Journey Brochure cor


Journey Brochure cor
a journey of
March 2-15, 2011
Dr. Chahinda Karim, of the American University of Cairo. Your experience is
enriched by her unique perspectives, far reaching expertise and fascinating
presentations. She is uniquely qualified as both your on-site guide and lecturer.
By land and Nile Cruiser. You will encounter many rarely-visited, striking
monuments of this magnificent civilization.
With custom-designed private shore excursions. Sail back thru time on history’s
most legendary river as you discover the monuments of Egypt’s ancient kingdoms.
Enjoy the exquisite hospitality of the award-winning Oberoi Philae Nile Cruiser.
Hear cutting-edge news of recent discoveries and techniques as you meet a noted
archaeologist “on-site” in Luxor. Learn the nuts-and-bolts, disciplines and delights
of his intriguing profession.
Through well-chosen insider experiences; dinner with an Egyptian family in their
home, tour of a Nubian village, cultural performances, private shore excursions on
board the Oberoi Philae, a lecture on modern Egypt, and visit a recently restored
Islamic home and Islamic tomb on a walking tour of Islamic Cairo.
With a travel expert’s knowledge of Egypt’s people and places, and a seasoned professional's eye for detail, Temma has designed, managed and led over 100 in-depth,
intimate tours to Egypt for discriminating travelers for over 20 years.
Above all, choose carefully
Exclusively Egypt is designed for the discriminating traveler. For those who are
looking for an enriching in-depth educational travel experience that includes
the finest accommodations available — simply the best way to visit Egypt.
Dr. Chahinda Karim, Egyptologist, Historian and Professor at the American
University in Cairo
Since childhood, Chahinda’s passion for Egyptology grew as she learned from her
father, a prominent expert in the field. This inspiration culminated in a Masters
from the American University in Cairo and a Doctorate from Cairo University.
For 15 years, participants have called Chahinda the “Treasure of Egypt”. Egypt comes alive as she integrates
Egyptology with archaeology, art, history and culture; creating meaningful connections to all of the sights of
Egypt. A delightful, personable and down-to-earth lecturer and guide, she communicates her knowledge
brilliantly as she inspires real learning.
“Dr. Karim is gifted in her knowledge and ability to blend the latest archaeological theories with the spirit of ancient Egypt.
She inspires a deep appreciation for the grandeur and complexity of Egypt’s art and architecture, both past and present, and
is uniquely educated and experienced to meet the intellectual demands of the discerning traveler.” S. Carey, Boston
Wednesday, March 2
Arrive Cairo S
Your flight approaches Cairo from the shimmering Mediterranean, flying over the fabulous mosques, citadels and
minarets that hug the Nile River. Upon arrival, you will be
met at the airport according to your individual arrangements
and transferred to the deluxe Mena House Oberoi; neighboring the Pyramids of Giza. Rooms are located in the newly
restored Garden wing. Late afternoon, attend an orientation
of recently excavated temples and palaces and the superb
decoration of Amarna’s rock-cut tombs bring the history
of the unique period to life. We will pass through Nag
Hamadi where the Gnostic Treatises were discovered. Late
afternoon arrival in Minia, check in to the 4-star Horus Hotel located on the Nile. Simple and very adequate, it is the
best in the area.
Saturday, March 5
Minia/Sohag BSD
We will make a brief stop at the Stelae of Akhenaten, Tuna
el Gebel - the galleries of the sacred ibis and tomb of PetoThursday, March 3
Cairo B
siris. Across the Nile at Beni Hassan visit some of the
You are in Cairo, the pulsating capital of Egypt.
remarkable Middle Kingdom Tombs cut into the cliffs
The Nile, Egypt’s vital artery runs through the
high above the meandering Nile, where the view is
heart of the city, leaving densely populated ar- “My trip to Egypt
spectacular. Recently restored and in pristine condieas on each bank. Cairo is a city of contrast;
keeps on giving.”
tion, the scenes present a panorama of everyday life
ancient and modern, want and plenty, where
of the governors, courtiers and princes who lived in
motorized vehicles, draft animals, cyclists and
J.S., S. Carolina
Middle Egypt. Of particular interest is a scene showpedestrians vie for space in the streets. Domes,
ing a caravan of Semites arriving in Egypt with their
minarets, and modern buildings delineate the
herds, which dates back to the time of Abraham.
“Abraham went down into Egypt to sojourn there; for the
famine was grievous in the land.” Time permitting, we'll
The ancient monuments that stand at the outskirts of Cairo
visit the newly restored Byzantine Church of Saints Bishai
represent the most eloquent introduction to the World’s oldest civilization. We begin chronologically with an exploraand Bigol at the Red Monastery; a center for ascetic life in
tion of the ruins of the original capital of ancient Egypt at
the 5th Century, the paintings are considered the oldest
Memphis and Saqqara. On the Giza Plateau, you have an
Coptic art in the world. Arriving in Sohag, we check into
optional camel ride before our visit to the Great Pyramids.
the 5-star Nile Hotel, located on the Nile. A new hotel, it is
Icons of antiquity, they embody the mystery and majesty of
the best in the area.
Egypt. We also visit the Sphinx, and the magnificent Solar
Sunday, March 6
Friday, March 4
Cairo/Minia BSD
Depart Cairo, we drive toward Tel el Amarna the site
where Akhenaten and Nefertiti, having broken away from
the centuries-old establishment at Thebes, made their capital
during their revolutionary reign in the 18th dynasty. The
city was destroyed after Akhenaten’s death, but the outlines
Sohag/Luxor B
Departing Sohag for Luxor, our first stop is the Temples of
Seti I at Abydos. During his reign, Seti I encouraged an
artistic and architectural revival which Abydos reflects especially today after an excellent restoration. Considered one of
Egypt’s most sacred cities, the temple is the cult center of its
most beloved heroes – Osiris, Isis and Horus, and one of the
most beautiful in all of Egypt.
Dedicated to Hathor, Dendera is a fine example of Ptolemaic
architecture. Its’ distinctive features include a hypostyle hall
with 18 Hathor-columns supporting a roof decorated with
remarkable astrological scenes. Arriving in Luxor, we check
into the 5-star Sonesta St. George Hotel, located on the Nile.
Monday, March 7
Luxor B
We have arrived in ancient Thebes, for several centuries the seat of the Middle and New Kingdom dynasties, and the virtual center of the ancient world.
The mysterious limestone mountains that rise up beyond the twisting, arid valley just above the Nile
flood plain are honeycombed with treasures and curiosities; a place of secrets and legends.
pumping devices are now used, so too is the ancient waterwheel driven by buffaloes.
Thursday, March 10
Edfu/Kom Ombo BLD
Visit the temple of Horus in Edfu. Begun in 237 B.C. it is the
best preserved ancient structure in Egypt. Dedicated to
“I sailed down the hawk-headed god Horus, the temple is adorned
with reliefs that rank among some of the finest in
the ile and
the Bible came Egypt.
to life.”
Upon return to the Philae, spend the afternoon sailing
for Kom Ombo. Arriving at dusk, we visit Kom
Ombo; unique among Egyptian temples, it equally
honors two gods, Horus, the hawk god and Sobek, the
crocodile god. The temple is spectacular at this time of day
A highlight of the day's itinerary is a visit to the Valley of the
Kings, which contains 64 tombs belonging to the pharaohs of
the 18th-20th Dynasties. The Tombs were hewn out of bedrock and decorated throughout with scenes of the journey of
the sun-god through the underworld. We will also visit the
Temple of Hatchepsut and the Colossi of Memnon.
Dig into the nuts-and-bolts of archeology. Late afternoon
we have the rare privilege of meeting Dr. Ray Johnson, archaeologist and director of Chicago House where he is working at the Luxor Temple. He will introduce you to the science
of archaeology as he discusses his work at the temple. At
sunset, Chahinda will lead your tour of the Temple illuminated at night, as well as the small and delightful Luxor Museum - a fine collection discovered by chance in a Cache in
the colonnaded open court of the Luxor Temple.
Tuesday, March 8
Luxor/Embarkation Oberoi Philae BLD
Return to the West Bank today to visit the Valley of the
obles which contain scenes of everyday life in the New
Kingdom, the Workers Village which was occupied by generations of laborers who toiled in the Valley of the Kings constructing tombs for the Pharaohs, and the unique mortuary
temple of Medinet Habu. Back on the East Bank, we embark
the Oberoi Philae Nile Cruise-simply the finest vessel sailing
the Nile.
Wednesday, March 9
Luxor/Sail to Esna BLD
This morning visit Karnak Temple: the greatest shrine of
antiquity, and a supreme manifestation of ancient Egypt’s
power and wealth. Karnak is a massive temple complex covering 200 acres. Upon return to the Philae, we spend a delightful afternoon sailing toward Esna.
As we sail back through time, the pace of our tour changes our river journey begins and we relax aboard the ship, observing the passing scenery of the Nile’s timeless shore life.
Along its banks, the rural scenes differ little from ancient
times; the farmer tends his land with a wooden plough, uses
his faithful donkey for transport, and although modern
Friday, March 11
Kom Ombo/Aswan BLD
Early morning, we embark on the last stage of our Nile cruise
sailing for Aswan. To many visitors, Aswan is the loveliest of
all cities along the Nile. Famous as a spa at the turn of the
century, vintage buildings adorn its Corniche and granite islands mark the Nile's first Cataract.
Upon arrival, visit the Temple of Philae, dedicated to the
goddess Isis. Famed for its beauty and known as the "Pearl of
Egypt", its sanctity in Greco-Roman times out-rivaled many
of the other cities of Egypt. On its island, temples, kiosks, a
colonnade, and sanctuaries rise proudly against the skyline.
We will also visit the High Dam and Granite Quarries. Late
afternoon we sail by felucca; visiting a ubian Village and
the Botanical Gardens.
Saturday, March 12
Disembarkation Aswan/Abu Simbel/Cairo B
“The ile surpasses all rivers of the earth in sweetness of
taste, length of course and utility" said Ibn Battua, a Medieval historian Sadly, we disembark the Oberoi Philae reminiscent of the adage: Once you have sampled the &ile River,
you will want to return.
experience the sights, sounds and smells of this Islamic city;
Optional Abu Simbel Excursion
Transfer this morning to the airport for an optional air excurvisiting mosques, a restored Islamic home, and other notasion to Abu Simbel, where the famed rock-cut temples surble Islamic monuments. Off the beaten path (in some cases
entrance is by special permission) they all are outstanding
pass in size all other temples in Egypt and the colossal figures,
examples of Islamic art and architecture. Included in
are carved from the mountain. The Temple of
this day is the Khan al-Khalili Bazaar. Withstanding
Ramesses II, the most impressive monument in Nu- “Journeys work
Egypt’s glories and declines since 1382, it grew from a
bia, and the Temple of Queen efertari, his most
in Egypt is
caravanserai to headquarters for merchants from all
beloved wife, were saved from destruction by
unmatched in
over the world—an open air museum that stands as a
purpose and
metaphor for Islamic life. Enjoy dinner this evening
Or transfer and fly directly from Aswan to Cairo.
in an Egyptian home
H.M. Dean,
In either case, you will be transferred upon arrival in
Tuesday, March 15
Cairo to the Semiramis Intercontinental Hotel,
University in
located on the Nile River in the cultural center of
Early morning transfer to the airport for your individual
Cairo. The balance of the day is free. Attend an
flight to the United States. As we leave Egypt we are captiauthentic performance of the Whirling Dervish this
a quote from Florence Nightengale:”...One wonders that
evening on an optional basis.
people come back from Egypt and live lives as they did before."
Sunday, March 13
Cairo B
This morning visit the Cairo Museum, which contains the
world's greatest collection of Egyptian art and artifacts. The
richness of the collection is truly astonishing. In the afternoon
visit the early Christian sites of the recently restored Coptic Cairo; including the Coptic Museum, Church of the
Holy Virgin and the newly-restored Synagogue of Ben Ezra.
In the evening attend an outstanding cultural performance in a
restored Islamic Home.
Monday, March 14
Cairo BLD
Historic Cairo: A walk through the Islamic City. A full day
is devoted to a walking tour through the Islamic section of
Cairo. Immersed in authentic Egyptian culture and society,
Cost Per Person
based on double occupancy
Single Supplement
Abu Simbel Option
Pre/Post Tour Options (Information Upon Request)
The Sinai and St. Catherine’s Monastery
Hurdaga, the Eastern Desert, and the Red Monasteries
International airfare is not included. Please contact your
preferred air carrier or ask us for detailed information on flight
options which are available at the time of printing from $978
from New York. The first tour event begins early evening on
the 2nd of March.
For more information contact:
Journeys of the Mind, Inc.
221 . Kenilworth
Oak Park, Il 60302