April 2014 - Reach Beyond Australia


April 2014 - Reach Beyond Australia
On the 22nd January 2014 HCJB Global announced
that the 82-year-old ministry, founded in Quito,
Ecuador is changing its name to Reach Beyond.
Who will tell them?
“The new name is much more than a brand
change. It will better reflect our mission. It
is a small change but one that profoundly,
yet simply, captures the heart of all we
do”, said Dale Stagg Australia’s CEO
of the new Reach Beyond. “It is an
opportunity to focus people on what we
actually do, not what we are!”
Reach beyond from right here in Australia!
Reach Beyond uniquely provides a wonderful
opportunity for Australians to reach Asia and beyond
with a message of hope in their own language. Your
support helps us keep the powerful signal carrying the
life changing message to continue. Our name change
is not to forget the past but show others our purpose
and passion. No other mission can cover such a broad
area so cost effectively. Australian Christians have a rare
opportunity to touch people’s lives with the love of God
from our own country. We need all of you to unite with
us in this mission.
Reach Beyond is expanding through existing
and new partnerships.
The ministry’s ongoing international focus is
founded on our commitment to reach areas
where the population is less than 2 percent
Christian. We are committed to providing
partners with the resources they need to reach
their own people. With ministries in more than
100 countries, Reach Beyond equips partners
to air Christian content through various media in
more than 120 languages and dialects.
...together we can!
IN THIS ISSUE  A New Name 2
New Manager for Kununurra 3 / Writing our story 3 / Stepping out in Faith 3
Letters from Japan 4 / Opportunities to Serve 4
reflects our passion for reaching others!
by Peter Penford
We are excited about our
new name. But in an age
where having a recognized
brand name is vital for an
organization’s survival, why
change the name?
An Historic Journey
Originally founded as World
Radio Missionary Fellowship,
the mission adopted the name
HCJB World Radio and later,
HCJB Global to refer people back
to the call letters of our flagship
station in Quito, Ecuador. Out of
its small beginning blossomed an
international shortwave ministry
that operated under the same
call sign, ‘HCJB, the Voice of the
Andes’. Over the years, the letters
HCJB became synonymous with
the ministry in Latin America.
However, as a growing global
ministry, those letters mean
nothing to people unfamiliar with
us. The international shortwave
ministry from Quito, Ecuador
has now completed its work.
The HCJB AM and FM radio
network that continues in Ecuador
is a thriving and vital ministry.
Largely operated and financed
by Ecuadorians, this ministry will
become an autonomous partner
with Reach Beyond. They will
retain the name HCJB - hence we
can no longer legally keep using it.
Further, as we share our vision for
the future, a name that has little
meaning outside Latin America
actually hinders the effective
communication of who we are and
what we do. Simply put, now is
the time to cast our vision under a
fresh identity.
An Exciting Future
What does the future hold for Reach
Beyond? How will we continue to
be the Voice and Hands of Jesus?
There are three areas:
Volunteers help build the
birthing centre in Harmi, Nepal
Media – We continue to reach
into areas where the name of
Christ is unknown, resisted or
marginalized. In addition to
shortwave broadcasts from
Australia, Reach Beyond’s
global media ministries include
AM/FM radio planting, satellite
broadcasts and Internet outreach.
FACT: New antennas at
Kununurra are supplying a
stronger signal to our audiences,
reaching people in remote places
and changing lives. New Chin
Hakha programs open up a new
people group to hear the gospel.
Health and development –
People from other offices of
Reach Beyond will provide
mobile clinics and emergency
response teams that can travel
to different parts of the world
to help communities where
the need is greatest. Medical
caravans will continue to minister
to people in Ecuador.
FACT: In 2010 our Asia Pacific
office planted a new radio
station in Harmi, Nepal. This
became the catalyst for a
combined team from HCJB
Global and a church in Chicago,
USA to come to Harmi two
years later and build a birthing
centre for the local community.
Partnership - God’s Kingdom
is multiplied when believers
empower other believers to use
their resources and talents to
further the gospel in their own
context and culture. Reach
Beyond equips local leaders,
churches and ministries with
the resources and training
necessary to carry the Good
News to the unreached.
FACT: Our partnership
with Christopher and Dolly
Kirubakaran in India enables
their 28 programs in 15
languages to reach far more
people. Their dedication and
passion ensures we broadcast
to the best standards according
to our vision.
In Australia our purpose and
mission is unchanged. “There
remain countless places in the
world where the name of Jesus
has still not been heard,” Dale
said. “Because of this, we are
working harder than ever to reach
those who have never heard and
to support believers where access
to the gospel is very restricted.
God is moving in incredible ways
and we plan to move with him as
His voice of hope and His hands
of restoration.”
We value you as our supporters in
ministry. Your prayers and financial
support do make a difference. It
is measured in changed lives. We
trust you will continue to reach
beyond with us.
03 8720 8000 is still our main
number, but those outside
Melbourne can now call us on
1300 653 853 for the cost of
a local call.
We are excited to announce that
Frank Woods has been appointed
as Operations and Development
Manager at Kununurra.
Frank has many years of experience
in Australia and overseas establishing
and operating private villages and
towns in the mining and construction
industry. He was successful at
bringing together people from
different cultures and beliefs to
work in unity to achieve a common
purpose for the benefit of all
concerned. He also worked with the
Aboriginal Economic Development
Council of W.A. liaising with the WA
Premier to give independent advice
on assisting remote Aboriginal
communities with businesses, health
and educational services.
In 2003, Frank felt a call to ministry
in Cambodia to combat human
trafficking, create employment
opportunities for the rescued and to
work with those in severe poverty.
Frank relates easily to people from all
cultural backgrounds. His leadership
and management abilities, plus a strong
sense of social justice and the gift of
evangelism enable him to see any work
as an opportunity to serve God.
Frank met Aly in Cambodia and they
married in 2010. Please pray for them
both as they transition into this new
role. They will relocate to Kununurra
from Cambodia in early March.
Frank and Aly Woods
Thank you to those who have
already sent us stories to include in
the history of HCJB Australia. We
are sure there are many more out
there. Stories bring the history of our
mission to life and show the way God has worked through His people.
If you have a story to tell please send your contribution to Peter Penford by
email: ppenford@reachbeyond.org.au or by post to:
Reach Beyond
Attention Peter Penford
PO Box 291, Kilsyth Vic 3137
by Peter Penford
After many months of planning Daniel and Raquel Forrer, with their boys Sadoc and Nicolas, are leaving Kununurra on
the first stage of their journey to HCJB Global’s Technology Centre at Elkhart, Indiana. An opportunity arose last year
for Daniel’s technical expertise and skill as a Broadcasting Engineer to be better utilized for specific projects not only at
Elkhart but globally.
Daniel said, “Transmitter and antenna automation and control projects at Kununurra are coming to an end. There
is now pressure on Elkhart to complete the modifications to our third transmitter. I can help them with this”. The
HC100 transmitter, when modified, will enable us to broadcast with a digital signal.
Daniel and Raquel will travel via Switzerland to spend time with their families and connect with supporters. During
this time Daniel plans to attend a Reach Beyond conference in Europe at the end of May. He also hopes to see
what opportunities there are in Europe to help Reach Beyond ministries while he waits for visas enabling him to
work in the USA.
When asked about their move Daniel replied, “Raquel and I are looking forward to the challenges ahead and waiting to
see how God opens the doors for our move to the USA”.
Living expenses for the Forrer family will be higher in the USA, so their support level needs to increase. If you are
able to help please contact Nicholas Yap on 1300 653 853.
We are seeking people with a trade
background who have a core skill in
any of the following areas: electrical,
mechanical, engineering, farming (or
other forms of land management),
construction, rigging and plumbing.
We need a Broadcast Technician
with relevant qualifications, a keen
understanding of (shortwave)
transmitters and the ability to
maintain and to ensure the
smooth operation of the complete
broadcast system, transmitters and
associated equipment.
We are seeking a couple who like
looking after guests, processing
applications for accommodation,
cleaning facilities, and providing
other accommodation services.
We need a person who can process
applicants for missionary service,
oversee member care and handle
other personnel matters. This is a
part-time position working from our
Melbourne Office and will require
occasional travel to our transmission
station in Kununurra, WA.
Our supporter database needs
updating. We are seeking
volunteers who can help with
computer data entry any time
between mid-March and the
end of May.
For further information
please contact Sondy Ward
on1300 653 853 or email
Kazuo Ozaki - Japanese program producer since 1963
After I finished listen to your program this morning I borrowed a
Bible from my wife to check the passage from your message. I was
astounded to find out that reading the scriptures myself revealed more
about the message than when I just heard it. I should buy my own
It was rather hard for me to understand your “Bible Talk” program.
However, after I kept listening to the program regularly I began to get
more interest and pay more attention to the Bible. Every week I have
a new discovery that fascinates me and encourages me to study
the related subjects more and more. The taste of the bread of life is
enhanced the more I chew it.”
HCJB Australia will gradually implement the change to Reach Beyond over the next few
months. As you see website, printed materials and signage change we celebrate the past
and adopt a new future where we invite you to join us as partners. We are not a different
organisation but with your help we can all share in our “Reach Beyond” to other peoples.
Voice and Hands Australia is
published quarterly by Reach
Beyond (ABN 79 083 631 869).
Reach Beyond is a not-for-profit
evangelical interdenominational
organisation, dedicated to sharing the good news of
Jesus Christ with the unreached around the world via
international and local radio, TV production, health care,
education, technical services and publications.
Reach Beyond PO Box 291, Kilsyth VIC 3137
Tel: (03) 8720 8000 Fax: (03) 8720 8020
Email: office@reachbeyond.org.au
Our Mission: To serve with
Global Partners as the Voice
and Hands of Jesus
Visit our web site
Broadcast Schedule
To see it go to our website or phone us
for a copy on 1300 653 853
Reach Beyond
PO Box 291
Kilsyth Victoria 3137
Tel: 1300 653 853
Email: office@reachbeyond.org.au
Web: www.reachbeyond.org.au
“Everyone hates me”
“Please pray for me. I have been a regular listener of Hindi
programs... I am the only Christian in my family and village. No
one talks to me. Everyone hates me and say that I have betrayed
them and our faith. My mother constantly curses and abuses me.
Please do not reply to this Text Message I am using my mother’s
- Sarita is from a village in Northern India.
Dear Friends,
While it is exciting when we receive letters like the one above because we know we are touching people
with the gospel, it is also very sobering to reflect on how a transformed life can be despised by others.
Rather than be discouraged, this letter spurs us on! If Sarita’s life can be changed, why not an entire
family or community!
This is our mission.
We might have changed our name, but not because we merely wanted something different. We wanted a
name that people could remember more easily, and one that more meaningfully reflects our purpose –To
make the gospel more accessible to unreached people groups and those that have limited access to the
gospel. To see them transformed in Christ!
We are committed to building mutually beneficial relationships and partnerships, joining with people
like Dolly and Christopher Kirubakaran from GMTA in India who are passionate about transforming
individuals and communities with the gospel.
Out shortwave facility and programs are uniquely placed IN AUSTRALIA to deliver powerful messages
of hope to remote and isolated communities, making it possible to reach people like Vyas and his
community (see below):
Dear friends at GMTA.
Praise God. We are listening to and continue to be blessed by Programs on Sunday, Songs in
Punjabi and then Church on the Air. We listen to the program as part of our (Church) service.
We are so happy to inform you that Eight People took water Baptism recently. We are twelve
believers now. Please send me New Testaments. Please continue to pray for me and all of us here.
(Vyas accepted the Lord through Christian radio programs when he was very young. He later started
a home church in his community. He recognized Dolly’s voice from when she worked with Far East
Broadcasting many years ago and now writes regularly.)
Continued over…
The bible says – “how beautiful are the feet of those that bring good news.” Rom 10:15. We believe God
has entrusted us to be those feet and we need your help.
It is because of responses like the ones we have shared, that we do what we do. We are unwavering in
our commitment to deliver messages of hope to unreached and remote communities.
Thank you for being part of this transformation. We know that not everyone is in a position to partner
with us financially, but we would be grateful if you could pray for us and for the thousands upon
thousands of people, like Sarita and Vyas, we reach with our programs.
Dale Stagg
PS: $250 sustains our broadcasts for 1 hour. An hour that takes the gospel into the most populated region in the
world. A region with over 4 billion people and 60% of unreached people groups.
My cheque or money order is enclosed
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Please write cheques to Reach Beyond.
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BSB 083210 Account No. 216979668 Account Name: Reach Beyond
Please include your name and fund allocation so we can receipt accordingly.
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Reach Beyond
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Post this coupon to:
Reach Beyond PO Box 291 Kilsyth Victoria 3137
T: 03 8720 8000 F: 03 8720 8020 E: office@reachbeyond.org.au
April 2014
Here is my gift towards broadcasting:
15 min
Other $