Public Affairs Section - Institute of Business Management


Public Affairs Section - Institute of Business Management
Public Affairs Section
Monday, October 28, 2013
Korangi Creek, Karachi.
Tel: 021-35091905, 111-002-004, ext. 334 Cell: 0334-3013971
Public Affairs Section
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Seminar on risk management of
rains, floods in Sindh organized
A seminar on "Risk Management of Rains and Floods
in Sindh" was organized by the students of Institute of
Business Management under the supervision of their
faculty Parvez Jamil who introduced the theme by
discussing the CSR work IoBM has done during
various devastating situations in Sindh. The opening
address was delivered by Talib Karim, Rector IoBM
who spoke about how we as responsible citizens should
contribute towards preventive management.
Among the guests Shoaib Ahmad Siddiqui,
Commissioner Karachi addressed regarding the
issue expressing his thoughts about capitalizing
on youth dividend by harnessing youth energy in
the right direction. He thought we as a nation
have become reactive instead of preventive. To
develop a country a holistic approach is required.
He highlighted the recent crises due to floods in
Sadi Town and other areas stating lack and
mismanagement of resources as a major reason of
such calamity. We need to be vigilant towards
civic issues he asserted. Dr Akhlaq Ahmed,
Advisor IoBM outlined water recycling in case of
rains and floods as a significant opportunity as all
the water finds its way towards the sea untreated.
According to him the main reason of such
disastrous situations is lack of awareness which
results in no preparation for precautionary
measures. Akhlaq Ahmed Qureshi, Director
Provincial Disaster Management Authority
(PDMA) said in order to overcome flood hazards
government is in the process of hazard mapping
to assess such prone areas for which preventive
measures could be taken and that PDMA has
developed their national disastrous plan in coordination with local & international NGOs.
The topic was further carried by Dr Ayub
Shaikh, Editor Awami Awaz who discussed
the challenges and opportunities resulting
from floods in Sindh in a very light hearted
and efficient manner. He sketched poverty as
the core reason of all the disaster that is
caused by floods.
Further, he mentioned the act of town planning
& builders mafia that results into the
construction of buildings on sewerage routes;
arteries going towards the delta (sea) have been
encroached which is a crucial crime that we
must take care of through rephrasing ourselves
and prior planning for sewerage & irrigation
plans. Dr Shahid Amjad, HoD Environment &
Energy IoBM discussed about the rain weather
systems and water cycle highlighting it's
linkages to rainfall and that even energy of
cyclones can be dissipated using force in order
to prevent resulting ruinous situations.
Lastly, Dr Adeel Ahmed Khan from AKUH
shared his experience in serving the flood
victims where Turkish organizations were also
active in procuring relief items for the affected
families. He mentioned the absence of NGOs
and representatives from the government and
social sector departments. With concluding
remarks of Dr Irfan Hyder, Dean IoBM, the
seminar was concluded on a note that how we
should not lose hope.-PR
Korangi Creek, Karachi.
Tel: 021-35091905, 111-002-004, ext. 334 Cell: 0334-3013971
Public Affairs Section
Monday, October 28, 2013
‘Floodwater should be
stored in reservoirs’
Karachi – Floodwater which results due to excessive rain can
actually be manipulated to become beneficial for the environment.
This view was expressed by Dr Shahid Amjad, one of the experts who
attended a talk on disaster management hosted by the students of
the Institute of Business Management.
“If utilized properly flood water can be used as freshwater reservoirs.
It recharges ground water and irrigates mangroves,” said Amjad.
Commissioner Karachi Shoaib Ahmed Siddiqui talked in detail about
how the youth could be trained to prevent devastation which follows
natural disasters, saying, “One never prevents a natural disaster from
occurring but if prepared the devastation could be avoided.”
Director Provincial Disaster Management Authority Akhlaq Ahmed
Qureshi said that the PDMA has mapped a plan in collaboration with
international NGOs to prevent disasters, adding, “We have also
mapped areas in the city which are more prone to floods.”
Korangi Creek, Karachi.
Tel: 021-35091905, 111-002-004, ext. 334 Cell: 0334-3013971
Public Affairs Section
Korangi Creek, Karachi.
Tel: 021-35091905, 111-002-004, ext. 334 Cell: 0334-3013971
Monday, October 28, 2013
A Seminar on “Risk Management of Rains & Floods
in Sindh” was organized by the students of Institute
of Business Management under the supervision of
their faculty Mr. Parvez Jamil who introduced the
theme by discussing the CSR work IoBM has done
during various devastating situations in Sindh. The
opening address was delivered by Mr. Talib Karim,
Rector IoBM who spoke about how we as
responsible citizens should contribute towards
preventive management.
Among the guests Mr. Shoaib Ahmad Siddiqui,
Commissioner Karachi addressed regarding the
issue expressing his thoughts about capitalizing on
youth dividend by harnessing youth energy in the
right direction. He thought we as a nation have
become reactive instead of preventive. To develop
a country a holistic approach is required. He highlighted the recent crises due to floods in Sadi town and other
areas stating lack & mismanagement of resources as a major reason of such calamity. We need to be vigilant
towards civic issues he asserted.
Dr. Akhlaq Ahmed, Advisor IoBM outlined water recycling in case of rains and floods as a significant opportunity as
all the water finds its way towards the sea untreated. According to him the main reason of such disastrous situations
is lack of awareness which results in no preparation for precautionary measures. Mr. Akhlaq Ahmed Qureshi,
Director Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) said in order to overcome flood hazards government is
in the process of hazard mapping to assess such prone areas for which preventive measures could be taken and
that PDMA has developed their national disastrous plan in coordination with local & international NGOs.
The topic was further carried by Dr. Ayub Shaikh, Editor Awami Awaz who discussed the challenges and
opportunities resulting from floods in Sindh in a very light hearted and efficient manner. He sketched poverty as the
core reason of all the disaster that is caused by floods. Further he mentioned the act of town planning & builders
mafia that results into the construction of buildings on sewerage routes; arteries going towards the delta (sea) have
been encroached which is a crucial crime that we must take care of through rephrasing ourselves and prior
planning for sewerage & irrigation plans. Dr. Shahid Amjad, HoD Environment & Energy IoBM discussed about the
rain weather systems and water cycle highlighting it’s linkages to rainfall and that even energy of cyclones can be
dissipated using force in order to prevent resulting ruinous situations. Apart from the challenge smoothing the water
flow without any hindrance to the city He highlighted the positives of flooding; it recharges ground water that
encourages coastal agriculture, creation of fresh water reservoirs & the mangrove ecosystems.
Lastly, Dr. Adeel Ahmed Khan from AKUH shared his experience in serving the flood victims where Turkish
organizations were also active in procuring relief items for the affected families. He mentioned the absence of
NGOs and representatives from the government and social sector departments.
With concluding remarks of Dr. Irfan Hyder, Dean IoBM, the seminar was concluded on a note that how we
should not lose hope. We do have plans but we lack efficient implementation and execution of those plans.
The youth of the nation needs to come forward with a spirit of patriotism and ownership towards Pakistan
and put their intellect in the constructive activities for the country by being prepared and self-managed
and self-sufficient to handle such disastrous and disrupting situations. Ms. Sabina Mohsin, Executive Director
IoBM presented souvenirs to the guest speakers.
021-35091905, 0334-3013971,
Institute of Business Management, Korangi Creek, Karachi
Korangi Creek, Karachi.
Tel: 021-35091905, 111-002-004, ext. 334 Cell: 0334-3013971
Public Affairs Section
Pakistan Times
Monday, October 28, 2013
Reducing risks: ‘Do your part, don’t
wait for the govt to give you a hand’
KARACHI: With an aim to instill a sense of responsibility in people, students at the
Institute of Business Management (IoBM) brought experts in on Saturday to shed
light on risk management of rains and floods in Sindh.
On the pursuit of completing a ten-mark project,
these business students stepped out of
classrooms to understand social responsibility.
The students of Masters in Business
Administration (MBA) enrolled in a course titled
Public Relations and Corporate Communications,
Event Management and Media Management
organized the seminar to work out a strategy for
‘preventive management’ in floods.
The essence of the seminar was written on the
banners at the IoBM: While crisis management
is important, preventive management is vital.
Losses borne
Hira Alavi, part of the 12-member organizing
committee, briefed the audience on the
devastation brought by floods this year. She said
that 98 lives were lost, while 100,000 lives and
380,000 acres were affected and about 180,000
acres of crops were completely damaged.
Parvez Jamil, the teacher of the 72-student
class and the man behind the project, opened
up the forum with the million-dollar question,
“How do we manage floods in future?”
Bridging gaps
The institute’s rector, Talib Kareem, pushed
people to govern their matters themselves. “The
government cannot do everything, people also
have to contribute,” he claimed. Before inviting the
commissioner to the rostrum, he remarked, “This
area has two refineries, five universities, many
schools and some industrial units but we do not
have a bridge.” He requested the commissioner to
construct either an underpass or a bridge as the
crossing that chokes up the traffic for hours.
Blocking drains
“We make good plans but we seldom implement
them,” said Karachi Commissioner Shoaib Ahmed
Siddiqui, listing lack of preparedness, lack of
resources and relying solely on government as
reasons. “We litter our roads, careless of the fact
that it chokes up our drains,” he said, adding that it
also blocks the rainwater from going into the sea.
He told the audience that when visiting the
flood-affected areas, they discovered that
well-built drains were hidden under buildings
and the water could not find an escape route.
Recalling the time when he would drop his daughter
to IoBM, he said that they also faced traffic jams.
“The work comes under the domain of the Karachi
Metropolitan Corporation which is currently facing a
financial crunch but now I will personally take it up
and build the bridge soon,” he promised.
Awami Awaz’s editor, Dr Ayub Sheikh, used his
perky humour to get his points across. “They say
the disease never existed before the medicine,
similarly there were no floods before the
Provincial Disaster Management Authority,” he
said jokingly. “The risk we are referring to is that
there is ghurbat [poverty]. Creating settlements
on the nullahs is a crime.”
In his opinion, the government wanted to
improve the situation but lacked the will.
Korangi Creek, Karachi.
Tel: 021-35091905, 111-002-004, ext. 334 Cell: 0334-3013971