Lavandula - Perennial Farm


Lavandula - Perennial Farm
Lavandula is a versatile garden perennial that should
be considered for a wide variety of uses and not just
relegated to a corner of the herb garden. Lavender
flowers and gray-green leaves provide mid-summer
color and contrast to the perennial border front, rock
garden, herb garden or scented garden. Can be
particularly effective when massed. Also effective as
an edger or low hedge in some areas. One final note:
Lavender like it well drained and a little dry.
Overwatering is the surest way to ruin Lavender.
The Perennial Farm • Tel: 410-592-6106 • Fax 410-592-8338 • 1-800-567-9913 •
Lavandula angustifoia ‘Hidcote’
English Lavender
Native to the Mediterranean region, it
received its common name because of
its ability to grow well in the English
Its oils are used in perfumes and its
foliage and flowers are used in sachets
and potpourris. Blooming June-August
Deep purple blooms
Deadheading will promote continued
blooming. Height of 12 to 24”.
Plant 18 - 24” apart
Zones 5 - 8
Lavandula x intermedia ‘Grosso’
Fat Bud French Hybrid lavender
A hybrid cross between Lavandula
angustifolia and Lavandula latifolia.
Discovered in Vaucluse France and
named after the famous lavender grower
Pierre Grosso.
Notorious for its extreme fragrance &
prolific blooming, it has long been
cultivated in Europe for its essential oil.
Grows 24 to 36". Excellent in an herb
or flower garden. The silvery gray
foliage is also delightfully fragrant.
Plant 18" apart
Lavandula angustifolia ‘Munstead’
English Lavender
Summer bloomer with lavender blue
flowers. This Lavender is also grown
for its oils that are used in perfumes.
Used for culinary purposes more often
than other types. ‘Munstead’ was
named for Munstead Woods in England
where Gertrude Jekyll grew it.
Considered the most hardy Lavender. It
has green gray foliage. Medium height
of 12"-18".
Plant 12" apart.
Zones 5 - 9
Zones 5 - 9
Lavandula x intermedia ‘Provence’
‘Provence’ is a “mid-season
blooming” Lavender with fragrant,
dark violet flower spikes and silvergray, globular, bushy foliage. It
flowers June - August to a height of
24–30". On summer days, it has
heady fragrances that fill the air.
Combine with Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’,
Dianthus ‘Firewitch’, and Santolina.
Plant 18" apart.
Part Shade/Sun
Lavandula x intermedia ‘Phenomenal’
This new cultivar from Lloyd Traven of Peace
Tree Farm offers many exceptional qualities
from dense foliage and a uniform growth habit
to root and foliage disease resistance to a bit
more moisture tolerance than other Lavenders.
The fragrant silver foliage grows to 24-32" tall
with lavender-blue flower spikes from late
spring through summer. Performs well in heat
and humidity and shows exceptional winter
Plant 24" apart.
Zones 5 - 9
Zones 4 - 8
Attracts Butterflies/Hummingbirds
Deer Resistant
Cut Flower
The Perennial Farm is “The Delivery Specialist” with deliveries to most locations 2-3 times per week
Leptinella x ‘Platt’s Black’
Brass Buttons
The miniatures leaves of dark bronze and
green have a fern-like appearance and
form a mat soft enough for a fairy to nap
on. At only 2" in height the tiny leaves
are ideal for filling in cracks and crevices,
between stones, in a rock garden, or as a
grass substitute for a small area of lawn.
Petite yellow flowers are produced in
spring. Provide afternoon shade and
average moisture.
Plant 12" apart
Zones 4 - 9
Leucanthemum daisies have always exuded charm and friendliness. As a child, many people remember running through a field of wild
daisies or picking some for their mothers or teachers. Gardeners have long valued daisies of all types as excellent pass-along plants.
Plant with Perovskia atriplicifolia (Russian sage) for a long season of bloom. Place Scabiosa columbaria ‘Butterfly Blue’ (pincushion
flower) in front and add Veronica ‘Royal Candles’ for a lovely combination of white, blue and blue-lavender. Leucanthemum enjoy full
sun and are tolerant of partial shade, Soil: Grow in moist, but well-drained soil
Leucanthemum x ‘Becky’
Shasta Daisy
2003 Perennial of the Year. Big, strong,
familiar white daisies with the yellow
center bloom for many weeks during
July and August up to 36”. Shiny green
leaves complement the flowers that
never need staking. While average welldrained soil is fine, remember that good
winter drainage is also important. It’s
hard to think of a happier bloom in
your mid-summer fresh-cut
arrangements, or nodding in a sunny
border. Plant 18" apart.
Zones 5 - 9
Leucanthemum x ‘Crazy Daisy’
Shasta Daisy
Great name for a fluffy double-petal
white Shasta Daisy with a yellow
center. ‘Crazy Daisy’ blooms to 24 28" in June and July providing cheerful
classic flowers in the sunny border (no
staking necessary) or cut for indoor
bouquets. Deadheading in the garden
will prolong bloom time into August.
Try it with Monarda ‘Jacob Cline’, and
Salvia ‘Blue Hill’ for a patriotic color
punch. Plant 18" apart.
Zones 5 - 8
Leucanthemum x ‘Snow Lady’
Dwarf Shasta Daisy
A truly exceptional variety that was an
All-America selection for l988, this
dwarf grows to only 10–12" and is
covered with large single blooms of
purest white in June and July. Perfect
for the front of any border where a
long bloom time is required.
Plant 18" apart.
Zones 5 - 9
Zones 5 -9
Liatris spicata ‘Kobold’
Purple Gay Feather
Imagine the rosy purple spikes of
this Liatris grouped in the border.
All the characteristics apply that we
described for ‘Floristan White’, but
in a striking purple that combines
beautifully with oranges and strong
blues. Height 20-24 inches.
Maintenance free and a butterfly
magnet, it never needs dividing. Just
cut back.
Plant 24" apart.
Liatris spicata ‘Floristan White’
White Gay Feather
Some of the many virtues of this native will
surely fit your requirements. This is the
white version with numerous tall spikes 24–
30" that open their flowers from the top
down in July and August. It thrives in most
any type of soil, handles drought, is a
butterfly magnet, is excellent for cutting and
drying, and is beautiful in the border or by
the waterside. Foliage has deep shiny green
grass-like leaves. Try it with Echinacea.
Plant 24" apart.
Zones 5 - 9
The Perennial Farm • Tel: 410-592-6106 • Fax 410-592-8338 • 1-800-567-9913 •
Ligularia przewalski
Spikes made up of small yellow
flowers along imposing dark stems up
to 4' in height are magnificent in July
as background or in the middle of a
bed. Leaves of this variety are large,
heart-shaped, purplish underneath, and
have a much more jagged edge than
stenocephala. Morning sun, rich soil,
and constant moisture will prevent
leaves from wilting in our summer
heat. Plant 18" apart.
Ligularia dentate ‘Desdemona’
Leaves and flowers are both remarkable on
this big, handsome plant for waterside or
moist border. The large leaves are bronzygreen on the top and purple underneath.
Orange-yellow daisy-like flowers in
August can be nearly 3" across with brown
centers. The branching stems grow to 3' and
are sturdy enough not to need staking. In
our hot Maryland summers, this Ligularia
would prefer part shade to do its best. Try
it with Siberian Iris and large-leaved
Hostas. Plant 18" apart.
Zones 4 - 10
Zones 4 - 10
Ligularia stenocephala
‘Little Rocket’
It is a dwarf cultivar, growing to a
height of 20". Bright yellow flowers
shine boldly from mid to late summer
with green heart shaped leaves.
Chelone lyonii ‘Hot Lips’, Hosta and
Astilbes will make good companions
in the garden with ‘Little Rocket’.
Plant 18" apart.
Zones 5 - 10
Zones 5 - 10
Part Shade/Sun
Ligularia stenocephala
‘The Rocket’
Give this specimen plant some room
and part shade. It will grow to 4' or
so with its long spikes of deep
yellow flowers in late June. It has
lots of large green triangular leaves
with coarse jagged edges and stiff
flower stems. Very effective near a
stream or at the edge of a woodland.
Plant 18" apart.
Attracts Butterflies/Hummingbirds
Deer Resistant
Cut Flower
The Perennial Farm is “The Delivery Specialist” with deliveries to most locations 2-3 times per week
Lilium x ‘Crimson Pixie’
Asiatic Hardy Lily
This dark red Asiatic Lily blooms in June
at 18-24". Asiatics are known to be
strong and hardy, bloom earliest – that is,
in late spring to early summer – and are
pest and disease resistant. Their main
cultural requirement is good drainage.
Regarding all our Hardy Lily varieties, we
recommend that you think of using them
as you would spring-flowering bulbs such
as daffodils and tulips. There are two
bulbs per pot. Plant 18" apart.
Lilium x ‘Casa Blanca’
Oriental Hardy Lily
A fragrant, pure white Oriental
Hardy Lily that blooms in July to
48". It is considered by many
experts to be the finest of its kind.
Oriental Hardy Lilies are taller than
the Asiatic, most having a striking
fragrance, and they bloom later in
the season. Plant 18" apart
Zones 4 - 9
Zones 4 - 9
Lilium x ‘Mona Lisa’
Oriental Hardy Lily
Light pink with a white edge
and speckled too, this lovely
Oriental Hardy Lily blooms a
month earlier than most, in early
June. It reaches 26".
Plant 18" apart.
Lilium x ‘Lemon Pixie’
Asiatic Hardy Lily
Bright yellow with large
blooms, ‘Lemon Pixie’ blooms
in June on 18-24" stems. There
are two bulbs per pot.
Plant 18" apart.
Zones 4 - 9
Zones 4 - 9
Lilium x ‘Montreux’
Asiatic Hardy Lily
An old-fashioned rosy-pink with
light speckles, ‘Montreux’ reaches
34" in June. Be sure to have
these prolific blooms in your June
border where their romantic color
works with every color you can
imagine. There are two bulbs per
Plant 18" apart.
Lilium x ‘Orange Pixie’
Asiatic Hardy Lily
This is a clear orange Asiatic Lily, which
blooms in June at 18-24". There are two
bulbs per pot.
Plant 18" apart.
Zones 4 - 9
Zones 4 - 9
Lilium x ‘Stargazer’
Oriental Hardy Lily
The brilliant crimson of this fragrant
Oriental Hardy Lily is speckled and
edged with pure white. It is shorter
than most Orientals at 28" and blooms
in July. Would be outstanding in
containers, borders, or a vase.
Plant 18" apart.
Lilium x ‘Snow Crystal Pixie’
Asiatic Hardy Lily
Pure white blooms in June at 1824" on sturdy stems make Hardy
Lilies a must in the early summer
garden. There are two bulbs per
Plant 18" apart.
Zones 4 - 9
Zones 4 - 9
The Perennial Farm • Tel: 410-592-6106 • Fax 410-592-8338 • 1-800-567-9913 •
Lithodora diffusa ‘Grace Ward’
Grace Ward Lithodora
There are few flowering plants that
have such a contrast of bright blue
flowers and deep green foliage
reaching 4-6". It has nice texture and
spreading mat form. It flowers in the
spring with some reblooming in the
fall. Grows best in full sun and welldrained soil, trim back after blooming.
Considered a tender perennial in our
area, it is a drought tolerant plant
worth having in any sunny garden
spot. Plant 12" apart.
Lobelia siphilitica
Blue Cardinal Flower
A bit more sun-tolerant than the Red
Lobelia, the blue spikes of this native
flower in August and September with the
same upright growth habit and a bushier
shape. Growing 3–4' tall. The blue Lobelia
likes a moist to average growing situation.
Plant 18" apart
Lobelia cardinalis ‘Fried Green
Cardinal Flower
Dark maroon leaves emerge in the
spring changing to a deep olive green as
the season progresses. Brilliant red
flowers will bring in the hummingbirds
in late July for several weeks on 30-36"
stalks. Plant in average to wet soil in
full sun. Try with Hibiscus ‘Chablis’ or
Liatris ‘Floristan’ instead of with corn
meal and gravy.
Plant 18" apart.
Zones 5 - 9
Zones 5 - 9
Zones 5 - 9
Lobelia cardinalis
Red Cardinal Flower
Brilliant red spikes up to 36" rise
above the bronzy light green foliage
on this native perennial that is
happy in a moist, part-shady spot,
or in the sun. You will see its
flowers from August into September
along a woodland path or by the edge
of a pond, and if you wait a minute
you may see how much
hummingbirds enjoy it as well.
Plant 18" apart.
Zones 5 - 9
Lysimachia japonica var.
Miniature Moneywort
A creeping ground cover fitting for the
Lilliputians, the minutest oval green
leaves tightly cuddle against the ground
at 1-2". Despite the foliage size, a
dense mat will quickly spread and fill
in between stepping stones or in a rock
garden. Tiny yellow flowers bloom
sporadically from early to mid
summer. Provide shade and moderate
moisture for optimum performance.
Plant 6" apart.
Liriope = tough as nails perennial and ground cover.
Leave the seedheads on after flowering , as they
produce bluish-black berry like fruit that is highly
ornamental into winter.
We have one of the largest selection of high quality
Liriope and Mondo grass anywhere. Please see the
ground cover section of the catalog. Large quantity?
Ask about our discount program.
Zones 5 - 8
Lysimachia nummularia
Creeping Jenny
This little ground hugger (3-4") is
always sought after and enjoyed by
gardeners despite its aggressiveness.
The species has small round green
leaves with root nodes between that
account for Creeping Jenny’s ability
to fill in around steps, rocks, or
pathways. Equally gracious spilling
over a container or window box, it
has fragrant little yellow flowers in
May. Plant 18" apart.
Zones 3 - 8
Part Shade/Sun
Zones 3 - 8
Lysimachia nummularia ‘Aurea’
Golden Creeping Jenny
Sharon Branson, key nursery staffer,
likens gold-leaved ‘Aurea’ to a “shower
of golden coins” covering the ground at
3-4" where this best selection of
Creeping Jenny brightens the rock
garden or pathway between stepping
stones. No matter that the yellow
flowers in May are lost in the bright
foliage. Try it as an underpinning to
Geranium ‘Rozanne’ or the rich dark
blue of Veronica ‘Royal Candles’ spikes.
Plant 18" apart.
Attracts Butterflies/Hummingbirds
Deer Resistant
Cut Flower
The Perennial Farm is “The Delivery Specialist” with deliveries to most locations 2-3 times per week
Mazus reptans
Creeping Blue Mazus
Same fast-spreading, tight, 1"
carpet of little green leaves as our
white Mazus, with blue flowers
appearing in May-June close to the
foliage. Handling some foot traffic,
it is the perfect choice between
stones on a path, or as a carpet
under rose bushes.
Plant 18" apart.
Zones 5-9
Zones 5-8
Meehania cordata
Creeping Mint
A native of rich woodlands in the
mountains of Pennsylvania south to
North Carolina and west to Ohio and
Tennessee, this lovely little mint at 36" spreads by runners covering the
woodland floor. Adorned with masses
of 1" violet-blue flowers in May and
June, try interlacing between native
Bleeding hearts and Christmas fern.
Provide moist organic soil in dappled
shade.Plant 12" apart.
Zones 5-8
Mazus reptans ‘Albus’
Creeping White Mazus
Literally a carpet of bright green
small leaves that spread rapidly in
full sun to make a thick mat at about
1". Moisture-tolerant, tough and
hardy, Mazus sports white flowers
in May and June just above the
foliage. It works well in the rock
garden, as an underpinning to roses,
or between stepping-stones or
pavers along a pathway. This is a
strong grower and can’t be beat as a
ground cover alternative.
Plant 18" apart.
Mentha requienii
Corsican Mint
From the Mediterranean comes this
micro-sized mint at 2" with tiny
rounded leaves and lavender flowers
in summer. Forming a dense carpet, a
fresh and cleansing aroma is released
with each step when planted in and
around a stone path. Use as a covering
for small areas, in containers or in the
vegetable bed to repel garden pests.
Some shade and well drained soil are
essential.Plant 8" apart.
Zones 6-9
Monarda didyma ‘Coral Reef’
Bee Balm
A bright salmon pink Bee Balm with
fairly good mildew resistant dark green
leaves. Grows 3-4’ in full sun and attracts
hummingbirds and butterflies. Deadheading spent blooms will prolong the bloom
time. Plant it with Leucanthemum
‘Becky’, Liatris ‘Kobold’, or Echinacea
‘Magnus’ for a good combination.
Plant 18" apart
Mertensia virginica
Virginia Blue Bells
The tubular flowers of our native
Virginia Blue Bells are sapphire
blue in color with hints of pink
on 2' stems among rich green
foliage. After blooming in April and
May in the moist light shade it
loves, the plant goes completely
dormant, so plant them among
Ferns and Hostas.
Plant 18" apart.
Zones 3 - 8
Zones 5 - 8
Monarda didyma ‘Jacob Cline’
Bee Balm
A with a strong minty foliage fragrance,
this June–August bloomer has big red,
globe-shaped flower heads of tubular
petals that are irresistible to bees,
butterflies, and hummingbirds. It’s the
most mildew-resistant Bee Balm known.
It has fragrant foliage and grows to a
height of 5'. It looks best planted in bold
groups in the border. Try it with Shasta
Daisies to emphasize that bold look.
Plant 18" apart.
Monarda didyma ‘Grand Parade’
Bee Balm
Watch the butterflies and hummingbirds
march to this compact well-branched
native Bee Balm with multitudes of
purplish-pink flowers in July to
September. The 16-20" fragrant foliage
is a rich green, clean and very mildew
resistant. An obvious one for the
butterfly garden, or small enough to use
in containers.
Plant 18" apart.
Zones 3 - 7
Zones 3 - 7
The Perennial Farm • Tel: 410-592-6106 • Fax 410-592-8338 • 1-800-567-9913 •
Zones 3 - 7
Muehlenbeckia axillaris
Creeping Wirevine
Trailing dark wiry stems with small
rounded green leaves will spill out of
hanging baskets or creep through
planting beds. Foliage reaches 2-4" and
produces tiny white fruit with black
seeds. Combine in a container with
colorful Heuchera and Carex, or allow
to cascade over stone walls. Can be
planted in full sun or partial shade and
is drought tolerant once established.
Plant 8" apart.
Zone 7 – 10
Zone 4 – 9
Nepeta x faassenii
‘Six Hills Giant’
The tallest Nepeta we offer,
growing 30-36" tall with soft gray
green aromatic foliage. Produces
billowy mounds of lavender
flowers through the summer. Try
it with Echinacea Sunset, Sunrise,
Achillea Coronation Gold or
Leucanthemum Becky. Plant 24"
Zones 5 - 9
Part Shade/Sun
(Musa basjoo see next page)
Mukdenia rossii ‘Crimson Fans’
Red-Leafed Mukdenia
From the exotic reaches of northeast
Asia, this relative of Heuchera
produces small white bell-shaped
flowers on 2’ stems in spring before
emerging fan-shaped bronze green
leaves appear. The 12" tall foliage
transforms to deep green in summer
progressively changing in fall to
intense red from the tips of the leaves
inward. Plant in moist soil in the
woodland or shady garden.
Plant 18" apart.
Zones 5 - 9
Nepeta x faassenii
‘Walker’s Low’
We have added ‘Walker’s Low’ for its
tight 12" foliage. The fragrant deep
lavender flowers start in June and
just keep on blooming through most
of the summer. Massed along a
pathway, its delightful fragrance is
released when the leaves are brushed.
Perennial of the Year for 2007
Plant 18" apart
Zones 5 - 9
Nepeta racemosa ‘Blue Wonder’
Is it any wonder this compact Catmint is a
popular choice for the front of the border
or in the rock garden? Long-lasting deep
lavender-blue flower spikes begin their
show in early summer above 12-15" tall
mounded gray-green foliage. The aromatic
bushy foliage mixes well with other sunloving perennials and is drought tolerant.
Re-blooming occurs into fall when spent
flower spikes are removed.
Plant 15" apart.
Nepeta racemosa ‘Little Titch’
It is one of the smallest in the
Catmint family, growing 8-10"
tall and blooms May through
September. Its lavender-blue
flowers stand out nicely against
the mounding gray-green foliage.
It will look great as an edging
plant, in the front of the border or
in rock garden. Cut back after
blooming for neat appearance and
more bloom power.
Plant 12" apart.
Zones 3 - 8
Zones 3 - 7
Monarda x
‘Raspberry Wine’
Bee Balm
Intoxicating ‘Raspberry Wine’
boasts ruby red blooms and
raspberry-like buds bringing
airborne visitors from afar.
Blooming June - Aug, the
aromatic foliage at 3-4’ tall is
tough and mildew resistant.
Well-drained soil in full sun.
The hummingbirds love this
one! Plant 18" apart.
Monarda didyma
‘Petite Delight’
Dwarf Bee Balm
At 15-18", ‘Petite Delight’
has clean, almost glossy,
leaves with good mildew
resistance. Its compact foliage
is clump forming, and
produces pink-lavender
flowers July and August.
Plant 18" apart.
Attracts Butterflies/Hummingbirds
Deer Resistant
Cut Flower