Young Talent Award (Special Mention)
Young Talent Award (Special Mention)
CONTENT Sino-French cooperation on Innovation (in French and Chinese) ………………………… 2 Innovation Awards for Franco-Chinese Teams – Co-chairmen’s statements ……… 5 The campaign “France Technology: So French, so Innovative” Some key facts & figures about French Innovation …………………………… 9 ……………………………………………… 13 Innovation Awards for Franco-Chinese Teams ………………………………………………………… 16 2014 Jury & selection process …………………………………………………………………………………… 18 2014 Prize list …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 23 2014 Finalists …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 25 2014 Winners …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 27 2014 Special Mentions ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 28 2014 Projects summaries (Winners, Finalists and Special Mentions) ………………… 29 Press Release ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 50 Partners of the 2014 Innovation Awards for Franco-Chinese Teams ………………… 56 About France-China 50 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 59 About France-China Committee ……………………………………………………………………………… 62 1 LA COOPERATION FRANCO-CHINOISE EN MATIERE D’INNOVATION Un premier accord de coopération signé en 1978 La coopération scientifique institutionnelle franco-chinoise repose sur un accord intergouvernemental signé en 1978 ainsi que sur trois accords spécifiques précisant les termes de la coopération dans le domaine de l’ espace, des maladies infectieuses, de la médecine traditionnelle chinoise. L’ accord de coopération de 1978 est mis en œuvre via une commission mixte scientifique et technologique, sous la direction du Ministère français des affaires étrangères et du Ministère chinois de la science et de la technologie (MOST). Sa XIIIème session, organisée à Paris en mai 2011, a permis de définir deux axes majeurs pour une avancée de la coopération scientifique entre les deux pays : le renforcement des laboratoires publics conjoints avec une ouverture sur l’ Europe et sur les entreprises ; la mise en avant de six thématiques prioritaires : développement durable, biodiversité et gestion de l’ eau ; chimie et technologies vertes ; énergie ; sciences de la vie dont maladies infectieuses et maladies émergentes ; sciences et technologies de l’ information et villes intelligentes ; matériaux avancés. Un dialogue sur l’ innovation, destiné à promouvoir les échanges d’ informations sur les politiques respectives des deux pays en la matière, a par ailleurs été initié en 2013. Un groupe de travail bilatéral a été mis en place dans ce cadre afin de discuter des conditions propices à des futures coopérations. 2 Les laboratoires conjoints et les réseaux bilatéraux structurés : piliers de la coopération La coopération franco-chinoise dans le domaine scientifique est à la fois très dynamique et très diversifiée. Les liens établis entre les chercheurs ont conduit à la création de laboratoires conjoints virtuels ou avec murs et de réseaux structurés. Cette cinquantaine de structures conjointes constitue une force majeure dans la coopération franco-chinoise avec plus de 2 500 chercheurs impliqués, issus de plus de 350 laboratoires des deux pays. Le laboratoire en informatique, automatique et mathématiques appliquées (LIAMA), premier laboratoire de recherche franco-chinois(1997) et l'unité mixte internationale associant Solvay, le CNRS, l’ ENS Lyon et l'université normale de Chine de l'Est (UMI E2P2L) à Shanghai (2011) illustrent le lien de ces structures avec l'Europe de la recherche et le monde industriel. L'Institut Pasteur de Shanghai (2004), pôle majeur de la coopération d’ excellence dans le domaine de la recherche et de la santé, offre depuis 2011, au travers de son incubateur accélérateur Advance Bio-China, des perspectives de partenariat avec des jeunes entreprises internationales innovantes du secteur des biotechnologies. Les entreprises innovantes, parties intégrantes de la coopération Les entreprises françaises de haute technologie jouent également un rôle primordial. La plupart des grands groupes, mais également un nombre croissant de PME et d’ ETI, sont présents en Chine et y ont noué des coopérations de R&D avec des partenaires académiques et industriels locaux. Cette relation s’ est traduite par la création d’ une dizaine de laboratoires conjoints établis avec un partenaire académique. 3 Des programmes de financement conjoints L’ ANR, agence française de financement de la recherche publique, représente un acteur majeur dans la collaboration de recherche avec la Chine. Depuis 2007, plusieurs appels à projets conjoints ont été lancés par l’ ANR avec d’ une part le MOST et d’ autre part avec la Fondation nationale des sciences naturelles de Chine (NSFC). Une cinquantaine de projets bilatéraux ambitieux ont été soutenus dans ce cadre. La Chine est le premier partenaire de l’ ANR hors Union européenne. Bpifrance, agence de financement des entreprises, est également engagée avec le MOST dans un programme de financement de projets de R&D conjoints entre PME françaises et chinoises. Le programme a été lancé en 2011. L’ ambassade en soutien à la coopération franco-chinoise L’ ambassade de France en Chine a mis en place des outils spécifiques destinés à soutenir la mobilité des chercheurs et des entreprises. Parmi ces outils, le programme CAI Yuanpei, développé en partenariat avec le China Scholarship Council, a permis de soutenir une centaine de projets impliquant des échanges de doctorants ou post-doctorants. Le programme COOPOL Innovation a pour sa part apporté son soutien à 25 PME françaises issues des pôles de compétitivité et à la recherche de partenaires de R&D chinois. Ambassade de France en Chine 4 CO-CHAIRMEN’ S STATEMENTS Dr. HE Zhimin Deputy Director General of the State Intellectual Property Office of P.R.China (SIPO) On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, President Xi and President Hollande jointly decided to bring the Sino-French comprehensive strategic partnership into a new era and to promote people-to-people mutual understanding and cooperation in cultural and educational fields. Exchanges and cooperation in the field of intellectual property has played an important role in the Sino-French cooperation, which is evidenced by the nearly 30 years of friendship and cooperation between the State Intellectual Property Office of P.R.China (SIPO) and the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI). In the 21st century, with the further development of the knowledge economy, intellectual property is becoming an important resource for development and a core 5 element of competitiveness. The abilities of IPR creation, use, protection and management have become the important measures of a country's economic and innovative strength. Premier Li Keqiang pointed out that through the in-depth implementation of the "National Intellectual Property Strategy", it is the responsibility of the government to create a better environment for the protection and use of intellectual property, which will contribute to building an innovative country, allowing millions of innovators to benefit the people by the outcomes as well as to realize their own value, and promoting economic quality and efficiency upgrade. We need to use in-depth reform and innovation as the incentives to build an innovative country. The construction of the whole chain of IPR creation, use, protection, management and service shall also be strengthened to foster the boom of innovation and start-up, to boost the upgrade of "China manufacturing" with wisdom and to promote the world economic prosperity. In today's economic globalization, interdisciplinary, cross-culture collaboration is becoming increasingly popular. I am very delighted to serve as the co-chair of the jury with Mr. Yves LAPIERRE and to witness the outstanding innovations made by Franco-Chinese teams. I believe that with the deepening of cooperation, Sino-French cooperation will bear more fruits. 6 CO-CHAIRMEN’ S STATEMENTS Yves LAPIERRE Commissioner and CEO of the French patent and trademark office (INPI) Highlighted during President Xi’s official visit to Paris last March in the Joint Declaration signed with President Hollande, Intellectual Property (IP) is a prominent field of cooperation between our two countries. As we commemorate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between France and China, INPI France and the State Intellectual Property Office of the P.R. China (SIPO) can look back at almost three decades of fruitful dialogue and cooperation, illustrated by the upcoming 27th bilateral meeting on patents taking place this week in Beijing. With the increasing strength of cross-border collaborative innovation and the development of China as a global innovation power house, holding the first edition of 7 Innovation Awards for Franco-Chinese teams naturally paves the way for the next phase of our bilateral IP cooperation. This first session aims to promote and reward innovative projects of excellence that are jointly developed by bi-cultural teams. In challenging and competitive periods such as this one, innovation – and consequently the issues of IP – are critical to succeed. Dating back to 1991, “INPI trophies” reward on an annual basis the champions of French ingenuity as well as their use of IP in their development strategy. These men and women prove that innovation backed by a resilient IP strategy is one of their strongest assets. I believe that innovation is a source of shared wealth and as such it is a great honour and a real pleasure for me to co-chair the jury with my Chinese counterpart, Deputy Commissioner HE Zhimin. I look forward to witnessing the next steps of joint innovation between France and China, and the improvement of mutual understanding it will nurture. 8 "FRANCE TECHNOLOGY SO FRENCH, SO INNOVATIVE" To mark the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the French Republic and the People’ s Republic of China, France-China Committee (Comité France Chine) and its partners launched a campaign to promote French technologies and innovation in China. To mark the 50th anniversary of Franco-Chinese diplomatic relations, France-China Committee (Comité France Chine) and its partners organized form July to December 2014 the campaign "France Technology - So French, so innovative" to promote all facets of French technological innovation, including its great industrial achievements and future successes, to all parties dealing with French companies in China. Backed by a tradition of world-class scientific research, France is a real land of innovation, with high-tech global champions in every industry. Champions capable of meeting the immense challenges and needs that face us in tomorrow's world, especially in the key fields of smart green cities, low carbon & energy efficiency, sustainable mobility, better healthcare, sustainable industries, safe & quality food, information and communication technology, innovative services and smart lifestyle. During this campaign, France-China Committee (Comité France Chine) and its partners have held two major events: - The French Innovation Festival – from 1 to 15 November 2014: a discovery of 9 French technologies through conferences on innovation and open days. The operation was designed to promote contacts between engineers, businesses and economic and political leaders via a French technology discovery campaign based on: innovation conferences involving experts and scientists in 10 cities; over 20 open days when innovative French companies have opened their production plants and R&D centers to the public revealing their know-how and high-tech achievements and partners events (Shenzhen – IN-Pulse Digital Forum, Zhuhai – Airshow, Wuhan – Sustainable City, Hong Kong – France Land of Innovation, Chengdu – Bibendum Michelin Challenge etc.). - The Innovation Awards for Franco-Chinese Teams – on 4 December 2014: prizes awarded to innovative Franco-Chinese teams under the high patronage of Mr. Emmanuel MACRON, Minister of Economy, Industrial Renewal and Information Technology and Mrs. Geneviève FIORASO, Secretary of State for Higher Education and Research. The different awards – Young Talents, R&D and Innovative Product will reward and distinguish projects of excellence. “France Technology” campaign is initiated by France-China Committee (Comité France Chine) and supported by more than 40 companies partners of this event including Dassault Systèmes, DPCA, Havas, Institut Mérieux, Schneider Electric, Alstom, INPI, Safran, and Suez Environnement. More information on Event organized as part of France-China 50- 10 11 Organized by: With the support of: 12 SOME KEY FACTS & FIGURES ABOUT FRENCH INNOVATION Who said France was only romantic? France is also an innovative country with innovative companies and innovative people France: a successful and innovative country • 2nd largest economic power in the European Union and 5th in the world. • 6th largest exporter of goods and 4th largest exporter of services in the world. (WTO, 2011) • 4th in the world by FDI stocks after the United States, China, and the United Kingdom. (UNCTAD, World Investment Report, 2014). The leading recipient in Europe of foreign investment in industry. (EY, European Attractiveness Survey, 2014) • One of the three leading destinations in Europe for job-creating inward investment: on average, 13 job-creating foreign investments are made every week in France. (EY, European Attractiveness Survey, 2014) • 6th highest hourly productivity in the world ahead of Germany (7th) and the United Kingdom (13th). (The Conference Board, 2014) • Share of the R&D in the GDP: 2,25% in 2013 • 1st in Europe for low corporate tax rates on R&D operations French innovative companies • 3rd worldwide in the Top 100 Global Innovators (Thomson Reuters 2014) • 1st rank in Europe for the largest number of companies (31) in the 2014 “Fortune Global 500”, putting France ahead of Germany and the United Kingdom • 86 of the top 500 fastest growth technology companies in the EMEA region • 90 start-ups in the Deloitte Technology Fast 500 global list of high growth 13 start-ups • 2nd in Europe and 6th worldwide for the number of patents filed • Multi-sector leader companies, such as: - Nuclear industry: Largest in Europe. Source: CEA (French Atomic and Alternative Energies Commission), 2009 - Aerospace industry: Largest in Europe. Source: GIFAS (French Aerospace Association), 2010 - Chemicals industry: 2nd largest in Europe. Source: INSEE (French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies), 2010 - Pharmaceutical industry: Largest in Europe and 3rd largest in the world. Source: LEEM (Association of French Pharmaceutical Companies), 2010 - Agriculture & food industry: 3rd largest in Europe and 4th largest in the world. Source: French Agriculture Ministry, 2010 - IT industry: 3rd largest in Europe. Source: EITO (European Information Technology Observatory), 2010 French innovative people • 4th country the most awarded by Nobel Prizes: 34 Nobel Prizes in hard sciences - 12 in physics, 8 in chemistry, 14 in physiology and medicine • 2nd country the most awarded by the Fields Medals (mathematics): more than one fifth out of the 55 Fields Medals • 6th in the world and 3rd in Europe for the number of scientific publications French innovations with an impact on our daily life • New technologies: smart cards, microcomputers, television, hypertelescope, flat screen • Health: the “morning after” pill, progressive lenses, sun protection cream, artificial heart transplants, tele-surgery • Energy: electric current, electromagnetism • Transport: puncture-proof tyres, jet aircraft, the all-electric car 14 2014 A French innovative year 2014 Fields Medals : Artur Avila 2014 Lasker-DeBakey Prize (Clinical Medical Research Award): Alim-Louis Benabid et Mahlon Delong 2014 ‘Analysis of market power and regulation’ Prize: Jean Tirole 2014 Nobel Prize in Literature : Patrick Modiano 2014 L’Oreal-UNESCO Prize for Women in Science: Brigitte Kieffer 15 Organized under the high patronage of Mr. Emmanuel MACRON, Minister of Economy, Industrial Renewal and Information Technology And Mrs. Geneviève FIORASO, Secretary of State for Higher Education and Research “EVENT ORGANIZED AS PART OF FRANCE-CHINA 50 – WWW.FRANCE-CHINE50.COM” Organized by the France-China Committee (Comité France Chine) to mark the fiftieth anniversary of diplomatic relations between France and China, the Innovation Awards for Franco-Chinese teams are part of the “France Technology” campaign. The innovation chain: from invention to sale, a French feature In France innovation is perceived as a constant chain from fundamental research to production, including technological cooperation between science and industry. The Innovation Awards aim to reward the whole innovation chain. The Innovation Awards for Franco-Chinese teams aim to promote and reward innovative projects of excellence that are jointly developed by Franco-Chinese bi-cultural teams. These teams may be from universities, French Grandes Ecoles and laboratories, or equally from research and development centers and/or French and Chinese companies. 16 In this way, the whole chain of French-style innovation is represented. Types of Awards 3 types of awards will be awarded: Young Talents / R&D / Innovative Products • The Young Talents Award: awarded for university and academic research projects. This category is open to anyone aged between 18 and 30 on the date that the application is submitted • The R&D Award: awarded for innovations, not yet sold on the market, developed by one and/or a combination of public or private research units • The Innovative Product Award: awarded for innovations which are already on sale on the market and for which a patent has been filed, by the date that the Competition application is submitted The Awards Ceremony is organized in Beijing, on 4 December 2014. 17 2014 Jury & selection process of the Innovation Awards for Franco-Chinese Teams The Awards are awarded by a Franco-Chinese jury co-chaired by Mr. Yves LAPIERRE, INPI (French Patent Office) General Manager, and Dr HE Zhimin, Deputy Commissionner of SIPO (The State Intellectual Property Office of the P.R.China), whose members are drawn from institutions, companies, and scientific publications. Co-Chairmen INPI, Yves LAPIERRE, General Director SIPO, HE Zhimin, Deputy Commissionner Jury members French Embassy in China Norbert PALUCH, Science and Technology Counsellor Scientific publications SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DAILY, GAO Bo, Chief Technology Reporter MAGAZINE LA RECHERCHE, Luc ALLEMAND, Chief Editor CHINESE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY PUBLISHING HOUSE, BAI Guangqing, President 18 Companies sponsors of the “France Technology” campaign AREVA, Antoine ZHANG, Vice-President China DASSAULT SYSTEMES, WANG Haofeng, General Manager Greater China and, DASSAULT SYSTEMES, 3DS France Research Team TRANSGENE, XIA Meng, Chief Executive Officer China BIOMERIEUX, Pascal Vincelot, Vice-President MICHELIN, Jenny WANGYAN, Head of Corporate Development China MICHELIN, Philippe BARREAUD, Head of Asia Incubation SAFRAN, Jacques BROCHET, Chief Science and Technology Office BEIHANG UNIVERSITY, DING Shuiting, Dean of school of Jet Propulsion SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC, Pascal BROSSET, Chief Technology Officer, SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC, YIN Zhen, Senior Vice-President Strategy & Business Development GDF SUEZ, Bernard BLEZ, Deputy Director of CRIGEN R&D Center GDF SUEZ, Tianlun LI, Technology Watch Coordinator 19 Selection Process of the Innovation Awards for Franco-Chinese Teams Submission of applicants’ projects Entry to the Competition was opened from 29 September 2014 until 10 November 2014 (12 pm. Chinese time). Assessment criteria Projects have been assessed based on the following criteria: • The emphasis placed on the team’ s Franco-Chinese bi-cultural aspect • Innovative aspects • Economic viability • The usefulness of the project in social, economic, industrial and ecological terms. Winning team selection The winning Teams of the Awards have been chosen by the Jury from a list of a maximum of three finalists per Awards pre-selected by the Jury members themselves, between 17 November 2014 and 28 November 2014 inclusive. 20 Dr. HE Zhimin Deputy Director General of the State Intellectual Property Office of P.R.China (SIPO) Mr. HE Zhimin was born in Sichuan Province, China in October 1963. He is currently serving as Deputy of the National People’s Congress of China (CPC), Standing Member of the Central Committee of the Association for Promoting Democracy of China (APDC), and Deputy Commissioner of State Intellectual Property Office of P. R. China (SIPO). He graduated from Tianjin University with B.S. in Chemical Machinery & Equipment in July 1982, and received his M.S. in Chemical Engineering in January 1985, and Ph.D. in Biochemical Engineering by a joint training program between University of L’Aquila, Italy and Tianjin University in August 2000. He started his professional career from February 1985, successively as Research Assistant, Lecturer, Associate Professor, Deputy Director, and Professor at Tianjin University Chemical Engineering Research Center. He became Vice President of Tianjin Chemical Industry Corporation in October 1996, then Vice President of Tianjin Bohai Chemical Industry Group Co. in June 1998. In the period of July 2000 to August 2008, He served as Deputy Director-General of the Science and Technology Commission of Tianjin Municipal Government. Meanwhile, he was elected as Vice Chairman of Tianjin Municipal Committee of APDC in January 2001, Vice Chairman of Tianjin Youth Federation in February 2001, Vice Chairman of Tianjin Municipal Association for Science and Technology in November 2002, Standing Member of the Central Committee of APDC, and Deputy of CPC in January in 2003. He had one-year experience as Deputy Head to the Technology Division at Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games from May 2005 to April 2006. Before entering to SIPO, he had served as Director-General of Tianjin Municipal Intellectual Property Office from August 2008 to February 2014. He has been appointed as Deputy Commissioner of SIPO since February 2014. 21 Yves LAPIERRE Commissioner and CEO of the French patent and trademark office (INPI) Yves LAPIERRE was appointed Commissioner and CEO of the French patent and trademark office in August 2010. He is a graduate of the École Polytechnique (X74) and has a Doctorate in Physics. Before joining the Office, he worked in industry and research, with a consistently strong focus on innovation. Until 1992, he occupied several posts within the Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), in France and at Stanford University, USA. He then joined Safran-Hispano Suiza as Commercial and Programmes Director. In 1994, he moved to the CEA, where he was successively Head of Department then Deputy Director of the “Fuel cycle” division. He also headed up the “Silva” project. In 2001, Yves Lapierre joined the Areva group as the Director of Industrialisation for STMI (subsidiary of Areva/EDF), where he was appointed CEO in 2003. He was then named CEO of Areva TA (Technicatome) in 2009. 22 2014 PRIZE LIST In 2014, 25 Franco-Chinese teams applied for the 1st edition of the Innovation Awards for Franco-Chinese Teams. 22 teams were eligible to run the competition. These files were submitted by 22 teams from companies, R&D centers, R&D centers, joint laboratories and university gathering in total more than 200 French and Chinese innovators working in cooperation. List of applicant’s per category (name of the structure followed by project’s name - per alphabetic order) YOUNG TALENTS AWARD FRENCH MINES - TELECOM FOUNDATION, DataBridge R&D AWARD ALSTOM Advanced Phasor Measurement for Smart Grid AS3 GROUP AS3, ARIA SKYRAY atmospheric particle-phase (ARIA SKYRAY SUPERVISION SYSTEM) online heavy metal Supervision System EDF & IE-CAS (INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL Joint R&D Project on Concentrated Solar Tower ENGINEERING OF THE CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES) Power Plant (CSP) technologies between EDF and IEE-CAS EDF (CHINA) R&D CENTER EPG (ELECTRIC POWER GRID) Advanced Flickermater Design for Electrical Equipment Status Estimation IVY BIOTECH iVinTech LAFARGE SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION Lafarge Anti-permeability Thermal-insulation Mortar System DEVELOPMENT LAB (CDL), CHINA SAINT-GOBAIN RESEARCH SHANGHAI New Product Development for Optical Fiber Connector-Sleeves SHANGHAI UNIVERSITY & ESSILOR INTERNATIONAL Optical Colloids for Ophthalmic Lens Application and Others JOINT R&D CENTRE SOLVAY E2P2L (Eco-Efficient Products and Processes Laboratory): A unique international research laboratory in Shanghai TOTAL & SHANGHAI ADVANCED RESEARCH INSTITUTE Application of membrane in the synthesis of dimethyl carbonate: (SARI), CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES a green gasoline additive 23 INNOVATIVE PRODUCT AWARD ALCHIMEDICS S.A.S, SINO MEDICAL SCIENCES "BuMA": a Drug Eluting Stent designed for total patient TECHNOLOGY INC. safety and reduced cost for healthcare ALSTOM HYDRO CHINA Xiangjiaba 800 MW Unit reseach/design/ manufacturing project BLUESTAR SILICONES INTERNATIONAL New solutions to reduce patients’ pain and accelerate patients’ recovery with innovative soft skin silicone adhesive gels for scar care and wound care management DONGFENG PEUGEOT CITROËN AUTOMOBILE R&D and industrialization of Dongfeng Peugeot 3008 FIVES Development of an innovative galvanizing and annealing line including an annealing furnace technology for high added-value steel strips for the automotive industry KINEP SAS Kinep Chinese Software (Kinep office / Kinep teacher) LAFARGE SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION China, Lafarge self-drainage ground system DEVELOPMENT LAB (CDL) LEGRAND GROUP Wiring Devices for China ranges Solutions for both High quality / high level segment and affordable / social housing segment LEGRAND LOW VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL (WUXI) LM II / Outdoor Zigbee Photovoltaic Sensor PARROT Parrot Bebop Drone - Sky Controller Ultra-lightweight quadricopter for filming WiFi-driven HD video SAINT-GOBAIN RESEARCH SHANGHAI Innovation in Encapsulated Glass for Chinese Auto Industry 24 2014 FINALISTS On 27 November 2014, the Jury pre-selected 3 finalists for R&D Award and Innovative Product Award. Finalists (per alphabetic order) YOUNG TALENTS As for the first edition only one file was submitted to the Jury for the Young Talent category, the Jury members decided to grant the FRENCH MINES - TELECOM FOUNDATION’s Team with a special mention. FRENCH MINES - TELECOM FOUNDATION’s Team is led by SUN Yangke Team members: BORDE Florent, LIBESSART Erwan, JIANG Wei, IRAQI HOUSSAINI Kenza R&D – 3 FRANCO-CHINESE TEAMS NOMINATED EDF & IEE-CAS Team led by: Guofei CHEN 陈国飞 Joint R&D Project on Concentrated Solar Tower Team members: WANG Zhifeng, 王志峰, LIU Sijie 刘思杰, Power Plant ZHANG Jinbai 张劲柏, LU Jiahui 卢佳汇, YU Qiang 余, (CSP) technologies between EDF and IEE-CAS ZHANG Qiangqiang 张强强, LI Xin 李鑫, BAI Fengwu 白凤武 SAINT-GOBAIN RESEARCH SHANGHAI Team led by: Edouard BRUNET New Product Development for Optical Fiber Team members: WANG Fei 王菲, CHEN Yiwei 陈祎玮, Connector-Sleeves TANG Junjun唐君军DONG Wei董伟, Thomas PERIE SOLVAY Team led by: Dr. Pascal METIVIER E2P2L (Eco-Efficient Products and Processes Team members: YAN Zhen 闫震, Matthieu CORBET, Laboratory): Raphael WISCHERT, MALCOURONNE Guillaume, A unique international research laboratory PERUSSEL Gaetan, LAI Jonathan, ZHOU Wen-Juan 周文娟, in Shanghai YAN Zhao 赵燕, WU Mengjia 伍萌佳, LI Peng (Jerry) 李鹏, FANG Lin 方林, WANG Qian 王倩, QI Ling 齐玲, FAN Zhaoyu (Flora) 樊兆玉, NI Xiao (Sean) 倪潇, FANG Wenhao 方文浩, Armin LIEBENS 25 INNOVATIVE PRODUCT – 3 FRANCO-CHINESE TEAMS NOMINATED ALCHIMEDICS S.A.S, SINO MEDICAL SCIENCES Team led by: Christophe BUREAU TECHNOLOGY INC., Team members: Dr Férial HAROUN, Dr Jianhua SUN 孙箭, "BuMA": a Drug Eluting Stent designed for total Tianzhu LI 李天竹, Wenbin CAI 蔡文彬, Xiaoran KANG 康小然 patient safety and reduced cost for healthcare LAFARGE SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION Team led by: TANG Zhenzhong 唐振中 DEVELOPMENT LAB (CDL) Team members: LAN Putian 兰普添 China, Lafarge self -drainage ground system FIVES Team led by: Jean-Luc MAGALHAES Development of an innovative galvanizing and Team members: Stéphane MEHRAIN, Jean-Louis BIGAN, annealing line including an annealing furnace Karim MATI, Patrice SEDMAK, Patrick GIRAUD, André WONG, technology for high added-value steel strips Daqing JIANG 蒋大强, ZHU Hongxiang 朱宏祥 ,YANG Jie 杨杰 for the automotive industry 26 2014 WINNERS INNOVATION AWARDS FOR FRANCO-CHINESE TEAMS R&D AWARD EDF & IEE-CAS (INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING OF THE CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES) Joint R&D Project on Concentrated Solar Tower Power Plant (CSP) technologies between EDF and IEE-CAS Team led by: Guofei CHEN 陈国飞 Team members: WANG Zhifeng, 王志峰, LIU Sijie 刘思杰, ZHANG Jinbai 张劲柏, LU Jiahui 卢佳汇, YU Qiang 余, ZHANG Qiangqiang 张强强, LI Xin 李鑫, BAI Fengwu 白凤武 INNOVATIVE PRODUCT AWARD ALCHIMEDICS S.A.S, SINO MEDICAL SCIENCES TECHNOLOGY INC., "BuMA": a Drug Eluting Stent designed for total patient safety and reduced cost for healthcare Team led by: Christophe BUREAU Team members: Dr Férial HAROUN,Dr Jianhua SUN 孙箭, Tianzhu LI 李天竹, Wenbin CAI 蔡文彬, Xiaoran KANG 康小然 27 2014 SPECIAL MENTIONS FRENCH MINES-TELECOM FOUNDATION DataBridge ALSTOM HYDRO CHINA Xiangjiaba 800 MW Unit reseach / design / manufacturing project SOLVAY E2P2L: A unique international research laboratory in Shanghai 28 Innovative Product Award (Winner) ALCHIMEDICS S.A.S, SINO MEDICAL SCIENCES TECHNOLOGY INC., "BuMA": a Drug Eluting Stent designed for total patient safety and reduced cost for healthcare Organization Sino Medical Sciences Technology Inc. (SINOMED) is a global company engaged in research and development, production and sales of interventional medical devices. Our mission is to become, in the field we are in, one of the most important providers for best valued medical devices in the world. Project The BuMA™ Drug Eluting Stent (DES) co-developed by Sino Medical Sciences Technology and AlchiMedics is the latest generation of vascular implants enabling the safe re-opening of blocked coronary arteries in interventional cardiology. The BuMA™ stent combines a state-of-the-art metallic stent platform created by Sino Medical Sciences Technology and a drug-releasing coating developed by AlchiMedics, based on the technology of electro-grafting invented at the Center for Atomic Energy (CEA). Innovative aspects The electro-grafting technology utilized in the BuMA™ stent creates covalent bonding polymer chains onto the metallic surface at the nanometric level. The electro-grafted coating could promote the proliferation of the “good” endothelial cells within the window of opportunity to secure an ideal healing for the long-term safety of patients. 29 Economic viability The BuMA™ stent prevents re-stenosis and late stent thrombosis thanks to its promotion of the artery healing within the time window. It’s estimated to reduce the healthcare cost ca. 60% through the use of the BuMA™ stent due to a lower incidence of device-related clinical adverse events. Usefulness of the project The BuMA™ stent improves the clinical outcome for the patients and long term safety, making coronary intervention a mere event in a patient’s life. This project has been the enabler to the first industrialization of the electro-grafting technology. It has brought a totally new deposition process which is now cited as a reference process in many patents. This project has brought an overall revenue of €65M since its approval in China in 2010. Alchimedics has also provided financial return to its investors through this collaboration. The process of electro-grafting consumes much less energy than most other processes of the same category. The electrical consumption is about 3 orders of magnitude lower than other electrochemical processes. 30 « BUMA » The BuMA™ Drug Eluting Stent (DES) co-developed by Sino Medical Sciences Technology and AlchiMedics is the latest generation of vascular implants enabling the safe re-opening of blocked coronary arteries ininterventional cardiology (see video at: The BuMA™ stent combines a state-of-the-art metallic stent platform created by Sino Medical Sciences Technology and a drug-releasing coating developed by AlchiMedics, based on the technology of electrografting invented by Dr Christophe Bureau (CEO of AlchiMedics) at the Center for Atomic Energy (CEA). The BuMA™ stent obtained SFDA approval in 2010, and the product was launched in China in 2011 (see video at : As of today, more than 110.000 patients are implanted with the BuMA™ stent across China. First-in-Man implantation of the BuMA™ in Europe stent will take place in December, 2014. Thanks to the combination of an unprecedented stent design and the first-of-a-kind performances of its drug release layer, the BuMA™ stent is considered by Chinese cardiologists as the safest coronary stent presently available on the market, both in terms of success rate of implantation and in terms of long term acceptance and safety for the patient. It is the first coronary stent ever to solve the long standing problem of “late thrombosis”, bypassing the need for patients to take heavy anti-coagulant treatments over long periods: it eliminates a long list of potential risks for the patient linked to blood coagulation, reduces the need for re-intervention after implantation, and thus dramatically reduces the overall cost-of ownership for the healthcare payers. Christophe BUREAU, Ph.D November 30, 2014 President of AlchiMedics 31 R&D Award (Winner) EDF & IEE-CAS Joint R&D Project onConcentrated Solar Tower Power Plant (CSP) technologies between EDF and IEE-CAS Project description EDF and IEE-CAS have joined forces in the field of concentrated solar power (CSP) technologies. Regarding solar as high-potential source of renewable energy, IEE-CAS and EDF share a similar objective: the development of high performance, high-tech, safe, reliable and low cost CSP systems. They launched a joint R&D program on CSP in December 2011. The aim of this cooperation is to combine IEE-CAS and EDF expertise and competence to improve the performance of CSP plant and its reliability, allowing these technologies to become a competitive energy solution for future renewable power generation. Within this Sino-French synergy, a series of innovated research topics on this concept are carried out with involvement of 15+ engineers from EDF and 20+ researchers from IEE-CAS: Development of numerical solutions for the plant: 1D dynamic numerical power plant dealing with the transient analysis and operational optimization of the plant; 3D modeling tackling the heat transfer and material fatigue issues, advanced control solution providing intelligent operation and ensuring the safety. Access to 1MWe CSP demonstrator at Badaling in suburb of Beijing and carry out specific experiments focusing on transient scenarios; Extended test and application of novel advanced technology by taking advantage of the demonstrator The experience and results gained from the project can strongly contribute to other thermal solar industrial applications. Technical solutions are easily to be replicated 32 targeting the similar technologies, which could be applied to different phases of the commercial project development including design review, plant reception, operation optimization and possible renovation. 2015 is considered as the boom year of the CSP market in China with numerous demonstrators and commercial CSP power plants approved. Many Chinese project owners are intrigued by the novelties developed in this cooperation. Meanwhile, more industrial and scientific CSP actors in China and abroad are interested in participating in this bilateral cooperation, which is currently being considered by both parties. Organization: EDF EDF Group is a leading player in the European energy market, and the largest nuclear operator in the world. As an integrated electricity company with more than 60 years of power development experiences, EDF has comprehensive world-class industrial competitiveness in nuclear power, thermal power, hydropower and new energy power generation. Active and specialized in all aspects of power supply including electricity generation, transmission, distribution, sales, energy efficiency and energy trade, EDF can provide various integrated energy solutions in power project investment, engineering and management or grid transmission and distribution. CAS The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), with roots in the Academia Sinica of the Republic of China, is the national academy for the natural sciences of the People's Republic of China. Founded in 1955, it is an institution of the State Council of China, functioning as the national scientific thinktank and academic governing body, providing advisory and appraisal services on issues stemming from the national economy, social development, and science and technology progress. It is headquartered in 33 Beijing, with branch institutes all over mainland China. Team composition The team is composed by representatives from EDF and IEE-CAS (Institute of Electrical Engineering- Chinese Academy of Sciences). EDF representatives: CHEN Guofei: Director of EDF China R&D Center; ZHANG Jinbai: Production Team Leader of EDF China R&D Center; LIU Sijie: Research Engineer of EDF China R&D Center; LU Jiahui: Research Engineer of EDF China R&D Center IEE-CAS representatives: WANG Zhifeng: Director of the Key laboratory of Solar Thermal Energy and Photovoltaic System; LI Xin: Professor of IEE-CAS; BAI Fengwu: Professor of IEE-CAS; YU Qiang: Assistant Professor of IEE-CAS; ZHANG Qiangqiang: Assistant Researcher of IEE-CAS. Coordinator: Jinbai ZHANG (Production Team Leader of EDF China R&D Center;) Tel: 0086-10-85611359 34 Innovative Product Award (Finalist) LAFARGE SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION DEVELOPMENT LAB Lafarge self-drainage ground system Organization Lafarge Sustainable Construction Development Lab -First Construction system Lab in Lafarge group -In charge of local innovation and advanced technology transfer in China Project Lafarge self-drainage ground system is a kind of pavement system applied to the ground and road. Its main body consists of two layers of permeable structure. It combines decoration, structure and function, but also can filter the sewage on the ground quickly and drain water into the water supply and drainage network or sink wells. After this process, the water is clear and the solid content is extremely low and can be reutilized and applied to flushing, road cleaning, fire protection, urban greening, vehicle washing, and construction. Innovative aspects 3 Chinese invention patents: • “a kind of adhesive and preparation method”, No. 201310628526.x. • “a kind of road pavement layer”, No. 201310631362.6 • “a kind of pavement construction method, No. 20131061866658.4 35 Economic viability • Good ability of collecting and filtering rainwater • Save materials and reduce the cost • Reduce maintenance costs Usefulness of the project • Eliminate direct pollution to surrounding environment and urban hot island effect, prevent urban water-logging • Save materials and reduce the cost • Reduce maintenance costs • Model of intensive factory production • Higher construction speed • 30% reduction in carbon emission • Energy, water, material, land saving 36 Innovative Product Award (Finalist) FIVES AdvanTek® WRT 2.0, an innovative combustion system with reinforced environmental performance for the Steel industry Celebrating French innovation in China In 2014, Fives supports the France Technology campaign, aimed at celebrating 50 years of French-Chinese diplomatic relation. This includes the Innovation Awards for Franco-Chinese Teams, which honors teams from both countries that have developed innovative products. On this occasion, Fives competes for these awards with AdvanTek® WRT 2.0, a range of heating equipment dedicated to the Steel industry, which has a unique environmental track record. Fives: Pushing back the boundaries of equipment performance thanks to multi-countries collaboration It is Fives teams’ motto all over the world to offer its customers advanced technologies, particularly in terms of environmental performance, and to push back the boundaries of equipment performance with breakthrough Research and Development projects. In China, and more particularly in the Steel industry, their goal is to contribute to sustainable development of the steel industry and to its economic competitiveness. As part of this ambition, Fives provides industrial furnaces with advanced technology and reliable performance to renowned Chinese steelmakers. A fruitful collaboration between French and Chine teams On the occasion of the France-Chinese Awards, Fives’ Chinese and French teams dedicated to Steel are proud to present AdvanTek® WRT 2.0, a range of heating equipment that has been designed for hot dip galvanizing and annealing process lines equipped 37 with vertical annealing furnaces for high added value steel strips (mainly automotive industry, household appliances and building industry), particularly on integrated steel plants using site generated fuels. This is the result of in-house R&D work and technical expertise of Fives’ teams in France (Maisons-Alfort, Bar-Le-Duc) and in China (Shanghai). AdvanTek® WRT 2.0: equipment showing strong performance Thanks to AdvanTek® WRT 2.0, the global environmental impact of the Steel process line is significantly reduced and meets ever increasing requirements in investment projects. This range of heating equipment is suitable for different combustion gases, particularly site generated gases, and offers significant improvement of thermal efficiency by more than 25% and reduction in NOx emissions by more than 50%. Also, AdvanTek® WRT 2.0 allows to generate from 0.7 to 2.4 M€/year reduction in operating costs from energy savings (Processing Lines). These exceptional results were obtained thanks to many efforts and innovative solutions that contribute to the overall performance of this equipment: Equipment combining best-in-class technologies -New heat recuperator technology integrated to the radiant tubes -Unique burner technology suitable for any type of fuel -W-shape radiant tube technology suitable for continuous operation at high temperatures between 950 and 1000°C -New operating mode of the combustion system as a whole, based on increased flue gas recirculation -Modular and compact design of the combustion system. AdvanTek® WRT 2.0 also allows customers to favorably valorize gases generated in the steel production process, e.g. blast furnace gas, coke-oven gas and the like. 38 Fives: Developing process technologies that support industrial innovations, all over the world In 2013, Fives invested more than €26m in Research & Development and had 1,784 patents in force. Fives: an R&D focused company Indeed, Fives has been a long-term partner to the Chinese industry, with projects delivered as soon as the 1890s (locomotives, bridges, etc.). Its Beijing office was created in 1996, and the company today employs close to 500 people in the country, serving the automotive, steel, aluminium, cement and glass industries as well as the sugar and energy sectors. About Fives’ Steel offer In Steel, Fives’ goal is to help steelmakers enhance their performance and the subsequent competitiveness. It has developed the most reliable & innovative technologies and offers a range of expert service, from the layout of a facility to revamping services, including the design, manufacture and retrofit of mechanical, thermal, tube & pipe finishing equipment and the supply of surface treatment technologies. Fives employs 1,300 people dedicated to steel applications, with the capacity to run projects everywhere. About Fives Fives is an industrial engineering Group with a heritage of over 200 years of engineering excellence and expertise. Fives designs and supplies machines, process equipment and production lines for the world’ s largest industrial groups in various sectors such as aluminium, steel, glass, automotive, logistics, aerospace, cement and energy, in both developing and developed countries. In all these sectors, Fives designs and manufactures equipment and innovative solutions, which better anticipate and meet the needs of its customers in terms of performance, quality, safety and respect for the environment.In 2013, Fives achieved a turnover of 1.6 billion Euros and employed about 8,000 people in over thirty countries. Press contact: Claire Mathieu +33 1 45 23 76 21 39 Innovative Product Award (Special Mention) ALSTOM HYDRO CHINA Xiangjiaba 800 MW Unit reseach/design/ manufacturing project Organization Alstom Hydro China is Alstom’s largest hydro industrial site in the world. It is a full value chain entity with activities ranging from R&D, sales & marketing, engineering design, sourcing, manufacturing, project management, installation maintenance and service. The global technology centre inside is capable of R&D in mechanics, hydraulics and electrical disciplines for hydropower turbines and generators as well as scale model tests of Francis and Kaplan turbines. Through effective international collaboration and with the support of local service centres in 100 countries, it aims to better address the needs of Chinese and global markets and developing local R&D expertise. For the Xiangjiaba 800 MW Unit research/design/manufacturing project, ALSTOM technology center in Grenoble is responsible for hydraulic model development and basic design, the technology center in Birr is responsible for electric design and generator basic design, ALSTOM hydro China Co, Ltd is responsible for the detailed industrial design and manufacturing. XJB project is the good example for the technology cooperation between the China and France. Project The XJB hydro power plant is located on the Jin Sha River, is China’s third largest hydro power station. Alstom provided 4 800MW-class units to the underground power house, each coupled with an 889 MVA generator. With a stator diameter of 19m, the generators are both the largest and most powerful ever built in the world, 40 as well as highest on rated voltage and air cooled generator (23 Kv). Alstom delivered all four generating units in a record time - at an average of one unit every four months. These four units successfully entered commercial operation between November 2012 and June 2013, generating clean energy for China’s central and eastern regions. Innovative aspects The hydraulic design of XJB included several innovations: the choice of 28 Guide vanes allowed optimizing the civil work; the runner blades were with a very special conception that allowed decreasing drastically the partial load pressure pulsation in the whole operating range; thick leading edge of the profiles to allow a wide range of operation; a development of an unusual runner tip to decrease the full load pressure pulsation. Economic viability The basic design is conducted by Grenoble and Birr global technology center, and to lower the cost, the detailed design and manufacturing are carried out in Tianjin, which gives Alstom’s and advantage position in the cost, and finally won the project. Usefulness of the project The XJB hydro power plant’s main function is generating power, at the same time, comprehensive functions for improvement of navigation condition / flood protection / irrigation/sand control and reregulating reservoir to the Xiluodu project. Supply the water for the industrial and living functions, improve the local people living level and promote the economic development. The capacity of XJB power plant is 6400 MW, normal water level is 380 meters, the 41 guarantee out put is 2009 MW, the year average output is 307470 Million KW.H, the generating hours are 5125. After the establishment Baihetan project in its upstream, the guarantee out put will increased to 3500 MW, the output and quality of power will be improved. With annual average output of over 300000 Million KW.H, it could replace coal power plants at the same scale, same as to reduce 14 million tons of coal consumption, 25 million tons of carbon dioxide emission, 0.17 million tons of nitrogen dioxide, 0.30 million tons of sulfur dioxide, saving the coal resources and improving the environment conditions in Sichuan basin. 42 R&D Award (Special Mention) SOLVAY E2P2L (Eco-Efficient Products and Processes Laboratory): A unique international research laboratory in Shanghai Project description E2P2 laboratory is dedicated to renewable and sustainable chemistry. It aims to develop new eco-efficient products and processes capable of reducing our dependence on oil. The nature of the scientific challenges requires the combination of numerous key skills to overcome the technological barriers and develop solutions. For this reason, E2P2 has positioned itself as an open laboratory and is developing international collaborations between Chinese and European academic laboratories and also industrial partnerships. Such international lab is unique in China and allows a strong differentiation with other multinational companies in order to capture local opportunities such as leveraging of local academia, tapping into local talent pool, addressing local environmental issues and supporting the strong regional growth of Solvay’ s businesses. The research work, both applied and academic, is focused on the production and application of specialty chemicals (e.g. surfactants, monomers, polymers, additives etc … ) using sustainable feedstock such as biomass or carbon dioxide. Each project has been set-up with clear environmental and economic targets based on Life Cycle Analysis of benchmark technologies. During the life of the project Sustainability Index is then used to assess and position the new solutions developed. 43 Structurally the lab has been set-up in two steps: • First an official CNRS international joint lab (UMI – Unite Mixte Internationale) was created in March 2011 (UMI 3464) between Solvay & CNRS. A contract was signed agreeing on the main projects and the resources (people, investment) each partner would commit to the team. In this agreement, CNRS committed up to about Euros 1 million at full speed (4 permanent + 4 co-financed postdoc + expenses). •Then, a consortium agreement was signed between CNRS, ENSL, ECNU & Solvay agreeing to collaborate on common projects within the lab. Each partner has the flexibility to contribute or not on any given project. If a partner decides to contribute to a project he has to commit resources. So each project is documented by a project file containing the main objectives, task and contributing partners. In 2013, Lille U. and Fudan joined the E2P2 consortium through a simple amendment of the original agreement. A collaborative management model has been adopted with 3 main bodies of governance focusing on projects validation: • Steering Committee for Solvay with key internal stakeholders (platforms & GBUSs) • Steering Committee for UMI with 6 partners • Scientific Committee for UMI (consultative only regarding scientific excellence) In this model, a good alignment on high potential and differentiating projects is crucial to success. E2P2 has already both tangible and intangible benefits. Beyond the financial contribution of the partner and the international visibility, this consortium allows us to have access to more than 15 professors, of whom 3 are academicians (1 French, 2 Chinese). We also have access to a wide range of unique equipment and techniques. Of course the academic dimension of the team also allows applying to public funded programs both in EU and in China, helping pushing the limits of innovation. 44 Organization Set up in 2011 in Shanghai, the E2P2 laboratory is a joint research unit (UMI 3464) between the French National Scientific Center (CNRS), Solvay, the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) of Lyon and the East China Normal University (ECNU). In 2013, the University of Lille and the University of Fudan joined this international research consortium. Upon establishment, the first step was to identify first class academic partners in France and China, each bringing unique and complementary competences & capabilities. All the institutions and labs are recognized in their field at international level. Below are listed the key competences that each partner brings to the consortium: • CNRS – Heterogeneous catalysis, strong international research network • ENSL – Hybrid materials and theoretical chemistry applied to catalysis • ECNU – Zeolite synthesis and application to catalysis • Lille U. – Chemical Engineering & high-throughput platform for catalysts synthesis, characterization & testing • Fudan – Mesoporous materials and high level characterization techniques • Solvay – Industrial targets definition, chemical developments, industrial catalysis, economic evaluations Team We are a: • Multicultural (Asian, European, American) • Multinational (currently 14 scientists from China and 11 French and other countries) • Multidisciplinary (catalysis, material science, engineering) team of researchers and students. Today a team has been assembled with 50% internationals, 2 full time CNRS, 5 co-financed postdocs, 2 PhDs and 10 Solvay researchers, with capabilities installed (lab & equipment). 45 This laboratory is at the same time an industrial research laboratory and an academic laboratory. It is an excellent training base for young scientists. E2P2 is recognized as a master training center for Chinese and French academia (more than 40 students per year) and host PhD students and post-doctoral scientists. It has received a lot of recognition from Chinese and French authorities as an educational institution such as: • Master training work station from East China Universtity of Science and Technology • Master training work station from Jiao Tong University • Agence National de Recherche : PhD student hosting institution • Post-doctoral work station from Shanghai City • Academician working station from Shanghai City 46 R&D Award (Finalist) SAINT-GOBAIN RESEARCH SHANGHAI New Product development for Optical Fiber Connector-Sleeves An optical fiber connector (ferrule and sleeve) is used to join optical fibers, so as to provide the required connect/disconnect capability during its application within telecommunication. Typical questions of safety and security require very precise information transfer delivered by light. The connectors mechanically couple and align the cores of fibers, and then as a result light can pass through accurately. Good connectors lose very little light due to reflection or misalignment of the fibers. Sleeves are precisely designed fine ceramic pieces with high accuracy and used to hold ferrules in place firmly, with the purpose of ensuring a stable connection with fiber connectors. This is an Asia dominated high margin niche market (~€10M), where sleeves producers at different levels are already occupied by both Japanese and Chinese powder suppliers. This research project aims to open this market for Zirpro business of Saint-Gobain, by providing a highly reactive and easy processing Zirconia powder product on the basis of: a newly designed chemical route, powder formulation and subsequently adapted industrial processing in HD plant (located in Hebei province, China).Until so far, the developed pilot product in SGRS (Saint-Gobain Research Shanghai), has been qualified by two potential customers for high-end sleeves, and the product development on industrial line is on-going. 47 Organization Type of structure Saint-Gobain Research (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.; R&D center of Saint-Gobain, private multinational company: Size of structure 90 000 employees wolrdwide, 3500 dedicated to R&D China: 12 000 employees, 250 dedicated to R&D in Saint-Gobain Research Shanghai Turnover Worldwide - 42 Billion euros. 48 Young Talent Award (Special Mention) FRENCH MINES - TELECOM FOUNDATION DataBridge Data Bridge is a service created for people suffering visual impairment, using smartphones as an indoor-navigation tool in public buildings. The system leans on two pillars: building equipped with Data Bridge and user’s smartphone connected to passive devices that give access to a database. A visually impaired person chooses his destination at the entry of the building after the validation of the first device. Then he follows the track by scanning a sequence of devices till he reaches his destination. Those passive devices will be easily detected thanks to particular colors and form. Terminals will be spotted via an image processing. After validating a device, user receives instructions about how to join the next device. Users can also interact with the system, such as changing their destination. 49 PRESS RELEASE FIRST EVER INNOVATION AWARDS FOR FRANCO-CHINESE TEAMS A comprehensive approach to bi-cultural innovation by teams responding to the world's current and future environmental, demographic and industrial trends R&D Award EDF & IEE-CAS Joint EDF and IEE-CAS (Institute of Electrical Engineering- Chinese Academy of Science) R&D project researching Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) technology for towers Innovative Product Award ALCHIMEDICS S.A.S, SINO MEDICAL SCIENCES TECHNOLOGY INC "BuMA" A vascular stent maximizing patient protection and cutting healthcare costs The France China Committee and its partners highlight Franco-Chinese innovation by distinguishing two bi-cultural teams for their innovative work and their industrial property policy. "A France-China 50 event -" Beijing, December 4, 2014 - As part of the "France Technology - so French, so innovative" publicity campaign, the France China Committee (Comité France Chine) and its partners have organized the first ever Innovation Awards for Franco-Chinese Teams. 50 The awards have been organized under the patronage of Emmanuel Macron, Minister for the Economy, Industry and Digital, and Geneviève Fioraso, Secretary of State for Higher Education and Research, and are backed by the special support and expertise of the French INPI (National Institute of Industrial Property) and the Chinese SIPO (State Intellectual Property Office of the P. R. China), as co-chairmen of the Jury. Why do we need these awards? In France, innovation is seen as a seamless process ranging from basic research to industrial implementation involving technological cooperation between science and industry. Cooperation in scientific and technological research plays a major role in Franco-Chinese relations. Since 1978, based on the bilateral agreement on scientific and technological cooperation, strengthened in 2013 by a joint declaration on innovation by two French Ministries (for Productive Recovery and Higher Education and Research) on the one hand, and the Chinese Ministry for Science and Technology on the other, our two countries recognize the importance of research and have set up many joint research entities and research networks and discussion forums to promote industrial cooperation. French companies have developed a growing number of R&D organizations within the Chinese ecosystem. The diversity of activities covered by these organizations (fundamental research, adaptation or development of specific products for local markets, innovation) is part of a shared vision of cooperative development benefiting both French and Chinese partners. The Innovation Awards for Franco-Chinese Teams are intended to showcase and reward people who contribute to world-class research and development of 51 innovative projects designed to transform our lifestyles for the better. The projects presented have been developed jointly by bi-cultural teams from universities, top ranking schools, laboratories and R&D centers, covering the entire range of French innovation. 2014 Awards The jury decided to reward the winning teams on the basis of the following criteria: • Expression of the team's bi-cultural Franco-Chinese character • Innovative qualities and endorsement of intellectual property • Economic viability • Usefulness of the project in social, economic, industrial and environmental terms The two winning teams have been chosen from 22 projects involving over 200 French and Chinese engineers, competing in 2 different categories: R&D Award Winner EDF & IEE-CAS Joint EDF and IEE-CAS (Institute of Electrical Engineering- Chinese Academy of Science) R&D project into Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) technology for towers. Innovative Product Award Winner ALCHIMEDICS S.A.S, SINO MEDICAL SCIENCES TECHNOLOGY INC "BuMA": A vascular stent maximizing patient protection and cutting healthcare costs The winners received their prizes at a press conference held on December 4 in Beijing at the Raffles Hotel, in the presence of HE Maurice Gourdault-Montagne, French Ambassador in China, and the two co-chairmen of the Jury, Yves Lapierre, Managing Director of INPI, and HE Zhimin, Deputy Commissioner of SIPO. 52 In view of the high quality of the projects submitted, the jury also wished to distinguish the following projects by Special Mention: SOLVAY - E2P2L: A unique international research laboratory in Shanghai ALSTOM HYDRO CHINA - R&D and production project for 800 MW generating plant at the Xiangjiaba hydro-electric power station FRENCH MINES - TELECOM FOUNDATION - DataBridge These winners for 2014 show that a globalized general approach to innovation is an effective way of meeting the global challenges facing our societies. Through these Awards, cooperative innovation among bi-cultural Franco-Chinese teams has demonstrated excellence and the promise it holds for the future. Some bi-cultural teams that entered this competition belonged to large entities (e.g. companies or established laboratories), others had more modest origins (e.g. start-ups or SMEs) and should be encouraged to take part in the next edition of these Awards. The Jury These first ever Innovation Awards for Franco-Chinese teams have been awarded by a Franco-Chinese Jury under the joint chairmanship of Yves Lapierre, Commissioner and CEO of INPI and HE Zhimin, Deputy Commissioner of SIPO, whose 13 members were drawn from French and Chinese institutions, companies and scientific publications: Co-chairmen • INPI • SIPO 53 Members from institutional bodies • Science department of the French Embassy in China Members from scientific and technological publications • La Recherche magazine • Science and Technology Daily • Chinese Intellectual Property Publishing House Members from companies • Areva • Dassault Systems • GDF SUEZ • Institut Mérieux • Michelin • Safran and its partner Beihang University • Schneider Electric The two winning teams received cash awards of RMB 30,000 per team, and airline tickets donated by Air France and tablets donated by Huawei. The "France Technology – So French, so innovative" campaign launched in July 2014 by the France China Committee and its partners to mark the fiftieth anniversary of diplomatic relations between France and China, is a vehicle to promote in 54 China all innovations developed by French companies, from great industrial successes to future triumphs. The campaign will close in Beijing on December 4 with the Innovation Awards for Franco-Chinese teams co-chaired by Yves Lapierre, Commissioner and CEO of INPI and HE Zhimin, Deputy Commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO). Press contact Flore Coppin Communications Manager Tel. +33 1 53 59 19 38 THE FRANCE-CHINA COMMITTEE Founded in 1979, the France China Committee is an association of some one hundred members from companies established for the long term in France and China. The purpose of the Committee is to promote Franco-Chinese dialogue with senior Chinese government authorities by representing the French business community in its relations with China. 55 Partners of the Innovation Awards for Franco-Chinese Teams 2014 French Industrial Property Office (INPI) With globalization and the acceleration of trade, industrial property (IP) is becoming more strategic and represents a real growth driver. It is crucial for companies to benefit and secure their efforts of creativity and investment in research. By granting patents, trademarks, designs and geographical indications for industrial products, the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) protects and promotes innovation. In 2013, France was ranked sixth in the world of international patent applications (PCT) and third in the filing countries of international trademark system. Granting industrial property rights : patents, trademarks, designs and geographical indications for industrial products Offering a wide range of products and services to assist innovators in their IP projects Providing information and trainings about IP Contributing to amend IP law and strengthen influence of France at international level Fighting against counterfeiting. Study about IP in collaborative innovation in France : 56 About INPI Statute : public agency under the supervision of the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Digital Budget : entirely self financed, 212 million euros in 2013. Staff : 747 agents. 23 regional bureaus 9 international representations 57 State Intellectual Property Office of P.R.China (SIPO) The State Intellectual Property Office of the P.R.China (SIPO) is a government institution directly reporting to the State Council. The SIPO bears mainly the following responsibilities: organizing and coordinating IPR protection work nationwide and improving the construction of IPR protection system; standardizing the basic orders of patent administration; drawing up the policies of foreign-related IP work; working out the development programs for the patent work nationwide, drafting patent working plans, examining and approving special working plans, taking up the responsibility of the construction of the national public service system of patent information, promoting the spread and utilization of patent information with related departments and undertaking the work of patent statistics; developing the criteria of affirming the exclusive rights of patents and integrated circuit layout designs and appointing organizations to manage the work of right affirmation; propagandizing and popularizing patent laws, regulations and policies and drafting plans of IP-related education and training according to regulations; undertaking other work assigned by the State Council. The SIPO has 7 functional departments. The Patent Office, an organ under the SIPO, is mainly responsible for receiving and examining patent applications, granting patents and handling other administrative matters entrusted by the SIPO. Seven Patent Examination Cooperation Centers, as the institutions under the Patent Office, also share the responsibility of patent examination. The patent Reexamination Board is a public institution separated from the patent office in 2003 to report directly to the SIPO. The Board is responsible for processing patent reexamination and invalidation requests. SIPO has 6 other directly subordinated public institutions, 4 social organizations and one enterprise. 58 59 60 COMITE FRANCE CHINE A Sino-French Economic Bridge The France China Committee (Comité France Chine or CFC) is a private, non-profit organization with a membership of more than 100 French companies that do business with China. Founded in 1979 at the initiative of the French business community and supported by the French and Chinese authorities, the aim of the CFC is to promote understanding and knowledge between French business and the Chinese government as well as Chinese companies. In the past 35 years, the CFC has provided unmatched information, advisory, advocacy, and program services to its membership. The CFC’s mission is to expand the France-China economic relationship to the benefit of its membership and, more broadly, the economies of both countries through constructive dialogue. Composed primarily of large and well-known French companies, the CFC members represent 80% of the market capitalization of the CAC 40, their global sales volume is equivalent to 62% of the French GDP. Recent years have seen an increase in the membership of medium-sized companies and service firms who have stepped up investment in the PRC. The CFC is governed by a board of directors composed of distinguished corporate leaders: the chairman since 2009 is Jean-Pascal Tricoire, Chief Executive Officer of Schneider Electric. Jean Pierre Raffarin, former French Prime Minister, Vice-president of the French Sénat, is the current chairman of the annual France-China Economic Forum which has taken place since 1994 in China, a position which has previously been held by other high-profile personalities such as Raymond Barre, former French Prime Minister and Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, former 62 President of France. CFC promotes as well co-operative links and better understanding between local governments of the two countries through the annual Round Table of French and Chinese Mayors, which has existed since 2004, being held alternatively in France and China. The CFC has long served as a respected host of events featuring senior officials from the French and PRC governments. In 2010, the CFC had the honor to receive the then PRC President Hu Jintao during his state visit to France. In 2013, it was designated by the French Government to be in charge of the organization of a Sino-French Economic Forum in Beijing during the official state visit of the French President M. François Hollande, which was attended by the heads of both countries. In 2014, CFC was designated by the French Government to be in charge of the organization of a Sino-French Economic Forum in Paris during the official state visit of the Chinese President M. XI Jinping. 63