zinas par uznem VEF_EN
zinas par uznem VEF_EN
ZIŅAS PAR UZŅĒMUMU Title of enterprise Joint stock company VEF Legal type of enterprise Public joint stock company Registred: On April 15, 1991 in the Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia, re-registred on December 7, 2000 with Nbr. 000300132 On April 14, 2004 registered in the Commercial Register, Nbr. 40003001328 LV 40003001328 Taxpayers' Reg. Nbr. Legal address Brīvības gatve 214, Rīga, LV-1039, Republic of Latvia phone: 7270618, fax: 7552201 Equity capital 1: Ls 1829908 as on December 31, 2006 Core businesses: Shareholders 2: Capital investments in other enterprises: Chief executive officer: Members of the Board: *Production and servicing of specialised electronic devices for payment registration (taximeters) *Power supply - distribution of power; *Letting and renting of real-estate property As on December 31, 2006: *VEF KOMUNIKĀCIJU SERVISS SIA- 44.87% or 821 071 shares; *FUND ADMINISTRATE LLC - 14.34% or 262 326 shares; *State Social Insurance Agency - 5.33 % or 97 582 shares; *Other shareholders - 35.46% or 648 929 shares: No Chairman of the Board of the Company: GINTS FEŅUKS (personal code 260568-11802) TAMĀRA KAMPĀNE (personal code 270952-10924) AIVARS VĪTOLIŅŠ (personal code 260158-13123) Members of the Supervisory Council: PĒTERIS AVOTIŅŠ (personal code 300670-11300) ANDRIS DENIŅŠ (personal code 230757-11563) INTS KALNIŅŠ (personal code 201169-11286) GUNTIS LIPIŅŠ (personaL kode 190547-10703) JĀNIS LĀMA ( personal code 120776-11669) Period of account: 01.01.2006. - 31.12.2006. Qualified auditor: Olga Millere (personal code 131241-10723) Certificate Nbr.40.SIA"DOMA AUDĪTS" Licence Nbr.41 1 Paid-up and registred equity capital Equity capital of the Company is divided into1 829 908 common shares Nominal value of a common share is 1 LVL (one Latvian lat). 2 3 Doma Audits SIA Silmacu iela 4, Rfga, LV-I012, Latvija, talr. +371 7360370Jakss +371 7373578, e-pasts: audits@doma.lv Vien. reg. Nr. 40003497135, PVN reg. Nr. LV40003497135, A/S "SEB Latvijas Unibanka H,kods: UNLALV2X, konts: LV22UNLAOOOI020469024 '- ~.~~. ~~. ~ ~. .~ .w..w..~~.. ~.~.~~..~.~ ~~.~.~~~. INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT To Joint-Stock Company "VEF" shareholders 1. Report on financial statements We have audited the attached 2006 financial statements of Joint-Stock Company "VEF", that are presented from pages 1. to 18. The audited financial statements include balance sheet as of December 31, 2006, report on profits and losses for 2006, statement of shareholders' equity and cash flow statement, as well as significant accounting principles summary and other explanatory information as appendices. Management resvonsibilitv for vrevarinz the financial statements. Management is responsible for the preparation of these financial statements and for information that is included in them, true reflection in accordance with the Latvian Republic Annual Report Law. This responsibility involves such inner control organization, implementation and upkeep, that ensures the financial statements, that do not contain essential misstatements due to fraud or mistakes, ensures the financial statements preparation and true reflection, adequate accounting policy selection and usage, as well as accounts, that are appropriate to conditions, preparation. Auditor's responsibilitv We are responsible for our acknowledgement on these financial statements, based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards of Auditing that are recognized in Latvia. Those standards require us to follow ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. The audit includes procedures that are conducted to obtain audit evidence for the amounts, shown in the financial statements, and for other included in the financial statements information. Procedures are chosen, based on auditor's professional assessment, including assessment of the risk of essential misstatements due to fraud or mistakes in the financial statements. Conducting assessment of this risk, auditor takes into account the inner control, that is organized to ensure the preparation of the financial statements and information, that is included in them, true reflection, with the aim to determine audit procedures appropriate to conditions, but not with the aim to give acknowledgement on control effectiveness. The audit also includes assessment of the accounting principles in use Doma Audits SIA Silmacu iela 4, Rfga, LV-1012, Latvija, talr. +371 7360370,fakss +371 7373578, e-pasts: audits@doma.lv Vien. reg. Nr. 40003497135, PVNreg. Nr. LV40003497135, A/S "SEE Latvijas Unibanka", kods: UNLALV2X konts: LV22UNLAOOOI020469024 and assessment of significant assumptions made by the company's management, as well as overall evaluation of the information, included in the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidences, obtained by us, are sufficient and appropriate for giving acknowledgement on our audit. Acknowledzement In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present clear and fair overview of the financial condition of Joint-Stock Company "VEF" as of December 31, 2006, as well as of the financial results of operations and cash flows in 2006, in accordance with Latvian Republic Annual Report Law, 2. Report on conformity of report of the management We have examined the report of the management for the year of 2006 that is on page 2., and we did not reveal essential unconformities between financial information, shown in this report of the management, and information, included in the 2006 financial statements. Olga Millere Sworn auditor in charge Certificate NrAO Chairman of the board of directors ofLLC "DOMA AUDITS": Riga, Latvia April 10, 2007 2 Management Report To the Annual report of 2006 Business profile JSC VEF is a public joint stock company that does business by developing its realestate property and renting office spaces, producing taximeters VEF TS1 and providing after-sale service, as well as providing a power distribution service to businesses located in the territory of the former state enterprise VEF. In 2006 the annual net turnover of JSC VEF was 678 724 LVL that is for 237 901 LVL or 35.5% more than in the previous year of account. Most important activities in 2006 JSC VEF continues in a planned manner development of its real-estate property and offering long-term rent of office spaces. On December 11, 2006 the last, 3rd stage of the reconstruction of the administrative building at Brīvības gatve 214 was completed; thus, completely finishing reconstruction and improvement works in this building. All office spaces available in this building are rented. Further development of business and plans Currently, there takes place a RFQ process to select a producer of reconstruction projects for the buildings located in Riga at Ūnijas iela 4 (nbr.5 and 7) and Bērzaunes str.7a. Reconstruction works are planned to be started in 2007-2008. To sustain infrastructure of these objects and planning further improvements in power and communications systems, there is a project under development that will be carried out this year in order to build new high-voltage power cables and transformer substations, and also to lay down optic fiber cables. Proposals on income distribution or loss coverage The accounted annual income of 13 842 LVL is planned to be spent to cover losses carried from the previous years. Earnings per share (EPS) EPS on 31.12.2006. – 0.00756 LVL – 0.0108 EUR EPS on 31.12.2005. – 0.00631 LVL – 0,0100 EUR Chairman of the JSC VEF Board G.Feņuks VEF JSC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 31.12. " VEF" JSC,LV40003001328 PROFIT AND LOSSES ACCOUNT FOR YEAR, WHICH ENDS ON DECEMBA 31,2006. 1 2 Net turnover Cost of goods sold 1 3 LVL 31.12.2006 LVL 31.12.2005 EUR 31.12.06 0.702804 EUR 31.12.05 0.702804 4 5 4 5 440 823 965 737 627 235 306 303 -491 531 134 520 474 206 66 977 -110 715 8 815 34 089 4 855 -90 987 010 678 724 020 -345 450 Gross profit 030 Selling expenses 040 333 274 Administrative expenses 2 050 -77 811 Other income from operations 3 060 23 958 Other expenses from operations 4 070 -63 946 Income from securities and long-term loans 5 090 Finansial services income 6 100 Long-term financial investments and shotr-term securities value depreciation Finansial services expenses -129 670 Profit before taxes 130 86 729 Other taxes 160 -32 154 Net profit - 924 120 Deferred tax - 219 191 405 - 13 842 3 200 - 42 864 -184 504 25 715 123 404 14 152 -45 751 - G.Feņuks 6 908 312 - 4 553 - 60 991 36 589 - 20 136 -57 958 11 563 Member Board Chairman of the Board 95 300 12 543 1 315 - - 435 830 81 -40 733 190 - 57 110 7 - 19 695 of T.Kampane 16 453 ASSETS Comm. Nr. Final balance Beginning balance LVL LVL EUR EUR 31.12.2006 31.12.2005 31.12.2006 31.12.2005 0.702804 0.702804 LONG-TERM INVESTMENTS Intangible assets Concessions,patents,licences Total intangible assets 90 90 95 95 128 128 135 135 4 315 346 33 885 19 715 3618454 69283 9628 315267 6140184 48214 28052 5148596 98581 13699 448585 4 368 946 4012632 6216450 5709461 4 369 036 4012727 6216578 5709596 Fixed Assets Land,buildings and other property Equipment and machinery Other fixed assets and inventory Construction in progress Total fixed assets Total long-term investments Current assets Inventory 13685 13685 Goods for sale Total inventory 19472 19472 Debtors Customers and client debts Other debtors Future period expenses Accrued income Total debtors 20005 84 078 14 820 25220 144 123 162483 7210 25996 195689 28465 119632 21087 35885 205069 231192 10259 36989 278440 Cash 153 233 235718 218031 335397 Total Current assets 297 356 445092 423099 633309 TOTAL ASSETS 4 666 392 4457819 6639678 6342905 LIABILITIES Nr. Stockholder's Equity Common stock Long-term investments revaluation reserve Accumulations : other accumulations Total accumulation Retained earnings from the previous years Retained earnings of the financial years Total stockholder's equity Final balance Comm. o Beginning balance LVL LVL EUR EUR 31.12.2006 31.12.2005 31.12.2006 31.12.2005 0.702804 0.702804 1 829 908 432 868 1829908 432868 2603724 615916 2603724 615916 586 037 586037 833856 833856 -1 556 131 13 842 1 306 524 -1 567 695 11563 1 292 681 -2214175 19695 1859016 -2230630 16453 1839320 PROVISIONS Other provisions Total stockpiles 5 398 5 398 7681 7681 LIABILITIES Long-term liabilities Borrowings from credit institutions Prepayments from buyers Other liabilities Deferred tax liability Total long-term liabilities 2 777 492 32882 147263 40733 2 998 370 Current liabilities Borrowings from credit institutions Prepayments from buyers Accounts payable Taxes and social security payments Other liabilities Future period income Total current liabilities 2 691 060 8359 244113 2 943 532 248 032 3952014 46787 209536 57958 4266296 3829033 11893 347342 4188268 352918 1000 189751 1423 269992 33 121 881 52 448 21 618 356 100 3832 27023 221 606 47127 1254 74627 30760 514365 Total liabilities 3 354 470 3 165 138 4772981 4503585 TOTAL LIABILITIES&STOCKHOLDER'S EQUITY 4 666 392 4 457 819 6639678 6342905 Chairman of the Board Gints Feņuks Member of the Board 5452 38450 315317 Tamāra Ka JSK "VEF",LV40003001328 CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR YEAR, WHICH ENDS ON DECEMBER 31,2006. 2006 31.12. 2005 31.12. 2006 31.12. 2005 31.12. LVL LVL EUR 0.702804 EUR 0.702804 CASH FLOW FROM OERATING ACTIVITIES Profit before outstanding items and taxes (+) Adjustments: fixed assets depreciation ( +) intangible assets depreciation (+) increase/decrease in provisions profit or losses from exchange rates fluctuation (+/-) income from long-term securities and loans finansial service income long-term finansial investments and short-term securities value depreciation finacial services income Profit or losses before adjustments from current assets and liabilities 86 729 25 715 123 404 36 589 60 749 5 5 398 -32 889 43 963 5 86 438 7 7 681 -46 797 62 554 7 924 13 -57 -219 3 200 1 315 18 -81 -312 4 553 129 670 42 864 184 343 60 990 250 586 115 484 356 391 164 319 51 566 13 685 189 332 61 554 675 1 617 045 73 372 19 472 269 395 87 583 960 2 300 848 505 169 -129 670 1 794 758 -42 864 718 791 -184 504 2 553 711 -60 990 375 499 1 751 894 534 126 2 492 719 375 499 1 751 894 534 126 2 492 721 CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES : Fixed assets purchase Interest received -715 218 924 -1 723 449 219 -1 017 664 1 315 -2 436 595 312 Net cash used in investing activities : -714 294 -1 723 230 -1 016 349 -2 436 283 Adjustments: debtors : increase (-); decrease (+) inventory: increase (-); decrease (+) liabilities: increase (-); decrease (+) Gross cash provide by operating activities Payments for financial Income tax payments Net cash provided by operating activities before outstanding items: Cash flow from outstanding items (-/+) Net cash provided by operating activities : CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES: Income from investments in fixed capital Borrowings received Grants and donations received Expenses for borrowings repayment 57 537 231 81 764 411 -248 032 3 956 -22 850 -352 918 5 629 -32 513 Net cash provided by financing activities : 289 199 -18 837 411 493 -26 803 Exchange rate fluctuation result : -32 889 13 -46 797 18 Net cash flom -82 485 9 840 -117 366 14 001 CASH AT BEGINNING OF YEAR CASH AT END OF YEAR 235 718 153 233 225 878 235 718 335 396 218 031 321 395 335 396 Gints Feņuks paraksts Tamāra Kampāne paraksts "VEF" JSC,LV40003001328 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR YEAR, WHICH ENDS ON DECEMBER 31,2006. Stockholder's eguity Balance at the beginning of the financial year Increase from Decrease from Balance at the end of the financial year Long-term investments revaluation reserve Balance at the beginning of the financial year Increase from Decrease from Balance at the end of the financial year Accumulations Balance at the beginning of the financial year Increase from Decrease from Balance at the end of the financial year Retained earnings Balance at the beginning of the financial year Profit or losses of the finacial year Dividendes Included in accumulations Balance at the end of the financial year Stockholder's eguity (total) Balance at the beginning of the financial year Balance at the end of the financial year Chairman of the Board Member of the Board ___________________________ Gints Feņuks Tamāra Kampāne 31.12.2006 EUR 0.702804 31.12.2005 EUR 0.702804 31.12.2006 LVL 31.12.2005 LVL 1829908 1829908 2603724 2603724 1829908 1829908 2603724 2603724 432868 432868 615916 615916 432868 432868 615916 615916 586037 586037 833855 833855 586037 586037 833855 833855 -1556131 13842 -1567695 11563 -2214175 19695 -2230630 16453 -1542289 -1556132 -2194464 -2214177 1292681 1306524 1281118 1292681 1839320 1859016 1822867 1839320 JSC VEF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS’ APPENDIXES FOR YEAR, WHICH ENDS ON DECEMBER 31, 2006 1. ACCOUNTING AND ASSESSMENT METHODS – COMMON PRINCIPLES Basis for financial statements preparation Financial statements are being prepared in compliance with Latvian laws “On bookkeeping” and “On the Annual Accounts of Undertakings”. Profit and losses account is prepared according to the turnover method. Accounting policy provides the financial statements give information that is appropriate for their users to make decisions and conclusions. The policy is reliable. The financial statements correctly reveal the financial condition and operating results of the company – showing not only legal side of transactions, but also their economical matter, and are complete in all essential aspects. Accounting principles used The items of the financial statements are valued according to the following accounting principles: a) it is assumed that the company will operate in the future; b) assessment methods used are the same as used in the previous financial year; c) assessment is made with mere caution: - only profit earned before the date of the annual report is included in the financial statements all projected risk amounts and losses that appeared in the financial year or in the previous years are taken into account, even those which became known in the period of time between the date of the annual report and the day when the financial statements are drawn up - all value decreases and depreciation amounts are calculated and taken into account, regardless of the financial year result (profit or losses) d) revenues and expenditures connected with the financial year are taken into account, regardless of payment date and invoice receiving or writing out date; e) assets and liabilities and net worth items have been assessed independently; f) the initial balance sheet of the financial year coincides with the previous financial year final balance sheet; g) all items that have an essential influence on the financial statements’ users evaluation or decision taking have been taken into account, non-significant items have been combined and they are shown in details in the appendixes to the financial statements; h) business operations during the financial year are shown by their economical content and nature instead of their legal form. Financial year Financial year is 12 months, from 01.01.2006 to 31.12.2006. Money and foreign currency revaluation Amounts shown in these financial statements are in Latvian national currency – lats (LVL). All monetary assets and liabilities are recalculated to lats, using the official exchange rate of the Latvian Bank that is set on the last day of the financial year. 1 JSC VEF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS’ APPENDIXES FOR YEAR, WHICH ENDS ON DECEMBER 31, 2006 Long-term and short-term items Long-term items include amounts, whose receiving, discarding or payment terms become due more than 1 year after the end of the respective financial year. Amounts that are due to be received, paid or discarded during the next year, are included in short-term items. Fixed assets and nonmaterial investment depreciation Fixed assets and non-material investments are shown by purchase price minus depreciation. Depreciation is calculated on the straight-line basis, using as a basis the following rates: Fixed assets Property Equipment and machinery Other fixed assets 1% 20% 25% Income tax Income tax for the financial year consists of calculated tax and deferred tax. Income tax is included in the profit and losses account. Income tax for the financial year is calculated according to the law” On the income tax of Undertakings”, determining taxable income and using 15% rate, set by the law. Deferred income tax is calculated for the difference between assets and liabilities value in the financial statements and assets and liabilities value for tax purposes. Deferred income tax is calculated using 15% rate, set by the law. The above-mentioned difference mainly comes from the different fixed assets depreciation rates used in the financial and tax accounting. Increase of provisions for bad receivables is not taken into account, calculating deferred income tax, due to mere caution principle. Credit line There is a credit line opened in JSC “SEB Latvijas Unibanka”. It is included in the long-term liabilities and the balance at the end of the financial year is 3 025 523 LVL (4 304 932 EUR). 2