CLUB TIMES - Wexford Plantation


CLUB TIMES - Wexford Plantation
111 Wexford Club Drive | Hilton Head Island, SC 29928 | (843) 686-8810 |
Table of
Letter from the GM, 2
Letter from the Board President, 3
Election Results, 4
Clubhouse Corner, 5-7
Member Services News, 8
Wexford Wellness, 8
Tennis News, 9
Golf News, 10-11
Bridge Results, 11
Harbour News, 12-13
Security News, 13
Spotlight on Members, 14-15
Calendar, 16
Board of Directors — Officers:
President: Paul Klasing
Vice President: Harry Mellon
Secretary: Thor Burns
Treasurer: Sue MacCormack
Richard Berthelsen
Bob Cherichella
Frank Fernalld
Bruce Murchison
Jill Reed
Administration Office:
Monday – Friday
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Dear Wexford Property Owners:
than ever before. In the past 10
We had strong attendance at
our Annual Meeting in Decemyears, we have increased our sumber. The Voting summary is
mer camps from two to TEN!
included in this issue, and MinWe have more homes and more
utes from the meeting have been
full time residents (residing in
posted to the website. ParticiWexford 9 or more months per
pation in the number of ballots
and proxy appointments cast this
2015 Accomplishments
year was once again outstanding.
Susan Fishel
Congratulations to our newly General Manager/COO
January saw us fold the separate
elected Board members: RichWexford Yacht Club into the
ard Berthelsen, Bob Cherichella and Bruce
homeowners’ association. It was a successful
Murchison. And, thank you to our outgoing
year working with the former Wexford Yacht
Board members: Fred Noonan, Bill Busch
Club leadership and taking on the functions
and Jack Lane. Your Board spends countless
of the WYC and enhancing activities and
hours volunteering and providing leadership
administration, working closely with the
and vision to ensure that Wexford remains
newly formed WYC Committee chaired by
one of the premier Low Country communiCommodore Bill Haverland. All Wexford
members are now members of the Wexford
Yacht Club. We completed a “make-over”
2015 Unexpected Challenges
in the Harbour Center, including new chairs
The largest part of my day is dealing with
and blinds. Mark Dryden, the Commodore,
the day-to-day operations of the community.
and the committee members introduced
In addition, there are always special projects
many new social and educational activities
to monitor. The biggest challenges occur,
this year, which will continue in 2016.
however, with the “unknown”. But with the
2015 was the third year with a solid
support of the staff, Board and membership,
Strategic Plan in place. We continue to
we rose to the occasion in 2015, and handled
concentrate on:
the unexpected challenges with success and
• Continue to enhance the awareness &
reputation of Wexford as one of the top resiOur first big project of 2015 was the redential gated communities
pair/replacement of the bridge leading to
• Optimize the utilization of Wexford’s
Castlebridge. With the experience of the
amenities and services by members & guests
unexpected repair on Knightsbridge last De• Attract, develop & retain the best staff in
cember, the second bridge replacement was
order to provide exceptional service
an easier process. We will repair the Plum• Optimize Wexford’s financial resources
bridge structure in 2016, with an expected
ASC Report: During 2015, 7 new homes
start date in March.
were built and inspected, 6 homes are curWe had a summer of rain, rain and more
rently under construction, 2 new homes
rain. This resulted in Stormwater flooding.
have approved plans and will begin conWe have a Stormwater Drainage Agreestruction in 2016. Three major home renovations were completed in 2015, and 4 are in
ment with the Town of Hilton Head and are
progress. At this time, we still have 77 unworking with them to solve the problem of
improved lots in Wexford; we are 83% built
lagoon drainage along the 8th fairway of the
golf course, which caused flooding on WexFinance: We will close 2015 in a finanford Club Drive. Working with the Town
Engineers, we expect to have a solution in
cially strong position. We are forecasting
place this year, most likely by adding a water
that we will be positive to budget by $100K.
pump system to the existing wet well adjaWe received $400K in new property owner
cent to the 7th green. The stormwater probinitiation fees (NPOIF) in 2015, and closed
lem was followed by unprecedented King
the year with $2.4M in Reserves. With
tides in October.
diligent work by Michele Scott, CFO and
One of the fun challenges that we face are
Weston Newton, our attorney, we have seen
the changing demographics in our community. We have more families with children
Continued on Page 4
Making Resolutions in 2016
Dear Friends and Neighbors,
t is January 3rd when I am writing this, and the temperatures are finally starting to feel like winter on
the beach. I hope some of your personal resolutions
for 2016 are still active and on track.
First, let me state that I humbly accept the opportunity to serve as President of the
Wexford Board of Directors for the
next year. Karen and I cherish the
opportunity to live here and spend
time with a very special group of
people on a daily basis. My goal
is to support and coordinate a very
talented Board of Directors in
partnership with General Manager,
Susan Fishel, and her solid manPaul Klasing
agement team to think about what
is in the best interests of Wexford
Take care,
3 • The Club Times
Plantation and continue to steer
this community prudently and successfully.
Susan provided an articulate summary of 2015 in her
Annual Meeting presentation so I won’t spend time repeating the detail. If you missed the Annual Meeting,
Susan also publishes an Annual Report for your enjoyment. Suffice to say the management team and their
dedicated committee volunteers accomplished many
important projects in many areas during the last 12
months. I think it is critical to point out many of these
initiatives are 100% aligned with the Wexford Mission,
Values and current version of our Strategic Plan.
Now that we have turned over our calendars to 2016
(Year of the Red Monkey on the Chinese calendar), allow me to take a few minutes to suggest a few resolutions for Wexford owners and residents.
1) Volunteer! Wexford Plantation is an evolving
community and our “business model” requires input
and advice from our talented and experienced owners.
Investing some of your time will be rewarding. You will
meet folks you didn’t know and spend time with some
of the key managers in various departments. I challenge
you to get involved if your schedule allows.
2) Meet the new Homeowners when they get
settled in. I always hear from folks who remember the
first couple or person who took the time to say hello and
offer assistance in those first few months. The quote
also repeated often is “Wexford’s most valuable asset
is the people who live and work here.” I’ve joked that
everyone who lives here is a Realtor. We may not have
a license or enjoy the commission revenue, but we all
benefit from “building the buzz” about the place we call
home and embracing new members with the warmth
and hospitality that enticed us to put our stakes down
3) Improve Communication. We are a diverse
community of backgrounds, life situations, careers, cultures, ambitions and interests. I find this a wonderful
opportunity to listen and learn. At the same time, we
are extremely diverse in the amount of time each of us
spends inside the gates. I used to be here part-time and
experienced the challenges of keeping up to speed while
working and living elsewhere.
The management team has taken several steps to
leverage technology and share key events and developments in a concise and timely manner. However, my
exposure to the Board activities the last two years often
reminded me how challenging it is to get the right information to the right people in a timely manner. So I
challenge the Committee Co-Chairs and Staff to work
hard on taking the time when necessary to communicate key initiatives to all property owners/residents in
a manner that reaches as many as possible. (Point of
clarification- I’m not asking for more emails and longer
committee meetings; more simply just think about how
we communicate to our neighbors we see every day, as
well as those who live a significant part of the time in
other locations.)
4) Last one, I promise – but an important one.
Provide Feedback. Life is full of happy moments
and unexpected “not so happy” surprises. I encourage,
and I know Susan encourages, feedback from you
about the things you like at Wexford and things that
you would like to see improve. Please continue to
provide this feedback!!
My resolution proposal is to be attentive to the tone
of your criticism and avoid attacking our hard-working
staff on a personal basis. A wise boss once challenged us
to “attack issues, not people.” Ask more questions, provide constructive feedback, and try to remember that
the staff motto is to say “Yes” whenever possible to residents’ requests, but this can’t always be accomplished.
Susan’s challenge is to accomplish extraordinary while
managing costs and schedules responsibly.
Thanks for taking the time to consider joining me in
achieving these resolutions in 2016.
Safe travels to each of you as we explore warmer climates in January and February.
Best wishes for good health and happiness in 2016
for you and your family!
2 0 1 5 BAL L OT RE SU LTS
Congratulations to the newly elected
members of the Board of Directors:
Richard Berthelsen
Robert Cherichella
Bruce Murchison
Many thanks to the outgoing Board members:
Bill Busch
Jack Lane
Fred Noonan
Other Ballot Results:
A. To adopt the Association’s proposed 2016 Annual Operating
Budget which establishes the annual assessment at $12,950 per full
equivalent property.
Vote Tally — Yes: 289; No: 83
Ballot Item Passes
B. To adopt the Association’s proposed 2016 Infrastructure/
Capital Budget which establishes the annual assessment at $1,750
per full equivalent property.
Vote Tally — Yes: 284; No: 88
Ballot Item Passes
C. To adopt the Board of Directors recommendation to amend
each of those provisions of the Wexford Declaration of Covenants,
Conditions and Restrictions.
Section 1.01 Definitions, 3.03(b) Recreational Amenities, and 4.01
Membership amendments update the Covenants to prevent abuse
of the use of the Recreational Amenities, defining a “Designated
Member,” and providing that a “Designated Member” of a multiple
ownership Lot or Dwelling must own at least a one-third (1/3)
unrestricted interest in the property held in multiple ownership or
in the entity owning a Lot or Dwelling, and authorizing the Board
of Directors to establish reasonable rules and regulations regarding
Designated Members including the requirements to confirm the
bona fides of multiple ownership. Finally, these amendments
provide that the designation of an Owner as a Designated Member
shall be made semi-annually on or before January 1st and July 1st
of each year.
Vote Tally — Yes: 321; No: 51
Ballot Item Passes
The Club Times • 4
WELCOME Continued from Page 2
banks take over abandoned homes, sell them, and the transformation of these homes by the new homeowners has been remarkable. We now only have 3 delinquent properties, after experiencing a range high of 18 to 23 during 2010. We had an active membership in 2015. Tennis had 28 events
during the year, the staff became PTR certified (Professional
Tennis Registry certification), there were several Wexford challenges with other clubs, countless round robins, and the USTA
participation continues to grow. Patrick and Mike constantly find
new ideas to keep the tennis program fresh and fun!
We ended the year with a record number of Golf rounds –
17,000. This is a 4.5% increase over 2013. We received the Island Packet Reader’s Choice Award for Best Course and made
GolfWeek’s Top 100 Residential Courses for 2016; Scott Hunter
was the HHI Professional Champion, and we had amazing Member Guest and couples events, as well as introduced several new
boot camps and clinics. Golf raters and tournament players had
very positive comments about our golf course! We had a full year
with improved water quality, we added grass to the golf course,
and we had added new sand to the bunkers. Chris Neff and his
staff continue to improve practices and pay attention to detail.
Improvements in the common area include the successful completion of the Terrace on the Harbour project. The new gathering space came in below budget with a final cost of $110,000 as
part of our 5 year beautification plan.
The Clubhouse is the hub of the community, and this year was
no exception. We served a lot of happy members in 2015.
The biggest accomplishment in 2015 is my belief that we have
a great management team in place at Wexford! We look forward
to accomplishing more and exceeding your expectations in 2016.
In closing, the staff and I are grateful to our Wexford membership for taking care of us by providing a beautiful work environment, good wages and great benefits!
Kindest Regards,
Clubhouse Corner
Frank M. Copeland III
Elise Witman
Jennifer Arnold
Executive Chef
Food & Beverage Manager
Special Events Coordinator
843-686-8810, ext. 160
843-686-8810, ext. 165
(843) 686-8810 ext. 162
Reservations are welcomed at the Clubhouse, online through Club Dining or
by calling our Reservations Line directly at (843) 715-0912.
Reservations are greatly appreciated and cancellations are accepted up to 24 hours in advance of events unless otherwise stated.
Winter Wonderland Wine Tasting
Thursday, January 28th from 6-7:30 pm
Cheers to great selections with great savings during our complimentary tasting! For every $25 you
spend, you’ll receive a complimentary corkage fee voucher for the Club (regularly $15 per bottle). Salut!
Taste of Thai
Family Night
Wednesday, February 3rd from 6-7:30 pm
The culinary team will bring the kitchens of Thailand to
Hilton Head with an a la carte menu featuring the American favorites of classic Thai cuisine. Menu items will
include Spring Rolls, Coconut Soup, Mango and Basil
Salad, Green Thai Shrimp Curry, Red Thai Beef Curry
and a Thai-style entrée salad plus Coconut Ice Cream.
A special a la carte children’s menu will also be available
this evening!
Tuesdays in January and February — During
the months of January and February, the Clubhouse will not be
open on Tuesdays.
Special Clubhouse Closure — The Clubhouse will be
closed on Wednesday, February 10th for lunch service due to
two private Member events.
5 • The Club Times
Annual Clubhouse Closure — The Clubhouse
will be closed Monday, January 4th through Wednesday,
January 13th. The Clubhouse will reopen for regular
business on Thursday, January 14th.
Super Bowl 50
Sunday Pub Night
Sunday, February 7th from 5:30-7:30 pm
Watch the Super Bowl on our big, big, big screen in the Pub area! We will offer the a
la carte Pub Night menu plus a few tailgate classics such as nachos, wings and sliders.
As always, advanced reservations make us do “excessive celebration” dances every time!!
Reservations Are
Ever So Lovely!
Valentine’s Day
The Club Times • 6
Sunday, February 14th from 6-8 pm
Celebrate Valentine’s Day at the Club with fantastic music provided by a fabulous duo. You’ll enjoy a special Valentine’s a la
carte menu with sharable items and delectable choices in addition to our classic pub-style offerings. Full menu details will be
available the first week of February and will include a Tomahawk
Ribeye for two, Lobster and Filet Mignon, Cupid’s Oysters on
the half shell, Baked Oysters, Foie Gras, Baked Lobster Bisque in
Puff Pastry Crust and more. The culinary team will also have an
a la carte dessert action station preparing classic Cherries Jubilee
and New Orleans Dark Rum Bananas Foster. We’ll offer a variety
of Champagne and wine specials, too! Reservations are endorsed
by Cupid — the more, the merrier! We kindly request a maximum of 8 guests per table.
Facts: We love and appreciate your reservations! And we
are always aiming for you to have a mah-velous time at
the Club! There’s a method to our reservation madness:
spacing out reservations for the sake of your happiness and
of the Clubhouse Team, too! We do our best to seat you
at your reservation time and hope that you’ll order shortly
thereafter. Yet “Flexible” is our middle name! We’re proud
to have our procedures down to a science and we’re always looking out for you! There are times that we are “sold
out” at a particular time due to advanced reservations. The
computer is up to speed on our scheme to ensure that your
Club is the best restaurant on the Island! If the computer
only allows you to make a reservation for one rather than
four at 7:15 pm — it’s because we are booked (to our preset limit). Please try another time or give us a call. The
more, the merrier — but it’s you we want merry more than
anything else! Thursday evenings, Sunday Brunch and
Sunday Pub Night are our busiest meal periods! Event
reservations are also embraced! We love to prepare with
special touches so advanced reservations are greatly appreciated!!!
Reservations are gladly accepted in person, over the phone
(843-715-0912) and through Club Dining online. Three
cheers for reservations (cue confetti and pom-poms)!!!
Vino Sale!
Close-Out Club pricing, Bargain Basement pricing —
call it what you will! Wexford is a Wine Seller/Cellar!
We would be happy to take your requests, source your
favorite wine and provide you with pricing in advance
of your purchase! Popular Member requests range from
$8.50 per bottle through $150 per bottle — so from one
bottle to one hundred cases… it’s one-stop shopping at
the Club!
Cooking Class with Chef: Winter Soups
Wednesday, February 17th — Demonstration at 10:30 am, Luncheon at 12 pm
The first installment of a quarterly cooking class series in 2016 featuring a kitchen demonstration and light luncheon following class. Soups prepared in this class will include
2 versions of Butternut Squash Bisque and Tuscan White Bean and Sausage. Both of
these soups will be on the menu for lunch with a small salad, bread and choice of nonalcoholic beverage. If you would like to suggest an interesting class topic for future
classes please email Chef Frank at
Due to limited space in the kitchen, the class is limited to 10 attendees — the more, the
merrier for lunch!
$15++ per person and includes the demonstration and lunch ~or~ lunch only.
Complimentary Wine Tasting
Thursday, February 25th from 6-7:30 pm
Warm up this winter at our complimentary tasting! For every 12 bottles purchased, you’ll receive
a voucher for a complimentary bottle of wine at the Club (up to $30 per bottle on the wine list).
Bartenders in Training!
Saturday, March 5th
Are you interested in bartending at the Club on
Saturday, March 5th? Please email Elise at if you’d like to
throw your hat in the ring! The Wexford Team
will provide you with some training before you
“clock in” that evening! Plus, Kenrick will pro-
vide you with back-up!!! One request to those
chosen from a blind drawing — we hope you’ll
agree to donate any of your well-deserved cash
tips to a charity of your choice! Let’s see what
Member Bartenders are made of… and what
we can do for a great cause!
Dinner: Thursday - Saturday, 5:30 - 8 pm
Special Menu: Wednesday, 5:30 - 7:30 pm
Sunday Brunch: 11 am - 2 pm
Sunday Pub Night: 5:30 - 8 pm
Reservations are welcomed at the Clubhouse, online
through Club Dining or by calling our Reservations Line
at (843) 715-0912. Reservations are greatly appreciated
and cancellations are accepted up to 24 hours in advance
of events unless otherwise stated.
To go orders can be placed by calling (843) 686-8821.
Tuesday: 11:30 am - 5 pm
Wednesday: 11:30 am - 8 pm
Thursday - Saturday: 11:30 am – 9 pm
Sunday: 11 am - 8 pm
Bar hours are subject to change depending on volume.
Complimentary Coffee Service:
Tuesday - Sunday mornings until 10 am
Traditional Happy Hour:
Complimentary Hors D’oeuvres:Thursdays from 6-7pm
7 • The Club Times
Hours of
Lunch: Wednesday - Saturday, 11:30 am - 2:30 pm
Member Services
Kelly Sokalski
(843) 686-8810, ext. 114
Thank You!
This year’s Giving Tree was an absolute success
thanks to YOU! Your donations helped many local families have a happier, brighter Christmas and
New Year! Thank you for supporting both Family
Promise of Beaufort County and The Deep Well
S’mores on the Terrace
Friday, January 22nd
from 5:30-7:30 pm
Bundle up and head out to the
terrace for an after-dinner treat.
S’mores and hot chocolate just
for you! Cost is $2.50 per person. Adults… come and enjoy our
special S’mores Cocktail just for
you! Reservations available online,
required by Wednesday, January
20th. Minimum of 15 reservations
Princess & Superhero Party
The Club Times • 8
Saturday, February 20th from 3-5 pm
Dress up like a pretty princess or a tough superhero! Sweet treats and crazy cool crafts will be
available for an afternoon of excitement and surprises. Cost is $10 per child with a parent present
or $15 if you’d like to drop off your child. Reservations available online, required by Wednesday,
February 17th. Minimum of 15 reservations required.
2016 Wexford Wellness Kickoff
Thursday, February 18th
from 3- 4:30 pm
Join us for a meeting to discuss upcoming wellness events for 2016. We will
also have a brief wellness presentation.
Reservations available online.
Walking Group — Meet your
neighbors and friends in the front of
the Clubhouse Monday through Friday at 8:30 am.
Yoga — Start your morning off on
the right foot by joining us Thursday
mornings from 8:30-9:30 am in the
Waterford Room. The cost is $10 per
person per class, charged to your member account. *Due to the January Clubhouse Closure, the January 7th class will be
held in the Tennis Center.
Save the Date
Tea Party
Tuesday, March 1st
St. Patrick’s Day Float
Sunday, March 13th
Dance Lesson
Friday, March 18th
Spring Carnival &
Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, March 26th
Tennis News
Patrick Mason
Director of Tennis
2014 USTA
Outstanding Tennis Facility
(843) 686-8816, ext. 150
Tennis Tip:
Head Tennis Professional
(843) 686-8816, ext. 152
The USTA Spring Season will begin in January, so if you
would like to play on a spring team, please let us know!
This spring, Wexford will field 7 different ladies’ teams,
and 5 different men’s teams, so there is a level for everyone
to play! Also, be sure to make your court reservations ahead of time!
Mike Pollard
Our annual court maintenance begins in January/February. Please be sure to check the online
court schedule for any court closings.
Mark Your Calendar
Date Night Doubles
Friday, Feb. 12 from 4-6 pm
Bring your date for a romantic evening on
the courts. We will play a fun-filled round
robin with the format keep the same partner.
The cost of the event is $15 per person.
hoose to receive first in cold
weather! As we embrace
the winter months and the
cooler temperatures, when you win
the toss — let your opponent serve
first. It usually takes a little longer
to get your muscles loose in cold
weather, so make your opponent
serve first and see if you can gain the
upper hand early in the match!
Tennis Trivia
Q: Who was the first man to be ranked #1 in the
world in the current ATP ranking system?
A: Ilie Nastase — The ATP has used a computerized system for determining the rankings since
August 1973. Ilie Nastase held the ranking for
40 weeks.
9:00-10:30 3.5 Ladies Clinic
9:00-10:30 3.0 Ladies Clinic
9:00-10:00 Power Hour
10:30-12:00 3.0 Ladies Clinic
10:30-12:00 3.5 Ladies Clinic
3:00-4:00 Men’s 4.0 Clinic
9:00-10:00 Cardio Tennis
9:00-10:00 Cardio Tennis
9 • The Club Times
Golf News
Scott Hunter
Director of Golf
(843) 686-8812, ext. 141
scoring and play). To facilitate this
review, the Golf Staff collected holeby-hole scores over a three month period, with the end result of over 1,200
scores for men and women combined.
Before we get into the results of the
new handicap strokes, we should briefly discuss the USGA’s position on this
process. The USGA does not mandate
or prescribe a single methodology, but
rather recommends certain guidelines
to determine the allocations, subject
Improve Your Golf Game
& Quality of Life
s Hilton Head cools down, do you
find yourself working out to become stronger for your golf
game? How about
When you work
out, it is important
that you are properly training your
muscles for golf specific movements. As
a certified TPI (Titleist Performance
Head Golf
Institute) Golf ProProfessional,
fessionals, we can
Titleist Certified
now screen golfers
Club Fitter
in 16 different areas
to identify weak areas of the body to address with exercise.
Try this test: Can you touch your toes?
Casey Jones
The Club Times • 10
Head Golf Professional
(843) 686-8812, ext. 142
Allocation of Handicap Strokes
ith the changes in the golf
course due to the course
modifications completed
in 2014, the softening of the greens
since the major renovation in 2011,
and the substantial increase in rounds
played over the past four years — the
2015 Golf Committee determined that
individual hole handicaps (last established in 2011) should be re-examined
to determine whether rating changes
are appropriate now (based on actual
Top 100 Residential Course
in the U.S.
Golfweek — 2014 & 2015
Casey Jones
to the good judgment and discretion
of the Committee in reviewing the
course hole-by-hole.
Two key points that the USGA emphasizes are:
1. “The basic principle of allocating handicap strokes is to equalize the
abilities of players at different handicap levels.”
Continued on Page 11
Congratulations to David Jones
and Scott Hunter for winning the
Hilton Head Island Winter ProPro Tournament!
Mark Your
Dine & Nine
Saturday, January 2
How about an overhead squat? Both of
these movements are extremely important in the golf swing (as well as in your
everyday life!). Becoming more flexible
will help improve your golf swing —
holding posture, as well as generating
power and hitting the ball solid. Stop by
the Golf Shop to learn new exercises to
improve flexibility and/or to receive your
full TPI analysis.
Valentine’s Couples
Saturday, February 13
Amateur Event
Sunday, February 21
Wexford Intercollegiate
Monday, February 22 –
Tuesday, February 23
HANDICAPS Continued from Page 10
2. “Difficulty in making par on a hole is not an effective
indicator of the need for a stroke.”
Additionally, the USGA recommends that the odd-numbered strokes are assigned to the holes on the first nine, which
in the eyes of the USGA make matches more equitable. If
the back nine is overwhelmingly more difficult than the front,
then consideration should be given to assigning odd-numbered strokes to that side. However, based upon the scoring
data collected, that was not the case at Wexford as the front
nine was shown to play as difficult as, or more difficult the
back. Thus one will notice that the odd-numbered strokes
will be on the front nine for both the Men and the Women.
Other general principles relate to:
1. Par 3s — they tend to be the highest numbers when
ranked (15-18)
2. Par 5s — They tend to be the lowest numbers (1-4).
The reason for this is simple as higher handicaps having to
hit multiple shots on a Par 5 will more likely need a stroke to
“equalize” rather than on a Par 3
3. Allocating low numbered strokes to holes near the
end of each nine should be avoided so that players receiving
strokes will have the opportunity to use these strokes before
either nine- or 18-hole matches are decided.
With this understanding in hand, the Committee met to
discuss the data that was generated from the collected scores.
The Committee examined scoring data for multiple subsets
of the men and women players’ scores (grouped based upon
handicap level) in order to gain the most representative data
set from which to make its determination of scoring differences and hole ratings. Further, it was decided that scorecards, when printed, will reflect the Black, Blue, White and
Gold tees with one set of hole handicaps based upon the Men’s
scoring data, while the Red and Green tees would reflect the
ratings established based upon the Women’s scoring data.
The Committee took all of the scoring data and the above
principles into consideration and generated these Hole Handicaps for 2016:
Bridge Winners
The Bridge group meets every Wednesday at 1 pm in the Clubhouse. Players of all levels are encouraged to join this fun group! If
you want to join, contact Thor Burns, Donna Eberl or Jan Jones.
December 2nd Winners: Thor Burns and Diane Clark
December 9th Winners: Audrey Fritske and Anthea Grogono
December 16th Winners: Mary Bradley and Martina Jamison
11 • The Club Times
November 25th Winners: Kathy Adair and Missy Bell
Mark Dryden
Cindy Holland
What if the Coast Guard Wants to Board?
The U.S. Coast Guard Boarding Policy:
Title 14 section 89
of the United States
Code authorizes the
U.S. Coast Guard to
board vessels subject to
the jurisdiction of the
United States, anytime,
anyplace upon the high
seas and upon any waterway over which the United
States has jurisdiction, to make inquires, examinations, inspections, searches, seizures, and arrests.
The U.S. Coast Guard does not require a warrant
to conduct search, seizures, arrests over any United
States Waterway or high seas. The U.S. Coast
Guard also have full legal law enforcement power
on any land under the control of the United States,
as needed to complete any mission.
his is a far-reaching mandate,
however the Coast Guard is
the second most powerful
law enforcement agency — so who has
more power than that? Customs have
the exact same power but can do the
above on land and water (well… within
the 12 mile limit anyway).
If you are not familiar with the
above, it is important to review what the
Coast Guard is looking for when they
board you. (If you are on the water a
few times a week, you will be boarded
by the Coast Guard it’s just a matter of
when.) They are almost always polite
and respectful of a private vessel and if
you co-operate, their stay on board will
usually be very short. So what are they
looking for?
Holiday Boat Parade Winners
The Club Times • 12
Thank you to all
who participated
in Wexford’s
annual holiday
boat parade
on Saturday,
December 5th.
to our winners!!
1st Place Boat: Berthelsen
2nd Place Boat: Divito
3rd Place Boat: Johnson, Brown,
Haverland & Bullock
Life jackets, one per person aboard
Registration and numbering, displayed correctly at the bow
Navigation lights, fully operational
Ventilation, engine space and bilge
Fire extinguishers, dated, adequate
for the boat per guidelines
Distress signals (flares, horn, etc.), up
to date and not expired
Battery cover and connections, clean,
covered and properly secured
Proper engine room ventilation
Marine sanitation devices properly
Any vessel over 39.4’ must have a
copy of USDOT USCG International – inland Navigation rules, on
board. (rules of the road)
Continued on Page 13
1st Place House: Arlotta
2nd Place House: Trew
3rd Place House: Carter
Tuesdays from
10-11 am
Morning Mariner
is still being held
every Tuesday from
10 – 11 am. Winter
is the best time to
attend, as we talk
about the season
ahead. Coffee and
hot chocolate are
Continued from Page 12
he Safety & Security
Committee made progress
updating several Security
Policies in 2015. The following is
a recap of the changes to Sections 2
(Vehicles) and newly added Section
7 (Playground/Basketball Court).
2.5.1 Bicycles
Bicycling on Wexford common areas
is at your own risk. Bicyclists must obey
all state and local laws.
Bicyclists must ride in the same direction as motor vehicle traffic.
Bicyclists are encouraged to use the
leisure paths where available.
Bicycles are allowed to use the golf
cart path only when the course is closed. 2.5.2 Walkers and Skaters
Walkers and skaters may use the
streets or leisure paths of Wexford at
their own risk and must be facing traffic
while on the streets. Use of the leisure
path is highly encouraged.
Walkers are allowed to use the golf
cart path only when the course is closed. 2.5.3 Any other unlicensed vehicles
or forms of transportation devices,
including, but not limited to motor
bikes, motorized scooters, motorized
bikes, electric bikes, go carts, Segways or
similar types, battery powered riding/
standing toys, or all-terrain vehicles shall
not be operated anywhere on Wexford
Plantation property. (Additional Information: Covenants 10.21)
2.6 Parking
Vehicles are not allowed to park on
the streets overnight.
During daylight hours, parking on the
street is permitted only after the owner’s driveway is filled to capacity. Parking
on the street must not inhibit the movement of emergency vehicles or traffic.
Commercial vehicles are required to
park in driveways when space available.
Short term parking is permitted on
the street for commercial vehicles that
display an orange cone in front and at
the rear of the parked vehicle/trailer.
No vehicles shall park within 15 feet
of a fire hydrant.
No vehicles shall block the passage of
a street or a driveway or encroach upon
private property.
Security News
Chief of Security
ext. 109
All vehicles parking on private property must park on a paved surface at
all times.This does not include leisure
Persons using common property or
amenities must park in designated areas
on a paved surface.
Commercial vehicles must be stored
in the garage or removed from Wexford
during the hours of 6 P.M. to 7 A.M.
Monday through Friday, and on weekends/Wexford’s Holidays.
Boats, recreational vehicles, personal
watercraft, and trailers of any type are
not allowed to be stored in Wexford
unless in a garage, or in Wexford’s boat
storage area.
Parking on the street for special
events, parties, and social events may
be granted on a case by case basis, by
the Chief of Security. Form 25 must be
completed and submitted ten days in
advance. (The form is available on the
Wexford Website.
7. Playground/Basketball Court
Playground is reserved for Wexford’s
Members and their guests. Use the
playground at your own risk.
Playground hours are from dawn to
Children under the age of eight (8)
should be accompanied by an adult.
Proper foot wear is required. (No
bare feet)
No glass containers are allowed in the
playground area.
No pets allowed in the playground area.
No smoking on the playground.
Accidents/injuries are to be reported
immediately to the Wexford Security
13 • The Club Times
They may also request to look at your
ship’s log (which is rare), personal documentation, a driver’s license, State ID or Captain’s
They may also take into account how
much alcohol has been consumed by the
Captain. “He who drives the boat is the Captain.”
Once you are hailed by the Coast Guard
or they make their presence known to you. (I
say this because sometimes at night they have
been known to run without lights and just
sit behind you, then see what you might do.)
Always obey their instructions. They have a
set of protocols for approaching vessels at sea
and they do not like to deviate from them. Do
not under any circumstances try to evade or
ignore them. They will not be ignored and
attempts to evade will be met rather seriously.
Answer their questions concisely, and never
try to pull the “I know my rights” statement;
it will not serve to increase their good humor.
The Coast Guard does an excellent job
protecting the US coastline from anyone trying to abuse the freedoms enjoyed by American citizens. They are out in all weather and
are a sight for sore eyes on the open sea. Yes,
they range beyond American shores, particularly in the Caribbean. It is reassuring to
know they are there; as in many cases, if you
are in trouble, they are your best bet for salvation. Many smaller countries do not have the
resources to respond to an emergency at sea
or even just offshore. So the next time you see
a coast guard cutter or even an inflatable, you
know what to expect.
So is there a way I can make the boarding of my vessel even easier? – Yes! The US
Power Squadron, a group of volunteers who
love boating and boats have an inspection
program that covers all the above points and
then will issue a decal to show that you are in
compliance, not always but some of the time.
Once the boarding party sees this decal, they
may not even board the vessel as they know
that you are already in compliance and if they
do, they may only do a cursory check so that
you are on your way much quicker. It just
so happens that we have inspectors living in
Wexford. If you contact me at the Harbour
Center, we can try to set up an inspection
and get you in compliance before the season
Security Policy Updates
Spotlight on Members
WexElf Challenge
Congratulations to the Hill
Family for finding the WexElf
all throughout the Club!
Holiday Boat Parade
The Club Times • 14
WWGA Ho Ho Holiday Celebration
Spotlight on Members
Santa Brunch
Member Holiday Party
Gingerbread House Decorating Contest
15 • The Club Times
Dine & Nine
Golf Course Closed
3D Discussion Group
Morning Mariner
Clubhouse Closed
Golf Course Closed
3D Discussion Group
12 Morning Mariner
14 15
21 22
Clubhouse REOPENS
Traditional Happy Hour
Clubhouse Closed
171819 Clubhouse Closed
Golf Course Closed
3D Discussion Group
Clubhouse Closed
Golf Course Closed
3D Discussion Group
No Lunch Service
(Bar Open)
Morning Mariner
26 No Lunch Service
(Bar Open)
Morning Mariner
Ladies Bridge
Wexford OneEleven
Traditional Happy Hour
S’mores on the Terrace
Ladies Bridge
Wexford One Eleven
Traditional Happy Hour
Wine Tasting
Clubhouse Closed
Golf Course Closed
3D Discussion Group
ETC- Key West Trip
Super Bowl Sunday
Pub Night
14 Valentine’s Day Dinner
The Club Times • 16
21 Collegiate Tournament
Clubhouse Closed
Golf Course Closed
3D Discussion
Wine & Wickets
Clubhouse Closed
Golf Course Closed
3D Discussion
Collegiate Tournament
Clubhouse Closed
Golf Course Closed
3D Discussion Group
No Lunch Service
(Bar Open)
Morning Mariner
ETC- Key West Trip
Clubhouse Closed
Golf Course Closed
3D Discussion Group
No Lunch Service
(Bar Open)
Morning Mariner
No Lunch Service
(Bar Open)
Morning Mariner
Collegiate Tournament
No Lunch Service
(Bar Open)
Morning Mariner
Ladies Bridge
Taste of Thai Family Night
ETC- Key West Trip
Ladies Bridge
Wexford One Eleven
Traditional Happy Hour
Traditional Happy Hour
Board Meeting
12 Saturday
Date Night Doubles
Valentine’s Cup
171819 20
Cooking Class with Chef:
Winter Soups
Ladies Bridge
Wexford OneEleven
Ladies Bridge
Wexford OneEleven
2016 Wexford Wellness
Traditional Happy Hour
Traditional Happy Hour
Wine Tasting
26 Board Meeting
for weekly golf and tennis schedules.
Princess &
Superhero Party