EPVC Newsletter
EPVC Newsletter
Part I of II EPVC Newsletter June 2015 Egyptian Pharmaceutical Volume 6, Issue 6 Eosinophilia induced by Tegretol –Case Reports Vigilance Center (EPVC) Pharmacovigilance Department Inside this issue: Eosinophilia in- 1 duced by Tegretol – Case Reports Vaginal itching and 2 inflammation induced by off label use of Sildenafil tablets-Case Reports WHO Calls for 3 Worldwide Use of “Smart” Syringes “Batches” Recall of 4 some pharmaceutical products from the Egyptian market Recall from the 4 Egyptian market due to counterfeit EPVC – “ICSRs 6 Processing” workshop in Cairo EPVC regional 7 center in Cairo Hospitals QPPVs Pharmacovigilance training workshop Memorandum 7 among the (EPVCSohag) and DIC of Faculty of Pharmacy, Assiut University The Egyptian pharmaceutical Vigilance regional center in Sohag has received three reports from ELMinya QPPVs about different medical conditions for patients with varying ages and genders who had administered Tegretol with another antipsychotic drug for a long time then the automatic analysis detected eosinophilia. Carbamazepine: is an anticonvulsant. It works by decreasing nerve impulses that cause seizures and pain. Carbamazepine is used to treat seizures and nerve pain such as trigeminal neuralgia and diabetic neuropathy. It is also used to treat bipolar disorder. By search found that: Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS)/ Multiorgan Hypersensitivity Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS), also known as Multiorgan hypersensitivity, has occurred with Tegretol. Some of these events have been fatal or life-threatening. DRESS typically, although not exclusively, presents with fever, rash, and/or lymphadenopathy, in association with other organ system involvement, such as hepatitis, nephritis, hematologic abnormalities, myocarditis, or myositis sometimes resembling an acute viral infection. Eosinophilia is often present. This disorder is variable in its expression, and other organ systems not noted here may be involved. It is important to note that early manifestations of hypersensitivity (e.g. fever, lymphadenopathy) may be present even though rash is not evident. If such signs or symptoms are present, the patient should be evaluated immediately. Hemopoietic System: Aplastic anemia, agranulocytosis, pancytopenia, bone marrow depression, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, leukocytosis, eosinophilia, anemia, acute intermittent porphyria, variegate porphyria, porphyria cutanea tarda. Patients who have exhibited hypersensitivity reactions to carbamazepine should be informed that ap- Page 2 Part I EPVC Volume 6, Issue 6 proximately 25-30% of these patients may experience hypersensitivity reactions with oxcarbazepine (Trileptal®). Cross-hypersensitivity can occur between carbamazepine and phenytoin In general, if signs and symptoms suggests hypersensitivity reactions occured, Tegretol should be withdrawn immediately. References: Tegretol label –FDA database (Click here) Tegretol label-TGA (Click here) 3. Tegretol Consumer Medicine Information (Click here) Vaginal itching and inflammation induced by off label use of Sildenafil tablets-Case Reports The Egyptian Pharmaceutical Vigilance Regional Center in Sohag had received three reports about Sildenafil tablets which were described by a physician to be administrated as vaginal suppository once daily for 10 days, one of them refused to take it as a vaginal suppository and other two cases took it then, they suffered from vaginal itching and inflammation. The reporter asked if Sildenafil tablet is approved to be administered as vaginal suppository. Recommendations: Upon search at EPVC –Sohag we found that: We found No Conducted Research and Experiments on the use of Sildenafil as vaginal suppository Use of the substance Sildenafil in the treatment of thin endometrial lining is still on probation, so it falls under the “Off Label Use”. The effectiveness of the substance Sildenafil in the treatment of thin endometrial lining is set up in the scientific sites, But There Is No Pharmaceutical Preparation Available. Sildenafil: acts as selective inhibitor of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cgmp) specific phosphodiesterase type-5 (pde-5) which enhanced platelet anti-aggregatory activity of nitric oxide observed in vitro, and the mild peripheral arterial-venous dilatation in vivo because of this action sildenafil used for erectile dysfunction. Page 3 Part I EPVC Conclusions: The treatment of infertility with Sildenafil in women, intravaginal Sildenafil citrate tablets used as suppositories in the treatment of threatened miscarriage in patients with a history of unexplained recurrent spontaneous miscarriage (ursm). Vaginal Sildenafil might be an interesting therapeutic option before conception in women with histories of reproductive failure. Vaginal administration of Sildenafil enhanced endometrial development in 70% of patients studied. Volume 6, Issue 6 High implantation and ongoing pregnancy rates were achieved in a cohort with a poor prognosis for success. Previous endometritis may decrease the response to Sildenafil. References: FDA database search (Click here) EMA Website search (Click here) WHO Calls for Worldwide Use of “Smart” Syringes “Millions of people could be protected from infections acquired through unsafe injections if all healthcare programmes switched to syringes that cannot be used more than once.” For these reasons, WHO is launching a new policy on injection safety to help all countries tackle the pervasive issue of unsafe injections. WHO also stresses the need to reduce the number of unnecessary injections as a critical way of reducing risk. as in many cases these injections are unnecessary or could be replaced by oral medication. “Adoption of safety-engineered syringes is absolutely critical to protecting people worldwide from becoming infected with HIV, hepatitis and other diseases. This should be an urgent priority for all countries” The new “smart” syringes WHO recommends for injections into the muscle or skin have features that prevent re-use. Some models include a weak spot in the plunger that causes it to break if the user attempts to pull back on the plunger after the injection. Others have a metal clip that blocks the plunger so it cannot be moved back, while in others the needle retracts into the syringe barrel at the end of the injection Syringes are also being engineered with features to protect health workers from “needle stick” injuries and resulting infections. A sheath or hood slides over the needle after the injection is com- Part I EPVC Page 4 Volume 6, Issue 6 pleted to protect the user from being injured accidentally by the needle and potentially exposed to an infection WHO is urging countries to transition, by 2020, to the exclusive use of the new “smart” syringes. Syringes without safety features cost US$ 0.03 to 0.04 when procured by a UN agency for a developing country. The new “smart” syringes cost at least twice that much. References: The medical observer article (Click here) “Batches” Recall of some pharmaceutical products from the Egyptian market The Drug Factories Inspection Department at the Central Administration of Pharmaceutical Affairs (CAPA) has decided to recall some batches of the following Pharmaceutical products: Pharmaceutical Product MAH Batch numbers Reason Metformin HCL 850mg CID 03140892 03140891 Non conformity of physical properties Erythrokin 20% El Arabia 419910 419911 140587 Non conformity of physical properties Ramallerge Rameda Non conformity of physical properties This decision was circulated to the Manufacturers, Marketing Authorization Holders (MAH) and Distributers of these products to discontinue distribution of stocks and recall the amount sold of these batches ONLY to pharmacies. Necessary measures would be taken against the violators. Recall from the Egyptian market due to counterfeit The department of Pharmacies & Warehouse Inspection at CAPA has decided to recall the imitated packages of Betadine antiseptic solution 10% 200 ml, Batch no. 1114121 with expiry date 5/2017. The original packages are manufactured by El-Nile Company under license of Mundipharma Switzerland. These counterfeited packages can be differentiated from the fake ones as follows: Part I EPVC Page 5 Original packages The outer Package: The e-mail is written down as Info@nilepharmaeg.com The Word “El Nile” in the logo is clear The plastic bottle: The logo of Mundipharma is written as one word without spaces “Mundipharma”. The ARABIC Word “El Nile” in the logo is clear. Volume 6, Issue 6 Fake Packages The outer Package: The e-mail is written down as Nile_Pharma_eg@Yahoo.com The Word “El Nile” in the logo is not clear The plastic bottle: The logo of Mundipharma is written as two words with a space in between “Mundi pharma” The ARABIC Word “El Nile” in the logo is not clear “without any dots” Also, the department of Dietary Supplements Inspection at CAPA has decided to recall the following: All the batches of the product “DVIRON CAPSULES” which have the following info on the external package: Reg. No. 1613/1996 Manufactured by The Egyptian Pharmaceutical Industries Co. for IBN SINA trading co. This recall is for the reason that the previous registration number belongs to another product. The imitated packages of “SHARK LIVER OIL soft gelatin capsules” Manufactured by Ibn Sina with reg. no. 1890/1997. The counterfeited packages can be differentiated from the fake ones as follows: Point of Comparison The Expiry date The Method of writing the registration number on the package The Method of writing the composition on the package The ® symbol beside the product name Bar Code The back of the strip Original packages 2 years from the production date Reg. MHN: 1890/97 Each capsules contains: Shark Liver Oil 1000mg None Available Opaque (White) Fake Packages 3 years from the production date M.O.H. Reg. No.: 189C0/1997 Composition: Shark Liver Oil 1000mg Written Not Available Transparent Moreover, the Local cosmetics and insecticide department at the Inspection department has decided the following recalls: Epirosa Lotion 120ml (International Pharma Group-Manufactured by Hi Care) with reg. no. 9519/2007. The last batch date was 03/2013 and since this date the factory didn’t manufacture any packages. Part I EPVC Page 6 Volume 6, Issue 6 Therefore any package sold having a manufacture date beyond March 2013, is counterfeited. The imitated packages of Vividol Hair Oil 250ml, Reg. No. 6871/2010 Original packages The colors on the outer packages are dark and the writing is clear. The square found on the package has a white frame then a silver frame. Fake Packages The colors on the outer packages are pale and the writing is not clear. The square found on the package has only a silver frame. One of the upper lids of the outer package contains the name of the printing house “Dot printing house” The upper lid of outer package contains letter M in a circle. The lower lid of the outer package contains the batch no., production date and expiry date in an Italian font The watermark on the lower lid is in light color and clear writing Not written The batch no., production date and expiry date are written on the inner package. Not written The cap of the plastic package has prominent lines There is a circle below the package having a flower and word “Botanical Origin” The cap of the plastic package is flat Not written The lower lid of the outer package contains the batch no., production date and expiry date in an Bold, straight font The watermark on the lower lid is in dark color and the writing is not clear There is a circle below the package having a flower with nothing written. EPVC – “ICSRs Processing” workshop in Cairo The Egyptian Pharmaceutical Vigilance center (EPVC) has organized a training workshop on the New Arab Guidelines for ICSR (Individual Case safety Reports) Processing which was held at Hilton RamsesCairo. The training included ICSRs submission, Causality assessment and the MedDRA (Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities) coding as well. 50 Marketing Authorization Holders from all Arab countries has attended this training from 24 th to 26th of May 2015. Page 7 Part I EPVC Volume 6, Issue 6 EPVC regional center in Cairo - Hospitals QPPVs Pharmacovigilance training workshop During the period from 3rd to 4th of May 2015, The regional center in Cairo has organized the fourth “Hospitals QPPVs Pharmacovigilance training workshop” which was held at the National Training Institute (NTI). 320 pharmacists "QPPVs" from 100 hospitals and health care institutions in Cairo, Giza, Qalyubia, Menoufia and Port Said were highly selected by their managers to act as QPPV representatives and contact points at their work places. This wave was the fourth “Hospitals QPPVs training workshop” organized by regional center in Cairo, in order to introduce and apply the Pharmacovigilance system to all Cairo hospitals and health care institutions. Memorandum among the Egyptian Pharmaceutical Vigilance Centre at Sohag (EPVC-Sohag) and DIC of Faculty of Pharmacy, Assiut University The desire of the parties to the mutual cooperation in the field of pharmaceutical sciences upgrade and in line with the policy of the Ministry of Health for modernization and exchange of information in order to ensure the safe and secure use of medicines and pharmaceuticals; EPVC- Sohag signed a memorandum of mutual understanding in the field of scientific monitoring of the adverse effects of medications with (DIC) Drug Information Center Faculty of Pharmacy, Assiut University, represented by Prof. Amr Saad, the Associate Minister of Health of Pharmaceutical Affairs and the Head manager of The Egyptian Pharmaceutical Vigilance Centre (EPVC) and Prof. Zidan Ibraheim, Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy, Assiut University. NORCB Newsletter May 2015 Volume 6 , Issue 5 National Organization Genital herpes vaccine succeeds in Ph II. for Research & Control of Biologicals Post Marketing Surveillance and Adverse Event Following immunization Department Inside this issue: Genital herpes vaccine succeeds in Ph II. 1 Advance made in pursuit of vaccine for E. coli 1 Breast cancer vaccines may work better with silicon micro-particles. 2 Measles may weaken immune system up to 3 years . 3 Potential vaccine may lower blood pressure. 3 There is no cure for genital herpes, but a company is getting closer to marketing an immunotherapy that could control herpes symptoms. The company announced that it met its goals in a Phase II study of its investigational GEN-003 vaccine. The candidate consists of a protein and adjuvant, and works by targeting a T cell response against the HSV-2 virus. The study's aim was to find the best combination of the protein and adjuvant to reduce viral activity, measured in the viral shedding rate and the genital lesion rate. The study put 310 herpes-infected patients into 7 groups, administering 6 different dosages as well as a placebo. Every dose of GEN-003 showed a statistically significant improvement in the viral shedding rate vs. baseline, and compared to placebo, every dose but the weakest of GEN-003 showed a statistically significant improvement in the viral shedding rate, the rate at which the virus, which lives in nerve cells, makes its way to the skin and physically shed. Reference Fierce vaccines : (Click Here) Advance made in pursuit of vaccine for E. coli strains. Researchers have discovered an antibody with unusual characteristics that may inspire improvements for scientists to create more effective vaccines for pathogens. The antibody, which may inhibit bacteria from bonding to human cell surfaces, may stop E. coli bacteria cells from attaching to human cells. If E. coli cannot bond to human cells, then the bacteria cannot cause an infection. E. coli is particularly interesting to researchers because it causes approximately 12 percent of urinary tract infections in men and half of urinary tract infections in women. The E. coli strains cause up to 90 percent of these urinary tract infections by irritating the urinary tract. While its hairlike structures, known as fimbriae, have pocket-shaped proteins that attach to sugarlike molecules on human cells, the new antibody may stop this adhesion, called FimH, and stop E. coli from causing urinary tract infections. To begin an infection, E. coli implements FimH along the cells that compose the bladder wall and urinary tract. Reference Vaccine News Daily: (Click Here) Page 2 Part II NORCB Volume 6, Issue 5 Breast cancer vaccines may work better with silicon micro-particles. nize the cancer cells overproducing HER2 and destroy them, leaving healthy cells more or less alone. But so far, vaccines against HER2 have seen only Model studies showed that micro-particles load- moderate success. Vaccines targeting the HER2 onco-protein have ed with an antigen, HER2, not only protected the antigen from premature destruction, but al- been tried But these vaccines have mostly not been very potent because of inefficient vaccine delivery, a so stimulated the immune system to recognize and relentlessly attack cancer cells overexpress- poor immune response at the site of the tumor, and other factors. We have shown that the PSMing the HER2 antigen. "We could completely inhibit tumor growth af- mediated vaccine is not only potent enough to trigger tumor cell killing, but also modifies the tumor ter just one dose of the cancer vaccine in the animal model," said principal investigator Haifa microenvironment in a way that favors tumor treatment. Shen, M.D., Ph.D. "This is the most amazing The effectiveness of cancer vaccines could be dramatically boosted by first loading the cancer antigens into silicon micro-particles. result we have ever seen in a tumor treatment study." Shen said the use of PSMs could work for any variety of cancer antigens and cancers, and that the PSMs could be loaded with multiple antigens for a single vaccine target, or multiple antigens for several targets, possibly enhancing the approach's effectiveness further. The success of the treatment, appears to be the porous silicon micro-particles (PSMs) themselves. In vivo and in vitro studies confirmed the micro-particles stimulated a strong, sustained Before human clinical trials can begin, the researchinnate immune response at local sites of tumor activity and growth with or without any antigen ers must evaluate the toxicity of antigen-loaded PSMs. loaded. "We have shown for the first time that a microparticle can serve as a carrier for sustained release and processing of tumor antigens, But just as importantly, we learned the micro-particles themselves appear to be enough to stimulate a type I interferon response, and were even transferred from one antigen-presenting cell to another to maintain a long-lasting antigenreleasing effect." Cancer vaccines are designed to turn a patient's own immune system more strongly against cancer cells, and have been an area of recent and intense interest among oncologists. A vaccine against HER2 would train the immune system's more destructive agents to recog- Reference Science Daily : (Click Here) Page 3 Part II NORCB Volume 6, Issue 5 Measles may weaken immune system up to 3 years. The measles virus is known to cast a deadly shadow upon children by temporarily suppressing their immune systems. While this vulnerability was previously thought to have lasted a month or two, a new study shows that children may actually live in the immunological shadow of measles for up to three years leaving them highly susceptible to a host of other deadly diseases. the study Published in the journal Science provides epidemiologic evidence that measles may throw the body into a much longer-term state of "immune amnesia," where essential memory cells that protect the body against infectious diseases are partially wiped out. Reference Vaccine news daily : (Click Here) Potential vaccine may lower blood pressure. According to new research from Hypertension, a journal from the American Heart Association, a future vaccine may help to lower blood pressure over the long term. The DNA vaccine has been designed to target angiotensin II, a hormone responsible for constricting blood vessels and therefore raising blood pressure. Constricting the blood vessels also makes a person’s heart work harder than it should. The study, which involved rats as test subjects, suggests that a future vaccine may be a novel alternative for treating people with high blood pressure for up to six months. This new vaccine would eliminate the need to take a daily blood pressure pill. The hypertensive rates received the vaccine through needle-less injections three times every two weeks. Not only did the vaccine lower blood pressure for six months, but the rats also showed a decrease in tissue damage to the heart as well as blood vessels commonly linked to hypertension. There did not appear to be any damage to the liver or kidneys. "The potential of a vaccine for hypertension offers an innovative treatment that could be very effective for the control of non-compliance which is one of the major problems in the management of hypertensive patients," Hironori Nakagami, study co-author and professor at Osaka University in Japan, said. "Further research on this DNA vaccine platform, including increasing the longevity of blood pressure reduction, may eventually provide a new therapeutic option to treat hypertensive patients." Reference Vaccine news daily : (Click Here) What is Pharmacovigilance According to the WHO, Pharmacovigilance is A call for reporting the science and activities relating to the de- Please remember that you can report suspected adverse tection, assessment, understanding and pre- reaction of medicines to EPVC, and adverse reaction vention of adverse effects or any other medicine-related problem. following immunization to NORCB using the following communication information What is the Egyptian Pharmaceutical Vigilance Center With the increasing demand for patient's safety which is becoming more stringent, the Communications information regulatory authorities are facing an increased demand for patient welfare and Central Administration of Pharmaceutical Affairs safety. Thus, The Egyptian Pharmaceutical Egyptian Pharmaceutical Vigilance Center Vigilance Center (EPVC) is constructed within Pharmacovigilance Department The Central Administration of Pharmaceutical Affairs (CAPA) Ministry of Health to be 21 Abd El Aziz Al Soud Street. El-Manial, Cairo, Egypt, PO Box: 11451 Phone: +202 – 23684288, responsible for the collection and evaluation Fax: +202 – 23610497 of information on pharmaceutical products Email: pv.center@eda.mohealth.gov.eg marketed in Egypt with particular reference to adverse reactions. Furthermore, EPVC is taking all appropriate measures to: 1.Encourage physicians and other healthcare www.epvc.gov.eg professionals to report the suspected adverse reactions to EPVC. 2.Necessitate the pharmaceutical companies to systematically collect information on risks related to their medical products National Organization for Research & Control of Biologicals and to transmit them to EPVC. Post Marketing Surveillance and Adverse Event Following 3.Provide information to end-users through immunization Department adverse drug reaction news bulletins, drug 51 Wezaret El Zeraa Street, Agouza, Giza P.O. Box: 354 Dokki alerts and seminars. Phone: +202 – 37 480 478 Fax: +202 – 37480472 Email: pmsdep@yahoo.com ext. 118
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