Launched in 2007, FleetJobs.com has become the top job board for helping trucking companies find and hire experienced
mechanics and fleet personnel.
What Will We Offer You?
• Access to thousands of fleet, maintenance & operations related resumes
• Faster recruitment results through our unique job advertising campaigns
• Competitive pricing
• Greater ROI
• More targeted fleet-specific candidates than any other source
Keys to Success
• We can link your jobs directly to your website, allowing candidates to apply to your positions via your ATS or have them apply
via email.
• We can assist you in getting your campaign live so that you can attract the top fleet talent immediately.
Save Time:
We offer you a simplistic job posting which allows you to
choose one of 24 categories within this area, so you can refine
and focus your search, save time and increase your ability to
find qualified candidates.
You also have the ability to add targeted screening questions
onto the job posting. This will assist with narrowing down the
candidates and only sending you the exact match that you are
looking for.
Get More For Your Money:
We cross post your jobs, at no additional expense, to our
network of job boards and job search engines, reaching an
additional 20 million viewers per month. This provides you
with a larger candidate pool at a significantly lower cost than
any of our competitors. Our network includes
TopUSAJobs.com, Indeed.com, JuJu.com, and applicable local
and regional job boards.
Niche Marketing:
We actively network at all significant industry specific career and trade shows nationwide, including the (FMI) Food Marketing
Institute, (CSCMP) Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals, SHRM Annual Conference and ERE. We also partner with
various associations within the logistics field. We appear naturally in top positions on leading search engines such as Google,
Yahoo and Bing, including ‘fleet jobs’, #1 out of 97.3 million results*. *Daily results may vary.
Standard Pricing
(1) 60-Day Job Posting
(1) Month Resume Search
*view up to 250 resumes
National Job Postings for 1 Month
*up to 250 live jobs
National Job Postings for 3 Months
*up to 250 live jobs
National Job Postings for 6 Months
*up to 250 live jobs
National Job Postings for 12 Months
*up to 250 live jobs
Annual Resume Search
*view up to 3,000 resumes
Annual Banner on Homepage
(1) Featured Job Placement
Add on to your job posting
Your jobs are cross posted to all of the major job search
engines, including TopUSAJobs.com and Indeed.com, as well
as on Local and Regional Job Boards.
Branding Opportunities
Featured Employer Banner:
Adding your banner to our
website provides you with
ultimate exposure to our fleet
professionals. Your banner
will redirect visitors to a
searchable list of all your
company’s job postings on
Featured Job Postings: Adding
a featured selection to any of
your current job postings
provides you with premium
exposure on the homepage of
FleetJobs.com. Your job
posting will rotate throughout
the featured jobs and remain
featured for the entire 60 days
that the job is live. This
feature can be added onto any
Contact Information
Toll Free: 877-562-7678
Fax: 305-397-1659
“Follow” Us on LinkedIn
Sample of Our Client List