MGLS Multiwell Analysis Paper
MGLS Multiwell Analysis Paper
Multiwell Analysis of Downhole Physical Rock Properties of Kimberlite: Guacho Kuĕ, Northwest Territories Susanne MacMahon 1, Senior Geoscientist, Earthfx Inc., Toronto, Ontario Chris Wallace 2, Senior Geophysicist, Debeers Canada Exploration, Yellowknife, NWT Dirk Kassenaar 3, Director of Application Development , Viewlog Systems, Toronto, Ontario Bill Morris 4, Professor, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario MacMahon S. E., Wallace C., Kassenaar D.J., Morris W.A., Multiwell Analysis of Downhole Physical Rock Properties of Kimberlite: Guacho Kuĕ, Northwest Territories, in Proceedings of the 8th International KEGS/MGLS Symposium on Logging for Minerals and Geotechnical Applications, Toronto 21-23 August 2002 Abstract Kimberlite pipes commonly comprise a number of different lithological phases. How these individual phases interrelate to one another often has major economic significance. If the individual lithological classes have distinct physical properties then it should be possible to construct a geophysical model that describes the internal morphology of each kimberlite pipe. Multiparameter borehole geophysical measurements were collected from 71 boreholes, at the Guacho Kuĕ property in the Lac de Gras area, Northwest Territories. Four pipes surveyed in this study are; 5034, Hearne, Tuzo and Tesla. Measurements were made with the following tools; Natural Gamma, Neutron-Neutron, Gamma-Gamma, Inductive Conductivity, Spontaneous Potential, Point Resistance, Magnetic Susceptibility and 3 Arm Caliper. The key to interpreting multi-parameter borehole data is data integration. It is truly a multivariate data set with varying correlations between physical parameters for different lithological units. Spreadsheets and most graphical display packages are primarily 2dimensional, whereas geophysical borehole data, is 4-dimensional (x,y,z position and physical parameter). To achieve easy access to data in a multi-well, multi-parameter setting requires construction of a relational database. In this type of setting it becomes relatively simple to test hypotheses on the basis of physical property, depth, location, or any combination of parameters. Physical properties can discriminate lithoclasses on the basis of discreet clusters of points on 2D, or 3D cross plots. The degree to which the points cluster versus the separation between individual cluster centroids defines the “uniqueness” of each lithoclass. 2D cross plots from single holes allow the log analyst to verify that the geophysical (lithoclass) 1,3 71 Cranbrooke Ave., Toronto, Ontario, M5M1M3, Canada. Email:, 1William Morgan Drive, Toronto, Ontario, M4H 1N6, Canada. Email: 4 Applied Geophysics Research Group, School of Geography and Geology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario Email: 2 Multiwell Analysis of Physical Properties MacMahon, Wallace, Kassenaar and Morris boundaries are compatible with known geological lithological boundaries. Multi-well cross plotting allows the analyst to determine if the same discriminant parameters are applicable across the whole body. Having picked correlative discriminant lithoclasses the analyst can then construct 3D models showing the geometry of lithoclass surfaces. Within the Guacho Kuĕ property petrophysical analysis suggests three main lithoclasses of kimberlite; K1, K2 and K3. Each lithoclass can be further subdivided into secondary classes; K1a, K1b and K1c, K2a and K2b, K3a, K3b, K3d. The granite host rocks of the Guacho Kuĕ property exhibited physical properties that are substantially dissimilar from the kimberlites and can be subdivided into three distinct, granitic lithoclasses: G1, G2 and G3. Multiwell cross plotting indicates that kimberlite bodies 5034 and Hearne appear to have similar physical rock properties, based on the degree of clustering within each defined lithoclass. Kimberlite bodies Tuzo and Tesla appear to have independent and unrelated physical rock properties compared to 5034 and Hearne. Krigging the individual parameters along selected sections allows the log analysts to develop an initial conception of the geometry of the kimberlite phases within each independent body. The process of multiwell analysis further allows the log analysist to derive the conceptual geometric model based on the ability to identify the unique interactions of measured parameters. Introduction Exploration of the grade potential of a mineral prospect has traditionally been established by diamond or reverse circulation drilling of a series of holes. The geometry and grade of the deposit was estimated by a combination of chemical assaying and land geological mapping. These quantitative and qualitative techniques provide only limited information from the borehole resolution of deposit grade, which depends on the interval sample. Also, in lithologically complex terrain each geologist logging core may employ different criteria for the discrimination of the lithoclasses. In recent years there have been many advances in borehole geophysical tools. Physical rock property logging is the measurement of the response of the earth, through which the drill hole passes, to various electrical and radioactive pulses emitted from geophysical logging tools and the naturally occurring emissions. Simultaneously there have been a dramatic change in the sophistication of borehole interpretation software. Increased computing power of the PC platform has facilitated increased use of graphical interpretation routines. Geological Setting The Slave Structural Province of the Northwest Territories, Canada, is an Archean segment of the North American Craton. It composed of granites, gneisses and supracrustal rocks (Pell, J.A, 1997) and is a classic setting for diamondiferous kimberlites. The kimberlites of the Slave Province are not exposed at the surface and have been found using a variety of techniques ranging from; heavy mineral sampling, geophysical techniques and drilling. The typical geophysical signatures are high or low magnetic anomalies and resistivity lows. The principle diamond bearing kimberlites are Multiwell Analysis of Physical Properties MacMahon, Wallace, Kassenaar and Morris found in the Lac de Gras region, in the east central slave Province. The kimberlites intrude the granites and metasedimentary rocks as well as diabase dykes (Pell, J.A. 1997). Typically they include crater and massive hypabyssal facies and some diatreme facies may also be present (Pell, J.A. 1997). Data Collection 703480 703500 7036000 Multiparameter borehole geophysical measurements were collected at the Guacho Kuĕ property in the Lac de Gras area, Northwest Territories, to obtain in situ physical rock property data in kimberlites and their host rocks. Four pipes on the property were probed including; 5034, Hearne, Tuzo and Tesla. The tools used for this survey included; Natural Gamma, Neutron-Neutron, Gamma-Gamma, Inductive Conductivity, Spontaneous Potential, Point Resistance, Magnetic Susceptibility and 3 Arm Caliper. A total of 71 holes were surveys for the project including 28 NQ, diamond drilled holes and 43 reverse circulation holes ranging in diameter from HQ to 12.75” (33.15cm). Below are the individual body outlines and hole locations. MPV-9946L MPV-9916C MPV-9940L MPV-9944L Northing 703480 7035950 MPV-9902C MPV-9725C/24C MPV-9919L MPV-9918L MPV-9948L MPV-9913C 7035850 MPV-9911C/14C 588400 MPV-9950L MPV-9904C MPV-9910C MPV-9937L 588300 MPV-9922L MPV-9949L MPV-9903C 7035750 588200 MPV-9920L MPV-9913L MPV-9921L MPV-9939L MPV-9947L MPV-9912C MPV-9916L MPV-9915L MPV-9941L 7035800 703460 703470 MPV-9945L 703450 Northing MPV-9942L 588500 588600 588700 MPV-9713C/9726C 588800 589700 Easting Figure I: Hearne Kimberlite Pipe 589750 589800 589850 Easting 589900 589950 Figure II: Tuzo Kimberlite Pipe Multiwell Analysis of Physical Properties 7035400 MPV-9909C 7035300 MPV-9951L MPV-9905C MPV-9933L MPV-9954L MPV-9929L MPV-9936L MPV-9952L MPV-9931L MPV-9953L Northing MPV-9928L MPV-9903L 7035200 7036250 Northing 7036300 7035500 MacMahon, Wallace, Kassenaar and Morris MPV-9901L MPV-9914L MPV-9904L MPV-9902L MPV-9907L MPV-9905L MPV-9909L MPV-9908L 7035100 MPV-9906L 7036200 MPV-9912L MPV-9911L MPV-9910L MPV-9907C 589100 Easting MPV-9908C 589150 589200 589200 Figure III: Tesla Kimberlite Pipe 589300 589400 Easting 589500 589600 Figure IV: 5034 Kimberlite Pipe he four kimberlite pipes which encompass the core of this study, were chosen based on the variety of occurring kimberlitic facies both within the pipes and between the pipes. The geophysical physical rock property signatures exhibited by each of the primary facies; Hypabyssal kimberlite, Tuffisitic kimberlite and Volcaniclastic kimberlite can be readily distinguished by distinct changes in either one or more of the parameters, using crossplots and composite plots of the logs. Secondary features within these facies are less unique and require a more rigorous approach, specifically some form of multivariate analysis and classification routines. The host rock, in all cases is granitic in composition, and exhibits distinct physical properties, allowing for straightforward interpretations. Data Reduction The preliminary step in any borehole physics project is to plot the raw traces of each parameter per drill hole and apply the necessary hole corrections and normalizations. Figure V, shows a typical corrected field plot, each trace is reserved for one parameter, where each parameter highlighted by different colors. Geophysical picks are then made, based on visual observations of how each parameter responds to a different lithology, i.e. For example this kimberlite, granite shows a high neutron, high gamma, low density response, where as kimberlite will have a low neutron, low gamma, higher density response in most cases. This is called preliminary picking, whereby the log analysist establishes the basic boundaries between two very distinct and unique litho units. Secondary and tertiary picking (K1, K1a, K2, K2b), within the primary classifications, can be highly subjective and very dependent on the ability of the log analyst to accurately discriminate between slight changes in response per parameter AND the relationship of that response to the other parameters. The objective, via visual discrimination, is to establish UNIQUE lithoclasses as defined by all the parameters. This is usually done without the aid of the geological interpretation, thus making the geophysical interpretation unbiased. Multiwell Analysis of Physical Properties MacMahon, Wallace, Kassenaar and Morris DeBeers Canada MPV-9905L BOREHOLE GEOPHYSICAL PROFILES 237.1 m 7035165 N/A -90° 589389 Feb 1999 12.25" Feb 9, 1999 Woody Coulson and Jim Atkinson 5034 KIMBERLITE PIPE KENNADY LAKE, NT Depth Scale = 1:1250 Depth Gamma Ray (CPS) 350 (Metres) 0 0 400 Neutron (CPS) 2000 Rel Density 2 2.9 Mag Sus 0 (Log SIx10-3) 1.5 5 Ind Cond (mS/m) 150 0 Point Res (ohms) 600 -10 -20 -30 Sonic Vel 2000 (m/s) 7000 Caliper 3A 300 (mm) 400 Overburden Kimberlite K1 -40 -50 -60 Kimberlite K1 -70 -80 -90 -100 -110 -120 Kimberlite K1b -130 -140 -150 -160 -170 Kimberlite K1 -180 -190 -200 -210 -220 Granite -230 -240 Figure V:Corrected multi parameter downhole geophysical field plot Interpreting Physical Rock Properties for Kimberlites During the development of an interpretation methodology close consultations were made with the geologist logging the core from the delineation holes. The geology was compared to the physical rock property signatures and the observations below form the basis for the interpretation methodology. 1. Natural Gamma Ray In the igneous/metamorphic environment of the slave geological province, the natural gamma is prone to large variations (50 - 350 CPS). These large variations are due to the presence of potassium-feldspar in the granite. Multiwell Analysis of Physical Properties MacMahon, Wallace, Kassenaar and Morris 2. Dual Neutron Porosity The neutron-neutron tool reacts to hydrogen content of the rock. Water being the main source of hydrogen, the tool is mainly affected by porosity. The granites are a very tight formation and respond with high neutron counts. The kimberlites absorb many more neutrons and therefore respond with a variety of levels of lower counts. Pore water may be the primary source of hydrogen in the less dense kimberlite. The very dense (2.8g/cc) hypabyssal kimberlite has been seen to have a significant amount of hydrogen as well. However given the high density the hydrogen may be bound in the crystal structure of a hydrous phase of mica, such as phlogopite. 3. Dual Gamma Density The relative density data is computed from the Gamma-Gamma tool. The Counts Per Second (CPS) is inversely proportional to the bulk density, a linear relationship has been assumed. From a visual standpoint, the density tool was used extensively to discriminate between the three types of kimberlite. The hypabyssal kimberlite (HK) is generally more dense than granite. The tuffisitic kimberlite (TK) is much less dense than granite and the transitional kimberlite has a density in between HK and TK. The granite response in the density logs was variable especially in the zones near the kimberlite contact. 4. Magnetic Susceptibility The magnetic susceptibility was continuously, measured up the hole every 5cm and the resulting profile is much more reliable than static hand held measurements. The profiles in the granites are variable, units of both high and low magnetite content were observed. The kimberlites behave in a more predictable fashion. On average the hypabyssal kimberlite contains more magnetic minerals than the TK. There were TKB (transition kimberlite with hydrothermal alteration) kimberlites observed which were the exception to this rule, they were seen to have moderate magnetic susceptibility with low density. The transitional kimberlite units were variable and magnetic susceptibility was not reliable for its interpretation. 5. Inductive Conductivity The inductive conductivity instrument was helpful in showing the small variations in electrical conductivity in the TK type kimberlites where the magnetic susceptibility is low. This parameter was observed to have a high correlation to the magnetic susceptibility in areas of high magnetic susceptibility. 6. Point Resistance The point resistance tool was very useful in distinguishing between the HK and TK kimberlite. The HK kimberlite and granite have a high resistance. The TK and transitional are more conductive in varying amounts. 7. Sonic Velocity The sonic P-wave velocity measured highest velocities in the granites and the HK kimberlite. The lowest velocities were seen in the TK kimberlite. The velocity log is erratic in the granites and consistent in the kimberlite. The sonic velocity data partially reflects the density information within the wall rock. Another immediate benefit of the sonic tool is the information about alteration zones near the kimberlite contact. Erratic calculated velocities in the altered zones are the result of fractures that diffract the transmitted wave and produce unreliable velocities. The pattern of noise is diagnostic of highly fractured rock. Multiwell Analysis of Physical Properties MacMahon, Wallace, Kassenaar and Morris 8. 3-Arm Caliper The 3-arm caliper log is good indication of competence in kimberlite. The borehole will change shape at the granite/kimberlite contact and it will also show a larger diameter in the TK kimberlite, which is generally a soft rock. The caliper was used to map zones of less competent TK kimberlite in both the Hearne and Tesla Kimberlite. Lithology Classification System for Kimberlites From the initial composite log interpretations three distinct kimberlite types were interpreted, as were four country rock types. Subsets of these types were also identified for each kimberlite using statistical comparisons. A three-tier system of classification was used to facilitate the modeling of the bodies in the future. A brief description of each kimberlite type is summarized below. General Geological distinctions for Guacho Kuĕ 1. K The letter K is given to all lithologies that are interpreted to be kimberlite i.e. hypabyssal, and transitional kimberlite. 2. G The letter G is assigned to all lithologies that are interpreted to be country rock i.e. Granite and gneiss host rock, granite xenoliths with in kimberlite and any other xenoliths. Primary Distinctions for Guacho Kuĕ 1. K1 This rock was typically found to be a hypabyssal kimberlite (HK). The K1 is as dense or denser than the granite host rock and displays similar high resistance and low conductance in the electrical logs. Natural gamma and neutron counts are much lower than the granites. Typically the magnetic susceptibility is high compared to other kimberlites. Sonic velocities are high in the K1 kimberlite. 2. K2 This kimberlite is a medium response kimberlite that usually describes a transitional zone within the kimberlite. This lithology is described by values that fall either in the K1 range or the K3 range but is not uniquely either. 3. K3 The K3 response was usually found to coincide with tuffisitic kimberlite (TK) intersections in the drill hole. The signature has low density, low sonic velocity, low magnetic susceptibility, and low resistivity. 4. G1 The G1 granite is dense competent granite. This rock contains potassium feldspar crystals that raise the natural gamma count far above a kimberlite rock signature. The neutron log is also important in interpreting the granite, the neutron counts are very high in fresh granite due to the extreme low porosity. 5. G2 Multiwell Analysis of Physical Properties MacMahon, Wallace, Kassenaar and Morris G2 is altered granite, which resides along fractures in the country rock. The granite has had a large portion of the quartz crystals removed and this pore space is seen in the neutron, density and sonic velocity data. The neutron CPS readings are near the kimberlite range but the potassium feldspar is still present and gives Natural Gamma CPS readings in the granite range. 6. G3 This is a subset of G1 that has the same properties as G1 except a low natural gamma count, which probably reflects low potassium feldspar content. 7. G4 G4 is an unusual signature from a xenolith inclusion. For example a very low gamma count with a high neutron might indicate a meta-sedimentary xenolith. Secondary Distinctions for Guacho Kuĕ 1. K1a & b The distinction between K1a and K1b is seen in the kimberlite/granite contact zones or K1/K3 contacts zone. The K1b is the hard core of a K1 unit and the K1a zones reside near the contact and shows signatures which begin to decline from the K1b extremes. 2. K1c The K1c lithology is very similar to the K1b in density, sonic velocity and point resistance. The distinction is made in the neutron and magnetic susceptibility. This dense, fast and resistive rock has high hydrogen content as indicated by the low neutron readings. The magnetic susceptibility is also low in this rock which is unusual for the K1 lithology. 3. K3a & b The distinction between K3a and K3b is seen to be mostly a function of density, sonic velocity and borehole rugosity. The K3a lithology is a relatively competent kimberlite with typical low K3 signatures. K3b is an even lower density kimberlite where the borehole walls are very weak and a slight rise in sonic velocity occurs in most cases. This weakness result in extreme bore hole caving and the caliper log maps these zones very accurately. 4. K3c K3c signature is typically K3 except for an elevated Natural Gamma response. These increases are most likely due to highly fractured granites in the kimberlite. There is also a higher than normal magnetic susceptibility that might also be due to the magnetite in the granite within the breccia. Database Construction Data storage is a fundamental aspect of any geophysical survey. Historically, data has been stored in spreadsheets, bound by row-column layout, to either view or manipulate the data. As mentioned previously, downhole geophysics is essentially a multivariate data set. The interpretation, analysis and final model are part of an integrated solution that best describes the problem and answers the relevant questions that arise through the interpretation process. A portion of the data analysis methodology is one based on Multiwell Analysis of Physical Properties MacMahon, Wallace, Kassenaar and Morris visualization and descriptives, the underlying ability to search and manipulate the data and separate it from storage is paramount. This can be achieved be setting up a relational database. A database is collection of records and files that are organized for a particular purpose. The design and structure of the database arises from how the data will be defined (i.e. the type of data and how the data is related), manipulated (i.e. filtering, relating, sorting) and controlled (user access, read only, etc.). The functionality then rests on the ability to relate the fact that each record in the database contains information related to a single subject and only that subject. In a relational database all the data is stored in tables. The tables store information about the subject and have columns that contain different kinds of information about the subject and the rows that describe all the attributes of a single instance of that subject. A query, run on one or more tables results in something that resembles another table, but only the query is stored not the resulting table. The choice of database software rests solely on the user, this project utilized Microsoft Access. VIEWLOG is programmed to readily upload LAS files and/or VIEWLOG *.hdr files created in the field, in a fast and efficient manner. Template header files that are created in VIEWLOG and dynamically linked to the database allow for easy and friendly user access. Composite plots for each hole, can then be created, integrating both the interpreted core or chip geology with the geophysical parameters and interpretation. The results are shown in figure XI. Composite plots are essentially the final trace plot created. The information is presented in a format that is visually intuitive, where colors allow the untrained eye to key in on the important geophysical boundaries. DE BEERS CANADA EXPLORATION INC. BOREHOLE GEOPHYSICAL PROFILES HEARNE Kimberlite Pipe Large Diameter Drill Hole MPV-9945L Northing: 7034720 Easting: 588455 Drilled: Logged: 3/11/1999 Surveyed by: QLS Project Number: 4058 Length: 155 Azimuth: Dip: -90 Diameter: 12.25" Processed by: Comments: Petrology Depth (Metres) 0 Gamma Ray (CPS) 350 400 Neutron (CPS) 2000 Rel Density 2 2.9 Mag Sus .01 (Log SIx10-3) 50 5 Ind Cond (mS/m) 150 0 0 0 Point Res (ohms) 500 SP (MV) 500 2000 Sonic Vel (m/s) 7000 300 Caliper 3A (mm) 400 Geophysical Intrep ICE/WATER ICE/WATER OVB OVB -20 HK K2 -30 HK -40 HK K3b G2 K3a K2 -50 HK -10 K3a K2 -60 -70 K1a -80 HK -90 K1b -100 K1a -110 K1b -120 GRAN G1 -130 K2 -140 HK -150 K1b Figure VI: Composite plot for MPV-9945L from Hearne Kimberlite Pipe Cross plots There is an iterative process between creating the final composite plots and single well cross plots. Cross plots of two or more parameters, keyed to the geophysical lithoclasses give a visual check on the original geophysical boundary picks. The definition of a lithoclass is a UNIQUE grouping of measurements, as defined by a set of given geophysical parameters. The degree to which the class is unique, within the constrains of Multiwell Analysis of Physical Properties MacMahon, Wallace, Kassenaar and Morris EDA methodology, is established via visual discrimination from field plots and cross referenced by cross plots. On a cross plot, a lithoclass is represented by a cluster of points. The degree to which the points cluster in conjunction with the extent of separation between the individual clusters defines the “uniqueness” of each lithoclass. In VIEWLOG there are a number of ways of presenting the data; from 2D plots and 3D plots of individual holes to multiwell cross plotting in both dimensions. 2D cross plots from single holes allow the log analysist to visually verify the geophysical picks and make the corresponding adjustments. Multiwell cross plotting allows for the integrated solution, by plotting a series of holes together, testing the association, relationship and more importantly the correlatibility of the lithoclasses across the body. Cross plots also provide a visual cross-referencing methodology on the calibration and normalization procedures. Though many of the calibrations, for individual parameters are derived from predetermined processes, in many cases serious errors can result. Cross plots in combination with composite plots provide a method of quality assurance and quality control, before the logging has been completed. Discussion The first challenge is to visually, recognize which parameter(s) or factor(s) are the most important to discriminate the independent lithoclasses. The second is to establish whether or not there are relationships/correlations between the kimberlite bodies. In the subsections below are a series of cross plots from the four kimberlite bodies. 5034 Examination of several combinations of physical property measurements from the 5034 kimberlite pipe, established that the factors of primary importance included, neutron (cps), density (g/cc)), natural gamma (cps) and sonic velocity(m/s). Figure VII, shows how the granite classes can be classified on the bases of only two physical properties. The degree to which they are unique will be further quantified by classical statistical techniques. Of significance is the lack of clustering within the granite lithoclass. However; Figure VIII, shows that the combination of sonic velocity and density control the degree of clustering. Figure IX, a 3D cross plot, displaying Sonic Velocity, Density and Neutron, shows the importance in understanding the effect that a combination of parameters has on the ability to define each lithoclass. Multiwell Analysis of Physical Properties MacMahon, Wallace, Kassenaar and Morris Multi W ell Physical Rock Properties Cross Sections Multi W ell Physical Rock Properties Cross Sections 5034 Kimberlite Pipe 4 5034 Kimberlite Pipe Natural Gamma (cps) 100 200 Intervals: ICE/WATE K1a K1b K1c OVB K3a K3b K2 G2 G1 G3 K3 3.5 300 Intervals: ICE/WATE K1a K1b K1c OVB K3a K3b K2 G2 G1 G3 K3 Boreholes: 2.5 MPV-9901L MPV-9902L MPV-9903L MPV-9904L MPV-9905L MPV-9906L MPV-9907L MPV-9908L MPV-9909L MPV-9910L MPV-9911L MPV-9912L MPV-9914L 2 0 MPV-9901L MPV-9902L MPV-9903L MPV-9904L MPV-9905L MPV-9906L MPV-9907L MPV-9908L MPV-9909L MPV-9910L MPV-9911L MPV-9912L MPV-9914L Density (g/cc) 3 Boreholes: 600 800 1000 Neutron (cps) 1200 1400 Figure VII: 2D Multiwell Cross Plot of 5034, Neutron (cps) vs. Natural Gamma (cps) ICE/WATER K1a K1b K1c OVB K3a K3b K2 G2 G1 G3 2000 3000 4000 5000 Sonic Velocity (m/s) 6000 7000 8000 Figure VIII: 2D Multiwell Cross Plot of 5034, Sonic Velocity(m/s) vs Density (g/cc) Multi Well Physical Rock Properties Cross Sections 5034 Kimberlite Pipe Figure IX:3D Multiwell Cross Plot of 5034, Sonic Velocity (m/s) vs. Density (g/cc) and Neutron (cps) Multiwell Analysis of Physical Properties MacMahon, Wallace, Kassenaar and Morris Hearne Multi W ell Physical Rock Property Cross Plots Hearne Kimberlite Pipe Multi Well Physical Rock Property Cross Plots Sonic Velocity (m/s) 4000 5000 Boreholes: 1400 Boreholes: MPV-9937L MPV-9939L MPV-9940L MPV-9941L MPV-9942L MPV-9944L MPV-9945L MPV-9946L MPV-9947L 2000 600 3000 MPV-9937L MPV-9939L MPV-9940L MPV-9941L MPV-9942L MPV-9944L MPV-9945L MPV-9946L MPV-9947L Intervals: K1a K1b OVB K3a K3b K3c K2 G2 G1 G4 K1 K3 1200 6000 7000 Intervals: K1a K1b OVB K3a K3b K3c K2 G2 G1 G4 K1 K3 Neutron (cps) 800 1000 8000 Hearne Kimberlite Pipe 0 100 200 Natural Gamma (cps) 300 2000 Figure X: 2D Multiwell Cross Plot of Hearne, Sonic Velocity (m/s)) vs. Natural Gamma (cps) 3000 4000 5000 Sonic Velocity (m/s) 6000 7000 8000 Figure XI: 2D Multiwell Cross Plot of Hearne, Neutron (cps) vs. Sonic Velocity (m/s) The physical properties of the Hearne kimberlite pipe can be, from a visual aspect, much better constrained than 5034. The two classes of kimberlite K1, K2 and K3 show a good degree of clustering and “uniqueness”. As with 5034 the granite lithoclasses and distinguishable from the kimberlites, but have a lesser tendency to cluster. Examining the relationships between the physical properties we can make the preliminary assumption that neutron exhibits the best ability to cluster the lithoclasses, whereas the remaining properties show the degree of separation. This is best shown by the 3D cross plot in Figure XII. K1a K1b OVB K3a K3b K3c K2 G2 G1 G4 K1 K3 Multi Well Physical Rock Property Cross Plots Hearne Kimberlite Pipe Figure XII: 3D Multiwell Cross Plot of 5034, Sonic Velocity (m/s) vs. Density (g/cc) and Neutron (cps) Multiwell Analysis of Physical Properties MacMahon, Wallace, Kassenaar and Morris Tesla and Tuzo Preliminary observations of Tesla and Tuzo indicate that they have a substantially different physical rock property response than either 5034 or Hearne. Although the physical properties from both Tesla and Tuzo appear different, the signatures reflect the alteration/dilution of the K3 kimberlite. The various forms of K3 (i.e K3b, K3c and K3d) are only found in these two kimberlites, therefore a relationship between the four kimberlites can not be readily established. Although Tesla and Tuzo have some occurrences of K1 and K2, it is difficult from this kind of graphical representation to clearly establish a regional relationship between the bodies. Multiwell Physical Rock Properties Multi W ell Physical Rock Property Cross Plots Tesla Kimberlite Pipe 300 Tuzo Kimberlite Pipe 1400 Intervals: K3 Semi D K3b Dilute K3 Diluted ICE/WATE OVB G1 G4 K1 K3 1200 200 250 Intervals: K3b Dilute ICE/WATE OVB K3a K3b K2 G1 K1 K3 Boreholes: Boreholes: Neutron (cps) 800 1000 MPV-9913L MPV-9916L MPV-9918L MPV-9919L MPV-9920L MPV-9921L MPV-9922L MPV-9948L MPV-9949L MPV-9950L 0 600 50 Natural Gamma (cps) 100 150 MPV-9928L MPV-9929L MPV-9931L MPV-9933L MPV-9936L MPV-9951L MPV-9952L MPV-9953L MPV-9954L 2000 3000 4000 5000 Sonic Velocity (m/s) 6000 7000 8000 Figure XIII: 2D Multiwell Cross Plot of Tesla, Natural Gamma (cps) vs. Sonic Velocity (m/s) 1 1.5 2 2.5 Density (g/cc) 3 3.5 4 Figure XIV: 2D Multiwell Cross Plot of Tuzo, Neutron (cps) vs. Density (cps) Cross Sections and 3D models Multiwell cross plotting allows the log analyst to visualize and discriminate between the individual litho class occurrences downhole with no emphasis on the geometry of the body or the distribution of the classes. Geological models can be constructed from a number of interpreted boreholes across a section. Intial unbiased estimates of the geometry of the lithological boundaries can be obtained by Krigging individual physical property parameters. The resulting grids estimates the position of the lithological contacts. Incorporating this with the interpreted lithological units gives a geological section or 3D model.s Multiwell Analysis of Physical Properties MacMahon, Wallace, Kassenaar and Morris Multiwell Physical Rock Properties Tesla Kimberlite Pipe K3b Diluted Zone ICE/WATER OVB K3a K3b K2 G1 K1 K3 MPV-9947L I G I G MPV-9939L MPV-9945L MPV-9941L I G I G MPV-9942L MPV-9944L I G MPV-9940L I G I G El evat ion -100 0 I G MPV-9946L Figure XV: 3D Multiwell Cross Plot of Tesla, Natural Gamma (cps) vs. Sonic Velocity (m/s) and Neutron (cps) MPV-Hearne -200 Point Resistance (Ohms) Spontaneous Potential 0 250 500 750 1000 1 250 13 00 Vertical Exageration: .5 - 300 Section Offset DIstance: 25 Ho rizontal Scale 0 50 100 S ec ti o n D i s tanc e 1 50 20 0 0 40 metres 80 Figure XVI: Point Resistance (Ohms) Grid of Hearne Cross Section MPV-9947L MPV-9939L I G I G I G I G MPV-9945L MPV-9941L MPV-9942L I G MPV-9944L MPV-9940L I G I G MacMahon, Wallace, Kassenaar and Morris El evat ion -1 00 0 I G MPV-9946L Multiwell Analysis of Physical Properties MPV-Hearne - 200 Sonic Velocity (m/s) Sonic Velocity 2 500 3 000 4000 5 000 6 000 600 0 Vertical Exa geration: .5 - 300 Section Offset DIstance: 25 Horizontal Sca le 0 50 10 0 S ec ti on D i s tan c e 15 0 20 0 0 40 metres 80 Figure XVII: Sonic Velocity (m/s) of Hearne Cross Section Hearne Kimberlite Pipe North/South Cross Section I G MPV -9937L MPV -9947L G I I G MPV- 9939L MPV-9945L MPV -9941L I G I G MPV -9942L MPV -9944L I G I G I G MPV -9940L MP V-9946L -300 -200 Elevation -100 G I 0 100 Geophysical Intrepretation Derived From Multiparameter Physical Rock Properties 0 100 200 300 400 Section Distance Figure XVIII: Geological Interpretation Derived from Multiparameter physical Rock Properties for Hearne Cross Section Multiwell Analysis of Physical Properties MacMahon, Wallace, Kassenaar and Morris Figure XIX: 3D Geological Interpretation Derived from Multiparameter physical Rock Properties for Tuzo. Conclusions As an initial step into understanding the large volumes of data that are typically generated by downhole geophysics, the value of visual exploration cannot be underestimated. The process of defining the litho classes based on physical properties allows for detailed, probabilistic insight from which a preliminary model can be generated. Treating each pipe as a unique occurrence a number of observations can be established based on the geophysical interpretation; a) Granite possess physical properties that are substantially dissimilar from the kimberlites of which there are three lithoclasses: G1, G2 and G3. b) There are three main lithoclasses of kimberlite; K1, K2 and K3. A general observation concludes that: K1 = HK (Hypabyssal kimberlite) K2 = HK (Hypabyssal kimberlite) K3 = MK and VK (Magmatic kimberlite and Volcaniclastic kimberlite) Note: MK ( Magmatic kimberlite is a term currently out of favor and was employed at the time to describe a transitional facies between TK (Tuffisitic kimberlite) and VK (Volacniclastic kimberlite) c) Each lithoclass can be further subdivided into secondary classes; K1 = K1a, K1b and K1c K2 = K2a and K2b K3 = K3a, K3b, K3d and various diluted and semi diluted zones which are particular to the Tesla body. d) Kimberlite bodies 5034 and Hearne appear to have similar physical properties. e) Kimberlite bodies Tuzo and Tesla appear to contain only a selection of the same lithoclasses that were identified in 5034 and Hearne. The implication is that Tuzo and Multiwell Analysis of Physical Properties MacMahon, Wallace, Kassenaar and Morris Tesla either represent a different stratigraphic level in the kimberlite pipe or are a altered (hydrothermal) version of the defined lithoclasses. f) Identification of lithoclasses on the basis of clusters in association with log plots permits a more exact definition of the depth of lithoclass boundaries. g) Adoption of a single log classification scheme is valuable in the construction of 2D and 3D geological cross sections, which in turn provide important economic ramifications. Pell, P.A., Kimberlites in the Salve Craton, Northwest Territories, Canada. Geoscience Canada, Volume 24, Number 2 pg. 81-89.