Packet - Village of River Forest
Packet - Village of River Forest
VILLAGE OF RIVER FOREST VILLAGE BOARD MEETING Monday, May 9, 2016 – 7:00 PM Village Hall – 400 Park Avenue – River Forest, IL 60305 Community Room AGENDA 1. Call to Order/Roll Call 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Citizen Comments 4. Elected Official Comments & Announcements a. Swearing-In of Fire Lieutenant John Rose b. Presentation of Award EMS Award 5. Consent Agenda a. Village Board Regular Meeting Minutes – April 25, 2016 b. Village Attorney March Invoice - $18,191.78 c. Proclamation – Emergency Medical Services Month d. Proclamation – Maestro Jay Friedman e. Award of Contract – 2016 Pavement Preservation Program to Denler, Inc. for $31,500. f. Monthly Department Reports g. Performance Measurement Report h. Village Administrator Report 6. Recommendations of Boards, Commissions and Committees a. Zoning Board of Appeals – Variation to Side-Yard Setback at 24 Franklin – Ordinance b. Zoning Board of Appeals – Variation to Side-Yard Setback at 1102 Franklin – Ordinance 7. Board and Commission Appointments & Reappointments a. Plan Commission – Reappoint Lisa Ryan – Four Year Term Expiring 4/30/20 b. Plan Commission – Appoint Lisa Ryan Chairperson – Two Year Term Expiring 4/30/18 c. Plan Commission – Reappoint Elaine Kirk – Four Year Term Expiring 4/30/20 d. Plan Commission – Appoint Keary Creagan – Four Year Term Expiring 4/30/20 e. Zoning Board of Appeals – Reappoint Therese “Tagger” O’Brien – Five Year Term Expiring 4/30/21 f. Zoning Board of Appeals – Appoint Gerry Dombrowski – Five Year Term Expiring 4/30/21 g. Zoning Board of Appeals – Appoint Mike Ruehle (Cooke Vacancy) – Remaining Term Expiring 4/30/20 h. Development Review Board – Reappoint MaryAnn Fishman – Two Year Term Expiring 4/30/18 i. Development Review Board – Reappoint David Crosby – Two Year Term Expiring 4/30/18 j. Development Review Board – Reappoint Therese “Tagger” O’Brien – Two Year Term Expiring 4/30/18 k. Development Review Board – Appoint Mike Ruehle – Two Year Term Expiring 4/30/18 l. Development Review Board – Appoint John Griffin (Cooke Vacancy) – Remaining Term Expiring 4/30/17 m. Economic Development Commission – Appoint Robert Graham – Four Year Term Expiring 4/30/20 n. Economic Development Commission – Appoint Robert O’Connell – Four Year Term Expiring 4/30/20 o. Economic Development Commission – Appoint Lee Neubecker – Four Year Term Expiring 4/30/20 p. Firefighter’s Pension Fund – Reappoint Sean Condon - Three Year Term Expiring 4/30/19 q. Board of Fire and Police Commission – Reappoint Michael Trucco – Three Year Term Expiring 4/30/19 r. Ethics Commission – Appoint Greg Ignoffo – Three Year Term Expiring 4/30/19 s. Historic Preservation Commission – Appoint Thomas Zurowski Chairperson 8. Unfinished Business a. Update on Thatcher Commuter Lot Rehabilitation Cost Estimate and Direction to Seek Competitive Bids 9. New Business a. Introduction of Planned Development – Lake and Lathrop b. Award Agreement for Communications Services to Jasculca Terman c. An Ordinance calling for a public hearing and a joint review board meeting to consider the designation of a redevelopment project area and the approval of a redevelopment plan and project for the Village of River Forest (Madison Street Tax Increment Financing District) – Ordinance 10. Executive Session 11. Adjournment VILLAGE OF RIVER FOREST REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES April 25, 2016 A regular meeting of the Village of River Forest Board of Trustees was held on Monday, April 25, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Room of Village Hall, 400 Park Avenue, River Forest, IL. 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Upon roll call, the following persons were: Present: President Adduci, Trustees Conti, Corsini, Cargie, Dwyer and Gibbs Absent: Trustee Colwell-Steinke Also Present: Village Clerk Sharon Halperin, Village Administrator Eric Palm, Police Chief Greg Weiss, Public Works Director John Anderson, Fire Chief Jim Eggert, Finance Director Joan Rock, Assistant Village Administrator Lisa Scheiner, Village Attorney Lance Malina, and Village Attorney Greg Smith. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President Adduci led the pledge of allegiance. 3. CITIZENS COMMENTS 4. ELECTED OFFICIALS COMMENTS AND ANNOUCEMENTS Trustee Corsini discussed articles regarding historic preservation and notable homes in River Forest. She stated she met with a resident who had good observations about Roosevelt PRI parking flow. She said the resident will meet with the Village Administrator regarding her ideas and he can share them with the traffic consultant. She stated she recently attended a funeral for a young resident. She asked the Village to communicate the services and resources that are available for families struggling with drug addiction. Trustee Cargie stated the Collaboration Committee met during the previous week. He reported that most of the discussion was regarding disruptive children in the library. He said the committee members expressed concerns that the interventionists do not prioritize River Forest problems and that they do not recognize this behavior, which includes vandalism and graffiti, as a problem for them to address. Trustee Conti congratulated Sue Quin on her appointment as library director. Trustee Gibbs echoed Trustee Corsini’s comments regarding the funeral for the resident and discussed the helplessness the family felt as they attempted to help their loved one. Adding to Trustee Cargie’s comments regarding the disruptive childen, Trustee Gibbs reported that thousands of dollars of damage was done to the elevator in the library. President Adduci stated she received a letter from Commissioner Silvestri regarding low cost rabies vaccine clinics and requested that staff help publicize the information. She also discussed the Historic Matters newsletter and their recent program called “Flip the Floor” that allowed the salvage of an old 2 April 25, 2016 floor. She pointed out an article regarding River Forest history and the Village’s first village administrator. 5. CONSENT AGENDA a. b. c. d. e. Village Board Regular Meeting Minutes – March 28, 2016 Village Board Regular Meeting Minutes – April 11, 2016 Committee of the Whole Minutes – April 11, 2016 Authorize to Disposition of Surplus Property – Two Police Vehicles – Ordinance Award of Contract – 2016 Curb & Sidewalk Replacement Program to Davis Concrete for $56,046.25 f. Award of Contract – 2016 Sewer Lining Program to Insituform Technologies USA, LLC for $187,306.50 g. Award of Contract – 2016 Street Patching Program to Brothers Asphalt Paving, Inc. for $54,175.00 h. Award of Contract – 2016 Street Improvement Program to Chicagoland Paving Contractors Inc. for $159,000.00 and authorize the Village Administrator to amend the contract to include additional paving provided the contract costs do not exceed the budgeted amount of $200,000 i. Amend Title 5, Chapter 10 - Water and Sewer Rate – Ordinance j. Amend Film Permit Fee –FY 2017 – Ordinance k. Adopt FY 2017 Compensation Plan - Ordinance l. March Monthly Financial Report m. March Accounts Payable - $1,215,401.95 n. Village Administrator Report Trustee Cargie made a motion, seconded by Trustee Gibbs, to approve the Consent Agenda. In response to a question from Trustee Conti, Finance Director Rock stated the “blank” on page 4 of the Committee of the Whole minutes in regard to the Police Pension Fund should be “2019”. There was a brief discussion regarding the date of the Recycling Extravaganza which is May 7, 2016. Roll call: Ayes: Absent: Nays: Trustees Conti, Gibbs, Corsini, Dwyer, and Cargie Trustee Colwell-Steinke None Motion Passes. 6. RECOMMENDATIONS OF BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a. FY 2017 Annual Operation and Capital Budget – Ordinance 3 April 25, 2016 Trustee Gibbs made a motion, seconded by Trustee Corsini, to approve an Ordinance adopting the Annual Budget for the Fiscal Year Commencing on the 1st Day of May, 2016 and Ending on the 30th Day of April, 2017 for the Village of River Forest, Illinois. Roll call: Ayes: Absent: Nays: Trustees Conti, Gibbs, Corsini, Dwyer, and Cargie Trustee Colwell-Steinke None Motion Passes. b. Amend Title 2 of the Village Code – Residency Requirement for Village Boards & Commissions – Ordinance Trustee Gibbs made a motion, seconded by Trustee Conti, to consider and approve the attached ordinance which makes various changes to the Village Code regarding Board and Commission residency. Trustee Corsini suggested some clean-up of the ordinances at some point in regard to consistency. There was a brief discussion regarding the consistency/longevity of a business manager versus a business owner serving on the Economic Development Commission. Roll call: Ayes: Absent: Nays: Trustees Conti, Gibbs, Corsini, Dwyer, and Cargie Trustee Colwell-Steinke None Motion Passes. c. Update: Fresh Thyme Farmer’s Market Grocery Store Village Administrator Palm provided a timeline and update on the status of Fresh Thyme’s construction project. He discussed the structural engineering issues and noted the walls have been shored-up and there is no long-term public safety risk in the vicinity at this time. He stated the Village has requested a structural engineering study and a plan with a timeline from Fresh Thyme and MidAmerica but has not received these documents from either party. He said the Village is going to file a complaint in Circuit Court to get them to address this problem. He noted staff has attempted to work with Fresh Thyme and MidAmerica but has a duty to the residents to issues with the building addressed. In response to a question from Trustee Dwyer, Village Administrator Palm stated that he has not yet told Fresh Thyme or MidAmerica about the pending legal action but will call them this week as a courtesy. 4 April 25, 2016 In response to a question from Trustee Conti, Assistant Village Administrator Scheiner stated the last update the Village received regarding the construction progress is that they are over 100 days behind schedule on construction due to additional unexpected issues and there is no functioning electrical or plumbing in the building. Village Administrator Palm added that the Village has not received the structural engineering report which would provide the information needed to make a determination whether the building should be torn down or the project should go forward. In response to a question from Trustee Corsini, Village Administrator Palm stated the Cook County tax incentive would begin once the construction is completed and the building is reassessed. In response to a question from Trustee Gibbs, Village Administrator Palm stated the Village expects the complaint to induce the parties to provide the Village with a structural engineering report and a plan to fix the building, if feasible, or demolish it. In response to a question from Trustee Cargie, Village Administrator Palm stated Fresh Thyme is in charge of the construction at this time. In response to a question from Trustee Gibbs, Village Administrator Palm stated the Village will learn who is responsible for the building’s condition after reviewing the structural engineering report. In response to a question from Trustee Cargie, Village Attorney Smith stated the Board can discuss the cause of action in closed session. In response to a question from Trustee Corsini, Assistant Village Administrator Scheiner stated the replacement of the fence for the homeowner on Jackson is on hold, staff has reached out to the homeowner, and all work is at a standstill. President Adduci commended Village Administrator Palm for taking action. 8. NEW BUSINESS a. Letter of Support – HJRCA 38 – Support of Statewide Voter Referendum of Expansion of Home Rule Eligibility Trustee Conti made a motion, seconded by Trustee Gibbs, to approve a letter of support for House Bill HJRCA 38 in support of a statewide voter referendum for the expansion of home rule eligibility. President Adduci stated the measure came out of the Illinois Municipal League agenda and it would be a state-wide referendum that would appear on the November, 2016 ballot for voter input. She said, if this passes, it would allow municipalities with populations of 5,000 or more to become home rule. She noted municipalities could opt out such as Rockford and other communities have done. Trustee Corsini requested a point of clarification. Village Attorney Smith stated if the Bill passes it is a constitutional change and the community would have to go to referendum if it did not want home rule. In response to a question from Trustee Conti, President Adduci stated that this would impact 16% of Illinois municipalities. 5 April 25, 2016 Trustee Cargie stated his only concern in approving this is that the residents River Forest came out strongly against home rule. Trustee Corsini noted this is a referendum asking voters for their input. Trustee Gibbs said things have changed since that vote and residents may feel differently now given the recent performance of the State of Illinois. Trustee Conti stated if this passes the residents could vote to take it away. She said this is about what is best for the State not just the Village. Trustee Dwyer stated he believes there is a benefit to the Village with home rule. President Adduci stated it takes 3/5 of General Assembly to pass this. She noted it may never come to a vote because only three statewide referenda can be put on the ballot at a time and there are other measures that may be on the ballot. Roll call: Ayes: Absent: Nays: Trustees Conti, Gibbs, Corsini, and Dwyer Trustee Colwell-Steinke Trustee Cargie Motion Passes. 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION None. 10. ADJOURNMENT Trustee Cargie made a motion, seconded by Trustee Gibbs, to adjourn the regular Village Board of Trustees Meeting at 7:32 p.m. Roll call: Ayes: Trustees Conti, Gibbs, Corsini, Dwyer, and Cargie Absent: Trustee Colwell-Steinke Nays: None Motion Passes. Sharon Halperin, Village Clerk PROCLAMATION EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES WEEK MAY 15 THROUGH MAY 21, 2016 WHEREAS, emergency medical services is a vital public service; and WHEREAS, the members of emergency medical services teams are ready to provide lifesaving care to those in need 24 hours a day, seven days a week; and WHEREAS, access to quality emergency care dramatically improves the survival and recovery rate of those who experience sudden illness or injury; and WHEREAS, emergency medical services (EMS) embodies the true concept of teamwork by recognizing the interdependent relationship of trauma centers, resource hospitals, emergency physicians, emergency nurses, emergency medical technicians (EMTs), paramedics, firefighters, emergency dispatchers, educators and administrators who are dedicated to saving lives, and; WHEREAS, the State of Illinois is a leader in the provision of Emergency Medical Services; and WHEREAS, in Illinois there are 2,819 trauma nurses, 22,000 emergency medical technician (EMT)basics, 610 EMT-intermediates and 15,444 EMT-paramedics, 3012 emergency medical dispatchers, 64 resource hospitals and 66 trauma centers dedicated to promoting preventive measures and selflessly providing 24-hour pre-hospital care, outpatient and specialized services, as well as inpatient and rehabilitative care; and WHEREAS, the Village of River Forest has implemented advance life support services through the paramedic program for all residents of the Village; and WHEREAS, Americans benefit daily from the knowledge and skills of these highly trained individuals; and WHEREAS, it is appropriate to recognize the value and the accomplishments of emergency medical services providers by designating Emergency Medical Services Week, “EMS STRONG: CALLED TO CARE”, NOW, THEREFORE, I, Catherine M. Adduci, President of the Village of River Forest, do hereby proclaim the week of May 15 through May 21, 2016 as EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES WEEK” in the Village of River Forest and commend those engaged in the Emergency Medical Services for their contributions in the health and welfare of all River Forest residents. DATED this 9th day of May, 2016. Catherine M. Adduci, Village President PROCLAMATION HONORING MAESTRO JAY FRIEDMAN WHEREAS, Jay Friedman has served as the Music Director of the Symphony of Oak Park and River Forest for twenty years; and WHEREAS, Jay Friedman has been named by the Illinois Council of Orchestra’s “Conductor of the Year” and WHEREAS, Jay Friedman conducted the Symphony of Oak Park and River Forest four times at Chicago’s prestigious Symphony Center; and WHEREAS, Jay Friedman brought Maestro Riccardo Mute, Music Director of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, to conduct annual open rehearsals; and WHEREAS, Jay Friedman led the Symphony of Oak Park and River Forest in three world premieres, A Symphony of Place, an arrangement of the Brahms F minor piano sonata for orchestra by Joseph Keynes, and a Krista percussion concerto; and WHEREAS, Jay Friedman served as the Principal Trombone of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra for over fifty years; and WHEREAS, Jay Friedman was a professor at Roosevelt University whose students have earned positions with major orchestras around the world; and WHEREAS, Jay Friedman is a published author on the topics of conducting and orchestral style; and WHEREAS, Maestro Friedman is a highly sought-after conductor on stages worldwide; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Catherine M. Adduci, President of the Village of River Forest, do hereby honor Maestro Jay Friedman, and congratulate him on a reception being held in his honor on May 22nd 2016, at the conclusion of the Oak Park and River Forest Symphony Orchestra’s final concert of the season, and commend his work of bringing music to our community and beyond. DATED this 9th day of May, 2016. Catherine M. Adduci, Village President MEMORANDUM DATE: May 9, 2016 TO: Eric J. Palm, Village Administrator FROM: John Anderson, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Award of Contract - 2016 Street Maintenance Program (Pavement Preservation) Issue: Staff is seeking the award of a contract for the pavement preservation portion of the 2016 Street Maintenance Program. Analysis: In previous years the Street Maintenance Program has included the application of cracksealing products and microsurfacing of various streets throughout the Village. The crack-sealing portion of this work is typically part of a joint-bid with the Village of Oak Park and has not yet been advertised for bid. The microsurfacing portion of this program has been under review in recent years and was modified in FY16 to include pavement preservation instead of microsurfacing. This change was intended to better preserve the existing pavements throughout the Village instead of reacting to a pavement that has already begun to fail. The pavement preservation technique involves the application of a more liquid-like substance to designated streets. The material actually soaks into the pavement and replenishes the flexibility that is lost during exposure to the elements. The combination of ultraviolet light, salt application during winter, water entering small cracks and the weight of vehicles repeatedly driving over a pavement work to break down the “glue” that holds the asphalt pavement together which makes it more brittle and subject to failure. The products specified by Village Staff for the pavement preservation project soak into the pavement and add back this lost flexibility which keeps the pavement in a more manageable condition for a longer period of time. The approved FY17 budget includes $50,000 for this project in the General Fund. The project was part of a joint bid between the Village of River Forest and the Village of Elmwood Park. On April 28th, three bids were received and opened. As the attached bid tabulation indicates, the low bidder for this work is Denler, Inc. at a total project cost to the Village of $31,500.00. Village Staff has not previously worked with Denler, Inc., however, multiple references were checked and all feedback received was positive. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of this contract with the following motion: Motion to award the contract to Denler, Inc. in the amount of $31,500.00 for the 2016 Street Maintenance Program (Pavement Preservation) and authorize the Village Administrator to execute the contract agreement. Village of River Forest 2016 Pavement Preservation Project Bid Tabulation Item # 1 Item Asphalt Pavement Rejuvenating Agent Denler, Inc. 19148 S. 104th Ave Mokena, IL 60448 Unit SY River Forest Quantity 35,000 Elmwood Park Quantity Total Quantity 16,800 51,800 As Calculated As Read Unit Price $0.90 Total Price $46,620.00 $46,620.00 $46,620.00 American Road Maintenance Gee Asphalt Systems, Inc. 1485 E Thorndale Ave 4715 6th St. SW Itasca, IL 60143 Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 Unit Price $1.10 Total Price $56,980.00 $56,980.00 $56,980.00 Unit Price $1.30 Total Price $67,340.00 $67,340.00 $67,340.00 Village of River Forest POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Eric Palm- Village Administrator FROM: Gregory Weiss- Chief of Police DATE: May 5, 2016 SUBJECT: April 2016 Monthly Report Crime Statistics The month of April experienced a dramatic increase in retail thefts (included in Part I offenses), mainly at the CVS on North Ave. As a result, our detectives worked with CVS loss prevention and were able to identify and arrest two separate (not working in conjunction) offenders responsible for the majority of the thefts. Since the apprehensions, the thefts have not continued to occur. Although Part I offenses are up during the first four months of 2016 compared to the same time last year, the increase is seen in property related offenses such as thefts and burglary to motor vehicle (BMV). As a result of the increase in burglary to motor vehicles, a crime alert was distributed encouraging residents to lock their vehicles, (all of the BMV’s were the result of unlocked vehicles). It should be noted that Part I violent crime (murder, sexual assault, robbery, battery etc.) has decreased by 73% year to date, compared to the same timeframe last year. Part I April 2015 28 April 2016 41 Diff. +/13 % +/46% YTD 2015 66 YTD 2016 93 Diff. +/27 % +/41% Part II 67 68 1 1% 250 271 21 8% Reports 160 176 16 10% 634 660 26 4% Events **** 1779 **** **** **** 6066 **** **** *Part I offenses include homicide, criminal sexual assault, robbery, aggravated battery, burglary, theft, and motor vehicle theft. **Part II offenses include simple battery, assault, criminal trespass, disorderly conduct, and all other misdemeanor and traffic offenses. *** Reports (new category) include total number of reports written by officers during the month. This data was compiled beginning in Sept. 2015 ****Events (new category) include all activities conducted by officers, including foot patrols, premise checks, traffic stops and all other calls for service not included as PART I and PART II offenses. 1 Town Center During the month of April, the police department responded to 157 calls for service at the Town Center properties; of those calls for service, eight (8) were reported crimes, which included a theft and seven (7) retail thefts. Community Support During April, Ofc Czernik continued to conduct I-Search classes at Willard School for a total of 10 classes for the month. In addition, Ofc Czernik taught the Too Good for Drugs program at Grace Lutheran and St Vincent’s School for a total of 14 classes this month. Ofc Czernik also attended the “Big Hearts, Little Hands” Senior Appreciation event at Willard School and participated in the Bike Safety Program held at Lincoln School on the 26th and 27th of April, and the Jewel Community event on the 30th of April. Sgt Buckner participated in the Active Shooter drill held at Loyola Healthcare Clinic on North Ave on the 21st of April and attended the Alcohol Policy Town Hall at Oak Park Library. Upcoming Special Events for May: Recycling Extravaganza BlazeATrail 5K Walk/Run Wright Plus House Walk May 7th. May 14th May 21st Budget and Fiscal Monitoring April 1 –April 30, 2016 With the end of Fiscal Year 2016, parking citation revenue is above the estimated projection for FY16 by $12,848 and Administrative Tow revenue exceeded the YTD projection by $4,000. Due to several factors the overtime budget exceeded projections for FY16; however some of the increase will be off-set by the reduction in sworn salaries. Revenue/Expenditure Summary Category # Paid 4/16 Expenditure/ Revenue 4/16 FY16 Y-T-D Expenditure/Revenue 313 Total # paid FY16 Y-T-D 3,263 Parking/Compliance Citations Admin. Tows Local Ordinance Overtime $11,848 $187,983 17 0 271 hrs 278 20 3,616 hrs $8,500 0 $16,169 $139,000 $3,284 $223,427 2 Significant Arrests: 16-00510 - Retail Theft Arrest On April 6, 2016, a patrol officer was in the area of Tilly’s, 7235 Lake Street in the Town Center, and was flagged down by the store manager. The manager told the officer that two males had just ran out of the store after stealing a skateboard that belonged to Tilly’s. The offenders were last seen getting into a car and exiting the lot. A description of the car and offenders was broadcasted over the radio. The offenders were later found driving west on Madison at Park by another officer. Officers stopped the suspect car and located the stolen skateboard. The store employee identified the occupants of the car as the offenders and identified the skateboard as property of Tilly’s. A third subject driving the vehicle was detained and later released without charge. The offenders, an 18 year old male from Chicago, and, a 20 year old male from Lyons, were taken into custody and charged with misdemeanor Retail Theft. Both offenders were processed, released on bond, and given court dates. 16-00536, 16-00537, 16-00542- Retail Theft On April 11, 2016 while on a foot patrol at CVS in response to the shift initiative, a River Forest officer met with store loss prevention who advised the officer of three retail thefts that were not reported. Each time the loss was alcohol. The officer completed three reports, obtained video surveillance, receipts, and the offender information was given to the Detective Bureau. The offender was later identified and arrested by the Detective Bureau. The subject had been living in his vehicle in the area of Harlem/Fullerton. 16-00578- Retail Theft Arrest On April 16, 2016, River Forest units responded to the Whole Foods Market at 7245 Lake St. regarding a Retail Theft that had just occurred. Store personnel observed the offender conceal food and then leave the store without paying for it. Responding officers located the offender outside the store sitting in a vehicle. Officers subsequently arrested the 63 year old female offender from Oak Park and charged her with misdemeanor Retail Theft. The offender posted bond after being processed and was given a court date. 16-00618- Felony Retail Theft On April 22, 2016, River Forest units were dispatched to the CVS, 7929 North Ave. in reference to a retail theft. River Forest units were able to retrieve a description of the offender and a license plate for the vehicle used to flee the scene. On 23Apr16, River Forest units located the offending vehicle parked on the 7100 blk of Grand Ave. The occupant, a 52 year old male from Schiller Park was arrested and transported to the station. The subject was interviewed and gave a statement admitting he committed the retail theft. States attorney’s office was contacted and approved a felony charge of retail theft. The subject was transported to Maybrook court for bond hearing. It appeared the subject had committed four retail thefts in the last month at this location. 3 16-00622- Domestic Battery On April 23, 2016, a River Forest Officer responded to Oak Park Hospital in reference to a Domestic Battery victim. Pursuant to an interview with the victim, an examination by a physician, and visual signs of injury, it was determined that a battery had taken place. Officers located the offender, a 38 year old male and he was taken into custody at his residence in River Forest. The offender provided a statement in which he admitted to making physical contact with the victim. The Cook County State’s Attorney Felony Review Unit came to the River Forest Police Department to speak with the victim and the offender. After speaking to both parties the Assistant State’s Attorney did not believe the offense met the statute of Aggravated Domestic Battery, and therefore the offender was charged with Domestic Battery. The offender was transported to Maybrook for bond hearing. 16-00650- Possession of a Controlled Substance On April 29, 2016, River Forest units were dispatched to 7245 Lake St., Whole Foods, in reference to a subject using drugs in the bathroom. Officers arrived on scene and located a 24 year old male from Rockford inside the restroom. The subject was in the process of injecting heroin into his body. The subject and his girlfriend, a 26 year old from Alsip, both had numerous baggies of heroin on their persons. Both were arrested and transported to the station. The subjects were charged with felony possession of a controlled substance and were transported to Maybrook court house for bond hearing. The following chart summarizes and compares the measured activity for all three patrol watches during the month of April 2016: Criminal Arrests Quasi-Criminal Arrests DUI Arrests Misdemeanor Traffic Hazardous Moving Violations Compliance Citations/Parking Warrant Arrests Premise Checks/Foot Patrols Field Interviews Traffic Stops Written Reports Administrative Tows Sick Days Midnights 2230-0630 9 5 6 9 88 178 3 178 24 164 44 8 1 Day Watch 0630-1430 3 0 0 14 87 120 3 190 2 179 78 10 0 Third Watch 1430-2230 4 9 0 6 48 62 0 249 35 226 61 4 0 Detective Division Sergeant Greenwood coordinated with the Illinois Tactical Officer’s Association to schedule and host a Rescue Task Force: Command and Control course held on 12APR2016. Thirty-eight attendees from area Fire and Police Departments attended the course. 4 Sergeant Greenwood was requested to attend an Active Shooter Drill at Loyola-Gottlieb Outpatient to monitor and critique staff during the drill. Sergeant Buckner and Sergeant Greenwood offered further insight and safety protocols to staff and administration as part of the exercise. During the month of April, the Detective Unit opened up/reviewed fifteen (15) cases for potential follow-up. Of those cases, two (2) were Cleared by Arrest, two (2) were Suspended, six (6) were Exceptionally Cleared and five (5) are pending. The Unit also continued to investigate open cases from previous months. Year to Date Arrest Statistics Quantity Arrested 69 # Felony Charges # Misdemeanor # Warrants Charges 70 28 9 April 2016 New Case Assignment Summary Part I # Cases Burglary-Residential Retail Theft Theft Total Part I Part II 1 10 2 13 # Cases Death Investigation Identity Theft 1 1 Total Part II TOTALS 2 15 Cleared by Arrest Adm Close d Scree n Out Susp 2 2 Cleared by Arrest Excep t 6 0 Adm Close d 0 Scree n Out 1 1 Susp 6 Excep t Clear Pend Refer Unfou nd 1 2 1 4 Pend 0 Refer 0 Unfou nd 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 6 1 5 Training During the month of April 2016, the Department sent nine (9) Police Officers for a total of two hundred (200) hours to training. The information detailing the courses and total training time is listed below. The Department hosted a training event on 12APR2016 at the Village Hall. The program was a combined police and fire training class regarding Rescue Task Force (RTF) implementation during Active Shooter incidents. The course was sponsored by Cook County’s Department of 5 Homeland Security and the Illinois Tactical Officer’s Association. Officer Name Bowman Buckner Buckner Buckner Casey Casey Czernik Greenwood Greenwood Humphreys Labriola Swierczynski Szczesny Szczesny Szczesny 9 Course Title Combat Casualty Care and MACTAC Rescue Task Force: Command and Control Riot Control, Officer Down, & High Profile Rescue Techniques Grant Writing Rescue Task Force: Command and Control Crisis Intervention Team Conference Riot Control, Officer Down, & High Profile Rescue Techniques Rescue Task Force: Command and Control Combat Casualty Care and MACTAC 40 Hour PPCT Defensive Tactics Instructor Course Combat Casualty Care and MACTAC Rescue Task Force: Command and Control Drugged Driver Detection Riot Control, Officer Down, & High Profile Rescue Techniques Combat Casualty Care and MACTAC Total Start 04/27/2016 04/12/2016 04/25/2016 04/28/2016 04/12/2016 04/24/2016 04/25/2016 04/12/2016 04/27/2016 04/25/2016 04/27/2016 04/12/2016 04/05/2016 04/25/2016 04/27/2016 End Hours 8 8 8 16 8 32 8 8 8 40 8 8 24 8 8 04/29/2016 04/27/2016 04/29/2016 04/07/2016 200 6 MEMORANDUM TO: Eric J. Palm Village Administrator James L Eggert FROM: James Eggert Fire Chief DATE: May 3, 2016 SUBJECT: Monthly Report – April – 2016 The Fire Department responded to 154 calls during the month of April. This is below our average of calls in comparison to 2015. We experienced 6 fire related calls in River Forest this month. We provided mutual aid for 3 out-of-town building fire calls. Emergency Medical Service calls represent 64 % of our response activity for the month of April. Incident Group 100 – Fire 200 – Rupture/Explosion 300 – Rescue/EMS 400 – Hazardous Condition 500 – Service Calls 600 – Good Intent 700 – False Alarm 800 – Severe Weather 900 – Special Incidents Count 7 0 98 5 12 14 18 0 0 The month of April had the Fire Department diligently working with neighboring communities in Rescue Task Force training in the event of an active shooter incident. We researched several training scenarios, along with appropriate personal protective equipment allowing our firefighter/paramedics to enter a ‘warm’ zone with law enforcement officers. Page |2 Training is through the Illinois Tactical Officers Association and brings a class of half (15) Law Enforcement and half (18) Fire Service Officers together to enhance our knowledge of each other’s actions, operations and verbiage during this critical event. The Fire Department participated in the active shooter exercise held at Dominican University. In this training experience students and staff were notified of an incident on campus, both at Parmer and Lewis Halls, of an intruder and to ‘Lock Down”. The Run, Hide, Fight training is explained prior to this exercise and student, faculty and first responders discussed actionable scenarios. River Forest hosted a Hazardous Materials IQ class attended by 30 neighboring fire service Haz-Mat Technicians. The course is taught by Emery & Associates and teaches responders how size-up any chemical in 10-seconds, verify the hazards in 2-minutes, select the proper meters and PPE and operate safely in the hot zone. This class uses the predictability of chemistry and prepares firefighters by educating them on the threats as well as the equipment required to safely respond. Two personnel from the Fire Department attended the Fire Department Instructors Conference (FDIC) in Indianapolis. Several courses and equipment demonstrations were the focus of these individuals. Rescue saws, personal protective equipment (PPE) and extrication equipment (hydraulic tools) are at the center of attention for our needs. Deputy Chief Bohlmann and Chief Eggert attended the ‘Safety Equipment Showcase’ held at NIPSTA in Glenview. Most of the equipment presented was centered on rescue and active shooter safety. Fire Department negotiations are moving forward with good dialog. I believe one or two items remain outstanding and could be resolved shortly. The River Forest Fire Department was represented at the 100 Club Award of Valor. The Annual Valor Awards celebrates the contributions of police officers and firefighters. This year, the 100 Club of Chicago and Cook County acknowledged the heroism of 12 individuals. Page |3 The 100 Club of Chicago provides for the families of first responders who have lost their lives in the line of duty. This membership based organization offers several forms of financial assistance, access to resources and moral support. All sworn federal, state, county and local first responders stationed in Cook and Lake Counties are included. The Fire Department is evaluating personal protective equipment (PPE) to provide the most current safety equipment for our firefighter/paramedics. Several manufacturers are invited to participate and give documentation on their specific line of clothing (bunker coat and pants). Officers Meeting Topic discussed during our monthly department officers meeting include; Turnout Gear New Officers Inspections Shift Reports Physicals Equipment (TNT & “New York Hook’) Eligibility List Apparatus Response Incidents of Interest Incidents within River Forest were minor in nature with four cooking related fires. Suppression Activities For the month of April, we responded to 154 emergency calls, which is below our normal amount of calls. Of this total, 7 were fire related incidents, of which 4 occurred in River Forest. Three of the four fire incidents in River Forest were cooking related fires. They did not cause any fire damage. The other in-town incident involved a fire in a vehicle. The fire was out on our arrival and only caused minor damage. The Fire Department responded to 3 Auto/Mutual Aid fire calls during the month of April. The first incident was a house fire in Elmwood Park. River Forest crews were assigned to horizontal ventilation on the outside and, after completing that task, they were assigned to perform a primary search and extinguishment on the second floor. Page |4 The second out-of-town incident was a box alarm in Cicero. Deputy Chief Bohlmann responded and was assigned to the Staging Sector. The third out-of-town fire was a kitchen fire in an apartment building in Elmwood Park. River Forest crews performed a search and ventilated the fire floor. Deputy Chief Bohlmann assisted Elmwood Park with the investigation. Training During the month, members of our department attended various training seminars and classes. Attending these classes and seminars not only increases the knowledge of the attendee, but also allows for the communication of important concepts and ideas to department members not in attendance. The following is a brief breakdown of training events for the month of April. All shifts participated in a CTA familiarization drill in Forest Park All shifts working with future drivers and engineers due to personnel changeover Advanced HazMat IQ class held in River Forest on April 8 Rescue Task Force Command training presented by Illinois Tactical Officers Association and NIPSTA in River Forest on April 12 All Shifts continue with Shift/Company Inspections this month Loyola CE this month was upcoming SMO reviews and skills (Tourniquet, Needle Cric and Bag Valve Mask) Shifts Officers continue working on Officer Development with FF Rose, FF E. Howe and FF Carter Shifts started SCBA Consumption drill Lt. Finnegan attended FDIC Paramedic Activity We responded to 98 ambulance calls making contact with 109 patients for the month of April, which is below our normal monthly average number of EMS calls. Of this total, 53 patients were classified as ALS, 53 were BLS, and 3 were invalid assists. 19 of the 53 BLS refused treatment and transport A detailed monthly EMS report is available for review. Page |5 Fire Prevention During the month of April, the Fire Prevention Bureau conducted 3 construction inspections, 31 Company Inspections, 40 Violations noted, and 29 violations were corrected. A detailed monthly Fire Prevention report is available for review. MEMORANDUM DATE: May 3, 2016 TO: Eric J. Palm, Village Administrator FROM: John Anderson, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Monthly Report – April 2016 Executive Summary In the month of April the department of Public Works transitioned to spring operations. Street sweeping continued throughout the Village in an effort to clean streets from debris that has accumulated during the winter. Public Works Forestry division personnel along with a contractor planted 186 trees in the parkways throughout the Village. Village arborists also participated in tree plantings at local schools. For Earth Day, tree plantings were organized by Superintendent Mark Janopoulos with participation from students who voted to select the species of tree to be planted. For Arbor Day, arborists planted a black tupelo tree within the playground area adjacent to Lincoln School. Arborist Dan Raddatz explained the benefits of trees to our community and answered many questions from the students. A public informational meeting was held for the residents that will be affected by the upcoming watermain lining on Thatcher Avenue between Chicago and Augusta. This meeting answered questions from residents and was attended by the contractor (Fer-Pal) and the construction engineer (Baxter & Woodman) as well as Village Staff. Meetings were held with AT&T for information on their fiber optic network, as well as with Siemens for their water meter reading infrastructure solutions. Technical review committee meetings were attended by Public Works staff for potential developments at 1011 Bonnie Brae and Concordia University. Public Works Items approved by the Village Board of Trustees in April: Award purchase of Public Works Garage Heating Equipment from Midwest Environmental Sales Co., Inc. for $39,639 Award Installation of Public Works Garage Heating Improvements to VI Systems for $34,900 Award of Contract – 2016 Curb & Sidewalk Replacement Program to Davis Concrete for $56,046.25 Award of Contract – 2016 Sewer Lining Program to Insituform Technologies USA, LLC for $187,306.50 Award of Contract – 2016 Street Patching Program to Brothers Asphalt Paving, Inc. for $54,175 Award of Contract - 2016 Street Improvement Program to Chicagoland Paving Contractors Inc. for $159,000 and Authorize the Village Administrator to amend the -1- contract to include additional paving provided the contract costs do not exceed the budgeted amount of $200,000 Engineering Division Summary Received and processed 7 grading permits Continued to perform design for FY16 Capital Improvement Program Projects to prepare for spring bidding Attended the 2016 Water Main Improvements pre-construction meeting Opened competitive bids and awarded a contract for the 2016 Street Patching Project Opened competitive bids and awarded a contract for the 2016 Street Improvement Project Opened competitive bids and awarded a contract for the 2016 Curb and Sidewalk Replacement Project Opened competitive bids and awarded a contract for the 2016 Sewer Lining Project Opened competitive bids for the 2016 Pavement Preservation Project Attended technical review committee meetings for developments at 1111 Bonnie Brae and Concordia University Update construction project website pages for proposed FY16 projects Public Works – Operations The following is a summary of utility locate requests received from JULIE (Joint Utility Locating Information for Excavators) and work orders (streets, forestry, water, sewer, etc.) that were received and processed during the past 12 months: Utility Locates Work orders May 244 55 June 270 67 July 318 70 Aug 200 70 Sep 244 53 Oct 190 41 Nov 187 45 Dec 153 30 Jan 62 12 Feb 84 34 Mar 142 30 Apr 323 22 Water and Sewer Monthly Pumpage: April’s average daily pumpage of 1.09 million gallons (MG) is higher than April’s average of 0.99 MG in 2015. -2- Volume of Water Pumped into the Distribution System (Million Gallons) 50 45 40 35 30 25 2014 2015 20 2016 15 10 5 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec In the month of April Water division personnel continued the replacement of batteries within MXUs (water meter reading devices) based on the errors in the meter reading reports performed each month. A punch list was created in order to track B-box repairs that need to be completed by Bolder contractors after reviewing the work done on the Northside Stormwater Management Project. Items that needed to be corrected were height issues, alignment issues, and operational issues. Water division personnel continued with the installation of new water meters at locations where meters are over 20 years old and in need of replacement. Since this fiscal year’s project has begun there have been 158 water meters replaced with a goal of 162 to be replaced by June 1st of this year. The Water Division personnel performed these additional tasks in April: Installed 5 meters Responded to 375 service calls Streets and Forestry Staff in the Streets and Forestry division focused heavily on tree planting. Street sweeping, inlet/catch basin cleaning, sign repairs/fabrications were also performed frequently in the month of April along with these additional tasks: Description of Work Performed Trees Trimmed Trees Planted Sign Repairs/Fabrication Street Sweeping (curb miles) Inlet/Catch Basin Cleaning Quantity 98 186 5 217 204 -3- Village of River Forest Village Administrator’s Office 400 Park Avenue River Forest, IL 60305 Tel: 708-366-8500 MEMORANDUM Date: May 3, 2016 To: Eric Palm, Village Administrator From: Lisa Scheiner, Assistant Village Administrator Subj: Building & Zoning Report - April As is typical this time of year, overall permit activity has increased, however, the type of permits requested drive overall revenue collection. A majority of permits issued in April are subject to lower permit fees. Permit revenues collected in April totaled $19,458, compared to $26,620 in March. Total permit revenues collected this Fiscal year, $443,279, exceed the budget projection of $415,000. Noteworthy Items The developer has received the necessary approvals to continue demolition of the site and to disconnect the public utilities at 7820 Madison Street. Excavation and construction of the new townhomes will commence once the developer obtains the remaining necessary permits from the IEPA, IDOT and Village. Community Bank submitted a building permit application for the interior build-out and addition of a drive-through at 7751 Lake Street. Village staff and consultants conducted technical review meetings for the proposed Planned Developments for the Concordia residence hall near Bonnie Brae as well as the multi-family development at 1101/1111 Bonnie Brae. A public hearing for the Concordia project is scheduled for June 2, 2016. Permit and Real Estate Transfer Activity Measures Permits Month May June July FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 97 113 71 101 99 76 113 104 112 124 144 150 August September October November December January February March April 128 123 84 64 37 35 19 42 71 105 83 82 62 39 23 27 47 93 84 111 120 55 43 24 22 41 78 144 180 149 72 79 66 67 109 97 Two Month Comparison Fiscal Year Total 113 884 140 837 119 907 206 1,381 Real Estate Transfers Total Transfers April 2016 18 April 2015 18 FY 2016 Total 230 FY 2015 Total 195 Village of River Forest Village Administrator’s Office 400 Park Avenue River Forest, IL 60305 Tel: 708-366-8500 MEMORANDUM Date: May 3, 2016 To: Eric Palm, Village Administrator From: Lisa Scheiner, Assistant Village Administrator Subj: Village-Wide Performance Measurement Report – April 2016 Building Department Performance Measures Plan reviews of large projects completed in 3 weeks or less Re-reviews of large projects completed in 2 weeks or less Plan reviews of small projects completed in 5 days or less FY 2015 Actual 80% (104 of 130) 87% (125 of 144) 95% (75 of 79) Express permits issued at time of application 100% (299 of 299) FY 2016 Goal April Actual 71% (10 of 14) 71% (12 of 17) 100% (7 of 7) FY 2016 YTD 81% (115 of 142) 92% (167 of 182) 97% (77 of 79) 100% 100% (21 of 21) 99% (244 of 246) 100% 100% (94 of 94) 100% (1249 of 1249) 95% (1266 of 1331) 95% 95% 95% Inspections completed within 24 hours of request 100% (1328 of 1328) Contractual inspections passed 96% (1191 of 1239) 80% 93% (87 of 94) 174 100% 100% (32 of 32) 98% (350 of 356) 0 5 5 60 Inspect vacant properties once per month Conduct building permit survey quarterly Make contact with existing business owners 5 60 1 1 per quarter 5/month 60/year Fire Department Performance Measures FY 2015 Actual FY 2016 Goal April Actual FY 2016 YTD Average fire/EMS response time for priority calls for service (Includes call processing time) 4:46 minutes 5 Min 3:43 minutes 4:18 minutes 0% <1% 0% 0% 103 inspections 1 9.39 days on average 335 inspections <3 31 391 0 2. days on average 1 1.82 days on average 6036.0 4824 721. 6106. 104 892 annually 54 803 FY 2015 Actual FY 2016 Goal April Actual FY 2016 YTD 3:43 minutes 4:00 3:39 minutes 3:41 minutes 1 0 Days Lost 0 4 1 <3 0 0 0 0% 0 4 40 days 762 days 2 accidents 18 accidents Customer complaints and/or public safety professional complaints All commercial, multi-family and educational properties inspected annually Injuries on duty resulting in lost time Plan reviews completed 10 working days after third party review Complete 270 hours of training for each shift personnel Inspect and flush fire hydrants semiannually Police Department Performance Measures Average police response time for priority calls for service (Does not include call processing time) Injuries on duty resulting in lost time Reduce claims filed for property & vehicle damage caused by the Police Department by 25% Maintain positive relationship with the bargaining unit and reduce the number of grievances Reduce overtime and improve morale by decreasing sick leave usage Track accidents at Harlem and North to determine impact of red light cameras Decrease reported thefts (214 in 2012) Send monthly crime alerts to inform residents of crime patterns and prevention tips 439 days 21 accidents <10 10% reduction 10% reduction 168 5% reduction 24 182 10 1 email/ month; 12 emails/year 2 10 2 Public Works Performance Measures Complete tree trimming/pruning service requests within 7 working days Complete service requests for unclogging blocked catch basins within 5 working days FY 2015 Actual 71% (47 of 66) FY 2016 Goal 95% April Actual 100% (4 of 4) FY 2016 YTD 97% (133 of 137) 100% (13 of 13) 95% N/A (0 of 0) 100% (15 of 15) N/A <1% 0.00% (0 of 440) 99% N/A 95% 100% (1 of 1) 0.03% (1 of 3960) 100% (4 of 4) 100% (14 of 14) 97% (38 of 39) 95% 100% (4 of 4) 92% (68 of 74) Safety: Not more than two employee injuries annually resulting in days off from work 2 ≤2 0 0 Safety: Not more than one vehicle accident annually that was the responsibility of the Village 0 ≤1 0 0 20,028 2,640/ month (15,840/ year) 0% (0 of 2640) 202% (32054 of 15840) 319 25/month (300/year) 100% (109 of 109) 95% 72% (18 of 25) 100% (7 of 7) 71% (213 of 300) 100% (90 of 90) Percent of hydrants out of service more than 10 working days Replace burned out traffic signal bulb within 8 hours of notification Complete service requests for patching potholes within 5 working days Repair street lights in-house, or schedule contractual repairs, within five working days of notification Televise 2,640 lineal feet of combined sewer each month from April – September Exercise 25 water system valves per month Complete first review of grading plans within 10 working days 100% (5 of 5) 100% (24 of 24) N/A: Not applicable, no service requests were made 3 Village of River Forest Village Administrator’s Office 400 Park Avenue River Forest, IL 60305 Tel: 708-366-8500 MEMORANDUM Date: May 9, 2016 To: Catherine Adduci, Village President Village Board of Trustees From: Eric J. Palm, Village Administrator Subj: Village Administrator’s Report ______________________________________________________________________________________ Upcoming Meetings (all meetings are at Village Hall unless otherwise noted) Monday, May 9 Thursday, May 12 Monday, May 16 Wednesday, May 18 Thursday, May 19 Monday, May 23 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:00 pm Village Board of Trustees Meeting Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting Committee of the Whole Meeting Traffic & Safety Committee Meeting Development Review Board Meeting (as needed) Village Board of Trustees Meeting Recent Payments of $10,000 In accordance with the purchasing policy, the following is a summary of payments between $10,000 and $20,000 that have occurred since the last Board meeting: Vendor Walnut Creek Nursery, Inc. Amount $17,215 Description Purchase of Parkway Trees Klein, Thorpe and Jenkins, Ltd $16,969 Attorney Fees MOE Funds $12,800 PW Employee Health Insurance – June 2016 There were no new Businesses Licences issued. Thank you. ORDINANCE NO. ______________ AN ORDINANCE APPROVING VARIATIONS TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A SECOND STORY TO THE EXISTING SINGLE STORY HOME AT 1102 FRANKLIN AVENUE WHEREAS, a request for variations (“Application”) from the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of River Forest (“Zoning Ordinance”) relative to increasing the height of a non-conforming wall within the Twenty Five Feet (25’) secondary front yard setback requirement of Section 10-8-7(A)(2) of the Village of River Forest Zoning Ordinance (the “Zoning Ordinance”) by increasing the height of the wall with a Thirteen Feet Eleven and a Half Inches (13’ 11.5”) secondary front yard setback, increasing the height of a non-conforming wall within the Forty Nine Feet Six Inch (49’ 6”) front yard setback requirement of Section 10-8-7 of the Zoning Ordinance by increasing the height of the wall with a Forty Eight Feet Nine and a Quarter Inch (48’ 9.25”) front yard setback, and increasing the height of a non-conforming wall within the Twenty Seven Feet and Six and Three Quarters Inches (27’ 6.75”) rear yard setback requirement of Section 10-8-7(B) of the Zoning Ordinance by increasing the height of the wall with a Twenty Six Feet Six and Three Quarters Inches (26’ 6.75”) rear yard setback for the purpose of adding a second story to the existing single story single family home on the Subject Property in the R-2 Single-Family (Detached) Residential Zoning District, has been received from petitioner Peter Philippi (the “Petitioner”); WHEREAS, the Petitioner seeks approval for variations from the requirement that the alteration or enlargements of non-conforming buildings in the R-2 Zoning District may only be permitted when the actual extension or enlargement itself conforms to all the provisions of the zoning title as set forth in Section 10-5-7(B) of the Zoning Ordinance in the dimensions set forth above (“Variations”); and WHEREAS, the Subject Property is legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the Application was referred to the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village (“Board of Appeals”) and was processed in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, as amended; and WHEREAS, on March 10, 2016, the Board of Appeals held a public hearing on the Application pursuant to notice thereof given in the manner required by law, and, after considering all of the testimony and evidence presented at the public hearing, the Board of Appeals recommended approval of the Variations by a vote of 3-1, all as set forth in the Findings and Recommendation of the Board of Appeals in this matter (“Findings and Recommendation”), a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of River Forest have duly considered the Findings and Recommendation of the Board of Appeals, and all of the materials, facts and circumstances affecting the Application, and, finds that the Application satisfies the standards set forth in the Zoning Ordinance relating to variations. BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of River Forest, Cook County, Illinois, as follows: SECTION 1: The foregoing recitals are incorporated here by reference as findings of the President and Board of Trustees. SECTION 2: The President and Board of Trustees, acting pursuant to the authority vested in it by the laws of the State of Illinois and the Zoning Ordinance, hereby approve and adopt the Findings and Recommendation, and incorporate such findings and recommendation by reference as if fully set forth herein. The President and Board of Trustees further approve the Variations from the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance that the alteration or enlargements of non-conforming buildings in the R-2 Zoning District may only be permitted when the actual extension or enlargement itself conforms to all the provisions of the zoning title as set forth (Section 10-5-7(B)), in order to allow construction of a two story addition to the single family home on the Subject Property, portions of which are within the nonconforming front yard, front yard on a secondary street, and rear yard setbacks, as depicted and set forth in the Application. The President and Board of Trustees hereby grant the necessary Zoning Ordinance approvals needed to allow the Subject Property to be improved as set forth in the Application, and the Variations necessary to make such improvements are hereby approved. SECTION 3: Any violation of any term or condition stated in this Ordinance or of any applicable code, ordinance, or regulation of the Village shall be grounds for the immediate rescission of the approvals made in this Ordinance. SECTION 4: Each section, paragraph, clause and provision of this Ordinance is separable, and if any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Ordinance shall be held unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the unconstitutionality or invalidity of such section, paragraph, clause or provision shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance, nor any part thereof, other than that part affected by such decision. All ordinances, resolutions or orders, or parts thereof, in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are to the extent of such conflict hereby repealed. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. PASSED on a roll call vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the Board of Trustees on the 9th day of May, 2016. AYES: _______________________________________________________________ NAYS: _______________________________________________________________ ABSENT: ____________________________________________________________ APPROVED by me this 9th day of May, 2016. __________________________________ Village President APPROVED and FILED in my office this 9th day of May, 2016 and published in pamphlet form in the Village of River Forest, Cook County, Illinois. ATTEST: ____________________________________ Village Clerk EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 6 IN THE SUBDIVISION OF PART OF NORTHWOODS BEING THE NORTH HALF OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 39 NORTH, RANGE 12 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PIN: 15-01-303-011-0000 COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 1102 FRANKLIN AVENUE, RIVER FOREST, ILLINOIS EXHIBIT B FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION (ATTACHED) ORDINANCE NO. ______________ AN ORDINANCE APPROVING VARIATIONS TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A SECOND STORY ADDITION TO THE EXISTING HOME AT 24 FRANKLIN AVENUE WHEREAS, a request for variations (“Application”) from the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of River Forest (“Zoning Ordinance”) relative to extending a non-conforming wall within the Three Feet (3’) side yard setback requirement of Section 10-87(C)(2)(b) of the Village of River Forest Zoning Ordinance (the “Zoning Ordinance”) by extending the north wall at the first floor with a Two Feet Seven and Three Eights Inches (2’ 7 3/8”) side yard setback, extending the roof overhang at the first floor within the Three Feet (3’) side yard setback requirement of Section 10-8-7(C)(2)(a) of the Zoning Ordinance by extending the roof overhang at the first floor with a Seven and Three Eights Inches (7 3/8”) side yard setback, by extending the north wall of the second floor within the Five Feet (5’) side yard setback requirement of Section 10-8-7(C)(1) of the Zoning Ordinance by extending the north wall of the second floor with a Two Feet Seven and Three Eights Inches (2’ 7 3/8”) side yard setback, and by extending the north side roof overhang for the second floor addition within the Three Feet (3’) side yard setback requirement of Section 10-8-7(C)(2)(a) of the Zoning Ordinance by extending the north side roof overhang for the second floor addition with a One Foot One Inch (1’ 1”) side yard setback, has been received from petitioners Renee Duba and James Clancy (“Petitioners”); and WHEREAS, the Petitioners seek approval for variations from the requirements that an addition to an existing structure that does not meet the required side yard setback must maintain either a three foot side yard or a side yard that is the same width as the current side yard, whichever is wider, that the required minimum side yard setback shall be ten percent of the lot width or five feet, whichever is greater, that the height of a wall that maintains a nonconforming side yard setback may not be increased, and that the eaves of a structure shall be required to maintain a minimum three foot side yard setback as set forth in Section 10-8-7 of the Zoning Ordinance in the dimensions set forth above (“Variations”); and WHEREAS, the Subject Property is legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the Application was referred to the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village (“Board of Appeals”) and was processed in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, as amended; and WHEREAS, on March 10, 2016, the Board of Appeals held a public hearing on the Application pursuant to notice thereof given in the manner required by law, and, after considering all of the testimony and evidence presented at the public hearing, the Board of Appeals recommended approval of the Variations by a vote of 4-0, all as set forth in the Findings and Recommendation of the Board of Appeals in this matter (“Findings and Recommendation”), a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of River Forest have duly considered the Findings and Recommendation of the Board of Appeals, and all of the materials, facts and circumstances affecting the Application, and, finds that the Application satisfies the standards set forth in the Zoning Ordinance relating to variations. BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of River Forest, Cook County, Illinois, as follows: SECTION 1: The foregoing recitals are incorporated here by reference as findings of the President and Board of Trustees. SECTION 2: The President and Board of Trustees, acting pursuant to the authority vested in it by the laws of the State of Illinois and the Zoning Ordinance, hereby approve and adopt the Findings and Recommendation, and incorporate such findings and recommendation by reference as if fully set forth herein. The President and Board of Trustees further approve the Variations from the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The President and Board of Trustees hereby grant the necessary Zoning Ordinance approvals needed to allow the Subject Property to be improved as set forth in the Application, and the Variations necessary to make such improvements are hereby approved. SECTION 3: Any violation of any term or condition stated in this Ordinance or of any applicable code, ordinance, or regulation of the Village shall be grounds for the immediate rescission of the approvals made in this Ordinance. SECTION 4: Each section, paragraph, clause and provision of this Ordinance is separable, and if any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Ordinance shall be held unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the unconstitutionality or invalidity of such section, paragraph, clause or provision shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance, nor any part thereof, other than that part affected by such decision. All ordinances, resolutions or orders, or parts thereof, in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are to the extent of such conflict hereby repealed. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. PASSED on a roll call vote of the Board of Trustees on the 9th day of May, 2016. AYES: _______________________________________________________________ NAYS: _______________________________________________________________ ABSENT: ____________________________________________________________ APPROVED by me this 9th day of May, 2016. ____________________________________ Village President APPROVED and FILED in my office this 9th day of May, 2016 and published in pamphlet form in the Village of River Forest, Cook County, Illinois. ATTEST: ____________________________________ Village Clerk EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 28 BLOCK 8 IN E.S. CONWAY’S RESUBDIVISION OF RANSON’S SUBDIVISION OF THE WEST ½ OF THE EAST ½ OF THE SOUTHWEST ¼ OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 39 NORTH, RANGE 12 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PIN: 15-12-320-017-0000 COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 24 FRANKLIN AVENUE, RIVER FOREST, ILLINOIS EXHIBIT B FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION (ATTACHED) Village of River Forest Village Administrator’s Office 400 Park Avenue River Forest, IL 60305 Tel: 708-366-8500 MEMORANDUM Date: May 6, 2016 To: Village Board of Trustees From: Catherine Adduci, Village President Subj: Appointments & Reappointments for Boards and Commissions ______________________________________________________________________________ Below please find my appointments and reappointments for our Village Advisory Boards and Commissions. Attached please find background information about the new appointees. Thank you. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. Plan Commission – Reappoint Lisa Ryan – Four Year Term Expiring 4/30/20 Plan Commission – Appoint Lisa Ryan Chairperson – Two Year Term Expiring 4/30/18 Plan Commission – Reappoint Elaine Kirk – Four Year Term Expiring 4/30/20 Plan Commission – Appoint Keary Creagan – Four Year Term Expiring 4/30/20 Zoning Board of Appeals – Reappoint Therese “Tagger” O’Brien – Five Year Term Expiring 4/30/21 Zoning Board of Appeals – Appoint Gerry Dombrowski – Five Year Term Expiring 4/30/21 Zoning Board of Appeals – Appoint Mike Ruehle (Cooke Vacancy) – Remaining Term Expiring 4/30/20 Development Review Board – Reappoint MaryAnn Fishman – Two Year Term Expiring 4/30/18 Development Review Board – Reappoint David Crosby – Two Year Term Expiring 4/30/18 Development Review Board – Reappoint Therese “Tagger” O’Brien – Two Year Term Expiring 4/30/18 Development Review Board – Appoint Mike Ruehle – Two Year Term Expiring 4/30/18 Development Review Board – Appoint John Griffin (Cooke Vacancy) – Remaining Term Expiring 4/30/17 Economic Development Commission – Appoint Robert Graham – Four Year Term Expiring 4/30/20 Economic Development Commission – Appoint Robert O’Connell – Four Year Term Expiring 4/30/20 Economic Development Commission – Appoint Lee Neubecker – Four Year Term Expiring 4/30/20 Firefighter’s Pension Fund – Reappoint Sean Condon - Three Year Term Expiring 4/30/19 Board of Fire and Police Commission – Reappoint Michael Trucco – Three Year Term Expiring 4/30/19 Ethics Commission – Appoint Greg Ignoffo – Three Year Term Expiring 4/30/19 Historic Preservation Commission – Appoint Thomas Zurowski Chairperson From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Attachments: Dawn Haney Lisa Scheiner Board/Commission Application Submission Wednesday, May 04, 2016 7:48:00 PM 572a983158f1c-CV-LeeNeubecker-Forensicon20160311 (1).pdf The following was submitted from the Board/Commission application form. Name: Lee Neubecker E-Mail Address: Address: 1403 Lathrop Ave. Phone Number: Board of Fire and Police Commissioners: 4 Economic Development Commission: 1 Fire Pension Board: 8 Historic Preservation Commission: 7 Local Ethics Commission: 6 Plan Commission: 3 Police Pension Board: 5 Traffic and Safety Commission: 3 Zoning Board of Appeals: 2 Professional Background: I am the former CEO and President of Forensicon, Inc., a leading Chicago based provider of computer forensics and online investigative services involving electronic data. I recently sold my business and am presently a retained part time consultant to the purchaser of my business. I am looking to become more involved in my community. I have lived in River Forest since August 2011. Service on Other Village or Community Organizations : I have volunteer for the Night Ministry and Hephzibah Children's home of Oak Park. Me and my spouse supported the Children's Infant & Welfare Society's annual holiday walk by opening our home as part of the fundraising tour. I am an active member and committee member of the Union League Club of Chicago and also a Senior Privilege holder at the River Forest Tennis Club. Educational Background: See my CV. 1 Curriculum Vitae Lee Neubecker BIOGRAPHY Lee Neubecker is the President and CEO of Forensicon, Inc. Mr. Neubecker provides consulting services in the areas of computer forensics, electronic discovery, data recovery and litigation support to a diverse range of clients. Mr. Neubecker has worked on both Plaintiff and Defense sides, and he is a regular speaker on topics in the computer forensics and electronic discovery field for Midwestern bar associations and national legal conferences. Mr. Neubecker has been appointed a special master in civil litigation matters by the courts. Mr. Neubecker was recently cited in the case, Liebert Corp. v. Mazur. The published opinion of Justice Wolfson, Circuit Court of Cook County, regarding Mr. Neubecker’s testimony can be found at the following link: 794.htm Prior to founding Forensicon, Inc., formerly BuzzBoltMEDIA, Mr. Neubecker led the online communities’ product development and programming initiatives for the Lycos Network, a pioneering Web media model that includes three Top 10 Web sites and is one of the most visited hubs on the Internet. He was responsible for creating, launching and managing chat, instant messaging, message boards, and online games across the Lycos network. In this role, Mr. Neubecker led the company's response to legal inquiries from law enforcement personnel. Before Lycos, Mr. Neubecker launched and successfully managed Innovative Consulting, Inc., an information technology consulting company. Mr. Neubecker's company deployed network management, contact management, sales automation and ERP solutions to small and mid-tier organizations. Prior to Innovative Consulting, he held analyst positions with Ford Motor Company and Comerica Bank. Mr. Neubecker has experience in securities valuation and accounting from his position at Comerica Bank, where he served as a Trust Fund finance analyst. Mr. Neubecker graduated magna cum laude from Babson College with a Masters of Business Administration, focus on Technology. Mr. Neubecker also holds an undergraduate degree in Finance, magna cum laude, from Eastern Michigan University. Headquarters: 226 S. Wabash Ave., Suite 300, Chicago, IL 60604 phone: 888-427-5667 fax: 312-427-5668 Neubecker CV Page 2 of 7 NOTABLE CASES OF RECORD Borchers v. Franciscan Tertiary Province of the Sacred Heart, Inc., et. al. Testified in support of violation of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act by plaintiff’s former employer Case No. 2011 IL App (2d) 101257 .pdf Saban v. Pharmacare Management, LLC et al. Northern District of Illinois (Chicago), Case No. 1:10-cv-02428 Rebuttal witness regarding trade secret misappropriation Tranco Industrial Services, Inc. v. Campbell Northern District Court of Indiana, Hammond Division, Case No. 07-CV-206 Won TRO - Violation of Computer Fraud & Abuse Act - Trade Secret Misappropriation Supervised and prepared our testifying expert for this case. Valuepart v. ITR North America et al. Northern District Court of Illinois, Eastern Division, Case No. 06-CV-02709 Charles A. Krumwiede v. Brighton Associates, LLC and Ismael C. Reyes Northern District Court of Illinois, Eastern Division, Case No. 05-C-3003 Supervised and prepared our testifying expert for this case S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc. v. Milton E. Morris et al. Circuit Court of Racine County, Wisconsin, Case No. 04-CV-1873 -et-al/ Led the investigation and preservation effort that uncovered personal webmails revealing the fraudulent kickback scheme, which resulted in a law enforcement sting and later a successful conviction of the accused. This ultimately resulted in an award of $203.8 million to compensate SC Johnson & Son, Inc. for its losses. Liebert Corporation et al. v. John Mazur et al. Circuit Court of Cook County, Chancery Division, Case No. 04 CH 02139 Appellate Court, Second Division, Case No. No. 1-04-2794 Kalish v. Leapfrog Online et al. Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois, Case No. 03-L-011695 Lorillard Tobacco Company v. Canstar (U.S.A.), Inc. et al. More than Five Million Awarded from Neubecker’s discovery of counterfeit scheme Northern District Court of Illinois, Eastern Division, Case No. 03-C-4769 Neubecker CV Page 3 of 7 EDUCATION & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT TECHNICAL SKILLS Managed Engineering Development and data analysis activities across many disparate technologies, from legacy through more recent technologies and platforms including; Filemaker, Splunk, Network Security Intrusion Detection, Solaris, NT, XP, 2000, DOS, MS Office, SQL Server, VMWare, UNIX, Linux, CVS, Usenet, IRC, C++, HTML, XML, Java, JavaScript, Visual Basic, ASP, Law, EnCase, Paraben, Access Data, Splunk, nmap, Sophos UTM, Snort, Wireshark, Xcode, Medical ERP Patient Record Systems, Forensic Toolkit, Scripting languages, SQL, ADO, DOM, Oracle, ColdFusion, FileMaker, and WebX EDUCATION & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT • M.B.A., Magna Cum Laude - Babson F.W. Olin Graduate School of Business - Wellesley, MA • B.B.A. Finance, Magna Cum Laude - Eastern Michigan University - Ypsilanti, MI • Guidance Software - EnCase® Introduction to Computer Forensics 32 credits - Sterling, VA • Guidance Software - EnCase® Intermediate Analysis and Reporting 32 credits - Sterling, VA • Guidance Software – Information Risk and Policy Compliance 3 credits - Chicago, IL • Continuing Education - Computer Programming - Harry S. Truman College - Chicago, IL • Novell Computer Network Training - Walsh College - Troy, MI PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE FORENSICON, INC. — Chicago, IL (2000 - Present) President & Lead Consultant ● Conducted fraud examinations involving misappropriation of funds, trade secrets, tax evasion, money laundering, and other white collar related investigations ● Supervised a team of forensics experts in providing complex litigation plaintiff and defense consulting ● Appointed by the U.S District Court of the Northern District of Illinois to assist defense counsel in the trial against accused terrorist trial of Tahawwur Rana - The single count where my firm presented testimony, the defendant was found not guilty ● Performed online investigative work to identify and assist law enforcement with the apprehension of the Boston Bombing perpetrators, Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev ● Uncovered and reported the third known data breach of the Chicago Board of Elections voter database and election worker personal information ● Supervised testifying experts on many cases of record to prepare technical experts for cross examination and rebuttal of their findings ● Preserved electronic evidence for a range of clients using legally sanctioned protocols ● Selected as preferred vendor by the Illinois Attorney Registration Disciplinary Commission - assisted with investigating various claims filed against licensed Illinois Attorneys ● Developed Custom ERP System for evidence management, project management, time tracking and billing Neubecker CV Page 4 of 7 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Provided expert testimony to resolve disputes for various commercial, nonprofit, and governmental agency clients Appeared several times as a computer forensics expert on WCIU TV Chicago Channel 26, First Business, NPR Business News, NBC Chicago and more Led data breach first responder efforts for; State Government Social Services Department, Non-Profit HealthCare Organization, Financial Services Company, Accounting Firm, Private Membership Club Organization and various Corporations Oversaw the development and presentations made to attorneys and legal support staff at the Chicago Bar Association, Illinois Attorney & Discipline Regulatory Commission, Dupage County Bar Association, various associations and more Provided expert witness testimony regarding willful deletion of evidence by a departing employee where the testimony was upheld on appeal proving spoliation of evidence Compiled emails from numerous platforms into popular litigation support platforms Speaker at various events on the topic of computer forensics (see list below) Performed computer forensics examinations in FBI forensics labs Led the successful forensic analysis defense efforts against a law firm client of our firm that was accused of willful spoliation of evidence - discovered and reported our findings to Judge Mikva that no spoliation had occurred as alleged, the drive was merely encrypted and contained all information Led numerous anonymous online defamation investigations resulting in the identification of many anonymous persons responsible for the defaming activities LYCOS, INC. — Waltham, MA (1998 - 1999) Senior Product Development Manager, Community Products Group ● Managed and/or launched a large group of products including chat, message boards, and games ● Responded to SEC/FBI Inquiries pertaining to illicit behavior in Lycos network online properties ● Tracked hacker attacks on the Lycos network of sites to help identify and prosecute offenders ● Implemented safeguards against denial-of-service attacks across product group area ● Instituted product development and service roadmap management system for teams ● Created & managed multiple cross-functional product teams ● Managed transition of products from external to internal hosting ● Led engineering team on development of scalable & secure online products INNOVATIVE CONSULTING, INC. — Brownstown, MI (1994 - 1997) President & Lead Technical Consultant ● Led a company of five professionals providing IT support to various sized Companies ● Provided Network support in a multi server environment (NT, Novell, Mac, Linux) ● Implemented financial management software for tier 3 automotive suppliers ● Designed & executed disaster recovery procedures for multiple businesses ● Architected multi-office communication infrastructure for multiple companies COMERICA BANK — Detroit, MI (1994) Securities & Trust Fund Accountant ● Audited security transactions for bank trust funds ● Researched discrepancies in reporting ● Published & verified daily yield rates of several portfolios of marketable securities ● Initiated automation of trust fund daily reporting Neubecker CV Page 5 of 7 FORD MOTOR COMPANY, INC. — Detroit, MI (1992 - 1994) Product Pricing Analyst ● Estimated cost impact on production forecast for various product design changes ● Benchmarked sourced products to ensure price competitiveness ● Designed & implemented automated profit forecasting system using Excel and EDI to internal systems PRESENTATIONS ● National Society of Insurance Investigators: “Cellphones, Pictures, Videos . . . What a Cyber Forensic Investigation Can Reveal", December 4th, 2014 ● The Disaster Conferences: “Cyber Threats and Data Breaches”, September 18th, 2014 ● First Chair Awards: “Data Breach & Incident Response: How to Mitigate Your Risk Exposure”, August 2014 ● Cigar Society of Chicago: “How to Catch a Terrorist”, September 2013 ● ICPAS Fraud Conference 2012: “What a Responsible Professional (CPA or Attorney) Should Know about eDiscovery and Document Management”, September 2012 ● Law Bulletin E-Discovery Seminar: “Managing Scope & Review”, June 28th, 2011 ● NetSecure ‘11: IT Security and Forensics Conference and Expo: “Protecting Digital Assets from Hackers and Thieves”, March 24th, 2011 ● Chicago Association of Litigation Support Managers, CALSMposium: “Seventh Circuit Electronic Discovery Pilot Program”, October 7th, 2009 ● National Business Institute – “E-Discovery Searching the Virtual File Cabinets”: (co-presented with Christopher S. Griesmeyer, partner at Levenfeld Pearlstein, LLC and David W. Porteous, partner at Faegre Baker Daniels LLP) “Obtaining Electronic Data & Best Practices in using Computer Forensics”, September 19th, 2008 ● Secret Service Electronic Crimes Task Force - Presentation on Computer Forensics May, 2007 e-and-department-of-homeland-security/ ● Law Bulletin E-Discovery Seminar — "Electronic Discovery in Practice": (co-presented with Jennifer Wojciechowski of Kroll Ontrack) “Avoiding the Pitfalls of the Electronic Era”, October 2005 Neubecker CV Page 6 of 7 ● Institute of Internal Auditors, Chicago West Chapter Meeting: (co-presented with Cameron Nelson, attorney at Greenberg Traurig) “Using Computer Forensics To Conduct Investigations”, May 9th, 2006 ● Association of Certified Fraud Examiners Workshop: (co-presented with Kathryn Hoying, attorney at Johnson & Bell, Ltd.) “Using Computer Forensics to Conduct Investigations”, February 10, 2006 ● Chicago Law & Technology Conference: “Computer Forensic Update”, co-presented with Greenberg Traurig LLP Attorney Cameron Nelson, February 23, 2006 ● FagelHaber, LLC’s E-Discovery Conference: (co-presented with Richard Chapman, Gary Green, David Rownd and Robert Kamensky, attorneys at FagelHaber, LLC) “Avoiding the Pitfalls of the Electronic Era”, October, 2005 ● Chicago Bar Association, CLE Seminar: (co-presented with Kathryn Hoying, attorney at Johnson & Bell, Ltd.) — “Deliverables to Request From Your Computer Forensics Examiner”, Circa 2005 ● Chicago Economic Development Council: “Internal Fraud Investigations”, Circa 2005 ● Law Bulletin Publishing Company E-Discovery Conference 2005: “Show me the Smoking Gun!”, Circa 2005 ● American Law Firm Association’s International Client Seminar 2005: (co-presented with Joe Marconi, attorney at Johnson & Bell, Ltd and Donald Kaufman, attorney at McNees, Wallace & Nurick LLC) — “Discovery, Document Retention & eDiscovery in a Post-Enron/Andersen World”, 2005 ● Chicago Bar Association, CLE Seminar: (co-presented with William J. Cook of Wildman Harrold, Jeffrey L. Hartman of Competitive Advantage Solutions and Mark S. Simon of Eclipsecurity, LLC) “Computer Forensics For Lawyers”, May 6th, 2004 ● Chicago/Milwaukee Joint Midwest Law & Technology Conference 2004: "Finding the Smoking Guns: Legal Computer Forensics Without the Geekspeak", November 30th, 2004 ● Chicago Bar Association, CLE Seminar: “Resolving Intellectual Property Theft with Computer Forensics”, October 20th, 2004 ● Chicago Bar Association, CLE Seminar: “Computer Forensics for Lawyers”, May 6th, 2004 ● Law Bulletin Publishing Company E-Discovery Conference: “Electronic Document Collection and Processing”, April 27th, 2004 Neubecker CV Page 7 of 7 ● LegalTech 2003, Chicago: “True Electronic Discovery”, October 30th, 2003 ● Chicago Bar Association (Law Office Technology Committee): “Electronic Discovery 101”, 2003 ● Illinois Academy of Criminology: “Electronic Discovery 101”, Circa 2003 ● Greater Chicago Chapter of the Association of Legal Administrators: “Electronic Discovery 101”, Circa 2003 ● Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce: “Web Page Programming For Search Engine Effectiveness”, Circa 2001 ● NORBIC: “Web Page Programming For Search Engine Effectiveness”, Circa 2001 ARTICLES ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Law Practice Today - (July 2004) - Invited to be a contributing expert on a roundtable article by Dennis Kennedy on the online magazine, Time Is of the Essence — Provides an overview of why it is important to act fast when seeking to obtain electronic evidence. The Liability of Email as Evidence — Reflects on the recent impact of the Andersen case involving Enron (Also in the Nov. 22, 2004 issue of Chicago Daily Law Bulletin) - Document Retention Policies — Develop, enforce and audit your document retention policy: Monitoring Employees — Provides reader an understanding of some of the liability issues involved with employee monitoring Worker Beware — Why employees should be careful about what they do with their workplace computer: Data Security — What to do when an employee leaves Virus-proof Your Computer — Simple lessons in computer security Microsoft Learns to Prioritize — Implementing security measures at the OS level MEMBERSHIPS & CERTIFICATIONS ● ● ● ● ● Illinois Academy of Criminology — Chicago Chapter U.S. Secret Service Electronic Crimes Task Force Member — Chicago Midwest Region Union League Club of Chicago — Committee Member Association of Certified Fraud Examiners — Associate Member State of Michigan — Private Investigator – License Number 3701205872 From: To: Subject: Date: Dawn Haney Board/Commission Application Submission Wednesday, October 02, 2013 12:02:24 PM The following was submitted from the Board/Commission application form. Name: Michael Ruehle E-Mail Address: Address: 343 Ashland Ave Phone Number: Board of Fire and Police Commissioners: -- No Interest -Economic Development Commission: 1 Fire Pension Board: -- No Interest -Historic Preservation Commission: 4 Local Ethics Commission: -- No Interest -Plan Commission: 2 Police Pension Board: -- No Interest -Traffic and Safety Commission: -- No Interest -Zoning Board of Appeals: 3 Professional Background: IT and software development corporate management (C-level) construction - traditional timber frame homes energy efficiency & sustainability (LEED and BPI certified) Service on Other Village or Community Organizations : Educational Background: B. Sc. From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Attachments: Dawn Haney Lisa Scheiner Board/Commission Application Submission Thursday, May 21, 2015 3:48:15 PM 555e3fd36fc41-resume.pdf The following was submitted from the Board/Commission application form. Name: Gerald Dombrowski E-Mail Address: Address: 214 Ashland Avenue, River Forest, IL 60305 Phone Number: Board of Fire and Police Commissioners: -- No Interest -Economic Development Commission: 1 Fire Pension Board: -- No Interest -Historic Preservation Commission: -- No Interest -Local Ethics Commission: -- No Interest -Plan Commission: 2 Police Pension Board: -- No Interest -Traffic and Safety Commission: -- No Interest -Zoning Board of Appeals: 3 Professional Background: See attached Service on Other Village or Community Organizations : See attached Educational Background: See attached 5/22/2015 Gerald M. Dombrowski P: (312) 641-1555 F: (312) 641-3004 Gerald M. Dombrowski Partner Mr. Dombrowski is a civil litigation attorney with extensive experience handling personal injury, construction, complex litigation, insurance, and general liability cases in state and federal courts in Illinois. Mr. Dombrowski has tried more than 33 jury trials to verdict and has tried over 100 bench trials in his career. Mr. Dombrowski also has litigated numerous arbitrations and acts as an arbitrator in Cook County, Illinois. Mr. Dombrowski represents individuals, utilities, corporations, and municipalities in all aspects of claims and litigation. Mr. Dombrowski also specializes in creative, alternative billing and costeffective resolutions of a variety of cases. (312) 6411555 333 W. Wacker Drive Suite 500 Chicago, Illinois 60606 Download Vcard Mr. Dombrowski is a Little League Baseball coach and lives with his wife and three children in the Chicago area. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES/ASSOCIATIONS Chicago Bar Association Illinois State Bar Association Firm Co-Chair, Chicago Bar Foundation fundraising PRACTICE FOCUS Civil Litigation and Insurance Defense Construction Litigation Premises Liability Litigation Civil Rights Litigation Toxic Tort Litigation Commercial Litigation Investigations EDUCATION J.D., Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago-Kent College of Law, 1992 (Dean’s List) B.A., Political Science and Sociology, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1986 (Dean’s List) BAR & COURT ADMISSIONS Illinois U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois U.S. District Court, Trial Bar, Northern District of Illinois 7th Circuit Court of Appeals Bar LEGAL EXPERIENCE Arbitrator, Cook County Mandatory Arbitration, 1998 to present Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office, Assistant State’s Attorney, 1992 to 1996 1/2 From: [] Sent: Friday, April 17, 2015 2:00 PM To: Dawn Haney Cc: Lisa Scheiner Subject: Board/Commission Application Submission The following was submitted from the Board/Commission application form. Name: Keary Cragan E-Mail Address: Address: 914 Bonnie Brae Phone Number: Board of Fire and Police Commissioners: -- No Interest -Economic Development Commission: 1 Fire Pension Board: -- No Interest -Historic Preservation Commission: -- No Interest -Local Ethics Commission: -- No Interest -Plan Commission: 1 Police Pension Board: -- No Interest -Traffic and Safety Commission: 2 Zoning Board of Appeals: 1 Professional Background: Experience U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 5, Chicago, IL; 1995 to present Environmental Engineer Project manager for $30M+ in federal grants to states and local units of government for sustainable redevelopment § Areas of expertise o Brownfields Redevelopment, Revolving Loan Fund & TIF Financing, Historic Preservation, Environmental Justice, Renewable Energy, Community Involvement, Transit-Oriented Design, Urban Agriculture, Green Infrastructure, LEED Buildings, Urban Planning & Native landscaping § RecentProjects o Making a Visible Difference: EPA’s Region Sustainability Lead for City of Chicago o White House Initiative: Strong Cities, Strong Communities EPA Lead for City of Rockford o Lowertown Ballpark - $90M brownfields redevelopment in historic district in St. Paul MN o The 606 (Bloomingdale Trail) - 2.7 mile elevated linear park, ped & bike trail in Chicago o Chicago Boathouse Initiative - Four new Boathouses along the Chicago River o Gage Park UNO Soccer Academy Charter School - $23M LEED certified CPS Charter School o Chinatown Library - $15M LEED Certified Chicago Public Library built on brownfields site o Surly Brewery - $20M brownfields redevelopment destination brewery in Minneapolis, MN o Harbor Shores Golf Course –530 acre brownfields redevelopment in Benton Harbor, MI Service on Other Village or Community Organizations : Volunteer Activities § PlanItGreen Core Team – 2010 Sustainability Plan for Oak Park and River Forest Communities § District 90 Green4Good - Founding member of district-wide organics composting program, recycling program expansion; Schools gardens, Recycling Extravaganza, Walk & Bike to school coordinator § Des Plaines River Clean-up volunteer § Mighty Acorns Program - Cook County Forest Preserve Restoration program volunteer § Rape Victim Advocacy Program - Certified Crisis Line Counselor Educational Background: Academic Education University of Iowa; Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, 1993 § Pi Tau Sigma, International Mechanical Engineering Honors Society § Order of Omega Scholarship Leadership and Service Award § NASA Space Grant Intern § General Electric Undergraduate Teaching Assistantship § American Society of Mechanical Engineers, President of Student Chapter § River Fest; Homecoming and Delta Gamma Sorority Executive Councils § Freshman Engineering Honors Scholarship § Assistant Librarian - Iowa Engineering Library University of Wisconsin – Madison; Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering 1995 § Graduate Student of the Year - American Solar Energy Society § Wisconsin Energy Fellowship § Solar Energy Laboratory Research Assistantship From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Dawn Haney Lisa Scheiner Board/Commission Application Submission Saturday, July 11, 2015 8:36:04 PM The following was submitted from the Board/Commission application form. Name: ROBERT GRAHAM E-Mail Address: Address: 1316 Jackson Avenue Phone Number: Board of Fire and Police Commissioners: -- No Interest -Economic Development Commission: 1 Fire Pension Board: -- No Interest -Historic Preservation Commission: -- No Interest -Local Ethics Commission: -- No Interest -Plan Commission: -- No Interest -Police Pension Board: -- No Interest -Traffic and Safety Commission: -- No Interest -Zoning Board of Appeals: -- No Interest -Professional Background: Started an electrical generator set manufacturing company for over 25 years with domestic and strong international activity Negotiated with foreign governments on commercial projects Involved in industrial revenue bond issue in Chicago Service on Other Village or Community Organizations : River Forest Trustee for 2 plus terms Negotiating team for RF Town Center 1 project and Condo relocation prior to RF Town Centre 2 River Forest little league 10 years Oak Park Country Club finance committee Participated in the OPRF High School selection committee for prior superintendent Educational Background: OPRF High School University of Wisconsin Madison From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Dawn Haney Lisa Scheiner Board/Commission Application Submission Thursday, June 04, 2015 4:30:49 PM The following was submitted from the Board/Commission application form. Name: Robert E OCOnnell Jr E-Mail Address: Address: 1038 Keystone Phone Number: Board of Fire and Police Commissioners: -- No Interest -Economic Development Commission: 1 Fire Pension Board: -- No Interest -Historic Preservation Commission: -- No Interest -Local Ethics Commission: -- No Interest -Plan Commission: -- No Interest -Police Pension Board: -- No Interest -Traffic and Safety Commission: -- No Interest -Zoning Board of Appeals: -- No Interest -Professional Background: 30 + year veteran in the field of commercial development with major retailers and developers. White Hen Pantry, Tanquay, Burke, Stratton Development, 22 years in Development department at McDonald's. Service on Other Village or Community Organizations : Educational Background: BA in Political Science Benedictine University From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Administrator Dawn Haney Lisa Scheiner Board/Commission Application Submission Tuesday, May 12, 2015 6:14:56 PM The following was submitted from the Board/Commission application form. Name: Greg Ignoffo E-Mail Address: Address: 307 Franklin Ave. Phone Number: Board of Fire and Police Commissioners: 3 Economic Development Commission: 4 Fire Pension Board: 8 Historic Preservation Commission: 6 Local Ethics Commission: 1 Plan Commission: 5 Police Pension Board: 7 Traffic and Safety Commission: 9 Zoning Board of Appeals: 2 Professional Background: I am a litigation/trial attorney primarily handling complex personal injury matters involving issues of professional and product liability. I have done this work for 10 years since obtaining my license. As these type of cases last several years and involve multiple parties/issues, in addition to day-to-day management they require long term strategic planning to bring them to successful conclusion. Service on Other Village or Community Organizations : Prior to moving to River Forest in 2012 my family lived in a large historically renovated condo development consisting of 6 buildings and approximately 950 units. I still own the condo. I have served on the board of directors for my building since its inception in 2004 and have been board president since 2005. There is also a master board association which governs all matters common to all six buildings. I have served as president of that board since its inception in 2007. In shore, my work in this capacity involves overseeing the immediate needs of my individual building and the overall development while managing their respective longterm financial health. Educational Background: Dominican University - B.A., 2001 John Marshall Law School - J.D., 2004 Gregory R. Ignoffo Office: Law Offices of John G. Kelly, P.C. 30 N. LaSalle Street – Suite 2950 Chicago, Illinois 60602 E-mail – Home: 307 Franklin Ave. River Forest, IL 60305 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE The Law Offices of John G. Kelly, P.C. Chicago, IL Partner January 2011 – Present Associate Attorney November 2004 – December 2010 Represent individuals and families in all areas of personal injury litigation, including medical malpractice, premises liability, wrongful death, product liability, automobile negligence, construction negligence, and nursing home neglect. Day-to-day responsibilities for every aspect of the practice from new case evaluation through trial, including legal & medical research, drafting legal briefs and memoranda, party and fact witness depositions, routine and dispositive court hearings, expert search and selection, expert depositions, development and implementation of case strategy, conducting pre-trial and mediation negotiations, negotiating pre-suit settlements, and preparing for and taking matters to trial. o Taken 300+ discovery and evidence depositions including parties in general and professional negligence matters, lay (f)(1) witnesses, independent (f)(2) expert witnesses, and retained (f)(3) expert witnesses in general negligence and professional negligence matters. o Tried numerous cases in first and second chair capacity yielding successful results in general negligence and professional negligence matters. o Negotiated and obtained dozens of settlements ranging from $100,000 through and exceeding $6,000,000. REPRESENTATIVE CASES Gardner v. Landau, M.D. – $13,000,000 verdict after multi-week jury trial on behalf of client who suffered total permanent disability of right leg as a result of defendant’s failures to timely intervene and treat postoperative vascular compromise. Patient v. Hospital. – $6,200,000 settlement secured on behalf of client who suffered permanent cognitive disability as a result of defendant’s negligent performance of brain tumor resection. Sepsis v. P.I.&I. Motor Express – $1,000,000 policy limits settlement on behalf of family who lost husband/father in trucking accident cause by defendant truck driver’s performance of illegal 3-point turn. Patient v. Hospital – $3,000,000 confidential settlement on behalf of client and partner (Loss of Consortium claim pursuant to Illinois Civil Union Act) as a result defendant’s failures to diagnose and treat malignant tumor present on ultrasound. Peterson v. Akinola – $445,000 jury verdict on behalf of client who sustained femur fracture after struck by defendant cab driver. Harvey v. Marks, M.D. – $1,500,000 settlement obtained after 7 days of trial on behalf of client who 1 suffered amputation of her right leg as a result of defendant’s failure to treat skin ulcerations. HONORS / DISINCTIONS Illinois Super Lawyers Magazine Rising Stars – Law & Politics Magazine Distinction given to only 2.5% of Illinois attorneys under the age of 40. Recognized in 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015. Martindale-Hubbel AV Preeminent Peer Review Rating Peer-reviewed as exhibiting highest legal ability and adhering to highest ethical standards in Personal Injury, Medical Malpractice, and Litigation practice areas. VOLUNTEER WORK John Marshall Law School Chicago, IL Regularly grade briefs and/or judge oral arguments for the Herzog Moot Court Competition since graduation from JMLS in June 2004. Regular presenter at JMLS Fair Housing Clinic on issues including client interviewing/interaction, file/case management, and deposition practice. University Commons IV Condominium Association Chicago, IL Board Member since its inception in 2007 and President since 2008. Oversight and supervision responsibilities for condominium association consisting of 140 units with an annual budget exceeding $600,000.00. University Commons Master Condominium Association Chicago, IL Board Member and President since its inception in 2009. Oversight and supervision responsibilities for common area components of condominium association consisting of 7 buildings and 917 units with an annual budget exceeding $900,000.00. Catholic Charities of Chicago Chicago, IL Periodically serve as volunteer counsel for litigants in need of pro bono legal services on various matters which have included petitioning to have a missing person declared deceased to obtain insurance benefits for the deceased’s family and appeal of denial of benefits by the VA on behalf of a veteran. EDUCATION The John Marshall Law School Degree of Juris Doctor - Chicago, IL June 2004 Dominican University Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, With Distinction - River Forest, IL May 2001 PROFESSIONAL LICENSES / ADMISSIONS Illinois State Bar November 2004 Federal Bar, Northern District of Illinois January 2005 Federal Trial Bar, Northern District of Illinois October 2013 PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS 2 Illinois Trial Lawyers Association & Chicago Bar Association 3 MEMORANDUM DATE: May 9, 2016 TO: Eric J. Palm, Village Administrator FROM: John Anderson, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: West Thatcher Commuter Lot Improvements Issue: Staff is seeking the Village Board’s consent to move forward with advertising the proposed improvements for competitive bid. Analysis: Staff has investigated multiple design options for this project over the past year in order to determine the appropriate level of green infrastructure to incorporate while staying within the established project budget. Staff worked with the Parks Foundation Sustainability Committee to solicit feedback regarding the different design options and on February 29th a presentation was made to the Village Board regarding these options. The Sustainability Committee provided a recommendation to move forward with the “drive aisles” plan. The determination made at that meeting was to move forward with a detailed design and associated cost estimate for the “drive aisles” option. A request was made to bring the final project layout and cost estimate back to the Village Board for review prior to advertising the project for competitive bid. Subsequent to the Village Board meeting on February 29th, staff completed the final design and cost estimate of the “drive aisles” option. Unfortunately, the final cost estimate was overbudget. In an effort to maintain costs within the project budget, the area of permeable pavers was reduced to a point where project costs were acceptable. This resulted in an area of pavers less than the “drive aisles” option previously presented, but maximizes the amount of stormwater filtration and storage available. An exhibit of the proposed improvements and the associated cost estimate have been attached for review. If the unit pricing received is less than what Staff has anticipated, the project can be modified to increase the footprint of the permeable pavers as much as possible while staying within the project budget. Requested Board Action: Staff recommends the following motion: Motion to advertise the proposed West Thatcher Commuter Lot Improvements Project for competitive bid. Attachments: Proposed Improvement Exhibit Cost Estimate “Drive Aisles” Exhibit (from presentation on February 29th) Cost Estimate Item No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Item CONSTRUCTION STAKING SAW CUT (SPECIAL) ADDITIONAL HAULING SURCHARGE, NON‐HAZARDOUS SPECIAL WASTE COMBINATION CURB AND GUTTER REMOVAL COMBINATION CURB AND GUTTER, B6.12 PCC SIDEWALK REMOVAL PCC SIDEWALK, 5" DETECTABLE WARNINGS HOT‐MIX ASPHALT PAVEMENT REMOVAL (FULL DEPTH) HOT‐MIX ASPHALT SURFACE REMOVAL (VARIABLE DEPTH) BITUMINOUS MATERIALS (PRIME COAT) LEVELING BINDER (MACHINE METHOD) N50 HOT‐MIX ASPHALT SURFACE COURSE, MIX D, N50 EXPLORATION TRENCH, SPECIAL CONNECT PROPOSED UNDERDRAIN TO EXISTING STRUCTURE FRAME AND LID TO BE ADJUSTED FRAME AND LID, TYPE 1 EARTH EXCAVATION SELECTED GRANULAR BACKFILL GEOTEXTILE PIPE UNDERDRAIN, 4" PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE RIBBON PERMEABLE PAVERS SETTING BED AGGREGATE (CA‐16) AGGREGATE BASE COURSE (CA‐7) AGGREGATE SUB‐BASE (CA‐1) TOPSOIL AND SEEDING THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING ‐ LINE 4" TRAFFIC CONTROL AND PROTECTION MOBILIZATION Unit LSUM FOOT LOAD FOOT FOOT SQ FT SQ FT SQ FT SQ YD SQ YD POUND TON TON CU YD EACH EACH EACH CU YD CU YD SQ YD FOOT FOOT SQ YD SQ YD SQ YD SQ YD SQ YD FOOT LSUM LSUM Quantity 1 700 2 100 100 110 110 32 300 1020 460 45 90 10 3 3 3 265 7 425 175 315 260 260 260 260 25 650 1 1 Unit Price $2,750.00 $2.50 $500.00 $7.25 $23.00 $2.50 $10.00 $30.00 $7.75 $11.50 $1.00 $85.00 $85.00 $150.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $350.00 $50.00 $50.00 $4.00 $33.00 $27.00 $8.00 $4.00 $9.00 $60.00 $5.00 $2.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 Total Price $2,750.00 $1,750.00 $1,000.00 $725.00 $2,300.00 $275.00 $1,100.00 $960.00 $2,325.00 $11,730.00 $460.00 $3,825.00 $7,650.00 $1,500.00 $3,000.00 $1,500.00 $1,050.00 $13,250.00 $350.00 $1,700.00 $5,775.00 $8,505.00 $2,080.00 $1,040.00 $2,340.00 $15,600.00 $125.00 $1,300.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $99,965.00 DRIVE AISLES EXHIBIT (FROM 2/29 PRESENTATION) Village of River Forest Village Administrator’s Office 400 Park Avenue River Forest, IL 60305 Tel: 708-366-8500 MEMORANDUM Date: May 5, 2016 To: Catherine Adduci, Village President Village Board of Trustees From: Eric J. Palm, Village Administrator Subj: Introduction of Planned Development – Lake and Lathrop ______________________________________________________________________________ As you are well aware, the Village spent considerable time negotiating a redevelopment agreement for the Lake and Lathrop project. That process is complete and the developer has now turned his attention to property acquisition as well as the planned development application. As you know, it is typical for the Village Board to be “Step 1” on the planned development process flowchart. And even though there has been a lot of discussion over the years on this project, Staff felt it was still appropriate for the developer to make a presentation to the Village Board with an overview of the project. Attached please find a copy of the preliminary site plan that was included in the RDA. Tim Hague and David Howat will be in attendance for Monday night’s meeting to formally introduce their project. Thank you. Attachment Site plans AREA CALCULATIONS RETAIL: FLOOR AREA 12,400 SF RESIDENTIAL FLOOR AREA 1,200 SF TOTAL GROSS SF: 13,600 SF LAKE STREET LAKE STREET GRADE PARKING: 31 SPACES 2.5/1000 50.00 COMMERICAL 1ST FLOOR -13,600 SF RESIDENTIAL 2nd-5th FLOORS - -76,400 SF LOWER LEVEL PARKING 72 SPACES 45'-0" 50.00 152'-0" 90.58 LATHROP AVENUE 33.00 50.00 33.50 50.00 50.00 53'-0" 107.08 74'-0" ASHLAND AVENUE LOWER LEVEL PARKING: 72 SPACES 1.5 PER UNIT 50.00 08 13 10 50.00 TRASH 50.00 RAMP TO PARKING JANUARY 18, 2016 HAGUE ARCHITECTURE 418 CLINTON PLACE RIVER FOREST, ILLINOIS 60305 708.771.3900 VoRF Redevelopment Lake Street and Lathrop Avenue, River Forest, Illinois SITE PLAN COPYRIGHT 2016 HAGUE ARCHITECTURE AREA CALCULATIONS RETAIL: FLOOR AREA 12,400 SF RESIDENTIAL FLOOR AREA 1,200 SF TOTAL GROSS SF: 13,600 SF LAKE STREET 107.08 50.00 152'-0" 74'-0" RETAIL 01 BANKING FACILITY 2,400 SF 50.00 RETAIL 02 RESTAURANT/RETAIL 10,000 SF 79'-0" 197'-0" GRADE PARKING: 31 SPACES 2.5/1000 LATHROP AVENUE ASHLAND AVENUE LAKE STREET 08 TRASH 13 10 JANUARY 18, 2016 HAGUE ARCHITECTURE 418 CLINTON PLACE RIVER FOREST, ILLINOIS 60305 708.771.3900 VoRF Redevelopment Lake Street and Lathrop Avenue, River Forest, Illinois FIRST FLOOR COPYRIGHT 2016 HAGUE ARCHITECTURE AREA CALCULATIONS RESIDENTIAL GROSS FLOOR AREA 19,100 SF NET AREA 17,310 SF 48 TOTAL UNITS 1-3 BEDROOM LAKE STREET UNIT 4 1,270 SF UNIT 3 1,270 SF UNIT 2 1,700 SF UNIT 1 2,400 SF 100'-0" UNIT 5 1,270 SF 39'-6" 197'-0" UNIT 6 1,630 SF LOWER LEVEL PARKING 72 SPACES 1.5 PARKING PER UNIT LATHROP AVENUE 107.08 50.00 ASHLAND AVENUE LAKE STREET UNIT 7 1,230 SF UNIT 8 1,080 SF UNIT 9 1,080 SF UNIT 10 1,080 SF UNIT 11 1,000 SF UNIT 12 2,300 SF 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 189'-0" JANUARY 18, 2016 HAGUE ARCHITECTURE 418 CLINTON PLACE RIVER FOREST, ILLINOIS 60305 708.771.3900 VoRF Redevelopment Lake Street and Lathrop Avenue, River Forest, Illinois 2-5 FLOORS COPYRIGHT 2016 HAGUE ARCHITECTURE EXCAVATION DATA -12'-0" EXCAVATION: 28,500 SF X 12' = 12,667 CU. YDS 923 LF FOOTING = 239 CU. YDS COLUMN FOOTINGS @ 14 CU. YDS EACH 20 X 14 = 280 CU YDS. ELEVATOR PITS = 30 CU. YDS. LAKE STREET TOTAL EXCAVATION AT -12'-0" 13,230 CU. YDS. LAKE STREET SLOPED PORTION: (2,500 X 11) / 2 = 13,750 CU.FT / 27 = 509 CU. YDS LATHROP AVENUE ASHLAND AVENUE TOTAL EXCAVATION FOR RAMP = 509 CU. YDS. 197'-0" 28,500 sf @-11'-0" TOTALS: 13,739 CU YDS. TOTAL GROSS SF: 31,000 SF 147'-0" -11'-0" 11 +0'-0" 2,500 sf SLOPED 0' TO 11' 26 -11'-0" 20 RESIDENTIAL PARKING: 72 PARKING SPACES 15 JANUARY 18, 2016 HAGUE ARCHITECTURE 418 CLINTON PLACE RIVER FOREST, ILLINOIS 60305 708.771.3900 VoRF Redevelopment Lake Street and Lathrop Avenue, River Forest, Illinois LOWER LEVEL COPYRIGHT 2016 HAGUE ARCHITECTURE Village of River Forest Village Administrator’s Office 400 Park Avenue River Forest, IL 60305 Tel: 708-366-8500 MEMORANDUM Date: May 5, 2016 To: Eric Palm, Village Administrator From: Jonathan Pape, Management Intern Subj: Communications Services Contract ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Background The Village currently provides communications services in-house by producing the monthly E-News, electronic resident notifications, and maintaining the Village website. On special projects, the Village has used third-party providers on an as-needed basis for communications services including website maintenance, graphic design, and crisis situations. The Village Board of Trustees recently identified the enhancement of the Village’s communication efforts as a goal in order to improve customer service and organizational performance. Accordingly, funds were budgeted for this purpose in Fiscal Year 2017. Analysis In order to execute improvements to the Village’s communications, Village staff released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Communications Support and Services in March, 2016. The RFP outlined the Village’s expectations for the scope of services required. Nine proposals were received in response to the Village’s Communications RFP. After reviewing each response, Village staff ranked the firms based on their ability to meet the Village’s scope of services as set forth in the RFP. Four firms were interviewed and two firms were then selected as finalists based on their ability to provide relevant communications services. Ultimately, Jasculca Terman’s knowledge and familiarity with the community, experience with work most similar to the Village’s, and diverse, experienced staff will allow their team to best meet the Village’s goals. Village staff was impressed with Jasculca Terman’s communications audit proposal, their plan and ideas to implement improved communications on behalf of the Village and their overall understanding of the scope of services required. Jasculca Terman Strategic Communications is located in Chicago, IL and has provided communications services to clients for thirty five years. Chairman and CEO Rick Jasculca is a long-time River Forest resident. Jasculca Terman has experience working on various communications and marketing projects with other local governments including the Village of Glenview, the City of Highland Park, and the Village of Oak Park. Jasculca Terman will provide multiple services in accordance with the RFP by utilizing a two-phased approach outlined below to develop and implement enhanced communication strategies. Phase I: Communications Audit & Strategy Development Over a period of approximately four months, Jasculca Terman’s staff will conduct a thorough audit of the Village’s existing communications and utilize that information to develop an enhanced and elevated communications strategy. This process will include: • • • • • • Professional review and analysis of the Village’s current external communications tools and tactics, with specific feedback and recommendations for strategies to enhance the effectiveness of the Village’s communications including website, community media, digital and social media communications; Collaboration and consultation with the Village to develop a scope of inquiry and implement a series of internal interviews with Village staff members; Collaboration and coordination with the Village to conduct a series of focus group sessions with Village residents and business owners; Scheduling and conducting multiple half-hour, one-on-one phone interviews with key external opinion leaders selected by the Village; Comparative analysis of external communications and outreach initiatives of other comparable municipal organizations; Development of a final written report summarizing the analysis, strategic recommendations, tools and tactics to enhance the effectiveness of Village communications and outreach initiatives. Phase II: Implementation The second phase will include the implementation of the strategies identified in Phase I for the final eight months of the contract. Staff anticipates that this will include Jasculca Terman managing a website redesign, implementing social media channels, as well as monthly maintenance and content development on behalf of the Village. A separate proposal for Phase II will be presented to the Village Board once Phase I is complete. As a part of further evaluating the RFP response proposal from Jasculca Terman, staff contacted each of the references provided by the firm in its proposal. The references have all contracted with Jasculca Terman on multiple projects in the past and have a connection to the public sector. Staff received overwhelmingly positive feedback about the quality of the work produced, the firm’s ability to deliver final products in the timeframes identified, and the positive impact these efforts had the organizations. The Village of River Forest prides itself on providing a high level of customer service to its residents. Staff looks forward to continuing those efforts by making impactful improvements in its communications. Contracting with Jasculca Terman to review the Village’s communications, formulate a plan moving forward, and implementing solution will take a great step in beginning to realize improvements in communication. Budget Impact The FY 2017 budget includes $100,000 for communications-related projects. As this is anticipated to be a nonrecurring expenditure that spans FY 2017, General Fund reserves are being utilized to fund the project. The attached contract includes the services identified in the Phase I: Communications Audit and Strategy Development. Both staff and the consultant anticipate that this Phase will take approximately 3-4 months to complete and will cost $51,000. Village staff and Jasculca Terman were able to work together to reduce the cost identified in the RFP response by $12,000 without compromising the services and deliverables that will be provided. Additionally, the two parties agreed to bill any third party fees through the Village to avoid a 15% handling charge from the consultant. After further negotiation, Jasculca Terman also agreed to eliminate the proposed 4% technology fee applied to all professional services delivered by the firm. The Village and consultant will review technology related expenses on a case-by-case basis. As stated earlier, the proposal for Phase II will be presented at the conclusion of Phase I. Recommendation Village staff recommends that the Village Board award a contract to Jasculca Terman for the Phase I: Communications Audit and Strategy Development. Attachments: • Jasculca Terman Communications Support and Services Proposal • Jasculca Terman Service Agreement Contract May 5, 2016 Mr. Eric Palm Village Administrator Village of River Forest 400 Park Avenue River Forest, IL 60305 Dear Eric: We are pleased to be working on behalf of the Village of River Forest. The following represents the terms of our standard working agreement. SCOPE OF WORK Jasculca Terman Strategic Communications (JT) shall provide public relations/public affairs services to the Village of River Forest (“the Village”). Phase I of our work will consist of a communications audit and development of a comprehensive communications strategy. This engagement shall commence upon execution of this letter of agreement and run through September 15, 2016. JT’s scope of work for this project will include the following: • Expert analysis, including professional review and analysis of the Village’s current external communications tools and tactics, with specific feedback and recommendations on how to enhance the effectiveness of the Village’s communications including website, community media, digital and social media communications. • Collaboration and consultation with the Village to develop a scope of inquiry and implement a series of internal interviews with Village staff members. • Collaboration and coordination with Village to conduct series of still to be determined number (not to exceed 3) focus group sessions with Village residents and business owners. • Scheduling and conducting 12-to-15 half-hour, one-on-one phone interviews with external opinion leaders. Interviewees to be selected and initially contacted by the Village. • Comparative analysis of external communications and outreach initiatives of three-to-five comparable municipal organizations. • Development of final written report summarizing analysis and strategic recommendations, tools and tactics to enhance the effectiveness of Village communications and outreach initiatives. At the conclusion of the audit and strategy development, we will negotiate a separate fee agreement for Phase II of our work, which will consist of the implementation of our strategic recommendations. PROFESSIONAL FEES AND EXPENSES To perform the scope of work described herein (Phase I), we will charge a firm fixed price of $51,000, to be paid in four monthly installments of $12,750 each beginning in June and concluding in September. The above professional fee is based on the scope of work outlined in this letter of agreement and on the assumption that this project will begin upon execution of this letter of agreement and will conclude September 15, 2016. Should the scope of work change dramatically, JT will work with the Village to revise our professional fees accordingly. Authorized expenses are in addition to our professional fees, and are billed monthly. These include expenditures for outside vendor services and out-of-pocket costs. Outside vendor services include such items as public opinion research, large print jobs, photography, equipment rental, catering, etc. We assess a 15 percent handling charge on these outside vendor expenses billed through our office. Additional out-of pocket expenses include meals, mileage, parking, travel, etc. and do not incur handling charges. A list of basic out-of-pocket expense items is available upon request. Payment of all invoices is due within 30 days of receipt. INDEMNIFICATION JT agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Village, its agents, representatives and employees from any and all actions, suits, claims, damages, disputes, demands, losses, injuries, liabilities, judgments, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) and the like arising out of, resulting from, based upon, or connected in any way to any act or omission by JT, its agents, representatives, or employees, or contractors, taken or not taken while working on behalf of the Village. The Village agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless JT, its agents, representatives, employees and contractors from any and all actions, suits, claims, damages, disputes, demands, losses, injuries, liabilities, judgments, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) and the like arising out of, resulting from, based upon, or connected in any way to any act or inaction by the Village, its agents, representatives, employees, or school board members in relation to providing to JT or approving for use/release by JT information, data, representations and reports (whether oral or written). CONFIDENTIALITY It is understood and agreed that certain information and knowledge divulged to JT by the Village shall be regarded by JT as confidential. JT will keep all such information as confidential and refrain from using, publishing, or revealing such confidential information without the express permission of the Village. 2 TERMINATION This agreement may be terminated by either party with written notice provided no less than 30 days in advance of the termination date. In the event that the project is terminated by either party, the Village agrees to pay JT for all work performed to date (based on the project fee referenced above, pro-rated based on deliverables at the time of termination for all services performed). In exchange, JT will provide the Village with all of the project results and work product obtained through the termination date. ~~~ Jasculca Terman Strategic Communications is an equal opportunity employer. All employment decisions, with respect to all aspects of our operations, are made without regard to race, color, religion, gender (including pregnancy status), age, national origin, physical or mental disability, or any other characteristics protected by applicable federal or state law. If this agreement is acceptable to you, please sign a copy of this letter and return it to me. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to give me a call. Sincerely, James L. Terman President ACCEPTED: Village of River Forest By: Date: 3 Village of River Forest Village Administrator’s Office 400 Park Avenue River Forest, IL 60305 Tel: 708-366-8500 MEMORANDUM Date: May 5, 2016 To: Catherine Adduci, Village President Village Board of Trustees From: Eric J. Palm, Village Administrator Subj: Proposed Madison Street TIF – Set Dates for Joint Review Board Meeting and Public Hearing ______________________________________________________________________________ Issue: In order to set the dates for the proposed Madison Street TIF District Joint Review Board meeting and Public Hearing, the corporate authorities need to adopt an ordinance reflecting those dates. This action was identified in the previous timelines/action items set by the Village Board. The dates are as follow: • • Joint Review Board Meeting - Friday, June 3, 2016 at 2:00 PM Public Hearing - Tuesday, July 12, 2016 at 7:00 PM Both meetings will take place at Village Hall. An Ordinance setting these dates is attached for your consideration. Staff has also updated the timeline of events and has attached as well. Recommendation: Consider an Ordinance calling for a public hearing and a joint review board meeting to consider the designation of a redevelopment project area and the approval of a redevelopment plan and project for the Village of River Forest (Madison Street Tax Increment Financing District). Thank you. Attachments Ordinance Updated Timeline ORDINANCE NO. _______ AN ORDINANCE CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING AND A JOINT REVIEW BOARD MEETING TO CONSIDER THE DESIGNATION OF A REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA AND THE APPROVAL OF A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND PROJECT FOR THE VILLAGE OF RIVER FOREST (MADISON STREET TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT) WHEREAS, the Village of River Forest (the “Village”) is considering the designation of a redevelopment project area and the approval of a redevelopment plan and project within the corporate limits of the Village, to be called the Madison Street Tax Increment Financing District (the “Madison Street TIF District”), pursuant to the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act, 65 ILCS 5/11-74.4-1, et seq. (the “TIF Act”); and WHEREAS, on January 26, 2015, the Village Board of the Village adopted Ordinance No. 3541, entitled “An Ordinance Authorizing A Study Of The Feasibility Of Establishing Tax Increment Allocation Financing To Improve Deteriorating Physical Conditions And Stimulate New Economic Development Within The General Area Of Madison Street In The Village Of River Forest (Madison Street TIF District),” and on January 28, 2015, pursuant to Section 11-74.4-4.1 of the TIF Act, forwarded a copy thereof to each taxing district that would be affected by the designation of the redevelopment project area for the proposed Madison Street TIF District; and WHEREAS, on February 23, 2015, the Village Board of the Village adopted Ordinance No. 3543, entitled “An Ordinance Authorizing The Establishment Of A Tax Increment Financing Interested Parties Registry And Adopting Rules For Registration In Relation Thereto;” and 363327_1 1 WHEREAS, on March 4, 2015, the Village published the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Interested Parties Registry Notice, as required by Section 11-74.4-5(a) of the TIF Act, in the Wednesday Journal; and WHEREAS, on April 13, 2015, the Village Board of the Village adopted Ordinance No. 3554, entitled “An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 3541 Authorizing A Study Of The Feasibility Of Establishing Tax Increment Allocation Financing To Improve Deteriorating Physical Conditions And Stimulate New Economic Development Within The General Area Of Madison Street In The Village Of River Forest (Madison Street TIF District),” and on April 28, 2015, pursuant to Section 11-74.4-4.1 of the TIF Act, forwarded a copy thereof to each taxing district that would be affected by the designation of the redevelopment project area for the proposed Madison Street TIF District; and WHEREAS, on April 11, 2016, the Village announced the availability of the redevelopment plan and project for the proposed Madison Street TIF District (the “TIF Plan”), with said TIF Plan containing an eligibility report for the proposed Madison Street TIF District (the “Eligibility Report”) addressing the tax increment financing eligibility of the area proposed for the redevelopment project area (the “Redevelopment Project Area”), and with said TIF Plan containing a housing impact study for the proposed Madison Street TIF District (the “Housing Impact Study”); and WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice given on April 12, 2016, the Village held the public meeting, as required by Section 11-74.4-6(e) of the TIF Act, in regard to the Eligibility Report, the Housing Impact Study, the TIF Plan and the Redevelopment Project Area, on April 28, 2016; and 363327_1 2 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-74.4-5(c) of the TIF Act, prior to the adoption of the ordinance designating the Redevelopment Project Area and approving the TIF Plan for the proposed Madison Street TIF District, the Village must fix a time and place for a public hearing; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 5/11-74.4-5(b) of the TIF Act, prior to the adoption of the ordinance designating the Redevelopment Project Area and approving the TIF Plan for the proposed Madison Street TIF District, the Village must convene a meeting of the Joint Review Board (the “JRB”) to consider the proposal; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Village Board of the Village to conduct such public hearing and to convene said meeting of the JRB; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of River Forest, Cook County, Illinois, as follows: SECTION 1: That, pursuant to the provisions of the TIF Act, the Village Board hereby designates the date of Tuesday, July 12, 2016, at the hour of 7:00 p.m. at the River Forest Village Hall, First Floor Community Room, 400 Park Avenue, River Forest, Illinois 60305, for the purpose of conducting a public hearing to hear from any interested persons, taxpayers or affected taxing districts regarding the Redevelopment Project Area and the TIF Plan for the proposed Madison Street TIF District; said Redevelopment Project Area being legally described on EXHIBIT A attached hereto and made part hereof. SECTION 2: That copies of the Eligibility Report, the Housing Impact Study and the TIF Plan for the proposed Madison Street TIF District have been on file in the office of the Village Clerk, and have been available for public inspection during regular Village 363327_1 3 business hours, since April 11, 2016. SECTION 3: That at the public hearing, any interested person, taxpayer or affected taxing district may file with the Village Clerk written comments and/or objections to, and may be heard orally with respect to, any issues embodied in the notice of public hearing attached hereto. SECTION 4: That the JRB for the proposed Madison Street TIF District shall meet on Friday, June 3, 2016, at 2:00 p.m. at the River Forest Village Hall, First Floor Community Room, 400 Park Avenue, River Forest, Illinois 60305. The JRB shall review the public record, planning documents, Eligibility Report, Housing Impact Study, Redevelopment Project Area and the TIF Plan for the proposed Madison Street TIF District. The JRB shall make an advisory recommendation to the Village within thirty (30) days after the convening of the JRB. A written report shall be issued by the JRB. The failure of the JRB to submit its report on a timely basis shall not be cause to delay the public hearing or any other step in the process of designating the Redevelopment Project Area and approving the TIF Plan for the proposed Madison Street TIF District. In the event the JRB does not file a report, it shall be presumed that the JRB has approved the matters before it. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-74.4-5(b) of the TIF Act, the JRB shall consist of one (1) public member and one (1) representative from each of the following taxing districts: Triton Community College District 504, River Forest Public Schools District 90, Oak Park and River Forest Consolidated High School District 200, the River Forest Park District, the County of Cook, River Forest Township, and the Village of River Forest. 363327_1 4 SECTION 5: That the Village of River Forest's representative on the JRB is hereby confirmed as the Village Administrator, Eric Palm, or his designee. SECTION 6: That a notice setting forth the availability of the Eligibility Report, the Housing Impact Study and the TIF Plan for the proposed Madison Street TIF District, and how to obtain a copy thereof, shall be sent by mail to all residential addresses within seven hundred fifty (750) feet of the boundaries of the proposed Madison Street TIF District and to all persons who have registered on the Village's TIF Interested Parties Registry, within a reasonable time after the adoption of this Ordinance, as required by Section 11-74.4-5(a) of the TIF Act, with said notice being substantially in the form attached hereto as EXHIBIT B and made part hereof. SECTION 7: That a notice of the public hearing and the JRB meeting shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, and a notice of the public hearing shall be given by publication, certified mail, return receipt requested, and by first class U.S. Mail, all as required by Sections 11-74.4-5(b) and 11-74.4-6(a), (b) and (c) of the TIF Act, with said notices being substantially in the form attached hereto as EXHIBIT C and made part hereof. SECTION 8: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption and approval as provided by law. [THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] 363327_1 5 ADOPTED this 9th day of May, 2016, pursuant to a roll call vote as follows: AYES:____________________________________________________ NAYS:____________________________________________________ ABSENT:__________________________________________________ APPROVED by me this 9th day of May, 2016. ____________________________________ Catherine Adduci, Village President (SEAL) ATTEST: ________________________________ Sharon Halperin, Village Clerk 363327_1 6 EXHIBIT A Redevelopment Project Area Description Village of River Forest Madison Street Tax Increment Financing District (see attached) 363327_1 7 River Forest Madison Street Tax Increment Financing District Common Boundaries: the area generally bounded by the north side of Madison Street in the Village of River Forest, from Lathrop Avenue on the east to Thatcher Avenue on the west, including several properties north of Madison Street on the east side of Forest Avenue, and including the Canadian National Railway property from Madison Street north to the Union Pacific Railroad tracks’ intersection with Hawthorne Avenue. Village of River Forest Proposed Madison St. TIF No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 PIN 15-11-404-030-0000 15-11-404-031-0000 15-11-404-032-0000 15-12-313-007-0000 15-12-313-026-0000 15-12-313-044-0000 15-12-313-045-0000 15-12-313-046-0000 15-12-313-047-0000 15-12-313-048-0000 15-12-313-049-0000 15-12-313-050-0000 15-12-313-051-0000 15-12-313-052-0000 15-12-313-053-0000 15-12-318-020-0000 15-12-318-021-0000 15-12-318-036-1001 15-12-318-036-1002 15-12-318-036-1003 15-12-318-036-1004 15-12-318-036-1005 15-12-318-036-1006 15-12-318-036-1007 15-12-318-036-1008 15-12-318-036-1009 15-12-318-036-1010 15-12-318-036-1011 15-12-318-036-1012 15-12-318-036-1013 15-12-318-036-1014 15-12-318-036-1015 15-12-318-036-1016 15-12-318-036-1017 15-12-318-036-1018 15-12-318-036-1019 15-12-318-036-1020 15-12-318-042-1001 15-12-318-042-1002 15-12-318-042-1003 Village of River Forest Proposed Madison St. TIF No. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 PIN 15-12-318-042-1004 15-12-318-042-1005 15-12-318-042-1006 15-12-318-042-1007 15-12-318-042-1008 15-12-318-042-1009 15-12-318-042-1010 15-12-318-042-1011 15-12-318-042-1012 15-12-318-042-1013 15-12-319-010-0000 15-12-319-011-0000 15-12-319-020-0000 15-12-319-021-0000 15-12-320-008-0000 15-12-320-009-0000 15-12-320-010-0000 15-12-320-018-0000 15-12-320-019-0000 15-12-320-020-0000 15-12-320-035-0000 15-12-320-036-0000 15-12-320-037-0000 15-12-320-038-0000 15-12-320-039-0000 15-12-321-008-0000 15-12-321-009-0000 15-12-321-010-0000 15-12-321-024-0000 15-12-321-025-0000 15-12-321-040-0000 15-12-321-041-0000 15-12-321-042-0000 15-12-321-043-0000 15-12-321-044-0000 15-12-321-045-0000 15-12-321-046-0000 15-12-321-047-0000 15-12-322-018-0000 15-12-322-019-0000 Village of River Forest Proposed Madison St. TIF No. 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 97 96 98 PIN 15-12-322-020-0000 15-12-322-028-0000 15-12-322-029-0000 15-12-322-030-0000 15-12-322-031-0000 15-12-322-032-0000 15-12-322-033-0000 15-12-322-034-0000 15-12-322-035-0000 15-12-322-039-0000 15-12-322-040-0000 15-12-322-041-0000 15-12-322-042-0000 15-12-322-043-0000 15-12-322-047-0000 15-12-322-048-0000 15-12-322-049-0000 15-12-500-014-0000 2 1 9 3 2 N1 O I T C E FS RO E T R A U TQ S WE H T R O EN H FT EO N I HL T U O S T S A E H T R O EN H FT EO N I HL T U O S 2 1 9 3 1 N1 O I T C E FS RO E T R A U Q 2 1 9 3 2 N1 O I T C E FS RO E T R A U TQ S WE H T U O ES H FT EO N I HL T R O N ON 12-39-12 UARTER OF SECTI NE OF THE SOUTHW EST Q W EST LI 200 0 200 ON 12-39-12 RTER OF SECTI NE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUA W EST LI SCALE IN FEET ON 12-39-12 UARTER OF SECTI NE OF THE SOUTHW EST Q EAST LI ON 11-39-12 RTER OF SECTI NE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUA EAST LI T S A E H T U O ES H FT EO N I HL T R O N 2 1 9 3 1 N1 O I T C E FS RO E T R A U Q F TI T S A E H T U O ES H FT EO N I HL T U O S 2 1 9 3 1 N1 O I T C E FS RO E T R A U Q T ES / R O . F + R AC VE . 9 I R 2 8 E H FT EO N I HL T U O S R E T R A U TQ S A E H T U O S 2 1 9 3 2 N1 O I T C E FS O G N I N N I G E FB TO N I O P E H FT EO N I HL T R O N R E T R A U TQ S A E H T R O N 2 1 9 3 3 N1 O I T C E FS O 2 1 9 3 3 N1 O I T C E FS RO E T R A U TQ S WE H T R O EN H FT EO N I HL T R O N T S A E H T R O EN H FT EO N I HL T R O N 2 1 9 3 4 N1 O I T C E FS RO E T R A U Q RIVER FOREST TIF ENGINEERING, LTD. 9575 West Higgins Road, Suite 600 Rosemont, Illinois 60018 (847) 823-0500 CALC. KJR DWN. AJK CHKD. JRM PROJECT NO. 150190 IN VILLAGE OF RIVER FOREST, ILLINOIS SHEET1 OF 1 DRAWING NO. PREPARED FOR KANE, McKENNA AND ASSOCIATES, INC. SCALE: 1"= 200' TIF150190A DATE: 04-21-2015 S: \RI VERFOREST\1 501 90\SURVEY\TI F1 501 90A. SUR 2 1 9 3 2 N1 O I T C E FS RO E T R A U TQ S WE H T U O ES H FT EO N I HL T U O S EXHIBIT B NOTICE OF THE AVAILABILITY OF THE ELIGIBILITY REPORT, THE HOUSING IMPACT STUDY, AND REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND PROJECT RELATIVE TO THE PROPOSED RIVER FOREST MADISON STREET TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT Notice is hereby given to you, in that you reside at a residential address within seven hundred fifty (750) feet of the boundaries of the Village of River Forest's proposed Madison Street Tax Increment Financing District, or have registered your name on the Village of River Forest’s Tax Increment Financing Interested Parties Registry, that the Eligibility Report, the Housing Impact Study, and the Redevelopment Plan and Project for the Village of River Forest’s proposed Madison Street Tax Increment Financing District are available for your review. Copies of said Eligibility Report, Housing Impact Study, and Redevelopment Plan and Project may be obtained from Eric Palm, Village Administrator for the Village of River Forest, 400 Park Avenue, River Forest, Illinois 60305, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays. VILLAGE OF RIVER FOREST Sharon Halperin Village Clerk 363327_1 8 EXHIBIT C NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND JOINT REVIEW BOARD MEETING TO CONSIDER THE DESIGNATION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA FOR THE PROPOSED RIVER FOREST MADISON STREET TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT AND THE APPROVAL OF A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND PROJECT IN RELATION THERETO Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held on Tuesday, July 12, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. at the River Forest Village Hall, First Floor Community Room, 400 Park Avenue, River Forest, Illinois 60305, (the “Public Hearing”), in regard to the proposed designation of a redevelopment project area (the “Redevelopment Project Area”), and the proposed approval of a redevelopment plan and project (the “Redevelopment Plan and Project”) in relation thereto, for the proposed River Forest Madison Street Tax Increment Financing District (the “Madison Street TIF District”), pursuant to the provisions of the “Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act,” 65 ILCS 5/11-74.4-1, et seq., as amended (the “TIF Act”). The boundaries of the Redevelopment Project Area for the proposed Madison Street TIF District are more fully set forth on the legal description attached hereto as Exhibit “1” and made part hereof and the street location map attached hereto as Exhibit “2” and made part hereof. The proposed Redevelopment Plan and Project provides for land acquisition and assembly, improvements to the public infrastructure within the proposed Redevelopment Project Area and for the Village of River Forest (the “Village”) to implement a set of actions to promote redevelopment within the proposed Redevelopment Project Area. The contemplated Village actions include, but are not limited to: acquisition of property and property interests; site preparation and clearance; demolition; provision of public infrastructure and related public improvements and rehabilitation of structures; interest rate write-downs; job training; the encouragement of redevelopment agreements; assisting in the clean-up of any hazardous waste, hazardous substances or underground storage tanks as required by State or Federal law where these are a material impediment to redevelopment; addressing any flooding problems; and improving opportunities for further development and redevelopment within the Madison Street TIF District. The Village would realize the goals and objectives of the Redevelopment Plan and Project through public finance techniques including, but not limited to, tax increment allocation financing. Copies of the Eligibility Report, the Housing Impact Study, and the Redevelopment Plan and Project have been on file with the Village since April 11, 2016, and are currently on file and available for public inspection between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays, at the office of Eric Palm, Village Administrator for the Village of River Forest, at 400 Park Avenue, River Forest, Illinois 60305. Copies of the Eligibility Report, the Housing Impact Study, and the Redevelopment Plan and Project are enclosed with the copies of this Notice that are 363327_1 9 being mailed to the affected taxing districts and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity. Eric Palm, Village Administrator for the Village of River Forest may be contacted for further information, at the address above or by telephone at (708) 366-8500. Pursuant to the TIF Act, the Joint Review Board for the proposed Madison Street TIF District (the “JRB”) is being convened to review the public record, planning documents, Eligibility Report, Housing Impact Study, and the proposed ordinances approving the Redevelopment Project Area and the Redevelopment Plan and Project for the proposed Madison Street TIF District. Pursuant to the TIF Act, the JRB shall consist of one (1) public member and one (1) representative from each of the following taxing districts: Triton Community College District 504, River Forest Public Schools District 90, Oak Park and River Forest Consolidated High School District 200, the River Forest Park District, the County of Cook, River Forest Township, and the Village of River Forest. Pursuant to the TIF Act, the meeting of the JRB will be held on Friday, June 3, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. at the River Forest Village Hall, First Floor Community Room, 400 Park Avenue, River Forest, Illinois. Those taxing districts with representatives on the JRB are hereby notified of said JRB meeting. The JRB's recommendation relative to the Redevelopment Project Area and Redevelopment Plan and Project for the proposed Madison Street TIF District shall be advisory and non-binding, and shall be adopted by a majority vote of those members of the JRB that are present and voting, and submitted to the Village within thirty (30) days after the first convening of the JRB. Failure of the JRB to submit its report on a timely basis shall not delay the Public Hearing, nor shall it delay any other step in the process of designating the Redevelopment Project Area or approving the Redevelopment Plan and Project for the proposed Madison Street TIF District. Prior to and at the July 12, 2016 Public Hearing, all interested persons, affected taxing districts and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity may file with the Village Clerk written comments to and may be heard orally with respect to any issues regarding the proposed Redevelopment Project Area and Redevelopment Plan and Project for the proposed Madison Street TIF District. Written comments are invited and can be sent in advance of the Public Hearing to the River Forest Village Clerk, 400 Park Avenue, River Forest, Illinois 60305. The Public Hearing may be adjourned by the Village Board without further notice other than a motion to be entered upon the minutes of the Public Hearing, fixing the time and place of the subsequent Public Hearing. Mailed and Published by order of the Corporate Authorities of the Village of River Forest, Cook County, Illinois Sharon Halperin, Village Clerk 363327_1 10 Exhibit “1” Common Boundaries, PINs, and Legal Description for the River Forest Madison Street Tax Increment Financing District Common Boundaries: the area generally bounded by the north side of Madison Street in the Village of River Forest, from Lathrop Avenue on the east to Thatcher Avenue on the west, including several properties north of Madison Street on the east side of Forest Avenue, and including the Canadian National Railway property from Madison Street north to the Union Pacific Railroad tracks’ intersection with Hawthorne Avenue. (see attached for list of PINs and Legal Description) 363327_1 11 Village of River Forest Proposed Madison St. TIF No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 PIN 15-11-404-030-0000 15-11-404-031-0000 15-11-404-032-0000 15-12-313-007-0000 15-12-313-026-0000 15-12-313-044-0000 15-12-313-045-0000 15-12-313-046-0000 15-12-313-047-0000 15-12-313-048-0000 15-12-313-049-0000 15-12-313-050-0000 15-12-313-051-0000 15-12-313-052-0000 15-12-313-053-0000 15-12-318-020-0000 15-12-318-021-0000 15-12-318-036-1001 15-12-318-036-1002 15-12-318-036-1003 15-12-318-036-1004 15-12-318-036-1005 15-12-318-036-1006 15-12-318-036-1007 15-12-318-036-1008 15-12-318-036-1009 15-12-318-036-1010 15-12-318-036-1011 15-12-318-036-1012 15-12-318-036-1013 15-12-318-036-1014 15-12-318-036-1015 15-12-318-036-1016 15-12-318-036-1017 15-12-318-036-1018 15-12-318-036-1019 15-12-318-036-1020 15-12-318-042-1001 15-12-318-042-1002 15-12-318-042-1003 Village of River Forest Proposed Madison St. TIF No. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 PIN 15-12-318-042-1004 15-12-318-042-1005 15-12-318-042-1006 15-12-318-042-1007 15-12-318-042-1008 15-12-318-042-1009 15-12-318-042-1010 15-12-318-042-1011 15-12-318-042-1012 15-12-318-042-1013 15-12-319-010-0000 15-12-319-011-0000 15-12-319-020-0000 15-12-319-021-0000 15-12-320-008-0000 15-12-320-009-0000 15-12-320-010-0000 15-12-320-018-0000 15-12-320-019-0000 15-12-320-020-0000 15-12-320-035-0000 15-12-320-036-0000 15-12-320-037-0000 15-12-320-038-0000 15-12-320-039-0000 15-12-321-008-0000 15-12-321-009-0000 15-12-321-010-0000 15-12-321-024-0000 15-12-321-025-0000 15-12-321-040-0000 15-12-321-041-0000 15-12-321-042-0000 15-12-321-043-0000 15-12-321-044-0000 15-12-321-045-0000 15-12-321-046-0000 15-12-321-047-0000 15-12-322-018-0000 15-12-322-019-0000 Village of River Forest Proposed Madison St. TIF No. 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 97 96 98 PIN 15-12-322-020-0000 15-12-322-028-0000 15-12-322-029-0000 15-12-322-030-0000 15-12-322-031-0000 15-12-322-032-0000 15-12-322-033-0000 15-12-322-034-0000 15-12-322-035-0000 15-12-322-039-0000 15-12-322-040-0000 15-12-322-041-0000 15-12-322-042-0000 15-12-322-043-0000 15-12-322-047-0000 15-12-322-048-0000 15-12-322-049-0000 15-12-500-014-0000 Exhibit “2” Street Location Map for the River Forest Madison Street Tax Increment Financing District (see attached) 363327_1 12 2 1 9 3 2 N1 O I T C E FS RO E T R A U TQ S WE H T R O EN H FT EO N I HL T U O S T S A E H T R O EN H FT EO N I HL T U O S 2 1 9 3 1 N1 O I T C E FS RO E T R A U Q 2 1 9 3 2 N1 O I T C E FS RO E T R A U TQ S WE H T U O ES H FT EO N I HL T R O N ON 12-39-12 UARTER OF SECTI NE OF THE SOUTHW EST Q W EST LI 200 0 200 ON 12-39-12 RTER OF SECTI NE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUA W EST LI SCALE IN FEET ON 12-39-12 UARTER OF SECTI NE OF THE SOUTHW EST Q EAST LI ON 11-39-12 RTER OF SECTI NE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUA EAST LI T S A E H T U O ES H FT EO N I HL T R O N 2 1 9 3 1 N1 O I T C E FS RO E T R A U Q F TI T S A E H T U O ES H FT EO N I HL T U O S 2 1 9 3 1 N1 O I T C E FS RO E T R A U Q T ES / R O . F + R AC VE . 9 I R 2 8 E H FT EO N I HL T U O S R E T R A U TQ S A E H T U O S 2 1 9 3 2 N1 O I T C E FS O G N I N N I G E FB TO N I O P E H FT EO N I HL T R O N R E T R A U TQ S A E H T R O N 2 1 9 3 3 N1 O I T C E FS O 2 1 9 3 3 N1 O I T C E FS RO E T R A U TQ S WE H T R O EN H FT EO N I HL T R O N T S A E H T R O EN H FT EO N I HL T R O N 2 1 9 3 4 N1 O I T C E FS RO E T R A U Q RIVER FOREST TIF ENGINEERING, LTD. 9575 West Higgins Road, Suite 600 Rosemont, Illinois 60018 (847) 823-0500 CALC. KJR DWN. AJK CHKD. JRM PROJECT NO. 150190 IN VILLAGE OF RIVER FOREST, ILLINOIS SHEET1 OF 1 DRAWING NO. PREPARED FOR KANE, McKENNA AND ASSOCIATES, INC. SCALE: 1"= 200' TIF150190A DATE: 04-21-2015 S: \RI VERFOREST\1 501 90\SURVEY\TI F1 501 90A. SUR 2 1 9 3 2 N1 O I T C E FS RO E T R A U TQ S WE H T U O ES H FT EO N I HL T U O S UPDATED April 26, 2016 VILILAGE OF RIVER FOREST MADISON STREET TIF DISTRICT SCHEDULE AND TIMELINE FOR ESTABLISHMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Action Item The Village Board approves an Ordinance Authorizing the Contract (with Kane, McKenna) for the preparation of the Eligibility Study and Report, including a Housing Impact Study, and the Redevelopment Plan and Project Mail Notice, relative to the Ordinance Authorizing the Eligibility Study and Report, including a Housing Impact Study, and the Redevelopment Plan and Project to all taxing districts that would be affected by the tax increment financing district designation (by Certified Mail, return receipt requested) Date to be Done January 26, 2015 (at the regular Village Board meeting) The Village Board approves an Ordinance establishing the Village’s TIF Interested Parties Registry Publish the TIF Interested Parties Registry Notice in the newspaper (Wednesday Journal) Announce the availability of the Eligibility Study and Report, including the Housing Impact Study, and the Redevelopment Plan and Project, and announce the time and date of the Public/Housing Impact Meeting Mail notice of the Public/Housing Impact Meeting: - to all taxing districts (by Certified Mail, return receipt requested); - to all parties who are registered on the Village’s TIF Interested Parties Registry (by Certified Mail, return receipt requested); - to all taxpayers of record within the proposed TIF District (by First Class U.S. Mail); and - to all residential addresses within the proposed TIF District (by First Class U.S. Mail) February 23, 2015 Hold Public/Housing Impact Meeting April 28, 2016 (7:00 p.m. – Staff to conduct meeting in Village Board Room, so it is not a special Village Board meeting) 340079_3 January 28, 2015 (Immediately upon approval of the Ordinance) March 4, 2015 April 11, 2016 (at the regular Village Board meeting) April 12, 2016 (not less than 15 days prior to the Public/Housing Impact Meeting) UPDATED April 26, 2016 8. 9. 10. Adopt Ordinance calling for a Joint Review Board meeting and a public hearing relative to the Eligibility Study and Report, including the Housing Impact Study, and the Redevelopment Plan and Project Mail notice, relative to the availability of the Eligibility Study and Report, including the Housing Impact Study, and the Redevelopment Plan and Project: - to all residential addresses within 750 feet of the boundaries of the proposed TIF District (by First Class U.S. Mail); and - to all parties who are registered on the Village’s TIF Interested Parties Registry (by First Class U.S. Mail) Mail a copy of the Ordinance referenced in 8. above, the Eligibility Study and Report, including the Housing Impact Study, and the Redevelopment Plan and Project, along with a notice of the Joint Review Board meeting and the public hearing: - to all taxing districts (by Certified Mail, return receipt requested); and - to the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (by Certified Mail, return receipt requested) 11. Hold Joint Review Board Meeting 12. Publish notice of public hearing in the newspaper (Wednesday Journal), twice 13. Mail notice of public hearing: - to each taxpayer of record within the proposed TIF District (by Certified Mail, return receipt requested); - to all parties who are registered on the Village’s TIF Interested Parties Registry (by First Class U.S. Mail); and - to all residential addresses within the TIF District (by First Class U.S. Mail) 340079_3 May 9, 2016 (at the regular Village Board meeting) May 10, 2016 (within a reasonable time upon adoption of the Ordinance) May 19, 2016 (within a reasonable time upon adoption of the Ordinance; however, at least 14 business days after the Public/Housing Impact Meeting, not less than 45 days prior to the Public Hearing, and not less than 14, nor more than 28, days prior to the Joint Review Board meeting) June 3, 2016 (2:00 p.m. in the Village Board Room) June 22, 2016 and June 29, 2016 (twice, with first publication not more than 30, nor less than 10, days prior to the Public Hearing) June 30, 2016 (at least 10 days prior to Public Hearing) UPDATED April 26, 2016 14. Hold Public Hearing 15. Adopt Ordinances designating the TIF District Redevelopment Project Area, approving the Redevelopment Plan and Project, and adopting tax increment financing for the Village 340079_3 July 12, 2016 (as part of the rescheduled regular Village Board meeting) August 8, 2016 (not more than 90, nor less than 14, days after the Public Hearing)