IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator`s Guide


IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator`s Guide
IBM Unica NetInsight
Version 8 Release 5.2
November 11, 2011
Administrator's Guide
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 365.
This edition applies to version 8, release 5, modification 2 of IBM Unica NetInsight (product number 5725-D17) and
to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 1996, 2011.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
Chapter 1. Contacting IBM Unica
technical support. . . . . . . . . . . 1
Chapter 2. Introduction to IBM Unica
NetInsight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
About data collection methods
The stages of Web site tracking
About NetInsight reports . .
About profiles . . . . . .
Chapter 3. Connecting to and using the
NetInsight Interface . . . . . . . . . . 9
To log on to NetInsight . . . . . . . . . . . 9
To connect to other IBM applications from NetInsight 9
To change your user password in NetInsight . . . 9
To change your user password in Marketing
Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
About the NetInsight interface . . . . . . . . 10
About the Profile Manager screen . . . . . . 10
About the Profile screen . . . . . . . . . 12
To set the default profile . . . . . . . . . 16
About the geographic report interface . . . . 17
About using the NetInsight Homepage . . . . . 18
To view a profile as an authenticated user . . . 18
About using NetInsight documentation as an
authenticated user . . . . . . . . . . . 18
About the NetInsight Homepage . . . . . . 18
To change your default view and reporting mode
for a profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Chapter 4. Creating and configuring
profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
About database connections . . . . . . . . .
To configure a database connection . . . . .
Example database connection XML . . . . .
About deleting profile data . . . . . . . . .
To delete profile's data. . . . . . . . . .
To update a profile's data. . . . . . . . .
To create a profile . . . . . . . . . . . .
To create a profile to analyze logs from clustered
servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
To create a profile from a copy . . . . . . .
To edit a profile's options . . . . . . . . .
To delete a profile . . . . . . . . . . .
About general profile options . . . . . . .
About locale options . . . . . . . . . .
About page tags . . . . . . . . . . . .
Restricting access to profiles . . . . . . . . .
To restrict access to profile functions by
password . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
About filtering profiles . . . . . . . . . .
To filter profiles . . . . . . . . . . . .
About profile filter options . . . . . . . .
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2011
Chapter 5. Importing log files . . . . . 37
To add clustered log files to a profile . . . . .
To define a custom log file format . . . . . .
About fields in custom log format definitions .
About dates in custom log format definitions .
About tab-delimited fields in custom log format
definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . .
About log files on FTP servers . . . . . . .
To specify the date format of your log files . . .
To process only data for the configured site . .
To select a time zone for a new profile . . . .
To stop conversion of dates and times in W3C log
files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 45
Chapter 6. Working with page tags. . . 47
When to use page tagging . . . . . . . . .
How page tagging works . . . . . . . . .
Basic page tagging data, dimensions, and metrics
About the page tag image query string . . . .
Page tagging options settings in NetInsight. . .
Planning your tags . . . . . . . . . . .
Basic page tagging deployment checklist . . . .
About the page tags package . . . . . . .
To deploy the page tag image . . . . . . .
To edit and deploy the page tag script . . . .
To tag your site pages . . . . . . . . . .
Verifying that the page tags are working . . .
To enable page tags. . . . . . . . . . .
What to do when JavaScript is disabled . . . .
Using page tagging with secure pages . . . .
To normalize query string parameter values . .
Adding dimensions to tags . . . . . . . . .
Default dimensions . . . . . . . . . . .
Standard dimensions NetInsight recognizes
automatically . . . . . . . . . . . . .
About using custom dimensions . . . . . .
Adding a dimension to a tag . . . . . . .
Including cookie data in page tag requests . . . .
About visitor identification cookies . . . . .
To capture data from additional cookies . . . .
Tagging events . . . . . . . . . . . . .
About event tagging . . . . . . . . . .
Tracking an event as a page view . . . . . .
Ensuring link and submit page tag requests are
submitted before the page unloads . . . . .
To tag JavaScript or AJAX events . . . . . .
To tag events in Flash 8 or greater . . . . . .
Flash page tagging examples . . . . . . .
Marking link tags as links to an external site . .
Sending visit-level data when an event occurs . .
Tagging retail activity . . . . . . . . . . .
Tagging product views . . . . . . . . .
Tagging additions to a shopping cart . . . . .
Tagging removals from a shopping cart . . . .
Tagging the checkout process . . . . . . .
Retail page tag parameters summary .
Retail metrics . . . . . . . . .
Tagging applications and widgets . . .
Anatomy of a direct tag . . . . .
Best practices for direct tags . . . .
About the lc parameter . . . . .
When NOT to pass the lc parameter .
Where to place your direct tags. . .
Minimizing the number of tags . . .
Page tag reference . . . . . . . .
About required variables . . . . .
About optional global variables. . .
About page-specific variables . . .
ntptAddPair . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 7. Configuring reporting
options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
About auto-updating . . . . . . . . . . .
To specify which reports auto-update. . . . .
About custom metrics . . . . . . . . . . .
To create a custom filtered metric . . . . . .
To create a multiple input custom metric . . .
To edit a custom filtered metric. . . . . . .
To edit a multiple input custom metric . . . .
To delete a custom metric . . . . . . . .
About the data model . . . . . . . . . . .
About extending the data model . . . . . .
To add a data model extension package . . . .
About deleting or editing data model extension
packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
About filter groups . . . . . . . . . . . .
To create a filter group . . . . . . . . .
To edit a filter group . . . . . . . . . .
To edit filters for a filter group . . . . . . .
To delete a filter group . . . . . . . . .
About the NetInsight geographic database . . . .
To configure a profile to use the geographic
database . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
About integrations . . . . . . . . . . . .
To configure a profile to use an integration
module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
To edit an integration module . . . . . . .
To delete an integration module . . . . . .
Paid search integration fields . . . . . . .
Marketing attribution integration fields . . . .
Mobile analytics integration fields . . . . . .
Privileges for integrations . . . . . . . .
About report generation options . . . . . . .
About aggregate data . . . . . . . . . .
To edit dates for which reports are pre-calculated
To edit dates for which aggregate data is
generated . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
About reportable dimensions . . . . . . . .
To change reportable dimensions . . . . . .
About data samples . . . . . . . . . . .
To specify the sample size . . . . . . . .
Permissions for sampling features . . . . . .
Chapter 8. Creating reports . . . . . . 99
To create a standard report .
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
. 99
To create a trend report . . . . . . . . . .
To create a Path Summary between two specific
pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
To create a Path Summary from a specific page
To create a Path Summary to a specific page
About A/B reports . . . . . . . . . . .
To create an A/B report through the Discovery
Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
To create an A/B report using the Custom
Report Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . .
About scenario reports . . . . . . . . . .
To create a scenario report . . . . . . . .
About crosstab reports . . . . . . . . . .
To create a crosstab report . . . . . . . .
About time frames. . . . . . . . . . . .
To specify a relative or fixed time frame using a
date filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
About period-to-date reports . . . . . . . .
To create a period-to-date report . . . . . .
About dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . .
To specify dimensions for a report in the
Custom Report Wizard . . . . . . . . .
About metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . .
To add a metric through the Discovery Panel
To specify metrics for a report in the Custom
Report Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . .
About comparative reports . . . . . . . . .
To create a comparative report from the Reports
tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
To create a comparative report: one-click option
To create a comparative report using the
Custom Report Wizard . . . . . . . . .
Calendar filter options . . . . . . . . .
To edit a report using the Report Summary page
Chapter 9. Archiving, emailing, and
exporting reports . . . . . . . . . . 119
To archive a report . . . . . . . . . .
To view archived reports . . . . . . . .
To remove archived reports. . . . . . . .
About emailing reports . . . . . . . . .
To email a report . . . . . . . . . .
To create an email task . . . . . . . .
About scheduling email tasks and email alerts
To export a report as a file . . . . . . . .
About portlets . . . . . . . . . . . .
To export a report as a portlet . . . . . .
About group selections . . . . . . . . .
To open or close the Selected Groups panel .
To add groups to a group selection . . . .
To modify a group selection . . . . . .
To save a group selection . . . . . . .
To use a group selection in Campaign . . .
Chapter 10. Analyzing content . . . . 137
About analyzing banner ads . . . . . . .
About moving ntadtrack.cgi or ntadtrack.exe to
a CGI-accessible directory . . . . . . .
To redirect all banner ads . . . . . . .
To configure banner ad options . . . . .
. 137
. 137
. 137
. 138
Analyzing content groups . . . . . . . . .
To create a content group . . . . . . . .
About determining the content group for files
that fit multiple groups . . . . . . . . .
About specifying directory indexes . . . . . .
To add a directory index . . . . . . . .
About analyzing links . . . . . . . . . .
About analyzing links using a redirect program
About moving ntlinktrack to a CGI-accessible
directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
To redirect all external links . . . . . . .
About analyzing links using page tags . . . .
About enabling the link summary . . . . .
To configure link options . . . . . . . .
About analyzing local keywords . . . . . . .
To configure local keyword options . . . . .
To include specific redirection scripts in the reports
Chapter 11. Analyzing dynamic
content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
To configure NetInsight to use a data conduit .
About dynamic pages . . . . . . . . .
To add dynamic pages . . . . . . . .
To delete a dynamic page . . . . . . .
To edit a dynamic page filter . . . . . .
Analyzing events . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring NetInsight to track events . . .
To define an event title . . . . . . . .
To edit an event title . . . . . . . . .
To delete an event title . . . . . . . .
About parameters . . . . . . . . . . .
About parameter types . . . . . . . .
To define a parameter . . . . . . . .
To delete a parameter . . . . . . . .
To edit a parameter . . . . . . . . .
About replacing or deleting characters in URLs .
To replace or delete characters in the URLs in
your reports . . . . . . . . . . . .
To delete a search and replace rule . . . .
To edit a search and replace rule . . . . .
Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 12. Analyzing marketing
efforts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
About campaigns . . . . . . . . . . .
About dynamic and static campaigns . . .
About campaign channels . . . . . . .
About campaign segments . . . . . . .
About entry pages for campaign segments .
To create a campaign in NetInsight . . . .
To specify campaign channels . . . . . .
To specify campaign segments. . . . . .
To specify entry pages . . . . . . . .
About paid search data . . . . . . . . .
To analyze paid search data without the
integration module . . . . . . . . .
Creating paid search campaigns to analyze in
NetInsight . . . . . . . . . . . .
Creating a paid search campaign in NetInsight
Attributing conversion credit to campaigns .
. 170
. 170
. 171
About analyzing keywords . . . . . . . . .
About character sets and keywords . . . . .
To create a keywords parsing rule . . . . .
To specify keyword parameters for a keyword
rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
To specify referrers for a rule . . . . . . .
To specify an excluded URL for a keyword rule
To specify a character set parameter for the
keyword rule . . . . . . . . . . . .
Keyword parsing example . . . . . . . .
About analyzing referrers . . . . . . . . .
To create a referrer group . . . . . . . .
To add referrers to a referrer group . . . . .
Determining the group for referrers that fit
multiple groups . . . . . . . . . . .
About analyzing visits from indexing agents . . .
To classify a host, user agent, or referrer as a
robot or spider . . . . . . . . . . . .
To add visitors to a robot/spider group . . .
Determining the group for visitors that fit
multiple groups . . . . . . . . . . .
About visit cost . . . . . . . . . . . .
About collecting visit cost data . . . . . .
About including visit cost data in NetInsight
reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 13. Analyzing page titles . . . 183
About resolving page titles . . . . . . . . .
To resolve page titles . . . . . . . . . .
To resolve page titles through a proxy server
To edit page title mappings. . . . . . . . .
To limit the pages whose titles NetInsight should
resolve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
To add pages whose titles NetInsight should not
resolve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
About adding security realms . . . . . . . .
To create a security realm . . . . . . . .
About determining the security realm for pages
that fit multiple realms . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 14. Analyzing retail activity
How NetInsight gathers retail data .
What retail data NetInsight can gather
About retail reports . . . . . .
About enabling retail reports . .
Chapter 15. Analyzing visitors or
users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
About analyzing visitors by browser . . . .
To create a browser . . . . . . . . .
To add user agents to a browser . . . . .
About determining the browser for user agents
that fit multiple browsers . . . . . . .
About analyzing visitors by department . . .
To create a department . . . . . . . .
To add hosts and users to a department . .
About determining the department for hosts
and users that fit multiple departments. . .
About analyzing visitors by host . . . . . .
To create a host group . . . . . . . .
. 189
. 189
. 189
. 191
. 191
. 191
To add hosts to a host group . . . . . . .
About determining the host group for hosts that
fit multiple groups . . . . . . . . . .
About analyzing visitors by platform . . . . .
To create a platform . . . . . . . . . .
To add user agents to a platform . . . . . .
About determining the platform for user agents
that fit multiple platforms . . . . . . . .
To change the number of minutes between visits
To specify an opt-out cookie value . . . . . .
To disable implied repeat visitor based on the
existence of a cookie . . . . . . . . . . .
To use the sessionization parameter value for
visitor identification . . . . . . . . . . .
To change how NetInsight sessionizes traffic . . .
About using visitor identification cookies . . . .
Analyzing visitor profiles . . . . . . . . .
To create a visitor profile . . . . . . . .
About changing the order of visitor profiles . .
Accessing data from mobile applications . . . .
Requirements for mobile analytics integration
About the mobile analytics profile . . . . .
Mobile analytics reports . . . . . . . . .
Mobile analytics metrics and dimensions . . .
Chapter 16. Configuring IBM Unica
NetInsight options . . . . . . . . . 203
About database sessions . . . . . . . . .
About Inbox administration . . . . . . .
Inbox command-line options . . . . . .
About database sessions . . . . . . . . .
About custom log file formats . . . . . .
About environment variables . . . . . .
About NetInsight email options . . . . .
About locale options . . . . . . . . .
About IBM options . . . . . . . . .
About DNS options . . . . . . . . .
About proxy servers . . . . . . . . .
About authentication options . . . . . .
About Marketing Platform authentication . .
About restricting access to the Profile Manager
About roles . . . . . . . . . . . .
About user managers. . . . . . . . .
About user configuration . . . . . . .
To specify database sessions . . . . . . .
To define a custom log file format . . . .
To add an environment variable . . . . .
To edit an environment variable . . . . .
To delete an environment variable . . . .
To change the time format . . . . . . .
To change the date format . . . . . . .
To change the character set . . . . . . .
To change the language used . . . . . .
Inbox options . . . . . . . . . . .
To modify IBM options . . . . . . . . .
To specify DNS options . . . . . . . .
To modify NetInsight email options . . . .
To specify the internal database as the
authentication method . . . . . . . . .
To specify the Marketing Platform as the
authentication method . . . . . . . .
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
. 213
. 214
To specify LDAP as the authentication method
To specify the Web Server as the authentication
method . . . . . . . . . . . . .
To create a role . . . . . . . . . . . .
Role options . . . . . . . . . . . .
To copy a role . . . . . . . . . . .
To assign or edit privileges for a role . . .
To edit a role . . . . . . . . . . .
To delete a role . . . . . . . . . . .
To create a user manager role . . . . . .
To create a user. . . . . . . . . . .
To modify a user . . . . . . . . . .
To specify a user's profile settings . . . .
To delete a user . . . . . . . . . .
Tracking changes to user accounts . . . .
About profile views . . . . . . . . . .
About dimension lists . . . . . . . .
About filter lists . . . . . . . . . .
About metric lists . . . . . . . . . .
About the profile default role, view, and
reporting mode. . . . . . . . . . .
About role default view settings . . . . .
To create a profile view . . . . . . . . .
To edit a profile view. . . . . . . . .
To copy a profile view . . . . . . . .
To delete a profile view . . . . . . . .
To change to another profile view . . . .
About accessing a profile view through a URL
To set the default role, view, and reporting mode
for a profile . . . . . . . . . . . . .
To set a new role default view. . . . . .
To edit a role default view setting . . . .
To delete a role default view setting . . . .
To create a report list . . . . . . . . . .
To edit a report list . . . . . . . . .
To copy a report list . . . . . . . . .
To manage folders for a report list . . . .
To delete a report list . . . . . . . . .
To create a dimension list . . . . . . . .
To edit a dimension list . . . . . . . .
To copy a dimension list. . . . . . . .
To manage groups for a dimension list . . .
To delete a dimension list . . . . . . .
To create a filter list . . . . . . . . . .
To edit a filter list . . . . . . . . . .
To copy a filter list . . . . . . . . .
To manage groups for a filter list . . . . .
To delete a filter list . . . . . . . . .
To create a metric list . . . . . . . . . .
To edit a metric list . . . . . . . . .
To copy a metric list . . . . . . . . .
To manage groups for a metric list . . . .
To delete a metric list. . . . . . . . .
About default profile options . . . . . . .
To set profile defaults . . . . . . . . .
To upgrade your license . . . . . . . .
To back up and restore NetInsight data. . .
To move NetInsight to another computer . .
To move NetInsight to another computer
without reimporting log file data . . . . .
About NetInsight system logs . . . . . . .
. 237
. 237
To configure NetInsight system logs .
About the NetInsight process log . .
. 238
. 239
Chapter 17. Working with data
conduits . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
About deploying a data conduit . . . . . . .
About lookups versus rewrites . . . . . . .
To install the data conduit on Windows . . . .
To install the data conduit on UNIX . . . . . .
To set environment variables . . . . . . . .
About the data conduit configuration file . . . .
To use the APITest utility . . . . . . . . .
APITest command-line examples . . . . . .
To configure NetInsight to use a data conduit for
rewrites and lookups . . . . . . . . . . .
To configure NetInsight to use a data conduit
for user authentication . . . . . . . . .
To configure NetInsight to use a data conduit
for user information . . . . . . . . . .
Example: How to configure a parameter lookup
To regenerate summaries for a profile . . . .
Example: How to configure a cookie lookup . .
About data conduit directives . . . . . . . .
Database and directory server connection string
directives . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
About the clip, cookie, host, user, and visitor
lookup directives . . . . . . . . . . .
About parameter lookup directives . . . . .
About department lookup directives. . . . .
About page title lookup directives . . . . .
About product directives . . . . . . . .
About rewrite directives . . . . . . . . .
User information directive . . . . . . . .
User authentication directives . . . . . . .
Debug directive . . . . . . . . . . .
Unloadme directive . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 18. IBM Unica Web Server
Plug-ins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
To install the IBM Unica Web Server Plug-in
Apache on UNIX . . . . . . . . .
To install the IBM Unica Web Server Plug-in
Apache on Windows . . . . . . . .
Advanced configuration directives . . .
. .
. .
. .
. 263
. 263
. 264
Chapter 19. Working with user-defined
processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
How NetInsight runs user-defined processes . .
To configure NetInsight to run a user-defined
process . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
About the <userdefinedprocesses> and <process>
elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Creating generic processes for multiple profiles .
User-defined process examples . . . . . .
User-defined processes and database permissions
. 265
. 265
. 266
. 266
. 267
Chapter 20. Using regular expressions
with NetInsight. . . . . . . . . . . 269
Basics of regular expressions .
. 269
Metacharacters . . . .
Metacharacter examples .
Special characters . . .
Special character examples
Combining metacharacters
Using regular expressions
Chapter 21. NetInsight command-line
options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
About regular expressions with command-line
options . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-abort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-addreport filename [-title newtitle] [-rptlist
listname] [-rptfolder foldername] . . . . .
-alert . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-alerttask alertname . . . . . . . . .
-archive YYYYMM . . . . . . . . .
-archive YYYYMM,YYYYMM . . . . . .
-checkdb . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-compactdb filename . . . . . . . . .
-email . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-emailtask taskname . . . . . . . . .
-expiretitles . . . . . . . . . . . .
-forget log_filename . . . . . . . . .
-import . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-module . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-quiet . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-reagg . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-reanalyze . . . . . . . . . . . .
-recalc . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-recipients list . . . . . . . . . . .
-regen . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-reindex . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-reindex-missing . . . . . . . . . .
-remove YYYYMM or YYYYMMDD . . . .
-remove YYYYMM,YYYYMM . . . . . .
-remove resume . . . . . . . . . .
-reports . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-reprofile . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-resample. . . . . . . . . . . . .
-reseed seed_number . . . . . . . . .
-resolvetitles . . . . . . . . . . . .
-samplecalc entity number . . . . . . .
-update . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-add . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-addlang pathname_for_language_pack. . .
-adduser user_name [-email emailaddress]
[-fullname fullname] [-password password]
[-role role] [-reportingmode reportingmode] .
-assignuser user_name short_profile_name
{[-role role_name] | [-view view_name]} . .
-changeuser user_name [-email emailaddress]
[-fullname fullname] [-password password]
[-role role] [-reportingmode reportingmode] .
-clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-dbpasswd . . . . . . . . . . . .
-delete short_profile_name . . . . . . .
-deleteuser user_name . . . . . . . .
-dir dir . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-list or -list %regex . . . . . . . . .
. 275
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. 289
. 290
-listroles . . . . . . . . . . .
-listusers short_profile_name [-explicit] .
-quiet . . . . . . . . . . . .
-roleinfo role_name . . . . . . .
-userinfo user_name [-explicit]. . . .
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration
files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
About the NetInsight configuration
activationkey . . . . . .
adminbutton . . . . . .
adminemail . . . . . . .
authentication . . . . . .
backgrounddrilldowns . . .
cachesize . . . . . . . .
cgidir . . . . . . . . .
cgiextension . . . . . . .
cgiurl . . . . . . . . .
checkpointmegs . . . . .
database . . . . . . . .
datastoredir . . . . . . .
dbconnect . . . . . . .
dbpassword . . . . . . .
dbsessionoptions . . . . .
dnsserver. . . . . . . .
disablehtmlwithlinks . . . .
email . . . . . . . . .
envvars . . . . . . . .
helpurl . . . . . . . .
homepagebutton . . . . .
htmldir . . . . . . . .
htmlurl . . . . . . . .
httpproxy . . . . . . .
indextablespace. . . . . .
license. . . . . . . . .
locale . . . . . . . . .
logbrowsing . . . . . . .
logformats . . . . . . .
loginexpiration . . . . . .
mailfrom . . . . . . . .
mailserver . . . . . . .
maxcache. . . . . . . .
maxcompletedperuser . . .
maxdnsrequests . . . . .
maxqueuedlines . . . . .
maxrunningglobal . . . . .
maxrunningperuser . . . .
method . . . . . . . .
network . . . . . . . .
pagesize . . . . . . . .
passiveftp . . . . . . .
pathsep . . . . . . . .
platform . . . . . . . .
plugin . . . . . . . . .
processlog element . . . .
progdir . . . . . . . .
reportinbox . . . . . . .
reportlimits . . . . . . .
reportsduringimport . . . .
reportsduringupdate . . . .
restrictprofilemanager . . .
file .
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IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
resultsetretention . . . . . .
runreportscheduler . . . . .
secure . . . . . . . . . .
serialnumber . . . . . . .
source . . . . . . . . . .
syncmode . . . . . . . .
tempstore. . . . . . . . .
tempstoredir. . . . . . . .
titleresolutiontimeout . . . . .
About the global profile configuration
aggdeffile. . . . . . . . .
aggsrequired . . . . . . .
bannerads . . . . . . . .
browsers . . . . . . . . .
campaigns . . . . . . . .
casesensitivepages . . . . . .
casesensitiveusernames . . . .
connection . . . . . . . .
contentgroups . . . . . . .
converttimes. . . . . . . .
cookielookup . . . . . . .
custommetrics . . . . . . .
dashboardsize . . . . . . .
daterange . . . . . . . .
defaults . . . . . . . . .
departments . . . . . . . .
dimensionlists . . . . . . .
dimensionsfile . . . . . . .
dirindexes . . . . . . . .
dmpackages . . . . . . . .
donotconverttimes. . . . . .
dynamicpages . . . . . . .
element . . . . . . . . .
emailalerts . . . . . . . .
emailtasks . . . . . . . .
entity . . . . . . . . . .
excludedagents . . . . . . .
excludedhosts . . . . . . .
excludedpages . . . . . . .
excludedparametervalues . . .
excludedusers . . . . . . .
filtergroups . . . . . . . .
filterinstances . . . . . . .
filterlists . . . . . . . . .
ftpdebug . . . . . . . . .
hidelinks . . . . . . . . .
hostgroups . . . . . . . .
hostlookup . . . . . . . .
ignoredfields . . . . . . .
includedagents . . . . . . .
includedhosts . . . . . . .
includedpages . . . . . . .
includedparametervalues . . .
includedusers . . . . . . .
keywordrules . . . . . . .
levels . . . . . . . . . .
linklength . . . . . . . .
locale . . . . . . . . . .
localkeywords . . . . . . .
logs . . . . . . . . . .
maildebug . . . . . . . .
. .
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file .
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. .
maxpathlength . . . . .
member . . . . . . .
metriclists . . . . . .
metricsfile . . . . . .
module . . . . . . .
modules . . . . . . .
nodefaultautoupdate . . .
nodefaultautoupdatefull . .
noimportreindex . . . .
nonreportabledimensions .
notableanalysis . . . . .
ntadtrack . . . . . . .
ntdi . . . . . . . .
ntlinktrack . . . . . .
outdefext . . . . . . .
parameters . . . . . .
password . . . . . . .
platforms . . . . . . .
precalcdates . . . . . .
redirectscripts . . . . .
referrergroups . . . . .
reportlists . . . . . .
resolvehosts . . . . . .
referrergroups . . . . .
resolvetitles . . . . . .
retrievebatchsize . . . .
roledefaults . . . . . .
rows . . . . . . . .
sampling . . . . . . .
schemafile . .
securityrealms .
seed . . . .
segment . . .
servers . . .
sessionization .
siteurl . . . .
spiders . . .
summarysize .
tagimages . .
title. . . . .
titlelength . .
titles . . . .
url . . . . .
urlsearchrules .
user . . . .
userlookup . .
variablesfile . .
viewlist . . .
virtual . . . .
visitorlookup .
visitorprofiles .
visitthreshold .
writebatchsize .
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
Trademarks .
. 367
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Chapter 1. Contacting IBM Unica technical support
If you encounter a problem that you cannot resolve by consulting the
documentation, your company’s designated support contact can log a call with
IBM® Unica® technical support. Use the information in this section to ensure that
your problem is resolved efficiently and successfully.
If you are not a designated support contact at your company, contact your IBM
Unica administrator for information.
Information to gather
Before you contact IBM Unica technical support, gather the following information:
v A brief description of the nature of your issue.
v Detailed error messages you see when the issue occurs.
v Detailed steps to reproduce the issue.
v Related log files, session files, configuration files, and data files.
v Information about your product and system environment, which you can obtain
as described in "System information."
System information
When you call IBM Unica technical support, you might be asked to provide
information about your environment.
If your problem does not prevent you from logging in, much of this information is
available on the About page, which provides information about your installed IBM
Unica applications.
You can access the About page by selecting Help > About. If the About page is not
accessible, you can obtain the version number of any IBM Unica application by
viewing the version.txt file located under the installation directory for each
application. If the version.txt file is not available, use the command NetTracker
admin -buildinfo to obtain the version information.
Contact information for IBM Unica technical support
For ways to contact IBM Unica technical support, see the IBM Unica Product
Technical Support website: (
© IBM Corporation 1996, 2011
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Chapter 2. Introduction to IBM Unica NetInsight
NetInsight provides the critical information and insight you need to improve web
site design, internet marketing effectiveness, and your customer's experience.
Using NetInsight, you can identify which content is popular and which is ignored.
You can see where users are dropping off your site.
NetInsight lets you analyze online campaigns (including media buys, email, and
search engine marketing) and offline campaigns (including direct mail, catalog, and
call center activities). You can even analyze the response to campaigns across
About data collection methods
NetInsight lets you choose the most appropriate data collection method, whether it
is log files, page tags, or a hybrid approach. You can change your data collection
method at any time. The following tables show comparisons of data collection
Table 1. Information captured
Page Tagging Log Files
Default Web Server Log Files
Measure events in Web 2.0 rich Internet
applications built with Ajax or Flash
Monitor paths and drop-off points of search
engine robots that index your site to help
you with search engine optimization
Measure behavior within Web pages, such as Capture click fraud activity that does not
scrolling down or changing form fields
execute JavaScript and remains invisible to
page tags
Measure shopping cart activity
Monitor page delivery performance,
abandoned page views, and incomplete
Measure client side information, such as the
browser's screen size, etc.
Securely capture http user names
Capture additional information items such
as user login names or form field data that
are passed through customized tags
Table 2. Convenience
Page Tagging Log Files
Default Web Server Log Files
Reduce Web server log file management
Load historical information from before page
Avoid log file transfer from disparate Web
server farms
Avoid the effort of modifying your Web
pages and scripted pages for inserting tags
and then acceptance testing the
Measure traffic on portions of your site
embedded in other Web sites where you
don't have access to logs
Avoid the effort of monitoring your site for
pages that are missing page tags
© IBM Corporation 1996, 2011
Table 3. Accuracy
Page Tagging Log Files
Default Web Server Log Files
Track page views even if they were cached
in ISP proxy servers
Measure views, for example, of your PDF
documents that were directly found and
clicked from Google
Track page views following a click on the
browser's back button
Measure sessions of mobile browsers which
may not fire JavaScript page tags
Measure page views even if the viewer
clicked on to the next page before the page
tag fired
The stages of Web site tracking
Web site tracking consists of four stages:
1. Data Gathering: The data gathering stage consists of parsing your web server's
log files or your page tag data (or both, if you use a hybrid approach). For
NetInsight to work, you must have access to your web server's log files or your
page tag server's log files. Your webmaster, ISP, or the person managing your
page tag server should be able to help you gain access to these files.
2. Data analysis: Once the data has been gathered, it needs to be analyzed.
During the data analysis stage, complex heuristics are applied to the raw data
to sessionize the data into visits and page views instead of simply hits. Once
the data has been analyzed, it is placed in a database to facilitate reporting.
3. Report generation: The third stage of Web site tracking is generating reports
(including graphs) from the analyzed data. During this stage, the analyzed visit
and page view data is read from the database and tabulated into many
different reports, each answering a specific question. For example, a report on
what people viewed on a Web site might consist of the pages that were viewed,
how many times each page was viewed, and how long, on average, visitors
spent looking at each page.
4. Acting on the data: The final stage of Web site tracking is acting on the data.
During this stage, you make modifications to your web site or marketing based
on the NetInsight analysis. For example, you improve the layout of your site to
help customers answer their questions more quickly, adjust bids on keywords
to maximize your ROI, or follow up with visitors who have abandoned a
conversion process on your site.
About NetInsight reports
NetInsight contains more than 100 pre-defined reports. These range from
dashboard reports that present quick views of key trends, to breakdown reports
that provide detailed statistics on specialized areas of interest. NetInsight graphs
report data and lets you switch reports between different graph types.
You can use the drag-and-drop interface to filter and modify NetInsight reports.
You can create custom reports of your own. Your custom reports can be saved and
added to the list of reports NetInsight updates regularly.
You can access NetInsight reports via an intranet or remotely via the Internet. You
can configure NetInsight to email reports, ensuring that key managers have the
up-to-date information they need as soon as a NetInsight update is complete.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
NetInsight reports contain drilldown capabilities that let you dynamically link to
additional relevant information. You can maintain this feature in reports you email
to others.
Report data can be exported for use in popular software packages such as
Microsoft Excel, Access, and Word, as well as other IBM applications.
NetInsight comes with these built-in reports:
3-digit Zip Code Summary
5-digit Zip Code Summary
Area Code Summary
Banner Ad Summary
Browser Breakdown
Browser Summary
Campaign Channel Summary
Campaign Channel Type Summary
Campaign Segment Summary
Cart Activity Trend
City Summary
Clickthrough Breakdown
Connection Type Summary
Content Dashboard
Content Summary
Continent Summary
Cookie Summary
Country Summary
Date Summary
Day of the Week Summary
Department Summary
Directory Summary
DMA Summary
Domain Summary
Chapter 2. Introduction to IBM Unica NetInsight
Entry Campaign Channel Summary
Entry Campaign Channel Type Summary
Entry Campaign Segment Summary
Entry Campaign Summary
Entry Keyword Summary
Entry Page Breakdown
Entry Page Summary
Entry Paid Keyword Summary
Entry Referrer Breakdown
Entry Referrer Summary
Error Breakdown
Error Summary
Executive Dashboard
Exit Page Breakdown
Exit Page Summary
Geographic Dashboard
Host Summary
Impression Breakdown
Initial Referrer Breakdown
Initial Referrer Summary
Last Keyword Summary
Last Paid Keyword Summary
Link Breakdown
Link Summary
Local Keyword Summary
Marketing Channel Attribution Revenues
Marketing Channel Even Allocation Attribution
Marketing Channel First Click Attribution
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Marketing Channel Last Click Attribution
Marketing Dashboard
Organization Summary
Page Breakdown
Page Delivery Summary
Page Summary
Page View Summary
Paid Search Campaign Channel Summary
Paid Search Campaign Channel Types Summary
Paid Search Campaign Segment Summary
Paid Search Campaign Summary
Paid Search Paid Keywords Summary
Path Summary
Platform Summary
Product Abandonment Summary
Product Action Summary
Product Conversion Summary
Repeat Visitor Summary
Retail Dashboard
Revenue Trend
Robot/Spider Breakdown
Robot/Spider Summary
Robot/Spider View Breakdown
Robot/Spider Visit Breakdown
Screen Resolution Summary
Server Performance Summary
Server Summary
Spider Executive Dashboard
Chapter 2. Introduction to IBM Unica NetInsight
State/Province Summary
Technical Dashboard
Time Summary
Time Zone Summary
Traffic Dashboard
Traffic Summary
User Summary
View Breakdown
Visit Breakdown
Visit Duration Summary
Visitor Dashboard
Visitor Profile Summary
Visitor Retention Summary
Visitor Summary
About profiles
A profile is a collection of reports that analyze the same Web site. You can create a
single profile to analyze an entire Web site. Or, if you have a large Web site with
several different areas, you can create different profiles for different sections of the
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Chapter 3. Connecting to and using the NetInsight Interface
Use the Profile Manager to determine whether NetInsight requires users to log on
to access NetInsight.
Note: When you access NetInsight for the first time using the installation URL,
you are directed to the logon page, even though you do not have a username and
password. To bypass this page, access the Profile Manager by appending
admin/index.html to the NetInsightURL. For example:
From the Profile Manager, you can define user accounts to restrict access to profiles
by user, and you can restrict access to the Profile Manager.
Important: To avoid being accidentally locked out, create the
NetInsightAdministrator first so that you can log on with full privileges.
For information about configuring NetInsight authentication, see the
NetInsightSystem Administration chapter.
To log on to NetInsight
1. In your Web browser, enter the NetInsight URL. The NetInsight User Logon
page appears.
2. In the User name box, enter your user name. (The user name is
3. In the Password box, enter your NetInsight password.
4. Click Log on.
To connect to other IBM applications from NetInsight
Follow the instructions below when you are logged into a NetInsight installation
that authenticates users through Marketing Platform and you want to open another
installed IBM component in a new browser.
1. In the upper-right corner, click Unica. The menu expands to show links for
each IBM application installed.
2. Click the link for the application you want to open.
To change your user password in NetInsight
If your NetInsight installation is configured to authenticate users against an
internal database, you change your password in NetInsight. If NetInsight is
configured to use an external database or the Web server for authentication, you
will need to consult the database or Web server documentation for details on how
to change your password.
© IBM Corporation 1996, 2011
Display your NetInsight Homepage.
Click the Options tab.
In the Options panel, select Preferences > Password.
In the Old password box, enter your current NetInsight user password.
5. In the New password box, enter the password you want to use.
6. In the New password (again) box, re-enter the new password.
7. Click Save Options and then click Continue.
To change your user password in Marketing Platform
If NetInsight is configured to use Marketing Platform for authentication, you
change the password in Marketing Platform. If NetInsight is configured to use an
external database or the Web server for authentication, you will need to consult the
database or Web server documentation for details on how to change your
1. Open Marketing Platform.
2. Log in using your existing password.
3. Enter and confirm the new password, following the password rules established
for Marketing Platform.
4. Save the new password.
About the NetInsight interface
This section describes the NetInsight interface methods for navigating in
NetInsight. There are two sections of NetInsight: the Profile Manager and the
individual profiles. A profile is a collection of reports that analyze the same site.
Note: Note: If you are using a NetInsight installation that authenticates users, see
instruction for using the NetInsight homepage.
About the Profile Manager screen
When you start NetInsight, it opens to the Profile Manager. This is where you can
view, create, edit, and remove profiles. It is also where you can set global
administrative options that apply to all of your NetInsight profiles.
Note: If you are concerned about the security of your profiles, use your Web
server’s security features to protect the Profile Manager; setting the NetInsight
password option for a profile will not prevent users from deleting, editing, or
creating profiles in the Profile Manager itself. You can also restrict access to the
Profile Manager using administrative options.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
The Profile Manager screen contains these controls:
Control Name
Profiles tab
Use the Profiles tab to view, create, edit, and
remove profiles.
Options tab
Use the Options tab to edit the
administrative options, set default profile
options, or upgrade your NetInsight license.
Homepage icon
Use the Homepage icon to display your list
of customized profiles (for logged in users)
or the login page (if you are not logged in).
Help link
Use the Help link to view help for the
current page.
Chapter 3. Connecting to and using the NetInsight Interface
About the Profile screen
Once you select a profile and click View Profile, you leave the Profile Manager and
enter the profile screen (pictured above set to the Options tab). The Profile screen
contains these controls:
Control Name
Reports tab
Use the Reports tab to view the reports that
contain this profile’s data.
Use the Inbox tab to view reports you
Custom tab
Use the Custom tab to create new reports.
Archive tab
Use the Archive tab to view archived
Options tab
Use the Options tab to set the options for
the profile, remove data from the profile,
and remove archived reports.
Reporting Mode drop-down list
Use the Reporting Mode drop-down to
specify whether reports should include all
data generated during the last profile update
or a sampled subset of that data.
NetInsight Options drop-down list
When you select the Options tab, the
NetInsight Options drop-down list displays.
Use items from this list to edit your profile
options, remove archived reports, or remove
data from the profile.
About the Reports Tab
When you select the Reports tab from the Profile screen, the screen switches to the
report view. The Reports display consists of three panels: the Reports Selection
panel (on the left) where you select the report you want to display; the Report
panel (center) which displays the selected report; and the Discovery panel (right),
which you can use to add and remove filters, metrics, and dimensions to a report.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Note: The Discovery panel only displays when you select the Discovery panel
About the Report Selection panel
The Report Selection panel on the Reports tab lists all available reports.
Panel Section
You can use the calendar to specify the time
period whose data you want to see in a
report. By default, the data from the latest
month for which the profile has data is
Report List
Available reports are listed and grouped by
category (for example, Marketing Analysis,
Content Analysis). To expand a category,
click the plus (+) sign next to its name. If the
profile contains multiple views, the Change
View icon appears in the report list title bar.
Clicking it displays a list of all the views
available for the profile. Click the Close
button to close the list of views.
About the Report panel
The Report panel on the Reports tab displays the current report.
v The top line displays the name of the profile and the name of the report on the
left, and the time period whose data is being displayed on the right. If any
filters have been applied to this report, they will be listed on the next line. (Date
filters are usually not listed with the other filters. Instead, date filters change the
time period listed on the top line.)
Chapter 3. Connecting to and using the NetInsight Interface
v The next part of the report is the graph. (A graph is not available on all reports.)
You can click an item in the graph to display a breakdown report for that item.
The graph title displays to the upper left of the graph.
v The report data appears below the graph. A small triangle indicates the column
by which the report is sorted, and whether the data is sorted in ascending or
descending order. To change the column by which a report is sorted, click
another column name. To change the sort order of a column, click the column
name, or right-click and select a sort order. To move a column, click and drag it
to a new location.
v The last part of the report is the page help, which provides a definition for each
column in the report.
The Report panel contains these command icons:
Data Set icon
You can change which report column is
being graphed by clicking the Data Set icon
on the far right of the graph title bar.
Graph Type icons
The graph type icons are to the upper right
of the graph, in the graph title bar. Use these
icons to choose the type of graph you want.
Basic options include Bar Chart, Pie Chart,
and Line Chart. A Funnel Chart option is
also available. For scenario reports, and
some report types may have an additional
graph type. Not all the options are available
for all reports.
Search, Record, and Rows icons
Below the report data are six icons for
Search, First, Previous, Next, Last, and
Rows. Use the Search icon to enter criteria
for the report items you want to find. You
can only search the data in the left-most
column (not counting the row number). Use
the Rows icon to change the number of rows
that display on each page of the report.
About the Discovery panel
The Discovery panel on the Reports tab displays lists of filters, metrics, and
dimensions you can apply to the current report. To open the Discovery panel, click
the Discovery panel command in the toolbar. To close the Discovery panel, click
the command again.
Filters, metrics, and dimensions are grouped separately and arranged by category
within those groups (for example, Marketing Analysis, Content Analysis). Use the
up/down arrows and plus/minus buttons to expend or contract groups and their
To add a filter, metric, or dimension to a report, drag it from the Discovery panel
and onto the report, or click it in the Discovery panel. Most filters require you to
enter some additional information to define the filter. To remove a filter, metric, or
dimension, drag it off of the report and onto the Discovery panel.
The lists in the Discovery Panel update based on the items you add to or remove
from the report.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
About the Profile Options tab
Use the Options tab to set configuration options for a profile. The NetInsight
Options drop-down list that displays on the Options tab lets you remove archived
reports and data from the profile.
About the NetInsight toolbar
The NetInsight toolbar includes the following command commands. Depending on
your privileges, not all of these commands may be available to you. Commands
are listed below in the order they appear left to right.
Use the Update command to update the
profile with any new data in your log files
and to regenerate the reports.
Selected Groups
Use the Selected Groups command to toggle
display of the group selection box on and
Use the Calendar command to toggle
display of the calendar on and off.
Multi-Edit Mode
Use the Multi-Edit Mode command to turn
Multi-Edit mode on or off. When Multi-Edit
mode is on, drag-and-drop changes you
make to a report are held in a queue until
you click Run Report. This command is
only available on the Reports tab.
Discovery Panel
Use the Discovery Panel command to
display or hide the Discovery panel. The
Discovery panel lets you narrow the results
displayed in the current report to a subset of
the data or add metrics or dimensions to the
current report. This command is only
available on the Reports tab.
Sticky Filters
Use the Sticky Filters command to turn
sticky filters on or off. When filters are
sticky, any currently-applied filters are kept
and re-applied when you switch to a new
report. When filters are not sticky, filters
from one report do not carry over to another
report. This command is only available on
the Reports tab.
Comparative Reports
Use the Comparative Reports command to
display a second calendar so you can specify
two time periods and view the data for both
time periods side-by-side in one report. This
command is only available on the Reports
Chapter 3. Connecting to and using the NetInsight Interface
A/B Testing
Use the A/B Testing command to display
two filter areas on the report so you can use
drag-and-drop to create two sets of filters
and view the report data using each set of
filters side-by-side in one report. This
command is only available on the Reports
Report Designer
Use the Report Designer command to
display the Report Summary page, where
you can edit the report. This command is
only available on the Reports tab.
Use the Export command to display the
Export options dialog box so you can export
the report data to a spreadsheet, database, or
word processor. This command is only
available on the Reports and Archive tabs.
Use the Email command to display the
Email options screen so you can specify a
recipient and report format and email the
current report. This command is only
available on the Reports tab.
Use the Print command to print the current
report. This command is only available on
the Reports and Archive tabs.
Default Report
Use the Default Report command to display
an authenticated user’s default report (if one
has been set) or to display the first report in
the first folder of the current report list (if a
default report has not been set). This
command will not appear for
unauthenticated users.
Use the Homepage command to close the
profile and display your customized list of
profiles (for logged in users) or the login
page (if you are not logged in). This
command will not appear if it has been
disabled in the administrative options.
Use the Administration command to close
the profile and open the Profile Manager.
This command will not appear if it has been
disabled in the administrative options.
To set the default profile
If you are an authenticated user you can define a default profile for yourself. When
you define a default profile, that profile opens automatically when you log in to
NetInsight. When viewing the NetInsight Homepage, you can go to your default
profile by clicking the Default Profile icon. If you also define a default report for
your default profile, your default profile opens automatically to that report.
Your default profile is indicated on the Homepage by a lighted star icon next to its
Note: This icon will not appear if it has been disabled by your administrator.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
To set your default profile:
1. Open the NetInsight Homepage.
2. To:
a. Set your default profile, click the star icon next to the profile you want as
your default. The icon lights, indicating it is now the default.
b. Change your default profile, click the star icon of the profile you want as
your new default.
c. Clear the setting so that you have no default profile, click the star icon of
your current default. The icon unlights.
About the geographic report interface
If your NetInsight installation includes the geographic database, geographic reports
that include map graphs are available to you.
Note: The NetInsight geographic database is available for download from IBM
Customer Central.
Map graphs include the following functionality to aid navigation:
To zoom in and out, use the plus and minus buttons in the
upper left corner of the graph. To select and zoom to a
particular area of the map, click and drag over that area while
holding down the Shift key.
Resetting the zoom level
To return the map to its default zoom level, click the box
between the plus and minus buttons.
To pan the map, click and drag while holding down the Ctrl
Changing the map's metric Controls for changing the metric range displayed by a map are
located at the bottom of each map. To change the metric range,
enter values for lower and upper bounds in the range text
fields OR click and drag either end of the range bar towards
the center OR click the center of the range bar and drag it left
or right. After changing the range values, click the Apply
Metric Range link to apply the new values to the map.
Chapter 3. Connecting to and using the NetInsight Interface
Viewing city details
City reports include city “bubbles." The size of a city’s bubble
is proportional to the number of visitors from that city. To
view the name of a city, hover your pointer over its bubble.
About using the NetInsight Homepage
If you are an authenticated NetInsight user, you will usually access your
NetInsight profiles through your NetInsight Homepage instead of through the
Profile Manager. If your NetInsight administrator has given you the ability to
manage your account, you will access these options from the NetInsight
Homepage as well.
To view a profile as an authenticated user
The method for viewing a profile differs for authenticated NetInsight users. To
view a profile as an authenticated NetInsight user:
1. Display your NetInsight Homepage.
2. Click the name of the profile you want to view.
Note: Depending on the privileges your NetInsight administrator gave you,
some icons and options may not appear in your interface.
About using NetInsight documentation as an authenticated
The instructions in the NetInsight documentation assume you are using the default
interface, which does not include authenticated users. As an authenticated user,
you will need to make some adjustments.
v First, whether an option is available to you depends on the privileges your
NetInsight administrator has given you. Some options and icons described in the
manual may not appear in your interface.
v Second, your method for viewing a profile will differ from that for
unauthenticated users. See the instructions for viewing a profile as an
authenticated user.
About the NetInsight Homepage
The Profiles tab on the NetInsight Homepage contains a table listing the title and
name of each profile you have permission to access.
From the NetInsight Homepage you can do the following:
Sorting profiles
The column by which the profile list is sorted is indicated
by a small triangle to the right of the column heading. If the
triangle is pointing down, the list is sorted in descending
order. If the triangle is pointing up, the list is sorted in
ascending order. You can sort the list by any column in the
table by clicking the column heading. By default, the list
will be sorted on the data in the new column in descending
order. Click the column heading again to sort the data in
ascending order.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Viewing profiles
To view a profile, click the profile name or title.
Changing the number of
profiles displayed
Click the Rows icon to change the number of profiles that
display on a page.
Displaying additional profiles If your list of profiles spans multiple pages, there will be
four arrow icons that allow you to move from page to page.
These buttons are First, Previous, Next, and Last.
Filtering profiles
You can filter the list of profiles on your Homepage to find
the specific profile you want. Click the Show profile filter
link in the upper right of the Homepage. In the Filter
Profiles box, enter a profile title or profile name to search
for. Click Apply Filter to filter the list. NetInsight performs
a non-case-sensitive search for the specified string. All
available profiles are included in the search, including any
profiles that are not currently visible on the Homepage.
Click Clear Filters if you want to restore the list. Click Hide
profile filters to close the Filter Profiles box.
Logging out
To log out of NetInsight, click Logout in the upper-right
corner of the screen. Note: Logout does not appear if
NetInsight is configured to authenticate users using Web
server authentication.
Accessing the reports you
have requested
Click the Inbox tab.
Changing your password,
default view or reporting
mode, or Inbox preferences
If your NetInsight administrator has given you permission
to change your password, your default views or reporting
mode for profiles, or your Inbox preferences, an Options tab
will appear next to the Profiles tab in the upper-left corner
of the screen.
To change your default view and reporting mode for a profile
If your NetInsight administrator has given you permission, you can change the
default view and reporting mode for any profile to which you have access. (The
default view controls which reports, dimensions, filters, and metrics are available,
and how these are grouped within their lists. The reporting mode determines
whether the reports show all the profile data or projections based on a data
sample.) The default view and reporting mode you specify from the Homepage
will take precedence over a default view or reporting mode specified anywhere
Display your Homepage.
Click the Options tab.
In the Options panel, select Preferences > Default Views.
Select the profile for which you want to specify a default view and click
5. In the Default view box, select the view you want from the list of views.
6. In the Default reporting mode box, select the reporting mode you want from
the list.
7. Click Save Options and then click Continue.
Profiles for which a default view has been specified will be listed first and will be
followed by an asterisk.
Chapter 3. Connecting to and using the NetInsight Interface
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Chapter 4. Creating and configuring profiles
A profile is the basic unit of organization within NetInsight. In it's simplest sense,
a profile is a collection of reports that examine a particular web site. You can
further shape a profile by the filters, views, permissions, and other customizations
you define for it. There is no limit to the number of profiles you can create. While
it is common to create a single profile for each web site you want to report on, you
can also create multiple profiles for a single site. For example, if your site contains
subdomains, you may want to create a separate profile for each.
About database connections
Each profile requires a connection to a database. When you install NetInsight, it
creates a default database connection, named _default, using the database
information that you supplied during the installation process. If you have other
databases or database logins that you want to use for different profiles, you must
configure these additional connections manually by adding the appropriate XML to
the NetTracker.cfg file.
To configure a database connection
Follow these steps to configure a database connection.
1. Open the NetTracker.cfg file in a text editor.
2. In the <database> container element under <connections>, add a child element
<connection> for each of the database connections you want to add. Follow the
correct syntax for your database type (see the examples).
3. If your connection uses a password, follow these steps to set the password in
the connection XML:
a. Copy the encrypted password from the _default connection and use this as
the value of the <password> element for the new connection.
b. Run the following command:
nettracker admin -dbpasswd <new_connection_name>
c. When you are prompted for the old password, enter the password for the
_default connection.
d. Set the password for the new connection.
4. Save the NetTracker.cfg file.
When you create a profile, the connections that you added to NetTracker.cfg will
be available.
Example database connection XML
Follow these examples for the supported dabase types.
<connection name="_default" type="db2">
© IBM Corporation 1996, 2011
<driver>{IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER}</driver>
<connection name="_default" type="oci">
SQL Server (with Windows authentication)
<connection name="_default" type="mssql">
<driver>{SQL Server}</driver>
SQL Server (with username/password)
<connection name="_default" type="mssql">
<driver>{SQL Server}</driver>
About deleting profile data
As necessary you can delete data for one or more months from a profile. When
you delete data, it is permanently removed from the database. If you think you
might need data again at some point in the future, before you delete it make sure
you have its log file source.
When you delete profile data, you have the option of archiving it. Archiving data
means users can continue to view reports that contain the data. However, because
the data is no longer in the database, they cannot drill into the archived
reports--archived reports have no links.
When you delete data, it is removed from both the sample tables and the full
tables, regardless of a profile's current reporting mode. If you are using an
integration module, the module data for the selected months is also deleted from
the database. Depending on how old the data is, it may not be available to add to
the profile in the future.
To delete profile's data
Deleting data for all months from a profile deletes all of the profile's data. When
you delete profile data, it is removed from both full and sample tables regardless
of the profile's current reporting mode.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Note: Because deleting profile data removes information on unique visitors, it will
affect the identification of new and repeat visitors when you subsequently import
new data.
delete data from a profile.
View the profile from which you want to remove data.
Click the Options tab.
From the NetInsight Options drop-down list select Remove Data from Profile.
The Remove Data from Profile screen opens.
If your installation requires authentication to remove profile data, you will be
prompted for a password. Type the password and click Enter.
If you only want to remove data for certain months, select those months.
If you want to still be able to view the reports for the months whose data you
are deleting, check the Archive data box. Otherwise, clear Archive data.
To delete data for the selected months, click Remove Selected Months.
Otherwise, to delete data for all months, click Remove All Months.
To update a profile's data
To import the latest data from your web server log files into a profile, you run an
update on the profile. In addition to importing data, updates are also required in
order for changes to certain profile options to take effect. In addition. You can
trigger profile updates manually, or you can schedule updates to occur
automatically at regular intervals.
To update a profile manually:
1. Open the profile you want to update.
2. On the toolbar, click the Update icon.
To create a profile
When you create a profile, you must specify at least a profile name and title, and a
log file location and format.
Note: The procedure below is only for single servers.
1. Display the list of profiles at the Profile Manager.
2. Click Create Profile.
3. In the Short profile name (one word) box, enter the name that will be used
for files associated with this profile.
4. In the Database connection box, select the database connection you want to
use for this profile.
5. Click Continue.
6. Enter the profile title (which will appear at the top of all the reports) and the
URL of the site you want to analyze. Click Continue.
7. In the Location of log file(s) list, select an option.
If your logs are located on the computer that is running NetInsight, or are
available on the local network, select Local/network file system.
If your logs are available via FTP and you want NetInsight to retrieve them
for you, select FTP server.
Chapter 4. Creating and configuring profiles
8. In the Format of log file(s) list, select the format of the log file. Select Auto
Detect to have NetInsight determine your log format automatically.
If your log files are in a nonstandard format, you must first manually specify
the log file format.
NetInsight can process log files that have been compressed using gzip.
9. Do one of the following:
a. If you selected Local/network file system, enter the log file path and file
name in the Full path to log file(s) box.
Note: You may use the wildcard character "*" to specify multiple files. You
may also click Browse to find the file. The Browse button does not appear
if it has been disabled in the administrative options.
b. If you selected FTP server, click Browse and enter the following
information about the FTP server from which you will be downloading the
log files.
v Host name: The name of the server (, not )
User name: Your user name for the FTP server. If you access the server
anonymously, leave this blank.
Password: Your password for the FTP server. If you access the server
anonymously, leave this blank.
v Password (again): The same password you entered above.
Initial path: The directory in which the log file can be found on the
v When you have entered the information about the FTP server, click
Browse to select the log file.
10. Click Add.
11. If you have other log files you want to analyze, click Continue. If you have
entered all of your log files, click View Profile.
12. After clicking View Profile, click the Update icon, which is the left-most icon
in the icon group, to generate the reports for this profile.
To create a profile to analyze logs from clustered servers
If the log files you want to analyze come from clustered servers, the procedure for
creating a profile is somewhat different than for single servers. To create a profile
to analyze logs from clustered servers:
1. Display the list of profiles at the Profile Manager. (For details, see instructions
for displaying the list of profiles.)
2. Click Create Profile.
3. In the Short profile name (one word) box, enter the name that will be used for
NetInsight files associated with this profile.
4. Click Continue.
5. Enter the profile title (which will appear at the top of all the reports) and the
URL of the site you want to analyze, and click Edit Profile.
NetInsight opens the profile options for this profile. Now you need to point
NetInsight to the log files you want to analyze.
6. In the Options panel, select Main > Log Files.
7. Now you need to specify the clustered log files.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
8. When you are finished specifying the log files, click the Update icon to
generate the reports for the profile.
To create a profile from a copy
You can create a new profile by copying an existing one. The original profile's
configuration and reports serve as the basis for the new one.
To copy a profile
1. Open the Profile Manager.
2. Click Copy Profile.
3. Select the profile you want to copy and click Continue.
Selecting Default template settings is equivalent to creating a new profile from
scratch--it leads you through the same screens you complete when you create a
new profile.
4. Enter a short, one-word name for the new profile.
5. In the Database connection box, select the database connection you want to
use for this profile.
6. Click Continue.
The new profile is created, with configuration settings, reports, and user access
privileges identical to the profile it was copied from.
After creating a new profile by copying, you will need to modify some of the new
profile's options. Which options you need to modify will vary, depending on how
you want the copied profile will differ from its original. At the very least you will
probably want to modify the settings for:
v The profile title
v The URL of the site being analyzed
v The profile's log files
v Profile passwords
To edit a profile's options
You can access a profile's opions for editing from the Profile Manager or while
viewing the profile's reports.
To edit a profile's options:
v From the Profile Manager, select the profile and click Edit Profile, or...
v While viewing the profile's reports, on the toolbar, click Administration.
To delete a profile
Important: You cannot undo a delete. If you think you might need a profile again,
back up its files prior to deleting it.
To delete a profile:
1. Open the Profile Manager.
2. Select the profile you want to remove and click Remove Profile.
Chapter 4. Creating and configuring profiles
About general profile options
You can set the following general options for a profile:
Profile title
A profile's title is the display name that users see when
viewing the profile. It appears on all of the profile's reports.
URL of the site being
You must specify the URL of the site you want to analyze.
Note: The URL cannot include a path. If you want a profile
to only include certain pages at the URL, set the Included
Pages option.
If your log files contain data on more than one site and you
have selected the Only process traffic to the configured
site option (on the Advanced page), ensure that the URL
(after the http://) matches exactly how your site is
recorded in your log files.
To ensure the URL you enter exactly matches your log files,
examine one of your logs in a text editor and then enter the
URL exactly as it appears. Where the site name appears in
the log will depend on your log file format. In NCSA logs
the site name appear in the second column. Netscape and
W3C log files have column headings that identify the
correct column. In W3C logs the correct column is usually
Case-sensitivity in page
names and user names
You can specify whether upper and lower case characters in
page names and user names are treated as distinct. If
case-sensitivity is enabled, uppercase and lowercase
characters are treated as different characters. Otherwise,
they are considered the same.
Note: If case-sensitivity is not enabled, page and user
names are imported as lowercase. This affect the use of
regular expressions and filters. In most cases, if your logs
come from a UNIX system you should enable
case-sensitivity if they come from a Windows system you
should disenable case-sensitivity.
Rows per summary
By default, each report page displays ten rows. You can
change the default, and/or customize the number of rows
initially displayed in any given report. Users can also
change the number of rows displayed when working with a
Values per dashboard graph
By default, each dashboard report graph displays five
values. (The exception is graphs for dated summaries which
display all available values in the underlying summary).
Changes to this default will affect to all graphs on all
pre-defined dashboards.
Maximum path length
You can specify the maximum number of consecutive pages
(2 to 10) that can be in a path. This number is used to
calculate the paths that appear in your Path Summary.
Page title and page name
You can specify a maximum display length for page titles
and page names. Limiting the length makes reports easier
to read and print. The default length is 41 characters.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Host name resolution
Most servers can resolve the host names of clients
requesting files (that is, look up the host names for their
corresponding IP addresses). However, some servers are not
configured to perform this function. You can have
NetInsightresolve host names that are not resolved by the
Metric percentages based on
By default, NetInsight calculates metric percentages using
the total count for the time period as the denominator. You
can choose to hide metric percentages on reports or to
calculate them using page or report totals instead.
To set general profile options
1. View the profile whose general options you want to set.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Main > General.
The General options screen opens.
4. Set options as needed.
v Profile title
URL of the site being analyzed
Case sensitive pages
Case sensitive user names
Number of rows per summary
Number of values per dashboard graph
v Maximum length of a path
v Page title display length
v Page name length
v Resolve host names
v Metric percentages based on
v Anonymous FTP root directory
5. Click Save Options .
If you changed one of the case-sensitivity options, the Resolve host names
option, or the Anonymous FTP root directory option, you must delete your
profile data and reimport your log files to apply those changes to existing data.
Otherwise, the changes are applied to subsequently imported data when the
profile is next updated.
Important: Be aware that if you do not still have all previously imported log
files then deleting profile data will result in permanent data loss.
About locale options
You can configure NetInsight to work with your specific locale, including the way
that it displays dates and times and language settings. Locale options include the
following settings:
v Week begins on. You select the first day of the week. The default is Sunday.
v Weekend. You select the weekend days. The default is Saturday and Sunday.
v Display time as. Display time as option. You select whether you want times
displayed using the 12-hour clock or the 24-hour clock.
Chapter 4. Creating and configuring profiles
v Display date as. Display date as option. You select the date format you want to
use. The date and time settings primarily affect the automatically generated
footer on report pages, which include a date and time stamp.
v Character set. Character set option. You select the character set used to display
text in the reports and the profile interface. This is also the character set used to
send data to the database. In general, you should not change the character set.
v Language. You select the language that is used to display text. The languages
available depend on which Language Packs you have installed.
v Log file date format. If you are analyzing Microsoft log files, you need to tell
NetInsight in what format dates are stored in the log files. (For example, is July
10, 2009 stored as 10/07/08 or as 07/10/08?)
v Currency. You select the currency that defines the format to be used for
currency values in reports.
Administrators can also set the default locale options to apply to each new profile
users create.
About character sets
Character sets map written characters to a number that can be stored electronically.
Some character sets only contain characters for certain languages. For example, the
character set Western European (ISO-8859-1) contains the characters in the Latin
script and can represent most European languages, but not Arabic or Mandarin.
The Unicode character set contains the characters needed to represent almost all
written languages. NetInsight uses UTF-8, a common implementation of Unicode.
About character sets in NetInsight
Several character sets affect NetInsight:
v The character set of the data (log file or page tag) you are analyzing.
v The character set specified in your external database application.
v The character set specified for the profile, which is used for the reports and the
profile interface, and is also the character set used to send data to the database.
v The character set specified in the administration options, which is used for the
Profile Manager and the administrative options.
The character sets of your profiles must match the database's character set. If they
do not, you may end up with junk characters in your database. In most database
applications, the character set is specified at the application level, so for the profile
character set and the database character set to match, all of your profiles must use
the same character set.
Likewise, if the profile's character set is different than the Profile Manager
character set, the profile title may not display properly in the Profile Manager. As a
best practice, ensure that all of your settings use the same character set.
Support for UTF-8
NetInsight supports UTF-8 for DB2, Netezza®, and Oracle databases. UTF-8 is not
supported for SQL Server.
Note: If you are planning on using UTF-8, contact IBM Unica technical support for
additional guidance.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
When to change character sets
NetInsight creates the database tables for a profile the first time it is updated. The
database tables are created using the character set specified in the Locale options.
Do not change the character set for aprofile whose database has already been
created. If you need to change the character set for an existing profile, contact IBM
Unica technical support.
Which character set to use
If you anticipate needing to analyze keywords or page titles in a variety of
languages, the best practice is to use UTF-8 if it is available for your database.
Otherwise, use the character set that is the best match for the data you are
Note: NetInsight environments with Netezza databases must use UTF-8 for the
profile character set.
Using the UTF-8 character set in DB2
If you are using a DB2 database and you want to use the UTF-8 character set, you
must set the value of the environment variable named DB2CODEPAGE to 1208 in the
Nettracker.cfg file before you import data into any of your profiles. For example:
<envvar name="DB2CODEPAGE">1208</envvar>
Using the UTF-8 character set in Oracle
If you are using an Oracle database and you want to use the UTF-8 character set,
you must set the value of the environment variable named NLS_LANG to
AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8 in the Nettracker.cfg file before you import data into
any of your profiles. For example:
<envvar name="NLS_LANG">
Note: This setting assumes that you are using AL32UTF8 (the Oracle UTF-8
character set supported by NetInsight) as the database and client character set.
Locale settings for UTF-8 with Netezza
To display UTF-8 characters correctly through the NetInsight interface with
Netezza, the LC_CTYPE environment variable in the Nettracker.cfg file must be set to
the correct UTF-8 locale type for your environment. By default, the LC_CTYPE
variable is set to en_US.utf8. If you have a different locale, change the value of
LC_CTYPE to the correct UTF-8 locale type for your environment.
Important: If you need to change this setting, change it before you import profile
data. If you import data and then change the LC_CTYPE variable, the database will
contain incorrect profile data.
Chapter 4. Creating and configuring profiles
To change locale options
You must install the language pack for the language you want to use prior to
modifying the language setting.
Changing the default locale only affects profiles created after the change; it does
not affect existing profiles.
1. While viewing the profile, click the Options tab.
2. From the Options panel, select Main > Locale.
The Locale Options screen opens.
3. Change locale options as necessary:
a. In the Week begins on list, you can select Sunday (the default) or Monday.
b. In the Weekend list, you can select Friday and Saturday or Saturday and
Sunday (the default).
c. In the Display time as list, you can select 12 hour clock (the default) or 24
hour clock.
d. In the Display date as list, you can select mm/dd/yyyy (the default),
dd/mm/yyyy, or yyyy/mm/dd.
e. In the Character set list, you can select the character set to use.
Note: You should not change the character set after creating the profile.
f. In the Language drop-down list, select the language to use.
g. If you are using Microsoft log files, in the Log file date format list, you can
select mm/dd/yy (the default), dd/mm/yy, or yy/mm/dd.
h. In the Currency list, select the currency to use for the profile.
4. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
If you change the language, you must update the profile for the complete
translated interface to appear.
About page tags
If your NetInsight license permits, you can analyze data collected from page tags.
You collect the data by “tagging” Web pages with JavaScript that causes a visitor’s
browser to send information about the visitor’s visit to a page tag server. This
information, which appears in the page tag server log as a request for the page
tagging image, can then be imported by NetInsight for analysis.
The requests for the page tag image can be analyzed either isolated from, or to
augment, the actual Web server log entries that contain the original request for the
tagged page. This lets you either selectively tag the pages you would like to track,
or tag those pages for which you want to have additional information available for
analysis. In addition, because the image requested does not need to be on the same
Web server as the page in which it is embedded, you can use page tagging to track
pages on sites for which you do not have access to the Web server log files.
Refer to the NetInsight Administrator's Guide for complete details about deploying
page tagging with NetInsight.
Note: If your NetInsight license does not permit page tag analysis, the Page
Tagging option will not appear.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Possible page tag modes
There are several possible ways to use page tag data in your profile:
v Not used
Disables page tagging. However, requests for the page tag image will count as
v Used only to augment log files with additional data
Requests for the page tag image will count as hits. They will not count as page
views. Augmenting log files with data collected by page tags enables you to
capture additional client-side information such as screen resolution, or to track
“events” such as visitors adding or removing items from shopping carts.
v Used instead of log files to collect data for a single site
Requests for the page tag image will count as page views. Non-page tag
requests will not be counted. This mode is the typical page-tagging mode. In this
mode, you will only load traffic that is recorded from page tags placed in your
HTML pages.
Ensure that you tag every page you want to track. You can tag non-HTML views
(such as file downloads) by tagging the link to the file. In addition, you can use
event tags to track on-page events (such as adding a product to a shopping cart).
For this mode, pages are expected to be logged in the format NetInsight will parse the host (for example, and compare it (without respect to case) to the URL of the site
being analyzed option in the General options, or the server URL if your log files
are clustered for multiple sites. If they match, NetInsight will remove the host
from the URL and count the request as a page view. If they do not match, the
request will not be counted.
v Used instead of log files to collect data for multiple sites
Requests for page tag images will count as page views. Non-page tag requests
will not be counted. Pages will appear in NetInsight reports as full URLs (as
they would if NetInsight were configured to process log files that are clustered
for multiple sites). If you are using page tags instead of log files, you will need
to use this mode so that you can distinguish a page tag generated for a page on
one site from a page tag generated for a page with the same name on another
site (such as index.html).
v Used in addition to log files to collect data for multiple sites
Requests for page tag images will count as page views. Non-page tag requests
will also be counted as page views. (Non-page tag requests will be prefixed with
the URL in the General options, or the server URL if the log files are clustered
for multiple sites.)
Use this mode if you want to use log files in conjunction with event tags for
your main site, or have remote site portions that are hosted within other Web
sites for which you do not have access to the log files. In this case, you would
place the page tags in the pages on those remote sites. Page tags generated from
the remote sites will count as page views. The pages from each site will be
prefixed with the site’s name (for example,
Note: Both regular log records and page tag records will count as page views.
Therefore, do not add page tags to your main site for which you are using log
files, as traffic will be counted twice. Using event tags only will not result in
traffic being counted twice.
Chapter 4. Creating and configuring profiles
To enable page tags
View the profile in which you want to analyze data collected from page tags.
Click the Options tab.
In the Options panel, select Main > Page Tagging.
In the Page tags are list, select the mode that matches the data collection
mechanism you want to use.
5. Click Save Options and then click Continue.
If you selected Not used, you do not need to continue with the remaining
6. Specify the images used to collect page tag data:
a. To add an image, click Add enter a filter that describes the image, and click
Add again.
b. To edit a filter, select the filter in the list, click Edit, make your changes and
click Save Changes.
c. To delete an image, select the image and click Delete.
When you import data into NetInsight from now on, NetInsight will analyze
the data collected by the page tag images that match the current filters.
7. If this is what you want or if you have additional changes to make to the list of
filters, click Continue.
If you want NetInsight to use the current image list on data you have already
imported, you need to delete all the data in your profile and reimport your log
Note: If you do not still have all the log files you have imported into this
profile, you will lose data permanently by choosing this option.
To delete your profile data, click Delete Profile Data.
Restricting access to profiles
NetInsight contains a number of mechanisms you can use to restrict access to
profiles (or to certain features within a profile). These are summarized here.
Essentially, you control access either by using authentication (that is, through
password protection) or by the privileges you assign to different user roles. You
can also use a combination of these methods.
Controlling access to administrative functions
If you want to restrict access to what are typically considered administrative
functions, there are three areas you need to consider:
1. The Profile Manager: The Profile Manager is where you create and delete
profiles. From there you can also access NetInsightsystem-level options (such as
the ability to create users and roles) and define the default values used for new
2. Profile Options: The Profile Options settings are where you define a profile's
options. Access to these can be controlled on an option-by-option basis.
3. Commands on the Reports and Archive tabs: There are a number of functions
available from the Reports and Archie tabs you might want to control access to.
For example, from the Reports tab you can initiate a profile update, delete data
from a profile, and create and delete reports.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Ways to control profile access
Do This
Restrict access to a
profile (by roles)
Set the profile's
default role access to
No Access and do not
assign users specific
roles to that profile
This limits access to this profile to those
users you specifically assign a role for this
profile. Users without a designated role
cannot access the profile, nor do they see it
listed on the Homepage.
Note: By itself this type of security does
not prevent users from accessing the Profile
Manager (where you can create and delete
profiles). Nor does it prevent access to the
NetInsight system-level administration
options (which includes default profile
Restrict access to a
profile (by password)
Password-protect the
profile using your
NetInsight web
server's authentication
You can use the NetInsightweb server’s
security to password-protect a profile (by
restricting access to its directory). This is an
effective way to quickly limit access to all
of a profile's reports and options settings.
However, creating accounts to grant access
can become labor intensive.
Note: By itself this type of security does
not prevent users from accessing the Profile
Manager or system-level administration
options (which includes default profile
Restrict access to the
Profile Manager
Create and assign
users to roles which
do not have access to
the Administration :
Profile Manager
Restricting access to the Profile Manager
prevents users from creating and deleting
profiles. It also prevents them from
accessing system-level administration
options (which includes default profile
Note: By itself this type of security does
not prevent users from accessing an
individual profile's administration options.
Restrict access to one
or more of a profile's
Create and assign
users to roles which
do not have the one
or more of the
Options : privileges
You can prevent users from accessing a
profile's administrative options by
assigning them to a role that does not have
privileges to Options.
Note: By itself this type of security does
not prevent users from accessing the Profile
Manager or system-level administration
options (which includes default profile
Use the Passwords
Restrict access to
saves, deletes, and log settings in profile
file specification
within a profile (by
You can use a profile's Passwords settings
to password protect the ability to perform
these actions in a profile: updating or
deleting profile data, saving or deleting
reports, specifying which web server log
files the profile uses, and modifying the
password protection of these options itself.
Note: By itself this type of security does
not prevent users from accessing the Profile
Manager or system-level administration
options (which includes default profile
Chapter 4. Creating and configuring profiles
Do This
Restrict access to
specific features
within a profile
Create and assign
users to roles which
do not have the one
or more of the
Interface : and/or
Removal : privileges
By assigning users to a role which you the
selectively assign Interface and Removal
privileges, you can control just about any
access or action a user can person within a
Special administration privileges
There are two override privileges you can use to grant special administration
permissions if the need arises. Both are described in greater detail elsewhere in this
v Administration : User Manager: The system-supplied User Manager role or a
locally-created role with this permission gives a user the ability to create and
edit user accounts, roles, and authentication options. Roles with this privilege
can be assigned to give a person the ability to create user accounts while
restricting access to other functionality. This privilege does not provide access to
any profiles.
v Profiles : Override No Access: This privilege gives a user the ability to access a
profile even when the profile's default role is set to No Access. It should be
reserved for users you want to have access to all profiles.
To restrict access to profile functions by password
1. View the profile in which you want to restrict access.
2. Click the Options tab.
In the Options panel, select Main > Passwords.
In the New password box, enter the password you want to use.
In the New password (again) box, enter the password a second time.
Select one or more of the following options:
Note: The Protect the Remove Data from Profile page option by itself does
not prevent users from removing profile data. NetInsightstill provides users
with the opportunity to delete all the profile data when they change certain
profile options. To prevent users from deleting profile data, select both Protect
the Remove Data from Profile page and Protect all of the profile options.
a. Protect all of the profile options—Requires users to enter a password in
order to change any of the profile options.
b. Protect only the log file and password options—Requires users to enter a
password in order to change the log file or password options.
c. Protect the Remove Data from Profile page—Requires users to enter a
password in order to remove data from the profile.
d. Protect the updating of this profile—Requires users to enter a password in
order to update the profile.
e. Protect saving/removing reports—Requires users to enter a password in
order to save reports they create or remove reports.
7. Click Save Options and then click Continue.
The new settings will take effect immediately.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
About filtering profiles
Profile filters allow you to specify which data should be included or excluded by
NetInsight during data import. This creates the superset of data stored by
NetInsight and available to NetInsight reports. Users can then further filter the
data at the report level. By creating and applying your own filters to a profile, you
can specify additional data you want to include or exclude from that profile during
import. For example, you can limit data to specific dates, pages, hosts, users, and
so on.
NetInsight excludes certain data by default. For example, files ending with .gif,
.GIF, .jpg, .JPG, .png, .PNG, .css, .CSS, .js, .JS, and .class are automatically excluded.
Include versus Exclude filters
Many of the filtering options available for profiles can be specified as either an
include or an exclude. Which to use usually depends upon which is the bigger list:
the data that you want to include or the data that you want to exclude. Include
filters supersede exclude filters and are only use include filters whose
contents constitute the entirety of what you want in your profiles. For example, if
you create an include filter for hosts whose lone entry is,
will be the only host whose data is imported into your profile.
Note: Filtering affects view and download statistics but does not affect hit counts.
For example, if you exclude a particular domain, that domain will be excluded
from your page view statistics but will still factor into your hit count. Hits are
listed on the Executive Dashboard and the Traffic Summary.
To filter profiles
filter a profile:
View the profile you want to filter.
Click the Options tab.
In the Options panel, select the filter option you want.
See the About Profile Filtering Options topic for information on using specific
filter types.
4. Click Add.
If you are creating a date filter, select the date range and click Save Options.
Otherwise proceed to the next step.
5. Enter a filter that describes the data you want to include or exclude and click
6. The filter will be applied to data you import from now on. If this is what you
want, or if you have additional filters to enter, click Continue.
Note: If you want to apply this filter to already imported data, you will need
to delete all the data in your profile and reimport your log files. If you do not
still have all the log files you have imported into this profile, you will lose data
permanently by choosing this option. To delete your profile data, click Delete
Profile Data.
Chapter 4. Creating and configuring profiles
About profile filter options
You can filter profile data as follows:
Use Notes®
You can limit the data in your profile to a specific date range.
You can include or exclude specific host data from your
profile. For example, you could include only traffic from
within your company.
You can restrict the page data in your profile to only those
pages included in a certain list.
Parameter values
You can include or exclude data from your profile based on
the value of a certain parameter in the log file.
Before you can define included/excluded parameter values,
you must define one or more parameters in the profile options.
Requests are included/excluded according to the parameter
values associated with each individual request. Parameter
values associated with the visit are therefore excluded at the
view level, not the visit level.
User agents
You can include or exclude data from specific user agents from
your profile.
Traffic from certain user agents is excluded by default. For
example, to resolve page titles NetInsight requests information
from your Web server and these requests are recorded in your
log file. By default, NetInsight does not import this traffic data.
You can include or exclude data about specific users from your
profile. For example, you could exclude user names from your
company in order to get an accurate analysis of who is visiting
your site from outside your company.
Selected pages from
excluded page type
You can include selected pages from the excluded page types
in your profile. For example, if NetInsight is configured to
exclude all .shtml files, you could specify a particular .shtml
file to be allowed.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Chapter 5. Importing log files
Note: These instructions are for single servers. If you need to analyze log files
from clustered servers, see the instructions for working with clustered log files.
Although you normally specify a log file when you create a profile, you can add
log files to a profile at any time.
1. View the profile to which you want to add log files.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. From the Options panel, select Main > Log Files.
4. Click Add.
5. Specify whether the files are available on the local network or via an FTP
6. Specify the format of the log file(s) or select Auto Detect to have NetInsight
determine the format.
Note: If your log files are in a non-standard format, you must first create a
custom log format definition in NetInsight. See the instructions for defining a
custom log file format.
7. Specify the path to the log file(s).
v If the files are available on the local network, enter the path and file name.
Or, if it is available, click Browse to find the file.
v If the files are available from an FTP server, click Browse and enter the
connection information for the server. On some UNIX FTP servers, the initial
path is the complete system path to directory containing the log files. On
Windows FTP servers the initial path is usually relative to the FTP root
v You can use pattern matching to specify which log files to use at the given
path location. For example, to use all log files at the specified path, modify
the file name portion of the path to *.*. Or, to specify that only log files that
match the pattern be used (for example, enter[0-9][0-9].gz.
8. Click Add.
To add clustered log files to a profile
NetInsight can analyze log files that are clustered for a single site or for multiple
sites. The log files can be from load-balanced servers or from servers that each
deliver different content. It is even possible to analyze Web servers clustered for
multiple sites when each site in the cluster also has multiple load-balanced servers.
However, if you want to analyze clustered log files, the servers must all rotate log
files at the same time and the log files must use the same naming scheme. This
means that all the log files for any given day will have the same exact name.
For example, suppose you have three load-balanced servers and you rotate the log
files daily at midnight. If, for January 1, 2008, the log file for each server is named
20080101.log, NetInsight can analyze the log files. If the log files are named
Server1.20080101.log, Server2.20080101.log, and Server3.20080101.log, NetInsight
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2011
will not be able to analyze the log files correctly. (You may find it helpful to store
the log files for each server in a separate directory with the same name as the
View the profile for which you want to use clustered log files.
Click the Options tab.
In the Options panel, select Main > Log Files.
In the Log files are list, select the configuration that matches the log files you
want to analyze:
v Clustered for a single site: Multiple servers, all of which are serving the
same content. Hits to the servers are load balanced among the different
servers so that a request to the site can go to any one of the servers. For
example, if a user requested your home page, any one of the servers could
serve the page.
v Clustered for multiple sites: Multiple servers that are part of the same
domain. Each site serves different content. For example, in the
domain, the server serves the home page and general
content, and the server serves the catalog pages.
Within each site in the cluster, you can also have multiple load-balanced
servers. For example, the catalog pages could be served by any of three
servers clustered as
Note: The servers should usually be part of the same domain. If you need to
cluster servers from different domains, contact IBM technical support.
5. Click Save Options > Continue.
6. Click Server 1 > Edit.
7. Enter a unique name and a URL for the server.
If the servers are clustered for multiple sites, you must enter a different URL
for each site. In the example earlier, you would use
for the first server and for the second.
(Load-balanced servers within a site should all use the same URL. For
example, all three servers clustered as would use
Note: If you are analyzing log files from servers clustered for multiple sites,
the URL you enter here overrides the URL of the site being analyzed setting
in your profile's General options.
8. Click Add to add additional servers. You must create a server entry for each
server in the cluster. When you are through adding all of the servers, you
need to specify the location of each server’s log files.
9. To specify the location of a server’s log files, select the server, and click
Add/Edit Log Files.
10. Click Add.
11. Specify whether the files are available on the local network or via an FTP
12. Specify the format of the log file(s) or select Auto Detect to have NetInsight
determine the format.
Note: If your log files are in a non-standard format, you must first create a
custom log format definition in NetInsight. See the instructions for defining a
custom log file format.
13. Specify the path to the log file(s).
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
v If the files are available on the local network, enter the path and file name.
Or, if it is available, click Browse to find the file.
v If the files are available from an FTP server, click Browse and enter the
connection information for the server. On some UNIX FTP servers, the
initial path is the complete system path to directory containing the log files.
On Windows FTP servers the initial path is usually relative to the FTP root
v You can use pattern matching to specify which log files to use at the given
path location. For example, to use all log files at the specified path, modify
the file name portion of the path to *.*. Or, to specify that only log files that
match the pattern be used (for example, enter[0-9][0-9].gz.
14. Click Add > Continue.
15. Repeat 10 through 14 until you have specified all of the log files for this
16. When you have finished adding log files for one server, click Back to Servers
and repeat 9 through 15 for the remaining servers.
To define a custom log file format
1. On the toolbar, click the Administration icon.
2. Click the Options tab.
In the Options panel, select Main > Custom Log Formats.
Click Add.
Enter a name for the log file format.
Enter the log file format.
Click Save Options.
After you specify a custom log format, it appears in the Format of log file(s)
list when you add or edit log files. Custom log formats cannot be automatically
detected, so you must specify the format for each log file that uses it.
About fields in custom log format definitions
The log format that you enter should consist of field identifiers and literal
v Field identifiers are strings of the form %NAME%. Field identifiers are
place-holders for variable information.
v Literal characters include any character that is not part of a field identifier,
including spaces and tabs. Literal characters must be specified in the custom
format exactly as they appear in the log file.
Matching literal characters appearing immediately before and after a field identifier
are treated as field delimiters — indicating that any value between them should be
considered the field value. The most common field delimiter is a quotation mark.
A field value cannot contain a field delimiter. A field that does will cause the log
file line to be parsed incorrectly and subsequently ignored.
Unique field identifiers can be used only once per custom log format. A custom log
format must contain the mandatory field identifiers listed below.
Chapter 5. Importing log files
Table 4. Mandatory Field Identifiers:
Field Identifier
Field Value
Remote host or IP address
First line of the request (for example, "GET
/index.html HTTP/1.0")
Path and file name of the file requested
(may also include a query string)
Path and file name of the requested page
(must not include a query string)
Date and time in Common Log Format (for
example, "01/Jan/2010:01:01:01 -0500")
Timestamp; date and time are treated as
local time
Timestamp; date and time are treated as
GMT and converted to local time
Additional information is parsed automatically from the log file if any of the
following field identifiers are present.
Table 5. Other Recognized Field Identifiers:
Field Identifier
Field Value
Bytes sent. A value of '-' in the log file will
be considered equal to a value of 0.
If this field identifier is not present in the
custom log format, the bytes transferred for
each request will be considered zero.
Cookie as supplied by the Web server ("full
Size of the requested file*
Referrer, as sent by the browser*
Quality of the connection*
Query string supplied with the request (can
be used only with %PAGE%)*
Cookie as supplied by the IBM Web Server
Connection status as supplied by the IBM
Web Server Plug-in
Host name or IP address of the site to which
the request is made (can be used only with
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Table 5. Other Recognized Field Identifiers: (continued)
Field Identifier
Field Value
Status of the request (HTTP status code).
If this field identifier is not present in the
custom log format, the status code of the
request will be considered 200.
Time taken to serve the request, in seconds
Browser and platform information, as sent
by the browser*
Remote user name*
Virtual host name*
Note: * Dashes and null strings are acceptable values for these fields. They are
interpreted to mean that no value for the given field is available.
NetInsight skips any field identifier not listed in the tables above unless it is
named as a field from which parameter data should be parsed.
If your log file contains a field not listed in the table above, you must enter an
"arbitrary" field identifier for it in the custom log format. The arbitrary field
identifier serves as a placeholder that tells NetInsight to skip the field. Some
custom log formats may contain place-holders such as %SKIP1%, %SKIP2%, etc.
NCSA Common Log Format
The following log format (one line) defines the standard NCSA Common Log
Note that literal characters (in this example, the brackets and quotes are literal
characters) must appear in the log file exactly as they are specified in the custom
NCSA Combined Log Format with IBM Web Server Plug-in
The following log format (one line) defines an extension of the NCSA Combined
Log Format that includes the information generated by the IBM Web Server
About dates in custom log format definitions
You can define a custom timestamp format to allow NetInsight to parse log files
that do not store dates in a common log format. To define a custom timestamp
format, use the %CUSTOMDATE timestamp_format% or %CUSTOMDATE_GMT
timestamp_format% field identifier in place of %DATETIME% when you define your
custom log file format.
The timestamp format you specify should consist of timestamp component
identifiers and literal characters.
Chapter 5. Importing log files
v A timestamp component identifier is one or more uppercase letters that are place
holders for variable information.
v A literal character is any character that is not part of a timestamp component
identifier, including spaces. Literal characters must appear in the CUSTOMDATE
or CUSTOMDATE_GMT field format exactly as they appear in the log file. Legal
literal characters are those that are not, by themselves or in combination with
others, timestamp component identifiers.
Note: Because there is no surrounding delimiter for timestamp component
identifiers, any character string that can be interpreted as a timestamp component
identifier is treated as one.
The table below lists the component identifiers that can be used in CUSTOMDATE
and CUSTOMDATE_GMT timestamp formats. To be valid, the format must include
one (and only one) of the following:
v D, H, MI, and S.
v Either an M or MM.
v Either a Y, YY, or YYYY.
Table 6. Timestamp Component Identifiers:
Component Identifier
Component Value
Day number, with or without leading zeros
Month number, with or without leading
Abbreviated month name in English (for
example, “Mar”)
Four-digit year
Two-digit year
Four-digit year
Hour, with or without leading zeros
Minutes, with or without leading zeros
Seconds, with or without leading zeros
Time zone, in the format ±NNNN (for
example, “-0500”)
Custom Date Formats
The following field identifiers define a timestamp format that can be used to parse
dates such as “2010-10-01 12:34:56”:
The following field identifiers define a timestamp format that can be used to parse
dates such as “10/01/2010 12:34:56”:
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
About tab-delimited fields in custom log format definitions
Outside of field identifiers and the CUSTOMDATE and CUSTOMDATE_GMT
fields, NetInsightinterprets \t as an embedded tab. It will expect to see a literal tab
character in the log file at that location. The interpetation is case-sensitive;
NetInsightinterprets \T as a back slash followed by the letter T.
When defining a custom log format, if you need to type a back slash followed by a
lower-case letter t and not have it interpreted as a tab, type \\t. This only works in
non-field-identifier portions of the custom log format.
Tab-Delimited Fields
The following log format defines a variation of the standard NCSA Common Log
Format where fields are tab delimited and the request method and protocol are
stored separately from the URL requested (all one line):
The following field identifiers define a timestamp format that can be used to parse
dates such as “2010-04-01<tab>12:34:56”:
About log files on FTP servers
When you specify the location of a profile's log files you can specify the location as
an FTP server. There are several considerations related to FTP servers to be aware
v Each time you update a profile NetInsight contacts the FTP server. If a log file’s
size has changed since the last time the profile was updated NetInsight
downloads the file again. For large log files this can be a slow process.
Therefore, the best practice is to rotate your log files daily (or weekly if your
traffic is low).
v If a firewall separates the NetInsight server and the FTP server, you may need to
configure NetInsight to access the FTP server in passive mode. This option is
enabled by default in NetInsight. For details, see instructions for accessing FTP
servers in passive mode.
To specify the date format of your log files
Note: This configuration applies only to Microsoft log files in the IIS
Standard/Extended or Microsoft Proxy format.
If you are analyzing Microsoft log files, you must specify in what format the log
files store dates. For example, is July 10, 2010 stored as 10/07/10 or as 07/10/10?
1. View the profile for which you want to specify the date format for your log
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Main > Locale.
4. In Log file date format, select the date format used in your log files.
Chapter 5. Importing log files
5. Click Save Options.
The change will be applied to all new log file data you import. If you want this
change to be applied to log file data you have already imported, you must
delete your profile data and reimport the log files.
To process only data for the configured site
If your log files contain data for more than one site, you can configure NetInsight
to only import data for the site the profile is configured to analyze.
Note: To use this option successfully, the profile's URL of the site being analyzed
setting must be an exact, case-sensitive match of the site name recorded in the log
files. For details, see the instructions for specifying the URL of the site being
1. View the profile in which you want to analyze traffic to only one site in the log
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Main > Advanced.
4. Check Only process traffic to the configured site.
5. Click Save Options.
The change will be applied all new log file data you import. If you want this
change to be applied to log file data you have already imported, you must
delete your profile data and reimport the log files.
To select a time zone for a new profile
A profile can display data in any time zone, regardless of the time zone in the web
site or page tag server log file. If you use web site log files instead of page tags,
ensure your web server includes the time zone in the log files. NetInsight cannot
change the display time zone if the initial time zone is unknown.
This option is only available for logs in NCSA, Netscape Flexible, or a custom
format. W3C Extended logs record time using Greenwich Mean Time. By default,
NetInsight converts the times in W3C Extended logs to the local time of the
NetInsight installation.
Important: As a best practice, do not change the time zone after production data
has been imported into the profile.
1. View the profile in which you want to select a time zone.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In Options panel, select Main > Advanced.
4. Check Convert dates and times to local time zone.
5. Select the time zone to use from the drop-down list.
The values in the list are the time zones that apply to the current date. For
example, in December the list contains standard time zones, not daylight saving
time zones.
The value you select is stored in the profile's configuration file in the
<converttimes> element.
If the local time zone you select observes daylight saving time, the profile will
display the correct times and dates all year. If the local time zone you select
does not observe daylight saving time, you must manually modify the profile's
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
configuration file so the value of the <converttimes> element is a time zone
identification that is valid all year. For example, for most locations in Arizona,
<converttimes>America/Phoenix</converttimes> ensures the correct times and
dates all year. If you do not modify the configuration file, you will need to
change the value in the profile options after each time change but before you
import any post-change data into the profile.
6. Click Save Options.
To stop conversion of dates and times in W3C log files
Most W3C log files store date and time in Greenwich Mean Time. By default,
NetInsight converts dates and times in W3C log files to the local date and time of
the NetInsight installation. If your W3C log files do not store dates and times in
Greenwich Mean Time you must configure NetInsight not to convert them.
1. View the profile in which you want to stop date and time conversion.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Main > Advanced.
4. Check convert dates and times to local time zone.
5. Click Save Options.
The change will be applied to all new log file data you import. If you want this
change to be applied to log file data you have already imported, you must
delete your profile data and reimport the log files.
Chapter 5. Importing log files
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Chapter 6. Working with page tags
Page tagging is an alternate method for traffic information about your site that
goes beyond the standard data recorded by default in your Web server log files.
Basic page tagging involves sending information to NetInsight every time a page
loads in a visitor's web browser. You can customize page tagging to also send
information when a visitor interacts with a tagged page (for example, uses a
particular navigation item or starts a video).
You can use direct tags to send data to NetInsight when JavaScript rendering is not
possible (such as in cell phone applications or Flash widgets). Direct tags are also
known as web beacons.
When to use page tagging
Use page tagging when:
v You do not have access to the log files of your Web site’s server and you want to
analyze traffic on the site.
v You want to analyze additional information (such as screen resolution) about
your site’s visitors that is not transferred during a page request but is
transferred during a page tag request.
v You want to track events, which are any actions on your Web site other than
loading a page. Events include but are not limited to the following: changing a
field on a form, selecting an option in a drop-down list box, submitting a form.
Events are plentiful in Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) such as Flash or AJAX
v You want to attribute credit for conversions to your marketing campaigns.
How page tagging works
Page tagging works as follows.
1. In each page on your site that you want to track, you place a page tag. A page
tag is an HTML reference to the page tag script. If you want to track every
page on your site, you can paste the page tag in a common include file such as
a footer.
2. The page tag script (ntpagetag.js) is a JavaScript file that includes functions that
collect information about visitors to your tagged pages. It converts the
information into name/value pairs that can be read by NetInsight. IBM
provides you with the page tag script. You customize it as desired and place it
on a publicly accessible Web server (typically the same one that serves your
3. The page tag script includes a request to the NetInsight servers for a
one-pixel-by-one-pixel transparent image—the page tag image. When a request
for the image file is sent to the NetInsight servers, the visitor information that
was processed by the page tag script is sent with the request. This is how
visitor information is transferred to NetInsight. A request for the page tag
image is made each time a visitor loads a tagged page or executes a tagged
4. The page tag script includes a request for the page tag image. The page tag
image is a one-pixel transparent image which you place on a publicly accessible
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2011
Web server, usually in the server’s HTML document root or in an image folder.
Although you can place the page tag image on the same server as the Web site
you want to tag, it is not necessary. In some cases, it is preferable to place it on
a separate Web server. When a request for the image file is sent, the visitor
information that was processed by the page tag script is sent with the request.
A request for the page tag image is made each time a visitor loads a tagged
page or executes a tagged event.
Basic page tagging data, dimensions, and metrics
By default, page tagging collects the following visitor information:
v IP address
v GMT date/time
v Page request with query string
Referring URL
Screen resolution
Screen color depth
Browser language
Browser Java support
User agent
Cookie information
This information appears in your reports through the default dimensions and
metrics. These are the default dimensions:
v Page
v Entry Page
Exit Page
Entry Referrer
Geographic Data (Country, City, Time Zone, Organization, etc.)
Day of the Week
These are the default metrics:
v Number of visitors
Number of views
Number of visits
Number of new visitors
Number of repeat visitors
Total time online
v Average viewing time
v Average visit duration
v Views per visit
You can customize page tagging to track and report on a range of other visitor
activities such as shopping cart activity, form interaction, clicks on links to external
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
sites, interaction with a Rich Internet Applications (RIA) like Flash, or any other
event. Page tags can be customized on a page-by-page basis using optional
page-specific variables.
About the page tag image query string
The information NetInsight analyzes is sent via name-value pairs in requests for
the page tag image. NetInsightrecognizes some names by default and will store
and analyze the values. If you want to analyze more information, you can add
name-value pairs to the page tag and then create parameters in NetInsightso that
information is stored and reported on.
Below is a sample HTTP request for the page tag image. In the request:
js=JavaScript support; ts=a JavaScript timestamp; lc=requested page; rf=referrer;
rs=screen resolution; cd=color depth; ln=browser language; tz=time zone; jv=java
support; ck=cookies. - - [25/Jul/2009:07:30:49 -0400] "GET http%3A
24&ln=en&tz=GMT%20-04%3A00&jv=1&ck=SaneID%3DASZGlNYNbU1-V9Fop9P HTTP/1.1"
200 85 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux
i686; en-US; rv:1.3.1) Gecko/20030425"
Page tagging options settings in NetInsight
Page tag image requests can be analyzed either separate from or along with the
web server log entries for the original page request. So you can selectively tag the
pages you want to track, or collect additional information on a specific subset of
pages. You can also track pages in instances when you don't have access to a site's
web server logs.
There are several ways to use page tag data in a profile:
v Not used: Disables page tagging. However, requests for the page tag image
count as hits.
v Used only to augment log files with additional data: Requests for the page
tag image count as hits but not as page views. Augmenting log files with page
tag data lets you capture additional client-side information like screen resolution
or track like shopping cart adds and removes.
v Used instead of log files to collect data for a single site: This is the
most common page-tagging mode. Requests for the page tag image count as
page views. Non-page tag requests are not counted.
If you use this option, make sure you tag every page you want to track. Tag
non-HTML views (such as file downloads) by tagging the link to the file. Use
event tags to track on-page events like shopping cart activity.
This mode expects pages to be logged in the format
page.html. NetInsightparses the host from the URL and compares it (without
respect to case) to the URL of the site being analyzed (as defined in General
options), or the server URL if your log files are clustered for multiple sites. If
they match the host is removed from the URL and the request counts as a page
view. If they do not match, the request is not counted.
v Used instead of log files to collect data for multiple sites: Requests for
page tag images count as page views. Non-page tag requests are not counted.
Pages appear in NetInsightreports as full URLs (as they do when NetInsightis
configured to process log files clustered for multiple sites). If you are using page
Chapter 6. Working with page tags
tags to collect data for multiple sites, you must use this mode so that
NetInsightcan differentiate between page tags generated for identically named
pages from different sites .
v Used in addition to log files to collect data for multiple sites: Requests
for page tag images and non-page tag requests both count count as page views.
(Non-page tag requests are prefixed with the URL in the General options, or the
server URL if the log files are clustered for multiple sites.)
Use this mode if you want to use log files in conjunction with page tags for your
main site, or if portions of your site come from other web sites whose logs you
cannot access. In that case you would tag the pages on those remote sites. Page
tags generated from the remote sites count as page views. The pages from each
site re prefixed with the site’s name (for example,
Both regular log records and page tag records will count as page views.
Therefore, do not add page tags to your main site for which you are using log
files, as traffic will be counted twice. Using event tags only will not result in
traffic being counted twice.
Note: If a page tag request includes pv= or ev=, those values will override the Page
Tagging option’s default behavior for page views.
Planning your tags
In order to get the most from page tags, you must understand your organization's
reporting needs. As a best practice, review the reporting needs with IBM
Professional Services. If Professional Services is not involved, use iterative rounds
of testing in a data validation profile to ensure the tags meet the reporting
When you implement page tagging for web analytics, you will be customizing
individual web site pages. You may need to revise these tags, which involves
working with your IT department to change your web site pages.
Basic page tagging deployment checklist
Basic page tagging encompasses those tasks and considerations necessary to deploy
page tagging at its out-of-the-box level of functionality. These are listed here.
Individual steps are described in greater detail later in this document.
1. Acquire the Page Tag package from IBM.
2. Deploy the page tag image to a web server that meets the requisite accessibility
and log format requirements.
3. Edit the page tag script to point to the location of the page tag image. Deploy
the page tag script to a location accessible to your tagged pages.
4. Tag your web pages. At a minimum individual pages need to include a call to
the page tag script.
5. Verify that page tagging is working.
6. In NetInsight's Profile Administration, configure your profile(s) to import logs
from the page tag image's web server. In Profile Administration > Main >
Page Tagging, specify how NetInsightshould use page tag data (for example, to
augment standard log data or in place of standard log data).
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
About the page tags package
In order to use page tags you need the Page Tags package. The Page Tags package
is a zip file that includes the files you need to get started tagging your site.
Specifically it contains:
v The the page tag script (ntpagetag.js).
v The page tag image (ntpagetag.gif)
v A sample of a tagged HTML (sample.html). The sample page contains the script
call to ntpagetag.js that you will need to place in all your tagged pages. It also
includes examples of page-specific variables you can place on individual pages
that you want to process specially.
To download the Page Tags package go to
> Software Downloads > IBM Web Analytics Page Tagging Script.
To deploy the page tag image
Deploying the page tag image means simply placing it (ntpagetag.gif) in an
accessible location on a publicly accessible web server. This is typically in the
server's HTML document root or in an image folder. You can place the image on
the same web server as the site you want to tag but it is not necessary.
Log format requirements for the page tag image web server
It is important to understand that it is from the page tag image's web server logs
that NetInsight gets its page tag data. So you must be able to access these logs,
and they must be in a format NetInsight can read. Supported formats include:
v Microsoft IIS Standard and Extended
v NCSA Common and Combined
v Netscape Flexible
v W3C Extended
If you need more information, see the topics on importing log data.
Once you have deployed the page tag image you are ready to edit and deploy the
page tag script.
To edit and deploy the page tag script
1. Open the page tag script (ntpagetag.js) in a text editor.
2. Change the value of the NTPT_IMGSRC variable to the location of the page
tagging image.
If your web content, the page tag image, and the page tag script will all be
delivered from the same server you can use a relative path. Otherwise, use an
absolute path. You can use NTPT_HTTPSIMGSRC to specify the location using
secure protocol.
3. Make any desired changes to the required or optional variables in the page
tagging script to control which fields are included in the page tag and the
default page tag settings.
Note: As a best practice, do not disable the default fields (defined in the
NTPT_FIELDS variable).
4. Place the page tag script on a publicly accessible web server. Confirm that the
script is publicly accessible.
Chapter 6. Working with page tags
You are now ready to tag your pages.
To tag your site pages
To tag your web site pages:
1. Open sample.html in a text editor and find the NetInsightpage tag, which
consists of these lines:
<!-- BEGIN: IBM Unica Page Tag -->
<!-- Copyright 2001-2010, IBM Corporation All rights reserved. -->
<script language="JavaScript" src="/scripts/ntpagetag.js"></script>
<img src="/images/ntpagetag.gif?js=0" height="1" width="1" border="0"
hspace="0" vspace="0" alt="">
<!-- END: IBM Unica Page Tag -->
2. If necessary, change the script element’s src attribute to match the location of
the page tag script (ntpagetag.js). If the page tag script is on the same server
as your Web site content, you can use a relative path. Otherwise, use an
absolute path.
3. If necessary, change the img element’s src attribute to match the location of the
page tagging image (ntpagetag.gif).
4. Copy and paste the page tag into each page on your site you want to track
with NetInsight. If you want to track the entire site, paste the page tag into the
master template or a global include file, such as a footer.
5. Copy your tagged web pages or the updated master template or include file to
the Web server.
If you don't need to make more advanced customizations (such as modifying tags
on a page-by-page basis or using tags to track events or retail activity) you are
finished configuring your web site to use page tags. Next you should verify that
your page tags are working.
For instructions on viewing the data you are collecting in NetInsight reports see
the NetInsight Reports User's Guide.
Verifying that the page tags are working
You can verify that the page tags are working by ensuring that the page tag
server’s log files contain requests for the IBM page tag image (ntpagetag.gif). The
log files should contain one line for each request for the ntpagetag.gif image,
which is caused by a visitor loading a tagged page or executing a tagged event.
Lines may be similar to the following example: - - [25/Jul/2004:07:30:49 -0400]
"GET /images/ntpagetag.gif?js=1&ts=1089199849489.408&lc=http%3A
HTTP/1.1" 200 85 "http://testserver/sample.html"
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.3.1) Gecko/20030425".
To enable page tags
1. View the profile in which you want to analyze data collected from page tags.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Main > Page Tagging.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
4. In the Page tags are list, select the mode that matches the data collection
mechanism you want to use.
5. Click Save Options and then click Continue.
If you selected Not used, you do not need to continue with the remaining
6. Specify the images used to collect page tag data:
a. To add an image, click Add enter a filter that describes the image, and click
Add again.
b. To edit a filter, select the filter in the list, click Edit, make your changes and
click Save Changes.
c. To delete an image, select the image and click Delete.
When you import data into NetInsight from now on, NetInsight will analyze
the data collected by the page tag images that match the current filters.
7. If this is what you want or if you have additional changes to make to the list of
filters, click Continue.
If you want NetInsight to use the current image list on data you have already
imported, you need to delete all the data in your profile and reimport your log
Note: If you do not still have all the log files you have imported into this
profile, you will lose data permanently by choosing this option.
To delete your profile data, click Delete Profile Data.
What to do when JavaScript is disabled
Because page tagging relies on JavaScript, JavaScript must be enabled in your
visitors' browsers in order for you to track them with the page tag.
For visitors with JavaScript disabled, you can include an HTML <noscript> tag
that requests the page tag image directly. You can pass other information with that
request, as desired. For example:
<img src="" height="1" width="1"
border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" alt="">
<img src="http://[someID]" height="1" width="1"
border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" alt="">
However, because robots and spiders cannot execute JavaScript, you may find that
tracking only the visitors with JavaScript enabled is an effective way to separate
human from non-human visitors.
Using page tagging with secure pages
The security of the page tag request is determined by the protocol used to call the
page tag image and the page tag script. The page tag script contains calls for the
page tag image using both HTTP and HTTPS. The script will automatically use the
correct variable to match the protocol of the page from which the request is sent. If
you specify a relative path to the page tag script in your page tags, your visitors’
browsers will automatically use the correct protocol.
If you will be tagging pages that are all secure or all not secure, use the
appropriate protocol for the page tag script. If you will be tagging a mix of pages
Chapter 6. Working with page tags
that are secure and pages that are not secure place the page tag script on the same
server as your Web site content and in your page tags use a relative path to the
script location.
To normalize query string parameter values
The administrative option Normalize lc query-string parameters enables you to
convert all lc query string parameter values to lowercase. If the option is selected,
NetInsight converts the values to lowercase. If the option is cleared, the lc query
string parameter values are unchanged unless you use URL Search and Replace
rules to modify them. This option applies only to lc parameter values that include
the protocol and host.
1. Open the administration home page by clicking on the Administration icon (
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Main > Advanced.
The Advanced options screen opens.
4. Select Normalize lc query-string parameters to convert all query string
parameter values to lowercase.
Adding dimensions to tags
A dimension is an item of content you want to measure. Dimension values
determine the rows in a NetInsight report. For example, Entry Page, and Entry
Referrer are dimensions.
There are three categories of dimensions:
v Default dimensions for which basic page tags automatically collect data.
v Standard dimensions that NetInsight recognizes automatically when you add
them to the tag
v Standard dimensions that NetInsight recognizes automatically when you add
them to the script element that sets the variables for the imodTag.js script.
v Custom dimensions that NetInsight must be configured to recognize when you
add them to the tag
v Custom dimensions that NetInsight must be configured to recognize when you
add them to the script element that sets the variables for the imodTag.js. script.
Direct tags do not have default dimensions because they do not call the page tag
Default dimensions
For basic page tags and event tags, the default dimensions are determined by the
page tag script (ntpagetag.js). You can edit the script to disable some of the default
dimensions, although this is not a best practice.
For details, see documentation on the “NTPT_FIELDS” on page 72.
Direct tags do not have default dimensions because they do not call the page tag
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Standard dimensions NetInsight recognizes automatically
NetInsight automatically recognizes information passed via the following standard
dimensions. NetInsight reports on their values without the need to first configure
parameters for them.
Value / Example
Used to tag a page view or event as a
conversion for marketing attribution.
The value of the conv parameter is the
conversion type.
Any text value
Unique floating pointer used by your
visitors' browsers to help avoid cached
page tag requests. The page tag script
sets the value for this dimension
Type of event
Any text value
Code that tells NetInsight to count the
page tag request as a link to an
external site.
Code that determines whether or not
NetInsight counts the page tag request
as a page view. A value of 0 does not
count the request as a view. A value of
1 counts the request as a view.
0, 1
Use pv=0 when using a page tag to
send visit-level data. When using page
tagging to augment log files with
additional data, use pv=1 to count the
request as a view. When using page
tagging instead of log files, you do not
need to specify pv=1 because counting
the page tag image request as a page
view is the default behavior in this
Products added to the shopping cart on List of product SKUs, quantities, and
the current page
values separated by semi-colons
Products purchased
List of product SKUs, quantities, and
values separated by semi-colons
Order ID associated with the current
Products removed from the shopping
cart on the current page
List of product SKUs, quantities, and
values separated by semi-colons
Revenue associated with the current
Products viewed on the current page
List of product SKUs separated by
Status of the request (HTTP status
code). NetInsight uses this dimension
to determine which requests are errors. sc=404
Name of the site (used to filter data
into profiles)
Chapter 6. Working with page tags
Value / Example
Unique floating point identifier used
by your visitors' browsers to help
avoid cached page tag requests. The
page tag script sets the value for this
dimension automatically.
Populates values for NetInsight's user
Visit cost (the amount of money spent
to drive a visitor to your site for this
visit). The value must be a float value
and cannot include a currency sign or
Additional standard dimensions for use in direct tags
The dimensions in this table are default dimensions in basic page tags and event
tags, and NetInsight recognizes them automatically when you use them in direct
tags. Some of these dimensions are commonly used in direct tags and others are
rarely used.
Value / Example
Color depth of the visitor's web
Cookies and values. The list of cookie
name-value pairs must be delimited
using semi-colons and the entire list
must be URL encoded.
Requested page (including query
string). The value must be in the form
of a URL and must be URL encoded.
Language of the visitor's web browser
Referrer to the page
A URL-encoded URL
Screen resolutions of the visitor's web
browser, expressed in width times
Time zone of the visitor's web browser
URL-encoded time zone value
Example: site dimension
In NetInsight, profiles are typically configured to filter data based on the site
parameter. You give each site you want to analyze a unique site parameter value
and then create one profile per site.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Filtering based on the site parameter is preferred to filtering based on the URL
(page) for the following key reasons:
v Unlike URLs, the site dimension values are unaffected by translation services
or caching servers. (The URL of a page that is viewed through a translation
service or caching server may no longer contain the originating domain name,
and thus will not be filtered appropriately.)
v Using the site dimension ensures the filtering will work even if the URLs
change over time.
If you want to analyze multiple sites in a combined profile, use a common prefix
in the site dimension values for those sites (for example, the name of your
organization for production servers or test for test servers). This enables you to
write a simple filter for the combined profile.
About using custom dimensions
You can configure your tags to collect data about custom dimensions and send the
data to NetInsight.
You insert custom dimension data into the page tag using name-value pairs (also
called parameters). Then, you configure the appropriate profiles to recognize the
For example, if you want to analyze which content authors create the most popular
content, you can create an author parameter and use it in the page tag query string
for all page views. Once you have configured your profiles, the profiles contain a
report that shows which authors have the most popular content. You can also use
the author custom dimension to filter other reports.
Constructing the dimension name-value pair
The custom dimension parameter name must meet the following requirements:
v It must use alphanumeric characters only.
v It must be unique. (Be sure you are not using the name of a default or standard
dimension, even if that dimension is not currently used in your tags.)
The custom dimension parameter value must be URL encoded using the
encodeURIComponent() JavaScript function.
You can either define the appropriate value for the dimension each time you add
the dimension's parameter to a tag, or you can set the dimension parameter to the
value of an existing variable on your page. (Setting the dimension to a variable
may not be possible for all sites or applications. The exact method to use depends
on the scripting language used by the site or application.)
Passing multiple values
Generally, the value in a name-value pair is a single value (for example, a single
video title). However, you may want to pass multiple values instead (for example,
a list of all ads displayed during the page view). You can use a list of separated
To include multiple values in the name-value pair:
v Use a separator to indicate where one value ends and another begins. A comma
is the default separator, but you can also use a pipe, colon, or semi-colon.
v Configure the appropriate profiles to recognize the custom dimension parameter.
Chapter 6. Working with page tags
<script language="Javascript">
var NTPT_PGEXTRA=’ads=abchotel,discounttheater,acmecar’;
<script type="text/javascript">
var unica_imod_url = "";
var NTPT_IMGSRC =’http://[someID]’;
var NTPT_HTTPSIMGSRC=’https://[someID]’;
var NTPT_PGEXTRA=’ads=abchotel,discounttheater,acmecar’;
Planning your custom dimensions
Every custom dimension must have a corresponding parameter defined in
NetInsight. You should carefully consider your reporting needs and plan out the
dimensions you need before you start creating them.
There is a limit to the number of parameters your profiles can contain. (The exact
limit is defined during the account startup process.) Because of this limit,
whenever possible you should create parameters that you can use in multiple
scenarios. You can use filters to focus your reports on particular values, as in the
following example.
Example: Video and audio content
Suppose your site contains video and audio content and you use event tags to
track when visitors start a video or audio file. Because you want to analyze video
and audio content separately, you create two event types (ev=videostart and
ev=audiostart). You also want to analyze the title of the file that was started, and
you can do that with a custom dimension. Your first thought might be to create
one dimension for videos and one for audio files, but you will have more reporting
options and keep the number of parameters lower if you use one dimension for
both video and audio titles (for example, title).
If you create a title dimension, you can create the following reports:
v Report showing all pages on which visitors started a video and which videos
they started (Page Summary with title dimension added and a filter of
v Report showing all pages on which visitors started an audio file and which
audio files they started (Page Summary with title dimension added and a filter
of ev=audiostart)
v Report showing the most popular video and audio content (Parameter Summary
for title; if you use title for other event types also, such as banner ads, add
filters ev=videostart and ev=audiostart)
v Report showing the most popular video content (Parameter Summary for title
with filter ev=videostart)
v Report showing the most popular audio content (Parameter Summary for title
with filter ev=audiostart)
Adding a dimension to a tag
Before adding a custom dimension, see if the data is already being collected. For
example, the referrer value or the page URL may already contain the information.
In that case, you do not need to modify the tag.
In most cases, you need to insert the dimension data into the tag using the
dimension's parameter. How you add the parameter depends on the type of tag.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Basic page tags—global dimensions
If the dimension is one that applies to every page, add the dimension's parameter
to the NTPT_GLBLEXTRA variable in the tag script (ntpagetag.js). Separate
name-value pairs with ampersands.
This example adds the site dimension and the un dimension to every tag. The un
dimension is set to the variable userName. (The exact method for setting
dimensions to variables depends on the scripting language used by your site.)
var NTPT_GLBLEXTRA = ’site=dailyherald&un=’ + userName;
Basic page tags—local dimensions
If the dimension applies to some pages only, you must set the parameter for the
dimension to the appropriate value on each page, using the NTPT_PGEXTRA
variable. Separate name-value pairs with ampersands. Make sure NTPT_PGEXTRA
is in a position where it will be parsed before the page tag script is called.
<script language="JavaScript">
var NTPT_PGEXTRA=’author=JohnSmith’;
Event tags
In the JavaScript event handler or Flash ActionScript for the event being tagged, do
one of the following:
v Use ntptAddPair to define the dimension before the ntptEventTag, ntptLinkTag,
or ntptSubmitTag function is called.
v Use the querymod argument of the ntptEventTag, ntptLinkTag, or
ntptSubmitTag function to define the dimension.
In this example, the onclick JavaScript event handler calls the ntptEventTag
function and uses the querymod argument to add the ev standard dimension and
the evdetail custom dimension.
<a href="go.asp" onclick="ntptEventTag(’ev=buttonclick&evdetail=go’);">
Direct tags
Include the name-value pair for the dimension in the list of name-value pairs after
the question mark (?) in each direct tag to which the dimension applies.
This example adds the site dimension and the visitor identification cookie.
Chapter 6. Working with page tags
Including cookie data in page tag requests
The NetInsight page tag script automatically sets a visitor identification cookie and
includes the cookie data in the page tag request. If your web site sets other
cookies, you can configure the page tag script to include the data from those
cookies in the page tag request as well.
About visitor identification cookies
By default, the NetInsight page tag script assigns a cookie to visitors. NetInsight
uses this cookie for visitor identification and parameter analysis. The visitor
identification cookie is set when the page tagging script loads.
Because the cookie is set through JavaScript, visitors must have JavaScript enabled
in their browser in order to be tracked. (Users who do not have JavaScript enabled
appear in the unique visitor count but no page tag data is collected for them.)
You can edit the page tag script (ntpagetag.js) toadd parameters to the script
element that sets variables for the imodTag.js script that make the following
changes to the visitor identification cookie:
v Stop setting visitor identification cookies
v Change the visitor identification cookie name (as a best practice, do not change
this cookie name if you are already collecting data)
v Change the expiration period for the visitor identification cookie
v Declare a domain visitor identification cookie to track visitors across subdomains
To capture data from additional cookies
If desired, you can capture data from cookies set by your web site and then run
reports on that data in NetInsight. You can capture cookie data globally (this is, on
each page load) or for specific pages only. Cookie names are specified as an array.
To capture your cookie data via page tags:
1. In the page tagging script (ntpagetag.js), set to true. This
enables collection of cookie data.
Ensure that no variables used in your page tags at either the global or page
level have their value set to ck as this would prevent collection of cookie data
(for example, NTPT_GLBLEXTRA="ck=somevalue"). For the same reason, do
not use tagging functions (for example, ntptAddPair, ntptEventTag) to add a ck
parameter or modify the existing ck parameter.
2. Declare the cookie name variable. Specify the names of the cookies you want to
capture as an array.
a. To capture cookies globally, declare the NTPT_GLBLCOOKIES variable in
the page tagging script.
b. To capture cookies on specific pages, declare the NTPT_PGCOOKIES
variable on those pages where you want to capture cookie data.
NTPT_GLBLCOOKIES= ["cookie1", "cookie2"];
NTPT_PGCOOKIES= ["cookie1", "cookie2"];
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Tagging events
An event is any on-page action other than loading a page on your site. Events
include but are not limited to the following:
v Changing a field on a form
v Selecting an option in a drop-down list box
v Submitting a form
v Clicking a link to display a page on another site
v Starting a video
v Viewing a PDF document
v Checking an option (such as sound on/off)
Events are plentiful in RIAs such as Flash or AJAX applications.
The IBM page tag script includes special functions to use when tagging events.
About event tagging
Unlike a basic page tag, which sends a request when a page loads, an event tag
sends a request when an event occurs on a page.
Another difference is that a basic page tag calls the entire page tagging script and
an event tag calls a specific function in the script. There are three main event
tagging functions:
v ntptEventTag
v ntptLinkTag
v ntptSubmitTag
Every event you want to track must call one of these functions in its JavaScript
event handler or Flash ActionScript.
Events may also call ntptAddPair and ntptDropPair in conjunction with one of the
main functions.
Counting events as events and not page views
NetInsight considers every call to the page tagging script a page view, even if the
call is to one of the event tagging functions. To cause an event to count as an event
and not a page view, set the field-value pair ev=eventtype using the query modifier
of the ntptEventTag, ntptLinkTag, or ntptSubmitTag function.
Before you tag events
NetInsight analyzes events that occur on tagged pages only. A visitor must have at
least one tagged page view in the visit before NetInsight tracks events for that
visitor. A tagged event is tracked only if the previous page view for the visitor
matches the page on which the event occurred. (If you are using direct tags, the lc
parameter for the event must match the lc parameter for the previous page view.)
Tracking an event as a page view
Some events should be tracked as page views. For example, opening a PDF file is
technically an event because clicking the link that opens the PDF is an interaction
with a page. Opening a PDF can not be tracked with the basic page tag, since a
Chapter 6. Working with page tags
basic tag must be embedded in an HTML page. However, usually what you want
to analyze about the PDF view is the content, not the act of opening the PDF. Even
though you must tag opening the PDF using the event tagging functions, you can
have NetInsight track it as a page view instead of an event.
When to track an event as a page view
The main question to ask when deciding if something should be a page view or an
event is this: do you want to analyze this content in path reports? If the answer is
yes, NetInsight must track it as a page view.
How to track an event as a page view
To track an event as a page view, do the following:
v Do not set a value for the ev dimension.
When the ev dimension is missing, the action does not count as an event.
v Either set the pv dimension to 1 (pv=1) or remove it altogether, but do not set pv
to 0.
When pv=0, the action does not count as a page view.
v Use the href as the value of the lc dimension, but be sure to use URL encoding
for the value (of the href) so it does not conflict with the page tag request.
<a href="article1.pdf" onclick="ntptEventTag(’lc=’ + encodeURIComponent
(this.href) );" target="_blank">
Ensuring link and submit page tag requests are submitted
before the page unloads
Following a link or submitting a form ultimately leads to the unloading of the
page that contains the link or the form. To ensure that the request is sent before the
page is unloaded, the page tag script introduces a small delay when tagging links
and submissions. This delay is the maximum amount of time that will elapse
before the page is unloaded; if the request returns before the specified time has
elapsed, the page will be unloaded immediately, without waiting for the rest of the
You can configure this delay globally by setting the NTPT_MAXTAGWAIT
variable. You can adjust the wait for an individual link or submission by using the
maxtagwait argument for ntptLinkTag or ntptSubmitTag.
The NTPT_MAXTAGWAIT variable does not introduce a delay for tags created
using ntptEventTag. If you need a delay, use ntptLinkTag or ntptSubmitTag.
The default wait is one second, which is usually indiscernible to the user and is
usually sufficient to effectively capture all tagged links and form submissions.
To tag JavaScript or AJAX events
1. Ensure that each page that contains an event you want to track has been tagged
with the IBM page tag, either directly on the page or through a common
include file.
2. Customize the page tagging as needed for each page, using the optional
page-specific variables.
3. Create a JavaScript event handler for every event you want to track.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Each event handler should call the appropriate event-tagging functions
provided by IBM. (See the Reference chapter for details.)
4. Copy your tagged HTML pages to the Web server or your content management
The example below shows three different ways to call the IBM event-tagging
functions. The first instance uses the onchange attribute of the <input> HTML
element to call the ntptEventTag function directly. The second instance uses the
onchange attribute of the <input> HTML element to call the ntptEventTag function
and pass additional information. In this case, the value of the text box is passed to
the page tag request. The final instance uses a custom event handler named
MyEventHandler to call the ntptAddPair and ntptEventTag functions in a
JavaScript function.
<input type="checkbox" name="mybox" onchange="ntptEventTag();">
<input type="text" name="mytext"
onchange="ntptEventTag(’ev=myevent&mytext=’ +
encodeURIComponent( this.value ) );">
<script language="JavaScript">
function MyEventHandler()
ntptAddPair( "color", "red" );
ntptEventTag( "ev=myevent" );
To tag events in Flash 8 or greater
1. Add the following function to the bottom of ntpagetag.js. Or place it in its
own file and, in the page whose Flash you want to track, call the file after you
call ntpagetag.js.
unicaFunctions is a handler that parses name/value pairs returned by your
tagged Flash and communicates them to the ntpagetag script
function unicaFunctions(command, args) {
if (null == args) {
var tmpargs = args.split(",");
if (command == "ntptEventTag") {
(0 == tmpargs[0].length) ? ntptEventTag() : ntptEventTag(tmpargs[0]);
else if (command == "ntptAddPair") {
if ( 2 != tmpargs.length ) {
else {
ntptAddPair(tmpargs[0], tmpargs[1]);
else if (command == "ntptDropPair") {
if ( 1 != tmpargs.length ) {
else {
Chapter 6. Working with page tags
2. On the page whose Flash you want to track, add this function to your Flash
ActionScript. It serves as a bridge to which calls
unicaFunctions. You can name the function anything.
function FlashTracking(func, args) {"unicaFunctions", func, args);
3. In the page's ActionScript, use the function you just added to specify
name/value pairs to pass to ntptEventTag. See the next section for examples.
Flash page tagging examples
In this example, the string "ev=videoaction&video=myvideo&videoaction=rewind"
is passed to ntptEventTag. NetInsight reports will show that the visitor initiated a
"rewind" "videoaction" event for "myvideo."
// visitor is rewinding movie
this.FlashTracking( "ntptEventTag", "ev=videoaction&video=myvideo&videoaction=
rewind" );
Using ntptAddPair to add information
If you need to add information to an event's attributes prior to firing the event,
you can call the NetInsight ntptAddPair helper function.
// Visitor sets interior color to red and adds the sunroof option
this.FlashTracking( "ntptAddPair", "color,red" );
this.FlashTracking( "ntptAddPair", "sunroof,true" );
this.FlashTracking( "ntptEventTag", "ev=PersonalizeCar" );
This example will result in an event tag equivalent to:
this.FlashTracking( "ntptEventTag", "ev=PersonalizeCar&color=red&sunroof=true" );
Using ntptDropPair to remove information
While arguments specified in ntptEventTag are bound to just that call, name/value
pairs set with ntptAddPair are stored in the JavaScript of the containing page.
These pairs remain until a new page is viewed (which is effectively the length of
the Flash application). To remove them use ntptDropPair. Building on the previous
example, if the next set of ActionScript calls are:
// Visitor removed the
sunroof option and added ABS
"ntptDropPair", "sunroof" );
"ntptAddPair", "ABS,true" );
"ntptEventTag", "ev=PersonalizeCar" );
... this will result in an event tag equivalent to:
this.FlashTracking( "ntptEventTag", "ev=PersonalizeCar&color=red&ABS=true" );
The "color=red" pair came from the original calls. The "sunroof=true" is no longer
there because it was dropped by the ntptDropPair call. The "ABS=true" pair comes
from the most recent ntptAddPair.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Tagging Flash to track links
In the following example a mouse down event on button_1 reports the event
"clickedlink" to the external site
function mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""));
this.FlashTracking("ntptAddPair", "gone,page");
this.FlashTracking("ntptEventTag", "lc=" + "&ev=clickedlink");
Marking link tags as links to an external site
In NetInsight, links to external sites can be analyzed in the Link Summary. You can
mark a link page tag request as a link to an external site by including the
name-value pair lk=1 in the page tag request’s query string. You can pass the lk=1
name-value pair into the query string by including it in the querymod argument
for ntptLinkTag or by using ntptAddPair to add it before you call ntptLinkTag.
When you use lk=1, clicking the link is not tracked as a page view or an event,
and NetInsight does not store the page on which the visitor clicked the link.
Because of this, custom dimensions cannot be parsed from a page tag request that
contains lk=1.
Sending visit-level data when an event occurs
Sometimes you need to send information when an event occurs, but you do not
want the information associated with the event in your reports. For example, when
a visitor uses a specific search tool for the first time or becomes a customer (not
just a visitor) for the first time, you want to associate those changes in status with
the visit, not with a particular event.
You can send visit-level data by using an event tag with both of the following
v The tag does not contain ev=event tag.
v The tag contains pv=0.
The first condition keeps NetInsight from registering the tag as an event. The
second keeps NetInsight from registering it as a page view.
Tagging retail activity
You can use page tags to track these retail activities:
v Product views
v Shopping cart adds
v Shopping cart removes
v Checkouts
You can tag or not tag individual retail activities, depending on your reporting
needs. For example, if you require checkout data only, or if your site does not use
a shopping cart, you can implement checkout tags without tagging cart adds, cart
removes, or product views. Similarly, if your site is a product review site and not a
retail site, you can use product view tags without tagging cart adds, cart removes,
or checkouts.
Chapter 6. Working with page tags
Tagging product views
To track how often a product is viewed, use the rtv ("retail view") parameter to
pass the product's identifier. You can pass the rtv parameter in a page tag
(through NTPT_PGEXTRA) or in an event tag (through the querymod argument of
ntptEventTag, ntptLinkTag, or ntptSubmitTag).
If a page contains multiple products, you can pass multiple values to the rtv
parameter. Separate multiple values with semi-colons.
Example: Passing multiple static product identifiers
In this example several product identifiers are passed as static values:
var NTPT_PGEXTRA="rtv=prod1234;prod3456;prod5678";
Example: Passing a product identifier written by a script
In this example, the product SKU is written by a script (in this case, PHP):
var NTPT_PGEXTRA = "rtv=<?php echo $row_current_row[’sku’]; ?>";
Example: Appending rtv to an existing NTPT_PGEXTRA value
In this example, the rtv parameter is appended to the pre-existing value of
NTPT_PGEXTRA +="&rtv=prod1234;prod3456;prod5678";
Ensuring product views are not counted twice
If you pass the rtv parameter value through NTPT_PGEXTRA and the product
view page contains event tags, you must clear the rtv parameter value before the
event. Otherwise, two product views are logged: the first when the page loads and
the second when the event tag is sent.
If NTPT_PGEXTRA passes only the rtv parameter, you can clear the value as
However, typically NTPT_PGEXTRA passes additional information, such as
authenticated user names, that you do not want to clear. In these cases, use the
ntptDropPair function to clear the rtv parameter value without clearing the other
parameters passed in NTPT_PGEXTRA. Call ntptDropPair before the event tagging
ntptDropPair(rtv);ntptEventTa(’ev=cartadd&rta=’sProduct + ’;’ + iQuantity + ’;’
+ fPrice);
Another method of ensuring product views are not counted twice is to store the
original NTPT_PGEXTRA variable prior to calling the page tagging script
(ntpagetag.js) and then reset the variable after the page tag image request is sent.
This is particularly useful in situations where there might be multiple events on
the product view page (and therefore multiple places where you would need to
add ntptDropPair). The following example assumes that NTPT_PGEXTRA is
already passing the authUser variable as the un parameter value (see the first line
of the script):
<script language="JavaScript">
var NTPT_PGEXTRA = "un=" + authUser;
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
NTPT_PGEXTRA +="rtv=prod1234;prod3456;prod5678";
<!--BEGIN: NetInsight
Page Tag-->
<script language="JavaScript src="/scripts/ntpagetag.js"></script>
<!--END: NetInsight
Page Tag-->
<script language="JavaScript">
<script language="JavaScript">
var NTPT_PGEXTRA = "un=" + authUser;
NTPT_PGEXTRA +="rtv=prod1234;prod3456;prod5678";
<!--BEGIN: NetInsight
Page Tag-->
<script language="JavaScript src="http://[someID]
<!--END: NetInsight
Page Tag-->
<script language="JavaScript">
Tagging additions to a shopping cart
When a product is added to a shopping cart, pass its identifier, quantity, and unit
price in that order through the rta ("retail add") parameter. You can pass the rta
parameter in a page tag (through NTPT_PGEXTRA) or in an event tag (through
the querymod argument of ntptEventTag, ntptLinkTag, or ntptSubmitTag).
ntptEventTag(’ev=cartadd&rta=’sProduct + ’;’ + iQuantity + ’;’ + fPrice );
The product identifier, quantity, and price are all required in order for NetInsight
to track the cart addition.
Example: In this example, the values for a single product are passed:
ntptEventTag(’ev=cartadd&rta=’prod1234 + ’;’ + 1 + ’;’ + 10.00 );
Important: The unit price must be a float value. It must not include a currency
sign or commas. Including a currency sign will result in a unit price of zero within
Information for multiple products can be passed in a single call. The first three
values must represent the identifier, quantity, and unit price of the first product,
the next three values the ID, quantity, and unit price of the second product, and so
Example: This example passes values for two products:
ntptEventTag(’ev=cartadd&rta=’prod1234 + ’;’ + 1 + ’;’ + 10.00 + ’;’ +
’prod5678 + ’;’ + 5 + ’;’ + 5.00 );
Tagging removals from a shopping cart
When a product is removed from a shopping cart, pass the same information that
you sent when it was added. Pass the removed product's identifier, quantity, and
unit price in that order through the rtr ("retail remove") parameter.
Chapter 6. Working with page tags
ntptEventTag(’ev=cartremove&rtr=’prod1234 + ’;’ + 1 + ’;’ + 10.00 );
As with adds, information for multiple products can be passed in a single call. The
unit price must be a float value. It must not include a currency sign or commas.
Tagging the checkout process
Tagging the checkout process allows NetInsight to report which products a visitor
purchased, the price and quantity at which they were purchased, and the total
revenue for the order. You tag the checkout process by passing the appropriate
parameters via the order confirmation (or similar) page served at the end of the
checkout process.
You can pass the checkout parameters in a page tag (thought NTPT_PGEXTRA) or
in an event tag (through the querymod argument of ntptEventTag, ntptLinkTag, or
ntptSubmitTag). These are the checkout parameters:
v rti ("retail order number"): The order identification number. Including the rti
parameter is optional. However, if it is left out NetInsight will not store the
revenue for this checkout separately. Instead it will add it to the revenue of any
other checkouts completed during the visit.
v rtt ("retail total revenue"): The total revenue for this order.
v rtc ("retail checkout"): The product ID, quantity, and unit price of each product
var NTPT_PGEXTRA = "rti=sOrderID&rtt=fTotalRevenue&rtc=sProduct;iQuantity;fPrice" ;
Example: This example shows an order ABC1234 that totals $199.99 and consists of
two products costing $150 and $49.99 respectively.
var NTPT_PGEXTRA = "rti=ABC1234&rtt=199.99&rtc=prod1234;1;150;prod3456;1;49.99" ;
Retail page tag parameters summary
Page Tag
What It Reports
Format / Example
retail (product)
retail (cart) add
ntptEventTag('ev=cartadd&rta='prod1234 + ';' + 1 + ';' +
10.00 );
retail (cart)
retail (cart)
ntptEventTag('ev=cartremove&rtr='prod1234 + ';' + 1 + ';' +
10.00 );
retail total
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Page Tag
What It Reports
Format / Example
retail order
visit cost
Retail metrics
This table lists the retail metrics that are available in NetInsight reports and
provides the corresponding parameter and a description for each one.
Abandoned Carts
The number of visits that have shopping carts that
did not complete the checkout process.
Abandoned Revenue
The total value of all shopping carts that did not
complete the checkout process.
Average Order Value
The amount of money (on average) spent on each
Cart Abandonment
The percentage of visits that have shopping carts
that did not complete the checkout process.
Cart Adds
The number of times visitors placed a product in
their shopping carts.
Cart Removes
The number of times visitors deleted a product
from their shopping carts.
Checkout Rate
The percentage of visits with shopping cart activity
that completed the checkout process.
The number of times the checkout process was
Product Revenue
The total value of the cart contents at checkout
time. This is independent of the rtt parameter.
Product Views
The number of times visitors viewed a product.
Quantity Abandoned
The total number of units in abandoned carts.
Quantity Added
The total number of units added to a cart.
Quantity Purchased
The total number of units purchased.
Quantity Removed
The total number of units removed from a cart.
The total order revenue, used to populate the
standard revenue metric. It may include revenue
(such as shipping charges and taxes) not associated
with a product. The Revenue metric includes only
revenue from completed web site sessions, as
determined by the Number of minutes between
visits setting in the Visitor > Sessionization section
on the Profile Options screen. If NetInsight
identifies that a session may not be complete, it
does not include revenue from the session in the
Revenue metric.
Chapter 6. Working with page tags
Differences between Product Revenue and Revenue
The Product Revenue metric is the result of multiplying the quantity for each
purchased product (passed by the rtc parameter) by the price for each product
(also passed by the rtc parameter).
The Revenue metric is the value passed by the rtt parameter.
If your order totals (passed by the rtt parameter) include shipping charges, taxes,
or other fees that are not defined as products, the Revenue metric total and
Product Revenue metric total will be different.
If you want to report on shipping charges, taxes, or other fees, the best practice is
to add those charges to the checkout tag as products passed by the rtc parameter.
Tagging applications and widgets
In order to track an application or widget using basic page tags, the following
conditions must both be true:
v The application or widget must support JavaScript.
v You can place the page tag script on the application or widget pages.
If you cannot use basic page tags, you can use direct tags to send usage data from
the application or widget to NetInsight.
Direct tags and page tags are built using the same set of page tag parameters. Like
page tags, direct tags can contain data for custom dimensions.
Direct tags (sometimes called web beacons) bypass the page tag script
(ntpagetag.js) and request the page tag image directly from the server. Because
direct tags bypass the script, there is no default direct tag. You must define in the
direct tag each item of information you want NetInsight to receive.
Unlike page tags, direct tags work in situations where JavaScript rendering is not
Anatomy of a direct tag
There are two parts to a direct tag:
v The URL for the page tag image on the NetInsight server. This is the same for
every tag you set.
v A query string that contains the information you want sent to NetInsight.
Simple Example
This direct tag requests and passes information
using the lc, site, and ck parameters:
The request shows up in NetInsight as a page view of http://application/start,
and the page view is included in any profile that contains site=application.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Example with Custom Dimensions
This direct tag passes information using the lc, site, ck, and un parameters and
the custom parameters version and layout:
Best practices for direct tags
v Thoroughly test your direct tags in a data validation profile to ensure they are
sending the data you need. Because you build direct tags from the ground up,
testing is especially important.
v Include the site parameter in all direct tags.
v Include at least one visitor identification parameter.
v If the application or widget might be placed on a secure page or site, reference
the page tag via the secure URL.
About the lc parameter
The value of the lc parameter indicates the page being viewed or the page on
which the event occurred. The value must be in the form of a URL (for example,
http://application) and must be encoded.
The lc parameter should include a descriptive page name, including as much
detail as possible about what is going on within the application at the time the
page tag image is requested. Typically, content categorization can be derived
directly from the value of the lc parameter.
For example, the following image request tells us that the visitor was in the
products section of the application because the lc parameter value uses a directory
structure to indication content hierarchy:
When NOT to pass the lc parameter
You can leave the lc parameter out of the direct tag if both of the following
conditions are true:
v You are tagging a web-based application, widget, or viral video.
v Your primary concern is the sites on which your content is installed and how
many times it is loaded on any given page or site.
When the lc parameter is missing, NetInsight reads the referring URL from the
headers of the request and treats the referring URL as the page being viewed.
If you must track events or interactions within the application, pass the lc
parameter and parse the referring URL as a parameter.
Direct tags sent from applications that are not web-based must contain an lc
Where to place your direct tags
The best location for a direct tag depends on the application or widget you are
tagging. In general, you can place a direct tag in any location where you can place
an image request.
Chapter 6. Working with page tags
Minimizing the number of tags
You should not tag events unnecessarily. If an action results in loading a new page
and you can pass the information about the event in the tag for the page view, you
may not need to tag the event.
For example, if a user clicked a Hot Products article link from an application's start
page, the tag for the subsequent product detail page could pass a click referral
parameter (clickref) that specifies which link was clicked. The tag would look like
the following:
Page tag reference
This section provides reference information on the functions, variables, and fields
available through page tags.
About required variables
Required page tagging variables are defined in the page tag script (ntpagetag.js).
A string variable that contains the URL of the page tag image. If the page tag
image and the page tag script are on the same Web server as the pages you are
tagging, you can omit the protocol and server. However, if the page tag script is on
a different server than the Web pages you are tracking, you must specify the fully
qualified URL to the page tag image, even if the page tag image and page tag
script are located on the same server.
Example (without protocol and server)
var NTPT_IMGSRC = ’/images/ntpagetag.gif’;
Example (fully qualified)
var NTPT_IMGSRC = ’’;
An object variable that specifies the fields that will be included in the default page
tag. Fields set to true will be included in the page tag. Fields set to false will not
be included. In most cases, you should use the default field settings.
Every page tag should include the lc field.
var NTPT_FLDS = new Object(); = [true,false]; //
NTPT_FLDS.rf = [true,false]; // = [true,false]; // = [true,false]; //
NTPT_FLDS.ln = [true,false]; // = [true,false]; //
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Document location
Document referrer
User’s screen resolution
User’s color depth
Browser language
User’s timezone
NTPT_FLDS.jv = [true,false]; // Browser’s Java support
NTPT_FLDS.iv = [true,false]; // Initial view = [true,false]; // Allow capture of cookie values
var NTPT_FLDS = new Object(); = true; // Document location
NTPT_FLDS.rf = true; // Document referrer = true; // User’s screen resolution = true; // User’s color depth
NTPT_FLDS.ln = true; // Browser language = true; // User’s timezone
NTPT_FLDS.jv = true; // Browser’s Java support
NTPT_FLDS.iv = false; // Initial view = true; // Allow capture of cookie values
The maximum number of seconds that a call to ntptLinkTag() or ntptSubmitTag()
will wait before following the link or submitting the form. The delay is intended to
ensure that the page tag request is sent before the tagged page is unloaded. The
event will be executed when the page tag request is returned or the specified
number of seconds has elapsed, whichever happens first.
var NTPT_MAXTAGWAIT = number;
Possible values
Any number greater than 0
The number of seconds to wait before following the link or
form submission
Execute the event immediately, without waiting
1; // one second
2.5; // two and a half seconds
0.1; // a tenth of a second
-1; // no delay
About optional global variables
Optional global variables can be specified in the page tag script (ntpagetag.js).
The URL of the page tag image to use when the tagged page is accessed using the
“https:” protocol.
var NTPT_HTTPSIMGSRC = ’image’;
Chapter 6. Working with page tags
A query modifier that will be applied to every page tag and event tag. The query
modifier should contain the key-value pairs you want to add to or delete from the
query string for your tags.
var NTPT_GLBLEXTRA = ’key=value’;
// Append the ’sitetheme=blue’ pair to every page tag.
var NTPT_GLBLEXTRA = ’sitetheme=blue’;
Retrieve the referrer (the value for the “rf” field) from the top (that is, the most
containing) frame of the current page. Otherwise, the referrer is retrieved from the
current page. If you do not set this variable, it defaults to false.
var NTPT_GLBLREFTOP = [true,false];
An array of customer-set cookies set globally to be captured by the page tagging
var NTPT_GLBLCOOKIES = ["cookie1", "cookie2"];
Tells the page tagging script to set the visitor identification cookie.
var NTPT_SET_IDCOOKIE = [true, false];
Sets the name of the visitor identification cookie.
var NTPT_IDCOOKIE_NAME = "unique_visitor";
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
The expiration time (in seconds) of the visitor identification cookie. If not specified
the value defaults to 155520000 (60 months).
Possible values
Any number
The number of seconds until the cookie expires
var NTPT_IDCOOKIE_EXPIRE = 315360000; // 10 years
Specifies the domain suffix for the visitor identification cookie. This allows
customers with more than one site within the same domain to use a single version
of the visitor identifaction cookie, allowing you to track cross-site visits/visitors.
For example, if your site uses the subdomains,, and, you can ensure they use the
same identification cookie by specifying an NTPT_IDCOOKIE_DOMAIN value of
v The domain suffix specified as the value must include at least two periods (see
v The domain suffix must be the same domain that sends the cookie. For example,
you may not set a cookie for if your server's domain is
Sets the name of the session cookie. If this variable is not set, the name of the
cookie defaults to NetInsightSessionID.
Specifies the domain suffix for the session cookie. This allows customers with more
than one site within the same domain to use a single version of the session cookie,
allowing you to track cross-site sessions. For example, if your site uses the
subdomains,, and
Chapter 6. Working with page tags
75, you can ensure they use the same session cookie by
specifying an NTPT_SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN value of ""
v The domain suffix specified as the value must include at least two periods (see
v The domain suffix must be the same domain that sends the cookie. For example,
you may not set a cookie for if your server's domain is
About page-specific variables
Page-specific variables are optional variables that you can use to override the
default page tag settings for the page on which the page-specific variables are
used. The variables are not included in the page tag script (ntpagetag.js).
Where to put page-specific variables
Page-specific variables must be defined in the page to which you want them
applied. They should be defined before the IBM page tag is loaded so they can
modify the page tag request before it is sent. Because the <head> element for the
page is processed first, it is often a good place to define the page-specific variables.
A list of field-value pairs that will be applied to the page tag for the current page.
To delete a field from the page tag, set it to an empty value. Although you can add
any field-value pair, some fields are recognized automatically by NetInsight and do
not require you to create a parameter in order for them to appear in NetInsight
var NTPT_PGEXTRA = ’field=value&field=value&field=value[...]’;
// Append the ’pagetheme=red’ pair. Drop the ’rf’ field.
var NTPT_PGEXTRA = ’pagetheme=blue&rf=’;
// Treat this page as a 404 (Not Found) error.
var NTPT_PGEXTRA = ’sc=404’;
Retrieve the referrer (the value for the “rf” field) from the top (that is, the most
containing) frame of the current page. Otherwise, the referrer is retrieved from the
current page.
var NTPT_PGREFTOP = [true,false];
var NTPT_PGREFTOP = true;
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
This variable can be set at both the global and page level. Its default is false. When
set to true at the global level, it stops the page tag script from collecting initial
page load data for all pages. When set to true at the page level, it stops the page
tag script from collecting initial page load data for the current page. For On
Premise deployments, preventing the page tag script from collecting initial page
load data is useful in augment mode (where data is collected from both page tags
and logs) as it prevents duplicate data from being collected. Event tags for pages
will still be sent.
var NTPT_NOINITIALTAG = [true,false];
An array of customer-set cookies for a specific page to be captured by the page
tagging script.
var NTPT_PGCOOKIES = ["cookie1", "cookie2"];
Add the specified key-value pair to the query string of the next event tag to fire. If
the key already exists in the query string, the value will be replaced. If the value is
empty (‘’), the key will be dropped.
ntptAddPair( key, value )
The name of a name-value pair to add to the next event tag to fire.
The value of a name-value pair to add to the next event tag to fire.
ntptAddPair( "color", "red" );
Drop the specified key-value pair from the query string of the next event tag to
ntptDropPair ( key )
Chapter 6. Working with page tags
The name of a name-value pair to drop from the next event tag to fire.
ntptDropPair( tmpargs[0] );
Fires an event tag using the working query string. This function should be called
from a document element’s event handler.
ntptEventTag ( [querymod] )
A query modifier for the event tag. It modifies the working query
string for the page tag.
ntptEventTag( "ev=pickcolor" );
Tags a link that would otherwise not be accessible to page tagging. These links
include downloads, non-HTML pages, and pages on other Web sites. This function
must be called from the onclick attribute of a link and should return the value of
the function to the onclick handler.
Note: Link tags are not modified by the NTPT_PGEXTRA variable.
ntptLinkTag ( linkobj [, querymod [, maxtagwait]] )
A link object. The keyword "this" tells the function to follow the link
after tagging it.
A query modifier for the link tag. It modifies the working query string
for the page tag.
The maximum number of seconds that the call will wait before
following the link. This overrides the global wait time specified by
onclick="return ntptLinkTag( this );"
Tags form submissions. This function must be called from the onsubmit attribute of
a form and must return the value of the function to the onsubmit handler.
ntptSubmitTag( formobj [, querymod [, maxtagwait]] )
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
A form object. The keyword this tells the function to submit the form after
tagging it.
A query modifier for the submit tag. It modifies the working query string
for the page tag.
The maximum number of seconds that the call will wait before submitting
the form. This overrides the global wait time specified by
return ntptSubmitTag( document.myform );
Chapter 6. Working with page tags
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Chapter 7. Configuring reporting options
The reporting options apply to all the reports in the profile. They enable you to
create custom metrics for use on any report in the profile, create filter groups,
specify the time period for which reports will be automatically generated during
profile updates, and control which dimensions are reportable.
About auto-updating
Auto-updating reports are generated every time the profile is updated. In general,
you want a report to update automatically if all of the following are true:
v You are frequently importing data for the report's time frame into the profile.
v You need to see the report on a regular basis.
v You would like the report to be available instantly.
Reports with relative time frames (for example, yesterday or current month) should
generally be set to update automatically.
You can save time by not auto-updating the report if either of the following are
v The report is for a fixed time frame in the past for which all the data has been
v You need to see the report infrequently and can run it ad-hoc.
All of the reports that appear in the Available Reports list on the Reports tab by
default are set to update automatically. Reports you create only update
automatically if you select one of the auto-update check boxes when you save the
You can manage which reports are auto-updated at the Auto-Updated Reports
option screen. (This screen is only available at the profile options. You cannot
access it from the default profile options.)
Privileges related to auto-updating
You can only access the Auto-Updated Reports screen if you have the Options:
Reporting: Auto-Updated Reports privilege.
Reporting mode and auto-updating
If sampling is enabled for a profile, the Auto-Updated Reports option screen allows
you to change the report lists for both Full mode and Sample mode, regardless of
your reporting mode privileges. In general, updates are faster if there are fewer
auto-updated reports in Full mode. You should consider auto-updating in Full
mode only those reports you need to meet your reporting requirements and using
Sample mode to auto-update reports identifying overall trends.
To specify which reports auto-update
1. View the profile whose reports you want to manage.
2. Click the Options tab.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2011
3. From the Options panel select Reporting > Auto-Updated Reports.
The Auto-Updated Reports option screen opens.
4. As desired, select and move reports between the two lists to specify which
reports auto-update.
5. If sampling is enabled for the profile, the initial set of lists controls
auto-updating for Full reporting mode. To specify auto-updating for reports
running in Sampled mode, click Edit Sample Reports.
About custom metrics
You can create metrics that will be available for use on any report in the profile.
You can create two types of custom metrics:
v Metrics based on existing metrics, but with added filters
v Metrics that are derived from mathematically combining two existing metrics.
Once you create a custom metric, it can be used to build other custom metrics,
so it is possible to build more complex computations using multiple variables by
nesting custom metrics.
To create a custom filtered metric
If you are adding filter groups to the custom filtered metric, you must define the
filter group before performing this task.
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the left panel, under Reporting, click Custom Metrics.
The Custom metric definitions screen opens.
3. Click Add.
The Custom metric type screen opens.
4. In the Select custom metric type list, select Filtered Metric.
5. Click Continue.
The Custom metric definition screen opens.
6. In the Name field, enter a name for the metric. The name is used internally.
The name must be a single word, with only alphanumeric characters, and the
first character must be a letter.
7. In the Title field, enter a title for the metric.
The title appears in lists of metrics. It is also the basis for the title of the
column containing the metric data.
8. In the Description field, enter a description for the metric.
The description is the explanation of the metric's column that appears in the
page help for the report.
9. From the Base metric list, select the metric that provides the data to be
filtered for the current metric.
10. Check the Graphable field to have the data from this metric to be available
for graphing in the report graph.
11. Check the Display percentage of total field to have a percentage to display in
the column as well as a number.
12. From the Alignment list, select how the values are aligned in the report
The options are Center, Left, and Right.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
13. In the Minimum twips field, enter the minimum number of twips for the
metric's column in reports.
A twip equals 1/1440 of an inch. This option affects only those reports that
are exported in RTF format (usually for use in Microsoft Word).
14. In the Recommended twips field, enter the recommended number of twips
for the metric's column in reports.
NetInsight tries to make the column the recommended width.
15. Click Continue.
The Filters for . . screen opens.
16. Add one or more filters or filter groups to the custom metric.
a. Click Add.
The Available filters screen opens.
b. Select a dimension, or to add a defined filter group, select Filter Group.
c. Click Continue.
If you select a dimension, the Filter description screen opens.
If you select Filter Group, a list of defined filter groups open.
d. Complete the screen as required:
v If you selected a string dimension, select that or that do not from the
first list.
Then select a matching type from the second list.
Then enter a string in the field, or select a value from the Or select from
this menu list.
v If you selected a numeric dimension, select a value from the list.
v If you selected Filter Group, select the filter group to use.
Click Add as Group to add the complete filter group, so you are not
able to remove individual filters from the custom metric. Or click Add
as Filters to add all filters from the group individually, so you can
delete filters from the custom metric.
e. Click Continue.
f. Repeat steps a through e until you have added all required filters.
g. Click Continue.
The custom metric is now available on the Metrics page of the Custom Report
To make the custom metric available on the Discovery Panel, you must add it to a
group in one or more metrics lists.
To create a multiple input custom metric
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the left panel, under Reporting, click Custom Metrics.
The Custom metric definitions screen opens.
3. Click Add.
The Custom metric type screen opens.
4. In the Select custom metric type list, select Multiple Input Metric.
5. Click Continue.
The Custom metric definition screen opens.
6. In the Name field, enter a name for the metric. The name is used internally.
Chapter 7. Configuring reporting options
The name must be a single word, with only alphanumeric characters, and the
first character must be a letter.
7. In the Title field, enter a title for the metric.
The title appears in lists of metrics. It is also the basis for the title of the
column containing the metric data.
8. In the Description field, enter a description for the metric.
The description is the explanation of the metric's column that appears in the
page help for the report.
9. From the Metric 1 list, select the first metric to combine.
Note: If you are dividing metric values, Metric 1 is the number that is
10. From the Metric 2 list, select the second metric to combine.
Note: If you are dividing metric values, Metric 2 is the number that is
divided by
11. From the Operation list, select the operation you want to use to combine the
two metrics.
12. If you selected a floating point operation, select the number of decimal places
to use from the Precision list.
13. If you want NetInsight to display an average for the total instead of a sum of
all the averages, check the Average for Total field.
14. Check the Graphable field to have the data from this metric to be available
for graphing in the report graph.
15. Check the Display percentage of total field to have a percentage to display in
the column as well as a number.
16. From the Alignment list, select how the values are aligned in the report
The options are Center, Left, and Right.
17. In the Minimum twips field, enter the minimum number of twips for the
metric's column in reports.
A twip equals 1/1440 of an inch. This option only affects reports that are
exported in RTF format (usually for use in Microsoft Word).
18. In the Recommended twips field, enter the recommended number of twips
for the metric's column in reports.
NetInsight tries to make the column the recommended width.
19. Click Continue.
The custom metric is now available on the Metrics page of the Custom Report
To make the custom metric available on the Discovery Panel, you must add it to a
group in one or more metrics lists.
To edit a custom filtered metric
If you are adding filter groups to the custom filtered metric, you must define the
filter group before performing this task.
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the left panel, under Reporting, click Custom Metrics.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
The Custom metric definitions screen opens.
3. Select the custom filtered metric to edit.
4. Click Edit.
The Custom metric type screen opens.
5. In the Title field, edit a title for the metric.
The title appears in lists of metrics. It is also the basis for the title of the
column containing the metric data.
6. In the Description field, edit a description for the metric.
The description is the explanation of the metric’s column that appears in the
page help for the report.
7. From the Base metric list, select the metric that provides the data to be
filtered for the current metric.
8. Check the Graphable field to have the data from this metric to be available
for graphing in the report graph.
9. Check the Display percentage of total field to have a percentage to display in
the column as well as a number.
10. From the Alignment list, select how the values are aligned in the report
The options are Center, Left, and Right.
11. In the Minimum twips field, enter the minimum number of twips for the
metric's column in reports.
A twip equals 1/1440 of an inch. This option affects only reports that are
exported in RTF format (usually for use in Microsoft Word).
12. In the Recommended twips field, enter the recommended number of twips
for the metric's column in reports.
NetInsight tries to make the column the recommended width.
13. Click Continue.
The Filters for . . screen opens.
14. Add one or more filters or filter groups to the custom metric as necessary.
a. Click Add.
The Available filters screen opens.
b. Select a dimension, or to add a defined filter group, select Filter Group.
c. Click Continue.
If you select a dimension, the Filter description screen opens.
If you select Filter Group, a list of defined filter groups open.
d. Complete the screen as required:
v If you selected a string dimension, select that or that do not from the
first list.
Then select a matching type from the second list.
Then enter a string in the field, or select a value from the Or select from
this menu list.
v If you selected a numeric dimension, select a value from the list.
v If you selected Filter Group, select the filter group to use.
Click Add as Group to add the complete filter group, so you are not
able to remove individual filters from the custom metric. Or click Add
as Filters to add all filters from the group individually, so you can
delete filters from the custom metric.
e. Click Continue.
Chapter 7. Configuring reporting options
f. Repeat steps a through e until you have added all required filters.
g. Click Continue.
15. Edit filters or filter groups as necessary.
a. Select the filter or filter group to edit.
b. Click Edit.
If you select a dimension, the Filter description screen opens.
If you select Filter Group, a list of defined filter groups open.
c. Complete the screen as required:
v If you selected a string dimension, select that or that do not from the
first list.
Then select a matching type from the second list.
Then enter a string in the field, or select a value from the Or select from
this menu list.
v If you selected a numeric dimension, select a value from the list.
v If you selected Filter Group, select the filter group to use.
Click Add as Group to add the complete filter group, so you are not
able to remove individual filters from the custom metric. Or click Add
as Filters to add all filters from the group individually, so you can
delete filters from the custom metric.
d. Click Continue.
e. Repeat steps a through e until you have edited all required filters.
f. Click Continue.
16. Delete filters or filter groups as necessary.
a. Select the filter or filter group to delete.
b. Click Delete.
17. Click Continue.
The updated custom metric is now available on the Metrics page of the Custom
Report Wizard.
To make the custom metric available on the Discovery Panel, you must add it to a
group in one or more metrics lists.
To edit a multiple input custom metric
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the left panel, under Reporting, click Custom Metrics.
The Custom metric definitions screen opens.
3. Select the multiple input custom metric to edit.
4. Click Edit.
The Custom metric definition screen opens.
5. In the Title field, edit a title for the metric.
The title appears in lists of metrics. It is also the basis for the title of the
column containing the metric data.
6. In the Description field, edit the description for the metric.
The description is the explanation of the metric’s column that appears in the
page help for the report.
7. From the Metric 1 list, select the first metric to combine.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Note: If you are dividing metric values, Metric 1 is the number that is
8. From the Metric 2 list, select the second metric to combine.
Note: If you are dividing metric values, Metric 2 is the number that is
divided by
9. From the Operation list, select the operation you want to use to combine the
two metrics.
10. If you selected a floating point operation, select the number of decimal places
to use from the Precision list.
11. Check the Graphable field to have the data from this metric to be available
for graphing in the report graph.
12. Check the Display percentage of total field to have a percentage to display in
the column as well as a number.
13. From the Alignment list, select how the values are aligned in the report
The options are Center, Left, and Right.
14. In the Minimum twips field, enter the minimum number of twips for the
metric's column in reports.
A twip equals 1/1440 of an inch. This option only affects reports that are
exported in RTF format (usually for use in Microsoft Word).
15. In the Recommended twips field, enter the recommended number of twips
for the metric's column in reports.
NetInsight tries to make the column the recommended width.
16. Click Continue.
The custom metric is now available on the Metrics page of the Custom Report
To make the custom metric available on the Discovery Panel, you must add it to a
group in one or more metrics lists.
To delete a custom metric
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the left panel, under Reporting, click Custom Metrics.
The Custom metric definitions screen opens.
3. Select the custom metric to delete.
4. Click Delete.
The Custom metric definition screen opens.
5. Click Continue.
The custom metric is no longer available.
About the data model
The NetInsight data model describes the tables, or entities, in the NetInsight
database and the relationships between them. These entity definitions can then be
used to define the variables, dimensions, and metrics—the report
components—that are available to the user when defining and using NetInsight
Chapter 7. Configuring reporting options
About extending the data model
You can install packages that extend the default NetInsight data model to include
new entities, variables, dimensions, and metrics. Data model extension packages
are usually created to facilitate bringing data from an external data source into
Data model extension packages include two XML files—a data model extensions
file and an output formatting extensions file. The data model extensions file
defines the entities and report components. The output formatting extensions file
provides formatting information for the new dimensions and metrics.
Once you have copied the XML files to the location indicated by the package
creator, you need to tell NetInsight to use the files.
To add a data model extension package
1. View the profile for which you want to extend the data model.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Reporting > Data Model Extensions.
4. Click Add.
5. In the Name box, enter a unique name for the extension package.
6. In the Data model extension path box, enter the path and filename of the data
model extensions file.
7. In the Output formatting extension path box, enter the path and filename of
the output formatting extension file.
8. Click Save Options and then click Continue.
About deleting or editing data model extension packages
You can make changes to the list of data model extension packages.
Important: If you delete a data model extension package from a profile and the
dimensions, metrics, or filters in the package are used on any of the reports in the
profile, the profile will be unusable. You will be unable to update the profile. You
should be sure to remove all of the package’s dimensions, metrics, and filters from
all reports in the profile before deleting the package. If you have any questions,
contact technical support.
About filter groups
When users create multiple reports, they may often need to apply the same filters
repeatedly. Filter groups enable you to specify a set of filters (including custom
filters) once and then apply it to many reports. When a user applies a filter group
containing multiple filters, the user can choose to apply the filter as a single group
or as the individual filters within the group. If the filters are applied as a group,
the filters can only be removed as a single unit. If the filters are added as
individual filters, the user can independently select and remove specific filters,
while keeping others.
To create a filter group
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the left panel, under Reporting, click Filter Groups.
The Filter group definitions screen opens.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
3. Click Add.
The Filter group description screen opens.
4. In the Name of filter group field, enter a one-word name.
The name is used internally. You can use only alphanumeric characters. Once
the filter group is created, you cannot change the name.
5. In the Title of filter group field, enter a title.
The title appears in the list of filters.
6. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
The Filters that belong to screen opens.
7. Add one or more filters or other filter groups to the filter group.
a. Click Add Filter.
The Available filters screen opens.
b. Select a dimension, or to add a defined filter group, select Filter Group.
c. Click Continue.
If you select a dimension, the Filter description screen opens.
If you select Filter Group, a list of defined filter groups open.
d. Complete the screen as required:
v If you selected a string dimension, select that or that do not from the first
Then select a matching type from the second list.
Then enter a string in the field, or select a value from the Or select from
this menu list.
v If you selected a numeric dimension, select a value from the list.
v If you selected Filter Group, select the filter group to use.
Click Add as Group to add the complete filter group, so you are not able
to remove individual filters from the custom metric. Or click Add as
Filters to add all filters from the group individually, so you can delete
filters from the custom metric.
e. Click Continue.
f. Repeat steps a through e until you have added all required filters.
g. Click Save Filters.
8. Click Continue.
You must now apply the filter group to a report.
To edit a filter group
These instructions describe how to change the filter group's title. You can also edit
the filters included with the filter group.
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the left panel, under Reporting, click Filter Groups.
The Filter group definitions screen opens.
3. Select the filter group to edit.
4. Click Edit.
The Filter group description screen opens.
5. In the Title of filter group field, enter a title.
The title appears in the list of filters.
Chapter 7. Configuring reporting options
6. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
To edit filters for a filter group
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the left panel, under Reporting, click Filter Groups.
The Filter group definitions screen opens.
3. Select the filter group for which you want to edit filters.
4. Click Filters.
The Filters that belong to screen opens.
5. Add one or more filters or defined filter groups to the filter group as necessary.
a. Click Add Filter.
The Available filters screen opens.
b. Select a dimension, or to add a defined filter group, select Filter Group.
c. Click Continue.
If you select a dimension, the Filter description screen opens.
If you select Filter Group, a list of defined filter groups opens.
d. Complete the screen as required:
v If you selected a string dimension, select that or that do not from the first
Then select a matching type from the second list.
Then enter a string in the field, or select a value from the Or select from
this menu list.
v If you selected a numeric dimension, select a value from the list.
v If you selected Filter Group, select the filter group to use.
Click Add as Group to add the complete filter group, so you are not able
to remove individual filters from the custom metric. Or click Add as
Filters to add all filters from the group individually, so you can delete
filters from the custom metric.
e. Click Continue.
f. Repeat steps a through e until you have added all required filters.
g. Click Continue.
6. Edit filters or filter groups as necessary.
a. Select the filter or filter group to edit.
b. Click Edit Filter.
If you select a dimension, the Filter description screen opens.
If you select Filter Group, a list of defined filter groups opens.
c. Complete the screen as required:
v If you selected a string dimension, select that or that do not from the first
Then select a matching type from the second list.
Then enter a string in the field, or select a value from the Or select from
this menu list.
v If you selected a numeric dimension, select a value from the list.
v If you selected Filter Group, select the filter group to use.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Click Add as Group to add the complete filter group, so you are not able
to remove individual filters from the custom metric. Or click Add as
Filters to add all filters from the group individually, so you can delete
filters from the custom metric.
d. Click Continue.
e. Repeat steps a through e until you have edited all required filters.
f. Click Continue.
7. Delete filters or filter groups as necessary.
a. Select the filter or filter group to delete.
b. Click Delete Filter.
8. Click Back to Filter Groups.
To delete a filter group
Deleting a filter group impacts all reports and custom metrics to which you added
the filter group as a group, as well as any saved reports that use the report or
custom metric.
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the Options panel, select Reporting > Filter Groups.
The Filter group definitions screen opens.
3. Select the filter group to delete.
4. Click Delete.
The Filter group description screen opens.
5. Click Continue.
About the NetInsight geographic database
NetInsight provides access to reports that show geographic distribution of data via
color-coded maps. Map regions are clickable, allowing users to drill up and down
to different reports.
To access the geographic reports, you must download the database containing the
encrypted geographic data from IBM and configure your profiles to use it.
Download the NetInsight Geographic Database from the download site URL you
received from your IBM Unica customer representative and save it to a location
that is accessible to your NetInsight installation.
Updates to the geographic database
The geographic database is updated quarterly. IBM does not issue notifications of
these updates; check the download site regularly to ensure that you have the latest
Note: If you are using a pre-8.5 version of the NetInsight Geographic Database,
you must upgrade to the latest version.
To configure a profile to use the geographic database
Download the NetInsight Geographic Database from IBM before completing this
Chapter 7. Configuring reporting options
1. With the profile you want to configure displayed, select Options > Reporting >
2. In the Geographic data section of the Integrations page, enter the path to the
geographic database file (including the file name) in the field.
3. Click Save Options.
If you want to generate geographic reports for data you have already imported,
you must delete all the data in your profile and reimport your log files. (Note:
If you do not have all the log files you have imported into this profile, you lose
data permanently by choosing this option.) To delete your profile data, click
Delete Profile Data.
After you update your profile, select Reports > Geographic Analysis to access the
geographic reports.
Note: If you do not have the correct version of the geographic database for your
version of NetInsight, you will receive an error when you attempt to update the
profile. Download the latest version using the download site URL you received
from your IBM customer representative.
About integrations
Integration modules enable you to incorporate data from another source into
NetInsight using a commercially available module (as opposed to a lookup or
rewrite data conduit, which you must create). Your NetInsight license must be
enabled for an integration module before you can use it.
An integration module must be configured in each profile in which you want to
use it.
To configure a profile to use an integration module
Your NetInsight license must be enabled for an integration module before you can
configure a profile to use it.
Open the profile in which you want to use the integration module.
Click the Options tab.
In the Options panel, select Reporting > Integrations.
Click Add.
Select an integration from the list of available integrations and click Continue.
The integrations that have already been configured for this profile do not
appear in the list. If an integration is listed in gray, your NetInsight license is
not enabled for this integration.
The screen that appears depends on the integration module you are adding.
6. Enter the requested information.
To return all fields to their default values, click Reset Options.
7. Click Save Options.
If you have entered connection information, NetInsight contacts the appropriate
server to validate your information.
To edit an integration module
1. Open the profile in which you want to edit the integration module.
2. Click the Options tab.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
3. In the Options panel, select Reporting > Integrations.
4. Select an integration module and click Edit.
The screen that appears depends on the integration module you are editing.
5. Edit the information.
To return all fields to their previously defined values, click Reset Options.
6. Click Save Options.
NetInsight contacts the appropriate server to validate your information.
To delete an integration module
Open the profile in which you want to delete the integration module.
Click the Options tab.
In the Options panel, select Reporting > Integrations.
Select the integration module you want to delete and click Delete.
Paid search integration fields
Enable import check box
Select the check box to enable importing of
the paid search integration data. Clear the
check box to disable the importing of paid
search integration data.
Enable reporting check box
Select the check box to enable the paid
search integration reports, dimensions,
metrics, and filters. Clear the check box to
make paid search integration dimensions,
metrics, and filters unavailable for use and
to prevent reports based on these
dimensions or metrics from being
User name for your company's IBM paid
search integration account
Password for your company's IBM paid
search integration account
Re-enter password
Password for your company's IBM paid
search integration account
Marketing attribution integration fields
Enable import check box
Select the check box to enable importing of
the marketing attribution data. Clear the
check box to disable the importing of
marketing attribution data.
Enable reporting check box
Select the check box to enable marketing
attribution reports, dimensions, metrics, and
filters. Clear the check box to make
marketing attribution dimensions, metrics,
and filters unavailable for use and to
prevent reports based on these dimensions
or metrics from being pre-generated.
Chapter 7. Configuring reporting options
Select the interval (in number of days) for
attributing credit to referring campaigns
leading to a conversion. The default is 14
Mobile analytics integration fields
Bucket name
Name of the bucket (data repository) in your
Amazon S3 account that you use for mobile
application data
Access Key ID
Amazon Web Services Access key ID
Secret Access Key
Amazon Web Services secret access key
Enable Import check box
Select the check box to enable importing of
the mobile analytics integration data. Clear
the check box to disable the importing of
mobile analytics integration data.
Enable Reporting check box
Select the check box to enable mobile
analytics integration reports, dimensions,
metrics, and filters. Clear the check box to
make mobile analytics integration
dimensions, metrics, and filters unavailable
for use and to prevent reports based on
these dimensions or metrics from being
Privileges for integrations
The following new privilege has been added to control access to integration
module configuration:
Options: Reporting: Integrations
Integrations options screens
About report generation options
By default, when you update aprofile, NetInsight pre-generates reports for the
latest three months for which it has data. You can shorten the date range for which
reports are pre-calculated. This will speed up the update process, especially for
profiles with large data sets. You can still view reports for dates outside the new
range, but data in those reports will not be calculated at the time of the request.
Conversely, you can lengthen the date range for pre-calculated reports. This will
slow updates but speed up the rendering of older reports.
Administrators can also set default report generation options to apply to each new
profile users create.
About aggregate data
Aggregate data allows NetInsight to generate dynamic, date-based reports more
quickly. It consists of totals calculated from the data stored in other tables. The
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
calculations are run when a profile is updated, and the data written to special
aggregate tables. For example, the views table contains each page view found in
your log files, and the aggviews table contains the total number of views and visits
for each page on your site, grouped by a specific date.
The date range for which aggregate data is calculated and retained is configurable
(the default is three months). When an update is run on a profile, any new data
that is now within the aggregate range is added to the aggregate tables. Any
existing data that is falls outside of the range is deleted. If there is new log data for
the current day, any existing aggregate data for that day is dropped and replaced.
One way to view aggregates is as the trading of disk space for faster report
generation. However, the calculations required to compile aggregates can also
impact the time it takes updates to run. Thus for optimal performance it's
preferable to only generate aggregates for the time frame that constitutes the bulk
or your reporting needs. This should be a range identical to the largest potential
period for which you pre-generate reports. For example, if you pre-generate
reports for the latest year, quarter, and month, the largest potential range for which
you will have pre-generated reports is 365 days. (Note that because report
pre-generation settings are calendar-based, the range could also be much shorter
than that. For example, on January 1 the latest year, quarter, and month will each
contain only one day's worth of data.)
For more information on tuning aggregate data generation, see the NetInsight
Tuning Guide.
To edit dates for which reports are pre-calculated
1. In Profile Options, select Reporting > Report Generation.
Or, to set defaults for all new profiles, select the Administration icon (
Options tab, then from the NetInsight options drop-down menu, select Edit
Default Web Server Options.
2. For Generate reports for select one or more of the following in any
v To pre-calculate reports for all months, check All Months.
v To pre-calculate reports for a specific time period (for example years, months,
weeks) check its box and enter a value.
Note: Latest is relative to the last date for which the profile contains data, not
the current date.
To edit dates for which aggregate data is generated
1. In Profile Options, select Reporting > Report Generation.
Or, to set defaults for all new profiles, select the Administration icon (
Options tab, then from the NetInsight options drop-down menu, select Edit
Default Web Server Options.
2. For Generate aggregates for select None, All Data, or specify a time period.
Note: Unless you have a specific performance reason to do otherwise, a general
rule is to generate aggregates for the same time frame that you pre-generate
reports. Latest is relative to the last date for which the profile contains data, not
the current date.
Chapter 7. Configuring reporting options
About reportable dimensions
A reportable dimension is a dimension that can be used by profile reports. A
reportable dimension is one that is supported by the profile option or one that is
assumed to be present and valid. For example, the Host dimension is reportable
because NetInsight assumes the log file contains host data. The Banner Ad
dimension is only reportable when one or more banner ads have been defined in
the profile options.
For some dimensions, there is no way to determine based on the profile options
whether data for those dimensions is present in the log files or not. You can
classify a dimension as reportable or non-reportable. By default, almost all
dimensions are classified as reportable. A non-reportable dimension does not have
a corresponding pre-generated report and is not listed in the Discovery Panel.
To change reportable dimensions
If you make a dimension non-reportable:
v The dimension still appears in the Custom Report Wizard. No warning or error
occurs if a user includes it in a report using the Custom Report Wizard. While
the report can be run and saved, it will not appear in any report list.
v Any existing report containing the non-reportable dimension no longer appears
in any report list (for example, the default pre-generated report for that
dimension no longer appears in the Available Reports list). Any report
containing the non-reportable dimension is still visible and accessible and can be
run through the Custom Report Wizard.
Making a non-reportable dimension reportable again will automatically enable any
reports that did not previously display in a report list, if that report now contains
only reportable dimensions.
Note: You can make some, but not all, dimensions in a dimension hierarchy
non-reportable, as doing so can cause errors when users view reports for the
dimension hierarchy.
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the Options panel, under Reporting, click Reportable Dimensions.
The Dimensions to be reported screen opens.
3. To make a currently reportable dimension non-reportable, in the Reportable
Dimensions list, select the dimension and click Add dimension (the
left-pointing arrow).
The dimension moves to the Available dimensions list.
4. To make a currently non-reportable dimension reportable, in the Available
Dimensions list, select the dimension and click Add dimension (the
right-pointing arrow).
The dimension moves to the Reportable dimensions list.
5. Click Save Options, then Continue.
About data samples
You can allow users to work with reports that display projections based on a
random sample of the profile data. Working with a profile's full data set may be
more time-consuming than is practical for ad-hoc analysis. Some tasks, such as
exploring data or creating reports, can be accomplished more quickly using a
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
subset of the data with the calculations extrapolated to the full data set. You can
enable the sample reporting mode by specifying a non-zero sample size in the
profile options. The sample size is defined as a percentage of visitors.
When a profile with a non-zero sample size specified is updated, NetInsight does
the following:
v Takes a random sample of the specified size of all new visitors in the data
imported during this update and stores all data associated with these visitors in
sample tables in the profile's database. For example, if the sample size were 5%
and there were 100 new visitors imported during the update, NetInsight would
randomly select 5 of the new visitors and store their data in the sample tables.
v Looks for any new visits by visitors already in the sample and adds information
about those visits to the sample tables.
Spider and robot visitors also are sampled at the specified percentage.
After you specify a profile's visitor sample percentage for the first time, update the
profile to make sample reports available. If you are changing an existing non-zero
sample percentage, run the - resample command-line option followed by the
-recalc -sampleonly command-line option to update the sample tables and
About the sample size
The sample size is defined as a percentage of visitors in the full data set. You may
enter a numeric value between 0 and 100 with precision up to three decimal places
to the right of the decimal point. If you know you want the sample of visitors to
include a specific count of a certain database entity (such as visits, events, or
views), you can use the -samplecalc command-line option to estimate the
percentage of visitors to use to return a sample with the desired entity count.
Changing the sample size
Each time you change the visitor sample percentage option, you should clear the
sample tables and resample the profile data. You can do this without disturbing
your non-sample tables by running the -resample command-line option followed
by the -recalc -sampleonly option. If you do not run -resample, when you
update the profile, new data is sampled at the new percentage. This results in a
sample set that contains the previous percentage of old data and the new
percentage of new data. You can fix this by running -resample followed by
-recalc -sampleonly.
Changing the sample data
You can also change the data in the sample while leaving the sample size the
same. NetInsight uses a random number generator to select new visitors for the
sample. The random number generator algorithm is determined by a seed value. A
given seed selects the same set of visitors every time from a fixed set of data. If
you would like to see a different sample, run the -reseed command-line option to
change the seed and then run the -resample command-line option to clear and
repopulate the sample tables followed by the -recalc -sampleonly option to
generate the reports.
Chapter 7. Configuring reporting options
To specify the sample size
1. View the profile.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. Under Reporting, click Sampling.
The Sampling options screen appears.
4. In the Visitor sample percentage field, enter the percentage of visitors in the
full data set you want in the sample.
You can specify up to three decimal places to the right of the decimal point.
Use a value of zero to disable sampling (not generate any sample tables or
5. Click Save Options.
If this is the first time a sample size has been entered for the profile, you must
update the profile before users can select a reporting mode. If you have changed
an existing sample value, you must run the -resample command-line option
followed by the -recalc -sampleonly option to use the new sample size. Any
previous sample data is used until the profile is resampled.
Permissions for sampling features
You can prevent users from changing the sample size through the interface. You
can also remove the Reporting Mode option to prevent users from changing the
reporting mode and limit them to their default mode for each profile. You can also
prevent users from saving reports to be automatically generated in Full mode or
Sample mode.
The following new privileges have been added to control access to sampling:
Options: Reporting: Sampling
Visitor sample percentage option
Interface: Icon: Reporting Mode
Reporting Mode option on Reports and
Custom tabs
Interface: Sampling: Email/Export Change
Reporting mode option on Email and
Export options screens
Interface: Custom Report Wizard: Auto
Update Sample Report
Automatically update sample report option
Interface: Custom Report Wizard: Auto
Update Full Report
Automatically update full report option
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Chapter 8. Creating reports
As a Business User or an Enhanced Business User, you can create reports for your
immediate use, but you cannot save reports.
There are several ways to create reports. The best method to use depends on what
you want to do.
If you want to
Do this
Use drag-and-drop to
make changes to an
existing report
Use the Discovery Panel to drag and drop dimensions, metrics,
and filters onto the report. When you are finished, click Run
Report to see the report.
Make numerous changes
to an existing report
View the existing report and then click the Report Designer
Create a new report from
the ground up
) to display the Report Summary page. From the
icon (
Report Summary page you can access pages in the Custom
Report Wizard for the current report.
Click the Custom tab and then click Create Report to start the
Custom Report Wizard.
To create a standard report
You can create a standard report for the profile you are viewing.
1. You can define a new report or base your new report on an existing report.
To define a new standard report, on the Custom tab click Create Report >
Standard report > Continue.
To base a new report on an existing report:
v On the Custom tab, select an existing report then click Create New From
v On the Reports tab, select the report then click the Report Designer icon (
). On the Report Summary screen click Edit.
The Dimensions screen opens.
Select the dimensions you want included in the report. To create a crosstab
report, select two or more dimensions. Click Continue.
The Metrics screen opens.
Select the metrics you want included in the report. You must have at least one
metric. Click Continue.
The General screen opens.
Enter general report information, including a new Report title if you are
creating the report from an existing report. Click Continue.
The Filters screen opens.
Specify any filters you want applied to the report, then click Continue.
The Calendar Dates screen opens.
6. Specify the fixed or relative time frame of the report in the Calendar Dates box.
To create a comparative report, enter another time frame in the Comparative
Calendar Dates box. Click Continue.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2011
v If you enter a comparative calendar date, the Report Summary screen opens.
Continue with step 8.
v If you did not enter a comparative calendar date, the A/B Groups screen
7. Edit the names of the groups and add filters to compare results, then click
The Report Summary screen opens.
8. Review the selections made for the report.
You can Run this report immediately or Save it.
To create a trend report
You can create a trend report for the profile you are viewing.
1. Click the Custom tab > Create Report > Trend report > Continue.
The Managing Reports screen opens.
2. Select the metrics you want included in the report, then click Continue.
You must select at least one metric.
3. Enter the general report information.
v In the Group results by list, select the time period to group results by.
v To keep the results grouped by the specified time period even when the time
period of the calendar changes, check Retain grouping when calendar
4. Click Continue.
The Filters screen opens.
5. Specify any filters you want applied to the report, then click Continue.
The Calendar Dates screen opens.
6. Specify the fixed or relative time frame of the report in the Calendar Dates box
and click Continue.
To create a comparative report, also enter a time frame in the Comparative
Calendar Dates box.
If you did not enter a comparative calendar date, the A/B Groups screen opens.
7. If you want to apply two sets of filters and compare the resulting reports, enter
the two groups of filters, then click Continue.
The Report Summary page opens.
You can now Run this trend report.
To create a Path Summary between two specific pages
A Path Summary between two specific pages enables you to analyze the most
common paths visitors travel on your site between any two specified pages.
1. View the profile in which you want to create the custom report.
2. Click the Custom tab > Create Report > Path Summary between two specific
pages > Continue. The Specifying the Page screen appears.
3. In the Paths start on box, enter the page on which the paths you want to track
Or, you can select a page from the list of the most popular pages on the site.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Click Continue.
In the Paths end on box, enter the page at which the paths you want to track
Or, you can select a page from the list of the most popular pages on the site.
Click Continue.
The Dimensions page appears with the Path between dimension in the
Selected dimensions list.
Click Continue.
Select the metrics you want in the report and click Continue.
In the Report title box, enter the title you want for this report.
The title appears at the top of the report and in report lists.
8. In the Number of rows per page list, select the number of rows you want per
page of the report.
9. In the Maximum length of path list, select the maximum number of pages
that can be in the paths you track.
Paths will be truncated to fit this maximum.
This option is not available if the Style of report option is set to Tree view.
10. In the Column to sort by list, select the name of the column by which you
want to rank items in the report.
11. In the Sort order list, select either Ascending or Descending.
12. In the Type of graph list, select the graph format you want to use.
13. In the Graph data set list, select the type of data you want to display in the
14. In the Page help box, enter the text you want to use as the introduction
paragraph to the page help for the report.
15. Click Continue. The Filters page appears.
16. Specify any filters you want applied to the report, then click Continue.
The Calendar Dates screen opens.
17. Specify the fixed or relative time frame of the report in the Calendar Dates
box and click Continue.
To create a comparative report, also enter a time frame in the Comparative
Calendar Dates box.
If you did not enter a comparative calendar date, the A/B Groups screen
18. If you want to see the report data for two sets of filters, specify the filter sets.
19. Click Continue.
The Report Summary page appears.
To create a Path Summary from a specific page
A Path Summary from a specific page enables you to analyze the most common
paths visitors travel on your site away from a given starting page. For example,
you can create a report showing where visitors usually go after they view your
home page.
1. View the profile in which you want to create the custom report.
2. Click the Custom tab > Create Report > Path Summary from a specific page
> Continue. The Specifying the Page screen appears.
3. Enter the page on which the paths you want to track originated.
Chapter 8. Creating reports
Or, you can select a page from the list of the most popular pages on the site
Click Continue.
The Dimensions page appears with the Path from dimension in the Selected
dimensions list.
4. Click Continue.
5. Select the metrics you want in the report.
Click Continue.
6. In the Report title box, enter the title you want for this report.
The title appears at the top of the report and in report lists.
7. In the Style of report list, select an option.
v Select Linear view to create a report that lists each path away from the
origination page from start to finish. Paths are sorted according to the
metric values for the path as a whole.
v Select Tree view to create a report that lists the first page in each path away
from the origination page. You can expand each row to show the most
popular second pages in paths that started on the origination page and
went through the first-level page listed in the row. It is called a tree view
because the origination page can be pictured as a tree trunk with the
first-level pages as primary branches and the second-level pages as
secondary branches.
8. In the Number of rows per page list, select the number of rows you want per
page of the report.
9. In the Number of pages per row list, select the number of second-level pages
that will be listed for each first-level page listed in the report.
This option is not available if the Style of report option is set to Linear View.
10. In the Maximum length of path list, select the maximum number of pages
that can be in the paths you track.
Paths will be truncated to fit this maximum. (This option is not available if the
Style of report option is set to Tree view.)
11. In the Column to sort by list, select the name of the column by which you
want to rank items in the report.
12. In the Sort order list, select either Ascending or Descending.
13. In the Type of graph list, select the graph format you want to use.
If the Style of report option is set to Tree view, the Type of graph list will
contain the additional graph type Path chart.
14. In the Graph data set list, select the type of data you want to display in the
15. In the Page help box, enter the text you want to use as the introduction
paragraph to the page help for the report.
16. Click Continue.
The Filters page appears.
17. Specify any filters you want applied to the report, then click Continue.
The Calendar Dates screen opens.
18. Specify the fixed or relative time frame of the report in the Calendar Dates
box and click Continue.
To create a comparative report, also enter a time frame in the Comparative
Calendar Dates box.
If you did not enter a comparative calendar date, the A/B Groups screen
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
19. If you want to see the report data for two sets of filters, specify the filter sets.
20. Click Continue.
The Report Summary page appears.
To create a Path Summary to a specific page
A Path Summary to a specific page enables you to analyze how visitors usually
arrive at a given page on your Web site. For example, you could analyze which
pages visitors usually view right before they view your order form.
1. View the profile in which you want to create the custom report.
2. Click the Custom tab > Create Report > Path Summary to a specific page >
Continue. The Specifying the Page screen appears.
3. Enter the page on which the paths you want to track concluded.
Or, you can select a page from the list of the most popular pages on the site.
Click Continue.
4. The Dimensions page appears with the Path to dimension in the Selected
dimensions list.
5. Click Continue.
6. Select the metrics you want in the report.
Click Continue.
7. In the Report title box, enter the title you want for this report.
8. In the Style of report list, select an option.
v Select Linear view to create a report that lists each path toward the
concluding page from start to finish (given the maximum length of the
path). Paths are sorted according to the metric values for the path as a
v Select Tree view to create a report that lists each next-to-last page in paths
that end at the specified concluding page. You can expand each row to
show the most popular second-to-last pages in paths that went through the
next-to-last page and ended at the concluding page.
9. In the Number of rows per page list, select the number of rows you want per
page of the report.
10. In the Number of pages per row list, select the number of second-to-last
pages to be listed for each next-to-last page listed in the report.
This option is not available if the Style of report option is set to Linear View.
11. In the Maximum length of path list, select the maximum number of pages
that can be in the paths you track.
Paths will be truncated to fit this maximum. (This option is not available if the
Style of report option is set to Tree view.)
12. In the Column to sort by list, select the name of the column by which you
want to rank items in the report.
13. In the Sort order list, select either Ascending or Descending.
14. In the Type of graph list, select the graph format you want to use.
If the Style of report option is set to Tree view, the Type of graph list will
contain the additional graph format Path chart.
15. In the Graph data set list, select the type of data you want to display in the
16. In the Page help box, enter the text you want to use as the introduction
paragraph to the page help for the report.
Chapter 8. Creating reports
17. Click Continue. The Filters page appears.
18. Specify any filters you want applied to the report, then click Continue.
The Calendar Dates screen opens.
19. Specify the fixed or relative time frame of the report in the Calendar Dates
box and click Continue.
To create a comparative report, also enter a time frame in the Comparative
Calendar Dates box.
If you did not enter a comparative calendar date, the A/B Groups screen
20. If you want to see the report data for two sets of filters, specify the filter sets.
21. Click Continue.
The Report Summary page appears.
About A/B reports
An A/B report enables you to see and compare data for two different groups in
the same report. Each group is defined by a set of filters. This is a powerful report
for comparing the behavior of two different sets across various dimensions and
For each metric value in the report, there are three columns:
v The metric values and percentages for the first group, defined by the first set of
v The metric values and percentages for the second group, defined by the second
set of filters
v The percentage change, which is calculated as:
(Group2Value - Group1Value) / Group1Value
When the first group's value is greater than the second, the percentage change is
negative (displayed in parentheses) and shown with a red down arrow. When
the second group's value is greater than the first, the percentage change is
positive and shown with a green up arrow.
You can create an A/B report using the Discovery Panel or the Custom Report
You can choose which metric to display in the graph of an A/B report. For each
metric in the report, you can graph the value for Group A, Group B, the Delta, or
the Comparison. The Comparison is shown by default.
Note: The only chart types available for the comparison graph are bar and line
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Chapter 8. Creating reports
To create an A/B report through the Discovery Panel
You define the two groups for an A/B report using filters. You can create A/B
reports interactively using the Discovery Panel or using the Custom Report
1. View the report for which you want to create an A/B report.
2. Click the A/B Testing icon (
The A/B Report panel opens above the chart:
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
If Multi-Edit mode is off, the Go button displays in the middle of the panel:
The A/B Testing icon remains selected to indicate that A/B testing is activated.
The A/B Testing panel remains open until you close it. However, if you change
reports, all currently defined filters for the two groups are lost.
3. Optionally, rename the two groups by clicking Group A and Group B and
entering new titles.
Note: Very long group names can cause the tables to render incorrectly. As a
best practice, use short group names to avoid problems with the table display.
4. In the Discovery Panel, drag the filter you want onto the appropriate filter area
for Group A or Group B.
5. Repeat step 4 for every filter you want to add to either filter set.
6. When you are through defining Group A and Group B, click the Go icon (
located in-between the two group definitions (if Multi-Edit mode is off) or click
Run Report (if Multi-Edit mode is on).
The A/B testing report is computed for the two group definitions.
By default, the dimension values in the report are sorted in descending order, by
the value for group A, and the data for both group A and group B appear in the
You can change the sort order of the report by clicking on the desired metric's or
primary dimension's column label in the report title bar.
To turn off A/B testing, click the A/B testing icon in the report toolbar again.
To create an A/B report using the Custom Report Wizard
You define the two groups for an A/B report using filters. You can create A/B
reports interactively using the Discovery Panel or using the Custom Report
1. Display the A/B Groups page by doing one of the following:
v Create a report. The A/B Groups page will appear during the report
creation process if you do not enter a comparative date on the Calendar
Dates page.
v Display the Report Summary page for a report and click A/B Groups.
A/B Groups does not appear on the Report Summary page if the report has
comparative dates defined.
Chapter 8. Creating reports
2. In the text box on the left side of the page, change the Group A to the title
you want to appear in the report to identify the first group.
Note: Very long group names can cause the tables to render incorrectly. As a
best practice, use short group names to avoid problems with the table display.
Click Add and specify a filter for this group.
When you are through defining the filter, the A/B Groups page displays again
with the filter listed in the list box. Click Add to add another filter.
When you have added all the filters for this group, repeat step 2 through step
4 on the right side of the page for the second filter group.
Click Continue.
At the Report Summary page, click Sort order to display the General page.
In the Group to sort by list, select the group by which the report should be
a. To order the dimension values in the report by the value for group A,
select the title of group A.
b. To order the dimension values in the report by the value for group B,
select the title of group B.
c. To order the dimension values in the report according to how much
difference there is between the value for group A and the value for group
B, select Delta.
9. In the Group to graph list, select the group whose data should appear in the
report graph.
a. To display the data for group A, select the title of group A.
b. To display the data for group B, select the title of group B.
c. To display the difference between the data for group A and the data for
group B, select Delta.
d. To display the data for both group A and B, select Comparison.
10. Click Continue to return to the Report Summary page.
11. Click Run to see the report.
About scenario reports
Scenario reports (often called funnel reports) let you see how many visitors and
visits are performing each step in a series of defined steps. Typically they're used
to track behavior towards a specific goal, such as making a purchase, finding
resolution to an issue, or completing a form. They can help you identify where
(and hopefully why) drop-offs occur along the way. They also allow you to track
visitor behavior across multiple visits.
Each step in a scenario report must be defined by either one or more page views
or by a visitor profile--a set of filter criteria that defines a group of visitors. For
example, you might create a visitor profile that selects visitors referred by certain
internet search phrase they used to find your site.
In the scenario report shown here, visits are tracked from a site's index (home)
page, to a page that lists coffees for sale, to a page where an individual coffee can
be viewed and added to a shopping cart, and finally to a thank you page that
displays after an order is placed. Each step's visitor drop-off and conversion
percentage is relative to the previous step in the report. Each steps visitor and visit
percentage is relative to the total number of visitors and visits to the site in the
report's time frame.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Note: Note that scenario reports do not track the actual order in which visitors
perform steps. For each step, they simply report how many visitors performed
both that step and all preceding steps within the report's date range. So a visitor
who performs a third step before a second will still be counted in the scenario
report as long as the step was performed in the correct time frame.
Graph types for scenario reports
Scenario reports are typically displayed as funnel graphs (hence their alternate
name) but you can display them using any graph type you choose.
Using filters with scenario reports
You can apply filters to scenario reports just as you can to any other report type.
However, to pick the appropriate filters it is important to understand how
NetInsight determines visitor and visit counts for scenario reports. And at what
point in the process filters are applied.
Here's how NetInsightcalculates the visitor and visit counts for each step in a
scenario report:
To determine visitor
1. First NetInsightfinds all visitors who match the report's filters. If
a date filter has been applied, to be included visitors must have
completed each step in the scenario within that time period.
2. Next, of the visitors who matched the filters, NetInsightfinds
those who completed this step and all preceding steps.
To determine visit
1. NetInsight finds all of the visits from those visitors that match
the report's filters.
2. Next NetInsightcounts the number of visits in which those
visitors completed the current step.
If you see unexpected results
Chapter 8. Creating reports
v It is possible to have a report with visit counts that increase from step to step
rather than decrease as expected. This can occur when a higher percentage of
visits match the filters for the later steps (something especially likely with
view-based filters).
v It is also possible for visitor counts to change based on the current calendar
setting. For example, suppose your scenario has two steps and you use the
calendar to display the data for July, then August. Joe completes step one in July
and step two in August. Joe will be included in the July report because he
completed step one in that time frame. But he but will not be included in the
August report because he only completed step two in that time period, not both
as required. If you were to restore the calendar view to View All you would see
Joe included in the report for both steps.
To create a scenario report
Each step in a scenario report must be defined by either a one or more page filters
or by a unique visitor profile. If you are going to use visitor profiles to define
report steps, you must create them prior to creating the report.
create a scenario report:
View the profile in which you want to create the scenario report.
Click the Custom tab > Create Report > Scenario report > Continue.
For each step in the report, add either a single visitor profile or one or more
pages or page filters.
v To add a visitor profile to a step:
a. Click the Visitor Profiles tab.
b. Click the visitor profile you want to add.
c. Click a step to select it.
d. Click Add to Selected Step.
v To
add a single page to a step:
Click the Search Pages tab.
Enter search criteria for the page you want to apply and click Search.
From the Results list, select the page you want.
Click a step to select it.
Click Add to Selected Step.
v To add a page filter to a step:
a. Click the Page tab.
b. Select matching criteria (for example, “that starts with”, “that do not
c. Enter a matching string or make a selection from the Select a Page list.
d. Click a step to select it.
e. Click Add to Selected Step.
Note: When you add multiple page filters to a step, those with identical
settings for both that do/that do not AND match type are logically ORed
together. If their settings are not identical they are logically ANDed. For
example, the filters that match mypage.htm and that match yourpage.htm will be
logically ORed. The filters that start with mypage and that contain yourpage will
be logically ANDed. Pages added using the Search Pages tab function as
positive exact matches and therefore are logically ORed.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
4. If
necessary, you can reorganize your steps as follows:
To re-order a step, click its Arrow button and drag it to a new position.
To delete a step, click its X button.
To reset all steps to their value as of the last save, click Reset Steps.
To clear all steps of values, click Clear.
5. Optionally, you can require that each step in the report must be completed in a
single visit.
6. Click Continue.
7. In Report description:
v Enter a unique title for the report.
v Select the type of graph you want (funnel is a common format for scenario
v Select which report metric you want the graph to display. The list contains
all of the report's "graphable" metrics. To use All Columns the graph type
must be a bar or line chart.
v Optionally, In Page help, enter explanatory text. It will display below the
report when it is viewed.
8. Click Continue.
At this point you can save, run, email, or perform other actions on the report. You
can also add filters and metrics, apply comparative date or A/B filters, or change
any of the options you selected in previous steps.
About crosstab reports
A crosstab report is a standard report with two or more dimensions that lets you
to analyze the relationships between those dimensions. When multiple dimensions
are included in a report, NetInsight creates a full permutation across the
dimensions. That is, each unique value in the first dimension is paired with each
unique value of each other dimension. You can include up to five dimensions per
report--the application prevents you from adding more than that.
Crosstab reports can be set up to display their results as either ungrouped or
grouped. The default is grouped, meaning the values for each successive
dimension are nested (indented) under the previous dimension's value. Dimensions
can be nested up to five levels deep. When a report is set up as ungrouped, each
distinct combination of of values appears in its own row.
The report's title bar lists each dimension in the order it appears in the report.
(Due to space limitations, nested values may not line up exactly with their
dimension name in the title bar.) The first dimension value is expanded by default.
Other dimensions must be expanded manually.
To change the order of dimensions in a crosstab report, drag and drop them within
the title bar. To sort dimensions in ascending or descending order, click the column
label of the primary dimension. Values for nested dimensions are automatically
sorted in the same manner as the primary dimension.
When you create a crosstab report, you can view path charts, 3-D bar charts, and
stacked bar charts that display the primary and secondary dimensions and one
metric. By default, the left-most metric in the report is displayed but you can
choose any metric in the report to graph.
Chapter 8. Creating reports
To create a crosstab report
To create a crosstab report:
1. To define a new crosstab report, on the Custom tab click Create Report >
Standard report > Continue.
You can also base your new crosstab report on an existing report.
v On the Custom tab, select an existing report then click Create New From
v On the Reports tab, select the report then click the Report Designer icon (
). On the Report Summary screen click Edit.
The Dimensions screen opens.
2. Select the dimensions you want then click Continue. You can add up to five
dimensions. The dimension at the top of the list is the primary dimension for
the report.
3. Select the metrics you want then click Continue. You must select at least one
4. Select the method by which you want to group the results in the report.
v Select All Dimensions with Totals to rank entries by the primary dimension
value. (Secondary dimensions are ranked within each primary dimension
value.) For each metric, a value is displayed for each secondary dimension; a
total is shown for each primary dimension.
v Select All Dimensions to rank entries by the primary dimension value.
(Seconday dimensions are ranked within each primary dimension value.) For
each metric, a value is displayed for secondary dimensions but not for the
v Select No Grouping to rank entries by each primary/secondary value
combination. (Different secondary values for the same primary value may
not appear next to each other on the report.)
The remaining options depend on whether you chose to group results.
v If you selected one of the grouping options, select the number of primary
values per report page and secondary values per primary value.
v If you selected No Grouping, select the number of rows you want per report
5. Click Continue.
6. Specify any filters you want on the report. Click Continue.
The Calendar Dates screen opens.
7. Specify the fixed or relative time frame of the report in the Calendar Dates box
and click Continue.
To create a comparative report, also enter a time frame in the Comparative
Calendar Dates box.
If you did not enter a comparative calendar date, the A/B Groups screen opens.
8. If you want to apply two sets of filters and compare the resulting reports, enter
the two groups of filters, then click Continue.
The Report Summary screen opens. You can now run or save the report.
About time frames
Time frames can be fixed or relative.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
v A fixed time frame will not change. For example, if you create a report for
October 2009, it will always display data from October 2009.
v A relative time frame changes over time. For example, if on January 1, 2009, you
create a report for the time frame Today, it will display data for January 1, 2009.
If you save the report and display it again the next day, it will display data for
January 2, 2009.
You can specify a time frame for a report using the calendar or using a date filter.
To specify a relative or fixed time frame using a date filter
1. Display the Filters page.
The Filters page displays automatically as part of the Custom Report Wizard.
You can also display it manually by clicking Filters on the Report Summary
2. Click Add.
3. Select Date and click Continue.
4. Specify the time frame you want to use for this report.
v To include today’s date, select Today.
v To include yesterday’s day, select Yesterday.
v To include data from a specified number of the specified time period units,
starting with the current unit and counting back, select Current 2 days, enter
the desired number of units in the first box, and select a time period unit
(days, weeks, months, quarters, or years) from the drop-down list. Current 2
days will include data from today and yesterday.
v To include data from a specified number of the specified time period units,
starting with the previous unit and counting back, select Previous 2 days,
enter the desired number of units in the first box, and select a time period
unit (days, weeks, months, quarters, or years) from the drop-down list.
Previous 2 days will include data from yesterday and the day before
v To include data from the current specified time period unit (other than day),
select Current week and then select the desired time period unit (week,
month, quarter, or year) from the drop-down list.
v To include data from the previous specified time period unit (other than
day), select Previous week and then select the desired time period unit
(week, month, quarter, or year) from the drop-down list.
v To include data from a fixed time frame, select Dates from and then select
the start and end dates of the desired time frame from the drop-down lists.
5. When you have specified the time period you want, click Continue.
About period-to-date reports
A period-to-date report presents data from the beginning of a time period through
the current date. Year-to-date, quarter-to-date, and month-to-date reports track
performance from the start of the specified period through the present.
You can create period-to-date comparative reports. For example, when you view a
month-to-date report, you can choose to add the data for the same period last year
to the report for comparison.
Chapter 8. Creating reports
To create a period-to-date report
1. On the Reports tab, select a report.
) to display a single
2. If necessary, click the Comparative Reports icon (
3. Use the calendar to specify the time frame for the report:
a. To specify a year-to date reporting period, click the View Year icon below
the calendar, then Shift+click every month through the current month.
b. To specify a quarter-to-date reporting period, click the View Quarter icon,
then Shift+click every quarter through the current quarter.
c. To specify a month-to-date reporting period, click the View Month icon
then, Shift+click every day through the current day.
4. Click the Apply Calendar icon.
The report displays data for the specified period-to-date time frame. This time
frame is used until you select a different time frame.
About dimensions
A dimension is a component that displays data from the log file without
performing an operation on it first. In all reports except crosstab reports, only one
column displays a dimension. For example, in the Browser Summary, the Browser
column displays a dimension. In reports, the dimension is in the column next to
the row number.
To specify dimensions for a report in the Custom Report
In the Custom Report Wizard, you specify dimensions for a report on the
Dimensions page.
1. Display the Dimensions page by doing one of the following:
a. Create a report. The Dimensions page will appear during the report
creation process.
b. Display the Report Summary page for a report and click Dimensions.
2. To add a dimension:
a. Select a dimension in the Available dimensions list.
b. Click Add dimension (the arrow button that points to the right).
The dimension appears in the Selected dimensions list.
3. To remove dimensions:
a. Select one or more dimensions in the Selected dimensions list.
b. Click Remove dimension (the arrow button pointing to the left).
4. To reorder dimensions, select one or more dimensions and click Move Up or
Move Down.
The first dimension in the report is the primary dimension.
About metrics
A metric is a numeric or date variable in which a mathematical operation has been
performed. Most of the data on a NetInsight report are supplied by metrics.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
You can add metrics to a report at the Metrics page in the Custom Report Wizard
or by using the Discovery Panel. By default, NetInsight has many metrics. You can
also create metrics in the profile options for use on any report in the profile or in
the Custom Report Wizard for use on the current report only.
To add a metric through the Discovery Panel
1. Open the Discovery Panel.
The Available Metrics panel appear under the Available Filters panel.
Your administrator may have created custom folders and/or re-organized the
metrics from the default settings.
2. Expand the folder that contains the metric to add using the plus sign icon ( ).
3. Click the metric to add it to the report or drag it anywhere onto the report.
You can drag and drop a metric onto the report title bar to control the location
of the metric. The metric appears in the report when you see two red triangles
indicating the insertion location. You also can drag a metric after it appears to
re-order it. All metric columns must appear to the right of all dimensions.
You can add additional metrics as needed. You can sort by any metric by clicking
on the metric column label in the report title bar. An up or down triangle appears
showing which column is currently used to sort the report and the sort direction
(ascending or descending).
To specify metrics for a report in the Custom Report Wizard
In the Custom Report Wizard, you specify metrics for a report on the Metrics
page. The Metrics page includes every metric in the profile, including custom
metrics created in the profile options. If you don't see the metric you want, you
can create it here. However, metrics created from the Custom Report Wizard are
only available for the current report.
1. Display the Metrics page by doing one of the following:
a. Create a report. The Metrics page will appear during the report creation
b. Display the Report Summary page for a report and click Metrics.
2. To add existing metrics:
a. Select one or more metrics in the Available metrics list.
b. Click Add metric (the arrow button that points to the right).
The metrics appear in the Selected metrics list.
3. To create and add a metric, click Add custom metric.
4. To edit a metric:
a. Select the metric in the Selected metrics list.
b. Click Edit metric.
The Customizing a metric screen appears. When you are finished editing the
metric, click Continue to save your changes and return to the Metrics page.
5. To remove metrics:
a. Select one or more metrics in the Selected metrics list.
b. Click Remove metric (the arrow button pointing to the left).
6. To reorder metrics, select one or more metrics and click Move Up or Move
Metrics appear in the report from left to right in the order they are listed in the
Selected metrics list.
Chapter 8. Creating reports
About comparative reports
A comparative report enables you to see and compare data for two different time
periods in the same report. Use comparative reports to analyze period-over-period
(such as year-over-year) data and to analyze potential changes in customer
behavior before and after a specific event.
For each metric value in a comparative report, there are three columns:
v The metric values and percentages for the first time period
v The metric values and percentages for the second time period
v The percentage change, which is calculated as:
(TimePeriod2Value - TimePeriod1Value) / TimePeriod1Value
When the first time period's value is greater than the second, the percentage
change is negative (displayed in parentheses) and shown with a red down
arrow. When the second time period's value is greater than the first, the
percentage change is positive and shown with a green up arrow.
You can create a comparative report through the Custom Report Wizard or on the
Reports tab.
To create a comparative report from the Reports tab
1. View the report you want to make a comparative report.
2. Click the Comparative Reports icon (
A second calendar appears below the first on the left side of your screen.
3. Using the top calendar, specify the first time period whose data you want to
view for this report.
4. Using the bottom calendar, specify the second time period whose data you
want to view for this report.
5. Click the Apply Calendar button on either calendar.
The comparative report appears. Every report you view after this will be a
comparative report using these time periods until you click the icon again to turn
comparative reports off and either select a new report or select a new time period
from the calendar.
To create a comparative report: one-click option
If the comparison time period for your report is the exact same period in the
previous year, you do not have to use the second calendar. A one-click option is
available to add the same period from last year.
1. On the Reports tab, view the report for a single time period.
2. Right click the report time frame that appears above the report, and when the
Last Year Compare option appears click it.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
A report with data from the selected time period, and the same time period last
year, appears.
To create a comparative report using the Custom Report
1. Display the Calendar Dates page by doing one of the following:
v Create a report using the Define a new report option. The Calendar Dates
page will appear during the report creation process.
v Display the Report Summary page for a report and click Calendar Dates.
If the report is an A/B report, the Calendar Dates page does not have the
Comparative Calendar Dates box. A report cannot be both an A/B report and
a comparative report.
2. Click Add underneath the Calendar Dates box.
3. Enter the date you want and click Continue.
You can repeat these steps to add multiple dates.
4. Click Add underneath the Comparative Calendar Dates box.
5. Enter the date you want and click Continue.
You can repeat these steps to add multiple dates.
6. Click Continue to display the Report Summary page.
Calendar filter options
To display
Click the View Custom tab and
Select Today from the top drop-down list.
Current week/month/quarter/year Select the appropriate selection from the top
drop-down list.
Select Yesterday from the top-drop-down list.
Previous week/month/quarter/
Select the appropriate selection from the top
drop-down list.
Chapter 8. Creating reports
To display
Click the View Custom tab and
N days/weeks/months/quarters/
years ago
Enter a number in the blank box next to the second
radio button and select the unit of time.
Fixed date
Enter a From and To date.
If today is January 24, 2011, the following statements are true:
v Previous month displays data for December 2010
v 2 days ago displays data for January 22, 2011
v 2 months ago displays data for November 2010
To edit a report using the Report Summary page
You can make any change to a report at the Report Summary page.
1. View the report you want to edit.
2. Click the Report Designer icon.
The Report Summary page appears.
3. Make your changes.
To see your changes, click Run. To save your report, click Save.
You can also use the Discovery Panel to add or remove filters, metrics, or
dimensions while viewing the report.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Chapter 9. Archiving, emailing, and exporting reports
Because you can generate a report at any time, there is generally no need to
archive a separate copy of a report for record keeping. However, archived reports
provide a static snapshot of data and use fewer database resources, so you may
wish to archive reports to make better use of your resources or to preserve a view
of data at a particular point in time.
You can view, export, and print archived reports.
NetInsight always archives reports using Full mode, regardless of the reporting
mode you are currently using in the profile.
Note: You cannot drill down into archived reports. An archived report has no
To archive a report
1. View the Profile that contains the report you want to archive.
2. Display the Report Summary page for the report you want to archive.
You can open the Report Summary page by clicking the Report Designer icon (
), or by selecting the report in the Custom tab and clicking Edit Report.
3. Click Archive.
4. In the Report title field, modify the name of the report as needed.
5. If you want the filters to be listed on the report, select the Display filters on
report check box.
6. Click Continue.
The report is archived.
To view archived reports
1. View the profile that contains the archived report you want to view.
2. Click the Archive tab.
You cannot interact with static reports (that is, they are not drillable, sortable,
or otherwise modifiable). Archived reports always display in Full reporting
3. From the Report to Display drop-down list, select the archived report you
want to view.
The report is displayed.
You can now save or print the report.
To remove archived reports
1. View the profile that contains the archived report you want to remove.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In theNetInsight Options drop-down list at the top of the screen, select
Remove Archived Reports.
© IBM Corporation 1996, 2011
The Archived reports screen opens, listing the archived reports
4. Do one of the following to remove the reports.
v To remove only some of the archived reports, select them in the list and click
Remove Selected Reports.
v To remove all the reports, click Remove All Reports.
The selected reports are permanently removed from the archive.
About emailing reports
NetInsight enables you to email reports to others. If you routinely send the same
reports to the same people, you can create one or more email tasks, which specify
which reports should go to which recipients and in which format.
You can also create an email alert that will execute an email task if the value of a
specified metric meets the criteria you specify for the alert.
When you email a report using the Email icon on the toolbar, you can choose to
email the full version of the report or the sample version. When you email a report
from the Report Summary page, you do not have a Reporting mode option. The
report is emailed according to the reporting mode currently specified for the
profile. Reports sent as part of an email task or email alert always are sent in Full
When emailing a report in .csv format, you can choose to email only the data
currently displayed on the report page, or the maximum amount of data allowed
for your system. For all other report formats, only the data displayed on the report
page is included in the emailed report.
You can execute an email task or email alert manually from either the NetInsight
interface or the command line, or you can schedule the task or alert to execute
To email a report
Before you can email a report, an email server must be configured for use with
You can email any report while viewing it.
1. Display the report you want to email.
2. Click the Email icon (
3. In the From address field, enter the email address from which this report is to
be mailed.
Any email messages returned as undeliverable are returned to this address.
4. In the To address field, enter the email address to which you want to send the
Separate multiple email addresses with commas or semicolons.
5. In the Subject of email field, enter the subject of this email message.
6. In the Format of report list, select the report format you want to use.
7. In the Reporting mode list, select the reporting mode in which you want to
export the report.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
The Reporting mode option only appears if sampling is enabled and you
have the privilege for changing the export reporting mode.
8. If you are emailing a report in .csv format, select one of the options from the
Data to e-mail drop-down list.
v To email only the data currently displayed on the report page, select Just
this report. If the report is not currently displayed, the email will contain
only the first page of data, up to the number of rows per page specified in
the Report Designer.
v To email the maximum amount of data returned in the report up to the
limit defined for your system, select Maximum data allowed.
9. In the Additional text field, enter the text you want to include in the body of
the email message that contains the report and chart.
10. Click Continue.
To create an email task
1. While working with a profile containing the reports you want to email, click
2. In the left panel, under Email, click Email Tasks.
The Available email tasks screen opens.
3. Click Add.
The Email task description screen opens.
4. In the Name of task field, enter the name you want displayed for this email
task in the Available email tasks list.
Use a name that clearly identifies the task.
5. In the From address field, enter the email address from which the reports in
this email task will be mailed to users.
Any email messages returned as undeliverable, as well as any replies sent by
recipients, are sent to this address.
Note: If you do not enter an address, NetInsight uses the email address
specified for the From address option in the administrative options.
6. In the Subject of email field, enter the text you want to appear in the subject
line of the email the recipients receive.
7. In the Format of reports list, select the report format you want to use.
8. If you are emailing a report in .csv format, select one of the options from the
Data to e-mail drop-down list.
v To email only the first page of data, up to the number of rows per page
specified in the Report Designer, select Just this report.
v To email the maximum amount of data returned in the report up to the
limit defined for your system, select Maximum data allowed.
9. In the Time period list, select the time period for which the metric will be
10. If you have scheduled the -email command-line option to automatically
execute all the email tasks for this profile but you do not want this email task
executed with the group, select the Exclude from batch execution check box.
This email task is then executed only when you use the -emailtask
command-line option or select the task in the Available email tasks list and
click Execute.
Chapter 9. Archiving, emailing, and exporting reports
Note: This option is especially useful when most of your email tasks are
executed daily and you want to create a task that executes weekly, monthly, or
11. In the Additional text field, enter the text you want to include in the body of
the email message that contains the reports and graphs.
For example, you could include descriptions of the data contained in each
12. Click Save Options and then click Continue.
Before the email task is functional, you must:
v Add one or more reports to the email task
v Add one or more recipients to the email task
To add or edit reports for an email task
You must create the email task to add reports to before completing the instructions
When you execute an email task, NetInsight includes all the reports in the email
task in one email message. You can specify the order in which you want the
reports to appear when you add reports to the email task.
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the Options panel, under Email, click Email Tasks.
The Available email tasks screen opens.
3. Select the email task to add reports to.
4. Click Reports. The Reports to be sent for profile screen opens.
5. Select reports in the Available reports list and use the right arrow button to
move reports you want to send to the Selected reports list. You can use the left
arrow button to remove any reports you do not want to send.
6. Select reports in the Selected reports list and use the up and down buttons to
adjust the order of reports to be included.
7. When all the reports you want to include are in the Selected reports list and in
the desired order, click Save Options and then click Continue.
To add or edit recipients for an email task:
You must create the email task to add recipients to before completing the
instructions below.
If the list of recipients is particularly long, you may want to contact your email
administrator about creating an alias for multiple email addresses on your mail
server. Using this method allows you to avoid entering a long list of email
recipients. You can then mail the reports to the alias and all the recipients will
receive them.
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the left panel, under Email, click Email Tasks.
The Available email tasks screen opens.
3. Select the appropriate email task.
4. Click Recipients.
The Recipients of reports for profile screen opens.
5. Click Add.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
The Email address field appears.
6. Enter the email address of one person who should receive the reports and click
7. Click Continue.
To test an email task:
You can test an email task to ensure that the resulting email is what you want
without sending it to everyone on the recipient list. You can specify a test email
account to receive the reports for verification purposes. You can also use this
feature to send the reports in an email task to a list of recipients that is different
than the list specified in the email task.
Note: NetInsight does not display errors it encounters while executing the email
task when you are testing. If you need to troubleshoot an email task, execute it
from the nettracker.exe command line using the -emailtask option. You can use
the -recipients option to send the reports to a different list of recipients.
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the left panel, under Email, click Email Tasks.
The Available email tasks screen opens.
3. Select the email task to test.
4. Click Test.
The Test email task screen opens.
5. In the Email address field, enter the list of email addresses to which you want
the reports in the email task sent.
Separate multiple addresses with commas or semicolons. (Spaces before or after
the commas are ignored.)
6. Click Execute.
To edit an email task:
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the left panel, under Email, click Email Tasks.
The Available email tasks screen opens.
3. Select the appropriate email task.
4. Click Edit.
The Email task description screen opens.
5. Edit values as desired and click Save.
You can now:
v Add reports to an email task
v Add recipients to an email task
To delete an email task:
Note: When you delete an email task, all email alerts that use the email task are
automatically deleted as well.
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the Options panel, select Email > Email Tasks.
The Available email tasks screen opens.
3. Select the email task to delete.
Chapter 9. Archiving, emailing, and exporting reports
4. Click Delete.
The email task is deleted.
5. Click Continue.
To execute an email task
You must do the following before executing an email task:
v Create the email task
v Add reports to an email task
v Add recipients to an email task
When you execute an email task, NetInsight includes all the reports in the email
task in one email message and sends it to the specified recipients.
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the left panel, under Email, click Email Tasks.
The Available email tasks screen opens.
3. Select the email task to execute.
4. Click Execute.
To execute an email task from the command line:
You must do the following before executing an email task:
v Create the email task
v Add reports to an email task
v Add recipients to an email task
When you execute an email task, NetInsight includes all the reports in the email
task in one email message. You can specify the order in which you want the
reports to appear when you add reports to the email task.
Executing an email task from the command line allows you to easily automate
delivery of reports by scheduling email task execution using a scheduler. Executing
an email task from the command line also enables you to see any errors
encountered while executing the task.
1. Open a command prompt or terminal.
2. Change to the NetInsight program directory.
(The default program directory on UNIX is /usr/local/netinsight. The default
NetInsight program directory on Windows is C:\Program Files\NetInsight.
3. Run the following command:
nettracker short_Profile_name -emailtask taskname
where short_profile_name is the short name of the profile containing the email
task you want to execute and taskname is the name of the email task. Short
profile names appear in parentheses in the Profile Manager. You can also run
the command Nettracker admin -list to see a list of all the short profile
Note: You can also use the -recipients command-line option to specify
recipients other than those specified in the email task.
To execute all email tasks from the command line:
You must do the following before executing all email tasks:
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
v Create the email task
v Add reports to an email task
v Add recipients to an email task
When you execute an email task, NetInsight includes all the reports in the email
task in one email message. You can specify the order in which you want the
reports to appear when you add reports to the email task.
You can use one command to execute all of the email tasks in any profile.
However, any tasks that have the Exclude from batch execution check box selected
are not executed.
1. Open a command prompt or terminal.
2. Change to the NetInsight program directory.
(The default program directory on UNIX is /usr/local/netinsight. The default
NetInsight program directory on Windows is C:\Program Files\NetInsight.)
3. Run the following command:
nettracker short_Profile_name -email
where short_Profile_name is the short name of the profile containing the email
tasks you want to execute. Short profile names appear in parentheses in the
Profile Manager. You can also run the command Nettracker admin -list to see
a list of all the short profile names.
Note: You can also use the -recipients command-line option to specify
recipients other than those specified in the email task.
To create an email alert
You must create at least one fully-configured email task before you can create an
email alert.
1. While working with the profile containing the email task that should be
executed, click Options.
2. In the left panel, under Email, click Email Alerts.
The Available email alerts screen opens.
3. Click Add.
The Email alert description screen opens.
4. In the Name of alert field, enter the name you want displayed for this alert in
the Available email alerts list.
Use a name that will clearly identify the alert.
5. In the Email task list, select the email task to be executed if the criteria you
specify for the alert are met.
6. To email alerts for a specified time period and amount changed, clear the
Compare to previous time period check box. This option triggers the alert if,
after a stated period has elapsed, a metric is more than, less than, or equal to
a certain value.
7. To email alerts for a comparative time period and percentage change, check
the Compare to previous time period check box. This option triggers the alert
if, over time, a metric has changed by a certain percentage.
8. Select the Time period for which the metric will be calculated. Different
options are available for you to enter an absolute or relative time period.
Chapter 9. Archiving, emailing, and exporting reports
Note: For alerts with an absolute time period (the Compare to previous time
period check box is cleared):
v To include data from a specified number of the specified time period units,
starting with the current unit and counting back, select Current, enter the
desired number of units in the first field, and select a time period unit from
the drop-down list. For example, specifying Current 2 days includes data
from today and yesterday.
v To include data from a specified number of the specified time period units,
starting with the previous unit and counting back, select Previous, enter the
desired number of units in the first box, and select a time period unit from
the drop-down list. For example, specifying Previous 2 days includes data
from yesterday and the day before yesterday.
9. In the Metric list, select the metric for which you want to calculate a value.
10. In the Execute if calculated value is list, select the comparison type to use to
compare the calculated value to the threshold value. Different options are
available based on your selection for the Compare to previous time period
check box:
v If you clear the Compare to previous time period check box, you select a
comparison operator (greater than, less than, equal to) and specify an
v If you check the Compare to previous time period check box, you select a
percentage increase, decrease, or total change and specify an amount.
11. Enter a number for the threshold value in the next field to the right.
12. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
You can now add filters to the alert.
To modify filters for an email alert:
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the left panel, under Email, click Email Alerts.
The Available email alerts screen opens.
3. Select the email alert to modify filters for.
4. Click Filters.
The Filters that belong to email alert screen opens.
5. To add a filter:
a. Click Add Filter.
The Available filters screen opens.
b. Select a filter and click Continue.
6. To
7. To
The Filter description screen opens.
Select one or more bins for the filter and click Continue. For a string
variable, fill in the Filter Description screen.
edit a filter:
Select the filter to edit.
Click Edit Filter.
The Available filters screen opens.
Edit the filter as desired and click Continue.
delete a filter:
Select the filter to delete.
Click Delete Filter.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
The filter is deleted.
8. Repeat steps 5 through 7 until the filter list is complete.
9. Click Save Filters.
To test an email alert:
Before you execute an email alert, you should test it to troubleshoot the criteria
you specified for the alert. When you test an email alert, a message displays the
calculated value of the metric values that match the filters you specified, whether
this calculated value meets the threshold value, and whether or not the alert would
have been executed.
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the left panel, under Email, click Email Alerts.
The Available email alerts screen opens.
3. Select the email alert to test.
4. Click Test.
The Test email alert screen opens, showing the results of the test.
To edit an email alert:
1. While working with the profiles, click Options.
2. In the left panel, under Email, click Email Alerts.
The Available email alerts screen opens.
3. Select the email alert to edit.
4. Click Edit.
The Email alert description screen opens.
5. Edit the fields on this screen as desired and click Save.
You now add filters to the alert.
To delete an email alert:
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the Options panel, select Email > Email Alerts.
The Available email alerts screen opens.
3. Select the email alert to delete.
4. Click Delete.
The email alert is deleted.
5. Click Continue.
To execute an email alert
You must do the following before executing an email alert:
v Create an email task containing one or more reports
v Create the email alert
v Optionally add filters to the email alert
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the left panel, under Email, click Email Alerts.
The Available email alerts screen opens.
3. Select the email alert to execute.
Chapter 9. Archiving, emailing, and exporting reports
4. Click Execute.
To execute an email alert from the command line:
You must do the following before executing an email alert:
v Create an email task containing one or more reports
v Optionally create the email alert
v Add filters to the email alert
1. Open a command prompt or terminal.
2. Change to the NetInsight program directory.
(The default program directory on UNIX is /usr/local/ NetInsight. The default
NetInsight program directory on Windows is C:\Program Files\NetInsight.)
3. Run the following command:
where profile_name is the short name of the profile containing the email alert
you want to execute and alertname is the name of the email alert. Short profile
names appear in parentheses in the Profile Manager. You can also run the
command Nettracker admin -list to see a list of all the short profile names.
nettrackerprofile_name-alerttask alertname
To execute all email alerts from the command line:
You must do the following before executing an email alert:
v Create an email task containing one or more reports
v Create the email alert
v Add filters to the email alert
1. Open a command prompt or terminal.
2. Change to the NetInsight program directory.
(The default program directory on UNIX is /usr/local/NetInsight. The default
NetInsight program directory on Windows is C:\Program Files\NetInsight.)
3. Run the following command:
where profile_name is the short name of the profile containing the email alert
you want to execute. Short profile names appear in parentheses in the Profile
Manager. You can also run the command Nettracker admin -list to see a list
of all the short profile names.
About scheduling email tasks and email alerts
You can schedule the execution of email tasks and email alerts through the Task
Scheduler on a Windows system or through cron on a UNIX system. You may
want to schedule the sending of emailed reports along with an update so that
updated reports are mailed to your users as soon as an update has successfully
Reports sent as a result of an email task or email alert will always use Full mode,
not Sample mode.
Note: NetInsight email options must be properly configured for scheduled email
tasks to execute successfully.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Scheduling all email tasks and email alerts on a Windows
To schedule all email tasks and email alerts in a profile on a Windows system, you
use the AT command. For example:
AT 11:05PM /every:m,t,w,th,f,sa,su "C:\Program Files\NetInsight
\nettracker.exe" all -quiet -update -email -alert -dir"C:\Program Files\
Assuming that NetInsight is installed in C:\Program Files\NetInsight, this
command updates your profiles, emails summaries to your users, and executes any
email alerts that have been specified every night; the process starts at 11:05 PM.
The -dir option specifies the NetInsight program directory so the nettracker
executable can find the profile files.
Scheduling all email tasks and email alerts on a UNIX system
To schedule all email tasks and email alerts in a profile on a UNIX system, add
this entry (all one line) to your crontab:
0 0 * * * /usr/local/NetInsight
/nettracker all -quiet -update
-email -alert
-dir /usr/local/NetInsight
Assuming that NetInsight is installed in /usr/local/NetInsight, this command
runs an update on NetInsight at midnight every night, emails reports to your
users, and executes any email alerts that have been specified. The -dir option
specifies the NetInsight program directory so the nettracker executable can find
the profile files.
To export a report as a file
You can export the data in a report to a spreadsheet, word processor, Web browser,
or to XML. This topic provides instructions on exporting data in a spreadsheet,
word processor, or HTML file. For instructions on exporting a report to a Portlet
URL, see “To export a report as a portlet” on page 131.
Note: To export a report, you must set your browser to allow pop-up windows.
You may choose to export just the data shown on the current page or all available
data in the report, if it appears across multiple pages. If sampling is enabled and
you have the corresponding privilege, you can choose to export the report in Full
or Sample mode.
If Multi-Edit mode is on and you have unapplied report changes in the queue, the
exported report reflects the report as it will look after you click Run Report.
1. Display the report.
2. Click the Export icon (
) located in the toolbar.
Chapter 9. Archiving, emailing, and exporting reports
The Export options window opens.
3. From Report Type, select File.
4. Select the appropriate option from the Format of report drop-down list.
v Select Spreadsheet (.csv) to create a text file that can be saved or imported
into most spreadsheet and database applications. (For example, Microsoft
Excel can open .csv files.) You can then manipulate, format, and analyze the
data using the tools provided in the spreadsheet or database application.
v Select Web browser (.html) to create an HTML file that you can save or post
on your Web site for viewing by others.
v Select Word Processor (.rtf) to create a Rich Text File that can be saved or
imported directly by Microsoft Word and many other word processors. You
can open the file in a word processor, edit it, and then print it for
5. From the Data to export drop-down list, select one of the options.
v To export just the data that appears in the current page of the report, select
Just this screen.
v To export all the data in the report, select Maximum data allowed.
6. From the Reporting mode drop-down list, select one of the options.
The Reporting mode option only appears if sampling is enabled and you have
the privilege for changing the export reporting mode.
7. Click Export.
Depending on the Web browser you are using and the export format that you
selected, either a Save As window opens or the exported report opens in a new
window or tab. If it appears as though nothing has happened, ensure that your
browser settings allow pop-up windows.
8. If a Save As window opens, select the drive and directory where the file is to
be saved, enter a filename, and click Save.
The report is saved in the format you selected.
About portlets
You can export any report that auto-updates as a portlet, a pluggable user interface
component that can be displayed in web pages, web-based applications, or other
applications that can render HTML or parse XML data. Uses for portlets include:
v Display the report as a web page, or within an inline frame on a web page or
web application.
v Convert the portlet to a widget using a vehicle like Google Gadgets.
v Parse the XML for rendering in a table or other format, or pass the data to
another application for use.
Subsequent changes to the report in NetInsight (for example, updates, new filters
applied) are reflected in the portlet the next time it is accessed by a user. Users
viewing a portlet can change the graph type just as they can in NetInsight.
Clicking a portlet rendered in HTML launches the report in NetInsight.
Requirements and limitations for portlets
v Only graph reports and dashboards that auto-update can be exported as portlets.
When you export a dashboard, only the top-left report is exported and html is
the only export option.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
v The server where a portlet is deployed must be able to access your NetInsight
v There is no indication in NetInsight that a particular report is in use as a portlet.
Deleting a report in use as a portlet will result in missing data where the portlet
is used (for example, a 404 error on a web page or missing data in an XML
v Width is the only size dimension that can be specified for a portlet; height is
adjusted automatically. Path reports adjust their width automatically. Stacked bar
reports automatically increase the specified width by 30%.
Authentication requirements for viewing portlets
v If NetInsight is configured to require a login, users attempting to view a portlet
in a web page will be presented with login fields which they must complete
before the portlet will display.
v If a portlet is displayed in another IBM application that shares Marketing
Platform authentication with NetInsight, users will still need to provide their
NetInsight credentials to view the portlet.
To export a report as a portlet
You can export any graph report or dashboard that auto-updates as a portlet: a
pluggable user interface component than can be displayed in web pages,
web-based applications, or other applications that can render HTML or parse XML
1. Display the report you want to export.
If you export from a dashboard, only the top-left report on the dashboard will
be exported and HTML is the only portlet format option.
2. Click the Export icon (
) located in the toolbar to the upper-right of the
The Export options window opens.
3. From Export Type, select Portlet URL.
4. From Format of Report select Web Browser or XML.
5. If you selected Web Browser, specify:
a. The number of values to include in the report.
b. The width of the report graphic, in pixels. Note that Path reports self-adjust
their size, regardless of the width you specify. Stacked bar reports will
automatically increase the width you specify by 30%.
c. Optionally, you can choose to hide the report header.
6. Click Export.
7. Copy the URL for the report.
About group selections
A group selection is a collection of visitors selected from one or more rows of one
or more profile reports. Data on these visitors can be exported to a .csv file or
saved as a SQL query in the NetInsight database for further processing in other
applications. For example, if you have a customer database with a table capable of
mapping NetInsight visitors to customer IDs, you could use group selection to
ultimately generate an email list for use in an email campaign. Or, if your site
Chapter 9. Archiving, emailing, and exporting reports
requires users to log in, you could use group selection to map a particular set of
NetInsight visitors to stored user information via the login ID.
You create a group selection by selecting a report metric representing visitors and
dragging it onto the Selected Groups panel. To access the Selected Groups panel
and export selection data you must have been assigned the necessary NetInsight
privileges. While the visitors in a particular group selection can come from
different reports, they must be chosen using the same base metric: for example,
visits or views or unique visitors. You cannot select dimension rows.
Each metric row dragged onto the Selected Groups panel is treated as a separate
group within that selection. For selections containing multiple groups, the panel
displays an estimated count of the total visitors across all groups. Because of the
potential overlap between visitors in different groups, the estimated count may not
accurately reflect the number of unique visitors you have selected. The Selected
Groups panel includes a command that lets you calculate the actual number of
unique visitors in your selection.
Group selections exported as .csv
The visitor data exported to the csv file consists of:
v A NetInsight visitor ID. Because this ID is transient and can change from session
to session for the same visitor, it's value is limited.
v A visitor identification string. For example, in the case of a URL request, the
string would be an IP address and user agent such as
1.01.001 (compatible; Win16; I).
Group selections exported as SQL
Group selections exported as SQL are written to two NetInsight system tables.
v UNI_Selection stores the metadata for each saved selection including the
selection name, its optional description, associated profile, the user name of the
user(s) who created and/or updated it, and its creation and update dates.
v UNI_Selection_SQL stores the actual SQL statement that selects the visitors from
the profile source data. For example:
To open or close the Selected Groups panel
Before you can make and save group selections, you must open the Selected
Groups panel.
1. Open the report.
2. In the upper-right toolbar, click the Selected Groups icon (
The Selected Groups panel opens in the bottom-left of the screen:
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
You can now begin making and saving selections. To hide the Selected Groups
panel, click on the Selected Groups icon again.
To add groups to a group selection
Before you can create a group selection you must open the Selected Groups panel.
1. In the desired report, click the cell of the metric you want to add to a group.
Use Shift + click or Ctrl + click to select multiple rows.
The selected cell is highlighted yellow, and the yellow Highlighted row
beneath the report shows the sum of selected metrics.
2. Drag and drop the selection into the Selected Groups panel, or in the
Highlighted row, click Add as Group.
All of the count metric cells you highlighted are added to the selection as a
single group.
3. As desired, repeat the previous steps to add more groups to the selection.
Multiple groups added to the Selected Groups panel are logically OR-ed
Chapter 9. Archiving, emailing, and exporting reports
Note: While a group selection can consist of different dimensions, it cannot
consist of different metrics (for example views and visits).
To modify a group selection
Prior to saving a group selection you can modify it as follows.
In the Selected Groups
View the report from which
any single group in a group
was selected
Right-click the group and
select View Group Report
Remove a single group from
a selection
Right-click the group and
select Delete.
Remove all groups from a
You cannot undo a group
Click the Clear icon ( ).
All selections are
permanently removed from
the group.
Change the name of a group, Click on its name and edit
the displayed text
Calculate the number of
unique members in a group
Use Notes
By default, the name of a
group is the sum of its
members and the name of its
Click the Actual Count icon ( The Estimated Count
displayed in the Selected
Groups panel gives the total
visitors across all groups in a
selection. Because of the
potential overlap between
members in different groups,
this may not accurately
reflect the number of unique
members in a selection. Use
Actual Count to calculate the
number of unique members.
View the selection criteria for Right-click the group and
a group
select View Filter Groups
You can view a bulleted list
of the dimension criteria
from which a group's
members were selected.
To save a group selection
When you have selected all the desired metrics for a group, you can save and
download the group as a comma separated values file.
1. In the Group Selection panel, click the Export icon (
You can also export a group by selecting the desired metric in a report,
right-clicking, and selecting Export.
The Save Selection dialog box opens.
2. Click the download selection link.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
To use a group selection in Campaign
To use group selections in Campaign, you must map the UNI_Selection and
UNI_Selection_SQL tables in the NetInsight system database. For instructions, see
the Campaign Administrator's Guide.
You can then use the group selections you made in NetInsight as the input to a
Select process in a Campaign flowchart.
The instructions below assume that you are editing a flowchart in Campaign.
1. Add a Select process to the flowchart as the top-level and open it.
The Select Process Configuration window opens. The Input drop-down list has
NetInsight Selection as an option:
Note: This option only appears if the Select process is a top-level process; it
cannot have an input cell from a previous process.
2. Select NetInsight Selection.
The NetInsight Selections window opens, listing the selections you have saved
in NetInsight.
You can sort any column by clicking on the column header.
To view all selections, including those made by other users, check Show
selections from all users.
3. Select the row for the selection you want and click OK.
The selection is listed in the Input drop-down list.
Note: When you use an NetInsight selection as input, you cannot refine the
selection by adding additional SQL statements. You can, however, use a Select
or Segment process following the top-level Select process. For example, you
can configure the Segment process to segment the input IDs by query, to treat
segments of the NetInsight selection differently .
4. Complete the flowchart as required.
For more information about using flowcharts, see the Campaign User's Guide.
Chapter 9. Archiving, emailing, and exporting reports
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Chapter 10. Analyzing content
By default, NetInsight analyzes content by page. However, sometimes you may
want to analyze content by groups of pages. The Content options enable you to
group content in various ways so NetInsight can analyze the groups.
The Content options also gather information needed to analyze your content (such
as the directory index you use if it is not one NetInsight checks by default).
If you earn money from banner ads on your site, you can track the traffic through
the ads to show clients why they should advertise with you.
About analyzing banner ads
You can use NetInsight to track the traffic through banner ads on your Web site,
which can be useful when persuading clients to advertise on your site.
To prepare NetInsight to analyze banner ads you must:
1. Move ntadtrack.cgi or ntadtrack.exe to a CGI or scripts directory.
2. Redirect all of the banner ads that you would like to track through
3. Configure the banner ad options.
About moving ntadtrack.cgi or ntadtrack.exe to a
CGI-accessible directory
When you install NetInsight, a custom redirect program called ntadtrack.cgi
(UNIX) or ntadtrack.exe (Windows) is placed in the NetInsightprogram directory.
(The default location for the NetInsight program directory is /usr/local/
NetInsight for UNIX and C:\Program Files\NetInsight for Windows.) You need
to copy the program from the NetInsight program directory into a CGI or scripts
directory on your Web site (for example, /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin for UNIX or
C:\Inetpub\scripts\ for Windows).
Be sure to remember the directory to which you copied ntadtrack, as you will need
to enter this directory later.
Note: If the Web server whose log files you are analyzing is on a different platform
than the computer on which you have NetInsight installed, you will need to
contact technical support to get the correct version of ntadtrack.cgi or ntadtrack.exe
for your Web server's platform.
To redirect all banner ads
You need to redirect all the banner ads through the custom redirect program
ntadtrack.cgi (UNIX) or ntadtrack.exe (Windows). The redirect program writes
information to the log file that enables NetInsight to identify banner ad entries in
the log file data.
1. Open the HTML document that contains the banner ad.
© IBM Corporation 1996, 2011
2. Edit the HREF statement that contains the banner ad so that ntadtrack.cgi or
ntadtrack.exe is the target of the link and the page visitors will go to when they
click the banner ad is the query string.
In the example above, the URL located immediately after the question mark is
the URL to which users will go when they click the banner ad. This must be
the exact URL. For example, if users will go to
index.html, enter that full path, not just Note this URL,
as you will need to enter it later.
For example,
<a href="/cgi-bin/ntadtrack.cgi?">
<img src="/ads/NetInsight.gif"></a>
To configure banner ad options
You need to configure the banner ad options to tell NetInsight the location of
ntadtrack and which banner ads to track.
1. View the profile in which you want to track the banner ads.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Content > Banner Ads.
4. In the Full path of ntadtrack box, enter the path to ntadtrack.cgi (UNIX) or
ntadtrack.exe (Windows).
This is the path from the document root of your Web site, not the path to the
file on the computer on which NetInsight is installed.
For example, if ntadtrack.cgi is located in /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/ but on
your Web site it is accessible as
ntadtrack.cgi, you should enter /cgibin/ntadtrack.cgi. In Windows, if
ntadtrack.exe is located in C:\Inetpub\scripts\ but on your Web site this
directory is accessible as, you
should enter /scripts/ntadtrack.exe.
Note: If the log files come from servers clustered for multiple sites, enter the
full URL (for example,
Note: If you are using Windows with IIS, you need to allow the anonymous
Web user Read and Execute permission through NTFS for the directory
containing ntadtrack and for the file itself and Execute permission for Scripts
and Executables through the IIS management console.
5. Click Save Options and then click Continue.
6. Click Add.
7. In the Name of banner ad box, enter the name you want to use for the ad in
the NetInsight reports.
8. In the Full path of graphic box, enter the path to the banner ad graphic.
This will be the path from the document root of your Web site, not the full
path on the system you are using. This will be the same path used for the
image file in the HTML document. For example, if the HTML document
img src="/ads/NetInsight.gif"
you would enter:
9. In the URL to link to box, enter the destination that users will go to when
they click the ad.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
<a href="/cgi-bin/ntadtrack.cgi?http://">
you would enter:
10. Click Save Options.
Your banner ad statistics will be tracked for all new data you import from
now on.
11. If this is what you want or if you have other banner ads to enter at this time,
click Continue.
If you happen to have already imported data that contains banner ads that
have been redirected through ntadtrack, you can analyze banner ad statistics
in data you have already imported by deleting all the data in your profile and
reimporting your log files.
Note: If you do not still have all the log files you have imported into this
profile, you will lose data permanently by choosing this option.
To delete your profile data, click Delete Profile Data.
Analyzing content groups
NetInsight lets you track the popularity of different types of content on your Web
site. For example, you could track how many visitors are viewing information on
particular products.
To track different types of content, you need to divide the files that contain the
content for your Web site into content groups. The content group statistics appear
on the Content Summary.
To create a content group
1. View the profile in which you want to create the content group.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Content > Content Groups.
4. Click Add.
5. Enter a name for the content group, click Save Options and then click
6. Select the content group and click Pages.
7. Click Add.
8. Enter a filter that describes the files you want to include in this content group.
9. Click Add.
Your content group statistics will be tracked for all new data you import from
now on.
10. If this is what you want or if you have additional filters or content groups to
enter at this time, click Continue.
If you want to analyze this content group in data you have already imported,
you will need to delete all the data in your profile and reimport your log files.
Note: If you do not still have all the log files you have imported into this
profile, you will lose data permanently by choosing this option.
To delete your profile data, click Delete Profile Data.
11. To add another filter to this content group, click Add. To return to the list of
content groups, click Back to Content Groups.
Chapter 10. Analyzing content
About determining the content group for files that fit multiple
A file can only belong to one content group. If you have a file that meets the
criteria for more than one group, NetInsight will include the file in the first content
group to which it can belong. You can use the Move Up and Move Down buttons
to change the order of the content groups in the Content groups to be analyzed
About specifying directory indexes
When a visitor enters into a Web browser a URL that does not end in a page (for
example,, the Web server that delivers the pages on that Web site
knows to display the index page (the default page) for that directory (for example, The page the Web server appends to the URL is the
directory index (in this case, index.html).
Even though the content that the visitor sees is the same for and, the two requests are logged differently in the Web
server log files. NetInsight attempts to combine the statistics for both ways of
accessing the page. When NetInsight encounters a log file entry for a request
whose page matches an entry in its list of directory indexes, NetInsight deletes the
file name from the request. By default, NetInsight uses /index.html, /default.asp,
and /default.htm as directory indexes.
If your Web site uses a directory index (for example, /index.asp) that NetInsight
does not try by default, you should specify it in NetInsight. Otherwise, requests
that end in a directory and requests for the directory index will be two separate
entries in your NetInsight reports.
If you use /index.html, /default.asp, or /default.html as page names for pages
that are not directory indexes, you should delete that page from NetInsight's list of
indexes. Likewise, if you want to see the file name of the directory index as part of
the page entry in NetInsight, delete the directory index from the list.
To add a directory index
1. View the profile in which you want to add a directory index.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Content > Directory Indexes.
4. Click Add.
5. Enter the directory index (file name) in the text box and click Add.
The new directory index will be used in new data you import.
6. If this is what you want or if you have more directory indexes to add at this
time, click Continue.
If you want the new directory index to be used in log data you have already
imported, you will need to delete all the data in your profile and reimport your
log files.
Note: If you do not still have all the log files you have imported into this
profile, you will lose data permanently by choosing this option.
To delete your profile data, click Delete Profile Data.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
About analyzing links
NetInsight enables you to track how many times visitors are using your Web site’s
links to other Web sites. The link statistics appear on the Link Summary.
You can analyze links using a redirect program or using page tags.
About analyzing links using a redirect program
Several steps are involved in preparing NetInsight to analyze links using a redirect
1. Moving ntlinktrack.cgi (UNIX) or ntlinktrack.exe (Windows) to a CGI or scripts
2. Redirecting all of the links you would like to track through ntlinktrack.cgi or
3. Configuring the link options, which include the path to ntlinktrack.cgi or
ntlinktrack.exe and the maximum number of characters to be displayed for a
4. Enabling the Link Summary.
About moving ntlinktrack to a CGI-accessible directory
When you install NetInsight, a custom redirect program called ntlinktrack.cgi
(UNIX) or ntlinktrack.exe (Windows) is placed in the NetInsight program directory.
(The default location for the NetInsight program directory is /usr/local/NetInsight
for UNIX and C:\Program Files\NetInsight for Windows.) Copy the program from
the NetInsight program directory into a CGI or scripts directory on your site (for
example, /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin for UNIX or C:\Inetpub\scripts\ for
Be sure to remember the directory to which you copied ntlinktrack, as you will
need to enter this directory later.
Note: If the Web server whose log files you are analyzing is on a different
platform than the computer on which you have NetInsight installed, you will need
to contact technical support to get the correct version of ntlinktrack.cgi or
ntlinktrack.exe for your Web server’s platform.
To redirect all external links
You will need to redirect the external links through the custom redirect program
ntlinktrack.cgi (UNIX) or ntlinktrack.exe (Windows). The redirect program writes
information to the log file that enables NetInsight to identify external link entries
in the log file data.
1. Open the HTML document that contains the link.
2. Edit the HREF statement that contains the link so that ntlinktrack.cgi or
ntlinktrack.exe is the target of the link and the page that visitors will go to is
the query string.
For example,
<a href="/cgibin/
NetInsight Home Page</a>
Chapter 10. Analyzing content
About analyzing links using page tags
To analyze links using page tag you must:
1. Configure your web site to tag links to external sites.
Install and configure the page tag and page tag script. Then tag each link you
want to track using the ntptLinkTag function. To mark a link as external, pass
the name-value pair lk=1 in the page tag. For more information, see the
NetInsight Administrator's Guide.
2. Configure the profile to use page tags, either in place of or to augment web
server log files.
3. Configure the link options. (optional)
4. Enable the Link Summary report.
The Link Summary report does not appear by default in the report list. To have
it appear, you must first make the link dimension reportable and then update
the profile.
About enabling the link summary
By default, the Link Summary does not appear in the list of reports. You need to
enable the Link Summary by making the link dimension reportable. After the
profile is updated, view the Link Summary to see your link statistics.
To configure link options
The link options tell NetInsight where to find ntlinktrack.cgi or ntlinktrack.exe and
set the maximum display length for links.
View the profile in which you want to track links.
Click the Options tab.
In the Options panel, select Content > Links.
Enter the path to ntlinktrack.cgi (UNIX) or ntlinktrack.exe (Windows).
This is the path from the document root of your Web site, not the path to the
file on the computer on which NetInsight is installed.
For example, in a UNIX environment, if ntlinktrack.cgi is located in
/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/ but on your Web site it is accessible as, you should enter
/cgi-bin/ntlinktrack.cgi. In Windows, if ntlinktrack.exe is located in
C:\Inetpub\scripts\ but on your Web site it is accessible as, you should enter
Note: If the log files come from servers clustered for multiple sites, enter the
full URL (for example,
Note: If you are using Windows with IIS, you need to allow the anonymous
Web user Read and Execute permission through NTFS for the directory
containing ntlinktrack.exe and for the file itself and Execute permission for
Scripts and Executables through the IIS management console.
5. In the Link display length list, select the maximum number of characters to be
displayed for a link on the Link Summary.
You can select a number from 10 to 100, or you can select Unlimited.
6. Click Save Options.
Your link statistics will be tracked for all new data you import from now on.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
7. If this is what you want, click Continue.
If you happen to have already imported data that contains link entries that
have been redirected through ntlinktrack, you can analyze link statistics in data
you have already imported by deleting all the data in your profile and
reimporting your log files.
Note: If you do not still have all the log files you have imported into this
profile, you will lose data permanently by choosing this option.
To delete your profile data, click Delete Profile Data.
About analyzing local keywords
NetInsight enables you to track which local keywords visitors are using on your
Web site. A local keyword is a word visitors use in the search engine located on
your Web site to search for content on your Web site. Analyzing which local
keywords visitors are using can help you figure out what content users are trying
to find on your Web site.
The local keyword statistics appear on the Local Keyword Summary.
To configure local keyword options
Before you can track local keywords, you need to tell NetInsight the name of the
parameter that contains the keywords and which pages or scripts NetInsight
should check for the parameter.
1. View the profile in which you want to track local keywords.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Content > Keywords.
4. In the Local keyword parameter box, enter the name of the parameter that
contains the local search engine keywords.
If you leave this box empty, NetInsight uses the parameters defined for the
(Auto detect) rule in the Keywords option.
5. Click Save Options and then click Continue.
6. Click Add.
7. Enter a filter that describes a page or script you want NetInsight to search for
local keywords.
8. Click Add.
The local keywords from this page or script will be tracked for all new log file
data you import from now on.
9. If this is what you want or if you have other pages or scripts to enter at this
time, click Continue.
If you want to analyze local keywords from this page or script in data you
have already imported, you will need to delete all the data in your profile and
reimport your log files.
Note: If you do not still have all the log files you have imported into this
profile, you will lose data permanently by choosing this option.
To delete your profile data, click Delete Profile Data.
Chapter 10. Analyzing content
To include specific redirection scripts in the reports
By default, NetInsight excludes all hits resulting in an HTTP redirection status
code (codes 301 and 302). In some cases you may wish to include in the reports
certain pages or scripts that return a redirection code.
View the profile in which you want to include redirection scripts.
Click the Options tab.
In the Options panel, select Content > Redirection Scripts.
Click Add.
Enter a filter that describes the script you want to include and click Add.
The statistics for this script will be included in all new log file data you import
from now on.
6. If this is what you want or if you have additional scripts to enter at this time,
click Continue.
If you want to include this script in data you have already imported, you will
need to delete all the data in your profile and re-import your log files.
Note: If you do not still have all the log files you have imported into this
profile, you will lose data permanently by choosing this option.
To delete your profile data, click Delete Profile Data.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Chapter 11. Analyzing dynamic content
Data conduits enable you to pull data from external databases into NetInsight
reports. For example, using a data conduit you can directly view each visitor's
name, company, address, phone number, and the names of the products he or she
viewed in NetInsight reports.
You can also create data conduits to work with your external databases. (See the
data conduit documentation that matches your database type for more
information.) NetInsight supports data conduits that work with the following
database types:
v Oracle
v PostgreSQL
v DB2
v Any ODBC data source
Once the data conduit is installed and configured, you need to configure
NetInsight to use the data conduit.
Conduit tasks
Data conduits can perform a variety of tasks. When you configure NetInsight to
use the data conduit, you must specify which tasks the data conduit performs. The
available data conduit tasks are:
v Clip Lookup (for media profiles)
Replaces each clip file name that appears on reports with clip data (such as an
artist's name) retrieved from an external database.
v Clip Rewrite (for media profiles)
Retrieves clip data (such as an artist's name) from an external database and
replaces the clip file name stored in the NetInsight database with the data
retrieved from the external database. The clip data stored in the NetInsight
database appears on the reports.
v Cookie Lookup
Replaces each visitor's unique cookie ID on reports with data (such as the
visitor's name and phone number) retrieved from an external database.
v Department Lookup
Determines department groupings using an external database (such as a
corporate directory). The value that NetInsight provides to the data conduit is
determined by the value selected for the Department defined primarily by
option in the profile options.
v Retrieves file data (such as a version number) from an external database, and
replaces the file name stored in the NetInsight database with the data retrieved
from the external database. The file data stored in the NetInsight database
appears on the reports.
v Host Lookup
Replaces each host name on reports with host data retrieved from an external
v Page Rewrite
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2011
Retrieves the titles of pages from an external database, and replaces the directory
paths and file names stored in the NetInsight database with the titles retrieved
from the external database. The titles stored in the NetInsight database appear
on the reports.
v Page Title Lookup
Replaces the directory paths and file names of the pages on reports with the
titles of pages retrieved from an external database.
v Page Value Rewrite (parameter name)
Retrieves parameter value data (such as product names from an online catalog)
from an external database, and replaces the parameter values stored in the
NetInsight database with the data retrieved from the external database. The data
stored in the NetInsight database appears on the reports.
v Product Lookup
Replaces product SKUs on reports with product names retrieved from an
external database.
v Product Rewrite
Retrieves product names from an external database, and replaces the product
SKUs stored in the NetInsight database with the names retrieved from the
external database. The names stored in the NetInsight database appear on the
v User Lookup
Replaces user names on reports with user data retrieved from an external
v Visitor Lookup
Replaces visitor names on reports with visitor data retrieved from an external
To configure NetInsight to use a data conduit
The data conduits you want NetInsight to use must be configured and installed
before you can configure NetInsight to use them.
You need to know the full path of the .dll or .so file for the conduit and the full
path to the configuration file for the conduit. You need to enter these paths when
configuring NetInsight to use the data conduit.
If you are using a parameter conduit task, you must define the parameter in
NetInsight before you can configure NetInsight to use the data conduit.
1. View the profile in which you want to use the data conduit.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Dynamic Content > Data Conduits.
4. Click Add.
5. In the Name of data conduit box, enter the name you want to use for the data
conduit in the list of data conduits.
6. In the Full path to conduit box, enter the full path (including the file name) to
the .dll (Windows) or .so (UNIX) file for the conduit.
7. In the Full path to conduit config box, enter the full path (including the file
name) to the configuration file for the conduit.
8. In the Conduit tasks box, select the tasks for which you are using this data
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
To select multiple adjacent tasks, select the first task and then hold down the
Shift key while clicking the last task. To select multiple nonadjacent tasks,
click the first task and then hold down the Ctrl key while clicking the other
9. When all the tasks you want are selected, click Save Options.
10. Do one of the following:
a. If you have other data conduits you want to specify at this time, click
b. If the new data conduit performs only lookup tasks, click Continue.
c. If the data conduit task affects the NetInsight database and you only want
NetInsight to use the conduit on new data you import from now on, click
d. If the data conduit task affects the NetInsight database and you want to
pull data from an external database for data you have already imported,
you need to delete all the data in your profile and reimport your log files.
(Note: If you do not have all the log files you have imported into this
profile, you lose data permanently by choosing this option.) To delete your
profile data, click Delete Profile Data.
NetInsight begins using the data conduit as soon as the profile is updated.
Note: If you are configuring a Page Title Lookup conduit, you must also configure
the profile to resolve page titles.
About dynamic pages
When NetInsight analyzes which pages on your Web site were viewed, by default
it looks only at the page portion of the request. This method works well for static
Web pages. However, for dynamically generated pages it is necessary to look at the
query string to identify the content that was viewed. If you specify which pages
are dynamically generated, NetInsight looks at both the page and the query string
when analyzing requests for these pages.
You can also include a static Web page in the list of dynamic pages to cause
NetInsight to keep the query string and the page together.
To add dynamic pages
1. View the profile in which you want to add dynamic pages.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Dynamic Content > Dynamic Pages.
4. Click Add.
5. Enter a filter that describes the pages for which the query string should not be
separated from the pages and click Add.
When you import data into NetInsight from now on, query strings will be
retained for these pages.
6. If this is what you want or if you have additional pages to enter at this time,
click Continue.
If you want to retain query strings for pages in the data you have already
imported, you need to delete all the data in your profile and reimport your log
Chapter 11. Analyzing dynamic content
Note: If you do not still have all the log files you have imported into this
profile, you will lose data permanently by choosing this option.
To delete your profile data, click Delete Profile Data.
To delete a dynamic page
View the profile in which you want to delete a dynamic page.
Click the Options tab.
In the Options panel, select Dynamic Content > Dynamic Pages.
Select the filter that describes the page you want to delete from the list of
dynamic pages and click Delete.
To edit a dynamic page filter
1. View the profile in which you want to edit a dynamic page filter.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Dynamic Content > Dynamic Pages.
4. Select the filter you want to edit and click Edit.
Analyzing events
An event is any action on your Web site other than loading a page. Events include,
but are not limited to, the following:
v Changing a field on a form
v Selecting an option in a drop-down list box
v Submitting a form
Events are plentiful in Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) such as Flash or AJAX
Configuring NetInsight to track events
Before you can analyze events in NetInsight, you must first tag the events on your
site using IBM page tags and configure the NetInsight profile to analyze page tags.
See the NetInsight Administrator's Guide for details on tagging pages.
Any page tag request that contains the optional name-value pair ev=value will be
considered an event by NetInsight and will appear in the Event Summary.
To define an event title
By default, an event will be listed in a report using the value for the ev field that
appears in the page tag request. Statistics for all events with the same value will
appear in the same row of the report. You can specify a more user-friendly title for
an event that will display in the reports instead of the request value.
1. View the profile in which you want to analyze events.
Click the Options tab.
In the Options panel, select Dynamic Content > Events.
Click Add.
In the Value of event field box, enter the value used for the ev field in the
page tag requests for this event.
6. In the Title of event box, enter the text you want to appear in the report
instead of the event field value.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
7. Check the Create filtered metric check box if you want NetInsight to create a
filtered metric based on this event.
8. Click Save Options and then click Continue.
NetInsight will begin using the new event titles the next time reports are
To edit an event title
View the profile that contains the event title you want to edit.
Click the Options tab.
In the Options panel, select Dynamic Content > Events.
Select the event title and click Edit.
To delete an event title
When you delete the event title for an event, NetInsight will use the event field
value in reports.
Filtered metrics based on events cannot be deleted from the Events option pages.
You must delete the custom metrics from the Custom Metrics option pages.
1. View the profile that contains the event whose title you want to delete.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Dynamic Content > Events.
4. Select the event title you want to delete and click Delete.
About parameters
A parameter is an item of information that is passed to a server by a user or
another program. One example of a parameter is the visitor identifier in a cookie.
Another example of a parameter is a product name that is passed in a query string
to dynamically generate a page in a catalog.
NetInsight enables you to track the values that are being passed in
v query strings
v cookies
v pages
v page tags
any field in a log file
You can configure the parameter to track multiple values. You can also combine
previously defined parameters of different types (such as page and query string)
into a meta parameter.
Parameter value statistics appear in a Parameter Summary. You create separate
Parameter Summaries for each parameter whose values you want to track.
Chapter 11. Analyzing dynamic content
Associating parameters with views, visits, or events
When you define a parameter in NetInsight, you indicate whether a separate
parameter value will be passed for every view or event, or whether a single value
will be used for the entire visit.
Note: If you want to use the parameter to determine sessionization or as a source
parameter for a meta parameter, associate it with a view. You cannot use event or
visit parameters for sessionization or as sources for meta parameters.
About storing the parameter values
For each parameter you define, you can choose whether or not to store the parsed
parameter values in the NetInsight database.
If you do not store the parameter values:
v NetInsight does not automatically create a Parameter Summary for this
v The parameter is not available for use as a filter for a report.
v The parameter is not available as an option if you choose to use the value of a
parameter to determine sessionization.
About parameter order
By default, parameters are listed in the order in which they were created. The
order shown on the Parameter options page is the same order that is used in
parameter lists and in breakdowns on which the parameters appear.
You change the order using the Move Up and Move Down buttons.
About parameter value casing
You can specify how you want NetInsightto treat the case of parameter values.
Values can remain as they are parsed from the log file (mixed-case) or converted to
uppercase or lowercase. Use the uppercase or lowercase option to prevent
duplicate entries from being stored in the database. The uppercase and lowercase
options apply the operation to the parameter value when it is parsed from the log
file before any other manipulation, such as import filters or search-and-replace
rules, are applied. When you choose a casing option, it is applied only to new
data; any data that is already stored in the database is not affected.
About parameter types
When you define a parameter in NetInsight, you select a parameter type based on
the field in the log file in which the parameter appears.
Query string parameters
Query string parameters are parameters in:
v the query string field in the log file
v the query string portion of the lc parameter in a page tag request
The query string is everything after and including the question mark (?) in a URL.
For example, if you had the following URL (all one line)
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
the query string field would contain ?product=product_name and you could track
the product_name values.
Note: If you want to track parameters in query strings, make sure your server is
logging the query strings. Use GET requests, not POST requests, when executing
your scripts.
Cookie parameters
Cookie parameters are parameters in the cookie field in the log file.
For example, if you set cookies in the form
where xxxx is the user's login to your site and yy is the user's age in years, you
could track the values passed to the name parameter, the age parameter, or both.
Note: You can parse parameters from cookies that contain multiple name/value
pairs separated by ampersands (for example, YourID=First=John&Last=Doe
&Number=123). You can set up a cookie parameter for just one of the cookie
fragments (for example, just the ID number). Follow the steps for creating a
regular cookie parameter, with one change. In the Parameter text box, enter the
name of the cookie, an equal sign, and the name of the cookie fragment (for
example, YourID=Number).
Field parameters
Field parameters are parameters in an arbitrary field in the log file. Use a field
parameter to parse a parameter in a field for which there is not a designated
parameter type. You can parse parameters from any field in a log file as long as
the log file is in one of the following formats:
v Netscape Flexible
v W3C
v Any format defined in the Custom Log Formats section of the administrative
Note: You can describe NCSA log files with a custom log format in order to parse
parameters from a field.
For example, if you had a Netscape Flexible log file (in which each cookie has its
own field) that contained the cookie field “%Req->vars.cookie%”, you could parse
the cookie and have NetInsightsessionize based on that parameter.
The value of parameters parsed from arbitrary fields is the entire value of the
given field. If you want to manipulate the value, use the URL Search and Replace
Note: The field must appear in either the log file's format header or the custom
log format specification. If it does not, NetInsightcan not parse or store the
parameter values.
Chapter 11. Analyzing dynamic content
Page parameters
Page parameters are parameters in
v the URLs of Web pages
v the page portion of the lc parameter in page tag requests.
For example, if the URLs of your catalog of items are in the format
you could track the values passed to item_name.
Clip parameters are parameters associated with clips that visitors download from
your streaming media server. For example, if the URLs of your catalog of clips are
in the format
you could track the values passed to artist_name.
Note: You need to use a regular expression to define a page parameter. Instead of
entering the name of the log file field from which the parameter should be parsed,
you use the regular expression to describe the parameter in the page. The section
of the parameter in parentheses will be retained by NetInsight and used as the
parameter value.
Page tag parameters
Page tag parameters are parameters in data that is passed by the IBM Unica page
tag script. For example, if the NTPT_FLDS.jv (browser’s Java support) field in the
ntpagetag.js file is set to true (to include the jv field in the initial page tag), you
could track the values parsed from the jv field. (For details about configuring page
tag fields, refer to the NetInsight Administrator's Guide.)
Use a page tag parameter to parse a parameter in the page tag for which there is
not a designated parameter type. For example, if you place a tag on page
/mydynamicpage?MyParameter=product, the record of a view of this page will
look similar to the following (all one line):
To track MyParameter values, configure MyParameter as a query string parameter
because MyParameter is part of the query string portion of the lc field. However, to
track values for the jv parameter, configure jv as a page tag parameter.
Referrer parameters
Referrer parameters are parameters in either of the following:
v referrer field in the log file
v rf portion of the page tag request
For example, if you had a referrer URL like this:
You could track the value of the ie parameter to find out the character set of the
search string.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Note: To track a parameter that appears in the referrer URL, you will need to use
a regular expression. Instead of entering the name of the log file field from which
the parameter should be parsed, you use the regular expression to describe the
parameter in the referrer. The section of the parameter in parentheses will be
retained by NetInsightand used as the parameter value.
Meta parameters
Meta parameters are parameters whose value is the value of the first parameter in
an ordered group of parameters that has a value for an individual view. You can
use this type of parameter to combine previously defined parameters of different
types (such as page and query string) into a single parameter based on the
availability of the parameters in the group. One use for this type of parameter is
sessionization by the session ID used by Java application servers, which store the
session ID value in the cookie when possible but otherwise store it in the page
You define a meta parameter by specifying a comma-delimited list of the names of
other, previously defined parameters from which the value of the meta parameter
will be taken.
Note: Only parameters associated with views can be source parameters for a meta
parameter. Parameters associated with events or visits can not be used.
To define a parameter
If you are creating a meta parameter, you must first create all the parameters that
you want to be part of the meta parameter.
1. View the profile in which you want to track parameters.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Dynamic Content > Parameters.
4. Click Add.
5. In the Name box, enter the name you want to use for this parameter in the
Parameter Summary.
Use only alphanumeric characters. Do not use any spaces.
6. In the Type of parameter list, select the parameter type.
7. In the Parameter box, enter the parameter you want to track.
For page and referrer parameters, you must use a regular expression to
identify the parameter.
For field parameters, enter the name of the field exactly as it appears in the
log file's format header, excluding any field delimiters or literal formatting
For meta parameters, enter a comma-delimited list of the names of other,
previously defined parameters from which the value of the meta parameter
comes. NetInsight ignores the case of the names, any spaces before or after the
commas, and any parameter that has not been previously defined in the
profile options. You can not use parameters associated with visits as source
parameters for a meta parameter.
8. Specify how you want to handle the case of parameter values by selecting an
option from the Parameter value casing drop-down list.
The options are As parsed (mixed-cased), uppercase, or lowercase.
Chapter 11. Analyzing dynamic content
9. If you want NetInsightto parse the parameter using encoded values in URLs,
uncheck the Parameter value decoding check box.
10. If you want to specify a column title for the column containing the parameter
values for this parameter (for example, in the Parameter Summary), enter the
title you want in the Column title box.
If you do not specify a title, NetInsight uses the parameter name as the
column name.
11. If you want to specify a graph title to be used when the parameter data is
ranked in ascending order, enter the title you want in the Graph title
(Ascending) box.
If you do not specify a title, NetInsight uses the title Least Popular Parameter
Values for parameter.
12. If you want to specify a graph title to be used when the parameter data is
ranked in descending order, enter the title you want in the Graph title
(Descending) box.
If you do not specify a title, NetInsight uses the title Most Popular Parameter
Values for parameter.
13. If you want to link the parameter values with other data in another database,
specify a CGI script in the Parameter lookup URL box.
When users click a parameter value in the Parameter Summary, the value is
appended to the URL and the script is executed.
14. In the Associate parameter value with list, select with what the parameter
values are associated.
15. Select the Store parsed parameter value check box if you want NetInsight to
store the values in the NetInsight database.
16. Select the Allow multiple values check box If you want to track multiple
values for this parameter.
The default value separator is a comma. You can change the separator to a
pipe, semicolon, or colon by editing the parameter after it is saved.
17. Select the Display on associated breakdown check box if you want the
parameter values to appear in breakdown reports.
18. Select the Create report check box if you would like NetInsight to
automatically create a Parameter Summary for this parameter the next time
the profile is updated.
The summary is listed under Parameter Analysis on the Reports tab.
19. Select the Create dimension check box if you would like the parameter value
to be available as a dimension on the Discovery Panel and in the Custom
Report Wizard.
The parameter is listed under Parameter Analysis.
20. Select the Create filter check box if you would like the parameter value to be
available as a filter on the Discovery Panel and in the Custom Report Wizard.
The parameter is listed under Parameter Analysis.
21. In the Page Help box, enter the text that should appear in the report's page
help for the column containing the parameter values for this parameter.
22. Click Save Options and then click Continue.
23. Select the parameter and click Requests.
24. Click Add.
25. Enter a filter that describes the request that NetInsight should check for this
26. Click Add.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
The requests described by this filter will be searched for this parameter in all
new data you import from now on.
27. If this is what you want or if you have additional filters to enter at this time,
click Continue.
If you want to search the requests described by this filter in the data you have
already imported, you need to delete all the data in your profile and reimport
your log files.
Note: If you do not still have all the log files you have imported into this
profile, you will lose data permanently by choosing this option.
To delete your profile data, click Delete Profile Data.
To delete a parameter
1. View the profile that contains the parameter you want to delete.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Dynamic Content > Parameters.
4. Select the parameter you want to delete and click Delete.
To edit a parameter
Note: If you edit the Associate parameter value with value of a saved parameter,
NetInsightwill not create the report; the Paramteter Analysis folder in the Available
Reports menu will not contain a report for the parameter after the profile is
updated. However, the filter for the parameter is created and listed in the
Parameter Analysis folder in the Available Filters menu. You can create a new
parameter or create the report using the Custom Report Wizard.
1. View the profile that contains the parameter you want to edit.
2. Click the Options tab.
In the Options panel, select Dynamic Content > Parameters.
Select the parameter you want to edit.
To change the parameter properties, click Edit.
If you configured the parameter to allow multiple values, you can change the
default separator from a comma to a pipe, semicolon, or colon. To change the
separator, select the separator you want from the Value separator drop-down
7. To change the requests that NetInsight checks for the parameter, do the
a. Click Requests.
NetInsight displays the list of filters that define the requests, pages, files or
clips that NetInsight checks for the parameter.
b. To delete a filter, select it and click Delete.
c. To edit a filter, select it and click Edit.
About replacing or deleting characters in URLs
NetInsight enables you to manipulate the URLs in your log files so they will
display in a more meaningful way in your NetInsight reports. You modify the
URLs using the URL search and replace rules. You can specify for each rule the
URLs to which it should be applied.
Chapter 11. Analyzing dynamic content
When to change URLs in your reports
Sometimes URLs contain information that needs to be deleted or changed in order
for the pages to display in a meaningful way in NetInsight reports. The following
are some scenarios in which you might want to replace or delete characters in
v Your URLs contain session IDs that cause the same content to appear as a
different page in each log file entry.
v Your URLs contain product IDs, but product names would be more helpful in
the report.
v You need to ensure that a parameter's values have a uniform case so that the
capitalized value and the lowercase value are not considered two different
v You want to use only parts of the URL in your report.
v You want to use the parts of the URL in a different order.
Resolving page titles and using URL rules
NetInsight applies URL search and replace rules before resolving page titles. If
applying the URL search and replace rules results in pages that do not match
pages on the server, page titles can not be resolved.
About the search rule
The search rule is a regular expression that specifies the text for which NetInsight
should search in the URLs. The search rule must contain one set of parentheses
that encloses the part of the URL you want to replace or delete.
Note: Before NetInsight applies URL search and replace rules to a URL, it decodes
any CGI-encoded elements of the URL. Because browsers display URLs in their
CGI-encoded form, you should be careful about using the URL as it appears in
your browser to help you write the search rule.
If you want to use part of the text that matches the search rule as all or part of the
replacement value (either with the same capitalization as in the search rule or in a
different case), you must identify the parts of the text to reuse by enclosing them
within parentheses.
Note: The first set of parentheses (reading from left to right) indicates the portion
of the input value to be replaced. Subsequent sets of parentheses identify re-usable
portions of the text.
About the replacement value
The replacement value is the text that will replace all the text described by the
portion of the search rule expression in the first set of parentheses. If you want to
delete the text in parentheses, leave the Replacement value box empty.
If you want to use part of the search rule text in the replacement value, you must
v Mark the text you want to use by enclosing it in parentheses in the search rule.
v Use tokens to indicate which portion of the text you want to use.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
The text enclosed by the nth set of
parentheses in the search rule
The text enclosed by the nth set of
parentheses in the search rule, converted to
The text enclosed by the nth set of
parentheses in the search rule, converted to
Parameters and search and replace rules
Query string rules, page rules, and entire request rules do not affect parameters
that are parsed from the query string or page. NetInsight will parse the parameter
values as they appeared before these rules were applied.
Rule types
The rule type indicates the part of the URL that NetInsight should search. The
following types are possible:
v Clip
For media profiles. The clip name.
v Entire Request
The page plus the query string.
v File
For FTP profiles. The file name.
v Page
The part of a URL that appears in the Page Summary when you do not resolve
page titles. For non-clustered log files and log files that are clustered for a single
site, this is everything after the domain name but before the "?" marking the
beginning of parameters passed to a script. For log files clustered for multiple
sites, this is everything before the "?" marking the beginning of parameters
passed to a script.
v Query String
The part of the URL after and including the "?" marking the beginning of
parameters that are passed to a script on your Web site.
v Referrer
Any URL that appears as a referrer for a view.
v Parameter Value for (parameter name)
The value of the specified parameter.
v Event
Event name. You can use regular expressions to replace event text; changes are
shown in the Event Summary report.
To replace or delete characters in the URLs in your reports
View the profile in which you want to modify the URLs.
Click the Options tab.
In the Options panel, select Dynamic Content > URL Search and Replace.
Click Add.
5. In the Description box, enter a name you want NetInsight to use to refer to
the search and replace rule.
Chapter 11. Analyzing dynamic content
6. In the Search rule box, enter the regular expression that describes the text for
which NetInsight should search. Be sure to enclose the portion of the text you
want replaced in parentheses.
7. In the Replacement value box, enter the text that will replace all text
described by the regular expression that you entered in the Search rule box.
To delete the text instead of replacing it, leave the Replacement value box
8. In the Replacement scope box, select an option to indicate whether only the
first occurrence or all occurrences of the search rule in the text to be searched
should be replaced.
a. Select All matches to have NetInsight search the text to be searched for all
occurrences of text matching the search rule and replace each occurrence
with the replacement value. (NetInsight will search only the original text
to be searched. A replacement value that also matches the search rule will
not cause NetInsight to make recursive replacements within the
replacement value.)
b. Select Only first match to have NetInsight find only the first occurrence of
text matching the search rule in the text to be searched and replace it with
the replacement value.
9. In the Type of rule box, select the option that describes the part of the URL
that NetInsight should search using the regular expression.
10. Click Save Options.
Note: In the next steps, you specify which requests NetInsight should attempt
to match to the regular expression. If this search and replace rule is four a
parameter value, NetInsight will automatically list the pages you specified to
search when you created the parameter. If you have no changes to make to
the list, skip to 16.
11. Click Continue.
12. Select the search and replace rule and click URLs.
13. Click Add.
14. Enter a filter that describes the requests that NetInsight should attempt to
match to the regular expression you entered in the Search rule box.
15. Click Add.
NetInsight will use the search and replace rule on all new data that you
import from now on.
16. If this is what you want, or if you have additional filters to add at this time,
click Continue.
If you want the search and replace rule to be used on data you have already
imported, you will need to delete all of the profile data and reimport your log
Note: If you do not still have every log file you have imported into this
profile, you will lose data by choosing this option.
To delete profile data, click Delete Profile Data.
To delete a search and replace rule
1. View the profile that contains the parameter you want to delete.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Dynamic Content > Search and Replace.
4. Select the rule you want to delete and click Delete.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
To edit a search and replace rule
View the profile that contains the search and replace rule you want to edit.
Click the Options tab.
In the Options panel, select Dynamic Content > Search and Replace.
Select the rule you want to edit.
To change the rule properties, click Edit.
6. To change the requests that NetInsight attempts to match to the regular
expression, do the following:
a. Click URLs.
NetInsight displays the list of filters that define the requests that NetInsight
attempts to match to the regular expression.
b. To delete a filter, select it and click Delete.
c. To edit a filter, select it and click Edit.
Example 1: Deleting Session IDs
If the URLs on your site consistently have a session ID embedded in them, you can
use a URL search and replace rule to delete the session IDs. If the session ID is the
last part of the URL, the URLs might have the following format:
To delete the session ID, enter the following regular expression in the Search rule
Note: The part of the URL that is described by the part of the regular expression
in parentheses is the part that will be replaced.
Leave the Replacement value box blank and select Page as the rule type. Because
this session ID appears on every page of your site, when you are creating the filter
for the pages that NetInsight should attempt to match the regular expression
against, enter the following:
That contains /
You will then need to create a second search and replace rule, identical to the first
except with Referrer as the rule type. (Without this second rule, the session IDs
will continue to appear in Referrer Breakdowns.)
Example 2: Replacing a Product ID with a Product Name
If your URLs have product ID numbers in them, you can replace the product ID
with a product name to make the URLs easier to read in the NetInsight reports.
For example, if the product ID was the last part of the URL, the URLs would have
the following format:
If the product ID for a bicycle is 7654, the URL for the bicycle page would be as
Chapter 11. Analyzing dynamic content
To replace the product ID with the word bicycle, you would enter the following
regular expression in the Search rule box:
You would enter bicycle in the Replacement value box. Because this product ID
appears only in pages that start with /directory_one, when you specify the pages
that NetInsight should attempt to match the regular expression against, you would
use the following filter:
That starts with /directory_one/
Example 3: Ensuring Uniform Case for Parameter Values
If you want the values for a parameter to always use the same case, you can use
subpatterns to identify the values and translate them into a uniform case. For
example, the URL has the following format (the parameter you are parsing is
If the product is shoes, one time the URL might be
and another time it might be
To cause the “category” to show up as shoes every time (so it is counted as one
category in the reports), enter the following in the Search rule box for a parameter
URL search and replace rule:
In the Replacement value box, enter the following:
Using Parts of the URL in a Different Order
If you want the information in the URL to be displayed in the report in a different
order, you can use subpatterns to identify the pieces you want to use in the
replacement value. For example, the URL has the following format:
If the product is red shoes, the URL would be as follows:
To get the result product=red-shoes in the report, enter the following in the Search
rule box for a query string URL search and replace rule:
In the Replacement value box, enter the following:
When you specify the pages that NetInsight should attempt to match the regular
expression against, use the following filter:
That match /directory_one/catalog.html
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Chapter 12. Analyzing marketing efforts
NetInsight allows you to track the effectiveness of the marketing efforts that relate
to your Web site. Using NetInsight you can:
v Analyze the performance of various campaigns
v Analyze visit cost and paid search ROI
v See which sites are referring the most visitors to your site
v Track which search engines and directories are indexing your site
About campaigns
A campaign is messaging created by a marketing department to drive traffic to
your Web site. A campaign is typically run through multiple channels (banner ads,
email, Internet search, print ads, etc.) and a channel may contain multiple
segments (the ad variation within a channel). Optionally, a campaign can include
specific entry pages on your Web site that associate a visit with that campaign. In
NetInsight, campaign statistics are listed in the Entry Campaign Summary report.
The following diagram shows the relationships between campaigns, channels,
segments, and paid keywords in two sample static campaigns.
About dynamic and static campaigns
Campaigns can be defined in NetInsight as either dynamic or static.
v Dynamic campaigns attribute visits based on parameter values passed in a query
v Static campaigns attribute visits based on entry page definitions in the
campaign's channel segments.
About dynamic campaigns
Dynamic campaigns allow you to define a campaign matching pattern only once in
NetInsight, instead of having to define each campaign manually. This is especially
useful with online channels whose channel and segment definitions may alter
regularly over time.
You create dynamic campaigns by specifying a campaign parameter identifier in
NetInsight. This identifier is used to match a campaign parameter identifier in the
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2011
URLs visitors use to access your site. At data import, NetInsight parses the
parameter strings. When a match is made between a query string parameter ID
and one defined in NetInsight, NetInsight examines the value of the parameter. It
then attributes that visit to an existing campaign (if a value match is found) or
automatically creates and assigns that visit to a new campaign (if a value match is
not found). The name of each campaign in NetInsight is the value of the
The channels and segments belonging to a campaign can also be defined as
dynamic, thus you can use a single campaign, channel, and segment matching
pattern to process all visit attributions to your campaigns. While dynamic
campaigns can use parameter values alone to attribute visits, you can include entry
page definitions as well if you want target specific pages only in a campaign.
For example, suppose you define a dynamic campaign whose parameter identifier
is nicam. Under that you define a dynamic channel whose parameter identifier is
nichn. And under that you define a dynamic segment whose parameter identifier is
niseg. Three unique visitors enter your site at these URLs:
The first two visits will both be attributed to the Clearance campaign, different
channels, but to the same SpecialOffer segment. The third visit will be attributed to
the SpringSale campaign, Email channel, and SaleAlert segment. If any of these
campaigns, channels, or segments do not already exist in NetInsight they will be
created automatically.
In NetInsight reports, in addition to comparing the traffic generated by the two
campaigns, you can also compare traffic generated across campaigns by different
channels (Email versus Twitter) and segments (SpecialOffer versus SaleAlert).
About Static campaigns
Static campaigns attribute visits based on entry page definitions in the campaign's
channel segments. While less flexible than dynamic campaigns, static campaigns
are useful if you are not parameterizing URLs, or if you deploy only a few
campaigns whose channels and segments alter little or not at all over time. Static
campaigns could be a good choice for print media, since you know the URL well
in advance of the traffic coming to your site.
For example, suppose you were running several magazine ads to launch a new
product. The campaign segment for the first ad might look like this:
Campaign Name: Extreme Widget
Channel Name: Print Media
Segment Name: Ad1
Entry Page:
Every visit whose entry page is will be associated
with the Ad1 segment of the Extreme Widget campaign.
Which to use, dynamic or static?
For most situations dynamic campaigns are superior to static. They are easier to set
up, more adaptive to change, and much easier to maintain. In static campaigns,
each time new channels segments are added to your marketing campaign they
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
must be manually added to NetInsight. Dynamic campaigns automate this process
and require editing only if parameter identifiers themselves change.
A simple deployment model would be to create a single dynamic campaign with
dynamic channels and segments. If you want the ability to compare
campaign-driven visits to organics visits, below the dynamic campaign you could
create a single static campaign with static channels and segments and no entry
pages. This static campaign would catch any and all visits not matched and
attributed by the dynamic campaign.
Note that as it suits your needs you can also use a hybrid of static and dynamic
behavior at different levels in a campaign definition. For example, you could create
a static campaign whose channels and segments are dynamic.
Ordering campaigns for desired attribution
A visit can be attributed to only one campaign. If a visit meets the criteria for
multiple campaigns, NetInsight attributes it to the first campaign whose criteria it
meets. The order of attribution is determined by the order in which campaigns are
listed on the Campaign Options screen.
It is important to consider the order in which you want visits attributed and then
order your campaigns accordingly. As a rule of thumb, you should position
campaigns with the most-specific matching criteria at the top. A static campaign
with static channels and segments and no entry page definition will match all
visits. If such a campaign were positioned at the top of the list no other campaigns
would receive attribution. Use the up and down buttons to the right of the list to
change the order of the campaigns.
Note: These ordering considerations and guidelines apply to channels and
segments as well.
Allowing default substitutions for dynamic channels and
When you create dynamic channels and segments, you can specify whether to
allow a default value to be used if the parameter identifier specified in NetInsight
is not found in the parameter string, or if a parameter value is an empty string.
v If you allow the default to be used, "None" will be substituted for missing
parameter identifiers and/or values.
v If you do not allow the default to be used, NetInsight will search other channels
and campaigns and attempt to make a parameter identifier match. If a match is
made, attribution for that visit is assigned accordingly. If a match cannot be
made, no visit attribution is assigned. If the parameter value is missing, no
attribution is made.
Choosing the case of the parameter values from dynamic
When you create a dynamic campaign, you specify whether identifier parameter
values should be stored as all uppercase or all lowercase letters. You define the
case at the campaign level and it applies to all channels and segments that are part
of that campaign.
Chapter 12. Analyzing marketing efforts
When NetInsight groups visits into campaigns, channels, and segments based on
the identifier parameter values, it looks for exact matches, including case. So
choosing to store the values as all uppercase or all lowercase ensures visits are not
excluded from the appropriate campaign, channel, or segment based on case alone.
This is especially helpful if multiple people create the URLs associated with your
marketing campaigns.
Standardizing the case of values also helps users who want to filter reports or
search for values in reports, since filtering and searching are both case-sensitive.
If you are extending your web analytics data with external data and the campaign,
channel, or segment values are the common data point, you should ensure that the
external data uses the same case. Otherwise, NetInsight cannot map the external
data to the web analytics data.
About campaign channels
A campaign channel is the content source (such as a Web site, print publication, or
newsletter) through which you are running a campaign that sends visitors to your
Web site. Campaign channel statistics appear on the Entry Campaign Channel
Summary report.
If campaign channels in separate campaigns share a name, you can analyze the
combined traffic for the channels in the Entry Campaign Channel Summary report.
In the Entry Campaign Channel Summary unfiltered by a campaign, there is one
row per unique channel name that shows the combined traffic for all channels with
that name. In the Entry Campaign Channel Summary filtered by a campaign, the
row with the shared channel name shows only traffic for the channel in the
specified campaign.
You must specify one of the following types for each campaign channel:
v Affiliate — Web site that sells the products of other Web sites, called "affiliates."
v Banner ad — Advertisement in the form of a graphic image on a Web page or
located in a space reserved for ads, linking to an advertiser’s Web site.
v Direct mail — Marketing communications delivered directly to a prospective
purchaser via a postal service or private delivery company.
v Email — Email message that contains information or advertising.
v Instant messaging — Service that alerts users when friends or colleagues are
online, and enables them to communicate in real time through private online
chat areas.
v Newsletter — Printed or online report that provides news or information of
interest to a special group.
v Paid listing — Guarantee of a ranking in a search listing for the terms of your
choice; can be placed on a site other than a search engine.
v Print media — Medium that distributes printed matter, such as a newspaper,
magazine, or book.
v Rich media ad — Advertisement that usually includes richer graphics than a
banner ad and includes audio or video within the advertisement.
v Search engine (PPC/CPM) — Pay-per-click or cost per thousand views
advertising (or both) on a search engine.
v (Other) — A channel type not listed above.
Campaign channel type statistics appear on the Entry Campaign Channel Type
Summary report.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
For search engine (PPC/CPM) channels, you can analyze the performance of the
various paid keywords. Paid keyword statistics appear on the Entry Paid Keyword
About campaign segments
A campaign segment is the ad variation or group within each campaign channel.
Campaign segment statistics appear on the Entry Campaign Segment Summary.
Like campaigns and channels, segments can be dynamic or static.
Optionally, segments can have one or more associated entry pages. Entry pages can
be defined using the page's file name or by a query string filter. Visitors who
access a site via a segment's defined entry pages will be attributed to that segment,
and their visit will ultimately be attributed to the segment's campaign. While
NetInsight does not require you to define entry pages, whether you should or not
depends on the type of campaign you are creating and whether you want only
select entry pages attributed to your campaigns.
v Dynamic campaigns (with dynamic channels and segments) can attribute visits
to campaigns based on parameter strings alone. Define entry pages only if you
want specific points of entry attributed to your dynamic campaign.
v Static campaigns (with static channels and segments) can only attribute visits
based on entry page. So, while not required by NetInsight, practically speaking,
static campaigns require entry page definitions if they are to accurately attribute
visits to different campaigns. A static campaign with no entry pages defined will
match every visit to your site.
If campaign segments in separate channels share a name, you can analyze the
combined traffic for the segments in the Entry Campaign Segment Summary
report. In the Entry Campaign Segment Summary unfiltered by a channel, there is
one row per unique segment name that shows the combined traffic for all
segments with that name. In the Entry Campaign Segment Summary filtered by a
channel, the row with the shared segment name shows only traffic for the segment
in the specified channel.
About entry pages for campaign segments
For any campaign segment you can specify the URL of an entry page to your Web
site. Visitors arriving on this page will be attributed to this segment.
URLs for entry pages must be unique for each segment. You can achieve unique
URLs in the following ways:
v Create a separate entry page for each campaign segment.
v Use query string parameters to create multiple unique URLs for the same entry
Do not use your home page as the entry page unless you are using query strings
to define the entry page. If you are not using query strings and you use your
home page as the entry page for the campaign, all traffic to your home page
appears in the campaign analysis. To figure out what percentage of the traffic to
your home page resulted from your campaign, you must drill repeatedly into the
Entry Campaign Summary.
Query strings can contain other parameters besides the ones used to identify the
campaign segment. These parameters can be analyzed in NetInsight as well.
Chapter 12. Analyzing marketing efforts
About entry page matching rules
NetInsight applies entry page matching rules defined for a campaign segment as
v If a question mark is not present in the value specified for the entry page rule,
the entire value that is specified is compared to the entry page according to the
rule definition.
v If a question mark is present in the value specified for the entry page rule, the
part of the rule to the left of the question mark (the page portion) is compared
to the entry page according to the rule definition. If the page part of the rule
matches, the part to the right of the question mark (the query string portion) is
compared to the query string associated with the entry page as follows:
– If the first character of the query string part of the rule is a percent sign, it
will be considered to be a regular expression and will be compared to the
query string part of the entry page using a that match the regular expression
– If the first character of the query string part of the rule is not a percent sign
and the query string part of the rule contains one or more equal signs, it will
be considered to be a collection of name/value pairs that NetInsight should
search for in the query string associated with the entry page. The query string
part of the entry page will be considered a match if each name/value pair
present in the rule definition is also present in the query string. The order
and case of the name/value pairs entered in the rule definition is not
– If the first character of the query string part of the rule is not a percent sign
and the query string part of the rule does not contain an equal sign, it will be
compared to the query string part of the entry page using a that match filter.
Following are some examples of entry page rules and the pages that will and will
not match the rule.
Example 1
If the entry pages of a campaign segment are defined by the filter that contain ad?
%referrer=google.*, visitors entering the Web site through the following pages
would be attributed to the given campaign, channel, and segment:
v /ad.cgi?referrer=google
v /ad.cgi?thereferrer=google
v /ad.cgi?keywords=red&referrer=google
v /scripts/ad.cgi?referrer=google&keywords=red
v /googlead.cgi?referrer=google-groups&keywords=red
Visitors entering through these entry pages would not be attributed to the given
campaign, channel, and segment:
v /ad.cgi?referrer=yahoo
v /referral.cgi?referrer=google
Example 2
If the entry pages of a campaign are defined by the filter that match
/ad.cgi?referrer=google, visitors entering the Web site through the following pages
would be attributed to the given campaign, channel, and segment:
v /ad.cgi?referrer=google
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
v /ad.cgi?referrer=google&keywords=red
v /ad.cgi?keywords=red&referrer=google
Visitors entering through these pages would not be attributed to the given
campaign, channel, and segment:
v /ad.cgi?referrer=google-groups
v /ad.cgi?thereferrer=google
Example 3
If the entry pages of a campaign are defined by the filter that end with
ad.cgi?google, visitors entering the Web site through the following page would be
attributed to the given campaign, channel, and segment:
v /ad.cgi?google
Visitors entering through these pages would not be attributed to the given
campaign, channel, and segment:
v /ad.cgi?google-groups
v /scripts/ad.cgi?referrer=google
To create a campaign in NetInsight
1. View the profile in which you want to create a campaign.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. Under Options select Marketing > Campaigns.
4. Click Add.
5. Enter a name for the campaign.
In static campaigns, this is the name that will appear in reports. In dynamic
campaigns, the campaign name in reports is the value returned by the
campaign parameter.
6. Specify whether the campaign is static or dynamic.
7. Specify the case NetInsight should use when it stores the identifier parameter
This option is only available for dynamic campaigns. It applies to campaign,
channel, and segment identifier parameter values in this campaign.
8. Enter the parameter whose value will be used to define unique campaigns.
The parameter ID is case-insensitive. This option is only available for dynamic
9. Click Save Options > Continue.
Next you must specify the channels through which you are running this campaign.
To specify campaign channels
If you are specifying channels for a campaign immediately after creating the
campaign, begin with step 4 below. Otherwise, begin with step 1.
1. View the profile that contains the campaign for which you are defining
2. Click the Options tab.
3. Under Options select Marketing > Campaigns.
4. Select the campaign and click Channels > Add.
Chapter 12. Analyzing marketing efforts
5. Enter a name for the channel.
In static channels, this is the name that will appear in reports. In dynamic
channels, the channel name in reports is the value returned by the channel
6. Select the channel type that best describes the content source through which
you are running this campaign. If you select:
a. Search engine (PPC/CPM), enter the parameter from which paid keywords
will be parsed. The parameter ID is case-insensitive.
b. Other, enter a description of the channel type.
7. Specify whether this channel is static or dynamic. For dynamic channels:
a. Enter the parameter whose value will be used to define channels in this
campaign. The parameter ID is case-insensitive.
b. Specify whether to assign a visit to the default channel "None" if the
parameter identifier is not found in a parameter string. If left unchecked,
NetInsight will search other campaigns and attempt to make a match for
8. Click Save Options > Continue.
Next you must specify the campaign segments for this campaign channel.
To specify campaign segments
If you are specifying segments for a campaign channel immediately after creating
the channel, begin with step 4 below. Otherwise, begin with step 1.
1. View the profile that contains the campaign for which you are defining
2. Click the Options tab.
Under Options select Marketing > Campaigns.
Select the campaign and click Channels.
Select the channel and click Segments > Add.
Enter a name for the segment.
In static segments, this is the name that will appear in reports. In dynamic
segments, the segment name in reports is the value returned by the segment
7. Specify whether this channel is static or dynamic. For dynamic channels:
a. Enter the parameter whose value will be used to define segments in this
channel. The parameter ID is case-insensitive.
b. Specify whether to assign a visit to the default segment "None" if the
parameter identifier is not found in a parameter string. If left unchecked,
NetInsight will search other channels and attempt to make a match for
8. Click Save Options > Continue.
Next, you can optionally specify entry pages associated with this campaign
segment. If you choose not to specify entry pages for a dynamic campaign,
NetInsight will use parameter values alone to attribute visits to the campaign. Note
if you choose not to specify entry pages for a static campaign, all visits will be
attributed to the segment's campaign.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
To specify entry pages
If you are specifying entry pages for a campaign segment immediately after
creating the segment, begin with step 6 below. Otherwise, begin with step 1.
Note: Specifying an entry page is an optional step in defining a
NetInsightcampaign. If you choose not to specify entry pages for a dynamic
campaign, NetInsightwill use parameter values alone to attribute visits to the
campaign. If you choose not to specify entry pages for a static campaign, all visits
will be attributed to this the campaign.
1. View the profile that contains the campaign for which you are defining entry
2. Click the Options tab.
3. Under Options select Marketing > Campaigns.
4. Select the campaign and click Channels.
5. Select the channel and click Segments.
6. Select the segment and click Entry Pages > Add.
7. Enter a filter that specifies the page(s) visitors responding to your campaign
use to access your site.
For example, if you are tracking a banner ad campaign, specify the page
visitors go to after clicking the ad. If you are tracking a print ad campaign,
specify the Web site address given in the print ad. You can also use query
strings to define your campaign.
8. Click Add.
Statistics for this campaign will now be tracked in all subsequently imported data.
To track this campaign in data that has already been imported you must delete
your profile data and re-import the log files. Note that if you no longer have all
previously imported log files, deleting profile data will result in data loss.
About paid search data
If you bid on paid search terms at one or more search engines, you can configure
NetInsight to analyze traffic driven to your site by paid search terms. This enables
you to analyze activity on a search term across search engines and attribute future
activity on your site to the paid search terms.
There are two methods of configuring NetInsight to analyze paid search data.
Use the Paid
v Brings additional data into the
Search Integration
v NetInsight campaign created
v Added cost
campaigns in
search engines
and NetInsight
v Less data than with the
integration module
v Works with smaller vendors
v No added cost
v May not support all the paid
search vendors
v Greater chance of error during
manual campaign creation
Chapter 12. Analyzing marketing efforts
To analyze paid search data without the integration module
To analyze paid search data in NetInsight without the integration module, you
must complete the following tasks:
1. Create a paid search campaign at one or more of the supported search engines.
2. Create one or more paid search campaigns in NetInsight.
3. Update the profile.
Creating paid search campaigns to analyze in NetInsight
You can make it easier to track your paid search campaigns in NetInsight by
following best practices when you create the campaigns in the search engines.
Every paid search campaign you create in a search engine must be associated with
a campaign in your profile in order for you to analyze the data in your profiles.
The NetInsight campaign must be created before the paid search data is imported
into your profile.
To simplify your profile configuration and ensure the campaign is always created
before the data arrives, the best practice is to use one dynamic campaign in
NetInsight to analyze all of your paid search campaigns. In order for your paid
search campaign data to be automatically associated with the dynamic campaign,
you must define the destination URL using exactly the same parameters and
format for all your paid search campaigns.
Paid search keyword parameter
Use the same parameter for all campaigns in all search engines. As a best practice,
use nipkw.
Destination URL
Use parameters in the query string of the destination URL to indicate the
campaign, search engine, search term, and ad group. Use exactly the same
parameters in all campaigns in all search engines.
As a best practice, use the following parameters:
Campaign name
Search engine name
Search term
Ad group name
The resulting URL will look like this:
You can use additional query string parameters to enable NetInsight to analyze
other information about your paid search campaigns. For example, this URL uses
the variation parameter to track the ad variation:
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
If you use additional parameters, you must define them in NetInsight in order to
analyze the data.
If you must use static campaigns in NetInsight
Make a note of the campaign and ad group names you use in the search engine.
You must enter this exact text when creating the NetInsight campaigns.
Creating a paid search campaign in NetInsight
When you create a paid search campaign in NetInsight, the text you enter in
certain fields must match exactly the text you entered when you created the
campaigns in the search engines.
If you are using a dynamic campaign, the parameters must match exactly. If you
are using a static campaign, the campaign name, paid keyword parameter, segment
name, and destination URL must match exactly.
NetInsight campaign field
Name of campaign
Name of the search engine campaign.
Campaign identifier
Parameter in the destination URL for the campaign name
(for example, nicam). This option is available only in
dynamic campaigns.
Name of campaign channel
Name of the search engine, (for example, Google, Yahoo, or
Channel identifier parameter
Parameter in the destination URL for the channel name (for
example, nichn). This option is available only in dynamic
Type of channel
Search engine (PPC/CPM).
Paid keyword parameter
Keyword parameter you specified in the search (for
example, nipkw). engine
Name of campaign segment
Name of the ad group in the search engine.
Segment identifier parameter
Parameter in the destination URL for the ad group (for
example, niseg). This option is available only in dynamic
Group entry pages
Destination URL for the ad the in the search engine. (This
is required for static campaigns and optional for dynamic
Attributing conversion credit to campaigns
NetInsight allows you to attribute credit and revenue to the marketing campaigns
that contribute to conversions on your site. You can use the resulting data to
analyze campaign performance and determine where to focus your marketing
resources. NetInsight provides separate reports for each of three pre-defined
attribution models: first click, last click, and even allocation.
To attribute credit to your campaigns, you must enable the marketing attribution
integration module. When this module is enabled, NetInsight stores data on
conversions and campaigns for every view of a non-spider visit whenever the
profile is updated. Only views that are associated with campaigns are attributed
conversion credit.
Chapter 12. Analyzing marketing efforts
You identify a conversion by tagging a page or event using the conv page tag
parameter. A page tag request that contains the conv parameter is stored in the
NetInsight database as a conversion. The value that you assign to the conv
parameter is the conversion type. The Conversion Type is a reportable dimension
available on the Discovery Panel. You can set the conv parameter to any
meaningful value for reporting on the conversion types you want to track. For
example: conv=purchase, conv=download, conv=register).
If the page tag also contains a revenue (rtt) or product revenue (rtc) parameter, it
is stored as conversion revenue or conversion product revenue, respectively. In
addition, the last keyword that the visitor used in the visit where the conversion
occurred is also associated with the conversion.
About the attribution interval
The attribution interval is a time period (expressed in days) ending with the
conversion. In order for a campaign to receive credit for a conversion, it must be
associated with a view that occurred during the attribution interval. When you
configure the marketing attribution integration module, you specify the interval (in
days) that you want attribution to be credited for a conversion. For example, if the
interval is set to 14 days, the view must occur within the 14-day interval prior to
the conversion to receive attribution credit for that conversion. If a view occurs
within the attribution interval of multiple conversions, the associated campaign is
attributed credit for all of those conversions.
The attribution interval you specify applies to all campaigns in the profile. If you
change this interval, the new interval setting is applied only to new data the next
time the profile is updated.
Marketing attribution models
The marketing attribution integration module attributes conversion credit to
campaigns using the following pre-defined models:
v First-click attribution – This model assigns all credit to the first known referring
campaign, regardless of the number of subsequent campaigns that the visitor
may be exposed to leading up to the conversion.
v Last-click attribution – This model assigns all credit to the last known referring
campaign, regardless of the number of previous campaigns that the visitor may
have been exposed to leading up to the conversion.
v Even allocation – This model splits the conversion credit evenly across all
campaigns that led to the conversion.
Marketing attribution examples
Example 1
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
The attribution interval is set to 14 days. On January 20, a visitor views a
campaign-related page tagged as a conversion (last click). The campaign-related
views by this visitor during the previous 14 days are considered referring
campaigns. The first campaign-related view by this visitor during the attribution
interval (first click) occurred on January 8. The views on Jan. 18 and 19, even
though they are within the attribution interval, are not attribution events because
they are not associated with campaigns. The campaign-related views on Jan. 2-4
and Jan. 27-28 do not receive credit for this conversion because they are outside of
the attribution interval.
Example 2
The attribution interval is set to 21 days. On January 28, a visitor views a page that
is tagged as a conversion but not associated with a campaign. Because this view is
not associated with a campaign, the previous campaign-related view by this visitor,
occurring on January 27, is credited as the last click for the conversion. The first
campaign-related view by this visitor during the attribution interval (first click)
occurred on January 9. The campaign-related views on Jan. 2-4 do not receive
credit for this conversion because they are outside of the attribution interval.
For any conversion, there may be many views of a single campaign within the
attribution interval. In the even allocation model, these referring campaigns will
receive more attribution credit than other campaigns that are associated with fewer
Prerequisites for marketing attribution
Before NetInsight can attribute conversion credit to your marketing campaigns,
you must complete the following tasks:
1. Deploy basic page tagging on your NetInsight system.
2. Use the conv page tag parameter to define conversion events.
3. Configure the campaigns.
After the campaigns are configured, the marketing attribution module must be
enabled on your NetInsight system and the attribution interval must be set. The
default interval is 14 days.
Marketing attribution reports
Marketing attribution statistics appear in the following reports. The three Visitor
Summary reports are available from the Custom Report Wizard; the reports
prefixed with "Marketing Channel" are in the Marketing Analysis folder:
v Even Attribution Visitor Summary
v First Click Visitor Summary
v Last Click Visitor Summary
Chapter 12. Analyzing marketing efforts
Channel Attribution Revenues
Channel Even Allocation Attribution
Channel First Click Attribution
Channel Last Click Attribution
In addition to the attribution reports, the following reports contain campaign,
keyword, or referrer data for each view of a visit.
Marketing Campaign Channel Summary
Marketing Campaign Channel Type Summary
Marketing Campaign Segment Summary
Marketing Campaign Summary
View Keyword Summary
v View Referrer Breakdown
v View Referrer Summary
Note: Equivalent reports, prefixed with "Entry", contain data about the visits
attributed to campaigns.
Marketing attribution metrics and dimensions
The marketing attribution reports include attribution-specific metrics and
dimensions. Attribution-specific filters, metrics, and dimensions are also available
for use in other reports.
v Conversion Revenue
v Conversion Product Revenue
First Click Conversions
First Click Revenue
First Click Product Revenue
Last Click Conversions
v Last Click Revenue
v Last Click Product Revenue
v Even Allocation Conversions
v Even Allocation Revenue
v Even Allocation Product Revenue
v Conversion Type
v Last Keyword
v Last Paid Keyword
Campaign Channel
Campaign Segment
Campaign Channel Type
Campaign Segment
Paid Keywords
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
v View Keywords
v View Referrer
v View Referrer Breakdown
About analyzing keywords
NetInsight enables you to specify the rules it will use to track the keywords that
visitors used in search engines to find your Web site. NetInsight can parse
keywords from the query string of the referring page or from the referring page
itself. When NetInsight parses keywords from the referring page itself, it ignores
the query string; instead, it uses the page value of the referrer as the keywords for
the request. Keyword statistics appear on the Entry Keyword Summary.
Note: NetInsight contains pre-configured keywords that use regular expressions.
You should not modify the pre-configured keywords unless you have a particular
need to do so after you review your log files.
Note: If you want NetInsight to search all referrers for a specific parameter, you
should add that parameter to the (Auto detect) keyword parsing rule, instead of
creating a new keyword parsing rule.
About character sets and keywords
The character set a search engine uses to encode the keywords affects NetInsight's
ability to analyze the keyword. If the keyword is encoded using a different
character set than the profile uses, NetInsight may not be able to correctly import
the keyword.
Since the UTF-8 character set can import a wide variety of characters, if the profile
character set is UTF-8 NetInsight can import keywords encoded in other character
sets and store and display them correctly in UTF-8. However, you need to tell
NetInsight what character set to expect.
Some search engines identify the character set used to encode the keywords by
passing the character set name as the value of a parameter. You can specify this
character set parameter for the keyword rule. You can also specify a default
character set for a keyword rule.
To create a keywords parsing rule
View the profile in which you want to create the keyword parsing rule.
Click the Options tab.
In the Options panel, select Marketing > Keywords.
Click Add.
In the Description box, enter a description of the rule.
In the Type of rule list, select an option.
v To parse keywords from the query string of the referring page, select Query
v To parse keywords from the referring page itself, select Page.
7. In the Default character set box, select the character set NetInsight should
assume the search engine used to encode the keyword in the query string or
Note: This option only applies to profiles whose character set is UTF-8.
Chapter 12. Analyzing marketing efforts
8. Click Save Options and then click Continue.
If you selected a keyword parsing rule of type "query string," you now need to
specify the keyword parameters that should belong to this keyword rule.
If you selected a keyword parsing rule of type "page," the text that appears
after the last slash in the page will be used as the keywords. If you want to
limit the pages that are parsed for keywords by more than just the referrer, you
can configure NetInsight to only parse pages that contain at least one of a set of
text strings you specify.
To specify keyword parameters for a keyword rule
If you are specifying keyword parameters immediately after creating the keyword
parsing rule, continue with 4. Otherwise, start with 1.
1. View the profile that contains the keyword parsing rule.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Marketing > Keywords.
4. Select the keyword rule and click Keyword Parameters.
5. Click Add.
6. For a keyword parsing rule of type "query string," enter the name of a
parameter that contains keyword values.
For a keyword parsing rule of type "page," enter a literal string found within
the referring page that identifies the pages from which keywords should be
parsed. Click Add.
7. The parameter you entered will be used to look for keywords in all new data
you import from now on.
If this is what you want or if you want to add more parameters at this time,
click Continue. If you want the parameter to be used to look for keywords in
data you have already imported, you will need to delete all the data in your
profile and reimport your log files.
Note: If you do not still have all the log files you have imported into this
profile, you will lose data permanently by choosing this option.
To delete your profile data, click Delete Profile Data.
Now you need to specify which referrers should be searched using the keyword
To specify referrers for a rule
If you are specifying referrers or sites immediately after specifying keyword
parameters, continue with 4. Otherwise, start with 1.
1. View the profile that contains the keyword parsing rule.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Marketing > Keywords.
4. Select the keyword and click Included Referrers.
5. Click Add.
6. Enter a filter that describes a referrer or site to whom this keyword rule should
be applied and click Add.
7. The keyword rule will be applied to this referrer in all new data you import
from now on.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
If this is what you want or if you have more referrers to add at this time, click
Continue. If you want the keyword rule to be applied to this referrer in data
you have already imported, you will need to delete all the data in your profile
and reimport your log files.
Note: If you do not still have all the log files you have imported into this
profile, you will lose data permanently by choosing this option.
To delete your profile data, click Delete Profile Data.
To specify an excluded URL for a keyword rule
You can specify URLs within the included referrer that you do not want to be
searched using the keyword rule.
If you are specifying an excluded URL immediately after specifying referrers,
continue with 4. Otherwise, start with 1.
1. View the profile that contains the keyword parsing rule.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Marketing > Keywords.
4. Select the keyword rule and click Excluded URLs.
5. Click Add.
6. Enter a filter that describes a URL that should not be searched using the
keyword rule and click Add.
This URL will not be searched using the keyword rule in all new data you
import from now on.
7. If this is what you want or if you have more URLs to add at this time, click
If you want this URL to not be searched using the keyword rule in data you
have already imported, you will need to delete all the data in your profile and
reimport your log files.
Note: If you do not still have all the log files you have imported into this
profile, you will lose data permanently by choosing this option.
To delete your profile data, click Delete Profile Data.
To specify a character set parameter for the keyword rule
If you are specifying a character set parameter immediately after specifying
keyword parameters, referrers, or excluded URLs, continue with 4. Otherwise, start
with 1.
View the profile that contains the keyword parsing rule.
Click the Options tab.
In the Options panel, select Marketing > Keywords.
Select the keyword rule and click Character Set Parameters.
Click Add.
Enter the name of the parameter that contains the name of the character set
used to encode the keyword values and click Add.
The parameter you entered will be used to determine the keyword character set
in all new data you import from now on.
7. If this is what you want or if you want to add more parameters at this time,
click Continue.
Chapter 12. Analyzing marketing efforts
If you want the parameter to be used to determine the keyword character set in
data you have already imported, you will need to delete all the data in your
profile and reimport your log files.
Note: If you do not still have all the log files you have imported into this
profile, you will lose data permanently by choosing this option.
To delete your profile data, click Delete Profile Data.
Keyword parsing example
In summary, to specify the rules NetInsight uses to track the keywords that visitors
used to find your Web site, you need to:
1. Create a keyword parsing rule.
2. Specify the parameters that will belong to this rule.
3. Identify the referrers that will be searched for keywords using the keyword
parsing rule.
For example, to track keywords from a search site located at, where
the URLs are in the format:
and the parameter where search terms appear is searchterms, you would need to:
1. Create a new keyword parsing rule named Example.
2. Specify a parameter named searchterms. This instructs NetInsight to search
query strings in referrals from for the parameter searchterms, and
extract the parameter’s value as a keyword.
3. Add as a referrer using the filter that contain This
instructs NetInsight to search for keywords in referrals from
About analyzing referrers
NetInsight enables you to track which referrers are sending the most visitors to
your Web site. The referrer statistics appear on the Entry Referrer Summary.
You can group traffic from multiple referrers into a single referrer group. This
enables you to group the traffic from major search engines into recognizable
names. For example, you could display the AOL Search search engine as AOL
Search instead of By default, NetInsight is configured to group
traffic from the most common search engines.
Note: If the Entry Referrer Summary is blank, your server is probably not logging
the referrer field.
To create a referrer group
View the profile in which you want to create the referrer group.
Click the Options tab.
In the Options panel, select Marketing > Referrer Groups.
Click Add.
5. In the Name of referrer group box, enter the name you want to have displayed
for the referrer group.
6. Click Save Options.
7. Click Continue.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Now you need to specify which referrers you want to be part of this referrer
To add referrers to a referrer group
If you are adding referrers immediately after creating the referrer group, start with
4. Otherwise, start with 1.
1. View the profile that contains the referrer group.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Marketing > Referrer Groups.
4. Select the referrer group and click Referrers.
5. Click Add.
6. Enter a filter that describes the referrer you want to add to this referrer group
and click Add.
The referrer you entered will be part of this referrer group in all new data you
import from now on.
7. If this is what you want or if you have more referrers to add at this time, click
If you want the referrer to belong to the referrer group in data you have
already imported, you will need to delete all the data in your profile and
reimport your log files.
Note: If you do not still have all the log files you have imported into this
profile, you will lose data permanently by choosing this option.
To delete your profile data, click Delete Profile Data.
Determining the group for referrers that fit multiple groups
A referrer can only belong to one referrer group. If you have a referrer that meets
the criteria for more than one group, NetInsight will include the referrer in the first
referrer group it can belong to in the list of referrer groups. You can use the Move
Up and Move Down buttons to the right of the list to change the order of the
referrer groups.
About analyzing visits from indexing agents
You can classify specific hosts, user agents, and referrers as robots or spiders. (A
spider is a nonhuman agent that visits Web sites in order to index them for its
search engine or directory. A robot is a nonhuman agent that visits Web sites for
any purpose. For example, a robot could check pages for updates or check to
ensure a site is still on the Internet.) This enables you to separate robots and
spiders from regular Web site traffic. Robot and spider traffic appears separately in
the Robot/Spider Summary and is not counted in the normal visit statistics but it
is counted in the number of hits. By default, NetInsight is configured with the
most common robots and spiders.
To classify a host, user agent, or referrer as a robot or spider
1. View the profile in which you want to classify the indexing agent as a robot or
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Marketing > Robots/Spiders.
4. Click Add.
Chapter 12. Analyzing marketing efforts
5. In the Name of spider box, enter the name you want to have displayed for the
robot/spider group.
6. Click Save Options and then click Continue.
To add visitors to a robot/spider group
If you are adding visitors to the robot/spider group immediately after creating it,
start with 4. Otherwise, start with 1.
1. View the profile that contains the robot/spider group.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Marketing > Robots/Spiders.
4. Select the robot/spider group and click Visitors.
5. Click Add.
6. Enter a filter that describes the host, user agent, or referrer you want to classify
as a robot or spider, and click Add. (For details on filters, see “Filtering a
NetInsight Option.”)
The statistics for this host, user agent, or referrer will be classified as a robot or
spider in all new log file data you import from now on.
7. If this is what you want or if you have additional hosts, user agents, or
referrers to enter at this time, click Continue.
If you want to classify this host, user agent, or referrer as a robot or spider in
data you have already imported, you will need to delete all the data in your
profile and reimport your log files.
Note: If you do not still have all the log files you have imported into this
profile, you will lose data permanently by choosing this option.To delete your
profile data, click Delete Profile Data.
Determining the group for visitors that fit multiple groups
A host, user agent, or referrer can only belong to one robot/spider group. If you
have a visitor that meets the criteria for more than one group, NetInsight will
include the visitor in the first robot/spider group it can belong to in the list of
robot/spider groups. You can use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to
change the order of the robot/spider groups in the list.
About visit cost
Visit cost is the amount of advertising money spent to drive a visitor to your site
for a particular visit.
About collecting visit cost data
Visit cost data is not contained in log files by default. If you want NetInsight to
report on and analyze visit cost data, you will need to do one of two things:
v Configure your Web site to use page tags and pass the visit cost data in the page
tag image request using the name-value pair vc=value. (For details, see the
NetInsight Administrator's Guide.) Then, configure your NetInsight profile to use
page tags.
v Import visit cost data into the Visit Cost table in the NetInsight database. (For
details on the Visit Cost table, see the NetInsight Database Schema.)
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
About including visit cost data in NetInsight reports
The Cost metric and Average Cost metric report on visit cost data. These metrics
are available on the Discovery Panel and in the Custom Report Wizard and can be
added to any report.
Chapter 12. Analyzing marketing efforts
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Chapter 13. Analyzing page titles
You can configure NetInsight to resolve page titles. If you configure NetInsight to
resolve page titles, the titles of pages appear on reports instead of the pages'
directory paths and file names. You can then choose to change the title that
appears for some or all of the pages. In addition, you can specify the pages for
which titles should be resolved, and the pages for which titles should not be
For Web servers that require a user name and password for access, you can define
security realms that enable NetInsight to successfully resolve the titles of pages on
Web servers that require authentication.
About resolving page titles
By default, NetInsight presents the directory paths and file names of the pages in
the NetInsight reports. (In profiles whose log files are clustered for multiple sites,
the URL of the server will precede the directory path.) If you would rather see the
titles of the pages, you can configure NetInsight to resolve page titles.
To resolve page titles, NetInsight needs to connect to the Web server. If your log
files are not clustered or are clustered for a single site, NetInsight uses the URL
entered in the URL of the site being analyzed box on the General Options page. If
your log files are clustered for multiple sites, NetInsight uses the URL entered in
the URL of server box in the description for each server. If the URL is not correct,
page titles are not resolved.
Character sets and page titles
The character set your Web server uses to encode the page titles affects the ability
to resolve the page titles. By default, NetInsight assumes the Web server uses the
same character set as the profile. If the page titles are encoded using a different
character set than the profile uses, NetInsight may not be able to correctly resolve
the page titles.
Since the UTF-8 character set can recognize a wide variety of characters, if the
profile character set is UTF-8, NetInsight can resolve page titles encoded in other
character sets and store and display them correctly in UTF-8. However, NetInsight
needs to know which character set the Web server used to encode the page titles in
order to import them properly. If the profile character set is UTF-8, NetInsight
checks the metatag of the pages to see if the character set is specified. If it is,
NetInsight uses that character set to resolve the page titles. If the character set is
not specified, NetInsight uses UTF-8 to resolve the page titles.
To resolve page titles
Note: URL search and replace rules are applied before page titles are resolved. If
the URLs modified by the search and replace rules do not match pages on the
server, the page titles are not resolved.
1. View the profile in which you want to resolve page titles.
2. Click the Options tab.
The General page appears.
© IBM Corporation 1996, 2011
3. Select the Resolve page titles check box.
4. Click Save Options.
Page titles that are included in profile data you import are resolved from now
5. If this is what you want, click Continue.
If you want to resolve page titles that only appear in log file data you have
already imported, you must delete your profile data and reimport your log
Note: If you do not still have every log file you have imported into this profile,
you will lose data by choosing this option.
To delete your profile data, click Delete Profile Data.
To resolve page titles through a proxy server
If you use a proxy server for Web access, you may need to specify some additional
information about your proxy server in order for NetInsight to be able to resolve
page titles.
Note: NetInsight can not resolve page titles through a proxy server that requires
1. Click the Administration icon (
2. Click the Options tab.
The Email page appears.
) to display the Profile Manager.
3. In the Options panel, select Network > Proxies.
4. In the HTTP proxy server box, enter the host name or IP address of your proxy
5. In the HTTP proxy server port box, enter the port on which the proxy server is
6. Click Save Options and then click Continue.
To edit page title mappings
If you tell NetInsight to resolve page titles, it shows page titles instead of file
names in reports. You can change the title that appears for some or all of the
Note: Editing page title mappings has no effect unless you are resolving page titles
for this profile.
1. View the profile in which you want to edit page title mappings.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Page Titles > Page Title Mappings.
4. Click Add.
5. In the Page box, enter the file name and the complete path to the file of the
page whose title you want to change.
6. In the Page title box, enter the title you want to use for this page.
7. Click Save Options and then click Continue.
The changes take effect the next time the profile is updated.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
To limit the pages whose titles NetInsight should resolve
You can limit the pages whose titles you want NetInsight to resolve. For example,
you may want to resolve only the titles of pages in a certain section on your Web
site. If you are collecting data from page tag images, you could use this feature to
resolve the titles of pages on only your Web site.
1. View the profile in which you want to add pages.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Page Titles > Resolved Page Titles.
4. Click Add.
5. Enter a filter that describes a page or pages whose titles NetInsight should
6. Click Add.
NetInsight resolves page titles only for pages that match these filters in data
you import from now on.
7. If this is what you want, or if you have additional filters you want to add at
this time, click Continue.
To resolve page titles only for pages that match these filters in data you have
already imported, you must delete your profile data and reimport your log
Note: If you do not still have every log file that you have imported into this
profile, you will lose data by choosing this option.
To delete profile data, click Delete Profile Data.
To add pages whose titles NetInsight should not resolve
In general, NetInsight should not attempt to resolve the page titles of executable
files such as those files located in a directory containing CGI (Common Gateway
Interface) scripts. If NetInsight attempts to resolve page titles for executable files,
new CGI processes will be initiated that mimic those originally called by visitors to
the Web site. This process imitates user traffic and may adversely affect your Web
server and any applications it may use.
NetInsight is initially configured to not attempt to resolve the titles of pages that
contain /cgibin/ or /scripts/ or that end with .cgi or .exe. You can specify
additional pages whose titles NetInsight should not resolve.
1. View the profile in which you want to add pages.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Page Titles > Unresolved Page Titles.
4. Click Add.
5. Enter a filter that describes a page or pages whose titles NetInsight should not
6. Click Add.
NetInsight does not resolve page titles for pages that match these filters in data
you import from now on.
7. If this is what you want, or if you have additional filters you want to add at
this time, click Continue.
Chapter 13. Analyzing page titles
If you want NetInsight to not resolve page titles for pages that match these
filters in data you have already imported, you must delete your profile data
and reimport your log files.
Note: If you do not still have every log file that you have imported into this
profile, you will lose data by choosing this option.
To delete profile data, click Delete Profile Data.
About adding security realms
You can define security realms that will enable NetInsight to successfully resolve
the titles of pages on Web servers that require a user name and password for
access. When NetInsight performs page title resolution for a certain page, it checks
the security realms to find a realm to which the page belongs. If a matching realm
exists, NetInsight provides the Web server with the user name and password you
defined for that realm.
Note: This functionality only applies to basic HTTP authentication.
To create a security realm
1. View the profile in which you want to create the security realm.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Page Titles > Security Realms.
4. Click Add.
5. In the Realm name box, enter the name of the security realm.
6. In the User name box, enter the user name for the security realm.
In the Password box, enter the user's password.
In the Password (again) box, enter the same password that you entered in 7.
Click Save Options and then click Continue.
Select the security realm and click Pages.
Click Add.
Enter a filter that describes the pages for which the user name and password
will be provided.
13. Click Add.
The user name and password are provided for these pages from now on.
14. If this is what you want or if you have additional pages to enter at this time,
click Continue.
If you want to provide the user name and password for pages in data you
have already imported, you can use the - resolvetitles command-line option
to immediately resolve page titles for all known pages.
15. To add another filter to this security realm, click Add. To return to the list of
security realms, click Back to Security Realms.
About determining the security realm for pages that fit
multiple realms
A page can belong to only one security realm. If you have a page that meets the
criteria for more than one realm, NetInsightincludes the page in the first realm to
which it can belong. You can use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change
the order of the security realms in the Security realms for page title resolution
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Chapter 14. Analyzing retail activity
Retail activity consists of visitors viewing products and interacting with a
shopping cart on your site.It includes:
v Viewing products
v Adding products to a shopping cart
v Removing products from a shopping cart
v Completing the checkout process
How NetInsight gathers retail data
NetInsight gathers retail data through page tags. For details on configuring page
tags for your site, see the NetInsight Administrator's Guide.
You also need to configure the NetInsight profile to use data from page tags either
in place of or to augment your Web server's log files.
What retail data NetInsight can gather
NetInsight can gather the following retail data:
v Products viewed (SKU, quantity, and unit price)
v Products added to a shopping cart (SKU, quantity, and unit price)
v Products removed from a shopping cart (SKU, quantity, and unit price)
v Revenue associated with a shopping cart
v Order number
v Products purchased (SKU, quantity, and unit price)
v Pay-per-click revenue
About retail reports
The following retail reports are available:
v Cart Activity Trend
v Product Abandonment Summary
v Product Action Summary
v Product Conversion Summary
v Retail Dashboard
v Revenue Trend
In addition, retail metrics, dimensions, and filters can be added to other
About enabling retail reports
In order for retail reports to be available in a profile, the following must be true:
v Page tagging must be enabled for the profile.
v Retail dimensions (Product, Retail Action, Revenue Range, and Unit Price Range)
must be marked reportable.
© IBM Corporation 1996, 2011
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Chapter 15. Analyzing visitors or users
NetInsight enables you to group your visitors according to a variety of factors
(browser, department, host, and platform) and analyze the behavior of the group.
You can also link the visitor information in NetInsight with information in external
databases, and you can control how NetInsight groups traffic into visits.
About analyzing visitors by browser
NetInsight enables you to track which browsers are used by the visitors to your
site. Browser statistics appear on the Browser Summary.
Note: If the Browser Summary is blank, your server is probably not logging the
user agent field.You can configure how browsers are reported. However, because
NetInsight comes preconfigured to recognize most major browsers in use today, it
is usually unnecessary to change any of the browser groupings. If you do decide to
change browser groupings, review these instructions carefully. If you are not
familiar with regular expressions, you may want to review the regular expressions
tutorial. User agent descriptions make heavy use of regular expressions.
To create a browser
1. View the profile in which you want to create the browser.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Visitors > Browsers.
4. Click Add.
5. In the Name of browser box, enter the name you want to have displayed for
the browser.
6. If you want each major version of the browser to be reported separately, select
the Append the version number check box.
You will have to use the regular expression (\d+\.) in the definition of the user
agents of the browser so NetInsight will retain the version information when it
imports your log.
7. Click Save Options and then click Continue.
Now you need to specify which user agents you want to be part of this
To add user agents to a browser
If you just created the browser group, start with 4. Otherwise, start with 1.
Note: For browser grouping to work correctly, the value you enter for the user
agent must match the way the user agent is recorded in your log files. You may
want to review a sample log file before changing this option to ensure that you are
familiar with the way user agents are recorded in your log files.
1. View the profile that contains the browser.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Visitors > Browsers.
4. Select the browser and click User Agents.
5. Click Add.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2011
6. Enter a filter that describes the user agent you want to add to this browser and
click Add.
The user agent you entered will be part of this browser in all new data you
import from now on.
7. If this is what you want or if you have more user agents to add at this time,
click Continue.
If you want the user agent to belong to the browser in data you have already
imported, you will need to delete all the data in your profile and reimport your
log files.
Note: If you do not still have all the log files you have imported into this
profile, you will lose data permanently by choosing this option.
To delete your profile data, click Delete Profile Data.
About determining the browser for user agents that fit
multiple browsers
A user agent can only belong to one browser. If you have a user agent that meets
the criteria for more than one browser, NetInsight includes the user agent in the
first browser it can belong to in the list of browsers. You can use the Move Up and
Move Down buttons to change the order of the browsers in the list.
About analyzing visitors by department
NetInsight lets you track which departments are using your Web site most often. A
department is a group of related hosts or users (such as the finance department on
a corporate intranet).
To track different departments, you must specify which users or hosts belong to
which departments. The department statistics appear on the Department Summary.
Note: You can configure NetInsight to determine department groupings using an
external database (such as a corporate directory).
To create a department
1. View the profile in which you want to create the department.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Visitors > Departments.
4. Specify what NetInsight should display when you click the department name
in the Department Summary.
v To display the host names/IP addresses, click Hosts.
v To display the user names, click Users.
5. Click Save Options and then click Continue.
6. Click Add.
7. Enter the name you want displayed for this department.
8. Click Save Options and then click Continue.
Now you need to specify which hosts and users you want to be part of this
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
To add hosts and users to a department
If you have just created the department, start with 4. Otherwise, start with 1.
1. View the profile that contains the department.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Visitors > Departments.
4. Select the department and click Hosts or Users (depending on how you chose
to define the department).
5. Click Add.
6. Enter a filter that describes the user or host you want to add to this department
and click Add.
The user or host you entered will be part of this department in all new data
you import from now on.
7. If this is what you want or if you have other users or hosts that you wish to
add to the department at this time, click Continue.
If you want the user or host to belong to the department in data you have
already imported, you will need to delete all the data in your profile and
reimport your log files.
Note: If you do not still have all the log files you have imported into this
profile, you will lose data permanently by choosing this option.To delete your
profile data, click Delete Profile Data.
About determining the department for hosts and users that fit
multiple departments
A host or user can only belong to one department. If you have a host or user that
meets the criteria for more than one department, NetInsight includes the host or
user in the first department it can belong to in the list of departments. You can use
the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the order of the departments in
the list.
About analyzing visitors by host
NetInsight enables you to track which hosts are responsible for the most traffic to
your site. The host statistics appear on the Host Summary.
You can group traffic from multiple hosts into a single host group. This enables
you to group the traffic from major online service providers or large corporations
whose traffic to your site comes through multiple proxy servers. For example, if
someone from America Online is browsing your Web site, each hit to your site
could come through a different proxy server (host), thus showing up as multiple
hosts. If you group all hosts that end with as America Online, you can
improve sessionization. By default NetInsight is configured to group traffic from
America Online, CompuServe, Prodigy, and WebTV.
Note: In the reports, you cannot drill down on a host group to display details.
To create a host group
1. View the profile in which you want to group hosts.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Visitors > Host Groups.
Chapter 15. Analyzing visitors or users
4. Click Add.
5. In the Name of host group box, enter the name you want to have displayed for
the host group.
6. In the Domain of host group box, enter the domain in which you want to have
the group included in the Domain Summary.
For example, to have the host group included in Commercial (.com) enter
Commercial (.com).
7. If you do not want to have cookies used when sessionizing for hosts in this
host group, select the Ignore cookies from this host group check box.
For example, some online services do not consistently pass the same cookie for
each view in a visit. This can reduce the accuracy of results if cookies are
utilized in the visit calculations. In this case, you should select the check box.
8. If you do not want NetInsight to consider the host group a single unit when
sessionizing, clear the Use modified host for sessionization check box.
9. Click Save Options and then click Continue.
Now you need to specify which hosts you want to be part of this host group.
To add hosts to a host group
If you have just created the host group, start with 4. Otherwise, start with 1.
1. View the profile that contains the host group.
Click the Options tab.
In the Options panel, select Visitors > Host Groups.
Select the host group and click Hosts.
Click Add.
Enter a filter that describes the host you want to add to this host group and
click Add.
The host you entered will be part of this host group in all new data you import
from now on.
7. If this is what you want or if you have other hosts that you wish to add to the
group at this time, click Continue.
If you want the host to belong to the host group in data you have already
imported, you will need to delete all the data in your profile and reimport your
log files.
Note: If you do not still have all the log files you have imported into this
profile, you will lose data permanently by choosing this option.
To delete your profile data, click Delete Profile Data.
About determining the host group for hosts that fit multiple
A host can only belong to one host group. If you have a host that meets the criteria
for more than one group, NetInsight includes the host in the first host group it can
belong to in the list of host groups. You can use the Move Up and Move Down
buttons to change the order of the host groups in the list.
About analyzing visitors by platform
NetInsight enables you to track which platforms are used by the visitors to your
site. Platform statistics appear on the Platform Summary.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
You can configure how platforms are reported. However, since NetInsight comes
preconfigured to recognize most major platforms in use today, it is usually
unnecessary to change any of the platform groupings.
If you do decide to change platform groupings, review these instructions carefully.
If you are not familiar with regular expressions, you may want to review the
regular expressions tutorial. User agent descriptions make heavy use of regular
Note: If the Platform Summary is blank, your server is probably not logging the
user agent field.
To create a platform
1. View the profile in which you want to group platforms.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Visitors > Plaftorms.
4. Click Add.
5. In the Name of platform box, enter the name you want to have displayed for
the platform.
6. If you want each major version of the platform to be reported separately, select
the Append the version number check box.
You will have to use the regular expression (\d+\.) in the definition of the user
agents of the platform so NetInsight will retain the version information when it
imports your log.
7. Click Save Options and then click Continue.
Now you need to specify which user agents you want to be part of this
To add user agents to a platform
If you have just created the platform, start with 4. Otherwise, start with 1.
Note: For platform grouping to work correctly, the value you enter for the user
agent must match the way the user agent is recorded in your log files. You may
want to review a sample log before changing this option to ensure that you are
familiar with the way user agents are recorded in your log files.
1. View the profile that contains the platform.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Visitors > Platforms.
4. Select the platform and click User Agents.
5. Click Add.
6. Enter a filter that describes the user agent you want to add to this platform and
click Add.
The user agent you entered is part of this platform in all new data you import
from now on.
7. If this is what you want or if you have more user agents to add at this time,
click Continue.
If you want the user agent to belong to the platform in data you have already
imported, you will need to delete all the data in your profile and reimport your
log files.
Chapter 15. Analyzing visitors or users
Note: If you do not still have all the log files you have imported into this
profile, you will lose data permanently by choosing this option.
To delete your profile data, click Delete Profile Data.
About determining the platform for user agents that fit
multiple platforms
A user agent can only belong to one platform. If you have a user agent that meets
the criteria for more than one platform, NetInsight includes the user agent in the
first platform it can belong to in the list of platforms. You can use the Move Up
and Move Down buttons to change the order of the platforms in the list.
To change the number of minutes between visits
By default, if 30 minutes elapse without a new page view, NetInsight considers the
next page view from a given user to be part of the next visit. For example, if a
visitor comes to your Web site, leaves, and comes back within 30 minutes,
NetInsight considers the visitor's return as part of the same visit. Also, if a visitor
stays on one page on your Web site without clicking on another link for 30
minutes, the visit will time out, and NetInsight sees the next page the visitor views
while on your site as part of a different visit.
If your site contains large amounts of text, you may want to increase the number
of minutes between visits. If your site has small amounts of text, you may want to
decrease the number of minutes between visits.
1. View the profile in which you want to change the number of minutes between
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Visitors> Sessionization .
4. In the Number of minutes between visits box, enter the maximum number of
minutes that can elapse between two consecutive page views by the same
visitor and still be classified as the same visit.
5. Click Save Options.
NetInsight will use the new time value to sessionize traffic in all new data that
you import from now on.
6. If this is what you want, click Continue.
If you want NetInsight to use the new time value to sessionize traffic in data
you have already imported, you will need to delete your profile data and
reimport your log files.
Note: If you do not still have every log file that you have imported into this
profile, you will lose profile data by choosing this option.
To delete profile data, click Delete Profile Data.
To specify an opt-out cookie value
Some Web sites allow visitors to "opt out" of receiving persistent cookies from the
Web site in the future. If the visitor chooses to opt out, the site assigns a persistent
"blank" cookie containing a non-unique value (usually "OPT_OUT") to the visitor to
indicate that the cookie cannot be used for identification.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
You can configure NetInsight to recognize an opt-out cookie value. A cookie whose
value matches the value you specify is not used for sessionization and is not
assigned a cookie ID. The cookie value for the corresponding visits and views will
appear as None in reports.
1. View the profile in which you want to specify an opt-out cookie value.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Visitors > Sessionization.
4. In the Opt-out cookie value box, enter the opt-out cookie value. This value is
5. Click Save Options.
NetInsight will use the opt-out cookie value in all new data that you import
from now on.
6. If this is what you want, click Continue.
If you want NetInsight to use the opt-out cookie value in data you have
already imported, you will need to delete your profile data and reimport your
log files.
Note: If you do not still have every log file that you have imported into this
profile, you will lose profile data by choosing this option.
To delete profile data, click Delete Profile Data.
To disable implied repeat visitor based on the existence of a cookie
By default, visitors who have a visitor identification cookie are defined as repeat
visitors in NetInsight, even when accessing a subsection of your site. A new profile
configuration option allows you to disable this behavior if, for example, you want
to track when visitors visit these subsections for the first time.
1. View the profile in which you want to disable the implied repeat visitor
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Visitors > Sessionization.
4. Uncheck the Existence of cookie implies repeat visitor box.
5. Click Save Options.
To use the sessionization parameter value for visitor identification
If NetInsight is set up to use the value of a parameter to determine sessionization,
you can specify whether NetInsight should also use that value to identify visitors.
This option is useful if your sessionization parameters remain the same between
visits by the same visitor.
1. View the profile in which you want to use the sessionization parameter value
for visitor identification.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Visitors > Sessionization.
4. Select the Use parameter value for visitor identification check box.
Note: This check box will only appear if you have previously defined
parameters for this profile.
5. Click Save Options.
Chapter 15. Analyzing visitors or users
NetInsight uses this parameter value for visitor identification in all new data
that you import from now on.
6. If this is what you want, click Continue.
If you want NetInsight to use this parameter value for visitor identification in
data you have already imported, you will need to delete your profile data and
reimport your log files.
Note: If you do not still have every log file that you have imported into this
profile, you will lose profile data by choosing this option.
To delete profile data, click Delete Profile Data.
To change how NetInsight sessionizes traffic
When NetInsight analyzes your log file data, it groups together all the activity by
an individual during one visit (for example, all the pages viewed by a visitor
during one visit to your Web site). This grouping of page views into visits is called
sessionization. To sessionize, NetInsight must match user information from one page
view entry in the log file with another page view entry. There are several possible
methods for sessionization. You can specify for each profile which methods you
want to use.
If your NetInsight installation is configured to use page tagging, you can specify
how cookies will be used for sessionization for each profile. You can choose to use
either the cookie(s) specified in the page tag request, the third-party cookies in the
cookie field of the log file, or both.
NetInsight uses the sessionization methods that you have selected in the order
they appear. If NetInsight is unable to sessionize using any of the selected
methods, it sessionizes using a combination of the host name/IP address and user
1. View the profile in which you want to determine sessionization.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Visitors > Sessionization.
4. If you want NetInsight to use the value of a parameter to determine
sessionization, select the Parameter value for check box. Then select the
parameter from the list of parameters defined in the profile.
Note: This check box appears only if you have previously defined parameters
for this profile.
Note: Parameters whose values are not being stored in the NetInsight database
do not appear in the list of parameters.
5. If you want NetInsight to use the authenticated user name to determine
sessionization, select the Authenticated user name check box.
6. If you want NetInsight to use a visitor identification cookie to determine
sessionization, select the Visitor identification cookie check box. Then enter the
name of the cookie.
If you are using the IBM Web Server Plug-in, leave the cookie name set to the
7. If your NetInsight installation is configured to use page tagging, select an
option in the Cookie Source field to determine which page tags will be used
for sessionization.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
v AUTO?Use this option if you want to include cookies from both the ck
parameter in the page tag request and the cookie field in the log file.
v FIELD?Use this option if you want to include only cookies from the cookie
field in the log file.
v PAGETAG?Use this option if you want to include only the cookie(s)
specified by the ck parameter of the page tag request.
Note: The cookie source options are available only if you have set page tagging
options for the profile to Used instead of log files to collect data for a single
site or Used instead of log files to collect data for multiple sites.
8. Click Save Options.
NetInsight will sessionize traffic according to your specifications for all new
data that you import into this profile.
9. If this is what you want, click Continue.
If you want NetInsight to use your specifications to sessionize log file data you
have already imported, you will need to delete your profile data and reimport
your log files.
Note: If you do not still have every log file that you have imported into this
profile, you will lose profile data by choosing this option.
To delete profile data, click Delete Profile Data.
About using visitor identification cookies
If you are using software other than the IBM Web Server Plug-in to set visitor
identification cookies, you can configure NetInsight to use those cookies to track
visitors across your site. To do this, your cookie must be recorded in the Web log
in the format CookieID=CookieValue. For example, if your cookies were being
recorded as ASPID=114567, enter ASPID in the Visitor identification cookie box.
If your cookie contains multiple name/value pairs separated by ampersands (for
example, YourID=First=John&Last=Doe&Number=123), enter the cookie name, an
equal sign, and the name of the cookie fragment that contains the information on
which you want to sessionize. (In the example above, you would enter
YourID=Number if you want to sessionize by the Number parameter.)
For the data that NetInsight generates to be accurate using your own cookie rather
than the default SaneID, you also need to be setting cookies in the same manner as
the IBM Web Server Plug-in. On a visitor's first request for a page from the Web
site, you must set a cookie in the visitor's browser (if the visitor does not already
have one). For each subsequent request to the Web site during this first visit and
any other visits made to the Web site, the server must read this cookie and record
it in the Web log in its cookie field. To prevent visitors who have cookies turned
off from getting a new cookie for every new page view, ensure you are logging the
cookie received by the Web server and not the cookie sent by the Web server.
Analyzing visitor profiles
NetInsight enables you to track how often the members of various visitor profiles
are coming to your Web site. A visitor profile is a group of visitors that you have
defined on the Visitor Profile page of your Web server profile. You can sort visitors
into groups based on any of a large number of filters, including visit type (repeat
or new), visit duration, pages viewed, initial referrer, or content group.
Chapter 15. Analyzing visitors or users
A visit is considered a member of every profile whose filters it matches. Visitor
profiles can be used to gain a deeper understanding of exactly how visitors arrive
at your site and what interests them most during a visit.
Visitor profile statistics appear on the Visitor Profile Summary.
Visitor profiles are used in scenario reports to track visitor behavior across multiple
To create a visitor profile
View the profile in which you want to create a visitor profile.
Click the Options tab.
In the Options panel, select Visitors > Visitor Profiles.
Click Add.
Enter a name for the profile.
Click Save Options and then click Continue.
Select the visitor profile and click Visitors.
Click Add Filter.
Select a filter type from the list and click Continue.
Enter the values for the filter.
Click Continue.
12. Repeat 8 through 11 until you have entered all the filters you want for the
visitor profile.
13. Click Save Filters and then click Continue.
Note: You cannot add a filter group that contains a visitor profile to a visitor
profile. Your visitor profiles will be in effect the next time you run an update.
About changing the order of visitor profiles
You can use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the order of the
visitor profiles in the list. However, unlike some other options, changing the order
has no affect on the reports.
Accessing data from mobile applications
NetInsight allows you to analyze the activities of mobile application users,
including activities that occurred when users were offline. The mobile analytics
integration module integrates with Localytics, a mobile analytics software vendor,
to capture both online and offline data from iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, and Android
applications. Before you can access this data, the mobile applications must be
created and deployed according to Localytics requirements.
The resulting data is captured by Localytics servers and stored in an Amazon S3
repository, included with your Localytics license. After enabling the mobile
analytics integration module, you can then import this data to a mobile analytics
Note: Sampling is not available for profiles that use the mobile analytics
integration module.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Requirements for mobile analytics integration
You must perform the following tasks before you can access mobile application
data in NetInsight:
1. Your organization must obtain a Localytics license that includes an Export
2. Your organization must amend your NetInsight agreement to add the mobile
analytics integration module.
3. Your staff must use the tools included with the Localytics account to create the
mobile applications, download the appropriate libraries, and tag any events
you want to track.
4. Create the mobile analytics profile and enable the mobile analytics integration
5. Update the profile to import mobile application data.
Important: Amazon S3 requires the system time of all machines making requests
to be within 15 minutes of the Amazon S3 web server's clock. If you receive an
initialization error during the profile update, and you have verified that the bucket
name, access key, and secret access key in the profile configuration are correct,
synchronize the time on the system with an NTP server before updating the
About the mobile analytics profile
You must create a mobile analytics profile to report on the data captured from
your Localytics account. This profile is separate from your other web profiles.
Note: For performance reasons, as a best practice, do not create mobile analytics
reports within your other web profiles.
The mobile analytics profile reports include data on applications, event attributes,
devices, sessions, users, and events.
To create the mobile analytics profile
Use the mai.cfg template, located in the <NetInsight_home>/data/admin directory,
to create the mobile analytics profile.
Use the following command to create the mobile analytics profile:
nettracker admin -add <short_profile_name> -template <path_to_mai.cfg>
NetInsight creates a profile with the name you specified and stores its files in the
<NetInsight_home>/data/<short_profile_name> directory.
Before you update the mobile analytics profile, you must remove all reports except
the mobile analytics reports from the auto-update section of the profile options.
Click Options > Reporting > Auto-Updated Reports to access the Auto-Updated
Reports list.
To import historic data into the mobile analytics profile
To remove data from an existing Mobile Analytics Integration profile and reload
data on the next update, run the following commands.
./nettracker profile -modules mai -remove <YYYYMM | YYYYMMDD>
../nettracker profile -modules mai -forget <YYYYMM | YYYYMMDD>
Chapter 15. Analyzing visitors or users
If you need to completely clear the profile and reload data from a specific date,
please follow following steps below. The required YYYYMM | YYYYMMDD date
commands load data from a specific month up to a specific date.
1. ./nettracker profile -modules mai -clear
2. ./nettracker profile -modules mai -loadfrom <YYYYMM | YYYYMMDD>
3. ./nettracker profile -modules mai -update
Mobile analytics reports
The mobile analytics integration profile includes the following reports. They are in
the Mobile Analysis folder in the Report List.
v Mobile Application Summary
v Mobile Country Summary
v Mobile Data Connection Summary
v Mobile Event Attributes Summary
v Mobile Event Summary
v Mobile Make Summary
v Mobile Model Summary
v Mobile Operating System Version Summary
v Mobile Platform Summary
v Mobile Visitor Trend Summary
Mobile analytics metrics and dimensions
The mobile analytics integration module brings the following metrics and
dimensions into NetInsight:
Average Events Per Session
Average Session Length
Average Sessions Per User
v Mobile Users Repeat Rate
v New Users
Repeat Users
Total Session Length
Important: Metric counts can differ between Localytics and NetInsight. This is due
to the timing of data imports. Localytics is updated hourly, and each update can
contain data from previous time periods. For example, a Localytics update on
11/10/11 may contain data from 11/08/11. Therefore, if you update the NetInsight
profile daily, the update may include data for previous days. In this case, metric
values for previously updated days may change.
In addition, Localytics and NetInsight session counts can differ. NetInsight counts
a session only when both session open and session close events are recorded.
Localytics, on the other hand, only requires a session open event for the session to
be counted.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Application Version
Data Connection
Event Name
Mobile Event Attribute
Mobile Platform
v Operating System Version
Chapter 15. Analyzing visitors or users
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Chapter 16. Configuring IBM Unica NetInsight options
This section provides instructions for configuring global options in NetInsight.
About database sessions
If you are using an Oracle or DB2 database you can specify certain database
parameters that are used each time connects to your database.
Setting this option can aid in tuning the performance of your database under
certain limited circumstances. In general, the default values for this option should
not be changed without consulting IBM technical support.
About Inbox administration
You can always access your own reports in the Inbox. If you are an Inbox
administrator (your default role contains the Administrator : Administration :
Inbox privilege), you can switch between two views: User and Admin. The Admin
view shows all the queued, running, and failed reports in the system, regardless of
who requested them.
By default, the NetInsightAdministrator role has the Inbox administration
Inbox administrators can cancel reports requested by other users and can sort and
filter by owner in addition to the other sorting and filtering options. In addition to
the status filters available in the User view, Inbox administrators can also select the
following status filters:
Running and Queued
All reports that are currently running or queued
All Except Canceled by
All reports of any status except those that have been
canceled by an Inbox administrator
All reports of any status
Inbox command-line options
The reportscheduler process allows you to monitor and control report scheduling
and queues from the command line.
reportscheduler -command
Cancels all reports that have not been completed, including queued and running
reportscheduler -cancelall
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2011
Lists all the available options for the reportscheduler.
reportscheduler -help
Lists all reports in the queue.
reportscheduler -list
Starts the reportscheduler.
reportscheduler -start
Stops the reportscheduler.
Stops the reportscheduler.
About database sessions
If you are using an Oracle or DB2 database you can specify certain database
parameters that are used each time connects to your database.
Setting this option can aid in tuning the performance of your database under
certain limited circumstances. In general, the default values for this option should
not be changed without consulting IBM technical support.
About custom log file formats
NetInsight automatically recognizes most log formats. For example, it can read IIS
Standard/Extended, NCSA Common/Combined, Netscape Flexible, and W3C
Extended formats, among others.
However, some log files are in a nonstandard format that NetInsight cannot read
by default. If your log files are in a nonstandard format, you can specify the log
format manually so that NetInsight can read the log files.
About environment variables
You can specify the environment variables that are needed for to work properly
with your setup.
For example, you could use the time zone variable to change the times in your
reports to GMT. The environment variables you specify are in effect for the life of
the process.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
About NetInsight email options
NetInsight can email reports to users. To enable this functionality, you must
provide the information NetInsight needs to send messages:
v Mail server (SMTP). The host name or IP address of your mail server.
v Mail server port. The port on which your mail server is installed. The default
value is 25.
v From address. The email address from which all reports are emailed. Any email
messages that are returned as undeliverable are returned to this address.
v Administrator's address. The email addresses of the people who should be
notified when NetInsight encounters an error. Separate multiple addresses by
About locale options
Locale options include the following settings:
v Display time as. You select whether you want NetInsight to display times using
the 12-hour clock or the 24-hour clock.
v Display date as. You select the date format you want NetInsight to use. The
date and time settings primarily affect the footer on the Profile Manager pages.
v Character set. You select the character set that NetInsight uses to display text in
the Profile Manager.
v Language. You select the language that NetInsight uses to display text. The
languages available depend on which Language Packs you have installed.
About IBM options
When deployed as part of the IBM Unica Marketing suite, NetInsight must make a
connection to the Marketing Platform. You specify the Marketing Platform URL
during installation. If necessary, after installation you can change this value in the
NetInsight administrative options.
About DNS options
Any application that resolves host names needs to know the address of a DNS
server. Usually, NetInsight can retrieve the address automatically. However,
sometimes this information is impossible to retrieve on some systems and must be
entered manually.
Number of IP Addresses to resolve at one time
When NetInsight resolves host names in your log files, a number of requests for
host name resolution can be pending at once. You can change how many pending
requests are allowed.
Because each pending request uses both memory and network resources, lowering
this value can lower NetInsight memory use and network resource use when
NetInsight is set to resolve host names.
In general, you should not alter the number without consulting technical support.
Time to allow for a reverse DNS lookup
By default, when NetInsight performs reverse DNS lookups (to resolve host
names), it stops a lookup if it has not been completed after 3 seconds. For users
with slower connections, a 3-second timeout may result in some reverse DNS
Chapter 16. Configuring IBM Unica NetInsight options
lookups being stopped prematurely. This results in less than accurate
sessionization, particularly when dealing with hosts that should be affected by host
grouping. However, you can increase the number of seconds you want NetInsight
to wait before stopping a DNS lookup.
How many times to retry a DNS lookup
By default, when resolving host names, NetInsight makes four retries to resolve a
given IP address. However, sometimes the DNS lookup process stops because it
times out, resulting in an IP address never being resolved even though resolution
may be possible. You can increase the number of times that NetInsight should try
to resolve a host name. (There is always one attempt; if it fails, it is retried a
specified number times.)
How many times to retry a DNS lookup
If you use a proxy server for Web access, there are some additional settings you
need to enter before NetInsight can “About resolving page titles” on page 183.
About proxy servers
If you use a proxy server for Web access, you must configure NetInsight to use the
proxy server in order to resolve page titles.
About authentication options
You can set up user authentication in these ways:
v Internal database. Users are authenticated through NetInsight
v Marketing Platform. Users are authenticated through the Marketing Platform.
v External database. The LDAP data conduit is used to verify that the user name
and password the user enters are valid.
v Web server. Users are verified by the password protection built into the Web
server. Therefore, the user does not need to enter an user name and password to
log in.
While using LDAP or Web server authentication directly is available, the best
practice is to integrate your LDAP or Web server users through the Marketing
Platform, and select Marketing Platform authentication.
Note: Regardless of the authentication method you select, you must create users in
the internal user database with the same user names as assigned in the Marketing
Platform, LDAP, or the Web server, so that you can associate them with roles and
views for particular profiles.
About Marketing Platform authentication
When NetInsight uses the Marketing Platform for authentication, you must
manually enter users in both the Marketing Platform and NetInsight. These user
names must match exactly, and are case-sensitive. You enter passwords only in the
Marketing Platform.
Note: In the Marketing Platform, there is an application access object called
NetInsight. This setting is currently ignored by NetInsight. User access to
NetInsight is not controlled by the Marketing Platform's application access feature.
Instead, all authorization functions are performed within NetInsight. After
authenticating with the Marketing Platform, if the same user name exists in
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
NetInsight's internal database, then the user is allowed access to NetInsight based
on the assigned role and permissions. When users first log into NetInsight and are
authenticated against the Marketing Platform, they must change their passwords.
Users cannot change their passwords through NetInsight; they must open the
Marketing Platform, log in, and change their passwords.
Disabling and Deleting IBM Users
If a user's browser has cookies set never to expire, and you disable or delete that
user in the Marketing Platform, the user is still able to log in to NetInsight.
As a best practice, perform the following:
1. Require NetInsight users to set cookies to expire every time the browser closes.
2. Delete NetInsight users when they are disabled or deleted in the Marketing
About restricting access to the Profile Manager
As necessary, you can restrict access to the Profile Manager.
Important: If you do not restrict access, the Profile Manager is available to both
authenticated and unauthenticated users. For security reasons, the best practice is
to restrict access to the Profile Manager.
You use the Profile Manager to view, create, edit, and remove profiles, as well as
set administrative options, such as defining user roles and privileges.
When you select to restrict access to the Profile Manager, only users whose default
role includes the Administrator: Administration: Profile Manager privilege are
able to view the Profile Manager. If users are based on a role that does not include
this privilege, or if they are not logged in, they are redirected to the NetInsight
You determine whether to restrict access to the Profile Manager when you set the
authentication method.
About roles
A role is a collection of privileges. Roles control which icons and options appear to
users. For example, if the role does not include the Interface : Icon : Export
privilege, the Export icon is not displayed in the toolbar.
You do not need to use roles. However, roles are useful in restricting access to
certain features.
Note: While roles hide certain features by not including links to those pages in the
interface, a motivated user can still access those pages through a Web browser by
directly typing in the appropriate URL. To prevent access to such pages, use your
Web server's security features.
Several roles are defined by default. You can modify these as well as create new
Chapter 16. Configuring IBM Unica NetInsight options
About user managers
User managers are users who have been granted access to the Users:
Authentication, Users: Roles, and Users: Users screens of the administrative
options. This access is granted through the default role assigned to a user account.
There are two types of user managers:
v Users with the system-supplied User Manager role.
v Users with locally-created roles that have the Administrator : Administration :
User Manager privilege.
Using the system-supplied User Manager role
The system-suppled User Manager role is intended to support the needs of
installations that require complete separation of user maintenance and
authentication from other administrative tasks. When this feature is enabled, only
users with the User Manager role can edit user authentication settings and create
and manage user accounts and roles. Users with other roles cannot access these
security features, and a user with the User Manager role cannot access any other
system functionality.
To enable this feature:
1. Add or edit the user accounts of the people designated to control user
authentication and system access. On the User description screen, use the
Default role list to select User Manager.
2. On the Authentication options screen of the administrative options, check the
Use exclusive user management account check box.
Note: At least one user account must have the User Manager role before you set
the Use exclusive user management account option. If you do not designate a
User Manager, your installation will no longer be able to edit user authentication
settings or create and manage user accounts and roles.
If you do not check the Use exclusive user management account check box, users
with the system-supplied User Manager role can access limited additional
functionality, and any user with a role that provides the Administrator :
Administration : User Manager privilege can manage user accounts and
authentication. As a result, the security requirements at your installation may not
be satisfied.
Use of the system-supplied User Manager role is optional. You can create a role
locally with the Administrator : Administration : User Manager privilege, and
other privileges as needed, to manage user accounts.
Using a locally-created user manager role
If the security requirements of your installation do not specify exclusive control
over user authentication and system access, you can create a user manager role
and select its privileges locally. To provide access to the Users: Authentication,
Users: Roles, and Users: Users administrative options, a role must include the
Administrator : Administration : User Manager privilege. When assigned, a
locally created role with this privilege provides non-exclusive access to these
administrative options. See “To create a user manager role” on page 218.
The supplied User Manager role cannot be edited or deleted. While it is possible to
set up another role with the same title, the use of unique identifying titles for each
role is recommended.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Note: If you use a locally-created role to manage user accounts, do not check the
Use exclusive user management account check box on the User description
About user configuration
You can assign each user a role, a default view, and a default reporting mode for
each profile. You can also assign a default role and reporting mode to be used for
all profiles for which a specific role and reporting mode are not defined for the
user. You can prohibit a user from accessing specific profiles through the
NetInsight interface.
To specify database sessions
This task is applicable if you are using an Oracle or DB2 database.
1. Open the administration home page by clicking on the Administration icon (
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Main > Advanced.
The Advanced options screen opens.
4. In the Database session options field, enter the parameters that NetInsight
should use when connecting to the database.
For example, if you are using Oracle, you can enter the follow code to produce
a trace file for each report, to aid in troubleshooting problems:
5. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
To define a custom log file format
On the toolbar, click the Administration icon.
Click the Options tab.
In the Options panel, select Main > Custom Log Formats.
Click Add.
Enter a name for the log file format.
Enter the log file format.
Click Save Options.
After you specify a custom log format, it appears in the Format of log file(s)
list when you add or edit log files. Custom log formats cannot be automatically
detected, so you must specify the format for each log file that uses it.
To add an environment variable
1. Open the administration home page by clicking on the Administration icon (
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Main > Environment Variables.
The Environment variables to be defined screen opens.
4. Click Add.
The Environment variables definition screen opens.
5. Enter a value in the Name of variable field.
Chapter 16. Configuring IBM Unica NetInsight options
6. Enter a value in the Value of variable field.
7. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
The environment variables is now available for use.
To edit an environment variable
1. Open the administration home page by clicking on the Administration icon (
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Main > Environment Variables.
The Environment variables to be defined screen opens.
4. Select the environment variable to edit.
5. Click Edit.
The Environment variables definition screen opens.
6. Modify the value in the Name of variable field as necessary.
7. Modify the value in the Value of variable field as necessary.
8. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
The environment variable is now edited and available for use.
To delete an environment variable
1. Open the administration home page by clicking on the Administration icon (
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Main > GEnvironment Variables.
The Environment variables to be defined screen opens.
4. Select the environment variable to delete.
Important: There is no chance to reverse your decision after the next step.
Proceed with caution.
5. Click Delete.
6. Click Continue.
The environment variable is deleted.
To change the time format
You can modify how NetInsight displays time, to use either the 12- or 24-hour
1. Open the administration home page by clicking on the Administration icon (
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Main > Locale.
The Locale Options screen opens.
4. In the Display time as drop-down list, select the format to use.
You can select:
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
v 12 hour clock
v 24 hour clock
5. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
Changes to the time format are saved and take effect immediately.
To change the date format
1. Open the administration home page by clicking on the Administration icon (
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Main > Locale.
The Locale Options screen opens.
4. In the Display date as drop-down list, select the format to use.
You can select:
v mm/dd/yyyy (the default)
v dd/mm/yyyy
v yyyy/mm/dd
5. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
Changes to the date format are saved and take effect immediately.
To change the character set
You can modify the character set uses. However, you should not modify this
setting after you have started using .
1. Open the administration home page by clicking on the Administration icon (
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Main > Locale.
The Locale Options screen opens.
4. In the Character drop-down list, select the character set to use.
5. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
To change the language used
You must install the language pack for the language you want to use prior to
modifying the language setting in NetInsight.
1. Open the administration home page by clicking on the Administration icon (
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Main > Locale.
The Locale Options screen opens.
4. In the Language drop-down list, select the language to use.
5. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
Chapter 16. Configuring IBM Unica NetInsight options
If you change the language, for the complete translated interface to appear, you
must use the command line option admin -regen.
Inbox options
Use the following options to configure the Inbox for your NetInsight installation.
Max Running
Reports Per User
The maximum number of reports with the status Running that a user
can have. The default is 5. A value of 0 means there is no limit.
Global Max
The maximum number of reports with the status Running that can be
in the system, regardless of which user requested them. The default is
200. A value of 0 means there is no limit.
Reports Stored
per User
The maximum number of reports with a status of Canceled by Admin,
Completed, or Failed that a user is allowed to retain in the Inbox. The
default is 100. When this limit is reached, NetInsight deletes reports.
Run Queued
Clearing this checkbox turns off report generation. Any reports waiting
to be generated and any new report requests will stay in the queue
until this option is enabled. Typically you would clear this checkbox
only if you were performing maintenance on your system.
To modify IBM options
IBM options include the complete URL for Marketing Platform, which you set
during installation. You can change IBM options through the interface, as described
1. Open the administration home page by clicking on the Administration icon (
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, under Network, click IBM.
The IBM Options screen opens.
4. Edit the Marketing Platform URL as needed.
Note: If you enter the incorrect Marketing Platform URL, users are not able to
log in. The error message states that the login failed, but does not specify that
Marketing Platform was not reachable.
5. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
Changes to the IBM options are saved.
To specify DNS options
1. Open the administration home page by clicking on the Administration icon (
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Network > DNS.
The DNS Options screen opens.
4. In the DNS server address field, enter the host name or IP address of a DNS
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
5. In the Maximum simultaneous DNS requests field, enter the number of IP
addresses NetInsight should attempt to resolve at once.
The default is 2000.
6. In the Reverse DNS timeout field, enter the number of seconds you want
NetInsight to wait before stopping a DNS lookup (to resolve host names).
The slower your connection, the larger your timeout setting should be. Enter a
number from 2 to 120. The default is 3.
7. In the Reverse DNS retries field, enter the number of times that NetInsight
should try to resolve a given IP address.
Enter a number from 0 to 100. The default is 4.
8. Click Save Options and then click Continue.
To modify NetInsight email options
You can modify the email options NetInsight uses to email reports to users. You
can set these options during installation, or change them through the administrator
interface, as described below.
1. Open the administration home page by clicking on the Administration icon (
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Network > Email.
The Email Options screen opens.
4. Edit the email options as needed.
a. In the Mail server (SMTP) field, enter the name of a valid SMTP email
server to deliver emailed reports.
b. Enter a valid port number in the Mail Server Port field (the default port for
SMTP is port 25).
c. Enter a valid email address in the From address field.
Any undeliverable reports are returned here by default.
Note: This address can be overridden in configured email tasks.
d. Enter a valid email address in the Administrator's address field.
Any errors are reported to this address.
5. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
Changes to the email options are saved and take effect immediately.
To specify the internal database as the authentication method
You can choose to use the internal database as the authentication method for users.
1. Open the administration home page by clicking on the Administration icon (
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Users > Authentication.
The Authentication options screen opens.
4. In the Authenticate using list, select Internal database.
5. In the Logins expire list, select how you want users to be logged out.
Chapter 16. Configuring IBM Unica NetInsight options
v To have authenticated users stay logged on until they manually log out,
select Never.
v To have users' logins expire when their browsers close, select When the
browser is closed.
6. Set password requirements as needed.
v Enter the Minimum length for user's passwords.
v Enter the Minimum number of numeric characters for user's passwords.
v Enter the Minimum number of uppercase or special characters for user's
7. Optionally, to prevent users not based on a role with the Administrator:
Administration: Profile Manager privilege from access the Profile Manager,
check Restrict Access to Profile Manager.
Note: For security reasons, the best practice is to check this option.
8. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
To specify the Marketing Platform as the authentication
1. Open the administration home page by clicking on the Administration icon (
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Users > Authentication.
The Authentication options screen opens.
4. In the Authenticate using list, select Marketing Platform.
5. In the Logins expire list, select how you want users to be logged out.
v To have authenticated users stay logged on until they manually log out,
select Never.
v To have users' logins expire when their browsers close, select When the
browser is closed. This is the more secure option and is the best practice.
6. Optionally, to prevent users not based on a role with the Administrator:
Administration: Profile Manager privilege from accessing the Profile Manager,
check Restrict Access to Profile Manager.
Note: If you do not restrict access to the Profile Manager, it is available to both
authenticated and unauthenticated users. For security reasons, the best practice
is to restrict access to the profile manager.
7. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
You can now create users in NetInsight and Marketing Platform.
To specify LDAP as the authentication method
To use LDAP for authentication, you must set up the LDAP data conduit.
You can choose to use LDAP as the authentication method for users.
Note: As a best practice, use the Marketing Platform as the authentication method.
1. Open the administration home page by clicking on the Administration icon (
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Users > Authentication.
The Authentication options screen opens.
4. In the Authenticate using list, select External database.
Fields in which to identify the data conduit appear on the screen.
5. In the Logins expire list, select how you want users to be logged out.
v To have authenticated users stay logged in until they manually log out, select
v To have users' logins expire when their browsers close, select When the
browser is closed. This is the more secure option and is the best practice.
6. In the Full path to conduit field, enter the full path (including the filename) to
the .dll (Windows) or .so (UNIX) file for the conduit.
7. In the Full path to conduit config field, enter the full path (including the
filename) to the configuration file for the conduit.
8. Optionally, to prevent users not based on a role with the Administrator:
Administration: Profile Manager privilege from access the Profile Manager,
check Restrict Access to Profile Manager.
Note: For security reasons, the best practice is to check this option.
9. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
To specify the Web Server as the authentication method
You can choose to use the Web server as the authentication method for users.
Note: Marketing Platform is the best practice authentication method.
1. Open the administration home page by clicking on the Administration icon (
Click the Options tab.
In the Options panel, select Users > Authentication.
The Authentication options screen opens.
In the Authenticate using list, select Web server.
Fields in which to identify the data conduit appear on the screen.
In the Full path to conduit field, enter the full path (including the filename) to
the .dll (Windows) or .so (UNIX) file for the conduit.
In the Full path to conduit config field, enter the full path (including the
filename) to the configuration file for the conduit.
Optionally, to prevent users not based on a role with the Administrator:
Administration: Profile Manager privilege from access the Profile Manager,
check Restrict Access to Profile Manager.
Note: For security reasons, the best practice is to check this option.
8. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
To create a role
When you first create a role, that role has no privileges associated with it.
Chapter 16. Configuring IBM Unica NetInsight options
If you want to create a role that shares many of the same privileges as an existing
role, you can copy the existing role. You can then change only those privileges for
the new role that must be different.
1. Open the administration home page by clicking on the Administration icon (
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, under Users, click Roles.
The Role definitions screen opens.
4. Click Add.
The Role description screen opens.
5. Enter the name and title of the role.
6. Set the options you want for this role.
7. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
After you create a new role, you must assign it privileges.
Role options
The following options are available on the Role description page.
Name of role (one The name NetInsight uses internally for the role.
Title of role
The name for the role that is displayed in the user interface.
For installations that use a locally created user manager role, select this
option to prevent user managers from adding or editing user accounts
associated with this role. If the Administrator only setting:
v Is selected, the user managers can create other user managers. They
can also change the role assigned for their own accounts. Typically,
you would want to enable this setting for all roles with
administration privileges. You may also want to enable it for certain
non-administration roles. For example, if your company has
site-specific roles (for example, "Boston Average User," "Paris
Average User") you may want to create user managers that can only
create and edit users for a specific site.
Is not selected, the user managers cannot create other user managers
or change the role assigned for their own accounts.
See “To create a user manager role” on page 218.
Inbox Priority
The priority determines which reports run first when the number of
requested reports in the system exceeds the number of reports that can
be generated simultaneously. Possible values are Low, Normal, High,
and Highest.
Do not assign Highest to roles that are assigned to many users. As a
best practice, create a new user role for executives and using Highest
for this executive role and administrative roles only.
Override Global
Inbox Settings
By default, every user's Inbox settings are controlled by the
system-wide settings. Select this option to provide different Inbox
configuration settings for the users with this role.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Max Running
Reports Per User
The maximum number of reports with the status Running that a user
can have. A value of 0 means there is no limit. IBM strongly
encourages you to set a limit.
Max Stored
Reports Per User
The maximum number of reports with a status of Canceled by Admin,
Completed, or Failed that a user is allowed to retain in the Inbox.
When this limit is reached, NetInsight deletes reports, starting with the
oldest reports.
To copy a role
When you copy a role, its defined privileges are copied into the new role.
Therefore, when you want to create a new role that is to have most, but not all, of
the same privileges, you can copy a role and makes changes to its assigned
1. Open the administration home page by clicking on the Administration icon (
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Users > Roles.
The Role definitions screen opens.
4. Select the role that you want to copy.
5. Click Copy.
The Role description screen opens.
Enter a new, unique name in the Role name field.
Edit the value in the Title of role field.
Make any other changes to the role options you want.
Click Save Options, then click Continue.
To assign or edit privileges for a role
The privileges you assign to a role control what users based on that role see in the
Web interface.
1. Open the administration home page by clicking on the Administration icon (
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, select Users > Roles.
The Role definitions screen opens.
4. Select the role for which you want to assign or edit privileges.
5. Click Privileges.
The Privileges granted to role screen opens.
6. Modify privileges as needed.
Privileges already associated with the role are in the Granted privileges list.
Privileges in the system that are not associated with the role are in the
Available privileges list.
Select list items and use the arrow keys to move them between lists as
Chapter 16. Configuring IBM Unica NetInsight options
7. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
To edit a role
You can change any role option except the name. (The name is used only
internally.) To change how the role appears in lists of roles, edit the title.
1. Open the administration home page by clicking on the Administration icon (
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, under Users, click Roles.
The Role definitions screen opens.
4. Select the role that you want to edit.
5. Click Edit.
The Role description screen opens.
6. Edit the options you want to change for this role.
7. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
To delete a role
When you delete a role that is associated with users, those users are then not
associated with any role.
Note: When you delete a role, there is no confirmation step before the role is
removed. Be sure that you want to delete the role before proceeding.
1. Open the administration home page by clicking on the Administration icon (
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the Options panel, under Users, click Roles.
The Role definitions screen opens.
4. Select the role that you want to delete.
5. Click Delete.
The role is deleted.
6. Click Continue.
To create a user manager role
The procedure for creating a role locally to provide non-exclusive access to the
Users: Authentication, Users: Roles, and Users: Users administrative options,
along with limited access to other features, follows. For information about the
system-supplied User Manager role, see “Using the system-supplied User Manager
role” on page 208.
1. Ensure that Restrict access to Profile Manager has been enabled for your
2. Create a role for user managers.
When creating the role:
v Enter a unique identifier as the Title of role. Do not reuse the title for the
system-supplied User Manager role for any other role.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
v To prevent user managers from creating or editing other user managers,
check Administrator only.
v Assign the Administrator : Administration : User Manager privilege to the
role, along with whatever other interface, options, and removal privileges
you want. Do not assign the Administration : Administration : Profile
Manager privilege to the role as it gives full administration privileges.
3. For each role that you do not want user managers to be able to edit, ensure
that the Administrator only setting is selected.
This setting makes the role (and its associated user accounts) exempt from
editing by user managers.
Note: Typically you would want to enable this setting for all roles with
administration privileges. You may also want to enable it for certain
non-administration roles. For example, if your company has site-specific roles
(for example, "Boston Average User," "Paris Average User") you may want to
create user managers that can only create and edit users for a specific site.
4. Assign the user manager role to users.
To create a user
When you create a user, you base the user's privileges on a role. You can use the
roles delivered with NetInsight or create custom roles.
Note: If you are using the Marketing Platform for authentication, the User name
you enter must match the user name created in the Marketing Platform
1. Open the administration home page by clicking on the Administration icon (
2. Click the Options tab.
3. Under Options, select Users > Users.
The NetInsight users screen opens.
4. Click Add.
The User description screen opens.
5. Fill in the user information.
Note the following:
v The User name value is case-insensitive.
v The Full name value appears in the welcome message located in the
upper-right corner of the NetInsight home page.
The Full name, Email address, and Password fields only appear if
NetInsight is configured to authenticate users through its internal database. If
NetInsight is configured to authenticate users through the Marketing
Platform, an external database or a Web server, you do not enter this
v The Default role list contains all the defined roles. The default role you
specify controls the interface for all profiles except those in which a specific
role has been specified for this user or the default role for the profile is (No
Access). It also controls whether the user has the right to change the
password or the default view for each profile, among other privileges.
Chapter 16. Configuring IBM Unica NetInsight options
v The Default reporting mode list contains two options: Full and Sample. The
default mode you specify controls the reporting mode for all profiles except
those in which a specific default reporting mode has been specified for this
6. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
If you are using the Marketing Platform for authentication, you must now create
users in the Marketing Platform with the same user names you entered in
Note: When users first log into NetInsight and are authenticated against the
Marketing Platform, they must change their passwords. Users cannot change their
passwords through NetInsight; they must open the Marketing Platform, log in, and
change their passwords.
After you create a user account, instruct the user to log on to his or her NetInsight
home page at http://NetInsight_URL/index.html.
To modify a user
Follow these instructions to modify a user's full name, email address, password,
default role, and default reporting mode.
1. Open the administration home page by clicking on the Administration icon (
2. Click the Options tab.
3. Under Options, select Users > Users.
The NetInsight users screen opens.
4. Select the user to edit.
5. Click Edit.
The User description screen opens.
6. Fill in the user information.
Note the following:
v The Full name value appears in the welcome message located in the
upper-right corner of the NetInsight home page.
v The Full name, Email address, and Password fields appear only if
NetInsight is configured to authenticate users through its internal database. If
NetInsight is configured to authenticate users through Marketing Platform,
an external database or a Web server, you do not enter this information.
v The Default role list contains all the defined roles. The default role you
specify controls the interface for all profiles except those in which a specific
role has been specified for this user or the default role for the profile is (No
Access). It also controls whether the user has the right to change the
password or the default view for each profile, among other privileges.
v The Default reporting mode list contains two options: Full and Sample. The
default mode you specify controls the reporting mode for all profiles except
those in which a specific default reporting mode has been specified for this
7. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
To specify a user's profile settings
1. Open the administration home page by clicking on the Administration icon (
2. Click the Options tab.
3. Under Options, select Users > Users.
The NetInsight users screen opens.
4. Select the user for whom you want to specify profiles and click Profiles.
All of your profiles are listed. Those for which a default role or view has been
specified for this user are listed first and have an asterisk next to them.
5. Select the profile for which you want to edit settings for this user and click
6. As desired, set the user's role, default view, and default reporting view for this
v For role: Select (None) to not define a role. NetInsight uses the user's default
role (if defined) or the profile's default role (if defined), in that order. If
neither is defined, the user will be able to access the profile with all
privileges. Select (No Access) to prevent this user from accessing this profile.
v For default view: Select (None) to allow the user to use the default view
specified in the profile options, if any.
v For default reporting mode, select the mode you want to be the default for
this user in this profile. This does not prevent the user from changing to a
different reporting mode. It determines the reporting mode when the user
first accesses the profile.
7. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
To delete a user
1. Open the administration home page by clicking on the Administration icon (
2. Click the Options tab.
3. Under Options, select Users > Users.
The NetInsight users screen opens.
4. Select the user to delete.
5. Click Delete.
The user is permanently deleted from the internal database and that user can no
longer access NetInsight, even if the user account still exists within Marketing
Note: If your installation uses the system-supplied User Manager role to provide
exclusive control over user management, and you delete the only user that has
User Manager as the Default role, the system automatically resets theUse
exclusive user management account authentication option.
Tracking changes to user accounts
NetInsight generates a daily log of changes to user accounts. The useraudit log
records account additions, deletions, and edits, such as changes to user roles,
privileges, profiles, and passwords. This log is stored in the <NetInsight_home>/
Chapter 16. Configuring IBM Unica NetInsight options
data/admin/logging directory in the format useraudit_yyyymmdd.log. Entries to the
log are recorded on a single line; fields are delimited using the character
combination ~|~ (tilde pipe tilde).
The following information is recorded in the useraudit log:
The date the event occurred in the application (system date).
The time the event occurred in the application (HH:MM:SS, system
A unique number identifying this type of event. All events of the
same event type are assigned the same event ID.
The old value before an update or delete operation on a table
entry. For a new data entry, OLD_VALUE is set to N/A. If an
insert/update/delete action involves multiple data elements, the
results of the changes are logged separately (that is, one event for
each data element).
The new value after an insert or update operation on a table entry.
For a delete, NEW_VALUE is set to N/A. If an insert/update/delete
action involves multiple data elements, the results of changes are
logged separately (that is, one event for each data element).
User who triggered the event.
The role assigned to the user who triggered the event.
The name of the user, group, or entity targeted by the event.
Description of the event. For example, "User account created", or
"User account password change". There is a unique event
description for each EVENT_ID.
Y or N flag showing the result of the event. Y confirms the event
was successful; N indicates failure.
This field is currently not used.
The IP address of the user who triggered the event.
Name of the application in which the event was performed.
About profile views
A profile view is a set of lists:
v Dimension list
v Metric list
v Filter list
v Report list
You can create profile views to make it more convenient for users who want to
view only a subset of, or to provide convenient access to, customized dimensions,
filters, metrics, and reports. Views also allow you to group the dimensions, filters,
metrics, and reports into folders that may be more intuitive or convenient for your
You can combine profile views with user authentication to block some users from
viewing some reports.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
A default profile view is automatically generated when a profile is created and
initially contains all available dimensions, filters, metrics, and reports.
Note: Before you create a profile view, you need to create the dimension list, filter
list, metric list, and report list you want to use in the profile and populate those
lists with the desired dimensions, filters, metrics, and reports.
About dimension lists
If you need to customize the list of dimensions available to users working with the
profile, you can use a dimension list. A dimension list appears in the Discovery
Panel and in the Drill to Dimension pop-up menu. The default dimension list
contains all possible dimensions. You can create other dimension lists and assign
them to views. Each view can contain one dimension list. Setting up different
views with different dimension lists can provide easier access to the relevant data
for different users/roles. For example, it may be easier for a campaign designer to
use visual selection for targeting with a subset of available dimensions.
About filter lists
If you need to customize the list of filters available to users working with an
profile, you can use a filter list. A filter list appears on the Discovery Panel. The
default filter list contains all possible filters. You can create other filter lists and
assign them to views. Each view can contain one filter list. Setting up different
views with different filter lists can provide easier access to the relevant filters for
different users/roles. For example, sales representatives in the Northeast could
have custom filter groups that narrow the prospects to their particular region and
sub-regions. Sales representatives in the Southeast would have a different set of
filters pertinent to their geography.
About metric lists
If you need to customize the list of metrics available to users working with the
profile, you can use a metric list. A metric list appears on the Discovery Panel. The
default metric list contains all possible metrics. You can create other metric lists
and assign them to views. Each view can contain one metric list. For example, you
could create a metric list for power users that contains all possible metrics and a
simplified metric list for other users that eliminate uncommon metrics (for
example, removing min and max purchases, but leaving sum and average purchase
About the profile default role, view, and reporting mode
You can change the default role, default view, and default reporting mode for a
profile. (The initial values are specified using the system-wide default role, view,
and reporting mode settings specified by your administrator for profiles of this
type.) The default role, view, and reporting mode are used for all users who do not
have an explicit role, default view, or reporting mode specified in the
administrative options. The default role, view, and reporting mode also affect users
who have not logged on before accessing the profile.
Administrators can also set the default role, view, and reporting mode to apply to
each new profile users create.
Note: If you specify the default role of (No Access) for the profile, it is used for all
users who do not have a role for this profile specifically assigned in the profile
settings for the user. The user's default role is not used. Select (No Access) to limit
Chapter 16. Configuring IBM Unica NetInsight options
access to this profile to those users who have a role for this profile specified in the
administrative options and who are logged on. Users must log on to access the
If you select Sample as the default reporting mode and a sample size has not been
specified for the profile, NetInsight uses the Full reporting mode. If a user does
not have permission to view full reports, the user sees an error when no sample
size is specified.
About role default view settings
You can assign each role a default view for each profile. The default view is for
users who have that role for the profile, but who do not have an assigned default
view for the profile.
To create a profile view
Before you create a profile view, you need to create the dimension list, filter list,
metric list, and report list you want to use.
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the left panel, under Interface, click Views.
The View definitions screen opens.
3. Click Add.
The View description screen opens.
4. In the Name of view (one word) field, enter a name for the view.
The name is used both internally and as a shortcut to access the view directly
from a browser. You may use only alphanumeric characters and hyphens, and
the first character must be a letter. Once the view is created, you cannot
change the name.
5. In the Title of view field, enter a title for the view.
The title appears in the list of views.
6. From the Time period list, select the time period to be used by the calendar
when you first open NetInsight.
7. From the Report list list, select the report list to use for the view.
8. From the Dimension list list, select the dimension list to use for the view.
9. From the Filter list list, select the filter list to use for the view.
10. From the Metric list list, select the metric list to use for the view.
11. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
To edit a profile view
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the left panel, under Interface, click Views.
The View definitions screen opens.
3. Select the view to edit.
4. Click Edit.
The View description screen opens.
5. In the Title of view field, enter a title for the view.
The title appears in the list of views.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
6. From the Time period list, select the time period to be used by the calendar
when you first open NetInsight.
7. From the Report list list, select the report list to use for the view.
8. From the Dimension list list, select the dimension list to use for the view.
9. From the Filter list list, select the filter list to use for the view.
10. From the Metric list list, select the metric list to use for the view.
11. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
To copy a profile view
You can copy an existing profile view to create a new one. This may save time as
all settings are copied to the new view.
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the left panel, under Interface, click Views.
The View definitions screen opens.
3. Select the view to copy.
4. Click Copy.
The View description screen opens.
5. In the Title of view field, enter a title for the view.
The title appears in the list of views.
6. From the Time period list, select the time period to be used by the calendar
when you first open NetInsight.
7. From the Report list list, select the report list to use for the view.
From the Dimension list list, select the dimension list to use for the view.
From the Filter list list, select the filter list to use for the view.
From the Metric list list, select the metric list to use for the view.
Click Save Options, then click Continue.
To delete a profile view
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the left panel, under Interface, click Views.
The View definitions screen opens.
3. Select the view to delete.
4. Click Delete.
5. Click Continue.
To change to another profile view
If a profile contains multiple views and if you have permission to change your
view, you can change views from within the application interface. For example,
you can change from the complete profile view (a predefined view that contains all
available dimensions, filters, metrics, and reports) to a view that contains a subset
of available dimensions, filters, metrics, and reports.
1. While working with the profile, click the Reportstab.
2. In the Available Reports panel title bar, click the Change View icon.
A list of available views appears.
3. Click the view to change to.
Chapter 16. Configuring IBM Unica NetInsight options
To return to the current view from the list of available views, click Close in the
heading of the list. The list of available views closes and the current view does not
About accessing a profile view through a URL
Users can access each view defined in the profile options through a distinct URL:
where server-name is the URL that was entered during installation, profile-name is
the short profile name, and view-name is the name of the view (not the title). The
ability to access a view through a URL is a convenient way for users to view the
reports that are of the most interest to them.
If an authenticated user who does not have the privilege for changing views
attempts to access a view other than the user's default view (and the view the user
is trying to access is not restricted by Web server security settings), the application
cannot control attempts to access views which are restricted by Web server security
To set the default role, view, and reporting mode for a profile
You must create the role and view to use as the default for a profile before
completing the instructions below. If you want to use Sample as the default
reporting mode, specify a sample size and generate the sample tables and reports.
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
Or, if you are an administrator setting defaults for all new profiles users create,
). Select the Options tab, then from the
click the Administration icon (
NetInsight options drop-down menu, select Edit Default Web Server Options.
2. In the left panel, under Interface, click Profile Defaults.
The Profile defaults screen opens.
3. From the Default role list, select the role you want to be the default for the
The list contains all roles defined in the administrative options.
Select (None) if there is no default role for the profile. If there is no default
role, users who do not have a default role specified in the administrative
options or who have not logged on before accessing the profile have all
privileges for this profile.
4. From the Default view list, select the view you want to be the default view for
this profile.
The list contains all views defined in the profile.
5. From the Default reporting mode list, select the reporting mode you want to
be the default for the profile.
6. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
To set a new role default view
You must create the view to set as the default for the role before completing this
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
2. In the left panel, under Interface, click Role Defaults.
The Default views for roles screen opens.
3. Click Add.
The Default views for role screen opens.
4. From the Role list, select the role whose default view you want to set.
The list contains all the roles that have been defined in the administrative
options but that have not yet had a default view specified in this profile.
5. From the Default view list, select the view you want to be this role's default
view for this profile.
The list contains all the views that have been defined for this profile.
6. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
To edit a role default view setting
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the left panel, under Interface, click Role Defaults.
The Default views for roles screen opens.
3. Select the role default setting you want to edit.
4. Click Edit.
The Default views for role screen opens.
5. From the Default view list, select the view you want to be this role's default
view for this profile.
The list contains all the views that have been defined for this profile.
6. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
To delete a role default view setting
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the left panel, under Interface, click Role Defaults.
The Default views for roles screen opens.
3. Select the role default setting you want to delete.
4. Click Delete.
5. Click Continue.
To create a report list
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the left panel, under Interface, click Report Lists.
The Report list definitions screen opens.
3. Click Add.
The Report list description screen opens.
4. In the Name of report list field, enter the one-word name for the report list.
The name is used internally. You may only use alphanumeric characters and
hyphens, and the first character must be a letter. Once you have created the
report list, you cannot change the name.
5. In the Title of report list field, enter a title for the list.
The title appears as the heading of the report list in the left panel of the
Reports tab and in the Discovery Panel.
6. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
Chapter 16. Configuring IBM Unica NetInsight options
You must now create folders for the report list.
To edit a report list
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the left panel, under Interface, click Report Lists.
The Report list definition screen opens.
3. Select the report list to edit.
4. Click Edit.
The Report list description screen opens.
5. In the Title of report list field, enter a title for the list.
The title appears as the heading of the report list in the left panel of the
Reports tab and in the Discovery Panel.
6. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
You can now create folders for the report list.
To copy a report list
You can quickly create a new report list with the same folder and reports
definitions as an existing report list by copying it. You can then edit the report
list's folders. This may be quicker than creating a new report list.
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the left panel, under Interface, click Metric Lists.
The Report list definition screen opens.
Select the report list to copy.
Click Copy.
The Report list description screen opens.
In the Name of report list field, enter the one-word name for the report.
The name is used internally. You may use only alphanumeric characters and
hyphens, and the first character must be a letter. Once you have created the
report list, you cannot change the name.
In the Title of report list field, modify a title for the list as needed.
The title appears as the heading of the report list in the left panel of the
Reports tab and in the Discovery Panel.
Click Save Options, then click Continue.
You can now modify folders for the report list.
To manage folders for a report list
To modify folders immediately after creating a report list, start with step 5.
Otherwise, start with step 1.
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the Options panel, select Interface > Report Lists.
The Report list definition screen opens.
3. Select the report list for which to manage folders.
4. Click Folders.
The Folder definitions screen opens.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
5. To
add a folder to the report list:
Click Add.
In the Title of folder field, enter a title.
Click Save Options, then click Continue.
Continue with step 8 below.
6. To
7. To
edit an existing folder name:
Select the folder.
Click Edit.
In the Title of folder field, enter a title.
Click Save Options, then click Continue.
Continue with step 8 below.
delete an existing folder:
8. To
Select the folder.
Click Delete.
Click Continue.
manage reports in the folder:
Select the folder.
Click Reports.
c. Click Add to add a report.
Then select a report from the Report source list, and optionally change the
Report title field. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
d. Select a report and click Delete to remove a report from the group.
Then click Continue.
e. Select a report and click Edit to modify the report.
Then select a report from the Report source list, and optionally change the
Report title field. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
f. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
9. Click Back to Groups when finished modifying folders.
To delete a report list
If the report list is currently selected for a view, when you delete the report list, it
is removed from the view.
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the Options panel, select Interface > Report Lists.
The Report list definition screen opens.
3. Select the report list to delete.
4. Click Delete.
5. Click Continue.
To create a dimension list
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the Options panel, select Interface > Dimension Lists.
The Dimension list definition screen opens.
3. Click Add.
The Dimension list description screen opens.
Chapter 16. Configuring IBM Unica NetInsight options
4. In the Name of dimension list field, enter the one-word name for the
The name is used internally. You may only use alphanumeric characters and
hyphens, and the first character must be a letter. Once you have created the
dimension list, you cannot change the name.
5. In the Title of dimension list field, enter a title for the list.
The title appears in the list of dimension lists. The title also appears as the
heading of the dimension list in the Discovery Panel.
6. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
You can now create groups for the dimension list.
To edit a dimension list
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the Options panel, select Interface > Dimension Lists.
The Dimension list definition screen opens.
3. Select the dimension list to edit.
4. Click Edit.
The Dimension list description screen opens.
5. In the Title of dimension list field, enter a title for the list.
The title appears in the list of dimension lists. The title also appears as the
heading of the dimension list in the Discovery Panel.
6. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
You can now create groups for the dimension list.
To copy a dimension list
You can quickly create a new dimension list with the same group definitions as an
existing dimension list by copying it. You can then edit the dimension list's groups.
This may be quicker than creating a new dimension list.
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the Options panel, select Interface > Dimension Lists.
The Dimension list definition screen opens.
3. Select the dimension list to copy.
4. Click Copy.
The Dimension list description screen opens.
5. In the Name of dimension list field, enter the one-word name for the
The name is used internally. You may only use alphanumeric characters and
hyphens, and the first character must be a letter. Once you have created the
dimension list, you cannot change the name.
6. In the Title of dimension list field, modify a title for the list as needed.
The title appears in the list of dimension lists. The title also appears as the
heading of the dimension list in the Discovery Panel.
7. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
You can now modify groups for the dimension list.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
To manage groups for a dimension list
Groups organize the dimensions available within each dimension list. Groups
appear as expandable folders of dimensions in the dimension list. Groups may not
contain other groups.
To modify groups immediately after creating a dimension list, start with step 5.
Otherwise, start with step 1.
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the left panel, under Interface, click Dimension Lists.
The Dimension list definition screen opens.
3. Select the dimension list to add groups to.
4. Click Groups.
The Group definitions screen opens.
5. Add, edit, and delete groups as necessary.
6. To manage dimensions in the group:
a. Select the group.
b. Click Dimensions.
c. Click Add to add a dimension.
Then select a dimension from the Dimension source list, and optionally
change the Dimension title field. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
d. Select a dimension and click Delete to remove a dimension from the group.
Then click Continue.
e. Select a dimension and click Edit to modify the dimension.
Then select a dimension from the Dimension source list, and optionally
change the Dimension title field. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
f. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
7. Click Back to Groups when finished modifying dimensions.
To delete a dimension list
If the dimension list is currently selected for a view, when you delete the
dimension list, it is removed from the view.
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the Options panel, select Interface > Dimension Lists.
The Dimension list definition screen opens.
3. Select the dimension list to delete.
4. Click Delete.
5. Click Continue.
To create a filter list
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the Options panel, select Interface > Filter Lists.
The Filter list definition screen opens.
3. Click Add.
The Filter list description screen opens.
4. In the Name of filter list field, enter the one-word name for the filter.
Chapter 16. Configuring IBM Unica NetInsight options
The name is used internally. You may only use alphanumeric characters and
hyphens, and the first character must be a letter. Once you have created the
filter list, you cannot change the name.
5. In the Title of filter list field, enter a title for the list.
The title appears in the list of filters lists. The title also appears as the heading
of the filter list in the Discovery Panel.
6. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
You can now create groups for the filter list.
To edit a filter list
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the left panel, under Interface, click Filter Lists.
The Filter list definition screen opens.
3. Select the filter list to edit.
4. Click Edit.
The Filter list description screen opens.
5. In the Title of filter list field, enter a title for the list.
The title appears in the list of filter lists. The title also appears as the heading
of the filter list in the Discovery Panel.
6. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
You can now create groups for the filter list.
To copy a filter list
You can quickly create a new filter list with the same group definitions as an
existing filter list by copying it. You can then edit the filter list's groups. This may
be quicker than creating a new filter list.
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the Options panel, select Interface > Filter Lists.
The Filter list definition screen opens.
3. Select the filter list to copy.
4. Click Copy.
The Filter list description screen opens.
5. In the Name of filter list field, enter the one-word name for the filter.
The name is used internally. You may only use alphanumeric characters and
hyphens, and the first character must be a letter. Once you have created the
filter list, you cannot change the name.
6. In the Title of filter list field, modify a title for the list as needed.
The title appears in the list of filter lists. The title also appears as the heading
of the filter list in the Discovery Panel.
7. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
You can now modify groups for the filter list.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
To manage groups for a filter list
Groups organize the filters available within each filter list. Groups appear as
expandable folders of filters in the filter list. Groups may not contain other groups.
To modify groups immediately after creating a filter list, start with step 5.
Otherwise, start with step 1.
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the left panel, under Interface, click Filter Lists.
The Filter list definition screen opens.
3. Select the filter list for which to manage groups.
4. Click Groups.
The Group definitions screen opens.
5. Add, edit, and delete groups as necessary.
6. To manage filters in the group:
a. Select the group.
b. Click Filters.
c. Click Add to add a filter.
Then select a filter from the Filter source list, and optionally change the
Filter title field. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
d. Select a filter and click Delete to remove a filter from the group.
Then click Continue.
e. Select a Filter and click Edit to modify the filter.
Then select a filter from the Filter source list, and optionally change the
Filter title field. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
f. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
7. Click Back to Groups when finished modifying filters..
To delete a filter list
If the filter list is currently selected for a view, when you delete the filter list, it is
removed from the view.
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the Options panel, select Interface > Filter Lists.
The Filter list definition screen opens.
3. Select the filter list to delete.
4. Click Delete.
5. Click Continue.
To create a metric list
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the left panel, under Interface, click Metric Lists.
The Metric list definition screen opens.
3. Click Add.
The Metric list description screen opens.
4. In the Name of metric list field, enter the one-word name for the metric list.
Chapter 16. Configuring IBM Unica NetInsight options
The name is used internally. You may use only alphanumeric characters and
hyphens, and the first character must be a letter. Once you have created the
metric list, you cannot change the name.
5. In the Title of metric list field, enter a title for the list.
The title appears in the list of metric lists. The title also appears as the heading
of the metric list in the Discovery Panel.
6. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
You can now create groups for the metric list.
To edit a metric list
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the Options panel, select Interface > Metric Lists.
The Metric list definition screen opens.
3. Select the metric list to edit.
4. Click Edit.
The Metric list description screen opens.
5. In the Title of metric list field, enter a title for the list.
The title appears in the list of metric lists. The title also appears as the heading
of the metric list in the Discovery Panel.
6. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
You can now create groups for the metric list.
To copy a metric list
You can quickly create a new metric list with the same group definitions as an
existing metric list by copying it. You can then edit the metric list's groups. This
may be quicker than creating a new metric list.
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the left panel, under Interface, click Metric Lists.
The Metric list definition screen opens.
3. Select the metric list to copy.
4. Click Copy.
The Metric list description screen opens.
5. In the Name of metric list field, enter the one-word name for the metric.
The name is used internally. You may use only alphanumeric characters and
hyphens, and the first character must be a letter. Once you have created the
metric list, you cannot change the name.
6. In the Title of metric list field, modify a title for the list as needed.
The title appears in the list of metric lists. The title also appears as the heading
of the metric list in the Discovery Panel.
7. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
You can now modify groups for the metric list.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
To manage groups for a metric list
Groups organize the metrics available within each metric list. Groups appear as
expandable folders of metrics in the metric list. Groups may not contain other
To modify groups immediately after creating a metric list, start with step 5.
Otherwise, start with step 1.
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the left panel, under Interface, click Metric Lists.
The Metric list definition screen opens.
3. Select the metric list for which to manage groups.
4. Click Groups.
The Group definitions screen opens.
5. Add, edit, and delete groups as necessary.
6. To manage metrics in the group:
a. Select the group.
b. Click Metrics.
c. Click Add to add a metric.
Then select a metric from the Metric source list, and optionally change the
Metric title field. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
d. Select a metric and click Delete to remove a metric from the group.
Then click Continue.
e. Select a metric and click Edit to modify the metric.
Then select a metric from the Metric source list, and optionally change the
Metric title field. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
f. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
7. Click Back to Groups when finished modifying metrics.
To delete a metric list
If the metric list is currently selected for a view, when you delete the metric list, it
is removed from the view.
1. While working with the profile, click Options.
2. In the left panel, under Interface, click Metric Lists.
The Metric list definition screen opens.
3. Select the metric list to delete.
4. Click Delete.
5. Click Continue.
About default profile options
NetInsight stores default values for the profile options. When you create a new
profile, NetInsightuses the default values. You can change the default values,
which essentially creates a template for all future profiles.
To set profile defaults
Note: Changing the default options does not affect any existing profiles.
Chapter 16. Configuring IBM Unica NetInsight options
Note: The New password, New password (again), and auto-updating option
fields do not appear in the default options. You must set passwords in the options
for each individual profile.
1. Open the Profile Manager.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. In the NetInsight Options list at the top of the page, select Edit Default Web
Server Options.
4. Make changes as needed.
Be sure to click Save Options before leaving a page that has changes you want
to keep.
The next profile that you create will use these new defaults.
To upgrade your license
Upgrading does not require you to reinstall NetInsight or reprocess your log files.
1. Open the Profile Manager.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. Select Upgrade License from the NetInsight Options drop-down list.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions.
5. When you have your new activation key, enter it into the Activation Key field
and click Upgrade NetInsight.
To back up and restore NetInsight data
1. Backup the following:
v The NetInsight database directory and its subdirectories. This directory data
is in the program directory. The default UNIX location is
/usr/local/NetInsight/data. The default Windows location is C:\Program
If you are using another database for NetInsight, you must back it up.
v The NetInsight CGI-BIN directory and its subdirectories. This directory is in
your Web server's CGI-BIN or scripts directory.
v The NetInsight HTML directory and its subdirectories. This directory is in
your Web site's HTML or wwwroot directory.
Note: You must also backup and restore your database.
2. When necessary, take the following steps to restore the data:
a. Re-install NetInsight.
b. Restore the data directory, replacing the one creates during installation.
c. Restore the NetInsightCGI-BIN directory.
d. Restore the NetInsight HTML directory.
e. Go to the command line and change to the NetInsight program directory.
f. Restore the database.
g. Run the following command to regenerate appropriate HTML for all
nettracker all -regen
To move NetInsight to another computer
Install NetInsight on the second computer.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
2. Create a new profile on the second computer for every profile on the first
If you want to keep your profile configurations, give the new profiles exactly
the same names as the old ones.
3. If you want to keep your profile configurations, copy the profilename.cfg files
from the first computer to the second computer.
The profilename.cfg files are stored in the NetInsight/data/profilename
directory, where profilename is the short name of the profile (the one that
appears in parentheses on the Profile Manager).
4. If you have created custom reports that you want to keep, copy the report files
to the new computer.
5. Reimport your log data.
6. Remove NetInsight from the old computer.
For information about moving users, roles, and profiles, please contact Technical
To move NetInsight to another computer without reimporting
log file data
Note: Provided the database type is the same, you can copy the database files
between two installations of NetInsight even if the installations are running on
different architectures (for example, Windows and Linux).
1. Install NetInsight on the second computer.
2. Create empty profiles with the same names as the profiles on the first
This is the name that appears in parentheses in the list of profiles in the Profile
Manager. You do not need to set any of the configuration options for these
3. Copy the data directory from the first computer to the second computer.
The data directory is located in the NetInsight program directory. (On Windows
the default program directory is C:\Program Files\NetInsight. On UNIX the
default program directory is /usr/local/NetInsight.)
4. Copy the database tables from the first computer to the second.
5. Run nettracker all -regen (from the program directory) on the second
compute to regenerate the associated HTML files.
6. Remove NetInsight from the first computer.
For information about moving users, roles, and profiles, please contact Technical
About NetInsight system logs
NetInsight includes a set of system logs that you can use to monitor and diagnose
issues related to import, report generation, and other functionality affecting
performance and data integrity. In most cases you will only need to reference these
logs when instructed to by IBM technical support.
The system logs are located at <NetInsight_root>\data\<profile_name>\logging.
Logs for dynamically generated reports are stored in a subdirectory named adhoc.
Chapter 16. Configuring IBM Unica NetInsight options
Configuring system logs
If you have been given the necessary privilege, you can enable/disable each of the
system logs, as well as specify their logging level and how long they are retained.
The privilege required to configure system logging is Options > Main > Logging.
Most logs are disabled by default and, to preserve disk space, should only be
enabled during troubleshooting. Again, in most cases you should only modify
these settings when instructed by IBM technical support.
Important: While listed as a system log, process logging is not configurable via the
Logging Options screen. You enable process logging by including the
<processlog/> element in nettracker.cfg. (It is enabled by default.)
Available system logs
The following system logs are available:
Stores Data On
Execution plan for report generation.
Time taken for table analysis on the
ID cache memory used by checkpoint.
Basic statistics on checkpoint execution.
Checkpoint data broken out by phases.
Summary statistics on imports broken out by
individual Web log file.
How long indexes take to generate.
Paid search integration data import.
Start and stop times of events associated
with major processes.
SQL query execution.
ID reconciliation.
Sampling statistics and timing.
Translating temporary IDs to permanent.
To configure NetInsight system logs
You must have the necessary privilege (Options > Main > Logging) to access the
logging configuration screen.
NetInsight generates a set of system logs that you can use to diagnose issues
related to import, report generation, and other functionality affecting performance
and data integrity.
Individual system logs can be enabled or disabled and their logging levels
specified. You can also specify how long logs are retained.
To configure application logs:
1. With the profile whose system logs you want to configure displayed, select
Options > Main > Logging.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
2. Optionally, specify how many days logs should be retained. Logs older than
this will be automatically deleted. This is a global setting affecting all system
logs. To prevent logs from being deleted, enter 0.
3. To enable or disable a particular log, or to set its logging level, select the log
from the list and click Edit.
The range of available logging levels for system logs includes the
industry-standard FATAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG and TRACE
with FATAL logging only fatal error messages and TRACE logging all available
application messages.
About the NetInsight process log
About the NetInsightprocess log
The NetInsight process log lists information on the events associated with major
NetInsight processes for each profile. The logs are written in text data format. The
data from these logs can be used to monitor processes for performance issues
and/or errors. Typically, you will only need to look at these logs at the request of
IBM support.
A separate log file is generated each time one of the following processes runs:
v Update
v Import
v Recalc
Note that when an update is performed it also spawns import, sample, report
generation processes.
Process logs are stored in netinsight_root\data\profile_name\logging\.
The file name convention is process_datetimestamp_process_id.log. For example,
Eanabling and disabling process logging
Process logging is not configurable via the Logging Options screen. You enable it
by including the <processlog/> element in nettracker.cfg. Disable it by removing
the element. Process logging is enabled by default.
About process log contents
Process logs record the following event information:
v A timestamp showing when the event initiated. The time is determined using
the system locale.
v The logging level of the event information, expressed as Trace, Debug, Info,
Warning, Error, or Fatal.
v The username of the logged-in system user.
v The event name
v The event type. Either 0 (instant), 1 (start of a process), or 2 (end of a process).
Chapter 16. Configuring IBM Unica NetInsight options
v Descriptive text of the event. In the case of an error condition, this includes the
NetInsight error text, if any. For example, [2009-03-20 14:19:32] [TRACE]
a_user,Checkpoint Phase,1,Spider Retail
About process events
Following is a partial list of events recorded in Process logs, listed by their logging
level. It also records three non-events: the NetInsight install directory, the server
name, and the user name under which the process was run.
Import Start
Aggregate Generation Start
Checkpoint Phase Start
Import End
Aggregate Generation End
Checkpoint Phase End
Install Directory
Checkpoint n Start
Recalc Start
Checkpoint n End
Recalc End
Quick-pick Generation Start
Reprofile Start
Quick-pick Generation End
Reprofile End
Report Generation Start
Resample Start
Report Generation End
Resample End
Sample Aggregate
Generation Start
Sample Aggregate
Generation End
Update Start
Update End
Profiling Start
Profiling End
Sample Quick-pick
Generation Start
Sample Quick-pick
Generation End
Sample Report Generation
Sample Report Generation
Sampling Analyzing Start
Sampling Start
Sampling Analyzing End
Sampling End
Sampling Profiling Start
Sampling Profiling End
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Chapter 17. Working with data conduits
The NetInsight data conduit allows you to connect NetInsight to an external
database and use information from that database in your NetInsight reports. You
can also use it to authenticate NetInsight users and to look up user information
(such as full name and email address) rather than having to enter that information
manually in NetInsight. The external database must be of a type that NetInsight
supports; there are separate data conduit packages for ODBC and LDAP.
For example, suppose you have a dynamic product page that loads a product
based on a product ID passed to the page via a URL parameter when a link for a
product is clicked. Assuming that your external database has a product table that
associates product IDs with actual product names, you could use the data conduit
to create a report showing how often individual products (by name) have been
loaded in the page. You could replace each cookie in a Cookie Summary report
with a company, contact name, and phone number pulled from a customer
database, or each user in a User Summary report with a name and phone number
pulled from an LDAP directory.
For user authentication and user information (the user's full name and email
address), you specify the data conduit and configuration file on the Authentication
page in the administrative options. For all other data, you specify the data conduit
and configuration file on the Data Conduits page of the profile options for the
NetInsight profile in which you want to use the data. You must set up these data
conduits on a profile-by-profile basis. You can use different data conduits with
different profiles.
About deploying a data conduit
To deploy and use a data conduit you must:
1. Download and install the data conduit package. The package consists of a
program file, a configuration file, and a test utilty that lets you validate your
2. Create the entities in NetInsight you want to retrieve values for (for example,
parameters) and specify the pages for which you want to retrieve database
values. Configure the reports that will contain this data (these can be tuned
afterwards as well).
3. Configure NetInsight's connection to the data conduit.
4. Edit the data conduit configuration file with the requisite database connection
information as well the information pertinent to the data you want to retrieve
(for example, table name, column, and value match, and so on).
5. Use the data conduit test utility to test the database connection and ensure the
correct data is returned.
6. If you have historical (previously imported) data, you must dump and then
re-import profile data so that external database values are returned for the
previously imported data.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2011
About lookups versus rewrites
Lookups pull information from an external database or directory into NetInsight
reports or profiles. Information resulting from lookups is pulled into reports when
the reports are generated. While the lookup values appear in the reports they are
not written to the NetInsight database; the database will continue to contain
original values imported from log files.
You can perform lookups for the following:
v Cookie data
Department data
Host data
Information about parameter values
Page title data
User data
Visitor data
Rewrites can be applied to page and parameter data based on data stored in a
database or directory. Information resulting from rewrites replace the values
originally imported from log files in the NetInsight database.
To install the data conduit on Windows
1. Download the installer for the data conduit.
2. Double-click ntdi{database}-{Release-Number}.exe to launch the installer.
3. When prompted for an installation directory, browse to the NetInsightprogram
directory (the default is C:\Program Files\NetInsight).
You can now configure the data conduit.
To install the data conduit on UNIX
1. Download the data conduit.
2. Unpack the archive to the NetInsightprogram directory (the default is
3. Change directories to the NetInsightprogram directory. The data conduit
configuration file (ntdi<conduit_name>.conf) will be in this directory, but
apitest and ntdi<conduit_name>.so will be in a subdirectory specific to your
platform. Move or copy these two files to the NetInsightprogram directory.
On HP-UX, ensure that the ntdi<conduit_name>.so file is executable by the
To set environment variables
If you are using a DB2, ODBC, or Oracle data conduit you may need to tell
NetInsightto set the required environment variables. You specify environment
variable options in the administrative options in NetInsight. The options define the
environment variables that should be set when NetInsightis started.
Specifically, you may need to set these environment variables:
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
v For DB2: For both Windows and UNIX you must set LC_CTYPE environment
variable's value to C. For UNIX you must also DB2INSTANCE. (Note that if you
are using the DB2 data conduit with NetInsightfor DB2 these values are pre-set.)
v For ODBC: For UNIX, if you are using the iODBC driver, you must set
ODBCINI. You may also need to set environment variables if you are using
other third-party drivers.
v For Oracle, if you are not using the Oracle Instant Client, you must set
ORACLE_HOME and NLS_LANG. (Note that if you are using the Oracle data conduit
with NetInsightfor Oracle these values are pre-set.)
If you are using the Oracle Instant Client, you must set the environment variable
for your operating system. On Windows systems, also ensure the Oracle Instant
Client is in your path.
To set environment variables:
Open the NetInsightProfile Manager.
Click the Options tab.
In the left panel, select Main > Environment Variables.
Click Add.
Enter the name of the environment variable you want to set.
6. Enter the value to which the environment variable should be set.
DB2 examples:
v DB2INSTANCE = db2inst1
Oracle examples
v ORACLE_HOME = /home/oracle/u01/app/oracle/product/10.1.0
7. Click Save Options.
About the data conduit configuration file
The data conduit configuration file is where you specify:
1. The connection information the data conduit needs to connect to a database or
LDAP directory server.
2. Directives that instruct the data conduit what data to retrieve for each
operation you want the data conduit to perform and (in some cases) how to
format it.
For example, suppose you want the data conduit to return a product name
from a database based on a URL parameter value. In that case you would
configure a parameter value lookup directive. In that directive you would
specify the name of the URL parameter (as previously defined it in NetInsight),
the database table that contains the product name, the column containing the
product name, and the column containing the product ID to be matched
against the URL parameter value.
The configuration file is located in the same directory where you installed the data
conduit. It is named ntdidatabase.conf.
Chapter 17. Working with data conduits
Each line in the configuration file is composed of a case-sensitive directive
followed by the value to be associated with the directive. Note that:
v Lines preceeded by a pound sign (#) are comments.
v You do not need to use quotation marks to group values that contain spaces.
v Anything after the directive and before the end of the line is considered the
value for the directive.
To use the APITest utility
After installing and configuring a data conduit, use the APITest utility to make
sure that the installation and configuration are correct. Always test your
configuration prior to importing data after data conduit setup. The APITest utility
is a command-line program that calls individual functions you have specified in
the data conduit's configuration file and then displays the results returned from the
database (or any error messages).
You must provide the utility with the following command-line arguments in the
order in which they are listed. (For examples, see APITest command-line
1. Confirm that the data conduit configuration file has been modified correctly for
the operation (for example, parameter lookup) that you want to test. Also
verify that it includes the correct database connection information.
2. From a command line, navigate to the directory where you installed the data
conduit files.
3. Enter the argument for the operation you want to test as follows:
<apitest_program_file> <data_conduit_program_file>
<data_conduit_configuration_file> <operation_name> <test_values>
For example, for a parameter lookup on a Windows system using the MySQL
data conduit enter:
apitest ntdimysql.dll ntdimysql.conf lookupparam my_parametertest_value
For a parameter lookup on a UNIX system using the MySQL data conduit
./apitest ntdimysql.conf lookupparam
Note: When entering the argument note that:
v The syntax for specifying the APITest program file, the data conduit program
and configuration file, and the operation name is constant. The number of
test values you must provide vary depending on the operation you are
testing. For more information see the examples in the next section.
v You do not need to specify the extension of the APITest program file.
4. Specify the operation (lookup, rewrite, or user authentication) to be performed
by the data conduit, and the values necessary to perform that operation:
v For a lookup, specify the lookup type and value. The lookup type is the type
of data to be retrieved by the data conduit. Following are the possible types
and the value to be provided to the data conduit. (The lookup value is the
value to be resolved by the data conduit.) The following list shows the
lookup types and values:
– clip: Clip filename as read from the log files
– cookie: Cookie as read from the log files
– department: User name or host name as read from the log files
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
host: Host name or IP address as read from the log files
email: NetInsightuser name
lookupparam: Parameter value as read from the log files
title: Page as read from the log files
user: User name as read from the log files
– visitor: Visitor name as read from the log files
If the lookup type is lookupparam, you must also supply the name of the
parameter. Note that the parameter name must be lowercase to be properly
v For a rewrite, specify the rewrite type and value. The rewrite type is the type
of data to be rewritten by the data conduit. Following are the possible types
and the value to be replaced.
– rwpage: Page, file, or clip name
– rwparam: Parameter value
If the rewrite type is rwparam, you must also supply the name of the
parameter. Note that the parameter name must be lowercase to be properly
The rewrite value is the value to be rewritten by the data conduit.
v For user authentication, specify auth followed by the user name and
password to be verified.
If an error is returned confirm that:
v Your command line syntax is correct and includes correct file names,
case-sensitivity, and operation values.
v The operation you are testing is correctly configured in the data conduit
configuration file.
v The database information you entered in the data conduit configuration file is
correct and the database is running.
APITest command-line examples
The following command-line examples are based on a MySQL data conduit
installed on a Windows operating system. On UNIX the data conduit program file
would be named Or if this were a DB2 data conduit installed on
Windows the data conduit program and configuration files would be named
ntdidb2.dll and ntdidb2.conf respectively. Note that the examples also assume
that the data conduit program and configuration files are located in the current
Cookie lookup
Testing a cookie lookup for a cookie whose name-value pair is
apitest ntdimysql.dll ntdimysql.conf cookie
Department lookup
Testing a department lookup for a user whose user name is "jane":
apitest ntdimysql.dll ntdimysql.conf department jane
Testing a department lookup for a department named "":
Chapter 17. Working with data conduits
apitest ntdimysql.dll ntdimysql.conf department
Host lookup
Testing a host name lookup for a host whose domain name is "":
apitest ntdimysql.dll ntdimysql.conf host
NetInsight user information lookup
Testing a user information lookup of an email address for a user named "jane":
apitest ntdimysql.dll ntdimysql.conf email jane
Page rewrite
Testing a page rewrite for a page whose path/file name is "/site/store/products/
apitest ntdimysql.dll ntdimysql.conf rwpage /site/store/products/aq-101.html
Page title lookup
Testing a lookup on a page title whose path/file name is "/site/store/products/aq101.html":
apitest ntdimysql.dll ntdimysql.conf title /site/store/products/aq-101.html
Parameter lookup
Testing a parameter lookup for a parameter named "product" passing the value
apitest ntdimysql.dll ntdimysql.conf lookupparam product 123
Parameter rewrite
Testing a parameter rewrite a parameter named "product" passing the value 123:
apitest ntdimysql.dll ntdimysql.conf rwparam product 123
User lookup
Testing a user lookup for a user named "jane":
apitest ntdimysql.dll ntdimysql.conf user jane
User authentication
Testing authentication for a user named "janedoe" whose password is "a0s9d8":
apitest ntdimysql.dll ntdimysql.conf auth janedoe a0s9d8
To configure NetInsight to use a data conduit for rewrites and lookups
For rewrites and all lookup types except user authentication and NetInsightuser
information, you configure NetInsightto use the data conduit in the Data Conduits
options for the profile in which you want to use external data.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Note: If you are tracking a parameter value, you must define the parameter in
NetInsight before you can configure NetInsightto use the data conduit for that
View the profile for which you want to use the data conduit.
Click the Options tab.
In the left panel, select Dynamic Conent> Data Conduits.
Click Add. The Data conduit description dialog box opens.
Enter a unique, internal name you want to use for the data conduit.
Enter the full path (including the filename) to the data conduit program file. Do
not place paths that include spaces in parentheses.
7. Enter the full path (including the filename) to the data conduit configuration
8. In the Conduit tasks box, select the task(s) for which you want to use this data
9. Click Save Options.
To configure NetInsight to use a data conduit for user
To use a data conduit to authenticate users, you must configure the data conduit in
the Authentication options in administrative options.
Note: The plug-in configured for user authentication can also retrieve a user's full
name and email address; to retrieve this information, you need only configure the
user information directive.
1. Display the Profile Manager.
Click the Options tab.
In the left panel, select Users > Authentication.
Select External database as the authentication type.
Enter the full path (including the filename) to the data conduit program file. Do
not place paths that include spaces in parentheses.
6. Enter the full path (including the filename) to the data conduit configuration
7. Click Save Options.
To configure NetInsight to use a data conduit for user
To use a data conduit to look up a user's full name and email address, you must
configure NetInsight to use the data conduit via the Authentication options in the
administrative options.
Note: This plug-in can be used only with external database and Web server
authentication. If you are using an external database to authenticate users, no
additional configuration is necessary.
Display the Profile Manager.
Click the Options tab.
In the left panel, select Users > Authentication.
In the Authenticate using list, select External database.
Chapter 17. Working with data conduits
If you are using Web server authentication, the Authentication Options window
5. Enter the full path (including the filename) to the data conduit program file. Do
not place paths that include spaces in parentheses.
6. Enter the full path (including the filename) to the data conduit configuration
7. Click Save Options.
Example: How to configure a parameter lookup
The data conduit example in this section looks up a "content type" URL parameter
in a database and retrieves the content type name, class, and format. This
information appears on a custom Parameter Summary. It may also appear on
View Breakdowns, Visit Breakdowns, Download Breakdowns, Session
Breakdowns, and crosstab reports.
The following figure shows how a portion of the data would appear on the
summary before the data conduit is configured. Note that the first column displays
the parameter's values:
The following figure shows how a portion of the data would appear on the
summary after the data conduit is configured. Note that the parameter values in
the first column have been replaced with the content type name, class, and format
pulled from an external database.
1. Create a database that contains the content type name, class, and format items
entered into a lookup table.
Note: The table must contain a key column with the same ContentTyp IDs that
occur in the URLs of the Web site. For help with creating a database, contact
your database administrator.
2. Install the data conduit appropriate for your external database.
3. In NetInsight, view the profile in which you want to look up the product
name for the ProductID parameter value.
Click the Options tab.
In the left panel select Dynamic Content > Parameters.
Click Add.
Configure the parameter as follows:
v For the parameter name, enter the parameter name (case-sensitive) exactly
as you will later specify it in the data conduit configuration file. The data
conduit name does not need to match the parameter name as it appears in
your web site URLs.
v For the parameter value, enter a regular expression that will match the
parameter name you entered in the previous step. This field forces your
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
entry to lower case. A case-sensitivity match with the parameter name is
not required, but it must match otherwise.
8. Click Save Options.
9. In the Parameters to be analyzed list, select ContentTyp and then click
10. Click Add.
11. Enter a filter that describes the page(s) whose query strings you want
NetInsightto check for this parameter.
In this example, you could enter the filter as shown:
12. Click Add.
13. Indicate whether you want the query strings that are passed to this page to be
searched for the contenttypeid parameter in all new data you import from
now on.
v If this is what you want, or if you have other pages to enter at this time,
click Continue.
v If you want to search the query strings in this page for the ContentTyp
parameter in data you have already imported, you must delete all the data
Chapter 17. Working with data conduits
in your profile and re-import your log files. Note: If you do not still have
all the log files you have imported into this profile, you will lose data
permanently by choosing this option.
14. In the Options panel, under Dynamic Content, click Data Conduits.
15. Click Add.
16. Configure the data conduit options as shown:
17. Click Save Options, then click Continue.
18. Click Update (the left-most icon in the group).
19. If necessary, set environment variables in NetInsight. For example:
20. In a text editor, open ntdi>db_type<.conf.
21. Configure the ConnectString connection directive the data conduit needs to
connect to the database. For example:
DBServiceName testdb1
22. Configure the parameter lookup directives.
Note: The example below is wrapped for readability; each directive should
appear in the data conduit’s configuration file on a single line.
SELECT ContentTypeID, ContentType,
ContentFormat FROM reports_ContentTypeID
WHERE ContentTypeID = ’%VALUE%’
Content type: %FIELD1%, %FIELD2%<br>
Content class:
%FIELD3% <br>Content format:
ParamDataFormatRTF_ContentTypContent type: %FIELD1%, %FIELD2%\line
Content class:
%FIELD3% \line Content
format: %FIELD4%
ParamDataFormatCSV_ContentTypContent type: %FIELD1%, %FIELD2%
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Note: ContentTyp — the parameter name for the ParamDataSource_paramname
directive — exactly matches the entry in the Name text box in the profile
options for the parameter in NetInsight, including the case.
23. Save your changes to the file.
24. Test the data conduit's configuration.
To test the configuration, open a command-line prompt and enter the correct
usage. For example, on a Windows system where the data conduit and its
configuration file are both in the current directory and you are connecting to
an Oracle database enter:
apitest.exe .\ntdiorcl.conf lookupparam ContentTyp 103
If the parameter lookup is successful, the content type name, class, and format
will appear. (If the parameter lookup is unsuccessful, an error message will
appear. To resolve the error, check your settings for the connection directive
and parameter lookup directives in ntdi>db_type<.conf.)
25. For the data from the data conduit to appear on the Parameter Summary, you
must regenerate the profile.
26. Do one of the following:
v Click the Custom tab and then select the Parameter Summary for
ContentTyp report in the list of available reports. To display the summary,
click Run Report.
v Click the Reports tab, click Custom Analysis, and then select the Parameter
Summary for ContentTyp report.
To regenerate summaries for a profile
1. Open a command prompt.
2. Change directories to the NetInsightprogram directory.
3. To regenerate the summaries for a specific profile, execute nettracker
short_profile_name -regen
Note: The term short_profile_name refers to the profile name that appears in
parentheses in the Available profiles list in the Profile Manager. You can also
display a list of the short profile names by executing:
Example: How to configure a cookie lookup
If your external database contains one or more tables that map cookie data to
customer information (such as name, email, address, and so on) you can use a data
conduit to perform a cookie lookup. This lookup can replace cookie IDs with the
customer information you choose to retrieve. The information will appear in place
of cookie IDs in the Cookie Summary report.
In order for this to work:
v Your Web site must be generating visitor identification cookies that NetInsight
can use for sessionization. You can use the IBM Web Server Plug-in to allow
your Web server to generate and log visitor identification cookies.
v Your external database must contain a table (such as shown below) that maps
unique cookie values to customer information. A common way to achieve this is
though an online form. When visitors complete the form the data they enter is
written to the database along with the value of their persistent, unique cookie.
NetInsight uses the cookie to identify returning visitors during subsequent visits.
The data conduit uses the cookie value to retrieve the correct customer record
from the database.
Chapter 17. Working with data conduits
1. Install the data conduit appropriate for your external database.
2. In NetInsight, view the profile in which you want to look up cookie data.
3. Enable cookies as a reportable dimension as follows:
a. Click the Options tab.
b. In the left panel select Reporting > Reportable Dimensions.
c. Add Cookie to the list of reportable dimensions.
d. Click Save Options.
e. On the toolbar, click Update.
4. Configure NetInsight to use the data conduit for Cookie Lookup.
5. On the toolbar, click Update.
6. If you are using the data conduit for DB2, ODBC, or Oracle, ensure that any
required environment variables have been set. See the NetInsight Installation
Guide for more information.
7. Open the data conduit configuration file in the text editor. If the database
connection information has not previously been entered, uncomment those
rows and enter the connection information now.
8. Configure the cookie lookup directives. An example is shown below.
Note: This example includes lines wrapped for readability. In the actual
configuration file each directive must be written as a single line.
#Cookie Lookups:
SELECT FirstName, LastName, Email, CustomerID FROM
Customers WHERE Cookie = ’%VALUE%’
%FIELD2%, %FIELD2%<br />
<a class="dataTableRows" href="mailto:%FIELD3%">
%FIELD3%</a><br />ID: %FIELD4%
9. Save the configuration file.
10. Use the APITest utility to test the data conduit configuration.
11. Regenerate the profile to bring the data from the data conduit into the Cookie
Summary report.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
12. To view the Cookie Summary report in NetInsight, on the Reports tab, select
Visitor Analysis > Cookie Summary.
About data conduit directives
This section describes the directives that can be used in the data conduit
configuration file to establish database connections and retrieve and process data.
Database and directory server connection string directives
Use this directive to connect the data conduit to a DB2, ODBC, Oracle, or
PostgreSQL database or to an LDAP directory server.
Important: The connection string examples shown here may be wrapped for
readability. In the data conduit’s configuration file they must appear on a single
The connect string necessary to connect to the DB2
database. For example: DRIVER={IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER};
The Distinguished Name necessary to authenticate with the
directory server from which the user desires to retrieve
The Password necessary to authenticate with the directory
server from which the user desires to retrieve data.
BindDN CN=username,OU=people,DC=example,DC=com
Note: To bind anonymously, ensure that the directory server connection directives
are commented out.
To connect to a data source using a previously defined Data Source Name:
ConnectString DSN=DSNName;
Example: Windows
To connect to a SQL Server database without using a previously defined DSN:
ConnectString DRIVER={SQL Server};UID=db_user;PWD=password;SERVER=server_name;
To connect to a Microsoft Access database without using a previously defined
ConnectString DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=C:\path\to\db.mdb;
Example: UNIX
Chapter 17. Working with data conduits
To connect to a SQL Server database:
ConnectString DRIVER=./;Port=1433;TDS_Version=7.0;UID=db_user;
To connect to a Sybase database:
ConnectString DRIVER=./;Port=5000;TDS_Version=5.0;UID=db_user;
DriverPrompt (for ODBC on Windows only)
Use the DriverPrompt directive to specify how you would like to be prompted for
database connection information. Valid values are:
v 1 – Prompt for database connection information if no DSN or DRIVER keyword
is found in the ConnectString directive.
v 2 or 3 – Prompt for database connection information, using the value of the
ConnectString directive for default values.
v Any other value – No prompt, even if the connection fails (default).
Enabling the Debug directive provides a simple way to connect to a database and
retrieve the resulting connect string. DriverPrompt. When Debug enabled the data
conduit prints the connection string to the console before and after it attempts to
connect to the database, thus supplying a value for DriverPrompt. The connect
string can in turn be used as the value for the ConnectString directive.
The user name to use when connecting to the database.
The password for DBUsername.
The service name to which the data conduit should
connect. The service name must have been previously
defined using the Oracle client configuration tools.
The user name to use when connecting to the database.
The password for DBUsername.
The hostname of the server on which the database
The name of the database to which the data conduit
should connect.
The port on the server through which the database
connection should be established.
About the clip, cookie, host, user, and visitor lookup
In the names of the lookup directives described below, replace {Type} with the
lookup type. The possible values for {Type} are:
v Clip
v Cookie
v Host
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
v User
v Visitor
Note: Lookup types are case sensitive.
{Type}DataSource (DB2, MySQL, ODBC, Oracle, and PostgreSQL)
The SQL query to be executed to retrieve the desired value. The supplied value
should contain the token %VALUE%, which will be replaced by the data conduit
during each lookup with the value to be replaced. For example:
HostDataSource SELECT Contact, Name, Phone, EMail FROM HostLookup
WHERE Host = ’%VALUE%’
In this example, %VALUE% will be replaced with the host name or IP address from
the log files.
{Type}DataSource (DB2, MySQL, ODBC, Oracle, and PostgreSQL)
The LDAP URL to be used to retrieve the desired value. The URL should be in the
For details about LDAP URLs, refer to your LDAP server documentation.
The filter should contain the token %VALUE%, which will be replaced by the data
conduit during each lookup with the value to be replaced. For example:
This example will search for a user with the user ID passed from NetInsight and
return the corresponding name, title, telephone number, and address.
Note: If an object has two values for an attribute, NetInsight uses the first value.
If two objects have the same value for an attribute, NetInsight uses the first object.
The string to be used to format the values retrieved from the database or LDAP
directory when generating reports in HTML. The supplied value should contain
the following:
v Any necessary HTML format strings.
v The tokens %FIELD1%, %FIELD2%, ..., %FIELDn%, which will be replaced by the data
conduit during each lookup with the value of column N contained in the result
set retrieved from the database or directory.
v %FIELDn% tokens may appear in any order, and multiple tokens for a single field
may be used multiple times within the same format string.
v Any links should use the CSS class dataTableRows (see the example below).
Otherwise, the links will not be visible in the reports.
Example value:
HostDataFormatHTML %FIELD1% from %FIELD2%<br>
<a class="dataTableRows" href="mailto:%FIELD4%">%FIELD4%</a> or %FIELD3%
Example result:
Chapter 17. Working with data conduits
J. Doe from<br>
<a class="dataTableRows" href ""></a>
or 1(800)123-4567
The string to be used to format the values retrieved from the database or LDAP
directory when generating reports in RTF. The supplied value should contain the
v Any necessary RTF format strings.
v The tokens %FIELD1%, %FIELD2%, ..., %FIELDn%, which will be replaced by the data
conduit during each lookup with the value of column N contained in the result
set retrieved from the database or directory.
Note: %FIELDn% tokens may appear in any order, and multiple tokens for a single
field may be used multiple times within the same format string.
Example value:
HostDataFormatHTML %FIELD1% from %FIELD2%<br>
HostDataFormatRTF \sa0\sb120{%FIELD1%\par}\sa0\sb0{%FIELD2%\par}
Example result:
\sa0\sb120{J. Doe\par}\sa0\sb0{\par}
The string to be used to format the values retrieved from the database or LDAP
directory when generating reports requiring plain text — this includes not only
reports exported in CSV format, but also graph labels within NetInsight reports.
The supplied value should contain the tokens %FIELD1%, %FIELD2%, ..., %FIELDn%,
which will be replaced by the data conduit during each lookup with the value of
column N contained in the result set retrieved from the database or directory. You
do not need to supply enclosing quotes in the CSV format; NetInsight will supply
these when the CSV data file is created.
Note: %FIELDn% tokens may appear in any order, and multiple tokens for a single
field may be used multiple times within the same format string.
Example value:
HostDataFormatCSV %FIELD1% from %FIELD2%
Example result:
J. Doe from
About parameter lookup directives
To facilitate lookups for multiple parameters, parameter lookup directives are
defined on a parameter-by-parameter basis. Lookup directives for parameters begin
with the keyword Param.
To differentiate between directives for different parameters, the identifiers for
parameter lookups should end with an underscore, followed by the name of the
parameter exactly as it has been entered in the Name text box on the Parameters
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
page in the NetInsight profile options, including the case. (Do not use the entry in
the Parameter text box on the Parameters page.)
For example, to configure lookups for the parameter product, you would configure
the following directives:
v ParamDataSource_product
v ParamDataFormatHTML_product
v ParamDataFormatRTF_product
v ParamDataFormatCSV_product
For example, to configure lookups for the parameter category, you would
configure the following directives:
v ParamDataSource_category
v ParamDataFormatHTML_category
v ParamDataFormatRTF_category
v ParamDataFormatCSV_category
The directives for looking up data for parameters function the same as the
directives for looking up clips, cookies, hosts, users, and visitors.
About department lookup directives
Following are descriptions of the DepartmentDataSource and DepartmentFallBack
Note: Department lookup directives are case sensitive.
The SQL query or LDAP URL to be executed to determine the department
grouping to which a user or host belongs. The supplied value should contain the
token %VALUE%, which will be replaced by the data conduit during each lookup
with the user name or host name from the log files.
Note: If the Departments defined primarily by option in the Departments profile
options is set to Hosts, NetInsight provides the host name to the data conduit. If
the option is set to Users, NetInsight provides the user name to the data conduit.
Examples (DB2, MySQL, ODBC, Oracle, and PostgreSQL):
DepartmentDataSource SELECT Department FROM DepartmentLookup
WHERE UserName = '%VALUE%'
DepartmentDataSource SELECT Department FROM DepartmentLookup
WHERE HostName = '%VALUE%
Example (LDAP):
DepartmentDataSource ldap://,DC=example,
When the DepartmentFallBack directive is set to 1 (the default), NetInsight falls
back to the list of departments specified for the Departments profile option to
determine a department if the query or URL specified by DepartmentDataSource
does not return data. Set DepartmentFallBack to 0 to prevent NetInsight from using
the internal list if the query URL or LDAP URL does not return data.
Chapter 17. Working with data conduits
About page title lookup directives
Following are descriptions of the PageTitleDataSource and PageTitleFallBack
Note: Page title lookup directives are case sensitive.
The SQL queryLDAP URL to be executed to retrieve the desired page title. The
supplied value should contain the token %VALUE%, which will be replaced by the
data conduit during each lookup with the page for which a title is needed.
NetInsight will replace %VALUE% with the page that it reads from the log files.
PageTitleDataSource SELECT PageTitle FROM TitleLookup WHERE PageLocation =
'%VALUE%'okup WHERE UserName = '%VALUE%'
PageTitle DataSource ldap://,DC=example,
When the PageTitleFallBack directive is set to 1 (the default), NetInsight falls back
to HTTP to resolve page titles if the queryURL specified by PageTitleDataSource
does not return data. If NetInsight cannot resolve a page title through the data
conduit, it will attempt to retrieve the page title from the actual page. Set
PageTitleFallBack to 0 to prevent page title resolution via HTTP if the
queryLDAP URL does not return data.
About product directives
Following are descriptions of the ProductLookup and ProductRewrite directives.
Note: Product directives are case sensitive.
The SQL query or LDAP URL to be executed to lookup an SKU and display
information in reports.
Example (DB2, MySQL, ODBC, Oracle, and PostgreSQL):
ProductLookup SELECT ProductName FROM Products WHERE SKU = '%VALUE%'
Example (LDAP):
ProductLookup ldap://,DC=example,
The SQL query or LDAP URL to be executed to lookup a SKU and store
information in the database.
Example (DB2, MySQL, ODBC, Oracle, and PostgreSQL):
ProductLookup SELECT ProductName FROM Products WHERE SKU = '%VALUE%'
Example (LDAP):
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
ProductLookup ldap://,DC=example,
About rewrite directives
Following are descriptions of the RewritePageDataSource and
RewriteParamDataSource_paramname directives.
Note: Rewrite directives are case sensitive.
The SQL query or LDAP URL to be executed to retrieve the desired page, file, or
clip value. The supplied value should contain the token %VALUE%, which will be
replaced by the data conduit during each lookup with the page, file, or clip value
to be replaced. NetInsight will replace %VALUE% with the page, file, or clip that it
reads from the log files.
Example (DB2, MySQL, ODBC, Oracle, and PostgreSQL):
RewritePageDataSource SELECT NewPageLocation FROM PageRewrite
WHERE PageLocation = ’%VALUE%’
Example (LDAP):
If the %VALUE2% token is present, it will be replaced with the query string associated
with the request (if one exists).
RewritePageDataSource SELECT NewPageLocation FROM PageRewrite WHERE
PageLocation = '%VALUE%' AND PageQueryString = '%VALUE2%'
The SQL query or LDAP URL to be executed to rewrite the desired parameter
value. To facilitate directives for multiple parameters, parameter rewrite directives
are defined on a parameter-by-parameter basis. Rewrite directives for parameters
begin with the keyword RewriteParam.
To differentiate between directives for different parameters, the identifiers for
parameter rewrites should end with an underscore, followed by the name of the
parameter exactly as it has been entered in the Name text box on the Parameters
page in the NetInsight profile options, including the case. (Do not use the td in the
Parameter text box on the Parameters page.)
For example, to configure rewrites for two parameters named product and
category, you would configure the following directives:
v For the product parameter, RewriteParamDataSource_product
v For the category parameter, RewriteParamDataSource_category
The supplied value should contain the token %VALUE%, which will be replaced by
the data conduit during each rewrite with the value to be replaced.
Example (DB2, MySQL, ODBC, Oracle, and PostgreSQL):
Chapter 17. Working with data conduits
RewriteParamDataSource_paramname SELECT NewParamValue FROM ParamLookup
WHERE ParamValue = '%VALUE%'
Example (LDAP):
Differences Between a Parameter Lookup and a Parameter
The following table lists the difference between a parameter lookup directive and a
parameter rewrite directive.
Parameter lookup directive
Parameter rewrite directive
The external database is queried for the
value corresponding to the parameter you
specified. Only the value that appears on the
reports is replaced.
The external database is queried for the
value corresponding to the parameter you
specified. The value that is stored in the
NetInsight database and the value that
appears on the reports are replaced.
Using this directive may slow the speed at
which a profile updates because each
occurrence of the parameter in the log file
may result in a query to the database for the
replacement value.
If you choose to filter a report based on the
parameter you specified, you must use the
original parameter value as NetInsight read
it from your Web server's log files.
If you choose to filter a report based on the
parameter you specified, you must use the
new (replaced) parameter value.
User information directive
The following is the description of the EmailDataSource directive.
The SQL query or LDAP URL to be executed to retrieve a user's full name and
email address. The supplied value should contain the token %VALUE%, which is
replaced by the data conduit during each lookup with the user's user name.
Note: To look up email addresses in Microsoft Active Directory Server, you should
use a filter similar to "" # instead of
Example (DB2, MySQL, ODBC, Oracle, and PostgreSQL)
EmailDataSource SELECT Email, FullName FROM UserAuth WHERE LOWER(UserName) =
Example (LDAP)
EmailDataSource ldap://
User authentication directives
Following are descriptions of the AuthenticationDataSource,
AuthenticateUserSource, and AuthenticateUserDN directives.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Note: User authentication directives are case sensitive.
AuthenticationDataSource (DB2, MySQL, ODBC, Oracle, and
The SQL query to be executed to authenticate a user. The supplied value should
contain the tokens %VALUE% and %VALUE2%, which will be replaced by the data
conduit during each lookup with the user name and password entered by the user.
The authentication will be considered successful if the query returns one or more
rows of data.
AuthenticationDataSource SELECT UserName FROM UserAuth WHERE
UserName = ’%VALUE%’ AND Password = ’%VALUE2%’
AuthenticateUserSource (LDAP only)
The AuthenticateUserSource directive specifies the URL of the LDAP server to
connect to authenticate users.
AuthenticateUserSource ldap://
You can also authenticate against a Microsoft Active Directory server.
AuthenticateUserSource ldap://<domainserver address>/
where <domain server address> is the URL or IP of your domain controller (such
AuthenticateUserDN (LDAP only)
The Distinguished Name to use to connect to the LDAP server specified in the
AuthenticateUserSource directive.
AuthenticateUserDN CN=%VALUE%,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com
To authenticate against a Microsoft Active Directory server.
AuthenticateUserDN %VALUE%@<domain name>
where <domain name> is the name of your domain (such as, For this
directive, the CN and DC fields are not necessary to authenticate against a
Microsoft Active Directory.
Debug directive
When the Debug directive is set to 1, the data conduit outputs debugging
information. Note that this may be problematic when NetInsight is run through a
Web browser. Therefore, this option should be turned on only when you are
performing tests through the command-line interface.
Chapter 17. Working with data conduits
The Debug directive may be commented out in the data conduit's configuration
file. If you want to change the directive's default setting and the directive is
commented out, remove the pound sign (#) from the line and change the value if
Unloadme directive
When the UnloadMe directive is set to 1, NetInsight attempts to unload the data
conduit when it is no longer needed. Unloading a dynamically loaded library may
cause problems on some systems. If this is the case, set this directive to 0 to
instruct NetInsight not to unload the data conduit, leaving it to be unloaded by the
system when the process exits.
The UnloadMe directive may be commented out in the data conduit's
configuration file. If you want to change the directive's default setting and the
directive is commented out, remove the pound sign (#) from the line and change
the value if necessary.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Chapter 18. IBM Unica Web Server Plug-ins
The IBM Unica Web Server Plug-in allows your web server to log whether or not a
request was aborted and how long a file transfer took (in seconds).
The plug-in also allows the server to generate and log visitor identification cookies.
Sessionizing (that is, the process by which NetInsight groups page views into
visits, is much more accurate when cookies are used.
The IBM Unica Web Server Plug-in is available for Apache 2.0 for UNIX and
Windows. The Apache 2.0 version is also compatible with Apache 2.2.
To install the IBM Unica Web Server Plug-in for Apache on UNIX
1. Download the IBM Unica Web Server Plug-in using the download site URL
you received from your IBM Unica customer representative and extract the
files to a directory on your web server.
2. Log on to the server console with administrative access.
3. Change to the directory into which you unpacked the plug-in and use the
Apache Extension Tool (apxs) to compile and install the plug-in. The default
location of the apxs program is the <Apache_home>/bin directory.
4. Change to the Apache conf directory and open httpd.conf in a text editor.
Find the line that begins with LogFormat. If there is no such line, find the line
that begins with CustomLog. The LogFormat line belongs immediately before
the CustomLog line.
6. Add the following after the last LogFormat line (all one line):
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\"\"%{User-Agent}i\"
\"%{SaneCookie}n\" %<{SaneStop}n %T" sane
7. Immediately after the LogFormat line, type the following:
CustomLog logs/access_log sane
Note: If there was already a CustomLog line, comment out the original line.
8. Save httpd.conf.
9. If your Apache web server is running, shut it down by stopping the httpd
10. Restart the Apache web server.
To install the IBM Unica Web Server Plug-in for Apache on Windows
1. Download the IBM Unica Web Server Plug-in using the download site URL
you received from your customer representative and extract the files to a
directory on your web server.
2. Log on to the server console with administrative access.
3. Open mod_sane.dsw with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 or higher to compile the
4. Change to the Apache conf directory and open httpd.conf in a text editor.
5. Find the list of lines beginning with LoadModule or #LoadModule and add the
following to the end of the list:
LoadModule sane_module modules/
© IBM Corporation 1996, 2011
6. Find the line that begins with LogFormat. If there is no such line, find the line
that begins with CustomLog. The LogFormat line belongs immediately before
the CustomLog line.
7. Add the following after the last LogFormat line:
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"
\"%{SaneCookie}n\" %<{SaneStop}n %T" sane
8. Immediately after the LogFormat line, type the following:
CustomLog logs/access.log sane
Note: If there was already a CustomLog line, comment out the original line.
9. Save httpd.conf.
10. If your Apache 2.0 Web server is running, shut it down by stopping the
Apache.exe process.
11. Restart the Apache web server.
Advanced configuration directives
You can customize the IBM Unica Web Server Plug-in for Apache by adding
directives to the httpd.conf file, located in the conf directory of your Apache
installation. You can change whether a cookie is generated, how long the cookie
will be stored, and the domain suffix for the cookie.
DisableSaneCookie On
Prevents a cookie from being generated.
To resume generating cookies, change On to Off, or delete
the entire line.
SaneCookieExp n
Specifies the length of time (in months) for storing cookies
before they expire, where n is the number of months.
For example, to store cookies for three years, enter
SaneCookieExp 36. The default is 60 months.
Changes the domain suffix for cookies sent by your web
server, where is the domain suffix you want to
use for the cookies.
If you have multiple servers or multiple virtual servers that
all have the same suffix, you can set this option so that the
same cookies are returned to all of the servers.
For example, if you have two virtual servers named and, you can
ensure that they both use the same cookies by entering
SaneCookieDom This allows a cookie sent
by to be sent back to and vice versa.
Note: Any domain suffix must contain at least two periods
(.). This prevents cookies from being sent with a suffix such
as .com or .org. Also, you can only specify a suffix that is
the same as the server sending the cookie. In other words,
you may not set a cookie for if the name of your
server is
After saving your changes to httpd.conf, if the Apache server is running, stop the
server and restart it to apply your changes.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Chapter 19. Working with user-defined processes
User-defined processes are procedures you can create to perform additional
database tasks when a NetInsight profile is updated. For example, you might
create a user-defined process to update visit cost information, populate data model
extension tables, or tweak database objects for better reporting performance.
You can create multiple user-defined processes for a single profile, allowing users
to break down individual tasks into individual user-defined processes.
User-defined processes are stored in text files that contain one or more SQL
statements. References to the text files are added to the NetInsight profile
configuration file in the <userdefinedprocesses> XML elements.
How NetInsight runs user-defined processes
NetInsight runs user-defined processes during specified phases of a profile update.
After NetInsight imports new data, it checks the profile's configuration file for
user-defined processes. It then runs the user-defined processes one at a time in the
order they are listed subject to the phase at which they are specified to run (for
example, post-import or post-sampling). If no errors are encountered, NetInsight
then moves on to visitor profiling.
User-defined processes will only run if new data has been imported. If no new
data is detected at update, user-defined are not run.
If NetInsight encounters an error when running a user-defined process it displays
an error message and halts the update. If you want certain errors to be ignored,
wrap the user-defined process in a stored procedure with its own error handling
capabilities. When an update halts, the profile's reports will not be available until
you resolve the error and run the update again.
When NetInsight resumes an update after a user-defined process error, it re-runs
all user-defined processes, even those that completed successfully during the failed
update. If you want a user-defined process to run only once per data import, the
process should use transactions and other logic to side-step this behavior.
Each profile has a userdefinedprocess.log file that contains the statistics on any
user-defined processes. The log file is overwritten during every import.
To configure NetInsight to run a user-defined process
1. Create a text file containing the SQL queries that define the process.
The file's content must meet the following formatting criteria:
v Queries must end in a semi-colon (;).
v Each line must contain only one query. Queries may span multiple lines, but
a line cannot contain two queries.
v Comment lines must start wtih two hyphens (--). Comment lines will not be
executed or appended to a query.
v Calls to Oracle stored procedures must be wrapped in begin and end
statements and cannot be not used in EXECUTE statements.
© IBM Corporation 1996, 2011
v Raw SELECT statements cannot be used. Instead, include SELECT statements
in INSERT, UPDATE, CREATE, or DROP statements or in stored procedures.
(Raw SELECT statements result in a database error because they open a
resultset without telling the database what to do with the results.)
White space lines are allowed and will be skipped.
2. Save the file to a location NetInsight can access, such as the NetInsight
program directory.
3. For each profile against which you want the process to run, open its
configuration file and use the <userdefinedprocesses> and <process> elements
to specify when the process should run and the path to its text file. For
<process phase="postimport" type="sql">postimport.sql</process>
<process phase="postupdate" type="sql">postupdate.sql</process>
For the value for <process>, specify the path and name of the process's text file.
If the file is located in the NetInsight program directory you do not need to
specify the path.
About the <userdefinedprocesses> and <process> elements
To add user-defined processes to a profile, in the profile's configuration file use the
<userdefinedprocesses> element to specify the list of processes. This element has
no attributes or value.
Use the child element <process> to specify each process. Processes run in the order
they are listed, subject to their execution phase. The <process> element has two
Possible values
When to execute this
postaggregate: After aggregate reports are
postimport: After an -import command runs
or Update is run from the
postsamplinglevel: After the import phase
of sampling completes but while
NetInsightis still in sampling mode.
postupdate: After an -update command
runs or Update is run from the
Type of process
Creating generic processes for multiple profiles
To facilitate the creation of processes that work for multiple profiles, NetInsight
recognizes the token %PROFILE_ROOT%. When NetInsightencounters this token
in a process's SQL, it replaces it with the short profile name of the current profile.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
User-defined process examples
A generic user-defined process
This example shows a user-defined process that can be used with any profile. The
user-defined process logs the following data for each update into a central
Profile root
Maximum VisitorID
Maximum VisitID
Maximum ViewID
Maximum EventID
With SQL Server
To use this user-defined process with SQL Server, you first need to create the
ProfileUpdates table using the following specifications:
CREATE TABLE ProfileUpdates (
ProfileRoot VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
Next, create a file named UDP_SQL_Server.txt in the NetInsight directory. Place the
following text in this file:
INSERT INTO ProfileUpdates( DateOfUpdate, ProfileRoot, VisitorID,
VisitID, ViewID, EventID)
Now, add the UDP_SQL_Server.txt file to the profile's configuration file, and
NetInsight will start logging information about each update.
With Oracle
To use this user-defined process with Oracle, you first need to create the
ProfileUpdates table under the NetInsight user's schema using the following
CREATE TABLE ProfileUpdates (
ProfileRoot VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
Chapter 19. Working with user-defined processes
Next, create the following stored procedure under the NetInsight user's schema:
INSERT INTO ProfileUpdates
(SELECT NVL(MAX(VisitorID), 0) FROM unica_VisitorID),
(SELECT NVL(MAX(VisitID), 0) FROM unica_Visits),
(SELECT NVL(MAX(ViewID), 0) FROM unica_Views),
(SELECT NVL(MAX(EventID), 0) FROM unica_Events)
Finally, create a file named UDP_Oracle.txt in the NetInsight directory. Place the
following text in this file:
BEGIN Log_Profile_Update( ’%PROFILE_ROOT%’ );END;;
Now, add the UDP_Oracle.txt file to the profile's configuration file, and NetInsight
will start logging information about each update.
A user-defined process to populate the VisitCost table
This user-defined process populates the profile's VisitCost table under the
assumption that every view in a visit costs .001 dollars.
INSERT INTO %PROFILE_ROOT%_VisitCost SELECT VisitID, (0.001 * Views),
VisitorID, FirstViewDateTime, FirstViewDate FROM %PROFILE_ROOT%_Visits WHERE
VisitID NOT IN (select VisitID from %PROFILE_ROOT%_VisitCost );
User-defined processes and database permissions
Depending on what tasks a user-defined process performs, you may need to grant
the NetInsight database user account additional database privileges. For example,
the NetInsight database user typically does not have "execute stored procedure"
NetInsight does not restrict which tasks can be performed within a user-defined
process, so special care should be taken in setting the security permissions on the
process's text files. If someone has write access to any of the user-defined process
text files, that person can run any database command the NetInsight database user
can run. To reduce the possible impact of malicious changes to the user-defined
process text files, limit the NetInsight database user account to only those
privileges it needs.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Chapter 20. Using regular expressions with NetInsight
You can use regular expressions when setting profile options.
Depending on the database you are using, you may also be able to use regular
expressions when setting filters for reports. This lets you find specific report data
quickly and accurately. The syntax is similar to that used in Perl.
If you are unfamiliar with regular expression syntax, there are many tutorials on
the Internet.
Basics of regular expressions
A regular expression is a way of specifying a pattern in a text string. For example,
if you specify the pattern somephrase the regular expression rules matching engine
finds any instance of the text somephrase in the field you are searching. It matches
somephrase, somephrases, abcsomephrase123, and Here is somephrase.
To cite a more useful example, you can use regular expressions to generate a report
on all requests for HTM and HTML files on your site. In the Included Pages
option, enter the filter that match the regular expression htm. This gives you a
report on any page that has htm in its file name. Assuming you have not used htm
as anything other than a file extension, you will get a report on all requests for
HTML files. The report will include requests for files ending with html because the
string html includes the string htm.
Note: This assumes that either all your file names have lowercase extensions or
that you have not enabled case-sensitivity in your profile options. (When
case-sensitivity is not enabled, all pages, files, clips, and user names are imported
as lowercase characters.
The real power of regular expressions is in the use of metacharacters.
Metacharacters allow you to construct expressions that match specific text patterns
in an extremely flexible way.
The following table lists and describes the metacharacters.
. (period)
Matches any one character no matter what the character is
Matches the character immediately before it either zero
times or one time
Matches the character immediately before it any number of
times including zero (the character may not be in the string
at all)
Matches the character immediately before it one or more
times (the character must be in the string at least once)
Indicates that the characters which follow are at the start of
the string only
© IBM Corporation 1996, 2011
Indicates that the characters which precede it are at the end
of the string
Matches any single decimal digit (0-9)
Matches any character that is not a decimal digit
Matches a tab or space character
Matches any character that is not a tab or a space
Matches any letter, any digit, or the underscore character
Matches any character which is not a letter, a digit, or the
Escape character allowing the use of any of the
metacharacters with their regular keyboard meaning. For
example, \. matches a period (.) in a regular expression. (A
period (.) without a preceding escape character matches any
one character no matter what the character is.)
Metacharacter examples
The following table shows examples that illustrate the use of metacharacters.
Regular Expression
Period (.) matches any
character, even a space.
up own
Period (.) matches any
character, even a space.
Backslash (\) tells the rules
matching engine you are
looking for a period, not
using the period as a
Question mark (?) matches
both zero instances of b and
one instance of b.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Backslash (\) tells the rules
matching engine you are
looking for a question mark,
not using the question mark
as a metacharacter.
Regular Expression
Asterisk (*) matches the c
zero or more times.
Plus (+) matches the c one or
more times.
By default, text is matched
wherever it is found in the
text string.
Caret (^) only matches the
beginning of the text string.
Dollar sign ($) only matches
at the end of the text string.
Special characters
In addition to metacharacters, you can use four other characters to indicate the
relationships between various parts of the regular expression.
Tells the rules matching engine to match the text to the left
of the pipe or the text to the right of the pipe
Contains a set of characters and tells the rules matching
engine to match any character within that set
Indicates that the part of the expression that is within the
parentheses is to be considered as one unit
^ [abc]
Negates the set of characters in brackets so that text must
contain a character at that point in the expression but it
cannot be any of the characters inside the brackets
Chapter 20. Using regular expressions with NetInsight
Special character examples
The following table shows examples that illustrate the use of the special characters.
they (would |
they would
Does Not
Parentheses and pipe indicate text
must contain at least one instance of
either would or should
they should
they should
they would
Brackets indicate either a c or a z
must be present for a match
Brackets indicate there must be a
character at that point in the
expression, but the caret indicates that
character cannot be a, b, or c
Combining metacharacters
You can combine several metacharacters in one regular expression. One of the most
common combinations is the period and asterisk (.*) which matches a string of any
length including the null string.
Regular Expression
any string ending in .cgi
The period and asterisk (.*)
combination matches any
string. The backslash (\) tells
the matching rules engine to
look for a period, not use the
period as a metacharacter.
The second period is not
preceded by a backslash (\),
so it is being used as a
metacharacter to match any
one character no matter what
the character is. A more
compact form of writing the
same pattern would be
Using regular expressions
You can use regular expressions when setting many options. Depending on your
database type, you can use regular expressions to define filter groups or visitor
profiles and when filtering reports. If regular expressions are not available, you can
use the special characters for pattern matching supported by your database.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
For example, NetInsight uses regular expressions heavily in both its browser and
platform options. The following regular expression defines which user agents in
your log files are classified as the Microsoft Internet Explorer Web browser:
^Mozilla/.*MSIE (\d+\.)
To see this regular expression: 1) display a profile; 2) click the Options tab; 3) in
the Options panel, select Visitors or Users> Browsers > Microsoft Internet
Explorer > User Agents.
If a user agent in your log file matches the regular expression above, then the
browser used by that user will be listed as Microsoft Internet Explorer in your
Browser Summary.
By breaking down the regular expression, you can see exactly what it is looking
The string must start with the characters that follow
The characters that must be at the beginning of the string
The string must start with the characters that follow
The next string of characters that must be present
(including a space after the E)
The contents of the parentheses are considered a single
Matches any decimal digit
Modifies the \d so the rules matching engine looks for one
or more digits
The above expression will match the following strings:
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; MSN 2.5; Windows 98)
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95)
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 95; AIT; DigExt)
Because the regular expression includes information about the browser version
(\d+\.), if you have selected the Append the version number check box for the
browser, the first two strings above appear as Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 and the
last string will appear as Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.
Depending on your database type you can also use the That match the regular
expression filter with a regular expression when filtering a report. For example,
you could use the Custom Report Wizard to create a custom Page Summary that
only contains data for visitors who were using NetBSD, FreeBSD, or OpenBSD, but
not BSDI. You would need to enter That match the regular expression.*BSD$ as
the complete platform filter. The period and asterisk (.*) allows a match on any
characters that precede BSD in the string, but because of the dollar sign ($), the
string must end in BSD.
If you are interested in examining your server's performance when it calls CGI
programs, you can use the Custom Report Wizard to create a custom Server
Performance Summary with the filter That match the regular expression.*\.cgi$
Chapter 20. Using regular expressions with NetInsight
(provided your CGI programs end with that extension). When you run the report,
you will see only statistics on how your server performs when a CGI program is
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Chapter 21. NetInsight command-line options
NetInsight includes a command-line interface that you can use to perform many
functions. The command-line options are useful for automating the update process
as well as maintaining profiles.
For the profile command-line options, the term short_profile_name refers to the
name that appears in parentheses in the Available profiles list in the Profile
Manager. You can also display a list of the short profile names by using the
command nettracker admin -list.
The basic syntax for Profile options is:
nettracker [short_profile_name | all] -command
The all option performs the requested operation on all profiles. Otherwise, the
operation is performed only on the specified profile.
Note: All parameters used with the command-line options are case-sensitive.
About regular expressions with command-line options
You can use a regular expression to specify multiple profiles on which to operate.
The syntax is:
nettracker "%regex" [options]
nettracker admin -list "%regex"
where regex is a regular expression that identifies the profiles you want.
Note: If the percent sign (%) is not included, regex is not treated as a regular
When you use a regular expression, the actions indicated by the command-line
options are carried out on all profiles whose names match the regular expression.
It is important to test a regular expression for accuracy before you use it in an
operation that affects data. Using the command nettracker admin -list "%regex"
is a good way to test the regular expression to ensure that it matches only those
profiles you want it to match. For example, before executing the first command
below, run the second command to verify that the profiles matching the regular
expression are correct:
nettracker "%customer.*" -update
nettracker admin -list "%customer.*"
Aborts the profile. This kills the associated NetInsight process and resets the
profile. For all operations other than –abort, a profilename.lck file is created in
the profile data directory (install_directory/data/profilename/) and the contents
of that file are the PID of the current process. When –abort is run on a certain
© IBM Corporation 1996, 2011
profile, it opens the profilename.lck file, if it exists, and attempts to kill the
process with the PID found in the lock file. Importing of data is rolled back to the
last checkpoint.
Note: If there is no NetInsight process associated with this profile (in other words,
there is no short_profile_name.lck file), this option has no effect.
nettracker short_profile_name -abort
-addreport filename [-title newtitle] [-rptlist listname] [-rptfolder
Adds a previously defined custom report to the profile. The report definition XML
file must exist in the NetInsightinstall_directory/data/short_profile_name. The
dimensions, filters, and metrics defined in the report must all exist in the profile
into which the report is being added.
Note: If the report definition references invalid dimensions or metrics, the report is
not added and you receive an error message. If the report definition references an
invalid filter, the filter is ignored and the report is added.
You can use the –title, -rptlist, and –rptfolder subcommand-line options with the
–addreport option, but they are not required. The –title option specifies a report
title to use instead of the one specified in the XML file that defines the report. The
–rptlist option specifies the report list to which NetInsight should add the report. If
you do not use the –rptlist option, the report is added to the default report list for
the profile. The –rptfolder option specifies the folder in the report list to which
NetInsight should add the report. If you do not use the –rptfolder option, the
report is added to the Custom Analysis folder. Only the report filename is
nettracker short_profile_name -addreport SomeReport.xml -title SomeTitle
Instructs NetInsight to execute all email alerts that have been configured in the
options for the profile specified. The Email option in the administrative options,
and the Email Tasks and Email Alerts options in the profile options, must be
configured correctly for email alerts to successfully execute.
Note: You can combine this option with the -email, -recalc, -recipients, -regen,
and -update options. Reports are emailed at the conclusion of the -recalc, -regen,
or -update, assuming that the email alert threshold is met.
nettracker short_profile_name -alert -update
-alerttask alertname
Instructs NetInsight to execute the specified email alert. The Email option in the
administrative options, and the Email Tasks and Email Alerts options in the profile
options, must be configured correctly for the email alert to successfully execute.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Note: If the alert name contains spaces, you must put the alert name in quotation
nettracker short_profile_name -alerttask SomeEmailAlert
-archive YYYYMM
Removes the given month from the database and archives the reports for that
Note: You cannot drill into reports for archived months.
Note: Removing the last month from your profile is equivalent to clearing all data
from the profile. This includes removing all information concerning unique
visitors, which influences the identification of new and repeat visitors when
importing new data.
nettracker short_profile_name -archive 200901
Removes multiple months from the NetInsight database and archives the reports
for each listed month. (There should be no space after the comma that separates
the months.)
Note: You cannot drill into reports for archived months.
Note: Removing all months from your profile is equivalent to clearing all data
from the profile. This includes removing all information concerning unique
visitors, which will influence the identification of new and repeat visitors when
importing new data.
nettracker short_profile_nameshort_EasySet_name -archive 200901,200902
Checks the NetInsight database to ensure that all necessary tables and indices exist.
This command also outputs the disk usage of each table and index. If an index is
missing, you can run the command nettracker short_profile_name -reindex
-missing to rebuild it.
For DB2, MySQL, and Oracle, this command also checks the last analysis date for
the statistics on each table and index. If the statistics on these tables and indices
are out of date, you can run the command nettracker short_profile_name
-reanalyze to update them.
If the user running the -checkdb option has the Select Catalog role for the Oracle
database, NetInsight also examines the HASH_AREA_SIZE and SORT_AREA_SIZE
parameters of your database to ensure they are set appropriately.
Chapter 21. NetInsight command-line options
For SQL Server, this command also outputs the collation name for the tempdb and
the database. This information appears at the end of the output. For example:
Verifying important database settings...
Collation for ntdb: Latin1_General_BIN
Collation for tempdb: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
Note that the output of this command is designed to be interpreted by a trained
database administrator. Before making any changes to your database configuration
or running any of the commands mentioned above, you should consult with your
database administrator or IBM technical support.
nettracker short_profile_name -checkdb
Removes all data from the NetInsight database tables for the profile. After using
this command, you must update the profile before you can use it again.
nettracker short_profile_name -clear
-compactdb filename
In NetInsight for SQLite, reclaims available space within the given database file, or
within all of the profile's database files if no file is specified. For <file> you
should enter the full path and file name of the database file.
Example (Windows):
-compactdb "C:\Program
Example (UNIX):
nettracker short_profile_nameshort_EasySet_name
Instructs NetInsight to perform all email tasks that have been configured in the
options for the profile specified. (Tasks that have the Exclude from batch
execution check box selected are not executed.) You must configure correctly both
the Email Tasks option in the profile options and the Email options in the
administrative options for email tasks to be executed successfully.
Note: You can combine this option with the -recalc, -recipients, -regen, and
-update options. Reports are emailed at the conclusion of the -recalc, -regen, or
-update, assuming that task completes successfully.
nettracker short_profile_name -email
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
-emailtask taskname
Instructs NetInsight to perform the specified email task. You must configure
correctly both the Email Tasks option in the profile options and the Email options
in the administrative options for email tasks to be executed successfully.
Note: If the task name contains spaces, you must put the task name in quotation
Note: You can use the -recipients option to specify a list of recipients to use
instead of the recipients specified in the task.
nettracker short_profile_name -emailtask SomeEmailTask
Instructs NetInsight to mark all page titles as expired. Page titles for any pages
processed during subsequent updates are resolved the next time requests for them
are processed, as if they had expired normally.
nettracker short_profile_nameshort_EasySet_name
-forget log_filename
Whenever NetInsight processes a log file, it remembers that file by storing the first
900 bytes of the file, the file size, and the location that it left off in the file. As a
result, if the file grows, NetInsight processes only the new data. The -forget
command tells NetInsight to forget that it has already processed the log file. If you
tell NetInsight to forget a log file, it reprocesses the whole log file instead of
picking up from where it left off. For <logfile> you should enter the full path and
file name of the log file.
Example (Windows):
-forget c:\logs\access.log
Example (UNIX):
nettracker short_profile_name
-forget /logs/access.log
You can tell NetInsight to forget multiple log files with a single command by using
wildcards. The -forget option accepts a file specification, as long as it is a valid file
specification according to the wildcard rules of the operating system on which
NetInsight is installed.
Example (Windows):
-forget "c:\logs\ex0001*"
Example (UNIX):
Chapter 21. NetInsight command-line options
nettracker short_profile_name
Imports new data for both Full and Sample modes without generating reports.
You can use the sub-command-line option -nosample with -import.
nettracker short_profile_name -import
Skips the sample phase of importing. The sample tables are not modified.
nettracker short_profile_name -import -nosample
Causes NetInsight to forget or remove paid search integration module data for a
Use the module command with forget if you want to re-import previously
imported paid search data (for example, if the data has changed subsequent to
import). Data for the specified dates will not be removed from the NetInsight
database. It will be re-imported at the next update.
Use the module command with remove if you want to permanently remove paid
search from the NetInsight database (for example, to reduce the size of the
database). The data will be removed and will not be re-imported during
subsequent updates.
You target data for the command by specifying a date or month. Multiple dates or
months can be separated by commas. Do not use spaces between commas. You
cannot target an entire year (other than by listing each of its months). You cannot
target a date range (other than by listing each date in the range). Format for dates
is YYYYMMDD. Format for months is YYYYMM.
Note: If you remove data that you later want to get back, use the module
command with forget. Then run an update.
Example: Forgetting data for specific dates
This example will cause NetInsight to forget paid search data for September 4, 5,
and 6, 2009. Paid search data for these dates will be re-imported at the next
-module PSI -forget 20090904,20090905,20090906
Example: Forgetting data for specific months
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
This example will cause NetInsight to forget paid search data for September and
October 2009. Paid search data for these months will be re-imported at the next
-module PSI -forget 200909,200910
Example: Removing data for specific dates
This example will remove paid search data from NetInsight for September 4, 5,
and 6, 2009. Paid search data for these dates will not be re-imported during
subsequent updates.
-module PSI -remove 20090904,20090905,20090906
Example: Removing data for specific months
This example will remove paid search data from NetInsight for September and
October. Paid search data for these dates will not be re-imported during
subsequent updates.
-module PSI -remove 200909,200910
Instructs NetInsight not to print anything to standard output when performing
command-line operations.
nettracker short_profile_name -update -quiet
Drops and recalculates an aggregate table for both Full and Sample modes in the
database. You can use the sub-command-line options -nosample, and -sampleonly.
Note: This command does not re-import log files.
nettracker short_profile_name -reagg table_name
You can verify aggregate table name values by examining your installation's
webaggdef.xml file located at netinsight_root/data.
Skips the tables used for Sample mode. The sample tables are not modified.
nettracker short_profile_name -reagg table_name -nosample
Chapter 21. NetInsight command-line options
Drops and recalculates only those tables used for Sample mode. Non-sample tables
are not modified.
nettracker short_profile_name -reagg table_name -sampleonly
Forces an update of the analysis statistics on the NetInsight tables and indices in
an Oracle, MySQL, or DB2 database. NetInsight automatically updates these
statistics every 15 updates. Running the -reanalyze command does not reset this
Note: This command has no effect if you are running NetInsight with Microsoft
SQL Server. SQL Server automatically updates the statistics it keeps on tables and
indices in a database.
nettracker short_profile_name -reanalyze
Drops and recalculates the aggregate tables, report tables, and results tables for
both Full and Sample modes in the database and then regenerates the
corresponding report files for the defined pregenerated report range. You can use
the sub-command-line options -nosample, -sampleonly and reportkey.
Note: This command does not re-import log files.
nettracker short_profile_name -recalc
Skips the tables used for Sample mode. The sample tables are not modified.
nettracker short_profile_name -recalc -nosample
Drops and recalculates only those tables used for Sample mode. Non-sample tables
are not modified.
nettracker short_profile_name -recalc -sampleonly
Drops and recalculates only those tables used for a specific report. Can be used in
conjunction with the -nosample and -sampleonly parameters.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
nettracker short_profile_name -recalc reportkey -sampleonly
You can verify report key values by examining your profile’s rpttimes.log.
-recipients list
Specifies the email addresses that should receive the reports in one or more email
tasks. For list, you should enter a comma-delimited list of email addresses,
enclosed in quotation marks. (Spaces before or after the commas are ignored.) This
list of addresses is used instead of the recipients specified in the email tasks. This
option makes it easier to test email tasks and to send reports to different people at
different times.
Example (-email):
short_profile_name -email -recipients "bob@, joe@"
Example (-emailtask):
nettracker short_profile_name -emailtask SomeEmailTask -recipients ",
Regenerates the associated HTML files for the profile or the administrative HTML
pages if used with the -admin option. You can use this command to re-create the
contents of the HTML directory for a profile if they were accidentally deleted. You
can use the sub-command-line option -nosample with -regen.
Note: With the -admin option, this command is the same as the administrative
command -clear.
Example (profile):
nettracker short_profile_name -regen
Example (administrative):
nettracker -admin -regen
Skips the HTML files used for Sample mode reports. Only reports for Full
reporting mode are generated.
nettracker short_profile_name -regen -nosample
Rebuilds the NetInsight database indexes, including any that are missing.
nettracker short_profile_name -reindex
Chapter 21. NetInsight command-line options
Rebuilds only the missing NetInsight database indexes.
nettracker short_profile_name -reindex-missing
Removes the given date or month from the database.
Note: This option permanently deletes data from your database. If you think you
might need the data again at some point in the future, you should ensure that you
have copies of all of your log files before you remove the data.
Note: If your profile contains data for only one month, removing that month from
your profile is equivalent to clearing all data from the profile. This includes
removing all information concerning unique visitors, which will influence the
identification of new and repeat visitors when importing new data.
nettracker short_profile_name -remove 20090625
nettracker short_profile_name -remove 200906
Removes multiple months from the database. (There should be no space after the
comma that separates the months.)
Note: This option permanently deletes data from your database. If you think you
might need the data again at some point in the future, you should ensure that you
have copies of all of your log files before you remove the data.
Note: Removing all months from your profile is equivalent to clearing all data
from the profile. This includes removing all information concerning unique
visitors, which will influence the identification of new and repeat visitors when
importing new data.
nettracker short_profile_name -remove 200901,200902
-remove resume
Resumes a previous -remove YYYYMMDD command that did not complete. NetInsight
uses the lck file for the previous -remove command to determine the remove state
before the process was stopped or failed. The lck file information includes the date
ranges that were previously entered in the -remove command.
nettracker short_profile_name -remove resume
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Selectively generates reports for which new data exists or whose content has
changed since the last time report generation was run (for example, due to a
change in the report's definition) . Both the query and HTML creation phases of
report generation are run. You can use the -sampleonly or -nosample
sub-command-line options to target only sampled or non-sampled reports. Based
on your reporting needs, this can allow you to reduce the time spent on report
generation. For example, if you import data every day but rely primarily on
sampled reports throughout the week, you could generate sampled reports daily
and non-sampled reports once a week.
Note: You can replace short_profile_name with all to update all the profiles.
nettracker short_profile_name -reports
Sampled reports are not generated.
nettracker short_profile_name -reports -nosample
Non-sample reports are not generated.
nettracker short_profile_name -reports -sampleonly
Instructs NetInsight to reapply the visitor profile definitions to the visitor data. The
results of -reprofile do not appear on the reports until the profile is updated.
nettracker short_profile_name
Clears the sample tables in the profile's database and repopulates the tables. Data
in non-sample tables is not affected. After you run -resample, you should usually
run the -recalc -sampleonly option to keep the sample reports in sync with the
underlying sample data.
nettracker short_profile_name -resample
Chapter 21. NetInsight command-line options
-reseed seed_number
Changes the sample seed value in the profile's configuration file. The seed value
determines the random number generator algorithm that generates the data
sample. The new seed value does not take affect until the profile is sampled.
nettracker short_profile_name -reseed seed_number
Instructs NetInsight to immediately resolve page titles for all known pages.
nettracker short_profile_name
-samplecalc entity number
Estimates the visitor sample percentage to specify in the profile options to create a
sample of the specified number of the specified entity. Common entities are View,
Visit, Event, and Visitor. The entity is case-sensitive. The profile needs to contain
data before NetInsight can estimate the sample size. This option returns a value
that must be entered into the Visitor sample percentageSample % field in the
profile options. Because the returned value is an estimate, the resulting data
sample might not contain the exact number you specified.
nettracker short_profile_name -samplecalc Visit 10000
Updates the profile. This imports any new log file data, updates the sample tables,
and then generates all aggregates, dimension levels and bins, metrics and reports
associated with the profile for both Full and Sample modes. You can use the
sub-command-line options -nosample and -sampleonly with -update.
Note: You can replace short_profile_name with all to update all the profiles.
nettracker short_profile_name -update
Skips the sample phases of the update. Sample tables are not modified and the
sample reports are not generated.
nettracker short_profile_name -update -nosample
Processes only the sample phase of the report generation during the update.
Non-sample reports are not generated.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
nettracker short_profile_name -update -sampleonly
Adds a new profile. This command is similar in functionality to clicking Create
Profile at the Profile Manager. You can use sub-command-line options with the
-add option, but they are not required. Only the short profile name is required.
Example: nettracker admin -add <short_profile_name> [sub-command-line
-copy <profile_name|
Copies the specified profile, including its configuration settings, reports, and user
access privileges. It performs the same function as the Copy profile button in the
Profile Manager.
The following example copies the existing profile with the short name reports to a
new profile with the short name ecommerce:
nettracker admin -add ecommerce -copy reports
Includes only pages that start with <includepath>. This command-line option
corresponds to the Included Pages option in the profile options.
Note: When you use this command-line option, you can only filter for pages that
start with.
Specifies the full path to the log file and the file name or wildcard.
Specifies the type of log file.
0=Auto detect (default)
1=Netscape Flexible
2=NCSA Common/Combined
3=W3C Extended
4=IIS Standard/Extended
5=Microsoft Proxy
8=IBM Firewall
9=Raptor Eagle
10=Open Market Extended
Chapter 21. NetInsight command-line options
17=RealSystem Server, Helix Universal Server
18=Cisco PIX
Specifies the name of the profile. This is the same as the Profile title option that
can be specified in General Options.
This option will set the password, but does not enable password protection for any
of the profile options. You can use the default template to enable password
Specifies the full path to the template file. If you do not specify the -template
option, the default template file is used.
The default location for the template file on UNIX is /usr/local/NetInsight/data/
admin. The default location on Windows is C:\Program Files\NetInsight\data\
You can edit the default template file in the Profile Manager.
-type <profile type|
1=Web Server (the default and only option)
-url <url|
Specifies the URL. This is the same URL that you would otherwise enter in the
General Options.
The example command that follows creates a profile called test1 (based on a
template named template1.cfg) that analyzes Netscape Flexible log files. The
example uses the subcommand-line options -dir, -logpath, -logtype, and
Example (UNIX):
nettracker admin -add test1
-dir /usr/local/NetInsight
-logpath /export/home/logs/access.log
-logtype 1
-template /usr/local/NetInsight/templates/template1.cfg
Example (Windows):
NetTracker.exe admin -add test1
-dir "c:\Program Files\NetInsight"
-logpath c:\WinNT\System32\logfiles\W3CSV1\ex020531.log
-logtype 1
-template "C:\Program Files\NetInsight\templates\template1.cfg"
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
-addlang pathname_for_language_pack
Adds the specified NetInsight language pack, to support display of the user
interface in multiple languages; each profile can be displayed in a different
language if desired.
nettracker admin -addlang c:\n73_fr.gz
-adduser user_name [-email emailaddress] [-fullname
fullname] [-password password] [-role role] [-reportingmode
Adds the user with the specified name. This command is identical in functionality
to creating a user in the administrative options. You can use one or more
sub-command-line options, listed below, with the -adduser option, but they are
not required. Only the user name is required.
nettracker admin -adduser "Bob Smith"
-email email address
Specifies the email address for the user.
nettracker admin -adduser "Bob Smith" -email bob@
-fullname "full name"
Specifies the full name of the user. If the full name contains spaces, you must
enclose the name in quotation marks.
nettracker admin -adduser "Bob Smith" -fullname "Bob Leonard Smith"
-password password
Adds the user with the specified password (the default password is blank). If a
password is specified and NetInsight is configured to authenticate users using an
external database or the Web server, a warning message appears when you run the
command. (A password is applicable for internal database authentication only.)
nettracker admin -adduser "Bob Smith" -password a0s9d8
-reportingmode reportingmode
Specifies the default reporting mode for the user. The two possible values are full
and sample.
nettracker admin -adduser "Bob Smith" -reportingmode sample
Chapter 21. NetInsight command-line options
-role role_name
Specifies the default role for the user.
nettracker admin -adduser "Bob Smith" -role _pwruser
Note: For this option, use the name of the role (for example, nettracker admin
-adduser "Bob Smith" -role _pwruser) and not the title of the role (for example,
do not use nettracker admin -adduser "Bob Smith" -role Power User). You can
display a list of role names by using the command nettracker admin -listroles.
-assignuser user_name short_profile_name {[-role role_name]
| [-view view_name]}
Assigns the role or view (or both) to the specified user in the specified profile. This
command is identical in functionality to assigning a role and/or a view to a user
in the specified profile in the administrative options. You must use at least one
sub-command-line option with the -assignuser option.
Example: nettracker admin -assignuser "Bob Smith" short_profile_name -view
-role role_name
Assigns the role to the specified user in the specified profile.
nettracker admin -assignuser "Bob Smith" short_profile_name -role pwruser
Note: For this option, use the name of the role (for example, nettracker admin assignuser "Bob Smith" short_profile_name -role _pwruser) and not the title of
the role (for example, do not use nettracker admin -assignuser "Bob Smith"
short_profile_name -role Power User). You can display a list of role names by
using the command nettracker admin -listroles.
-view view_name
Assigns the view to the specified user in the specified profile.
-changeuser user_name [-email emailaddress] [-fullname
fullname] [-password password] [-role role] [-reportingmode
Changes the specified user's password, default role, or default reporting mode (or
any combination of these). This command is identical in functionality to changing
a user's password, default role, or default reporting mode in the administrative
If a password is specified and NetInsight is configured to authenticate users using
an external database or the Web server, a warning message appears when you run
the command. (A password is applicable for internal database authentication only.)
You must use at least one sub-command-line option with the -changeuser option.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
nettracker admin -changeuser "Bob Smith"
-email email address
Changes the email address for the user.
nettracker admin -changeuser "Bob Smith" -email bob@
-fullname "full name"
Changes the full name of the user. If the full name contains spaces, you must
enclose the name in quotation marks.
nettracker admin -changeuser "Bob Smith" -fullname "Bob Leo
-password password
Changes the specified user's password.
nettracker admin -changeuser "Bob Smith" -password a0s9d8
-reportingmode reportingmode
Changes the specified user's default reporting mode. The two possible values are
full and sample.
nettracker admin -changeuser "Bob Smith" -reportingmode sample
-role role_name
Changes the specified user's default role.
nettracker admin -changeuser "Bob Smith" -role _pwruser
Note: For this option, use the name of the role (for example, nettracker admin
-changeuser "Bob Smith" -role _pwruser) and not the title of the role (for
example, do not use nettracker admin -changeuser "Bob Smith" -role Power
User). You can display a list of role names by using the command nettracker
admin -listroles.
Regenerates the top frame of the Profile Manager and the NetInsight Homepage.
This command is the same as the -admin -regen command
nettracker admin -clear
Chapter 21. NetInsight command-line options
Changes the password used to connect to the Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, or DB2
database. This command does not change the password on the database. It only
changes the password that NetInsight uses to connect to the database. When
running this command you are prompted first to enter your old password and
then to enter your new password.
nettracker admin -dbpasswd
IBMNetInsight 8.0 - Copyright(c) 2009 IBM Corporation
Changing the password for the database connection.
Enter old password: old_password
Enter new password: new_password
Database password successfully changed.
-delete short_profile_name
Deletes the specified profile and all of its reports, removing it from the Profile
Manager and also removing its associated directories.
nettracker admin -delete short_profile_name
-deleteuser user_name
Deletes the specified user.
nettracker admin -deleteuser "Bob Smith"
-dir dir
Specifies the NetInsight program directory. The -dir option must be specified
when executing NetInsight from the command line outside of the NetInsight
program directory. The default program directory on UNIX is /usr/local/
NetInsight. The default program directory on Windows is C:\Program
Note: If there are spaces in the program directory path, you must enclose the
directory parameter in quotation marks.
Example (Windows):
C:\Program Files\NetInsight\nettracker.exe all -update -dir
"C:\Program Files\NetInsight"
Example (UNIX):
/usr/local/NetInsight/nettracker.exe all -update -dir usr/local/
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
-list or -list %regex
Lists the available profiles. This list of profiles is the same as the list that appears
in the Profile Manager. You can use "%regex" immediately after -list to display a
list of the profiles described by the regular expression.
nettracker admin -list
Lists the title and name of each role. This command is similar in functionality to
viewing the title and name of a role in the administrative options.
Note: The role title can consist of one or more words. It appears in the list of roles
in the administrative options and can be edited after it has been saved. The role
name is one word and cannot be edited after it has been saved.
nettracker admin -listroles
-listusers short_profile_name [-explicit]
Lists each user's effective role and default view for the specified profile. This
command is similar in functionality to viewing a user's profile settings in the
administrative options. You can use a sub-command-line option with the
-listusers <short_profile_name> option, but it is not required. Only the short
profile name is required.
nettracker admin -listusers short_profile_name
Includes only users with a role or default view explicitly assigned for the specified
profile name.
nettracker admin -listusers short_profile_name -explicit
Instructs NetInsight not to print anything to standard output when performing
administrative command-line operations.
-roleinfo role_name
1. All profiles with the specified role as the default role
2. All users with the specified role as their default role
3. All users with the specified role explicitly assigned in a profile, along with the
profile in which it is assigned
Chapter 21. NetInsight command-line options
Note: For this option, use the name of the role (for example, nettracker admin
-roleinfo _pwruser) and not the title of the role (for example, do not use
nettracker admin -roleinfo Power User). You can display a list of role names by
using the command nettracker admin -listroles.
nettracker admin -roleinfo _pwruser
-userinfo user_name [-explicit]
Lists the specified user's effective role and default view for each profile. This
command is similar in functionality to viewing a user's role and default view for
each profile in the administrative options. You can use a sub-command-line option
with the -userinfo option, but it is not required. Only the user name is required.
nettracker admin -userinfo "Bob Smith"
Includes only profiles in which the user has been explicitly assigned a role or
default view.
nettracker admin -userinfo "Bob Smith" -explicit
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
NetInsight uses three configuration (.cfg) files to track profile options and other
information. Configuration files are written in XML which you can read and edit
v The program configuration file (NetTracker.cfg) contains information about
your NetInsight version and license. It is located in the NetInsight root directory.
(In Windows, the root directory is located in C:\Program Files\. In UNIX, the
root directory is in /usr/local/.)
v The profile type configuration file (web.cfg) stores global profile configuration
settings. It is stored in the NetInsight_root/data/admin directory.
v Each time you create a profile, NetInsight creates a local profile configuration
file for it. The local configuration file has the same base name as the new profile.
It is stored in the NetInsight_root/data/profile_name directory.
About the NetInsight configuration file
The program configuration file (NetTracker.cfg) contains all of the options
available under Edit Administrative Options. It also contains information about
your version of and your license. The first line in the file is the XML declaration,
which specifies which version of XML the file is using.
The first element in the file is <progoptions>. This element is an overall container
element. All other entries in the file must be after <progoptions> and before
</progoptions>. The <progoptions> element has two attributes.
Possible values
Version of your
Edition of your
ebl, ebd, ebm, ebo,
ebs, ebn
v NetTracker
v ebd = NetInsight for DB2
v ebm = NetInsight for MySQL
v ebo = NetInsight for Oracle
v ebs = NetInsight for SQL Server
The <activationkey> element specifies the activation key for your license. This
element has no attributes and no child elements. This element must be contained
by the <license> element.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2011
The <adminbutton> element sets the Enable Administration button option on the
Advanced options page of the administrative options. If the element is present, the
option is selected. If it is absent, the option is not selected. This element has no
attributes, no child elements, and no value.
The <adminemail> element sets the Administrator's address option on the Email
options page of the administrative options. This element has no attributes and no
child elements. It must be contained by the <email> element.
The <authentication> element is a container element for the user authentication
child elements <loginexpiration>, <method>, <password>, <plugin>,
<restrictprofilemanager>, and <source>. The <authentication> element has no
attributes and no value.
The <password> element is only used when the authentication method is set to
<password length="1" numerics="0" special="0"/>
The <backgrounddrilldowns> element sets the Run drilldowns in background
option on the Advanced options page of the administrative options. If the element
is present, the option is selected. If it is absent, the option is not selected. This
element has no attributes, no child elements, and no value.
The <cachesize> element specifies the cache size, in number of database pages, to
be used by SQLite. The <cachesize> element has no attributes and no child
elements. It must be contained by the <database> element. The value of the
<cachesize> element is the size of the cache in terms of a number of database
pages. The default is 2000.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Note: This element applies only to NetInsight for SQLite.
The <cgidir> element specifies the path for the NetInsight CGI-BIN directory. The
directory must be set up as a CGI-BIN directory within your Web server software.
The <cgidir> element has no attributes and no child elements. This element must
be contained by the <platform> element.
The <cgiextension> element specifies the file extension used for CGI files. For
Windows, the extension is .exe. For UNIX, the extension is .cgi. The
<cgiextension> element has no attributes and no child elements. This element
must be contained by the <platform> element.
The <cgiurl> element specifies the URL that corresponds to the CGI-BIN directory.
The <cgiurl> element has no attributes and no child elements. This element must
be contained by the <platform> element.
The <checkpointmegs> element specifies the interval at which NetInsight stores all
processed data in the database. The interval must be specified in megabytes of
data processed. The default is 125, meaning NetInsight stores data in the database
each time it has processed 125 MB of data. This element has no attributes and no
child elements. It must be contained by the <database> element.
The <database> element is a container element for the database settings elements
<maxcache>, <dbconnect>, <dbpassword>, <checkpointmegs>, <indextablespace>,
<dbsessions>, <datastoredir>, <pagesize>, <cachesize>, <syncmode>, <tempstore>,
and <tempstoredir>. The <database> element has no attributes and no value.
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
<maxcache visits="512" views="4096"
errors="1000" ids="503"/>
The <datastoredir> element specifies the directory in which to store temporary
data files during import. The default value is the profile's data directory. The
default data directory is /data/short_profile_name/, where NetInsight is the
program directory and short_profile_name is the profile name that appears in
parentheses in the Available profile list. Do not modify this element without
contacting technical support.
This element is not present in the program configuration file unless you explicitly
add it. Note that no corresponding option is available in the NetInsight
administrative options interface.
This element has no attributes and no child elements. It must be contained by the
<database> element.
The <dbconnect> element specifies the database connection string. This string is
built during installation. Do not modify this element without contacting technical
This element has no attributes and no child elements. It must be contained by the
<database> element.
Note: This element does not apply to NetInsight for SQLite.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
The <dbpassword> element specifies the password NetInsight uses to connect to the
database. You can change this element using the administrative commandline
option -dbpasswd. This element has no attributes and no child elements. It must be
contained by the <database> element.
The <dbsessionoptions> element sets the Database session options option on the
Advanced options page of the administrative options. In general, you should not
change the value for this element without contacting technical support. This
element has no attributes and no child elements. It must be contained by the
<database> element.
<dbsessionoptions>sort_area_size = 1048576</dbsessionoptions>
The <dnsserver> element sets the DNS server address option on the DNS page of
the administrative options. This element has two attributes.
Possible values
Reverse DNS timeout Any numeric value
from 2 to 7200
Reverse DNS retries
Any numeric value
from 0 to 100
The <dnsserver> element has no child elements. It must be contained by the
<network> element.
<dnsserver timeout="10" retries="10">
The <disablehtmlwithlinks> element specifies that the Web Browser, with links
(.html) format is not available in the list of formats for reports sent via email. This
element has no attributes, no value, and no child elements.
This element is not present in the NetInsight program configuration file unless you
explicitly add it. Note that no corresponding option is available in the NetInsight
administrative options interface.
When the <disablehtmlwithlinks> element is present in the NetInsight program
configuration file:
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
v The Web Browser, with links (.html) option will not appear in the Format of
reports drop-down list. This list is located on these windows and pages:
– Email option pop-up window (this window appears when you click the
Email icon in the main interface).
– Email Tasks Email task description page (this page appears when you edit an
email task).
– Custom Report Wizard Emailing the Report page (this page appears when
you click Email on the Custom Report Wizard Report Summary page).
v The default option in the Format of reports drop-down list is Web Browser,
without links (.html).
v An email task that was previously configured to use the Web Browser, with links
format will continue to use that format; however, when you edit the email task,
the default value of the Format of reports drop-down list is Web Browser,
without links (.html).
The <email> element is a container element for the email settings elements:
<mailserver>, <mailfrom>, and <adminemail>. The <email> element has no
attributes and no value.
<mailserver port="25"></mailserver>
The <envvars> element specifies the environment variables that should be set when
NetInsight starts. This list appears on the Environment Variables page. The
<envvars> element has no attributes and no value. Specify the environment
variables using the child element <envvar>. The <envvar> element has one
Name of variable
Possible values
Any environment
variable name
<envvar name="ORACLE_HOME">
<envvar name="NLS_LANG">
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
The <helpurl> element directs the links in the Help menu to a server of your
choosing. If it is missing (the default), the links in the Help menu automatically
point to IBM's hosted documentation server. Typically you would only add this
element if your network does not have internet access and as a result you need to
install the NetInsight documentation on your corporate intranet.
The <homepagebutton> element sets the Enable InsightNetInsightHomepage
button option on the Advanced options page of the administrative options. If the
element is present, the option is selected. If it is absent, the option is not selected.
This element has no attributes, no child elements, and no value.
The <htmldir> element specifies the path for the NetInsight HTML directory. The
directory must be under the document root for your Web server. The <htmldir>
element has no attributes and no child elements. This element must be contained
by the <platform> element.
The <htmlurl> element specifies the URL that corresponds to the HTML directory.
The <htmlurl> element has no attributes and no child elements. This element must
be contained by the <platform> element.
The <httpproxy> element sets the HTTP proxy server option on the Proxies page
of the administrative options. This element has one attribute.
HTTP proxy server
Possible values
Any number
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
The <httpproxy> element has no child elements. It must be contained by the
<network> element.
<httpproxy port="80"></httpproxy>
The <indextablespace> element specifies the name of the tablespace (filegroup in
SQL Server) where the indices are stored. Do not modify the value of this element
without contacting technical support. This element has no attributes and no child
elements. It must be contained by the <database> element.
The <license> element is a container element for the license settings elements:
<serialnumber> and <activationkey>. The <license> element has no attributes and
no value.
The <locale> element customizes the administrative interface for your locale. If the
element is missing, the defaults are used. This element has four attributes; each
one corresponds to an option on the Locale options page in the administrative
Possible values
Display time as
12hr, 24hr
Display date as
mdy, dmy, ymd
Character set
latin1, latin2, sjis,
big5, gb2312, euckr,
language identifier
This element has no child elements and no value.
<locale timeformat="12hr" dateformat="mdy"
charset="latin1" language="en"/>
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
The <logbrowsing> element sets the Enable log file browsing option on the
Advanced options page of the administrative options. If the element is present, the
option is set. If it is missing, the option is not set. This element has no attributes,
no child elements, and no value.
The <logformats> element contains a list of custom log formats. This list displays
on the Custom Log Formats page of the administrative options. The <logformats>
element has no attributes and no value. Use the child element <logformat> to
specify the actual formats. The value of the <logformat> element is the name of the
format. This element has one attribute.
Log format
Possible values
Any valid log
* For details on valid log formats, including mandatory field identifiers, see the
NetInsight User's Guide or online help.
<logformat format="%HOST% %IDENT% %USERNAME% [%DATETIME%]
&quot;%REQUEST%&quot; %STATUS% %BYTES%
&quot;%REFERRER%&quot; &quot;%USERAGENT%&quot;
NCSA Combined plus plug-in
The <loginexpiration> element sets the Logins expire option on the
Authentication page of the administrative options. The possible values are never
and session. The default is never. This element has no attributes and no child
elements. It must be contained by the <authentication> element.
The <mailfrom> element sets the From address option on the Email page of the
administrative options. This element has no attributes and no child elements. It
must be contained by the <email> element.
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
<mailfrom> NetInsight</mailfrom>
The <mailserver> element sets the Mail server (SMTP) option on the Email page
of the administrative options. This element has one attribute.
Mail server port
Possible values
Any number up to
<mailserver port="25"></mailserver>
The <maxcache> element specifies how database items will be cached on the client.
This element has five attributes.
Possible values
Number of hash
buckets used when
caching visits
Any number equal to 61440
or greater than 2
Number of views to Any number equal to 0
store before forcing a or greater than 0
Number of errors to Any number equal to 0
store before forcing a or greater than 2*
Number of hash
buckets used when
caching IDs
Any number equal to 15013
or greater than 2*
The amount of
memory (in MB) to
be used for cached
Any number equal to
or greater than 10
* This value should be a prime number for optimal performance.
The <maxcache> element has no value and no child elements. It must be contained
by the <database> element.
<maxcache visits="512" views="0" errors="0" ids="503"/>
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
The <maxcompletedperuser> element specifies the maximum number of reports
with the status of Canceled by Admin, Completed, or Failed that a user is allowed
to retain in the Inbox. This element has no attributes and no child elements. It
must be contained by the <reportinbox> element. The value of the
<maxcompletedperuser> element is the number of reports. The default value is 100.
The <maxdnsrequests> element sets the Maximum simultaneous DNS requests
option on the DNS page of the administrative options. The default is 2000. This
element has no attributes and no child elements.
The <maxqueuedlines> element specifies how many log file lines are queued for the
import process. The import process is comprised of two separate threads: the
parser and the loader.
The <maxqueuedlines> element has two attributes.
Possible values
Number of log file
lines queued for the
Any number
0 (single CPU) 2000
(multiple CPUs)
Number of log file
lines sorted into
chronological order
Any number
* This attribute only applies to logs in Netscape Flexible format, NCSA
Common/Combined format, or a custom format.
Setting an attribute to 0 turns off the corresponding thread.
The <maxqueuedlines> element has no value and no child elements.
<maxqueuedlines parser="2000" sorter="10000"/>
The <maxrunningglobal> element specifies the maximum number of reports with
the status of Running allowed in the system, regardless of who requested them.
This element has no attributes and no child elements. It must be contained by the
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
<reportinbox> element. The value of the <maxrunningglobal> element is the
number of reports. The default value is 200. A value of 0 means there is no limit.
The <maxrunningperuser> element specifies the maximum number of reports with
the status of Running allowed per user. This element has no attributes and no
child elements. It must be contained by the <reportinbox> element. The value of
the <maxrunningperuser> element is the number of reports. The default value is 5.
A value of 0 means there is no limit.
The <method> element sets the Authenticate using option on the Authentication
page of the administrative options. The possible values are external, internal,
webserver, and IBM. The default is internal. This element has no attributes and no
child elements. It must be contained by the <authentication> element.
The <network> element is a container element for the network settings elements:
<httpproxy>, <dnsserver>, and <passiveftp>. The <network> element has no
attributes and no value.
<httpproxy port="80"></httpproxy>
The <pagesize> element specifies the page size to be used for newly created SQLite
profile data files. This page size will not apply to miscellaneous SQLite data file
used elsewhere within NetInsight. The <pagesize> element has no attributes and
no child elements. It must be contained by the <database> element. The value of
the <pagesize> element is the size of the page in number of bytes. (The number
must be a power of two.) The default is 1024.
Note: This element applies only to NetInsight for SQLite.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
The <passiveftp> element sets the Use passive mode FTP option on the Proxies
Settings page of the administrative options. If the element is present, the option is
set. If it is missing, the option is not set. This element has no attributes, no child
elements, and no value. It must be contained by the <network> element.
The <pathsep> element specifies the character used to separate directories in file
paths. For Windows, the character is a backward slash (\). For UNIX, the character
is a forward slash (/). The <pathsep> element has no attributes and no child
elements. This element must be contained by the <platform> element.
The <platform> element is a container element for the platform settings elements:
<progdir>, <htmldir>, <htmlurl>, <cgidir>, <cgiurl>, <pathsep>, <cgiextension>,
and <linefeeds>. The <platform> element has no attributes and no value.
<progdir>c:\Program Files\NetInsight
The <plugin> element specifies the plug-in to be used to perform external
authentication and/or retrieve a user's full name and email address. The value
must be a path and file name for an NTDI API plug-in capable of performing
external authentication. This element has one attribute.
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
Full path to conduit
Possible values
Path and file name of
the configuration file
to be passed to the
This attribute has no child elements. It must be contained by the <authentication>
<plugin conf="./ldapauth.conf">./</plugin>
processlog element
The <processlog> element enables NetInsight process logging. It is present
(process logging enabled) by default.
The <progdir> element specifies the path for the NetInsight program directory. The
<progdir> element has no attributes and no child elements. This element must be
contained by the <platform> element.
<progdir>c:\Program Files\NetInsight
The <reportinbox> element is a container element for the <maxrunningperuser>,
<maxrunningglobal>, <maxcompletedperuser>, and <runreportscheduler> element.
The <reportinbox> element has no attributes and no value.
The <reportlimits> element is a container element for the sub-elements <reports>
and <rows>. It has no attributes or value of its own.
The <reports> element defines the maximum number of reports NetInsightwill
return in a single calendar month in response to GetReportData requests received
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
through its XML API. The default is one thousand. Once the specified limit is
reached, subsequent requests will return an error.
The <rows> element defines the maximum number of report rows NetInsight will
return in a single calendar month in response to GetReportData requests received
through its XML API. The default is two million. Once the specified limit is
reached, subsequent requests will return an error. Note that the number represents
the sum total of rows returned from the database and therefore is not limited to
actual report rows.
For any month NetInsightrecognizes whichever limit is reached first, <reports> or
Note: Note that these limits are only enforced if the ondemand flag is set, meaning
they do not pertain to NetInsight Enterprise installations.
The <reportsduringimport> element sets the Enable reports during data import
option on the Advanced options page. If this element is present, the option is
selected. If it is absent, the option is not selected. This element has no attributes, no
child elements, and no value.
Note: This element only applies to NetInsight for Oracle and NetInsight for
The <reportsduringupdate> element sets the Enable reports during report
generation option on the Advanced options page. If this element is present, the
option is selected. If it is absent, the option is not selected. This element has no
attributes, no child elements, and no value.
Note: This element does not apply to NetInsight for SQLite.
The <restrictprofilemanager> element sets the Restrict access to Profile Manager
option on the Authentication options page. If this element is present, the option is
selected. If it is absent, the option is not selected. This element has no attributes, no
child elements, and no value. This element must be contained by the
<authentication> element.
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
The <resultsetretention> element specifies the length of time that a temporary
data table is to be retained. (Temporary data tables are generated when a user
requests a custom report.) The length of time must be specified in seconds. The
default value for NetInsight is 900 seconds. A value of 0 specifies that the
temporary data tables should not be retained and should be deleted immediately
after they are first used. This element has no attributes and no child elements.
The <runreportscheduler> element sets the Run Queued Reports option on the
Advanced options page of the Administrative options. This element has no
attributes and no child elements. It must be contained by the <reportinbox>
element. When the <runreportscheduler> element is set to true, the option is
selected and the report scheduler runs. When the element is set to false, the
option is cleared and no reports are generated.
Note: This element applies only to installations on UNIX computers. It has no
effect on Windows computers.
The <secure> element causes any new profile-related directories to be created with
permissions of 755 (readable, writeable, and accessible by the owner and readable
and accessible by anyone else) and any new profile-related data files to be created
with permissions of 644 (readable and writeable by the owner and readable by
anyone else). If this element is not present, new directories are created with
permissions of 777 (readable, writeable, and accessible by any user) and new data
files are created with permissions of 666 (readable and writeable by any user). This
element has no attributes, no child elements, and no value.
The <serialnumber> element specifies the serial number for your license of
NetInsight. This element has no attributes and no child elements. It must be
contained by the <license> element.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
The <source> element specifies the environment variable that supplies the user
names for Web server authentication. This element has no attributes and no child
element. The value of the element is the name of the environment variable that
supplies the user names. If the <source> element is absent, the user names will
come from the REMOTE_USER environment variable. This element must be contained
by the <authentication> element.
The <syncmode> element specifies how hard SQLite should try to ensure that data
is safely written to disk. This element has no attributes and no child elements. It
must be contained by the <database> element. The value of the <syncmode> element
is an integer (0, 1, or 2) corresponding to a setting for the synchronous parameter
in SQLite. The default value is 2.
Note: This element applies only to NetInsight for SQLite.
Note: This element is present in the NetInsight configuration file only if it has
been manually set to a value other than the default.
The <tempstore> element specifies where SQLite should store temporary tables and
indices. This element has no attributes and no child elements. It must be contained
by the <database> element. The value of the <tempstore> element is an integer (0,
1, or 2) corresponding to a setting for the temp_store parameter in SQLite. The
default value is 0.
Note: This element applies only to NetInsight for SQLite.
Note: This element is present in the NetInsight configuration file only if it has
been manually set to a value other than the default.
The <tempstoredir> element specifies the name of the directory in which SQLite
will create temporary tables and indexes. (Temporary files created by SQLite are
unlinked immediately after they are created, so they will normally not be visible in
the given directory.) If this element is not present, NetInsight determines a location
for the temporary files on its own. This element has no attributes and no child
elements. It must be contained by the <database> element. The value of the
<tempstoredir> element is a directory path.
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
Note: This element applies only to NetInsight for SQLite.
Note: This element is present in the NetInsight configuration file only if it has
been manually set to a value other than the default.
The <titleresolutiontimeout> element specifies how long NetInsight waits for a
response from the Web server when resolving page titles. This element has no
attributes and no child elements. The value of this element is the number of
seconds NetInsight should wait for a response from the Web server; the default is 4
About the global profile configuration file
The global profile configuration file (web.cfg) contains all of the default options
available under the Edit Profile Options option.
The first element in the file is <weboptions>. This a container element. All other
entries in the file must be within <weboptions>.
The <aggdeffile> element specifies the file from which NetInsight should read
aggregate definitions. This element has no attributes and no child elements. The
value of the element is the filename of the aggregate definition file to use. The file
must be located in the NetInsight/data/directory. If this element is missing,
NetInsight uses the default aggregate definition file for the profile.
The <aggsrequired> element specifies that an aggregate definition file must be
loaded successfully or an error will be generated. This element has no attributes,
no child elements, and no value. If the element is present, an aggregate definition
file must be loaded successfully. If the element is missing, no error will be
generated if the aggregate definition file is missing.
The <bannerads> element contains a list of banner ads you want to track. This list
appears on the Banner Ads page. The <bannerads> element has no attributes and
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
no value. Each banner ad is specified using the child element <bannerad>. The
value of the <bannerad> element is the name of the banner ad. The <bannerad>
element has two attributes.
Possible values
Full path of graphic
Any path
URL to link to
<bannerad file="/graphics/bannerad1.jpg"
ACME banner ad
The <browsers> element contains a list of the browser names that will appear in
reports. This list appears on the Browsers page. The <browsers> element has no
attributes and no value. Each browser is specified using the child element
<browser>. The <browser> element has two attributes and no value.
Possible values
Append the version
true, false
Name of browser
Any alphanumeric
The individual members of each browser group are specified using the child
element <member>. The value of the <member> element is the text used to determine
if a browser is to be included in the group.
<browser name="America Online">
<member method="match_pattern">
<member method="starts_with">aolbrowser/</member>
<member method="starts_with">IWENG/</member>
<browser appendversion="true" name="Netscape Navigator">
<member method="match_pattern">^Mozilla/([01234]\.)</member>
<member method="match_pattern">
^Mozilla/[56789]\..*Netscape\d */(\d+.)
The <campaigns> element contains a list of all the campaigns you want NetInsight
to track. This list appears on the Campaigns page. The <campaigns> element has
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
no attributes and no value. Each campaign is specified using the child element
<campaign>. The <campaign> element has one attribute and no value.
Name of campaign
Possible values
Any alphanumeric
Campaign channels are specified using the <channel> element.
<campaign name="Offer">
<channel name="checkdomain" type="bannerad">
<segment name="Ad Segment 1">
<member method="equals">promo</member>
<segment name="Ad Segment 2">
<member method="equals">demo</member>
The <casesensitivepages> element sets the Case sensitive pages option on the
General options page. If the element is present, the option is selected. If it is
absent, the option is not selected. This element has no attributes, no child elements,
and no value.
The <casesensitiveusernames/> element sets the Case sensitive user names option
on the General options page. If the element is present, the option is selected. If it
is absent, the option is not selected. This element has no attributes, no child
elements, and no value.
The <connection> element is a container element for the information NetInsight
needs to connect to an external module. This element must be contained by a
<module> element. The <connection> element has no attributes and no value. Use
the child elements <url>, <user>, and <password> to specify the connection
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
The <contentgroups> element contains a list of content groups that categorize the
clips on your streaming media server. This list appears on the Content Groups
page. The <contentgroups> element has no attributes and no value. Each content
group is specified using the child element <contentgroup>. The <contentgroup>
element has one attribute and no value.
Possible values
Name of content
Any alphanumeric
Use the child element <member> to specify the individual clips that are part of the
content group. The value of the <member> element is the text used to determine
which clips are in the group.
<contentgroup name="Concerts">
<member method="starts_with">/concerts</member>
<contentgroup name="Lectures">
<member method="starts_with">/lectures</member>
The <converttimes> element sets the Convert dates and times to local timezone
option on the Advanced options page. If the element is present, the option is
selected. If it is absent, the option is not selected. This element has no attributes, no
child elements, and no value.
The <cookielookup> element sets the Cookie lookup URL option on the Lookup
Scripts page. The value of the element is the script you want executed when the
user clicks a cookie in the Cookie Summary. If the element is missing, the option
will be blank. This element has no attributes and no child elements.
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
The <custommetrics> element contains the list of custom metrics for the profile.
This list appears on the Custom Metrics options page. This element has no
attributes and no value. Specify each custom emtric using the child element
<custommetric>. The <custommetric> element has eight attributes.
Any alphanumeric
Select custom metric
filtered, multiinput
left, right, center
Minimum twips
Any numeric value
Recommended twips
Any numeric value
true, false
Display percentage of true, false
Possible values
Any number from 1
to 8
The <custommetric> element can contain the child elements <displayname>,
<description>, <basemetric>, <filterinstances>, <metric1>, <metric2>, and
v The <displayname> element specifies the title for the metric. This element has no
attributes and no child elements. The value of the element is the metric title.
v The <description> element specifies the description for the metric. The
description appears as the text for the metric's column in the report’s page help.
This element has no attributes and no child elements. The value of the element
is the metric description.
v The <basemetric> element specifies the metric that will provide the data to be
filtered for the current metric. This element only applies to <custommetric>
elements whose type attribute has a value of filtered. The <basemetric> element
has no attributes and no child elements. The value is the name of the base
v The <filterinstances> element specifies the filters for the metric. This element
only applies to <custommetric> elements whose type attribute has a value of
filtered. For details on the <filterinstances> element, see the document
"NetInsight Dimension and Metric Filters."
v The <metric1> element specifies the metric that you want to divide. This
element only applies to <custommetric> elements whose type attribute has a
value of multiinput. The <metric1> element has no attributes and no child
elements. The value of the element is the metric name.
v The <metric2> element specifies the metric by which you want to divide. This
element only applies to <custommetric> elements whose type attribute has a
value of multiinput. The <metric1> element has no attributes and no child
elements. The value of the element is the metric name.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
v The <operation> element specifies the mathematical operation you want to
apply to the metrics specified by the <metric1> and <metric2> elements. The
<operation> element only applies to <custommetric> elements whose type
attribute has a value of multiinput.
<custommetric name="downloadspersession" type="multiinput"
alignment="right" mintwips="2000" recommendedtwips="2000"
graphable="true" precision="8">
<displayname>Downloads per Session</displayname>
<custommetric name="wdsessions" type="filtered" alignment="right"
mintwips="775" recommendedtwips="1775" graphable="true"
<displayname>WeekDay Sessions</displayname>
<description>The number of sessions during weekdays</description>
<filterinstance type="dow">
The <dashboardsize> element sets the Number of values per dashboard graph
option on the General options page. The default value is 5. This element has no
attributes and no child elements.
The <daterange/> element restricts NetInsight to a specified date range of log files.
NetInsightwill not analyze any log file data outside of the date range. If the
element is missing, NetInsight will analyze all of the log file data.
This element has two possible attributes. Each attribute corresponds to an option
on the Included Dates page.
Possible values
Starting date
Any Julian date
Ending date
Any Julian date
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
<daterange start="2449719" end="2451545"/>
The <defaults> element specifies the default role and default view for a profile.
This element is present only when a value other than (None) has been selected for
the default role, the default view, or both.
The <defaults> element has two possible attributes, each of which has a
corresponding option on the Profile Defaults page. Each attribute appears only if
the corresponding option is set to a value other than (None).
Possible values
Default role
Default view
<defaults role="limited" view="marketing"/>
The <departments> element contains a list of departments that group the traffic on
server. This list appears on the Departments options page. The <departments>
element has one attribute and no value.
Departments defined
primarily by
Possible values
hosts, users
Each department is specified using the child element <department>. The
<department> element has one attribute and no value.
Name of department
Possible values
Any alphanumeric
The individual members of each department are specified using the child element
<member>. The <member> element uses both the method and type attributes inside
the <department> element. The type attribute has two possible values: host and
user. The default value is host. The value of the <member> element is the host or
user name.
<department name="Sales">
<member type="host" method="ends_with"></member>
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
The <dimensionlists> element contains a list of dimension list definitions. The list
appears on the Dimension Lists options page. This element has no attributes and
no value. Use the <dimensionlist> element to define each dimension list. The
<dimensionlist> element has two attributes.
Possible values
Title of dimension list Any character string
less than 120
Name of dimension
list (one word)
Any character string
of less than 30
characters that starts
with a letter, uses
only alphanumeric
characters, hyphens,
or underscores, and
does not match the
name of a
subdirectory in the
profile's HTML
The <dimensionlist> element has no value. Use the child element <group> to
specify each group in the list. The <group> element has one attribute.
Title of group
Possible values
Any character string
less than 120
Note: * NetInsight will create an ID for the group by replacing any spaces and
non-alphanumeric characters in the name with underscores. Each group's ID must
be unique within the dimension list.
The <group> element has no value. Use the child element <dimension> to specify
each dimension in the group. The <dimension> element has two attributes.
Dimension title
Any character string
less than 120
Dimension source
Any dimension key
Possible values
Note: * NetInsight will create an ID for the dimension by replacing any spaces and
non-alphanumeric characters in the name with underscores. Each dimension's ID
must be unique within the dimension list.
The <dimension> element has no child elements and no value.
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
<dimensionlist name="My Dimension List" id="mylist">
<group name="Visitor Dimensions">
<dimension name="Host" target="host"/>
The <dimensionsfile> element specifies a dimensions file to use with this profile.
This element has no attributes and no child elements. The value of the element is
the filename of the dimensions file to be used. The file must be located in the
NetInsight/data/directory. If this element is missing, NetInsight uses the default
dimensions file for the profile type.
The <dirindexes> element contains a list of directory indexes. The <dirindexes>
element has no attributes and no value. Use the child element <member> to specify
the indexes. Inside the <dirindexes> element, NetInsight ignores the method
attribute of the <member> element. All entries are matched using ends_with. The
value of the <member> element is the name of the index.
The <dmpackages> element contains a list of all the data model extensions
configured for the profile. This list appears on the Available data model extensions
page. The <dmpackages> element has no attributes and no value. Each data model
extension is specified using the child element <dmpackage>. The <dmpackage>
element has one attribute and no value.
Possible values
Name of the
datamodel extension
Any alphanumeric
The <dmpackage> element contains two elements:
v <dmext>, the value of which is the path and filename of the data model
extensions file
v <formatdbext>, the value of which is the path and filename of the output
formatting extension file
You can specify the file locations using absolute or relative paths. Paths are relative
to the NetInsight/data/ directory.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
The <dmext> and <formatdbext> elements have no attributes.
If <dmpackages> this element is missing, NetInsight uses the default dimensions file
for the profile.
<dmpackage name="Extension">
C:\Program Files\NetInsight\data\myextensionsfile.xml
C:\Program Files\NetInsight\data\myeoutputfile.xml
</dmpackage >
The <donotconverttimes/> element sets the Do not convert dates and times to
local time zone option on the Advanced options page. If the element is present,
the option is selected. If it is absent, the option is not selected. This element has no
attributes, no child elements, and no value.
The <dynamicpages> element contains a list of the dynamic pages for which the
query string will be treated as part of the page. This list appears on the Dynamic
Pages page.
The <dynamicpages> element has no attributes and no value. Use the child element
<member> to specify each dynamic page. The value of the <member> element is the
text that identifies a dynamic page.
<member method="contains">/cgi-bin/</member>
<member method="ends_with">.exe</member>
The <element> element specifies the database column on which the data is
sampled. The <element> element has no attributes and no child elements. The
value of the element is the name of the database column. Currently, VisitorID is the
only supported sampling element. The <element> element must be contained by
the <sampling> element.
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
The <emailalerts> element contains a list of email alerts. An email alert enables
you to notify one or more individuals via email when certain user-defined criteria
are met at the completion of each update. The list of email alerts appears on the
Email Alerts page.
The <emailalerts> element has no attributes and no value. Each individual email
alert is specified using the child element <emailalert>. The <emailalert> element
has six attributes.
Possible values
Time period
all, latest, today,
Name of alert
Any alphanumeric
Email task
Any email task name
Any valid metric
Execute if calculated
value is
equalto, greaterthan,
(Unlabeled text entry Any numeric
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
The <emailalert> element has no value. Use the child element <filterinstances>
to specify the filters that define the email alert.
<emailalert timeperiod="previousweek" name="AnEmailAlert"
task="AnEmailTask" metric="views" compare="equalto"
<filterinstance type="host" comparison="equals">
The <emailtasks> element contains a list of email tasks. An email task links reports
with recipients so that you can send the reports to the recipients via email. The list
of email tasks appears on the Email Tasks page.
The <emailtasks> element has no attributes and no value. Each individual email
task is specified using the child element <emailtask>. The <emailtask> element has
six attributes.
Specifies whether to
exclude from batch
Possible values
true, false
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
Possible values
Time period
all, latest, today,
Format of reports
csv, rtf, htmlnolinks,
Subject of email
Any alphanumeric
Name of task
Any alphanumeric
From address
Any alphanumeric
Value for the From
address option on
the Email page in the
Note: * The from attribute is present in the configuration file only when the value
specified on the Email task description page in the profile options differs from the
value specified for the From address option in the administrative options.
The value of the <emailtask> element is the additional text.
You can include summaries, dashboards, and saved custom reports in an email
task. The child element <summaries> contains the reports to send. The <summaries>
element has no attributes and no value. Use the child element <summary> to specify
each report. The value of the <summary> element is as follows:
v For summaries, the value is the abbreviated summary name. For a list of
abbreviated summary names, see the <summaries> element.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
v For dashboards, the value is the abbreviated dashboard name.
v For saved custom reports, the value is the ID of the custom report. To find the
1. View the profile that contains the custom report.
2. Click the Custom tab. The Managing Reports page opens.
3. Optionally, limit the reports that display by entering a string in the Report
title field. The list is automatically reduced to show only reports that have a
title with a matching string.
4. View the HTML source code for this screen and then search for the list of
HTML <option> tags. An <option> tag for the saved custom report should
appear in the list. For example:
<option value="custom003">My Report</option>
In this example, the ID is custom003.
The reports are included in the email message in the order in which they are
listed in the <summaries> element.
Use the child element <recipients> to specify the recipients of the reports.
The <recipients> element has no attributes and no value. Use the child
element <member> to specify each recipient. (See the <member> element.) The
value of the <member> element is an email address.
<emailtask exclude="false" timeperiod="latest" format="html"
subject="New Reports" name="Latest Monthly Reports"
Description of reports.
The <entity> element specifies the database table that contains the sampled
element. The <entity> element has no attributes and no child elements. The value
of the element is the name of the database table. Currently, Visitor is the only
supported sampling entity.
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
The <excludedagents> element contains a list of user agents you do not want
included in the traffic analysis. This list appears on the Excluded Agents page. If
the <excludedagents> element is missing, traffic from all user agents will be
included in the analysis. The <excludedagents> element has no attributes and no
value. Use the child element <member> to specify the user agents. The value of the
<member> element is the text that determines which user agents are excluded.
<member method="starts_with">Microsoft-WebDAVMiniRedir</member>
The <excludedhosts> element contains a list of hosts that you do not want to
include in the traffic analysis. This list appears on the Excluded Hosts page. If the
<excludedhosts> element is missing, traffic from all hosts will be included in the
The <excludedhosts> element has no attributes and no value. Use the child
element <member> to specify the hosts. The value of the <member> element is the
text that determines which hosts are excluded.
<member method="ends_with"></member>
The <excludedpages> element contains a list of pages you do not want included in
the traffic analysis. This list appears on the Excluded Pages page. If the
<excludedpages> element is missing, traffic to all pages will be included in the
The <excludedpages> element has no attributes and no value. Use the child
element <member> to specify the pages. The value of the <member> element is the
text that determines which pages are excluded.
<member method="ends_with">.gif</member>
<member method="ends_with">.GIF</member>
<member method="ends_with">.jpg</member>
<member method="ends_with">.JPG</member>
<member method="ends_with">.class</member>
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
The <excludedparametervalues> element contains a list of parameter values. This
list appears on the Excluded Parameter Values page. If the
<excludedparametervalues> element is missing, all parameter values will be
included in the analysis.
The <excludedparametervalues> element has no attributes and no value. Use the
child element <member> to specify the excluded parameter value rules. The value of
each <member> element is the text that determines which parameter values are
<member type="param1" method="equals">images</member>
<member type="param2" method="equals">base</member>
The <excludedusers> element contains a list of users that you do not want to
include in the traffic analysis. This list appears on the Excluded Users page. If the
<excludedusers> element is missing, traffic from all users will be included in the
The <excludedusers> element has no attributes and no value. Use the child
element <member> to specify the users. The value of the <member> element is the text
that determines which users are excluded.
<member method="equals">Bob</member>
The <filtergroups> element contains a list of filter groups. This list appears on the
Filter Groups page. If the <filtergroups> element is missing, no filter groups will
be available in the profile.
The <filtergroups> element has no attributes and no value. Use the child element
<filtergroup> to specify the filter groups. The <filtergroup> element has two
Name of filter group
Any alphanumeric
Filters that belong to
filter group
Filter string for filters
you entered for this
Possible values
The value of the <filtergroup> element is the title of the filter group.
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
<filtergroup name="test"
Test Group
The <filterinstances> element contains all the filters being applied to the element
that contains the <filterinstances> element. The <filterinstances> element must
be contained by a <dimension> or <metric> element or by a <filter>,
<visitorprofile>, or <emailalert> element in a configuration file. Each
<dimension>, <metric>, <filter>, <visitorprofile>, or <emailalert> element can
contain only one <filterinstances> element. The <filterinstances> element has
no value and no attributes.
Use the child element <filterinstance> to define each filter that is being applied
to the dimension, metric, or visitor profile. There are ten types of filters: string,
group, numeric, list, range, date, path, retail action, visit type, and filter group. The
attributes of the <filterinstance> element vary depending on the type of filter
being defined.
string filters
The <filterinstance> element used to define a string filter has three attributes.
Possible values
Any alphanumeric
Type of filter being
defined—must match characters
the name attribute of
a <dimension>
To evaluate
dimension or metric
values against the
filterinstance value
ends_with, contains,
Whether to negate
the comparison
true, false
* This attribute is optional.
The value of the <filterinstance> element is the string value of the filter. The
<filterinstance> element for a string filter has no child elements.
<filterinstance type="browser" comparison="equals" negate="true">
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
numeric filters
The <filterinstance> element used to define a numeric filter has one attribute.
Possible values
Type of filter being
Any alphanumeric
defined—must match characters
the name attribute of
a <dimension>
The value of the <filterinstance> element is the numeric value. The
<filterinstance> element for a numeric filter has no child elements.
<filterinstance type="cost">7</filterinstance>
list filters
List filters store multiple numeric values. The <filterinstance> element used to
define a list filter has one attribute.
Possible values
Any alphanumeric
Type of filter being
defined—must match characters
the name attribute of
a <dimension>
element of filtertype
The <filterinstance> element has no value. Use the child element <values> to
specify the numeric values in the list. The <values> element has no attributes and
no value. Use the child element <value> to specify each numeric value.
The <value> element has no attributes and no child element. The value of a
<value> element is a numeric value.
<filterinstance type="dayofweek">
range filters
Range filters define a numeric range. The <filterinstance> element used to define
a range filter has one attribute.
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
Possible values
Type of filter being
Any alphanumeric
defined—must match characters
the name attribute of
a <dimension>
element of filtertype
The <filterinstance> element has no value. Use the child element <range> to
specify the numeric range. The <range> element has no attributes and no value.
Use the child elements <start> and <end> to specify the start and end of the range.
The <start> element has no attributes and no child elements. The value of the
<start> element is the start value of the range.
The <end> element has no attributes and no child elements. The value of the <end>
element is the end value of the range.
<filterinstance type="numviews">
date filters
The <filterinstance> element used to define a date filter has two attributes.
Possible values
Any alphanumeric
Type of filter being
defined—must match characters
the name attribute of
a <dimension>
To evaluate
dimension or metric
values against the
filterinstance value
equals, between
If the <filterinstance> element has a comparison attribute of type equals, the
value of the element is the value used in the comparison. This value can be either
a specific date in the format YYYY-MM-DD or one of two keywords (today,
If the <filterinstance> element has a comparison attribute of type between, the
element will have no value. Use the child element <range> or <values> to specify
the values to use in the comparison.
The <range> element has no attributes and no value. Use the child elements
<start> and <end> to specify the start and end dates of the range.
The <start> element has no attributes and no child element. The value of the
element is the start date of the range, entered in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
The <end> element has no attributes and no child element. The value of the
element is the end date of the range, entered in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
The <values> element has no attributes and no value. Use the child element
<duration> to specify the date duration to use in the comparison. The <duration>
element has two attributes.
Possible values
Type of date duration days, weeks, months,
quarters, years
Relation of date
duration to present
previous, current
The value of the <duration> element is the number of the specified date duration
units defining the date range.
<filterinstance type="date" comparison="equals">yesterday</filterinstance>
<filterinstance type="date" comparison="equals">1997-04-01</filterinstance>
<filterinstance type="date" comparison="between">
<filterinstance type="date" comparison="between">
<duration type="week" direction="previous">2</duration>
path filters
The <filterinstance> element that defines a path filter has three attributes.
Possible values
Any alphanumeric
Type of filter being
defined—must match characters
the name attribute of
a <dimension>
To evaluate
dimension or metric
values against the
filterinstance value
Whether to negate
the comparison
true, false
* This attribute is option.
The <filterinstance> element has no value. Use the child element <values> to
specify the pages of the path filter. The <values> element has no attributes and no
value. Use the child element <value> to specify each page of the path filter.
The <value> element has no attributes and no child elements. The value of the
<value> element is a path.
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
The value of the <duration> element is the number of the specified date duration
units defining the date range.
<filterinstance type="path" comparison="starts_with" negate="true">
retail action filters
Retail action filters specify one or more retail actions. Retail action filters can only
be used in Web server profiles. The <filterinstance> element used to define a
retail action filter has one attribute.
Possible values
Type of filter being
The <filterinstance> element has no value. Use the child element <values> to
specify the list of retail actions. The <values> element has no attributes and no
value. Use the child element <value> to specify each retail action.
The <value> element has no attributes and no child element. The value of a
<value> element is a numeric value.
<filterinstance type="actiontype">
visit type filters
The <filterinstance> element used to define a visit type filter has one attribute.
Possible values
Type of filter being
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
The <filterinstance> element has no value. Use the child element <values> to
specify the visit type. The <values> element has no attributes and no value. Use
the child element <value> to specify the numeric value that corresponds to the
type of visit.
The <value> element has no attributes and no child element. The value of a
<value> element is a numeric value.
<filterinstance type="visittype">
filter groups
A filter group is a list of multiple filters that are applied together. The
<filterinstance> element that specifies a filter group has one attribute.
Possible values
Type of filter being
The <filterinstance> element that specifies a filter group has no child elements.
The value of the <filterinstance> element is the name of the filter group. (Filter
groups are defined in the profile's configuration file.)
<filterinstance type="group">
The <filterlists> element contains a list of filter list definitions. The list appears
on the Filter Lists option page. This element has no attributes and no value. Use
the <filterlist> element to define each filter list. This element has two attributes.
Title of filter list
Possible values
Any character string
less than 120
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
Name of filter list
(one word)
Possible values
Any character string
of less than 30
characters that starts
with a letter, uses
only alphanumeric
characters, hyphens,
or underscores, and
does not match the
name of a
subdirector in the
profile's HTML
The <filterlist> element has no value. Use the child element <group> to specify
each folder in the list. The <group> element has one attribute.
Title of group
Possible values
Any character string
less than 120
Note: * NetInsight will create an ID for the group by replacing any spaces and
non-alphanumeric characters in the name with underscores. Each group's ID must
be unique within the filter list.
The <group> element has no value. Use the child element <filter> to specify each
filter in the group. The <filter> element has two possible attributes.
Filter title
Any character string
less than 120
Filter source
Any filter type
Possible values
Note: * NetInsight will create an ID for the filter by replacing any spaces and
non-alphanumeric characters in the name with underscores. Each filter's ID must
be unique within the filter list.
Note: ** This attribute should only be used if the <filter> element does not
contain a <filterinstances> element.
The <filter> element has no value. If the end user is to be prompted for the
specific filter value when the filter is applied, the <filter> element should have no
child elements. If the specific filter value is to be predefined in the filter list, use
the child element <filterinstances> to specify the value. For details on the
<filterinstances> element, see the document NetInsight Filter XML.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
<filterlist name="My Filters" id="flistname">
<group name="Content Filters">
<filter name="Document Downloads">
<filterinstance type="group">_Documents</filterinstance>
<filter name="File" target="file"/>
The <ftpdebug/> element enables the logging of debug information when you use
FTP to access your log files. If the element is present, debug logging is enabled. If
it is absent, debug logging is not enabled. This element has no attributes, no child
elements, and no value. Do not modify this element without contacting technical
The <hidelinks> element prevents the report entries for files from being hyperlinks
to the actual files. Normally, when reports reference a specific file, that reference is
a hyperlink to the file. For example, you can click on any file listed in the File
Summary to download the actual file. The <hidelinks> element prevents
NetInsightNetInsight from creating the hyperlinks. If the element is absent (the
default), the hyperlinks are created. The <hidelinks> element has no attributes, no
child elements, and no value.
The <hostgroups> element contains a list of host groups, each of which can contain
multiple hosts. The names of the host groups will appear in NetInsight reports.
This list appears on the Host Groups page. The <hostgroups> element has no
attributes and no value. Each host group is specified using the child element
<hostgroup>. The <hostgroups> element has three attributes and no value.
Possible values
Domain of host
Any alphanumeric
Name of host group
Any alphanumeric
Use modified host
for sessionization
true, false
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
Use the child element <member> to specify the individual members of each host
group. (See the <member> element.) The value of the <member> entry is a domain
<hostgroup domain="Online Services" name="America Online"
<member method="ends_with"></member>
<hostgroup domain="Online Services" name="CompuServe"
<member method="ends_with"></member>
The <hostlookup> element sets the Host lookup URL option on the Lookup
Scripts page. The value of the element is the script to execute when a user clicks a
host in the Host Summary. If the element is missing, the option will be blank. This
element has no attributes and no child elements.
The <ignoredfields> element contains a list of fields whose values NetInsight
should not store in the database. Do not modify this element without contacting
technical support. The <ignoredfields> element has no attributes and no value.
Each individual field is specified using the child element <ignoredfield>. The
<ignoredfield> element has no attributes and no child elements. Its value is the
name of the field that should be ignored. There are two fields that can be ignored
in FTP server profiles.
Optional Field
Value When Disabled
KeywordsID 0
PageBrkdwnID 0
UserID 0
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
The <includedagents> element contains a list of the user agents you want included
in the traffic analysis. This list appears on the Included Agents page. Traffic from
user agents not on this list will not be analyzed. If the <includedagents> element is
missing, traffic from all user agents will be included. The <includedagents>
element has no attributes and no value. Use the child element <member> to specify
the hosts. The value of the <member> element is the text that determines which
hosts are included.
<member method="starts_with">
The <includedhosts> element contains a list of the hosts you want included in the
traffic analysis. This list appears on the Included Hosts page. Traffic from hosts
not on this list will not be analyzed. If the <includedhosts> element is missing,
traffic from all hosts will be included. The <includedhosts> element has no
attributes and no value. Use the child element <member> to specify the hosts. The
value of the <member> element is the text that determines which hosts are included.
<member method="ends_with">.edu</member>
The <includedpages> element contains a list of the pages you want included in the
traffic analysis. This list appears on the Included Pages page. Traffic to pages not
on this list will not be analyzed. If the <includedpages> element is missing, traffic
from all pages will be included in the analysis. The <includedpages> element has
no attributes and no value. Use the child element <member> to specify the pages.
The value of the <member> element is the text that determines which pages are
<member method="contains">NetInsight</member>
The <includedparametervalues> element contains a list of included parameter
values. This list appears on the Included Parameter Values page. If the
<includedparametervalues> element is missing, all parameter values will be
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
included in the analysis. The <includedparametervalues> element has no attributes
and no value. Use the child element <member> to specify the included parameter
value rules. The value of each <member> element is the text that determines which
parameter values are included.
<member type="param1" method="equals">graphs</member>
<member type="param2" method="equals">bars</member>
The <includedusers> element contains a list of the users you want included in the
traffic analysis. This list appears on the Included Users page. Traffic from users not
on this list will not be analyzed. If the <includedusers> element is missing, traffic
from all users will be included in the analysis. The <includedusers> element has
no attributes and no value. Use the child element <member> to specify the users.
The value of the <member> element is the text that determines which users are
<member method="equals">jsmith</member>
<member method="equals">bjones</member>
The <keywordrules> element contains a list of the keyword parsing rules for the
profile. This list appears on the Keywords page. The <keywordrules> element has
no attributes and no value. Each keyword parsing rule is specified using the child
element <keywordrule>. The <keywordrule> element has no value and two
Possible values
Name of keyword
Any alphanumeric
Type of rule
page, querystring
The <keywordrule> element contains the child elements <includedsites>,
<excludedurls>, and <parameters>.
v The <includedsites> element contains the list of sites that should be searched
using the keyword parsing rule. This list appears on the Only sites to be
searched using the keyword rule page. The <includedsites> element has no
attributes and no value. Use the child element <member> to specify each site. The
value of the <member> element is the text that determines which sites are
v The <excludedurls> element contains the list of URLs within the included sites
that you do not want to be searched using the keyword parsing rule. This list
appears on the URLs that will not be searched using the keyword rule page. The
<excludedurls> element has no attributes and no value. Use the child element
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
<member> to specify each excluded URL. The value of the <member> element is the
text that determines which URLs are excluded.
v The <parameters> element contains the list of parameters that belong to this
keyword rule. This list appears on the Parameters that belong to the keyword
rule page. The <parameters> element has no attributes and no value. Use the
child element <member> to specify each parameter. The <member> element will
have no attributes when it is contained in the <parameters> element. The value
of the <member>element is the parameter name.
<keywordrule name="A9" type="page">
<member method="equals">A9</member>
<keywordrule name="Google" type="querystring">
<member method="equals">Yahoo</member>
<member method="contains">/url?</member>
<member method="contains"></member>
The <levels> element contains a list of each sampling level specified for the
profile. The <levels> element has no attributes and no value. Use the child element
<level> to specify each level. The first <level> element specifies the Full reporting
mode sample level. The second <level> element specifies the Sample reporting
mode sample level. The <levels> element must be contained by the <sampling>
The <level> element specifies a sampling level. The <level> element has no
attributes and no child element. The value of the <level> element is the sampling
The <linklength> element sets the Link display length option on the Links
options page. The possible values are numbers from 10 through 100 or Unlimited
(represented in the configuration file as a 0). If the element is missing, NetInsight
uses the default, which is 41. This element has no attributes and no child elements.
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
The <locale> element customizes the administrative interface for your locale. If the
element is missing, the defaults are used. This element has four attributes; each
one corresponds to an option on the Locale options page in the administrative
Display time as
12hr, 24hr
Display date as
mdy, dmy, ymd
Character set
latin1, latin2, sjis,
big5, gb2312, euckr,
language identifier
Possible values
This element has no child elements and no value.
<locale timeformat="12hr" dateformat="mdy"
charset="latin1" language="en"/>
The <localkeywords> element contains a list of pages on your site that allow users
to enter keywords. The list appears on the Local Keywords page. If the
<localkeywords> element is missing, NetInsight does not generate a report of the
keywords used on your site. The <localkeywords> element has one optional
Local keyword
Possible values
Any parameter that
contains search
<member method="ends_with">search.cgi</member>
The <logs> element contains a list of the log files you want to analyze. This list
appears on the Log Files page. The <logs> element has no attributes and no value.
Use the child element <logfile> to specify the full path of each log file. The
<logfile> element has one attribute.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Format of log file(s)
Possible values
auto, netscape, ncsa, auto
w3c, iis, msproxy,
website, gauntlet,
ibm, raptor,
openmarket, wuftpd,
ncftpd, cerfnet, squid,
watchguard, real,
(User defined
value—Custom Log
<logfile format="auto">/logs/access.log</logfile>
<logfile format="auto">/logs/old/access.*</logfile>
<logfile format="auto">
The <maildebug> element logs the SMTP conversation between NetInsight and the
mail server when you email reports through the Email icon or by executing an
email task. If this element is present in the profile configuration file, the
conversation and other relevant information is logged in NetInsight
/data/short_name/maildebug.log, where NetInsight is the NetInsight program
directory, and short_name is the name that appears in parentheses in the Available
profiles list in the Profile Manager.
This element has no attributes, no child elements, and no value. If this element is
absent, email debug logging is not enabled. Do not modify this element without
contacting technical support.
Note: If you use the –email command-line option to execute multiple email tasks,
only the last email task will be logged in maildebug.log when this element is
present in the profile configuration file.
The <maxpathlength> element sets the Maximum length of path option on the
General options page. The possible values are numbers 2 through 10. If the
element is missing, NetInsight uses the default value, which is 5. This element has
no attributes and no child elements.
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
The <member> element specifies an item in a list. This element must be included
inside a container element. The <member> element has one attribute.
Possible values
How you determine
if an item should be
included in the list
equals, starts_with,
ends_with, contains,
Note: * Use match_pattern for match the regular expression filters.
The value of the <member> element depends on the container.
The <metriclists> element contains a list of metric list definitions. The list appears
on the Metric Lists options page. This element has no attributes and no value. Use
the <metriclist> element to define each metric list. The <metriclist> element has
two attributes.
Title of metric list
Any character string
less than 120
Name of metric list
(one word)
Any character string
of less than 30
characters that starts
with a letter, uses
only alphanumeric
characters, hyphens,
or underscores, and
does not match the
name of a
subdirectory in the
profile's HTML
Possible values
The <metriclist> element has no value. Use the child element <group> to specify
each group in the list. The <group> element has one attribute.
Title of group
Possible values
Any character string
less than 120
Note: * NetInsight creates an ID for the group by replacing any spaces and
non-alphanumeric characters in the name with underscores. Each group's ID must
be unique within the metric list.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
The <group> element has no value. Use the child element <metric> to specify each
metric in the group. The <metric> element has two attributes.
Metric title
Any character string
less than 120
Metric source
Any metric key
Possible values
Note: * NetInsight creates an ID for the metric by replacing any spaces and
non-alphanumeric characters in the name with underscores. Each metric's ID must
be unique within the metric list.
The <metric> element has no child elements and no value.
<metriclist name="My Metric List" id="mylist">
<group name="Traffic Metrics">
<metric name="Number of Sessions" target="sessions"/>
The <metricsfile> element specifies a metrics file to use with this profile. This
element has no attributes and no child elements. The value of the element is the
filename of the metrics file to be used. The file must be located in the
NetInsight/data/ directory. If this element is missing, NetInsight uses the default
metrics file for the profile type.
The <module> element defines an external module to use in this profile. This
element must be contained by the <modules> element. The <module> element has
the following attributes:
Possible values
A unique,
case-sensitive text
string identifying a
implementation of
the module type
Enable import check
true, false
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
Enable reporting
check box
Possible values
true, false
The <module> element has no value. Use the <connection> child element to specify
connection information for the module. Use the <retrievebatchsize> and
<writebatchsize> child elements to control batch sizes for this module.
<module name="psi" importenabled="true" reportingenabled="true">
The <modules> element is a container element for external modules that are used
in this profile. The <modules> element has no attributes and no value. Use the
child element <module> to specify each module.
<module name="psi" importenabled="true" reportingenabled="true">
The <nodefaultautoupdate/> element disables the Automatically update report
option on the Saving the Report options page for a custom report. If this element is
present, the Automatically update report option is not selected for any new
custom reports. If this element is absent, the option is selected for any new custom
reports. This element has no attributes, no child elements, and no value.
This element has been replaced with the <nodefaultautoupdatefull/> and
<nodefaultautoupdatesample/> elements in new profiles.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
The <nodefaultautoupdatefull/> element disables the Automatically update full
report option on the Saving the Report options page for a custom report. If this
element is present, the Automatically update full report option is not selected for
any new custom reports. If this element is absent, the option is selected for any
new custom reports. This element has no attributes, no child elements, and no
The <nodefaultautoupdatesample/> element disables the Automatically update
sample report option on the Saving the Report options page for a custom report. If
this element is present, the Automatically update sample report option is not
selected for any new custom reports. If this element is absent, the option is selected
for any new custom reports. This element has no attributes, no child elements, and
no value.
The <noimportreindex> element disables the dropping and recreating of database
indexes during import. If you are using NetInsight as an ETL tool, you should
consider using this element. If the element is absent (which it is by default), the
indexes are dropped and recreated during import. This element has no attributes,
no child elements, and no value.
Note: The <noimportreindex> element will not prevent reindexing if the Misc table
says reindexing needs to be done.
Note: This element does not apply to NetInsight for SQLite.
The <nonreportabledimensions> element contains the list of non-reportable
dimensions. (A non-reportable dimension will not appear on the Discovery Panel
or in reports even if the log file data and profile options support it.)
This list appears in the Available Dimensions list on the Reportable Dimensions
page. The <nonreportabledimensions> element has no attributes and no value. Use
the child element <nonreportabledimension> to specify each non-reportable
dimension. The <nonreportabledimension> element has no attributes and no child
elements. The value of the element is the dimension name.
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
The <notableanalysis/> element disables periodic table analysis. If the element is
absent (which it is by default), periodic table analysis is enabled. This element has
no attributes, no child elements, and no value.
Note: This element applies only to NetInsight for Oracle, MySQL, and DB2.
The <ntadtrack> element sets the Full path of ntadtrack.cgi (or ntadtrack.exe)
option on the Banner Ads page. If the element is missing, the option will be blank.
This element has no attributes and no child elements.
The <ntdi> element contains a list of data conduits. This list appears on the Data
Conduits page. If the <ntdi> element is missing, NetInsight will not use data
conduits. The <ntdi> element has no attributes and no value. Use the child element
<plugin> to specify each plug-in. The <plugin> element has three attributes.
Conduit tasks
cookie, department,
email, host, pagetitle,
user, visitore
Full path to conduit
Any path and
Name of data
Any alphanumeric
Possible values
The value of the <plugin> element is the plug-in library. The <plugin> element has
no child elements.
<plugin type="host" conf="ntdiodbc.conf" name="host info">
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
<plugin type="visitor" conf="ntdiodbc.conf" name="visitor info">
The <ntlinktrack> element sets the Full path of ntlinktrack.cgi (or
ntlinktrack.exe) option on the Links page. If the element is missing, the option
will be blank. This element has no attributes and no child elements.
The <outdefext> element specifies the output formatting extensions file to use with
this profile. The <outdefext> element has no attributes and no child elements. The
value is the full path and file name of the output formatting extensions file.
C:\Program Files\NetInsight\OutputFiles\output1.xml
The <parameters> element contains a list of parameters you want to track. This list
appears on the Parameters page. The <parameters> element has no attributes and
no value. Each parameter is specified using the child element <parameter>. The
<parameter> element has ten attributes and no value.
Possible values
Type of parameter
file, field, meta
Column title
Any alphanumeric
Graph title
Any alphanumeric
Graph title
Any alphanumeric
Parameter lookup
Any alphanumeric
Display on associated true, false
Any alphanumeric
Store parsed
parameter value*
true, false
Associate parameter
value with
view, visit
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
Note: The individual pages that you want NetInsight to search for the parameters
must be specified using the child element <member>. The value of the <member>
element is the text that determines which pages should be searched.
<parameter type="file" coltitle="Product Code"
grtitleasc="Most Popular Products"
grtitledsc="Least Popular Products"
parameter="pc" displayonbr="true"
name="ProductID" store="true" associatewith="view">
<member method="contains">catalog</member>
The <password> element specifies a password. When the element is contained only
by the overall container element for the file, it is used to set password protection
for the profile. When it is contained by the <connection> element, it specifies the
password NetInsight uses to connect to an external module. If the <password>
element is missing, there is no password. When used to set the connection
password, this element has no attributes. When used to set the profile protection
options, the element has five possible attributes and you must include at least one
attribute or the password has no effect.
Possible values
Protect all of the
profile options
true, false
Protect only the log
file and password
true, false
Protect the Remove
Data from Profile
true, false
Protect the updating
of this profile
true, false
custom reports
true, false
This element has no child elements. The value of the element is the encrypted
<password options="true" logoptions="true" remove="true"
update="true" savecustom="true">encryptedpassword</password>
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
The <platforms> element contains a list of the platform names that will appear in
reports. This list appears on the Platforms page. The <platforms> element has no
attributes and no value. Use the child element <platform> to specify each platform.
The <platform> element has two attributes and no value.
Possible values
Append the version
true, false
Name of platform
Any alphanumeric
Use the child element <member> to specify the individual members of each platform
group. The value of the <member> element is the text that identifies a platform you
want included in the group.
<platform name="Windows 95">
<member method="starts_with">Win95_</member>
<member method="match_pattern">^WMP\
<member method="match_pattern">^QTS
<platform name="Windows Me">
<member method="starts_with">Win98_4.9</member>
<member method="match_pattern">^WMP
<member method="match_pattern">^WMP
<member method="match_pattern">^QTS
The <precalcdates> element sets the report generation options for the profile. This
element has six possible attributes. Each attribute corresponds with an option on
the Report Generation options page. If an attribute is missing, reports for the
corresponding date range is not pre-calculated. For the years, quarters, months,
weeks, and days attributes, the value of the attribute is the number of the
corresponding time frames for which reports will be pre-calculated.
Possible values
All Months
true, false
Latest ___ Years
Any numeic value
Latest ___ Quarters
Any numeic value
Latest ___ Weeks
Any numeic value
Latest ___ Days
Any numeic value
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
<precalcdates all="false" quarters="1" months="3" days="2"/>
The <redirectscripts> element contains a list of pages that you want to include in
the analysis even though they return a redirection code. This list appears on the
Redirection Scripts page. If the <redirectscripts> element is missing, NetInsight
excludes all hits resulting in an HTTP redirection status code — codes 301 and 302.
The <redirectscripts> element has no attributes and no value. Use the child
element <member> to specify the pages.The value of the <member> element is the text
that determines which pages are included.
<member method="equals">/cgi-bin/redirect.cgi</member>
The <referrergroups> element contains a list of referrer groups, each of which can
contain multiple referrers. This list appears on the Referrer Groups page. The
<referrergroups> element has no attributes and no value. Each referrer group is
specified using the child element <referrergroup>. The <referrergroup> element
has one attribute.
Possible values
Name of referrer
Any alphanumeric
<referrergroup name="AltaVista">
<member method="contains">altavista.</member>
<referrergroup name="AOL NetFind">
<member method="ends_with"></member>
The <reportlists> element contains a list of report list definitions. The list appears
on the Report Lists options page. This element has no attributes and no value. Use
the <reportlist> element to define each report list. The <reportlist> element has
two attributes.
Title of report list
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Possible values
Any character string
less than 120
Name of report list
(one word)
Possible values
Any character string
of less than 30
characters that starts
with a letter, uses
only alphanumeric
characters, hyphens,
or underscores, and
does not match the
name of a
subdirectory in the
profile's HTML
The <reportlist> element has no value. Use the child element <folder> to specify
each folder in the list. The <folder> element has one attribute.
Title of folder
Possible values
Any character string
less than 120
Note: * NetInsight creates an ID for the folder by replacing any spaces and
non-alphanumeric characters in the name with underscores. Each folder's ID must
be unique within the report list.
The <folder> element has no value. Use the child element <report> to specify each
report in the folder. The <report> element has two attributes.
Report title
Any character string
less than 120
Report source
Any report key
Possible values
Note: * NetInsight creates an ID for the report by replacing any spaces and
non-alphanumeric characters in the name with underscores. Each report's ID must
be unique within the report list.
The <report> element has no child elements and no value.
<reportlist name="My Report List" id="mylist">
<folder name="Visitor Reports">
<report name="Host Summary" target="host"/>
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
The <resolvehosts> element sets the Resolve host names option on the General
options page. If the element is present, the option is selected. If it is absent, the
option is not selected. This element has no attributes, no child elements, and no
The <referrergroups> element contains a list of referrer groups, each of which can
contain multiple referrers. This list appears on the Referrer Groups page. The
<referrergroups> element has no attributes and no value. Each referrer group is
specified using the child element <referrergroup>. The <referrergroup> element
has one attribute.
Possible values
Name of referrer
Any alphanumeric
<referrergroup name="AltaVista">
<member method="contains">altavista.</member>
<referrergroup name="AOL NetFind">
<member method="ends_with"></member>
The <resolvetitles> element sets the Resolve page titles option on the General
options page. If the element is present, the option is selected. If it is absent, the
option is not selected. This element has no attributes, no child elements, and no
The <retrievebatchsize> element defines the number of rows NetInsight requests
from the external module server at a time. This element must be contained by the
<module> element. The <retrievebatchsize> element has no attributes and no child
elements. The value of the <retrievebatchsize> element is the number of rows. If
this element is missing, NetInsight uses the default value, which is 10000.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
The <roledefaults> element stores the list of role default views specified for the
profile. This element has no attributes and no value. Specify each role default view
using the child element <roledefault>. The <roledefault> element has one
Default view
Possible values
Name of any view
defined for the
The value of the <roledefault> element is the name of a role.
<roledefault view="techview">techrole</roledefault>
The <rows> element is not currently supported.
The <sampling> element is a container element for the sampling settings elements
<entity>, <element>, <seed>, <rows>, and <levels>. The <sampling> element has
no attributes and no value.
The <schemafile> element specifies the schema definition file to be used to create
SQL Server, Oracle, or DB2 database tables for this profile. This element has no
attributes and no child elements. The value of the element is the filename of the
schema definition file to be used. The file must be located in the NetInsight/data/
directory. If this element is missing, NetInsight uses the default schema definition
file for the profile.
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
The <securityrealms> element contains a list of security realms that categorize
pages on a Web site in order to resolve the titles of pages on Web servers that
require authentication. This list appears on the Security Realms page.
Use the child element <securityrealm> to specify each security realm. This element
has three attributes.
Realm name
Any alphanumeric
User name
Any alphanumeric
Encrypted password
Possible values
The <securityrealm> element has no value. Use the child element <member> to
specify the individual pages that are part of the security realm. The value of each
<member> element is the text that determines which pages belong to the security
<securityrealm name="Realm1" username="Bob Smith"
<member method="contains">NetInsight</member>
<member method="starts_with">/eval</member>
<securityrealm name="Realm2" username="Susan Wright"
<member method="contains">Microsoft</member>
<member method="ends_with">.net</member>
The <seed> element specifies the sample seed value. The seed value is used by the
random number generator to produce a repeatable sequence of element IDs used
to populate the sample tables. The <seed> element has no attributes and no child
elements. The value of the element is used as the seed. The <seed> element must
be contained by the <sampling> element.
The <segment> element contains the name of a campaign segment, which is the ad
variation or group within a campaign channel. The <segment> element must be
contained by the <channel> element. The <segment> element has no value and one
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
Possible values
Name of campaign
Any alphanumeric
Each campaign segment has a unique identifier in entry pages affiliated with that
segment. The individual entry pages associated with a campaign segment are
specified using the child element <member>. The value of the <member> element is
the text used to determine which entry pages are in the campaign segment.
<campaign name="Offer">
<channel name="checkdomain" type="bannerad">
<segment name="Ad Segment 1">
<member method="equals">promo</member>
<segment name="Ad Segment 2">
<member method="equals">demo</member>
The <servers> element contains a list of the clustered log files you want to
analyze. (If your log files are not clustered, do not use this element. Use the <logs>
element instead. You should not use the <servers> element and the <logs> element
in the same configuration file.) This list appears on the Log Files page. The
<servers> element has one attribute.
Possible values
Log files are
The <servers> element has no value. The server that contains the log files is
specified using the child element <server>. The <server> element has one attribute.
Name of server
Possible values
Any alphanumeric
The <server> element has no value. The full path of each log file is specified using
the child element <logfile>. The <logfile> element has one attribute.
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
Format of log file(s)
Possible values
auto, netscape, ncsa, auto
w3c, iis, msproxy,
website, gauntlet,
ibm, raptor,
openmarket, wuftpd,
ncftpd, cerfnet, squid,
watchguard, real,
(User defined
value— Custom Log
<servers type="single">
<server name="Server 1">
<logfile format="auto">/logs/server1/*.log</logfile>
<server name="Server 2">
<logfile format="auto">/logs/server2/*.log</logfile>
The <sessionization> element sets the sessionization methods on the
Sessionization page. The <sessionization> element has two attributes.
Possible values
Parameter value for
Any parameter name
Authenticated user
true, false
For Web server profiles, NetInsight will sessionize using whatever attributes are
present. If the parameter or cookie attribute is not present, NetInsight will not
sessionize using parameters or cookies.
The <sessionization> element has no child elements and no value.
<sessionization parameter="SessionID" username="true"/>
For Web server profiles:
<sessionization parameter="SessionID"
optoutcookievalue="OPT_OUT" parameterforvisitor="true"
username="true" cookie="UnicaID"/>
The <siteurl> element sets the URL of the site being analyzed option on the
General options page. If the element is missing, the option will be blank. This
element has no attributes and no child elements.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
The <spiders> element contains a list of hosts and user agents that should be
classified as robots and spiders. This list appears on the Robots/Spiders page. The
<spiders> element has no attributes and no value. Each robot or spider is specified
using the child element <spider>. The <spider> element has one attribute.
Name of spider
Possible values
Any alphanumeric
The <spider> element has no value. The individual members of each spider or
robot are specified using the child element <member>. The <member> element uses
both the method and type attributes inside the <spider> element. The type
attribute has three possible values: host, referrer, and useragent. The default value
is host. The value of the <member> element is the text that determines which hosts
and user agents should be included in the robot or spider.
<spider name="Acoon">
<member type="useragent" method="starts_with">
Acoon Robot
<spider name="Internap Performance Crawler">
<member type="referrer"method="equals">
The <summarysize> element sets the Number of rows per summary option on the
General options page. The possible values are 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50, 75, or 100. If the
element is missing, NetInsight uses the default value, which is 10. This element has
no attributes and no child elements.
The <tagimages> element contains a list of page tag images. This list appears on
the Page Tagging page. This element has no value and one attribute.
Page tags are
Possible values
off, augment, single,
multiple*, hybrid**
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
* Applies to the Used instead of log files to collect data for multiple sites page
tagging option.
** Applies to the Used in addition to log files to collect data for multiple sites page
tagging option.
Use the child element <member> to specify the page tag images. The value of each
<member> element is the text that determines the image that will be used to collect
data from page tags.
<tagimages type="hybrid">
<member method="equals">ntptnojs.gif</member>
The <title> element sets the profile title option on the General options page. If
the element is missing, the option is blank. This element has no attributes and no
child elements.
<title>IBM Corporation</title>
The <titlelength> element sets the Page title display length option on the
General options page. The possible values are numbers from 10 through 100 or
unlimited (represented in the configuration file as a 0). If the element is missing,
the default, 41, is used. This element has no attributes and no child elements.
The <titles> element contains a list of page title mappings. A page title mapping
specifies a page title for NetInsight to use for a given page instead of the title that
results from resolving the page title. This list appears on the Page Title Mappings
page. If the <titles> element is missing, NetInsight will use the resolved page
titles for the pages. The <titles> element has no attributes and now value. Each
page title mapping is specified using the child element <title>. The <title>
element has one attribute.
Possible values
Any directory path
and filename
The value of the <title> element is the page title that NetInsight uses.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
<title page
Analyzing Your Web Traffic
<title page
Using Parameter Summaries
The <unexcludedpages> element contains a list of pages from the excluded page
types that should be included in the traffic analysis. For example, if you had
previously excluded all .gif files, you could use the <unexcludedpages> element to
include a specified .gif file in the analysis. This list appears on the Unexcluded
Pages page. If the <unexcludedpages> element is missing, traffic from all pages of
the types specified in the excluded pages list will be excluded.
The <unexcludedpages> element has no attributes and no value. Use the child
element <member> to specify the pages. The <member> element value is the text that
identifies the pages to include.
<member method="equals">map.jpg</member>
The <unresolvedtitles> element contains a list of pages whose titles should not be
resolved. This list appears on the Unresolved Page Titles page. If the
<unresolvedtitles> element is missing, NetInsight tries to resolve titles on all
pages if the Resolve page titles check box is selected on the General options page.
You should at least include executable files in your list, since NetInsight should not
attempt to resolve these page titles.
The <unresolvedtitles> element has no attributes and no value. Use the child
element <member> to specify the pages.The value of the <member> element is the text
that determines which pages should be included in the list.
<member method="contains">/cgi-bin/</member>
<member method="contains">/scripts/</member>
<member method="ends_with">.cgi</member>
<member method="ends_with">.exe</member>
The <url> element specifies the location of the external module. This element must
be contained by a <connection> element. The <url> element has no attributes and
no child elements. The value of the <url> element is the URL for the external
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
The <urlsearchrules> element contains a list of URL search and replace rules. This
list appears on the URL Search and Replace page. The <urlsearchrules> element
has no attributes and no value. Each URL search and replace rule is specified using
the child element <urlsearchrule>. The <urlsearchrule> element has five
Possible values
Type of rule
page, param_xyz *
Replacement scope
true, false**
Search rule
Any regular
expression that
describes the part of
the URL you want to
Replacement value
Any text you want to
replace the text
described by the
search rule. To delete
it, leave this attribute
Any alphanumeric
Note: * In param_xyz, xyz is the parameter name.
Note: ** The value true corresponds to the option All matches and false
corresponds to Only first match.The <urlsearchrule> element has no value. Use
the child element <member> to specify the individual files that NetInsight should
scan for the search rule. The value of the <member> element is the text that
identifies which files should be scanned.
<urlsearchrule type="page" global="false"
search="\/(channel1)\.rm" replace="News"
name="Rename news channel">
<member method="starts_with">/channel</member>
The <user> element specifies the user name NetInsight uses to connect to the
external module. This element must be contained by the <connections> element.
The <user> element has no attributes and no child elements. The value of the
<user> element is the user name.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
The <userlookup> element sets the User lookup URL option on the Lookup
Scripts page. If the element is missing, the option will be blank. This element has
no attributes and no child elements.
The <variablesfile> element specifies a variables file to use with this profile. This
element has no attributes and no child elements. The value of the element is the
filename of the variables file to be used. The file must be located in the
NetInsight/data/ directory. If this element is missing, NetInsight uses the default
variables file for the profile type.
The <viewlist> element contains a list of views. The list appears on the Views
options page. This element has no attributes and no value. Specify each view using
the child element <view>. The <view> element has two attributes.
Title of view
Any unique character
string less than 120
Name of view (one
Any unique character
string of less than 30
characters that starts
with a letter, uses
only alphanumeric
characters, hyphens,
or underscores, and
does not match the
name of a
subdirectory in the
profile's HTML
Possible values
Note: * One view must be specified as the default view by having an ID value of
The <view> element has no value. Use the required child elements <timeperiod>
and <reportlist> to specify the default calendar state and the list of reports for
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
the view. Use the optional child elements <dimensionlist>, <filterlist>, and
<metriclist> to specify the dimension, filter, and metric lists for the view.
The <timeperiod> element sets the Time period option on the Views options page.
This element has three attributes.
Possible values
Time period
all, latestday,
latestyear, prevday,
prevyear, range
Dates from
Any date in the form
Dates to
Any date in the form
Note: * This attribute is only valid if the type attribute has the value range.
The <timeperiod> element has no value and no child elements.
The <reportlist> element has no attributes and no child elements. The value of
the <reportlist> element is the ID of a defined report list. For details on defining
a report list, see the <reportlists> element.
The <dimensionlist> element has no attributes and no child elements. The value of
the <dimensionlist> element is the ID of a defined dimension list. For details on
defining a dimension list, see the <dimensionlists> element.
The <filterlist> element has no attributes and no child elements. The value of
the <filterlist> element is the ID of a defined filter list. For details on defining a
filter list, see the <filterlists> element.
The <metriclist> element has no attributes and no child elements. The value of
the <metriclist> element is the ID of a defined metric list. For details on defining
a metric list, see the <metriclists> element.
<view name="Sales View" id="sales">
<timeperiod type="latestmonth"/>
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
The <virtual> element sets the Only process traffic to the configured site option on
the Advanced options page. If the element is present, the option is selected. If it is
absent, the option is not selected. This element has no attributes, no child elements,
and no value.
The <visitorlookup> element sets the Visitor lookup URL option on the Lookup
Scripts page. If the element is missing, the option will be blank. This element has
no attributes and no child elements.
The <visitorprofiles> element contains a list of visitor groups. (You can sort
visitors into groups based on any of a large number of filters.) This list appears on
the Visitor Profiles page. The <visitorprofiles> element has no attributes and no
value. Each visitor group is specified using the child element <visitorprofile>.
The <visitorprofile> element has one attribute.
Name of profile
Possible values
Any alphanumeric
Use the child element <filterinstances> to specify the filters that define the
visitor profile. For details on the <filterinstances> element, see the document
“NetInsight Dimension and Metric Filters."
Note: Even if you want to create a visitor profile that contains all visits, the
<visitorprofile> element must contain the <filterinstances> element. (The
<filterinstances> element can then be empty.) If the <visitorprofile> element
does not contain the <filterinstances> element, the visitor profile will be ignored.
<visitorprofile name="Downloaded">
<filterinstance type="page"
Chapter 22. NetInsight configuration files
The <visitthreshold> element sets the Number of minutes between visits option
on the Sessionization page. The possible values are numbers from 1 through 999.
If the element is missing, the default value of 30 is used. This element has no
attributes and no child elements.
The <writebatchsize> element defines the number of rows of data from the
external module NetInsight writes to the database at a time. This element must be
contained by the <module> element. The <writebatchsize> element has no
attributes and no child elements. The value of the <writebatchsize> element is the
number of rows. If this element is missing, NetInsight uses the default value,
which is 50,000.
IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
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IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
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IBM Unica NetInsight: Administrator's Guide
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