3 July - Potley Hill Primary School
3 July - Potley Hill Primary School
Bulletin 3rd July 2015 Dear Parents, OFSTED Our final report has now arrived and we are obviously really pleased with our “Good” outcome! All parents should now have received a copy by email and spare copies are available from the school office should you not have access to the internet. Our report is likely to be officially published on the Ofsted website next week. We will not be resting on our laurels and have spent today’s INSET reviewing our current strategic plan and considering future developments for September onwards. Parents will also have an opportunity to contribute to our self-evaluation at the consultations next week as Mrs Inglis and myself will be ready to prompt parents to fill out our annual surveys! A big ‘thank you’ goes to the staff who have worked tirelessly over the past two years to ensure the very best education for our Potley pupils. Thank you also to you, our fabulous parents, for your continued support. PARENT CONSULTATIONS We are looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible at our consultations next Tuesday and the one after that. These meetings give us a valuable opportunity to explain the science behind the data. These meetings are equally important for our Year 6 pupils, even though they will shortly be moving on, as timed SATS tests sat under pressure do not always best reflect their abilities. SATs results are released on 7th July so we are aiming to share these with parents during the consultations. Any parents not attending on 7th July will have their child’s SATs results sent home. SHARK CLASS ASSEMBLY All parents and family members are invited to the Shark Class Assembly on Thursday 9th July at 2.50pm in the hall. YEAR 1\2 DT For our DT project, which is to make a moving vehicle, we desperately need any cardboard boxes that you have including shoe boxes and cereal boxes. We would be very grateful if you could save these up and hand them to your child's class teacher when possible. Many thanks. SUMMER FUN NIGHT – FRIDAY 10th JULY 6-8.30pm It’s only 1 week to go until the Summer Fun Night! This year we’ve got Reading FC’s mascot, Kingsley paying us a visit from 6-7pm so make sure you have your photo taken with him! We also have welly throwing, a military stall with fun & games from Gibraltar Barracks, all new bouncy castles, basketball shoot the hoop, face painting, football’s fastest shot, outside caterers, refreshments, a market stall (see attached flyer for details of the bargains we have on sale)… and much more! You should have received a programme in the book bags. Inside there is an entry form for a colouring competition run by our sponsors, Waterfords Estate Agents of Yateley. The prize is a delicious selection of sweets from Oh Sweetie! Should the weather be bad, we will be carrying on the fun inside the school, so please still come along! CAN YOU HELP SET UP OR MAN A STALL? Thank you to those of you who have already signed up. We still have a lot of spaces to fill. If you are able to help please sign up on the sheet in the playground or fill out the slip at the end of this bulletin. FACE PAINTING We’re looking for help on the face painting stall from 7.00-8.30pm. If you can help, please sign up on the sheet in the playground or fill out the slip at the end of this bulletin. DONATIONS & MUFTI DAY FRIDAY 10TH JULY Please see the attached flyer for details of what to bring in and when. There will be a mufti day on Friday 10th July in return for bringing in a bottle for our Bottle Tombola stall. TASTING SESSIONS FOR SCHOOL LUNCHES During our upcoming parent consultations, our catering team will be offering free tasters for pupils and parents. The servery will be open on Tuesday 7th and 14th for you to pop in and try. You may be surprised at HOW DELICIOUS they are! Pride Catering would also like to offer parents the opportunity to come in and enjoy a lunch with their children in September. We will be able to accommodate up to 6 parents per session ….. so you could book with some friends, to tie in with other commitments or just to ensure you get your favourite meal! These sessions should be booked in advance via the school office (01252 876106) and meals will cost £2.00 without dessert and £2.40 with. We will remind you again once the new term starts! HOT WEATHER Please ensure that pupils come to school with a hat and water bottle. This is particularly important with the heatwave we are currently experiencing. Sun lotion can be applied in the morning before school. Some children can be allergic to the ingredients in some lotions so they are not allowed to share – this is why we encourage them to apply it BEFORE coming to school. However, if your child has particularly fair skin and needs to reapply during the day, please notify the class teacher so they can make sure of its proper use in school. SCHOOL UNIFORM The stock which we have had to buy back from KT Textiles is now available to buy in school at cost price. This is located in the main office. CANCELLED CLUBS Please note that ALL teacher led clubs are cancelled next week due to the parent consultations – even if they take place on another night of the week. This includes Y5/6 rehearsals. THINKSAFE – YR 6 Further details of this HCC event for year 6 pupils will be sent home early next week. LEAD LEARNERS Class Children Dolphin 26/6 Arthur Rose Reason For using his independence muscle to write a prayer for the class assembly. CALENDAR DATES (highlighted events more recently added) DATE EVENT Monday 6th July Y5 taster day to Yateley – go direct 2.45pm New YR story time YR annual reports Y1/2 visit to Brooklands th Tuesday 7 July Parent Consultations 3.30pm-5pm; 6pm-8pm Y5 Technology Day at FCC Wednesday 8th July Y5 Swimming French information evening at 3.30pm Thursday 9th July Shark Class Assembly at 2.50pm Friday 10th July Summer Fun Night Monday 13th July Y4 to Y5 transition meeting at 2.45pm th Tuesday 14 July Parent Consultations 3.30pm-5.30pm Y5/6 Performance to school Wednesday 15th July Last day of Y5 swimming Y5/6 performance to parents (pm) th Wednesday 15 July YR to Y1 transition meeting at 9am Thursday 16th July Y2 to Y3 transition meeting at 9am Extra ‘move up’ afternoon for new classes ‘Cups’ assembly th Thursday 16 July Y5/6 performance to parents 7pm Friday 17th July Y6 Think Safe Event Saturday 18th July Y6 Prom th Monday 20 July Fire Service visit to Y5/6 Tuesday 21st July 9.30am Rocksteady performance to parents 40th birthday celebrations & classroom parties nd Wednesday 22 July Leavers Assembly at 9.30am End of term School finishes at 1pm Tuesday 1st September INSET day – no children nd Wednesday 2 September First day of term for children Reminders……. YEAR 5 TASTER DAY TO YATELEY SECONDARY This activity day is due to take place on Monday 6th July. Children are arriving at 8.55am and assembling in the main hall at Yateley. They do not need to register here first. There will be 4 lessons in the day and parents need to provide a packed lunch and drinks and children should wear their school uniform. They should be collected from the main entrance at 2.45pm by parents. All parents received a letter about the day at the beginning of April and hopefully followed the instructions to book a place. Any children NOT attending the Yateley day should come into school as normal. This will be followed by an Open Evening on Thursday 9th July from 6.30pm. Please see the letter below. TECHNOLOGY DAY AT FROGMORE COLLEGE On Tuesday 7th July, Year 5 pupils will also get the opportunity to spend the day at Frogmore to work on an exciting DT project. They should arrive here at school as normal and we will take them over. They will return before the end of the school day. TRANSITION For the parents of those children moving up into a new year team, we have arranged a series of transition meetings for them to attend: Date/time Year Group Leader Year R to Year 1 Wednesday 15th July at 9am Miss Hook Year 2 to Year 3 Thursday 16th July at 9am Mr Cullington Year 4 to Year 5 Monday 13th July at 2.45pm Mrs Smith We will also use the afternoon of Thursday 16th July as another ‘move up’ day for children to visit their new teachers for the 2nd time. HAPPY BIRTHDAY POTLEY HILL PRIMARY SCHOOL! It’s a big one – Potley turns 40! We have already marked the occasion with our new playground mural earlier in the year. However, we would like to celebrate on Tuesday 21st July with a birthday party, 70s style. Children will be able to come dressed in 1970 clothes and we will be arranging a special day and a themed lunch. If any parents attended Potley back in the 70s, we would love to have some photos – please email these to adminoffice@potleyhill.hants.sch.uk or pop into the office – we can scan any precious ones if needed. FRENCH TRIP 2016! Mrs Sanger will be holding an information evening for parents of those children in Years 4 & 5 who are considering signing up for the French residential visit to ‘Criel-sur-mer’ next year. This will be on Wednesday 8th July at 3.30pm in school. Parents and children will be able to see lots of the photographs from this year to see what types of activities the children might be doing when their visit comes around. LEAVERS ASSEMBLY We have planned our Y6 leavers assembly for 9.30am on the last day of term – Wednesday 22nd July. All parents & family members are welcome. ROCKSTEADY PERFORMANCE We would like to invite all family members to our termly ‘Rocksteady’ performance on Tuesday 21st July at 9.30am. This is also an opportunity for our rock groups to perform to the rest of the school. Mrs Heather Clarke Headteacher Email: adminoffice@potleyhill.hants.sch.uk www.potleyhill.hants.sch.uk 3.304.00 4.004.30 4.305.00 5.00 – 5.30 Mrs Bantick Robin Class Miss Hook Dove Class Mrs Blake Dolphin Class Mrs Hanley Shark Class Mrs Smith Whale Class Mrs Sanger Y6 morning Mrs Burningham Y6 morning Mrs Healy Y5 morning group Mrs Richards Y5 morning group Miss Hook Dove Class Mrs Blake Dolphin Class Mrs Hanley Shark Class Mrs Smith Whale Class Mrs Sanger Y6 morning Mrs Burningham Y6 morning Mrs Healy Y5 morning group Mrs Richards Y5 morning group Tuesday 14th July Mrs Bantick Robin Class 3.304.00 4.004.30 4.305.00 6.006.30 6.307.00 7.007.30 7.308.00 Mr Cullington Puffin Class Tuesday 7th July Mr Cullington Puffin Class PARENT CONSULTATIONS