JLTLA The Express Newsletter - JL Turner Legal Association
JLTLA The Express Newsletter - JL Turner Legal Association
Page 2 JLTLA’s Firm Foundation Page 5 JLTLA Launches Trial CLE Series December 2010 Page 15 JLTLA Members on the Move... check out Kudos Korner JLTLA The Express Newsletter 2010 Year-In-Review JLTLA The Express Newsletter .:. December 2010 Issue .:. Page 1 2010 - A YEAR IN REVIEW By Karen McCloud - JLTLA’S 2010 President Dear JLTLA members and supporters: It has been my extreme honor to serve as President of the J.L. Turner Legal Association (“JLTLA”) this year. As I reflect back on 2010, I am instantly reminded of how busy we were and how collaboratively we were able to advance JLTLA’s mission and critical initiatives. These include: • the success of several professional development initiatives, including the Trial Advocacy CLE Series; and other related CLE programs which allowed JLTLA to showcase the skills of its members in a way that provided other members and the local bar and community at- large with a chance to learn and further develop in their respective practice areas; • JLTLA’s increased focus on civic engagement through targeted community service projects; • mentoring and other related activities, including the Foundation’s annual signature Gala aimed at ensuring that we continue to provide local law students with support (financial and otherwise); and • a series of events, including JLTLA’s first-ever past-Presidents’ dinner (pictured below) and several Board and related advisory meetings, intended to provide opportunities to celebrate JLTLA’s history and serve as forums of discussions during which both JLTLA’s leadership and membership came together to (i) brainstorm solutions to issues currently facing the organization and (ii) consider the strategic implementation of a carefully drafted action plan aimed at addressing these issues and maintaining a high level of member engagement In short, 2010 was an incredibly successful year for JLTLA and the organization certainly could not have achieved this level of success without the support of JLTLA’s members, sister bar associations, and other key civic and charitable partners. The future of JLTLA looks bright and promising. The organization’s upcoming leaders are enthusiastic, energetic and innovative. As we enter 2011, this new slate of leaders will need your support even more as we continue to work to advance our collective mission and individual professional and charitable aspirations. The JLTLA Express Newsletter is intended to highlight JLTLA’s incredible 2010 year and showcase the myriad of goals and objectives we as an organization of dedicated African-American practitioners accomplished together. I would like to personally thank our sponsors for their generous sponsorship funds and the Foundation for its generous grant. In addition, special thanks to JLTLA’s 2010 board members, committee co-chairs, and members for President - Karen McCloud all of the great programming this year. Vice President - Emmanuel Obi In closing, JLTLA’s future is in our hands. JLTLA’s history is predicated on our need to bind together to address those issues warranting President - Elect - Eric Blue a strong collective response. Many stalwarts of JLTLA’s history, at Treasurer - Wesley Terrell great personal and professional costs, took affirmative steps to lay a foundation for JLTLA. This foundation has enabled us to continually Recording Secretary - Lacy Durham come together in fellowship, networking and most important, social activism consistent with our mission to improve the quality of life in Corresponding Secretary - LaKeisha the African-American community through education, service and Harmon scholarship. For those of you who were actively engaged and participating, I urge you to remain engaged as well as recruit new memParliamentarian - Audrey Moorehead bers. For those of you who were not actively engaged, I encourage you to get actively involved. Together, we can continue to work colHistorian - L.A. Bedford, Jr. laboratively as JLTLA’s founding members intended and continue to make an impact on our profession and community at-large. Again, Past President - Art Anthony I thank you for this opportunity to serve. Director - Mandy Price Please enjoy this 2010 Year-In-Review edition of JLTLA’s The Express Newsletter. Director - Clifford Nkeyasen 2010 BOARD OF DIRECTORS JLTLA The Express Newsletter .:. December 2010 Issue .:. Page 2 JLTLA’S FIRM “FOUNDATION” The JLTLA Foundation (the “Foundation”) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit tax-exempt organization with a mission to achieve equal justice and equality in our community by: (i) increasing the number of minority attorneys, in part, by providing scholarships to deserving law students; (ii) legal education and (iii) civic and charitable service. In 2010, the Foundation, under the superb leadership of Chairperson Sonya D. Hoskins, experienced another stellar year. Early in 2010, upon assuming her role as Chairperson, Sonya D. Hoskins articulated a multi-prong vision for the Foundation which focused on the attainment of two key objectives: • Securing funding to supplement the Foundation’s available resources so as to increase the number and size of scholarships available for deserving African-American and other minority law students; and • Enhancing the image of the Foundation by collaborating with JLTLA, other local and national civic and charitable organizations in key initiatives designed to address issues impacting the pipeline of AfricanAmerican students entering the legal profession, current legal practitioners and the community at large. The Foundation increased its visibility by sponsoring and participating in the inaugural JLTLA Juvenile Law Seminar—an event presented in conjunction with the Dallas County Juvenile Justice System. This Juvenile Seminar was held at St. Luke United Methodist Church and was designed to specifically provide an educational forum in which North Texas area residents could come together to discuss critical issues impacting juveniles in our community. Participants in the JLTLA Juvenile Law Seminar included Dallas County Juvenile Judges, Dallas County Prosecutors, attorneys, local pastors, parents and students. Additionally, the Foundation awarded grants to other organizations such as Jack and Jill of America, Inc., St. Paul United Methodist Church, JLTLA and JLTLA’s phenomenal Paralegal Section. These grants further represent the Foundation’s commitment to working collaboratively with other organizations to ensure that critical issues related to its and JLTLA’s mission are continually advanced. On October 9, 2010, the Foundation held its annual signature event—the 58th Scholarship & Awards Gala at the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Dallas. In a festive atmosphere accented by an ambiance of masquerade mystique, the Foundation awarded in excess of $20,000 in scholarships to six (6) minority law students from area law schools based upon academic merit and financial need. This year’s recipients were: Victoria Nsikak (2L, SMU), Kia Lusk (3L, Baylor), Jordan Woody (2L, New York University); Kristen vanBolden (2L, Texas Wesleyan); Cheremma Lee (3L, Texas Wesleyan). The scholarships were awarded in recognition of each recipient’s commitment, dedication and outstanding performance in pursuit of a legal education and future entry into the legal profession. JLTLA extends a special thanks to Sonya D. Hoskins and the Foundation Board for their excellent leadership and to the Honorable Cheryl Williams and the Honorable Phyllis Lister-Brown for their remarkable and tireless efforts coordinating another fantastic Gala. Both JLTLA and the Foundation welcome Judge Phyllis Lister-Brown as the incoming 2011 Foundation Chairperson and look forward to another fantastic year of collaboration and collective progression. JLTLA The Express Newsletter .:. December 2010 Issue .:. Page 3 JLTLA’s COMMUNITY IMPACT Contributions by Mandy Price & Alia Derrick Consistent with JLTLA’s mission to make a positive impact on our community, JLTLA’s Community Outreach Committee coordinated several key community outreach initiatives, particularly: (i) DVAP Clinics; (ii) DBA LegalLines and (iii) the Street Law Program. DVAP Clinics: About 3-5 times a year, JLTLA enters the heart of one of Dallas’ oldest and most impoverished communities to staff the Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program’s South Dallas Legal Clinic. While there, JLTLA attorneys and paralegals bridge the gap between low income persons in need of legal representation and attorneys looking to provide probono legal services. At the South Dallas Legal Clinic, JLTLA members interview potential pro-bono clients who are later matched with volunteer attorneys. DBA LegalLines: LegalLines is a pro bono project sponsored by the Dallas Bar Association (DBA) and essentially consists of a telephone hotline staffed by volunteer attorneys who anonymously answer basic legal questions for various callers. During 2010, JLTLA attorneys staffed the LegalLines on May 19, June 16, August 18, September 15, and October 20. Street Law: In 2010, JLTLA launched its version of the Street Law Program in collaboration with the Black Law Students Association of SMU. Street Law provides practical legal education to high school students, young parents, youth in the juvenile justice system, youth aging out of foster care, and other vulnerable populations. JLTLA’s purpose for conducting Street Law workshops is three-fold: First, the program teaches students effective ways to interact with law enforcement officers and methods of avoiding negative interactions. Second, the program provides general mentoring to junior high and high school students and exposes them to African-American attorneys in the Dallas area. Third, the workshops are designed to help generally develop and educate student participants as to their legal Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights. Although the workshops are not a cure-all, they are part of an-ongoing effort to utilize and develop our precious youth and to improve society in the process. The primary and overriding goal of each workshop is to engage youth participants in a discussion about the importance of taking responsibility for their own actions. This goal is reached by focusing on and conveying the following simple theme: safety before pride. In addition, each workshop attempts to impart a sense of respect for oneself and one’s community to each youth participant. In furtherance of the goals noted above, the Community Outreach Committee coordinated several Street Law workshops, including the following: • Marzelle C. Hill Transition Center (July 15, 2010) • Boys and Girls Club Teen Conference (Eastfield College; August 12, 2010) • United Way African-American Leadership Society Back to School Party (Oak Cliff Boys and Girls Club; August 13, 2010) • Jack and Jill Halloween Celebration (Family Place Shelter in Wynnewood Village; October 31, 2010) JLTLA extends a special thanks to the Community Outreach Committee and all the JLTLA volunteers who supported its 2010 programming as noted above. JLTLA The Express Newsletter .:. December 2010 Issue .:. Page 4 ACES HIGH FOR AIDS ARMS, INC. By Mike Coles of The Coles Firm AIDS Arms Inc. is a Dallas-based non-profit organization dedicated to providing healthcare and support services for the HIV positive population in North Texas. AIDS Arms Inc. strives to assist those impacted by HIV and AIDS achieve and maintain an optimal quality of life by serving this community of clients through an intricate network of volunteers, partner agencies, donors and other stakeholders in a truly altruistic collaborative effort aimed at improving access to care and wellness. AIDS Arms Inc. combats HIV/AIDS in the community principally by taking affirmative steps to prevent the rampant spread of HIV in our local community. In fact, AIDS Arms Inc. is the largest nonprofit HIV/AIDS service organization in North Texas, serving over 7,000 at risk and HIV infected individuals every year. AIDS Arms Inc. offers a host of programs and services for both individuals at risk for becoming infected with HIV and those currently living with the disease. Since its creation in 1986, AIDS Arms Inc. has served over 11,000 HIV+ individuals, their partners and families. This is particularly significant because HIV is reaching crisis levels in our community with nearly 20,000 people living with the disease today. Dallas County Health & Human Services projects that there will be over 25,200 living with HIV in Dallas County by the year 2012. Since AIDS Arms Inc. cannot accomplish its mission alone, on March 26, 2010 JLTLA hosted “Aces High,” a charity fundraiser benefiting AIDS Arms Inc.. The event was held at the Hilton Anatole and consisted of 25 teams playing Spades. At the end of the night a total of $12,000 was raised for AIDS Arms Inc.. Special thanks to all JLTLA members and other key partners involved in sponsoring, organizing and promoting this event and increasing awareness on a critical issue impacting the community in which we all work and live. JLTLA The Express Newsletter .:. December 2010 Issue .:. Page 5 GOT CLE? JLTLA HELPS MEMBERS MASTER THE ART OF Contributions by Emmanuel U. Obi JLTLA is committed to ensuring that its members have access to premium professional development opportunities. To this end, in 2010, JLTLA presented interactive and innovative Continuing Legal Education opportunities and other professional development programming. One key program launched by JLTLA in this regard is the JLTLA Trial Advocacy CLE Series led by Judge Eric Moyé and Karen McCloud. Through this Trial Advocacy CLE Series, JLTLA members had the opportunity to sharpen key trial advocacy skills in topicspecific seminars taught by JLTLA members who are regarded as some of the best and brightest trial practitioners in the state and nationally. Topics covered during this series include: • Voir Dire (by Leon Carter & Tonya Parker) • Opening Statements (by Nolan Knight & Tracey Wallace) • Direct Examination (by Paul Stafford & Tracey Wallace) • Cross Examinations (by Nick Pittman & Frederick Barrow) • Expert Witness Testimony (by Ezekiel Tyson & Russell Wilson II) • Evidence & Exhibits (by Tami Parker & Thelma Clardy) • Closing Arguments (by Winifred Cannon & Vista Lyons) JLTLA was fortunate enough to have Judge Moyé serve as one of the administrators of the Trial Advocacy CLE Series. Judge Moyé, the presiding judge of the 14th Judicial District Court in Dallas, has an extensive and impressive legal resume. In fact, after receiving his law degree from Harvard Law School, Judge Moyé began what has now spanned 25 years of legal practice. Judge Moyé is also very active in legal education. For example, Judge Moyé is an adjunct faculty member at SMU Dedman College and guest faculty member with the Harvard Law School Trial Advocacy Workshop. When asked about the JLTLA Trial Advocacy CLE Series, Judge Moyé had this to say: TESTIMONIAL “It seems to me that JLTLA is filling a critical need with the Trial Advocacy CLE Series. There are far too many attorneys commencing their practices who are not afforded access to the practical post-law school “nuts and bolts” legal education which new associates at large firms, the District Attorney’s office and similar institutions have access. Now, all JLTLA members have the opportunity to actually learn how to conduct voir dire of a jury panel, how to do an opening statement, how to examine a witness and how to handle evidence and much more. In short, our goal is to actually teach young lawyers how totry a case from start to finish. Some of the finest trial lawyers in North Texas - who also happen to be JLTLA members - give ninety minutes once a month to teach the fundamentals of trial practice. Simply put, it is an invaluable opportunity.” In addition to the Trial Advocacy LE Series, JLTLA also developed and presented the following CLE programs: • The Grievance Process - How to Avoid and Best Respond to a Grievance - an ethics seminar featuring JLTLA, featuring former grievance committee members David Small, Andrea Plumlee, Leora Olorunnisomo, and moderated by JLTLA member Rhonda Hunter. Topics explored the current grievance process and procedures, the major practice areas affected by grievances, the primary reasons attorneys get grievances and tips on how to avoid grievances; • What Every Non-IP Lawyer Should Know About Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights to Better Assist Business Clients - a Patent Law CLE presented by Gerald W. Roberts, a partner in the Intellectual Property Trial Group of Thompson & Knight LLP; • From the Mouths of Babes: Straight Talk about Legal Ethics - an Ethics CLE presented by Mike Coles of The Coles Firm; JLTLA The Express Newsletter .:. December 2010 Issue .:. Page 6 TRIAL ADVOCACY AND MUCH MORE! • Expanding Your Productivity and Profitability Through Effective Business Development - a special business development program presented by P.J. Dunn, CCP and CEO of DCDC Services and also featuring Leon Carter of Munck Carter, LLP, David Godsey of Godsey Martin, PC, and Tonya Holt, Sr. Counsel, LSG Sky Chefs; • Capital Punishment on Trial: Furman v. Georgia and the Death Penalty in Modern America - a CLE co-sponsored by JLTLA and the DBA Legal History Discussion Group and featuring Dr. David Oshinsky, Professor of History at the University of Texas at Austin; • Veteran’s Day Community Law Clinic - a pro bono clinic sponsored by JLTLA, the Dallas Asian American Bar Association, and the Hispanic Bar Association during which volunteer attorneys assisted veterans with a myriad of legal questions and issues, including those related to family law, employment law, landlord/ tenant issues and much more; and • JLTLA/DVAP Family Law Bootcamp - JLTLA, in conjunction with DVAP, sponsored a Family Law Boot Camp CLE. The CLE was designed to teach participants the tools and techniques necessary for a productive and profitable family and general civil law practice. The speakers included some of today’s brightest and most well-known lawyers in their respective practice areas, such as Craig Bonham, Dallas County Assistant District Attorney; Thelma Clardy, Family & Probate Law Attorney; Rhonda Hunter, Family Law Board Certified Attorney; and Deborah Pritchett, Family Law Board Certified Attorney. The Bootcamp topics included: • Tips for Effective Law Office Management • Hot Topics in Child Custody Jurisdiction • Modification of Custody and Visitation Orders • What Family Lawyers Need to Know about Domestic Violence, TROs, and Protective Orders, and • Networking and Marketing Techniques that Work. JLTLA thanks all JLTLA members who participated in the myriad of professional development programming we had in 2010, including those who served as instructors and those members who took advantage of the programming. JLTLA looks forward to another exciting year of substantive CLE programming. TESTIMONIAL Frederick Barrow, a prominent and well regarded labor and employment attorney in Dallas, and one of the instructors for the Trial Advocacy CLE Series, had this to say about the Trial Ad CLE Series and its significance: “As stated through personal accounts and memorialized in Quest for Justice (by Darwin Payne), L.A. Bedford, C.B. Bunkley, W.J. Durham, and many other early African-American attorneys in Dallas suffered stultifying injustices, including having to wait until the entire docket was called (and dispositions rendered) before being allowed to present their matters before the court. The challenges and disparate treatment that African-American attorneys faced in the mid-1950’s continued throughout the 1960’s, exemplified by the fact that Mr. Bunkley’s and Mr. Durham’s applications for membership in the Dallas Bar Association were never acted upon – that is, until the January 2006 meeting of the DBA Board of Directors. After being brought to the attention of the DBA Board by Paul K. Stafford, these applications were finally accepted, resulting in certificates of DBA membership being posthumously presented to the families of Bunkley and Durham at the DBA’s 2006 Martin Luther King Jr. Awards Luncheon. This chapter of our history exemplifies the necessity for African-American attorneys to be ready when called…whether it’s to right a past wrong or to ensure present or future justice. If you want to be in the room, you must strive to be excellent and indispensable. By providing our members with access to premium courthouse training with first-rate judges and outstanding practitioners, the JLTLA Trial-Ad CLE Series ensures that we remain at the ready.” *To the extent you have an interest in presenting a CLE on a particular topic or have ideas on other substantive professional development programs in 2011, please contact Eric Blue or Lori Hayward. JLTLA The Express Newsletter .:. December 2010 Issue .:. Page 7 HISTORY & CURRENT VALUE By Sonya D. Hoskins Over 85 years ago, during the first quarter of the 20th century, twelve African-American pioneers with an interest in, and dedication to justice and ensuring civil rights for all, helped advance the struggle of African-Americans in America when they initiated efforts that eventually culminated in the creation of one of the oldest and most prominent legal associations for lawyers, judges, legal scholars and law students of color—the National Bar Association (the “NBA”). At the time of the NBA’s founding, there were fewer than 1,000 African-American lawyers in the nation, and less than 120 belonged to the NBA. However, by 1945, there were nearly 250 members representing 25% of the AfricanAmerican members of the bar. Over the past 85 years, the NBA has grown enormously in size and influence as evidenced by the fact that currently there are over 20,000 members, and 84 affiliate chapters. Over the years, the NBA has become one of the most powerful organizational advocates for AfricanAmerican lawyers across the country. In fact, in conjunction with various state, local, and national legal groups (including the ABA, ATLA, NAACP, LDF and LCCR), the NBA co-sponsors various events to promote the continual development of the legal profession and its members and to advance critical legal, civic and charitable issues impacting African-Americans and our local and national communities at large. As a long-standing member of the NBA, I personally invite all JLTLA members to join the NBA and take advantage of the numerous benefits that come with membership, including, the following: • Substantial discounts with certain NBA partner organizations, including American Airlines, United Parcel Service (UPS), Brooks Brothers, and Zip Car; • Participation in the NBA’s annual conventions, including the upcoming 86th NBA Annual Convention & Exhibits, a large gathering of African-American lawyers, judges and legal scholars held in Baltimore, MD on July 31-August 4, 2011; • Connection to a network of more than 45,000 lawyers, judges, legal scholars and law students—a network that provides an incredible framework for sharing ideas and cultivating strong professional ties; • Access to approximately 100 continuing legal education programs on timely legal topics presented by legal experts and respected and revered attorneys and judges within the profession; and • Receipt of an electronic weekly newsletter which provides updates on critical local continuing legal education opportunities, job opportunities with top government agencies, law schools and Fortune 500 companies, federal nominations and judicial appointments, member promotions and other relevant news. NBA membership also includes access to premium signature events. For example, in 2010, JLTLA hosted and co-sponsored a reception for NBA Region V during the National Basketball Association’s All Star Weekend in Dallas. During this phenomenal high profile event, NBA members had the opportunity to mix and mingle, as well as attend great substantive CLE programs (principally focused on sports law). As I previously mentioned, I have been a member of, and actively involved with the NBA my entire professional career and can unequivocally say that this involvement has positively impacted my career and professional development. I urge all JLTLA members to join the NBA today and take advantage of all of the exciting upcoming events and other benefits! Special Note: The NBA Membership Application and Early Bird Registration to the 86th NBA Annual Convention & Exhibits are available online for your convenience at www.nationalbar.org. If you have any questions about the NBA, feel free to call the NBA headquarters at (202) 842-3900. JLTLA The Express Newsletter .:. December 2010 Issue .:. Page 8 ANOTHER “SPARKLING” YEAR DBWA’S 2010 HIGHLIGHTS By Thelma Clardy, Shawnkeedra Houston, Tatiana Alexander The Dallas Association of Black Women Attorneys was started in March 1983 by two attorneys, Thelma Sanders Clardy and Jessica Alexander, who both recognized a need to address the uniqueness of being an African-American female attorney in Dallas, Texas. At that time, there were less than 30 African-American female attorneys in the DFW area. Thelma and Jessica decided to organize an informal luncheon at the Belo Mansion and invited all African-American women attorneys in the area. At that luncheon, over a dozen black female attorneys gathered to break bread together and to discuss the need for an organization composed of AfricanAmerican female attorneys and focused on addressing issues impacting this key demographic of the Dallas legal community. Based on the consensus reached during this luncheon, DABWA was born. 2010 DBWA EVENTS Since its inception, DBWA has been actively engaged in making a positive impact on the local legal community. Additionally, individual DBWA members have excelled in the legal profession as illustrated by their service on the boards of the State Bar of Texas, Dallas Bar Association, the American Bar Association and the National Bar Association. Trailblazer members include Rhonda Hunter-the first African-American president of the Dallas Bar Association, DeMetris Sampson - the first African-American partner in a majority law firm in Dallas; Kim Askew – the first African-American to serve as chair of the State Bar of Texas’ Board of Directors; Sonya D. Hoskins - a high-ranking officer with the National Bar Association. Karen McCloud- the first African American president of the Dallas Association of Young Lawyers and the Dallas Women Lawyers Association. In the political arena, trailblazer members include the Honorable Chief Justice Carolyn Wright – the first African-American female elected as Chief Justice of the Fifth Court of Appeals; Thelma Clardy - the first African-American female elected to the DeSoto City Council; Valencia Nash - the first African-American female elected as a Dallas County justice of the peace; and Faith Johnson - the first African-American female elected to the Criminal District Court. Many other members have also ascended to the bench and/or served in key positions with various federal and state governmental agencies. Notably, DBWA’s membership has more than quadrupled since that historic meeting in March 1983. As the membership grows, DBWA members continue to make a difference in the lives of the citizens of the Dallas metroplex, the nation, and worldwide. Today, DBWA members continue to excel as partners in majority law firms, owners of their own law firms, law professors, general counsels in major corporations and key players in governmental entities and other positions of distinction and influence. April Inaugural Happy Hour at Iron Cactus: Attendees enjoyed appetizers, cocktails, and conversation on Iron Cactus’ rooftop patio. June “Girls on the Green” Golf Day at TopGolf Entertainment Complex: Attendees enjoyed driving, chipping, putting as well as golf lessons and breakfast. July Summer Madness Happy Hour at House of Blues-Foundation Room: Attendees enjoyed appetizers and beverages courtesy of Godsey Martin Law Firm. August First ever DBWA cooking class: with Cajun Culinary Maestro, ‘The Bearded Chef’® at a private home. The ladies learned recipes for quick, easy, healthy delicious meals fit for any busy career woman and her family. October Annual Sparkler Luncheon was held at the home of the Honorable Chief Justice Carolyn Wright. During the Sparkler, DBWA awarded the first Charlye O. Farris Award of Excellence to Chief Justice Carolyn Wright. This annual DBWA event celebrates women and honors their professional and personal achievements. Ms. Farris was the first black female lawyer to practice in the state of Texas. November North Texas Food Bank Volunteer Event: DBWA and the JLTLA Mentoring Committee organized this event during which DBWA attorneys, paralegals, and law students spent the morning sorting various food items at a local food bank. During 2010, DBWA had an incredibly active and impressive year under the phenomenal leadership of co-chairs Shawnkeedra Houston and Tatiana Alexander. JLTLA extends a special thanks to Shawnkeedra and Tatiana for all their hard work and service to the organization. JLTLA The Express Newsletter .:. December 2010 Issue .:. Page 9 JLTLA PARTNERS WITH DALLAS CASA . . . Contributions by Karen McCloud A core component of JLTLA’s mission is service. In 2010, one critical aspect of this service goal involved JLTLA’s affirmative steps to establish or strengthen partnerships with two key civic allies—partnerships through which issues impacting our youth can be addressed productively: (i) Dallas CASA and (ii) the Big Brothers Big Sisters Amachi Project. DALLAS CASA PARTNERSHIP: On an average day in Dallas County, nearly 2000 abused and neglected children live in foster care because they cannot live safely at home. These children need powerful voices to speak for them. That’s where Dallas Court Appointed Special Advocates (“CASA”) comes in. CASA is a local organization that has been diligently at work addressing these staggering statistics and related underlying issues. CASA volunteers are trained and supervised to collect facts and make recommendations that help judges decide the best possible outcome for each child. Sadly, for many children in these situations, a CASA advocate is the only familiar face and constant support they have during a frightening and truly uncertain time in their young and tender lives. The CASA volunteer role is a unique one because it enables a volunteer to have an immediate and significant impact on the life of an abused or neglected child. In recognition of this critical issue, JLTLA strengthened its partnership with CASA through two key 2010 events aimed at raising awareness and attracting more JLTLA members to serve as CASA volunteers. The first event was a happy hour social on July 23, 2010 at Ocean Prime, organized by JLTLA member Steve Bolden. During the event, attendees had an opportunity to hear from CASA representatives and others about the contours of this issue and the need for additional CASA volunteers, especially those from the AfricanAmerican community. As a follow-up to this event, JLTLA, in collaboration with its Paralegal Section, co-sponsored a comprehensive informational session held on August 24, 2010 at the Belo Mansion during which prospective CASA volunteers were provided comprehensive information regarding CASA’s training requirements and overall volunteer process. JLTLA will continue to be actively involved with this issue as it is one integral to the vitality of our community. If you would like to become a CASA volunteer or get additional information on the process, please visit CASA’s website at http://www.dallascasa.org. JLTLA The Express Newsletter .:. December 2010 Issue .:. Page 10 . . . AND BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS THE AMACHI PROJECT: Last year, under the leadership of Christina Melton Crain, the Dallas Bar Association became the first bar association in the state to join in the Amachi Texas mentorship effort. This year JLTLA sought to assist the DBA in this worthwhile effort, and thus, partnered with Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Texas in its Amachi Texas program. Amachi Texas is a mentoring program which uses faith-based and secular partners to match children ages 6 to 14 who have an incarcerated parent with adult role models to break the intergenerational cycle of incarceration. Amachi Texas became the first Amachi program to go statewide and has served as a model for other states to replicate. The initial goal was to mentor 1,300 children who have incarcerated parents, building an infrastructure across Texas to reach thousands more. To date, more than 5,000 Texas children have been paired with a caring adult. Why is JLTLA involved? Well, shockingly, recent findings by the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics indicate that children of offenders have a 70 percent greater likelihood of entering the criminal justice system. There are an estimated 2.4 million children affected by the nearly 1.5 million parents currently incarcerated in prisons and jails. More than 7 million children (one in every 10) have a parent under some form of criminal justice supervision, whether currently incarcerated, on probation, on parole or a history of incarceration. In the Dallas-Fort Worth area alone, the Bureau Statistics of Justice reports there are about 70,000 children that have an incarcerated parent. Programs such as Amachi Texas address these children’s specific needs and make a difference in the potentially negative direction their lives are likely to take based on staggering statistics. It is particularly critical for potential male “big brothers” to step forward as nearly half of all boys whose parents are incarcerated will themselves be behind bars, as juveniles or adults. By serving one of the most at-risk populations in our society, programs such as Amachi Texas will make great strides toward breaking the cycle of intergenerational incarceration and provide a better future for all Texans. *To participate in the JLTLA/Amachi Texas program, contact Kristy Brownlow at 972.573.2380 or Kbrownlow@bbbstx.org. Please mention JLTLA when signing up! You can truly make a difference in the life of a child, ultimately helping your community in the process. Sign up today! WE NEED YOU IN 2011! JOIN JLTLA TODAY www.jltla.org JLTLA The Express Newsletter .:. December 2010 Issue .:. Page 11 2010 – A MEMORABLE YEAR OF JLTLA MENTORING By Kandace Walter & Kim Houston JLTLA has established a long standing history of actively engaging in activities and supporting programming that provides our members (both students and actual practitioners) with professionally rewarding mentoring opportunities. JLTLA’s dedication on this front is attributable, in part, to its mission. This commitment to mentoring, especially with respect to law students, is also attributable to the basic reality that achieving individual success in the legal profession is often a product of effective mentoring relationships – i.e. relationships in which a mentor conveys his or her insight about how they’ve navigated the often complicated labyrinth of the legal arena or how they handled certain distinct issues impacting their substantive or professional development to a mentee in need of such critical insight. The need for mentoring is particularly heightened in recent times given the economic uncertainty that has impacted the legal market and that has kept many law students and practitioners alike confused and unsure about their careers. In this regard, JLTLA’s Mentoring Committee, under the excellent leadership of Chairs, Kimberly Houston and Kandace Walter, developed programs and activities designed to provide JLTLA mentors and mentees with forums in which they could further their respective mentoring action plans. The Mentoring Committee kicked off the 2010 year with a Mentoring Barbeque held at the home of 2010 President Elect Eric Blue. During this event, local SMU law students had the opportunity to mingle with attorneys from numerous practice areas. The Mentoring Committee also put on a Speed Mentoring event—an innovative program co-hosted by Godsey Martin Law Firm. During this event, attorneys were stationed around the event venue with signs indicating their respective practice areas (e.g. Employment Law, Criminal Defense, Solo Practitioner, In-House, Government Attorney, Non-Practicing, General Litigation, etc.). Students from SMU and TWU law schools interacted with a set of attorneys for a few minutes before rotating to the next practice area. At the end of the event, the attorneys and students mingled freely. As mentioned above, in light of the current economic atmosphere and the uncertainties it has engendered in the minds of nervous graduating students, the Mentoring Committee organized and hosted a wine tasting event, Charting a Career Path Outside OCI. This event was held at the law office of Kelley Witherspoon & Associates and was moderated by Mike Coles, of The Coles Firm. During this interactive event, Mr. Coles discussed each wine and thereafter presented a question to the panel. This panel of experts, representing large firms, small firms, the District Attorney’s Office, and in-house counsel, advised students on how to stand out in a sluggish job market and distinguish themselves from other candidates. As you can see, the Mentoring Committee was very busy this year providing substantive networking events aimed at providing mentees and mentors with great opportunities to advance their respective mentoring action plans. JLTLA looks forward to another year of great mentoring programs and events in 2011 and extends a special thanks to committee co-chairs Kandace Walter and Kimberly Houston and others involved in making 2010 a memorable year of mentoring! JLTLA The Express Newsletter .:. December 2010 Issue .:. Page 12 JLTLA PARALEGAL SECTION 2010 HIGHLIGHTS By Carla Dennis 2010 was another stellar year for JLTLA’s Paralegal Section. The Paralegal Section is focused on advancing critical issues impacting its members while supporting JLTLA’s broader mission and remaining steadfastly committed to other critical social, civic and charitable initiatives. In 2010, the Paralegal Section’s members engaged in many notable activities. In fact the Paralegal Section, (i) volunteered with the DVAP and specifically assisted with screening applicants at legal aid clinics conducted at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Recreation Center, and Friendship West Baptist Church; (ii) conducted many continuing legal education seminars; (iii) participated in the Paralegal Fair held at El Centro College; (iv) participated in collaborative events with other paralegal associations; (v) presented the Section’s first scholarship award to a paralegal student member; (vi) provided school supplies to youth through the SAFE HANDS Summer Program; and (vii) hosted several networking social events. Notably, the Paralegal Section also became an affiliate association of the National Association of Legal Assistants, Inc., and received the President’s Award at the JLTLA Foundation’s 58th Annual Scholarship & Awards Gala for the second year in a row! On May 15, 2010, the Paralegal Section presented a seminar entitled “What Firms Really Want in a Paralegal” at the Urban League of Greater Dallas. This is a yearly seminar during which the Paralegal Section invites JLTLA attorneys from various law firms to speak with its members about what qualities firms look for in a good paralegal. This is an event the paralegal members look forward to each year because it gives them an opportunity to hear directly from local attorneys in an interactive forum that enables them to ask questions and talk with practitioners one-on-one at the conclusion of the seminar. The 2010 panelists were Karen McCloud, JLTLA President, Eric Blue, JLTLA President-Elect, Frederick Barrow, Audrey Moorehead and Robin Gant. Additionally, for the first year, the Paralegal Section conducted a scholarship essay contest and on August 14th, 2010, the Paralegal Section awarded this first ever scholarship ($250) to Rene Reddick, one of its newest paralegal student members and a paralegal student at ITT Technical Institute. The success of the Paralegal Section this year would not have been possible without the tremendous and collective efforts of the Paralegal Section’s Officers/Board of Directors: Carla Dennis, Chair & President; Tangela Jackson, Vice-President/President-Elect; Sandra Key, Secretary; Toya Walker, Treasurer; Loren Gilbert-Smith, Parliamentarian; Linder McIntosh, Historian; Vivian Duren, Membership Chair; Denisha Adams, Events Planning and Fundraising Chair; President - Tangela Jackson Terri Ford, Member-at-Large and Bylaws Chair, and GeorVice President/President-Elect - Toya Walker gette Collins, Immediate Past President. Secretary - Sandra Key Treasurer - Phyllis Cephas Parliamentarian - Loren Gilbert-Smith Historian - Carla Dennis Membership - Vivian Duren Events Planning/Fundraising - Denisha Adams Director/NALA Liaison - Carla Dennis Director - Loren Gilbert-Smith 2011 OFFICERS JLTLA The Express Newsletter .:. December 2010 Issue .:. Page 13 JLTLA 2011 MEMBERSHIP ENGAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES Impressed by JLTLA’s 2010 activities and looking for a way to get more involved with JLTLA in 2011? We can do even more with your help and, as such, we encourage you to consider getting involved with one of JLTLA’s Committees. Read below for information on these Committees. Additional information is also available on the website…www.jltla.org. MEMBERSHIP • Help plan social events aimed at increasing membership numbers and fostering relationships between current members as well as prospective members. COMMUNITY OUTREACH • Work with others to develop programs aimed at making a positive impact on our local community (See Page 3 for summary of 2010 activities). CORPORATE COUNSEL • Interested in networking with other attorneys who practice in the corporate sector and/or discussing and learning about key corporate substantive developments? This is the committee for you! DALLAS BLACK WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION • Help to foster mutually beneficial relationships among African-American women in the Dallas legal community. Please email dbwa.jlturner@gmail.com for additional information. (See Page 8 for summary of 2010 activities). MENTORSHIP • This committee strives to provide guidance, advice, and inspiration to local law students. (See Page 11 for summary of 2010 activities). CRIMINAL LAW • This committee represents the interests of attorneys practicing in all aspects of criminal law, including defense attorneys as well as prosecutors, primarily by developing and presenting informative CLEs and other events. PARALEGAL • The purpose of the JLTLA Paralegal Section is to promote and encourage its members’ professional development in all areas of the law and to ensure equal justice in the community through education, scholarship and service. (See Page 12 for summary of 2010 activities). WEBSITE • Do you have an inner creative side that’s dying to come out? Well, volunteer for this committee and help manage a key aspect of JLTLA’s brand—the website—which also serves as a resource about past and current activities of the organization. Joel Winful maintains the information on the JLTLA website. JLTLA The Express Newsletter .:. December 2010 Issue .:. Page 14 . . . GET INVOLVED!! SCHOLARSHIP • This committee works with the Foundation and other key JLTLA civic and charitable partners to raise funds for law student scholarships in an effort to increase numbers of attorneys of color in the work force. PUBLIC POLICY • Help JLTLA respond to and formulate strategic action plans with respect to key legal, civic and political issues impacting the organization and its key constituencies. BYLAWS • Play a critical role in JLTLA’s governance structure by helping to maintain the organization’s bylaws and other governing documents. A History of Distinction PAST PRESIDENTS **Please also be on the lookout for the 2011 Membership Fair. In 2010, President McCloud organized a membership fair and happy hour event during which members and prospective members had the opportunity to visit with the chairs of various committees and find out ways to get involved. JLTLA looks forward to your future involvement with the organization! 1952-1969 J.L. Turner, Jr. 1970-1971 C.B. Bunkley 1972-1974 Cleo Steele, Jr. 1975 Jasper Rowe 1976-1977 James Anderson 1978-1979 Ms. Joan Sessoms Ford 1980 Sam Biscoe 1981 Larry Baraka 1982-1983 Lorenzo Brown 1984 Walter Sutton 1985 Donald Hill 1986 Joe N. Wright 1987-1988 Ms. Thelma Sanders 1988-1989 Andrew Dunlap 1989-1990 Ms. DeMetris Sampson 1990-1991 Royce West 1991-1992 Ms. Rhonda Hunter 1992-1993 Rick Jordan 1993-1994 Ms. Josephine Dye 1995 Kenneth Walker 1996 A. Nick Pittman 1997 Stanley Mays 1998 Marlon Frazier 1999 Ms. Sonya D. Hoskins 2000 Ms. Monica McCoy Purdy 2001 Clement Osimetha 2002 Paul K. Stafford 2003 Joel K.B. Winful 2004 Daryl K. Washington 2005 Ms. Buena Vista Lyons 2006 Frederick J. Barrow 2007 Ms. Vicki D. Blanton 2008 E. Steve Bolden, II 2009 Art E. Anthony JLTLA The Express Newsletter .:. December 2010 Issue .:. Page 15 KUDOS KORNER: JLTLA would like to extend a heartfelt Kudos to the individuals listed below for the notable awards, professional accomplishments and/or civic recognition they received in 2010.1 JLTLA AWARD RECIPIENTS • Sonya D. Hoskins—Recipient of the C.B. Bunkley Community Service Award • Tonya Parker—Recipient of the J.L. Turner Committed Mentor Award • Honorable Cheryl Lee Shannon—Recipient of the L.A. Bedford Distinguished Jurist Award • Judge Renee H. Toliver—Recipient of the Sam A. Lindsay Professionalism and Ethics Award PROFESSIONAL AWARDS & RECOGNITION • Kim J. Askew—Selected as the recipient of the 2010 DBA Martin Luther King Jr. Justice Award • Frederick Barrow—Recipient of the 2010 Paralegal Section Outstanding Advocate Award • E. Leon Carter—Selected as the 2010 East Texas Baptist University Distinguished Alumni Award; 2010 Inductee to Carthage High School Hall of Fame; and 2011 DBA Martin Luther King Jr. Justice Award • Starlett A. Carter—Selected (and served) as the 2010 DVAP Lend-A-Lawyer • Thelma Sanders Clardy— Elected Chair of the State Bar of Texas’ General Practice Solo & Small Firm Section Council • Judge Carlos R. Cortez—Selected as the 2010 Texas Wesleyan School of Law Distinguished Alumnus • Lacy Durham—Appointed as Minority at Large Director to the Texas Young Lawyers Association Board of Directors and as an ABA Business Law Section Fellow • Laura Richardson-Harris—Runner-Up for 2010 Legal Aid of Northwest Texas Collin County Attorney of the Year Award for providing more than 75 hours of pro bono service to the community • Tonya Holt—Selected by the Dallas Business Journal as the 2010 Corporate Counsel of the Year Champion of Diversity Award • Rhonda Hunter—Selected as a member of the House of Delegates to the American Bar Association • Earsa Jackson—Selected as one of the Best Franchise Lawyers in America; a Legal Eagle by Franchise Times and as a 2010 Texas Rising Star • Nolan Knight—Elected to the partnership of Munsch Hardt Koph and Harr • Buena Vista Lyons—Elected to the partnership of Ford & Harrison LLP • Jason Mathis—Selected as a 2010 Texas Rising Star • Karen McCloud—Elected to the Dallas Bar Association Board of Directors; Elected to the National Bar Association Board of Governors as an Affiliate Representative • Audrey Moorehead—Elected as Chair-elect of the African-American Section for the State Bar of Texas • Emmanuel Obi—Selected as a 2010 Outstanding Young Dallasite by the Dallas Junior Chamber of Commerce 1 The following list is a compilation of all responses to a JLTLA announcement soliciting such information for purposes of inclusion in this Year-In-Review. JLTLA thanks all of those members who submitted information. JLTLA The Express Newsletter .:. December 2010 Issue .:. Page 16 RECOGNIZING JLTLA’S EXCELLENCE • Jason Sanders—Elected to the partnership of Locke Lord Bissell & Liddell • Paul Stafford—Elected as 2011 Dallas Bar Association President-Elect (First AfricanAmerican man to serve in this capacity) • Richard G. Stewart, Jr.— Selected to serve as the President of the Patrick Higginbotham American Inn of Court for years 2009 – 11 • Renee H. Toliver—Appointed as Magistrate Judge for the Northern District of Texas • Honorable Chief Justice Carolyn Wright —Recipient of the 2010 National Association of Women’s Lawyer Leadership Award; Recipient of 2010 DBWA Charlie O. Farris Award 2010 POLITICAL UPDATES2 The following attorneys were successful in their bids for re-election or election: • Stefani Carter - Elected State Representative for District 102 • Judge Carlos Cortez – 44th Judicial District • Judge Dennise Garcia – 303rd Judicial District • Judge-Elect Julia Hayes – County Criminal Court No. 2 • Judge-Elect Clay Jenkins – Dallas County Judge • Eric Johnson- State Representative for District 100 • Judge Angela King – County Criminal Court No. 6 • Judge-Elect Etta J. Mullin – County Criminal Court No. 5 • Judge-Elect Tonya Parker – 116th Judicial District • Judge-Elect Andrea Plumlee – 330th Judicial District • Judge Cheryl Lee Shannon – 305th Judicial District • Judge Gena Slaughter – 191st Judicial District • Judge-Elect Brenda Hull Thompson – Probate Court No. 1 • Judge Fred Tinsley – 195th Judicial District • Craig Watkins - Dallas County District Attorney • Judge Ernest White – 194th Judicial District • Chief Justice Carolyn Wright – Fifth District Court of Appeals JLTLA PARALEGAL SECTION AWARD RECIPIENTS • Carla Dennis—Recipient of the 2010 JLTLA President’s Award • Toya Walker—Recipient of the 2010 Outstanding Paralegal Award • Loren Gilbert-Smith—Recipient of the First Paralegal Committee Chair Award • Terri Ford & Celestine Foley—Recipients of Devoted Service Awards for 10 years service to JLTLA • Sandra Key—Completed and conferred a Texas Board of Legal Specialization in Trial Law Award PRESIDENT’S 2010 AWARD RECIPIENTS: • Tatiana Alexander • Mike Coles • Carla Dennis • David Godsey 2 • Shawnkeedra Houston • Vernetta Kinnard • Audrey Moorehead • Judge Eric Moyè Based on unofficial Dallas County election results. JLTLA The Express Newsletter .:. December 2010 Issue .:. Page 17 VISION 2011 ERIC BLUE - INCOMING JLTLA PRESIDENT I want to thank the membership for the opportunity to serve as the 2011 President of the J.L. Turner Legal Association and President McCloud for the amazing job she did advancing JLTLA’s goals and mission in 2010. Throughout our history, this organization has been one of the finest legal organizations in America and has consistently provided its members with a forum in which we can interact and network with colleagues, address local and national issues of importance to members of the legal community and provide ongoing mentoring and professional development training opportunities. Throughout the 2011 calendar year, we will focus on three (3) key areas of growth and development for the organization: • Membership Engagement: a continued focus on growing the membership ranks of the organization by reaching out to newly minted members of the bar and reengaging existing members of the legal community and demonstrating to these individuals the value proposition associated with becoming a member of our fine organization; • Professional Development: allowing our members to showcase their talents and areas of expertise by sponsoring and co-sponsoring CLEs, professional development and practice development programs on a standalone basis as well as in conjunction with our local sister bars and the DBA; and • Community Focus: building new ties as well as strengthening existing ones, to ensure that our organization is at the forefront of issues of importance in our community. In closing, I look forward to serving you and encourage each and every member to get involved as we strive towards continued excellence. 2011 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President - Eric Blue Vice President - Mandy Price President-Elect - Lori Hayward Treasurer - Wesley Terrell Recording Secretary - Kandace Walter Corresponding Secretary - Tiffany Alvoid Past President - Karen McCloud Directors LaKeisha Harmon Lacy Durham JLTLA The Express Newsletter .:. December 2010 Issue .:. Page 18 2010 NEWSLETTER CREDITS Many many hours went into the compilation of this newsletter. We thank all who contributed content, sent pictures, and gave feedback! But special thanks should go to: • JLTLA members/attorneys, Emmanuel U. Obi and Kandace D. Walter, who compiled the articles featured in this 2010 Issue of The Express Newsletter. • Creative Design & Layout by Idora Caldwell of Caldwell Creative.:. Marketing&Design JLTLA The Express Newsletter .:. SPONSOR PAGE Thanks for your continued support of JLTLA! December 2010 Issue .:. Page 19 JLTLA The Express Newsletter .:. December 2010 Issue .:. Page 20 SPONSOR PAGE Thanks for your continued support of JLTLA! For more information or to apply, contact your local BBVA Compass Mortgage Professional: Lisa Flynn Office 972 705 4440 Cell 214 673 0497 Lisaann.Flynn@bbvacompass.com www.bbvacompass.com JLTLA The Express Newsletter .:. December 2010 Issue 2010 - A LOOK BACK .:. Page 21 JLTLA The Express Newsletter JOIN US NEXT YEAR! .:. December 2010 Issue .:. Page 22 Talk to a member today about the benefits JOIN the JLTLA WE NEED YOU IN 2011! www.jltla.org The views expressed herein are not necessarily the views of the J.L. Turner Legal Association or any of its individual members.