Summer 2009: Click to pdf
Summer 2009: Click to pdf
Coastal Conservation League Summer 2009 ■ Volume 20 No.2 Celebrating 20 Years Celebrating 20 Years Air, Water & Public Health photograph by Charlotte Caldwell 20th Anniversary Summer 2009 Vol. 20 No. 2 Staff ____________________ Director Dana Beach Regional Offices _____ ________________ Preserving Our Natural Wealth Nancy Vinson and Dana Beach Look Back To hear and watch the complete interview with Nancy and Dana, visit the Conservation League’s Web site at South Coast Office Director Garrett Budds Project Manager Reed Armstrong Project Manager Andrea Malloy Office Director Nancy Cave Program Director Grace Gasper NORTH Coast COLUMBIA Office Director Patrick Moore Dir. of Government Relations Heather Spires Contract Lobbyist Patty Pierce _______Programs _____________ Dir. of Conservation Programs Megan Desrosiers Program Directors Nancy Vinson Project Managers Communications Manager Ben Moore Josh Martin Hamilton Davis Katie Zimmerman Kate Parks Gretta Kruesi Development ____________________ Director Nancy Cregg Membership Alison Geer Administration ______________ ______ Director of Administration Cathy Forrester HR and Admin. Tonnia Switzer Director of Finance Ashley Waters Data Manager Nora Kravec Administrative Assistant Angela Chvarak Development/Finance Assistant Amanda Watson Assistant to the Director Eugenia Payne Board of Directors Laura Gates, Chair Andrea Cooper Cartter Lupton Berry Edwards Roy Richards Dorothea Benton Frank Gillian Roy Richard T. Hale Jeffrey Schutz Hank Holliday Harriet Smartt Holly Hook Libby Smith George Johnston Victoria C. Verity Mary Kennemur Trenholm Walker Fred Lincoln Advisors and Committee Members Paul Kimball Hugh Lane Jay Mills Newsletter Editor Virginia Beach Designer J ulie Frye P.O. Box 1765 ■ Charleston, SC 29402 Phone: (843) 723-8035 ■ FAX: (843) 723-8308 E-Mail: Web site: P.O. Box 1861 ■ Beaufort, SC 29901 Phone: (843) 522-1800 935 Main Street, No. 1 ■ Columbia, SC 29201 Phone: (803) 771-7102 P.O. Box 603 ■ Georgetown, SC 29442 Phone: (843) 545-0403 All contents herein are copyright of the Coastal Conservation League. Reprinting is strictly prohibited without written consent. Cover photo by Charlotte Caldwell Is it true that a stockcar racetrack was almost built next door to Four Hole Swamp? Considering what we know about the value of wetlands, wouldn’t it be safe to assume that they are out of harm’s way? Dana: “Not by a long shot. Four Hole Swamp is an internationally important wetland forest. It’s the largest uncut cypress-tupelo swamp in the world and was designated a Ramsar International Wetland of Significance (Ramsar being the town in Saudi Arabia where the conference on international wetlands was held.). “But amazingly, DHEC staff in 1996 issued a permit to allow a racetrack to be built right next to the swamp, literally on the edge of Four Hole and the Beidler Forest Audubon Sanctuary, and with all the attendant problems that a racetrack would cause, including not only the polluted runoff, but also the noise. The whole ambience of the area is so mystical and spiritual and when you’re out there you can really hear nature; and the idea of races going on regularly on the edge of this wildlife sanctuary was almost unbelievable. “DHEC claimed that they didn’t have any option but to grant the permit, which was wrong. So the Conservation League got involved, working with the Audubon Society and Norman Brunswig and we ended up having to try to overturn the permit at the DHEC board level. Nancy led and organized that effort and it was truly exciting.” Nancy: “Our campaign may have generated the biggest public outcry heard from citizens on any one issue before. I remember one DHEC board member saying he received 200 faxes over a period of two days after we sent out an Action Alert to Conservation League members and to Audubon and Sierra members. Anyone who has visited this magnificent sanctuary was outraged. Just the solitude and the silence are so amazing. The sounds of even a squirrel building a nest are magnified to the point of sounding like a bulldozer! 20th Anniversary photos by Mary Edna Fraser, Mitchell Colgan, Tom Blagden, Jr. and the Audubon Society Celebrating “We really rallied the troops and people were furious. So much so that the DHEC board sent the permit back to their staff because they hadn’t properly considered the cumulative impacts of this permit, had not looked at noise, and had not analyzed the stormwater impacts correctly. “It was an amazing journey after that. In fact, the case went all the way to the state Supreme Court. This issue was a real rallying call to people who care about gorgeous natural systems.” Carolina. So when we discovered that a bill had passed the House – giving IBP and Smithfield carte blanche – and that the bill was pending on the floor of the Senate, we were really scared. “We knew we didn’t want these massive hog lagoons, unlined, near the edges of our rivers and then bursting. So we drafted regulations, working with the Southern Environmental Law Center, and put in really tough restrictions to keep the farms and lagoons away from wetlands and waters of the state, and to keep their stench away from residences and schools. We also required training for the operators, really making stringent regulations so that the industry, when it was all said and done, looked at other states and didn’t move here in a large way. Today, compared to North Carolina’s 10 million hogs, South Carolina has about 600,000 hogs.” 20 Years How about our rivers, are they adequately protected? Dana: “Flashback to the late 90s, when I think many people were aware of the problems that factory hog farms were causing in North Carolina, with fish kills and spills from lagoons fouling rivers and streams. These problems were in the national media, but what a lot of people do not realize is that those operations were poised to move into South Carolina and literally, we were within a few days of having the hog industry establish itself as a major force and presence in this state, with very little oversight. “Iowa Beef Products (IBP) and Smithfield – two of the biggest operators in the country – were ready to build huge slaughterhouses on the Pee Dee River. They had options on land. Our state Department of Commerce had issued them incentives packages to build these operations and the House of Representatives had passed what we call a “red carpet bill,” basically saying that local governments can have no control over factory hog operations, which is exactly what had happened in the late 80s and early 90s in North Carolina. “So when the Conservation League found about it, at the time, we didn’t have a constant presence in the capital. And we were alarmed, as many people were. So Nancy basically moved up to Columbia almost full-time and took on the hog industry and won.” What was the League’s “Bridges to Nowhere” campaign all about? Dana: “Now this brings us to the salt marsh, which is another area where we’ve been involved for the last 20 years. As many of us are aware, South Carolina has more than half a million acres of salt marsh along the coast. In the midst of all this salt marsh, we have little marsh islands – “hummocks” some people call them – and they’re incredibly important to wildlife. “The pressure and demand for waterfront property had evolved over the last few decades to the point where people were buying these islands, wanting to put in bridges and build houses on them – on some islands as small as a quarter of an acre or less. Nancy again was on the front lines of this issue in working to reform the DHEC regulations to protect these islands from being overwhelmed by development.” Nancy: “I remember it was such an exciting time. We kept getting calls from Billy Holliday who was on the Agriculture Commission from Myrtle Beach. He had seen, just above the state line, what a mess this industry had made in North c o a s t a l c o ns e r v a t i o n l e a g u e Air, Water & Public Health Clean Air and Clean Water: Our Health and Our Lives Depend On It For twenty years, the Coastal Conservation League has fought for clean air and clean water Oasis Marsh Island If you’ve ever been caught by a sudden rainstorm while boating in a tidal creek along the coast, you may have taken refuge on what’s called a “hummock” or marsh island. These islands dot the tidelands of the South Carolina and Georgia coasts and provide precious high ground and fresh water in an otherwise salty, muddy world. In fact, scientists have discovered a surprising degree of richness and diversity among the plants and animals harbored by marsh hummocks. High concentrations of our most colorful songbird – the painted bunting (Passerina ciris) – nest each spring and summer on hummocks. Migrating warblers and other neo-tropical songbirds also rest and feed here, as well as large flocks of herons, egrets, ibis and wood storks. Mammals such as deer, bobcats, mink and river otter also use marsh islands for food, shelter and territory. In addition, temporary depressions that flood with rainwater provide essential fresh water to a surprising number of frogs and salamanders. Recent studies demonstrate that these islands, large and small, play a unique role in the coastal ecosystem, especially by providing undisturbed sanctuaries in an increasingly developed coastal zone. [Sources: Laurie, Pete. “Saltmarsh Refuge,” South Carolina Wildlife, Nov.-Dec. 2004 and Georgia’s Marsh Hammocks – A biological survey, Southern Environmental Law Center, Sept. 2003.] Matthew Coull The Public Trust S ince its founding in 1989, the Coastal Conservation League has monitored more than 1,000 permit applications every year on the South Carolina coastal plain. Whether submitted to the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (OCRM), or to the Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC), or to the Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), each application that will have an impact on air, water, wetlands or beachfront is reviewed by Conservation League staff. Every year, applicants seek permission from these state and federal agencies to use public air and water resources for a whole host of activities, including the discharge of waste and pollutants; the building of docks and marinas; the construction of groins and bulkheads; dredging; dumping, and the release of stormwater runoff. All of these uses can have significant impacts on air and water – natural resources that we all share and upon which our health and quality of life depend. Coastal South Carolina, in particular, is blessed with a remarkable abundance of white sandy beaches, meandering creeks and marshes, verdant wetlands and swamps, and clear blue skies. OCRM, DHEC and ACOE are chartered by federal and state law to protect these public c o a s t a l c o ns e r v a t i o n l e a g u e resources and the health and welfare of our citizenry. However, the job is an extremely complex and difficult one, subject to enormous pressure and influence. Varying political, economic, and private market forces all vie for a larger piece of the pie, while the public interest – or “the public trust” – often gets lost in the shuffle. Over the last twenty years, the Conservation League has worked with citizens and conservation partners up and down the South Carolina coast to ensure that the public trust is sacrosanct when it comes to our shared natural resources. As we move forward in the coming decades, it is instructive to revisit the origins of the public trust, a doctrine that has held legal precedent for millennia and dates back to Roman law: “By the law of nature these things are common to all mankind – the air, running water, the sea, and consequently the shore of the sea.” Today, modern public trust doctrine provides that public trust lands, water, and living resources in a state are held by the state in trust for the benefit of all of the people; and establishes the right of the public to fully enjoy public trust lands, waters, and living resources for a wide variety of recognized public uses. To this end, much of the work of the Coastal Conservation League is predicated on defending this doctrine. Air, Water & Public Health Frank Heindel VITAL TO OUR HEALTH M ore and more, we understand the wisdom of the public trust doctrine. If nothing else, our very survival depends on it. Common sense argues that protecting public resources, such as clean air and water, surely must be beneficial to human beings. Now we can take this common sense wisdom a step further, thanks to recent studies that document the connection between improved environmental quality and improved public health. “When we improve the health of an environment,” says Dr. Julie Gerberding of the Center for Disease Control, “whether that environment is a community or a workplace, we improve the health of the people who live or work in that environment. Many times, we can greatly improve people’s health and well-being by making changes in the immediate environment.” One example of this connection is found in a study published this year in the New England Journal of Medicine. The report documents that in cities where air pollution has been reduced by implementation of pollution controls, local residents live an average of seven Clean Air Is Worth It – For every $1 spent on cleaning up port pollution, we save $35 in health care and environmental costs. months longer. The researchers surveyed pollution rates and longevity in 51 cities across the U.S. over a 21-year period from 1979 to 2000. Overall, they found that lifespan in all of the areas increased by an average of nearly three years – from 74 to 77 – as a result of numerous factors, most notably reduced smoking and improved income. But 15% of the change was attributable to cleaner air. The researchers were able to separate out the role that better air quality played by weeding out the other factors that extend life expectancy and by also correcting for the “overlap” effect. Dr. Douglas Dockery, one of the study’s three authors and an environmental epidemiologist at Harvard’s School of Public Health, told on January 22nd: “It’s very reassuring. We can see some benefits from the regulations of air pollution that have been put in place in the past 20 to 30 years.” What If the Conservation League Had Not Been Here? • • • • • • • • • • The Waccamaw National Wildlife Refuge might not exist. Thousands of bridges would be built across public tidelands and marsh islands. Massive factory hog farms would be polluting our rivers and groundwater. Beaufort County would not have a dock ordinance. The Global Gateway would have been built, transforming Charleston into another Port of Los Angeles. A stockcar racetrack would be operating next door to Four Hole Swamp and Beidler Forest Sanctuary. Sandy Island would be a 9,500-unit golf resort. River shacks would dot our coastal rivers and streams. Manmade lagoons and dead-end walled canals would replace our meandering Lowcountry creeks. I-73 would have destroyed the Francis Marion National Forest and the Cooper River Plantation District. c o a s t a l c o ns e r v a t i o n l e a g u e Air, Water & Public Health MAKING OUR AGENCIES ACCOUNTABLE R courtesy of the Audubon Society ecurrent droughts, conflict over water rights with neighboring states, and continued population growth make South Carolinians painfully aware of the need to preserve clean and ample water resources. South Carolina’s abundant wildlife depends on clean water too. Nowhere is that more evident than in the thousands of miles of creeks and rivers flowing through our coastal plain. These waterways and their associated wetlands and swamps harbor most of the state’s endangered species populations and scores of migratory waterfowl and wildlife. When the Conservation League came on the scene 20 years ago, it immediately went to work on a water quality program based on sound statistical data and Irreplaceable – Natural wetlands perform functions such as water purification, stormwater filtration, and flood retention – services that cannot be fully duplicated or engineered by man. rigorous analysis. Only then would the South Carolina coastal plain have a prayer of preserving its wealth of healthy water and wetland resources into the 21st century. It became apparent that the status quo was slowly poisoning and/or suffocating the state’s river systems. Take the Cooper River for example. In 1989, the League analyzed pollutants in one of the approximately 20 industrial discharges permitted for release into the river. The League discovered that Mobay Chemical was pumping effluents into the Cooper laced with toxic copper concentrations that exceeded Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards by a factor of 30. The most shocking discovery of all was DHEC’s claim that the pollutants were diluted completely and instantaneously throughout the river and therefore did not exist in dangerous NATURE'S NURSERY S outh Carolina has more wetlands than all but a few states in the U.S., with half a million acres being tidal salt marsh. Add to that such globally significant freshwater wetlands as Four Hole Swamp and Congaree Swamp National Park, and you’ve got one soggy, saturated state. Long considered dismal places that harbored frightening creatures and even worse diseases, these wetlands are now considered extremely valuable resources in terms of wildlife and fishery productivity, water purification, stormwater filtration, and flood retention. For example, most of our commercially important fish and shellfish on the coast spend part of their life cycle in the salt marsh estuary. Today, however, one-third of the state’s shellfish beds are closed to harvesting due to pollution or the threat c o a s t a l c o ns e r v a t i o n l e a g u e concentrations; hence Mobay was not obligated to clean up its discharge. In fact, DHEC’s “total and instantaneous” dilution assumption would allow Mobay to pump even greater concentrations of copper into the river and still not be considered a threat to water quality. In response, the League petitioned EPA to add Mobay to a Toxic Hot Spot list, forcing the company to clean up its discharge. Eventually, the League’s action also mandated that DHEC reassess its standards of “safe” levels of toxics in industrial waste water statewide. And finally in 2003 – after six long years of legal threats, delays and attempts by industries and utilities to weaken the regulations – the League, working with state and federal lawmakers, succeeded in forcing 28 industrial and municipal dischargers along the Cooper River to slash their combined pollutant flow by 59%. of pollution. Such degradation is a result of myriad factors – such as the proliferation of docks and accompanying boat wakes, bridges and other hard structures over public marshlands; industries and sewer authorities discharging hundreds of millions of gallons of pollutants into waterways, and heavy rains washing toxins into creeks from the impervious surfaces of roofs, roads and parking lots. Since its founding, the Coastal Conservation League has been working to protect these vital wetlands from further harm. Relatively speaking, South Carolina’s wetlands remain some of the cleanest and most productive on the East Coast. They are worthy of the utmost vigilance, particularly as overall wetland acreage is declining in the Southeast. So in 1994, the Conservation League hired veteran environmentalist Nancy Vinson as its full-time Water Quality Program Director. Executive Director Dana Beach gave Nancy her first assignment: Defeat the Andell Lock Harbor Marina. Air, Water & Public Health Tied Back in 1996, the Coastal Conservation League achieved the unthinkable for a poor, southern state. With Iowa Beef Products (IBP) and Smithfield Foods – two of the nation’s most powerful pork producers – courting the Governor and the General Assembly for incentives and permits to construct factory hog operations in Marion County, the League persuaded legislators to pass new safeguards for factory hog operations that were the most protective of water quality in the nation. League staffers Nancy Vinson and Jane Lareau spent months of work and thousands of miles of travel back and forth to Columbia to enact this dramatic turnaround. In 1995, a destructive “Right to Farm” bill had passed the House of Representatives. Due for Senate passage in 1996, this bill would have essentially provided an unrestricted welcome mat to factory livestock operations in South Carolina. The results of such a giveaway would have been disastrous, as had been the case in every state where factory hog farms had proliferated without strong environmental safeguards – including North Carolina, Iowa, Missouri, and Minnesota. In North Carolina, 10 million hogs were producing twice the volume of waste as the population of Mexico City. This waste was being stored in open lagoons and was not only polluting groundwater, but also evaporating to create rain laden with nitrogen and ammonia. Hurricane Floyd dealt the crowning blow when several massive hog waste lagoons ruptured, pouring millions of gallons of untreated waste into the state’s waterways. The League organized a coalition of key legislators, chambers of commerce, businesses, small farmers, and community groups from across the state to join in the fight to protect South Carolina’s precious water resources. The new law –which applied to all operations with 3,000 or more hogs (IBP and Smithfield’s facilities proposed to slaughter 36,000 hogs a day) – required secure liners for all hog waste lagoons, stricter setbacks from neighboring property and waterways, and even greater setback distances for areas designated as Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), or areas used as habitat for endangered species or for shellfish harvesting. Upon passage of this more protective law, IBP and Smithfield withdrew all permit applications. I n 1992, the Saudi-owned East Seabrook Limited Partnership proposed to build what would have been the largest marina in the state by excavating a 60acre basin in a tomato field between Kiawah and Seabrook Islands. The developers planned to connect the basin to Bohicket Creek – pristine enough to be classified Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) – with a channel dredged across a road, through a parking lot, and across Haulover Creek, a tributary to the Bohicket. The League considered the defeat of this 400-slip marina critical to the future of the South Carolina coast, not only because of the damage it would have inflicted to the waterways and marshes associated with Kiawah and Seabrook, but because it would have set a dangerous precedent for manmade canals – the purpose of which are to create more waterfront property for the development market – thus setting in motion the Floridization of our coast. League Program Director Nancy Vinson went to work with local sea island residents and other conservation partners and convinced the Charleston County Planning Board to reject the proposed zoning change on the basis of a little known statute prohibiting marinas in Outstanding Resource Waters. But in spite of the regulations and data, DHEC staff inexplicably sided with the developers and issued a water quality certification, claiming that the project would have no impact on Bohicket Creek. With the help of Jimmy Chandler of the S.C. Environmental Law Project and biology professors Joe Kelly and John Vernberg, the League definitively refuted the flawed determinations of DHEC staff and persuaded the DHEC board to overturn the marina certification and permit. The developers then appealed the DHEC board decision to the state Circuit Court. The case was heard in 1996 by Judge Larry Patterson, who upheld the board’s determination on the basis that the Andell Lock Harbor Marina proposal violated state water quality standards and the state’s Coastal Zone Management Act. After a five-year battle, Andell Harbor was dead in the water. Tom Blagden, Jr. Hog A MARINA IN A TOMATO FIELD No Manmade Canals for South Carolina – If Saudi developers had had their way, this 60-acre tomato field would have become one of the state’s first lock harbor marinas, setting in motion the Floridization of the South Carolina coast. c o a s t a l c o ns e r v a t i o n l e a g u e Air, Water & Public Health UNSEEN THREATS U nlike water, air has no jurisdictional boundaries. Emissions from one area of the Lowcountry can travel great distances and not only pollute the air all of us breathe, but also the waters and lands surrounding us. We who live along the South Carolina coast have been surprised to learn that the air around us is not as clean as we once thought. Despite the region’s near constant breezes and clear blue skies, today, pollutants too small to be detected by the human eye threaten our health – namely the fine particulate air pollution from port and industrial sources, as well as emissions from waste disposal and incineration. These air quality concerns compelled the Coastal Conservation League in 2005 to expand its water quality work into a new Air, Water and Public Health program. Generous funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation made this program expansion possible. Program Director Nancy Vinson immediately focused on the Port of Charleston, which is the largest unregulated source of industrial air pollution in South Carolina. In 2005, for example, Charleston port operations produced significantly more particle Diesel Danger Zone – The Port of Charleston is the largest unregulated source of industrial air pollution in South Carolina, due to dangerous levels of fine particle pollution released in diesel exhaust from ships and trucks using the port. Toxins contained in particle pollution from diesel exhaust have been linked in thousands of medical studies to stroke, cancer, heart disease, asthma, and other chronic diseases. pollution than smokestacks at the MeadWestvaco paper mill, the leading industry pollution source regulated by DHEC in Charleston County. Particle pollution, or “fine particulate matter,” is the unseen culprit. It is found primarily in emissions from coal-fired power plants and in the diesel exhaust emanating from the vehicles, trucks, Take Back equipment, and large ships associated with port operations. Less than 2.5 microns in diameter (a human hair is about 70 microns), these particles are so small that they are inhaled deeply enough into the lungs that they are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and then carried to the vital organs, as easily as oxygen molecules. Toxins contained in particle pollution our Tidelands For more than a decade the Conservation League has been fighting the “bridges to nowhere” phenomenon. With developers desperately seeking any patch of high ground that bordered a marsh or a tidal slough – down to even the most marginal of lands known as marsh “hummocks” or islands – the potential for docks and bridges crisscrossing and overwhelming our fragile tidelands was becoming all too real in the 1990s. With the help of conservation-minded attorneys and citizen involvement up and down the South Carolina coast, the Conservation c o a s t a l c o ns e r v a t i o n l e a g u e Air, Water & Public Health from diesel exhaust have been linked in thousands of medical studies to stroke, cancer, heart disease, asthma, and other chronic diseases. As early as 1999, Charleston was ranked among the worst 10% of U.S. cities for diesel soot pollution, according to the Clean Air Task Force. For the last three years, the American Lung Association has given Charleston County an “F” in air quality, due to the amount of hazardous particle pollution in its air. Like cigarette smoking, at first no one understood the dangers of fine particulate matter in diesel exhaust. Now we know better. A reduction of just 10 micrograms (10 millionths of a gram) of pollution per cubic meter of air – a degree of improvement many cities have been able to attain over the last two decades – can extend human lifespans by five to ten months, according to a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Consider that simply by living with a cigarette smoker, a person is exposed to a daily dose of 20 to 30 micrograms of pollutants, and one begins to appreciate how dangerous these fine particles are and what a relatively small reduction can do to improve human health. League has stemmed what was an unbridled tide of manmade structures invading our marshlands. Thousands upon thousands more feet of concrete and treated timber threatened to leach into and “shade out” great swaths of one of the most productive ecosystems on earth. Beginning in 1993, the Conservation League successfully forced the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (OCRM) to cease allowing docks to extend over state controlled shellfish beds. Then followed a series of legal challenges, undertaken by the League and attorneys Trenholm Walker and Andy Gowder, in an effort to halt bridges to A 21st CENTURY PORT N ot only are diesel emissions a primary source of fine particle pollution, they also contribute 80% of the total estimated cancer risk from hazardous air pollutants. Yet up until now, EPA has failed to sufficiently regulate two of the major sources of diesel emissions – the trucks hauling cargo in and out of port facilities and the ships that go in and out of port. Why? Because trucks and ships move around and don’t stay still, thus are not subject to standard air quality regulations. In anticipation of new federal standards, ports around the country have been reducing their air pollution, some by as much as 50%. But inexplicably, our own S.C. Ports Authority (SPA) proposed expanding its Charleston operations to the old Charleston Navy Base without addressing these two major sources of port diesel pollution. Working with neighborhood groups, the Charleston County Medical Association and the Smoke-Free Action Network, among others, the Conservation League has built a coalition that has significantly raised public awareness of these threats to public health. Recently, the coalition successfully pushed for marsh islands along the Wando and Bohicket Creeks in Charleston County and along the shores of St. Helena, Dataw and Fripp Islands in Beaufort County. Then in 2000, with the help of attorney Randy Pelzer and championed by S.C. Attorney General Henry McMaster and state Senator Arthur Ravenel, the Conservation League resurrected legal statutes and precedents that reasserted state ownership of tidal marsh, except in the event where private title could be established through either a state, Lords Proprietor’s, or King’s Grant. This finding was critical in defending state tidelands and islands from encroachment by private developers. c o a s t a l c o ns e r v a t i o n l e a g u e funding of the federal Diesel Emissions Reduction Act, which will provide funding to SPA to help clean up emissions from trucks, tugs and yard-handling equipment at the docks. In addition, the Conservation League and its partners have successfully pushed for long overdue federal standards requiring ships to burn cleaner fuel by the year 2015 and to employ advanced emission-control technologies beginning in 2016, creating a 230-mile emissions buffer zone around the nation’s coastlines to improve air quality. Another critical element to cleaning up Charleston’s port facilities will be to improve rail access for transporting cargo in and out of the metropolitan area. Unbelievably, SPA’s plans for the proposed Navy Base terminal include no direct rail – every container would enter and leave by truck – creating unacceptable gridlock on Interstate 26, in addition to increasing already harmful levels of diesel particulate pollution. State legislators and more recently the S.C. Department of Commerce have joined the League’s push for rail access to and from the new terminal – a solution that will not only reduce highway congestion and air pollution in a densely populated metropolitan area, but will also create a more efficient, prosperous port. Finally in 2006, League Program Director Nancy Vinson, League Board Chair Will Cleveland and DHEC Board Chair Elizabeth Hagood succeeded in bringing together realtors, developers and conservationists to agree on a set of new state regulations protecting 90% of South Carolina’s marsh islands from bridging. Deemed a model of regulatory consensus, the advisory committee not only prohibited bridges to all but 250 of the state’s 2,409 islands, but also limited the length of those bridges that would be permitted, as well as devised stronger standards for docks, lighting, and buffers on islands where bridges are allowed. Air, Water & Public Health It's All Connected Highlights of the Coastal Conservation League’s Air, Water & Public Health Program 1989 – 2009 1991 1990 1989 w CCL opens its first office, on King St. in Charleston, with a staff of three w CCL reveals that Mobay Chemical’s discharges are toxic to the Cooper River w CCL opposes Dorchester County’s request to double its sewage discharge into the Ashley River w CCL exposes DHEC’s flawed water monitoring program in Charleston Harbor w CCL partners with Congressman Arthur Ravenel and DNR to convince DOT to install a stormwater catchment system on the Isle of Palms Connector w CCL and Audubon defeat DHEC permit that would allow Oak Ridge Landfill to discharge 20,000 gallons per day of toxic leachate into Four Hole Swamp w CCL nominates Cape Romain and surrounding waters for Outstanding Resource Waters classification w CCL begins work with OCRM to reform dock regulations w CCL, the Southern Environmental Law Center, and the Audubon Council sponsor statewide wetlands conference w CCL and conservation partners stop Corps of Engineers from dredging Charleston Harbor during sea turtle nesting season w CCL nominates section of Edisto River for Scenic River status 1992 1994 w CCL opens South Coast office in Beaufort w CCL hires Water Quality Program Director Nancy Vinson w CCL awarded Conservation Organization of the Year by the S.C. Wildlife Federation w CCL calls for strengthening of the state’s septic system regulations to prevent contamination of groundwater 1993 w CCL and SCELP begin fight to halt a 400slip Andell Lock Harbor Marina between Kiawah and Seabrook Islands w CCL objects to peat mining in Snuggedy Swamp, a rare and undisturbed pocosin in the ACE Basin w CCL halts extension of docks over state shellfish beds 1995 w CCL leads opposition to amendments intended to weaken the federal Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act w CCL and sea island residents persuade 1996 Charleston County to reject plans for w CCL convinces the S.C. General the Andell Harbor Marina Assembly to enact the nation’s w CCL begins battle to strengthen most protective factory hog S.C.’s factory hog farming laws operations law w CCL and Audubon begin battle to defeat a proposed stockcar racetrack next door to Four Hole Swamp w Citizens create a Beaufort Clean Water Task Force with help and staffing from CCL 1997 w CCL membership exceeds 2,000, bolstered by grants from 13 charitable foundations and supporting a staff of six w CCL joins Beaufort County citizens to fight 208-slip marina proposed on the Coosaw River in the heart of the ACE Basin w CCL and Friends of the Earth file lawsuit to prevent Wolverine Brass from discharging toxic metals into Soccastee Swamp in the Waccamaw River basin 1998 w Cape Romain and surrounding waters are officially upgraded to Outstanding Resource Waters w CCL assists residents in Beaufort and Charleston Counties in halting bridges to marsh islands w DHEC board denies permit for racetrack adjacent to Four Hole Swamp w CCL teams up with the College of Charleston to document the harmful impacts of big boat wakes on Bohicket Creek w After five years, Andell Lock Harbor Marina defeated in Circuit Court w Beaufort Clean Water Task Force receives Environmental Awareness Award from the S.C. General Assembly w CCL helps in the establishment of the Waccamaw National Wildlife Refuge c o a s t a l c o ns e r v a t i o n l e a g u e Air, Water & Public Health 2002 2001 w CCL and Charleston Moves begin campaign for a pedestrian/bicycle lane to be included on the new Ravenel Bridge w CCL fights industry attempts to weaken the 1996 Swine Act w CCL launches opposition to proposal for a Lone Star-Rimini Connector through Sparkleberry Swamp w SPA withdraws permit applications for its Global Gateway port terminal on Daniel Island w CCL helps broker deal between Horry County and TNC to save Sterritt Swamp from becoming a landfill w Dana Beach publishes Coastal Sprawl: The Impact of Urban Design on Aquatic Ecosystems, commissioned by the Pew Ocean Commission w CCL prevents weakening of factory hog regulations w General Assembly rejects any port expansion on Daniel Island w Beaufort County Council, with help from CCL, passes state’s first local dock ordinance w CCL hires Juliet Cohen to coordinate opposition to the Global Gateway, a huge port facility proposed for Daniel Island w CCL reasserts state’s legal ownership of tidal marsh and islands w CCL and American Rivers succeed in requiring a fishway to be constructed at the Columbia Dam on the Broad River w CCL works with advisory committee to draft landmark regulations protecting marsh islands and public trust tidelands w Pedestrian/bicycle lane opens on new Ravenel Bridge thanks to a multi-year campaign by CCL and Charleston Moves 2006 1999 w CCL begins its 2nd decade with 17 full-time staff working out of offices in Georgetown, Charleston and Beaufort and supported by more than 4,000 members and 43 charitable foundations w CCL joins Pee Dee citizens to oppose a Corps of Engineers’ proposal to dam Back Swamp w CCL assists St. Helena and Dataw Island residents in stopping a proposed bridge to North and South Palm Islands w CCL creates Web site and Action E-List w CCL helps citizens in Horry and Darlington Counties defeat proposed hog operations that violate state law w CCL prevents weakening of dissolved oxygen standards for coastal rivers, resulting in significant pollution reduction w CCL wins improved stream flow requirements for Broad and Congaree Rivers, thus protecting endangered species 2004 2005 2000 2003 w CCL helps broker agreement to purchase 320acre Tiger Bay for inclusion in the Lewis Ocean Bay Heritage Preserve w CCL assists in halting bridge and intense development on Long Island w CCL exposes inadequate analysis and faulty data in SPA proposal for port expansion on Charleston’s former Navy Base w CCL partners with Hilton Head residents and sports fishermen to halt illegal dumping of dredge spoil in Calibogue Sound w CCL and conservation partners assist in designation of Congaree Swamp as the state’s first national park w CCL and American Rivers force SCE&G to upgrade operation of its Saluda Dam to meet state requirements for dissolved oxygen and water flow 2007 w CCL helps broker Vought Aircraft mitigation deal to protect wetlands at Four Hole Swamp and the Ashley River w CCL convinces General Assembly to pass bill outlawing river shacks w CCL appeals DHEC permit for new container terminal in North Charleston 2008 w CCL works with legislators to develop a surface water withdrawal permitting program for S.C. w CCL assists Plantersville and Awendaw communities with septic tank repair and replacement w CCL advocates for reform of DHEC and SPA governance and decision-making w CCL launches Clean Air Everywhere initiative raising awareness of air pollution problems in Lowcountry communities c o a s t a l c o ns e r v a t i o n l e a g u e Giving Back T he Coastal Legacy Society John Moore T he Coastal Legacy Society is a group of Coastal Conservation League supporters who have made a lasting contribution by making a life income gift with the Conservation League or by naming the League as a beneficiary in their estate plans. The Coastal Legacy Society is a way for us to recognize our donors’ foresight in providing for the future of the Conservation League and for the future of the South Carolina coast. Discover the many ways you can help the Coastal Conservation League protect the landscapes, the waterways and the communities you love while also meeting your financial objectives. Smart and creative gift planning with us can help maximize your philanthropic giving and the benefits to you. Here are some of the available tools to make a lasting gift to conservation today: Bequests – This tool enables you to give to the Conservation League without affecting your cash flow during your lifetime. Retirement Assets – When you name the League as the beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k) or other qualified plan, after your lifetime, the residue of your plan can pass to the Conservation League tax free. Charitable Remainder Trust – With this tool, you can transfer cash, securities or other appreciated property such as real estate into a trust. Each year, the trust pays a percentage of its value to you or to beneficiaries you name. When the trust terminates, the remainder passes to the Conservation League. Life Insurance – You can provide now for a future gift to the Conservation League by naming us as beneficiary of a policy insuring your life. [The Coastal Conservation League wishes to express its deep appreciation to Mr. & Mrs. Liles, to Dr. Williams, and to all of our Coastal Legacy Society members, whose names appear on page 18 of this newsletter.] c o a s t a l c o ns e r v a t i o n l e a g u e Giving Back Jo Ann & Jon Liles Celebrating J 20 Years o Ann and Jon Liles own a consulting forestry business in Walterboro. After having been “week-enders” on Edisto Island for about eight years, in 1999 they decided to build their last house for the final time and became permanent residents on the island they both love so dearly. In anticipation of a trip out West several years ago, Jo Ann and Jon were prompted to update their wills and estate planning. Part of their philosophy has been built on the golfer’s creed of “repair your ball mark and one other.” Because significant gifts to charities have been difficult during the years spent building their business, they came up with the idea of designating a percentage of the principal of their estates to their alma maters and to the Coastal Conservation League, thus allowing them “to repair one other.” Celebrating 20 Years Jon and Jo Ann realize that growth will come to the beautiful coastal community of Edisto, but that it must be planned. “We believe that the Conservation League works diligently to protect our precious resources from overuse and from unplanned growth,” states Jo Ann, “and that is why we have chosen to support the League in this manner. ” Great flexibility is allowed by using this method of giving, and the League feels fortunate in having friends who envision their role in protecting our environment by assisting its efforts through estate planning. George Williams “ For more information, please contact Nancy Cregg, Director of Development for the Coastal Conservation League at 843-723-9895. While we are eager to answer any questions you might have about planned giving, we strongly encourage our donors to seek the advice of an independent tax or financial advisor. I believe in the necessity of the work that the Coastal Conservation League is doing,” says George Williams, “and the group’s success is quite remarkable. Dana Beach has a national reputation for getting things done.” This is not faint praise, coming from a retired Professor of English at Duke University, a Yale graduate, and perhaps most importantly, a Charleston native. George Williams grew up at 27 Limehouse Street and though he still maintains a residence in Durham, N.C., having taught at Duke for 35 years, Charleston and the Lowcountry will always be home, for both George and his wife, the former Harriet Simons. In fact, you may have spotted Harriet and George – who’ve been married 56 years – paddling a kayak last April on Black Mingo Creek near Georgetown. They remain active in their retirement and live part of the year in a Simons family home on Tradd Street. Among his many commitments, George serves as Associate General Editor of the c o a s t a l c o ns e r v a t i o n l e a g u e Arden Shakespeare Series (published in London), as well as Chairman of the Michaux Garden Committee of the Charleston Horticultural Society. Harriet currently devotes much of her energy to the Charleston chapter of Planned Parenthood. Just this month, the organization will dedicate a new facility on Rutledge Avenue in Charleston. This year, George included the Coastal Conservation League as a beneficiary of his family’s Charitable Remainder Trust at the Coastal Community Foundation. “Conservation had always been an interest of mine and my parents,” states George. Legislature 2009 Progress on Waste and Water Dumping Ground No More l-r) Marlboro County residents Jere Russo, Meredith Russo, Lucy Mills Parsons, Tom Wood and Chuck Ashburn gather at the State House on Lobby Day to challenge their legislators to reform current landfill laws that allow South Carolina to be the nation’s dumping ground. Law Project – are still battling landfill threats from out-of-state operators. As the Post and Courier stated in a recent editorial: “Waste disposal shouldn’t be a growth industry beyond the state’s own needs.” Healthy, Minimum Flow Standards Established for State Waterways As we close on the first year of a two-year legislative cycle in the General Assembly, an important amendment was added to proposed water withdrawal legislation that will carry over into the 2010 Legislative Session. Senators agreed to use the S.C. Department of Natural Resources’ seasonally variable flows as the minimum instream flow for the state’s rivers and streams. These minimum standards are based on scientific analysis of how much water flow is needed in our waterways to sustain healthy aquatic life. c o a s t a l c o ns e r v a t i o n l e a g u e Nancy Cregg While a moratorium on new landfills was defeated by the House Agriculture Subcommittee at the end of the 2009 Legislative Session, a monumental reduction in state landfill capacity was approved by the DHEC board in April. Based on the recommendations of its Landfill Capacity Task Force, the DHEC board took a critical step in correcting the excess capacity issue in South Carolina that has resulted in the proliferation of applications for “mega landfills” wanting to locate in our state. Without the Senate’s threat of a legislative moratorium, such a reduction in capacity would never have occurred. Essentially, the DHEC board reduced overall state landfill capacity from 42 million tons annually to 10.8 million tons. Even though South Carolina only produces 4.6 million tons of waste each year, the 10.8-million-ton figure more closely reflects the actual needs of the state and represents a big improvement. According to the Conservation League’s Director of Government Relations, Heather Spires, a reduction of this proportion will definitely put a damper on the out-of-state waste trade that is posing such a threat to public health here. The Conservation League is grateful for the leadership of Senator Gerald Malloy (D-Marlboro), sponsor of S.324 – the landfill moratorium bill – which was a key leverage point in addressing the issue of predatory dumping in South Carolina. Recently, citizens of Williamsburg County successfully blocked a new mega-landfill proposed by a North Carolina waste company. Meanwhile, Marlboro, Laurens and York Counties – who are represented by Jimmy Chandler of the S.C. Environmental Nancy Cregg State Landfill Capacity Reduced to Safer, Saner Levels (l-r) Nelson Chandler and Tommy Stuckey helped lead the fight to defeat a proposed mega-dump in Williamsburg County. Such rational, science-based standards contrast sharply to earlier provisions in the proposed legislation that allowed rivers and streams to be drawn down by industrial users to near drought-level conditions. The time has come for South Carolina to pass a protective water withdrawal permitting bill that is good for the environment and good for business. Such a law would put the state on much stronger ground as we negotiate with North Carolina and Georgia over water usage rights and will help South Carolina Legislature 2009 Building for Tomorrow Today The Conservation League’s Contract Lobbyist Patty Pierce and Climate and Energy Program Director Ben Moore have worked for more than a year to garner the support of over 50 different stakeholders for legislation that ensures the establishment of the most up-todate energy codes for South Carolina. Ranging from green mortgage companies, realtors, developers, energy efficiency and building code associations, and the conservation community, this diverse coalition succeeded in updating building codes that were based on standards developed some twenty years ago that had not been revised since the early 1990s. The goal was to ensure that South Carolina’s building codes are regularly and automatically updated to reflect the latest advances in building technology and to establish modern minimum efficiency building code standards for all residential construction. According to the Governor’s Climate, Energy, and Commerce Advisory Committee, the new legislation would help South Carolina achieve 7% electricity and 5% natural gas savings by 2020 – equivalent to three power plants, each with a 600megawatt capacity, or enough energy to safeguard one of our most vital natural resources. A “Fair Share Water Bill” was first introduced in 2007 by Senator Wes Hayes (R-York), but attempts to pass this legislation have been thwarted year after year by special interests and industries who want to claim more than their fair share of our state’s water resources. These parties wish us to believe that year-round drought level flows are “adequate” for public use and for the health of our rivers. If we power more than 500,000 homes. Speaker Pro Tempore Harry Cato led the way to reform our state’s outdated energy efficiency building standards for single and two-family dwellings through the introduction of legislation H.3550. The Conservation League helped draft this bill last summer and continued to finetune it this fall with a number of interested parties. After working with the investor owned utilities, the S.C. Home Builders Association, the S.C. Electric Cooperatives, and the North American Insulation Manufacturers, the League finally reached a compromise. The compromise ensured that the 20year old energy standards would be removed from the code and replaced with the 2006 International Energy Conservation Code standard. On June 3rd, H.3550 was signed into law by Governor Mark Sanford. In the future, the League will work to ensure that energy standards are automatically updated to reflect advances in building technology and to achieve the highest energy and money savings for South Carolina residents. accept this, then South Carolina in essence concedes that we need nothing more than drought level flows, leaving everything else for our neighboring states to usurp. Building on this first year of a twoyear legislative session, Government Relations Director Heather Spires is optimistic about the significant progress that was made in Senate Committee this session. She and her team of citizen lobbyists, along with other conservation partners at the State House, will continue c o a s t a l c o ns e r v a t i o n l e a g u e Becky Rickenbaker New Energy Efficient Building Codes Become Law Sixth Annual Conservation Lobby Day – Students from Lexington High School participated in the annual Conservation Lobby Day held on April 28th. to work with legislators in both Houses of the General Assembly next year to craft sound water withdrawal regulations. As Heather says, “Developing an entirely new regulatory program cannot happen overnight. Issues of major importance and major impact such as this take time, especially with so many different stakeholders involved. Know that we will stick with this issue, however long it takes, to pass the most protective permitting program we can for safeguarding our state’s water supply.” Members' Corner South Coast Celebrates 20th Anniversary Members Julia and Gordon Levering gather at Palmetto Bluff in Bluffton to celebrate the Conservation League’s 20th Anniversary. Building a Whole Earth Economy (l-r) League supporters Allyn Schneider and James Gardner at the South Coast 20th Anniversary Party on April 26th. Author Peter Brown, with his new book Right Relationship: Building a Whole Earth Economy, spoke at a forum held at the Circular Congregational Church, sponsored by the Conservation League. Dennis Glaves, Kathy White, League board member Holly Hook and Richard White celebrate 20 years of the Coastal Conservation League. State Representative Shannon S. Erickson with League Project Manager Reed Armstrong at the South Coast party. College of Charleston student League members attend Peter Brown lecture. Wildlands Philanthropy: The Great American Tradition (l-r) Host Grange Simons, author Tom Butler and League Director Dana Beach celebrate the publication of Butler’s book, Wildlands Philanthropy: The Great American Tradition. (l-r) Elizabeth Bradham, author Tom Butler, League board member Dick Hale and Randy Pelzer gather for a League reception at Live Oak Society member Grange Simons’ house. c o a s t a l c o ns e r v a t i o n l e a g u e 16 Live Oak Society members Kitty and Irenee May arrive for a League reception honoring author Tom Butler. Members' Corner History & Wildlife on Black Mingo Creek League South Coast Director Garrett Budds (far right) speaks to League members on a 20th Anniversary outing to Jehossee Island. Author J.W. Nelson Chandler relates the history of Black Mingo Creek to Conservation League members participating in a 20th Anniversary kayak and bird outing. Rice mill chimney at Jehossee Island. League members Ariana Blanchet Rollins, Kent Rollins, Kent Blanchet Rollins and Nadia Blanchet gear up for kayaking Black Mingo Creek. Jesse Goldberg paddles the shoreline of Jehossee. c o a s t a l c o ns e r v a t i o n l e a g u e 17 19 Members' Corner photos by Nancy Cregg Ace Basin Comes Alive Thank You! LIVE OAK SOCIETY Contributions Received from May 1, 2008 - April 30, 2009 The Coastal Conservation League works very hard to ensure that all donor names are listed correctly; however, occasional mistakes do occur. Please contact Membership Director Alison Geer at (843) 725-2066 with any questions or corrections. $10,000+ Anonymous (2) Penny and Bill Agnew American Rivers, Inc. Anthony and Linda Bakker Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Berry The William Bingham Foundation Mary Flagler Cary Charitable Trust Charlotte Caldwell and Jeffrey Schutz Ceres Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Chitty Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation Mrs. Vivian Donnelley Vivian Donnelley Charitable Trust The Festoon Foundation, Inc. Dorothea and Peter Frank Nancy and Larry Fuller Laura and Steve Gates William and Mary Greve Foundation John C. Griswold Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Hale Hillsdale Fund, Inc. Joanna Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Lane Mr. Hugh C. Lane, Jr. Mills Bee Lane Foundation Mr. T. Cartter Lupton II Lyndhurst Foundation Merck Family Fund Mertz Gilmore Mr. Edward Miller Mrs. Alexander Moore Mr. and Mrs. Alan A. Moses Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phipps, Jr. Post and Courier Foundation V. Kann Rasmussen Foundation Steven and Barbara Rockefeller Rockefeller Family Fund, Inc. Gillian and Peter Roy Mr. and Mrs. John K. Runnette Jeffrey Schutz and Charlotte Caldwell Ms. Dorothy D. Smith Fred and Alice Stanback, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Tenney H. L. Thompson, Jr. Family Foundation Mr. Daniel K. Thorne Daniel K. Thorne Foundation, Inc. Gary and Mary Beth Thornhill Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation Turner Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James C. Vardell III and Family WestWind Foundation Joe and Terry Williams Yawkey Foundation $5,000 - $9,999 Anonymous (4) Ms. Molly H. Ball Banbury Fund, Inc. John and Jane Beach Virginia and Dana Beach Henry M. Blackmer Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Margaret N. Blackmer Ms. Margaret P. Blackmer Butler Conservation Fund, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Cleveland The Edward Colston Foundation, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Cowgill Mr. and Mrs. P. Steven Dopp Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry Fair, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. G. Scott Fennell Mr. and Mrs. George W. Fennell James L. Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. S. Parker Gilbert Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Hagerty Holly H. Hook and Dennis A. Glaves Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kimball Lau Associates LLC Ms. Bokara Legendre Mr. and Mrs. John E. Masaschi Mr. and Mrs. Irenee duPont May Mr. and Mrs. David Maybank, Jr. Mrs. Frank M. McClain Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meier Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Mitchell, Jr. Mr. Guy Paschal The Pew Charitable Trusts Mrs. Alexander F. Schenck Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Schenck Southern Environmental Law Center Tara Foundation Susan and Trenholm Walker COASTAL LEGACY SOCIETY The Coastal Legacy Society honors those who have provided for the Coastal Conservation League through their wills or estate plans. By making a gift to the Coastal Legacy Society, you will join this group of extraordinary individuals in their commitment to protect the Lowcountry for generations. If you are interested in finding out more about naming the Coastal Conservation League in your will or estate plans, please contact Development Director Nancy Cregg at (843) 723-9895. Anonymous (2) Ethel-Jane Westfeldt Bunting Russell and Judith Burns Charlotte Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Coffee, Jr. Ms. Marcia Curtis Howard Drew Carol B. Ervin Mrs. Mary C. Everts Dr. Annette G. Godow Miss Florence E. Goodwin Katherine M. Huger Jane Lareau Mr. and Mrs. Jon P. Liles Dr. Thomas R. Mather Miles F. McSweeney Ellen and Mayo Read Mr. Jason A. Schall Mr. and Mrs. John J. Tecklenburg Janis Hammett-Wegman and Charles Wegman George W. Williams $2,000 - $4,999 Anonymous (1) Mr. J. Marshall Allen Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Allen Mr. J. Anderson Berly III Mr. and Mrs. Arnold B. Chace, Jr. Clement Crawford and Thornhill, Inc Mr. and Mrs. Munroe Cobey c o a s t a l c o ns e r v a t i o n l e a g u e 18 Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Coen Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Cooper III Nancy and Steve Cregg Mr. Hal Currey and Ms. Margaret Schachte Ms. Connie Darden-Young and Mr. Jesse Colin Young Mr. and Mrs. Berry Edwards Mrs. Mary C. Everts Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Fetter Rev. and Mrs. David Fort The Hilliard Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. R. Glenn Hilliard James and Margaret Hoffman Billie and Alan Houghton Dr. and Mrs. Todd P. Joye Mr. and Mrs. John Philip Kassebaum Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Laco Bob and Jackie Lane Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Leath, Jr. Lasca and Richard Lilly Dr. Suzanne Lindsay and Mr. Bruce Lindsay The Suzanne and Bruce Lindsay Charitable Foundation Mr. Lorcan Lucey Lucey Mortgage Corporation Magnolia Development LLC Mr. and Mrs. John C. Maize, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. G. Alex Marsh III Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Marshall Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Mather Mrs. Harriet McDougal Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Milbank III Mr. and Mrs. James O. Mills Sally H. Mitchell Mrs. William Moredock The Morning Sun Foundation Charles and Celeste Patrick Mr. and Mrs. David Paynter Ms. Cynthia Swanson Powell Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Prevost Price R. and Flora A. Reid Foundation Grace Jones Richardson Trust Mr. John M. Rivers, Jr. John M. Rivers, Jr. Foundation Ms. Martha Jane Soltow Charles and Jo Summerall Mr. and Mrs. Jacques S. Theriot Jane Smith Turner Foundation Mr. Robert L. Underwood Dr. Robert Ellis Welch, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Winthrop Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Wyrick, Jr. Ziff Properties Charleston Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Ziff $1,000 - $1,999 Anonymous (5) Drs. T. Brantley and Penny Arnau Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Avery Thank You! John F. & Susan B. McNamara Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. McShane Mr. P.O. Mead III Kincaid and Allison Mills Ms. Martha Morgan Russell E. and Elizabeth W. Morgan Foundation Mr. Hugh Comer Morrison Nature Adventures Outfitters, Inc. Mr. P. Sherrill Neff and Ms. Alicia Felton Mrs. Elizabeth B. O'Connor Ms. Elizabeth F. Orser Dr. Robert Payne and Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas Dr. Leslie H. Pelzer Mrs. Joan C. Pittman Plantation Services, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Quigley Mrs. Charles D. Ravenel Mr. and Mrs. S. Kim Reed Mr. and Mrs. William R. Richardson, Jr. Dr. Georgia C. Roane David W. and Susan G. Robinson Foundation Mrs. David Robinson Mr. and Mrs. James B. Rothnie, Jr. Rothnie Family Fund of Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Bob Rymer and Catherine Anne Walsh Mr. Lee Schepps and Ms. Barbara Cottrell Dr. H. Del Schutte, Jr. Drs. Ryan and Erin Smith Southern States Educational Foundation Inc. James Gustave Speth Fund for the Environment of the Open Space Institute, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Stoothoff William and Shanna Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Jan S. Suwinski Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Symington, Jr. Dr. Ann Truesdale and Mr. James Truesdale Tom Uffelman and Patty Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Greg VanDerwerker Vortex Foundation Sally Webb Dr. W. Curtis Worthington Ms. Martha C. Worthy $500 - $999 Anonymous (4) Ms. Carrie Agnew Mr. and Mrs. Conrad P. Albert Ms. Helena Appleton and Mr. David Lott Ms. Vivian D'Amato Asche Paul and Mary Avery Charitable Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James Bailey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gifford Beaton Mr. and Mrs. Franklin D. Beattie Mrs. Katrina Becker Elizabeth Calvin Bonner Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Nigel Bowers Judge William Campbell and Ms. Susan Hilfer Mr. R. R. M. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Carson, Jr. Leigh Mary W. Carter Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Carter Mr. and Mrs. T. Heyward Carter, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Childs Dr. H. Paul Cooler Mr. Jack Cordray Mr. and Mrs. David A. Creech Mr. Malcolm M. Crosland, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William F. Crosswell Ms. Rebecca R. Davenport Mr. and Mrs. Alvin E. Davis Mr. Chris Davis Curtis and Arianna Derrick Mr. Christopher DeScherer and Ms. Amanda Honeycutt Ms. Ann W. Dibble Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M. Eidt, Jr. Mr. D. Reid Ellis Mr. Mark Essig and Mrs. Martha Craft-Essig Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ethridge III Ms. Nina M. Fair Mr. and Mrs. Peter Feldman Ms. Catherine H. Forrester Dr. and Mrs. James H. Gault Alison and Arthur Geer Drs. Andrew Geer and Susan Moore Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Geer Mr. James R. Gilreath Ms. Melanie Gnazzo Dr. Annette G. Godow Ms. Amanda Griffith Blair and Nancy Hahn Half-Moon Outfitters Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hanlin Dr. Kit M. Hargrove Mr. and Mrs. D. George Harris Mrs. Charlotte McCrady Hastie Whitney and Elizabeth Hatch, via the Ayco Charitable Foundation Oliver R. Head, Jr. and Mary M. Head Gift Fund of Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. William J. Hennessy, Jr. Mr. Fred B. Herrmann Mr. Edwin Hettinger and Ms. Beverly Diamond Hilton Head Island Audubon Society Mr. William L. Hiott, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Adams Hodge Dr. Melanie A. Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Calvert W. Huffines Robert L. Huffines, Jr. Foundation, Inc. James and Page Hungerpiller Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Jackson, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. George P. Johnston Ms. May Jones Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Jules Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Kammer Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Keller, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John J. Keyser Melissa and Michael Ladd Dr. Diane D. Lauritsen Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Leland Elizabeth C. Rivers Lewine Endowment Mr. and Mrs. Fulton D. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Lanneau D. Lide Mr. and Mrs. William C. Lortz c o a s t a l c o ns e r v a t i o n l e a g u e 19 David Lyle and Anne Aaron-Lyle Mr. Joshua Martin Dr. John Mattheis Dr. and Mrs. Brem Mayer Mr. and Mrs. James D. McGraw Mr. and Mrs. Dexter C. Mead The Nelson Mead Fund Mr. and Mrs. Roger F. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. John M. Mirsky Anne and Ben Moise Mr. and Mrs. C. Lawrence Murphy Dudley and Ann Myers Mrs. Thomas E. Myers Mr. and Mrs. Eric H. Nelson Dr. and Mrs. Alan I. Nussbaum Mr. and Ms. Robert M. Ogden III Dr. and Mrs. J. David Osguthorpe Mrs. Heather R. Osterfeld Mr. and Mrs. Coleman C. Owens Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Parks Dr. and Mrs. B. Daniel Paysinger Ms. Patricia A. Pierce Mr. Frank W. Rambo Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Ransome III Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey K. Richards Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rosengren Mr. Richard B. Saxon Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schaller Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F. Scheetz, Jr. Dickie and Mary Schweers Sea Biscuit Café Dr. Sally E. Self Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Simmons, Jr. Dr. James G. Simpson Dr. and Mrs. William M. Simpson, Jr. Mr. G. Dana Sinkler Dr. Cynthia P. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Mark C. Stamey Dr. and Mrs. James Stephenson Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Storen Mrs. Margaretta Taylor Mr. John H. Tiencken, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde W. Timmons Ms. Leslie Turner Mr. Robert E. Turner IV Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan G. Verity Mr. and Mrs. Beekman Webb Mr. and Mrs. Charles Webb Dr. and Mrs. James D. Wells Dr. Tad Whiteside Mrs. Betty C. Wiggins Dr. Dara H. Wilber Ms. Walda Wildman and Mr. Mack Maguire Dr. and Mrs. George W. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Williams Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Williamson Mr. Perry L. Wood Live Oak Society Chuck and Betsy Baker Mr. and Mrs. William R. Barrett, Jr. Mrs. Ann R. Baruch Blackwater, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Blagden, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Boone III Dr. Eloise Bradham and Dr. Mark George The Brumley Family Foundation Trust Ms. Amy Bunting Ethel-James Westfeldt Bunting Foundation Ms. Laura Donnelley Bob and Cris Cain Mr. and Mrs. John M. Cart Nancy and Billy Cave Mr. Anthony Cecil Mr. and Mrs. James J. Chaffin, Jr. Mr. Elliott S. Close Coastal Expeditions Mr. and Mrs. James Coker Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Cross Mr. and Mrs. Wade C. Crow Mrs. Mary C. Cutler Mr. R. Gordon Darby Mrs. Jane Blair Bunting Darnell Mrs. Emily Darnell-Nunez Mrs. Palmer Davenport Michael and Megan Desrosiers Mr. and Mrs. F. Reed Dulany, Jr. Ms. Carol B. Ervin Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Ewing III Ms. Margaret D. Fabri Mr. H. McDonald Felder Dr. Paula Feldman and Mr. Peter Mugglestone Dr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Finch Dr. and Mrs. Philip A. Finley Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. E. Stack Gately Mr. and Mrs. George W. Gephart, Jr. The Good Works Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Gene W. Grace Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Hawkins Mr. J. W. F. Holliday Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Horlbeck Holly Houghton and David Walker Mrs. Robert R. Huffman Holly Jensen and Marty Morganello Dr. William Kee Ms. Nunally Kersh and Mr. Robert Stehling Mrs. Dudley Knott Mrs. Hugh C. Lane Mr. Roy F. Laney Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Lawson Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Leak Charlie and Sally Lee Dr. Franklin Lee The Little-Reid Conservation Fund of the Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Kathie Livingston Leighton and Caroline Lord Tish Lynn Mike and JoAnne Marcell Kincaid and Allison Mills Mrs. John L. McCormick Ms. Jamie Young McCulloch Mr. and Mrs. Barclay McFadden III Mr. Gerald McGee Thank You! NEW AND RENEWING MEMBERSHIPS February 1, 2009 – April 30, 2009 SPECIAL GIFTS Mr. Steve C. Anderson Mrs. Stephanie Auwaerter William and Marilyn Blizard Cecil and Barrie Bozard Bob and Cris Cain Mrs. Janet Ciegler Mr. and Mrs. Morris K. Deason Dr. Timothy K. Gray Dr. Jerrold Griggs and Ms. Deynise Lau Dr. and Mrs. Harlan G. Hawkins Nora Kravec and Charles Cyr Mr. and Mrs. Langdon D. Long Mr. Donald McCall Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C Moorer, Jr. Ms. Cynthia Swanson Powell Mr. Wayne Richard Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Rivers, Jr. Dr. Robert E. Swanson II Mrs. Pamela Thesing Ms. Nancy Lee Trihey Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Beaufort Mr. David Waldron ADVOCATE ($250 - $499) Anonymous (3) Dr. Richard L. Beck Mr. Rhett S. Bickley Dr. P. Jeffrey Bower and Ms. Mignon Faget Ms. Ethel S. Brody Ms. Dorothy Coley and Mr. Robert Cross Mr. Larry Creel Nick and Jill Davidge Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. James K. Dias Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Douglas III Mr. Marion Tryon Face Mr. and Mrs. Wayne R. Fanning Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Feldmann Mr. and Mrs. Harold Freeman, Jr. Mr. Andrew Geer Mr. and Mrs. George R. Geer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Greene Ms. Katharine M. Hartley Senator Wes Hayes Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hays III Mr. Hugh E. Jeffers Mr. and Mrs. James E. Kistler Nora Kravec and Charles Cyr Melissa and Michael Ladd Jonathan Lamb Mr. and Mrs. Jon P. Liles Timothy J. Lyons, M.D. Ms. Christie McGregor Mr. William W. McKinnon Charles and Lisa Menefee Mr. and Mrs. John P. Miller Mr. Lawrence H. Moser Mr. Michael Murphy Ms. Sis Nunnally Mrs. Constance S. Parramore Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Penny, Jr. The Honorable Arthur Ravenel, Jr. Reliance Financial Corporation Mr. Legrand A. Rouse II Dr. Helen E. Sloan Ms. Heather Spires Dr. and Mrs. John G. Steedman Mr. Richard Stuhr Drs. Christine and C. Murry Thompson, Jr. Mr. Edward Thoms Mr. and Mrs. Scott Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Voight Mr. and Mrs. John Waters Mr. and Mrs. D. Mark Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Zolman CONTRIBUTOR ($100 - $249) Ms. Kate B. Adams Mr. Kenneth Adcock AgSouth Farm Credit Bishop and Mrs. C. Fitzsimons Allison Mrs. Mary L. Ballou The Rev. and Mrs. C. Alex Barron, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A. Elliott Barrow, Jr. Mr. Chuck Bates Mr. John Beach Mr. Charles J. Bethea Mr. and Mrs. James E. Boyd Cecil and Barrie Bozard Mel and Jack Brown Mr. and Mrs. Prescott H. Brownell Ms. Brenda Burbage Mr. and Mrs. Hardwick H. Burr Ms. Barbara H. Burwell Ms. Paula W. Byers Mrs. Cheryl K. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. George B. Cartledge, Jr. Mr. Frank B. Cates Mr. William Chick III Mr. and Mrs. David Clark Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Cohen Sy and Betty Commanday Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Cowie Dr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Cox Dr. and Mrs. Joel R. Cox Mr. and Mrs. James C. Davis Mr. and Mrs F. Garey De Angelis Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Dodds Dick and Dayna Elliott Dr. J. Terrence Farris Mrs. Theodora L. Feldberg Rev. and Mrs. James Fenhagen Mary Fleming Finlay Mr. James Fitch Mr. and Mrs. John W. Foltz Mr. Charles E. Foster Mr. Robert M. Gallant Ms. Marjorie T. Groom Dr. Gail J. Guzzo Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Hadley Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Harmon III Ms. Rosemary Hartnett Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hawkins Dr. Edward L. Hay Dr. Jim and Jackie Hill Sherry and Ken Hirsch Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Hodges Mr. Dwaine Holden Mr. and Mrs. Woody House Mrs. Dorothy R. Huggins Ms. Joy Hunter Mr. and Mrs. George R. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Bowman P. Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Kasman Matt and Cindy Kearney Mr. Patrick R. Kelley Ms. Jane Kramer At the close of the 2009 Legislative Session, the House and Senate restored $2 million dollars plus operating expenses to the S.C. Conservation Bank. This critical funding will allow the bank to meet its current land preservation obligations and continue to build on its legacy of having protected more than 152,000 acres of significant lands since 2002. Reg Daves Conservation Bank Rescued! c o a s t a l c o ns e r v a t i o n l e a g u e 20 Ms. Julia Krebs and Mr. Roger Hux Ms. Nancy M. Kreml Miss Gretta Kruesi Mr. and Mrs. Charles Larsen Col. and Mrs. James H. Leach Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leadem Mr. William Lesesne Mr. and Mrs. William S. Logan Mr. and Mrs. Langdon D. Long Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Maguire Dr. and Mrs. John C. Maize Andrea Malloy Mr. Fred J. Martschink III Mr. and Mrs. William M. Matthew Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Maxwell Mrs. Margaret Ann May Mr. J. Richards McCrae Ms. Madeleine S. McGee Tara McGrath and Doug Hatch Ms. Eileen Mary McGuffie Mr. and Mrs. James W. McIntire, Jr. Dianne McKenzie John and Joanne Milkereit Mr. Warren Moise Mr. and Mrs. John C. Moylan III Mr. and Mrs. Jack Muench Newkirk Environmental, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Ohlandt Palmetto Garden Club Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Pringle, Jr. Ms. Regina Przybysz Mr. John L. Quigley, Jr. Mr. Frank W. Rambo Ms. Cheryl Randall Mr. and Mrs. Marion M. Rice Mrs. Anne M. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Mark Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Robling Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Romano Mr. and Mrs. John E. Romanosky Mr. and Mrs. James T. Sampson Mr. and Mrs. Alexander M. Sanders, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Savary Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Schmaltz Mr. and Mrs. George Schneider Thank You! Marge and Julian Harrison at the League’s 2002 Holiday Green Party. In Memoriam: Dr. Julian R. Harrison III F or many of us who arrived on the environmental scene in Charleston in the 1970s and 1980s, Julian Harrison was a great mentor and teacher, never ceasing to share his knowledge and fascination with the natural world, especially when it came to amphibians and birds. The Coastal Conservation League mourns the death of Dr. Harrison, who was Professor Emeritus of Biology at the College of Charleston from 1963 to 1994. He was 74 and had been a member of the Conservation League since its founding. Dr. Harrison led many a Charleston Natural History Society field trip, an organization for which he served for many years as President and which later became a chapter of the National Audubon Society. In 1980, he co-authored the field guide, Amphibians and Reptiles of the Carolinas and Virginia, due to be re-released this year by the University of North Carolina Press. His obituary in the Post and Courier recounted his respected career: “After retiring from the College of Charleston, Dr. Harrison continued his work as a professional herpetologist and naturalist. He was widely recognized as an expert on the salamanders of the southeastern U.S. In 2003, he described a new species of salamander, Eurycea chamberlaini,” which he named in honor of his childhood mentor, E. Burnham Chamberlain, Curator of Natural History at the Charleston Museum. Former Conservation League Program Director Jane Lareau remembers Dr. Harrison: “Julian was a wonderful man in so many ways. Always a delight to spend time with. Kind, thoughtful, looking for ways to help. One of those rare human beings.” He will be missed. Ms. Prudence Scott Mr. John M. Shaffer Mr. and Mrs. David V. Shuckstes Mr. Mark Sloan and Ms. Michelle Van Parys Dr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Smith Mr. and Mrs. C. Harwin Smith South Carolina Forestry Association Mr. and Mrs. Marshall C. Stone, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. S. David Stoney, Jr. Mr. Glenn Storck and Ms. Susan Harrington Dr. and Mrs. Luther M. Strayer III Brandy and Sean Sullivan Dr. and Mrs. Charles P. Summerall III Mr. William B. Talbert, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Edmund R. Taylor Louis and Jane Theiling Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Thomas Ms. Ann Timberlake and Mr. Ben Gregg Dr. Eugene Vasilew Mrs. Alice O. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Alfred White Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. White Dr. Susan White and Mr. Brian Smith Dr. and Mrs. T.D. Williams III Rev. and Mrs. W. F. Wingard Ms. Patricia Wolman SUPPORTER ($50 - $99) Anonymous (2) Ms. Margaret W. Abrams Dr. and Mrs. William D. Anderson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Austin Mr. and Mrs. Jason T. Ayers John and Laura Baker Mr. Michael Banyas Mr. Weldon P. Barker Barrier Island Eco Tours Edward and Adelaida Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Berchem Dr. Colum Boyland and Dr. Deo Boyland Mr. Jack Brantley Dr. Jack Bryan Mr. and Mrs. James T. Burns Ms. Randy Cabell Alyssondra Campaigne Ms. Deborah Campbell-Lawson Mr. Timothy Carens Ms. Margaret H. Carter Ms. Michelle Chavez Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Clauss Dr. and Mrs. Hugh V. Coleman Brian Cook Mr. Paul Cooper Mrs. Drucilla C. Copeland Ms. Margaret Cormack Mr. Woody Cox Mrs. Angela Creed Dr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Croffead Mr. and Mrs. Jim Currie Ms. Marilyn W. Curry Ms. Anne Cyran Mr. J. Dwight Dana Daufuskie Island Conservancy Ms. Lee Depret-Bixio Dr. Dorothy A. Doniphan Dr. and Mrs. William W. Duke Mr. Joe Dukes c o a s t a l c o ns e r v a t i o n l e a g u e 21 19 Ms. Susan K. Dunn Ms. Patricia Dwight Mrs. Carolyn Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Feldman Mr. Stewart Fenimore and Ms. Gretchen Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fitts Mr. and Mrs. E. Gregorie Frampton Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Freeman Dr. Charles E. Friedman Mrs. Shirley M. Fry Mr. William H. Frye Mr. John W. Glenn Mr. and Mrs. Howard Goodwin Mr. and Mrs. Albert I. Grabb Mr. C. Wesley Grady Dr. Jerrold Griggs and Ms. Deynise Lau Mr. and Mrs. James A. Grimsley III Mr. Roland T. Harper, Jr. Mrs. Margaret N. Harris Mr. Jonathan N. Harvey Mr. and Mrs. William B. Hassell Lt. Col. and Mrs. Timothy L. Holt Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin A. Hough Mr. Steve Humbert Ms. Bonnie L. Ideal Mrs. Evelyn S. Irwin Nancy and Ricky James Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. James Mr. and Mrs. J. Gwyn Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson D. Kirby III Mr. and Mrs. Randolph W. Kirkland Mrs. Sallie Kirven Mr. Kurt W. Krucke Ms. Catherine Ksenzak Ms. Pam Kylstra Ms. Angelyn M. Ladue Ms. Pat Levi Ms. Peggy W. Levinson Dr. Susan Libes Mr. and Mrs. Cisco Lindsey Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Lockwood Marilyn H. Long Mr. and Mrs. C. Donald Lord, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Danforth Loring Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mack Patrick and Valerie Mauldin Ms. Lucy E. Maxwell Mr. J.C. McElveen, Jr. Mr. Joey McKinnon Mrs. Elizabeth C. McLean Dr. and Mrs. Jack A. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Howard Michaels Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Middleton Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Miller, Jr. Dr. Page Putnam Miller Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Montgomery Dr. Richard Moore and Ms. M. Robin Morris Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Morton Mr. and Mrs. Arvin R. Mosier Ms. Kathleen H. Nolan Ms. Teri Norris Mrs. Hierome L. Opie Mr. Samuel P. Parker, Jr. Mr. Lionel Pasiuk Mr. and Mrs. William Perry Mr. David L. Porter Thank You! Eugenia Payne Joins Staff E ugenia Payne, freelance writer and communications consultant, has joined the staff of the Coastal Conservation League as the Assistant to the Director, Dana Beach. A Charleston native, Eugenia is a graduate of Porter Gaud and the College of Charleston, where she earned a B.A. in Anthropology. Before coming to the Conservation League, Eugenia worked for a variety of conservation organizations, publishers and publications, including Island Press of Washington, DC, the Urban Land Institute, Wired magazine in San Francisco, and Garden and Gun magazine in Charleston. As a writer, Eugenia has focused, in particular, on sustainability and design. A dedicated conservationist, she has volunteered in numerous capacities with the League and other conservation organizations. Welcome Eugenia! FSC logo Printed on New Leaf Reincarnation • 100% Recycled, 50% Post-Consumer Waste • Processed Chlorine Free • Manufactured with electricity that is offset with Green-e® certified renewable energy certificates • Ancient Forest Friendly • Inks are formulated with more than 20% renewable soy and vegetable oils. Dr. Kimberly Pugh Mr. and Mrs. Tarrant Putnam Frances C. Rhett Mr. J. Cheshire Rhett Mr. and Mrs. William S. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Rosengarten Mr. and Mrs. Barrie C. Ross Mr. and Mrs. William A. Roumillat Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Sawyer Mr. and Mrs. Peter Saxon Mrs. Alice Anne S. Scarborough Mr. and Mrs. Richard Scelfo Mr. Wayne S. Severance Dr. J. Robert Shirley Mr. and Mrs. Randy S. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Somers Dr. Donald Sparks and Dr. Katherine Saenger Ms. Jennifer Staton Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart Mr. and Mrs. George Stilwell Mr. and Mrs. John J. Stuart Mrs. Tonnia K. Switzer-Smalls Mr. Michael T. Swomley Dr. and Mrs. Harold Simmons Tate, Jr. Ms. Mareta Thompson and Mr. Phil Dillon Mr. Russell E. Thompson Mr. John Tibbetts and Ms. Catherine Fahey Mr. Roger D. Van Horsen Mr. and Mrs. Maurice K. Veronee Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Vogel Dr. Harshad Vyas Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Walker Mrs. William H. Wallace, Jr. Mrs. John S. Whaley Mr. and Mrs. Hans J. Wiegert Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Williams Mrs. Johnnie L. Witt REGULAR ($30 - $49) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Agee Mr. William F. Aull John and Ann Ballantyne Mr. John Batson Ms. Carol Padgett Black Dr. Heather A. Boger Drs. William and Sallie Boggs Ms. Rosalie Bradham Ms. Susan Breslin Lara Byrns Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Calhoun Mr. and Mrs. Tom Camp Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Cheatham Diann Clark Mr. Michael Cline and Ms. Jennifer Mathis Ms. Kathleen M. Coats Mr. Calvin Cobb Rev. Jacqueline A. Collins Mr. Gerald D. Cowart Mr. Glenn Dalhart Mr. Tyler Davidson Ms. Nancy Johnson De Merell Mr. and Mrs. Morris K. Deason Mr. and Mrs. Henry X. Diercxsens Capt. Robert A. Doyle USMC Ms. Sylvia K. Dreyfus Mr. Walter V. Duane Ms. Susan Durkalski Mr. Patrick H. Eager Dr. Linda C. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Ewing Mr. Fred Fellers III Mr. Raymond A. Fisher Mrs. Diane Fosnocht Mr. Charles A. Fox Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Fugitt Ms. Mary Garren Ms. Charlotte R. Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. Bob Greaves Mrs. Ann Fripp Hampton Mr. Charles A. Harrison Ms. Molli M. Hartzog Mr. and Mrs. William B. Harvey III Mr. G. Barrie Heinzenknecht Mrs. Toni O. Hendrix Katherine Hillock Ms. Morna L. Hollister Ms. Eva Horry Mr. Allen B. Hutchison Rep. and Mrs. Heyward G. Hutson Mr. and Mrs. Graeme H. Johnson Mr. Philip H. Jos Miss Rachael Kefalos Ms. Susan Kern Ms. Margaret W. Kherlopian Mr. Fred W. Kinard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Marion A. Knox Mrs. Wendy Kulick Ms. Beverly G. Lane Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Larence Dr. and Mrs. Gary Leonard Dr. and Mrs. Paul Levy Dr. Julian R. Lewin Mr. and Mrs. Richards C. Lewis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton F. Liber Mrs. Ellen Lovelady Ms. Marcia M. Lucius Mrs. Patti Manigault Ms. Deirdre C. Mays Sophia C. McAllister Mr. and Mrs. Scott McNair Mr. Charles L. Measter Ms. Constance B. Merwin Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Miller Ms. Anita Moran Mr. Thomas O'Neal and Ms. Helen Drivas Mr. Charles N. O'Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Russell Olivier Mrs. Mary Ellen Page Ms. Mary L. Patten Ms. Debbie Petrovich Mr. and Mrs. Hunter R. Pettus, Jr. Ms. Patricia Powers Mr. William Pregnall Mrs. Mary Pringle Mrs. Sarah G. Pringle Mr. and Mrs. S. Paul Ramsey Mrs. Anne Rhett Ms. Bryn O. Richard Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Rickenbaker, Jr. c o a s t a l c o ns e r v a t i o n l e a g u e 22 Ms. Janice E. Rideout Mr. and Mrs. Eric L. Robey Ms. M. Traylor Rucker Ms. Meredith Russo Mrs. Sara O. Ryals Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Salisbury, Jr. Dr. Steven D. Shapiro Jessi Shuler Dr. Paul Siegel Mr. and Mrs. John Siegling Dr. Peter L. Silveston Ms. Jessica Smith Ileana Strauch Ms. Merike Tamm Mr. William C. Twitty, P.E. Mr. Art von Lehe Wendy Wicke J. Williams Dr. and Mrs. Ray L. Wilson, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Winfield Dr. and Mrs. Allan S. Yard STUDENT ($15 - $29) Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Beattie Mr. David H. Brophy Ms. Pam Creech Mrs. John H. Cronly Mr. and Mrs. Brad DeVos Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Dragun Mr. Morris P. Ferris Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Flood Mr. Martin G. Gipe, Sr. Mr. C. L. Graham Mr. and Mrs. John F. Green Mr. Roger R. Lebel Mr. Thomas Lipinski Mr. and Mrs. Mark Miller Mr. and Mrs. David J. Painter Mr. Frank Procaccini Ms. Nikki Seibert Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Smolen Ms. Helene Snyder Ms. Elizabeth Stafford Mrs. Mary M. Storen Mr. Peter S. Uzdavinis Dr. and Mrs. Jack M. Valpey Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Wolf Clean Water Matters Buist Academy 5th grade students Thomas Lehman and John Michael Wager discuss with Charleston Mayor Joe Riley the results of their Clean Water Conservation project, including ways that the City of Charleston might filter its stormwater before it drains into Charleston Harbor. Conservation League Project Manager Katie Zimmerman advised John Michael and Thomas on their study. Thank You! Charlotte Caldwell IN KIND DONATIONS HONOR/MEMORIALS In Memory of Mrs. Patti Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Ager Dr. Colum Boyland and Dr. Deo Boyland Ms. Theresa L. Brady Nancy and Billy Cave Michael and Megan Desrosiers Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Flood Mr. and Mrs. D. Cabell Gilley Mrs. Dorothy P. Gnann Ms. Holly H. Hook and Mr. Dennis A. Glaves Nora Kravec and Charles Cyr Mr. and Mrs. J. William Ogden Dr. and Mrs. Scott C. Shaffer Mrs. Mary K. Sine Mrs. George L. Tucker In Memory of Mr. William Brown Mrs. Octavia M. Mahon In Memory of Mrs. Clara Elmore Mrs. Octavia M. Mahon In Memory of Mrs. Faye Fishburne Mrs. Octavia M. Mahon In Memory of Mr. Louis Warmouth Mrs. Octavia M. Mahon In Memory of Mr. William B. Gibson Mrs. Octavia M. Mahon In Memory of Mr. Henry P. Worrell Nancy and Billy Cave Melissa and Michael Ladd In Memory of Mr. Marion Lucas Mrs. Octavia M. Mahon In Memory of Col. W. H. Nelson Mrs. Octavia M. Mahon In Memory of Mr. Frank Rhett Mrs. Anne Rhett In Memory of Mrs. Rosa Schwartz Mrs. Octavia M. Mahon In Memory of Mr. J. Stuart Levi Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Storen In Honor of Allie E. Swanson Ms. Cynthia Swanson Powell In Memory of Mrs. Dorothea Wray Mrs. Octavia M. Mahon GIFTS OF MEMBERSHIP Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Beattie for Mr. Nicholas Beattie Ms. Amanda Griffith for Ms. Marjorie Herbert Ms. Amanda Griffith for Ms. Virginia P. Herbert Col. and Mrs. Paul J. Sykes for Miss Elizabeth Sykes Mr. and Mrs. Arch W. Templeton for Ms. Linda L. Marshall Tom Blagden Peter Brown, McGill University Tom Butler, Wildlands Philanthropy J.W. Nelson Chandler Celie Dailey Dan Dickison Dr. Jean Everett Mary Edna Fraser Henry Hagerty The Inn at Palmetto Bluff Will Lindsey Honor Marks MESSA John Moore Mark Purcell, FWS Grove Plantation Nikki Seibert T. Grange Simons Stephanie Visser Cara White, Independent Lens Community Cinema Maria Whitehead MATCHING GIFTS GE Foundation Grainger Matching Charitable Gifts Program IBM International Foundation COMMUNITY FOUNDATIONS Central Carolina Community Foundation Central Carolina Community Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Lawson Escrow Fund Coastal Community Foundation Amanda’s Fund Anonymous Fund Colbert Family Fund Houghton Fund Elizabeth C. Rivers Lewine Endowment The Millbrook Fund Joanne and Alan Moses Fund Owen/McClinton Family Fund Fred E. Pittman Fund Pomerantz-Wilcox Family Fund Mayo and Posey Myers Read Fund Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga, Inc. Jay and Jennifer Mills Fund Community Foundation of Greenville, Inc. Jim Gilreath Family Fund Community Foundation of the Lowcountry, Inc. Berry and Ruthie Edwards Giving Back Fund Martha C. Worthy Charitable Fund The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina Alexander and Laurinda Schenck Fund Foundation for the Carolinas Fred and Alice Stanback, Jr. The New York Community Trust The Barns Fund The Bohemia Fund Feldman Family Fund The John Winthrop Fund Pasadena Community Foundation Gay S. Huffman Fund The Pittsburgh Foundation F.E. Agnew Family Fund c o a s t a l c o ns e r v a t i o n l e a g u e 23 19 Don’t Miss A Behind the Scenes Tour of the Charleston Battery “Green” Stadium Conservation League, check out our Web site Friday, July 24th at P.O. Box 1765 Charleston, SC 29402-1765 For more information about the Coastal Tour starts at 5:30pm, led by Andrew Bell, President of the Charleston Battery. $5 for League members. Includes pre-game stadium tour, tickets to the soccer game at 7:30pm – Charleston Battery vs. Carolina Railhawks – and a post-game Fireworks Spectacular. Contact Troy Lawrence at Charleston Battery for reservations: Call (843) 971-4625 ext.215 or email at Troy.Lawrence@ Celebrating 20 Years The mission of the Coastal Conservation League is to protect the natural environment of the South Carolina coastal plain and to enhance the quality of life of our communities by working with individuals, businesses and government to ensure balanced solutions. Fun! Summer photos by Dana Beach the clean waters and clean air of the South Carolina coast. Cover Artist: After 32 years of serving on education and conservation nonprofit boards, cover artist Charlotte Caldwell has shifted her focus back to a childhood passion – photography. Behind a camera lens she focuses on the intimate and miraculous, common occurrences happening all around us – a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis, the dynamics between a grizzly bear and a gray wolf, or the mist rising from a bald cypress swamp at first light. To view more of her work, as well as an array of original note cards for purchase, please visit her Web site at