sunfall design document 2


sunfall design document 2
This document is a reminder of some of the practical information and a update on the game mechanics. Furthermore we have included a FAQ, that we hope to answer some of your questions. Good
reading fellow survivors !
Practical information
You are allowed to sleep in you camp during the event. Furthermore we will try to establish a quiet
OT (out of game) camp where you can sleep.
We have established a common kitchen for every participator to come and cook your food.
We will supply tables, water and sinks to prepare food, and a few heat plates. There will also be power outtakes to plug your own equipment to. But there is no kitchen equipment such as knives, pans
and so on. You have to bring that if you need it.
Because we are not able to supply enough heat plates for all players at once, we highly recommend
you bring your own. Then you can cook food when ever you want. There will be enough table and
water for everyone.
It’s also allowed to bring a grill and grill outdoor.
What we supply:
A few heat plates (not enough for everyone at once, and there will not be a booking system)
Electricity for your own equipment
What we do not supply:
kitchen equipment such as knives, plates, pots & pans, and so on.
There will be toilets on location. But there will not be bathing facilities unfortunately. But there are
facilities 10 min. by car at the local swimming pool.
Q: When do you intend on allowing players to start setting up their camp?
A: The July 6.
Q: What about tents now where it’s indoor?
A: There are different solutions, either use counter weights such as small containers of water to tie
your tent wire on to.
Q: Do you have a Offgame sleeping area, and is it a quiet area ?
A: Yes we do! But due to the smaller area than Boesdal, we cannot guarantee that it will be as silent
as it normally is. So bring ear plugs. Q: Will there be loud music at night ?
A: No after 23:30 there will be no louder music than 85db (City traffic inside car). Furthermore there
are sound isolating fabric on the walls. So the sound won’t bounce as much as in the pyramid.
Q: What are the requirements, to have a building in the city ?
A: There are visual guidelines that you must follow, they will be available in Marts.
Q: How much is the setting going to resemble Metro/Fallout
A: As much as possible, mostly Metro. But much of the setting are brought by the participators. Who
we are trying to guide in the direction of Metro/Fallout.
Q: Are the current rules the only ones, you intend to use for Sunfall 2016?
A: We are constantly developing the rule set, the complete set will be avalible one month before
game start. But we are aiming for a low level of rules.
Q: Will the setting be more dystopic than your usual events ?
A: Yes it will. We are trying to evolve our concept of post apocalyptic larp, by going in new a direction. But it’s still the same lore and world, so it will have a feel of the other events.
Q: What kind of currency will be used in the game?
A: The same as we use at Sunfall Global warming ( Boesdal ) and FATE.
Q: why are there suddenly so many people in Nova ?
A: The huge bunker have just recently been discovered, and the city Nova have just been established.
Therefore many Sunfall residents and others have traveled to the new city.
Q: Why are you so active on you facebook groups and sites ?
A: We have a lot to say. Our marketing strategy is part of the Play along program, as part of that we
try to interact with the community as much as possible.
Q: Why are you calling it Metro?
A: We are always trying evolve our way to do events. That also means doing more larps a year than
just one. To distinguish the events we are giving them titles. Ingame information
Q: Do I bring my own ammunition for Nerf guns?
A: Yes
Q: What are the rules for homemade Nerf guns ?
A: They must be tested on location, before game start. Be aware that if we find it unable for combat
use, we will discharge it. So bring a backup original Nerf gun.
The city will be build into sectors according to the different part of society. Therefor you must contact us beforehand if you want a special place in the city, otherwise you will be placed where there is
room. We highly recommend that you take contact to us at
Q: Do I have to paint my Nerf gun ?
A: Yes, there will be visual guidelines for Nerf guns i Marts.
Q: Is the event only taking place indoor ?
A: Yes, it’s a ingame sealed bunker. But you are of course able to go offgame outside.
Q: Do you weight activating all players to partipate in the game ?
A: We are doing all we can thorugh our game design to give everybody the opportunities to participate in all levels of the game. But it’s a sandbox design, so you as a participator must seek the game
Q: Will there be shooting opportunities for the Nerf fanatics ?
A: Yes, But Sunfall Metro is a compact setting, so there will be Nerf gun fighting but it’s urban
The way the city will be build is based on squares that define the houses of each camp. They will
be placed so they make a dense urban area with streets alleys and squares. They will be in different
form and sizes defined by the team living in them. Our visual goal is to create a convincing post
apocalyptic town. To make that happen we need your help, the scenography will not be complete
without the player’s participation in it.
We are looking for a dark and dusty look, for what you bring of ingame setting. It could be old carpets or furniture. But as long as it looks broken and worn out it will do.
To bind the experience of a dystopian environment together, are the costumes a important part of
the concept. The overall guidelines are dark and nature colors, dirty, worn out, and in general more
trash than flashy. Nova is a city with a feel of despair and survival.
Our set of rules are based on the thought of being easy, and still cover the essentials to get the game
mechanics to flow.
Every player will be given an RFID chip armband that has some information on the player and a
counter for the radiation they accumulate. Radiation occurs in three stages, green for low, yellow for
medium and red for high, if your radiation levels rise to high you will either fall deadly ill and perish
or become a mutant.
To keep their radiation level from rising the people of Nova consume a type of medicine known as
Rad-X, these come in the form of pills which need to be taken with regular intervals, it is generally
believed that the correct dose of Rad-X is somewhere around 4 pills a day.
Radiation is a core concept of Sunfall Metro. It is important to take into account how your character
feels about radiation and how you want to portray the effects. If for any reason you feel that your
character should have a higher radiation level than normal, please contact the game planners.
Combat is fought using either NERF, Airblaster etc. that shoots special darts or a buffer weapon.
If you are struck in battle, either from a weapon or a dart, you become injured and will be unable to
continue fighting until you have received medical attention.
Equipping a body armor will help you sustain multiple attacks during battle, depending on the
strength of your armor you can take a number of hits, as follows:
If you wear light armor it takes 2 hits to defeat you.
If you wear medium armor it takes 3 hits to defeat you.
If you wear power armor it takes 4 hits to defeat you.
Additionally if you get hit by a large explosive it counts as 4 hits, enough to take out even a heavily
armored individual.
The game planners at the event will decide the effective value of shields and armors.
Unarmed Combat:
Since the effects of unarmed brawls are less constant, it is up to the players to decide how they want
to roleplay their fistfights. But the general consensus is that you do not have physical contact.
As basic you have 3 fluent life points. That means that you can be hit by either a nerf dart or a melee
weapon 3 times, the your charecter are dead or extreamly wounded for the rest of the game.
If your character dies, the next course of action will be to quietly and with as little game disruption
as possible go to the game planners and inform them of your predicament. After that you will most
likely be asked to take a moment to sit down and consider what to do next, make a few adjustments
to your outfit and gear and then return to the game with a new character.
An unfortunate side effect of exposure to radiation is mutation, if you play a character that for any
reason has turned into a mutant you will need to be made up to look the part. This is usually done
through make-up.
Mutants are a general source of bewilderment. No one have been able to explain exactly how, when
or why mutation occurs, what mutations effects really are and most importantly: Whether or not it
is contagious.
It is up to you, the player, to figure out how to view and treat mutants.
Several unpleasant diseases plague the land and occasionally finds their way into the city of Nova,
below the most common and important of those will be listed - there are however many others. You
will be able to cure these through medication that will be assessable in the game. It’s up to you as a
player to play out how your character experience the diseases.
Angel’s Chest:
Symptoms Include:
Chest pressure.
Shortness of breath
Failing eyesight.
Rat’s Pest.
Symptoms Include:
High Fever.
Nausea and Vomiting
Muscle Pain.
Pile Alley Fever.
Symptoms Include:
Erratic and aggressive behavior.
Most drugs have no specific set of effects, those are up to the player. The drugs used in the game will
be defined by three categories, as following:
A soft drug is any drug that is taken as a pill (Except for the Rad-X pills, which are considered medicine).
A hard drug is any drug taken as a liquid, usually with the help of syringes (WITHOUT ACTUAL
A player drug is one that is created by the different players who have been approved to do so, these
can vary in ways from different ways to consume, and have specific effects.
Player created drugs will be listed here and will also be included in the “Nice-to-Know” that is sent
out when we get close to the game date.