CSJ Newsline - Sisters of St. Joseph


CSJ Newsline - Sisters of St. Joseph
CSJ Newsline
for the friends of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, Albany Province
Winter 2010
Volume 27, Number 1
by Margie Edic, CSJ
“Memory is a way of holding
on to the things you love,
the things you are, the
things you never want
to lose.”
Kevin Arnold
Sister Margie Edic surrounded by quilting friends
few months ago Sr. Carol approached me about writing an article for Newsline. My only dilemma
was the topic. I was hoping for an inspiration. My inspiration came via the Post Office.
I came home from school this week and there in the mail were three Christmas letters from Hawaii. It
is a Hawaiian tradition that each Advent into Christmas local communities write a letter recounting all the major
events in that community/school/parish for the past year and send them to all of the sisters living on the
mainland who once had shared life in the islands. While living in the islands, it seemed like one more holiday
task to complete. Living “on the mainland” has found me anticipating the arrival of those yearly letters. Count
me in as one so grateful that the tradition continues!
As I opened, read and set aside each one, they caused me to pause and reflect—remembering
community life, individual sisters, family, ohana and all the “old familiar places.” For 22 years, 1977—1999 I
lived and shared life with sisters in the Vice Province of Hawaii, living in community in Kailua (Oahu), Kahului
(Maui) and Waipahu (Oahu).
As you might imagine, life in Hawaii is very different from life in upstate New York. While there, I
took full advantage of living close to the ocean. Each night provided a serenade of crashing waves, the
rhythm—the ebb and flow lulling you to sleep. Closing my eyes I see: sunrises, magnificent waterfalls in every
crevice of the Koolaus, waves, deep blue ocean water, whales breaching, rainbows, beautiful people with dark
brown eyes, hair and skin tone, graceful finger movements as dancers tell a story, the dragon at the opening of
Chinese New Year. I recall: the smell of plumerias, jumping waves, swimming at moonrise, torrential
downpours, living with sisters of diverse backgrounds, community meetings where we all fit in one classroom,
hot, hot days and singing “Frosty the Snowman” with my first grade, journeying with many military families
awaiting the return of a parent from deployment while living thousands of miles from their nearest relative, great
parties, much laughter and over the years, walking miles and miles of beach.
(Continued on page 2)
(Cont. from page 1, Memories)
Education is my passion, always has been and always will be. During those years I had the privilege
of teaching grades 1 and 6, and many “parts” of other grades. I completed my Master’s degree at the University
of Hawaii. I will be forever grateful for that experience! Over the years Maui gave me the greatest challenge
— teaching a totally self-contained class including Music and PE. Other subjects were no problem! After
trying everything in my repertoire, I had students direct the class. On Maui while taking a helicopter ride into
Haleakula Crater, I saw that rainbows are circles, not arcs. Life-long learning at its best.
Spring 1999 found me sorting through all my belongings anticipating the return to my “province of
origin.” Since everything would be mailed I downsized at least four times before I actually packaged things
and sent them on ahead. There has been many a time when I would look for something and think — that must
not have made it through the final cut.
Upon returning to New York, I worked a year in Schenectady. I am now in my tenth year at the
Academy of the Holy Names. I started as a fifth grade homeroom teacher, teaching Religion, third and fifth
grade Math. What a treat! Teaching my favorite subjects! Five years ago I accepted the position as Assistant
Principal. There are many challenges and many blessings in this ministry. Even though I have been “at this”
for thirty eight years, situations cause me to stop and ponder—what is the most effective way to handle this
situation. Oftentimes, I am trying to solve a problem I have not created. It takes a balancing act—keeping
teachers, students and parents happy and satisfied. How rewarding it can be, when all is said and done, a child
or adult turns, looks you in the eye and genuinely thanks you for your help.
How many hundreds of times over these past eleven years I have been asked: Do you miss Hawaii?
Of course, I do! After living that many years in Hawaii, Hawaii was my home. But, New York has become my
home, too. Perhaps it is age, I would like to think it is wisdom, but I see with different eyes. I see: colorful
fall leaves, buds ready to pop open, the earth thawing, spring flowers rising up with ice upon their blooms, the
green of spring, the “different” green of fall, the blue sky with wispy white cumulus, flowers in a colorful array,
vegetables growing, turkey in fields of hay where all you see are bobbing heads, deer, pesky squirrels, children
running, jumping, enjoying being outside. I recall: the first snowfall of the season, warm summer breezes, the
crunch of fall leaves, the smell of fall, being chilled to the bone, shoveling snow, cookout weather, total body
involvement as a child tells you something exciting for them, sewing my first quilt project, relaxing with
What a blessing! What a gift! Memories are my greatest gift. Memories were with me—as I set my
first step upon Hawaiian soil, as I walked my many days in the islands, as I stepped upon the plane amidst teary
alohas, as I settled in New York, as I ministered from place to place. And, the great thing is I keep adding to
them. I never have too many! There is always room for more! I never have to clean them out or leave them
behind! This is the way I hold…“the things I love, the things I am, the things I never want to lose” — my
We now have a new web site.
If you have computer access go to: www.csjalbany.org.
You can view our honorial/memorial cards; order cards;
and donate on line. You will also have the ability to view
slide shows, read Sisters’ obits complete with color picture,
read Sisters’ stories, get the news and announcements
and much more. We hope you enjoy “surfing” our site.
2 CSJ Newsline
Winter 2010
CSJ Newsline
Winter 2010 Volume 27 Number 1
Dear Friends,
“Our House is a very very fine
House…” This song by Crosby, Stills
and Nash dates me but reminds me of
what is happening here at the Provincial
House. We are in the midst of renovating
our dining room. Not unlike many of you
who have renovated spaces in your
homes, it calls for patience and
creativity. You might imagine the
planning it takes to provide alternative
eating spaces for the nearly 200 sisters
who live here. As I watch and wonder I
am again reminded of the generosity of
so many of you who by your gifts keep
the roof and in this case the ceiling over our heads.
Your donations not only assist us with our building and retirement needs
but also provide funding for our sisters to minister among the poor in rural areas
and inner city centers. You share in a very tangible way in our Mission to witness
to the Gospel by being a unifying and reconciling presence to a world in need.
Please know how grateful we are for all you do in so many ways.
Sister Mary Anne Rodgers, CSJ
Province Director
St. Joseph Workers
A One year volunteer program for women from
21-35 in Service, Justice, Community and Advocacy
To Learn MORE Contact: Sr. Betsy Van Deusen
sjworkers@csjalbany.org or 393-0528
Winter 2010
CSJ Newsline is published
three times a year by the Albany
Province of the Sisters of St.
Joseph of Carondelet for our
families and friends.
Province Director:
Sister Mary Anne Rodgers
Province Treasurer:
Sister Serena A. Thompson
Development Office Staff:
Sister Carol Rohloff, director
Kristine Ruddy,
development coordinator
Veronica Visker, staff
Carmella Latham, staff
Sister Ellen Michele Cullen, staff
Sister Rose Eileen Kelly, staff
Sister Mary Catherine Barron,
proof reader
Stimulated by the Holy Spirit of
Love and receptive to the Spirit’s
the Sister of St. Joseph moves
always toward profound love of
God and love of neighbor without
from whom she does not separate
herself and for whom, in the
following of Christ, she works in
order to achieve unity both of
neighbor with neighbor and
neighbor with God
in humility, the spirit of the
Incarnate Word, and in sincere
charity, the manner of St. Joseph
whose name she bears.
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet
385 Watervliet-Shaker Road
Latham, New York 12110
Director: (518) 783-3600
Development Office:
(518) 783-3614
Fax: (518) 783-3534
e-mail: crohloff@csjalbany.org
web site: www.csjalbany.org
CSJ Newsline 3
Dear Friends,
Who can believe it’s 2010? It seems like only yesterday when we had all the concern about coming into
the next century and how the turning of the clock would affect our computers and electronic equipment etc.
All that passed without much disturbance. For the most part in changing from the 20th to the 21st century
was not too difficult. Life seemed to go on as usual without major consequences.
How different it is in 2010. We experience challenging economic times with all that implies; we have
terrorists causing destruction and death right here in the United States. It is especially frightening to think
terrorists have even infiltrated our own armed services whose mission it is to protect us. People are
disheartened and even questioning where God is in this. With the evolving “church” many parishes are
closing and consolidating. There is certainly pain in this necessary change. For religious in the United States
we have questions and concerns about our future. With so few young women choosing religious life what
will our future look like? What will the Catholic Christian Church look like? Common care and concern
for the common good are all too rare. Yet, all of us have to be hopeful. GOD IS IN CONTROL and
CONTINUES TO INSPIRE US AND LEAD US. We must respond. Scripture tells us, in truth, each and
every minute, hour, day, week and month is, above all, God's time. God labors in each and every minute, hour,
day, week and month making all things new.
Look, I am doing something new,
Now it emerges; can you not see it? (Isaiah 43:19)
God labors through us. God labors through me, through you and through us collectively. As we begin
this New Year, the Sisters of St. Joseph, with fewer able members, continue our mission and ministry as best
we can. In responding to the call to make things “new”, we anticipate the new ministry realities of Shaker
Pointe and the St. Joseph the Worker Program. With your help we have managed to care for our retired
members and have successfully implemented the upgrade of some elevators. As part of our Master Plan, the
sisters of the province agreed to have the Provincial House continue as our “retirement center”. In planning
the future, we know we are an aging community and given the age and number of sisters who will live at the
Provincial House during the next 20 years we need to make upgrades to the “B” wing. This will be our next
big project and you will be asked to help when you receive our annual St. Joseph’s Day Appeal.
As you review our annual report in this Newsline know we are deeply grateful for the support you give us.
We know we depend more and more on your help in a monetary way and in your sharing of time and talent
with us. We promise you are in our prayer and we continue to trust in God’s inspirations. We know:
Divine Providence can provide.
Divine Providence did provide.
Divine Providence will provide.
If I can answer any questions you may have or if I can be of assistance in any way, please do call me.
Blessings on you and yours.
Sister Carol A. Rohloff, CSJ
Development Director
4 CSJ Newsline
Winter 2010
St. Francis DeSales School Memories
by Keith and Carolyn Benman
Having read Newsline, the Benman
family submitted this article as a
testament to the education and values
their children learned at St. Francis
DeSales School in Utica.
Our children were in the last
classes of students to attend St.
Francis DeSales elementary school,
where the Sisters of St. Joseph of
Carondelet had taught the young
people of Utica, N.Y. since 1907.
We moved to the city’s Cornhill
section in 1990 and our search for a
school for our two school-age boys,
quickly led us to St. Francis DeSales.
The limestone building with a statue
of St. Francis DeSales over the front
door was within walking distance of
our home and had a good reputation
within nearby parishes and in the
The Benman Family getting together in May 2009
We were also aware the school at
309 Genesee St. had a long and distinguished history of Catholic education which included elementary through
high-school grades.
By the time our children went there, it was often referred to as an “inner city” Catholic school. Some people
might have seen this as a negative, but we saw it as a great positive for our children, because they were able to go
to school with children of many faiths and cultures.
Some were the children of recent immigrants to this country from Vietnam and other countries in Southeast
Asia. Others were from African-American families of other faiths who had long lived in the neighborhood and
wanted a religiously-grounded education for their children.
Others were from families who had long-attended St. Francis
DeSales - some for generations.
The principal at the time was Sister Genevieve Ciszek, CSJ,
and the librarian was Sister Joseph O’Hagan, CSJ. The teaching
staff was composed of all lay Catholic women.
When our son Gabriel started third grade there and his
younger brother John started first grade, we quickly saw the
school was infused with an atmosphere of fair play and
cooperation. Children learned their values both through daily
prayer and religion classes as well as by the example of the
principal and staff.
Then Principal of St. Francis de Sales School,
As a mother, I had the chance to see this firsthand as a
Sister Genevieve Ciszek at the 1992 Kindervolunteer in the lunchroom and on the playground. Our children
garten – Eliot Benman receiving diploma.
were able to participate in extra-curricular activities like track,
after school dance, and essay and art contests. That included
(Cont. on page 6)
Winter 2010
CSJ Newsline 5
(Cont. from page 5)
Eliot, who went to kindergarten in 1994 before the school closed.
We think the multi-culturalism of the school has stayed with them to this day.
When we moved to Indiana in 1999 they were able to adjust well to both large
urban school districts and later a suburban one.
Today, John, 24, lives in Chicago’s Pilsen neighborhood, which is largely
Hispanic. He sometimes speaks Spanish with customers in the store where he
works. His brother Eliot, 22, is in Arabic language school in Damascus, Syria.
Also, some of their interest in other cultures must have rubbed off on their
sisters. Amina, 19, spent a week in Jamaica on a Jesuit-organized service trip this
past summer. Her sister Mary, 17, spent two months on a service trip to Nicaragua
this past summer with a group called Amigos.
Only three of our children were able to attend St. Francis DeSales and only
for a short time. But the examples of good-natured cooperation they learned
there have lasted a lifetime.
Keith and Carolyn live in Munster, Ind. where they are members of St.
Thomas More parish. They have five children: John, Eliot, Amina, Mary and
William. Gabriel is deceased. r
Eliot outside of St. Francis
De Sales Church.
The Sisters of St. Joseph pay tribute to the memory of our deceased benefactors
listed below. We gratefully acknowledge their foresight in naming the Society of
the Sisters of St. Joseph in their wills and other planned gifts, thus providing a
way for us to continue our mission of service to God’s people. May they enjoy
eternal rest in the fullness of God’s presence.
Msgr. Edward J. Donovan
Rev. Thomas F. Guyder
Jane Regan Harris
Mary Havern
Frederick Kunz
Edward C. Latosek
Robert L. McDevitt
Wilfred Montiero
If you have named or wish to include the Society of the Sisters of St. Joseph,
Latham, NY in your estate plan, please call Sister Carol Rohloff at 518-783-3600
so we can thank you and include you as a member of St. Joseph’s Circle.
6 CSJ Newsline
Winter 2010
Sisters Care Ministry - Gives Hope to Elderly!
by Sister Claudette Harris, CSJ Coordinator
When asked to write an article about Sisters’ Care, I prayed about what to write. Then I thought about it
and decided the best road to take would be to explain just what sisters’ care means. So let me begin.
Sisters’ Care of the Albany Province meets the needs of the frail elderly and people with disabilities who
desire to live independently but cannot afford private-pay agencies. Its mission is to assist persons, particularly
low-income frail and elderly individuals and those with disabilities, to stay in their homes.
Seated left to right:
Sister Ann Christi Brink
(Member of the Province
Leadership Team and Liaison
to the Sisters’ Care ministry),
Sister Claudette Harris
Sister Ida DeCastro, and
Sister Ann Rose. Standing:
Sister Barbara Sefcik,
Sister Nora Murtagh and
Sister Frances Celine MacFarland.
Our Mission
Sisters’ Care is a ministry rooted in the mission, spirit and tradition of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Carondelet. It
functions from the belief that every person is worthy of reverence throughout life. Sisters’ Care provides a program
1. Allows each individual to maintain responsibility for personal well-being.
2. Assists individuals in the performance of the ordinary tasks of everyday living.
3. Affirms the dignity of each recipient through the loving manner of personal interaction.
Our Philosophy
The philosophy of Sisters’ Care in the Albany Province is based on the following mission statement: “Based
on a ministry rooted in the mission, spirit and tradition of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, we function from
the belief that every person is worthy of reverence throughout life. We believe that the elderly as well as their
caregivers deserve to have affordable services available to help them remain in their own homes for as long as
possible. We believe our program allows each individual to maintain responsibility for personal well-being. We
affirm the dignity of each recipient through the loving manner of personal interaction.”
The program began in 1999 with three sisters participating on a part time basis. As of today, we have 2 fulltime sisters, 4 part-time and 1 coordinator.
Ministry to the elderly is vital! Where can you turn when you are old and totally alone, living on a fixed income
and need help to stay as long as you can where you are the happiest in your own home? Many are turning to the
Sisters of St. Joseph for help.
We are indeed grateful to our recipients for their kind remarks and gratitude for our service. I wish I could
express to you all of the many things they have said to us, their caregivers, for our service to them and their family.
However, I will list just a few of their remarks.
(Cont. on page 8)
Winter 2010
CSJ Newsline 7
“Thank you so much for the lovely meals and loving
care that you gave my father these past few years. You were
Companionship Services:
all a blessing to not only dad but to me. I will be forever
• Provide respite care for caregiver
grateful and will keep you all in my prayers.”
• Conversation/Stories
“At a point in my life when I needed help, I was
declared legally blind, had to give up driving, had to depend
• Aide with reading
on friends and a taxi for appointments, in answer to my
• Write letters and correspondence
prayers, ministry from the Sisters of St. Joseph provided all
• Organize and read mail
the care I needed which was provided so generously. The care
• Reminisce about the past
shopping, Dr. appointments, hair dressing and every
• Participate in crafts
week sisters bring communion. I have an excellent ghost
• Play games, cards, etc.
writer who reads and answers my mail. What did I ever do to
• Pay/Mail bills
be so rewarded?”
• Clip coupons for shopping
“The service I receive from Sisters’ Care has made it
• Read magazines, papers, books
possible for me to live alone in my apartment. The Sisters’
kindness and concern is most gratifying. Many thanks.”
As coordinator of this program, I am so grateful to the
• Pick up prescriptions
present group of sisters who work in this ministry for their
• Shop for groceries/supplies
dedicated hours of service, their willingness to meet the
• Escort to appointments
needs of each of our recipients providing transportation,
• Accompany to lunch
grocery shopping, MD appointments, house cleaning, meal
• Escort for shopping and errands
preparation, respite care and companionship. In many
instances our Sisters have become a part of the family
• Attend plays and concerts
celebrating the happy and sad days.
Ministry is what our Sisters do. There is a difference
• Light housekeeping (vacuum, dust)
between a job and a ministry. We are with the elderly to
improve the quality of their daily lives. This is a very special
ministry. We are carrying out what we, as women religious,
• Encourage increased activity levels
have said is at the top of our list – preferential option for the
• Social relationships
poor. We are committed to the needs in our society.
• Outings
Hopefully I have given you a better understanding of
Sisters’ Care ministry. I only wish that we had this wonderful
ministry when my own mom and dad were in need of care as it certainly would have been a blessing knowing that
the dedicated caring love of the Sisters of St. Joseph was with them.
If I can be of help regarding Sisters’ Care or if you are in need of this care for a family member, please do not
hesitate to call me at 518-783-4578, Sister Claudette Harris, Coordinator. r
The types of services we offer are listed:
was up this holiday season in the main corridor
of the Provincial House. The Sisters at the PH
prayed daily for the donor intentions. Now that
the tree is down we have the prayer requests
in the development office. Soon, when we send
the sisters the Ziti Dinner information, we will
be distributing the ornaments to all the local
communities so that Sisters in the Province can
pray for their prayer partner throughout the
remaining days of 2010.
8 CSJ Newsline
Winter 2010
LaSalle Men are of Service
by Jim Iavarone
Sixteen seniors from La Salle Institute and their
teacher, Jim Iavarone spent Friday, October 30, 2009
cleaning the grounds at St. Joseph's provincial House.
The students and teacher spent the day raking and
bagging leaves, in and around the main building,
gardens, the sister’s cemetery and the yard that
surrounds Delatour House.
After eating lunch in the main dining room with Sue
and many of the sisters, several
students made a visit to the
chapel for a bit of reflection
and to fill up their curiosity on
the magnificent mosaic of the
Risen Christ that adorns the
rear (front) wall of the chapel.
Students at La Salle Institute
have a great call to embrace the
idea of service to the wider
community. A La Sallian
education provides students a
full faith-justice formation.
This idea dates back to the
founder: John Baptist De
Lasalle himself. La Salle's
students are inspired by the
Gospel values of love, justice
and charity-these are living in
the hearts of all who call
themselves LaSallian. LaSalle
Institute's students, whether
they be in 6th grade or 12th
grade can be found performing
acts of service through-out the
year, whether it be tutoring,
Can Food Wednesday, the
Thanksgiving Food Drive, the
Christmas Toy Drive or even
working the sisters yearly Ziti
Dinner (coming soon) our
students learn that being a
Catholic Christian means
putting words into action. La
Salle Institute students are
some of the best in the state no the world!!
Winter 2010
On a more personal note, I began my quarter century
of teaching High School with the Sisters of St. Joseph
in Glens Falls, NY. These prayerful and dynamic
women have always been my support in my ministry of
teacher and catechist. One such special sister was
Regina Irene Karbowski CSJ, I would always go to her
with my struggles in the classroom, her wisdom always
inspired me, today I can rely on Mary Catherine Barron
CSJ (she teaches English at
LSI). She has continued the
support as a woman of
wisdom and strength. Both
of these women have taught
me to look to my faith and to
be more faith minded in my
actions in the classroom.
We all know to well that the
past 25 years have brought a
vast number of changes to the
way America looks at
education. Smart boards have
replaced the black board and
chalk; computers have opened
the students to a world many
would never have been able to
experience. These in themselves are wonderful advances
... however they have and do
have some draw backs.
At 50 I still find that the
LaSallian Education offered
at LSI embraces ways to
provide students a wide range
of learning and formation to
practice faith filled justice in
our communities and to
always recall that we are in the
CSJ Newsline 9
Where Are They Now?
by Patricia Allen, CSJ
In this issue we will continue with some our Sisters who entered from various parishes in Utica.
Sister Mary Englebert Lucha and Sister Ellen James Spellman were from Blessed Sacrament Parish.
Sister M. Louise Bauer (formerly S. Mary Donald) was from Sacred Heart Parish and
Sister Elizabeth Michele Newell was from St. Patrick’s Parish.
Sister Mary Englebert Lucha
Sister M. Louise Bauer
spent the first 25 years of
her ministry at St. Mary’s
Hospital in Amsterdam.
While at St. Mary’s, Sister
served in various capacities
as: cafeteria supervisor,
nursing instructor, therapeutic, dietetic and clinical
instructor. For 16 years
Sister Englebert supervised
the dietary department at the
Provincial House and upon
retiring from that position she was a member of the
central supplies staff and helped with Community inservice projects. As a dietician one would not expect this
of Sister Englebert but she “loves her sweets.” An avid
reader Sister Englebert always has time to chat daily with
Sister Anthony Marie and catch up on the news and the
happenings in the lives of Amsterdam friends they have
in common.
taught in the primary grades
starting at St. Mary’s Home
Binghamton, then to Sacred
Heart Troy, and back to St.
Mary’s Binghamton. For a
short period of time she
worked on the Library Staff
at The College of Saint Rose.
Then Sister Louise went
back to the classroom and
ministered at St. Luke’s
Academy Albany, Blessed Sacrament Syracuse, St. John
the Evangelist New Hartford, St. Peter’s Troy, St. Agnes
Utica and St. Francis de Sales Utica. Upon retiring from
the classroom, Sister served as school secretary at Notre
Dame High School and Holy Trinity Utica. Sister Louise
was part of the clerical staff at National Bank in Utica.
She retired to St. Agnes Convent Utica and now resides
at the Provincial House in Latham.
Sister Ellen James Spellman
Sister Elizabeth Michele Newell
was a primary teacher at St.
Francis de Sales Troy, St.
Brigid’s Watervliet, St. Paul’s
Mechanicville, St. Patrick’s
Binghamton, Sacred Heart
Utica, St. Peter’s Rome and
St. Mary’s Ballston Spa. She
also served as principal at St.
Agnes Utica, St. Vincent’s
Syracuse and St. Mary’s
She was the
Education at Sacred Heart Utica. Sister Ellen ministered
as Pastoral Associate at Immaculate Heart of Mary’s
Liverpool and St. Francis de Sales Utica. Presently, she
is director of Religious Education at St. Helen’s
Business at St. Mary’s
Institute and Bishop Scully
Patrick’s Syracuse, Bishop
Grimes E. Syracuse and
Catholic Central High
School Troy. Then she
worked as secretary and in
Religious Education at
Christ the King Endwell.
She worked at the Broome
County Religious Education Office in Binghamton
and then as Director at the Religious Education
Office- Southern Region in Binghamton. Presently,
she is Administrator at The Spiritual Center in
10 CSJ Newsline
Winter 2010
Sister Strikes Again!!!
The parishioners of St.
Joseph’s Scotia had a fund raiser
on October 25 in the parish hall.
Late Night Catechism II was
presented with Colleen Moore of
Entertainment Events starring as
“Sister.” Debbie Griffith, Pastoral
Associate for Finance, was
instrumental in bringing the show
to the parish. As typical when this
show is presented a collection was
taken up at the end of the
performance and the audience was
most generous. The tithing
committee of St. Joseph’s
designated the Sisters of St.
Joseph to be the recipient of the “collection” and $679 was added to the elevator fund. We
are most grateful to the parish, especially Debbie and the pastor Rev. Peter Russo.
Pictured with Colleen,
“Sister”, are (left to right)
Sister Sara Kirsch, CSJ,
Debbie Griffith,
Sister Carol Rohloff, CSJ
and Father Peter Russo,
pastor of St. Joseph’s, Scotia.
Winter 2010
CSJ Newsline 11
Annual Report
FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009
Mission Statement of the Sisters of St. Joseph
Called by God and passionate for
the mission of Jesus, the Sisters of
St. Joseph come together to serve
all persons. With a distinctive
spirit of hospitality and a
particular concern for the poor, we
witness to the gospel message by
being a unifying and reconciling
presence to a world in need.
People want to have purpose in
their lives, in what they do. They
like to know that their work has
value, that it serves a greater
function than what can usually be seen in the
day-to-day efforts, that it contributes a
significant service to humanity. Persons who
have given their lives to Christian service must
be able to associate their tasks with ultimate
The Sisters of St. Joseph have committed their
lives to the mission of the Gospel. That
commitment implies a commitment to good
stewardship of all the resources necessary to
carry out that mission in the present and to
transmit it to future generations.
The Sisters of St. Joseph cannot carry out their
works of the spiritual and corporal works of
mercy without contributions of resources and
services of others. The sisters have a responsibility to share that mission with others by
providing occasions for people to exercise their Christian stewardship. The needs of the
Sisters of St. Joseph become opportunities for others to
contribute their gifts, their resources, for the expression of that
mission and the ministries that express it. We continue to invite
you to participate with us in our mission.
These graphs represent numbers of sisters, not percentages.
(Continued on page 13)
12 CSJ Newsline
Winter 2010
Annual Report
FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009
This year with a generous one-time
bequest from a benefactor of many
years, our largest source of income
was Gifts, Donations and Bequests at
Ordinarily our Sisters’
Earnings from ministries are the
largest source of income as you may
recall from previous annual reports.
However, this source diminishes each
year as our working sisters retire.
Our third largest source of income is
from monies received from the Sister
M. Athanasia Gurry Trust. The Gurry Trust is a restricted fund to be used exclusively to meet
the needs of our retired sisters. At this time, the fund remains underfunded in light of our current and future retirement needs. Social Security income provides our fourth largest source of
income at 10%. As indicated above, Gifts, Donations and Bequests continue to be an ever
more important part of our support.
Our largest expense category is Sisters’ Living Expense which equals 34.3% of total expenses. Our second largest expense is Health Care at 30.7% and includes the cost of professional
health care, medication, health
insurance premiums, and salaries
paid to our health care staff.
Province Administration expenses at
11.2% include the support of the
Congregational Center, sisters’ continuing professional development,
the formation program for our
newest members, support of
Province offices, insurance and
funerals. Plant Operation expenses
account for 4.8% and include maintenance and repair of the Province
House and other Province property,
as well as lay employees’ salaries
and benefits for maintenance and
housekeeping staff.
Winter 2010
CSJ Newsline 13
FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009
Annual Report
Opportunities for Giving
St. Joseph’s Day Appeal
Annual giving is the custom of making
a yearly gift to an institution in which
one has faith. It is a friendly, happy
custom - a perennial reunion in spirit - a
pooling of hope and blessing by those
who wish the institution well. The
focus of this 2010 appeal will be to help
with elevator replacement.
A pledge is a commitment to contribute
a specific amount of money over a
period of time. A pledge is a wonderful
opportunity to make a larger
commitment to the Sisters of St. Joseph
than would be possible from current
income. If you wish to give a monthly
pledge using your credit card, please
call us at (518) 783-3614.
Charitable gift annuities benefit both
donor (with a guaranteed income) and
recipient (with a philanthropic gift.)
The Sisters of St. Joseph are able to
offer this benefit to our friends and
donors, aged 55 and above, through the
With the charitable
annuity the NCCF provides a lifetime
of annuity payments to the donor (and
survivor or other beneficiary) in
irrevocable gift of cash,
securities or other assets.
The donor purchasing the
charitable gift annuity
generally receives a higher
rate of return than banks
can offer and the payments
are guaranteed for life.
Upon the death of the
donor, the remaining
principal is added to the Sisters of St.
Joseph of Carondelet Fund at the
If you are interested in making a
charitable gift to the Sisters of St.
Joseph and providing income in your
future, please call Sister Carol at 518783-3600.
You can also check out the National
Catholic Community Foundation web
site at www.nccfcommunity.org. There
you can learn first-hand what a
charitable gift annuity can mean to you
and to the Sisters of St. Joseph of
Carondelet, Albany Province.
At the Time of Death
During a bereavement period, friends
often seek an appropriate means to
express sympathy. The following
__ I have included the Sisters of St. Joseph in my will.
How to Give
For more information about
these or other ways to make a
gift, please contact your
professional financial advisor,
the Development Office at
(518) 783-3600, or
See below for our
information request form.
Opportunities for Giving
Please send me information about:
__ Memorial and Tribute Gifts
__ Planned Gifts
__ Charitable Bequests
__ Charitable Gift Annuities
__ Gifts of Insurance Policy
__ Charitable Trusts
__ Naming the Sisters of St. Joseph
in my Retirement Plan
message in the obituary of the deceased
provides an avenue to make a
meaningful gift. Memorial gifts may be
made to the: Sisters of St. Joseph,
Development Office, 385 WatervlietShaker Road, Latham, NY 12110.
Please mail to: Sisters of St. Joseph, Development Office • 385 Watervliet-Shaker Road, Latham, NY 12110 • www.csjalbany.org
14 CSJ Newsline
Winter 2010
We acknowledge with gratitude those who have contributed
to the mission and ministry of the Sisters of St. Joseph of
Carondelet from January 1 through December 31, 2009. We share
the joy of those being honored on a special occasion and the pain
of those mourning the loss of a loved one.
Our benefactors and those being especially honored are
remembered in the daily prayers of the sisters and in two Masses
offered monthly in our Provincial House chapel. We have
withheld some names at the request of the donors. If your name
has been inadvertently omitted, please call the Development
Office at (518) 783-3614.
Mike DeGraffenried
Mary Guiltinan
Father John Phelan
Helen Rice
Helen Welch
Ken and Joan Amsler
Mrs. Victoria H. Cook
Col. Lawrence G. Costanzo
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Delaney
Mr. and Mrs. John DeMare
Mrs. Catherine Kinney
Margaret McCann
Patricia Murray
Tom and Bonnie Panara
Mrs. Lois K. Pensiero
Mary and Joseph Sacco Sr.
Ellen Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. James F. O'Connell
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard B. Stangler
Mr. and Mrs. James Bray
Mr. and Mrs. Jones Allen Chan
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Derengowski
Patricia Griffin Dolson
Mrs. Barbara A. Duffy
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Fetcho
Rita A. Finn
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth A.F. Forbes
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Ford
Kathleen Forgione
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Gartner
Sister Joan Henehan
Mr. and Mrs. William Hochman
John F. Kennedy
Elizabeth Upton Longmire
Mr. Gerald V. Lucha
Kathleen A. McCarthy and Manuel
Chris and Joan Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nelson
Elaine M. O'Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Al Perlee
Mrs. Theresa Picozzi
Mrs. Joyce Pope
John Schwasnick
Genevieve A. Terrill
Tally Rose Tierney
Ruben Willcoxon
Joseph Zarzynski
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Zindell
Winter 2010
Martha Arnold
Mrs. Julia G. Avonovich
Mr. and Mrs. David Bacher
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chodkowski
Mary T. deGraffenried
Mrs. Patricia L. Fallon
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Fallon
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Fox
Margaret M. Kelly
Sam Lowe
Walter Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swiderski
Barbara White
Mrs. Antoinette G. Bosco
Angiolina Corea
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Daly
Barbara A. Glynn
Todd Gordon
Mary Griffirth
Robert E. Hagadorn
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hesler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Long
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Luddy
Mrs. Joan E. Miller
Mrs. Anne B. Millham
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Prespare
Mrs. Ronald Slater
Murrayn Syphers
A. Timothy West
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Wirth
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Cannon
Mrs. Kathryn Jane Kemp
Mrs. Winifred McCaffrey
District of Columbia
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Arrigo
Kenneth Ceccucci
Sarah Fontana
Spencer H. Holland
Terry R. O'Bryan
Mrs. Joanne Biamonte
Mr. and Mrs. George Bourgeois
Mary T. Brown
Joy K. Bryk
Mr. and Mrs. William Z. Bryk
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Burke
Mary Ann Burns
Patricia A. Butts
Francis X . Caisse
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ceccucci
Mary Ann Ceccucci
Rachel L. Charron
Ann Chevalier
Mr. and Mrs. James Cochran
Anne Connelly
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Connor
Anne T. Coppola
Rev. and Mrs. Frank Corbishley
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Costello
Barbara J. Crosby
Danish Family
Frederick D'Arienzo
Marie C. Deegan
Pat and Ron Deere
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Dischiavi
Carol L. Dixon
Mrs. Jean Doherty
Ann and Ed Donovan
Judith Dourney
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Dowie
Mrs. Helen V. Dumas
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dunham
Joseph T. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore J. Falcone
Carole Falkanger
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Farrara
Mary Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fontana
Mr. and Mrs. John Fox
Mrs. Marion Fulk
Mr. Charles Gallagher
Gannett Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Gardner
Mrs. Francis J. Gilroy
Golden Apple Dinner Theatre
Jim and Mary Gorman
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Harradine
Amelia Hart
Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Hayden
Louise Heffron
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hegeman
Mrs. Mary C. Houle
Kathleen A. Jerant
Anne F. Kelly
Bonnie Kidder
Joseph A. LaRocca
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lazarek
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew E. Lemery
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lequerica
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony R. London
Ann C. Luciano
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Lyons
Mrs. Helen Schleiger Marston
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marvin
Dr. and Mrs. James McGuire
Nancy McSweeney
Dr. Donald E. Mellon
Mrs. Shirley Shay Milk
Phyllis P. Minehan
Marie M. Murphy
Patricia Nichol
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Oathout
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. O'Brien
Mr. Bernard G. O'Connor
Ruth L. O'Connor
Owen and Calista O'Donnell
Mrs. Martha O'Neill
Mrs. Eileen Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Gaillermo Perez-Lopez
Joan Gorman Roberts
Agnes B. Rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Salm
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A. Sandman
Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Satalin Jr.
Dr. Catherine Scanlon
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Schramek
Mrs. Vivian Slupski
Mr. and Mrs. Layton H. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Smith
Mrs. Agnes Smithling
Mr. and Mrs. William A Snyder Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Sparrow
Marion Stangler
Mrs Lillian Stern
Robert and Patricia Stewart
Rev. Richard Stuczko
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Sweeney
Monique Thenet
Mr. and Mrs. John F Thornton Jr.
Sheila Tiernan
Lee Tootill
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Topping
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Vogtle
Mrs. Jeanne Black Vuillemot
Mrs. Marilyn Walkinshaw
Cecelia Walsh
Richard Wescott
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Westfall
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Whiting
Mrs. Anne Whitlock
Lillian Wilson
Leah Benjamin Wright
Dr. and Mrs. Ruperto S. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Angelo
Pat Goldsmith Buttimer
Mrs. Rosemary G. Cameron
Mrs. Ron Casey
Mrs. Angelina Ciccarino
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Cook
Mr. Earle Dodd
Mrs. Dolores A. Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. William Harrington
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Heffron
Monica Ross
Casey and Gary Forrest
Mr. and Mrs. James Wong
Mrs. Laraine Bodnar
Mrs. Margaret Coates
Mrs. April Corr
Catherine L. Miller
Keith and Carolyn Benman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Guiltinan
Donald G. Mullen
Rosemary A. Sloan
William and Pamela Spainhower
Nancy A. Conrad
Kristen and Marie Rock
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Royael
CSJ Newsline 15
Don and Christine Alexander
Mrs. Mary R. Cunningham
Andrew and Helen Pastor
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Walsh
Mr. Charles Cordon
Creative Dimensions
Mary A. Knight
Mrs. Raymond J. Linck
Mrs. Sta's Braswell
Mr. and Mrs. G. Tony Feltri
Mrs. Sheila MacWilliams
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Zuschlag
Mr. and Mrs. George Graham
Frank J. Mack
Edward and Rachel Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Rainville
Mr. Gene Staffiere
Irene and Paul Sylvain
Paul Ahearn
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ammon
Patricia Atkinson
Brian Barrett
Janet D. Bouvier
Mrs. Frances M. Burghauser
Mr. Michael Burke
Deborah and Keary Cannon
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Clement
Charles Colby
Michelle Colby
Christine Conley
Margaret T. Cronin
John C. Downs
Susan Eisenberg
Dervilla E. M. Gordon
Nancy Higby
Mr. and Mrs. John Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Joynes
Kristen Krzyzewski
Regina M. Martin
Dr. Joseph McCartin
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Miller
Colleen Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mutryn
National Catholic Community
Lois O'Brien-Cronin
John O'Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. Jon F. Peterson
Teresa Read
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Ross
Tom Rudin
Kathryn P. Sprouse
Stanley Stankiewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Taylor
Donna Trainor
Marie VanDeusen
Mrs. Margaret Young
Carol and Jeff Adams
Janet Andrulli
Bonnie Baranowski
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Bardon
Marion P. Bender
Katherine Blowe
Mrs. Jane B. Boivin
Mrs. Edith M. Burns
Mary S. Cacciatore
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Cacciola
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Casabonne
Ron Christopher
Regina E. Conley
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Connors
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Cosmer
Christine E. Donna
John and Mary Ellen Donna
Jane G. Doyle
Mrs. Elizabeth Eagan
Frances Eckler
Marie Ann Eckler
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Fallick
Ms. Joanne Fontaine
Mary Bero Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gaudet
Mrs. John Genest
Mrs. Elizabeth Golden
Lauretta M. Guiltinan
Jean E. Hall
Ellen Holloway
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Michael and Diane Krause
Mrs. Olive LaiChoy
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Langstone
Mary and Crosbie Lawlor
Samuel Liggero
Virginia E. Logan
Jane Lynch
Kathleen Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mahar
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Malone
Julie McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. John Moriarty
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Murnane
Mr. and Mrs. James Nash
Lorraine P. Peavey
Rita S. Rinella
Kathleen M. Scanlan
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Sinausky
Sophie and David St. James
Mr. and Mrs. William A. St. James
Clare Stein
Mr. Edward Stevens
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Turner
Branda J. Walker
Bernard Werschler
Westfield Capital Management Co LLC
Angela Zevan
Edward and Marilyn Blanch
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Groulx
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Madison
Mrs. Miriam C. Malone
Mrs. Patricia E. McEnroe
Mr. and Mrs. James Pollack
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Portelli
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Rivecca
In Memoriam
We ask you to remember our Sisters who have died during the year.
“O blest communion, fellowship divine,
We feebly struggle; they in glory shine.”
Yet all are one within your great design: Alleluia”
If you visit our new website at www.csjalbany.org you can see pictures and
read the obits of our Sisters who have died since February 19, 2005.
Since the Obituary section is “searchable” by first and last name you will have
no problem finding the obit of former teachers and friends.
16 CSJ Newsline
Winter 2010
Representatives of the Catholic Central High
School, Troy Class of 1966 surprised the
retired Sisters with a party on January 6, 2010.
The class members were particularly interested in visiting with sisters who taught them. All
had a wonderful time! (More pictures of the party
are inserted among the name listings.)
CCHS class of ’66 (l to r) Janet Derby,
Mike Brady, Marie Clemente Waitekus, Judy Benson,
Tom Connally and Sister Patricia Allen
Elizabeth M. Szymanski
Henry Szymanski
Mr. and Mrs. James Burke
Patrick and Beth Camilleri
Leo D. Crowley
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Fitzgerald
Most Rev. Harry J. Flynn D.D.
Mary Frances Mullin
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Sadler
Clara Wu
Dr. Eugene D. McNally
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen McNally
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Allen
Mary Elizabeth Hogan
Barbara Zielinski
Lawrence Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Wil Olival
Joanne C. Vaughn
New Hampshire
John Cupak Jr.
Karen M. Golz
Dr. and Mrs Daniel R. Lynch
Mrs. Constance M. Madison
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meister
Mr. and Mrs. James Michaels
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Morin
Winter 2010
K. M. Nelson
Mrs. Catherine Vakiener
New Jersey
Susan Boyle and Bruce Bilmes
Franklyn and Rita Caruso
Sister Theresa A. Clarizio SA
Mr. and Mrs. Donnell Collins
Mrs. Jeanne M. Donlon
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hartnett
Insurance Services Office, Inc.
Diane Kvilesz
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Lewison
Mary Jane Lomanto
Mrs. Barbara Lowney
Mrs. Eleanor Luddy
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Marihugh
Mr and Mrs Kevin J McMahon
Mr. and Mrs. James Meade
Michael and Elizabeth Moshier
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Mozolak
Beth Munley
Rita E. Neil
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard M. Ravenna
Mark Roark
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Ryan
Mary Ellen Doyle Sochor
Richard and Audrey Stasion
Systematic Financial Management
Mrs. Cathleen M. Zucco Teveloff
William G. Trubenstein
New York
Sarah Abattista
Mr. and Mrs. George Abatto
Thomas J. Abbott Jr.
Mrs. Gertrude Abele
James Abt
Ace Hardware Co. of Rome
John, Donna and Michelle Acker
Roberta Ackermann
Mr. and Mrs. John Adair
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Adamany
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adams
Abigail L. Adamski
B. J. and Claire Adamski
Mrs. Marilyn J. Adsit
Ben and Marianne Africa
Mr. and Mrs. George Agars
The Agens
Ralph and Josephine Agone
Nellie Agosta
Helen J. Aguilar
Patrick A. Ahearn
Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Ahern
Patrick and Carol Ahern
Mrs. Rosalie Ahl
Mrs. Mary Akins
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E Alamond Sr.
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Alaskey
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Albrecht
Alchester Development LLC
Rose C. Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Alger
Mary Emily Alibrandi
Alix Small Engine Repair
Colleen Allen
Dorothy Allen
Mrs. Gail Allen
Irene Allen
Mr. and Mrs. John Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Allen
L. Robert Allen
Rita Allen
Arlene R. Allery
Mrs. Lorraine Allore
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Alonzo
Alpine Environmental Services Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Altizio
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Alund Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Alvaro
Robert E. Alvaro
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard L. Amell
Frederick R. Ames
David Amico
Mrs. Kathleen Amrhein
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Amsden
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P.
Denise Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Anderson
Agnese and Ray Andrews
Dawn E. Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Andrews
Kathy Anglum
Michael Annunziata
Mrs. Josephine Anselment
Katherine A. Anson
Anthem Health Services
Diane Antolick
Michael and Erin Apostol
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Aquino
Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Aragosa
Ninevah R. Aranas
Mrs. Grace Archambault
Diane C. Archer
Mrs. Susan Arkinson
Mrs. Gretchen A. Armlin
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Armstrong Jr
Mrs. Rosemarie Armstrong
Donald and Elizabeth Arnold
Mrs. Mary Arnold
Nicole P. Arnold
Biagio Arpino
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Arsenault
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Arsenault
Donna M. Arseneau
Mrs. Helen Ashline
Teresa Ashline
Mary Ann Assini
Mary F. Asterino
Sandra Atwood
Patricia Audi
Dr. Joan Augustyn
Anthony N. Aurelia
Mrs. Karen Auricchio
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Auricchio
Mr. John Austin
Mr. and Mrs. David Averill
Rosemary Avery
Mrs. Jeanne Aveyard
Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Ayres
Steve and Pam Azarian
B.P.O.E. Troy Lodge No. 141
Elizabeth B. Babinec
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Babyak
Christine and Ray Badger
Mrs. Santa A. Badgley
Dominick M. Baggetta
Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Bailey
Mrs. Mary Bailey
Mrs. Teresa Bainbridge
Veronica Bak
Alice J. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Baker
Mrs. Gail Baker
Mrs. Marion R. Baker
Baldwin & Sutphen LLP
Mary Jo Ball
Mary Banach-Rotunno
Mr. John Barbarino
Mrs. Ann E. Barber
Catherine T. Barber
Charles J. Barber
Mrs. Mary T. Barber
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Bare
Mrs. Shirley Barker
Larry and Rosanne Barkman
Rose Barkman
Mr. David Barocsi
Dennis and Barb Baron
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barrett
Mrs. Helen Marie Barrett
Sandra J. Barringer
Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Barron
Barry Funeral Home
Marie Barry M.D.
Adleen C. Barry
Mrs. Colleen Barry
Mrs. Gertrude Barry
John and Regina Barry
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Barry
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bartlett
Mrs. Margaret F. Bartolomeo
Alfred Bartolotta
Alfred and Joanne Bartolotta
Elaine and Daniel Bassano
CSJ Newsline 17
Mr. and Mrs. David Battaglia
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Bauer
Mrs. Jane M. Bauer
Mrs. Margaret Bauer
Mrs. Jackie Baynes
Rose Bazan
Patricia M. Beattie
Mr. Christopher M. Beck
Maria Beck
Mr. Michael T. Beck
Tina Beck
Rev. Arthur J. Becker
Virginia Beecher
Mark L. Behan
Mary Beth Beidl
Alice and Rick Beiswenger
Elizabeth and Robert Belge
Mrs. Madeline M. Bell
Jean Bellanger
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bellinger
Joan and Dennis Bellinger
Joyce Bellinghausen
Bell's Auto Driving School Inc.
Rose and Toni Belmont
Joyce Belokopitsky
Jeanne A. Benas
Sharon Bendtzen
Mrs. Josephine Benedetto
Mrs. Leonard A. Benedetto
Christal and Richard Benedict
Benet Laboratories
Alberta and Charles Bennett
Mrs. Robert E. Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bennett
Anne M. Bennison
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Benson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Berberich
Mrs. Therese Bergdorf
Mrs. Helen Bergen
Gustave L. Berger Jr.
Mr.and Mrs. Thomas Bergeron
Frank Berning
Mr. Frank A. Bersani
Don Bertoldi
Gerald Beston
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beston
Mrs. Mary P. Bethel
Bethlehem Central School District
Cathy Betke
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Bette
Ann P. Betts
Betz Rossi & Bellinger Family
Funeral Home
Kathleen Bevelacqua
Evelyn and John Bianchi
Cliff and Mary Bickel
Aurora Bickford
Anne Marie Bielawa
Ronald J. Bigley
Rev. Msgr. Ronald C. Bill
Grace M. Billman
Marie and Thomas Bindeman
Cay Bintz
Birnie Bus Tours Inc.
Mr. Ron Bissell
Josephine Biviano
Mrs. Mary Rose Biviano
Mrs. Jean Blair
Susan and Joseph Blair
18 CSJ Newsline
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Blair
Joann Blake
Mr. Gerard E. Blanchard
Mr. and Mrs. John Blanchette
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Blando
Blessed Sacrament Parish
Mr. Robert Blinstrub
Mr. and Mrs. James Bloss
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bloss
Phillip and Leslie Bocketti
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boden
Mary Ann Bodiot
Molly Boehlert
Deborah Y. Bogan
Lawrence Bogan
Agnes and Herbert Bohl
Mr. and Mrs. David Bohrer
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Bohrer
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Boink
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bojanek
Mrs. Jacqueline Bolaski
Rita M. Bonaccio
Eileen Bond
Mildred B. Bondy
Charles F. Bonfante
Joanne Bonvicino
Joseph Bonville
Mrs. Josephine Bonville
Joan Ribley- Borck
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bordak
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Borisenko
Mrs. Barbara Borkowski
Mr. and Mrs. John Borkowski
Ann Marie Borowski
Mr. Edward J. Bossong
Deborah A. Botch
Mr. and Mrs. John Botticelli
Carol Botting
Bouchard Family
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bouchard
Tara and Robert Bourgeois
Eileen M. Boutin
Bouton Physical Therapy PC
Sharyn Bouton
Mr. and Mrs. David Bowdon
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Bowe
Bowen Funeral Home Inc.
Mary Bowers
Katherine Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Boyea
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Boyle
Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Boyle
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bradley
Rev. John J. Bradley
Maureen and Edward Bradley
Mrs. Christine Brady
Irene Brady
John Brady
Pat Brady-Morgan
Dr. and Mrs. George Bragle
Jean H. Brahm
Anthony Brandi
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Brandow
Helen M. Branigan
Theresa V. Brassard
Mrs. Sally Brauer
Sandra R. Braungard
James J. Brearton
Mrs. Kathleen Brearton
John and Frances Breen
Mr. and Mrs. Don Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. James Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. John Brennan
Mrs. Marjorie L. Brennan
Mr. William H. Brennan
Dr. and Mrs. William Bresonis
Mary L. Brink
Mrs. Sue H. Britt
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Brizzell
Charles and Cheryl Brockett
John David Brockley
John M. Broderick
Lillian Broderick
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bromirski
Bridget H. Bromirski
Mr. Albert Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard R. Brophy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brower
Anne Marie Brown
Anne R. Brown
Mrs. Arlene Brown
Daniel J. Brown
Mayor James Brown
Jeffrey and Donna Brown
Patricia Brown
Theresa Coleton Brown
Kathleen Ann Bruce
Charles Bruns
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bruso
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brusoe
Mrs. Pauline Bryant
BST Advisory Network, LLC
Arlene Buchanan
Rita Buchanan
Mrs. Dolores Buck
Mrs. Annette P. Buckley
Mrs. Margaret Buckley
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Buckley
Donna Budd
Rev. John A. Buehler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buff
Mrs. Grace Bulger
Lorraine L. Bull
Patricia A. Bullard
Sister M. Helaine Bultmann
Katherine Bunk
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. Bunts
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Burdick
Mr. and Mrs. G. Daniel Burger
Kitty Burgess
Mrs Patricia Burgess
Mrs. Gabriel A. Burkart
Cecilia Burke
Diane Burke
Edmund Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burke
Pamela Burke
Rita H. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Burke
Shirley Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Burns
Darlene Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Burns
Frank Burns
Jane D. Burns
Nancy Burns
Pamela Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Burton
Kathleen Dandrew Buscemi
Barbara Buscini
Dr. Johnel D. Bushell
Kathleen Butler
Margaret Butler
Sharon Butler
Mrs. Ann R. Byrne
Ms. Carolyn D. Byrne
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Byrne
Mary Byrne
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Byrne
Miss Nancy Byrne
Margaret A. Byrnes
Mrs. Carla M. Cacciatori
Agatha and Toni Cacciola
Jack Cadalso
Mary R. Cadden
William J. Cadden
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cadrette
Frances E. Cafarell
Daniel F. Cafarelli Sr.
Mrs. Marjorie Cahill
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Cahill
Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Caimano
Richard Cairns
Alicia Calagiovanni
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Calkins
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Callanan
Jane Caltabiano
Mr. and Mrs. Rocco J. Camerato
Loretta Campagna
Mr. and Mrs. David Campbell
Mrs. Grace Campbell
James J. Campbell
Lawrence J. Campbell
Mrs. Patricia Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony V. Campilii
Carole Canale
Ms. Betty B. Canape
Honorable Ronald Canestrari
Mrs. Anne P. Cannon
Thomas Cannon
Joan Canorro
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cantone
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Canty
Capital District Physicians Health
Capitaland Animal Hospital
Karen Brody Capogreco
Virginia Capponi
Mrs. Jane B. Carboni
Mr. Anthony S. Cardello
Phyllis and Ray Cardona
Mr. and Mrs. John Carella
Mrs. Mary Carello
Frank Carey Family
Winter 2010
Elizabeth and Mary Lou Carey
John and Midge Carey
Kevin and Christine Carey
Rev. Paul V. Carey
Paul Carey
Mrs. Jean Carlin
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carlino
Joyce Carlow
Mrs. Dorothy G. Carman
Janet Carmichael
Mrs. Linda Carmody
Loretta Carney
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Caron
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Caropreso
Patricia Carota
Elizabeth Carpenter
Barbara A. Carr
Joan M. Carr
Robert E. Carr
Maryann C. Carreras
Antoinette and Lucia Carriero
Dominick and Elizabeth Carriero
Mr. Charles P. Carroll
John and Nancy Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Leo P. Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. William Carroll
Ellen F. Carruthers
Linda Carter
June Cartmell
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Caruso
Mr. and Mrs. Dominick P. Caruso
Pat M. Casale
Joseph C. Casarella Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Casey
Mrs. Ruth A. Casey
Mr. Patrick Cassalia
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cassella
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas M. Cassetta
Regina Cassetta
Mr. Donald W. Castle
Mrs. Emanuela Castle
Ronald and Phyllis Castle
Patricia Castro
Joseph Catalfamo
Joanne and Larry Catallo
Lucy Catellier
Catholic Charities Aids Services
Catholic Charities Diocese of
Catholic Daughters of America
Court McLaughlin
Walter F. Causey
Jean Cavallo
Dr. Catherine Cavanaugh
Mrs. Joan Cavanaugh
Roberta J. Cavano
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Cavosie
Mrs. Marjorie Ceccucci
Mary Ellen Ceccucci
Mrs. Ruth Ceccucci
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Cellary
Ann Cencetti
Brian Cerino
Mrs. Shirley Cerone
Dorothy Chamberlain
Ruth Chamberlain
Joan Rita Chambers
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Chapman
Patricia Chapman
Anne A. Charron
Kathleen Charsky
John E. Cheevers
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton J. Chesbro
Joanne Chestnut
Kara Childrose
John Chirico
Fred Cholette
Denise and Rosemary Chonski
Robert Christoffel
Elaine Christopher
Jeanne Murray Christopher
Andrew and Elizabeth Chupka
Church of Our Lady of Lourdes
Church of St. John the Baptist
Church of St. Peter
Church of St. Pius X
Mrs. Kathleen Chute
Mrs. Margaret Ciampolillo
Dana Ciamprone
Mark Ciccarelli
Mary Jane Ciccarelli
Minnie Ciccone
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Cimon
Mrs. Rose Cinquino
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Cioffi Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cipriano
Mr. and Mrs. John Cirando
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Ciravolo Sr.
Beatrice Circe
Mr. and Mrs. William Clancy
Mrs. Anne Clark
Rev. James E. Clark
William Clark
Jane Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. Owen R. Clarke
Ruth A. Clarke
Thomas and Phyllis Clas
Carla and Dan Clayton
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cleary
Mrs. Joseph Clemens
Donna Clement
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Clement
Thomas A. Clemente
Frances Clemenzi
George and Chris Cline
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Clough
Coalyard Charlie's
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Cocca
Stephen J. Coffey Sr.
Marylou Cognetti
Cohoes Silvertops
Regina Cokey
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Cole
Eileen Tuffey Coleman
The College of Saint Rose
College of Saint Rose Alumni Utica
Ed and Marion Collette
Eleanor M. Collins
Elizabeth Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Collins
Jane M. Collins
Katherine T. Collins
Mrs. Kathleen Collins
Janet E. Collmer
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Coluccio
Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Columbus
Helene Combopiano
Barbara Comire
Mrs. Lena Comtois
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Condon
Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Cone
Robert J. Congel
Robert and Suzanne Congel
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Conley
Jane P. Connair
Kathleen Connally
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Connally
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Connery Sr
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Connery
Doreen Connolly
Margaret T. Connoly
Mr. Donald Connor
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Connors
Mr. John H. Connors
Michael F. Connors
Rosemary Connors
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Conolly
Miss Margaret Conoly
Jane E. Conron
Catherine I. Conroy
Helen A. Conroy
Helene B. Conroy
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Conroy
Tody Conroy
Mrs. Caroline Consalvo
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cook
Margaret A. Cook
Mary T. Cooney
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Cooney
Patricia Coons
Frank Coppola
Joseph Corbeil
Alice and John Corbett
Bernard J. Corbishley Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Corcoran
Mrs. Margaret Corcoran
Mrs. Ruth Corcoran
Regina Corey
Catherine M. Corlew
Robert F. Corr
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. Corso
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Corso
Mr. and Mrs. Philip V. Cortese
Mrs. Jane E. Costanzo
Mrs. Helen A. Costello
Marie Costello
Mrs. Mary Costello
James and Patricia Costello
Rachelle Cotugno
Joan M. Coughlin
Kelly Coughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Coutu
Mary Ellen Cowan
Nancy and John Cowen
Rev. Paul C. Cox
Rita S. Cox
Anna M. Coyle
Mrs. Ginny Craiglow
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cramer
John S. Crandall
Jean H. Crandell
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Crane
Mary E. Craner
Nancy Crast
Ellen C. Craven
Mary Craven
Remember the CSJ Sisters in Your Will
Your will is one of the most important documents you write in your lifetime. From time to time,
your will may need to be updated to reflect current family members or to add to your favorite charity.
If you are making out your will or planning to add a codicil, we invite you to remember the Sisters of
St. Joseph in your plans. In this way, you will have a special share in the prayers and works of the CSJ
Sisters and the Sisters will benefit, too. Our legal corporation title and address is:
The Society of the Sisters of St. Joseph, 385 Watervliet-Shaker Rd., Latham, N.Y. 12110.
Winter 2010
CSJ Newsline 19
Mrs. Edmund Creedon
Mary Ann Cresanti
Karen Cretaro
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Crinigan
Fred V. Crinnin
Betty Crispo
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Crispo
Rebecca S. Cristman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Croghan
Elizabeth Cronin
Shirley A. Cross
Crossroads Agency Inc.
Holly Crouch
Mary and Leon Crouse
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Crucetti
Linda Cruz
CSJ Associates - Albany
CSJ Associates - Amsterdam
CSJ Associates - Rome
CSJ Associates - Syracuse
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Cuddy
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Cuddy
Dr. James M. Cullen
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cullen
Patricia Cullen
Mr. Robert E. Cullivan
Rev. James A. Culver
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cummings
Mr. and Mrs. James Cummings
Mr. Leroy Cummings
Patricia Cummings
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cummings
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Cure
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Curro
Margaret M. Curtin
Patricia M. Curtin
Mr. and Mrs. James Cusack
Jim and Mary Beth Cusack
Mrs. Angeline Cwenar
Sylvia Cwenar
Andrew Czebiniak
Irene Czuryla
Ron Czyzycki
Deborah Dabiere
D'Agostino, Hoblock,
Flannery & Jeram PC
Mae A. D'Agostino
Sally D'Agostino
Mr. and Mrs. William Dailey
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Daloia
Damiano's Flowers
Mr. and Mrs. Faust D'Andrea
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D'Andrea
Mrs. Mary Darian
Diana Darlington
Virginia D'Arrigo
Mike and Ann D'Attilio
Dollie M. Davenport
Davey Tree Expert Company
Daniel Davey
Miss Leslie Davey
Mr. Joseph D. Davies
Neil T. Davignon
Davis Optical
Frances V. Davis
Janice Davis
Mary Kay Davis
Mary Ann Davis
20 CSJ Newsline
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davoli
Annette Dawkins
Mrs. Marguerite A. Dawson
Mary Dawson
Kathryn M. Day
Mr. and Mrs. Scott De Fruscio
Patricia Deamer
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dean
Mr. and Mrs. John Dearborn
Elizabeth Debboli
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Debboli
DeCamp Agency
Amy DeCelle
Eileen C. Decelle
Grace Dechant
Mrs. Joan R. Decker
John DeCotis Family
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeCotis
Mr. and Mrs. Henry DeCotis
DeCrescente Distributing Co Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel DeCrescenzo
Pat DeCrescenzo-Burke
Joseph and Carol Degiorgio
Mr. and Mrs. Mariano DeGiorgio
Mrs. Elizabeth DeGrush
Mrs. Anthony J. Degutis
Rev. L. Edward Deimeke
Mary Jane DeJoie
Kristen Delaney
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Delaney
Mr. and Mrs. John DellaContrada
Mary P. Dellagala
Michael J. DellaRocco Jr.
Marie E. DeLorenzo
Ann DeLorimiere
Sandra K. DelSignore
Mr. and Mrs. Adam DelTorto
Mrs. Florence DeLucia
Margaret Rose DeLucia
Mr. John L. Delurey
Gail DeMarco
Larry and Kathy DeMarco
Mary E. DeMasi
Dr. and Mr. Joseph DeMatteo
Miss Ruth M. Demers
Frances Rudy Deneen
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Dennin
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Denninger
Mrs. Anthony DeNova
Carmella E. DePalma
Mary E. DePietro
Dr. Janet I. Derby
Mr. and Mrs. Hyck DerGurahian
Mrs. Margaret DeRizzo
Michael Desalvo
Mrs. Jackie DeSanti
Mr. and Mrs. Philip DeSantis
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent DeSantis
Deb Desautels
John and Cathy Desieno
Carol and Margaret
Louise Desormeau
Dorothy F. Devine
Victoria M. Dewine
Winifred Deyo
Laurette Deyoe
Ann P. Diamond
Annette M. Diamond
Mrs. Ellie Diamond
Kelly Ann Diamond
Dr. and Mrs. Angel Diaz
Barbara Dibble
Paul Dibble
Dan and Rose Mary DiBlasi
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred DiCaprio
David DiCaprio
Eda DiCaprio
Mrs. Elizabeth A. DiCaprio
Starr and Tom Diciurcio
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dickinson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dickinson
Mrs. Lois Diduch
William Diehl
Mr. and Mrs. Evelino DiFiore
George DiFulvio
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Digeser
Joseph Dignazio
Mary Ann Dignazio-Louison
Alice M. Dillenbeck
Nancy Dillon
David W. Dinneen
John J. Dinneen
John Dionne
Dr. Gary DiSanto-Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Dischiavi
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dixon
Maxine T. Dobe
William E. Dodge
Margaret Dolan
Mary C. Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dominick
Mr. James Donahue
Mary E. Donegan
Mrs. Frances Donlon
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Donnelly
Jack and Kay Donohue
Mr. and Mrs. John Donohue
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Donovan
Karen A. Donovan
Magdalena C. Donovan
Miss Rita Donovan
Michele Doodian
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Dooher
Kenneth and Catherine Doolittle
John J Dora
Mr. Kenneth T. Doran
Connie and Robert Dorko
Mrs. Sally C. Dorn
Marie and Bruce Doud
Mr. Thomas F. Dougherty
Mrs. Patricia Douglas
Maureen R. Dourney
Nancy Dover
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dow
Betty Dowd
Christine Dowd
Mary Ann Dowd
Dorothy L. Dowdle
Richard Dowhy
Mrs. Betty Dowling
Richard and Linda Dowling
Mrs. Mary Rita Downey
Mrs. Don Downing
Mrs. Alison Doyle
Rev. Donald E. Doyle
Kathleen M. Doyle
Rev. Kenneth J. Doyle
Martha and Edgar Doyle
Mary Ellen Drabot
Mrs. Anne Drew
Mr. and Mrs. John Driscoll
Mrs. Linda Mooney Driscoll
Thomas M. Driscoll
Tom Driscoll
Rev. Paul Drobin
Mrs. Sophie DuBois
Ducharme Harp & Clark LLP
Priscilla Duda
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Duffy
Tina Marie Duffy
Patricia F. Dufresne
Mary V. Dugan
Mrs. Veronica J. Dugan
Mary J. Duggan
Denis A. Dulin
Patricia Dumas
Patricia J. Dundon
Barbara Dunn
Mrs. Howard Dunn
Luella Dunn
John Dunne
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Dunne
Carol Dunning
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Dunning
Theresa A. Dunsky
Mr. and Mrs. James Dupee
Leona Dupell
Casimira Dupree
Mary Durocher
Mrs. Lorraine Dushane
Mrs. Sally Duval
Rev. Joseph J. Dworak
Mary Anne Dworak
Francis J. Dwyer
Gail T. Dwyer
Kathleen Kennedy Dwyer
Mrs. Patricia N. Dwyer
Patricia N. Dwyer
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Dwyer
Dawn Dybas
Sheila Dybowski
Mrs.Anna Dyer
Mr. and Mrs. William Dyer
Leslie Dykeman
Mrs. Anne Eagan
Gloria Eagan
Nancy Eannace
Mrs. Iona Earley
Eastern Heating & Cooling
Stuart and Barbara Eastman
Elizabeth Eaton
Mrs. Carol Eberle
Mrs. Beatrice Eberst
Mrs. Anna Echter
Mary Eck
Rev. Msgr. Charles H. Eckermann
Thomas and Carol Eckert
Francis and Denise Edic
Mr. and Mrs. John Edmonston
Mr. and Mrs. John Egan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Egan
Leona M. Egan
Mrs. Ruth A. Egan
Nancy Egerbrecht
Winter 2010
Karen Getz Eichler
Mrs. Lisa Eigo
Linda Eiholzer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elie
Susan Ellis
Pat Ely
Rhonda Ely
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Elze
Terry Emerich
Rosalie M Emm
Alice D. English
Ernie's Quality Auto Repair
Josephine Errichetto
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Erwin
Irene Erwin
Mr. Timothy Erwin
Anthony S. Esposito
Emily Esposito
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Esposito
Ethan Allen Personnel Placement
of Albany
Dawn Evans
Nancy Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fadden
Rev. Msgr. Charles J. Fahey
Robert Fahr
Mr. and Mrs. William Fahr
Margaret Falato
Cindy Falise
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Falk
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Falzano
Nancy Fanella
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fangio
Donna M. Fantauzzi
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Faragon
Concetta M. Farano
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Faraone
Mary Louise Farchione
Najla Farhart
Mrs. Margaret Fariello
Nina R. Farnach
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Farrell
Cynthia Marie Farrell DVM
Mrs. Judy Farrell
Leslie A. Farrell
Dr. Margaret A. Farrell
Martha Farrell
Mary Farrell
Mary Frances Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Farrell
Marie Favata
Anne Fazio
Catherine Fazzio
Mary and Fiore A. Femia
Mrs. Marti Fennell
Julio R. Fenocchi
Mary Elizabeth Fenocchi
Fred and Pat Fergerson
Mr. and Mrs. George Ferguson
Sharon Fernandes
Mary Ann Ferrari
Dr. Susan Ferrary-Simon
Karen Ferri
Ruth S. Ferris
Susan E. Ferstler
Ann Fesler
Rev. John E. Fetcho
Mrs. Anne Feth
Joan Fiaschetti
Winter 2010
Sister M. Catharine Ryan (Sister John Francis),
Sister Jane Burns (Sister John Dolores) (CCHS
teacher ’62-’63), and Sister Patrick Lauretta
Guiltinan (CCHS teacher ’54-’64) enjoy visiting
with Janet Derby.
Mrs. Theresa Fiaschetti
Caroline M. Fiato
Elizabeth Brand Fibkins
Mr. and Mrs. John Ficke Jr.
Mrs. Fannie Fidura
Anmarie Fields
Margaret Findlay
Janet Finnegan
Mrs. Joan Finnegan
Bill and Patricia Dolan Finnen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Finnen
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Fiore
Barbara Fiori
Mrs. Kathleen Fiorillo
Jacqueline Fischer
John O'C. Fish
John and Teri Fisher
Stella Fisher
Margaret Fisk
Fitzgerald Funeral Home Ltd.
Dr. and Mrs. James B. Fitzgerald Jr.
Carol Fitzgerald
Dorothy Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Fitzgerald
James and Masae Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. John L Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Fitzgerald
Therese C. Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Fitzgerald
Virginia Fitzgerald
William F. Fitzgerald
Mrs. Joanne Z. FitzGibbon
Sally Fitzpatrick
Mary A. Fitzsimmons
Mr. Robert Fix
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Flacke
Msgr. John P. Flanagan
Mrs. Mary Lou Flanagan
Miss Mary Anne Flanders
Donna and Brittany Flannery
Dr. and Mrs. F. Joseph Flatley
Mr. Donald F. Flavin
Henry J. Fleischman
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fleming
Jeanne B. Fletcher
John F. Flint
Nan Marie Yaiser Fluty
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fluty
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flynn
Joseph Fogarty
Mrs. Annette Foley
Mr. and Mrs. John Foley
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Foley
Margaret M. Foley
Barbara and James Follain
M. Joyce Fonda
Patricia Fonda
Fontaine Family
Frederick and Nancy Fontaine
Carol Foote
Anne Ford
Mrs. Virginia A. Ford
Rev. R. Adam Forno
Frances A. Fortin
Mary Forward
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Fosberry
Frederick and Phyllis Foster
Maxine Fountain
John Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ronald Fox
Mary Fox
Remigia A. Foy
Catherine Fragale
Mario and Dorothy Fragola
Mrs. Donald Frame
Mr. Donald C. Frament
Rae Francese
Rosemary Francisco
Kathryn C. Franco
Adrienne S. Frank
Mrs. Marie G. Franke
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Franklin
Mr. and Mrs. August Franze
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Franze
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Franzese
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Fraser
Mary C. Frazier
Mr. Clarence Frederick Jr.
Mr. Donald Frederick
Marie Fredrick
Loretta Fredricks
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Freer
Patricia Freund
Barbara J. Frey
Mr. Paul E. Frezza
Friends of Frank Commisso
Friends of Bob Reilly
Brother Paul and Anthony Froio
Marygrace and Gary Fronk
Ruth Fruda
Donna and Peter Frueh
Rev. Moritz Fuchs
Mrs. Theresa Fulgan
Barbara Fuller
Mrs. Linda M. Fullum
Mr. James Fultz
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Furciniti
Angela and Frank Fusco
Mr. and Mrs. John Fusco
Gabriel Contractors of Amsterdam Inc.
Gabriel-Moran Hearing Ctr
Pat and Jim Gaetano
Rev. Charles A. Gaffigan
Louise Gaffney
Mrs. Kathleen Gagliardi
Irene Gaines
Mr. and Mrs. David Galarneau
Mrs. Marie M. Gales
Mr. and Mrs. David Galkiewicz
Robert Gallager
Helen Galligan
Carolyn Galloway
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Gallup
Peg Galluppi
Joseph Galusky
Juliet Galvin
David and Anne Gangemi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gardinier
Carol A. Gardner
Marion E. Gardner
Mary E. Gardner
Bob Garrett
Mary Gartner
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Garzia
Kathleen Gates
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gatt
Robert Gaube
Nancy Gaughan
Mr. and Mrs. James Gaul
William Gaunay
Mrs. Claire Gavin
Mrs. Rosemary Gavitt
Dwayne Geary
Sharon Gebhardt
Geddes Federal Savings & Loan
Susan Gensemer
Mr. and Mrs. John George Jr.
Mrs. Dorothy George
MaryLou George
Richard J. George
Christine M. Germain
Eileen and Jim Germaine
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Germaine
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Germano
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Germano
Mrs. Mary Margaret Gerry
Mary F. Gersbacher
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Getty Jr.
CSJ Newsline 21
S. Maria Bouleris
S. Jean Francis Whalen
S. Maria Charles Norton
S. Mary Clare Lussier
S. Jean Francis Whalen
S. Mary Barbara Vennard
S. Marie Zenon D’Astous
S. Rita D’Astous
S. Adelina St. Hilaire
S. Marilyn Donnelly
S. Susan O’Connor
S. Mary Brigada Lombardi
S. Margaret Totten
S. Jean Cummings
S. Lamese Farhart
S. Margaret Bonville
S. Mary Rehfuss
Gertrude Sullivan
Lena Zullo
S. Jean Ellen Bellswinger
S. Catherine Bede Rupprecht
S. Paula Jude Egan
S. Mary Lucille Grouchy
S. Maria Bouleris
22 CSJ Newsline
Winter 2010
S. Maria Charles Norton
S. Mary Laurentia Ryan
S. Mary Herman Marhafer
Audrey O’Hare
Florence Graham
S. Mary Lois Goldner
Brenda Persons
Helene Kulbyida
S. Mary Clare Lussier
S. Suzanne Petronis
S. Frances Eustace
You were all included in our prayers during our annual LIVING ROSARY
in St. Joseph’s Provincial House Chapel, October 29th. We prayed the World Mission Rosary;
praying that All May Be One – witnessing to the Love that God has for all of us.
You may recognize sisters that you know, and there were many others joining in from their rooms.
May God’s blessings be on all of us.
S. Mary Lourdes Howe
S. Helen Eugene McNally
S. James Michael Ryan
S. Ellen Michele Cullen
S. Linda Vendetti
Patricia Dumas
S. Ruth Kindelan
S. Jeanne Pierre Mittnight
S. Mary Sheila O’Hare
S. William A. Fitzpatrick
Mary Holton
S. Mary Ronan Creedon
S. Jeanne Morin
S. Toni Murphy
Winter 2010
S. Mauretia Kelly
S. Ann Therese Flynn
S. Mary Catherine Rich
S. Janice Elizabeth O’Neil
Jeannine Turgeon
CSJ Newsline 23
Rev. Joseph J. Getz OSA
Dr. and Mrs. Mohammad GhaziMoghadam
Mrs. Catherine Giacomini
Laurence and Joan Giammattei
Mrs. Joyce Giannone
Teresa J. Giarrosso
Mrs. Elizabeth Gibbons
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gibbons
Thomas Gibbons
Jane Gibbs
Mrs. Mary Ann Giblin
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Giblin
Mrs. Anna Mae Gifford
Lorraine M. Giglio
Anthony and Cathy Giglio-Giruzzi
Mrs. Margaret Gilbride
Mr. and Mrs. Will Gilchrist
Geneviese Gillen
Marylynn Gillette
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gillooley
Mr. and Mrs. Albert V. Gillow
Helen P. Gingell
Mrs. Shirley Ginnelly
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Giordano
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Giordano
Ms. Bea Girard
Mr. Francis Girard
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Girard
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Giruzzi Jr.
Arthur Giulianelli
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Giulianelli
Lucille A. Glasheen
Esther Gleason
Mrs. Margaret Glidden
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gluck
Funeral Home Inc.
Mrs. Arlene D. Godfrey
Mr. and Mrs. Ned A. Goebricher
Paul Gofran
Margaret C. Goodman
Gloria Goodwin
Mrs. Ellen Gooley
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Gorczynski
Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Gorman
Ann B. Gorton
Kathleen Gosh
Deacon Ray and Martha
Jeanne Z. Gossin
Carolyn Grabowski
Kathleen Stirner Graham
Nancy and Marlene Granata
Mr. Humbert D. Grande Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Grande
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Graney
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin D. Grant
Sister Gloria Graves RSM
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Gravius
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Gray
Mrs. Helen W. Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Gray
Roseanne Gray
Mrs. Monica Z. Greco
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Greenawalt
Greene Lions Club
Frank Gregory
Mrs. Ursula Greiner
Elvira M. Grella
24 CSJ Newsline
Irene L. Grenier
Mrs. Anna Grennan
Mrs. Paula Gresen
Kathleen Gressler
Magdalen Gressler
Margaret Griffin
Norine Griffith
Joseph Griffo
Julia Grimsley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Groesbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Grogan
Doris C. Gronau
Christine R. Gryscavage
Mrs. Barbara Grzelecki
Mr. Walter C. Grzybowski
Mr. Rolf Guendel
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Guidarelli
Thomas P. Guiltinan
Rev. Anthony Gulley
Rev. James Gulley
Shirley Gully
Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Gurtowski
Bernice Guth
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Guthrie
Mrs. Leonora Gutowski
Barbara K. Guy
John J. Guzy
Catherine Hadcock
Mr. and Mrs. James Hadcock
Elizabeth A. Hagadorn
Mrs. Florence B. Hagan
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hagmann
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Haight
Erin Haite
Nadia Marie Haitko
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Halayko
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Halayko
Halfmoon Diner Inc.
Irene J. Hall
Mrs. Dorothy Halloran
Mrs Jacquelyn D. Halpin
Hammond & Irving Inc.
Mrs. Anne Handly
Kevin Hanley
Karen A. Hanlon
Tracy Hanlon
Marjorie Hanna
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hannan
Paul Hanrahan
Mr. and Mrs. George K Hansen
Peg O'Neil Hansen
Margaret Hanson
Francis S. Hanyak
Mrs. Mary Harbeck
Marie Hare
Mr. Edward Harkins
Paul Harko
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harmon
Elizabeth Harper
James A. Harper
Chris and Lisa Harrington
Dianne Harrington
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Harrington
Mr. W. Jon Harrington
Harris A. Sanders, Architects P.C.
Margaret E. Harris
Roberta Harris
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Harris
Irene L. Harrison
John and KC Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hart
Mrs. James Hart
Judith A. Hart
Mrs. Mary Lois Hart
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hart
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hartigan
William Hartigan
Mrs. Kathy Hartley
Mrs. Dorothy R. Harvey
Mr. and Mrs. John Harwick
Donald and Jean Harwood
Patricia Hasan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M.
Dorothy L. Hasslinger
Estate of Mary B. Havern
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Haviland
Mr. and Mrs. William Hayden
Mrs. Arlene J. Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. John Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hayes
John T. Hayes
Kathy Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Hayes
Robert Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hayford
Marylee M. Hayner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Haynes
Bob and Polly Hayward
Bonita L. Hazelton
Walter and Rose Heagle
John Heaney
Rev. Philip A. Hearn
Mr. Lloyd J. Hebert Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hebert
Margaret E. Hecox
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hedley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Heffern
Mr. and Mrs. John Heffron
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Heffron
Mr. and Mrs James A. Hegarty
Mrs. Beulah Heitzman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Heller
Linda Helmbrecht
Mrs. Vilda Helmer
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Helwig
Frances Henderson
Miss Mary Henshaw
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Hepp
Moving? Please Let Us Know!
We like to keep in touch with our friends; so would you
please notify us of any address changes? Please send to:
Sisters of St. Joseph, 385 Watervliet-Shaker Road,
Latham, NY 12110, or call (518) 783-3614.
Marjorie A. Hepp
Mary A. Herlt
Judith M. Hervieux
Mr. Wilfred R. Hesler
Mr. James P. Hewitt
Laurence Hickey
Patricia A. Hickey
Mrs. Mary Ellen Higgins
Mrs. Kathy Higgitt
Peter and Jane Ricci, High Peak
Agency Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Hill
Carol A. Hill
Larry A. Hill
Hispanic Outreach Services
Audrey Hlozansky
Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Hnat
Ambrose Hock
Mrs. Margaret E. Hoffman
Alice M. Hogan
Mrs. Bertha Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel V. Hogan
Mrs. Elizabeth Hogan
Mary E. Hogan
Rev. Michael J. Hogan
Rev. Robert J. Hohenstein
Albert Holbrook Jr.
John and Paula Hollenbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Holloway
Mary Lou Holloway
Colette and Mark Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Holmes
Mary Holt
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Holton
Holy Mother and Child Parish
Michael P. Hondro
Christine Honicki
Mr. and Mrs. George Honor
Mrs. Shirley Hoodack
Mrs. William Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. William Hopkins
Mary F. Horrigan
Francis J. Horwedel
Claire Houck
Joan A. Hough
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Houle
Dorothy Houlihan
Mr. and Mrs. James Houlihan
Mrs. Joan Houlihan
Mr. and Mrs. William Houlton
Mrs. Ann Houser
Peggy Quinlan Hovish
Charles E. Howard
Frederick Howard
Mr. and Mrs. James Howard
Mary Howard
Mary E. Howe
Monica C. Howlan
Judith Hoysak
Martin C. Hoyt Jr
Mary Fitzgerald Hoyt
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hoyt
Regina Hubbard
Richard J. Huether
Arlene A. Hughes
Mr. Henry Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Hughes
Mrs. Veronica Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. John Hulchanski
Ms. Diane Hull
Winter 2010
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Humphrey
William A. Hunt Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hunt
Patricia Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hunter
Richard W. Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. David N. Hurd
Agnes T. Hurley
Mrs. Jacqulyn Hurley
Margaret Hurley
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hurley
Eleanor Hutchins
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Hy
Mrs. Cecilia and Kevin Hyde
Janice Hyde
Mrs. Helen Iacobucci
James Iavarone
IBM Endicott/Owego Quarter
Century Club
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Igoe
Genevieve T. Incontrera
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Ingalls
Donald C. Ingram
Herbert Insley
William and Shirley Irwin
Jean Isbell
Dr. Richard Isele
Beth Izzo
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jablonski
Jack Byrne Ford & Mercury Inc.
Suzanne Jackett
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. William Jakubics
Janet H. O'Brien-Aram
Rev. David J. James
Joan P. James
Margaret E. James
Alice Janusz
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jarvis
Helen Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jennings
Luann Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jimino
John J. Sanvidge Funeral Home
Patricia John
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Johnson
Candace Johnson
Mrs. Edna Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Johnson
Eleanor Johnson
Elizabeth L. Johnson
Flora Johnson
George and Margaret Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Johnson
Patricia J. Johnson
Peg Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Johnson
Mr.and Mrs. E. Stewart Jones Jr.
Angela Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Farley Jones
Mrs. Margaret Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jones
Joan Joralemon
Robert Jordan
Harold Paul Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Josephson
Joshua Foundation
Ann Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. William Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Juda
Kathleen Judge
Patricia Judge
Gloria A. Kaczmarek
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kahn
Robert and Lorna Kaier
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kaiser
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kaiser
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Kalinowski
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kaminski
Sharon Kanaley
Rev. James J. Kane
Rev. Joseph F. Kane
Kathleen and Louis Kane
Dr. Michael J. Kane
Patricia Kane
Theresa Kane
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Kanfoush
Mrs. Colleen M. Kanniainen
Richard Karabin
Joseph Karlson
Edward Kaufmann
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kavanaugh
Mrs. Pat Cleary Kazmierski
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Keane
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J.
Having “fun” visiting at the party are: Sister Jean
Ellen Bellswinger, SNJM, Sister Elizabeth Ann
O’Bryan, and Sister Mary Brigada Lombardi.
Winter 2010
James Kearney
Dolores M. Keating
Susan Keating
Gary Keehfus
E. Zoe Keeler
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Keenan
Mrs. Marie C. Keenan
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Keenan
Mr. and Mrs. Terence Kehoe
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander W. Keilen
Anne S. Keiley
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kelleher
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kelley
Brian and Doreen Kelly
Christine Kelly
Rev. Donald Kelly
Ita Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelly
Rev. Robert L. Kelly
Theresa Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Meldon F. Kelsey
Theresa Kelvington
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Kemp
April Kennedy
Mrs. Emily M. Kennedy
Frank J. Kennedy
Dr. Gloria A. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Martin P. Kennedy
Virginia B. Kennedy
Mary T. Kenny
Catherine Kenyon
Dr. Ajit J. Khanuja
Mark and Sharon Kieffer
Charles Kieley
Edgar F. Kimball
Mrs. June M Kimball
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Kimiecik
Mr. and Mrs. Edward King
Joseph and Gail King
Suzanne King
Mrs. Mary B. Kinnicutt
Joan Kinsley
Mrs. Elizabeth Kirby
David J. Kirk MD
Chester Kirk
Mrs. Katherine S. Kirk
Loretta Kirkendall
Jane E. Kirsch
John and Marcia Kirsch
George and Mary Anne Klamm
Mrs. Charles T. Klein
Diedre Klick
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Klingbeil
Karl & Mary Klingenberger
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Klose
Eileen F. Klupka
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Knapik
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Knapp
Knights of Columbus Council #191
Knights of Columbus Council #194
Knights of Columbus Council #8121
Helen Koajick
Rev. Thomas P. Kobuszewski
Rudolph and Sharon Koegl
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Koglmeier
Bill Kohlbrenner
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Kolakowski
Mrs. Jean B. Kolar
Dr. and Mrs. Kurt Konieczny
Barbara and John Kopf
Mrs. Virginia Kopp
Margaret and John Kordich
Mary Ann Kordich
Richard J. Kornatowski
Agnes Kosarovich
Rose R. Kostek
Andrea Kostik
Mr. and Mrs. William Kot
Mrs. Elizabeth Kotansky
Rose Marie Kotansky
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Kowalski
Mrs. Mary Kozielski
Wanda and Ronald Kozilski
Cathy Kozilsky
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Krajick
Mary Patricia Kramer
Colleen Krause
John Krauss
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Krecidlo
Diane Kreig
William R. Krosky
Mrs. Mary Krukowski
Carole A. Kruse
Helene Kruse
Mrs. Barbara Krzys
Evelyn Kudla
Mrs. Mary Joyce Kudlick
Donald P. Kuharevicz
Mr. Thomas Kulzer
Mrs. Ann J. Kumpan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Kundel
Mrs. Harold Kurick
Catharine M. Kurz
Mrs. M. Gertrude Kutz
Dana Kuznetzkoff
Elizabeth LaChapelle
Mary A. Lacombe
Dorothy LaCroix
Ladies of Charity Association
Ladies of Charity of Albany
Ladies of Note Red Hat Society
Gretchen LaFleur
Frank LaGatta
Alice Lahue
Mrs. Mary Lake
Deborah and Leland LaKretz
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry LaLonde
Tracy Lamanec
Mrs. Mary Lou Lamb
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Lamb
Maureen Lambe
Carol and Frank Lamiano
Carole Landberg
Mrs. Joan E. Lane
Miss Rosemary Lane
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Lane
Mary E. Lang
Robert J. Lang
Thomas M. Lang
Mrs. Mary Langan
Lea Langlais
Robert P. Lanni
Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Lanza
Anthony Lanzi
LAOH Anne H. Armao Division #5 Troy
CSJ Newsline 25
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lapetina
Mary G. Lapetina
Mr. and Mrs. David LaPoint
Mary C. LaPoint
Michael and Alaina LaPoint
Theresa S. LaPoint
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Larkin
William E. Larkin
Mrs. Nancy Larner
Joseph A. LaRocca
Mary LaRocco
Nicholas Larose
Mary Ann and Frank Larrivey
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas LaSarso
Richard O. Lasky
Latham Dental Group
Mrs. Carm Latham
Ms. Nan LaTulip
Betty Lauri
M. Suzanne Lavin
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lawless
Dorothy Lawless
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lawlor
Mrs. Ann E. Lawrence
Catherine Lawrence
Frank and Judy Lawruk
Mr. and Mrs. Leon M. Layden
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Layman
Mrs Ann Lazzaro
Theresa Lazzaro
Lazzaro's Autobody Inc.
Leahy/Bocketti Funeral Home
Mrs. Ethel Leal
Daniel Leary
Dr. John P. Leary
Mrs. Claire Leathem
Lecesse Construction Services LLC
M. Barbara Leeret
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leeseman
Mrs. Frances Lefko and David
Eleanor Legnard
Martha and Dorothy Legnard
Mrs. Mary Ellen Legnard
Robert and Nicole Legnard
Marcia Lehner
Joseph Lemanski
Mr. Thomas W. Lenahan
Elizabeth Anne Lennon
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Lenz
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leo
Vincent Leo
Joan Leonard
T. Eugene Leonard
Dolores F. Lepak
Joseph F. Lescinski
Mrs. Lucy Lescinski
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Lesnau
Dr. Lisa Lester
Marianne Lettus
Kay A. Levack
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Levin
Donna M. Lewis
Ellen M. Lewis
Mrs. Ellen Lewis
Mrs. Robert F. Lewis
Lorraine L'Heureux
Mr. and Mrs. John Liberis
Jane and Joe Lindacher
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lindeman
William and Leslie Lindenman
26 CSJ Newsline
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Linehan
Elizabeth M. Linehan
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Linehan
Mrs. Jeanne Liney
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Liparulo
Mrs. Mary Jane Liporace
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Litwin
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Livoti
Michael P. Locaputo
Kathleen Locken
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Loiacano
M. Theresa Loiselle
Paula Lomasney
Edward Lombardi
John Lombardi
Cathy London
Margaret B. London
Marcella L. Lonergan
William and Martha Lonergan
Margaret M. Long
Nancy W. Looby
Rev. Laurence J. Lord
Mrs. Elizabeth Loren
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Lorent
Rev. William A. Lorenz
Mr. and Mrs James Louison
Mrs. Gail E. Love
Anne and Tom Lubecki
Mrs. Letitia A. Lucey
Rev. Matthew Luczycki
Linda Lupian
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lupica
Celia Luteran
David Lynch
Greg Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. John Lynch
Mrs. Katherine Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lynch
Lee Lynch
Patricia Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lyon
Kathleen Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Lyons
William J. Lyons III
Margie MacHaffie
Helen F. Mack
Mr. John L. Macko
Agnes V. MacMaster
Yardsley A. Macpherson
Alice Madden
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Madden
Arlene Madigan
Ms. Nan Magistro
Rose M. Magliocca
Eileen Maguire
Marie McAuliff Maguire
Sheila Murray Mahady
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Mahan
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mahony
Adelaide Maiello
Major League Baseball Players
Rev. Charles M. Major
Yvonne A. Major
Rev. John J. Malecki
Mrs. Elizabeth Malek
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Maleski
Mrs. Mary Ann Malkiewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J Malkowicz
Mrs. Margaret Malloy
Mrs. Elizabeth Malo
Mrs. Marilyn Malo
Mrs. Mary E. Malone
Teresa V. Malone
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Maloney Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Maloney
Betty Maloof
Mrs. Alice Maloy
Mary and Margaret Maloy
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Maloy
Amelia and John Mancini
Mrs. Sharon M. Maneri
Mrs. Marjorie Mangan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mangione
Anthony and Clarita Mango
Mrs. Kathryn A. Manley
Rev. Frederick R. Mannara
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mannino
Patricia Mannino
W. Thomas Mannix
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Manny
Mrs. M. Joan Manny
Mrs. Rose Marie Manory
Mrs. Catherine Mantica
Mrs. Ruth Mantica
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Manupella
Mrs. Thomas Marcellino
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Marcil
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Marco
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Marine
Mrs. Theresa Marino
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Marker
Rev. Leo F. Markert
Mrs. Marjorie T. Marois
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Marois
Mrs. Agostina Maroli
Elizabeth F. Marosek
Marilyn Marra
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Marra
Mrs. Patricia Marra
Marra's Pharmacy Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Marriott
Samuel Marro
Mr and Mrs Arthur Marrow
Dr. and Mrs. Edward S. Marschilok
Marsh, Wasserman & McHugh
Ann Marshall
Richard and Brenda Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Serafino Marsicano
Bonnie Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Martin
Joanne B. Martin
Mrs. Margaret A. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Martin
Mr. Richard M. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Martini
Katherine R. Marvelli
Dolores M. Mascolo
Helen Mason
Harriet M. Massara
Anne Massaro
Dr. Anthony F. Mastrianni
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew H. Mataraso
Marilyn Mates
Jack and Edith Matott
Mrs. Emma Jean Mattern
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. John Matthews
Mr. Robert Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Matthews
Rose Mattia
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Maurer
Karen Maxon
Lois N. Maxwell
Mrs. Ann M. May
Mrs. Rosemary C. Maye
Elizabeth Mayhood
Joan L. Maynard
Krissy Mazmanian
Judith Mazza
Mary Kay and Craig McAfee
Mrs. Katherine McAllister
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McAllister
Mary McAndrews
Daniel and Kathleen McAuliffe
Teresa McAuliffe
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McBain & Family
Margaret McCabe
Mrs. Katherine McCann
Mr. and Mrs. William McCartan
Catherine McCarty
Paul McCarty
Margaret McCauley
Mrs. Marilyn McCauley
Michael McCormack
Shirley McCormack
Robert McCormick
Mr. and Mrs. John T. McDonald
Kathryn C. McDonald
Mrs. Mary Ellen Q. McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McDonnell
Mrs. Betty E. McDonough
Mr. J.J. McEneny
Noreen McFarland
Mary Pat McFerran
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J McGarvey
Jacqueline McGinnis
Mr. and Mrs. James F. McGinnis
Mrs. Theresa McGinnis
Peter J. McGinty
Mary A. McGovern
Mr. and Mrs. John F. McGowan
Mr. and Mrs. Paul McGowan
Mary F. McGrath
Patricia McGrath
Mrs. Phyllis A. McGrath
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mcgrath
Rev. Thomas J. McGrath
Elizabeth McGraw
Lee McGrew
Mrs. Gertrude F. McGuire
Mrs. Mary K. McGuire
Dr. Lauretta McGuirk
Mr. and Mrs. Michal J. McGuirl
Mrs. Elizabeth M. McHale
Barnabas McHenry
Elizabeth J. McHugh
Shirley and James McHugh
Mary A. McIntyre
Kathleen McKee
Kathleen M. McKenna
Mr. and Mrs. Neil McKenna
Mary B. McKeon
Mrs. Neil T. McKeon
Mr. and Mrs. John M. McKeough
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKevitt
Winter 2010
Mrs. Joan M. McKinney
Mr. and Mrs. David McKnight
Mr. and Mrs. Gary McLarnon
McLoughlin & Mason Funeral
Mary Ann McLoughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Ed McMahon
Matthew A. McMahon
Richard H. McMahon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Mcmahon
Fran McManus
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McManus
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McManus
Peter McManus
William M. McMyler Sr
Mrs. Donald McNamara
Norma J. McNerney
James McNichol
Hon. John J. McNulty Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. McNulty III
Mr. and Mrs. John D. McNulty
Kathryn McNulty
Mrs. Kathryn M. McNulty
William McNulty
Barbara and Lloyd McOmber
Bernadette McSparron
Rev. Lawrence G. McTavey
Mrs Eleanor McTiernan
John A. Meagher
Kathy Meany
Elaine G Mecier
Mrs. Rita Meher
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Melioris
Mrs. Fran Melite
Helene Mellon
Mrs. Anthony Mellone
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Melville
Menands Senior Citizens Club
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Merante
Cynthia Merchant
M. Gail Merola
Loretta Merrill
Margaret Merwin
Edie Mesick
Mrs. Angela Messineo
Kathleen A. Meus
Frances H. Meyer
Thomas E. Meyer
Michelle Michalek
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Michalek
Ted Michalski
Joseph T. Micheletti Sr.
Mrs. Caroline Mickiewicz
Mrs. Ruth P. Middleton
Mr. and Mrs. John Mignacci
Susan Migon
Linda J. Mika
Mrs. Dorothy Mikhitarian
Mary Miknavich
John and Lucy Milanese
Marjorie A. Milanese
Milbank Memorial Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Miles
Mary Ann Miles
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Millard
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Miller Sr.
Betty Anne Miller
Gail Miller
James J. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Miller
Winter 2010
Sandra Miller
Milliman Consultants and
Joan Millington
Michael E. Minahan
Ronald O. Miner
Mrs. Paula Minervini
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miori Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis R. Mirabito
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Mirabito
Pauline E. Mirizio
Mrs. Betty Mishalanie
Eileen Miskinis
Robert W. Missenis
Missionaries of Lasalette
Mrs. Barbara A. Mitchell
Joann and Mary Eileen Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mitola
Thomas J. Mittler Jr.
MLB Construction Services LLC
Mrs. Jennie Moak
Betty Mody
Barbara S. Mohan
Jacqueline and Timothy Mohan
Mr. David M. Molloy
Joseph F. Monaghan
Catherine M. Monahan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Monahan
Janine and Pete Monforte
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Monico
Mrs. Jeanette Montagnino
Mrs. Mary Jane Montanarelli
The Montanino Family
Claire Montanye
Jane Montesano
Mrs. Jean R. Mooney
Susan Mooney
Mr. and Mrs. Don Moore
Angeline Moran
Dorothy Moran
Mrs. Anita Morawski
Mrs. Nancy B. Morehouse
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Morelli
Ronda Morey
Stephen F. Morga
Miss Elizabeth Morgan
Mary and Elizabeth Morgan
Norma Morin
Rev. Richard Morisette
Helen F. Morone
Marie A. Morosco
James J. Morrell
Kathleen A Morris
Morrison Senior Dining
Mrs. Catherine Morse
Sheila A. Mosher
Dale Moshier
Martin and Michelle Moshier
A. J. Mountain
Jacquelyn Mountain
Mrs. Joan F. Moyer
Mrs. Rose C. Moylan
Ellen O. Moynahan
Thomas Mueller
Dr & Mrs Rana Mukerji
James H. Mullaley Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mullaney
Mrs. Rosemary Mullaney
Mrs. Edna K. Mullarkey
Mrs. Pauline Mullen
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Mullin
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Mullins
Mrs. Vincent Munafo
Mr. and Mrs. William Munroe
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Murabito
Carol A. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Murphy
James A. Murphy
Mrs. Jean Haitko Murphy
Joan M. Murphy
Mabel M. Murphy
Maggie Murphy
Mary Alice Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Murphy
Pamela Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Murphy
Trudy and Dorothy Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Murray
Mrs. Betty J. Murray
Carol and Robert Murray
Elizabeth C. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick T. Murray
Irene Murray
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Murray
Joan Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Murray
Norine Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. William Murray
Mr. and Mrs. James Murty
Dolores Muselbeck
Patricia Muselbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Musolino
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Musto
Mr. Richard E. Muth
William J. Mutryn
Jean G. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Myhre
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Mylott
Rev. Peter J. Nabozny
William and Susan Naple
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Nardi
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nardolillo
Ambrose Nash
Bill and Nancy Nash
Jeff Nash
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Nash
Nora Y. Nash
Patricia A. Nash
Ms. Mary Nassimos
Mary Natole
Jane V. Nealon
Mary E. Neary
Margaret A. Neenan
Julienne Nehring
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Nelson
Mrs. Gerald M. Neugebauer
Barbara Newman
Mary and Thomas Neylan
Nicholas J. Bush Funeral Home Inc.
Betty Nichols-Bowden
Bradley J. Nicholson
Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Nicholson
Mrs. Amy Nicoletti
Elizabeth Nicoll
Darlene Nielsen
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Nielsen
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Niemiec
Frances Nikles
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Niles
Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Nirsberger
Alice and Eileen Nix
Julie Hart Noeth
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Nolan
Dr. and Mrs. Donald J. Nolan
Kathleen E. Noon
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Noonan
Rev. David E. Noone
Mrs. Anne B. Norris
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Norris
Northeast Health Foundation
Northland Associates Inc.
Mrs. George Norton
Rev. Alfred E. Nortz
Marianne and Joe Notar
Edith F. Novack
Gloria Novobilski
Sheri Nowak
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nugent
Rev. Jeremiah Nunan
Nunn and Harper Funeral Home
Nunn's Home Equipment
NYS Dept of Transportation
NYS Office of General Services
John and Adrienne O’Hare
Rosemary A. Oathout
Thomas and Ann Oathout
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Obernesser
O'Brien Electrical Contracting Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. O'Brien
Mr. and Mrs. John O'Brien
Julia O'Brien
Kathleen O'Brien
Mrs. Marian K. O'Brien
Maureen O'Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. O'Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Sean O'Brien
Mrs. Stella O'Brien
Mr. Thomas H. O'Brien
Dr. and Mrs. William O'Brien
Michael D. Occhipinti
Mrs. Cele M. O'Connell
Irmgard O'Connell
Marietta F. O'Connell
Mary and John O'Connell
Maud O'Connell
Miss Adelaide O'Connor
Mrs. Frances O'Connor
Gary F. O'Connor
Mr. and Mrs. James O'Connor
Mr. Patrick O'Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Richard O'Connor
Carol Oestrich
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Ogborn
Mrs. Mary L. O'Grady
Patricia M. O'Grady
Marjorie A. O'Hagan
F.James O'Hara
Margaret M. O'Hara
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy O'Hara
Mrs. Audrey O'Hare
Mrs. Joan M. O'Hearn
Nancy O'Keefe
Rita Okoniewski & Family
Catherine Okoniewski
CSJ Newsline 27
Marie Clemente Waitekus and Tom Connally loved
seeing Sister Jane Mary Dardis who taught them in
Kindergarten at St. Augustine’s, Lansingburgh (Troy).
Kerry Oldfield
Edward and Jane O'Leary
Ilah and Gerald Oliver Sr.
Barbara R. Oliver
Mrs. Genevieve Olkowski
Mrs. Alice Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Olson
Ron and Dolores Olson
John L. Olszewski
Mr. and Mrs. John Peter O'Mara
Mr. and Mrs. John H. O'Neil
Kathleen R. O'Neil
Myrna E. O'Neil
Mrs. Arlene O'Neill
Bernard and Alice O'Neill
Brian J. O'Neill
Mrs. Elizabeth C. O'Neill
Rev. James O'Neill
Rev. Richard V. O'Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. O'Neill
Drs. Rodolfo and Remedios
Rev. Donald J. Ophals
William A. Orband Jr.
Mary Ormby
Carl M. Oropallo
Mrs. Angeline O'Rourke
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Orton
Mary Osada
Sandra Osterhout
Mrs. Congretta Ostuni
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ostwald
Mrs. Philomena Ostwald
Mrs. Josephine Otto
Our Lady of Mount Carmel/St.
Joseph/St. Michael
Helen L. Ours
Rev. Robert A. Ours
Mr. John P. Owens
Mr. Chet Pachucki
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Pacious
Maureen A. Padden
Jean Paduano-Teal
Ann E. Padula
Mrs. Mary Rita Pagano
Mr. James Page
Dr. Lincoln E. Page
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Paglia
28 CSJ Newsline
Mr. and Mrs Claude Palczak
Rita Palermo
Marlies M. Palka
Mrs. Gloria Palladino
Pauline H. Palmateer
Yolonda Paolicelli
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Paradis
Mrs. Mary Jane Paradiso
Marie Parasch
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Park
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Parker
Mrs. Shirley Parker
Parker-Scientific Dental Labs
Chris and Colleen Parmelee
Mrs. Peggy Parnell
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Parry
Stephen Partisano
Mrs. Beatrice J. Pasicznyk
Mrs. Sue Pasquale
Isabelle Pastalaniec
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pastore
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Patire
Camille Patneaude
Joanne Patregnani
Kathleen Patterson
Mr. John Paulson
Catherine Paupst
Sister Barbara Pavlic SNJM
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pazera
Gino and Debbie Pazzaglini
Regina Peck
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Peckage
Gerald A. Pedinotti
Imogene Peiffer
Mary Pelchar
Suzanne Pelcher
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pelkey
Charlotte Pelletier
Mr. and Mrs. John Pepe
Mark and Judith Peplowski
Mrs. Diana Perfetti
Kathleen Perkins
Andrew T. Perreault
Grace Perry
Mrs. Ann M. Persons
Mrs. Maureen M. Pesek
Sarah Pesek
Arlene F. Peters
Elizabeth Peters
Phyllis Petersen
Maureen E. Petkovsek
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Petro
Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Petrozzi
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Pettit
Kathleen Pfeiffer
Elizabeth J. Pfisterer
Mr. and Mrs. William Phelan
Bonita Phillips
Linda Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Phillis
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Phoenix
Mr. Salvatore Piazza
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Picard
Joseph and Helen Picciano
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Piccirilli
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Pickett Jr.
Mary A. Pierson
Miss Patricia A. Pilon
Martha Pilotti-Gerty
Mr. and Mrs. Quitus Pinti
Dolores Piorkowski
Diana Piperata
Hilda A. Pirfo and daughters
Mrs. Rosemary Pisaneschi
Cora Piscitelli
Teresa Pistolessi
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Pitnell
Mrs. Margaret Pitney
Eugenia R. Pittelli
Norma Plopper
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Poirier
Elizabeth Z. Polando
Dorothy Poleto
Jane Poleto
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Polidore
Mr. and Mrs Robert Pollack
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Pollock
Janet B. Pomeranz
Helen C. Pomilio
Deborah Popovich
Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Porco
Thomas G. Poremba
Patricia Porillo
Jean and Jim Porter
Mrs. Joan Portley
Mr. and Mrs. William Fred Post
Mr. and Mrs. John Postulka
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potere
Mary Lou Potts
James Poulette
Susanne Poulette
Louie and Linda Powell
William Powell
Mrs. Beverly Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Powers
Margaret L. Powers
Marlene M. Powers
Rev. Thomas M. Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm W. Pownall
Mrs. Josephine Pratt
Mr. Brooks Prescott
Mrs. Frances Prestopnik
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Prevost
Peter V. Primomo DDS
Nancy Pringle
William J. Pringle
Mrs. Joan Printsky
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pritchard
Mrs. Shirley Pritchard
John M. Probst
Mrs. Mary Probst
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Procopio
Joseph A. Provoncha
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Prowak
Mrs. Mary Ann Puglisi
Jane Pullano
Mrs. Kathleen Purcell
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Putz
Mary Pyskadlo
Mr. and Mrs. William Quackenbush
Jeanne M. Qualters
Ms. Kay Quigley
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Quinlan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Quinlivin
Mrs. Anita Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Quinn
Thomas M. Quinn
Anne and Bob Quirk
Maureen Quirk
Marie Raack
Virginia Rabe
Patricia Race
Mrs. Mary Racette
Mrs. Cecelia Racht
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ragucci
Rainbow Autobody Inc.
Raindancer Steak Parlour
Helen E. Raineri
Mrs. Laurence Rainey
Arlene Rainone
Jane M. Rainone
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rainville
Mrs. Margaret Rajczewski
Eleanor M. Ramos
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ramundo
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Randio
Mrs. Karen T. Rapp
Mary Rappazzo-Hall
Mrs. Candida Rataul
Mrs. Joan Rate
Dolores Ratowski
Phyllis and Ray Ratte
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Rausch
Mr. and Mrs. James Raven
Mr. and Mrs. Denis M. Ray
Phyllis Raymond
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Razewski
Anthony Rea
Mrs. Denise Rea
Ms Kathleen Real
Mrs. Mary B. Real
Patrick A. Reardon
Mr. John Rebel
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Redmond
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reed
Elizabeth Regan
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Reich
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Reich
Mrs. Mary F. Reichel
Kathleen Reid
Bernita Reigler
Dennis Reilley
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Reilly
Mrs. Louise Reilly
Marion Reilly
Mark C. Reilly
Mrs. Mary S. Reilly
Winter 2010
Robert and Mary Reilly
Mrs. Mary Remancus
Gary Remarchuk
Mary M. Remarchuk
Mary H. Renaud
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Renders
Mr. and Mrs. John Rentz
Mrs. William Reschke
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Restino
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Reuter
Mr. and Mrs. Skip Reynolds
Laetitia Rhatigan
Grace Riccobono
Linda and William Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Richards
Mr. and Mrs. John Richmond
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Richter
Dolores A. Ridley
Marion A. Riegert
Mary and George Rieman
Jane Riffanacht
Riley Mortuary Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Riley
Hugh F. Riley
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Riley
Prof. Joseph E. Riley
Marilyn Riley
Mrs. Mary Ann Riley
Tony and Anne Riley
Diane R. Rimkis
Mrs. Phyllis Paige Rimkus
Richard and Carol Pelkey Rinaldi
Mrs. Nina M. Rindenello
Mrs. Linda Rinella
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore A. Rinella
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. Ring
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Ripberger
Mr. and Mrs. John Risler
Dominick and Jennifer Rizzo
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rizzo
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Roach
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Roach
Rev. John L. Roark
Mary A. Roark
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Roarke
Susan Roarke
Mrs. Rose M. Robenski
Theresa Robert
Mrs. Catherine Roberts
Mrs. Ellen Q. Roberts
Mary C. Roberts
Mary Robinson
Chris R. Roche
Eleanor Rockenstire
Mr. and Mrs. David Roddy
Mrs. Helen Roddy
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rodino
Deb Roe
Mr and Mrs Hadley Roe
Mrs. Mary E. Roehr
Mrs. Geraldine W. Rogers
William R. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rohacek
Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Roman
Dr James Romano
Mr. and Mrs. Romolo Romano
James Romanski
Winter 2010
Rome Catholic School
Rome Savings Bank
A. Rita Romeo
Rev. John Roock
Roger Rooney
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Roos
Mr. and Mrs. David Root
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Root
Mr. and Mrs. David Rootes
Diane M. Rootes
Mrs. Linda Rootes
Lynn Rosano
Angelo Rosato
Mr. and Mrs. William Rosbrook
Carol Rose
Mrs. Dorothy Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rose
Mary Pat Rose
Carlo G. Rosetti
Mary Rosivach
Mrs. Esther Ross
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Rosse
Isabel E. Rossi
Louis J. Rossi
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Roszak
Dorothy Roth
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Roti Roti
Dr. and Mrs. Paul A. Roubian
Janice Rourke
Anita Rousseau
Jane K. Rowe
Gilbert and Diana Jenich Roy
Royal Care Pharmacy
Ron and Barbara Ruane
Mr. Joseph Rubino
Mrs. Barbara Rubitski
Kris Ruddy
Mrs. Betty Rudesheim
Constance Ruehle
John and Dorothy Ruff
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Ruggeri
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Russell
Barbara Russo
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ruston
Jack Ruth
Patricia Ruth
Ryan Funeral Home
Daniel J Ryan
Mrs. Evelyn Ryan
Grace H. Ryan
H. Patricia Ryan
Jean C. Ryan
Margaret Ryan
Mrs. Mary Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ryan
Mr. Patrick Ryan
Paul and Jan Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. William Ryan
Mary Ryder
Carolyn Rynasko
Robert and Julie Rys
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Sabo
Irene M. Sacala
Sacred Heart and St. William
Mrs. Theresa Sadowski
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Sagan
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Sage
Miss Mary A. Sager
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Sajler
Diane Saladino
Elizabeth Salerni
Sylvia Salerno
Gloria Salisbury
Tom Salisbury
Rosalie Salko
Mary Salvadore
Louis J. Salvo
Samaritan Hospital Auxiliary
Sam's Italian American Restaurant
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred D. Sandy
Mr. Ralph A. SanFelice
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Sano
Kathleen M. Schongar
Mrs. Marion Schongar
Jeanne and Al Schrempf
Antonietta Schroeder
Robert and Susan Schuh
Richard G. Schumacher
Mr. and Mrs. William Schupp
Thelma Sclar
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic F. Scovello
Lucy Scuderi
Mrs. Ann M. Secci
Mary Catherine Sedlak
Have you ever thought about
becoming a Sister of St. Joseph?
We welcome inquiries from single women
who have a love for God’s people and a desire
to live the Gospel. For more information
please contact: Sister Joan Mary Hartigan, CSJ
385 Watervliet-Shaker Road, Latham, NY 12110
(518) 389-3605
Elizabeth Santa Barbara
Lucy Santaferra
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Santerre
Mrs. Dianne Santos
Mrs. Nina Santos
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sanvidge Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sanzone
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Saraceno
Saratoga Honda
Saratoga House
Elizabeth Sardonia
Mrs. Sophia Sardonia
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Sargood
Eleanor M. Sarnacki
Mr. and Mrs. John Sarra
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sassone
Jeanine Saucey
Mr. and Mrs. James Saville
A. M. Savino
Helen Sawka
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Scalzo
Patricia Scanlin
Ann Scanlon
Barbara Scarlett
Jacquelyn & Dr. John H. Schachte Jr.
Mrs. Catherine Schanz
Mrs. Regina and Thomas Schanz
Robert Schatzle
Mrs. Ann M. Schauman
Schenectady Insuring Agency
Dr. Margaret A. Scheppach
Mr. Alan Schick
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schimpff
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Schlegel
Eric and Carol Schloop
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Schmach
Josephine Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schmidt
Frances Abele Schmitt
Carol Schongar
Mrs. Julie L. See
Irene Sefcik
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Sefcik
R.J. Sellin
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Selwach
Karen M. Senecal
Maureen Hogan Serafini
Rose L. Serafini
The Serson Family
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Sessler
Marian Sevinsky
Mr. and Mrs. John Seward
Phil, Lauren and Derek Seward
Carmel M. Sfara
Stephen and Barbara Sgambati
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sganga
Phyllis Sgroi
Michael and Wendy Shafer
Mr. and Mrs. James Shanley
Patricia Carolin Shanley
Muriel C. Shannon
Katie and Y. D. Sharma
Mr. and Mrs. Alan F. Sharpe
Julie Sharpe
Kathleen A. Sharpe
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shaw
Dolores A. Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Shea
Tom Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sheehan
Dolores Sheehan
Rev. George Sheehan
Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Sheehan
Janet Sheehan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Sheehan
Mrs. Teresa I. Sheehan
Willaim Sheehy
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney N. Sheer
Mrs. Frances C. Sheeran
CSJ Newsline 29
Mrs. Madelyn Sheeran
Joyce and Martin Shenker
Jacqueline Shepardson
Tina Shepardson
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Shepherd
Vicki Sheppard
Pat Sheridan
Rosemary Sheridan
Virginia M. Sheridan
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sheridan
Mr. and Mrs. James Sherin
Mrs. Ann Sherman
William F. Sherry
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shields
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Shiely
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Shimko
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Shirtz
Mr. William Shirtz
Dr. Timothy Shoen
Janet Shook
Capt. and Mrs. Knute V. Show
Shrine of Our Lady of Martyrs
Marion K. Shufelt
Mr. John Shuron
Randall Shuster
Julia and Harold Shutts
Wayne E. Sickler
Margaret Sickles
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Siedlarczyk
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sierzputowski
Mr. and Mrs. Walt Siffringer
Mrs. Beverly Jean Silvernail
Mr. and Mrs. William Simcoe
Mr. and Mrs. Stefano Simeone
Michele A. Simmen
Mr. Ronald N. Simmons
Frank Simon
Mary E. Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Simons
Anne D. Singer
Marcy J. Singer
Richard C. Sinicki
Hon. and Mrs. Robert J. Sise
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sisson
Rev. Theodore C. Sizing
Mrs. Ethel M. Skavina
Katherine Skelly
Rosemary Slake
Rose Mary Slavin
Mr. and Mrs. John Sledziona
Mr. and Mrs. Leon J. Sliva
Mrs. Kay Slusarz
Nick and Nancy Smedira
Carol Smith
Carol Smith
Mrs. Carol A. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. E. Joseph Smith
Emma L. Smith
George E. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Smith
Janice Smith
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith
Donald R. Smith Jr.
Liz and Larry Smith
Margaret M. Smith
Mary Jane Smith
Mrs. Mary Jane Smith
Maureen Smith
30 CSJ Newsline
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith
Robert and Marian Smith
Theresa Ann Smith
Thomas J. Smith
Ms. Virginia A. Smith
Irma and Kay Smollin
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Smrtic
Helen K. Smythe
Bertha Snyder
Gloria Fazzone Snyder
Jay and Karen Snyder
Nancy Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Snyder
Angeline Soccio
Dorothy and John Sokol
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Sokolowski
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Solimini
Sandy Solomon
Robert Somborski
Monica Sondej
Mrs. Mary T. Sontz
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sorgenfrei
Maria V. Sovetts
Mrs. Carm Spanbauer
John and Linda Spanburgh
Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Spear Jr.
Mrs. Donna M. Spellman
Mr. and Mrs. George Spenard
Frances Spencer
Jo and Vic Sperduto
Richard J. Spiak
Mrs. Phyllis M. Spillane
James Spina
Matilda Spodnewski
Mrs. Dolores Sponable
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Sprock
J. T. and Lori Sprock
Lee Spur
John F. Spychalski
St. Ann's Church
St. Anthony of Padua Church
St. Helen's Church
Mr. Donald St. Hilaire
Mrs. Doris St. Hilaire
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond St. Hilaire
St. James Church
St. James Church
St. John the Evangelist Church
St. John the Evangelist School
Rev. George G. St. John
Robert W. St. John
St. John's Church
St. Joseph's Academy Alumni
St. Joseph's Church
St. Joseph's Church Tithing
St. Joseph's Church of Troy
St. Jude Travel Club
St. Lucy's Academy Class of 1959
St. Luke's Church Staff
St. Luke's CYO Basketball Teams
St. Mary of Mt. Carmel-Blessed
Sacrament Parish
St. Mary's Church
St. Mary's Hospital
St. Mary's Hospital Laboratory
St. Mary's Hospital Nursing Class '43
St. Mary's School
St. Michael's Church
St. Patrick's Church
Sister Rosemary Hock (Sister Mary Ambrose) and
Sister Mary Joan Newell enjoy looking at the Class of
’66 yearbook. They taught members of the Class of ’66.
St. Patrick's Church
St. Patrick's Church of Troy
St. Paul's Church
St. Peter's Church
St. Peter's Church
Mary T. St. Pierre
St. Vincent DePaul Society
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stabile
Patricia Standish
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stankes
Bernard D. Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stanton
Sheila Stapleton
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stasack Jr.
Kathy Stebbins
Ann Razzano Stedman
Mrs. Joyce Steed
Helen Steh
Theresa C. Steinborn
Marcia and Charles Steiner
Geraldine and Al Stella
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard R. Stellato
Eleanor M. Stempek
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stephan
Kathryn R. Stephan
Marie J. Sterge
Jean M. Sterling
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Stevens
Marybeth Stevens-Carhidi
Carolyn Stewart
Jane Stewart
Mrs. Joy Stewart
Mrs. Mary S. Stewart
William Stewart
Laurie A. Stillwell
Mary A. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Parker J. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stone
Renee and Thomas Storen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Storrie
Mrs. Helen Stortecky
Alice F. Strait
Janice Green Strang
Mr. and Mrs. Bruno P. Strini
Strong and Burns Funeral Home
Jean Stuart
Mr. and Mrs. Mavor Sturges
Mrs. Adeline L. Styno
Rev. and Mrs. Peter R. Suarez
Mrs. Arlene Sullivan
Catherine Sullivan
Ed and Gloria Sullivan
Edna Sullivan
Mrs. Eleanor D. Sullivan
Mrs. Elizabeth L. Sullivan
Gertrude E. Sullivan
John and Anita Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sullivan
Kathleen Sullivan
Kathryn B. Sullivan
Mary Ellen Sullivan
Dr. and Mrs. R. Mark Sullivan
Mrs. Thomas Sullivan
Thomas and Genevieve Sullivan
Mr. Lawrence R. Sunser
Sunshine Club
Kay and Ginny Suriano
Mrs. Martha Surprenant
Patricia K. Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Swart
Mrs. Ann Sweeney
Barbara Sweeney
Marie E. Sweeney
Mrs. Joanne A. Sweet
Alice Swerdan
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond S.
Shirley Swigor
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Swinton
Mr.and Mrs. Gerard Syrocki
Mr. and Mrs. David Szczerbacki
David C. Szelest and Family
John F. Szypulski
Miss Anna M. Tabolt
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Taft
Mrs. Shirley R. Talbot
Marie Talerico
Joan Tambasco
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Taplin
Joseph Tarantino
Therese Tardugno
Winter 2010
Sophie Taubert
Mr. and Mrs. Val Taubner
Coleen A. Taylor
Doris Taylor
Mrs. Joan Taylor
Dr. and Mrs. William A. Tedesco
Margaret Teixeira
Mr. and Mrs. James Temple
Linda O'Keefe Terry
Nancy Testani
Barbara Testo
Joan Tetrault
Dr. and Mrs. William V. Thayne
The Beeches of Rome Inc.
The Grover Family Fund
The News Corporation Foundation
Rita Blake Theisen
L. Veronica Theoret
Vicki Therriault
Mrs. Marie Thibault
Mr. Albert H. Thomas
Mrs. Belva A. Thompson
Carol and Bob Thompson
John and Maureen Thornton
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Tierney
Patricia Tierney
Mrs. Mary Anne Timmins
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Timmins
Mary Tirrell
Beverly and Edwin Tobin
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tobin
Patricia E. Tobin
Dr. and Mrs. Bruno Tolge
Elizabeth Tollar
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Tomiak
Tom's Floor Covering Inc.
Martin and Janice Toomajian
Mr. Theodore M. Tornesello
Kathy Totten
Thomas Totten
Dr. Jon T. Toussaint
Betty Tracey
Mary R. Trad
Dina M. Trahan
Mr. and Mrs. John Traino Jr.
Transfiguration Church
Mrs. Patricia Trapasso
Marie W. Treutler
Tri Temp Equipment, Inc.
Mary Triggs
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Tripp
Mrs. Christine Trophia
Paul Troutman
Sally T. True
Thomas Trull
Dr. Ann Marie Truppi
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Trzeciak
Mr. Paul Tucci
Rev. Richard G. Tucker
Mrs. Margaret Tunkel
Rev. Kenneth Tunny
Mary A. Turino
Donna and John Turley
Mr. Joseph M. Turley
Bernard R. Turner
Rita Turner
Turo's Service Center
Eleanor J. Turowski
Mr and Mrs Daniel Turzanski
Winter 2010
Dave Twomey
James Tynan
USPS Postmaster's Office
Betty Walsh Ublacker
Patricia Urban
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Urtz Sr
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Urtz
Utica National Insurance Company
Lenore Vaccarello
Rev. Thomas Vail
Kathleen Valenti
Michael and Mary Anne Valentine
Mr. Anthony W. Valetta
Dr. and Mrs. David J. Vallecorsa
Rosemary VanAlstyne
Peter A. VanBuren
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg VanDermark
Ann G. VanDerwerker
Diane and Bob VanPelt
Robert Vanslyke
Gary and Laura Vartanian & Family
Rev. James J. Vaughan
Chris Vaughn
Barbara Veino
Doris Veit
Mrs. Mary Lou Veit
Mrs. Florence Vellotti
Joyce and Frank Vellutino
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Velz
Mrs. Arlene D. Vennard
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Verdile
Phyllis Verdile
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Verrastro
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Vertucci
Peter and Elaine Vertucci
Mrs. Marcia J. Verville
Madeline D. Veselka
Mr. Timothy J. Vetrero
Victory Chrysler Dodge Jeep
Jaye Vien
Phyllis Vierel
Vincential Institute Class of 1946
Mrs. Beatrice Vinciguerra
Mrs. Frank Viscusi
Mrs. Doris Visker
Mrs. Veronica Visker
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Vodapivc
Mr. and Mrs. Chretien T. Voerg
Mrs. Ann Vogt
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Vogt
Mary Eileen Vosburgh
Rev. Wilbur J. Votraw
Mr. and Mrs. Hayden J.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vumbaco
W. J. Lyons Jr. Funeral Home
Jane M. Wade
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wadsworth
Diane Wagner
Marion Waite
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Waitekus
Barbara A. Walch
Dennis C. Walczyk
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Walikis
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Walker
Anne L. Wall
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wall
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walsh
Mr. and Mrs John F. Walsh
Kathleen A. Walsh
Patricia Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Walsh
Mrs. Nancy P. Walter
Eleanor C. Walton
Ellen Wargo
Mrs. Suzanne Warner
Mary Grace Warren
Mrs. Jeanette M. Waryha
Mr. and Mrs. Chester J. Warzecha
Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Warzek
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wasnik
Margaret Waterman
Watervliet Senior Center
Adelina Watrobski
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Wayner
Mr. Frank J. Weaver Sr.
Charleen Weaver
John C. Weaver
Rev. Jerome F. Weber
Shirley Weber
Mrs. Geraldine A. Webster
Mrs. Walter Webster
Mr. and Mrs. John Weidel
Rev. Gregory Weider
Mrs. Geraldine Weimer
Mary Ann Weinstein
Rita M. Weis
Paul Welch
Dr. Anne Marie Wells
Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Wells
Helen Hurley Welsh
Luke T. Welsh
Margaret Welsh
Michael F. Wenz
Joan Werdein
Helen Wert
Mrs. Charles N. Westbrook
John and Helen Whalen
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Whalen
Madeline T. Whaley
Joanne and Brendan Whelan
William Whimple
Joan Whipple
Phyllis M. White
Rose B. White
Virginia D. Whitman
Susan L. Whitney
Gordon and Phyllis Whitten
Elizabeth Wido
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Widowski
Alice Wiggand
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Wilcox
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wilcox
Rev. Msgr. Francis Willenburg
Mary Willenburg
William H. Lane Inc.
Ethelda Williams & Family
Angie Williams
Kaye E. Williams
Mrs. Lois A Williams
Mr. and Mrs John A Williamson
Frances K. Willson
Betty G. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Wilson
Mr. Michael Wilson
Patricia Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Wimmer
Lynn Windish
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Winkle
Anna M. Winkler
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Winkler
Mary Winter
Virginia F. Winters
Mrs. Anthony Wirmusky
Mrs. Anna Mary G. With
Linda Witschi
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. Wnek
Charles Wojton
Wanda Wojtowicz
Rena Wolcott
Mrs. Mary Carmel Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Russel Wong
David J. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Wood
Mrs. Patricia C. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Wood
Howard G. Woodard
Walter Woodka
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Woodruff
Woodward Connor Gillies &
Seleman Architects
Mrs. Mary Worden
Worlco Group Advisors LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Worlock
Julianne Wormuth
Frances Worthington
James P. Wright
Veronica S. Wright
Mrs. Helen Wrzochalski
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wunderlich
Mrs. Charles Wysocki
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wysocki
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Yaiser
Dana Yanulavich
Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Yasharian
Harriet and Clifton R. Yaun
Annmarie and Martin Yellico
Herbert Yengel
Mrs. Sandra Yetman
Christine Young
Mrs. Elizabeth Young
Kathleen Young
Melanie Young
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Yudin
Marla Yudin
Mary and Steve Zabala
Dr. Joseph S. Zaborowski
Jean A. Zaccagnino
Mrs. Diane Zacholl
Dan Zaglaniczny
Mr. and Mrs. John Zahnleuter
Mrs. Margaret Zajicek
Miriam A. Zappone
Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Zarnoch
Barbara Zavisky
Carmen Zeolla
Mrs. Mary Ellen Zepf
Kathleen Zgrzepski
Mrs. M. Marie Zigo
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Zilkowski
Mrs. Rose Zilkowski
Mrs Ellenanne Zima
Ellen K. Zimmermann
Patricia Zink
Daniel D. Ziparo
Dr. Hilbert Ziskin
CSJ Newsline 31
Genevieve A. Bronk
Helen Connally
Brian and Peg Eagan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Fontana
Rayalda France
Patricia Frankie
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Jarrett
Margaret Lillie
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Restino
Robert W. Thorpe
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Whalen
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Zoellner
Dennis Zogby
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Zohne
Mr. and Mrs. John Zubris
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zumpano
Jane and Charles Zyglewicz
North Carolina
R. J. and Carolyn Banfield
Ann Marie Bitting
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G.
Ruth Goodrich
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hoadley
Mr. Thomas S. Jacon
Mrs. Irene Kelley Kehoe
Mr. and Mrs. Guy C. Ligon Jr.
Deacon and Mrs. Thomas Mack
Mrs. Rita McPherson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul O'Keefe
Audrey Carlon Piraneo
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony H. Pizza
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Raymond
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Thomas
Mrs. Kathryn Turner
Jon and Mary Singer Wick
Betty Allard
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Delahunt
Teresa Ferrise
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Jasko
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Krutowskis
Mr. William R. Markham
Julie Tierney Mullen
Ken Renner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Reschke
Shirley Rosa
Mrs. Ethel Sirkot
John W. Stork
Mary A. Vecchio
Mrs. Norine Woost
Mrs. Angelo J. Zannieri
Mr. and Mrs. David Haggard
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Myers
Richard and Ann Akins
Antoinette A. Gardner
Sister Judith Mayer SNJM
Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus
and Mary
Mrs. Tania Ursin
David J. Allard
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ashley
Miss Regina R. Bartish
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bluhm
Douglas and Judith Burton
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Casey
Ben and Teri Conklin
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin H. Conklin
Dr. Paula J. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Crough
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Davis
Rev. John E. Deegan O.S.A.
32 CSJ Newsline
Virgin Islands
Chuck Pishko
Seated (l to r) are: Sister M. Catharine Ryan, Sister
Jane Burns, and Sister Patrick Lauretta Guiltinan.
Standing (l to r) are: Janet Derby, Sister Rosemary
Hock, Tom Connally, Marie Clemente Waitekus,
Mike Brady, Judy Benson and Sister Maria Bouleris
(Sister Maria Albert) (CCHS teacher – ‘65-‘67).
Delone Catholic High School
Mr. and Mrs. Leo DeLorenzo
Father Terrence P. Devino S.J.
Mary Agnes Dorney
Sara Dougherty
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Earley
Mrs. Helena Flaherty
Mary S. Fry
Patricia Gregorchik
Gretchen Griesmer
Betty W. Grossman
Mrs. Anne C. Janvrin
Mrs. Adelaide Karl
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Kraus
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kuzma
Clare Lentini
Donald G. Lenz
Rev. Patrick F. Leonard O.S.A.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Loschiavo
Rev. James Martinez O.S.A.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward McCarthy
Ms. Patricia McOsker
Mary Alice Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Myers
Mr. John P. O'Brien
Beverly Pomroy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Redding
Lisa J. Swaincott
Judith Thompson
Mrs. Ann Marie Weis
Mr. Joseph Zito
Puerto Rico
Joseph M. Murray
Rhode Island
Mrs. Dorothy A. Conway
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur LaBrecque
South Carolina
Clifford and Grace Harrigan
Rodney and Christine Hermance
Marlene Hickey
Vinny and Nancy Hourigan
Mary Hilda Judge
Mrs. Muriel B. Lanciault
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McDermott
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Singleton
Mr. and Mrs. John Van Atta
South Dakota
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Keeler
Cindy Barnett
Joseph M. DeLaurentis
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Garrity
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hooker
Mrs. Jean M. Privon
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Ribley
Mr. and Mrs. James Ribley
Mrs. Patricia A. Bergfield
Dolores H. Burke
Mrs. Millicent M. Cobb
Mark Erwin
Mrs. Faith M. Gazzaniga
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Harper
Dr. Patricia Hayes
Mrs. Lisa Hazel
Stanley Kiersznowski
Sharon Newton
Daniel Pastalaniec
Mrs. Bridget Robinson
Dr. Peter J. Speicher
Fred Stanmyre
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Vogel
Joan Maurice
Altria Group Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold R. Bellmer II
Pamela Benson
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Brisson
Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Bruno
Michael Bryant
Diane V. Carroll
Margaret C. Clarino
Danielle Collis
Barbara R. Comi
Jane Delorio
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Drahozal
James F. Engelhardt
Mrs. Helen O. Fernandez
Col. and Mrs. William J. Flanagan Jr.
Doris M. Gibbons
Russell Gulley
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hadsell
Timothy H. Inglis
Veronica Kirchhof
Dorothy and Jim Latham
Richard Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Linck
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Maloney
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCann
Mrs. Jane Miller McCulloch
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Moyles
Mr. and Mrs. John Noonan
Judith Ostrowski
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Pfiester
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Power
Michele Ricciardelli Donsanto
Richmond Capital Mngmt Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rumsey
Mrs. Jane H. Shutlock
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Stanmyre
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Strzelecki
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Tkac
Mrs. Elizabeth Troiani
Mrs. Judith Brown
Marilyn T. Dobert
Dolores Harrington
Elaine M. McNally
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sefcik
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wirschem
Raymond F. Gallagher
Mrs. Catherine Olsson
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Regan
Winter 2010
During the fiscal period
October 1 to December 31,
2009 contributions were
made in honor of the
following people.
Sarah Abbattista
Alexander and Jane Abruzzo
Sister Renee Adamany
Richard Alexander
Sister Annette Maria Allard
Sister Elizabeth Jean Allard
Sister Marcia Allen
Frank Altomer
Dorothy Amyot
Bob Arras
Rev. Thomas Babiuch
Sister Grace Bacon
Shawn Patrick Barber
Margaret Bardon
Stephanie Bardon
Sister Mary Catherine Barron
Rev. Arthur J. Becker
John Bendon
Therese Bergeron
Mary P. Bethel
Evelyn and John Bianchi
Aurora Bickford
Sister Charleen Marie Bloom
Bogart Family
Agnes and Herbert Bohl
Sister Milice Anthony Bohrer
Ulla Bond
Mary Bondy
Sister Mary Anne Bookman
Ann Marie and James Borowski
Shannon Boudreau
Rev. Donald Bourgeois
Sister Rita Frances Brady
Sister Anne Theresa Brown
Sister Mary Bruce
Rev. Geoffrey D. Burke
Marion Burke
Sister Danetta Buser BVM
John Calabria
Janet and Robert Campbell
Carboni Sisters
Anne Carlough
Rev. Michael Carmola
Rosemary Carole
Cassella Family
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cassella
Mr. and Sgt. Frank M.
Regina Cassetta
Arthur Causey
Carole Chambers
Donna Ciccarino
Carol Ciesielski
Sister Genevieve Joseph
Lou Clark
Dr. Michael Clark
Rose Clouthier
Michelina Colangelo
Sister Elisabeth Colby
Sister Geraldine Corkrey
Winter 2010
Michelle Cozzie
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Crane
Sister Mary Ronan Creedon
Rev. Msgr. Francis J. Culkin
Sister Jean Cummings
Sister Mary Ellen Curtin
Sister Concetta Cuscianna
Gerry D'Amico
Brenda D'Antonio
Marie C. Deegan
Sister Frances Patricia Degnan
Patricia Delay
Dan DeMarco
Larry DeMarco
Alfred DePietro
Jennie Derenske
Annette M. Diamond
Eda DiCaprio
Jean DiCaprio
Mike DiCerbo
Dr. Santo DiFino
Lorraine Dillon
Susan Domachowske
Sister Marilyn Donnelly
Jane G. Doyle
Carol Dugan-Hebert
Mary Dunham
Mark C. Durfee
Jean Dwyer
William Eagan
Sister Julie M. Eigo
Emily Esposito
Sister Sheila Fahrenkopf
Grace Farrah
George M. Fennicks
Andrea Fettinger
Gloria Fiori
Sister Gilmary Fischer
Sister Mary Jacinta Flanagan
Mary Fox
Kathleen Kelly Fraser
Dr. Robert Friedman
Friendly Visitors
Donna and Peter Frueh
Germaine Gadoua
Sister Anne Gaffigan
Dorothy Garcio
Dr. Janet E. Gargiulo
Mary Garlow
Sister Joan Geannelis
George and Persis
Muriel Gibbons
Sister Clara Gilmartin
Sister Mary Lois Goldner
Kyle Goospeed
Dr. John Gorman
Hillary Gozigian
Mike Grabowski
John and Eve Graham
Grand nephew
Mary Greco
Barbara Griffin
Sister Joan Teresa Groth
Sister Mary Lucille Grouchy
Anne E. Gunn
Sister Rita C. Haber
Richard and Kay Haggerty
Sister Francis Denise Haley
Mrs. Rita Hanley
Janet Harder
Rev. Eric Harer
Abbie Harriman
Bill and Kristen Hart
Sister Jean Hart
Sister Joan Mary Hartigan
Msgr. Edward J. Hayes
Sister Mary Ann Hayes
Maybelle Hebert
Rosemary Hensley
Nancy Holmes
Sister Rosemary Hoodack
Ed Houghtaling
Most Rev. Howard J. Hubbard
Catherine M. Hulihan
Rev. Dominic Ingemie
Blaine H. Johnston
Sister Alma C. Jones
Rev. Joseph F. Kane
Mary Keddell
Alice Keith
Sister Jeanne Kelly
Dr. Jennifer Kelly
Rose Kelsey
Sister Geraldine Marie Kennah
Jeri Kenpisity
Mary E. Keogan
Michael King
Margaret Klotz
Laurie Kmiec
Margie Kolothros
Gail Kozlowski
Judy Kremin
Ann Marie Krupski
Janet LaPlante
Sister Maria Jude LaPoint
Mrs. Virginia LaPointe
Joseph A. LaRocca
Tommy Laux
Sister Anthony Marie Leary
Sister Mary Ancilla Leary
Stephen Leeret
Marietta Lehmann
Charles LoBalbo
Sister Mary Brigada Lombardi
Mark your calendars now!
As in the past, we are looking forward to seeing all the golfers
and corporate sponsors at the
14th Annual CSJ Classic Golf Tournament
to be held on Monday, May 10, 2010
at the Shaker Ridge Country Club. We are always seeking
additional members for the committee.
If interested, please call Ronnie at 783-3614.
We look forward to
your support!
CSJ Newsline 33
Jean B. Longleway
Cameron Loy
Elizabeth Lueck
Karol Lunde
Sister Therese Lynch
Sister Mary Mahar
John Mallick
Mary Malthaner
Jean Maneen
Guy Maury Marhafer
Sister Mary Herman Marhafer
Mrs. Agostina Maroli
Bivian Marr
Sister Mary Catherine Marrone
Donald H. Martin
Janet Matusie
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Maurice
Joanne McAteer
Jane C. McAuley
John McAuley
Patricia McCoy
Edna B. McDonald
Joseph McEnness
Peter J. McGinty
Sister Rita Michael McGraw
Michal J. McGuirl
Shirley and James McHugh
Terry and Ed McLoughlen
Msgr. Brian McNamara
Joann Metot
Mrs. Anne B. Millham
Sister Anne Michael Mirabito
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mirabito
Sister Maureen Moffitt
Sister Thecla Monahan
Charles Mongin
Mrs. Gabrile Monroe
Jim Mulvihill
Ann C. Murphy
Betsy Murphy
Sister Joseph Ann Murphy
Sister Mary Theresa Murphy
Dr. Joseph Naas
Sister Lillian Needham SSJ
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nelson
Sister Rose Margaret Noonan
Nora O’Brien
Matthew T. O'Connor
Ruth L. O'Connor
Janet K. O’Donnell
Patricia M. O'Grady
Sister Joseph Mary O'Hagan
Sister Mary Sheila O'Hara
Sister Mary Alice O'Leary
John, Nancy and Kate O'Neal
Sister Janice O'Neil
Amy Orton
Toni Osborn
Sister Jean Therese Owens
Sister Maddie Pallotta
Sister Rose Irene Parkhurst
Sister Christine Partisano
Glen Paulson
Loretta Peters
Ray and Pat Peters
Bernie Portelli
Shirley Potts
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Powers
Colleen Purcell
Sister Mary Ellen Putnam
34 CSJ Newsline
Sister Maureen Joseph Rainone
Kyle Regoire
Sister Rosemary Reilly
Robert Robichau
Sister Mary Anne Rodgers
Deborah Roepe
Joseph Romano
Sister Dorothy Root
Philip Rosney
Sister Catherine Bede Rupprecht
Rev. William Russel
Sister James Michael Ryan
Sister Mary Johanna Ryan
Mildred and John Ryan
Mary Ellen and Bill Sage
Roseanne Saracene
Lena Sartori
Myrna L. Savino
Donna Scalera
Dr. Catherine Scanlon
Joan and Jerry Scharf
Kathy and Larry Scharf
Sister Joan Schermerhorn
William Schmalz
Patti Settember
Peter Shannon
Jay Sherlach
Mary Shpikula
Marcy J. Singer
Sister Rose Regina Smith
Sister Mary Karol Smolka
Irma Smollin
Spagnolo and Perkins Families
Mary Ann Stack
Natalie Stemsky
Lillian Stern
Helen Steves
Rev. Bill Stoeger
Sister Rose Genevieve Sullivan
Terrence Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Taplin
Rev. Paul P. Tartaglia
Catherine and John Tempest
The Beggs Family
The Benmans
The John Bannon Family
The Pace Family
Sister Serena Thompson
Tobin Family
Sister Margaret Totten
Be Thi Tran
Sister Rose Benedict Troy
Maryjean Tucci
Russell Vadney, Sr.
Dr. David J. Vallecorsa
Sister Betsy VanDeusen
Sister Linda Vendetti
Brad and Peggy Wade
Adelina Watrobski
Elaine Weber
Margaret Wells
Mary Wells
Tim Wheeler
Anne F. Whitlock
Irene Wilbert
Kathleen Young
Ellen Zimerman
Robert Zoshak
During the fiscal period
October 1 to December 31,
2009 contributions were
made in memory of the
following people.
Maribeth D'Alessandro
Margaret Ahearn
Ruth Ahearn
Peter J. Ahl
Charles and Joseph Alaskey
Thomas Alaxanian
Rose Albrecht
Father John H. Alfred
Doug Alix
Fred Alvaro
Hermes Ames
Patricia Amorosa
Mae Angilletta
Santiago and Caridad Aranas
Judith Fix Arendt
Helda and Nelson Atanasoff
Major James Atanasoff
Patricia Atanasoff
Thomas J. Auaxanian
Bob Avras
Margaret Babrow
Barbara DeTamaso's nephew
Gloria E. Barber
Florence Barbetta
Philomena Barbetta
Joseph and Millie Bardon
William F. Barno
Marie Baron
Steve Baron
John Barringer
Frances Barth
Gerald B. Bartlett
Elizabeth Bassett
Bette Bee
Sister Marie Behan
Annie Bell
Leonard A. Benedetto
Thomas Benenati
Victor Benevento
Eileen M. Bercharlie
John F. Bergen
Mary Beth Bergen
Margaret Clary Bielawa
Ted Blain
Evelyn Blodgett and Family
Helen Blythe
Maura J. Bonville
Dawn Borecki
Patricia Ann Bourdeau
Margaret Bowen
Ann Boyle
Sister Anne Xavier Boyle
Misae Kimura Brannigan
Jack Bransfield
Mrs. Marjorie L. Brennan
Sister Anne Patrice Breslin
Sister Elaine Marie Breslin
Ann and John Brophy
Michael Brophy
Edward K. Brown
James Brown Robert Brown
Catherine Brozean
Thomas Brugman
Mary Margaret Bubonia
John Buckley
Timothy Buckley
Christine Budnikas
Dorothy Buff
Ann Burak
Doris T. Burch
Sister Nancy Burkhard
Jaime Burns
Mae Bush
Robert Buttery
Jim Byrne
Peter Byrne
Doug Cagney
Marie Cairns
Everett E. Caldwell
Michael A. Camadine
Joseph Cancilla
Ron "Joey" Canonica
Santo Caputo
Joseph Carbone
Sister Rose Marie Cardillo
Una Caridi
Anne V. Carpenter
Nicholas and Rose Cassetta
Sister Agnes Maria Cavanaugh
Sister Eleanor Ceccucci
Tommy Cellucci
Margaret Ceresia
Louis P. Cerone
Tony Cervoni
Kathleen Chandler
Nancy Christofaro
Sister Rosalia Chuma O.S.B.
Stephen Chute
James Ciccarino
Clarence Clark
Eugene Clark
Robert Clarke
Sister Clarence Marie Clement
Alfred J. Clermont
Joseph Coates Jr.
Grace and Joseph Coates, Sr.
Angela R. Colacicco
Sister Patricia Collins RSM
Jacquline Connors
Roger Convertino
Peter Copolla
Dorothy Corlis
David Cotter
Willis C. Cox
George and Mabel Craven
John F. Craven
Harvey Crawford
John, Mary and Ben Crispo
Bradley C. Culkin
Sister Elizabeth Thomas Cullen
John F. Cullen
Marlene Cullen
Mary Margaret Cummings
John Cunningham
John and Carmella Cupak, Sr.
Rose Cushman
Bronislaw Cwenar
Juanita D'Accurzio
William Dacey
Bill and Rosemary Daley
Winter 2010
Neal and Helen Daley
Sister Emily Joseph Daly
Arnold Dansky
Dr. Richard Dawkins
Peter De Mare
Shirley M. DeBarthe
Frank DeBenedictus
Nancy DeCastro
John DeCotis
Mary Louise DeCotis
Mrs. Mary DeCrescente
Marie DeLia
William Dempsey Family
Dorothy DeNova
Sister Charleen Denver
Sister Mary Catherine Denver
Arthur Louis DePeters
Clifford Desautels
Kenneth DeSerio
John Desidoro
Todd Detrick
Marion F. Diamond
Paul E. Diamond
Anthony Dickus
Anthony Dignazio
Domenica Dignazio
Sister Stephen Maria Dixon
William Doebler
George Doerries
Lee Dolson
Bernard Dombroski
Rev. Msgr. Edward J. Donovan
Esther Dowd
Sister Linda Jean Dowling
James Downey
Barbara Downs
Frank J. Drew
Arthur J. DuBois Jr.
David Dubois
Charles A. Dugan Sr.
Jean and John Dugan
Floyd Dunham
Levrett Dupell
Eileen Dwyer
Joseph Eaddy
Marlene Eberlin
Agnes and James Edic
Dr. Paul Edwards DDS
Patricia Eldridge
Paul G. Ellis Jr.
Lucy T. Enea
Sister Ann Barbara Erwin
Edward Erwin
Sandy Everett
Maureen Evers
Geraldine A. Fagan
Sheila B. Fagan
Helen Fahey
Leo J. Falcone Sr.
Josephine Farinella
Mrs. Farino
Anthony Farone
Fred Farrell
Frederick K. Fausel
Carmela Fazzone
Mary Fazzone
Rose Fazzone
Harry Fedak
Clementina & Joseph Feltri
Amelia Femia
Winter 2010
Evelyn Ferrari
William J. Fiaschetti
Vinnie Ficchi
Fanny Fidura
Patricia Fisk
Dorothy Fitzgerald
James Fitzgerald
Beverly Fix
Jean Fleming
Sister Regina Marie Flynn
James Henry Fogarty
Sister Margaret Fogarty
Jim and Don Foley
Sister Maria Xavier Foley
Virginia Foley
Sister Mary Kevin Ford
Maynard Ford
Cletus Fox
Doloretta Francis, OSF
Walter and Ruth Franz
Jack Fremgen
Josephine Fusaro
Sister Patricia Ann Galanaugh O.P.
Rose Galea
Jean Gallagher
Robert Gardner
Joseph R. Gartner
Fred and Rose Gaube
Joseph Gaudet
Otto Gensler
Jack Geraghty
Sister Antonella Giba
Rev. Msgr. Lawrence Giblin
Joseph Gilchrist
Doris Gillespie
Joseph B. Gilmartin
John Ginnity
Neva J. Girard
John B. Girardi III
Neil Goca
Melain Goddeau
John Goldner
John Gooley Jr.
Walter Gormen
Walter Gossin
Lynn Graff
Rita Graham
Margaret Grandchamps
Jacqueline Grassai
Sister Joel Marie Gratton
Marguerite Greaney
Lucille Grignon
Stanley and Marion Gryscavage
Carol Grzbowski
Joe Guadagno
Margaret Guiton
Edward Guzy
C. Aurelia Hahn
Joan L. Hall
George Hallak
Donna Halpin
Terry Hamlin
Helen Harder
June Harding
Helene Hargrave
J. Thomas Harrington III
John Harrington
Rosemary Harrington
Betty and Edward Hart
Loretta Hart
Franklin Harter
John and Harriet Hartigan
Martha Harwood
Sister Edwardette Havey
Kenneth Robert Havill
Claudia Hayes
Rev. Edward A. Hearn
Edward Hebenstreet
Gasper and Catherine Hebert
Dorothy Doyle Heffron
Jerry Helihy
Carol Mosher Henry
Dr. John B. Henry Sr.
Marion Henson
Irene Herchenroder
Jeremiah Herliky
Lee Herschel
Marilyn Hester
Elizabeth Hickey
Sister Marie Jose Hickey
Sister Thomas Denise Hicks
Edward Hirsh
Rose Hollander
Gordon Holmes
Marjorie Holmes
Louise Hood
Louis and Sadie Houck
John Houlihan
Richard Paul Howe
Margaret Howell
Nancy Hoyt
Jane Hughes
Cristin Hulbert
Rylie Grace Hulbert
Gloria Hunter
Maude Huppman
Richard Hurley
Mary Hy
Nancy Induddi
Louise Jacobs
Sally Jennings
Frank Jewett
Rev. William Jillisky
Darleen Johnson
Richard D. Johnson
Sally Johnson
Sandra L. Jones
Sister Genanda Joseph
Mary A. Joseph
John "Jack" Joyce
Anna Kabanek
Patricia D. Kaelin
Jane E. Kaiser
Rosemary Kaiser
Nancy Kakule
Robert E. Kane Jr.
Pat Keddell
Anna Mae Keenan
Dolores Keith
Edmund Kelenski
Margaret Kellar
Agnes Kelly
Charles Kelly
Christopher Kiernan
Jane and William Kilduff
Helen Kinney
Rev. John Klc
Tom Kleegl
Sheila Kohli
Lucy Kordich
Jocelyn Kost
Stanley Kozielski
Kay Shields Kraloyic
Lillian Krul
Sister Irene Kruse
Kathleen Kunkel
William Kwasigroch
Joseph LaCoppola
John Ladd
Josephine LaDuca
Nicholas J. Laiacona
Stephen Landry
Sister William Francis Lane
Rolland LaTrerie
Robert Laustrup
Gerald Lavergne
James Lavine
Elizabeth Lawlor
David Lawton
Beverly J. Layton
Donald Lee
Earnest Lefner
To Remember Family and Friends with Prayers . . .
A variety of birthday, congratulations, sympathy, thank you, get well and
thinking of you cards are available. You can preview them in color on our web site:
If you would like to place an order, please contact:
Development Office • St. Joseph’s Provincial House
385 Watervliet-Shaker Rd., Latham, NY 12110 • 518-783-3614
CSJ Newsline 35
Edward J. Legnard
Sister Andrew Joseph Lenihan
Mary Ann Leto
Lilla Lewis
Mary E. Lewis
Trevor Ron Lin
Mary Alice Lippincott
Anthony Liuzzi
Mary Lizzio
Daniel Loiselle
Kristin Palumbo Longo
Julio Loperena
Louise Loscavio
Charlotte Loughlin
Margaret Lozano
Gerald Lubrevo
Edith Lucarelli
Jane Lunde
Patricia Lupian
Stanley Lupian
Mary and Murray MacLeod
Anthony Macri Sister Margaret
Joseph Madden
Lucille Magni
Sister M. Dolorata Mahar
Thomas Mahoney
Nina Maiello
Cecil Maillot
Joseph Mainville
Mark Major
Elizabeth Makely
Shirley Maloney
Craig Malorzo
Eleanor Mankes
Sister Margretta
Joseph Mariconda
Anna Kennedy Markert
Mrs. Hannah P. Markert
Francis Marrer
George Marthy
Joseph R. Martinez
Mary Elaine Maser
Louise Mason
Marie Massiano
George Matade
James G. Maume
Helen and Jack Maxstadt
Stephen E. McCann Jr.
Eugene J. McCarron Jr.
Marilyn and James McCarthy
Barbara A. McCormack
Thomas McCormick
Paul McDermott
Thomas McDonald
John McGinnis
Eleanor McGrath
John McGraw
Stacia McGruder
Fredrick McGuire
Janet McIntyre
Rose O'Brien McKeon
Marie McNamara
Hon. John J. McNulty Jr.
Laura McNutt
John McTavey
LaVerne G. Meisner
Carolyn Meltzer
Jim Melucci
Robert A. Messia Sr.
Oliver Meuse
36 CSJ Newsline
James H. Meyer
Michael Mezzanini
Mary Catherine Miller
Sister Rosanne Miller
June Minderler
Mr. and Mrs. John Minnitti
Dorothy Miorin
Anne Miranowski
William Mirsberger
Robert Mitchell
Lawrence Mitsch
Marion Monahan
Lydia Monti
Eileen Moore
Sister Mary Katharine Moore
Robert Morcone
Eva Moreau
Thomas Morrison
Ken Mosher
Sister Mary Bertha Mouillesseaux
Sister Jane Teresa Murphy
Johanna Murphy
Joseph Murphy
Michael E. Murphy
William Murphy
John Murray
Marlene E. Murray
Sister Patrick Joseph Murray
Dr. William H. Murray
Sadie Napaety
Joan Ann Nash
Domenic Negri
Sister Maureen Nelligan
Thomas Nerf
Regina Nicholson
Rev. Mr. Robert E. Nicholson
Concetta Nicosia
Genevieve Nigriny
Vince Ninteman
Jean A. Nolan
John Nolan
Valerie and Ken Noonan
George E. Norton
Luella Norton
Edward O'Brien
Michael Ocetnik
Jeffrey M. O'Connor
Thomas J. and Ruth M. O'Connor
Ruth K. Olander
Edward Olszowy
Joan O'Malley
Don Ottolini
Michael Pacino
Edward Palmer
Joseph D. Palmer
Thomas Palmer
Joseph Palozzi Family
William Pastore
Barbara Patregnani
Walter Pave
Marilyn Pemrick
John W. Pennock
Peter Perel
Sadye Gustas Petraitis
Mary E. Picard
Pierson, Powell, Donnelly, Keane
Louis George Pileggi
Catherine, Eugene, Shirley Elisa
Bernard Piorkowski
George Plante Sr.
Portelli and Naruc Families
Steven Portelli
Rev. Neil Poulin S.J.
Harry Pratt
Helen Pratt
Thomas Preston
John W. Prestopnik
William Prime
William Purcell
Jay Pylypiec
William Queen
Bernard Quilty
Patrick Quin
Dolores Quinn
Maida Gallagher Quinn
Pauline Quinn
Joseph Raucci
Gladys and Ed Ray
John Rayo
Helen Redding
Daniel Redmond
James Reish
Marian E. Reitz
Anthony Renna
William Reschke
Fred Riccitiello
Mary Ricco/LaCoss
Don Richardson
George Riecke
James Riley
Charles Roche
Robert Roddy
Gertrude Rodeno
Sister Ruth Rita Rogers
Sister Elizabeth Clare Rood
Daniel Rourke
Tom Rourke
Margaret Ruane
Barbara Ruct
Mary Russo
Anne Ryan
Elizabeth Ryan
George Ryan
Mary Ryan
Annie Ryder
Anthony and Margaret Saccoia
Vera Sackenheim
John Salanger
Elena Salomove
Mary Salvati
Frank Salvatore
Lillian Salvino
Donna Sansone
Thomas Sarnowski
Robert Satterlee
Robert T. Sausville Sr.
Donald Scaiano
Frank Scambelluri
Anne M. Scanlon
Marcella M. Scanlon
Mary C. Scanlon
Michael Scanlon
Sister Roberta Joseph Scanlon
Vince and Dolly Scanlon
Vincent and Catherine Scanlon
Don Schad, Sr.
Robert Schmidt
Anthony Schuh Family
Sister Helen Marie Schumacher
Joseph Schwasnick
Virginia Sekowski
Elizabeth Shave
Dr. John Sheedy
Sister Anne Sheridan
Mary "Mae" Sheridan
Pat Sherlach
Dorothy Shook
Lucille Shook
Elizabeth Shufelt
David Singer
Joseph Ernest Singer
Parents of Marcy Singer
Sister Mary Margaret Singer
Raymond Sinnott
William Skerpon
Natalie Slake
Anthony Smith
Edward Smith
Edward C. Smith
James L. and Dorothy F. Smith
Kathleen C. Smith
Sister Raphael Smith
Steve Smolinski
Rose Sodorsky
Mrs. Philomena Sollecito
Vincent Sollecito
Son of Robert Conway Family
Dorothy Sondagato
Sooren "Frank" Soouajian
Arshag Soultanian
Rosalie C. Spallen
Lois Spataro
Edward J. Spear
Anna Rose St. John
Kevin Stack
Kathleen Statler
Charles F. Stemp
Robert J. Stillwell
Mary Sullivan
James Sumner
Paula Swanson
Veronica Sweeney
Robert Sweet Sr.
Meriulan Tambasco
Sister Marie Bryon Tansey
Joseph and Ruth Tarrier
William R. Taylor
Edward J. Tetrault
John Theisen
Sister Catherine Paul Theiss
Angeline Diane Thompson
Edward Thompson
Ann Thorpe
Clarence Tobin
Eileen Tobin
Catherine Toma
Assunta Tomaino
Helen Tornesello
Ray Towne
Mary Lou Tremblay
Julia Tripp
Leo Trombley
Anthony Trunfio
Joseph A. Trunfio
Josephine Trunfio
Mary Tucci
Jackie Tuminski
Winter 2010
Nancy Turcotte
Barry Turner
Edward Turo
George Turo
Zeke Turo
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Vail
Samuel Valent
Elsie Valetta
Marguerite VanBramer
Alice Vecchio
Charles Vennard
Nicholas Vessio
Wendy Ann Vien
Dorothy A. Viscusi
Frank and Anastasia Vogtle
John Volks
Anna Wallace
Barry H. Wallace
Maureen Walsh
Mrs. Wands
Susan, Lee and Frank Weaver
Elaine A. Webber
Bernadette Welch
Doris Wells
Nancy Wells
Sidney Wells
Frank Wentka
Sister Jean Francis Whalen
Joseph Whelan
Mrs. Virginia Whelly
Harold Whittemore
Dolores Huppman Wilson
Sister Mary Agnes Wilson
Mary Regina (Jean) Witowski
Eleanor S. Witts
Don Wolcott
Bradley Wong
Donald Woods
Etheldreda Woolheater
Chester Wrzesinski
Patricia Zoshak
Don’t Call Them Bibs
by Shirley Morehouse
No one wants to be seen wearing a bib unless they’re eating lobster or are younger than age five. But
let’s face it – eating can be a messy activity, especailly if you’ve lost spatial / motor skills, or your eyesight
is deteriorating. What’s less cool than a bib? Food stains all the way down your front! How to keep
people neat and clean during lunch, without patronizing or diminishing their self respect, proved to be
an ongoing dilema at Bright Horizons Carondelet.
Staff member Shirley’s sister, Barbe, who lives in California, wanted to do something special for the program – and came up with a great solution: “Dress-Up for Dinner” clothing protectors. The masculine
version has the look of a button down collar shirt with tie and vest. The ladies are decked out in faux
dresses complete with jeweled necklaces. Everyone wears one - including the staff - so no one feels out
of place. In fact they add to the fun!
Fun and practical - and machine washable too - All the gang at Bright Horizons say:
Thank you , Barbe!
Shirley and volunteers from Shaker High School
Winter 2010
CSJ Newsline 37
A New Site of an Established Program
St. Joseph Worker Comes to Albany
by Sister Betsy Van Deusen
What a great adventure to be a pioneer in a new program that is
already established in St. Paul and New Orleans! The invitation that is
being put forth by the Sisters of St. Joseph and Associates is that
exactly. The St. Joseph Worker Program is a full time volunteer
program for women 21-35 that begins in mid August 2010 and the
volunteers head off to their next adventures on June 30, 2011.
The St. Paul province began their program seven years ago and
Honora Kinney, in hearing about its success there, brought it back to
Albany and has been passionate about our beginning. We have a
partnership with Catholic Charities of the Albany Diocese which is one
of the most effective CC agencies in the country according to Rev.
Larry Snyder, President of Catholic Charities USA. We are so fortunate
to offer opportunities in the Refugee Resettlement Program and Center
for Community Collaboration (which our Sr. Katherine Crispo served
in). We plan to place three or four volunteers in the coming year.
We have also partnered with the Albany Diocesan Real Property
Office to secure a home that will accommodate three or four and may have the potential to grow in the years
ahead. An important aspect of the program is living simply and the women will be invited to live on a limited
budget bearing in mind, live simply so that others may simply live.
What can you our faithful supporters do for the program? Please pray for the success of the program that
women come and have a growth filled experience. Consider making a contribution for the success of the
program – we have rent and heat and lights, transportation, food, insurance, retreats and outings for the workers
in order to make the program successful. What is really inspiring about the program is that SJW is an
opportunity for the Sisters of St. Joseph, to share our charism of unity and reconciliation and our strong gifts of
leadership, spirituality and community with this group of young women and they in turn will share it with the
people with whom they minister and all others thereafter.
I dream of this program fully funded through grants and gifts from our friends so that the workers will not
need to spend a lot of their volunteer year doing fund raisers to pay for the program. Consider what you might
do to journey with these young women as they learn and grow and prepare for their life’s work in the spirit of
May the gifts of the Holy Spirit enliven your soul, mind and heart! Learn about St. Joseph Workers by
visiting www.sjworkers.org. Perhaps you know a young woman 21-35 who would like to serve as a volunteer.
Special Intention Prayer Request Form
Please ask the Sisters to remember the following intentions in their prayers each day:
Requested by: (name)_________________________________ (phone number)_________________________
We invite you to send us your prayer intentions in the enclosed envelope. Please know you will be in our prayers.
38 CSJ Newsline
Winter 2010
Communion with the Dear Neighbor
Ministry to Persons with Dementia
by Annmarie Yellico, CSJA
Happily, I am a Registered Nurse. Joyfully, I minister to persons
with dementia. Dementia is an umbrella term for many types of progressive
cognitive impairments. Alzheimer's disease, and a host of similar neurological disorders that manifest themselves by affecting memory, decision making, and behavior, comprise what is commonly referred to as dementia.
All of us have had experiences of an Aunt “Lucy” who could never remember where she put
her glasses or left her pocket-book in comparison to our Grandma who didn't know that her mother
had died many years ago. We can recall the person next door or the person we read about in the
newspaper who was found wandering outside his home at night in the middle of winter without a coat
or boots. Some of us have a story about a high school teacher who couldn't quite recall what subject
it was that she was teaching as she/he sat before the class befuddled.
Simple forgetfulness is not dementia. Dementia is progressive. Moments of forgetting where
one's car is or not being able to find the table cloth that used to be in that cupboard does not qualify
for dementia. Dementia is characterized by an inability to recall those situations that are common,
the day in and day out factors of our lives. Like, how do I put the key in the door? Where is the
bathroom? Who was that person who brought me my newspaper? Dementia is a horrifying experience of being out of control in a situation that one is not certain of who is in control, if anyone.
Dementia does not respect gender, intelligence, or economic status. When I was younger, we used to
call it senility and thought it a natural process of aging. Not so, this dementia. It is insidious. It
strikes the poor and the rich, the able bodied and the frail. Dementia comes to those who you never
thought or imagined it would. Dementia is an enemy of all who value life liven to the fullest.
For nearly the past five years, I have worked on the Guadalupe Unit of Our Lady of Mercy Life
Center in Guilderland, NY. In all of that time, I have known two, perhaps, three residents who have
called me by name. For the most part, when I arrive at work in the morning, the Residents see me as
a new face, hear me as a new voice, and greet me as a new person in their lives. They have no recollection that I interacted with them or cared for them the day before. They do not recall that I am a
nurse, or that I am a woman in my fifties, or that I love each and every one of them with all of my
Living with dementia has been described by some as living with “the long goodbye.” This is
so because cognitive disorders affect the entire functioning of the brain. This means that both memory and the ability to use rational thinking are severely impaired. Dementia usually follows a progression of cognitive debilitation. First the memory falters, eventually diminishing altogether, with the
exception of the most primitive memories, like crying for “mama” or laughing. Decision making,
judgment, and impulse control also are affected, often reducing a person to what has been described
by those close to them as a “shell” or a “shadow” of who they once were.
My role as a nurse is to optimize my Residents' functional ability, and to provide opportunities for them to maintain their highest level of functioning for as long as is
(Continued on page 40)
Winter 2010
CSJ Newsline 39
feasible. This is a daunting challenge given that the adversary I fight against is dementia.
When I come to the battlefield, I am aware that the enemy will more than likely win.
My plan of action must be swift, decisive, individualized, and, above all else,
relentless. I fight for my beloved Residents with the same ferocity that a mother
protects her children. That is, I fight hard and I fight to the end. They
deserve nothing less and I will be there to be certain of it. When death
comes, which it inevitably does, they yield with dignity and peace, and
the assurance of having been loved by the staff of Guadalupe.
As a CSJA nurse I believe that no act of care giving is in vain. The act
of love for a person with dementia is never an action that is meaningless.
People with dementia are more than body, brain, or breath. They are souls and they are spirits, and
therefore, we, their caregivers communicate with them that way, even though their minds may be ravaged by disease, and their bodies are wasting away.
Caring for persons with dementia presents a major faith challenge. When for all the world it appears
that these people are senseless and without worth, our faith tells us that they are created in God's image
and likeness; that they are more than what they appear to be to the world. Becoming close to persons
with dementia tests whether we can trust that God will take care of us if we are ever in the same situation. It tests whether we can love unselfishly, without asking for any love back for ourselves. It tests
whether we can love lavishly without expecting anything in return, without paying attention to the cost,
knowing that no act of love is ever wasted.
God has called me to accept the challenge of being a part of the lives of persons who live on the
frontiers of human experience. The soul does not leave the body when one develops dementia. While
I possess no theological reference nor do I presume to know the inner workings of the human mind, my
experience shows me that as one loses cognitive ability, the soul inextricably surfaces. From having
spent many hours, and many days and long nights with these Dear Neighbors, I am convinced that they
are closer to God, closer to the Truth than most could ever be despite their level of education, their
mystical experiences, or their hierarchy within the Church.
These beloved, dear ones of God; these Anawim; these little Children
Jesus calls us to become; these single hearted souls; they are the ones who
see God, even now. And when they leave this life, they are the ones who will
be first. They are the ones whom the Lord will welcome joyfully, individually, and in a full voice, “Come, good and faithful
Servant. Spend eternity with me. Share in my love.
Share in my life. Suffer no more. The night is over. The morning is come. I have traveled with you these long days. I am here
now to welcome you to Paradise. Come, with me.”
How blessed I am merely to touch the hem of the garments
of these chosen ones God has entrusted to me. Undeserving as I
am, God has granted me the gift of serving these beautiful sisters
and brothers. May my life be lived in gratitude to God for having
given me this magnificent gift. May our Community of the Family of
St. Joseph keep these dear brothers and sisters in prayer always. May
God, who can do all things, reveal to these Dear Neighbors, the
depth of love God has for them.
40 CSJ Newsline
Winter 2010
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet Ziti Dinner Raffle
Benefit: The Ministries of the Sisters of St. Joseph
Drawing: March 27, 2010
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet Ziti Dinner Raffle
Benefit: The Ministries of the Sisters of St. Joseph
Drawing: March 27, 2010
1 Prize $1,000
or choice of two Southwest flights in the continental USA.
2 Prize
3 Prize
5-4 Prizes
$1 each - $5 per sheet (6) - $10 per sheet (12)
Raffle ticket
1 Prize $1,000
or choice of two Southwest flights in the continental USA.
2 Prize
3 Prize
5-4 Prizes
$1 each - $5 per sheet (6) - $10 per sheet (12)
Raffle ticket
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet Ziti Dinner Raffle
Benefit: The Ministries of the Sisters of St. Joseph
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet Ziti Dinner Raffle
Benefit: The Ministries of the Sisters of St. Joseph
Drawing: March 27, 2010
Drawing: March 27, 2010
1 Prize $1,000
or choice of two Southwest flights in the continental USA.
2 Prize
3 Prize
Phone:___________________________ 5-4 Prizes
$1 each - $5 per sheet (6) - $10 per sheet (12)
Raffle ticket
1 Prize $1,000
or choice of two Southwest flights in the continental USA.
2 Prize
3 Prize
Phone:___________________________ 5-4 Prizes
$1 each - $5 per sheet (6) - $10 per sheet (12)
Raffle ticket
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet Ziti Dinner Raffle
Benefit: The Ministries of the Sisters of St. Joseph
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet Ziti Dinner Raffle
Benefit: The Ministries of the Sisters of St. Joseph
Drawing: March 27, 2010
Drawing: March 27, 2010
1 Prize $1,000
or choice of two Southwest flights in the continental USA.
2 Prize
3 Prize
Phone:___________________________ 5-4 Prizes
$1 each - $5 per sheet (6) - $10 per sheet (12)
Raffle ticket
1 Prize $1,000
or choice of two Southwest flights in the continental USA.
2 Prize
3 Prize
Phone:___________________________ 5-4 Prizes
$1 each - $5 per sheet (6) - $10 per sheet (12)
Raffle ticket
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet Ziti Dinner Raffle
Benefit: The Ministries of the Sisters of St. Joseph
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet Ziti Dinner Raffle
Benefit: The Ministries of the Sisters of St. Joseph
Drawing: March 27, 2010
Drawing: March 27, 2010
1 Prize $1,000
or choice of two Southwest flights in the continental USA.
2 Prize
3 Prize
Phone:___________________________ 5-4 Prizes
$1 each - $5 per sheet (6) - $10 per sheet (12)
Raffle ticket
1 Prize $1,000
or choice of two Southwest flights in the continental USA.
2 Prize
3 Prize
Phone:___________________________ 5-4 Prizes
$1 each - $5 per sheet (6) - $10 per sheet (12)
Raffle ticket
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet Ziti Dinner Raffle
Benefit: The Ministries of the Sisters of St. Joseph
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet Ziti Dinner Raffle
Benefit: The Ministries of the Sisters of St. Joseph
Drawing: March 27, 2010
Drawing: March 27, 2010
1 Prize $1,000
or choice of two Southwest flights in the continental USA.
2 Prize
3 Prize
Phone:___________________________ 5-4 Prizes
$1 each - $5 per sheet (6) - $10 per sheet (12) Raffle ticket
1 Prize $1,000
or choice of two Southwest flights in the continental USA.
2 Prize
3 Prize
Phone:___________________________ 5-4 Prizes
$1 each - $5 per sheet (6) - $10 per sheet (12) Raffle ticket
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet Ziti Dinner Raffle
Benefit: The Ministries of the Sisters of St. Joseph
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet Ziti Dinner Raffle
Benefit: The Ministries of the Sisters of St. Joseph
Drawing: March 27, 2010
1 Prize $1,000
or choice of two Southwest flights in the continental USA
2 Prize
3 Prize
Phone:___________________________ 5-4 Prizes
$1 each - $5 per
Winter 2010
Drawing: : March 27, 2010
1 Prize $1,000
2 Prize
3 Prize
Phone:___________________________ 5-4 Prizes
or choice of two Southwest flights in the continental USA
$1 each - $5 per sheet (6) - $10 per sheet (12)Raffle ticket
sheet (6) - $10 per sheet (12)Raffle ticket
CSJ Newsline 41
No contribution necessary to qualify for prizes.
No contribution necessary to qualify for prizes.
The Society of the Sisters of St. Joseph is a nonprofit corporation
as defined in 26 U.S.C. 1307(2)(A).
The Society of the Sisters of St. Joseph is a nonprofit corporation
as defined in 26 U.S.C. 1307(2)(A).
Your donation is tax deductible only to the extent permitted by
law. Please consult your tax advisor for further information.
Your donation is tax deductible only to the extent permitted by
law. Please consult your tax advisor for further information.
No contribution necessary to qualify for prizes.
No contribution necessary to qualify for prizes.
The Society of the Sisters of St. Joseph is a nonprofit corporation
as defined in 26 U.S.C. 1307(2)(A).
The Society of the Sisters of St. Joseph is a nonprofit corporation
as defined in 26 U.S.C. 1307(2)(A).
Your donation is tax deductible only to the extent permitted by
law. Please consult your tax advisor for further information.
Your donation is tax deductible only to the extent permitted by
law. Please consult your tax advisor for further information.
No contribution necessary to qualify for prizes.
No contribution necessary to qualify for prizes.
The Society of the Sisters of St. Joseph is a nonprofit corporation
as defined in 26 U.S.C. 1307(2)(A).
The Society of the Sisters of St. Joseph is a nonprofit corporation
as defined in 26 U.S.C. 1307(2)(A).
Your donation is tax deductible only to the extent permitted by
law. Please consult your tax advisor for further information.
Your donation is tax deductible only to the extent permitted by
law. Please consult your tax advisor for further information.
No contribution necessary to qualify for prizes.
No contribution necessary to qualify for prizes.
The Society of the Sisters of St. Joseph is a nonprofit corporation
as defined in 26 U.S.C. 1307(2)(A).
The Society of the Sisters of St. Joseph is a nonprofit corporation
as defined in 26 U.S.C. 1307(2)(A).
Your donation is tax deductible only to the extent permitted by
law. Please consult your tax advisor for further information.
Your donation is tax deductible only to the extent permitted by
law. Please consult your tax advisor for further information.
No contribution necessary to qualify for prizes.
No contribution necessary to qualify for prizes.
The Society of the Sisters of St. Joseph is a nonprofit corporation
as defined in 26 U.S.C. 1307(2)(A).
The Society of the Sisters of St. Joseph is a nonprofit corporation
as defined in 26 U.S.C. 1307(2)(A).
Your donation is tax deductible only to the extent permitted by
law. Please consult your tax advisor for further information.
Your donation is tax deductible only to the extent permitted by
law. Please consult your tax advisor for further information.
No contribution necessary to qualify for prizes.
No contribution necessary to qualify for prizes.
The Society of the Sisters of St. Joseph is a nonprofit corporation
as defined in 26 U.S.C. 1307(2)(A).
The Society of the Sisters of St. Joseph is a nonprofit corporation
as defined in 26 U.S.C. 1307(2)(A).
Your donation is tax deductible only to the extent permitted by
law. Please consult your tax advisor for further information.
Your donation is tax deductible only to the extent permitted by
law. Please consult your tax advisor for further information.
42 CSJ Newsline
Winter 2010
In Memoriam
For all Souls Day, the Sisters at the Provincial
House have a special prayer service
remembering the Sisters of the CSJ Community
who have died during the past year.
A poster of the Sisters’ pictures is displayed
and then during prayer when each sister’s
name is called a Sister lights a candle with
their picture on it in their memory.
Sisters Who Have Died in 2009
Sister Rita Agnes Sheehan, CSJ
Sister Virginia Marie MacHaffie, CSJ
Sister Jane Gossin, CSJ
(Sister Marie Fortunata)
Sister Margaret Fogarty, CSJ
(Sister Edward Claire)
Sister Roberta Ryan, CSJ
Sister Maria Clarine Moshier, CSJ
Sister Marie Anthony Sullivan, CSJ
Sister Linda Jean Dowling, CSJ
Sister Mary Rita Moody, CSJ
Sister Regina Marie Flynn, CSJ
Sister Irene Kruse, CSJ (Sister John Irene)
Sister Agnes Maria Cavanaugh, CSJ
Sister Marie Bryon Tansey, CSJ
Sister Rosanne Miller, CSJ
Sister Anne Sheridan, CSJ
Sister Jean Francis Whalen, CSJ
“O blest communion, fellowship divine,We feebly struggle: they in glory shine.”
Yet all are one within your great design: Alleluia”
If you wish to see their picture and read the OBIT, go to our web site at:
Winter 2010
CSJ Newsline 43
Sisters of St. Joseph, Albany Province
385 Watervliet-Shaker Road
Latham, New York 12110-4799
Albany, NY
Permit No. 880
Address Service Requested
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Satur 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
• Advance sale tickets only; available Feb. 8th at the Development Office.
• 3 Seatings: 1:30 - 3:00 - 4:30
• Adults $9.00; Child (6-12) $4.00; Under 6 Free
Money Raffle Tickets – See Page 42.
Raffle Tickets for gifts
(valued at approx. $25 each) will be available at each seating.
We also welcome donations of “new gifts” and “baskets”
valued at about $25 each to be used at the raffle.
Call us if you have a gift to donate!
Help Needed………
If you wish to volunteer to work, please call 783-3614 and speak with Carm, Ronnie or Kris.
Many jobs are available: wrapping plastic ware, selling tickets, waiting on tables and behind the scene jobs.
If you have a group of teenagers with whom you usually work, we welcome you to bring them and supervise
them as servers. Again give us a call so we can make table assignments.
If you are a professional person, business person or if you wish to simply support the event by having your name
listed in our PATRON BOOK, please contact the Development Office or any Sister of St. Joseph.