Conservation Study in PDF format
Conservation Study in PDF format
Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study world heritage project 1 Istanbul Project UNESCO-WHC Istanbul Technical University Faculty of Architecture and ITU Urban and Environmental Planning and Research Center Contract No: 700.624.0 PROJECT LEADER Nuran ZEREN GULERSOY, Prof., dipl.arch-urban planner, Istanbul Technical University (ITU) Istanbul Project Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study NATIONAL EXPERTS Zeynep AHUNBAY, President of ICOMOS Turkey Tulin Selmin OZDURAN, Representative of Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Turkey Cases of Zeyrek Suleymaniye Yenikapi INTERNATIONAL EXPERTS Minja YANG, Deputy Director, UNESCO World Heritage Centre, Former Manager for EU-Funded Feasibility Study on the Rehabilitation of Fatih District, Istanbul (1998) Yves DAUGE, Senator of Indre et Loire, Mayor of Chinon, France David MICHELMORE, Building Conservationist, Chair of ICOMOS Wood Committee, UK, Project Manager of EUFunded Project on the Rehabilitation of Fatih District of Historic Peninsula of Istanbul (starting in January 2003) By Nuran ZEREN GULERSOY (Project Leader) Azime TEZER Reyhan YIGITER Kerem KORAMAZ Zeynep GUNAY STUDY GROUP Azime TEZER, Assist.Prof., urban planner, ITU Reyhan YIGITER, Assist.Prof., urban planner, ITU Kerem KORAMAZ, Res.Assist., urban planner, ITU Zeynep GUNAY, Res.Assist., urban planner, ITU Buket ONEM, dipl.arch-urban planner, ITU Kerem Yavuz ARSLANLI, urban planner, ITU Taskisla – 114 34437 Taksim / Istanbul (Turkey) Tel: (+90) 212 249 28 34 Fax: (+90) 212 251 78 31 e-mail: web: İstanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture Urban and Environmental Planning and Research Center Istanbul Project: Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study by Nuran Zeren Gulersoy, (Project Leader) Azime Tezer, Reyhan Yigiter, Kerem Koramaz, Zeynep Gunay Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study summary of entry 2 MAIN FRAMES OF THE STUDY Examples of Listed Monumental Architecture Cultural heritage is living evidence of past that shapes future. There are two fundamental issues being discussed throughout Europe. One of these is the documentation of unique European Cultural Heritage and the other is the concept of conservation changing towards an understanding of revitalization which brings the issue of regaining economic value of cultural assets with the determination of spatial interventions required for use and reuse considering the socio-economic relations. These specific issues bring the question of documentation and integrated conservation planning approaches to provide continuity in heritage. Turkey has an important portion of cultural heritage reserve throughout centuries, that Istanbul is as sure the most important. Though, there still exist some fundamental issues in Turkish conservation system that must be considered. To summarize, these issues are lack of strategic approaches to enhance the socio-economic role of urban heritage and to consider conservation policies within planning process; insufficient tools and financial resources; and inconsistency of belief in the use and necessity of conservation. Istanbul Project leads in this manner an integrated approach of conservation with a comprehensive documentary in World Heritage Sites. Istanbul Project Molla Zeyrek Mosque Suleymaniye Mosque Church of Surp Tartios Patihiminos Yenikapi AIM OF THE STUDY Cases of The aim of the study is to formulate general planning determinants and to propose the conservation strategies that maintain the appropriate and contemporary development of the social and physical/environmental fabric of the chosen areas of Istanbul Historic Peninsula, namely Zeyrek, Suleymaniye and Yenikapi while preserving their historical, archaeological, natural, architectural and functional values. Zeyrek Suleymaniye Yenikapi METHOD OF THE STUDY The study contains four volumes. The first volume presents a brief summary of the conservation approach to cultural assets in Turkey. The other three volumes contain detailed physical and social survey, evaluation and conservation proposals of the case studies. The cases are three of the scarce historic districts where the original settlement pattern have been preserved. Zeyrek and Suleymaniye all bearing importance from historical, aesthetic and architectural perspectives, are such that those areas have been included in the List of World Heritage Sites in 1985, but today, they are unfortunately under the threat to be included in List of World Heritage in Danger because of lack of effective and continuous conservation attempts by competent institutions. Each Case Study contains a brief definition of the area and its history; goals and objectives of the conservation and development activity. It also includes physical analysis as related to transportation, land use and building use, building condition, storey height, construction material, land ownership, building occupancy, building compatibility with the physical structure of the area, and listed buildings. In addition, the study comprises social studies aimed at displaying the demographic, social and cultural aspects of the residents of the listed and non-listed buildings in the area. The evaluation of the study in dimensions of fieldwork and conservation and planning decisions related to land use and buildings, transportation and urban fabric, listed and non-listed properties and socio-cultural development considering the goal and objectives. Each case is complemented with implementation financial management framework. Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study Zeyrekhane Madrasa of Kirmasti Suleymaniye By Nuran ZEREN GULERSOY (Project Leader) Examples of Listed Civil Architecture Azime TEZER Reyhan YIGITER Kerem KORAMAZ Zeynep GUNAY Zeyrek Suleymaniye Yenikapi Street Views ARGUMENTS AND FINDINGS OF THE STUDY Istanbul Project is an outstanding example for conservation of cultural assets in Turkey. At the heart, there is an integrated approach to urban conservation and historic revitalization combining a number of actions that address environmental, social and economic concerns facing world heritage sites of universal concern. The need to balance physical, social and economic elements and to assure implementation and financial strategy are new attempts for the Historic Peninsula, also for Turkey of building common basis within the content of European Union membership. Secondly, it provides a comprehensive documentary of cultural assets including three-dimensional evaluation. Finally, it brings concrete evidence that Turkey is attempting to be active in conservation of World Cultural Heritage, at the time to be excluded from the List. It is hoped that Istanbul Project will be a successful example, a guideline for future conservation projects to be developed in Turkey. Istanbul Project: Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study İstanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture Urban and Environmental Planning and Research Center Zeyrek Suleymaniye Yenikapi by Nuran Zeren Gulersoy, (Project Leader) Azime Tezer, Reyhan Yigiter, Kerem Koramaz, Zeynep Gunay Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study introduction to world heritage project 3 Methodology for Istanbul Project Historic Peninsula of Istanbul has always been the focal point of the Greater City of Istanbul containing city’s principal historical, architectural and archeological sites. Historic Areas of Peninsula, including Zeyrek and Suleymaniye, were included in List of World Heritage in 1985 to promote those significant surroundings. By 2000s, this outstanding area is being threatened to be excluded from the List by UNESCO experts, because of the lack of effective and continuous conservation attempts by competent institutions. However, the conservation of urban fabric of Zeyrek, Suleymaniye and Yenikapi for future generations represents not only national but also universal responsibility. Istanbul Project leads in this manner, an outstanding example for conservation of cultural assets in Turkey of; • a world heritage project, • a comprehensive documentary of cultural assets, • an integrated conservation and development approach. A brief summary of conservation approach to cultural assets in Turkey and Historic Peninsula. Brief Definition Brief Definition A brief account of the chosen site and its history Development of Goal and Development of Goal and Objectives Objectives Appropriate and contemporary goals and objectives for modern urbanization, transportation, townscape and landscaping imperatives are developed while taking into account the prospects for conservation and development. Survey and Analysis Survey and Analysis The Aim: The Methodology: To formulate general planning determinants and to propose the conservation strategies that maintain the appropriate and contemporary development of the social and physical/environmental fabric of the chosen areas, namely Zeyrek, Suleymaniye and Yenikapi, while preserving their historical, archaeological, natural, architectural and functional values. The study contains four volumes. Istanbul Project: Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study General Assessment of General Assessment of Conservation Approach in Conservation Approach in Turkey Turkey First volume presents a brief summary of the conservation approach to cultural assets in Turkey. Other three volumes contain detailed physical and social survey, evaluation, conservation and planning decisions of the case studies; Zeyrek, Suleymaniye and Yenikapi. Each Case Study contains: • a brief definition of the chosen site. • a set of goals and objectives. • detailed survey and analysis. • evaluation of survey and analysis. • conservation decisions. • implementation and management framework. and planning financial Physical analysis related to transportation, land and building use, building conditions, storey heights, construction materials, land ownership, building occupancy, building compatibility, listed lots and buildings. Social studies aimed at displaying the demographic, social and cultural aspects of the residents. Evaluation of Survey and Evaluation of Survey and Analysis Analysis Physical and social data gathered from area is reviewed according to goal and objectives and functionality in accordance with total urban fabric is evaluated. Development of Conservation Development of Conservation and Planning Decisions and Planning Decisions Planning decisions related to land use and buildings, transportation and urban fabric, listed and nonlisted properties and socio-cultural development considering the goal and objectives Identification of Identification of Implementation and Financial Implementation and Financial Management Model Management Model by Nuran Zeren Gulersoy, (Project Leader) Azime Tezer, Reyhan Yigiter, Kerem Koramaz, Zeynep Gunay Source: World Heritage Center world heritage historic areas of istanbul Located on the Bosphorus Peninsula between Balkans and Anatolia, the Black Sea and Marmara, Istanbul has been associated with major political, religious and artistic events for more than two thousand years. • Represents a masterpiece of human creative genious. • Exhibits an important interchange of human values. • Bears a unique or exceptional testimony to a cultural tradition. • Outstanding examples of buildings illustrates signigicant stages of human history. İstanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture Urban and Environmental Planning and Research Center Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study a world heritage project 4 Zeyrek, Suleymaniye and Yenikapi are three of the historic districts of Istanbul Historic Peninsula, where the original settlement pattern have been preserved. In Zeyrek, attempts are presently directed towards upgrading the surroundings of the Pantokrator with the intention of raising public awareness for the preservation of the area and attracting the attention of investors or sponsors. In Suleymaniye, Greater Municipality has initiated work towards developing a rehabilitation project that will in the long run help the area to attain its old and respectable status. Yenikapi has never attracted the public attention as Zeyrek or Suleymaniye did in the sense of protection. However, Greater Municipality of Istanbul included Yenikapi in the content of Historic Area Revitalisation Projects in 2001. zeyrek Zeyrek is situated on the fourth hill of Historic Peninsula. One of the most significant example of Byzantion Architecture, Pantokrator Monastery founded by Empress Eirene in the 12th century, and timber houses of Ottoman Architecture gives the unique identity to Zeyrek. Included in WHL in 1985. Conservation Planning Area: 11.33 hectar Population: 6000 suleymaniye Suleymaniye is situated on the third hill of Historic Peninsula. One of the finest examples of Islamic Architecture built by Architect Sinan between 1550-1557 is Suleymaniye Mosque. Included in WHL in 1985. Conservation Planning Area: 43.5 hectar Population: 9217 YENIKAPI Yenikapi is located at south shores of Historic Peninsula. Until 1960s, successed in conserving its unique architectural characteristics. Church of Surp Tartios Partihiminios is the only monumental structure in the area. After the construction of Kennedy Street through the sea shore, has changed both physically and socially. Conservation Planning Area: 4.7 hectar Population: 1400 İstanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture Urban and Environmental Planning and Research Center Istanbul Project: Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study by Nuran Zeren Gulersoy, (Project Leader) Azime Tezer, Reyhan Yigiter, Kerem Koramaz, Zeynep Gunay Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study a world heritage project To formulate general planning determinations that maintain the appropriate and contemporary development of the environmental fabric of Urban Sites and that support economic regeneration while preserving its historical and architectural and functional values; and to improve detailed development plans beyond these decisions. 5 PLANNING GOAL PLANNING OBJECTIVES • To emphasize the functional role in relation to the integration with other neighboring residential, labor, recreational areas, Historic Peninsula and the city center of Istanbul. • To utilize new functions while changing the character of existing unsuitable socio-economic functions to provide continuity in economic progress while preserving the historic urban pattern. • To create new distribution network for existing services while integrating them with new achievements. • To provide functionally sufficient and efficient places for both inhabitants and visitors, while improving living standards. • To arrange the pedestrian routes and vehicle transportation network sufficiently for the needs of the existing and proposed activities. • To connect sites of various activities having importance with a hierarchy of pedestrianization, parking lots and bus stops. • To provide parking lots for residents and for long or short period visitors. • To raise public awareness on conservation of cultural heritage by providing an education milieu. • To enhance the understanding of conservation study to provide development in social structure. • To emphasize the conservation, planning and implementation process with full participation of inhabitants. • To promote an environmental network that puts emphasis on the influential role in the urban fabric of natural, historic, monumental and civil architectural values. • To improve the architectural quality by preserving, repairing, upgrading, demolishing unfitting structures and harmonizing them with the character and scale of the site consistent with contemporary architecture. • To generate new housing opportunities to constitute new social structure in the sense of conservation. • To prevent historic urban pattern and infrastructure to be ruined and to eliminate insufficiencies. • To provide optimal conditions by climate control both indoors and outdoors. • To provide optimum lighting conditions indoors and outdoors using natural and artificial light. • To ensure the cleanliness of the environment by reconsidering garbage collection, and by placing garbage bins and containers at suitable locations. • To utilize the resources of the country, organizations charged with implementation, volunteers and those of the local people to ensure optimum cost/quality ratios at every stage of planning. • To assist in finding financial resources in the process of implementation. • To provide economic inputs to manage continuity in urban heritage to live. • The creation of new distribution network for services by supporting interventions and encouragements to raise the density of activities that provide new job opportunities. Functional Qualification Optimal Communications Social and Cultural Integration A Positive Environment for the Architectural and Urban Quality A Positive Environment Depends on Conditions of Health and Comfort Optimum Cost and Economic Support Zeyrek Suleymaniye Yenikapi goal and objectives Appropriate and contemporary goals and objectives for modern urbanization, transportation, townscape and landscaping imperatives are developed in the second stage of the study, while taking into account the prospects for conservation and development. İstanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture Urban and Environmental Planning and Research Center • To find flexible solutions to provide opportunity to change and further development in time and space. Istanbul Project: Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study Flexibility and Applicability by Nuran Zeren Gulersoy, (Project Leader) Azime Tezer, Reyhan Yigiter, Kerem Koramaz, Zeynep Gunay Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study a comprehensive documentary Zeyrek 6 Condition of the Building Occupancy of the Buildings Construction Material Zeyrek is one of the historical settlement areas in the city of Istanbul that has an urban fabric being worthy of preservation. However, most of the listed buildings are deteriorated and in bad physical condition. Under the pressures of other functions spreading through out the area, the dominant residential function is being transformed to commercial, office and hotel functions. The Manifaturacılar Bazaar (shop district selling fabrics) is another impact of this transformation. Use of Land and Building Ground Floor ZEYREK survey and analysis Zeyrek Conservation Area boundaries were first determined in 1974 and ratified by General Statute in 1987. A total of 469 buildings are surveyed in the study, that 51% of them are listed. 86% of the listed buildings, are defined as civil architecture. Molla Zeyrek Mosque is one of the most important monumental structures in the region, and the most symbolic of it. İstanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture Land Ownership Harmony With the Architectural Character Istanbul Project: Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study Overlapping Existing Situation to 1933 J. Pervititch Cadastral Map Listed Structures by Nuran Zeren Gulersoy, (Project Leader) Azime Tezer, Reyhan Yigiter, Kerem Koramaz, Zeynep Gunay Urban and Environmental Planning and Research Center Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study Zeyrek a comprehensive documentary 7 SOCIAL STRUCTURE ANALYSIS IN ZEYREK Changes in social structure and the lack of interest in conservation studies create more deterioration within the general framework of the Zeyrek district. As well as restoration of listed buildings, the precautions to enhance environmental quality are vital. Effective conservation and integrated conservation approaches are necessary to enhance the environs and to create better income opportunities for the people living in the area by re-functioning regulations along with residential use. These regulations are essential for creating alive historical environments. The social structure of the area changed completely after the 1950’s. This change has been reflected in the spatial structure, too. Prior users’ve been moved outwards and immigrants from Eastern and South-Eastern Anatolia settled in the area. Migrant families are mainly in the lowincome level. The lack of interest in conservation and lack of feeling of possession accelerate the deterioration of timber buildings. Multi-storey reinforced concrete buildings were built after the demolition of traditional ones resulting in a lack of harmony with the traditional urban texture. Demographic Structure Most of the families are extended families of more than 5 people in Zeyrek. This stems from the increasing immigration rates from economically undeveloped settlements of Southeast or East Anatolia regions. Social Life in Zeyrek Zeyrek has not much commercial potential that it is more of a housing district. The major population of residents in the planning area are housewives and self-employees. The number of fathers with no income is high in Zeyrek. A higher percentage of fathers earn between 62-124 USD in Zeyrek concentrating on marginal sector. Building-User Relationship Most of the families are tenants in the district. There is a small portion of families living in the building free of charge. Almost half of the residents have lived in that residence for a period of less than 5 years. The continuous immigration from economically undeveloped regions of Turkey creates a dynamic mobile population profile. ZEYREK social structure analysis Street Life in Zeyrek Social structure analysis covers the demographic and socio-economic aspects of the inhabitants of the planning area, as well as their interactions with their environment and their expectations, their approach to urban conservation and the historical environment. Social Communication Interaction Levels 52% of the inhabitants surveyed in the study have relatives in the same district. This is a general issue in historic areas used as primary migration nodes. There are nearly no common places for neighbourhood gatherings in Zeyrek, neither green areas. Newly opened cafes as Zeyrekhane are inefficient in serving inhabitants. User’s Opinions About Urban Conservation Playground in Zeyrek It was determined that a small portion of residents, especially tenants, has a true understanding of conservation area for Zeyrek. However, the residents’ thoughts are in the direction of the preservation of listed buildings to beautify the district. The willingness to participate in neighborhood beautification efforts with their neighbors is 64%, giving the evidence for active public for future conservation efforts. Istanbul Project: Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study Information was gathered from households in both listed and non-listed buildings. One hundred questionnaires were prepared with 50 applied to each of listed and non-listed buildings. İstanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture Urban and Environmental Planning and Research Center by Nuran Zeren Gulersoy, (Project Leader) Azime Tezer, Reyhan Yigiter, Kerem Koramaz, Zeynep Gunay Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study Zeyrek an integrated conservation approach 8 In Zeyrek, the efforts are directed towards the elimination of land uses not in accordance with the traditional urban fabric of the area and the replacement of these land uses with more harmonious functions as it was envisaged in the upper-level plans. Evaluation Type of Proposed Action Planning decisions are considered related to: Development Plan • population density • transportation • land use and building functions • conservation listed property • non-listed buildings ZEYREK evaluation and planning decisions and This stage of the Study comprises of comprehensive conservation approaches within the planning strategies help to provide the revitalisation of the district with respect to traditional urban character. of Planning Decisions İstanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture Urban and Environmental Planning and Research Center Istanbul Project: Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study by Nuran Zeren Gulersoy, (Project Leader) Azime Tezer, Reyhan Yigiter, Kerem Koramaz, Zeynep Gunay Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study Zeyrek an integrated conservation approach 9 Three Dimensional Evaluation of Historic Townscape in Zeyrek Visual Quality in Fazilet Street Townscape Analysis of Visual Quality Townscape Analysis of Accessibility Townscape Analysis of Accessibility ZEYREK urban design project Visual potential in urban historic quarter to regain authentic architectural and urban characteristics is evaluated in this stage. In the survey and townscape analysis of Zeyrek urban historic quarter, threedimensional data is used. Each townscape parameter framed on conceptual evaluation of urban space is considered on the model. Harmony with the Architectural Character in Fazılet Street Urban Design Project Istanbul Project: Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study İstanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture Harmony with the Architectural Character by Nuran Zeren Gulersoy, (Project Leader) Azime Tezer, Reyhan Yigiter, Kerem Koramaz, Zeynep Gunay Urban and Environmental Planning and Research Center Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study Zeyrek an integrated conservation approach 10 Existing Uses of Zeyrek Proposed Uses of Zeyrek Urban Design Project EXISTING ZEYREK urban design project The 1/500 scale Urban Design Project is developed in the surrounding of Molla Zeyrek Mosque. This area forms the heart of the district, with the streets of city blocks that are open to the Mosque. PROPOSED İstanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture Urban and Environmental Planning and Research Center Molla Zeyrek Mosque and Zeyrekhane Istanbul Project: Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study Zeyrekhane Facade of Fazilet Street by Nuran Zeren Gulersoy, (Project Leader) Azime Tezer, Reyhan Yigiter, Kerem Koramaz, Zeynep Gunay Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study Suleymaniye a comprehensive documentary 11 Condition of the Building Occupancy of the Buildings Construction Material Suleymaniye is an important node for historical townscape of Istanbul. Monumental buildings constitute an important defining role of the historic area. Though, there seen an important decay in the listed timber structures. It is Istanbul’s one of the most important distribution node of goods and services. Manufaturacılar Bazaar on Atatürk Boulevard has an important impact on the development of commercial and manufactural facilities and on the type of residents, with the replacement of previous housing units by warehouses or manufactural units. The university has much effect on shaping the functional reuse of the listed structures. Use of Land and Building Ground Floor SULEYMANIYE survey and analysis Suleymaniye Conservation Area boundaries were first declared in 1977 and ratified in 1987. According to survey analysis, 405 of total 1557 buildings in the area are listedbuildings. Suleymaniye Mosque, Kalenderhane and Vefa Mosque are significant examples for monumental buildings of which constitute 15.3% of the listed-buildings. İstanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture Urban and Environmental Planning and Research Center Land Ownership Harmony with the Architectural Character Istanbul Project: Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study Historic Monuments (Muller Map) Listed Structures by Nuran Zeren Gulersoy, (Project Leader) Azime Tezer, Reyhan Yigiter, Kerem Koramaz, Zeynep Gunay Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study Suleymaniye a comprehensive documentary 12 SOCIAL STRUCTURE ANALYSIS IN SULEYMANIYE The site was a place where the rich and elegant society of Ottoman administrative class were living in 17th century, unfortunately, in the 20th century, the structures were left to worker immigrants and their families from eastern regions of Turkey in order to be used for housing, manufacture or wholesale ateliers with the industrialization and development competition of Istanbul metropolis. This situation brings new discussions of gentrification in the case that the original social layout has changed competely as in Suleymaniye. The existence of Istanbul University in the core of the planning area gives an important impact on social restructuring. The student population brings new socio-economic functions and creates a socially active environment indirectly. This potential cannot be ignored when considering development in socio-cultural dimensions. Demographic Structure Most of the families are extended families of more than 5 or 7 people. This stems from the increasing immigration rates from economically undeveloped settlements of Southeast or East Anatolia regions. 42.1% of the mothers and 43.9% of the fathers in the region were born in cities of South-East Anatolia, generally from Adıyaman or Mardin. Bachelor dwellings which house 8 to 10 men in one room are one of the most important problems Suleymaniye faces. Social Life in Suleymaniye Suleymaniye is a center where most of Istanbul’s European side’s distribution of goods is supplied, therefore, it houses the basic young labour force in its content. The inhabitants mostly work in the manufacture and commercial sector and in marginal jobs. The number of fathers with no income is rather higher in Suleymaniye compared to Zeyrek and Yenikapi. Majority of the fathers earn between 124-186 USD a month. Building-User Relationship Most of the families are tenants. There is a small portion of families living in the building free of charge. The continuous immigration from economically undeveloped regions of Turkey creates a dynamic mobile population profile. Thus, almost half of the residents have lived in their residences for a period of less than 5 years. Street Life in Suleymaniye Social structure analysis includes the demographic and socio-economic aspects of the inhabitants of the planning area, as well as their interactions with the environment, their expectations and their perspectives in defining urban conservation and historical environment. Social Communication Interaction Levels There are a number of common places for neighbourhood gatherings in Suleymaniye, because of its functional role as a tourism, religious and education. User’s Opinions About Urban Conservation It was determined that a small portion of residents has a true understanding of conservation area for Suleymaniye. The residents’ thoughts are in the direction of the replacement of the listed house with a modern, multi-storey building beautifies the district. SULEYMANIYE social structure analysis Traditional Wedding Ceremony Information was gathered from 100 households equally shared in between both listed and non-listed buildings. İstanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture Urban and Environmental Planning and Research Center Istanbul Project: Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study by Nuran Zeren Gulersoy, (Project Leader) Azime Tezer, Reyhan Yigiter, Kerem Koramaz, Zeynep Gunay Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study Suleymaniye an integrated conservation approach 13 5 Block No 496 Lot No 16 Building No 5 Construction Mtrl. Timber Exis ting Situation Proposal Storey Height 3 3 Use Residential Residential Ow nership Private Partners Building Condition Ruined Harmony Harmonious Listing Status Listed Action type Restoration 6 Block No 496 Lot No 11 Building No 6 Exis ting Situation Construction Mtrl. timber Storey Height Proposal 3 3 Use Residential Residential Ow nership Private Individual Building Condition Avarage Condition Harmony Harmonious Listing Status Listed Action type Restoration 7 Block No 494 Lot No 10 Building No 7 Existing Situation Construction Mtrl. Storey Height Use 2 Residential Residential Private Individual Bad Condition Harmony Harmonious Listing Status Listed Action type Restoration 8 Block No 496 Lot No 24-25 Building No 8-9 Construction Mtrl. Concrete Exis ting Situation Storey Height Use Proposal 3 3 Residential Residential Ow nership Private Partners Building Condition Very Good Condition Harmony Harmonious Listing Status Not Listed Action type Proposal Timber 2 Ow nership Building Condition Listed Existing Building Example of the Evaluation List The efforts are directed towards the prevention of the economic role of Suleymaniye as a distribution node of goods to eliminate the landuse not in accordance with the traditional urban fabric of the area and the replacement of these land uses with more harmonious functions. Evaluation Type of Proposed Action SULEYMANIYE evaluation and planning decisions Planning decisions are considered related to: Development Plan Istanbul Project: Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study • urban fabric and transportation • land use and building functions • conservation of listed property • non-listed buildings • socio-cultural development This stage of the Study comprises of comprehensive conservation approaches within the planning strategies help to provide the revitalisation of the district with respect to traditional urban character. İstanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture Planning Decisions by Nuran Zeren Gulersoy, (Project Leader) Azime Tezer, Reyhan Yigiter, Kerem Koramaz, Zeynep Gunay Urban and Environmental Planning and Research Center Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study Suleymaniye an integrated conservation approach 14 Historic quarter on the south of Suleymaniye Mosque is considered as a pilot area to develop the 1/1000 scale urban design project. This zone is chosen for preserving the traditional architectural character and urban fabric of Suleymaniye Urban Historic Site. SULEYMANIYE urban design project While verifying proposals for building forms, structural additions on listed buildings are firstly removed. Infill applications on building forms are designed according to original structural conditions and story height of buildings. Urban Design Project Istanbul Project: Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study Within this step of the study, proposals for listed structures, land and building uses, transportation system and open urban spaces are figured out in a design scheme with three dimensional interventions for listed buildings. Interventions for Listed Buildings by Nuran Zeren Gulersoy, (Project Leader) Azime Tezer, Reyhan Yigiter, Kerem Koramaz, Zeynep Gunay İstanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture Urban and Environmental Planning and Research Center Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study a comprehensive documentary Yenikapi 15 Condition of the Building Occupancy of the Building Construction Material Yenikapi-Yali Mahallesi is a typical historic urban quarter of old Istanbul with its masonry and timber civil architecture and its cultural inheritance. It has always been a residential area. However, the increasing density of manufactural sector, warehouses, car repairing activities has been damaging the residential character of the traditional physical and social layout of Yali Mahallesi recently. Such developments on main boulevards create job opportunities for residents, but does not effect the economical development of Yali Mahallesi as a whole. However, it still manages in preserving its urban fabric with original architectural character. Use of Land and Building Ground Floor YENIKAPI survey and analysis The boundary for the Yenikapi Conservation Area is determined to cover the historic core of Yali Mahallesi. There is only one monumental building in the area, which is Church of Surp Tartios Partihiminios. The church is still in use, and surrounded by newly built disharmonious structures that hide the monumental character. Being an intersection node of main transportation modes of Anatolian and European sides of Istanbul brings a significant impact on the area for future. İstanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture Urban and Environmental Planning and Research Center Land Ownership Harmony with the Architectural Character Istanbul Project: Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study Pervititch Map Listed Structures by Nuran Zeren Gulersoy, (Project Leader) Azime Tezer, Reyhan Yigiter, Kerem Koramaz, Zeynep Gunay Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study Yenikapi a comprehensive documentary 16 SOCIAL STRUCTURE ANALYSIS IN YENIKAPI-YALI MAHALLESI Yenikapi-Yali Mahallesi has been succeeded in preserving its unique architectural characteristics, and housed Istanbul’s important nightclubs of high-level society till 1960s. After 1960s, with the construction of Kennedy Street through the seashore, it has changed both physically and socially. The increase in non-residential activities caused Yenikapi-Yali Mahallesi’s own residents to leave the settlement. The empty places, generally listed buildings, were filled by the immigrants of low income coming from the economically undeveloped regions of Turkey, especially from Southeast and East Anatolia regions. The new families of low income groups in Yenikapi-Yali Mahallesi, mostly working in the service sector and in marginal jobs, generally settle down the area in for a temporary period, as a step in between better conditions which will be provided by higher incomes. This temporary approach causes lack of care of the buildings or surrounding. Moreover, the low-income level of residents hardens the preservation of historic urban character of the area. When high maintenance costs added on the population who are mainly tenants, the listed buildings are left to become dilapidation. Demographic Structure Most of the families are extended families of more than 5 people in Yenikapi-Yali Mahallesi. This stems from the increasing immigration rates from economically undeveloped settlements of East, Southeast Anatolia or Black Sea regions. Street Life in YenikapiYali Mahallesi Yenikapi-Yali Mahallesi houses the labour force working in near commercial centers and entertainment business. The major population of residents in the planning areas are housewives and self-employees. The number of fathers with no income is rather high. Majority earn between more than 284 USD with the benefit of working in entertainment business. Building-User Relationship Playground in YenikapiYali Mahallesi Most of the families are tenants. There is a small portion of families living in the building free of charge. Almost half of the residents have lived in that residence for a period of less than 5 years. The continuous immigration from economically undeveloped regions of Turkey creates a dynamic mobile population profile. The survey includes the demographic and socio-economic aspects of the inhabitants of the planning area, as well as their interactions with the environment, their expectations and their perspectives in defining urban conservation and historical environment. Social Communication Interaction Levels Majority of the inhabitants have relatives in near surrounding. Yenikapi-Yali Mahallesi is fortunate by the fact that green areas surrounding the settlement create breathing spaces for residents. However, outdoor and indoor settings are insufficient in number. User’s Opinions About Urban Conservation Social Life in YenikapiYali Mahallesi It was determined that a small portion of residents has a true understanding of conservation area. The residents’ thoughts of Yenikapi-Yali Mahallesi are in the direction of the replacement of the listed house with a modern, multi-storey building beautifies the district, thus rapid demolishment activities show the reality. Istanbul Project: Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study YENIKAPI social structure analysis Information was gathered from 70 households equally shared in between both listed and non-listed buildings. İstanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture Urban and Environmental Planning and Research Center by Nuran Zeren Gulersoy, (Project Leader) Azime Tezer, Reyhan Yigiter, Kerem Koramaz, Zeynep Gunay Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study Yenikapi an integrated conservation approach 17 7 Block No 830 Lot No 12 Building No 27 Exis ting Situation Construction Mtrl. Timber+Masonry Storey Height 3 Use Residential Ow nership Private Partners Building Condition Bad Condition Harmony Harmonious Listing Status Listed Action type Liberation Block No 831 Lot No 5 Building No 4 Exis ting Situation Construction Mtrl. Storey Height Proposal Timber+Masonry 3 Use Unoccupied House Ow nership Private Individual Building Condition Ruin Harmony Harmonious Listing Status Listed Action type Residential Consolidation Block No 831 Lot No 6;7 Building No 5 Exis ting Situation Construction Mtrl. Storey Height Use Proposal Masonry 3 2 Residential Residential Ow nership Private Partners Building Condition Good Condition Harmony Harmonious Listing Status Listed Action type Liberasyon Block No 831 Lot No 10 Building No 7 Exis ting Situation Construction Mtrl. Storey Height Proposal Timber 3 Use Residential Ow nership Private Individual Building Condition Good Condition Harmony Harmonious Listing Status Listed Action type Proposal Residential Residential Liberation Example of the Evaluation List Planning efforts are directed towards the reorganization of the role of Yenikapi-Yali mahallesi to be in accordance with the traditional urban fabric of the area and to serve in its hinterland. Evaluation New economic functioning is proposed to provide new job opportunities reflecting the potential to increase the income level of inhabitants. Type of Proposed Action YENIKAPI evaluation and planning decisions Planning decisions are considered related to: Development Plan Istanbul Project: Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study • urban fabric and transportation • land use and building functions • conservatıon of listed property • non-listed buildings • socio-cultural development This stage of the Study comprises of comprehensive conservation approaches within the planning strategies help to provide the revitalisation of the district with respect to traditional urban character. İstanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture Planning Decisions by Nuran Zeren Gulersoy, (Project Leader) Azime Tezer, Reyhan Yigiter, Kerem Koramaz, Zeynep Gunay Urban and Environmental Planning and Research Center Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study Yenikapi an integrated conservation approach 18 In the study area, 1/1000 scale urban design project is developed with proposals for both land and building levels. YENIKAPI urban design project While verifying proposals for building forms, structural additions on listed buildings are firstly removed. Infill applications on building forms are designed according to original structural conditions and story height of buildings. Urban Design Project Istanbul Project: Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study Within this step of the study, proposals for listed structures, land and building uses, transportation system and open urban spaces are figured out in a design scheme with three dimensional interventions for listed buildings. İstanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture Interventions for Listed Buildings by Nuran Zeren Gulersoy, (Project Leader) Azime Tezer, Reyhan Yigiter, Kerem Koramaz, Zeynep Gunay Urban and Environmental Planning and Research Center Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study an integrated conservation approach 19 Under the roof of Conservation Study, the following structures were set up to implement the plan: An expert in both national and international levels is promoted as Project Leader, dealing with the true functioning of the whole management scheme and operating financial resources. The secondary partners are the Project Coordinators doing the plan and the Project Consultants contributing in evaluation and decision-making processes. Consultative bodies ensure the effective and efficient continuity of the study between diverse groups and organizations mentioned above, community, tourism interests, arts, cultural interests, business and trade groups. The full participation of public in evaluation and decision-making processes is supported, so as private enterprises. To ease the implementation process, each sub-project is run by a Project Team. Sub-project groups are established under the themes of physical, socio-cultural and economic dimensions. A Vision Center served as a vital means of communication and publicity, ensure the cooperation between various sub-projects raising the profile of the historic district. Zeyrek A Monitoring Committee is proposed to be established in order to monitor the implementation process. implementation and financial management To maintain financial support for the implementation is surely the most important problems the conservation studies face. The study looks for the consistent and appropriate solutions to ease the difficulties run by the scarce resources. A self-processed funding scheme is settled inbetween national and international partners of public and private sectors to fill the capital pool. European Union and UNESCO are the main international supporting organizations in the financial management scheme. In national level, a multi-partnership mechanism is set up with the contribution of Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Greater Municipality, District Municipalities, Foundations, Universities and private sector. To provide a management process defining a cooperated participation between administrative units during the implementation process is determined in the Study. Suleymaniye It is recognized that the local authority could not achieve the comprehensive plan acting alone. Financial aid, besides incentives, from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and foundations is ensured by the fact that only if the proposed project on a land is on their ownership. The Ministry can support the study by funds and incentives such as tax relief and subsidies on tourist activities that are proposed on tourist-cultural facility zones. A new approach was therefore proposed, involving a partnership of public and private bodies, including local and central government, as well as private enterprises. Local bodies of Greater Municipality and district municipalities help to restore historic buildings and provide consultancy to maintain a Community Center. University Foundation having an effect on social development of the area is responsible for the establishment of Training Center for capacity building and dormitory opportunities for students. Because of its global role, the project is handled with the contribution of national and especially of international partners. The district has to be successful in levering private sector investment, in particular, significant investment from the service sector: private offices, restaurant and other entertainment businesses. The Financial support from private entrepreneurs can be maintained in commercial corridors. It is important to state that public participation in the process will guarantee the continuity of efforts. Istanbul Project: Istanbul Historic Peninsula Conservation Study İstanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture Yenikapi by Nuran Zeren Gulersoy, (Project Leader) Azime Tezer, Reyhan Yigiter, Kerem Koramaz, Zeynep Gunay Urban and Environmental Planning and Research Center