Packet - Gresham-Barlow School District
Packet - Gresham-Barlow School District
Gresham-Barlow School District BOARD OF EDUCATION Regular Board Meeting / Business AGENDA June 9, 2016 GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 10 JT. AGENDA BOARD OF EDUCATION June 9, 2016 “MakerSpace” Display by Powell Valley ES – 5:45 p.m. Board Work Session – 6:00 p.m. Budget Hearing – 6:45 p.m. Regular Board Meeting / Business – 7:00 p.m. Public Safety and Schools Building 1331 NW Eastman Parkway, Gresham, OR I. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE II. ROLL CALL Carla Piluso, Chair Kris Howatt, Vice-Chair Sharon Garner, Director John Hartsock, Director Matt O’Connell, Director Kathy Ruthruff, Director Kent Zook, Director Jim Schlachter, Superintendent Mike Schofield, Chief Financial Officer III. COMMUNICATION FROM THE AUDIENCE Time has been set aside later on the agenda for Citizens’ Requests of the Board. If anyone in the audience wishes to address the board this evening, there are yellow “Citizens’ Requests of the Board” forms on the table in the back of the room; please complete a form and give it to our board secretary, Ms. Cook. IV. APPROVE MEETING AGENDA V. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed below are matters considered by the board to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the board or persons in the audience requests specific items be removed from the consent agenda and placed on the regular agenda. 1. Minutes from Regular Business Meeting Minutes from Budget Committee Meeting Minutes from Special Board Meeting Minutes from Work Session 2. Financial Report 3. Personnel Changes 4. Out-of-State Travel 5. Policy Updates 6. Superintendent’s Employment Agreement 7. Mutual Aid Omnibus Agreement w/MESD May 5, 2016 May 26, 2016 May 26, 2016 June 2, 2016 Gresham-Barlow School District No. 10 Jt. Agenda - Regular Board Meeting / Business June 9, 2016 Page 2 8. 9. 10. Nutrition Services: Food Services Contract Amendment Nutrition Services: Food Services Intergovernmental Agreement with MESD Nutrition Services: Summer Food Service Program VI. RECOGNITIONS 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Venisha Bahr, Celebrate Literacy Award Savanah Campbell, State Champion Musician, Sam Barlow High School Jake Ingram, Bow Hunter Free Style Champion, Sam Barlow High School Theatre Arts Award, Gresham High School Track and Field, Gresham High School Track and Field, Sam Barlow High School Evans Hiu Hiu Hiu Hiu Hiu VII. GRESHAM-BARLOW EDUCATION FOUNDATION REPORT 17. Gresham-Barlow Education Foundation (GBEF) Report Vadnais VIII. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT IX. PRESENTATIONS 18. Lewis and Clark Montessori Charter School Update Hiu X. RECESS/RECONVENE (5 Minutes) XI. COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES AND/OR REPORTS This portion of the board meeting agenda has been provided for the presentation of advisory committee minutes. No action or discussion is required by the board; however, there may be occasional reports or discussion regarding work being completed by the committee(s). 19. District Advisory Council (DAC) 20. Audit Involvement Committee Meeting Summary for May 5, 2016 XII. BOARD REPORTS XIII. CABINET REPORTS XIV. ASSOCIATIONS REPORTS • • Gresham-Barlow Education Association (GBEA) (2 Minutes) Oregon School Employees Association (OSEA) (2 Minutes) XV. CITIZENS’ REQUESTS OF BOARD (3 Minutes per Guest / 15 Minutes Total) XVI. RECESS/RECONVENE (5 Minutes) Gresham-Barlow School District No. 10 Jt. Vadnais Schofield Agenda - Regular Board Meeting / Business June 9, 2016 Page 3 XVII. ACTION ITEMS First Reading 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Evaluation of the Superintendent Adopt Budget, Make Appropriations, and Impose Taxes • Resolution 1617-01, Adopting the Budget • Resolution 1617-02, Making Appropriations • Resolution 1617-03, Imposing & Categorizing Taxes Budget Committee Appointment Process Audit Involvement Team Appointment Tuition and Fees Date, Time and Place of Board Meetings School District Collaboration Grant Howatt Schofield Schofield Schofield Hiu Schlachter Ketelsen Second Reading 28. 29. 30. 31. Bond Proposal Recommendation District Equity Policy: JBB, Educational Equity PACE Trust Agreement Alternative Education Programs Schlachter Ketelsen / Hiu Schofield Black XVIII. INFORMATION ITEMS None XIX. ANNOUNCEMENTS July 1, 2016: Non-Contract Day Schools and Offices Closed July 4, 2016: Independence Day Holiday Schools and Offices Closed July 7, 2016: Regular Board Meeting - 7 p.m. Council Chambers Public Safety and Schools Building XX. ADJOURNMENT (Estimated time for adjournment: No later than 9 p.m.) Note: The board may, by majority vote, take action on items listed under first reading or information. JS:lc:7/11/16:5:03 PM GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 10 JT. Minutes of Regular Board Meeting / Business May 5, 2016 The Gresham-Barlow School District Board of Education met in regular session on Thursday, May 5, 2016, in the council chambers of the Public Safety and Schools building, 1331 NW Eastman Parkway, Gresham, Oregon. The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m. by the chair, Carla Piluso. Other board members in attendance were Kris Howatt, Kathy Ruthruff, Kent Zook, Matt O’Connell, and John Hartsock. Sharon Garner was absent. The following members of the superintendent’s cabinet were present: Jim Schlachter Superintendent James Hiu Deputy Superintendent of Secondary Education and Operations Teresa Ketelsen Deputy Superintendent of Teaching and Learning Mike Schofield Chief Financial Officer Randy Bryant Executive Director of Human Resources Julie Evans Executive Director of Elementary Education Sara Huston Executive Director of School Performance Athena Vadnais Director of Communications and Community Engagement Janell Black, executive director of student support services, was absent. The chair led board members, administrators and all those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. MOTION 66 MEETING AGENDA (7:05 p.m.) It was moved by Matt O’Connell, seconded by Kent Zook and carried 6 to 0 to approve the meeting agenda as presented. MOTION 67 CONSENT AGENDA (7:06 p.m.) The following items were included on the consent agenda: 1. Minutes from Regular Business Meeting April 7, 2016 Minutes from Regular Work Session April 28, 2016 2. Financial Report 3. Personnel Changes 4. Out-of-State Travel (Moved to regular meeting agenda; see below) 5. Policy Updates Kris Howatt requested that Item 4, Out-of-State Travel, be moved to the regular meeting agenda for discussion and action. It was seconded by Matt O’Connell, and the consent agenda was approved as amended, 6 to 0. Gresham-Barlow School District – Minutes of Regular Board Meeting / Business, May 5, 2016 Page 1 RECOGNITIONS (7:07 p.m.) District Earns Energy Star Award: Athena Vadnais reported that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has awarded the Gresham-Barlow School District a 2016 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Award for Sustained Excellence in recognition of its continued leadership in protecting our environment through energy efficiency. The Gresham-Barlow School District’s accomplishments were recognized at an awards ceremony in Washington, D.C., on April 13, 2016. James Hiu, who represented the district at the awards ceremony, provided an overview of the event. GRESHAM-BARLOW EDUCATION FOUNDATION REPORT (7:11 p.m.) Vince Patrick, president of the Gresham-Barlow Education Foundation board, reported that, with $15,000 budgeted for small grants (now called innovation grants), the Foundation was able to award eight grants as part of this year’s “technology” theme. The grants included the purchase of Chromebooks, science probes and monitors, a graphic pen and a table monitor, and more. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT (7:13 p.m.) Superintendent Schlachter shared that the Gresham Library currently has an art exhibit on display highlighting the work of Gresham High School students. The display includes sculptures and wall art created by International Baccalaureate (IB) art students, and students who have taken advanced drawing. The exhibit will be on display through the end of May. MT. HOOD CABLE REGULATORY COMMISSION GRANT AWARD (7:14 p.m.) Representatives from the Mt. Hood Cable Regulatory Commission (MHCRC) presented information about a grant they have awarded to the school district. The focus of the $1.37 million grant is a K-3 Technology Integration Project. The funds will be used to create technology rich, blended learning Kindergarten through 3 grade classrooms at North Gresham and Kelly Creek elementary schools. Through these pilot schools, the district will identify effective literacy instruction and develop a clear plan of implementation that can be scaled to the district’s other elementary schools over time. rd Symbolic of the grant award, the MHCRC representatives presented a large replica of a $1.37 million check to the district. TEACHING, EMPOWERING, LEADING AND LEARNING (TELL) SURVEY (7:26 p.m.) Superintendent Schlachter provided an overview of the Teaching, Empowering, Leading, and Learning (TELL) Survey results. The survey, which focused on responses to issues closely aligned with classroom instructions and school operations, was taken this spring by licensed staff members and administrators in the district. (A copy of Mr. Schlachter’s slide presentation has been filed with these minutes.) Gresham-Barlow School District – Minutes of Regular Board Meeting / Business, May 5, 2016 Page 2 Superintendent Schlachter will share a summary of the results with staff in the coming weeks. Access to the complete state and local survey results can be found at COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES AND/OR REPORTS (7:48 p.m.) District Advisory Council (DAC): Kent Zook and Athena Vadnais reported on the April 14, 2016, DAC meeting, which was held at Sam Barlow High School. BOARD REPORTS (7:50 p.m.) Board members summarized various meetings and other activities they participated in during the month. CABINET REPORTS (7:59 p.m.) Members of the superintendent’s cabinet reported on the following topics: James Hiu Anna Larson, a senior at Sam Barlow High School, is the winner of the 2015-2016 Portland Youth Philharmonic. Concerto Competition. She was the featured soloist of the Winter Concert, on Saturday, March 5, 2016, in the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall. Julie Evans A recent title audit exit interview was characterized as “excellent” by representatives from the Oregon Department of Education (ODE). ODE will use the district’s electronic submission as a model for what other districts should be doing. April Olson and the Title I staff are commended for their work. Sara Huston The Oregon Department of Education audit of the district’s Title 3 programs revealed that the district is compliant in all 22 areas reviewed. This can be attributed to strong leadership and the focus of many people. Karina Bruzzese, the district’s ELL director, and her team are to be commended for their hard work and attention to detail. ASSOCIATIONS REPORTS (8:04 p.m.) Erika Fuller, a secretary at West Gresham Elementary School, reported on behalf of Oregon School Education Association (OSEA) Chapter 8 employees. Rhett Hyman, a teacher at East Orient Elementary School, reported on behalf of the Gresham-Barlow Education Association (GBEA). CITIZENS’ REQUESTS OF THE BOARD (8:06 p.m.) There were no citizens’ requests of the board. RECESS / RECONVENE (8:06 p.m.) The meeting was recessed at 8:06 p.m. and reconvened at 8:13 p.m. Gresham-Barlow School District – Minutes of Regular Board Meeting / Business, May 5, 2016 Page 3 MOTION 68 OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL (8:13 p.m.) (Note: This item was originally on the consent agenda.) Kris Howatt moved to approve the out-of-state travel requests as listed in the provided chart. Matt O’Connell seconded the motion. In the discussion that followed, post-graduation participation in schoolsponsored events was discussed. It was noted that risk insurance is provided by the district for all school-sponsored events. Behavioral expectations are reviewed with the graduates before they are allowed to participate. Provisions and processes are in place to address unacceptable behavior (for example, parents would be asked to pick up their students if they do not comply with expected standards of conduct). Following the discussion, the motion carried 6 to 0. PACE TRUST AGREEMENT (8:15 p.m.) Mike Schofield presented information regarding two substantive changes to the PACE Insurance Trust Agreement that were approved by the Oregon School Boards Association’s board of trustees. (Refer to the agenda packet.) It was noted that a “Restated Trust Agreement, Property and Casualty Coverage for Education,” and a “Form of Joinder to Trust Agreement for Members” were provided in the agenda packet for first reading. A request for approval will be requested at a subsequent meeting. MOTION 69 PAID LUNCH EQUITY (8:17 p.m.) Mike Schofield reviewed the information provided in the agenda packet regarding a proposed increase for paid lunch prices. The increase is necessary to insure that government funds are not subsidizing the district’s paid lunches. Annual increases will be necessary until the district’s paid lunch prices are above the amount reimbursed by the federal government. In the discussion that followed, board members expressed concern about the cost of paid lunches, and it was noted that the federal government has been increasing lunch prices faster than the rate of inflation. This is a concern that is being addressed by national organizations, such as the National School Boards Association. It was noted that a large number of the district’s elementary schools provide free meals, including breakfasts and lunches. Following discussion, it was moved by Carla Piluso and seconded by Kent Zook approve a $0.10 increase for elementary, middle, and high school paid lunch prices for the 2016-2017 school year effective July 1, 2016. The motion carried 4 to 2. Directors O’Connell and Ruthruff cast the dissenting votes. Gresham-Barlow School District – Minutes of Regular Board Meeting / Business, May 5, 2016 Page 4 ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION PROGRAMS (8:22 p.m.) The board received a list of 2016-17 alternative education programs for first reading. A question was asked about why Burlingame Creek School is not on the list. Burlingame Creek is a Multnomah Education Service District school, which is housed in the former Alpha High School building in Gresham. The administration will inquire about the omission of Burlingame Creek, or the feasibility of adding it to the list, and report back to the board at the next business meeting. MOTION 70 MIDDLE SCHOOL MATHEMATICS CURRICULUM ADOPTION (8:25 p.m.) It was moved by Kathy Ruthruff and seconded by Matt O’Connell to approve Ready Common Core by Curriculum Associates as the math adoption for sixth through eighth grades, to begin with the 2016-17 school year, in the amount of $453,317. Discussion followed. The motion carried 5 to 1. John Hartsock cast the dissenting vote. MOTION 71 SCHOOL YEAR CALENDARS (8:34 p.m.) It was moved by Matt O’Connell, seconded by Kathy Ruthruff and carried 6 to 0 to adopt the 2016-17, 2017-18, and 2018-19 school year calendars as presented for second reading. FULL-DAY KINDERGARTEN UPDATE (8:38 p.m.) Julie Evans presented an overview of the full-day kindergarten implementation, which took place this school year. Student achievement data is positive and shows that the increased instructional time is making a difference. Benefits reported by schools include the following: • • • • Additional time for in-depth teaching of subjects Full services for students with special needs Additional time for teaching and practicing social skills, and Additional time for students to meet in small groups to focus on more detailed skills development. NATIONAL SCHOOL BOARDS CONFERENCE (8:52 p.m.) ASSOCIATION (NSBA) ANNUAL Directors Piluso, Ruthruff and Hartsock reported on their attendance at the National School Boards Association’s annual convention, which was held in Boston, Massachusetts, April 9-11, 2016. Sessions they attended included community engagement, addressing bullying in schools, and working with nonEnglish speaking students. Superintendent Schlachter also attended the convention. ANNOUNCEMENTS (9:03 p.m.) May 12, 2016: Budget Committee Meeting – 7 p.m. Room 220 (Forum Room) Center for Advanced Learning Gresham-Barlow School District – Minutes of Regular Board Meeting / Business, May 5, 2016 Page 5 May 19, 2016: DAC Meeting and End-of-Year BBQ – 6:30 p.m. North Gresham Elementary School Board Representatives: All May 26, 2016: Budget Committee Meeting – 7 p.m. Room 220 (Forum Room) Center for Advanced Learning May 26, 2016: Special Board Meeting – 7:30 p.m. Room 220 (Forum Room) Center for Advanced Learning May 30, 2016: Memorial Day Holiday Schools and Offices Closed June 2, 2016: Board Work Session - 6 p.m. Partnership Room Center for Advanced Learning June 6, 2016: District-wide Retirement Reception 4-6 p.m. Council Chambers Public Safety and Schools Building June 9, 2016: Budget Hearing – 6:45 p.m. Council Chambers Public Safety and Schools Building June 9, 2016: Regular Board Meeting - 7 p.m. Council Chambers Public Safety and Schools Building ADJOURNMENT There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:04 p.m. Submitted by: Linda J. Cook Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent and Board of Directors Gresham-Barlow School District – Minutes of Regular Board Meeting / Business, May 5, 2016 Page 6 2016-2017 BUDGET COMMITTEE Minutes of May 26, 2016 Budget Committee Meeting #2 The Gresham-Barlow School District Budget Committee met at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, May 26, 2016 in the Partnership Room of the Center for Advanced Learning, 1484 NW Civic Drive, Gresham, OR. Members in attendance were: Kathy Ruthruff, Kent Zook, Sharon Garner, Carla Piluso, John Hartsock, Michael Buck, Nicholas Kemper, Michael Deveney, Justin Weatherford, Matt O’Connell, Kris Howatt, and Rebecca Merchant. Member: Kasey Jackson was absent. The following central office administrators were present: Jim Schlachter, Mike Schofield, James Hiu, Teresa Ketelsen, Julie Evans, Janell Black, Lynne Hill, Sara Huston, Randy Bryant and Athena Vadnais. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS Budget Committee Chair, Justin Weatherford, called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m., welcoming all present to the meeting. Introductions were exchanged for the benefit of those in the audience. APPROVE MAY 12, 2016 MEETING MINUTES It was moved by John Hartsock to approve the minutes from the May 12, 2016 Budget Committee meeting minutes as presented; Kathy Ruthruff seconded the motion. The motion to approve the May 12, 2016 minutes passed unanimously. PUBLIC TESTIMONY Chair Weatherford opened public testimony at 7:12 p.m. There were approximately 25 students, parents, staff, and community members that attended the meeting. Water polo coach Michael Riegelmann expressed his concerns about the future of water polo in the district due to no funding and fundraising growing increasingly difficult. Barlow High School student, Jade Jette, explained her positive experience in water polo and her concerns for its future, if the district continues to not fund the sport. Parent and staff member Pam Bachand expressed her concerns about the future of water polo and the fundraising challenges parents are facing. May 26, 2016 Budget Committee Meeting #2 Minutes Page 1 CLOSE PUBLIC TESTIMONY There being no other public testimony Chair Weatherford closed public testimony at 7:20 p.m. COMMITTEE DELIBERATION After much deliberation the committee requested that more information, regarding water polo, be provided to the committee prior to the June 9, 2016 budget meeting, for funding consideration and possible amendment to the 2016-17 budget. There was a concern expressed about the funding of the adopted technology plan. APPROVAL OF THE 2016-2017 BUDGET Chair Weatherford called to approve the 2016-2017 budget. Kathy Ruthruff moved to approve the Gresham-Barlow School District Levy at the full permanent rate of $4.5268. Kent Zook seconded the motion; motion passed 12-0. Kris Howatt moved to approve the 2016-2017 Debt Service Levy in the amount of $6,086,989. Kathy Ruthruff seconded the motion; motion passed motion passed 12-0. Matt O’Connell moved to approve the Gresham-Barlow School District 2016-2017 budget (all funds) in the amount of $152,677,144. Kris Howatt seconded the motion; motion passed 11-1. Weatherford opposed. There was a concern expressed regarding funding of the GHS Turf loan. CLOSING COMMENTS Superintendent Schlachter thanked everyone present for attending the meeting. Chair Weatherford adjourned the meeting at 7:45 p.m. Minutes submitted by: Michelle Hobbs, Budget Committee Secretary. Minutes approved: _____________________________________________ Justin Weatherford, Budget Committee Chair May 26, 2016 Budget Committee Meeting #2 Minutes __________________ Date Page 2 GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 10 JT. Minutes of Regular Board Meeting / Work Session May 26, 2016 The Gresham-Barlow School District Board of Education held a work session on Thursday, May 26, 2016, in the Partnership Room at the Center for Advanced Learning, 1484 NW Civic Drive, Gresham, Oregon. The meeting was called to order at 5:11 p.m. by the chair, Carla Piluso. Other board members in attendance were Matt O’Connell, Sharon Garner, Kris Howatt, Kathy Ruthruff, Kent Zook, and John Hartsock. The following members of the superintendent’s cabinet were present: Jim Schlachter Superintendent James Hiu Deputy Superintendent of Secondary Education and Operations Teresa Ketelsen Deputy Superintendent of Teaching and Learning Mike Schofield Chief Financial Officer Julie Evans Executive Director of Elementary Education Athena Vadnais Director of Communications and Community Engagement Randy Bryant Executive Director of Human Resources Sara Huston Executive Director of School Performance The following cabinet member was absent: Janell Black Executive Director of Student Support Services Guests included: Terry Taylor Scott Rose Jeremy Wright Teresa Carson Director of Facilities DLR Architects Wright Public Affairs The Gresham Outlook BOND PROPOSAL RECOMMENDATION, INCLUDING COMMUNITY AND PARENT FEEDBACK (5:12 p.m.) STAFF, Board members reviewed feedback received from a variety of sources regarding the Bond Measure Planning Committee’s recommendation. The feedback included data collected through ThoughtExchange. After reviewing the feedback, board and cabinet members divided into workgroups to discuss the following questions: • What are your questions about the Bond Measure Planning Committee’s proposed list of projects? • What are your thoughts about the Bond Measure Planning Committee’s proposed list of projects? Gresham-Barlow School District - Minutes of Regular Board Meeting / Work Session, May 26, 2016 Page 1 Gresham-Barlow School District No. 10 Jt. Agenda - Special Board Meeting / Work Session May 26, 2016 Page 2 • Is the recommendation on the right track? • Do the priorities in the committee’s recommendation align with board priorities? Responses to the questions were recorded on flipcharts and reported back to the group as a whole. (Copies of the flipcharts are filed with these minutes.) RECESS / RECONVENE (7 p.m.) The work session was recessed at 7 p.m., because a budget committee meeting was scheduled to begin at that time. The work session was reconvened at 7:58 p.m. following the budget committee meeting. GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS LEVY RATE ANALYSIS (7:58 p.m.) Mike Schofield summarized information compiled by PiperJaffray (dated May 17, 2016) concerning the district’s general obligation bonds levy rate analysis, and reviewed financing options. Board members discussed the information and Mr. Schofield responded to questions. SAMPLE BOND PROJECT SCHEDULE SUMMARY (8:27 p.m.) Mr. Schofield presented a Sample Bond Projects Schedule and responded to questions of the board. CHANGES TO THE ORIGINAL BOND RECOMMENDATION (8:35 p.m.) Terry Taylor presented a list of potential changes to the original bond recommendation, which was based on facility reviews and feedback. ANNOUNCEMENTS (8:45 p.m.) May 30, 2016: Memorial Day Holiday Schools and Offices Closed June 2, 2016: Board Work Session - 6 p.m. Partnership Room Center for Advanced Learning June 6, 2016: District-wide Retirement Reception 4-6 p.m. Council Chambers Public Safety and Schools Building Gresham-Barlow School District - Minutes of Regular Board Meeting / Work Session, May 26, 2016 Page 2 Gresham-Barlow School District No. 10 Jt. Agenda - Special Board Meeting / Work Session May 26, 2016 Page 3 June 9, 2016: Budget Hearing – 6:45 p.m. Council Chambers Public Safety and Schools Building June 9, 2016: Regular Board Meeting - 7 p.m. Council Chambers Public Safety and Schools Building ADJOURNMENT (8:47 p.m.) There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:47 p.m. Submitted by: Linda J. Cook Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent and Board of Directors Note: All handouts referenced above have been filed with these minutes. Gresham-Barlow School District - Minutes of Regular Board Meeting / Work Session, May 26, 2016 Page 3 GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 10 JT. Minutes of Regular Board Meeting / Work Session June 2, 2016 The Gresham-Barlow School District Board of Education held a work session on Thursday, June 2, 2016, in the Partnership Room at the Center for Advanced Learning, 1484 NW Civic Drive, Gresham, Oregon. The meeting was called to order at 6:16 p.m. by the chair, Carla Piluso. Other board members in attendance were Matt O’Connell, Sharon Garner, Kris Howatt, Kathy Ruthruff, Kent Zook, and John Hartsock. The following members of the superintendent’s cabinet were present: Jim Schlachter Superintendent James Hiu Deputy Superintendent of Secondary Education and Operations Teresa Ketelsen Deputy Superintendent of Teaching and Learning Mike Schofield Chief Financial Officer Randy Bryant Executive Director of Human Resources Julie Evans Executive Director of Elementary Education Sara Huston Executive Director of School Performance Athena Vadnais Director of Communications and Community Engagement The following cabinet member was absent: Janell Black Executive Director of Student Support Services Guests included: Karina Bruzzese Terry Taylor Scott Rose Jeremy Wright DISTRICT EQUITY POLICY Director of English Language Learners Director of Facilities DLR Architects Wright Public Affairs (6:21 p.m.) Teresa Ketelsen, James Hiu, and Karina Bruzzese recapped work completed by the Superintendent’s Equity Advisory Committee and its recommendation for the adoption of an equity policy. Director Howatt summarized a draft policy (JBB, Educational Equity) that was written in response to the committee’s recommendation, reviewed by the board’s policy review committee, and brought forward as a first reading this evening. A sample administrative regulation, JBB-AR, was handed out. It provided definitions of terms used in the proposed policy. (A copy has been filed with these minutes.) By consensus, the board advanced the proposed policy for second reading and action at the June 9, 2016, board meeting. Gresham-Barlow School District - Minutes of Regular Board Meeting / Work Session, June 2, 2016 Page 1 POLICY REVIEW (6:37 p.m.) Teresa Ketelsen presented revisions recommended for Policy GCDA/GDDA, Criminal Records Checks/Fingerprinting. Following discussion, the board advanced the proposed revisions for second reading and action at the June 9, 2016, board meeting. DATE, TIME AND PLACE OF 2016-17 BOARD MEETINGS (6:57 p.m.) Board members received a calendar showing dates being considered for 2016-17 school board meetings. They were encouraged to review the calendar and provide input as part of the schedule development process. A first reading of the board meeting schedule will be presented on June 9. Adoption will be recommended in July, as required by statutes and board policy (BC/BCA). BOND PROPOSAL RECOMMENDATION (7:00 p.m.) Scott Rose, Jeremy Wright, Mike Schofield, and Jim Schlachter summarized feedback received from a variety of sources regarding the Bond Measure Planning Committee’s recommendation. The feedback included data collected through ThoughtExchange. (Note: This was a continuation of the discussion that took place at the May 26, 2016, work session.) Bond financing options were presented for board discussion, along with draft schedules of the proposed bond work. The following handouts were provided: • • • • • Time-line for a November 2016 Election Suggested Plan Updates Presented June 2, 2016 GBSD Financing Options, June 2, 2016 Resolution No. XX-XX, Discussion Draft Gresham-Barlow School District No. 10Jt General Obligation Bonds Levy Rate Analysis, compiled by PiperJaffray (Copies of the handouts have been filed with these minutes and are available upon request.) A recommendation for action regarding the bond proposal will be presented at the June 9, 2016, board meeting. BOARD LEADERSHIP SELECTION PROCESS (8:25 p.m.) The process for selecting a 2016-17 chair and vice-chair was discussed. Board elections for these two positions will be held during the July 7, 2016, board meeting, pursuant to policy BCB, Board Officers. Gresham-Barlow School District - Minutes of Regular Board Meeting / Work Session, June 2, 2016 Page 2 FUTURE AGENDA TOPICS (8:35 p.m.) Superintendent Schlachter explained that discussion of future work session topics will begin again in the fall, after the board meeting schedule has been adopted, and after the board’s summer planning session. ANNOUNCEMENTS (8:37 p.m.) June 6, 2016: District-wide Retirement Reception 4-6 p.m. Council Chambers Public Safety and Schools Building June 9, 2016: Budget Hearing – 6:45 p.m. Council Chambers Public Safety and Schools Building June 9, 2016: Budget Hearing – 6:45 p.m. Council Chambers Public Safety and Schools Building June 9, 2016: Regular Board Meeting - 7 p.m. Council Chambers Public Safety and Schools Building ADJOURNMENT (8:37 p.m.) There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:37 p.m. Submitted by: Linda J. Cook Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent and Board of Directors Gresham-Barlow School District - Minutes of Regular Board Meeting / Work Session, June 2, 2016 Page 3 GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT 1331 NW Eastman Parkway Gresham, OR 97030-3825 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Schlachter Mike Schofield DATE: June 9, 2016 RE: No. 2 – Financial Summary EXPLANATION: Budget: The budget was approved by the budget committee on May 26, 2016. We’re putting the finishing touches on the document for presentation at the June 9, 2016, budget hearing. The attached financial report is tracking fairly close to our estimate for the budget committee earlier in the spring. PRESENTER: Mike Schofield SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: Financial Report/Summary (Ending April 30, 2016) RECOMMENDATION: None REQUESTED ACTION: Consent agenda approval MS:lc GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT As of April 30, 2016 2015-2016 Financial Report GENERAL FUND Actual QTR 1 Actual QTR 2 Actual QTR 3 Actual Apr Projected QTR 4 Projected Annual Actual YTD Adopted Budget Variance To Budget Revenue 173,092 9,424 182,516 23,668,471 183,580 192 23,852,243 1,122,954 80,725 3,054 1,206,733 81,318 31,036 205 112,559 656,318 141,036 455 797,809 25,447,743 578,433 13,125 26,039,301 24,872,743 468,433 12,875 25,354,051 24,900,000 600,000 15,000 25,515,000 547,743 (21,567) (1,875) 524,301 Other SSF Revenue 26,417,488 26,417,488 19,811,652 19,811,652 595,498 19,748,062 20,343,560 1,882 5,883 5,574,977 5,582,742 580,000 3,882 11,883 12,305,977 12,901,742 1,175,498 3,882 11,883 78,283,179 79,474,442 595,498 1,882 5,883 71,552,179 72,155,442 1,125,947 2,000 12,000 78,949,425 80,089,372 49,551 1,882 (117) (666,246) (614,930) Total Formula Revenue 26,600,004 43,663,895 21,550,293 5,695,301 13,699,551 105,513,743 97,509,493 105,604,372 (90,629) 849,209 637,588 1,486,797 849,209 637,588 1,486,797 Current Taxes Prior Year Taxes Other Taxes / Interest Total Taxes Common School Fund County School Fund Federal Forest Fees State School Fund (SSF) High Cost Disability Prior Year SSF State Restricted Other State Revenue Tuition / Transportation Earning on Investment Student Fees / Admissions Rentals Donations Services to other Funds Misc. MESD Transfer Other County Funds Drivers' Education Other Federal Revenue Child Care Development Sale of Fixed Assets Bond Proceeds TRANFERS Total Other Revenue TOTAL REVENUE - - - - - 430,000 430,000 1,216 25,420 19,438 47,000 10,721 11,565 101,202 216,562 20,783 40,282 86,837 66,740 47,331 49,653 133,873 1,916,598 9,350 9,924 2,381,371 15,601 66,299 64,094 83,645 85,782 3,356 54,682 14,422 23,113 3,740 414,734 7,880 21,638 3,370 14,244 22,528 2,750 4,613 2,299 79,322 47,880 53,638 139,770 44,244 90,000 350,000 92,528 9,350 9,124 7,299 843,833 85,480 185,639 310,139 241,629 233,834 414,574 382,285 1,916,598 33,122 42,161 11,039 3,856,500 45,480 153,639 173,739 211,629 143,834 64,574 312,285 1,916,598 26,522 37,650 6,039 3,091,989 125,000 135,000 365,000 225,000 275,000 275,000 400,000 2,150,000 30,000 5,000 3,985,000 $26,816,566 $46,045,266 $21,965,027 $5,774,623 $16,030,181 $110,857,040 $100,601,482 $110,019,372 6,317,330 2,956,855 1,407,246 1,305,712 116,454 318,470 6,104,737 8,801,927 2,702,912 1,332,726 116,455 969,577 13,923,597 8,806,689 2,618,881 1,335,725 116,455 849,043 13,726,793 2,929,632 887,015 443,302 40,216 269,391 4,569,556 14,629,632 3,824,015 1,349,302 120,648 1,349,391 21,272,988 35,195,103 10,553,054 5,323,465 470,012 3,486,481 55,028,115 23,495,103 7,616,054 4,417,465 389,580 2,406,481 38,324,683 35,960,277 10,736,326 5,294,666 465,818 3,493,045 55,950,132 1,366,200 458,143 1,493,253 214,607 3,532,203 2,667,744 1,038,726 3,211,725 294,812 7,213,007 2,609,346 1,029,846 3,192,554 465,202 7,296,948 868,555 342,560 1,069,089 90,655 2,370,859 3,968,555 1,592,560 5,019,089 390,655 10,970,859 10,611,845 4,119,275 12,916,621 1,365,276 29,013,017 7,511,845 2,869,275 8,966,621 1,065,276 20,413,017 11,360,922 4,262,459 13,656,664 1,399,558 30,679,603 1,705,082 2,298,821 613,534 159,957 586,680 800,000 2,923,669 1,493,633 424,666 87,987 21,467 - 3,828,283 1,755,797 347,370 35,088 18,484 - 1,357,857 543,202 145,753 300 10,077 - 4,657,857 1,193,202 800,753 55,300 146,077 - 13,114,891 6,741,453 2,186,323 338,332 772,708 800,000 9,814,891 6,091,453 1,531,323 283,332 636,708 800,000 13,362,840 6,719,196 2,148,597 292,000 836,958 800,000 $15,801,014 $26,088,026 $27,008,763 $8,997,604 $39,097,036 $107,994,839 $77,895,407 $110,789,326 419,209 637,588 0 1,056,797 (39,520) 50,639 (54,861) 16,629 (41,166) 139,574 (17,715) (233,402) 33,122 0 0 12,161 6,039 0 0 (128,500) 837,668 BFB Budget 91.4% Expenditures Licensed Salaries Support Staff Salaries Admin Salaries Confidential Salaries Subs' / Temp Salaries Total Salaries PERS FICA Insurance Other Benefits Total Benefits Purchased Services Charter School Payments Supplies & Materials Capital Outlay Other Objects Transfers TOTAL EXPENDITURES Reserves - Contingency/Unappropriated Ending Balance 765,174 183,272 (28,799) (4,194) 6,564 922,017 749,077 143,184 740,043 34,282 1,666,586 247,949 (22,257) (37,726) (46,332) 64,250 0 $2,794,487 70.3% 5,547,376 Beginning Cash Balance $6,866,451 $0 $2,862,201 $116,336,702 Budget $9,728,652 9.0% (Percentage of Projected Expenditures) Expenditure Summary Salaries Benefits Purchased Serv Supplies Capital Outlay Other Objects Transfers $ Board Report 2015-16 - April 38,324,683 20,413,017 15,906,344 1,531,323 283,332 636,708 800,000 49.2% 26.2% 20.4% 2.0% 0.4% 0.8% 1.0% 77,895,407 100.0% GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT 1331 NW Eastman Parkway Gresham, OR 97030-3825 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Schlachter Randy Bryant DATE: June 9, 2016 RE: No. 3 - Personnel Changes: Resignations/Terminations and New Hires EXPLANATION: The following resignations have been accepted, or terminations processed: Administrative Resignations/Terminations Amber Lindly, Program Director, Student Support Services. Notice of resignation received May 12, 2016, effective July 15, 2016. Laurie Miller, Office Manager, Student Support Services. Notice of retirement received February 12, 2016, effective June 30, 2016. PERS retirement scheduled for July 1, 2016. Licensed Resignations/Terminations Kim Calcagno, Business Education Teacher, Sam Barlow High School. Notice of retirement received March 29, 2016, effective June 17, 2016. PERS retirement scheduled for July 1, 2016. Debra Clark-Hagey, Kindergarten Teacher, North Gresham Elementary School. Notice of retirement received February 8, 2016, effective June 17, 2016. PERS retirement scheduled for July 1, 2016. Robin Gianotti, Kindergarten Teacher, West Gresham Elementary School. Notice of retirement received January 29, 2016, effective June 17, 2016. PERS retirement scheduled for July 1, 2016. Sylvia Nancene Graham, Speech Language Pathologist, Student Special Services. Notice of retirement received January 4, 2016, effective June 17, 2016. PERS retirement scheduled for July 1, 2016. Board of Directors Re: No. 3 - Personnel Changes: Resignations/Terminations and New Hires June 9, 2016 Page 2 Wendy Herrick, ELL and Avid Teacher – Sam Barlow High School. Notice of resignation received March 7, 2016, effective June 17, 2016. Amy Hudson, Grade 4 Teacher, Highland Elementary School. Notice of resignation received March 24, 2016, effective June 17, 2016. Patricia Klindt, ELL Teacher. Notice of resignation received March 7, 2016. Not returning from 2015-2016 LOA. Brandi Kruse, Art Teacher. Notice of resignation received May 18, 2016. Not returning from 2015-2016 LOA. Kathleen Mandis, Art Teacher, Gordon Russell Middle School. Notice of retirement received April 15, 2016, effective June 17, 2016. PERS retirement scheduled for July 1, 2016. Cassandre Mathews, Grade 1 Teacher, Hall Elementary School. Notice of resignation received May 18, 2016, effective June 17, 2016. Scott McCoy, Language Arts Teacher, Clear Creek Middle School. Notice of retirement received March 10, 2016, effective June 17, 2016. PERS retirement scheduled for July 1, 2016. Meredith McMurray, Social Studies Teacher, Sam Barlow High School. Notice of resignation received February 10, 2016, effective June 17, 2016. Melissa Oliver, Special Education Teacher, Deep Creek Damascus K-8 School. Notice of resignation received February 29, 2016, effective June 17, 2016. Stacy Perez, Special Education Teacher. Notice of resignation received March 18, 2016. Not returning from 2015-2016 LOA. Robert Peterson, Special Education Teacher, Student Support Services. Notice of resignation received May 3, 2016, effective June 17, 2016. Kaeli Porter, Music Vocal Teacher, Gordon Russell Middle School. Notice of resignation received May 17, 2016, effective June 17, 2016. Board of Directors Re: No. 3 - Personnel Changes: Resignations/Terminations and New Hires June 9, 2016 Page 3 Leslie Sharp, School Psychologist, Student Support Services. Notice of retirement received March 15, 2016, effective June 17, 2016. PERS retirement scheduled for July 1, 2016. Renice Siefer, Counselor, Gresham High School. Notice of retirement received Jan 22, 2016, effective June 17, 2016. PERS retirement scheduled for July 1, 2016. Laura Terveen, Grades 1-2 Blend Elementary Teacher, Deep Creek Damascus K-8 School. Notice of retirement received Jan 29, 2016, effective June 17, 2016. PERS retirement scheduled for July 1, 2016. Classified Resignations/Terminations Mia Admire, Educational Assistant 2, North Gresham Elementary School. Notice of retirement received April 28, 2016, effective June 15, 2016. PERS retirement scheduled for July 1, 2016. Jamie Alwine, Educational Assistant 4 - Special Education, Sam Barlow High School. Notice of resignation received May 20, 2016, effective May 20, 2016. Kimberly Bilodeaux, Educational Assistant 2 and Health Assistant, East Gresham Elementary School. Notice of retirement received April 19, 2016, effective June 15, 2016. PERS retirement scheduled for July 1, 2016. Tama Brooks, Secretary 2 – Attendance, Dexter McCarty Middle School. Notice of retirement received March 4, 2016, effective June 15, 2016. PERS retirement scheduled for July 1, 2016. Bethaney Clark, Educational Assistant 4 – Special Education, North Gresham Elementary School. Notice of resignation received April 1, 2016. Not returning from 2015-2016 LOA. Barbara Cooke, Secretary 4 - Assessment, Gresham High School. Notice of retirement received February 18, 2016, effective June 15, 2016. PERS retirement scheduled for July 1, 2016. Janet Deeder, Educational Assistant 2 – Textbooks, Sam Barlow High School. Notice of retirement received March 28, 2016. PERS retirement scheduled for July 1, 2016. Lizeth Fonken, Educational Assistant 5 – ELL Liaison. Notice of resignation received April 25, 2016. Not returning from 2015-2016 LOA. Board of Directors Re: No. 3 - Personnel Changes: Resignations/Terminations and New Hires June 9, 2016 Page 4 Amy Hill, Educational Assistant 3 - Media and Secretary 3 Production, Gresham High School. Notice of retirement received February 24, 2016, PERS retirement scheduled for July 1, 2016. Nickolas Laurich, Educational Assistant 5 – Special Education, Student Support Services. Notice of resignation received May 3, 2016, effective June 15, 2016. Nancy Logsdon, Secretary 4 – Registrar, Sam Barlow High School. Notice of retirement received May 12, 2016, effective August 31, 2016. PERS retirement scheduled for September 1, 2016. Ann Mahin, Educational Assistant 4 – Special Education, Dexter McCarty Middle School. Notice of retirement received February 22, 2016, effective June 15, 2016. PERS retirement scheduled for July 1, 2016. Cathi Mercer, Educational Assistant 3 - Title I, Highland Elementary School. Notice of retirement received April 5, 2016, effective June 15, 2016. PERS retirement scheduled for July 1, 2016. Cindy Pechmann, Education Assistant 2, North Gresham Elementary School. Notice of retirement received April 25, 2016, effective June 15, 2016. PERS retirement scheduled for July 1, 2016. Corinne Repsold, Education Assistant – Kindergarten, West Gresham Elementary School. Notice of retirement received February 11, 2016, effective June 15, 2016. PERS retirement scheduled for July 1, 2016. Kimberly Ritmiller, Educational Assistant 3, Deep Creek Damascus K-8. Notice of resignation received April 29, 2016, effective June 15, 2016. Perla Taylor, Educational Assistant 5 – Ell Liaison, Dexter McCarty Middle School. Notice of retirement received February 24, 2016, effective June 15, 2016. PERS retirement scheduled for July 1, 2016. Yesenia Velazquez Pietri, Secretary 3 – Elementary, East Gresham Elementary School. Resigned effective May 12, 2016. Board of Directors Re: No. 3 - Personnel Changes: Resignations/Terminations and New Hires June 9, 2016 Page 5 In compliance with district policy, the following personnel are being recommended for employment: Administrative New Hires Elaine Fagan, Accounting Director, Gresham-Barlow School District. Replacing Gina Sanstrum who has retired. Kelly Hart, Assistant Principal, Sam Barlow High School. Probationary Contract. Replacing Michael Schaefer, reassigned. Linda Kue, Office Manager, Student Support Services. Replacing Laurie Miller, who is retiring. Confidential New Hires Jade Anderson, Administrative Assistant to Executive Director of Elementary Education, District Office. Replacing Stephanie Edens, reassigned. Classified New Hires Victoria Fultz, Educational Assistant – Instruction, Hall Elementary School. Replacing Courtney Cooper who resigned. PRESENTER: Randy Bryant SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: None RECOMMENDATION: None REQUESTED ACTION: Consent agenda approval RHB:tr:lc GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT 1331 NW Eastman Parkway Gresham, OR 97030-3825 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Schlachter James Hiu DATE: June 9, 2016 RE: No. 4 - Out-of-State Travel EXPLANATION: The administration seeks approval for the following out-of-state travel plans: School Sam Barlow High School Destination Pacific NW Invitational Championship Moses Lake, WA Date(s) Group Funds June 18-20, 2016 Equestrian Team No District Funds Required Purpose: Students earned this by competing at the district and state levels. PRESENTER: James Hiu SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: None RECOMMENDATION: The administration recommends approval of the out-of-state travel request listed above. REQUESTED ACTION: Consent agenda approval JH:pkh:lc GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT 1331 NW Eastman Parkway Gresham, OR 97030-3825 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Schlachter Teresa Ketelsen DATE: June 9, 2016 RE: No. 5 – Policy Updates EXPLANATION: Changes to policy GCDA/GDDA, Criminal Records Checks/ Fingerprinting recommended by Oregon School Boards Association and district staff were presented for first reading at the June 2, 2016, board work session. The board reviewed and provided input regarding the policy updates. This policy is now being submitted for approval through the consent agenda. PRESENTER: Teresa Ketelsen SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: Revised policy GCDA/GDDA with recommended changes. RECOMMENDATION: The administration recommends board approval of policy GCDA/GDDA, Criminal Records Checks/Fingerprinting as presented. REQUESTED ACTION: Consent agenda approval TK:lc Gresham-Barlow SD 10 Code: Adopted: Readopted: 10/02/14 Orig. Code(s): GCDA/GDDA 1/04/96 11/01/01; 5/02/02; 2/04/10; GCDA/GDDA Criminal Records Checks/Fingerprinting In a continuing effort to further ensure the safety and welfare of students and staff, the district shall require criminal records checks and fingerprinting of all newly hired full-time and part-time employees. Others having direct, unsupervised contact with students shall also have criminal records checks and fingerprinting, as required by law ORS 326.603. “Direct, unsupervised contact” means contact with students that provides the person opportunity and probability for personal communication or touch. In addition to the newly hired employees, such checks shall be required of the following: 1. All school district contractors and/or their employees, whether employed part-time or full-time; 2. All volunteers in our schools and any school sponsored activity or event, who will have direct, unsupervised contact with students; 3. All contractors and/or their employees who provide early childhood special education or early intervention services in accordance with rules established by the employment department Oregon Department of Education, Child Care Division; 4. Any community college faculty member providing instruction at the site of an early childhood education program or at a school site as part of an early education program; 5. An individual who is an public charter school employee or volunteer of a public charter school. An individual who has failed to disclose the presence of criminal convictions that would not otherwise prevent his/her employment with the district as provided by law may be employed or contracted with by the district. The district’s use of criminal history must be relevant to the specific requirements of the position, services or employment. The district may shall not begin the employment of an individual, volunteer service, or terms of a district contractor before the return and disposition of criminal record checks and/or fingerprinting. The service of a volunteer will not begin before the return and disposition of a criminal records check. The superintendent shall develop administrative regulations as necessary to meet the requirements of law. END OF POLICY Criminal Records Checks/Fingerprinting - GCDA/GDDA 1-2 Legal Reference(s): ORS 181.555 ORS 326.603 ORS 326.607 ORS 336.631 ORS 342.143 ORS 342.223 OAR 581-021-0500 OAR 581-022-1730 OAR 584-036-0062 OAR 414-061-0010 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e, et. seq. (2012). Cross Reference(s): IICC - Volunteers Criminal Records Checks/Fingerprinting - GCDA/GDDA 2-2 GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT 1331 NW Eastman Parkway Gresham, OR 97030-3825 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Schlachter Carla Piluso DATE: June 9, 2016 RE: No. 6 – Superintendent’s 2015-17 Employment Agreement EXPLANATION: Typically, the final step in the annual superintendent’s evaluation process is to renew the superintendent’s employment agreement. In preparation for the renewal, the board’s practice has been for the chair and vice-chair to meet with the superintendent to review terms of the agreement. The current employment agreement with the superintendent was approved by the board in June of 2015, and is effective until June 30, 2017. Provisions of the agreement that extend into 2017 were adopted to reflect “the board’s desire to have compensation and other terms that represent the superintendent’s scope of responsibility, current market conditions, comparison data with other districts, and job performance.” Because the current agreement remains in force until June 30, 2017, board consideration of a renewal agreement is not necessary at this time. This item has been placed on the consent agenda this evening to remain consistent with the established timeline for reviewing the superintendent’s employment agreement, provide a historical reference, and acknowledge that the current agreement is still in force. Discussion regarding subsequent years of the superintendent’s employment agreement, process, and timeline will be included on a future agenda, possibly during the board’s summer planning session or in the fall. PRESENTER: Carla Piluso Board of Directors Re: No. 6 – Superintendent’s 2015-17 Employment Agreement June 9, 2016 Page 2 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: The 2015-17 Employment Agreement Between Gresham-Barlow School District 10JT. and James A. Schlachter as Superintendent will be provided at the board meeting. RECOMMENDATION: This summary is being provided as information only. REQUESTED ACTION: Consent agenda acceptance of this summary :lc GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT 1331 NW Eastman Parkway Gresham, OR 97030-3825 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Schlachter Mike Schofield DATE: June 9, 2016 RE: No. 7 – Mutual Aid Omnibus Agreement EXPLANATION: In 2008 the Multnomah County school districts entered into an Intergovernmental Agreement for the purpose of providing emergency assistance to each other if needed. The agreement provides participating districts with emergency assistance in the form of supplemental personnel, equipment, materials, or other support. The borrowing district will receive support at the lender’s discretion. Cost to the borrowing district generally occurs after the first eight hours of use for personnel or equipment and at replacement cost for supplies and materials. Resources “borrowed” with reimbursement and terms of exchange are defined the attached agreement. The point of contact for this agreement would be the director of emergency management to be determined by each district. This agreement will be effective upon execution by two or more participating districts. A participating district may opt to terminate the agreement by providing written notice to each of the participating districts. PRESENTER: Mike Schofield SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: Intergovernmental Agreement – Mutual Aid Omnibus Agreement for Emergency Assistance 2016-2017 RECOMMENDATION: The administration recommends continuation of the Intergovernmental Agreement for Emergency Assistance for 2016-2017 as presented. REQUESTED ACTION: Consent agenda approval :lc Intergovernmental Agreement Mutual Aid Omnibus Agreement Emergency Assistance 2016-2017 Page 1 of 12 INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT Mutual Aid Omnibus Agreement Emergency Assistance 2016-2017 This OMNIBUS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by the undersigned Districts (hereafter referred to as “Participating Districts”) to enable them to provide Emergency assistance to each other during times of emergency. WHEREAS, the Participating Districts have expressed mutual interest in the establishment of an Omnibus Agreement to facilitate and encourage mutual aid and assistance among the Participating Districts; and WHEREAS, in the event of an emergency a Participating District which has executed this Omnibus Agreement may need emergency assistance in the form of supplemental personnel, equipment, materials or other support; and WHEREAS, each Participating District may own and maintain supplies and equipment and employ trained personnel for a variety of public services and is willing, under certain conditions, to lend its supplies, equipment and supplemental personnel to other Participating Districts in the event of an emergency; and WHEREAS, the proximity of the Participating Districts to each other enables them to provide emergency assistance to each other. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, each undersigned Participating District agrees as follows: ***** ARTICLE I – APPLICABILITY This Omnibus Agreement is available for execution to all Participating Districts. Execution of the Omnibus Agreement by a Participating District will occur when the Participating District signs an identical version of this Omnibus Agreement. ARTICLE II – DEFINITIONS A. “Assistance Costs” mean any direct equipment costs and labor costs that extend beyond the first eight (8) hours (usual and customary costs) incurred by the Lender in providing any asset requested. The Lender is expected to absorb the total labor costs for assistance which takes less than eight (8) hours, and is expected to absorb the first eight (8) hours of labor costs in an extended event. The labor costs, including overtime costs, will be absorbed by the Lender, until the Borrower uses borrowed personnel more than eight (8) hours, at which time the labor costs will be incurred by the borrowing Participating District. For this Omnibus Intergovernmental Agreement Mutual Aid Omnibus Agreement Emergency Assistance 2016-2017 Page 2 of 12 Agreement, the time begins when the lending agency makes personnel available. Further agreements regarding costs appear in Article XII, Loans of Personnel. B. "Borrower" means a Participating District which has adopted, signed and subscribes to this Omnibus Agreement and has made a request for emergency assistance and has received commitment(s) to deliver emergency assistance pursuant to the terms of this Omnibus Agreement. C. "Contact Person(s)" means the person or persons designated by each Participating District to request emergency assistance from or grant emergency assistance to another Participating District pursuant to the terms of this Omnibus Agreement. D. "Participating District" means an entire school district or entire education service district. Though the point of contact for this agreement is the Director of Emergency Management, all functions or departments of Participating Districts are implicated in this Omnibus Agreement, as emergency assistance could be provided by any function or department including, but not limited to instruction services, special education services, health services, social services, business services, transportation, information services, and craft or tradesmen. E. "Director of Emergency Management" means the person appointed as the emergency program manager by the superintendent or governing board of a Participating District. F. "Emergency" includes, but is not limited to, a human-caused or natural event or circumstances within the area of operation of any Participating District causing or threatening loss of life, damage to the environment, injury to person or property, human suffering or financial loss, such as: employee strike or work stoppage, fire, explosion, flood, severe weather, drought, earthquake, volcanic activity, spills or releases of hazardous materials, contamination, utility or transportation emergencies, disease, infestation, civil disturbance, riots, acts of terrorism or sabotage, use of weapons of mass destruction; said event being or is likely to be beyond the capacity of any affected Participating District or Participating Districts, in terms of personnel, equipment and facilities, thereby requiring emergency assistance. G. "Emergency Assistance" means employees, services, equipment, materials, or supplies offered during an emergency by the Lender and accepted by the Borrower to assist in maintaining or restoring normal Participating District services when such service has been disrupted by acts of the elements, equipment malfunctions, accidents, terrorism/sabotage and other occurrences where emergency assistance from other Participating Districts is necessary or advisable, as determined by the requesting Participating District. H. "Emergency Contact Information Form" is the form to be submitted to the Directors of Emergency Management by each Participating District that lists names, addresses, and 24 hour contact phone numbers of the Contact Person(s) of each Participating District. I. "Lender" means a Participating District which signed and adopted this Omnibus Agreement and has agreed to deliver emergency assistance to another Participating District pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Omnibus Agreement. Intergovernmental Agreement Mutual Aid Omnibus Agreement Emergency Assistance 2016-2017 Page 3 of 12 J. "Omnibus Agreement" means identical Participating District agreements executed in counterparts which bind the executing Participating District to its terms and conditions to provide and receive emergency assistance. The terms and conditions of the Omnibus Agreements are all identical and the execution of an Omnibus Agreement by a Participating District binds that Participating District to all other Participating Districts which have executed an identical Omnibus Agreement in counterparts. To be effective for purposes of receiving emergency assistance, this Omnibus Agreement must be fully executed and received by the Subscribing Participating Districts’ superintendents. K. "Termination Date" is the date upon which this Agreement terminates pursuant to Article. V. ARTICLE III – PARTICIPATION Participation in this Omnibus Agreement is purely voluntary. ARTICLE IV – ROLES OF DIRECTOR OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT OF PARTICIPATING DISTRICTS Participating Districts agree that individual Directors of Emergency Management or designee can serve as the representative of the Participating District in any meeting to agree on interpretation of the language or implementation of this Omnibus Agreement. The Director of Emergency Management of each Participating District shall, to the extent reasonably possible: A. Participate in any meetings convened which are related to this Omnibus Agreement. B. Obtain and communicate to each Participating District the discussion items and decisions of the meeting. C. Maintain a manual containing the master copy of this Omnibus Agreement, any Amendments thereto, and a list of Participating Districts. D. Notify all Participating Districts whenever a new Participating District executes the Omnibus Agreement. E. Provide each Participating District with a copy of the signature page of newly executed Omnibus Agreement(s). F. Provide each Participating District with copies of the Emergency Contact Information Forms provided by other Participating Districts. G. Notify all Participating Districts whenever a Participating District terminates its participation in this Omnibus Agreement. H. Maintain and distribute checklists to assist Participating Districts in the planning details associated with being a Borrower or Lender under the terms of this Omnibus Agreement. Intergovernmental Agreement Mutual Aid Omnibus Agreement Emergency Assistance 2016-2017 Page 4 of 12 ARTICLE V – TERMS AND TERMINATION A. This Omnibus Agreement is effective upon execution by two or more Participating Districts. B. A Participating District opting to terminate this Omnibus Agreement shall provide written termination notification to the Director of Emergency Management for each Participating District. Notice of termination becomes effective upon receipt by the Directors of Emergency Management. Any terminating Participating District shall remain liable for all obligations incurred during its period of participation, until the obligation is satisfied. ARTICLE VI – PAYMENT FOR SERVICES AND ASSISTANCE Borrower shall pay the Lender for all valid and invoiced assistance costs within sixty (60) days of receipt of the Lender’s invoice, for all of the emergency assistance services provided by the Lender. Lender, in its sole discretion, may elect to extend the repayment deadline, upon the written request of Borrower. In the event the Lender provides equipment, supplies or parts, the Lender shall have the option to accept payment of cash or in kind for the equipment, supplies or parts supplied. ARTICLE VII – INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR Lender shall be and operate as an independent contractor of Borrower in the performance of any emergency assistance. Employees of Lender shall at all times while performing emergency assistance continue to be employees of Lender and shall not be deemed employees of Borrower for any purpose. Wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment of Lender shall remain applicable to all of its employees who perform emergency assistance. Lender shall be solely responsible for payment of its employees’ wages, any required payroll taxes and any benefits or other compensation. Borrower shall not be responsible for paying any wages, benefits, taxes, or other compensation directly to the Lender’s employees. The costs associated with borrowed personnel are subject to reimbursement process outlined in Article XII. In no event shall Lender or its officers, employees, agents, or representatives be authorized (or represent that they are authorized) to make any representation, enter into any agreement, waive any right or incur any obligation in the name of, on behalf of or as agent for Borrower under or by virtue of this Omnibus Agreement. ARTICLE VIII – REQUESTS FOR EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE Requests for emergency assistance shall be directed to the designated contact person(s) on the contact list provided by the Participating Districts. The extent to which the Lender provides any emergency assistance shall be at the Lender’s sole discretion. In the event the emergency impacts a large geographical area that activates either federal or state emergency laws, this Omnibus Agreement shall remain in effect until or unless this Omnibus Agreement conflicts with such federal and state Laws. Intergovernmental Agreement Mutual Aid Omnibus Agreement Emergency Assistance 2016-2017 Page 5 of 12 ARTICLE IX – GENERAL NATURE OF EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE Emergency assistance will be in the form of resources, including equipment, supplies, and personnel, or the direct provision of services. The execution of the Omnibus Agreement shall not create any duty to respond on the part of any Participating District. A Participating District shall not be held liable for failing to provide emergency assistance. A Participating District has the absolute discretion to decline to provide any requested emergency assistance and to withdraw resources it has provided at any time without incurring any liability. Resources are “borrowed” with reimbursement and terms of exchange varying with the type of resource as defined in Articles X through XII. The Participating Districts recognize that time is critical during an emergency and diligent efforts will be made to respond to a request for resources as rapidly as possible, including any notification(s) that requested resources are not available. ARTICLE X – LOANS OF EQUIPMENT At the sole discretion of the Lender, equipment may be made available upon request of a Participating District. The first eight (8) hours of use will be without cost to the Borrower, after which use of equipment, including construction equipment, vehicles, tools, pumps and motors, shall be at the Lender’s actual costs or their current equipment rate; or if no written rates have been established, at the hourly operating costs set forth in an industry standard publication as selected by the Directors of Emergency Management, or as mutually agreed between Borrower and Lender. Equipment and tool loans are subject to the following conditions: 1. At the option of the Lender, loaned equipment may be loaned with an operator. See Article XII for terms and conditions applicable to use of borrowed personnel. 2. Loaned equipment shall be returned to the Lender upon release by the Borrower, or immediately upon the Borrower’s receipt of an oral or written notice from the Lender for the return of the equipment. When notified to return equipment to a Lender, the Borrower shall make every effort to return the equipment to the Lender’s possession within twenty-four (24) hours following notification. 3. Borrower shall, at its own expense, supply all fuel, lubrication and necessary maintenance for loaned equipment. The Borrower will take proper precaution in its operation, storage and maintenance of Lender’s equipment. Lender shall endeavor to provide equipment in good working order. All equipment is provided “as is”, with no representations or warranties as to its fitness for particular purpose, or general condition. 4. Lender’s costs related to the transportation, handling, and loading/unloading of equipment shall be chargeable to the Borrower. Lender shall provide copies of invoices for these charges when provided by outside sources and shall provide hourly accounting of charges for Lender’s employees who perform these services. Intergovernmental Agreement Mutual Aid Omnibus Agreement Emergency Assistance 2016-2017 Page 6 of 12 5. Without prejudice to a Lender’s right to indemnification under Article XIV, in the event loaned equipment is lost or damaged while in the custody and/or use of the Borrower, or while being returned by Borrower to the Lender, Borrower shall reimburse the Lender for the reasonable cost of repairing the damaged equipment. If the equipment cannot be repaired within a time period indicated by the Lender, then Borrower shall reimburse Lender for the cost of replacing damaged equipment with equipment which is of equal condition and capability. Any determinations of what constitutes “equal condition and capability” shall be at the discretion of the Lender. If Lender must lease or rent a piece of equipment while the Lender’s equipment is being repaired or replaced, Borrower shall reimburse Lender for such costs. Borrower shall have the right of subrogation for all claims against persons other than parties to this Omnibus Agreement who may be responsible in whole or in part for damage to the equipment. Borrower shall not be liable for damage caused by the sole negligence of Lender’s Operators. ARTICLE XI – EXCHANGE OF MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Borrower shall reimburse Lender in kind or at Lender’s actual replacement cost, plus handling charges, for use of partially consumed or non-returnable materials and supplies, as mutually agreed between Borrower and Lender. Other reusable materials and supplies which are returned (unused) to Lender in clean, damage-free condition shall not be charged to the Borrower and no rental fee will be charged. Lender shall determine whether items returned are “clean and damage-free” and items shall be treated as partially consumed or non-returnable materials and supplies if an item is found to be damaged. ARTICLE XII – LOANS OF PERSONNEL Lender may, at its option, loan to Borrower employees who are willing to provide various services. These employees will be loaned without cost to the Borrower for the first eight (8) hours of service, after which they will be loaned at Borrower’s expense equal to Lender’s full costs, including each employee’s salary or hourly wages, call back or overtime costs, benefits and overhead, and consistent with Lender’s collective bargaining or individual contracts, if any, or other conditions of employment. Costs to feed and house loaned personnel, if necessary, shall be chargeable to and paid by the Borrower. The Borrower is responsible for assuring such arrangements as may be necessary to provide for the safety, housing, meals, and transportation to and from job sites/housing sites (if necessary) for loaned personnel. The Participating Districts’ Directors of Emergency Management or their designees shall develop planning details associated with being a Borrower or Lender under the terms of this Omnibus Agreement. Lender personnel providing emergency assistance shall be under the temporary direction of the emergency management authorities of the Borrower. Lender shall not be liable for cessation or slowdown of work if Lender’s employees decline or are reluctant to perform any assigned tasks if employees judge a task to be unsafe. A request for loaned personnel to direct the activities of others during a particular response operation does not relieve the Borrower of any responsibility or create any liability on the part of the Lender for decisions and/or consequences of the response operation. When supervisory personnel are loaned, the Lender may make stipulations on the scope and duties of supervisory personnel loaned. Intergovernmental Agreement Mutual Aid Omnibus Agreement Emergency Assistance 2016-2017 Page 7 of 12 ARTICLE XIII – RECORD KEEPING Time sheets and/or daily logs showing hours worked and equipment and materials used or provided by the Lender will be recorded on a shift by shift basis by the Lender and/or the loaned employee(s) and will be provided to the Borrower as needed. If no personnel are loaned, the Lender will provide shipping records for materials and equipment, and the Borrower is responsible for any required documentation of use of material and equipment for any available state or federal reimbursement. Under all circumstances, the Borrower remains responsible for ensuring that the amount and quality of all documentation is adequate to enable disaster reimbursement if available. ARTICLE XIV – INDEMNIFICATION AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY . A. NOTIFICATION AND PARTICIPATION. Participating Districts which execute the Omnibus Agreement are expected to: 1. Ensure that each Participating District timely receives the most current emergency contact information. 2. Participate in scheduled meetings to coordinate operational and implementation issues. B. INDEMNIFICATION. Except as provided in section C., to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the Borrower releases and shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend each Lender, its officers, employees and agents from and against any and all costs, including costs of defense, claims, judgments or awards of damages asserted or arising directly or indirectly from, on account of, or in connection with providing emergency assistance to the Borrower, whether arising before, during or after performance of the emergency assistance and whether suffered by any of the Participating Districts or any person or entity. C. ACTIVITIES IN BAD FAITH OR BEYOND SCOPE. Any Participating District shall not be required under this Omnibus Agreement to indemnify, hold harmless and defend any other Participating District from any claim, loss, harm, liability, damage, cost or expense caused by or resulting from the activities of any Participating District’s officers, employees, or agents who are acting negligent, in bad faith or performing activities beyond the scope of their duties. D. LIABILITY FOR PARTICIPATION. In the event of any liability, claim, demand, action or proceeding, of whatever kind or nature arising out of rendering of emergency assistance through this Omnibus Agreement, the Borrower agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend, to the fullest extent of the law, each signatory to this Omnibus Agreement, whose only involvement in the transaction or occurrence which is the subject of such claim, action, demand, or other proceeding, is the execution and approval of this Omnibus Agreement. E. DELAY/FAILURE TO RESPOND. No Participating District shall be liable to another Participating District for, or be considered in breach of or default under this Omnibus Intergovernmental Agreement Mutual Aid Omnibus Agreement Emergency Assistance 2016-2017 Page 8 of 12 Agreement due to any delay in or failure to perform any obligation under this Omnibus Agreement, except to make payment as specified in this Omnibus Agreement. F. PARTICIPATING DISTRICT LITIGATION PROCEDURES. Each Participating District seeking to be released, indemnified, held harmless or defended under this Article with respect to any claim shall promptly notify the Borrower of such claim and shall not settle such claim without prior consent of Borrower, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. The Participating District shall have the right to participate in the defense of said claim to the extent of its own interest. A Participating District’s personnel shall cooperate and participate in legal proceedings if so requested by the Borrower, and/or required by a court of competent jurisdiction. ARTICLE XVI – WORKERS’ COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYEE CLAIMS Lender’s employees, officers or agents, made available to Borrower, shall remain Lender's employees, officers or agents while engaged in carrying out duties, functions or activities pursuant to this Omnibus Agreement, and each Participating District shall remain fully responsible as employer for all taxes, assessments, fees, premiums, wages, withholdings, workers’ compensation and other direct and indirect compensation, benefits, and related obligations with respect to its own employees. Likewise, each Participating District shall provide Workers’ Compensation in compliance with statutory requirements of the State of Oregon. ARTICLE XVII – MODIFICATIONS No provisions of this Omnibus Agreement may be modified, altered, or rescinded by any Participating District without 2/3 concurrence of the signatory Participating Districts. Modifications to this Omnibus Agreement must be in writing and will become effective upon approval of the modification by a 2/3 affirmative vote of the signatory Participating Districts. Modifications must be signed by an authorized representative of each Participating District. ARTICLE XVIII – NON EXCLUSIVENESS AND PRIOR AGREEMENTS This Omnibus Agreement is not intended to be exclusive among the Participating Districts. Any Participating District may enter into separate emergency assistance agreements with any other entity. No separate agreement shall terminate any responsibility under the Omnibus Agreement. To the extent that prior agreements between Participating Districts are inconsistent with this Agreement, prior agreements for emergency assistance between the Participating Districts will supersede this Omnibus Agreement, until the inconsistencies of the prior agreements are reconciled by the Participating Districts. ARTICLE XIX – GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY This Omnibus Agreement is subject to laws, rules, regulations, orders, and other requirements, now or as amended, of all governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the emergencies covered by this Omnibus Agreement. ARTICLE XX – NO DEDICATION OF FACILITIES Intergovernmental Agreement Mutual Aid Omnibus Agreement Emergency Assistance 2016-2017 Page 9 of 12 No undertaking by a Participating District to another Participating District under any provision of this Omnibus Agreement shall constitute a dedication of the facilities or assets of such Participating District, or any portion thereof, to the public or to the other Participating District. Nothing in this Omnibus Agreement shall be construed to give a Participating District any right of ownership, possession, use or control of the facilities or assets of any other Participating District. ARTICLE XXI – NO PARTNERSHIP This Omnibus Agreement shall not be interpreted or construed to create an association, joint venture or partnership among the signatory Participating Districts or to impose any partnership obligation or liability upon any Participating District. Further, no Participating District shall have any undertaking for or on behalf of, or to act or be an agent or representative of, or to otherwise bind any other Participating District. ARTICLE XXII – NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARY Nothing in this Omnibus Agreement shall be construed to create any rights in or duties to any third party, nor any liability to or standard of care in reference to any third party. This Omnibus Agreement shall not confer any right or remedy upon any person other than the Participating Districts. This Omnibus Agreement shall not release or discharge any obligation or liability of any third party to any Participating District. ARTICLE XXIII – ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Omnibus Agreement constitutes the entire agreement, though prior agreements of the Participating Districts may take precedence over certain concepts outlined in this Agreement. ARTICLE XXIV – SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS This Omnibus Agreement is not transferable or assignable, in whole or in part, and any Participating District may terminate its participation in this Omnibus Agreement subject to Article V. ARTICLE XXV – GOVERNING LAW This Omnibus Agreement shall be interpreted, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon. ARTICLE XXVI – VENUE Any action which may rise out of this Omnibus Agreement shall be brought in the county where the emergency occurred. ARTICLE XXVII – TORT CLAIMS Intergovernmental Agreement Mutual Aid Omnibus Agreement Emergency Assistance 2016-2017 Page 10 of 12 It is not the intention of this Omnibus Agreement to remove from any of the Participating Districts any protection provided by any applicable Tort Claims Act. However, between Borrower and Lender, the Borrower retains full liability to the Lender for any claims brought against the Lender as described in other provisions of this Omnibus Agreement. Intergovernmental Agreement Mutual Aid Omnibus Agreement Emergency Assistance 2016-2017 Page 11 of 12 ARTICLE XXVIII – WAIVER OF RIGHTS Any waiver at any time by any Participating District of its rights with respect to a default under this Omnibus Agreement, or with respect to any other matter arising in connection with this Omnibus Agreement, shall not constitute or be deemed a waiver with respect to any subsequent default or other matter arising in connection with this Omnibus Agreement. Any delay in asserting or enforcing any right, except those related to the statutes of limitations, shall not constitute or be deemed a waiver. ARTICLE XXIX – INVALID PROVISION The invalidity or unenforceability of any provisions of this Omnibus Agreement shall be construed in all respects as if such invalid or unenforceable provisions were omitted. ARTICLE XXX – NOTICES Any notice, demand, information, report, or item otherwise required, authorized, or provided for in this Omnibus Agreement shall be given in writing and shall be deemed properly given if (i) delivered personally, (ii) transmitted and received by telephone facsimile device and confirmed by telephone, or (iii) sent by United States Mail, postage prepaid, to the Directors of Emergency Management for all Participating Districts at the address designated in each Participating District’s Emergency Contact Information Form. Intergovernmental Agreement Mutual Aid Omnibus Agreement Emergency Assistance 2016-2017 Page 12 of 12 SIGNATURE PAGE: GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT-NO 10J 1331 NW Eastman Parkway Gresham, OR 97030 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, School District No 10J, Multnomah County Oregon (GreshamBarlow) hereto has caused this Omnibus Agreement for emergency assistance to be executed by its duly authorized representatives as of the date of their signatures. Dated this __________day of __________________, 2016 By: ______________________________ Jim Schlachter, Superintendent By: ______________________________ Michael D. Schofield, Chief Financial Officer Director of Emergency Management REVIEWED: By: ______________________________ Attorney ***** ADOPTED BY GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS Resolution Number: Date: ***** GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT 1331 NW Eastman Parkway Gresham, OR 97030-3825 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Schlachter Mike Schofield DATE: June 9, 2016 RE: No. 8 – Nutrition Services: Food Services Contract Amendment for 2016-2017 EXPLANATION: As required under the July 2015 agreement between GreshamBarlow School District and Sodexo America, LLC, a letter of notice has been received to continue the agreement for 2016-2017. The Nutrition Services Department of the Oregon Department of Education delivered instructions for the annual renewal contract with food service management companies. Attached is the required amendment for continuation. PRESENTER: Mike Schofield SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: Amendment: Gresham-Barlow School District #10 and Sodexo America LLC RECOMMENDATION: The administration recommends continuation of the agreement with Sodexo America, LLC, as the district’s food service management company for 2016-2017, and board approval of the contract amendment as presented. REQUESTED ACTION: Consent agenda approval MS:mkh:lc Mike Schofield, Chief Financial Officer Gresham-Barlow School District No. 10Jt 1331 NW Eastman Parkway, Gresham, OR 97030-3825 Phone: (503) 261-4567 Fax: (503) 261-4552 AMENDMENT GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT #10 AND SODEXO AMERICA, LLC THIS AMENDMENT, dated May 3, 2016, is between GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT #10 ("LEA") and SODEXO AMERICA, LLC ("FSMC"). W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, LEA and FSMC entered into a certain Management Agreement dated July 1, 2015, as amended ("Agreement"), whereby FSMC manages and operates LEA’s Food Service operation located in Gresham, Oregon; WHEREAS, the parties now desire to further amend the aforesaid Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises herein contained and for other good and valuable consideration, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. school year. 2. Any and all references to the "2015-2016" school year shall be changed to "2016-2017" Section 1.3 is deleted in its entirety and the following substituted therefor: 1.3 Term of the Agreement. The term of this Agreement commences on July 1, 2016 and continues until June 30, 2017. The Agreement is subject to maximum Three (3) additional one-year renewals upon the consent of both parties, unless terminated earlier as provided in the Article concerning General Terms and Conditions. Extensions or renewals are contingent upon the fulfillment of all contract provisions related to donated foods. 3. Section 6.1 is deleted in its entirety and the following substituted therefor: 6.1 Billing for Fixed Price Per Meal. The LEA and the FSMC have mutually agreed upon the fixed price per meal as follows: Contract Amendment SBP -Breakfast -Meal Equivalents $3.301 per meal (3 breakfasts = 1 meal) $3.301 per meal based on $3.3125 rate NSLP -Lunch -Snack -Meal Equivalents $3.301 per meal (1 lunch = 1 meal) $3.301 per snack (4 snacks = 1 meal) $3.301 per meal based on $3.3125 rate SFSP -Breakfast -Lunch -Snack -Meal Equivalents $3.301 per meal (3 breakfast = 1 meal) $3.301 per meal (1 lunch = 1 meal) $3.301 per snack (4 snacks = 1 meal) $3.301 per meal based on $3.3125 rate 1 of 2 CACFP -Breakfast -Lunch -Snack -Suppers -Meal Equivalents $3.301 per meal (3 breakfast = 1 meal) $3.301 per meal (1 lunch = 1 meal) $3.301 per snack (4 snacks = 1 meal) $3.301 per meal (1 Supper = 1 meal) $3.301 per meal based on $3.3125 rate Vended Meal Programs -Breakfast $3.301 per meal (3 breakfast = 1 meal) -Lunch $3.301 per meal (1 lunch = 1 meal) -Snack $3.301 per snack (4 snacks = 1 meal) -Meal Equivalents $3.301 per meal based on $3.3125 rate A. Meal Equivalent Defined: 1. For fixed price per meal purposes, each reimbursable lunch shall be considered one (1) meal/meal equivalent, each reimbursable breakfast shall be considered one-third (1/3) of a meal/meal equivalent, and one reimbursable snack shall be considered one-fourth (1/4) of a meal/meal equivalent. 2. For cash meal sale other than reimbursable meals, the number of meal equivalents shall be determined by dividing the total of all food sales except reimbursable meal and snack sales (including sales of adult meals, a la carte meals, snack bar, catering, conference, and any other function sales) by the sum of the current school year free meal reimbursement rate and the commodity value. (Example: The meal equivalency rate = $3.06 plus $0.2525 equals $3.3125 and Lunch Equivalents = total Ala Carte dollars divided by $ 3.3125). B. The FSMC shall submit the following supporting documents to the LEA monthly: • Daily meal counts by benefit category by school for each program • Daily menu production records by program • Monthly summary of Value of Commodities used • Monthly summary of Revenues from other sales C. Expenses paid by the FSMC and not charged to the LEA or the food service operations include, but are not limited to: -Reports filed to the State -Corporate income tax D. Crediting Value of Commodities Received by the LEA – The FSMC must credit the LEA for the value of all donated food received, entitlement and bonus, for use in the LEA’s meal service during the school year. This includes the value of donated food contained in processed end products. The FSMC shall list on the invoice the value of commodities received, for the period and deduct the amount of value from the total owed by LEA for the NSLP meals served. The value of commodities for entitlement and bonus is the average USDA purchase price as listed by ODE. For processed commodities it is the processing agreement value. 4. This Amendment is effective July 1, 2016 and thereafter, unless amended. All other terms and conditions contained in the Agreement shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect, except by necessary implication. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the duly authorized officers of the parties have executed this Amendment, as of the date indicated in the first paragraph of this Amendment. SO AGREED: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Print Name Signature of FSMC Authorized Representative Title Date Chief Financial Officer May 17, 2016 Michael D. Schofield _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Print Name Signature of LEA Authorized Representative Title Date Contract Amendment 2 of 2 GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT 1331 NW Eastman Parkway Gresham, OR 97030-3825 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Schlachter Mike Schofield DATE: June 9, 2016 RE: No. 9 – Nutrition Services: Food Services Intergovernmental Agreement with MESD EXPLANATION: Attached is the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with Multnomah Education Service District to continue providing breakfast and lunch meals for the participating alternative school sites. The IGA will allow Sodexo to provide meals for Arata Creek and Burlingame. The Nutrition Services Department of the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) delivered instructions for the Intergovernmental Agreement. Attached is the required agreement provided by ODE for 2016-17. PRESENTER: Mike Schofield SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: 1. Intergovernmental Agreement between Multnomah Education Service District and Gresham-Barlow School District for Food/Meal Services for Arata Creek 2. Intergovernmental Agreement between Multnomah Education Service District and Gresham-Barlow School District for Food/Meal Services for Burlingame RECOMMENDATION: The administration recommends approval of the 2016-17 Intergovernmental Agreements with Multnomah Education Service District for Food/Meal Services for Arata Creek and Burlingame, as presented. REQUESTED ACTION: Consent agenda approval MS:mkh:lc Options for Contracted Meal Services How to get meals from outside your organization? Sponsors for the Child Nutrition Programs have options for providing food/meal services. Food service contracts are agreements between school districts both public and private, private non-profit organizations or a public government entities. The meal providers may also be a catering company or a food service management company. The provider may prepare and serve the food or may act as a vendor only. Meals not prepared by the Sponsor either on site (self-prep) or from the Sponsor’s central kitchen are considered meals from an outside source. Choose the agreement that best fits your situation. Intergovernmental Agreement (Pages 2-6) Fillable form, complete, print, and sign page 6 This type of Agreement is between two public entities. When a sponsor that is a public entity receives food, meals, and/or staffing from another public entity an Intergovernmental Agreement is used. (ORS 190.010) If there is another Sponsor for the child nutrition programs that is willing to be the vendor, the Agreement may be awarded by direct negotiation with the other Sponsor without competition. The Sponsor will retain all documentation in their files for review. Agreements developed under this option do not have renewal years available; they are negotiated each year. Vended Meal Agreement (Pages 7-12) Fillable form, complete, print, and sign page 11 In a Vended Meal Agreement, the vendor does not directly manage any aspect of actually serving the food. Instead, the vendor provides only pre-packaged, pre-plated meals or food only. When meal food costs will be under $150,000 during the fiscal year and the Sponsor is providing the staff for serving the meals a Vended Meal Agreement is used. The Sponsor must document contact with at least three (3) vendors and obtain competitive price quotations. The Sponsor will retain all documentation in their files for review. Agreements developed under this option do not have renewal years available; they are negotiated each year. Food Service Management Company Agreement The Food Service Management Company (FSMC) provides services for Sponsors such as serving, producing, and supplying prepared foods. FSMCs can also provide program operational, facility management, and staffing services to Sponsors. In general, FSMC services will require a competitive procurement and resulting agreement as the yearly cost is over $150,000. Sponsors typically use a Request for Proposal (RFP) format to procure a management company. The RFP format allows the Sponsor to award the Agreement based on a combination of lowest price and how well the proposals meet the evaluation criteria established by the Sponsor. Form 581-3658b-E (Rev. 10/13) 1 If you need guidance or technical assistance for this process, please contact your assigned Child Nutrition Specialist. INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN Multnomah Education Service District AND Gresham Barlow School District FOR FOOD/MEAL SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT is entered into by and between Multnomah Education Service District 2613008 and Gresham Barlow School District - 2607003. RECITALS WHEREAS, Multnomah Education Service District AND Gresham Barlow School District as units of local government, as that term is defined in ORS 190.003; and WHEREAS, ORS 190.010 provides that units of local government may enter into written agreements for the performance of any or all functions and activities that a party to the agreement, its officers or agencies, have authority to perform; and states further that the agreement may provide for the performance of a function or activity: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. By a consolidated department; By jointly providing for administrative officers; By means of facilities or equipment jointly constructed, owned, leased, or operated; By one (1) of the parties for any other party; By an intergovernmental entity created by the agreement and governed by a board or commission appointed by, responsible to enacting on behalf of the units of local government that are parties to the agreement; or By a combination of the methods described above; and WHEREAS, ORS 190.020 requires the agreement to specify the functions or activities to be performed and by what means they shall be performed and, where applicable, the agreement shall provide for: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The apportionment among the parties to the agreement of the responsibility for providing funds to pay for expenses incurred in the performance of the functions or activities; The apportionment of fees or other revenue derived from the functions or activities and the manner in which such revenue shall be accounted for; The transfer of personnel and the preservation of their employment benefits; The transfer of possession of or title to real or personal property; The term or duration of the agreement, which may be perpetual; The rights of the parties to terminate the agreement’ and; WHEREAS, concerning the effect of the agreement, ORS 190.030 states: 1. When an agreement under ORS 190.010 has been entered into, the unit of local government, consolidated department, intergovernmental entity or administrative officer Form 581-3658b-E (Rev. 10/13) 2 2. 3. designated therein to perform special functions or activities is vested with all powers, rights and duties relating to those functions and activities that are vested in law in each separate party to the agreement, its officers and agencies; An officer designated in an agreement to perform specified duties, functions or activities or two or more public officers shall be considered to be holding only one (1) office; An elective office may not be terminated by an agreement under ORS 190.010; and WHEREAS, Multnomah Education Service District AND Gresham Barlow School District recognize that the consolidation of programs is the best utilization of public tax dollars; and, WHEREAS, Multnomah Education Service District AND Gresham Barlow School District wish to enter into an agreement in which Gresham Barlow School District provides meal services to Arata Creek High School - 12284. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and covenants herein contained, the parties enter into the following: AGREEMENT 1. Purpose and Effective Date of Agreement 1.1 The purpose of this Agreement is for Gresham Barlow School District to provide food/meal services to Arata Creek High School - 12284. 1.2 This Agreement becomes effective upon execution by both parties and services shall remain in effect until June 30, 2017. Any changes to this Agreement must be in writing, in the form of an amendment to this agreement and signed by both parties. 1.3 Gresham Barlow School District has a Food Service Management Company Contract Not Applicable (do not complete statement below – scroll down to #2) Applicable (complete statement below) This Agreement is subject to the Food Service Management Company Contract (FSMC) between Gresham Barlow School District and Sodexo, with effective dates of July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017. In case of conflict between this Agreement and the provisions of the FSMC contract, the provisions of the Agreement between Gresham Barlow School District and Sodexo shall control. (A copy of the FSMC contract is attached to the agreement for reference by the parties.) 2. Duties and Responsibilities of Gresham Barlow School District of party providing the services 2.1 Gresham Barlow School District will provide the following service to Arata Creek High School - 12284 2.1.1 Provide meals each weekday, Monday through Friday. Meals will not be provided on holidays or when school is not in session, teacher planning days for either district, or any other days when school is not in session at either Gresham Barlow School District or Arata Creek High School - 12284 2.1.2 In the event of emergency closure by either Gresham Barlow School District or Arata Creek High School - 12284 the vendor will not provide food service to Arata Creek High School - 12284. In the event of a delayed opening or early release of students due to Form 581-3658b-E (Rev. 10/13) 3 emergency circumstances, food service will be provided unless school will not be in session for either Gresham Barlow School District or Arata Creek High School - 12284 during normal meal service hours. 2.1.3 The content of the meals to be served will be decided by vendor. The vendor will prepare a proposed menu for the following month and submit it to Arata Creek High School - 12284 by the 25th of each month. The vendor retains the right to change menu items or revise the menu in the event of unavailability or increased item prices. Substituted menu items shall meet the conditions of described in this Agreement. 2.1.4 All reimbursable lunches, breakfasts, and snacks shall meet the qualifications of USDA reimbursement as described in 7 CFR 210.10 and 220.8, 225.16, and 226.20 [as applicable]. All meals prepared by vendor shall meet or exceed all applicable regulations established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Oregon Department of Education. 2.1.5 Provide on-site food service employee(s) to prepare and serve meals at Arata Creek High School - 12284 for breakfast and lunch service. Said food service employees shall, at all times and for all purposes, remain employee(s) of the vendor. 2.1.6 Train, discipline, and/or dismiss employees working for Gresham Barlow School District. 2.1.7 Provide training to all employees on applicable sanitation and food service regulations. 2.1.8 Be responsible for the payment of any and all salary, insurance, and other costs or benefits related to the above-referenced food service employees(s). 2.1.9 Meals will be prepared and served in accordance with Arata Creek High School - 12284 established breakfast and lunch meal periods. 2.10.10 All employees reemployed in the Gresham Barlow School District Food Service operation will be employees of the vendor. The vendor will provide workers’ compensation insurance and administer all workers’ compensation claims and will defend and hold harmless Gresham Barlow School District for workers’ compensation claims incurred if an employee of vendor is injured at either employment site. 2.2 Gresham Barlow School District will bill Arata Creek High School - 12284 for the abovereferenced items on a monthly basis. 3. Duties and Responsibilities of Arata Creek High School - 12284 of party receiving the services 3.1 Arata Creek High School - 12284 will provide garbage service for the kitchen and the disposable products. 3.2 Arata Creek High School - 12284 shall be responsible for providing secure food storage facilities that meet all applicable regulations for the storage of food. Form 581-3658b-E (Rev. 10/13) 4 3.3 Arata Creek High School - 12284 shall be responsible for providing adequate food preparation and service facilities that meet all applicable regulations, and shall be responsible for all repairs and maintenance of said facilities. 3.4 Arata Creek High School - 12284 will maintain all equipment used in food preparation and storage and will purchase new equipment a necessary to ensure safe food preparation and storage. 3.5 Arata Creek High School - 12284 shall pay Gresham Barlow School District $2.70 for every student lunch and $1.45 for student breakfast meal served at Arata Creek High School 12284. Additionally, Arata Creek High School - 12284 will pay Gresham Barlow School District for all meal equivalents at $1.00 per meal equivalent. Meal equivalents are the result of dividing the total of Net Sales, other than from pattern meals sales (including cash for adult meals, a la carte food and beverages sales, snack bar, catering conferences or other functions sales) by One Dollar ($1.00). 3.6 Payment by Arata Creek High School - 12284 shall be due within fifteen (15) days of receipt of a monthly invoice from Gresham Barlow School District. 3.7 Gresham Barlow School District will be granted access to ordering and utilizing Arata Creek High School - 12284 USDA Foods (commodities) entitlement for use in preparing meals. USDA Foods will remain the property of Arata Creek High School - 12284. 3.8 The books, deposits, records, free and reduced application and verification process and reimbursement claims in accordance with the National School Lunch Program (7 CFR 210) pertaining to Arata Creek High School - 12284 Food Service operation shall be the property and responsibility of Arata Creek High School - 12284. 4. Employment. The vendor is the employer of any employees hired to run the Food Service operations at Gresham Barlow School District. The vendor is responsible for general supervisory oversight over these employees, along with the human resource functions including hours and benefits. The vendor will also provide workers’ compensation for all employees at Gresham Barlow School District hired to run the Food Service operation. 5. Indemnification. Each party agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the other against any liabilities resulting from the activities of each party’s employees on behalf of each public entity. 6. Assignment. Neither party to this agreement may assign its interest in the agreement without the express written consent of the other party. 7. Compliance with Laws. During the entire term of this agreement, the parties shall comply in every respect with all laws, rules, and regulations of the State of Oregon. 8. Waiver. No waiver of any portion of this agreement shall be deemed or shall constitute a waiver of any other portion thereof, nor shall any waiver constitute a continuing waiver. 9. Contract Disputes. The parties agree that any disagreement regarding the interpretation, meaning or effect or any provision of this agreement shall be settled by arbitration if so requested by either party in writing. The arbitration decision will be binding upon the parties. The cost of such arbitration shall be shared equally between the parties. Form 581-3658b-E (Rev. 10/13) 5 10. Termination or Suspension of Performance. 10.1 This agreement may be terminated without cause by either party by providing the other party thirty (30) days’ notice, in writing, and delivered by certified mail or in person. 10.2 Any such termination of this agreement shall be without prejudice to any obligations or liabilities of either party already accrued prior to the notice of termination. 10.3 The parties agree to promptly settle all accounts existing from work performed under this agreement upon termination. Form 581-3658b-E (Rev. 10/13) 6 The foregoing represents the entire agreement between the parties and any prior understanding or representations of any kind preceding the date of this agreement shall not be binding upon the other party except to the extent incorporated in this agreement. No modification of this agreement shall be binding upon the other party except to the extent incorporated in this agreement. By:___________________________________________________ Authorized Representative Signature of Sponsor Date Signed: By:___________________________________________________ Authorized Representative Signature of Vendor Date Signed: Form 581-3658b-E (Rev. 10/13) 7 VENDED MEAL AGREEMENT FIXED MEAL PRICES For use by Oregon Child Nutrition Programs (CNP) Sponsors Program Year This Agreement is entered into by and between Sponsor Name and Agreement # and Vendor Name. This Agreement becomes effective upon being fully executed by both parties. This agreement shall be effective beginning Beginning Date and ending Ending Date, not to exceed one(1) year. Check only one: Sponsor and Vendor are both CNP Sponsors Sponsor is a CNP Sponsor; Vendor is NOT a CNP Sponsor SPONSOR and Vendor mutually agree as follows: 1. SCOPE AND PURPOSE. 1.1 Vendor agrees to supply meals which meet or exceed the minimum meal pattern requirements with Sponsor’s Agreement with the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) to participate in the Child Nutrition Programs (CNP). 1.2 Child Nutrition Programs: Mark all applicable programs: National School Lunch Program (NSLP) School Breakfast Program (SBP) Special Milk Programs (SMP) Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) 1.3 Sponsor will be legally responsible for the conduct of the food service program, and will supervise the food service operations in such manner as will ensure compliance with the requirements of ODE and the USDA. Sponsor will retain control of the food service account and overall financial responsibility for CNP. Sponsor will retain signature authority on forms submitted to ODE including the CNP Agreement, the annual CNP application and CNP monthly claims for reimbursement. Sponsor will evaluate monthly meal information submitted by the Vendor and verify that the information is accurate before submitting monthly claims for reimbursement. Sponsor is responsible for conducting required site monitoring visits. If charging for meals Sponsor will establish all selling prices for reimbursable and non-reimbursable meals/milk and a la carte prices. 1.4 Upon request, Sponsor must make all accounts and records pertaining to the Program available to representatives of the Oregon Department of Education, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the General Accounting Office for audit or administrative and nutrition reviews, at a reasonable time and place. 1.5 Sponsor may request Vendor to provide additional food service such as special functions and catering. Sponsor or requesting organization will be billed for the actual Form 581-3658b-E (Rev. 10/13) 8 cost of food, supplies and labor, plus a mutually agreed upon mark-up for administrative overhead, which will be negotiated outside of this Agreement. 1.6 The Vendor will comply with the rules and regulations of ODE and USDA that are applicable to the programs being administered, and any additions or amendments thereto, including but not limited to 7 CFR Parts 210, 215, 220, 225, 245, 250, and 3016, or 3019. 2. MEAL PRICES Sponsor will pay Vendor the following fixed meal rates as proposed by Vendor. These meals will be unitized inclusive of milk. Breakfast @ $ each Snack @ $ each Milk @ $ each Lunch @ $ each Supper @ $ each These prices include transportation if applicable, food, and required supplies for serving if applicable, packaging and containers needed to transport food in accordance with State and local sanitation requirements. Food will be transported from the food preparation center, Name of Facility which is located in Location of Facility, in appropriate containers to maintain safe food temperatures and will be accompanied by the appropriate delivery receipt. 3. MEALS The Vendor must provide the Sponsor, for review and approval, a proposed 20-day cycle menu for the operational period, at least # of days business days prior to the beginning of the period to which the menus applies. The menu must meet the selected meal pattern requirements. The Sponsor may request changes in the menu. Any changes to the menu made after the Sponsor’s approval must be agreed upon by the Vendor and documented on the menu records. Menu items may be adjusted in writing by the mutual consent of both parties. However, the Vendor shall adjust the menus at the request of the Sponsor whenever the Sponsor determines certain items to be unacceptable. Such items can be determined to be unacceptable because of 1) monotonous diet resulting from items served frequently or similarity to other items; 2) the nutritional needs of the students; 3) susceptibility to spoilage; 4) the foods are not age appropriate, and 5) excessive waste resulting from unpopularity of items with children. Such adjustments shall be made at the earliest convenience of both parties, but in no instance later than # of days after request, except in cases where spoilage is discovered, Sponsor shall receive acceptable meals meeting meal pattern requirements. [For CACFP, NSLP, and SBP Meals] If necessary, Vendor will make substitutions in the meal pattern for children who have a disability documented by a medical doctor (MD) and whose disability restricts the child’s diet. Meal patterns will be determined as prescribed by the MD’s written diet order [7 CFR 15(b) (3)]. Payment for alternate meals will be determined on a case-by-case between the Sponsor and the Vendor. A designated representative of Sponsor Name will order meals for each day not later than Time PM the day before service, with adjustments made not later than Time AM the day of service. Form 581-3658b-E (Rev. 10/13) 9 In addition, it is agreed that, on a weekly basis, Vendor will provide Sponsor with menus which clearly indicate that all meals contain the required components. These menus will be provided at least one (1) week in advance of their serving. Further, Vendor will maintain full and accurate records including meal production records indicating the type and amount of food prepared and delivery receipts which indicate the daily number of meals delivered. These records will be reported to the Sponsor promptly at the end of the month. The Sponsor will not pay for meals that are delivered outside of the agreed upon delivery time. The Sponsor will not be responsible for payment of meals that 1) do not meet the meal pattern requirements as specified in the Agreement; 2) do not meet required portion size; and/or 3) are spoiled or unwholesome at time of receipt. Sponsor must notify the Vendor of the issue and number of meals to be credited prior the meal being served. Meal service transporting equipment, containers, and utensils will be provided by Sponsor with cleaning and sanitization on a daily basis by Sponsor. The Vendor will present an invoice and delivery receipts within # of working days working days following the end of each preceding month for meals delivered. The Sponsor will submit payment to the Vendor within # of working days working days of receipt of the invoice. The Sponsor will notify the Vendor within # of working days working days of receipt of any discrepancies in the invoice. The Sponsor shall pay the Vendor for all meals delivered in accordance with the Agreement. Neither ODE nor USDA will assume any liability for payment of the difference between the number of meals prepared and delivered by the Vendor and the number of meals served by the Sponsor that are eligible for reimbursement. In addition neither ODE nor USDA will be responsible for resolving issues for partial or non-payment per the terms of this Agreement. Sponsor and Vendor agree to non-payment for meals that do not adhere to the menu and portion size requirements as specified by the federal regulations. The Sponsor shall retain all records relating to food production and delivery for the current operating year plus three (3) years but not limited to, the following: • Production records, including quantities, and amounts of food used in preparation of each meal and food component of menus • Standardized recipes and yield from recipes as deemed necessary • Crediting documentation for all items such as: Manufacturer’s Product Formulation Statements (MPFS), food product labels, CN Labels, and etc. • Processed product nutritional analysis • Dates of preparation of meals • Number of meals and locations where meals were delivered • Signed vended meal receipts • Nutrition Facts Label(s) of individual food items, and/or Nutrient Analysis for prepared food items. • Bills charged to Sponsor for meals delivered under this Agreement including the credit of USDA Foods where applicable • Inventory records Form 581-3658b-E (Rev. 10/13) 10 • All documents pertaining to this procurement transaction: all quotes/bids received, evaluation criteria including justification for awarding the resulting agreement. 4. HEALTH CERTFICIATION Both Sponsor and Vendor adhere to all applicable federal, state and local health and sanitation certifications and inspections. All food will be properly stored, prepared, packaged, and transported free of contamination and at appropriate temperatures. 5. FURTHER PROVISIONS 5.1 Both Sponsor and Vendor must follow USDA’s nondiscrimination policies, including incorporating the following nondiscrimination statement on all program materials published, electronically and in print, for public information through brochures, bulletins, leaflets, letters, newspapers, and websites. Federal regulations allow use of a shorter nondiscrimination statement on program materials less than one (1) page in length. The short statement must be in the same size print as the text of the documents. Full Version: In accordance with Federal law and the U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call, toll free (866) 632-9992 (Voice). TDD users can contact USDA through local relay or the Federal relay at (800) 877-8339 (TDD) or (866) 377-8642 (relay voice users). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Short Version: This Institution is an equal opportunity provider. 5.2 This Agreement may be terminated by notice in writing given by any party to the other parties at least 30 days prior to the date of termination. This Agreement may be terminated immediately for cause. Additional inclusions must be attached to this Agreement. Attachment A Form 581-3658b-E (Rev. 10/13) 11 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of date indicated below. Sponsor Name Sponsor Name Vendor Name Vendor Name Title, Sponsor Title, Sponsor Title, Vendor Name Title, Vendor Authorized Representative Signature Authorized Representative Signature Date Signed Date Signed Date Signed Date Signed Form 581-3658b-E (Rev. 10/13) 12 ATTACHMENT A SERVICES LOCATION INFORMATION The Sponsor shall ensure that a representative is available at each delivery site, at the specified time on each specified delivery day to receive, inspect, and sign for the requested number of meals. The individual will verify the temperature, quality, and quantity of each meal delivery. The Sponsor assures the Vendor that this individual will be trained and knowledgeable in the record keeping and meal requirements for the CNP and with local health safety codes. Meal Type(S) # of Meals Location Delivery Time(s) Pick-up Time(s) Calendar/Emergency Closing Information Sponsors days of operation requiring meals: Checks days of operation: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Vendor days of operation: Check days of operation: Monday Tuesday Each Sponsor/Vendor needs to provide information regarding how services will be provided or not when days of operation do not match. Include in the statement how emergency closures or events will be handled. Sponsor Information: Sponsor Information Vendor Information Vendor Information Form 581-3658b-E (Rev. 10/13) 13 Options for Contracted Meal Services How to get meals from outside your organization? Sponsors for the Child Nutrition Programs have options for providing food/meal services. Food service contracts are agreements between school districts both public and private, private non-profit organizations or a public government entities. The meal providers may also be a catering company or a food service management company. The provider may prepare and serve the food or may act as a vendor only. Meals not prepared by the Sponsor either on site (self-prep) or from the Sponsor’s central kitchen are considered meals from an outside source. Choose the agreement that best fits your situation. Intergovernmental Agreement (Pages 2-6) Fillable form, complete, print, and sign page 6 This type of Agreement is between two public entities. When a sponsor that is a public entity receives food, meals, and/or staffing from another public entity an Intergovernmental Agreement is used. (ORS 190.010) If there is another Sponsor for the child nutrition programs that is willing to be the vendor, the Agreement may be awarded by direct negotiation with the other Sponsor without competition. The Sponsor will retain all documentation in their files for review. Agreements developed under this option do not have renewal years available; they are negotiated each year. Vended Meal Agreement (Pages 7-12) Fillable form, complete, print, and sign page 11 In a Vended Meal Agreement, the vendor does not directly manage any aspect of actually serving the food. Instead, the vendor provides only pre-packaged, pre-plated meals or food only. When meal food costs will be under $150,000 during the fiscal year and the Sponsor is providing the staff for serving the meals a Vended Meal Agreement is used. The Sponsor must document contact with at least three (3) vendors and obtain competitive price quotations. The Sponsor will retain all documentation in their files for review. Agreements developed under this option do not have renewal years available; they are negotiated each year. Food Service Management Company Agreement The Food Service Management Company (FSMC) provides services for Sponsors such as serving, producing, and supplying prepared foods. FSMCs can also provide program operational, facility management, and staffing services to Sponsors. In general, FSMC services will require a competitive procurement and resulting agreement as the yearly cost is over $150,000. Sponsors typically use a Request for Proposal (RFP) format to procure a management company. The RFP format allows the Sponsor to award the Agreement based on a combination of lowest price and how well the proposals meet the evaluation criteria established by the Sponsor. Form 581-3658b-E (Rev. 10/13) 1 If you need guidance or technical assistance for this process, please contact your assigned Child Nutrition Specialist. INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN Multnomah Education Service District AND Gresham Barlow School District FOR FOOD/MEAL SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT is entered into by and between Multnomah Education Service District 2613008 and Gresham Barlow School District - 2607003. RECITALS WHEREAS, Multnomah Education Service District AND Gresham Barlow School District as units of local government, as that term is defined in ORS 190.003; and WHEREAS, ORS 190.010 provides that units of local government may enter into written agreements for the performance of any or all functions and activities that a party to the agreement, its officers or agencies, have authority to perform; and states further that the agreement may provide for the performance of a function or activity: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. By a consolidated department; By jointly providing for administrative officers; By means of facilities or equipment jointly constructed, owned, leased, or operated; By one (1) of the parties for any other party; By an intergovernmental entity created by the agreement and governed by a board or commission appointed by, responsible to enacting on behalf of the units of local government that are parties to the agreement; or By a combination of the methods described above; and WHEREAS, ORS 190.020 requires the agreement to specify the functions or activities to be performed and by what means they shall be performed and, where applicable, the agreement shall provide for: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The apportionment among the parties to the agreement of the responsibility for providing funds to pay for expenses incurred in the performance of the functions or activities; The apportionment of fees or other revenue derived from the functions or activities and the manner in which such revenue shall be accounted for; The transfer of personnel and the preservation of their employment benefits; The transfer of possession of or title to real or personal property; The term or duration of the agreement, which may be perpetual; The rights of the parties to terminate the agreement’ and; WHEREAS, concerning the effect of the agreement, ORS 190.030 states: 1. When an agreement under ORS 190.010 has been entered into, the unit of local government, consolidated department, intergovernmental entity or administrative officer Form 581-3658b-E (Rev. 10/13) 2 2. 3. designated therein to perform special functions or activities is vested with all powers, rights and duties relating to those functions and activities that are vested in law in each separate party to the agreement, its officers and agencies; An officer designated in an agreement to perform specified duties, functions or activities or two or more public officers shall be considered to be holding only one (1) office; An elective office may not be terminated by an agreement under ORS 190.010; and WHEREAS, Multnomah Education Service District AND Gresham Barlow School District recognize that the consolidation of programs is the best utilization of public tax dollars; and, WHEREAS, Multnomah Education Service District AND Gresham Barlow School District wish to enter into an agreement in which Gresham Barlow School District provides meal services to Burlingame Creek High School - 12828. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and covenants herein contained, the parties enter into the following: AGREEMENT 1. Purpose and Effective Date of Agreement 1.1 The purpose of this Agreement is for Gresham Barlow School District to provide food/meal services to Burlingame Creek High School - 12828. 1.2 This Agreement becomes effective upon execution by both parties and services shall remain in effect until June 30, 2017. Any changes to this Agreement must be in writing, in the form of an amendment to this agreement and signed by both parties. 1.3 Gresham Barlow School District has a Food Service Management Company Contract Not Applicable (do not complete statement below – scroll down to #2) Applicable (complete statement below) This Agreement is subject to the Food Service Management Company Contract (FSMC) between Gresham Barlow School District and Sodexo, with effective dates of July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017. In case of conflict between this Agreement and the provisions of the FSMC contract, the provisions of the Agreement between Gresham Barlow School District and Sodexo shall control. (A copy of the FSMC contract is attached to the agreement for reference by the parties.) 2. Duties and Responsibilities of Gresham Barlow School District of party providing the services 2.1 Gresham Barlow School District will provide the following service to Burlingame Creek High School - 12828 2.1.1 Provide meals each weekday, Monday through Friday. Meals will not be provided on holidays or when school is not in session, teacher planning days for either district, or any other days when school is not in session at either Gresham Barlow School District or Burlingame Creek High School - 12828 2.1.2 In the event of emergency closure by either Gresham Barlow School District or Burlingame Creek High School - 12828 the vendor will not provide food service to Burlingame Creek High School - 12828. In the event of a delayed opening or early Form 581-3658b-E (Rev. 10/13) 3 release of students due to emergency circumstances, food service will be provided unless school will not be in session for either Gresham Barlow School District or Burlingame Creek High School - 12828 during normal meal service hours. 2.1.3 The content of the meals to be served will be decided by vendor. The vendor will prepare a proposed menu for the following month and submit it to Burlingame Creek High School - 12828 by the 25th of each month. The vendor retains the right to change menu items or revise the menu in the event of unavailability or increased item prices. Substituted menu items shall meet the conditions of described in this Agreement. 2.1.4 All reimbursable lunches, breakfasts, and snacks shall meet the qualifications of USDA reimbursement as described in 7 CFR 210.10 and 220.8, 225.16, and 226.20 [as applicable]. All meals prepared by vendor shall meet or exceed all applicable regulations established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Oregon Department of Education. 2.1.5 Provide on-site food service employee(s) to prepare and serve meals at Burlingame Creek High School - 12828 for breakfast and lunch service. Said food service employees shall, at all times and for all purposes, remain employee(s) of the vendor. 2.1.6 Train, discipline, and/or dismiss employees working for Gresham Barlow School District. 2.1.7 Provide training to all employees on applicable sanitation and food service regulations. 2.1.8 Be responsible for the payment of any and all salary, insurance, and other costs or benefits related to the above-referenced food service employees(s). 2.1.9 Meals will be prepared and served in accordance with Burlingame Creek High School 12828 established breakfast and lunch meal periods. 2.10.10 All employees reemployed in the Gresham Barlow School District Food Service operation will be employees of the vendor. The vendor will provide workers’ compensation insurance and administer all workers’ compensation claims and will defend and hold harmless Gresham Barlow School District for workers’ compensation claims incurred if an employee of vendor is injured at either employment site. 2.2 Gresham Barlow School District will bill Burlingame Creek High School - 12828 for the abovereferenced items on a monthly basis. 3. Duties and Responsibilities of Burlingame Creek High School - 12828 of party receiving the services 3.1 Burlingame Creek High School - 12828 will provide garbage service for the kitchen and the disposable products. 3.2 Burlingame Creek High School - 12828 shall be responsible for providing secure food storage facilities that meet all applicable regulations for the storage of food. Form 581-3658b-E (Rev. 10/13) 4 3.3 Burlingame Creek High School - 12828 shall be responsible for providing adequate food preparation and service facilities that meet all applicable regulations, and shall be responsible for all repairs and maintenance of said facilities. 3.4 Burlingame Creek High School - 12828 will maintain all equipment used in food preparation and storage and will purchase new equipment a necessary to ensure safe food preparation and storage. 3.5 Burlingame Creek High School - 12828 shall pay Gresham Barlow School District $2.70 for every student lunch and $1.45 for student breakfast meal served at Burlingame Creek High School - 12828. Additionally, Burlingame Creek High School - 12828 will pay Gresham Barlow School District for all meal equivalents at $1.00 per meal equivalent. Meal equivalents are the result of dividing the total of Net Sales, other than from pattern meals sales (including cash for adult meals, a la carte food and beverages sales, snack bar, catering conferences or other functions sales) by One Dollar ($1.00). 3.6 Payment by Burlingame Creek High School - 12828 shall be due within fifteen (15) days of receipt of a monthly invoice from Gresham Barlow School District. 3.7 Gresham Barlow School District will be granted access to ordering and utilizing Burlingame Creek High School - 12828 USDA Foods (commodities) entitlement for use in preparing meals. USDA Foods will remain the property of Burlingame Creek High School - 12828. 3.8 The books, deposits, records, free and reduced application and verification process and reimbursement claims in accordance with the National School Lunch Program (7 CFR 210) pertaining to Burlingame Creek High School - 12828 Food Service operation shall be the property and responsibility of Burlingame Creek High School - 12828. 4. Employment. The vendor is the employer of any employees hired to run the Food Service operations at Gresham Barlow School District. The vendor is responsible for general supervisory oversight over these employees, along with the human resource functions including hours and benefits. The vendor will also provide workers’ compensation for all employees at Gresham Barlow School District hired to run the Food Service operation. 5. Indemnification. Each party agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the other against any liabilities resulting from the activities of each party’s employees on behalf of each public entity. 6. Assignment. Neither party to this agreement may assign its interest in the agreement without the express written consent of the other party. 7. Compliance with Laws. During the entire term of this agreement, the parties shall comply in every respect with all laws, rules, and regulations of the State of Oregon. 8. Waiver. No waiver of any portion of this agreement shall be deemed or shall constitute a waiver of any other portion thereof, nor shall any waiver constitute a continuing waiver. 9. Contract Disputes. The parties agree that any disagreement regarding the interpretation, meaning or effect or any provision of this agreement shall be settled by arbitration if so requested by either party in writing. The arbitration decision will be binding upon the parties. The cost of such arbitration shall be shared equally between the parties. Form 581-3658b-E (Rev. 10/13) 5 10. Termination or Suspension of Performance. 10.1 This agreement may be terminated without cause by either party by providing the other party thirty (30) days’ notice, in writing, and delivered by certified mail or in person. 10.2 Any such termination of this agreement shall be without prejudice to any obligations or liabilities of either party already accrued prior to the notice of termination. 10.3 The parties agree to promptly settle all accounts existing from work performed under this agreement upon termination. Form 581-3658b-E (Rev. 10/13) 6 The foregoing represents the entire agreement between the parties and any prior understanding or representations of any kind preceding the date of this agreement shall not be binding upon the other party except to the extent incorporated in this agreement. No modification of this agreement shall be binding upon the other party except to the extent incorporated in this agreement. By:___________________________________________________ Authorized Representative Signature of Sponsor Date Signed: By:___________________________________________________ Authorized Representative Signature of Vendor Date Signed: Form 581-3658b-E (Rev. 10/13) 7 VENDED MEAL AGREEMENT FIXED MEAL PRICES For use by Oregon Child Nutrition Programs (CNP) Sponsors Program Year This Agreement is entered into by and between Sponsor Name and Agreement # and Vendor Name. This Agreement becomes effective upon being fully executed by both parties. This agreement shall be effective beginning Beginning Date and ending Ending Date, not to exceed one(1) year. Check only one: Sponsor and Vendor are both CNP Sponsors Sponsor is a CNP Sponsor; Vendor is NOT a CNP Sponsor SPONSOR and Vendor mutually agree as follows: 1. SCOPE AND PURPOSE. 1.1 Vendor agrees to supply meals which meet or exceed the minimum meal pattern requirements with Sponsor’s Agreement with the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) to participate in the Child Nutrition Programs (CNP). 1.2 Child Nutrition Programs: Mark all applicable programs: National School Lunch Program (NSLP) School Breakfast Program (SBP) Special Milk Programs (SMP) Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) 1.3 Sponsor will be legally responsible for the conduct of the food service program, and will supervise the food service operations in such manner as will ensure compliance with the requirements of ODE and the USDA. Sponsor will retain control of the food service account and overall financial responsibility for CNP. Sponsor will retain signature authority on forms submitted to ODE including the CNP Agreement, the annual CNP application and CNP monthly claims for reimbursement. Sponsor will evaluate monthly meal information submitted by the Vendor and verify that the information is accurate before submitting monthly claims for reimbursement. Sponsor is responsible for conducting required site monitoring visits. If charging for meals Sponsor will establish all selling prices for reimbursable and non-reimbursable meals/milk and a la carte prices. 1.4 Upon request, Sponsor must make all accounts and records pertaining to the Program available to representatives of the Oregon Department of Education, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the General Accounting Office for audit or administrative and nutrition reviews, at a reasonable time and place. 1.5 Sponsor may request Vendor to provide additional food service such as special functions and catering. Sponsor or requesting organization will be billed for the actual Form 581-3658b-E (Rev. 10/13) 8 cost of food, supplies and labor, plus a mutually agreed upon mark-up for administrative overhead, which will be negotiated outside of this Agreement. 1.6 The Vendor will comply with the rules and regulations of ODE and USDA that are applicable to the programs being administered, and any additions or amendments thereto, including but not limited to 7 CFR Parts 210, 215, 220, 225, 245, 250, and 3016, or 3019. 2. MEAL PRICES Sponsor will pay Vendor the following fixed meal rates as proposed by Vendor. These meals will be unitized inclusive of milk. Breakfast @ $ each Snack @ $ each Milk @ $ each Lunch @ $ each Supper @ $ each These prices include transportation if applicable, food, and required supplies for serving if applicable, packaging and containers needed to transport food in accordance with State and local sanitation requirements. Food will be transported from the food preparation center, Name of Facility which is located in Location of Facility, in appropriate containers to maintain safe food temperatures and will be accompanied by the appropriate delivery receipt. 3. MEALS The Vendor must provide the Sponsor, for review and approval, a proposed 20-day cycle menu for the operational period, at least # of days business days prior to the beginning of the period to which the menus applies. The menu must meet the selected meal pattern requirements. The Sponsor may request changes in the menu. Any changes to the menu made after the Sponsor’s approval must be agreed upon by the Vendor and documented on the menu records. Menu items may be adjusted in writing by the mutual consent of both parties. However, the Vendor shall adjust the menus at the request of the Sponsor whenever the Sponsor determines certain items to be unacceptable. Such items can be determined to be unacceptable because of 1) monotonous diet resulting from items served frequently or similarity to other items; 2) the nutritional needs of the students; 3) susceptibility to spoilage; 4) the foods are not age appropriate, and 5) excessive waste resulting from unpopularity of items with children. Such adjustments shall be made at the earliest convenience of both parties, but in no instance later than # of days after request, except in cases where spoilage is discovered, Sponsor shall receive acceptable meals meeting meal pattern requirements. [For CACFP, NSLP, and SBP Meals] If necessary, Vendor will make substitutions in the meal pattern for children who have a disability documented by a medical doctor (MD) and whose disability restricts the child’s diet. Meal patterns will be determined as prescribed by the MD’s written diet order [7 CFR 15(b) (3)]. Payment for alternate meals will be determined on a case-by-case between the Sponsor and the Vendor. A designated representative of Sponsor Name will order meals for each day not later than Time PM the day before service, with adjustments made not later than Time AM the day of service. Form 581-3658b-E (Rev. 10/13) 9 In addition, it is agreed that, on a weekly basis, Vendor will provide Sponsor with menus which clearly indicate that all meals contain the required components. These menus will be provided at least one (1) week in advance of their serving. Further, Vendor will maintain full and accurate records including meal production records indicating the type and amount of food prepared and delivery receipts which indicate the daily number of meals delivered. These records will be reported to the Sponsor promptly at the end of the month. The Sponsor will not pay for meals that are delivered outside of the agreed upon delivery time. The Sponsor will not be responsible for payment of meals that 1) do not meet the meal pattern requirements as specified in the Agreement; 2) do not meet required portion size; and/or 3) are spoiled or unwholesome at time of receipt. Sponsor must notify the Vendor of the issue and number of meals to be credited prior the meal being served. Meal service transporting equipment, containers, and utensils will be provided by Sponsor with cleaning and sanitization on a daily basis by Sponsor. The Vendor will present an invoice and delivery receipts within # of working days working days following the end of each preceding month for meals delivered. The Sponsor will submit payment to the Vendor within # of working days working days of receipt of the invoice. The Sponsor will notify the Vendor within # of working days working days of receipt of any discrepancies in the invoice. The Sponsor shall pay the Vendor for all meals delivered in accordance with the Agreement. Neither ODE nor USDA will assume any liability for payment of the difference between the number of meals prepared and delivered by the Vendor and the number of meals served by the Sponsor that are eligible for reimbursement. In addition neither ODE nor USDA will be responsible for resolving issues for partial or non-payment per the terms of this Agreement. Sponsor and Vendor agree to non-payment for meals that do not adhere to the menu and portion size requirements as specified by the federal regulations. The Sponsor shall retain all records relating to food production and delivery for the current operating year plus three (3) years but not limited to, the following: • Production records, including quantities, and amounts of food used in preparation of each meal and food component of menus • Standardized recipes and yield from recipes as deemed necessary • Crediting documentation for all items such as: Manufacturer’s Product Formulation Statements (MPFS), food product labels, CN Labels, and etc. • Processed product nutritional analysis • Dates of preparation of meals • Number of meals and locations where meals were delivered • Signed vended meal receipts • Nutrition Facts Label(s) of individual food items, and/or Nutrient Analysis for prepared food items. • Bills charged to Sponsor for meals delivered under this Agreement including the credit of USDA Foods where applicable • Inventory records Form 581-3658b-E (Rev. 10/13) 10 • All documents pertaining to this procurement transaction: all quotes/bids received, evaluation criteria including justification for awarding the resulting agreement. 4. HEALTH CERTFICIATION Both Sponsor and Vendor adhere to all applicable federal, state and local health and sanitation certifications and inspections. All food will be properly stored, prepared, packaged, and transported free of contamination and at appropriate temperatures. 5. FURTHER PROVISIONS 5.1 Both Sponsor and Vendor must follow USDA’s nondiscrimination policies, including incorporating the following nondiscrimination statement on all program materials published, electronically and in print, for public information through brochures, bulletins, leaflets, letters, newspapers, and websites. Federal regulations allow use of a shorter nondiscrimination statement on program materials less than one (1) page in length. The short statement must be in the same size print as the text of the documents. Full Version: In accordance with Federal law and the U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call, toll free (866) 632-9992 (Voice). TDD users can contact USDA through local relay or the Federal relay at (800) 877-8339 (TDD) or (866) 377-8642 (relay voice users). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Short Version: This Institution is an equal opportunity provider. 5.2 This Agreement may be terminated by notice in writing given by any party to the other parties at least 30 days prior to the date of termination. This Agreement may be terminated immediately for cause. Additional inclusions must be attached to this Agreement. Attachment A Form 581-3658b-E (Rev. 10/13) 11 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of date indicated below. Sponsor Name Sponsor Name Vendor Name Vendor Name Title, Sponsor Title, Sponsor Title, Vendor Name Title, Vendor Authorized Representative Signature Authorized Representative Signature Date Signed Date Signed Date Signed Date Signed Form 581-3658b-E (Rev. 10/13) 12 ATTACHMENT A SERVICES LOCATION INFORMATION The Sponsor shall ensure that a representative is available at each delivery site, at the specified time on each specified delivery day to receive, inspect, and sign for the requested number of meals. The individual will verify the temperature, quality, and quantity of each meal delivery. The Sponsor assures the Vendor that this individual will be trained and knowledgeable in the record keeping and meal requirements for the CNP and with local health safety codes. Meal Type(S) # of Meals Location Delivery Time(s) Pick-up Time(s) Calendar/Emergency Closing Information Sponsors days of operation requiring meals: Checks days of operation: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Vendor days of operation: Check days of operation: Monday Tuesday Each Sponsor/Vendor needs to provide information regarding how services will be provided or not when days of operation do not match. Include in the statement how emergency closures or events will be handled. Sponsor Information: Sponsor Information Vendor Information Vendor Information Form 581-3658b-E (Rev. 10/13) 13 GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT 1331 NW Eastman Parkway Gresham, OR 97030-3825 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Schlachter Mike Schofield DATE: June 9, 2016 RE: No. 10 – Nutrition Services: Summer Food Service Program EXPLANATION: The district has sponsored a summer food service program for qualified sites in East Multnomah County. If approved for continuation, the district will partner with the Oregon Department of Education through the Federal Child Nutrition Program agreements to provide the program. The district will sponsor and serve 14 qualified sites in East Multnomah County. PRESENTER: Mike Schofield SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: Qualified Sites for 2016 Summer Food Service Program RECOMMENDATION: The administration recommends approval of the summer food service program as presented. REQUESTED ACTION: Consent agenda approval. MS:mkh:lc Qualified Sites for 2016 Summer Food Service Program Summer School Meal Program Sites Gresham High School 1200 N Main Street Gresham, OR 97080 Gordon Russell Middle School 3625 E Powell Rd. Gresham, OR 97030 East Gresham Elementary School 900 SE 5th Gresham, OR 97060 Hall Elementary 2505 NE 23rd Gresham, OR 97030 Highland Elementary 295 NE 24th Gresham, OR 97030 Hollydale Elementary 505 SW Birdsdale Dr. Gresham, OR 97030 North Gresham Grade School 101 SE 217th Gresham, OR 97030 Summer Park Meal Program Sites Arts Plaza Splash Pad 488 NE 3rd St. Gresham, OR 97030 Main City Park 219 S Main Ave Gresham, OR 97080 Red Sunset Park 2403 NE Red Sunset Dr. Gresham, OR 97030 Summer Apt. Meal Program Sites Gresham Village Square Apartments 1625 SE Roberts Ave Gresham, OR 97080 Cedars/Cedar Meadows Apartments 3181 SE Powell Valley Rd Gresham, OR 97080 Vista at 23 Apartments 3181 NE 23rd St. Gresham, Or. 97030 Other Summer Meal Program Sites Gresham County Library 385 NW Miller Ave, Gresham, OR 97030 Serving Dates and Times Breakfast : July 5, 2016 through July 28, 2016 (Mon – Thur Only) 8:30 am – 9:00 am Lunch : June 27, 2016 – July 28, 2016 (Mon – Thur Only) 11:45 am – 12:30 pm Lunch : July 5, 2016 – July 27, 2016 (Mon – Thur Only) 11:45 am – 12:15 pm Breakfast : July 25, 2016 through August 18, 2016 (Mon – Thur Only) 8:30 am – 9:00 am Lunch : July 25, 2016 through August 18, 2016 (Mon – Thur Only) 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm Breakfast : July 25, 2016 through August 18, 2016 (Mon – Thur Only) 8:45 am – 9:15 am Lunch : July 25, 2016 through August 18, 2016 (Mon – Thur Only) 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm Breakfast : July 25, 2016 through August 18, 2016 (Mon – Thur Only) 8:45 am – 9:15 am Lunch : June 27, 2016 through August 19, 2016 (Mon – Fri) 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm Breakfast : June 27, 2016 through July 14, 2016 (Mon – Fri) 8:15 am – 9:00 am Lunch : June 27, 2016 through July 14, 2016 (Mon – Fri) 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Breakfast : July 27, 2016 through August 18, 2016 (Mon – Thur) 8:30 am – 9:00 am Lunch : June 27, 2016 – July 28, 2016 (Mon – Thur) 11:45 am – 12:30 pm Serving Dates and Times Lunch : June 20, 2016 through August 19, 2016 (Mon – Fri) 11:00 am – 11:30 am Lunch : June 20, 2016 through August 19, 2016 (Mon – Fri) 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm Lunch : June 20, 2016 through August 19, 2016 (Mon – Fri) 1:00 pm – 1:30 pm Serving Dates and Times Lunch : June 20, 2016 through August 19, 2016 (Mon – Fri) 12:30 pm – 1:00 pm Lunch : June 20, 2016 through August 19, 2016 (Mon – Fri) 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm Lunch : June 20, 2016 through August 19, 2016 (Mon – Fri) 11:45 am – 12:15 pm Serving Dates and Times Lunch : June 21, 2016 through August 18, 2016 (Tues & Thur Only) 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT 1331 NW Eastman Parkway Gresham, OR 97030-3825 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Schlachter Julie Evans DATE: June 9, 2016 RE: No. 11 – Venisha Bahr, Celebrate Literacy Award EXPLANATION: K-8 District Media Coordinator Venisha Bahr was a recipient of the Celebrate Literacy Award from the Portland Reading Council and International Literacy Association. This award was presented to her at a reception and ceremony on May 11, 2016. Winners of this award demonstrate dedication to promoting literacy, have a lifelong love of reading that is instilled in others, and have made significant contributions to literacy at the local level. Gresham-Barlow School District benefits from passionate and dedicated employees such as Venisha Bahr. PRESENTER: Julie Evans SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: None RECOMMENDATION: The administration recommends board recognition of this employee for her professional accomplishments. REQUESTED ACTION: No action is required at this time. JE:lc GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT 1331 NW Eastman Parkway Gresham, OR 97030-3825 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Schlachter James Hiu DATE: June 9, 2016 RE: No. 12 - Savanah Campbell, State Champion Musician, Sam Barlow High School EXPLANATION: In an effort to recognize students who achieve state champion status or its equivalent in activities and academic programs, tonight we have the opportunity to recognize a state champion musician, junior Savanah Campbell from Sam Barlow High School. On April 30, 2016, Savanah Campbell, a junior French horn player at Sam Barlow High School, participated in the OSAA State Solo Championships. She placed first in the state out of 20 selected from around the state to perform on a French horn. Along with her accompanist, Becky Simmons, Savanah presented an inspiring performance of Gordon Jacobs Concerto for French horn; a truly rewarding finish to months of hard work on this very challenging piece. Savanah is an ambitious musician that participates in the Sam Barlow Symphonic Band, studies privately, participates in the Portland Youth Philharmonic and the Oregon Ambassadors of Music. PRESENTER: James Hiu SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: Certificate of Recognition RECOMMENDATION: The administration recommends the board recognize Sam Barlow High School junior, Savanah Campbell, for OSAA first place French horn. REQUESTED ACTION: No formal action is required. JH:pkh:lc GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT 1331 NW Eastman Parkway Gresham, OR 97030-3825 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Schlachter James Hiu DATE: June 9, 2016 RE: No. 13 – Jake Ingram, Bow Hunter Free Style Champion, Sam Barlow High School EXPLANATION: In an effort to recognize students who achieve state champion status or its equivalent in activities and academic programs, tonight we have the opportunity to recognize a state champion archer, freshman Jake Ingram from Sam Barlow High School. Jake recently competed in the Oregon Bow Hunter’s competition and came away as Youth Men’s Bow Hunter Freestyle champion in the state of Oregon. Competitors sight with five fixed pins or less, release and stabilizer 12” or shorter. This is an indoor target archery tournament held each year in Bend, Oregon. PRESENTER: James Hiu SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: Certificate of Recognition RECOMMENDATION: The administration recommends the board recognize Jake Ingram for his Bow Hunter Freestyle Championship. REQUESTED ACTION: No formal action is required. JH:pkh:lc GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT 1331 NW Eastman Parkway Gresham, OR 97030-3825 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Schlachter James Hiu DATE: June 9, 2016 RE: No. 14 - Theatre Arts Award, Gresham High School EXPLANATION: In our effort to recognize students who achieve state champion status in school activities and academic programs, tonight we have the opportunity to recognize first place winners of the State Acting Competition. Over 1,300 students from 67 high schools participated at the State Acting Competition in April in Salem. Congratulations to the following students from Gresham High School: Musical Performance – “A Musical” from Something Rotten Abraham Baltazar Irene Jaime Kelley Bastin Jacob Livermore Claire Corbett Riley Olson Dylan Dowdy Austin Pacquette Sara Eakman Mario Phillips Robert Harris Dylan Reisen Joshua Horine Vashti Wix Connor Hughes Directed by Sara Dempsey PRESENTER: James Hiu SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: Certificates of Accomplishment RECOMMENDATION: The administration recommends the board recognize these Gresham High School students for their state champion performance. REQUESTED ACTION: No formal action is required. JH:pkh:lc GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT 1331 NW Eastman Parkway Gresham, OR 97030-3825 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Schlachter James Hiu DATE: June 9, 2016 RE: No. 15 - Gresham High School Track and Field EXPLANATION: In an effort to recognize students who achieve state champion status in school activities and academic programs, tonight we have the opportunity to recognize these State Champion Track Team members from Gresham High School: • Fechi Nmereole, freshman, is the 6A state champion in the 100 meter dash • Leah Russell, senior, is the 6A state champion in the 300 intermediate hurdles PRESENTER: James Hiu SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: Certificates of Accomplishment RECOMMENDATION: The administration recommends the board recognize these student track athletes from Gresham High School. REQUESTED ACTION: No formal action is required. JB:pkh:lc GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT 1331 NW Eastman Parkway Gresham, OR 97030-3825 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Schlachter James Hiu DATE: June 9, 2016 RE: No. 16 – Sam Barlow High School Track and Field EXPLANATION: In an effort to recognize students who achieve state champion status in school activities and academic programs, tonight we have the opportunity to recognize the State Champion Track Team members. The following female athletes are state 6A champions in the 4x100 relay: Macie Allen, senior Member of the last 4 state champion teams in the 4x100 Madison Serafini, sophomore Sara Turner, junior Renick Meyer, junior Alternates: Kaitlyn Bethurum, sophomore Krista Walcott, senior PRESENTER: James Hiu SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: Certificates of Accomplishment RECOMMENDATION: The administration recommends the board recognize these students from Sam Barlow High School as State Champions in the 4x100 relay. REQUESTED ACTION: No formal action is required. JB:pkh:lc GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT 1331 NW Eastman Parkway Gresham, OR 97030-3825 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Schlachter Athena Vadnais DATE: June 9, 2016 RE: No. 17 – Gresham-Barlow Education Foundation Report EXPLANATION: Gresham-Barlow Education Foundation updates are typically presented every-other month, with the exception of June, July and August (summer break). The next Foundation report will be presented in the fall. In the interim, the Foundation has provided the following for your information: • The annual “Scramble for Students” golf tournament will be held at Persimmon Country Club on September 12, 2016. • Authors for Education, October 6, 2016; location and other details TBA. PRESENTER: Athena Vadnais SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: None RECOMMENDATION: This report is being provided as information only. REQUESTED ACTION: No action is required. :lc GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT 1331 NW Eastman Parkway Gresham, OR 97030-3825 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Schlachter Mike Schofield James Hiu DATE: June 9, 2016 RE: No. 18 – Lewis & Clark Montessori Charter School Update EXPLANATION: Over the course of the past year, Lewis & Clark Montessori Charter School (LCMCS) has been refining and implementing their plan relative to stabilizing the finances of their school. The board previously accepted their plan with certain stipulations. Tonight the LCMCS Board Chair, Matt Lee, will provide an update to the board about their financial status. PRESENTERS: Mike Schofield, James Hiu and Matt Lee SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: None RECOMMENDATION: This report is being provided as information only. REQUESTED ACTION: No action is required at this time. JH:pkh:lc GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT 1331 NW Eastman Parkway Gresham, OR 97030-3825 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Schlachter Athena Vadnais DATE: June 9, 2016 RE: No. 19 – District Advisory Council (DAC) Report EXPLANATION: The last DAC meeting of the 2015-16 school year was held on May 19, 2016, at North Gresham Elementary School. Board representatives present were Matt O’Connell, Sharon Garner, Kent Zook, and John Hartsock. This evening, the board will hear a report concerning the DAC meeting. PRESENTER: Athena Vadnais SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: Minutes of the May 19, 2016, DAC meeting RECOMMENDATION: This report is being provided as information only. REQUESTED ACTION: No action is required. :lc 2015-16 District Advisory Council Meeting May 19, 2016 North Gresham Elementary School DAC Members present: DeepCreek-Damascus EastGreshamES EliseFlowers EastOrientES AmyBuren HallES HighlandES HoganCedarsES RickWeiss HollydaleES CyndiSmith TomSherman KellyCreekES NorthGreshamES DianeSpencer MichelleCarter PowellValleyES WestGreshamES ClearCreekMS DexterMcCartyMS GordonRussellMS WestOrientMS GreshamHS CaseySchwartz MichaelLeeDeveney CyndiSmith NickKemper CandyBlaney DawnBures SamBarlowHS JudyDavis SpringwaterTrailHS RonRasmussen SchoolBoardMembers:MattO’Connell,SharonGarner,KentZook,andJohnHartsock. Administrators:JimSchlachter,AthenaVadnais,JulieEvans -MINUTES- CalledToOrder DawnBurescalledthemeetingtoorderandreviewedtheevening’sagenda. Principal’sReport–NorthGreshamElementaryPrincipalTracyKlinger Tracy Klinger, principal of North Gresham, went home early due to being ill. Fortunately for us, Julie Evans, our Elementary Education Director, stepped in to share about North Gresham Elementary School. North was one of two elementary schools to receive a technology grant. So they are currently working on that. They have also been using the Journeys curriculum, which focuses on language arts. There have many different programs going on here including the Right Brain Initiative. The school is in its first year of being a SUN school and they are using the Restorative Justice Program in the school. The Restorative Justice Program is a teaching/learning based discipline program rather than a consequence based program. The school is also looking forward to the bond coming up, as they are hoping for a brand new school. WeheldOfficerElectionsfornextyear’sDACboard. Chair JudyDavis Vice-Chair CyndiSmith Secretary Vacant _________________________________________ DAC Minutes – 5/19/16 Page 1 of 2 DB: av Noonevolunteeredforthesecretaryposition,butifyouknowofanynewmembersthat mightbeinterestedinassistinginthisway,pleaseletAthenaVadnaisknow. DistrictInteractionwiththeBoard–BoardofDirectors SharonGarner,MattO’Connell,KentZookandJohnHartsockrepresentedtheboard tonight.Mostofthediscussionfocusedontheupcomingbond.WithMtHood,Centennial andCorbett’sallproposedbondsgoingdown,wereallyneedtogetcommunitysupport behindthisbond.Ifwehaveavisionwiththisbond,thecommunitywillsupportthebond, theexamplegivenwasThurstonSchoolDistrict.June9ththeboardwilldetermineifitwill goonNovember’sballotorwaituntilalaterdate.Onebigmiscommunicationisthe understandingbetweenthegeneralfundvs.capitalinvestment.Wereallyneedtogetthe wordout.ThereisonemorebondinformationalmeetingatGreshamHighnextTuesday, May24th@7pm. DACTopics– Fornextyear–weallbrainstormeddifferenttopics.Athenawillsendusasurveytodecide whichtopicswillcomeupfornextyear. Adjournment Themeetingwasadjournedatapproximately8p.m. Minutessubmittedby: DawnBures DACViceChair _________________________________________ DAC Minutes – 5/19/15 Page 2 of 2 DB:av GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT 1331 NW Eastman Parkway Gresham, OR 97030-3825 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Schlachter Mike Schofield DATE: June 9, 2016 RE: No. 20 – Audit Involvement Committee Meeting Summary for May 5, 2016 EXPLANATION: The Audit Involvement process provides an essential two-way communication between the independent auditor and the board. The process enhances the board’s responsibility to provide independent review and oversight of 1) the district’s financial reporting processes, 2) the district’s internal controls, and 3) the independent audit of the district’s financial statements. The process includes several meetings a year between management and the board chair, vice-chair and two appointed budget committee members. The committee met with the independent auditor to review the upcoming schedule, audit process and expectations. This was an opportunity for the committee to share areas of interest or concerns identified prior to the start of the audit process. PRESENTER: Mike Schofield SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: Meeting summary for May 5, 2016 RECOMMENDATION: This report is being provided as information only. REQUESTED ACTION: No action is required. MDS:lc AUDITINVOLVEMENTCOMMITTEE/2015 DATEHELD:5/5/16 TIME:5:30PM LOCATION:Superintendent’sOffice Attend Name X Carla Piluso Board Chair X Kris Howatt Board Vice-Chair Justin Weatherford Position Budget Committee Member X Jim Schlachter Superintendent X Mike Schofield Chief Financial Officer X Matt Graves CPA/Independent Auditor Meeting Review. The committee met at 5:30 pm. The focus of the meeting was to review the progress after completing the interim audit. Matt Graves, lead auditor, also discussed further impacts of Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Pronouncement 68. Additionally, a review of the upcoming GASB 75 pronouncement was discussed. The lead auditor asked about any specific areas or interest or concern to be addressed during the audit. The committee also reviewed the district’s practices regarding the following: • Books balanced and reconciled • Adopted budget v. expected expenditures • Payroll reports filed and payroll liabilities paid • Federal and state grant reimbursements • Fraud issues • Internal controls • Accounting systems and procedures • Cash and investment accounts reconciliation • Board reporting The next scheduled meeting will be in the Fall of 2016 where the committee will discuss any audit findings. The meeting was completed at 6:00 pm. Page 1 of 1 GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT 1331 NW Eastman Parkway Gresham, OR 97030-3825 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Kris Howatt DATE: June 9, 2016 RE: No. 21 - Evaluation of the Superintendent EXPLANATION: Board Policy CBA states that the position of superintendent is designed to provide for the effective administration of all schools and departments as well as educational leadership throughout the school system and community. The policy refers to a set of seven standards of performance for which the superintendent is responsible. At least annually, the board evaluates the superintendent in relation to these standards of performance. The 2015-16 evaluation process began in August 2015 with the establishment of an evaluation committee comprised of directors Howatt (who served as chair of the committee), Hartsock, and Garner. The board’s charge to this committee was to hire a consultant to design a 360° evaluation process, survey a variety of stakeholders, and report the results to the board. Accordingly, the Coraggio Group was hired to consult with the committee and conduct the survey. A comprehensive report with survey responses was presented to the board by the Coraggio Group in an executive session on May 5, 2016. Subsequently, Director Howatt compiled a summary of the evaluation results for board discussion and acceptance this evening. This step will conclude the 2015-16 evaluation process. The evaluation process and timeline for subsequent years will be reviewed by the board during the August planning session. PRESENTER: Kris Howatt SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: 1. Policy CBA, Qualifications and Duties of the Superintendent 2. Policy CBG, Evaluation of the Superintendent 3. Superintendent 360° Evaluation Summary, May 5, 2016, Prepared by Coraggio Group 4. A summary of the board's evaluation of the superintendent will be distributed at the board meeting. Board of Directors Re: No. 21 - Evaluation of the Superintendent June 9, 2016 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION: The chair recommends the board publicly review the evaluation of the superintendent. REQUESTED ACTION: Move to approve the summary of the superintendent's evaluation as presented. :lc Code: CBA Adopted: 7/11/94 Readopted: 6/03/99; 5/02/02; 1/09/03; 11/07/13 Orig. Code(s): CBA Gresham-Barlow SD 10 Qualifications and Duties of the Superintendent POSITION: Superintendent of Schools QUALIFICATIONS: 1. A current Oregon administrative license with an authorization for all levels, superintendent’s endorsement or a transitional superintendent license; 2. Successful experience as an educational leader and administrator; 3. In lieu of the experience and training requirements above, the Board may consider as a candidate for its superintendent’s position an individual who meets transitional administrator or exceptional administrator licensure requirements. The Board may, jointly with the individual, submit an application for such license for Teacher Standards and Practices approval pursuant to OAR 584-080-0151 and 584-080-0161; 4. Other qualifications as determined by the Board. REPORTS TO: Board of Directors POSITION PURPOSE: Provides for effective administration of all schools and departments, and educational leadership throughout the school system and community. NATURE AND SCOPE: The superintendent is the chief executive officer for the Gresham-Barlow School District and reports to the Board. No other position reports to the Board. The superintendent is the liaison between the staff and the Board, develops policy for Board approval and translates it into action through the development of administrative regulations. The superintendent directs the preparation of information and recommendations to the Board related to budget and capital expenditures, negotiations with representative employee groups and the hiring of all licensed personnel, often making presentations and responding to questions. The position provides managerial direction to the central administrative and school staffs to achieve the policies and priorities outlined by the Board. It also designs and maintains an organizational framework capable of effectively meeting these priorities. The superintendent also directs the internal and external school community and staff communication programs, and develops effective relationships by helping the community and staff members know and understand the district’s goals, achievements, concerns, needs and plans. Qualifications and Duties of the Superintendent - CBA 1-3 The superintendent is responsible for determining and implementing the administrative structure and management systems. A related responsibility is the selection, assignment and evaluation of administrative personnel. The superintendent serves as spokesperson on educational issues concerning the district and directs staff in a similar role. The superintendent also presents testimony on proposed legislation to the State Legislature. The position maintains an awareness of educational trends, new concepts and approaches designed to improve student learning. As appropriate, the superintendent informs the Board about such trends, concepts and approaches and incorporates them into the instructional and operational programs. STANDARDS FOR SUPERINTENDENT PERFORMANCE: 1. Leadership and District Culture The superintendent will demonstrate exemplary leadership through empowering others, providing vision, by helping shape school culture, and by promoting a climate of understanding of multicultural and ethnic differences. 2. Policy and Governance The superintendent will work with the Board to formulate internal and external district policy, define mutual expectations of performance with the Board and demonstrate exemplary school governance to staff, students and the community at large. 3. Communications, Community Relations and Partnerships The superintendent will demonstrate the skills necessary to establish effective two-way communications with the students, staff, parents and the community as a whole, including beneficial relationships with the media. The superintendent will elicit and respond to community feedback and build community support for the district. 4. Organizational Management The superintendent will gather and analyze data for decision making and for making recommendations to the Board. The superintendent will demonstrate the skills necessary to meet internal and external customer expectations and to effectively allocate resources. 5. Educational Systems and Practices The superintendent will assure achievement of instructional goals and effective student learning by providing leadership in educational program development and implementation. The superintendent will ensure that the most effective teaching techniques are in place and that all instructional resources are used to maximize student achievement. Leadership will focus on applying research and best practice. Qualifications and Duties of the Superintendent - CBA 2-3 6. Human Resource Systems and Practices The superintendent will provide leadership in providing for the recruitment, selection, development and retention of a quality workforce. The superintendent will demonstrate skills in applying ethical, contractual and legal requirements for personnel selection, development, retention, promotion and dismissal. 7. District Goals The superintendent will direct attention to the attainment of district goals as adopted by the Board and to report progress toward goal attainment on a semi-annual basis. END OF POLICY Legal Reference(s): ORS 327.133 ORS 332.075 ORS 332.515 ORS 342.125 ORS 342.143 ORS 342.173 ORS 342.175 ORS 342.200 OAR 581-022-0102 to -1940 OAR 581-023-0006 to -0041 OAR 581-023-0104 OAR 581-023-0112 OAR 581-023-0220 to -0240 OAR 584-020-0000 to -0045 OAR 584-036-0035(1) OAR 584-046-0005 to -0024 OAR 584-080-0151 OAR 584-080-0152 OAR 584-080-0161 Cross Reference(s): CBG - Evaluation of the Superintendent Qualifications and Duties of the Superintendent - CBA 3-3 Gresham-Barlow SD 10 Code: CBG Adopted: 6/03/99 Readopted: 5/02/02; 7/11/13 Evaluation of the Superintendent The superintendent’s job performance will be evaluated formally at least annually. The evaluation will be based on the administrative job description, any applicable standards of performance, Board policy and progress in attaining any goals for the year established by the superintendent and/or the Board. Additional criteria for the evaluation, if any, will be developed at a public Board meeting prior to conducting the evaluation. The superintendent will be notified of the additional criteria prior to the evaluation. The Board’s discussion and conferences with and about the superintendent and his/her performance will be in executive session, unless the superintendent requests an open session. However, such an executive session will not include a general evaluation of any district goal, objective or operation. Results of the evaluation will be written and placed in the superintendent’s personnel file. Any time the superintendent’s performance is deemed to be unsatisfactory, the superintendent will be notified in writing of specific areas to be remedied and will be given an opportunity to correct the problem(s). If performance continues to be unsatisfactory, the Board may dismiss the superintendent pursuant to Board policy, the employment contract with the superintendent and state law and rules. END OF POLICY Legal Reference(s): ORS 192.660(2), (8) ORS 332.505 ORS 342.513 ORS 342.815 OAR 581-022-1720 Hanson v. Culver Sch. Dist. (FDAB 1975). Cross Reference(s): BDC - Executive Sessions CB - Superintendent CBA - Qualifications and Duties of the Superintendent Evaluation of the Superintendent - CBG 1-1 This page left blank intentionally. GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT 1331 NW Eastman Parkway Gresham, OR 97030-3825 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Schlachter Mike Schofield DATE: June 9, 2016 RE: No. 22 – Budget Adoption, Making Appropriations, and Imposing the Taxes EXPLANATION: The governing body can adopt the budget only after the budget hearing has been completed. The authority and responsibility given the governing body to adopt the budget and to make appropriations by which the budget is administered is ORS 294.435. The proposed budget was approved by the Budget Committee on May 26, 2016. To comply with the requirements of Oregon Revised Statues (ORS), the school board needs to adopt the 2016-2017 Budget, make appropriations and impose and categorize the taxes prior to July 1, 2016. The Gresham-Barlow School District must appropriate legally adopted budget amounts for 2016-2017 prior to making expenditures or transfers, in accordance with ORS 294.435. PRESENTER: Mike Schofield SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: 1. Resolution 1617-01 Adopting the Budget 2. Resolution 1617-02 Making Appropriations 3. Resolution 1617-03 Imposing & Categorizing Taxes RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the school board approve the following resolutions presented as first reading. REQUESTED ACTION: 1. Move to ratify Resolution 1617-01 to adopt the budget for the 2016-2017 fiscal year in the total amount of $152,677,144 now on file at the district’s administrative business office. 2. Move to ratify Resolution 1617-02 to appropriate funds in the amount and purposes as outlined in the resolution for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2016. Board of Directors Re: No. 22 – Budget Adoption, Making Appropriations, and Imposing the Taxes June 9, 2016 Page 2 3. Move to ratify Resolution 1617-03 to impose the taxes provided for the adopted budget at the Permanent Rate of $4.5268 per $1,000 of assessed value for General Fund operations. And, move to impose taxes in the amount of $6,086,989 for bonded debt; making these taxes hereby imposed and categorized for the tax year 2015-2016 upon the assessed value of all taxable property within the district. MDS:lc RESOLUTION 1617-01 ADOPTING THE BUDGET BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of the Gresham Barlow School District #10jt hereby adopts the budget for fiscal year 2016-2017 in the total amount of $152,677,144. This budget is now on file at the Distrct Office located at 1331 NW Eastman Parkway, Gresham, OR. RESOLUTION 1617-02 MAKING APPROPRIATIONS BE IT RESOLVED that the amounts shown below are hereby appropriated for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2016 for the following purposes: General Fund Instruction Support Services Enterprise & Community Services Facilities Acquistion Transfers Debt Service Contingency Total 73,476,653 40,526,446 251,219 0 840,000 0 6,963,168 $122,057,486 Debt Service Fund Debt Service Total 6,160,421 $6,160,421 Capital Projects Fund Instruction Support Services Facilities Acquistion Debt Service Total 0 1,480,350 0 628,150 $2,108,500 150-504-073-6 (Rev 1-13) Nutrition Services Fund Enterprise & Community Total 5,589,192 $5,589,192 Special Revenue Fund Instruction Support Services Enterprise & Community Total 8,778,448 5,194,766 80,000 $14,053,214 Early Retirement Fund Support Services Total 1,928,000 $1,928,000 Total APPROPRIATIONS, All Funds $151,896,813 Total Unappropriated and Reserve Amounts, All Funds 780,331 TOTAL ADOPTED BUDGET $152,677,144 1 RESOLUTION 1617-03 IMPOSING THE TAX BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the Gresham Barlow School District hereby impose the taxes provided for in the Adopted Budget at the Permanent Rate of $4.5268 per $1000 of assessed value for General Fund operations. And, to impose taxes in the amount of $6,086,989 for bonded debt; making these taxes herby imposed and categorized for the tax year 2016-2017 upon the assessed value of all taxable property within the District. (1) At the rate per $1000 of assessed value of $ 4.5268 for permanent rate tax; and (2) In the amount of $6,086,989 for debt services for general obligation bonds. CATEGORIZING THE TAX BE IT RESOLVED that the taxes imposed are hereby categorized for purposes of Article XI section 11b as: Subject to the Education Limitation Permanent Rate Tax..........$ 4.5268/$1000 Excluded from Limitation General Obligation Bond Debt Service…..$ 6,086,989 Record of the vote on the Budget Resolutions this 9th day of June, 2016: Resolution 1617-01: Aye _____ Nay_____ Absent_____ Abstention_____ Resolution 1617-02: Aye _____ Nay_____ Absent_____ Abstention_____ Resolution 1617-03: Aye _____ Nay_____ Absent_____ Abstention_____ Carla C. Piluso, Board Chair Jim Schlachter, Superintendent 150-504-073-6 (Rev 1-13) 2 GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT 1331 NW Eastman Parkway Gresham, OR 97030-3825 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Schlachter Mike Schofield DATE: June 9, 2016 RE: No. 23 – Budget Committee Appointment Process EXPLANATION: As discussed previously, the administration is bringing the budget committee appointment process forward much earlier than in prior years. The intent is to get members appointed earlier so those that are interested can take part in budget, financial and audit discussions much earlier in the school year. The district currently has three budget committee positions open as follows: Position 2…..Previously held by Kasey Jackson (1 year replacement for Margaret Collins) Position 4…..Currently vacant Position 5…..Previously held by Justin Weatherford Eligibility requirements for budget committee members are as follows: 1. The candidate must live in the district. 2. The candidate must not be an officer or employee of the district. 3. The candidate must be a registered voter in the district. PRESENTER: Mike Schofield SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: Application for Appointment to the Budget Committee RECOMMENDATION: The administration recommends board approval of the following process for filling the budget committee vacancies: 1. the board announces the three budget committee vacancies as noted above; 2. the chief financial officer advertises the open positions and contacts the previous budget committee members to determine their willingness to continue service on the budget committee; Board of Directors Re: No. 23 – Budget Committee Appointment Process June 9, 2016 Page 2 3. the district accepts applications from interested persons throughout the summer; and 4. the board chair and vice-chair conducts interviews and provides a recommendation to the board. 5. the board appoints successful candidates to fill the vacancies at its regular meeting in September REQUESTED ACTION: MS:mkh:lc Move to declare Positions 2, 4 and 5 on the Gresham-Barlow School District Budget Committee as vacant, and approve the appointment process as outlined. Mike Schofield, Chief Financial Officer Gresham-Barlow School District No. 10Jt 1331 NW Eastman Parkway, Gresham, OR 97030-3825 Phone: (503) 261-4567 Fax: (503) 661-1589 Application for Appointment to the Budget Committee The 14-member Budget Committee is composed of the District’s seven-member elected School Board and seven members appointed by the Board. Appointed members serve for three years. Most Budget Committee meetings are held in early spring, usually in the evenings, at the Center for Advanced Learning. The number and length of the meetings vary. Eligibility for the Budget Committee: 1. Live in the Gresham-Barlow School District 2. Be a registered voter 3. Not an officer, agent, or employee of the District Please Print: Name _________________________________________________________________ First, Middle, Last Day Phone _________________________ Evening Phone ______________________ Address _______________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip I have lived in the District for ___________ years. Do you have children attending public schools? Yes No If so, what grades _____________________________________________________ Occupation _____________________________________________________________ Employed ______________________________________________________________ Firm or Individual; City If appointed, I will fulfill my duties as Budget Committee member to the best of my ability. _____________________________ Signature Please complete the 3 questions on the attached form and return both pages to Michelle Hobbs by mail at the above address, or email at MS:mkh 07/09/14 Page 1 of 2 Name _____________________________ Why do you want to serve on the Budget Committee? What strengths would you bring to the Budget Committee? What is your educational philosophy? MS:mkh 07/09/14 Page 2 of 2 GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT 1331 NW Eastman Parkway Gresham, OR 97030-3825 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Schlachter Mike Schofield DATE: June 9, 2016 RE: No. 24 – Audit Involvement Team Appointment EXPLANATION: In December 2008, the board approved the process to increase board member involvement/oversight of the audit process. The process provides the essential two-way communication between the board’s independent auditor and board/budget committee members. The process also enhances the board’s responsibility to provide independent review and oversight of 1) the district’s financial reporting processes, 2) the district’s internal controls, and 3) the independent audit of the district’s financial statements. The process includes several meetings each year between the auditor, the audit involvement committee and management. Justin Weatherford currently serves on the audit involvement team. Since Mr. Weatherford’s term of service on the budget committee ends on June 30, 2016, and we do not have another budget committee member appointed to the audit involvement team, the administration recommends filling these two positions once there is a full slate of budget committee members. PRESENTER: Mike Schofield SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: None RECOMMENDATION: Delay appointments to the Audit Involvement Team until the board has filled the vacant budget committee positions. REQUESTED ACTION: Move to delay appointments to the Audit Involvement Team until the board has filled the vacant budget committee positions. MS:lc GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT 1331 NW Eastman Parkway Gresham, OR 97030-3825 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Schlachter Mike Schofield James Hiu DATE: June 9, 2016 RE: No. 25 - Tuition and Fees for 2016-2017 EXPLANATION: The proposed tuition and student fees for fiscal year 2016-2017 are detailed on the supplemental materials for secondary schools. There are no changes in student fees from the 20152016 approved fees, including the elementary supply fee of $25, not represented on a schedule. The K-12 tuition for non-resident students is $9,214. PRESENTERS: SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: Mike Schofield and James Hiu Fee schedules for each high school, and one for all middle schools. RECOMMENDATION: The administration recommends the board review the proposed fees and non-resident tuition as presented for first reading. REQUESTED ACTION: Move to accept the 2016-2017 student fees and tuition as presented. MS/JH:pkh:lc GRESHAMHIGHSCHOOLREGISTRATIONFORM-STUDENTFEES 1200N.MainAvenue,Gresham,OR97030 2016-2017RegistrationBillingForm PLEASEPAYYOURFEESONLINETHROUGHTHEGHSWEBSITE!!!INSTRUCTIONSINCLUDEDONTHEBACKOFTHISSHEET! YOUCANPAYWITHYOURVISA,MASTERCARD,ORDISCOVERCARD* *$5.00conveniencefeewillapply* PAYMENTSAREDUEBYFRIDAY,AUGUST26,2016 (StudentLastName) (StudentFirstName) (MiddleInitial) (StudentIDNumber) THISFORMWILLNOTBEPROCESSEDWITHOUTTHEABOVEINFORMATION Free/ReducedLunch:Pricingisshowninthethreecolumns.OptionalFeesarenotwaived.EvenifyouqualifiedforFree/Reducedlunchlastyearyouwillneedtofillout theformmailedtoyoubythedistrict. Donotreturnformunlessyouarepayingwithcheckormoneyorder.PLEASEDONOTSENDCASHTHROUGHTHEMAIL. STEPONE-GotoGHSWebsite(donotsignintoParentVue).SelectStudentFeesOnlineontheleft.Followthelogininstructions.Usethisregistrationform,your studentsschedule,andthebackofthisformasaguidelineforonlinepurchasing. STEPTWO-SELECTCOURSEFEES,OPTIONALFEES,ANDREQUIREDFEES RequiredSemester FEENO REDUCED FREELUNCH AMOUNTDUE CourseFees WAIVER LUNCHFEE FEE DrawingALLLEVELS $22.00 $11.00 $0.00 GraphicsDesign ALLLEVELS $22.00 $11.00 $0.00 Mech.TechExploring $20.00 $10.00 $0.00 PaintingALLLEVELS $25.00 $12.50 $0.00 Sculpture&Ceramics ALLLEVELS $28.00 $14.00 $0.00 TOTALSEMESTERELECTIVECOURSEFEESDUE RequiredYearLong FEENO REDUCED FREELUNCH AMOUNTDUE CourseFees WAIVER LUNCHFEE FEE AutomotiveScience $20.00 $10.00 $0.00 AutoServiceTech $20.00 $10.00 $0.00 ALLLEVELS Botany $20.00 $10.00 $0.00 IBArt&Design $50.00 $25.00 $0.00 Zoology $20.00 $10.00 $0.00 InstrumentRentalFee $60.00 $30.00 $15.00 Onlypayrentalfeeifrentingschoolinstrument TOTALYEARLONGELECTIVECOURSEFEESDUE TOTALOFELECTIVECOURSEFEESSEMESTER+FULLYEAR OPTIONALFEES-MONEYWILLBEAPPLIEDTOOPTIONALFEES AFTERALLREQUIREDFEESHAVEBEENPAID FEENO REDUCED FREELUNCH AMOUNTDUE WAIVER LUNCHFEE FEE ASBSticker $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 ASBStickeroffersfreeadmissiontohomegames-Football,Volleyball, Basketball,andWrestling (withtheexceptionofplayoff/endowmentgames). Youwillalsoreceiveadiscounttodances!!! FamilyAthleticPass $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 P.E.Uniform $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 Availablewhilesupplieslastat$10.00perpiece ParkingPermit $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 PLEASEDONOTPAYIBFEESATTHISTIME-PRICESBASED ON15-16PRICINGANDMAYCHANGE (SEEIBCOORDINATORFORDETAILS) IBRegistrationFee $160.00 $0.00 $0.00 NA IBSubjectFee(each) $55.00 $0.00 $0.00 NA DON'TFORGETYOURYEARBOOK! YEARBOOKSAREHARDCOVERINFULLCOLORWITHOVER100PAGESFULL OFMEMORIES!DON'TMISSOUT! YOUCANPRE-ORDERATTHEBEGINNINGOFTHEYEARWITHA$25.00 DOWNPAYMENT!! 16-17Yearbook $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 YearbookspurchasedAFTER11/30/2016are$55.00 TOTALOPTIONALFEESDUEFROMSECTIONABOVE OptionalFees NOTPAYINGONLINE??Ifpayingwithcheckormoneyordersendcompleted form,payment,andstudentinformationformto: GreshamHighSchool Attn:Bookkeeper 1200N.MainAvenue Gresham,OR97030 BankfeesassociatedwithNSFcheckswillbechargedtothestudent'saccount. REQUIREDFEESFORFRESHMAN,SENIORS,AND ALLATHLETICS/ACTIVITIES REQUIREDFORFRESHMANANDNEWSTUDENTS Ifalltextbooksare returnedarefund willbeissued SeniorYear TextbookDeposit FEENO WAIVER $50.00 REDUCED FREELUNCH AMOUNTDUE LUNCHFEE FEE $25.00 $0.00 REQUIREDFORGRADUATINGSENIORS Thisfeehelpsto coverthecosts ofdiplomasandthe graduationceremony GraduationFee FEENO WAIVER $30.00 REDUCED FREELUNCH AMOUNTDUE LUNCHFEE FEE $30.00 $30.00 ATHLETICANDACTIVITYFEES-PERSPORTORACTIVITY USERFEESMUSTBEPAID,ORPAYMENTARRANGEMENTSMUSTBEMADE BYTHE2NDWEEKOFPARTICIPATION,ORTHE STUDENTWILLBECOMEINELIGIBLETOPARTICIPATE. ALLPRIORSEASONPAYMENTSMUSTBEPAIDBEFORETHESTUDENTIS ABLETOCLEARFORTHENEXTATHLETICORACTIVITYSEASON.FORA COMPLETELISTOFSPORTSPLEASEVISITTHEGHSWEBSITE.IFYOUPAY FORACUTSPORTANDYOURSTUDENTDOESNOTMAKETHETEAMA REFUNDWILLBEISSUEDNOEARLIERTHANTWOWEEKSAFTERTHE ROSTERHASBEENPOSTED.BANDISONLYJAZZBANDORWIND SYMPHONYANDCHOIRISONLYCONCERTCHOIROROVERTONES. FALL,WINTER,AND SPRINGATHLETICSFEES (PERSPORT) FEENO WAIVER REDUCED FREELUNCH AMOUNTDUE LUNCHFEE FEE $175.00 $87.50 $43.75 ACTIVITIES:BAND,CHOIR, FEENO REDUCED FREELUNCH DRAMA,SPEECH,DANCE, AMOUNTDUE WAIVER LUNCHFEE FEE ANDCHEERFEES (PERACTIVITY) $60.00 $30.00 $15.00 TOTALREQUIREDFEESDUEFROMSECTIONABOVE GRANDTOTALOFALLFEESONTHISSHEET SPRINGWATER TRAIL HIGH SCHOOL Student Fee Schedule 2016-2017 REGULAR FEES: • Student Body Fee (All students need to pay Student Body Fee) $12.00 • PE Uniform - (shirt only) $13.00 • One-time Security Deposit $50.00 • Lock $5.00 OPTIONAL FEES: Yearbook (order online-not collected by school) School Shirts (order through Student Store) CLASS FEES: • Art Class • Graduation (seniors only) • ID Photo $20.00 $25.00 $20.00 OTHER FEES: • Meal Account Breakfast Lunch Milk $ 1.25 $ 2.60 $ .50 NOTE: Separate checks will need to be written for school fees and lunch accounts or pay online (available on the District’s web site). There is an additional fee for this service. RB:kh 5/31/16 MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT FEES AND CHARGES 2016-2017 BASIC FEES Waiver for Reduced Lunch Fee $25.00 Yearbook $20.00 No Waiver No Waiver Optional Varies No Waiver No Waiver Optional $20.00 See PE Teacher See PE Teacher Required Varies Varies Varies PE Uniform 0 Other Payment required by October 1 Student Body Fee School Pictures $12.50 Waiver for Free Lunch CLASS BASED FEES Field Trips th Outdoor School $60.00 $30.00 0 6 Grade Only Instrument Rental $60.00 $30.00 0 Band WEB Leaders $12.00 $6.00 0 8 Grade Only $80.00 $40.00 th ATHLETIC FEES Per Sport Basketball & Track $20.00* Payment required by first competition Optional – includes T-shirt OTHER ACTIVITY FEES Drama (DCD) OST – DCD K-8 & WOMS $80.00* no waiver no waiver $20.00 $10.00 $5.00* Optional OST per trimester – DMMS, CCMS, GRMS $36.00 $18.00 $9.00* Optional Marching Unit (GRMS) $36.00 $18.00 $9.00 Optional * Contact administration or counselor to discuss payment plans and possible scholarships ** Free/Reduced Lunch applications available in school office TUITION FOR NON-DISTRICT RESIDENTS Grades K-12 pkh5/23/16 $9,214 GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT 1331 NW Eastman Parkway Gresham, Oregon 97030-3825 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Schlachter DATE: June 9, 2016 RE: No. 26 - Date, Time and Place of Board Meetings EXPLANATION: Policy BC/BCA requires the board to provide for the date, time and place of its regular meetings for the fiscal year not later than July of each year. For this reason, the proposed 2016-17 Board Meeting Schedule is being presented for first reading in June, and the recommendation for second reading and adoption will be presented in July. Attached is a proposed calendar for 2016-17 board meetings, which includes DAC meetings and budget committee meetings. The dates are consistent with the 2015-16 schedule. The administration also proposes that, according to tradition, there will be a board planning session/retreat in August in lieu of a regular meeting. (Note: The 2016-17 proposed calendar includes July and August of the 2017-18 school year for planning purposes.) The board’s regular business meetings are typically held at the Public Safety and Schools building, 1331 NW Eastman Parkway, Gresham, Oregon. Work sessions are traditionally held at the Center for Advanced Learning (CAL), 1484 NW Civic Drive, Gresham, Oregon. When exceptions to this practice occur, advance notifications are published. PRESENTER: Jim Schlachter SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: A list of proposed dates for regular board meetings, board work sessions, DAC meetings, and budget committee meetings RECOMMENDATION: The administration recommends the board review the proposed 2016-17 Board Meeting Schedule for first reading. REQUESTED ACTION: No action is required at this time. Adoption will be requested at the July meeting. :lc 2016-17 Board Meeting Schedule Note: These Meetings are Typically on Thursday Evenings (Exceptions are Noted) Date July 7, 2016 Business Meeting Work Session 7 p.m. 6 p.m September 15, 2016 . September 22, 2016 6 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. October 20, 2016 6 p.m. October 27, 2016 November 3, 2016 7 p.m. 7 p.m. November 17, 2016 December 1, 2016 7 p.m. 7 p.m. December 8, 2016 January 5, 2017 6 p.m. 7 p.m. January 12, 2017 7 p.m. January 19, 2017 February 2, 2017 6 p.m. 7 p.m. February 9, 2017 6 p.m. February 16, 2016 7 p.m. February 17, 2017 (Fri.) TBD February 23, 2016 March 9, 2017 6 p.m. 7 p.m. March 16, 2017 7 p.m. March 23, 2017 April 6, 2017 7 p.m. 7 p.m. April 20, 2017 7 p.m. April 27, 2017 May 4, 2017 6 p.m. 7 p.m. May 11, 2017 7 p.m. 6 p.m. BBQ 7 p.m. DAC Meeting May 25, 2017 June 1, 2017 6 p.m. June 8, 2017 7 p.m. July 6, 2017 7 p.m. Aug. 24-25, 2017 (Thurs./Fri.) Board:lc Budget Meetings TBD September 8, 2016 October 6, 2016 DAC Meeting 7 p.m. Aug. 18-19, 2016 (Thurs./Fri.) September 1, 2016 Planning Retreat 6:45 p.m. Budget Hearing TBD First Reading 06/09/2016 Note: Thursday evenings not scheduled above will be reserved for the addition of special work sessions and/or business meetings as needed. If additional meetings are scheduled, advanced notices and agendas will be posted accordingly. c: Board, Cabinet, Cabinet Secretaries, Receptionist, City of Gresham (Attn. Erika Michaud), Oregonian, Outlook, Catering, Web, MESD, Melissa Ceniceros, Elaine Fagan, Metro Cable TV, Willamette Falls TV, Association Representatives, CAL GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT 1331 NW Eastman Parkway Gresham, OR 97030-3825 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Schlachter Teresa Ketelsen DATE: June 9, 2016 RE: No. 27 – School District Collaboration Grant EXPLANATION: During the 2015-16 school year, the Gresham-Barlow School District was awarded the Collaboration Grant for Design from Oregon Department of Education (ODE) in the amount of $50,000. The focus of this grant was to improve student achievement through voluntary collaboration of teachers and administrators to design new approaches to: a) b) c) d) Career pathways for teachers; Evaluation processes for teachers; Compensation models for teachers; and Enhanced professional development opportunities for teachers. Linking these four components to educator effectiveness empowers teachers, promotes leadership, and raises student achievement. The Collaboration Design Team created a blueprint in each of these four areas. On June 20 members from the Collaboration Design Team will be presenting the blueprints to staff from ODE, to secure a School District Collaboration Grant for nearly $950,000 for the 2016-2017 school year. If the grant is awarded to the school district, it will be brought to the board for acceptance at a future meeting. An assurance page needs to be signed by the Board Chair, along with the Superintendent and the GBEA Bargaining Chair prior, to the June 20 presentation. The assurances are outlined in the supplementary materials. PRESENTER: Teresa Ketelsen SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: Appendix B: School District Assurances Board of Directors Re: No. 27 – School District Collaboration Grant June 9, 201 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION: The administration recommends board approval of the assurance form for the School District Collaboration Grant Application. REQUESTED ACTION: Move to approve the assurance form for the School District Collaboration Grant Application. TK:lc Appendix B: School District Assurances School District Name: Gresham-Barlow School District The school district assures: 1. Adherence to the expectations stated in the school district application. 2. Participating teachers, administrators, and the project director will be released to participate in planning and design activities. 3. None of the moneys received through this grant will be used to replace expenditures for required programs that are the responsibility of the school district or sponsoring agency. 4. The school district will participate fully in all agreed program evaluations and continuous improvement processes with the Oregon Department of Education. 5. The sponsoring agency agrees to abide by all terms of its grant application. The Oregon Department of Education must approve any modifications to the application in writing. 6. The following fiscal and program reports will be submitted to the Oregon Department of Education by their respective due dates: Quarterly reports due November 15, 2016 and February 15, 2017 Final Report due June 15, 2017. 7. Grant recipients must commit to providing all of the requested reports and deliverables in order to receive the funds. 8. The school district will be required to share strategies, models, evaluation information, and lessons learned with other Oregon educators. 9. The undersigned have read the application packet, understand the requirements of the school district’s participation and commit their support. Jim Schlachter Superintendent Name (Please print) Superintendent Signature Date Local Board Chair Signature Date Teachers’ Exclusive Bargaining Representative Signature Date Project Director Signature Date Carla C. Piluso Local Board Chair Name (Please print) Cyrus Harshfield Teachers’ Exclusive Bargaining Representative Name (Please print) Teresa Ketelsen Project Director Name (Please print) GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT 1331 NW Eastman Parkway Gresham, OR 97030-3825 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Schlachter Mike Schofield DATE: June 9, 2016 RE: No. 28 – Bond Proposal Recommendation EXPLANATION: In the spring of 2015, the board directed the administration to assemble a Bond Measure Planning Committee to determine capital facility needs for the district. The Bond Measure Planning Committee, through a series of datagathering meetings and input from students, parents, community, individual school staff, and the administration, developed a list of urgent and long-term needs for safety improvements, capital maintenance items, facility replacement recommendations, facility upgrades, facility additions, and equal access to technology and classroom equipment, totaling approximately $490,000,000. After assessing the original list of needs, the Bond Measure Planning Committee prioritized the list of urgent and long-term needs and recommended safety improvements, capital maintenance items, facility replacement recommendations, facility upgrades, facility additions, and equal access to technology and classroom equipment, totaling approximately $298,600,000, and presented the recommendation to the board in February 2016. The board reviewed the initial recommendation and directed the administration to solicit input from staff, parents, and community members regarding the prioritized list developed by the Bond Measure Planning Committee. During the months of March through April, the administration collected feedback from 778 staff, 143 parents, and 230 community members. The feedback was presented and reviewed by the board at a work session in May. Based on the feedback from staff, parents, and community members, the administration recommended changes to the Bond Measure Planning Committee’s recommendation as presented on June 2, 2016, revising the total recommendation to $299,170,000. Board of Directors Re: No. 28 – Bond Proposal Recommendation June 9, 2016 Page 2 PRESENTER: Jim Schlachter SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: None RECOMMENDATION: The recommendation for consideration this evening is for the board to direct the district administration to prepare the necessary documents calling for a bond measure election in the November 2016 General Election, including a notice of bond election and explanatory statement to be brought before the board of directors for a vote in July 2016 in an aggregate principal amount of $299,170,000. REQUESTED ACTION: Move to direct the district administration to prepare the necessary documents calling for a bond measure election in the November 2016 General Election, including a notice of bond election and explanatory statement to be brought before the board of directors for a vote in July 2016 in an aggregate principal amount of $299,170,000. MS:lc GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT 1331 NW Eastman Parkway Gresham, OR 97030-3825 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Schlachter Teresa Ketelsen DATE: June 9, 2016 RE: No. 29 – District Equity Policy: JBB, Educational Equity EXPLANATION: Policy JBB, Educational Equity, was developed by the Superintendent’s Equity Advisory, which consists of students, parents, staff, and administrators. The policy was first presented to the school board as an information item during the April 28 Board Work Session by members of the Superintendent’s Equity Advisory Committee. The Policy Review Committee reviewed the policy and brought suggested revisions to the board for first reading at the June 2 Board Work Session. The policy is being presented this evening for second reading and adoption. PRESENTER Teresa Ketelsen SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: Policy JBB, Educational Equity RECOMMENDATION: The administration recommends board approval of Policy JBB, Educational Equity, as presented for second reading. REQUESTED ACTION: Move to adopt Policy JBB, Educational Equity, as presented for second reading. TK:lc Gresham-Barlow SD 10 Code: JBB Revised/Reviewed: Educational Equity The Gresham-Barlow School District is committed to ensuring the right of each student to have equitable opportunities to achieve their dreams and academic goals by minimizing barriers and limitations. Student success will not be predicted nor predetermined by national origin, race, culture, ethnicity, sex, language, socio-economic status, mobility, sexual orientation, disability, and/or religion. The Gresham-Barlow School District recognizes that: • Responsibility rests on all Gresham-Barlow School District employees to foster each student’s individual determination to access high quality education and perform at heightened levels of academic proficiency. • All district staff must partner with families for shared decision making. • Allocating resources equitably rather than equally will support the narrowing of the achievement and other student opportunity gaps. • An inclusive and welcoming environment allows students and families to feel safe, respected, and valued, thus supporting students in achieving their educational objectives. To this end the District will: • Actively eliminate practices as they are identified that prevent students from achieving academic success, including barriers of institutional racism. The District will apply the principle of equity to policies, programs, practices, operations and resource allocation to enable all students to access a high quality education. • Recruit, employ, support and retain a culturally competent workforce that reflects the racial, ethnic, sex, and linguistic diversity of the student body. The district shall consider workforce equity when recruiting, employing, supporting and retaining staff. • Involve students, families, staff, and community members that reflect student demographics to inform school and district level decisions, particularly those involving the narrowing of the achievement and other opportunity gaps. • Recognize and remove institutional barriers that hinder students from achieving academic success. • Provide support for all students through equitable resource allocation to schools. • Plan and engage administrators, instructional and support personnel in ongoing professional development in culturally competent and culturally responsive practices. • Support and provide ongoing equity training to staff for the goal of eliminating institutional racism. Educational Equity – Code (JBB) 1-2 • Use data disaggregated by race, ethnicity, sex, language, socioeconomic status, and disability to inform district decisions in order to narrow the achievement and other student opportunity gaps. Definitions of key terms are included in (JBB-AR) END OF POLICY Legal Reference(s): ORS 332.075 ORS 332.107 ORS 342.437 to -342.449 Educational Equity – Code (JBB) 2-2 GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT 1331 NW Eastman Parkway Gresham, OR 97030-3825 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Schlachter Mike Schofield DATE: June 9, 2016 RE: No. 30 – PACE Trust Agreement EXPLANATION: PACE is the district’s property and casualty insurance coverage provider. PACE’s original trust agreement was adopted in 2006 and was recently reviewed and revised. There are two substantive changes to the Trust Agreement that were approved by the OSBA board of trustees. First, trustees created a dispute resolution process that encourages the parties to resolve any disputes at the lowest possible level. Second, PACE trustees will be allowed to serve up to three terms of three years to provide stability to the program and allow trustees to apply the experience and education they have received to the complexities of the insurance program. PRESENTER: Mike Schofield SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: 1. Memorandum dated March 28, 2016, regarding “New PACE Trust Agreement Requires Board Action” 2. Restated Trust Agreement, Property and Casualty Coverage for Education 3. Form of Joinder to Trust Agreement for Members RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the Restated Trust Agreement dated 2/29/16 and the Form of Joinder to Trust Agreement effective March 12, 2016. REQUESTED ACTION: Approval of the Restated Trust Agreement dated February 29, 2016 and the Form of Joinder to Trust Agreement effective March 12, 2016. MS:mkh:lc **IMPORTANT** REQUIRES BOARD ACTION DATE: March 28, 2016 TO: PACE Members FROM: Phil Wentz, PACE Board Chair SUBJECT: New PACE Trust Agreement Requires Board Action Oregon law requires that self-insured public entity programs be formed through an intergovernmental agreement between the participating entities. PACE’s original trust was adopted in 2006 and the Trustees just completed a review of the original trust and proposed a couple of changes to the OSBA Board of Directors. Now that the new PACE Declaration of Trust has been approved by the OSBA Board of Trustees, it is necessary to have all of the trust members have their boards adopt the Joinder of Trust Agreement. The Joinder of Trust Agreement is located on the last page of the enclosed Declaration of Trust. By signing the Joinder of Trust Agreement your board will be entering into an intergovernmental agreement with PACE. Before renewing in the PACE self-insured, property, and liability program, your board will need to adopt the enclosed Joinder of Trust Agreement and return a signed copy to PACE. We understand that this is not an easy task for PACE’s many members to accomplish, but we assure you we would not be taking this action if the Trustees did not feel it was absolutely necessary to protect the trust’s assets, which all of the members have helped build over the past 10 years. Following is the deadline for sending back the signed resolution to PACE by: June 30, 2016 Please return the signed resolution to or FAX to (503) 371-4781 I am sure you and your board members will have questions about the new Trust Agreement. In anticipation of your questions, following are some frequently asked questions and answers for your reference. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: What is my district’s financial risk as part of a self-insured program? The revised Declaration of Trust does not increase your district’s financial liability any more than you currently have under the existing Trust Agreement. The PACE Trust is a non-assessable trust. This means that your district can never be asked to contribute additional funds, other than your annual contributions, to cover your claims or the claims of any other member. It also means, though, that you are ultimately responsible for your own claims liabilities in the event the trust is not able to pay your claims. The PACE Trustees are dedicated to making sure this never happens by being extremely conservative with the amount of funds the trust retains to pay claims. Based on a certified actuary’s estimates, PACE has over $32 million to satisfy all claims liabilities. When not used in the day-to-day business operations, these funds are invested, which allows for reinvestment of PACE resources into programs that reduce members’ risks and keep rates low. In addition, the trust purchases reinsurance that puts a cap on the trust's and members' claims liability. Why is the Trust Agreement an intergovernmental agreement? Oregon law requires that for local governments to form their own self-insured programs they must do so by entering into an intergovernmental agreement. Intergovernmental agreements require each participating organization to have a resolution adopted by its Board of Directors. The enclosed Joinder of Trust Agreement can be considered a suggested board resolution. What are the primary differences between this new Trust Agreement and the original agreement? There are two substantive changes to the Trust Agreement. First, Trustees created a dispute resolution process in the new Trust Agreement that encourages the parties to resolve any disputes at the lowest possible level. Secondly, under the new agreement, Trustees will be allowed to serve up to three terms of three years, adding stability to the program and allowing Trustees the ability to apply the education they have received to the complexities of the insurance program. Why can't my district find a resolution adopting the original Trust Agreement? When the original Trust Agreement was created in 2006, the originators did not believe the Trust Agreement needed to be approved by the participating members. They had an opinion that the coverage documents issued to members at their insurance renewals were considered an intergovernmental agreement that was entered into with the members when the members paid their contributions. With changes in law and philosophy over time, we believe that the best course of action for the newly amended Declaration of Trust is for each member to sign a resolution agreeing to enter into the Trust Agreement as an intergovernmental agreement. What happens if my district does not adopt the resolution? Unfortunately, if your district does not adopt the Joinder of Trust Agreement, your district will no longer be able to participate in the property or liability program. Your district will not be able to renew its coverage in these programs when your current policy term expires. Whom should I contact if I have questions about the enclosed materials? PACE Administration Lisa M. Freiley Staff Counsel (503) 588-2800 (800) 578-6722 RESTATED TRUST AGREEMENT Property and Casualty Coverage for Education THIS DECLARATION AND AGREEMENT creating the OSBA PROPERTY AND CASUALTY COVERAGE FOR EDUCATION TRUST (OSBA PACE), hereinafter referred to as the "Trust," is made and entered into by and between the OREGON SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION, acting by and through its Board of Directors, and the TRUSTEES signatory hereto, WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Oregon School Boards Association, hereinafter referred to as the "Association," is an organization of school boards of school districts in the State of Oregon established to promote the common interests of its members and to institute programs to assist those members in performing their governmental functions in a cost effective way; and WHEREAS, the Association desires to establish a program whereby the risks incurred by its members in the areas of tort liability, property loss and workers' compensation may be effectively and economically managed and whereby insurance and self-insured retention of such risks may be most responsibly and economically funded; and WHEREAS, the Association has agreed to establish such a program and to make arrangements for those members of the Association which desire to do so to procure and maintain group insurance coverages or participate in group self-insurance for the benefit of such members; and WHEREAS, the Association is merely an association and the establishment of a trust is necessary and desirable for the receipt, protection, management and disposition of the premiums, contributions and other collections to be received; and WHEREAS, the purpose of this agreement, therefore, is to establish a trust which will protect and manage insurance premiums, contributions and other collections related to the program; oversee the management and administration of the program; and approve the necessary contracts, insurance policies, premium and fee schedules, and other arrangements necessary to implement the program for the benefit of those members of the Association that choose to participate; and WHEREAS, the undersigned Trustees have consented to act as the initial trustees under this Trust Agreement, and their consent shall be evidenced by their signatures hereto, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the benefits to be derived for the participating members of the Association and the mutual promises and agreements hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows: 1. Creation of Trust: The Association hereby establishes a trust to be known as the “OSBA Property and Casualty Coverage for Education Trust” (OSBA PACE) which shall in all respects be governed by the laws of the State of Oregon and administered to accomplish the purposes expressly, and by necessary implication, contained herein. PACE Restated Trust Agreement 02-29-16 Page 1 of 13 2. Purposes of Trust: The express purposes and primary objectives of the Trust are: (a) To insure that there is available to members of the Association a market for liability, property and/or workers' compensation insurance coverage appropriate to the risks to which such members are exposed. (b) To aggregate the collective buying power of the members of the Association, and the economic advantages of individual and pooled risk retention where lawful and actuarially sound, and to reduce and stabilize the cost of funding those risks. ( c) To make available to members of the Association a resource of expertise in the management of risk through loss prevention and loss control program, claims management and consulting, data gathering, information sharing and related services. (d) To act as an information resource to members of the Association in presenting to appropriate legislative bodies and committees data related to the cost of public body risk in Oregon. (e) To create and act as a pooled self-insured retention fund for participating members of the Association, and to establish actuarially sound contribution schedules for participants in such a pool at appropriate retention levels. (f) To receive, account for, invest and disburse as lawfully due and payable moneys collected from participating members of the Association as premiums, fees and other contributions to the Trust. (g) To promote the common interests of its members and to institute programs to assist those members in performing their governmental functions in a cost effective way. The foregoing expression of purposes is not exhaustive and, in addition to other related objectives reasonably inferred from that list, the Trust shall have such other objectives as may be lawful for an intergovernmental association under Oregon law. 3. Designation of Trustees: (a) The Trust shall be managed by a board of nine (9) trustees (the “Trustees”) chosen by majority vote of the Board of Directors of the Association. The Trustees, parties hereto, have been so chosen. (b) As qualification for appointment and continued service, each appointed trustee shall be an elected or appointed official of a member of the Oregon School Boards Association. (c) The term of office of a trustee shall be for three (3) years at a time. The Trust may nominate a Trustee to serve up to two (2) additional three (3) year terms which must be approved by the OSBA Board of Directors prior to the start of each additional term. (d) The Trustees shall submit a list of nominated candidate(s) to the OSBA Board of Directors for consideration. If the list of candidates is not acceptable by the OSBA Board of Directors, the Trustees will continue to submit nominated candidate(s) for consideration PACE Restated Trust Agreement 02-29-16 Page 2 of 13 until accepted by the OSBA Board of Directors. To the extent practicable, the OSBA Board of Directors shall appoint a successor (including the incumbent if it be so desired) prior to the expiration of a term of a trustee, which appointee shall assume the duties of office upon appointment. 4. (e) (Reorganized paragraph) The Trustees shall submit a list of nominated candidate(s) to the OSBA Board of Directors for consideration. If the list of candidates is not acceptable by the OSBA Board of Directors, the Trustees will continue to submit nominated candidate(s) for consideration until accepted by the OSBA Board of Directors. Vacancies in the office of a trustee shall be filled by a majority vote of Directors of the Association from the list submitted by the Trustees. (f) During the period of any vacancy or vacancies among the trustees, the remaining trustees shall have full power to act. (g) No Trustee shall serve, and no appointment shall be effective, until such appointee acknowledges in writing full and, unconditional acceptance of the terms of this Trust. (h) The Trustees shall designate a chair to preside at meetings of the trustees and to possess such powers and to perform such duties as the holder of such an office usually has and performs. The Trustees shall also designate a vice-chair to act in the absence of the chair. In the absence of both the chair and the vice-chair, the Trustees constituting a quorum may elect a chair pro tempore for purposes of conducting a meeting and transacting Trust business. All such officers of the Trustees may vote on any issue or matter properly before the Trustees. (i) The Executive Director of the Oregon School Boards Association shall be designated as the Program Administrator. The Program Administrator, or his designee, shall serve as an ex-officio Trustee. The Trustees shall require the Program Administrator to keep and preserve minutes of the meetings of the Trustees and possess such powers and perform such duties as the holder of such an office usually has and performs. (j) A Trustee may resign by notification to the Program Administrator. If such notification is made orally, the Program Administrator shall reduce it to writing. The written notice of resignation shall be delivered to the chair of the Trust. Such written notice of resignation may state a prospective date upon which such resignation shall become effective; otherwise, such resignation shall become effective upon acceptance by the OSBA Board of Directors . Upon the effective date of any such resignation, such Trustee shall become and be fully discharged from all further duties, responsibilities or liabilities associated with such office. A Trustee, upon vacating such office, shall promptly deliver to the remaining Trustees or Program Administrator any and all records, books, documents, monies or other property of the Trust in the possession or under the control of such Trustee. (k) Any Trustee may be removed from office because of a violation of their fiduciary responsibilities by the OSBA Board of Directors . Powers of Board of Trustees: In furtherance of the purposes set forth in this Trust, the Trustees shall have such powers as may be necessary or prudent to discharge their responsibilities in PACE Restated Trust Agreement 02-29-16 Page 3 of 13 managing and controlling the Trust, whether or not mentioned herein, including but not limited to the following powers: (a) To provide programs whereby members of the Association may obtain or participate in the coverage afforded by policies of insurance or participate in pooled self-insurance programs. To accept, determine and make reasonable arrangements for the payment by or on behalf of each Member of all contributions and premiums due. Administer the loss funds, collect contributions thereto and pay authorized losses on behalf of its Members. (b) To engage in and oversee, as the Trustees deem appropriate, the services of competent insurance agents and brokers to negotiate on behalf of the Trust with insurance underwriters and to market coverage and services to prospective participants in the Trust's services. To purchase reinsurance or excess insurance as necessary to protect the interest of the Members of the Trust. (c) To engage and oversee administrative services and other staff necessary to provide risk management and insurance related services to the Trust and its participants, including such claims reporting and adjusting record keeping, information sharing, underwriting, claims administration services, legal defense and settlement of claims, communications and marketing, loss control and prevention procedures and consulting, risk reduction and related administrative and consulting services as the Trustees deem appropriate. (d) To review and approve policy forms, service contract forms, and other documents appropriate to the operation of the Trust and to establish the limits of authority of the persons engaged under Paragraphs (b) and (c) above. (e) To establish funding levels for insurance coverages offered by the Trust; To establish procedures for the collection, investment and disbursement of moneys owed to and by the Trust; and to establish actions to be taken with respect to delinquent accounts receivable. (f) To provide for complete accounting and a plan for audit of the funds received, invested, kept and disbursed by the Trust; and to establish such accounts with financial and investment institutions and brokerages as may be necessary and prudent for the proper management of Trust funds. (g) To contract for the services of staff members and for such support services and facilities as the Trustees shall consider appropriate. The Trustees may pay for such services and facilities out of Trust funds. (h) To contract for risk management and insurance related services; to provide for marketing the products and services of the Trust; to provide claims reporting and adjusting record keeping; information sharing, underwriting, claims administration, legal services, communications and marketing, loss control and prevention including but not limited to use of the name and goodwill of the Association. The Trustees may pay for such services out of Trust funds. (i) To appoint from among themselves such committees as the Trustees shall deem expedient which may be vested with such powers as the Trustees in their sole discretion shall determine. To establish such advisory committees as the Trustees deem advisable to assist PACE Restated Trust Agreement 02-29-16 Page 4 of 13 in policy and operations of the Trust and to appoint qualified persons to such committees to serve at the pleasure of the trustees. (j) To receive, hold, and manage premiums for such programs authorized by the trustees, to invest, reinvest, and manage funds received for such purposes and to transmit to the proper recipient premiums received. To employ such agents, advisors and counsel as may be reasonably necessary in collecting, managing, administering, investing and distributing the assets of the fund and to charge the expense thereof to the Trust. (k) Subject to the laws of the State of Oregon, if any premiums or expenses as hereinafter provided for are not paid by a member of the Association within thirty (30) days from the date of notification that the same is due, the Trustees may terminate that member's right to participate further under this trust and any program established hereunder; and thereupon, without further notice, any insurance as may exist for the benefit of such member may be terminated. Any such member whose participation is so terminated may be reinstated and entitled to subsequent participation by appropriate approval by the Trustees and upon such terms and conditions as the Trustees shall prescribe. (l) The Trustees shall not be entitled to any remuneration for their services but they may be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred by them in connection with the performance of their duties as trustees. To the extent that such Trustee is reimbursed by a Member or other entity for expenses as Trustee, such Trustee shall not be so reimbursed, but such reimbursement may be paid to the Member or other entity, as the case may be, with respect to which such Trustee is an employee. (m) The Trustees may delegate any of their non-discretionary powers to the Program Administrator, service administrator or other staff retained by the Trustees as the Trustees deem it appropriate. (n) The Trustees shall require all persons performing services to the Trust to be bonded or insured in a form and amount set by the Trustees. The cost of such bond may be paid out of Trust funds. (o) To promulgate bylaws for the operation of the Trustees and to make reasonable rules and regulations for the fulfillment of the purposes of the Trust and the programs to be established pursuant hereto. Violation of any such rules and regulations by a participating member shall also be cause for termination of participation hereunder or in any program instituted pursuant hereto after notice given as the Trustees in its sole discretion shall determine. Reinstatement of any such violator shall rest in the absolute discretion of the Trustees and upon such terms and conditions as the Trustees shall determine. (p) The Trustees may maintain a bank account or bank accounts in such depositories as the Trustees may select and may empower any person or persons selected by them to draw and sign checks against any funds deposited therein. To hold cash, uninvested, for such length of time as the Trustees may determine without liability for interest thereon. (q) To engage and pay for such accounting, legal or other professional advice or assistance as in the discretion of the Trustees may be required. The Trustees may pay for such services out of Trust funds. PACE Restated Trust Agreement 02-29-16 Page 5 of 13 5. ( r) To determine the general policy for operation of the Trust that shall be followed by all committees, officers, employees, agents, and independent contractors employed by the Trust. (s) To ensure the chair or vice-chair of the Trustees shall execute on behalf of the Trust all contracts, documents and pleadings as may be approved by the Trustees, provided that the Trustees may delegate to any person or firm engaged pursuant to Paragraphs 4(b), ©, (g) or (n) a limited agency authority to bind the Trust in certain cases or kinds of transactions to be specified by the trustees. (t) To sue and be sued, or to prosecute and defend any and all actions affecting the Trust or its property, either in the name of the Trust or in their own names; to compromise or settle any suit, claims or demands, or waive or release any rights relating to the Trust or its property. (u) To have a judicial settlement of their accounts and judicial determination of any questions in connection with their duties and obligations hereunder, or in connection with the administration or distribution thereof. The costs and expenses, including accounting and legal fees, for such judicial settlement of accounts or other judicial determination shall be paid by the Trust as a general administrative expense to the extent permitted by applicable law. (v) To borrow or raise money for the purpose of the Trust in such amount, and upon such terms and conditions as the Trustees shall deem advisable; and for any sum so borrowed to issue the promissory note of the Trust, and to secure the repayment thereof by creating a security interest in all or any part of the property of the Trust; and no person lending such money shall be obligated to see that the money lent is applied to Trust purposes or to inquire into the validity, expedience or propriety of such borrowing. No such debt incurred by the Trust shall be deemed a debt of any Member. (w) To continue to have and to execute, after the termination of the Trust and until final distribution, all of the titles, powers, discretions, rights and duties conferred or imposed upon the Trustees hereunder, or by law. (x) To acquire, hold, own, rent or lease, alone or in conjunction with any other party or parties and for the use in connection with the purposes of the Trust, any property, real or personal, and to pay the appropriate pro rata part of the mortgage payments, property taxes, assessments, insurance, maintenance and ordinary repairs on all such property. (y) To purchase as a general administrative expense of the Trust general liability insurance fidelity bonds and other insurance for the benefit of the Trust or the protection of the Trustees, Trust employees or agents against any losses by reason of errors or omissions, breach of fiduciary duty or negligence. (z) To construe and interpret this Trust Agreement. Duties of the Trustees: The Trustees shall have the following duties: (a) To notify each participating member of the amount of premium due from such participant. PACE Restated Trust Agreement 02-29-16 Page 6 of 13 (b) To receive the appropriate amount of premiums and remit the same promptly to the appropriate insurer or its representative entitled to receive the same, or retain such premium in the Trust if pertaining to a self-insurance program. ( c) If any dividends or benefits are received by the trustees, the same shall be used by the trustees as a part of the trust funds or used to reduce premiums on an equitable basis all as shall be determined by the trustees in their sound discretion. (d) To keep accurate account books and records reflecting all transactions of the Trust and to provide for an annual audit of Trust funds, accounts and operations, and financial reports as the Trustees deem necessary. Copies of such audits and financial reports shall be furnished to each Trustee. The cost of such audits may be paid out of Trust funds. (e) To furnish to participating members such special reports or information as they reasonably require, provided the Trustees in its sound discretion may make the payment of the expense of furnishing the same a condition precedent to doing so. (f) To examine and re-examine the nature and provisions of insurance obtained by members and to seek to improve the coverage and the cost thereof. (g) The Trustees may delegate these duties to the Program Administrator, other service administrator or other staff retained by the Trustees as the Trustees deem it appropriate. (h) If services are not otherwise provided by the Trust, the Trustees shall obtain the services of a service company for the purpose of administering claims. The service company shall adhere to guidelines for the performance of its duties as set forth by the Trustees. (I) Pay claims to or on behalf of the Members in accordance with purposes of the Trust Agreement, Bylaws, Rules and coverage documents. (j) Create a reserve for the payment of claims. (k) Pay or provide for the payment on behalf of Members hereunder all premiums as they become due to an insurer on any policy of insurance. (l) Cause to be maintained accounts of all investments, receipts, disbursements and all other transactions affecting funds or property of the Trust. (m) Engage an independent certified public accountant to perform a financial audit of the Trust at least once per fund year and to report regarding such audit to the Members at the meetings of the Members. (n) Engage an independent and qualified actuary to perform actuarial calculations and provide advice regarding the sufficiency of the loss funds as frequently as is required for prudent management. (o) Maintain minutes of all meetings of the Trustees and Members and cause copies thereof to be distributed in a timely manner to all Trustees. PACE Restated Trust Agreement 02-29-16 Page 7 of 13 (p) Publish such claim reports, financial statements and actuarial projections as necessary to advise Members of the current and projected financial status of the Trust. (q) Pay all taxes and assessments that may be levied or assessed under existing or future laws upon, or in respect of, the Trust or its income. (r) Cause the terms and provisions of the Trust Agreement, the Bylaws and the Rules to be performed and carried out and the assets of the Trust to be properly held and administered. (s) Pay or provide for the payment of all reasonable and necessary expenses of administering the Trust and all charges reasonably incurred by the Trustees in protecting the funds and property of the Trust and in carrying out the purposes of the Trust. 6. Meetings of the Board of Trustees: Each Spring the Trustees shall hold an annual meeting. Other meetings of the Trustees shall be held at the call of the chair or of any five (5) trustees. The notice of any meeting shall state the time, place and purpose or purposes of the meeting. It shall be in any form of communication that the person or persons calling the meeting may designate, provided that it shall be given five (5) days in advance of the meeting, and provided further that nothing herein contained shall prevent the holding of any meeting pursuant to a consent to hold the same and a waiver of notice thereof signed by all the trustees entitled to receive notice. A majority of the trustees shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. All meetings shall be held within the State of Oregon. All decisions of the trustees shall be made by a vote of a majority of the trustees present and voting. Conduct of all meetings shall be governed by rules of order promulgated in the Bylaws. 7. Use of Trust Funds: (a) Without further specific action of the Trustees, but subject to any limitations or conditions set by the Trustees in its bylaws or regulations, the administrators designated by the Trustees shall disburse or authorize disbursement of moneys from funds of the Trust for any of the following purposes: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (b) Payment of moneys due and certain under or by virtue of any contract, bond, or policy of insurance made or obtained by or on behalf of the Trust, including the costs of audits; Investment and reinvestment of Trust funds under such standards and limitations as may be approved by the Trustees; Payment of premiums due on fidelity, performance, errors and omissions, or other bonds and insurance which the Trustees may require in its bylaws to protect the Trust and the trustees; Reasonable and necessary expenses incurred by trustees for such items as travel, meals, lodging, telephone calls and other out-of-pocket expenses incurred in performing their duties as trustees, provided that the personal services and time devoted by trustees shall not be compensated by Trust funds. Payments authorized by the Trust’s annually approved budget. Except as provided in Paragraph 7(a), Trust funds shall not be disbursed, expended or indebted without express approval of the Trustees. Such approval may be solicited from each trustee in writing without necessity for a meeting of the Trustees. PACE Restated Trust Agreement 02-29-16 Page 8 of 13 (c) 8. 9. Surplus funds, including the income from investments of the Trust, in excess of obligations payable under this Section may, at the direction of the Trustees, be distributed in whole or in part, from time to time, to participants in the program, either directly or by way of reduction of premiums, contributions or other fees assessed to participants. Such distributions shall be based upon such formula as the Trustees shall approve except as provided in this section, investment income shall remain with the Trust for reinvestment or satisfaction of the obligations of the Trust as provided in Paragraph 7(a). Membership in the Trust: (a) School boards and districts, education services districts, and community colleges represented by them (as such terms are defined in the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association) which are members of the Association and any Charter School (established pursuant to ORS Chapter 338) that is sponsored by a participating member of OSBAPACE or a district that is self insured who purchases excess coverage from the OSBAPACE may participate under this Trust and in all programs established pursuant hereto. To participate, the school board and district shall make application for membership to the Trustees under such terms and conditions as the Trustees may reasonably require. Membership shall be granted to any qualified applicant which agrees to comply with such terms and conditions unless good reasons exist why membership should be denied. (b) A member's participation in the Trust may be terminated or not renewed by the Trustees in the event it ceases to be qualified under Paragraph 8(a) above, subject to any vested right not otherwise subject to termination for cause, which the member may have acquired in such participation. The Trust may terminate membership and participation of any Member who fails to comply with the reasonable requirements of the Trustees concerning payment of contributions or premiums, compliance with loss prevention programs or cooperation with the Trust staff and agents or for any other reason that may be detrimental to the fiscal soundness or efficiency of the Trust. Termination of Trust: (a) The Trust shall terminate upon the happening of any of the following: (1) (2) (3) (4) (b) The date on which all participating members shall cease to be members of the Association. The date on which there are no members of the Association participating in the services offered by or indemnified or insured by or through the Trust. Upon notice in writing requesting termination given by the OSBA Board of Directors to the Trustees and all participating members. Upon the dissolution, adjudication of bankruptcy or appointment of a receiver for the Association. Notwithstanding anything contained herein, the voluntary termination of the Trust identified in Paragraph 9(a)(3) above shall not occur until the expiration or termination of every policy, contract or other agreement under which any member participates in the services offered by or is indemnified or insured by or through the Trust. PACE Restated Trust Agreement 02-29-16 Page 9 of 13 (c) Upon termination of the Trust, any excess funds held in the Trust after payment of all just claims and expenses shall be first distributed to Trust members for the payment of all liabilities incurred prior to such termination and for liquidation of all assets of the trust. Upon satisfaction of all obligations of the Trust, all remaining assets of the Trust shall be returned to current participating members based on a formula of historic contributions and losses to the Trust. (d) Automatic termination as provided in Paragraphs 9(a)(1), (2) and (4) shall not affect the rights of any participating member under any "policy" of "insurance" underwritten by an "insurer" other than the Trust, as the terms "policy", "insurance" and "insurer" are defined in the Oregon Insurance Code. (e) The Trust created hereby shall be operated as a non-profit organization. (f) No Member shall be responsible for any claim or judgment against any other Member or the Trust except to the extent of the assets of the loss fund, any insurance carried by the Trust and future contributions as provided herein. (g) The Trustees shall continue to serve in office until all obligations of the Trust have been fully and finally discharged or adequately provided for. Thirty (30) days prior to the termination of the Trust, the Trustees shall notify each member of such termination. 10. Withdrawal: Any participating member may withdraw from participation under the Trust, provided that a withdrawal on any date other than a normal renewal date shall only be upon six (6) month’s notice in writing to the trustees of such intention to withdraw. The withdrawing member shall remain liable, however, until all earned premiums or those which are past due are fully paid. There shall be no refund of premiums for an early withdrawal. 11. Dispute Resolution Process: (a) Appeal to Board of Trustees: In the event of any dispute arising from the operation of the Trust, the affected Member shall first appeal to the Trustees. In a matter relating to a claim under a Coverage Document, the appeal must be made within 30 days of the trust’s proposed resolution of the disputed claim unless otherwise provided in the Coverage Document. To institute an appeal, the Member must give written notice to the Chair or Vice-Chair of the Trust providing a written summary of the dispute, detailing in reasonable detail the facts and circumstances of the issues and the requested remedies. At the next scheduled Trust meeting or at such other time as determined by the Chair, the Trustees will review the matter, using procedures as promulgated by the Trust. The Trustees’s decision will be communicated to the Member within 90 days of the Trustees’s hearing the appeal. (b) Mandatory Mediation: If a dispute is not resolved by appeal to the Trust, it must be submitted to the Arbitration Services of Portland ("ASP"), or its successor, for mediation. The Trust or any Member may commence mediation by providing ASP and the other affected parties a written request for mediation, setting forth the subject of the dispute and the relief requested. The Trust and each affected Member shall cooperate with ASP and with one another in selecting a mediator from the ASP panel of neutrals and in scheduling the mediation proceedings. They agree that they will participate in the mediation in good faith and that they will share equally in the costs (the Trust will pay one half of the costs PACE Restated Trust Agreement 02-29-16 Page 10 of 13 and the other half will be paid by the affected Member, or if more than one Member, each shall contribute equally to that half or otherwise as they may agree). All of the offers, promises and conduct and statements, whether oral or written, made in the course of the mediation by any of the parties, their agents, employees, experts and attorneys, and by the mediator or any ASP employees, are confidential and privileged and inadmissible for any purpose, including impeachment, in any arbitration or other proceeding involving the parties, providing that evidence that is otherwise admissible and discoverable will not be rendered inadmissible or non-discoverable as a result of its use in the mediation. 12. (c) Mandatory Arbitration: If the matter is not resolved through mediation, then it shall be submitted to ASP, or its successor, for final and binding arbitration pursuant to the rules for commercial arbitration for ASP. The Trust or a Member may initiate the arbitration with respect to the matter submitted to mediation by filing a written demand for arbitration at any time following the initial mediation session or at any time following 45 days from the date of filing the written request for mediation, whichever occurs first ("Earliest Initiation Date"). The mediation may continue after the commencement of arbitration if the parties agree. At no time prior to the Earliest Initiation Date will either side initiate an arbitration or litigation related to this Agreement, except as provided by the rules of commercial arbitration for ASP or by agreement of the parties. All applicable statutes of limitations and defenses based upon the passage of time shall be tolled until 15 days after the Earliest Initiation Date. The parties will take such action, if any is required, to effectuate such tolling. The dispute will be settled by a single arbitrator. The parties will cooperate with ASP and with one another in selecting an arbitrator and in scheduling arbitration proceedings. Arbitration will occur in Salem, Oregon unless the parties otherwise agree. The parties will be entitled to conduct discovery in accordance with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, subject to limitation by the arbitrator to secure the just and efficient resolution of the dispute. If the amount in controversy exceeds $250,000, the arbitrator's decision shall include a statement specifying in reasonable detail the basis for and computation of the amount of the award, if any. In any arbitration arising out of or related to this Agreement, the arbitrator may not award any incidental, indirect or consequential damages, including damages for lost profits. The decision of the arbitrator will be final and binding. The party prevailing in the arbitration will also be entitled to recover any amount for his or her costs and attorney fees incurred in connection with the arbitration as determined by the arbitrator. Judgment upon the arbitration award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. (d) Coverage Document Dispute Resolution: The dispute resolution provision in any Coverage Document shall apply for the matters to which such provisions are made applicable in the Coverage Document, and shall supersede the dispute resolution provisions of this Section 11. If a Coverage Document is silent, or the dispute resolution contained within it do not apply to a particular dispute, the dispute resolution provision of this Section 11 shall apply. Amendment: The OSBA Board of Directors reserves the right to alter, amend or terminate this Trust and the terms under which it exists at any time by a memorandum in writing delivered to the Trustees, provided any such change or termination shall not prejudice the rights of any participant with respect to any accrued right or claim. In order to advise the OSBA Board of Directors on any proposed material change to the provisions of this Trust Agreement, the Trustees shall prepare an PACE Restated Trust Agreement 02-29-16 Page 11 of 13 impact statement to determine the financial impact, if any, on Trust operations and fiscal stability of the proposed changes to the Trust Agreement. The Trustees will provide a thirty (30) day notice to members by sending a written copy of the impact statement to the participating members. If any member of the Trust, by virtue of this impact statement can clearly show that a change to the provisions in this Trust Agreement will directly result in a significant financial detriment (e.g. Deterioration of operating ratios or trust reserves) they may withdraw from the Trust with any vested equity. 13. Severability: If any provision of this Agreement is adjudicated to be invalid, unenforceable or unconstitutional, the remainder of the provisions not subject to such adjudication shall not be affected and shall continue in full force and effect. 14. Joinders. Any joinder to this Agreement executed by a member will be deemed to be that member’s assent to the entirety of this Agreement, as if such had executed an original of this Agreement. 15. Indemnification: Trustees, officers and agents of the Trust shall use ordinary care and diligence in the exercise of their powers and in the performance of their duties. They shall not be liable for any mistakes of judgment or other action made, taken or omitted by them in good faith, nor for any action taken or omitted by any agent, employee or independent contractor selected with reasonable care, nor for loss incurred through investment of funds or failure to invest. No Trustee shall be liable for any action taken or omitted by any other Trustee. No Trustee shall be required to give a bond or other security to guarantee the faithful performance of their duties hereunder. The Trust shall defend, hold harmless and indemnify the individual Trustees, officers and agents of the Trust from any and all demands, claims, suits, actions and legal proceedings brought against the Trustees in their official capacity as agents of the Trust. The incident must have occurred while the Trustee, officer or agent of the Trust, was acting within the scope of official duties. This indemnification excludes criminal litigation and is limited to the amount of liability insurance coverage which is within the authority of the Trust to provide under state law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, by action of the OSBA Board of Directors , this Trust Agreement is approved and the OSBA Board of Directors by and through its authorized officers, has caused this Agreement to be executed in its name and on its behalf as of this 12th day of March, 2016. OREGON SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION By OSBA President Doug Nelson By OSBA Secretary Don Cruise PACE Restated Trust Agreement 02-29-16 Page 12 of 13 We, the undersigned Trustees, having been duly appointed to carry out the provisions of the above Trust Agreement, do hereby approve, affirm and accept such Trust. Date: March 21, 2016 Phil Wentz, Chair Date: March 21, 2016 Debbie Laszlo, Vice-Chair Date: March 21, 2016 Adam Stewart, Trustee Date: March 21, 2016 Brett Yancy, Trustee Date: March 21, 2016 Sharla Andresen, Trustee Date: March 21, 2016 John Rexford, Trustee Date: March 21, 2016 Marie Knight, Trustee Date: March 21, 2016 Mike Schofield, Trustee Date: March 21, 2016 Craig Prewitt, Trustee PACE Restated Trust Agreement 02-29-16 Page 13 of 13 FORM OF JOINDER TO TRUST AGREEMENT FOR MEMBERS By execution of this Joinder, the undersigned public body hereby agrees to become a party to, and is bound by, the First Restatement of Declaration of Trust of the Property and Casualty Coverage for Education (PACE) effective as of March 12, 2016 (and as the same may be amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time, the "Agreement"), by and among the Trustees and the Members, in the same manner as if the undersigned were an original signatory to such Agreement. The undersigned represents and warrants that (i) the undersigned has received a copy of, and has reviewed the terms of, the Agreement and all related or relevant documents and agreements, (ii) undertakes to become a Member of the Property and Casualty Coverage for Education (PACE) with all the rights and obligations thereof, and (iii) such undertaking has been duly authorized as an intergovernmental agreement to create a program of self-insurance pursuant to ORS 30.282. Capitalized terms used but not defined in this Joinder shall have the meanings set forth in the Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Joinder as of this 9th day of June, 2016. Gresham-Barlow School District No. 10 Jt. By:______________________________________ Carla C. Piluso Name: _____________________________ Chair, Board of Directors Title: _____________________________ Address for Notices: Mike Schofield, Chief Financial Officer Gresham-Garlow School District 1331 NW Eastman Parkway ________________________________________ Gresham, OR 97030-3825 With copies to: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ ________________________________________ GRESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL DISTRICT 1331 NW Eastman Parkway Gresham, OR 97030-3825 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Schlachter Janell Black DATE: June 9, 2016 RE: No. 31 – Board Approval of Alternative Education Programs EXPLANATION: On May 5, 2016, proposed alternative education programs were presented to the board as a first reading. At that meeting, a question was asked about Multnomah Education Service District’s Burlingame Creek and why it was not listed. Burlingame Creek, the building that formerly housed an alternative high school, is an extension of Arata Creek. When the district refers a student with severe behavioral challenges to Arata Creek, the Arata Creek staff determine whether they will assign the student to the Arata Creek campus or the Burlingame Creek campus. To address the question and avoid confusion, the name Burlingame Creek has been added to Arata Creek on the list of programs attached. The program and the tuition cost for both campuses are the same. Upon board approval, these alternative programs will be the complete list of programs available for contract in the 2016-2017 school year. PRESENTER: Janell Black SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: List of Alternative Programs for 2016-2017 RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval of the attached list of alternative education programs for the 2016-2017 school year. REQUESTED ACTION: Move to approve the list of alternative education programs as presented for the 2016-2017 school year. JB:lc Alternative Program Evaluation 2016 2017 School Year Alternative Education Programs 2016 2017 School Year Program Grade/Age Level Cost for Next Year Grades Pre K-12 38,260.00 annually Serves elementary, middle and high school levels with a focus on intense language and communication instruction. Students eligible for regional services have significant language communication needs. Four Corners-Reynolds S.D. 14513 SE Stark Street Portland, OR 97233 503-328-0420 Grades K-8 39,475. 28 annually Four Corners is a therapeutic public school serving students with disabilities who have had significant barriers to accessing their education based on emotional and behavioral challenges. Mt. Hood Community College Alternative Education Program GED Program 2600 SE Stark Street Gresham, OR 97030 503-491-7019 Ages 16-21 80% of ADM Non-disabled young adults in need of help to prepare for the GED examination, establish course goals, find employment, and transition to college classes. Ages 16-21 80% of ADM Program serves 16-20 yr. old students, living in Mult. Co. The average academic performance level is 6th-7th grade. Seventy percent of these students live under the federal poverty line. The program is income based. All students must be self-motivated. Grades K-12 $33,130.00 Beh Health $$40,396.00 Social Emotional annually Disabled students with persistent behavioral challenges who benefit from a leveled management system with clear behavioral and academic expectations for each level. Multnomah Education Service District Functional Living Skills Alternative Behavior Program Wheatley/Local school settings 611 E. Powell Blvd. OR. Grades K-12 and Ages 18-21 $77,967.00 annually Students with moderate to profound disabilities in need of a functional living skills curriculum with emphasis on behavioral services, that include intensive individual daily monitoring. Multnomah Education Service District Functional Living Skills Program/Local school settings 11611 NE Ainsworth Portland, Or 97294 Grades K-12 and Ages 18-21 $66,142.00 annually Students with moderate to profound disabilities in need of a functional living skills curriculum. Columbia Regional Deaf/Hearing Impaired Classrooms 833 NE 74th, Portland, OR 97213 503-916-5570 Mt. Hood Community College Alternative Education Program YESS Program 26000 SE Stark Street Gresham, OR 97030 503-491-7641 Multnomah Education Service District Arata/Burlingame Creek 2470 SW Halsey Troutdale, OR 97060 503-262-4850 TC 4/20/16 Student Profile Program Multnomah Education Service District Helensview School - Phoenix 8676 NE Sumner Portland, OR 97220 503-262-4150 NAYA Early College Academy 5135 NE Columbia Blvd. Portland, Or 97218 503-972-2461 Oregon Outreach Hinton/DAP 1400 SE 135th Portland, Or 97233 503- 261-8470 Grade/Age Level Ages 12-21 Grades 9-12 Grades 9-12 Portland Youth Builders 4816 SE 92nd Ave. Portland, OR 97266 503-286-9350 Ages 17-24 Rosemary Anderson High School East 2208 SE 182nd Ave Portland, OR 503-512-7341 Ages 14-21 Serendipity School 14815 SE Division Portland, OR 97292 503-761-7139 TC 4/20/16 Grades K-12 Alternative Program Evaluation Cost for Next School Year 2016 2017 Year Student Profile Gen- $8,829.00 SpEd $15,105.00 Phoenix $17,659.00 annually Both disabled and non disabled pregnant and/or parenting atrisk teens with gang, drug and alcohol issues and/or criminal histories who benefit from comprehensive wrap-around social, behavioral, academic and mental health support. $8,042.00 annually Native American/Alaskan Native non-disabled youth who are credit deficient and have difficulty fitting into a larger school. Students may generally be introverted and/or gang effected but have a degree of engagement. Is a culturally specific high school $9,540.00 annually Both disabled and non-disabled at-risk students with a history of being unsuccessful in public school due to attendance, school behaviors or academic concerns. Who are in need of small group instruction, individualized, contract-based learning, job skills $8,722.00 annually Non-disabled students who have dropped out of high school or are at risk of dropping out and experience one or more barriers to successful employment. Only students who are eligible for free and reduced lunch are eligible to attend. (SWD and ELL not serv) Uncertain of the price for General ed placement with resource next year 10 or more students ($4,080 per month); less than 5 ($4, 299); Communication room placement with skills trainer ($ 6,400) Students with disabilities with extreme behaviors, internalized and externalized behaviors, processing disorders, struggling from traumatic life events. Serves students K-12 , integrating mental health treatment with an individualized education plan to meet special needs. Program The Open School New location 162nd & Stark Youth Progress - Learning Center (No East County Students at this time) 2020 SE Powell Blvd. Portland 503-233-6121 JB:lm 4/25/16 TC 4/20/16 Grade/Age Level Grade 7- 8, Rolling up next year Ages 15-24 Alternative Program Evaluation Cost for Next School Year 2016 2017 Year $11,000.00 annually N/A Student Profile Private, non-profit for students who've not typically been successful in mainstream schools-often they've struggled academically, behaviorally, and with attendance. The majority of the clients have either been involved in the juvenile justice system or have no appropriate home resource with whom to live. Youth Progress clients are often labeled as “difficult to treat” and have typically been rejected from other placements due to behaviors or background. Youth Progress specializes in working with these youth by providing them with individualized opportunities to succeed.