Welding Consumables Handbook
Welding Consumables Handbook
Welding Consumables Handbook 4th edition Welding consumables handbook Table of contents Technical specifications 5 Wire electrodes 52 TIG welding rods 134 Gas welding rods 178 Stick electrodes 180 Submerged arc welding 216 Drum covers 217 Detailed information on individual equipment and accessories can be found on the Internet at www.ewm-sales.com. Please note that all data is provided without engagement. The contents of this manual have been carefully investigated, checked and revised. Nevertheless, they are subject to change and typographical and other errors are excepted. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 www.ewm-sales.com 3 Technical specifications Page Available forms of wire electrodes Solid wires Flux cored wires Stick electrodes Overview of welding consumables TIG welding rods SAW wires and fluxes Comparison table of EN name and EWM designation Standards and abbreviations Overview of gases DIN EN ISO 14341 Standardisation examples DIN EN ISO 3581 DIN EN ISO 2560-A Codes and chemical analysis Standardisation example Overview of hardfacings Suitability Hardness values Wire run lengths and quantities Unalloyed/low-alloy Solid wires Wire electrode/TIG Cu materials welding rods Flux cored wires Unalloyed/low-alloy TIG welding rods Unalloyed/low-alloy Material combinations Stick electrodes Unalloyed/low-alloy High-alloy welding consumables Submerged arc welding Aluminium additives Steel Working with ... Stainless steel SZW 2016 2016-01-08 www.ewm-sales.com 6 7 10 12 14 16 17 22 26 28 29 30 32 33 34 36 37 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 50 5 Welding consumables Available forms of wire electrodes in accordance with DIN EN ISO 544 D 200 d3 DIN 8559 D 200 EN 759 S 200 DIN EN ISO 544 S 200 D 300 d1 e1 b Tapped hole EWM (DIN 8559) d1 d3 b d4 e1 D 200 200 50,5 55 10 44,5 D 300 300 51,5 103 10 44,5 DIN 8559 D 300 EN 759 S 300 DIN EN ISO 544 S 300 d2 K 300 DIN 8559 K 300 EN 759 B 300 DIN EN ISO 544 B 300 d4 b d1 EWM (DIN 8559) d1 d2 b K 300 300 180 103 d2 BS 300 DIN 8559 K 300 adapterless EN 759 BS 300 DIN EN ISO 544 BS 300 d1 b EWM (DIN EN ISO 544) d1 d2 b BS 300 300 50.5 103 Drum 6 d1 H Drum 100 590 900 Drum 250 510 800 Drum 275 510 800 Drum 450 590 970 www.ewm-sales.com H d1 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Index of welding consumables Solid wires AWS Alloy type A-5.18 ER 70S-2 DIN EN ISO 14341-A G 42 2 C/M G3Si1+Ti A-5.18 ER 70S-6 DIN EN ISO 14341-A G 42 4 C1/M21 3Si1 ER 70S-6 DIN EN ISO 14341-A G 42 4 C1/M21 3Si1 A-5.18 ER 70S-6 DIN EN ISO 14341-A G 46 4 M21 3Si1 / G 42 2 C1 3Si1 A-5.18 ER 70S-6 DIN EN ISO 14341-A A-5.18 low-alloy, weatherresistant low-alloy, creepresistant Page 1.5125 SW 70S G3 52 1.5125 SW 70S G3 Bronze 54 1.5125 SW 70 G3Si 1 Brillance 56 G 42 2 C1 / G 42 4 M 21 3 Si1 1.5125 SW 70S G3 Mec 55 ER 70S-6 DIN EN ISO 14341-A G 46 4 M21 3Si1 / G 42 2 C1 3Si1 1.5125 SW 70 G3Si1 57 A-5.18 ER 70S-6 DIN EN ISO 14341-A G 46 2 C1 4 Si1 / G 46 4 M 21 4 Si1 1.5130 SW 70S G4 58 A-5.18 ER 70S-6 DIN EN ISO 14341-A G 46 2 C1 4 Si1 / G 46 4 M 21 4 Si1 1.5130 SW 70S G4 Bronze 59 A-5.18 ER 70S-6 DIN EN ISO 14341-A G 46 4 M21 4Si1 / 42 2 C1 4Si1 1.5130 SW 70 G4Si 1 Brillance 61 1.5130 SW 70S G4 Mec 60 1.5130 SW 70 G4Si1 62 A-5.18 ER 70S-6 DIN EN ISO 14341-A G 46 2 C1 4 Si1 / G 46 4 M21 4 Si1 A-5.18 ER 70S-6 DIN EN ISO 14341-A G 46 4 M21 4Si1 / 42 2 C1 4Si1 A-5.28 ER 100S-G DIN EN ISO 16834-A G 62 5 Z Mn3Ni1Mo SW 100S NiMo 66 A-5.28 ER 100S-G DIN EN ISO 16834-A G 69 5 M Mn3Ni1CrMo SW 100S NiMoCr 67 A-5.28 ER 120S-G DIN EN ISO 16834-A G 89 6 M Mn4Ni2CrMo SW 120S NiMoCr 68 A-5.28 ER 80S-Ni1 DIN EN ISO 14341-A G 46 6 M21 3Ni1 SW 80S Ni1 64 A-5.28 ER 80S-Ni2 DIN EN ISO 14341-A G 46 4 M21 2Ni2 SW 80S Ni2 65 A-5.28 ER 80S-G DIN EN ISO 14341-A G 42 2 M Z SW 80S NiCu 63 A-5.28 ER 80S-G DIN EN ISO 21952-A G CrMo1Si 1.7339 SW 80S CrMo1 70 A-5.28 ER 80S-G DIN EN ISO 21952-A G MoSi 1.5424 SW 80S Mo 69 ER 90S-G DIN EN ISO 21952-A 1.7384 SW 90S CrMo2 71 A-5.28 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Name EWM 53 unalloyed low-alloy, low-temperature tough Material no. SW 70S G3 Ti A-5.18 low-alloy, high tensile DIN EN ISO G CrMo2Si www.ewm-sales.com 7 Index of welding consumables Solid wires AWS Alloy type high-alloy - stainless steel highalloy - heat resistant high-alloy - creep resistant high-alloy Duplex Nickelbased 8 DIN EN ISO Material no. Name EWM Page A-5.9 ER 307L DIN EN ISO 14343-A G 18 8 Mn 1.4370 SW 307 Si 72 A-5.9 ER 308L Si DIN EN ISO 14343-A G 19 9 L Si 1.4316 SW 308 L Si 73 A-5.9 ER 309L Si DIN EN ISO 14343-A G 23 12 L Si 1.4332 SW 309 L Si 74 A-5.9 ER 410 NiMo DIN EN ISO 14343-A G 13 4 1.4351 SW 410 NiMo 75 A-5.9 (ER 385) DIN EN ISO 14343-A G 20 25 5 Cu L 1.4539 SW 904 L 76 A-5.9 ER 309 Si DIN EN ISO 14343-A G 22 12 H 1.4829 SW 309 H 77 A-5.9 ER 310 DIN EN ISO 14343-A G 25 20 1.4842 SW 310 78 A-5.9 ER 312 DIN EN ISO 14343-A G 29 9 1.4337 SW 312 79 A-5.9 ER 316L Si DIN EN ISO 14343-A G 19 12 3 L Si 1.4430 SW 316 L Si 80 A-5.9 ER 318 Si DIN EN ISO 14343-A G 19 12 3 Nb Si 1.4576 SW 318 Si 81 A-5.9 ER 347 Si DIN EN ISO 14343-A G 19 9 Nb Si 1.4551 SW 347 Si 82 A-5.9 ER 2209 DIN EN ISO 14343-A G 22 9 3 LN SW 2209 Duplex 83 A-5.9 ER 2594 DIN EN ISO 14343-A G 25 9 4 N L SW 2594 Super Duplex 84 A-5.14 ER NiCrMo3 DIN EN ISO 18274 S Ni 6625 (NiCr22Mo9Nb) SW 625 85 ER NiCr3 DIN EN ISO 18274 S Ni 6082 (NiCr20Mn3Nb) SW NiCr82 86 SW NiFe55 87 A-5.14 www.ewm-sales.com 2.4831 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Index of welding consumables Solid wires AWS Alloy type Aluminium DIN EN ISO A-5.10 ER 1450 DIN EN ISO 18273 S Al 1450 (Al99,5Ti) A-5.10 ER 3103 DIN EN ISO 18273 S Al 3103 (AlMn1) A-5.10 ER 4043 DIN EN ISO 18273 S Al 4034A (AlSi5(A)) A-5.10 ER 4047 DIN EN ISO 18273 A-5.10 ER 5087 A-5.10 Material no. Copper Silicon Copper - Tin CopperNickel Hardfacing SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Page SW 1450 99,5Ti 88 SW 3103 Mn1 89 3.2245 SW 4043 Si5 90 S Al 4047A (AlSi12(A)) 3.2585 SW 4047 Si12 91 DIN EN ISO 18273 S Al 5087 (AlMg4,5MnZr) 3.3546 SW 5087 MG4,5 MnZr 92 ER 5183 DIN EN ISO 18273 S Al 5183 (AlMg4,5Mn0,7) (AlMg4,5Mn0,7) 3.3548 SW 5183 Mg4,5 Mn 93 A-5.10 ER 5183 DIN EN ISO 18273 S Al 5183 (AlMg4,5Mn0,7) (AlMg4,5Mn0,7) 3.3548 SW 5183 Mg4,5 Mn Premium 94 A-5.10 ER 5356 DIN EN ISO 18273 S Al 5356 (AlMg5Cr) 3.3556 SW 5356 Mg5 95 A-5.10 ER 5754 DIN EN ISO 18273 S Al 5754 (AlMg3) 3.3536 SW 5754 Mg3 96 SW OF Cu 97 3.0805 Copper Copper Aluminium Name EWM A-5.7 ER CuAl-A1 DIN EN ISO 24373 S Cu 6100 (CuAl7) 2.0921 SW CuAl8 98 A-5.7 ER CuAl-A2 DIN EN ISO 24373 S Cu 6180 (CuAl10Fe) 2.0937 SW CuAlBz9Fe 100 A-5.7 ER CuNiAl DIN EN ISO 24373 S Cu 6328 (CuAl9Ni5Fe3Mn2) 2.0923 SW CuAl9Ni5 99 A-5.7 ER CuSi-A DIN EN ISO 24373 S Cu 6511 (CuSiMn1) SW CuSi2 101 A-5.7 ER CuSi-A DIN EN ISO 24373 S Cu 6560 (CuSi3Mn) 2.1461 SW CuSi3 102 A-5.7 ER Cu DIN EN ISO 24373 S Cu 1898 (CuSn1) 2.1006 SW CuSn1 103 A-5.7 ER CuSn-A DIN EN ISO 24373 S Cu 5180A (CuSn6P) 2.1022 SW CuSn6 104 A-5.7 ER CuNi DIN EN ISO 24373 S Cu 7158 (CuNi30Mn1FeTi) 2.0837 SW CuNi30 Fe 105 DIN EN 14700 S Fe8 1.4718 SW Hard 60 106 www.ewm-sales.com 9 Index of welding consumables Flux cored wires AWS Alloy type DIN EN ISO Material no. Name EWM Page A-5.18 E 70C-6M/6C DIN EN ISO 17632-A T 42 2 M M/C 1 H5 FCW 70TC Metal 107 A-5.20 E 71T-5M-J DIN EN ISO 17632-A T 42 2 B M 1 H5 FCW 71T Basic 108 A-5.20 E 71T-1M DIN EN ISO 17632-A T 42 2 P M 1 H5 FCW 71T Rutile 110 A-5.20 E 71T-1M/1C DIN EN ISO 17632-A T 42 2 P M/C H5 FCW 71T Rutile CO2 111 A-5.20 E 71T-11 FCW 71T Selfshield 112 A-5.29 E 81T1Ni1M-J DIN EN ISO 17632-A T 46 6 1Ni P M 2 H5 FCW 81T Rutile Ni1 113 A-5.18 E 70C-6MH4 DIN EN ISO 17632-A T 46 4 MM 1 H5 FCW T 70C Metal 109 low-alloy, creepresistant A-5.29 E 81 T1A1M H4 DIN EN ISO 17634 T Mo P M 1 H5 FCW 81T Rutile Mo 114 Low-alloy, high tensile A-5.29 E 111 T1K3M-J H4 DIN EN ISO 18276-A T 69 9 Z P M 1 H5 FCW 111T NiMoCr 115 A-5.22 E 307LT01/4 DIN EN ISO 17633-A T 18 8 Mn RM3 1.4370 FCW 307 Rutile 116 A-5.22 E 308LT01/4 DIN EN ISO 17633-A T 19 9 L R C/M 3 1.4316 FCW 308 Rutile 117 A-5.22 E 309LT01/4 DIN EN ISO 17633-A T 23 12 L R C/M 3 1.4332 FCW 309 Rutile 118 A-5.22 E 309LT11/-4 DIN EN ISO 17633-A T 23 12 L P C/M 1 1.4332 FCW 309 LP Rutile 119 A-5.22 E 316LT01/4 DIN EN ISO 17633-A T 19 12 3 L R C/M 3 1.4430 FCW 316 Rutile 120 A-5.22 E 316LT11/-4 DIN EN ISO 17633-A T 19 12 3 L P C/M 1 1.4430 FCW 316 LP Rutile 121 A-5.9 E C316L DIN EN ISO 17633-A T 19 12 3 L MM1 FCW 316 METAL 122 A-5.34 E NiCr3T0-4 DIN EN ISO 14172 T Ni 6082 (NiCr20Mn3Nb) FCW NiCr82 123 unalloyed high-alloy - stainless steel high-alloy - creep resistant Nickelbased 10 www.ewm-sales.com SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Index of welding consumables Flux cored wires Alloy type Hardfacing SZW 2016 2016-01-08 AWS DIN EN ISO DIN EN 14700 T Fe 1 DIN 8555 MF1-GF-300GP DIN EN 14700 T z Fe 7 DIN 8555 MF5-GF450-CP DIN EN 14700 T Fe 14 DIN 8555 MF10-GF-45CGT DIN EN 14700 T Fe 16 DIN 8555 MF10-GF-50-G DIN EN 14700 T Fe 8 DIN 8555 MF6-GF-55-RP DIN EN 14700 T Fe 15 DIN 8555 MF10-GF60-GR DIN EN 14700 T Fe 14 DIN 8555 MF10-GF60-GR DIN EN 14700 T Fe 15 DIN 8555 DIN EN 14700 Material no. Name EWM Page FCW Hard 300 GP 124 FCW 450 CP 125 FCW Hard 43 CGT 126 FCW Hard 52 G 127 FCW Hard 56 RP 128 FCW Hard 58 GR 129 FCW Hard 60 GR 130 MF10-GF-65-G FCW Hard 63 G 131 T Co2 FCW Cobalt2 132 www.ewm-sales.com 11 Index of welding consumables Stick electrodes AWS Alloy type high-alloy - stainless steel high-alloy heat resistant high-alloy - creep resistant 12 Material no. Name EWM Page A-5.1 E 6010 DIN EN ISO 2560-A E 38 2 C 21 SE 6010 CEL 180 A-5.1 E 6012 DIN EN ISO 2560-A E 38 0 RC 11 SE 6013 RC 181 A-5.1 E 6013 DIN EN ISO 2560-A E 42 0 RC 11 SE 6013 RC blau 182 A-5.1 E 6013 DIN EN ISO 2560-A E 42 0 RR 12 SE 6013 RR 183 A-5.1 E 6013 DIN EN ISO 2560-A E 35 2 RB 12 SE 6013 RRB 184 A-5.1 E 6013 DIN EN ISO 2560-A E 42 0 RC 11 SE 6013 RRC 185 A-5.1 E 7016 DIN EN ISO 2560-A E 42 2 B 12 H10 SE 7016 BR 186 A-5.1 E 7018 DIN EN ISO 2560-A E 42 4 B 32 H5 SE 7018 BH5 187 A-5.5 E 7018-A1 DIN EN ISO 3580-A E Mo B 42 H5 SE 7018 Mo 188 A-5.5 E 8018-B2 DIN EN ISO 3580-A E CrMo1 B 42 H5 SE 8018 CrMo1 189 A-5.5 E 9018-B3 DIN EN ISO 3580-A E CrMo2 B 42 H5 1.7384 SE 9018 CrMo2 190 A-5.4 E 307-16 DIN EN ISO 3581-A E 18 8 Mn R 12 1.4370 SE 307 191 A-5.4 E 308 L-16 DIN EN ISO 3581-A E 19 9 LR 12 1.4316 SE 308 L 192 E 309 L-26 DIN EN ISO 3581-A E 23 12 LR 32 1.4332 SE 309 L 193 A-5.4 E 309 Mo-26 DIN EN ISO 3581-A E 23 12 2 LR 32 1.4459 SE 309 MoL 194 A-5.4 E 310-16 DIN EN ISO 3581-A E 25 20 L R 12 1.4842 SE 310 195 A-5.4 E 312-16 DIN EN ISO 3581-A E 29 9 R 12 1.4337 SE 312 196 A-5.4 E 316 L-16 DIN EN ISO 3581-A E 19 12 3 L R 12 1.4430 SE 316-L 197 A-5.4 E 318-16 DIN EN ISO 3581-A E 19 12 3 Nb R 12 1.4576 SE 318 198 A-5.4 E 347-16 DIN EN ISO 3581-A E 19 9 Nb R 12 1.4551 SE 347 199 unalloyed low-alloy, creepresistant DIN EN ISO www.ewm-sales.com Index of welding consumables Stick electrodes AWS Alloy type high-alloy Duplex Nickelbased Hardfacing DIN EN ISO Material no. Name EWM Page A-5.4 E 2209 L-16 DIN EN ISO 3581-A E 22 9 3 R 32 SE 2209 Duplex 200 A-5.15 E Ni-Cl DIN EN ISO 1071 E C Ni-Cl 1 SE Ni 201 A-5.15 E NiFe-Cl DIN EN ISO 1071 E C NiFe 1 1 SE NiFe 202 A-5.11 E NiCrFe-3 DIN EN ISO 14172 E Ni 6082 (NiCr20Mn3Nb) SE NiCr82 203 A-5.11 E NiCrMo3 DIN EN ISO 14172 E Ni 6625 SE 625 204 DIN EN 14700 E Fe 1 DIN 8555 E1-UM-300 P SE Hard 300 P 205 DIN EN 14700 E Fe3 DIN 8555 E3 UM / 350 GP SE Hard 350 GP 206 DIN EN 14700 E Fe 8 DIN 8555 E 6-UM-60 SE Hard 60 207 DIN EN 14700 E Fe 14 DIN 8555 E10-UM-60GRZ SE Hard 61 GRZ 208 DIN EN 14700 E Fe 15 DIN 8555 E10-GF-UM65-GTZ SE Hard 61 GTZ spezial 209 DIN EN 14700 E Fe 15 DIN 8555 E 10-UM-70 CZ SE Hard 68 CZ 210 www.ewm-sales.com 2.4621 13 Index of welding consumables TIG welding rods AWS Alloy type unalloyed low-alloy high-alloy Duplex highalloy - creep resistant DIN EN ISO 636-A W 2Si 1.5112 TR 70S G2 134 ER 70S-6 DIN EN ISO 636-A W 42 5 / W 3 Si1 1.5125 TR 70S G3 135 A-5.18 ER 70S-6 DIN EN ISO 636-A W 46 4 / W 4Si1 1.5130 TR 70S G4 136 A-5.28 ER 80S-G DIN EN ISO 16834-A W Mn3Ni1Cu TR 80S NiCu 143 A-5.28 ER 80S-Ni1 DIN EN ISO 636-A W 3Ni1 TR 80S Ni1 144 ER 80S-G DIN EN ISO 21952-A W CrMo1Si 1.7339 TR 80S CrMo1 139 ER 80S-G DIN EN ISO 21952-A W MoSi 1.5424 TR 80S Mo 138 A-5.28 ER 90S-G DIN EN ISO 21952-A W CrMo2Si 1.7384 TR 90S CrMo2 140 A-5.28 ER 90S-G DIN EN ISO 21952-A W CrMo2VNb TR 90S CrMo2 VTi 142 ER 90S-B9 DIN EN ISO 21952-A W CrMo91 1.4903 TR 90S CrMo91 141 A-5.28 ER 80S B6 DIN EN ISO 21952-A W CrMo5Si 1.7373 TR CrMo5 137 A-5.9 ER 307Si DIN EN ISO 14343-A W 18 8 Mn Si 1.4370 TR 307 Si 145 A-5.9 ER 308L Si DIN EN ISO 14343-A W 19 9 L Si 1.4316 TR 308 L Si 146 A-5.9 ER 309L Si DIN EN ISO 14343-A W 23 12 L Si 1.4332 TR 309 L Si 147 A-5.9 ER 410 NiMo DIN EN ISO 14343-A W 13 4 1.4351 TR 410 NiMo 148 A-5.9 ER 309 Si DIN EN ISO 14343-A W 22 12 H 1.4829 TR 309 H 149 A-5.9 ER 310 DIN EN ISO 14343-A W 25 20 1.4842 TR 310 150 A-5.9 ER 2209 DIN EN ISO 14343-A W 22 9 3 LN TR 2209 Duplex 156 A-5.9 ER 2594 DIN EN ISO 14343-A W 25 9 4 N L TR 2594 Super Duplex 157 A-5.9 ER 312 DIN EN ISO 14343-A W 29 9 1.4337 TR 312 151 A-5.9 ER 316L Si DIN EN ISO 14343-A W 19 12 3 L Si 1.4430 TR 316 L Si 152 ER 318Si DIN EN ISO 14343-A W 19 12 3 Nb Si 1.4576 TR 318 Si 153 A-5.9 ER 347 Si DIN EN ISO 14343-A W 19 9 Nb Si 1.4551 TR 347 154 A-5.9 (ER 385) DIN EN ISO 14343-A W 20 25 5 Cu L 1.4539 TR 904 L 155 A-5.9 highalloy - creep resistant 14 Page ER 70S-3 A-5.28 highalloy - heat resistant Name EWM A-5.18 A-5.28 high-alloy - stainless steel Material no. A-5.18 A-5.28 low-alloy, creepresistant DIN EN ISO www.ewm-sales.com SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Index of welding consumables TIG welding rods AWS Alloy type Nickelbased DIN EN ISO A-5.14 ER NiCr3 DIN EN ISO 18274 S Ni 6082 (NiCr20Mn3Nb) A-5.14 ER NiCrMo3 DIN EN ISO 18274 S Ni 6625 (NiCr22Mo9Nb) A-5.10 ER 1450 DIN EN ISO 18273 S AL 1450 (Al99,5Ti) DIN EN ISO 18273 S AL 3103 (AlMn1) A-5.10 ER 3103 TR NiCr82 158 2.4831 TR 625 159 3.0805 TR 1450 99,5 Ti 160 TR 3103 Mn1 161 3.2245 TR 4043 Si5 162 ER 4043 DIN EN ISO 18273 A-5.10 ER 4047 DIN EN ISO 18273 S AL 4047A (AlSi12(A)) 3.2585 TR 4047 Si12 163 A-5.10 ER 5087 DIN EN ISO 18273 S AL 5087 (AlMg4,5MnZr) 3.3546 TR 5087 MG4,5 MnZr 164 DIN EN ISO 18273 S AL 5183 (AlMg4,5Mn0,7) 3.3548 TR 5183 Mg4,5 Mn 165 3.3556 TR 5356 Mg5 166 ER 5183 A-5.10 ER 5356 DIN EN ISO 18273 S AL 5356 (AlMg5Cr) A-5.10 ER 5754 DIN EN ISO 18273 S AL 5754 (AlMg3) 3.3536 TR 5754 Mg3 167 DIN EN ISO 24373 S Cu 1898 (CuSn1) 2.1006 TR CuSn1 169 2.1022 TR CuSn6 170 A-5.7 ER Cu A-5.7 ER CuSn-A DIN EN ISO 24373 S Cu 5180A (CuSn6P) A-5.7 ER CuNi DIN EN ISO 24373 S Cu 7158 (CuNi30Mn1FeTi) 2.0837 TR CuNi30 Fe 171 DIN EN ISO 24373 S Cu 6560 (CuSi3Mn) 2.1461 TR CuSi3 168 DIN EN ISO 24373 S Cu 6100 (CuAl7) 2.0921 TR CuAl8 172 DIN EN 14700 W Co1 TR Cobalt1 175 DIN EN 14700 W Co2 TR Cobalt2 176 DIN EN 14700 / DIN 8555 S Fe 3 / WSG 3- GZ-45 T ~1.2567 TR Tool 45 T 173 DIN EN 14700 / DIN 8555 S Fe 3 / WSG 6-GZ-55 ST ~ 1.2367 TR Tool 55 T 174 DIN EN 12536 O III 1.6215 GFR R60 178 A-5.7 A-5.7 ER CuSi-A ER CuAl-A1 Hardfacing Tool steels SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Page A-5.10 A-5.10 Brazing filler Name EWM S AL 4043A (AlSi5(A)) Aluminium Copper Basis Material no. A-5.2 R60 www.ewm-sales.com 15 Index of welding consumables SAW wires and fluxes AWS Alloy type Wires Fluxes 16 DIN EN ISO Material no. EWM name Page AWS A-5.17 / AWS A-5.23 EM12 DIN EN ISO 14171-A S2 1.0494 SMA S2 216 AWS A-5.17 / AWS A-5.23 EH12K DIN EN ISO 14171-A S3Si 1.0497 SMA S3Si 217 AWS A-5.9 ER 316L DIN EN 14343-A S 19 9 3 L 1.4430 SMA 316 218 DIN EN 14174-A SA AB 1 67 AC H5 FW AB 1 67 212 DIN EN 14174-A (stainless steels) SF CS 2 DC DIN EN 14174-A (unalloyed/low-alloy steels) FW CS 1 63 DC 214 SF CS 163 DC www.ewm-sales.com Welding consumables Comparison table of EN name and EWM designation EN EWM designation Page E 18 8 Mn R 12 SE 307 184 E 19 12 3 L R 12 SE 316-L 197 SE 318 198 SE 308 L 185 SE 347 199 SE 2209 Duplex 200 E 19 12 3 Nb R 12 E 19 9 L R 12 E 19 9 Nb R 12 E 22 9 3 R 32 SE 309 MoL 194 E 23 12 LR 32 SE 309 L 193 E 25 20 LR 12 SE 310 195 E 29 9 R 12 SE 312 196 E 35 2 RB 12 SE 6013 RRB 184 E 38 0 RC 11 SE 6013 RC 181 E 38 2 C 21 SE 6010 CEL 180 E 42 0 RC 11 SE 6013 RC blau 182 E 42 0 RC 11 SE 6013 RRC 185 E 42 0 RR 12 SE 6013 RR 183 E 42 4 B 12 H10 SE 7016 BR 186 E 42 4 B 32 H5 SE 7018 BH5 187 SE Ni 201 E 23 12 2 L R 32 E C Ni-Cl 1 SE NiFe 202 E CrMo1 B 42 H5 SE 8018 CrMo1 189 E CrMo2 B 42 H5 SE 9018 CrMo2 190 E Fe 1 SE Hard 300 P 205 E C NiFe 1 1 E Fe 14 SE Hard 61 GRZ 208 E Fe 15 SE Hard 61 GTZ spezial 209 E Fe 15 SE Hard 68 CZ 210 E Fe 8 SE Hard 60 207 E Fe3 SE Hard 350 GP 206 SE 7018 Mo 188 E Ni 6082 (NiCr20Mn3Nb) SE NiCr82 203 E Ni 6625 (NiCr22Mo9Nb) SE 625 204 SW 410 NiMo 75 E Mo B 42 H5 G 13 4 www.ewm-sales.com 17 Welding consumables Comparison table of EN name and EWM designation EN G 18 8 Mn G 19 12 3 L Si G 19 12 3 Nb Si G 19 9 L Si G 19 9 Nb Si G 46 4 M21 2Ni2 G 20 25 5 Cu L Page SW 307 Si 72 SW 316 L Si 80 SW 318 Si 81 SW 308 L Si 73 SW 347 Si 82 SW 80S Ni2 65 SW 904 L 76 SW 309 H 77 G 22 9 3 LN SW 2209 Duplex 83 G 23 12 L Si SW 309 L Si 74 SW 310 78 SW 2594 Super Duplex 84 SW 312 79 G 22 12 H G 25 20 G 25 9 4 N L G 29 9 SW 70S G3 Ti 53 SW 70S G3 Mec 55 G 42 4 C1/M21 3Si1 SW 70S G3 52 G 42 4 C1/M21 3Si1 SW 70S G3 Bronze 54 G 42 2 C/M G3Si1+Ti G 42 2 C1/G 42 4 M21 3Si1 SW 80S NiCu 63 SW 70 G3Si 1 Brillance 56 G 46 4 M21 3Si1 / G 42 2 C1 3Si1 SW 70 G3Si1 57 G 46 2 C1 4Si1/G 46 4 M21 4Si1 SW 70S G4 Mec 60 G 46 4 M/C G4Si1 SW 70S G4 58 G 46 4 M/C G4Si1 SW 70S G4 Bronze 59 61 G 42 2 M Z G 46 4 M21 3Si1 / G 42 2 C1 3Si1 G 46 4 M21 4Si1 / G42 2 C1 4Si1 SW 70 G4Si 1 Brillance G 46 4 M21 4Si1 / G42 2 C1 4Si1 SW 70 G4Si1 62 G 46 6 M21 3Ni1 SW 80S Ni1 64 SW 100S NiMo 66 G 69 5 M Mn3Ni1CrMo SW 100S NiMoCr 67 G 89 6 M Mn4Ni2CrMo SW 120S NiMoCr 68 G CrMo1Si SW 80S CrMo1 70 G CrMo2Si SW 90S CrMo2 71 G 62 5 Z Mn3Ni1Mo G MoSi O III 18 EWM designation SW 80S Mo 69 GFR R60 178 www.ewm-sales.com SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Welding consumables Comparison table of EN name and EWM designation EN EWM designation Page S 19 9 3 L SMA 316 214 S2 SMA S2 216 SMA S3Si 217 FW AB 1 67 212 S3Si SA AB 1 67 AC H5 S AL 1450 (Al99,5Ti) SW 1450 99,5Ti 88 S AL 1450 (Al99,5Ti) TR 1450 99,5 Ti 160 S AL 3103 (AlMn1) SW 3103 Mn1 89 161 S AL 3103 (AlMn1) TR 3103 Mn1 S AL 4043A (AlSi5(A)) SW 4043 Si5 90 S AL 4043A (AlSi5(A)) TR 4043 Si5 162 S AL 4047A (AlSi12(A)) SW 4047 Si12 91 S AL 4047A (AlSi12(A)) TR 4047 Si12 163 S AL 5087 (AlMg4,5MnZr) SW 5087 Mg4,5 MnZr 92 S AL 5183 (AlMg4,5Mn0,7) SW 5183 Mg4,5 Mn 93 S AL 5183 (AlMg4,5Mn0,7) SW 5183 Mg4,5 Mn Premium 94 S AL 5356 (AlMg5Cr) SW 5356 Mg5 95 S AL 5356 (AlMg5Cr) TR 5356 Mg5 166 S AL 5754 (AlMg3) SW 5754 Mg3 96 S AL 5754 (AlMg3) TR 5754 Mg3 167 103 S Cu 1898 (CuSn1) SW CuSn1 S Cu 1898 (CuSn1) TR CuSn1 169 S Cu 5180A (CuSn6P) SW CuSn6 104 S Cu 5180A (CuSn6P) TR CuSn6 170 S Cu 6100 (CuAl7) SW CuAl8 98 S Cu 6100 (CuAl7) TR CuAl8 172 S Cu 6180 (CuAl10Fe) SW CuAlBz9Fe 100 S Cu 6328 (CuAl9Ni5Fe3Mn2) SW CuAl9Ni5 99 S Cu 6511 (CuSi2Mn1) SW CuSi2 101 S Cu 6560 (CuSi3Mn) SW CuSi3 102 S Cu 6560 (CuSi3Mn) TR CuSi3 168 TR CuNi30 Fe 171 S Cu 7158 (CuNi30Mn1FeTi) SZW 2016 2016-01-08 S Cu 7158 (CuNi30Mn1FeTi) SW CuNi30 Fe 105 SF CS 2 DC / SF CS 163 DC FW CS 1 63 DC 214 www.ewm-sales.com 19 Welding consumables Comparison table of EN name and EWM designation EN EWM designation Page S Ni 6082 (NiCr20Mn3Nb) TR NiCr82 158 S Ni 6082 (NiCr20Nb) SW NiCr82 86 S Ni 6625 (NiCr22Mo9Nb) T 18 8 Mn R M 3 T 19 12 3 L M M 1 85 FCW 307 Rutile 116 FCW 316 METAL 122 T 19 12 3 L P C/M 1 FCW 316 LP Rutile 121 T 19 12 3 L R C/M 3 FCW 316 Rutile 120 T 19 9 L R C/M 3 FCW 308 Rutile 117 T 23 12 L P C/M 1 FCW 309 LP Rutile 119 T 23 12 L R C/M 3 FCW 309 Rutile 118 T 42 2 B M 1 H5 FCW 71T Basic 108 T 42 2 M M/C 1 H5 FCW 70TC Metal 107 T 42 2 P M 1 H5 FCW 71T Rutile 142 T 42 2 P M/C H5 FCW 71T Rutile CO2 112 T 46 4 MM 1 H5 FCW T 70C Metal 109 T 46 6 1Ni P M 2 H5 FCW 81T Rutile Ni1 113 T 69 6 Z P M 1 H5 FCW 111T NiMoCr 115 T Co1 TR Cobalt1 175 T Co2 FCW Cobalt2 132 T Co2 TR COBALT2 176 T Fe 1 FCW Hard 300 GP 124 T Fe 14 FCW Hard 43 CGT 126 T Fe 14 FCW Hard 60 GR 130 T Fe 15 FCW Hard 63 G 131 T Fe 15v FCW Hard 58 GR 129 T Fe 16 FCW Hard 52 G 127 T Fe 8 FCW Hard 56 RP 128 FCW 81T Rutile Mo 114 T Ni 6082 (NiCr20Mn3Nb) FCW NiCr82 123 T z Fe 7 FCW 450 CP 125 W 13 4 TR 410 NiMo 148 TR 307 Si 145 T Mo P M 1 H5 W 18 8 Mn Si 20 SW 625 www.ewm-sales.com SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Welding consumables Comparison table of EN name and EWM designation EN Page 152 TR 318 Si 153 TR 308 L Si 146 TR 347 154 W 20 25 5 Cu L TR 904 L 155 W 22 12 H TR 309 H 149 W 22 9 3 N L TR 2209 Duplex 156 W 23 12 L Si TR 309 L Si 147 TR 310 150 TR 2594 Super Duplex 157 W 29 9 TR 312 151 W 2Si TR 70S G2 134 W 3Ni1 TR 80S Ni1 144 W 3Si1 TR 70S G3 135 W 4Si1 TR 70S G4 136 W CrMo1Si TR 80S CrMo1 139 W CrMo2Si TR 90S CrMo2 140 TR 90S CrMo2 VTi 142 W 19 12 3 Nb Si W 19 9 L Si W 19 9 Nb Si W 25 20 W 25 9 4 N L W CrMo2VNb W CrMo5Si TR CrMo5 137 W CrMo91 TR 90S CrMo91 141 TR 80S NiCu 143 TR 80S Mo 138 TR 625 159 WSG 3- GZ-45 T TR Tool 45 T 173 WSG 6-GZ-55 ST TR Tool 55 T 174 W Mn3Ni1Cu W MoSi W Ni 6625 (NiCr22Mo9Nb) SZW 2016 2016-01-08 EWM designation TR 316 L Si W 19 12 3 L Si www.ewm-sales.com 21 Welding consumables Standards and abbreviations EN standard/ DIN EN ISO STANDARD 22 Standard title DIN EN 12536 Welding consumables – Rods for gas welding of non alloy and creepresisting steels – Classification DIN EN 14700 Welding consumables – Welding consumables for hard-facing DIN EN ISO 636 Welding consumables – Rods, wires and deposits for tungsten inert gas welding of non-alloy and fine-grain steels – Classification DIN EN ISO 1071 Welding consumables – Covered electrodes, wires, rods and tubular cored electrodes for fusion welding of cast iron – Classification DIN EN ISO 2560 Welding consumables – Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of non-alloy and fine-grain steels – Classification DIN EN ISO 3580 Welding consumables – Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of creep-resisting steels – Classification DIN EN ISO 14172 Welding consumables – Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of nickel alloys – Classification DIN EN ISO 14341 Welding consumables – Wire electrodes and weld deposits for gas shielded metal arc welding of non alloy and fine grain steels – Classification DIN EN ISO 14343 Welding consumables – Wire electrodes, strip electrodes, wires and rods for arc welding of stainless and heat resisting steels – Classification DIN EN ISO 16834 Welding consumables – Wire electrodes, wires, rods and deposits for gas shielded arc welding of high strength steels – Classification DIN EN ISO 17632 Welding consumables – Tubular cored electrodes for gas shielded and non-gas shielded metal arc welding of non-alloy and fine grain steels – Classification DIN EN ISO 17633 Welding consumables – Tubular cored electrodes and rods for gas shielded and non-gas shielded metal arc welding of stainless and heat-resisting steels – Classification DIN EN ISO 17634 Welding consumables – Tubular cored electrodes for gas shielded metal arc welding of creep-resisting steels – Classification DIN EN ISO 18273 Welding consumables – Wire electrodes, wires and rods for welding of aluminium and aluminium alloys – Classification DIN EN ISO 18274 Welding consumables – Solid wire electrodes, solid strip electrodes, solid wires and solid rods for fusion welding of nickel and nickel alloys – Classification DIN EN ISO 18276 Welding consumables – Tubular cored electrodes for gas-shielded and non-gas-shielded metal arc welding of high-strength steels – Classification DIN EN ISO 21952 Welding consumables – Wire electrodes, wires, rods and deposits for gas shielded arc welding of creep-resisting steels – Classification DIN EN ISO 24373 Welding consumables – Solid wires and rods for fusion welding of copper and copper alloys – Classification www.ewm-sales.com SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Welding consumables Standards and abbreviations SZW 2016 2016-01-08 EN standard/ DIN EN ISO STANDARD Standard title DIN EN ISO 544 Technical delivery conditions for filler materials and fluxes – Type of product, dimensions, tolerances and markings DIN EN ISO 14175 Welding consumables – Gases and gas mixtures for fusion welding and allied processes DIN EN ISO 14174 Welding consumables – Fluxes for submerged arc welding and electroslag welding – Classification DIN EN ISO 24598 Welding consumables – Solid wire electrodes, tubular cored electrodes and electrode-flux combinations for submerged arc welding of creepresisting steels DIN EN ISO 3581 Welding consumables – Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of stainless and heat-resisting steels – Classification DIN EN ISO 26304 Welding consumables – Solid wire electrodes, tubular cored electrodes and electrode-flux combinations for submerged arc welding of high strength steels – Classification DIN EN ISO 14171 Welding consumables – Solid wire electrodes, tubular cored electrodes and electrode/flux combinations for submerged arc welding of non alloy and fine grain steels – Classification www.ewm-sales.com 23 Welding consumables Standards and abbreviations Test certificates in accordance with EN 10204 Type Certificate content Certificate confirmation 2.1 Factory certification Confirmation of agreement with the order Manufacturer Inspection certificate Confirmation of agreement with the order stating the results of non-specific testing Manufacturer 2.2 3.1 Acceptance test certificate Confirmation of agreement with the order stating the results of specific testing The manufacturer's inspectors independent of the production department. Acceptance test certificate Confirmation of agreement with the order stating the results of specific testing The manufacturer's inspectors independent of the production department and the customer's appointed inspectors or the inspectors named in the official regulations. 3.2 Welding positions 24 PA (1G, 1F) Flat position PB (2F) Horizontal PC (2G) Horizontal to vertical wall PD (4F) Horizontal overhead PE (4G) Overhead PF (3G, 3F, 5G up) Vertical up PG (3G, 3F, 5g down) Vertical down www.ewm-sales.com SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Welding consumables Standards and abbreviations Approval and acceptance authorities ABS American Bureau of Shipping BV Bureau Veritas DB Deutsche Bahn DNV Det Norske Veritas GL Germanischer Lloyd LR Lloyd´s Register of Shipping TÜV Technischer Überwachungsverein ! The current scope of the permit for individual welding consumables should always be requested if necessary. Separate copies may be provided. Acceptance authorities AWS American Welding Society BS British Standard CE Conformité Européenne DIN Deutsche Industrienorm EN Europäische Norm Power symbols Direct current (negatively charged electrode) Direct current (positively charged electrode) Alternating current SZW 2016 2016-01-08 www.ewm-sales.com 25 Welding consumables Overview of gases Gases in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14175 Main groups Main group Components in volume percent Sub-group Oxidising Inert 1 I 100 Rest 1 0,5 < CO2 < 5 Rest* 2 0,5 < CO2 < 5 Rest* 3 4 0,5 < CO2 < 5 0 5 < CO2 < 15 1 15 < CO2 < 25 2 M2 C R 0,5 < O2 < 3 Rest* 0,5 < O2 < 3 Rest* Rest* 3 < O2 < 10 Rest* 4 5 < CO2 < 15 0,5 < O2 < 3 Rest* 5 5 < CO2 < 15 3 < O2 < 10 Rest* 6 15 < CO2 < 25 0,5 < O2 < 3 Rest* 7 15 < CO2 < 25 3 < O2 < 10 Rest* 1 25 < CO2 < 50 Rest* 10 < O2 < 15 Rest* 3 25 < CO2 < 20 2 < O2 < 10 Rest* 4 5 < CO2 < 25 10 < O2 < 15 Rest* 5 25 < CO2 < 50 10 < O2 < 15 Rest* 100 2 Rest 0,5 < H2 < 5 Rest* 3 < O2 < 10 0,5 < CO2 < 5 1 0,5 < He < 95 Rest* 3 2 M3 0,5 < H2 < 5 0,5 < O2 < 30 1 Rest* 0,5 < H2 < 15 2 Rest* 15 < H2 < 50 1 N Slow-responding 100 2 3 M1 Reduced 100 2 Rest* 3 Rest* 4 Rest* 5 0,5 < N2 < 5 5 < N2 < 50 0,5 < H2 < 10 0,5 < N2 < 5 0,5 < H2 < 50 Rest O 1 Z Mixed gases not listed in the table or mixed gases with a composition outside the ranges stated ** *Argon may be completely replaced by helium for this classification ** Two mixed gases with the same Z classification may not be replaced with each other 26 www.ewm-sales.com SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Welding consumables Overview of gases Gases in accordance with DIN EN 439 Short description Group Volume percent (vol. %) Code Oxidising CO2 R I Inert O2 M2 M3 F SZW 2016 2016-01-08 H2 N2 Rest² > 0 to 15 2 Rest² > 15 to 35 1 100 2 100 Rest² 1 > 0 to 5 Rest² 2 > 0 to 5 Rest² 3 4 > 0 to 25 1 > 0 to 25 2 > 0 to 3 Rest² > 0 to 3 Rest² Rest² > 0 to 5 > 3 to 11 Rest² 4 > 0 to 25 > 0 to 8 Rest² 1 > 25 to 50 2 >5 to 50 1 100 2 Rest > 0 to 95 > 0 to 5 Rest² > 3 to 10 3 3 C He Slow-responding 1 3 M1 Ar Reduced Rest² > 10 to 15 Rest² > 8 to 15 Rest² > 0 to 30 1 100 2 > 0 to 50 www.ewm-sales.com Rest 27 Welding consumables Example for standardisation in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14341 Classification by yield strength and impact energy of 47J in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14341-A A weld metal made by GMAW has a minimum yield strength of 420 MPa and an average minimum Charpy impact of 47 J at -40°C; mixed gas (M21) was used. The designation is as follows: ISO 14341-A-G 42 4 M21 3Si1 A weld metal produced using a ISO 14341-A-G 42 4 M21 3Si1 electrode has the following mechanical properties: Yield strength Minimum Charpy impact: M21 gas: 420 MPa 47J at-40°C Mixed gas ISO 14341-A Number of this international standard, classification by yield strength and Charpy impact of 47 J G Wire electrode 42 Yield strength 4 Charpy impact at-40°C M21 Shielding gas 3Si1 Chemical composition Stick electrode coating type 28 Abbreviation Short description Definition R Rutile Standard electrode for universal use, fine to average droplet transfer, good mechanical properties, welding positions PA, PB,PC, PE, PF, (PG limited only) RB Basic/rutile Use as a combination of achievable, high toughness values and universal use with increased demands on the welder and the seam finishing work. B Basic Use for the requirement of high mechanical properties, average to coarse droplet transfer, poorly detaching slag, possible in all positions, please allow for baking of the electrodes RC Rutile-cellulose Used as replacement for rutile electrodes, to make welding position PG safer, less slag formation, higher demands on the welder and the finishing work C Cellulose Used mainly for the root pass on pipe connectors (pipeline welding) in position PG, good mechanical properties, average droplets, almost no slag www.ewm-sales.com SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Welding consumables Example for standardisation in accordance with DIN EN ISO 3581 1 2 E 19 12 3 L R 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 Code for manual arc welding systems Abbreviation for chemical composition of the weld metal The components of the alloy are given in the order Cr, Ni and Mo, respectively, without the chemical code. Alloy components such as niobium, manganese and nitrogen are included as chemical codes with no number for the alloy component. The additional L stands for a very low carbon content. The mechanical properties specified in the standard must be met. 3 4 Code Coating type R Rutile B Basic Ratio Metal recovery (%) Current type 1 <105 Direct current, alternating current 2 <105 Direct current 3 >105 - 125 Direct current, alternating current 4 >105 - 125 Direct current 5 >125 - 160 Direct current, alternating current 6 >125 - 160 Direct current 7 >160 Direct current, alternating current 8 >160 Direct current Proof of suitability for alternating current with open circuit voltage of max. 65 V 5 Ratio Welding position 1 All positions 2 All positions except vertical-down weld 3 4 5 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Butt weld in flat position Fillet weld in flat and horizontal position Butt weld in horizontal position Fillet weld in flat position Vertical-down position and position as per code 3 www.ewm-sales.com 29 Welding consumables Standardisation example for stick electrodes in accordance with DIN EN ISO 2560-A 1 2 E 42 2 - B 4 2 H10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Code for manual arc welding systems Code Minimum yield strength*1 Re (N/mm2 ) Tensile strength: Rm (N/mm2 ) Minimum elongation at break A5 (%) 35 355 440 - 570 22 38 380 470 - 600 20 42 420 500 - 640 20 46 460 530 - 680 20 50 500 560 - 720 18 *1 The yield strength is lower yield strength R. If it is not specified, the 0.2 % elongation limit R should be chosen. 3 Symbol/number Minimum Charpy impact 47 J at °C Z no requirements A 20 0 0 2 -20 3 -30 4 -40 5 -50 6 -60 Code Chemical composition Mn 4 Mo Ni No code 2 - - Mo 1,4 0,3 - 0,6 - Mn Mo > 1,4 - 2,0 0,3 - 0,6 - 1 Ni 1,4 - 0,6 - 1,2 2 Ni 1,4 - 1,8 - 2,6 3 Ni 1,4 - 2,6 - 3,8 Mn 1 Ni > 1,4 - 2,0 - 0,6 - 1,2 1 Ni Mo 1,4 0,3 - 0,6 0,6 - 1,2 Z Any otherwise agreed composition "*2 if not specified: Mo<0.2, Ni<0.3,Cr<0.2, V<0.08, Nb<0.05, Cu<0.3, are each maximum values 30 www.ewm-sales.com SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Welding consumables Standardisation example for stick electrodes in accordance with DIN EN ISO 2560-A Code 5 Coating type A Acid C Cellulose R Rutile RR Thick rutile RC Rutile/cellulose RA Rutile/acid RB Rutile/basic B Basic *3 ratio of coating to rod diameter 1.6 Metal recovery (%) Ratio 6 Current type 1 <105 Direct current, alternating current 2 <105 Direct current 3 >105 - 125 Direct current, alternating current 4 >105 - 125 Direct current 5 >125 - 160 Direct current, alternating current 6 >125 - 160 Direct current 7 >160 Direct current, alternating current 8 >160 Direct current *3 ratio of coating to rod diameter 1.6 Ratio 7 Welding position 1 All positions 2 All positions except vertical-down weld 3 Butt weld in flat position Fillet weld in flat and horizontal position 4 Butt and fillet welds in flat position 5 For fillet welds and as per figure 3 Code 8 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Maximum diffusible hydrogen content (ml/100 g molten weld material) H5 5 H10 10 H15 15 www.ewm-sales.com 31 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 Fe10 Fe11 Fe12 Fe13 Fe14 Fe15 Fe16 Fe20 3 4 4 3&4 4 3 3 1 1 1&2 2 1 1 2&3 2 2 2&3 Impact 3 1 2 3 2 1 1 1&2 4 4 1&2 2&3 1 1&2 2 4 4 High temperature 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 1&2 2&3 1 1&2 2 4 4 Thermal shock Thermal Requirement 3 3 3 2 4 1 1 2 2&3 3 1&2 4 2 3 3 4 4 Corrosive 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1&2 2&3 1 2&3 1 2&3 2 2 1 Crackresistant Suitability criteria: 1 = very good; 2 = good; 3 = suitable; 4 = not suitable; a = artificially aged 3 h to 4 h at 480°C, b = strain-hardening 4 1 Fe6 Fe9 2 Fe5 2 2 Fe4 1&2 3 Fe3 Fe7 3&4 Fe8 3&4 Fe2 Friction Mechanical Fe1 Alloy code Hardfacing suitability Welding consumables 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 2 3 3&4 1&2 3&4 1 3&4 2 3 1 Workability 50 - 60 Matrix Hard materials in an Fe matrix 55 - 65 40 - 60 55 - 65 38 - 42 b 40 - 50 b 50 - 65 48 - 55 a 30 - 40 55 - 65 40 - 55 30 - 58 [HRC] 60 - 70 1 500 HV 2 800 HV 150 - 250 180 - 200 200 - 250 250 - 450 150 - 450 [HB] Hardness range Martensitic/austenitic ch + carbides Martensitic/austenitic ch + carbides Martensitic/austenitic ch + carbides Austenitic Martensitic/austenitic ch + FeB Austenitic Austenitic Austenitic Martensitic + carbides Ferritic/martensitic Martensitic + carbides Martensitic Martensitic + carbides Martensitic + carbides Martensitic Ferritic/martensitic Alloy/microstructure 1&2 3&4 1 1 Co3 Cu1 Al1 Cr1 3 3 2&3 2&3 2&3 1 2 2 2&3 2 2&3 Impact 3 4 4 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 High temperature 3 4 4 1&2 1&2 1&2 3 1 3 1 3 Thermal shock Thermal Requirement 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 Corrosive 2&3 2&3 2&3 2&3 2&3 1 1&2 1 2 1 3 Crackresistant Suitability criteria: 1 = very good; 2 = good; 3 = suitable; 4 = not suitable; a = artificially aged 3 h to 4 h at 480 °C, b = strain-hardening 2&3 1&2 Co1 1 Ni20 Co2 2 2&3 Ni4 2&3 Ni3 1&2 Ni2 Friction Mechanical Ni1 Alloy code Hardfacing suitability Welding consumables 3&4 3 2 3&4 3&4 1 4 2 2 2 3 Workability 200 - 400 150 HV 300 HV 600 HV 700 HV CuAl alloy Alpha mixed crystal + intermetallic phases Austenitic + precipitations Co alloy Co alloy 250 - 350 1,500 HV to 2,800 HV (hard materials) Hard materials in an Fe matrix Co alloy 200 - 400 200 - 400 [HB] 45 - 60 35 - 50 40 - 45 b 45 - 55 (matrix) 45 - 60 45 - 60 [HRC] Hardness range Ni alloy Ni alloy Ni alloy Ni alloy Alloy/microstructure Welding consumables Hardfacing codes and chemical analysis Codea) Suitability Chemical analysis in % (m/m) C Cr Ni Mn Mo W V Nb Other Rest Fe1 p ≤ 0,4 ≤ 3,5 - 0,5 - 3 ≤1 ≤1 ≤1 - - Fe Fe2 p 0,4 - 1,2 ≤7 ≤1 0,5 - 3 ≤1 ≤1 ≤1 - - Fe Fe3 st 0,2 - 0,5 1-8 ≤5 ≤3 ≤ 4,5 ≤ 10 ≤ 1,5 - Co, Si Fe Fe4 s t (p) 0,2 - 1,5 2-6 ≤4 ≤3 ≤ 10 ≤ 19 ≤4 - Co, Ti Fe Fe5 cps tw ≤ 0,5 ≤ 0,1 17 22 ≤1 3-5 - - - Co, Al Fe Fe6 gps ≤ 2,5 ≤ 10 - ≤3 ≤3 - - ≤ 10 Ti Fe Fe7 cpt ≤ 0,2 4 - 30 ≤6 ≤3 ≤2 - ≤1 ≤1 Si Fe Fe8 gpt 0,2 - 2 5 - 18 - 0,3 - 3 ≤ 4,5 ≤2 ≤2 ≤ 10 Si, Ti Fe Fe9 k (n) p 0,3 - 1,2 ≤ 19 ≤3 11 18 ≤2 - ≤1 - Ti Fe Fe10 c k (n) pz ≤ 0,25 17 - 22 7 - 11 3-8 ≤ 1,5 - - ≤ 1,5 Si Fe Fe11 cnz ≤ 0,3 18 - 31 8 - 20 ≤3 ≤4 - - ≤ 1,5 Cu Fe12 c (n) z ≤ 0,08 17 - 26 9 - 26 0,5 - 3 ≤4 - - ≤ 1,5 Fe13 g ≤ 1,5 ≤ 6,5 ≤4 0,5 - 3 ≤4 - - - B, Ti Fe Fe14 g 1,5 - 4,5 25 - 40 ≤4 0,5 - 3 ≤4 - - - - Fe Fe15 g 4,5 - 5,5 20 - 40 ≤4 0,5 - 3 ≤2 - - ≤ 10 B Fe Fe16 gz 4,5 - 7,5 10 - 40 - ≤3 ≤9 ≤8 ≤ 10 ≤ 10 B, Co Fe Fe20 cgtz Hard materialsb) - - - - - - - - Fe Ni1 cpt ≤1 15 - 30 Rest 0,3 - 1 ≤6 ≤2 ≤1 - Si, Fe, B Ni Ni2 ckp tz ≤ 0,1 15 - 30 Rest ≤ 1,5 ≤ 28 ≤8 ≤1 ≤4 Co, Si, Ti Ni Ni3 cpt ≤1 1 - 15 Rest 0,3 - 1 ≤6 ≤2 ≤1 - Si, Fe, B Ni Ni4 ckp tz ≤ 0,1 1 - 15 Rest ≤ 1,5 ≤ 28 ≤8 ≤1 ≤4 Co, Si, Ti Ni Ni20 cgtz Hard materialsb) - - - - - - - - Ni Co1 cktz ≤ 0,6 20 - 35 ≤ 10 0,1 - 2 ≤ 10 Co2 t z (c s) 0,6 - 3 20 - 35 ≤4 0,1 - 2 Co3 t z (c s) 1-3 20 - 35 ≤4 ≤2 Cu1 c (n) - - ≤6 - 10 35 Al1 Cr ! 34 cn - gn 1-5 Rest - ≤1 Fe Co 4 - 10 - - Fe Co ≤1 6 - 14 - - Fe Co ≤ 15 - - - - Al, Fe, Sn Cu ≤ 0,5 - - - - Cu, Si Al - 15 30 - Fe, B, Si, Zr Cr ≤1 - ≤ 15 Fe Fe c: non-corroding g: sanding-resistant k: strain-hardening ability n: not magnetisable p: impact-resistant s: edge-holding t: heat-resistant z: scale-resistant w: precipitation-hardening (): May not apply to all alloys of this classification. a) b) Alloys not specified in the table are to be marked in a similar way, prefixing the letter "Z". Tungsten melt carbides or tungsten sintered carbides broken or spherical Welding consumables Standardisation example hardfacing in acc. w. DIN EN 14700 Product type code (consumables) E Coated electrode S Solid wire and solid rod T Flux cored wire and flux cored rod R Cast rod B Solid strip C Sintered rod, flux cored strip and sintered strip P Metal flux Example 1 A solid wire (S) for gas metal arc welding with a chemical composition within the limits of alloy code Fe7 as per Table 2 is called: Solid wire EN 14700 S Fe7 EN 14700 The number of the standard S The product type (see Codes table) Fe7 The alloy code (hardfacing suitability) Example 2 A flux cored wire (T) for gas metal arc welding with a chemical composition within the limits of alloy code Fe9 as per Table 2 is called: Flux cored wire EN 14700 T Fe9 EN 14700 The number of the standard T The product type (see Codes table) Fe7 The alloy code (hardfacing suitability) Example 3 A stick electrode (E) for welding with a chemical composition within the limits of alloy code Fe3 as per Table 2 is called: Stick electrode EN 14700 T Fe3 EN 14700 The number of the standard E The product type (see Codes table) Fe3 The alloy code (hardfacing suitability) www.ewm-sales.com 35 Welding consumables Hardness values DIN EN ISO 18265 Metallic materials – Conversion of hardness values* Rm 575 580 590 600 610 620 630 640 650 660 670 680 690 700 710 720 730 740 750 760 770 780 790 800 810 820 830 840 850 860 870 880 890 900 910 920 930 940 950 960 970 980 990 1000 1010 1020 1030 1040 1050 1060 1070 1080 1090 1100 1110 1120 1130 1140 1150 36 HV 180 181 184 187 190 193 197 200 203 205 208 212 215 219 222 225 228 230 233 237 240 243 247 250 253 255 258 262 265 268 272 275 278 280 283 287 290 293 295 299 302 305 308 311 314 317 320 323 327 330 333 336 339 342 345 349 352 355 358 HB 171 172 175 178 181 184 187 190 193 195 198 201 204 208 211 214 216 219 221 225 228 231 235 238 240 242 245 249 252 255 258 261 264 266 269 273 276 278 280 284 287 290 293 296 299 301 304 307 311 314 316 319 322 325 328 332 334 337 340 HRC 21 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 - Rm 1160 1170 1180 1190 1200 1210 1220 1230 1240 1250 1260 1270 1280 1290 1300 1310 1320 1330 1340 1350 1360 1370 1380 1390 1400 1410 1420 1430 1440 1450 1460 1470 1480 1490 1500 1510 1520 1530 1540 1550 1560 1570 1580 1590 1600 1610 1620 1640 1650 1660 1670 1680 1690 1700 1710 1720 1730 1740 1750 HV 361 364 367 370 373 376 380 382 385 388 392 394 397 400 403 407 410 413 417 420 423 426 430 431 434 437 440 443 446 449 452 455 458 461 464 467 470 473 476 479 481 484 486 489 491 494 497 503 506 509 511 514 517 520 522 525 527 530 533 HB 343 346 349 352 354 357 361 363 366 369 372 374 377 380 383 387 390 393 396 399 402 405 409 410 413 415 418 421 424 427 429 432 435 438 441 444 447 449 452 455 - HRC 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 - Rm 1760 1770 1780 1790 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070 2080 2090 2100 2110 2120 2130 2140 2150 2160 2170 2180 2190 2200 - HV 536 539 541 544 547 550 553 556 559 561 564 567 570 572 575 578 580 583 586 589 591 594 596 599 602 605 607 610 613 615 618 620 623 626 629 631 634 636 639 641 644 647 650 653 655 675 698 720 745 773 800 829 864 900 940 HB - HRC 52 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 * Applies to unalloyed and low-alloy steels and cast steel, heat-treated steels, cold work steels, high-speed steels, tool steels, carbide metal types and non-ferrous metals and alloys. Welding consumables Run lengths Steel wire run lengths Wire Ø Weight in kg 1000 4,0 3,0 2,4 2,0 1,6 1,2 1,0 0,8 10137,3 18021,8 28159,0 40549,0 63357,9 112636,2 162196,1 253431,4 400 4054,9 7208,7 11263,6 16219,6 25343,1 45054,5 64878,4 101372,6 330 3345,3 5947,2 9292,5 13381,2 20908,1 37169,9 53524,7 83632,4 300 3041,2 5406,5 8447,7 12164,7 19007,4 33790,9 48658,8 76029,4 150 1520,6 2703,3 4223,9 6082,4 9503,7 16895,4 24329,4 38014,7 100 1013,7 1802,2 2815,9 4054,9 6335,8 11263,6 16219,6 25343,1 75 760,3 1351,6 2111,9 3041,2 4751,8 8447,7 12164,7 19007,4 50 506,9 901,1 1408,0 2027,5 3167,9 5631,8 8109,8 12671,6 30 304,1 540,7 844,8 1216,5 1900,7 3379,1 4865,9 7602,9 25 253,4 450,5 704,0 1013,7 1583,9 2815,9 4054,9 6335,8 20 202,7 360,4 563,2 811,0 1267,2 2252,7 3243,9 5068,6 19 192,6 342,4 535,0 770,4 1203,8 2140,1 3081,7 4815,2 18 182,5 324,4 506,9 729,9 1140,4 2027,5 2919,5 4561,8 17 172,3 306,4 478,7 689,3 1077,1 1914,8 2757,3 4308,3 16 162,2 288,3 450,5 648,8 1013,7 1802,2 2595,1 4054,9 15 152,1 270,3 422,4 608,2 950,4 1689,5 2432,9 3801,5 14 141,9 252,3 394,2 567,7 887,0 1576,9 2270,7 3548,0 13 131,8 234,3 366,1 527,1 823,7 1464,3 2108,5 3294,6 12 121,6 216,3 337,9 486,6 760,3 1351,6 1946,4 3041,2 11 111,5 198,2 309,7 446,0 696,9 1239,0 1784,2 2787,7 10 101,4 180,2 281,6 405,5 633,6 1126,4 1622,0 2534,3 9 91,2 162,2 253,4 364,9 570,2 1013,7 1459,8 2280,9 8 81,1 144,2 225,3 324,4 506,9 901,1 1297,6 2027,5 7 71,0 126,2 197,1 283,8 443,5 788,5 1135,4 1774,0 6 60,8 108,1 169,0 243,3 380,1 675,8 973,2 1520,6 5 50,7 90,1 140,8 202,7 316,8 563,2 811,0 1267,2 4 40,5 72,1 112,6 162,2 253,4 450,5 648,8 1013,7 3 30,4 54,1 84,5 121,6 190,1 337,9 486,6 760,3 2,7 27,4 48,7 76,0 109,5 171,1 304,1 437,9 684,3 2 20,3 36,0 56,3 81,1 126,7 225,3 324,4 506,9 1 10,1 18,0 28,2 40,5 63,4 112,6 162,2 253,4 0,5 5,1 9,0 14,1 20,3 31,7 56,3 81,1 126,7 www.ewm-sales.com 37 Welding consumables Run lengths and quantities Run lengths per spool Wire diameter CrNi steels 15 kg spool Aluminium 7.0 Kg spool Copper 15 kg spool Nickel 15 kg spool Medium-alloy and unalloyed 15 kg 0,8 mm 3826 5158 3353 3511 3801 1,0 mm 2449 3301 2146 2247 2433 1,2 mm 1700 2292 1490 1560 1698 1,6 mm 956 1289 838 878 952 2 mm 612 825 536 562 608 2,4 mm 425 573 373 390 422 3 mm 272 367 238 250 270 3,2 mm 239 322 210 219 ka 4 mm 153 206 134 140 152 Aluminium 1 kg Copper 1 kg Nickel 1 kg Medium-alloy and unalloyed 1 kg Number of TIG rods Number of TIG rods 1,000 mm long CrNi steels 1 kg 1,0 mm 163 471 143 150 162 1,2 mm 113 327 99 104 113 1,6 mm 63 184 55 59 64 2 mm 41 117 38 38 41 2,4 mm 28 82 25 26 29 3 mm 18 52 16 17 18 3,2 mm 16 46 14 15 ka 4 mm 11 30 9 10 11 38 www.ewm-sales.com Combination of parent metal and wire electrode 10CrSiMoV7 l 10CrMo9-10 l 13CrMo4-5 l 16Mo3 20MnNb6 l l l l l l l l l P235 - P355 T2 l l l l l l l l L210 - L360N l l l l l l l l 9CrNiCuP3-2-4 l L320 l L360NB- L415NB P235G1TH P255G1TH l l l l l l l l l l l P235GH - P285NH l l l l l l l l l P255NH - P355NH l l l l l l l l l l P265GH l P310GH P355NL1 - P460NL1 l l P420NH l l l l l l l l l P420NH - P500NH GP240GH - GP280GH S185 - S355G1 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l S185 - S355J0 S235JRW S355J2G1W S255N - S355N SW 90S CrMo2 SW 80S Mo SW 80S CrMo1 SW 120S NiMoCr SW 100S NiMoCr SW 80S Ni2 SW 100S NiMo SW 80S Ni1 SW 80S NiCu SW 70S G4 Mec SW 70 G4Si 1 Brillance SW 70S G4 SW 70S G4 Bronze SW 70S G3 Mec SW 70 G3Si 1 Brillance SW 70S G3 SW 70S G3 Ti Overview SW 70S G3 Bronze Unalloyed and low-alloy l l l S420N - S500N l l S420NL - S500NL l l S690QL l l S690QL1 l l S700MC l S890QL l S960QL l Shipbuilding steels A,B,D,E l l l l l Cast steel GS-38 GS-52 l l l l l l l l l l www.ewm-sales.com 39 Combination of wire electrode and TIG welding rod CuAl10Ni5Fe4 SW OF Cu SW/ TR CuSn6 SW/ TR CuSn1 SW/ TR CuSi3 SW CuSi2 SW CuAlBz9Fe l CuAl11Ni6Fe5 l CuAl5 l CuAl8 l CuAl8Fe3 CuAl9 SW CuAl9Ni5 SW/ TR CuAl8 Overview l l CuNi20Fe l CuNi30Fe l CuNi25 l CuNi10Fe1Mn l CuSi2Mn l l CuSi3Mn l l CuSn4 l CuSn6 l CuSn8 l CuZn0,5 l CuZn10 l l CuZn15 l l l l CuZn20Al CuZn5 l OF-Cu l SE-Cu l SF-Cu l Connecting of copper components and brazing preform parts, suitable for furnace brazing, used in vacuum engineering and the aerospace and astronautics industry 40 SW/TR CuNi30 Fe CU materials l www.ewm-sales.com SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Combination of parent metals and flux cored wire FCW 71T Rutile FCW 71T Rutile CO2 l l l l l l l S355J0 - S335 l S(P)275 - S(P)355 l l S185 - S275JR, l S255- S460 l S255N - S355N l P235GH - P355GH l l l P235T1/T2 - P460NL2 l l l L210 - L445MB l l l l l l l l P235GH l l l P265GH l l l P295GH l l l P235 - P355 l l l l P310GH l GP240R S460N l S460M l l l l 16Mo3 l Low-temperature tough steels to 550 Mpa l Shipbuilding steels A, B, D, AH-32 - EH 36 l Thermo-mechanically rolled tubular steel up to L690M, high tensile fine-grained steel up to S690QL, S690G1QL1 l SZW 2016 2016-01-08 l l L210 - L360 API X42 - X60 FCW 111T NiMoCr FCW 71T Basic l S235 - S460QL1 FCW 81T Rutile Mo FCW T 70C Metal S185 - S355 FCW 81T Rutile Ni1 FCW 70TC Metal Overview FCW 71T Selfshield Unalloyed and low-alloy l www.ewm-sales.com 41 Combination of TIG parent metals Unalloyed and low-alloy l l l S255N - S355N l l l P255NH - P355NH l l l l S235JO - S275JO l P355NL1 - P460NL1 l l l P235G1TH - P255G1TH l P235GH l l l l l P265GH l l l l l P285NH l P295GH l l l l S460N l S460M l TR 90S CrMo2 VTi TR 90S CrMo91 TR 90S CrMo2 l S235G2T - S255GT P310GH TR 80S CrMo1 l S235JRW - S355J2G1W 9CrNiCu3-2-4 l l l l 13CrMo4-5 l 13CrMoSi5-5 l G17CrMo5-5 l 16Mo 3 l 10CrMo9-10 l 10CrSiMoV7 l 12CrMo9-10 l A 213 T91 l A 335 P91 l X10CrMoVNb9-1 l 12CrMo19-5 l X12CrMo5 42 TR 80S Mo l TR CrMo5 l TR 80S NiCu TR 70S G4 l S355J0 - S355 TR 80S Ni1 TR 70S G3 S185 - S275JR TR 70S G2 GFR R60 Overview l www.ewm-sales.com SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Combination of parent metals and stick electrodes Unalloyed and low-alloy Description Classification E 38 2 C 21 SE 6010 CEL S235J2G3 - S355J2G3, L290MB (X42), L320 (X46), L320M (X52), L385N (X56), StE 210.7, StE 240.7, StE 290.7 TM, StE 320.7 TM, StE 360.7 TM, P235G1TH, P255G1TH, E 38 0 RC 11 SE 6013 RC S235J2G3 - S355J2G3, L290MB (X42), L320 (X46), L320M (X52), L385N (X56), StE 210.7, StE 240.7, StE 290.7 TM, StE 320.7 TM, Shipbuilding steels A,B,D, cast steel GS-38–GS-52 E 42 0 RC 11 SE 6013 RC blau S235J2G3 - S355J2G3, L290MB (X42), L320 (X46), L320M (X52), L385N (X56), StE 210.7, StE 240.7, StE 290.7 TM, StE 320.7 TM, StE 360.7 TM, P235G1TH, P255G1TH, Shipbuilding steels A,B,D, cast steel GS-38–GS-52 E 42 0 RR 12 SE 6013 RR S185 - S355, P235G1TH, P265G1TH, P295G1TH, L210 - L360, E235 - E355, GP240GH, Shipbuilding steels A,B,D, cast steel GS-38–GS-52 E 35 2 RB 12 SE 6013 RRB S185 - S355, P235GH, P265GH, P295GH, P235 - P355, L210 - L360, S(P)275 - S(P)355, GP240R, Shipbuilding steels A,B,D, cast steel GS-38–GS-52 E 42 0 RC 11 SE 6013 RRC S185 - S355, P235GH, P265GH, P295GH, P235 - P355, L210 - L360, S(P)275 - S(P)355, GP240R, Shipbuilding steels A,B,D, cast steel GS-38–GS-52 E 42 2 B 12 H10 SE 7016 BR S185 - S355, P235GH, P265GH, P295GH, P235 - P355, L210 - L360, S(P)275 - S(P)355, GP240R, Shipbuilding steels A,B,D,E, cast steel GS-38–GS-52 E 42 4 B 32 H5 SE 7018 BH5 S185 - S355, E295, E335, P235GH, P265GH, P295GH, P235 - P460, L210 - L460, S(P)275 - S(P)460, GP240R, Shipbuilding steels A,B,D,E, cast steel GS-38–GS-52 E Mo B 42 H5 SE 7018 Mo S235JR - S355J2G3, P380NH - P460NH, P235GH - P285NH, P295GH, 20MnNb6, 16 Mo 3, Cast steel GS-22 Mo4 E CrMo1 B 42 H5 SE 8018 CrMo1 13CrMo 4 4 (1.7335), 15CrMo3 (1.3566), 13CrMoV 5 8 (1.7734), 15Cr3 (1.7015), 16MnCr5 (1.7131), 20MnCr5 (1.7147), 15CrMo5 (1.7262), 25CrMo4 (1.7218), Cast steel GS-22CrMo 5, GS-22CrMo 5 4 E CrMo2 B 42 H5 SE 9018 CrMo2 10CrMo9-10 (1.7380), 10CrSiMoV7 (1.8075), 30CrMoV9 (1.7707), Cast steel G17CrMo9-10 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 www.ewm-sales.com 43 Combination welding consumables High-alloy Description A variety of steel types (dissimilar joints), platings, buffer layers for hardfacing, high C-content and difficult to weld steels, manganese high carbon steel (example: 1.3401) SE 308 L SW 308 L Si TR 308 L Si FCW 308 Rutile 1.4301, 1.4303, 1.4306, 1.4308, 1.4310, 1.4311, 1.4319, 1.4541, 1.4550, 1.4552 SE 309 L SW 309 L Si TR 309 L Si FCW 309 Rutile/ LP Rutile SE 309Mol Austenite/ferrite joints (dissimilar), platings, corrosion-resistant layers on non-alloyed construction steels, buffer layers SW 309 H TR 309 H 1.4828, 1.4826, 1.4833, 1.4713, 1.4724, 1.4742, 1.4710, 1.4740, 1.4829, 1.4832, 1.4878, 1.4713 SE 310 SW 310 TR 310 1.4710, 1.4713, 1.4726, 1.4745, 1.4823, 1.4832, 1.4837, 1.4840, 1.4841, 1.4845, 1.4846, 1.4848, 1.4849 SE 312 SW 312 TR 312 Corrosion-resistant analogue steel and cast steel (e.g. 1.4762, 1.4085), difficult to weld steel, manganese high carbon steel, repairs and wear-resistant layers SE 316-L SW 316 L Si TR 316 L Si FCW 316 Rutile/ LP/Metall 1. 4401, 1.4404, 1.4406, 1.4408, 1.4420, 1.4435, 1.4436, 1.4571, 1.4573, 1.4580, 1.4581, 1.4583 SE 318 SW 318 Si TR 318 L Si 1.4401, 1.4404, 1.4420, 1.4435, 1.4436, 1.4571, 1.4573, 1.4580, 1.4581, 1.4583 SE 347 SW 347 Si TR 347 1.4541, 1.4550, 1.4552, 1.4301, 1.4312, 1.4546, 1.4311, 1.4306 SE 2209 Duplex SW 2209 Duplex TR 2209 Duplex SW 410 NiMo TR 410 NiMo SW 904L TR 904 L SW 2594 Super Duplex TR 2594 Super Duplex SE 625 SW 625 TR 625 SE NI 44 Classification SE 307 SW 307 Si TR 307 Si FCW 307 Rutile 1.4462, 1.4417, 1.4460, 1.4362 Martensitic chrome steels, fine castings and steel castings of type 13% Cr–4% Ni 1.4529, 1.4539 25% Cr super-duplex steels, e.g. 1.4501 X2CrNiMoCuWN 25-7-4 AND S 32750, S 32760 1.4529, 1.4539, 1.4558, 1.4876, 1.5680, 1.5681, 1.5662, 2.4605, 2.4618, 2.4856, 2.4858, 2.4951, 2.4952,Alloy 625, Alloy 800 and similar NiCr alloys EN-GJL-100 - EN-GJL-350, EN-GJMB-350 - EN-GJMB-550, ENGJMW-350 - EN-GJMW-550 SE NiCr82 SW NiCr82 TR NiCr82 FCW NiCr82 1.4558, 1.4859, 1.4861, 1.4876, 1.4877, 1.4885, 1.4958, 1.4968, 2.4669, 2.4694, 2.4816, 2.4817, 2.4867, 2.4867, 2.4869, 2.4951, 2.4952 Nickel alloys, dissimilar joints (also at temperatures >300 °C), platings, surfacing SW NiFe55 Ductile cast iron, cast iron with spheroidal graphite www.ewm-sales.com SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Combination welding consumables Submerged arc welding Description Classification SMA S2 Shipbuilding, pressure vessel construction and steel construction, S185-E360, S235JR-S355JR, S235J0-S355J0, S235J2- S355J2, S275NS355N, S275MS355M,P235GH-P355GH, P275N-P355N, P355M, P355Q Pipeline steels L210-360, shipbuilding steels A-E, AH36, DH36 ASTM: A36, A106 grades A/B/C, A139, A210 grades A1/C, A216 grades WCA/WCB/WCC, A234 grade WPB, A266 grades 1/2/4, A283 grades A/B/C/D, A285 grades A/B/C, A299 grades A/B, A515 grades 60, A516 grades 55, A656 grade 50API: 5L grades X42-X56 SMA S3Si Fine-grained steels, unalloyed and low-alloy steels S355J0, S355J2, S355N-S460N, S355NL-S460NL, S355M-S460M, S355ML-S460ML, S460Q, S460QL, P355GH, P355N-P460N, P355NL2P460NL2, P355M-P460M, P355ML2-P460ML2, P355Q-P460Q Pipeline steels L210-450, shipbuilding steels AH40-FH40, ASTM: A36, A106 grades A/B/C, A139, A210 grades A1/C, A216 grades WCA/ WCB/WCC, A234 grade WPB, A266 grades 1/2/4, A283 grades A/B/ C/D, A285 grades A/B/C, A299 grades A/B, A515 grades 60/65/70, A516 grades 55-70, A656 grade 50/60 API: 5L grades X42-X65 SMA 316 1.4401, 1.4404, 1.4406, 1.4408, 1.4429, 1.4435, 1.4436, 1.4541, 1.4550, 1.4571, 1.4580, 1.4581, 1.4583 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 www.ewm-sales.com 45 SG-AlMg5 SG-AlSi5 SG-AlMg5 SG-AlSi5 SG-AlMg5 SG-AlSi5 SG-AlMg5 Al99,9 Al99,5 Al99,7 AlMgSi0,7 AlMgSi1 AlMgSiCu AlZn4,5Mg1 A Material B Al99,5 Al99 SG-AlMg5 SG-AlMg5 SG-AlSi5 SG-AlMg5 SG-AlSi5 SG-AlMg5 SG-AlSi5 SG-AlMg5 SG-AlSi5 SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlMg5 SG-AlMg4,5 SG-AlMg5 SG-AlSi5 SG-AlMg5 SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlMg5 SG-AlMg4,5 SG-AlMn1 SG-Al99,5Ti SG-AlMg5 SG-AlMn1 SG-Al99,5Ti SG-AlMg5 SG-AlMg5 SG-Al99,5Ti SG-Al99,5Ti SG-Al99,5 AlMgSi0,5 AlMg4,5Mn AlMg2Mn0,8 AlMg2,7Mn Al99,9 Al99,8 Al99,7 Al99,5 Al99 AlMn1 AlMnCu AlMg3 AlMn1 AlMnCu SG-AlMg5 SG-AlMg5 SG-AlSi5 SG-AlMg5 SG-AlSi5 SG-AlMg5 SG-AlSi5 SG-AlMg5 SG-AlSi5 SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlMg5 SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlMg5 SG-AlMn1 Combinations of aluminium wires AlMg3 SG-AlMg5 SG-AlMg5 SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlMg5 SG-AlMg5 SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlMg3 SG-AlMg5 SG-AlMg3 SG-AlMg3 SG-AlMg5 SG-AlMg3 AlMg2Mn0,8 SG-AlMg5 SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlMg5 SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlMg5 SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlMg5 SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlMg4,5Mn AlMg3 SG-AlMg5 AlMg3 AlMg3 AlMg2,7Mn SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlMg5 SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlMg5 SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlMg5 SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlMg5 SG-AlMg4,5 SG-AlMg4,5Mn AlMg3 AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlMg4,5MnZr SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlMg5 SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlMg5 SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlMg5 SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlMg4,5MnZr SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlMg5 AlMgSi0,5 SG-AlMg5 SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlSi5 SG-AlMg5 SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlSi5 SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlMg5 SG-AlSi5 SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlMg5 SG-AlSi5 SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlMg5 AlMgSi0,7 SG-AlMg5 SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlSi5 SG-AlMg5 SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlSi5 SG-AlMg5 SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlSi5 SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlMg5 AlMgSi1 SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlMg5 SG-AlSi5 SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlMg5 SG-AlSi5 SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlMg5 AlMg1SiCu SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlMg5 SG-AlSi5 SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlMg5 SG-AlMg4,5Mn SG-AlMg4,5MnZr SG-AlMg5 AlZn4,5Mg1 Welding consumables Notes on working with steel Unalloyed and low-alloy steels General information The suitability for welding of unalloyed and low-alloy steels depends largely on their carbon content. Steels with a C-content up to 0.22% can be worked using all welding procedures without limitation. With increased carbon content and thus increased cooling rates, the suitability for welding is reduced as a result of hardening. A coarse-grained structure forms in the heat-affected zone, and the Charpy impact strength decreases considerably. The hardening tendency of low-alloy structural steels can be estimated from the carbon equivalent value. In the International Institute of Welding carbon equivalent value (CEV), the influence of the key alloy elements is calculated using an empirically determined formula: IIIW C ev =C+ Mn 6 + Cr+Mo+V 5 + Cu+Ni 15 The general limit for the welding suitability of low-alloy steels is CEV = 0.45. The welding suitability can be increased up to a CEV ≈ 0.60 through the suitable choice of an EWM filler material and correct application of heat. However, the CEV is only an estimation of the expected increase in hardness because other process and material dimensions are not taken into account in the calculation. The welding time, temperature and transformation details (welding ZTU) provide a more accurate idea of the welding suitability of low-alloy steels. This allows the structural transformations in the HAZ to be predicted for each material. Welding recommendation SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Welding consumables should match the mechanical properties and chemical composition of the parent metal. Basic coated stick electrodes should be used for unalloyed steels and preheated according to the CEV. In the case of rimmed cast steels, basic electrodes should be used for the segregation zones and rutile electrodes for root and final passes. www.ewm-sales.com 47 Welding consumables Notes on working with steel Fine-grained steels General information Welding recommendation 48 Fine-grained steels are generally suitable for welding. These steels are characterised by a maximum carbon content of 0.22% and use of the main strength-enhancing alloying elements manganese, silicon, chromium, molybdenum, copper and nitrogen. Other micro-alloying elements such as aluminium, niobium, vanadium and boron are also added. In addition to enhancing strength, these also significantly increase the toughness of the steel by reducing the granularity of the structure. The type of hot forming during steel manufacture also influences its quality and properties. Fine-grained steels are currently standardised up to a yield strength of 960 MPa and can be welded using all procedures. However components should be preheated before and after welding using the t8/5 method in order to prevent faults. SEW sheet 088 provides relevant recommendations here. Preheating should generally be used above certain thickness limits. The following recommendations apply, depending on the yield strength: Yield strength (N/mm)2 Thickness limit (mm) <355 30 >355 to 420 20 >420 to 590 12 >590 8 Welding consumables should match the mechanical properties and chemical composition of the parent metal. EWM can supply solid wire electrodes and flux cored wires for all fine-grained steels. www.ewm-sales.com SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Welding consumables Notes on working with steel Pressure vessel and tubular steels, creep-resistant steels General information Creep-resistant steels are generally well suited to welding. This is mainly a result of their high purity and low carbon content. Creep-resistant steels are used for boiler, tube, container and reactor construction at operating temperatures between 500 °C and 600 °C. Aside from having creep-resistant properties, these steels are very-scale resistant and creep-resistant at high temperatures. The temperature resistance is due mainly to the alloy elements manganese and molybdenum. Welding recommendation Creep-resistant steels should be preheated to suit their sheet thickness because of the risk of hardening crack formation. The steel manufacturer will make recommendations here. Similar kinds of welding consumables are mainly used in order to guarantee the creep strength of the parent and weld metals. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 www.ewm-sales.com 49 Welding consumables Notes on working with stainless steel Welding austenitic steels Chromium and nickel are among the main alloying elements of austenitic materials. If the correct ratio is achieved (approx. 18% chromium and 8% nickel) the austenitic range is increased so that a stable structure results even at ambient temperature. Unlike ferritic chromium steel, austenitic material cannot be further hardened and is also non-magnetic. We differentiate between stable and metastable austenites. Whereas stable austenites have no ferritic structure at ambient temperature, metastable austenites can have a ferrite component of up to 10% at ambient temperature. Austenitic steels can be welded without problems using similar welding consumables. It should however be noted that stable austenites are prone to developing heat cracks. In such cases, the heat input should be monitored during the welding process. Welding consumables containing manganese reduce this risk. Welding of austenitic/ferritic steels (duplex steels) Duplex steels have a wide range of applications, thanks to their exceptional combination of corrosion resistance and superior strength. These properties are achieved by a high chromium content, combined with nitrogen and molybdenum. They are used in contact with corrosive media, chemicals and in offshore environments in the temperature range of -40°C to 250°C. Their ability to be welded is comparable to that of other high-alloy materials where similar filler materials are used. Welding of ferritic chromium steels (chromium/ferrite) The ferritic chromium steels include materials with carbon contents below 0.1% and chromium contents between 13% and 30%. Unlike fully austenitic steels, they contain no nickel. Stabilised ferrites should be used for welding purposes. This group is alloyed with strong carbide-forming elements such as titanium and niobium which combine with the carbon during welding. The carbon cannot combine with chromium to form chromium carbide which prevents intercrystalline corrosion. Fully ferritic welding consumables with a slightly increased content of chromium, niobium and titanium should generally be used for welding, because alloying elements can be lost in the welding zone. Austenitic consumables with a slightly increased chromium and molybdenum content can be used with multi-layer welds. Only pure argon a mixture of argon and helium should be used as a shielding gas, because the steels are very given to oxidation when molten due to their high chromium content. The argon/hydrogen mixes normally used with austenitic materials are not recommended. The hydrogen makes the material very brittle. 50 www.ewm-sales.com SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG Overview MIG/MAG Page unalloyed Low-alloy High-alloy Solid wire electrodes Weatherproof Low-temperature tough High tensile Creep resistant Stainless steel Heat resistant Creep resistant Duplex Nickel-based Aluminium Copper-based Flux cored wire electrodes SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Copper Copper-aluminium Copper-silicon Copper-tin Copper-nickel Hardfacing Unalloyed Low-alloy, creepresistant Low-alloy, high-tensile High-alloy High-alloy, creepresistant Nickel-based Hardfacing www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 52 63 64 66 69 72 77 79 83 85 88 97 98 101 103 105 106 107 114 115 116 120 123 124 51 MIG/MAG l Solid wire electrodes l unalloyed SW 70S G3 zzUnalloyed solid wire electrode zzCopper-plated, layer wound zzLow-spatter thanks to high chemical purity zzSuitable for EWM forceArc and coldArc zzFor industry, craft and repair businesses Standards DIN EN ISO 14341-A G 42 4 C1/M21 3Si1 AWS A-5.18 ER 70S-6 Material number Chemical analysis C 0.08 Si 0.9 Mn 1.5 1.5125 P 0.015 S 0.012 Shielding gas C1 / M21 / M22 - M33 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥20 % ≥420 MPa Tensile strength, Rm 500 MPa - 640 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥47 J (-40 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / GL / CE / LR Materials S185 - S355G1, S255N - S355N, P255NH - P355NH, P235GH - P285NH, P235 - P355T2, 20MnNb6, L210 - L360N Shipbuilding steels A, B, D, E Cast steel GS-38–GS-52 Packing drum S200 kg 5.0 2.0 Drum Ø /mm 0.8 5.0 15 – B300 18 F250 52 250 Ø /mm 0.6 510 1.0 1.2 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Item no. 097-003450-20006 097-003450-20208 097-003450-20008 097-003450-20010 097-003450-20012 097-003450-30006 097-003450-30008 097-003450-30010 097-003450-30012 097-003450-30016 097-003450-31808 097-003450-31810 097-003450-31812 097-003450-31816 097-003450-25008 097-003450-25010 097-003450-25012 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l Solid wire electrodes l unalloyed SW 70S G3 Ti zzUnalloyed solid wire electrode zzLayer-wound zzExcellent for rusty, primed, contaminated and galvanised surfaces DIN EN ISO 14341-A G 42 2 C/M G3Si1+Ti AWS A-5.18 Chemical analysis C 0.06 Si 0.8 Mn 1.5 ER 70S-2 Ti 0.12 Shielding gas C1 / M21 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥20 % ≥440 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥510 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥47 J (-20 °C) Approvals TÜV / CE Materials S185 - S355J0, S255N - S355N Packing drum kg S200 5.0 B300 15 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 Item no. 097-003535-20006 097-003535-20008 097-003535-20010 097-003535-30008 097-003535-30010 097-003535-30012 097-003535-30016 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 53 MIG/MAG l Solid wire electrodes l unalloyed SW 70S G3 Bronze zzUnalloyed solid wire electrode zzBronze plated, layer wound zzLow-spatter thanks to high chemical purity zzSuitable for EWM forceArc and coldArc zzFor industry, craft and repair businesses Standards DIN EN ISO 14341-A G 42 4 C1/M21 3Si1 AWS A-5.18 ER 70S-6 Material number Chemical analysis C 0.08 Si 0.9 Mn 1.5 1.5125 P 0.012 S 0.011 Shielding gas C1 / M21 / M22 - M33 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥20 % ≥420 MPa Tensile strength, Rm 500 MPa - 640 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥47 J (-40 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / GL / LR Materials S185 - S355G1, S255N - S355N, P255NH - P355NH, P235GH - P285NH, P235 - P355T2, 20MnNb6, L210 - L360N Shipbuilding steels A, B, D, E Cast steel GS-38–GS-52 Packing drum kg Drum Ø /mm B300 15 – F250 250 510 Ø /mm 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Item no. 097-003562-30006 097-003562-30008 097-003562-30010 097-003562-30012 097-003562-30016 097-003562-25008 097-003562-25010 097-003562-25012 u D200 reels specially developed for Picomig. You will find more welding consumables in the main EWM catalogue! 54 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l Solid wire electrodes l unalloyed SW 70S G3 Mec zzUnalloyed solid wire electrode zzCopper-plated, layer wound zzLow-spatter thanks to high chemical purity zzSuitable for EWM forceArc and coldArc zzFor industry, craft and repair businesses Standards DIN EN ISO 14341-A G 42 2 C1 / G 42 4 M 21 3 Si1 AWS A-5.18 ER 70S-6 Material number Chemical analysis C 0.07 Si 0.85 Mn 1.45 1.5125 P 0.016 S 0.014 Shielding gas C1 / M21 / M22 - M33 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥20 % ≥420 MPa Tensile strength, Rm 520 MPa - 640 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥47 J (-40 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / CE Materials S185 - S355G1, S255N - S355N, P255NH - P355NH, P235GH - P285NH, P235 - P355T2, 20MnNb6, L210 - L360N Shipbuilding steels A, B, D, E Cast steel GS-38–GS-52 Packing drum kg Drum Ø /mm B300 15 – F275 275 510 F450 450 590 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 0.8 1.0 1.2 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.0 1.2 Item no. 097-003720-30008 097-003720-30010 097-003720-30012 097-003720-27508 097-003720-27510 097-003720-27512 097-003720-45010 097-003720-45012 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 55 MIG/MAG l Solid wire electrodes l unalloyed SW 70 G3Si1 Brillance zzUnalloyed MAG solid wire electrode zzBright, layer wound zzExtremely low spatter zzIdeal for automated welding DIN EN ISO 14341-A G 46 4 M21 3Si1 / G 42 2 C1 3Si1 AWS A-5.18 ER 70S-6 Material number Chemical analysis C 0.08 Si 0.87 1.5125 Mn 1.42 Shielding gas C1 / M21 / M22 - M33 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥25 % ≥420 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥520 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥85 J (20 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / CE Materials S185 - S355G1, S255N - S355N, P255NH - P355NH, P235GH - P285NH, P235 - P355T2, 20MnNb6, L210 - L360N Shipbuilding steels A, B, D, E Cast steel GS-38–GS-52 Packing drum kg Drum Ø /mm B300 15 – F250 250 510 56 Ø /mm 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Item no. 097-004856-30008 097-004856-30010 097-004856-30012 097-004856-30016 097-004856-25008 097-004856-25010 097-004856-25012 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l Solid wire electrodes l unalloyed SW 70 G3Si1 zzUnalloyed MAG solid wire electrode zzCopper-plated, layer wound zzExtremely low spatter zzIdeal for automated welding DIN EN ISO 14341-A G 46 4 M21 3Si1 / G 42 2 C1 3Si1 AWS A-5.18 ER 70S-6 Material number Chemical analysis C 0.08 Si 0.87 1.5125 Mn 1.42 Shielding gas C1 / M21 / M22 - M33 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥25 % ≥420 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥520 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥85 J (20 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / CE Materials S185 - S355G1, S255N - S355N, P255NH - P355NH, P235GH - P285NH, P235 - P355T2, 20MnNb6, L210 - L360N Shipbuilding steels A, B, D, E Cast steel GS-38–GS-52 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Packing drum kg B300 15 Ø /mm 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 Item no. 097-004886-30008 097-004886-30010 097-004886-30012 097-004886-30016 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 57 MIG/MAG l Solid wire electrodes l unalloyed SW 70S G4 zzUnalloyed solid wire electrode zzCopper-plated, layer wound zzLow-spatter thanks to high chemical purity zzSuitable for EWM forceArc and coldArc zzFor industry, craft and repair businesses Standards DIN EN ISO 14341-A G 46 2 C1 4 Si1 / G 46 4 M21 4 Si1 AWS A-5.18 ER 70S-6 Material number Chemical analysis C 0.08 Si 1 Mn 1.7 1.5130 P 0.02 S 0.015 Shielding gas C1 / M21 / M22 - M33 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥20 % ≥460 MPa Tensile strength, Rm 530 J - 680 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥47 J (-40 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / GL / CE Materials S185 - S355G1, S255N - S355N, P255NH - P355NH, P235GH - P285NH, P235 - P355T2, 20MnNb6, L210 - L360N Shipbuilding steels A, B, D, E Packing drum kg S200 5.0 15 Drum Ø /mm – B300 18 F250 58 250 510 Ø /mm 0.8 1.0 1.2 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 1.0 1.2 1.6 Item no. 097-003451-20008 097-003451-20010 097-003451-20012 097-003451-30008 097-003451-30010 097-003451-30012 097-003451-30016 097-003451-31808 097-003451-31810 097-003451-31812 097-003451-31816 097-003451-25010 097-003451-25012 097-003451-25016 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l Solid wire electrodes l unalloyed SW 70S G4 Bronze zzUnalloyed solid wire electrode zzBronze plated, layer wound zzLow-spatter thanks to high chemical purity zzSuitable for EWM forceArc and coldArc zzFor industry, craft and repair businesses Standards DIN EN ISO 14341-A G 46 2 C1 4 Si1 / G 46 4 M21 4 Si1 AWS A-5.18 ER 70S-6 Material number Chemical analysis C 0.08 Si 1 Mn 1.7 1.5130 P 0.02 S 0.015 Shielding gas C1 / M21 / M22 - M33 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥20 % ≥460 MPa Tensile strength, Rm 530 MPa - 680 MPa Impact energy, Av >47 J (-40 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / CE Materials S185 - S355G1, S255N - S355N, P255NH - P355NH, P235GH - P285NH, P235 - P355T2, 20MnNb6, L210 - L360N Shipbuilding steels A, B, D, E Packing drum kg Drum Ø /mm B300 15 – F250 250 510 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 1.0 1.2 1.6 Item no. 097-003564-30008 097-003564-30010 097-003564-30012 097-003564-30016 097-003564-25010 097-003564-25012 097-003564-25016 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 59 MIG/MAG l Solid wire electrodes l unalloyed SW 70S G4 Mec zzUnalloyed solid wire electrode zzCopper-plated, layer wound zzLow-spatter thanks to high chemical purity zzSuitable for EWM forceArc and coldArc zzFor industry, craft and repair businesses Standards DIN EN ISO 14341-A G 46 2 C1 4 Si1 / G 46 4 M21 4 Si1 AWS A-5.18 ER 70S-6 Material number Chemical analysis C 0.07 Si 0.95 Mn 1.75 1.5130 P 0.011 S 0.014 Shielding gas C1 / M21 / M22 - M33 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥20 % ≥460 MPa Tensile strength, Rm 520 MPa - 640 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥47 J (-40 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / CE Materials S185 - S355G1, S255N - S355N, P255NH - P355NH, P235GH - P285NH, P235 - P355T2, 20MnNb6, L210 - L360N Shipbuilding steels A, B, D, E Cast steel GS-38–GS-52 60 Packing drum kg Drum Ø /mm B300 15 – F275 275 510 F450 450 590 Item no. 097-003713-30008 097-003713-30010 097-003713-30012 097-003713-27508 097-003713-27510 097-003713-27512 097-003713-45010 097-003713-45012 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l Solid wire electrodes l unalloyed SW 70 G4Si1 Brillance zzUnalloyed MAG solid wire electrode zzBright, layer wound zzExtremely low spatter zzIdeal for automated welding DIN EN ISO 14341-A G 46 4 M21 4Si1 / G 42 2 C1 4Si1 AWS A-5.18 ER 70S-6 Material number Chemical analysis C 0.07 Si 0.97 1.5130 Mn 1.65 Shielding gas C1 / M21 / M22 - M33 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥25 % ≥460 MPa Tensile strength, Rm 520 MPa - 560 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥90 J (20 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / CE Materials S185 - S355G1, S255N - S355N, P255NH - P355NH, P235GH - P285GH, P235 P355T2,20MnNb6, L210 - L360N Shipbuilding steels A, B, D, E Cast steel GS-38–GS-52 Packing drum kg Drum Ø /mm B300 15 – F250 250 510 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Item no. 097-004857-30008 097-004857-30010 097-004857-30012 097-004857-30016 097-004857-25008 097-004857-25010 097-004857-25012 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 61 MIG/MAG l Solid wire electrodes l unalloyed SW 70 G4Si1 zzUnalloyed MAG solid wire electrode zzCopper-plated, layer wound zzExtremely low spatter zzIdeal for automated welding DIN EN ISO 14341-A G 46 4 M21 4Si1 / G 42 2 C1 4Si1 AWS A-5.18 ER 70S-6 Material number Chemical analysis C 0.07 Si 0.97 1.5130 Mn 1.65 Shielding gas C1 / M21 / M22 - M33 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥25 % ≥460 MPa Tensile strength, Rm 520 MPa - 560 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥90 J (20 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / CE Materials S185 - S355G1, S255N - S355N, P255NH - P355NH, P235GH - P285GH, P235 P355T2,20MnNb6, L210 - L360N Shipbuilding steels A, B, D, E Cast steel GS-38–GS-52 62 Packing drum kg B300 15 Ø /mm 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 Item no. 097-004887-30008 097-004887-30010 097-004887-30012 097-004887-30016 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l low-alloy l Weatherproof SW 80S NiCu zzUnalloyed solid wire electrode zzCopper-plated, layer wound zzFor welding weatherproof steels Standards DIN EN ISO 14341-A G 42 2 M Z AWS A-5.28 Chemical analysis C 0.08 Si 0.8 Mn 1.4 ER 80S-G Ni 0.8 Cu 0.4 Shielding gas C1 / M2 / M3 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥22 % ≥450 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥550 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥80 J (20 °C) / ≥47 J (-20 °C) Approvals DB / CE Materials S235JRW - S355J2G1W, 9CrNiCuP3-2-4 For weather-resistant construction steels. S235J0W-S355J0W, S235J2W-S355J2W, S355J0WP, S355J2WP, S355K2W ASTM: A242 grades 1/2, A588 grades A/B/C/K, A606, A709 grade 50W Packing drum kg B300 15 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 0.8 1.0 1.2 Item no. 097-003524-30008 097-003524-30010 097-003524-30012 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 63 MIG/MAG l low-alloy l Low-temperature tough SW 80S Ni1 zzSolid wire electrode for welding cold tough fine-grain structural steels zzFor operating temperatures up to -60 °C zzUse in offshore technology, e.g. in pipe construction zzResistant to products containing chloride and acid gases zzRecommended for root welding Standards DIN EN ISO 14341-A G 46 6 M21 3Ni1 AWS A-5.28 Chemical analysis C 0.09 Si 0.5 Mn 1.05 ER 80S-Ni1 Ni 0.9 Shielding gas C1 / M2 / M3 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥24 % ≥470 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥560 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥47 J (-60 °C) Approvals CE Materials P420NH, Gp240GH-GP280GH, S185-S355G1, S255-S355N 64 Packing drum kg B300 15 Ø /mm 1.0 1.2 Item no. 097-003622-30010 097-003622-30012 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l low-alloy l Low-temperature tough SW 80S Ni2 zzSolid wire electrode for welding cold tough fine-grain structural steels zzFor operating temperatures up to -60 °C zzUse in offshore technology, e.g. in pipe construction zzResistant to products containing chloride and acid gases zzRecommended for root welding Standards DIN EN ISO 14341-A G 46 4 M21 2Ni2 AWS A-5.28 Chemical analysis C 0.09 Si 0.52 Mn 1.1 ER 80S-Ni2 Ni 2.45 Shielding gas C1 / M21 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥470 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥570 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥47 J (-90 °C) / ≥100 J (20 °C) Approvals CE Materials S255N — S380N, S255NL, 14Ni6, 12Ni14 Packing drum kg B300 15 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 1.0 1.2 Item no. 097-003640-30010 097-003640-30012 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 65 MIG/MAG l low-alloy l High tensile SW 100S NiMo zzLow-alloy solid wire electrode, creep-resistant zzCopper-plated, layer wound zzHigh-tensile welding consumable for vehicle construction zzFor welding high-tensile fine-grain structural steels up to 690 MPa yield strength zzFor wall thicknesses up to a maximum of 30 mm and fillet welds zzSuitable for EWM forceArc and coldArc Standards G 69 4 M / G 62 4 C ZMn3Ni1Mo DIN EN ISO 16834-A AWS A-5.28 Chemical analysis C 0.08 Si 0.57 Mn 1.77 ER 100S-G Ni 1 Mo 0.38 Ti 0.15 Shielding gas C1 / M21 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥18 % ≥690 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥740 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥100 J (20 °C) / ≥47 J (-40 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / CE Materials S690QL, S700MC, S420N - S500N, P420NH - P500NH, S420NL - S500NL 66 Packing drum kg B300 15 Ø /mm 1.0 1.2 Item no. 097-003525-30010 097-003525-30012 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l low-alloy l High tensile SW 100S NiMoCr zzLow-alloy solid wire electrode, creep-resistant zzCopper-plated, layer wound zzFor welding high-tensile fine-grain structural steels up to 690 MPa yield strength zzHigh-strength welding consumables for vehicle and crane construction zzLow-spatter thanks to high chemical purity zzSuitable for EWM forceArc Standards DIN EN ISO 16834-A G 69 4 M Mn3Ni1CrMo AWS A-5.28 Chemical analysis C 0.09 Si 0.52 Mn 1.57 ER 100S-G Cr 0.3 Ni 1.4 Mo 0.25 V 0.09 Shielding gas M21 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥22 % ≥690 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥760 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥140 J (20 °C) / ≥47 J (-40 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / CE Materials S690QL1, S420N - S500N, P420NH - P500NH, S420NL - S500NL, S690QL Packing drum kg B300 15 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 1.0 1.2 Item no. 097-003548-30010 097-003548-30012 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 67 MIG/MAG l low-alloy l High tensile SW 120S NiMoCr zzLow-alloy solid wire electrode, creep-resistant zzCopper-plated, layer wound zzHigh-strength welding consumables for vehicle and crane construction zzFor welding high-tensile, water-quenched fine-grain structural steels zzLow-spatter thanks to high chemical purity zzSuitable for EWM forceArc Standards DIN EN ISO 16834-A G 89 6 M Mn4Ni2CrMo AWS A-5.28 Chemical analysis C 0.09 Si 0.8 Mn 1.8 ER 120S-G Cr 0.31 Ni 2.2 Mo 0.55 Shielding gas M21 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥14 % ≥885 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥940 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥70 J (20 °C) / ≥47 J (-60 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / CE Materials S890QL, S960QL, S690QL, S690QL1 68 Packing drum kg B300 15 Ø /mm 1.0 1.2 Item no. 097-003558-30010 097-003558-30012 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l low-alloy l creep resistant SW 80S Mo zzLow-alloy solid wire electrode, creep-resistant zzCopper-plated, layer wound zzCreep resistant filler for pipe and container construction zzLow-spatter thanks to high chemical purity zzMaximum operating temperature 500 °C zzSuitable for EWM forceArc and coldArc Standards DIN EN ISO 21952-A G MoSi AWS A-5.28 ER 80S-G Material number Chemical analysis C 0.1 Si 0.6 Mn 1.15 1.5424 Mo 0.52 Shielding gas M21 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥22 % ≥460 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥560 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥100 J (20 °C) / ≥47 J (-20 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / CE Materials P235G1TH - P255G1TH, P265 GH, P310GH, 16Mo3, L320, L360NB - L415NB Packing drum kg B300 15 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 1.0 1.2 1.6 Item no. 097-003547-30010 097-003547-30012 097-003547-30016 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 69 MIG/MAG l low-alloy l creep resistant SW 80S CrMo1 zzLow-alloy solid wire electrode, creep-resistant zzCopper-plated, layer wound zzCreep resistant filler for pipe and container construction zzLow-spatter thanks to high chemical purity zzMaximum operating temperature 550 °C zzSuitable for EWM forceArc and coldArc Standards DIN EN ISO 21952-A G CrMo1Si AWS A-5.28 ER 80S-G Material number Chemical analysis C 0.1 Si 0.6 Mn 1 1.7339 Cr 1.2 Mo 0.52 Shielding gas M21 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥20 % ≥305 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥450 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥100 J (20 °C) / ≥47 J (-10 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / CE Materials 13CrMo4-5 70 Packing drum kg B300 15 Ø /mm 1.0 1.2 Item no. 097-003546-30010 097-003546-30012 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l low-alloy l creep resistant SW 90S CrMo2 zzLow-alloy solid wire electrode, creep-resistant zzCopper-plated, layer wound zzCreep resistant filler for pipe and container construction zzLow-spatter thanks to high chemical purity zzMaximum operating temperature 600 °C zzFor industry, craft and repair businesses Standards DIN EN ISO 21952-A G CrMo2Si AWS A-5.28 ER 90S-G Material number Chemical analysis C 0.08 Si 0.6 Mn 0.92 1.7384 Cr 2.45 Mo 1 Shielding gas M21 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥22 % ≥355 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥540 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥80 J (20 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / CE Materials 10CrMo9-10, 10CrSiMoV7 Packing drum kg B300 15 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 1.0 1.2 1.6 Item no. 097-003526-30010 097-003526-30012 097-003526-30016 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 71 MIG/MAG l high-alloy l stainless steel SW 307 Si zzHigh-alloy solid wire electrode zzAnnealed and layer wound zzExcellent welding characteristics thanks to high Si content zzSuitable for dissimilar joints and buffer layers zzStrain-hardening Standards DIN EN ISO 14343-A G 18 8 Mn AWS A-5.9 ER 307 Si Material number Chemical analysis C 0.08 Si 0.9 Mn 7 1.4370 Cr 18 Ni 8 Shielding gas M13 / M12 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥40 % ≥400 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥650 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥140 J (20 °C) / ≥32 J (-196 °C) Approvals TÜV / CE / DB Materials Dissimilar joints, cladding, buffer layers for hardfacing, high C-content and difficult to weld steels, manganese steel (example: 1.3401) Packing drum kg S200 5.0 BS300 15 F250 250 72 Drum Ø /mm – 510 Ø /mm 0.8 1.0 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 1.0 1.2 Item no. 097-003473-20008 097-003473-20010 097-003473-30008 097-003473-30010 097-003473-30012 097-003473-30016 097-003473-25010 097-003473-25012 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l high-alloy l stainless steel SW 308 L Si zzHigh-alloy solid wire electrode zzAnnealed and layer wound zzExcellent welding characteristics thanks to high Si content zzFor non-rusting Cr-Ni steels with low C content zzMaximum operating temperature 350 °C zzCan be used for non-stabilised Cr-Ni steels zzCold tough up to -196 °C Standards DIN EN ISO 14343-A G 19 9 L Si AWS A-5.9 ER 308 L Si Material number Chemical analysis C 0.02 Si 0.9 Mn 1.8 1.4316 Cr 19 Ni 9 Shielding gas M12 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥42 % ≥390 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥600 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥50 J (-196 °C) / ≥120 J (20 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / CE Materials 1.4301, 1.4303, 1.4306, 1.4308, 1.4310, 1.4311, 1.4319, 1.4541, 1.4550, 1.4552 Packing drum kg S200 5.0 BS300 15 F250 250 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Drum Ø /mm – 510 Ø /mm 0.8 1.0 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 1.0 Item no. 097-003544-20008 097-003544-20010 097-003544-30008 097-003544-30010 097-003544-30012 097-003544-30016 097-003544-25010 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 73 MIG/MAG l high-alloy l stainless steel SW 309 L Si zzHigh-alloy solid wire electrode zzAnnealed and layer wound zzExcellent welding characteristics thanks to high Si content zzSuitable for dissimilar joints and buffer layers zzMaximum operating temperature 300 °C Standards DIN EN ISO 14343-A G 23 12 L Si AWS A-5.9 ER 309 L Si Material number Chemical analysis C 0.02 Si 0.8 Mn 1.8 1.4332 Cr 23.5 Ni 13 Shielding gas M12 / M13 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥35 % ≥450 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥650 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥60 J (-120 °C) Approvals TÜV / CE Materials Austenite-ferrite joints (dissimilar), cladding, corrosion-resistant layers on non-alloyed construction steels, buffer layers 74 Packing drum kg BS300 15 Ø /mm 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 Item no. 097-003554-30008 097-003554-30010 097-003554-30012 097-003554-30016 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l high-alloy l stainless steel SW 410 NiMo zzHigh-alloy solid wire electrode zzSuitable for connecting the same type of martensitic-ferrite steels zzUse in water turbine, steam power plant and compressor construction zzResistant to vapour, water and seawater atmospheres Standards DIN EN ISO 14343-A G 13 4 AWS A-5.9 ER 410 NiMo Material number Chemical analysis C 0.03 Si 0.3 Mn 0.4 1.4351 Mo 0.5 Cu 0.3 Ni 4.5 Cr 13 Nb 0.5 Shielding gas M13 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥10 % ≥750 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥950 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥35 J (20 °C) Materials 1.4313, 1.4317, 1.4351, 1.4414 Packing drum kg BS300 15 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 Item no. 097-003589-30008 097-003589-30010 097-003589-30012 097-003589-30016 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 75 MIG/MAG l high-alloy l stainless steel SW 904 L zzHigh-alloy solid wire electrode zzAnnealed and layer wound zzSuitable for boiler and tube steels zzResistant to media containing sulphur and chloride zzMaximum operating temperature 400 °C zzCold tough up to -196 °C Standards DIN EN ISO 14343-A G 20 25 5 Cu L AWS A-5.9 ER 385 Material number Chemical analysis C 0.02 Si 0.3 Mn 1.5 1.4539 Mo 4.2 Nb 0.05 Cr 19.8 Ni 25 Cu 1.4 Co 0.5 Al 0.5 N 0.05 B 0.003 Shielding gas I1 / I3 (20 - 30 % He) Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥35 % ≥410 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥600 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥130 J (-196 °C) Materials 1.4529,1.4539 Packing drum kg Drum Ø /mm BS300 15 – F250 250 510 76 Ø /mm 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 1.2 Item no. 097-003634-30008 097-003634-30010 097-003634-30012 097-003634-30016 097-003634-25012 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l high-alloy l heat resistant SW 309 H zzJoint welding and surfacing of heat-resisting CrSi, CrAl and CrNiSi steels zzFor similar heat- and scale-resistant steels zzHigh-alloy solid wire electrode zzScale-resistant up to 950 °C zzNot prone to hot crack formation due to high delta-ferrite content Standards DIN EN ISO 14343-A G 22 12 H AWS A-5.9 ER 309 Si Material number Chemical analysis C 0.1 Si 0.9 Mn 1.7 1.4829 Cr 22 Ni 11.5 Fe Rest Shielding gas M12 / M13 Materials 1.4828, 1.4826, 1.4833, 1.4713, 1.4724, 1.4742, 1.4710, 1.4740, 1.4829, 1.4832, 1.4878, 1.4713 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 kg Packing drum 15 BS300 Ø /mm 0.8 1.0 1.2 Item no. 097-004878-30008 097-004878-30010 097-004878-30012 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 77 MIG/MAG l high-alloy l heat resistant SW 310 zzHigh-alloy solid wire electrode zzWeld metal made of fully austenitic chrome nickel steel zzFor welding heatproof steels zzScale resistant up to 1150 °C zzNot resistant in gases containing sulphur Standards DIN EN ISO 14343-A G 25 20 AWS A-5.9 ER 310 Material number Chemical analysis C 0.11 Si 0.4 Mn 1.5 1.4842 Cr 25 Ni 20 Shielding gas M12 / M13 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥40 % ≥390 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥590 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥170 J (20 °C) / ≥60 J (-196 °C) Materials 1.4710, 1.4713, 1.4726, 1.4745, 1.4823, 1.4832, 1.4837, 1.4840, 1.4841, 1.4845, 1.4846, 1.4848, 1.4849 78 Packing drum kg BS300 15 Ø /mm 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 Item no. 097-003513-30008 097-003513-30010 097-003513-30012 097-003513-30016 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l high-alloy l creep resistant SW 312 zzHigh-alloy solid wire electrode zzThe weld metal features a ferrite-austenite structure zzHigh strength and wear resistance after welding zzSuitable for dissimilar joints and buffer layers zzScale resistant up to 1100 °C zzSuitable for transformer Standards DIN EN ISO 14343-A G 29 9 AWS A-5.9 ER 312 Material number Chemical analysis C 0.1 Si 0.5 Mn 1.9 1.4337 Cr 29 Ni 9 Shielding gas M12 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥25 % ≥600 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥750 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥100 J (20 °C) Materials corrosion-resistant similar steel and cast steel (e.g. 1.4762, 1.4085), difficult to weld steel, manganese steel, repairs and wear-resistant layers Packing drum kg BS300 15 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 Item no. 097-003514-30008 097-003514-30010 097-003514-30012 097-003514-30016 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 79 MIG/MAG l high-alloy l creep resistant SW 316 L Si zzHigh-alloy solid wire electrode zzAnnealed and layer wound zzExcellent welding characteristics thanks to high Si content zzFor non-rusting Cr-Ni steels with low C content zzMaximum operating temperature 400 °C zzCan be used for non-stabilised Cr-Ni steels Standards DIN EN ISO 14343-A G 19 12 3 L Si AWS A-5.9 ER 316 L Si Material number Chemical analysis C 0.02 Si 0.85 Mn 1.85 1.4430 Mo 2.7 Cr 19 Ni 12 Shielding gas M12 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥37 % ≥400 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥610 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥120 J (-60 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / CE Materials 1.4401, 1.4404, 1.4406, 1.4408, 1.4429, 1.4435, 1.4436, 1.4541, 1.4550, 1.4571, 1.4580, 1.4581, 1.4583 80 Packing drum kg S200 5.0 BS300 15 Ø /mm 0.8 1.0 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 Item no. 097-003545-20008 097-003545-20010 097-003545-30008 097-003545-30010 097-003545-30012 097-003545-30016 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l high-alloy l creep resistant SW 318 Si zzHigh-alloy solid wire electrode zzAnnealed and layer wound zzExcellent welding characteristics thanks to high Si content zzCan be used for welding stabilised Cr-Ni steels zzGood resistance to corrosion due to greater Nb and Mo content zzMaximum operating temperature 400 °C Standards DIN EN ISO 14343-A G 19 12 3 Nb Si AWS A-5.9 ER 318 Si Material number Chemical analysis C 0.04 Si 0.8 Mn 1.8 1.4576 Mo 2.7 Nb 0.5 Cr 19.5 Ni 12.5 Shielding gas M12 / M13 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥36 % ≥400 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥610 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥100 J (20 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / CE Materials 1.4401, 1.4404, 1.4408, 1.4420, 1.4435, 1.4436, 1.4571, 1.4573, 1.4580, 1.4581, 1.4583 Packing drum kg S200 5.0 BS300 15 F250 250 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Drum Ø /mm – 510 Ø /mm 0.8 1.0 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 1.0 Item no. 097-003476-20008 097-003476-20010 097-003476-30008 097-003476-30010 097-003476-30012 097-003476-30016 097-003476-25010 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 81 MIG/MAG l high-alloy l creep resistant SW 347 Si zzHigh-alloy solid wire electrode zzAnnealed and layer wound zzExcellent welding characteristics thanks to high Si content zzCan be used for welding stabilised Cr-Ni steels zzSuitable for joint welding of stainless and heat-resistant steels zzVery good welding and flow characteristics zzMaximum operating temperature 400 °C zzScale-resistant up to 800 °C zzCold tough up to -196 °C Standards DIN EN ISO 14343-A G 19 9 Nb Si AWS A-5.9 ER 347 Si Material number Chemical analysis C 0.05 Si 0.8 Mn 1.2 1.4551 Mo 0.4 Nb 0.5 Cr 19.5 Ni 9.7 Cu 0.4 Shielding gas M11 / M12 / M13 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥35 % ≥400 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥600 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥100 J (20 °C) Approvals CE Materials 1.4541, 1.4550, 1.4552, 1.4301, 1.4312, 1.4546, 1.4311, 1.4306 82 Packing drum kg BS300 15 Ø /mm 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 Item no. 097-003568-30008 097-003568-30010 097-003568-30012 097-003568-30016 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l high-alloy l Duplex SW 2209 Duplex zzHigh-alloy solid wire electrode zzUse in a temperature range from -40 °C to 250 °C zzFor ferrite-austenitic Cr-Ni-Mo steels zzResistant to products containing chloride and acid gases zzUse in offshore technology e.g. in pipe construction Standards DIN EN ISO 14343-A G 22 9 3 LN AWS A-5.9 Chemical analysis C 0.015 Si 0.4 Mn 1.8 ER 2209 Cr 22.5 Ni 9 Mo 3 N 0.15 Shielding gas M12 / M13 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥30 % ≥810 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥620 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥65 J (-60 °C) / ≥120 J (20 °C) Approvals TÜV / CE / DB Materials 1.4462, 1.4417, 1.4460, 1.4362 Dissimilar joints Packing drum kg BS300 15 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 Item no. 097-003516-30008 097-003516-30010 097-003516-30012 097-003516-30016 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 83 MIG/MAG l high-alloy l Duplex SW 2594 Super Duplex zzHigh-alloy solid wire electrode zzUse in offshore technology, e.g. in pipe construction zzResistant to products containing chloride and acid gases zzMaximum operating temperature of the end product: 250 °C zzFor ferrite-austenitic super duplex steels Standards DIN EN ISO 14343-A G 25 9 4 N L AWS A-5.9 Chemical analysis C 0.03 Si 0.45 Mn 0.6 ER 2594 Cr 25 Ni 9.2 Mo 4 N 0.25 S 0.01 P 0.025 Cu 0.5 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥27 % ≥695 J Tensile strength, Rm ≥900 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥135 J (-50 °C) Approvals TÜV Materials 25% Cr super-duplex steels, e.g. 1.4501 X2CrNiMoCuWN 25-7-4 AND S 32750, S 32760 Dissimilar joints 84 Packing drum kg BS300 15 Ø /mm 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 Item no. 097-003704-30008 097-003704-30010 097-003704-30012 097-003704-30016 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l Solid wire electrodes l Nickel-based SW 625 zzHigh-alloy solid wire electrode zzMaximum operating temperature of the components 1000 °C zzCold tough up to -196 °C zzScale resistant up to 1100 °C zzWeld metal resistant to phosphoric acid, hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid and nitric acid zzFor permanent use in a temperature range from -196 °C to 550 °C Standards DIN EN ISO 18274 S Ni 6625 (NiCr22Mo9Nb) AWS A-5.14 Chemical analysis C 0.01 Si 0.1 Mn 0.05 ER NiCrMo3 Cr 22 Ni 64 Mo 9 Nb 3.6 Shielding gas M12 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% 35 % ≥480 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥780 J Impact energy, Av 60 J (-196 °C) Approvals TÜV Materials Alloy 625, alloy 800 and similar Ni-Cr alloys 1.4529, 1.4539, 1.4558, 1.4876, 1.5680, 1.5681, 1.5662, 2.4605, 2.4618, 2.4856, 2.4858, 2.4951, 2.4952 Packing drum kg BS300 15 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 0.8 1.0 1.2 Item no. 097-003515-30008 097-003515-30010 097-003515-30012 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 85 MIG/MAG l Solid wire electrodes l Nickel-based SW NiCr82 zzHigh-alloy solid wire electrode zzCold tough up to -196 °C zzScale-resistant up to 1,200 °C zzFor corrosion-resistant alloys with nickel, stainless steels and carbon steels zzResistant to embrittlement zzHigh strength and creep strength values zzDissimilar joints in the petrochemical industry and offshore technology (e.g. furnaces) Standards DIN EN ISO 18274 S Ni 6082 (NiCr20Nb) AWS-SFA-5.14 Chemical analysis ER NiCr 3 C Si Mn Cr Ni Fe Nb Cu Co Ti S P 0.05 0.5 3.5 22 67 3 3 0.5 0.1 0.75 0.015 0.015 Shielding gas I1 / I3 (40 % He) Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥35 % ≥480 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥780 J Impact energy, Av 60 J (-196 °C) Materials 1.4558, 1.4859, 1.4861, 1.4876, 1.4877, 1.4885, 1.4958, 1.4968, 2.4669, 2.4694, 2.4816,2.4817, 2.4867, 2.4867, 2.4869, 2.4951, 2.4952 Nickel-based alloys, dissimilar joints (also at temperatures >300 °C), cladding, surfacing 86 Packing drum kg BS300 15 Ø /mm 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 Item no. 097-003586-30008 097-003586-30010 097-003586-30012 097-003586-30016 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l Solid wire electrodes l Nickel-based SW NiFe55 zzHigh-alloy solid wire electrode zzCold welding of grey cast iron, malleable cast iron and spheroidal cast iron zzHighly resistant to cracking and good strength values zzResistant to embrittlement Chemical analysis C 0.03 Si 0.1 Mn 0.5 Cu 0.04 Co 0.02 Ni 55.1 Fe Rest Shielding gas I1 / M12 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥40 % ≥280 MPa Tensile strength, Rm 580 MPa Materials Grey cast iron, malleable cast iron and spheroidal cast iron Packing drum kg S300 15 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 Item no. 097-003572-30008 097-003572-30010 097-003572-30012 097-003572-30016 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 87 MIG/MAG l Solid wire electrodes l Aluminium SW 1450 99,5Ti zzMIG solid wire electrode, aluminium zzTitanium forms fine grains and increases the mechanical qualities zzMore resistant to hot cracks than pure aluminium Standards DIN EN ISO 18273 AWS A-5.10 ER 1450 Material number Chemical analysis Ti 0.15 S AL 1450 (Al99,5Ti) 3.0805 Al 99.5 Shielding gas I1 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥35 % ≥20 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥65 MPa Approvals TÜV / DB / CE Melting range 647 °C - 658 °C Materials Al99,5Ti, Al99,3, Al99,5, Al99,6, Al99,7, Al99,85, 88 Packing drum kg BS300 7.0 Ø /mm 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 Item no. 097-004818-30008 097-004818-30010 097-004818-30012 097-004818-30016 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l Solid wire electrodes l Aluminium SW 3103 Mn1 zzMIG solid wire electrode, aluminium zzAlloy for ship building/marine and offshore technology zzSeawater resistant Standards DIN EN ISO 18273 S AL 3103 (AlMn1) AWS A-5.10 Chemical analysis Mn 1.2 Si 0.3 Mg 0.2 ER 3103 Al Rest Shielding gas I1 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥24 % ≥35 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥90 MPa Melting range 648 °C - 657 °C Materials AlMn0,6, AlMn1, AlMn0,2Mg0,1, AlMn1Mg0,5 Packing drum kg Drum Ø /mm BS300 7.0 – F100 100 590 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.0 1.2 Item no. 097-004819-30008 097-004819-30010 097-004819-30012 097-003509-10010 097-003509-10012 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 89 MIG/MAG l Solid wire electrodes l Aluminium SW 4043 Si5 zzMIG solid wire electrode, aluminium zz5% silicon zzUntreated low strength values zzSuitable for subsequent anodisation zzResistant to hot cracks zzMain areas of use are welds on cast aluminium Standards DIN EN ISO 18273 AWS A-5.10 ER 4043 Material number Chemical analysis Si 5 S Al 4043A (AlSi5(A)) 3.2245 Al Rest Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥8 % ≥40 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥120 MPa Approvals DB / CE Melting range 573 °C - 625 °C Materials AlSiMg, AlMgSi 90 Packing drum kg S200 2.0 BS300 7.0 Ø /mm 0.8 1.0 0.8 1.0 1.2 Item no. 097-004820-20008 097-004820-20010 097-004820-30008 097-004820-30010 097-004820-30012 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l Solid wire electrodes l Aluminium SW 4047 Si12 zzMIG solid wire electrode, aluminium zz12% silicon zzUntreated low strength values zzNot suitable for subsequent anodisation zzMain areas of use are welds on cast aluminium Standards DIN EN ISO 18273 AWS A-5.10 ER 4047 Material number Chemical analysis Si 12 S AL 4047A (AlSi12(A)) 3.2585 Al Rest Shielding gas I1 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥5 % ≥60 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥130 MPa Approvals DB / CE Melting range 575 °C - 585 °C Materials AlSiMg, AlMgSi Packing drum kg BS300 7.0 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 Item no. 097-004817-30008 097-004817-30010 097-004817-30012 097-004817-30016 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 91 MIG/MAG l Solid wire electrodes l Aluminium SW 5087 Mg4,5 MnZr zzMIG solid wire electrode, aluminium zzHigh strength, extremely resistant to corrosion, resistant to sea water zzVery good mechanical quality values Standards DIN EN ISO 18273 S AL 5087 (AlMg4,5MnZr) AWS A-5.10 ER 5087 Material number Chemical analysis Mg 4.5 Mn 1 Cr 0.15 3.3546 Zr 0.15 Al Rest Shielding gas I1 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥17 % ≥125 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥275 MPa Approvals TÜV / DB / GL / CE / ABS Melting range 574 °C - 638 °C Materials AlMg3,5, AlMg4,5, AlMg5, AlMg3,5Mn, AlMg3,5Mn0,4, AlMg4,5Mn0,7, AlMg5Mn0,4, AlMg5Mn1, AlMgSi1, G-AlMg3, G-AlMg5 92 Packing drum kg BS300 7.0 Ø /mm 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 Item no. 097-003644-30008 097-003644-30010 097-003644-30012 097-003644-30016 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l Solid wire electrodes l Aluminium SW 5183 Mg4,5 Mn zzMIG solid wire electrode, aluminium zz4.5% magnesium, 0.7% manganese zzHigh strength, extremely resistant to corrosion, resistant to sea water zzSuitable for subsequent anodisation Standards DIN EN ISO 18273 S AL 5183 (AlMg4,5Mn0,7) AWS A-5.10 ER 5183 Material number Chemical analysis Mg 4.5 Mn 0.7 Cr 0.15 3.3548 Al Rest Shielding gas I1 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥17 % ≥125 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥275 MPa Approvals TÜV / DB / GL / LR / CE / ABS Melting range 574 °C - 638 °C Materials AlMg3,5, AlMg4,5, AlMg5, AlMg3,5Mn, AlMg3,5Mn0,4, AlMg4,5Mn0,7, AlMg5Mn0,4, AlMg5Mn1, AlMgSi1, G-AlMg3, G-AlMg5 Packing drum kg S200 2.0 BS300 7.0 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 1.0 1.2 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 Item no. 097-003643-20010 097-003643-20012 097-003643-30008 097-003643-30010 097-003643-30012 097-003643-30016 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 93 MIG/MAG l Solid wire electrodes l Aluminium SW 5183 Mg4,5 Mn Premium zzMIG solid wire electrode, aluminium zzFor weld-critical joints zzOptimised surface due to special cleaning process zzShaved several times zz4.5% magnesium, 0.7% manganese zzHigh strength, extremely resistant to corrosion, resistant to sea water zzSuitable for subsequent anodisation Standards DIN EN ISO 18273 S AL 5183 (AlMg4,5Mn0,7) AWS A-5.10 ER 5183 Material number Chemical analysis Mg 4.5 Mn 0.7 Cr 0.15 3.3548 Al Rest Shielding gas I1 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥17 % ≥125 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥275 MPa Approvals TÜV / DB / GL / LR / CE / ABS Melting range 574 °C - 638 °C Materials AlMg3,5, AlMg4,5, AlMg5, AlMg3,5Mn, AlMg3,5Mn0,4, AlMg4,5Mn0,7, AlMg5Mn0,4, AlMg5Mn1, AlMgSi1, G-AlMg3, G-AlMg5 Packing drum BS 300 kg 7.0 Ø /mm 1.2 Item no. 097-003686-30012 u Other dimensions available on request! 94 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l Solid wire electrodes l Aluminium SW 5356 Mg5 zzMIG solid wire electrode, aluminium zz5% magnesium zzHigh strength, extremely resistant to corrosion, resistant to sea water zzSuitable for subsequent anodisation Standards DIN EN ISO 18273 S AL 5356 (AlMg5Cr) AWS A-5.10 ER 5356 Material number Chemical analysis Mg 5 Mn 0.15 Cr 0.1 3.3556 Ti 0.1 Al Rest Shielding gas I1 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥8 % ≥120 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥250 MPa Approvals TÜV / DB / GL / LR / CE Melting range 575 °C - 633 °C Materials AlMg3, AlMg4,5, AlMg5, AlMgSi1, G-AlMg3, G-AlMg3 Packing drum kg S200 2.0 BS300 7.0 F100 100 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Drum Ø /mm – 590 Ø /mm 0.8 1.0 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 1.0 1.2 Item no. 097-003645-20008 097-003645-20010 097-003645-30008 097-003645-30010 097-003645-30012 097-003645-30016 097-003645-10010 097-003645-10012 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 95 MIG/MAG l Solid wire electrodes l Aluminium SW 5754 Mg3 zzMIG solid wire electrode, aluminium zz3% magnesium zzMedium strength, corrosion resistant zzSuitable for subsequent anodisation Standards DIN EN ISO 18273 S Al 5754 (AlMg3) AWS A-5.10 ER 5754 Material number Chemical analysis Mg 3 Mn 0.3 Cr 0.3 3.3536 Al Rest Shielding gas I1 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥22 % ≥80 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥190 MPa Approvals TÜV / DB / GL / CE Melting range 615 °C - 642 °C Materials AlMg1, AlMg2, AlMg2,5, AlMg3,5, AlMg0,5Mn, AlMg1Mn0,5, AlMg2Mn0,8, AlMgSi0,5, AlMgSi0,7 96 Packing drum kg S200 2.0 BS300 7.0 Ø /mm 0.8 1.0 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 Item no. 097-003646-20008 097-003646-20010 097-003646-30008 097-003646-30010 097-003646-30012 097-003646-30016 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l Copper-based l Copper SW OF Cu zzOxygen-free copper-based alloy zzCopper-based solid wire electrode zzLow interference due to observation of the smallest dimensional tolerances, layer wound zzGood resistance to wear and abrasion zzExcellent flow characteristics Chemical analysis Cu 99.95 Shielding gas I1 Expansion, A5 ≥40 % Tensile strength, Rm ≥200 MPa Impact energy, Av 60 J (20 °C) Hardness 50 HB Materials Connecting of copper components and solder preform, suitable for furnace soldering, used in vacuum engineering and the aerospace and astronautics industry Packing drum kg B300 15 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 1.0 1.2 Item no. 097-003610-30010 097-003610-30012 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 97 MIG/MAG l Copper-based l Copper-aluminium SW CuAl8 zzCopper-based solid wire electrode zzLow interference due to observation of the smallest dimensional tolerances, layer wound zzJoint welding of Cu materials and various steel sheets zzWear-resistant GMA-surfacing on steel zzResistant to high temperatures and corrosion, seawater resistant zzPulse arc recommended, approved for coldArc Standards DIN EN ISO 24373 S Cu 6100 (CuAl7) AWS A-5.7 ER CuAl-A1 BS 2901 part 3 C 28 Material number Chemical analysis Al 8 Mn 0.2 Ni 0.3 2.0921 Cu Rest Shielding gas I1 Expansion, A5 ≥40 % Tensile strength, Rm ≥430 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥100 J (20 °C) Hardness 100 HB Melting range 1030 °C - 1040 °C Materials CuAl5, CuAl8, CuAl9, CuZn20Al Packing drum kg S200 5.0 B300 15 F200 200 98 Drum Ø /mm – 510 Ø /mm 0.8 1.0 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 1.0 Item no. 097-003486-20008 097-003486-20010 097-003486-30008 097-003486-30010 097-003486-30012 097-003486-30016 097-003486-20110 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l Copper-based l Copper-aluminium SW CuAl9Ni5 zzCopper-based solid wire electrode zzLow interference due to observation of the smallest dimensional tolerances, layer wound zzWear-resistant GMA-surfacing on steel zzPulse arc recommended, approved for coldArc zzJoint welding of cast and forged nickel-aluminium bronze components zzSurfacing on steel and aluminium bronze, including multialloys zzThe weld metal is resistant to corrosion and sea water Standards DIN EN ISO 24373 S Cu 6328 (CuAl9Ni5Fe3Mn2) AWS A-5.7 ER CuNiAl BS 2901 part 3 C 26 Ni Material number Chemical analysis Al 9 Ni 5 Fe 4 2.0923 Mn 1.5 Si 0.2 Pb 0.02 Cu Rest Shielding gas I1 Expansion, A5 >10 % Tensile strength, Rm ≥560 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥60 J (20 °C) Melting range 1015 °C - 1045 °C Materials CuAl11Ni6Fe5, CuAl10Ni5Fe4 Copper - Aluminium - Nickel - Alloys Packing drum BS300 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 kg 15 Ø /mm 1.2 Item no. 097-003567-30012 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 99 MIG/MAG l Copper-based l Copper-aluminium SW CuAlBz9Fe zzCopper-based solid wire electrode zzLow interference due to observation of the smallest dimensional tolerances, layer wound zzPulse arc recommended, approved for coldArc zzGood resistance to wear and abrasion zzSurfacing on steel and aluminium bronze, including multialloys zzExcellent flow characteristics zzJoint welding of Cu-Al materials Standards DIN EN ISO 24373 S Cu 6180 (CuAl10Fe) AWS A-5.7 ER CuAl-A2 BS 2901 part 3 C 13 Material number Chemical analysis Al 9.5 Fe 1.1 Mn 1 2.0937 Ni 0.8 Cu Rest Shielding gas I1 Expansion, A5 ≥35 % Tensile strength, Rm ≥500 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥95 J (20 °C) Hardness 140 HB Melting range 1030 °C - 1040 °C Materials CuAl8Fe3 Packing drum kg Drum Ø /mm B300 15 – F200 200 510 100 Ø /mm 1.0 1.2 1.6 1.0 Item no. 097-003571-30010 097-003571-30012 097-003571-30016 097-003571-20110 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l Copper-based l Copper-silicon SW CuSi2 zzCopper-based solid wire electrode zzLow interference due to observation of the smallest dimensional tolerances, layer wound zzResistant to high temperatures and corrosion zzVery good welding and flow characteristics zzPulse arc recommended, approved for coldArc zzDesigned for galvanised metal sheets in the automotive industry zzJoint welding of Cu materials and low-alloy steels and cast iron Standards DIN EN ISO 24373 S Cu 6511 (CuSi2Mn1) AWS A-5.7 Chemical analysis Si 1.8 P 0.01 Mn 1 ER CuSi-A Sn 0.22 Cu Rest Shielding gas I1 Expansion, A5 ≥45 % Tensile strength, Rm ≥285 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥75 J (20 °C) Hardness 62 HB Melting range 1030 °C - 1050 °C Materials CuSi2Mn, CuSi3Mn, CuZn5, CuZn10, CuZn15 Packing drum kg B300 15 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 1.0 1.2 Item no. 097-003565-30010 097-003565-30012 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 101 MIG/MAG l Copper-based l Copper-silicon SW CuSi3 zzCopper-based solid wire electrode zzLow interference due to observation of the smallest dimensional tolerances, layer wound zzResistant to high temperatures and corrosion zzJoint welding of Cu materials and various steel sheets zzGMA-surfacing on steel zzPulse arc recommended, approved for coldArc Standards DIN EN ISO 24373 S Cu 6560 (CuSi3Mn) AWS A-5.7 ER CuSi-A BS 2901 part 3 C9 Material number Chemical analysis Si 2.8 Mn 0.9 2.1461 Cu Rest Shielding gas I1 Expansion, A5 ≥40 % Tensile strength, Rm ≥350 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥60 J (20 °C) Hardness 80 HB Melting range 965 °C - 1035 °C Materials CuSi2Mn, CuSi3Mn, CuZn5, CuZn10, CuZn15 Packing drum kg S200 5.0 B300 15 F200 200 102 Drum Ø /mm – 510 Ø /mm 0.8 1.0 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.0 Item no. 097-003485-20008 097-003485-20010 097-003485-30008 097-003485-30010 097-003485-30012 097-003485-20110 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l Copper-based l Copper-tin SW CuSn1 zzCopper-based solid wire electrode zzJoint welding of copper joints and materials zzLow interference due to observation of the smallest dimensional tolerances, layer wound zzResistant to high temperatures and corrosion zzPulse arc recommended, approved for coldArc Standards DIN EN ISO 24373 S Cu 1898 (CuSn1) AWS A-5.7 ER Cu Material number 2.1006 BS 2901 part 3 Chemical analysis Sn 0.85 Mn 0.25 Si 0.2 C7 P 0.01 Cu Rest Shielding gas I1 Expansion, A5 ≥30 % Tensile strength, Rm ≥220 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥75 J (20 °C) Hardness 60 HB Melting range 1020 °C - 1050 °C Materials OF-Cu, SE-Cu, SW-Cu, SF-Cu, CuZn0,5 Packing drum kg B300 15 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 1.0 1.2 Item no. 097-003559-30010 097-003559-30012 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 103 MIG/MAG l Copper-based l Copper-tin SW CuSn6 zzCopper-based solid wire electrode zzLow interference due to observation of the smallest dimensional tolerances, layer wound zzResistant to high temperatures and corrosion zzPulse arc recommended, approved for coldArc zzJoint welding of Cu materials and low-alloy steels and cast iron Standards DIN EN ISO 24373 S Cu 5180A (CuSn6P) AWS A-5.7 ER CuSn-A BS 2901 part 3 C 11 Material number Chemical analysis Sn 6.3 P 0.2 2.1022 Cu Rest Shielding gas I1 Expansion, A5 ≥20 % Tensile strength, Rm ≥260 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥32 J (20 °C) Hardness 80 HB Melting range 910 °C - 1040 °C Materials CuSn4, CuSn6, CuSn8 104 Packing drum kg B300 15 Ø /mm 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 Item no. 097-003614-30008 097-003614-30010 097-003614-30012 097-003614-30016 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l Copper-based l Copper-nickel SW CuNi30 Fe zzCopper-based solid wire electrode zzEspecially suitable for joint welding and surfacing using CuNi materials up to 30% Ni zzVery good corrosion resistance zzShipbuilding, pipe construction and chemical industry zzSeawater resistant Standards DIN EN ISO 24373 S Cu 7158 (CuNi30Mn1FeTi) AWS A-5.7 ER CuNi Material number Chemical analysis Ni 31 Mn 0.8 Fe 0.5 2.0837 Ti 0.4 Cu Rest Shielding gas Argon Expansion, A5 ≥36 % Tensile strength, Rm ≥420 MPa Impact energy, Av 240 J (40 °C) Hardness 115 HB Melting range 1180 °C - 1240 °C Materials CuNi20Fe (2.0878), CuNi30Fe (2.0882), CuNi10Fe1Mn (2.0872), CuNi25 Packing drum kg BS300 15 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 1.0 1.2 Item no. 097-003501-30010 097-003501-30012 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 105 MIG/MAG l Solid wire electrodes l Hardfacing SW Hard 60 zzHigh-alloy solid wire electrode zzCopper-plated, layer wound zzFor impact loading and mineral abrasion zzHigh chromium content - good with aggressive media zzUp to 60 HRC Standards EN 14700 S Fe8 Material number Chemical analysis C 0.45 Si 3 1.4718 Cr 9.5 Shielding gas M21 Hardness 60 HRC Materials Hardfacing, suitable for wear and impacts 106 Packing drum kg B300 15 Ø /mm 1.0 1.2 1.6 Item no. 097-003549-30010 097-003549-30012 097-003549-30016 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l Flux cored wire electrodes l unalloyed FCW 70TC Metal zzUnalloyed MAG metal flux cored wire zzBright, layer wound zzExcellent gap bridging and sidewall fusion zzNotch-free seam transitions zzVery high current carrying capacity and yield zzEven with rusty, primed and galvanised workpieces thanks to the aggressive arc Standards DIN EN ISO 17632-A AWS A-5.18 Chemical analysis C 0.09 Si 0.7 T 42 2 M M/C 1 H5 E 70C - 6 M/ -6 C Mn 1.5 Shielding gas C1 / M21 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥22 % ≥420 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥490 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥27 J (-20 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / LR / CE Materials S185 - S355, P235GH - P355GH, P235T1/T2 - P460NL2, L210 - L445MB, S235 - S460QL1, API X42 - X60 Packing drum S200 BS300 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 A (DC+) kg Ø /mm PU/Pc. Item no. 150 - 300 5.0 15 1.2 2 1 097-003453-20012 097-003453-30012 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 107 MIG/MAG l Flux cored wire electrodes l unalloyed FCW 71T Basic zzUnalloyed basic MAG flux cored wire electrode zzBright, layer wound zzVery strong and highly resistant to cracking zzIdeal for thick metal sheets and rigidly clamped constructions zzHydrogen content < 5% in the weld metal Standards DIN EN ISO 17632-A AWS A-5.20 Chemical analysis C 0.09 Si 0.9 T 42 2 B M 1 H5 E 71T-5M-J Mn 1.7 Shielding gas M21 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥22 % ≥420 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥480 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥27 J (-40 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / GL / CE Materials S185 - S355, P235GH, P265GH, P295GH, P235 - P355, L210 - L360, S(P)275 - S(P)355, GP240R Packing drum BS300 108 A (DC-) 150 - 300 kg 15 Ø /mm 1.2 Item no. 097-003452-30012 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l Flux cored wire electrodes l unalloyed FCW T 70C Metal zzUnalloyed MAG metal flux cored wire zzBright, layer wound zzExcellent gap bridging and sidewall fusion zzNotch-free seam transitions zzVery high current carrying capacity and yield Standards DIN EN ISO 17632-A T 46 6 M M 1 H5 AWS A-5.18 Chemical analysis C 0.06 Si 0.55 Mn 1.45 E 70C-6M P 0.009 S 0.009 Shielding gas C1 / M21 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥28 % ≥460 MPa Tensile strength, Rm 530 MPa - 680 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥47 J (-40 °C) Materials S185 - S355, P235GH - P355GH, P235T1/T2 - P460NL2, L210 - L445MB, S235 - S460QL1, API X42 - X60 Shipbuilding steels A, B, D, AH-32 - EH 36 Packing drum BS300 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 A (DC+) 150 - 300 kg 15 Ø /mm 1.2 Item no. 097-003616-30012 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 109 MIG/MAG l Flux cored wire electrodes l unalloyed FCW 71T Rutile zzUnalloyed rutile MAG flux cored wire electrode zzLayer-wound zzQuick solidifying slag zzWelding is possible in any position with one machine setting zzVery easy handling and controllability zzPreferred application on pipe and steel constructions, in ship construction, on ceramic Standards DIN EN ISO 17632-A AWS A-5.20 Chemical analysis C 0.09 Si 0.9 T 42 2 P M 1 H5 E 71T-1M Mn 1.7 Shielding gas M21 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥22 % ≥420 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥490 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥27 J (-20 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / GL / LR / CE Materials S185 - S355, P235GH - P355GH, P235T1/T2 - P460NL2, L210 - L445MB, S235 - S460QL1, API X42 - X60 Packing drum S200 BS300 110 A (DC+) 120 - 300 180 - 450 kg 5.0 15 Ø /mm 1.2 1.6 PU/Pc. Item no. 2 097-003454-20012 097-003454-30012 097-003454-30016 1 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l Flux cored wire electrodes l unalloyed FCW 71T Rutile CO2 zzUnalloyed rutile MAG flux cored wire electrode zzBright, layer wound zzQuick solidifying slag zzWelding is possible in any position with one machine setting zzOptimised for welding using CO2 zzVery easy handling and controllability zzPreferred application on pipe and steel constructions, in ship construction, on ceramic Standards EN ISO 17632-A T 42 2 P M/C H5 AWS A-5.20 Chemical analysis C 0.09 Si 0.9 E 71T-1M/-1C Mn 1.7 Shielding gas C1 / M21 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥22 % ≥420 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥490 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥27 J (-20 °C) Approvals CE Materials S185 - S355, P235GH, P265GH, P295GH, P235 - P355, L210 - L360, S(P)275 - S(P)355, GP240R Packing drum S200 BS300 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 A (DC+) kg Ø /mm PU/Pc. Item no. 150 - 300 5.0 15 1.2 2 1 097-003517-20012 097-003517-30012 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 111 MIG/MAG l Flux cored wire electrodes l unalloyed FCW 71T Selfshield zzUnalloyed self-shielding flux cored wire electrode zzBright, layer wound zzCan be welded in any position, including vertically down zzVery easy handling and controllability zzHigh current carrying capacity and low spatter zzReduced barium proportion, observe safety instructions Standards AWS A-5.20 Chemical analysis C 0.19 Si 0.35 Mn 0.6 E 71T-11 P 0.011 S 0.006 Al 1.2 Shielding gas -Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥21 % ≥520 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥590 MPa Materials S185 - P275JR, S355J0 - S335, P255N - P355N, P235GH, P265GH, P310GH, P295Gh, S460N, S460M Packing drum S200 B300 112 A (DC-) 55 - 200 120 - 220 160 - 280 kg 2.0 5.0 15 Ø /mm 0.9 1.2 1.6 Item no. 097-003455-20209 097-003455-20009 097-003455-20012 097-003455-30012 097-003455-30016 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l Flux cored wire electrodes l unalloyed FCW 81T Rutile Ni1 zzUnalloyed rutile MAG flux cored wire electrode zzFor operating temperatures up to -60 °C zzSuitable for cold tough fine-grain structural steels zzCan be welded in any position except vertical down zzHigh impact values up to -60 °C Standards DIN EN ISO 17632-A T 46 6 1Ni P M 2 H5 AWS A-5.29 Chemical analysis C 0.09 Si 0.7 Mn 1.4 E 81T1-Ni1M-J P 0.01 S 0.01 Ni 0.95 Shielding gas M21 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥19 % ≥470 MPa Tensile strength, Rm 550 J - 690 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥27 J (-60 °C) Approvals CE Materials P235 GH-P355GH, Low temperature tough steels up to 550 Mpa Packing drum BS300 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 A (DC+) 150 - 300 kg 15 Ø /mm 1.2 Item no. 097-003518-30012 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 113 MIG/MAG l Flux cored wire electrodes l Low-alloy, creepresistant FCW 81T Rutile Mo zzMicroalloyed rutile flux cored wire zzSuitable for alloyed, heat-resistant boiler and tube steels zzLow-spatter thanks to high chemical purity zzExcellent modelling capabilities, outstanding for positional welding zzMaximum operating temperature 500 °C zzParticularly suitable for MAG orbital welding Standards DIN EN ISO 17634 T 46 A Mo P M 1 H5 AWS A-5.29 Chemical analysis C 0.05 Si 0.5 Mn 1.1 E 81T1-A1M H4 Mo 0.5 Shielding gas M2 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥22 % ≥470 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥550 MPa - 680 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥60 J (20 °C) Approvals TÜV Materials P235GH - P355GH, 16Mo3, P235T1/P235T2 - P460NL2, L210 - L445MB, S255 - S460 Packing drum B300 114 A (DC+) 80 - 170 120 - 280 kg 16 Ø /mm 1.0 1.2 Item no. 097-003603-30010 097-003603-30012 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l Flux cored wire electrodes l Low-alloy, hightensile FCW 111T NiMoCr zzMicroalloyed rutile flux cored wire zzFor operating temperatures up to -60 °C zzFor welding high-tensile fine-grain structural steels up to 690 MPa yield strength zzAlloy for ship building/marine and offshore technology zzLow-spatter thanks to high chemical purity zzExcellent modelling capabilities, outstanding for positional welding zzParticularly suitable for MAG orbital welding zzCTOD tested welding material Standards EN ISO 18276-A T 69 6 Z P M 1 H5 AWS A-5.29 Chemical analysis C 0.08 Si 0.5 Mn 1.7 E 111 T1-K3M-J H4 Mo 0.3 Ni 2 P 0.015 S 0.015 Shielding gas M21 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥17 % ≥690 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥770 MPa - 900 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥47 J (-60 °C) Materials TM tube steels up to L690M, annealed, high-strength fine-grain structural steels up to S690QL, low-temperature tough, high-strength fine-grained construction steels up to S690G1Ql1 Packing drum B300 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 A (DC+) 190 - 320 kg 16 Ø /mm 1.2 Item no. 097-003630-30012 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 115 MIG/MAG l Flux cored wire electrodes l high-alloy FCW 307 Rutile zzHigh-alloy, rutile MAG flux cored wire electrode zzExcellent weldability, low spatter formation zzSlowly solidifying slag zzFor dissimilar joints and buffer layers zzOperating temperature with dissimilar joints 300 °C Standards DIN EN ISO 17633-A T 18 8 Mn R M 3 AWS A-5.22 E 307LT0-1/4 Material number Chemical analysis C 0.08 Si 0.6 Mn 6.4 1.4370 P 0.025 S 0.01 Ni 8 Cr 18 Mo 0.04 N 0.03 Shielding gas C1 / M13 / M21 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥40 % ≥390 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥470 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥47 J (0 °C) Approvals CE Materials Dissimilar joints, cladding, buffer layers for hardfacing, high C-content and difficult to weld steels, manganese steel (example: 1.3401) Packing drum BS300 116 A (DC+) 120 - 250 170 - 350 kg 15 17 Ø /mm 1.2 1.6 Item no. 097-003582-30012 097-003582-31716 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l Flux cored wire electrodes l high-alloy FCW 308 Rutile zzHigh-alloy, rutile MAG flux cored wire electrode zzExcellent weldability, low spatter formation zzSlowly solidifying slag zzOperating temperature with dissimilar joints 300 °C Standards DIN EN ISO 17633-A T 19 9 L R C/M 3 AWS A-5.22 E 308LT0-1/4 Material number Chemical analysis C 0.04 Si 0.8 Mn 1.5 1.4316 P 0.04 S 0.03 Ni 9.5 Cr 19.5 Mo 0.3 Shielding gas C1 / M21 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥41 % ≥370 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥520 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥35 J (0 °C) Approvals CE, TÜV Materials 1.4301, 1.4303, 1.4306, 1.4308, 1.4310, 1.4311, 1.4319, 1.4541, 1.4550, 1.4552 Packing drum BS300 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 A (DC+) 130 - 270 kg 15 Ø /mm 1.2 Item no. 097-003561-30012 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 117 MIG/MAG l Flux cored wire electrodes l high-alloy FCW 309 Rutile zzHigh-alloy, rutile MAG flux cored wire electrode zzExcellent weldability, low spatter formation zzSlowly solidifying slag zzFor dissimilar joints and buffer layers zzVery low carbon content zzOperating temperature with dissimilar joints 300 °C Standards DIN EN ISO 17633-A T 23 12 L R C/M 3 AWS A-5.22 E 309LT0-1/4 Material number Chemical analysis C 0.04 Si 0.8 Mn 2.5 1.4332 P 0.04 S 0.03 Ni 13 Cr 23 Mo 0.5 Cu 0.5 Shielding gas C1 / M21 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥30 % ≥390 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥520 MPa Approvals TÜV / DB / GL / LR / CE Materials Austenite-ferrite joints (dissimilar), cladding, corrosion-resistant layers on non-alloyed construction steels, buffer layers Packing drum BS300 118 A (DC+) 80 - 150 130 - 270 kg 12.5 15 Ø /mm 0.9 1.2 Item no. 097-003456-30009 097-003456-30012 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l Flux cored wire electrodes l high-alloy FCW 309 LP Rutile zzHigh-alloy, rutile MAG flux cored wire electrode zzCan be welded in any position, including vertically down zzExcellent weldability, low spatter formation zzFor dissimilar joints and buffer layers zzVery low carbon content zzOperating temperature with dissimilar joints 300 °C zzSlag is removed very easily Standards DIN EN ISO 17633-A T 23 12 L P C/M 1 AWS A-5.22 E 309LT1-1/-4 Material number Chemical analysis C 0.04 Si 0.8 Mn 2.5 1.4332 P 0.04 S 0.03 Ni 13 Cr 24 Mo 0.5 Cu 0.5 Shielding gas C1 / M21 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥30 % ≥390 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥520 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥54 J (0 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / CE / LR Materials Austenite-ferrite joints (dissimilar), cladding, corrosion-resistant layers on non-alloyed construction steels, buffer layers Packing drum S200 BS300 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 A (DC+) 120 - 280 kg 5.0 15 Ø /mm 1.2 Item no. 097-003519-20012 097-003519-30012 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 119 MIG/MAG l Flux cored wire electrodes l High-alloy, creepresistant FCW 316 Rutile zzHigh-alloy, rutile MAG flux cored wire electrode zzExcellent weldability, low spatter formation zzSlowly solidifying slag zzFor non-rusting Cr-Ni-Mo steels with low carbon content zzOperating temperature up to 400 °C Standards AWS A-5.22 E 316LT0-1/4 DIN EN ISO 17633-A T 19 12 3 L R C/M 3 Material number Chemical analysis C 0.04 Si 0.8 Mn 2.5 1.4430 P 0.04 S 0.03 Ni 13 Cr 19 Mo 2.5 Cu 0.5 Shielding gas M21 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥30 % ≥380 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥485 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥44 J (0 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / GL / LR / CE Materials 1.4401, 1.4404, 1.4406, 1.4408, 1.4429, 1.4435, 1.4436, 1.4541, 1.4550, 1.4571, 1.4580, 1.4581, 1.4583 Packing drum BS300 120 A (DC+) 70 - 170 120 - 280 kg 12.5 15 Ø /mm 0.9 1.2 Item no. 097-003457-30009 097-003457-30012 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l Flux cored wire electrodes l High-alloy, creepresistant FCW 316 LP Rutile zzHigh-alloy, rutile MAG flux cored wire electrode zzCan be welded in any position, including vertically down zzExcellent weldability, low spatter formation zzQuick solidifying and very easy to remove slag zzFor non-rusting Cr-Ni-Mo steels with low carbon content zzVery low carbon content zzOperating temperature up to 400 °C Standards AWS A-5.22 E 316LT1-1/-4 DIN EN ISO 17633-A T 19 12 3 L P C/M 1 Material number Chemical analysis C 0.04 Si 0.8 Mn 2.5 1.4430 P 0.04 S 0.03 Ni 13 Cr 19 Mo 2.5 Shielding gas M21 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥30 % ≥370 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥485 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥54 J (0 °C) Approvals TÜV / CE / GL Materials 1.4401, 1.4404, 1.4406, 1.4408, 1.4429, 1.4435, 1.4436, 1.4541, 1.4550, 1.4571, 1.4580, 1.4581, 1.4583 Packing drum B200 BS300 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 A (DC+) 130 - 270 kg 5.0 15 Ø /mm 1.2 Item no. 097-003520-20012 097-003520-30012 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 121 MIG/MAG l Flux cored wire electrodes l High-alloy, creepresistant FCW 316 METAL zzHigh-alloy MAG metal-cored wire electrode zzCan be welded in any position, including vertically down zzMaximum operating temperature 400 °C zzCan be used for stabilised and non-stabilised Cr-Ni steels zzVery homogeneous seam finish Standards DIN EN ISO 17633-A T 19 12 3 L M M 1 AWS A-5.9 Chemical analysis C 0.015 Si 0.5 Mn 1.3 EC 316L Cr 18.5 Mo 2.6 Ni 11.5 Cu 0.13 P 0.015 S 0.02 Shielding gas M21 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥35 % ≥450 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥610 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥50 J (-60 °C) Approvals CE Materials 1. 4401, 1.4404, 1.4406, 1.4408, 1.4420, 1.4435, 1.4436, 1.4571, 1.4573, 1.4580, 1.4581, 1.4583 Packing drum B300 122 A (DC+) 130 - 280 kg 15 Ø /mm 1.2 Item no. 097-003631-30012 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l Flux cored wire electrodes l Nickel-based FCW NiCr82 zzHigh-alloy, rutile MAG flux cored wire electrode zzExcellent weldability, low spatter formation zzSlag is removed very easily zzScale-resistant up to 1,200 °C zzResistant to embrittlement Standards AWS A-5.34 E NiCr3T0-4 DIN EN ISO 14172 Chemical analysis C 0.08 Si 0.3 Mn 3 T NI 6082 (NiCr20Mn3Nb) P 0.03 S 0.015 Ni 67 Cr 21 Fe 3 Nb 2.5 Cu 0.5 Ti 0.75 Shielding gas M21 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥30 % ≥380 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥560 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥100 J (0 °C) Materials 1.4558, 1.4859, 1.4861, 1.4876, 1.4877, 1.4885, 1.4958, 1.4968, 2.4669, 2.4694, 2.4816, 2.4817, 2.4867, 2.4867, 2.4869, 2.4951, 2.4952 Packing drum BS300 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 A - (DC+) 130 - 200 kg 12.5 15 Ø /mm 1.2 Item no. 097-003577-20212 097-003577-30012 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 123 MIG/MAG l Flux cored wire electrodes l Hardfacing FCW Hard 300 GP zzLow-alloy welding consumable zzEspecially suitable for medium friction wear and heavy impact stress zzCrack-free surfacing, suitable for metal cutting zzResistant to high pressures and temperatures zzOptimum for use as a buffer layer Standards EN 14700 T Fe 1 DIN 8555 Chemical analysis C 0.1 Si 0.5 Mn 2 MF1-GF-300-GP Cr 1.5 Shielding gas M13 / I1 Hardness 300 HB Fields of application Cable pulleys, rails, couplings, support rollers for caterpillar vehicles, wheels, shafts Processing information Max. interpass temperature 250 °C, no preheating required (exceptions may apply) Packing drum BS 300 124 A (DC+) kg Ø /mm U/V Item no. 120 - 220 160 - 260 260 - 340 15 1.2 1.6 2.4 19 - 22 20 - 26 24 - 28 097-003728-30012 097-003728-30016 097-003728-30024 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l Flux cored wire electrodes l Hardfacing FCW 450 CP zzForms a weld metal of medium hardness zzCorrosion-resistant zzGood resistance to impact wear under permanent load and heat impact zzSpecific heat treatment enables martensitic structure to be adjusted in the range of 400 to 500 HB. Standards EN 14700 T z Fe 7 DIN 8555 Chemical analysis C 0.25 Cr 12 Mo 1.5 MF5-GF-450-CP Ni 2.3 V 1 Shielding gas I1 / M13 Hardness 320 - 500 HB Fields of application Wheel rims, chain links, bucket chains, crane rail wheels Processing information Preheating: 250 °C to 350 °C, max. interpass temperature: 450 °C, max. deposition thickness: 10 mm Packing drum BS 300 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 A (DC+) kg Ø /mm U/V Item no. 160 - 260 260 - 340 300 - 400 320 - 460 15 1.6 2.4 2.8 3.2 20 - 26 24 - 28 25 - 29 26 - 32 097-003735-30016 097-003735-30024 097-003735-30028 097-003735-30032 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 125 MIG/MAG l Flux cored wire electrodes l Hardfacing FCW Hard 43 CGT zzHigh Cr, Ni, Mo content zzUse in situations of heavy corrosion attack in combination with abrasive wear zzWeld metal is machinable Standards EN 14700 T Fe 14 DIN 8555 Chemical analysis C 1.8 Si 0.9 Mn 1.2 MF10-GF-45-CGT Cr 28 Ni 3 Mo 0.8 Shielding gas M13 Hardness 43 HRC Fields of application Screw presses and kneaders for the meat processing and fodder industries, as well as the chemical industry Packing drum BS 300 126 A (DC+) 160 - 260 220 - 280 260 - 340 300 - 400 320 - 460 kg Ø /mm U/V Item no. 15 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2 20 - 26 22 - 27 24 - 28 25 - 29 26 - 30 097-003730-30016 097-003730-30020 097-003730-30024 097-003730-30028 097-003730-30032 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l Flux cored wire electrodes l Hardfacing FCW Hard 52 G zzSelf-shielding cored wire electrode zzEspecially suitable for build-ups with severely abrasive wear and medium impact stress Standards EN 14700 T Fe 16 DIN 8555 Chemical analysis C 3 Si 1.8 Mn 1.8 MF10-GF-50-G Cr 15 Shielding gas -Hardness 52 HRC Fields of application Waste material shredding, jolt/impact Packing drum BS 300 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 A (DC+) kg Ø /mm U/V Item no. 160 - 260 220 - 280 260 - 340 300 - 400 15 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 20 - 26 22 - 27 24 - 28 25 - 29 097-003732-30016 097-003732-30020 097-003732-30024 097-003732-30028 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 127 MIG/MAG l Flux cored wire electrodes l Hardfacing FCW Hard 56 RP zzWeld metal with high chrome content zzHigh resistance to impact stress zzResistant to slightly aggressive media zzIdeally suited for build-up welding of wear-resistant passes on ferrite-austenitic structures Standards EN 14700 T Fe 8 DIN 8555 Chemical analysis C 0.5 Si 2.7 Mn 0.5 MF6-GF-55-RP Cr 9.5 Shielding gas I1 / M13 Hardness 56 HRC Fields of application Crusher rollers, jaw crushers, hammer bridges, coal ploughs, impact mills, shredder systems Packing drum BS 300 128 A (DC-) kg Ø /mm U/V Item no. 120 - 220 160 - 260 220 - 280 260 - 340 15 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 19 - 22 20 - 26 22 - 27 24 - 28 097-003729-30012 097-003729-30016 097-003729-30020 097-003729-30024 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l Flux cored wire electrodes l Hardfacing FCW Hard 58 GR zzFlux cored wire electrode with a high C or Cr content zzEspecially suitable for the armour-plating of parts exposed to heavy wear caused by corrosion and mineral substances Standards EN 14700 T Fe 15 DIN 8555 Chemical analysis C 3.7 Si 1.2 MF10-GF-60-GR Cr 32 Shielding gas I1 / M13 Hardness 58 HRC Fields of application Agriculture, gravel excavators, pump parts, mixer blades, agitator arms, concrete pumps, screw conveyors. Processing information Preheating temperature: approx. 450 °C (keep temperature during welding), max. deposition thickness: 8 mm, best results for two-layer welds, not recommended for impact and shock stress Packing drum BS 300 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 A (DC+) kg Ø /mm U/V Item no. 160 - 260 220 - 280 260 - 340 300 - 400 15 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 20 - 26 22 - 27 24 - 28 25 - 29 097-003731-30016 097-003731-30020 097-003731-30024 097-003731-30028 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 129 MIG/MAG l Flux cored wire electrodes l Hardfacing FCW Hard 60 GR zzFlux cored wire with a high C or Cr content zzEspecially suitable for build-up on workpieces subject to heavy wear caused by mineral substances zzSuitable for use in wet areas Standards EN 14700 T Fe 14 DIN 8555 Chemical analysis C 5 Si 1.5 MF10-GF-60-GR Cr 32 Shielding gas I1 / M13 Hardness 60 HRC Fields of application Agriculture, gravel excavators, pump parts, mixer blades, agitator arms, concrete pumps, screw conveyors. Processing information Max. deposition thickness: 8 mm, best results for two-layer welds, not recommended for impact and shock stress Packing drum BS 300 130 A (DC+) kg Ø /mm U/V Item no. 160 - 260 220 - 280 260 - 340 300 - 400 15 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 20 - 26 22 - 27 24 - 28 25 - 29 097-003733-30016 097-003733-30020 097-003733-30024 097-003733-30028 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MIG/MAG l Flux cored wire electrodes l Hardfacing FCW Hard 63 G zzSelf-shielding flux cored wire electrode zzHigh C, Cr, Nb, B alloyed zzHighly efficient protection against abrasive and mineral wear zzWith bonded special carbides of extreme hardness Standards EN 14700 T Fe 15 DIN 8555 Chemical analysis C 5.4 Cr 22 MF10-GF-65-G Nb 7 Shielding gas -Hardness 63 HRC Fields of application Lignite surface mining, brick-making industry, mining, sand and gravel excavators, cement and concrete industry; suitable for screw conveyors, cement pumps, mixer blades, agitators Processing information Not recommended for welds with more than two layers Packing drum BS 300 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 A (DC+) kg Ø /mm U/V Item no. 160 - 260 220 - 280 260 - 340 300 - 400 15 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 20 - 26 22 - 27 24 - 28 25 - 29 097-003734-30016 097-003734-30020 097-003734-30024 097-003734-30028 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 131 MIG/MAG l Flux cored wire electrodes l Hardfacing FCW COBALT2 zzCobalt-based MAG flux cored wire electrode zzExcellent wear resistance zzCan be used in conditions with high abrasion, hard impacts and extreme temperature fluctuations zzFor heavy-duty, corrosion-resistant GMA-surfacing on steel zzExcellent weldability, low spatter formation zzVery good corrosion resistance zzFor impact loading and mineral abrasion zzHardness 40 – 43 HRC zzMachinable with carbide tools Standards EN 14700 Chemical analysis C 1.1 Cr 28 W 4 T Co2 Co Rest Shielding gas M21 Expansion, A5 ≥30 % Approvals CE Hardness 40 - 43 HRC Materials Heavy-duty, corrosion-resistant surfacing on steel Can be used in conditions with high abrasion, hard impacts and extreme temperature fluctuations Packing drum BS300 132 A (DC+) 150 - 200 kg 15 Ø /mm 1.2 Item no. 097-003624-30012 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 TIG Overview TIG Page Unalloyed Low-alloy High-alloy Creep resistant Weatherproof Low-temperature tough Stainless steel Heat resistant Creep resistant Duplex Nickel-based Aluminium Copper-based Tool steels Hardfacing SZW 2016 2016-01-08 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 134 137 143 144 145 149 151 156 158 160 168 173 175 133 TIG unalloyed TR 70S G2 zzUnalloyed TIG welding rod zzCopper-plated and stamped zzSuitable for boiler and tube steels zzSemi-fluid molten pool, good controllability Standards DIN EN ISO 636-A AWS A-5.18 ER 70S-3 Material number Chemical analysis C 0.09 Si 0.6 W 2Si1 1.5112 Mn 1.15 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥22 % ≥360 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥510 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥47 J (-20 °C) / ≥100 J (20 °C) Length 1000 mm Materials S185 - S275JR, S355J0 - S355, S255N - S355N, P255NH - P355NH, P235GH, P265GH,P310GH kg 5.0 134 Ø /mm 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.0 Item no. 097-003580-10010 097-003580-10016 097-003580-10020 097-003580-10024 097-003580-10030 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 TIG unalloyed TR 70S G3 zzUnalloyed TIG welding rod zzCopper-plated and stamped zzSuitable for boiler and tube steels zzSemi-fluid molten pool, good controllability Standards DIN EN ISO 636-A AWS A-5.18 ER 70S-6 Material number Chemical analysis C 0.09 Si 0.85 W 46 5 / W3Si 1 1.5125 Mn 1.45 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥22 % ≥420 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥500 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥47 J (-50 °C) / ≥100 J (20 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / CE Length 1000 mm Materials S185 - S275JR, S355JO - S335, S255N - S355N, P235GH, P265GH, P310GH kg 5.0 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.0 4.0 Item no. 097-003489-10010 097-003489-10016 097-003489-10020 097-003489-10024 097-003489-10030 097-003489-10040 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 135 TIG unalloyed TR 70S G4 zzUnalloyed TIG welding rod zzCopper-plated and stamped zzSuitable for boiler and tube steels zzSemi-fluid molten pool, good controllability zzLow-spatter thanks to high chemical purity Standards DIN EN ISO 636-A AWS A-5.18 ER 70S-6 Material number Chemical analysis C 0.09 Si 0.95 W 46 4/ W4Si1 1.5130 Mn 1.65 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥22 % ≥460 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥530 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥47 J (-40 °C) / ≥100 J (20 °C) Length 1000 mm Materials S185 -S275JR, S355JO -S335, S255N - S355N, P235GH, P265GH, P310GH, S460N, S460M kg 5.0 136 Ø /mm 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.0 Item no. 097-003574-10016 097-003574-10020 097-003574-10024 097-003574-10030 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 TIG l low-alloy l creep resistant TR CrMo5 zzLow-alloy TIG welding rod zzCopper-plated and stamped zzCreep resistant filler for pipe and container construction zzMaximum operating temperature 600 °C Standards DIN EN ISO 21952-A W CrMo5 Si AWS A-5.28 ER 80S-B6 Material number Chemical analysis C 0.08 Si 0.35 Mn 0.55 1.7373 Mo 0.65 Cr 6 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥18 % ≥450 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥570 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥100 J (20 °C) Length 1000 mm Materials X12CrMo5, 12CrMo-5 kg 5.0 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 1.6 2.4 3.0 Item no. 097-003585-10016 097-003585-10024 097-003585-10032 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 137 TIG l low-alloy l creep resistant TR 80S Mo zzLow-alloy TIG welding rod zzCopper-plated and stamped zzCreep resistant filler for pipe and container construction zzMaximum operating temperature 500 °C DIN EN ISO 21952-A W Mo Si AWS A-5.28 ER 70S-A1 (ER 80S-G) Material number Chemical analysis C 0.1 Si 0.6 Mn 1.15 1.5424 Mo 0.52 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% >22 % ≥460 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥560 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥60 J (20 °C) / ≥47 J (-20 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / CE Length 1000 mm Materials P255NH-P355NH, P355NL1-P460NL1, P236GH, P265GH,P310GH, 16Mo3 kg 5.0 138 Ø /mm 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.0 Item no. 097-003487-10016 097-003487-10020 097-003487-10024 097-003487-10030 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 TIG l low-alloy l creep resistant TR 80S CrMo1 zzLow-alloy TIG welding rod zzCopper-plated and stamped zzSuitable for alloyed, heat-resistant boiler and tube steels zzMaximum operating temperature 550 °C zzBruscato factor max. 12 ppm Standards DIN EN ISO 21952-A W CrMo1 Si AWS A-5.28 ER 80S-G Material number Chemical analysis C 0.1 Si 0.6 Mn 1 1.7339 Mo 0.5 Cr 1.2 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥22 % ≥305 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥450 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥100 J (20 °C) / ≥47 J (-10 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / CE Length 1000 mm Materials 13CrMo4-5, 13CrMoSi5-5, G17CrMo5-5 kg 5.0 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.0 Item no. 097-003500-10016 097-003500-10020 097-003500-10024 097-003500-10030 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 139 TIG l low-alloy l creep resistant TR 90S CrMo2 zzLow-alloy TIG welding rod zzCopper-plated and stamped zzSuitable for alloyed, heat-resistant boiler and tube steels zzMaximum operating temperature 600 °C zzBruscato factor max. 12 ppm Standards DIN EN ISO 21952-A W CrMo2 Si AWS A-5.28 ER 90S-G Material number Chemical analysis C 0.08 Si 0.6 Mn 0.9 1.7384 Mo 1 Cr 2.45 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥22 % ≥355 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥540 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥100 J (20 °C) / ≥47 J (-10 °C) Length 1000 mm Materials 10CrMo9-10, 12 CrMo19-5, 10CrSiMoV7 kg 5.0 140 Ø /mm 2.0 2.4 3.0 Item no. 097-003541-10020 097-003541-10024 097-003541-10030 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 TIG l low-alloy l creep resistant TR 90S CrMo91 zzLow-alloy TIG welding rod zzFor welding highly heat-resistant steel T91/P91 Standards DIN EN ISO 21952-A W CrMo91 AWS A-5.28 Chemical analysis C 0.1 Si 0.25 Mn 0.5 ER 90S-B9 Cr 8.7 Ni 0.6 Mo 1 V 0.2 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥16 % ≥520 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥620 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥50 J (20 °C) Length 1000 mm Materials A 213 T91, A 335 P91, X10CrMoVNb9-1 kg 5.0 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 1.6 2.4 3.2 Item no. 097-003629-10016 097-003629-10024 097-003629-10032 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 141 TIG l low-alloy l creep resistant TR 90S CrMo2 VTi zzLow-alloy TIG welding rod zzFor welding high-temperature steels T/P24 Standards DIN EN ISO 21952-A W CrMo2VNb AWS A-5.28 Chemical analysis C 0.1 Si 0.25 Mn 0.9 ER 90S-G Cr 2.3 Mo 1 V 0.3 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥22 % ≥550 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥650 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥47 J (20 °C) Length 1000 mm Materials S235JRW - S355J2G1W, 9CrNiCu3-2-4 kg 5.0 142 Ø /mm 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.0 Item no. 097-003560-10016 097-003560-10020 097-003560-10024 097-003560-10030 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 TIG l low-alloy l Weatherproof TR 80S NiCu zzLow-alloy TIG welding rod zzCopper-plated and stamped zzFor welding weatherproof steels Standards DIN EN ISO 16834-A W ZMn3N1Cu AWS A-5.28 Chemical analysis C 0.08 Si 0.8 Mn 1.4 ER 80S-G Ni 0.8 Cu 0.4 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥22 % ≥450 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥550 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥47 J (-20 °C) / ≥80 J (20 °C) Length 1000 mm Materials S235JRW - S355J2G1W, 9CrNiCu3-2-4 kg 5.0 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.0 Item no. 097-003555-10016 097-003555-10020 097-003555-10024 097-003555-10030 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 143 TIG l low-alloy l Low-temperature tough TR 80S Ni1 zzLow-alloy TIG welding rod zzFor operating temperatures up to -60 °C zzSuitable for cold tough fine-grain structural steels zzCopper-plated and stamped zzSemi-fluid molten pool, good controllability Standards DIN EN ISO 636-A W 3Ni1 AWS A-5.28 Chemical analysis C 0.09 Si 0.5 Mn 1.05 ER 80S-Ni1 Ni 0,9 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥22 % ≥470 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥560 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥47 J (-60 °C) Length 1000 mm Materials P355NL1 - P460NL1 kg 5.0 144 Ø /mm 1.6 2.4 3.0 Item no. 097-003618-10016 097-003618-10024 097-003618-10030 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 TIG l high-alloy l stainless steel TR 307 Si zzHigh-alloy TIG welding rod zzExcellent welding characteristics thanks to high Si content zzSuitable for dissimilar joints and buffer layers zzStrain-hardening zzStamped Standards DIN EN ISO 14343-A W 18 8 Mn Si AWS A-5.9 ER 307 Si Material number Chemical analysis C 0.08 Si 0.85 Mn 7 1.4370 Ni 8 Cr 18 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥42 % ≥450 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥650 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥120 J (20 °C) / ≥60 J (-80 °C) Length 1000 mm Materials 1.3401 Difficult to weld steel, tool steel, spring steel, manganese steel, case-hardened steel, Dissimilar joints kg 5.0 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 1.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.2 Item no. 097-003490-10010 097-003490-10012 097-003490-10016 097-003490-10020 097-003490-10024 097-003490-10032 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 145 TIG l high-alloy l stainless steel TR 308 L Si zzHigh-alloy TIG welding rod zzExcellent welding characteristics thanks to high Si content zzFor non-rusting Cr-Ni steels with low C content zzMaximum operating temperature 350 °C zzCold tough up to -196 °C zzStamped Standards DIN EN ISO 14343-A W 19 9 L Si AWS A-5.9 ER 308 L Si Material number Chemical analysis C 0.02 Si 0.8 Mn 1.75 1.4316 Cr 19 Ni 9 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥40 % ≥400 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥590 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥120 J (20 °C) / ≥60 J (-196 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / CE Length 1000 mm Materials 1.4301, 1.4303, 1.4306, 1.4308, 1.4310, 1.4311, 1.4319, 1.4541, 1.4550, 1.4552 kg 5.0 146 Ø /mm 1.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.2 Item no. 097-003491-10010 097-003491-10012 097-003491-10016 097-003491-10020 097-003491-10024 097-003491-10032 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 TIG l high-alloy l stainless steel TR 309 L Si zzHigh-alloy TIG welding rod zzExcellent welding characteristics thanks to high Si content zzSuitable for dissimilar joints and buffer layers zzMaximum operating temperature 300 °C zzStamped Standards DIN EN ISO 14343-A W 23 12 L Si AWS A-5.9 ER 309 L Si Material number Chemical analysis C 0.02 Si 0.8 Mn 1.8 1.4332 Cr 23 Ni 13 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥35 % ≥450 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥650 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥130 J (20 °C) / ≥65 J (-120 °C) Approvals TÜV Length 1000 mm Materials Austenite-ferrite joints (dissimilar), cladding, corrosion-resistant layers on non-alloyed construction steels, buffer layers kg 5.0 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.2 Item no. 097-003539-10010 097-003539-10016 097-003539-10020 097-003539-10024 097-003539-10032 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 147 TIG l high-alloy l stainless steel TR 410 NiMo zzHigh-alloy TIG welding rod zzSuitable for soft martensitic chrome steels zzIt is recommended to temper or anneal after welding zzStamped Standards DIN EN ISO 14343-A W 13 4 AWS A-5.9 ER 410 NiMo Material number Chemical analysis C 0.08 Si 0.45 Mn 0.6 1.4351 Cr 12.5 Ni 4.5 Mo 0.6 P 0.03 S 0.03 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥15 % ≥500 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥760 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥50 J (20 °C) Length 1000 mm Materials martensitic chrome steels, fine castings and steel castings of type 13% Cr - 4% Ni kg 5.0 148 Ø /mm 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.2 Item no. 097-003590-10016 097-003590-10020 097-003590-10024 097-003590-10032 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 TIG l high-alloy l heat resistant TR 309 H zzJoint welding and surfacing of heat-resisting CrSi, CrAl and CrNiSi steels zzFor similar heat- and scale-resistant steels zzHigh-alloy TIG welding rod zzScale-resistant up to 950 °C zzNot prone to hot crack formation due to high delta-ferrite content Standards DIN EN ISO 14343-A W 22 12 H AWS A-5.9 ER 309 Si Material number Chemical analysis C 0.1 Si 0.9 Mn 1.7 1.4829 Cr 22 Ni 11.5 Fe Rest Length 1000 mm Materials 1.4828, 1.4826, 1.4833, 1.4713, 1.4724, 1.4742, 1.4710, 1.4740, 1.4829, 1.4832, 1.4878, 1.4713 kg 5.0 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.2 Item no. 097-004879-10012 097-004879-10016 097-004879-10020 097-004879-10024 097-004879-10032 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 149 TIG l high-alloy l heat resistant TR 310 zzHigh-alloy TIG welding rod zzWeld metal made of fully austenitic chrome nickel steel zzFor welding heatproof steels zzScale resistant up to 1100 °C zzNot resistant in gases containing sulphur zzStamped Standards DIN EN ISO 14343-A W 25 20 AWS A-5.9 ER 310 Material number Chemical analysis C 0.1 Si 0.4 Mn 1.5 1.4842 Cr 25 Ni 20 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥40 % ≥390 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥590 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥170 J (20 °C) / ≥60 J (-196 °C) Length 1000 mm Materials 1.4710, 1.4713, 1.4726, 1.4745, 1.4823, 1.4832, 1.4837, 1.4840, 1.4841, 1.4845, 1.4846, 1.4848, 1.4849 kg 5.0 150 Ø /mm 1.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.2 Item no. 097-003536-10010 097-003536-10012 097-003536-10016 097-003536-10020 097-003536-10024 097-003536-10032 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 TIG l high-alloy l creep resistant TR 312 zzHigh-alloy TIG welding rod zzFor heavy-duty, corrosion-resistant GMA-surfacing on steel zzHigh strength and wear resistance after welding zzFor dissimilar joints and buffer layers zzStrain-hardening zzStamped Standards DIN EN ISO 14343-A W 29 9 AWS A-5.9 ER 312 Material number Chemical analysis C 0.1 Si 0.5 Mn 1.9 1.4337 Cr 29 Ni 9 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥25 % ≥600 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥750 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥50 J (20 °C) Length 1000 mm Materials corrosion-resistant similar steel and cast steel (e.g. 1.4762, 1.4085), difficult to weld steel, manganese steel, repairs and wear-resistant layers kg 5.0 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 1.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.2 Item no. 097-003538-10010 097-003538-10012 097-003538-10016 097-003538-10020 097-003538-10024 097-003538-10032 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 151 TIG l high-alloy l creep resistant TR 316 L Si zzHigh-alloy TIG welding rod zzExcellent welding characteristics thanks to high Si content zzFor non-rusting Cr-Ni steels with low C content zzMaximum operating temperature 400 °C zzStamped Standards DIN EN ISO 14343-A W 19 12 3 L Si AWS A-5.9 ER 316 L Si Material number Chemical analysis C 0.02 Si 0.85 Mn 1.75 1.4430 Cr 19 Ni 12 Mo 2.7 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥40 % ≥400 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥600 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥120 J (20 °C) / ≥50 J (-196 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / CE Length 1000 mm Materials 1.4401, 1.4404, 1.4406, 1.4408, 1.4429, 1.4435, 1.4436, 1.4541, 1.4550, 1.4571, 1.4580, 1.4581, 1.4583 kg 5.0 152 Ø /mm 1.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.2 Item no. 097-003492-10010 097-003492-10012 097-003492-10016 097-003492-10020 097-003492-10024 097-003492-10032 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 TIG l high-alloy l creep resistant TR 318 Si zzHigh-alloy TIG welding rod zzExcellent welding characteristics thanks to high Si content zzCan be used for welding stabilised Cr-Ni steels zzMaximum operating temperature 400 °C zzStamped Standards DIN EN ISO 14343-A W 19 12 3 Nb Si AWS A-5.9 ER 318 Si Material number Chemical analysis C 0.04 Si 0.8 Mn 1.8 1.4576 Cr 19 Ni 11 Mo 2.5 Nb 0.5 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥34 % ≥400 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥610 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥90 J (20 °C) / ≥40 J (-120 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / CE Length 1000 mm Materials 1.4401, 1.4406, 1.4408, 1.4429, 1.4436, 1.4571, 1.4580, 1.4581, 1.4583 kg 5.0 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 1.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.2 Item no. 097-003493-10010 097-003493-10012 097-003493-10016 097-003493-10020 097-003493-10024 097-003493-10032 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 153 TIG l high-alloy l creep resistant TR 347 zzHigh-alloy TIG welding rod zzSuitable for joint welding of stainless and heat-resistant steels zzScale-resistant up to 800 °C zzCold tough up to -196 °C zzCan be used for welding stabilised Cr-Ni steels zzStamped Standards DIN EN ISO 14343-A W 19 9 Nb Si AWS A-5.9 ER 347 Si Material number Chemical analysis C 0.06 Si 0.95 Mn 2 1.4551 Cr 20 Ni 10 Mo 0.4 Cu 0.4 Nb 0.9 S 0.015 Pb 0.02 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥35 % ≥400 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥620 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥130 J (20 °C) / ≥40 J (-196 °C) Length 1000 mm Materials 1.4541, 1.4550, 1.4552, 1.4301, 1.4312, 1.4546, 1.4311, 1.4306 kg 5.0 154 Ø /mm 1.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.2 Item no. 097-003581-10010 097-003581-10012 097-003581-10016 097-003581-10020 097-003581-10024 097-003581-10032 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 TIG l high-alloy l creep resistant TR 904 L zzHigh-alloy TIG welding rod zzSuitable for boiler and tube steels zzResistant to media containing sulphur and chloride zzMaximum operating temperature 400 °C zzCold tough up to -196 °C zzStamped Standards DIN EN ISO 14343-A W 20 25 5 Cu L AWS A-5.9 ~ ER 385 Material number Chemical analysis C 0.02 Si 0.3 Mn 1.5 1.4539 Mo 4.2 Nb 0.05 Cr 19.8 Ni 25 Cu 1.4 Co 0.5 Al 0.5 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥35 % ≥410 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥600 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥130 J (-196 °C) Length 1000 mm Materials 1.4529,1.4539 kg 5.0 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.2 4.0 Item no. 097-003635-10010 097-003635-10016 097-003635-10020 097-003635-10024 097-003635-10032 097-003635-10040 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 155 TIG l high-alloy l Duplex TR 2209 Duplex zzHigh-alloy TIG welding rod zzUse in a temperature range from -40 °C to 250 °C zzUse in offshore technology, e.g. in pipe construction zzFor ferrite-austenitic Cr-Ni-Mo steels zzResistant to products containing chloride and acid gases zzStamped Standards DIN EN ISO 14343-A W 22 9 3 N L AWS A-5.9 Chemical analysis C 0.02 Si 0.4 Mn 1.7 ER 2209 Cr 22.5 Ni 9 Mo 3 N 0.15 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥30 % ≥620 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥800 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥100 J (-46 °C) / ≥85 J (-60 °C) Approvals TÜV / CE Length 1000 mm Materials 1.4462, 1.4417, 1.4460, 1.4362 Dissimilar joints kg 5.0 156 Ø /mm 1.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.2 Item no. 097-003499-10010 097-003499-10012 097-003499-10016 097-003499-10020 097-003499-10024 097-003499-10032 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 TIG l high-alloy l Duplex TR 2594 Super Duplex zzHigh-alloy TIG welding rod zzUse in offshore technology, e.g. in pipe construction zzResistant to products containing chloride and acid gases zzMaximum operating temperature of the end product: 250 °C zzFor ferrite-austenitic super duplex steels zzStamped Standards DIN EN ISO 14343-A W 25 9 4 N L AWS A-5.9 Chemical analysis C 0.03 Si 0.45 Mn 0.6 ER 2594 Cr 25 Ni 9.2 Mo 4 N 0.25 S 0.01 P 0.025 Cu 0.5 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥27 % ≥695 J Tensile strength, Rm ≥900 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥135 J (-50 °C) Approvals TÜV Length 1000 mm Materials 25% Cr super-duplex steels, e.g. 1.4501 X2CrNiMoCuWN 25-7-4 AND S 32750, S 32760 Dissimilar joints kg 5.0 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.2 Item no. 097-003584-10012 097-003584-10016 097-003584-10020 097-003584-10024 097-003584-10032 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 157 TIG Nickel-based TR NiCr82 zzHigh-alloy TIG welding rod zzCold tough up to -196 °C zzScale-resistant up to 1,200 °C zzFor corrosion-resistant alloys with nickel, stainless steels and carbon steels zzResistant to embrittlement zzHigh strength and creep strength values zzDissimilar joints in the petrochemical industry and offshore technology (e.g. furnaces) zzStamped Standards DIN EN ISO 18274 S Ni 6082 (NiCr20Mn3Nb) AWS A-5.14 Chemical analysis C 0.05 Si 0.5 Mn 3.5 ER NiCr 3 Cr 22 Ni 67 Fe 3 Nb 3 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥35 % ≥380 J Tensile strength, Rm ≥620 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥55 J (-196 °C) / ≥100 J (20 °C) Length 1000 mm Materials 1.4558, 1.4859, 1.4861, 1.4876, 1.4877, 1.4885, 1.4958, 1.4968, 2.4669, 2.4694, 2.4816,2.4817, 2.4867, 2.4867, 2.4869, 2.4951, 2.4952 kg 5.0 158 Ø /mm 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.2 Item no. 097-003608-10016 097-003608-10020 097-003608-10024 097-003608-10032 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 TIG Nickel-based TR 625 zzHigh-alloy TIG welding rod zzFor austenite ferrite joints above 300 °C zzCold tough up to -196 °C zzScale resistant up to 1100 °C zzStamped Standards DIN EN ISO 18274 W Ni 6625 (NiCr22Mo9Nb) AWS A-5.14 Chemical analysis C 0.01 Si 0.12 Mn 0.05 ER NiCrMo3 Cr 22 Mo 9 Nb 3.5 Ni Rest Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥35 % ≥480 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥780 MPa Impact energy, Av >80 J (-196 °C) Approvals TÜV Length 1000 mm Materials 1.4529, 1.4539, 1.4558, 1.4876, 1.5680, 1.5681, 1.5662, 2.4605, 2.4618, 2.4856, 2.4858, 2.4951, 2.4952 High-molybdenum, corrosion-resistant steels, low-temperature tough nickel steels, alloy 625, Alloy 800 kg 5.0 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.2 Item no. 097-003537-10016 097-003537-10020 097-003537-10024 097-003537-10032 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 159 TIG Aluminium TR 1450 99,5 Ti zzTIG welding rod, aluminium zzTitanium forms fine grains and increases the mechanical qualities zzMore resistant to hot cracks than pure aluminium Standards DIN EN ISO 18273 AWS A-5.10 ER 1450 Material number Chemical analysis Ti 0.15 S AL 1450 (Al99,5Ti) 3.0805 Al Rest Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% >35 % >20 MPa Tensile strength, Rm >65 MPa Approvals DB / CE Length 1000 mm Melting range 647 °C - 658 °C Materials Al99,5Ti, Al99,3, Al99,5, Al99,6, Al99,7, Al99,85, kg 2.5 160 Ø /mm 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.2 4.0 Item no. 097-003512-10016 097-003512-10020 097-003512-10024 097-003512-10032 097-003512-10040 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 TIG Aluminium TR 3103 Mn1 zzTIG welding rod, aluminium zzAlloy for ship building/marine and offshore technology zzSeawater resistant Standards DIN EN ISO 18273 S AL 3103 (AlMn1) AWS A-5.10 Chemical analysis Mn 1.2 Si 0.3 Mg 0.2 ER 3103 Al Rest Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥24 % ≥35 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥90 MPa Length 1000 mm Melting range 648 °C - 657 °C Materials AlMn0,6, AlMn1, AlMn0,2Mg0,1, AlMn1Mg0,5 kg 2.5 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.2 4.0 Item no. 097-003575-10016 097-003575-10020 097-003575-10024 097-003575-10032 097-003575-10040 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 161 TIG Aluminium TR 4043 Si5 zzTIG welding rod, aluminium zz5% silicon zzUntreated low strength values zzNot suitable for subsequent anodisation zzResistant to hot cracks zzMain areas of use are welds on cast aluminium Standards DIN EN ISO 18273 AWS A-5.10 ER 4043 Material number Chemical analysis Si 5 S Al 4043A (AlSi5(A)) 3.2245 Al Rest Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥8 % ≥40 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥120 MPa Approvals DB / CE Length 1000 mm Melting range 573 °C - 625 °C Materials AlSiMg, AlMgSi kg 2.5 162 Ø /mm 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.2 4.0 Item no. 097-003497-10016 097-003497-10020 097-003497-10024 097-003497-10032 097-003497-10040 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 TIG Aluminium TR 4047 Si12 zzTIG welding rod, aluminium zz12% silicon zzUntreated low strength values zzNot suitable for subsequent anodisation zzResistant to hot cracks zzMain areas of use are welds on cast aluminium Standards DIN EN ISO 18273 AWS A-5.10 ER 4047 Material number Chemical analysis Si 12 S AL 4047A (AlSi12(A)) 3.2585 Al Rest Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥5 % ≥60 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥130 MPa Approvals DB / CE Length 1000 mm Melting range 575 °C - 585 °C Materials AlSiMg, AlMgSi kg 2.5 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.2 4.0 Item no. 097-003510-10016 097-003510-10020 097-003510-10024 097-003510-10032 097-003510-10040 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 163 TIG Aluminium TR 5087 Mg4,5 MnZr zzTIG welding rod, aluminium zzHigh strength, extremely resistant to corrosion, resistant to sea water zzVery good mechanical quality values Standards DIN EN ISO 18273 S AL 5087 (AlMg4,5MnZr) AWS A-5.10 ER 5087 Material number Chemical analysis Mg 4.5 Mn 1 Cr 0.15 3.3546 Zr 0.15 Al Rest Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥17 % ≥125 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥275 MPa Approvals DB / GL / CE Length 1000 mm Melting range 574 °C - 638 °C Materials AlMg3,5, AlMg4,5, AlMg5, AlMg3,5Mn, AlMg3,5Mn0,4, AlMg4,5Mn0,7, AlMg5Mn0,4, AlMg5Mn1, AlMgSi1, G-AlMg3, G-AlMg5 kg 2.5 164 Ø /mm 1.6 2.4 2.0 3.2 4.0 Item no. 097-003511-10016 097-003511-10020 097-003511-10024 097-003511-10032 097-003511-10040 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 TIG Aluminium TR 5183 Mg4,5 Mn zzTIG welding rod, aluminium zz4.5% magnesium, 0.7% manganese zzHigh strength, extremely resistant to corrosion, resistant to sea water zzSuitable for subsequent anodisation Standards DIN EN ISO 18273 S AL 5183 (AlMg4,5Mn0,7) AWS A-5.10 ER 5183 Material number Chemical analysis Mg 4.5 Mn 0.7 Cr 0.15 3.3548 Al Rest Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥17 % ≥125 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥275 MPa Approvals TÜV / DB / GL / LR / CE Length 1000 mm Melting range 574 °C - 638 °C Materials AlMg3,5, AlMg4,5, AlMg5, AlMg3,5Mn, AlMg3,5Mn0,4, AlMg4,5Mn0,7, AlMg5Mn0,4, AlMg5Mn1, AlMgSi1, G-AlMg3, G-AlMg5 kg 2.5 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.2 4.0 Item no. 097-003495-10016 097-003495-10020 097-003495-10024 097-003495-10032 097-003495-10040 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 165 TIG Aluminium TR 5356 Mg5 zzTIG welding rod, aluminium zz5% magnesium zzHigh strength, extremely resistant to corrosion, resistant to sea water zzSuitable for subsequent anodisation Standards DIN EN ISO 18273 S AL 5356 (AlMg5Cr) AWS A-5.10 ER 5356 Material number Chemical analysis Mg 5 Mn 0.15 Cr 0.1 3.3556 Ti 0.1 Al Rest Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥8 % ≥120 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥250 MPa Approvals TÜV / DB / LR / CE Length 1000 mm Melting range 575 °C - 633 °C Materials AlMg3, AlMg4,5, AlMg5, AlMgSi1, G-AlMg3, G-AlMg3 kg 2.5 166 Ø /mm 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.2 4.0 Item no. 097-003496-10016 097-003496-10020 097-003496-10024 097-003496-10032 097-003496-10040 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 TIG Aluminium TR 5754 Mg3 zzTIG welding rod, aluminium zz3% magnesium zzMedium strength, corrosion resistant zzSuitable for subsequent anodisation Standards DIN EN ISO 18273 S Al 5754 (AlMg3) AWS A-5.10 ER 5754 Material number Chemical analysis Mg 3 Mn 0.3 Cr 0.3 3.3536 Al Rest Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥22 % ≥80 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥190 MPa Approvals TÜV / DB / CE Length 1000 mm Melting range 615 °C - 642 °C Materials AlMg1, AlMg2, AlMg2,5, AlMg3,5, AlMg0,5Mn, AlMg1Mn0,5, AlMg2Mn0,8, AlMgSi0,5, AlMgSi0,7 kg 2.5 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.2 4.0 Item no. 097-003494-10016 097-003494-10020 097-003494-10024 097-003494-10032 097-003494-10040 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 167 TIG Copper-based TR CuSi3 zzTIG welding rod, copper-based zzResistant to high temperatures and corrosion zzJoint welding of Cu materials and various steel sheets zzGMA-surfacing on steel Standards DIN EN ISO 24373 S Cu 6560 (CuSi3Mn) AWS A-5.7 ER CuSi-A BS 2901 part 3 C9 Material number Chemical analysis Si 2.8 Mn 0.9 2.1461 Cu Rest Expansion, A5 ≥40 % Tensile strength, Rm ≥350 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥60 J (20 °C) Length 1000 mm Hardness 80 HB Melting range 965 °C - 1035 °C Materials CuZn5, CuZn10, CuZn15, CuSi2Mn, CuSi3Mn kg 10 168 Ø /mm 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.2 4.0 Item no. 097-003540-11016 097-003540-11020 097-003540-11024 097-003540-11032 097-003540-11040 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 TIG Copper-based TR CuSn1 zzTIG welding rod, copper-based zzJoint welding of copper joints and materials zzResistant to high temperatures and corrosion Standards DIN EN ISO 24373 S Cu 1898 (CuSn1) AWS A-5.7 ER Cu Material number 2.1006 BS 2901 part 3 Chemical analysis Sn 0.85 Mn 0.25 Si 0.2 C7 P 0.01 Cu Rest Expansion, A5 ≥30 % Tensile strength, Rm ≥220 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥75 J (20 °C) Length 1000 mm Hardness 80 - 60 HB Melting range 1020 °C - 1050 °C Materials OF-Cu, SE-Cu, SW-Cu, SF-Cu, CuZn0,5 kg 5 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 2.0 2.4 3.2 Item no. 097-003609-10020 097-003609-10024 097-003609-10032 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 169 TIG Copper-based TR CuSn6 zzTIG welding rod, copper-based zzResistant to high temperatures and corrosion zzJoint welding of Cu materials and low-alloy steels and cast iron Standards DIN EN ISO 24373 S Cu 5180A (CuSn6P) AWS A-5.7 ER CuSn-A BS 2901 part 3 C 11 Material number Chemical analysis Sn 6.3 P 0.22 2.1022 Cu Rest Expansion, A5 ≥30 % Tensile strength, Rm ≥260 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥32 J (20 °C) Length 1000 mm Hardness 80 - 60 HB Melting range 1020 °C - 1050 °C Materials OF-Cu, SE-Cu, SW-Cu, SF-Cu, CuZn0,5 kg 10 170 Ø /mm 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.2 4.0 Item no. 097-003613-10016 097-003613-10020 097-003613-10024 097-003613-10032 097-003613-10040 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 TIG Copper-based TR CuNi30 Fe zzTIG welding rod, copper-based zzEspecially suitable for joint welding and surfacing using CuNi materials up to 30% Ni zzVery good corrosion resistance zzShipbuilding, pipe construction and chemical industry zzSeawater resistant Standards DIN EN ISO 24373 S Cu 7158 (CuNi30Mn1FeTi) AWS A-5.7 ER CuNi Material number Chemical analysis Ni 31 Mn 0.8 Fe 0.5 2.0837 Ti 0.4 Cu Rest Expansion, A5 ≥36 % Tensile strength, Rm ≥420 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥240 J (20 °C) Length 1000 mm Hardness 115 HB Melting range 1180 °C - 1240 °C Materials CuNi20Fe (2.0878), CuNi30Fe (2.0882), CuNi10Fe1Mn (2.0872), CuNi25 kg 10 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.2 Item no. 097-003501-10016 097-003501-10020 097-003501-10024 097-003501-10032 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 171 TIG Copper-based TR CuAl8 zzTIG welding rod, copper-based zzConsiderably temperature-resistant zzVery good corrosion resistance zzWear-resistant GMA-surfacing on steel zzSeawater resistant Standards DIN EN ISO 24373 S Cu 6100 (CuAl7) AWS A-5.7 ER CuAl-A1 Material number Chemical analysis Al 7.7 Mn 0.2 Ni 0.3 2.0923 Cu Rest Expansion, A5 ≥40 % Tensile strength, Rm ≥430 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥100 J (20 °C) Approvals CE Length 1000 mm Hardness 100 HB Melting range 1030 °C - 1040 °C Materials CuAl5, CuAl8, CuAl9, CuZn20Al kg 10 172 Ø /mm 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.2 4.0 Item no. 097-003682-10016 097-003682-10020 097-003682-10024 097-003682-10032 097-003682-10040 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 TIG Tool steels TR Tool 45 T zzTIG welding rod for deposits on highly stressed moulds made of hot-work steel zzHard and tough, creep-resistant deposits on similar or analogue hot-work steels and their welds for fabricating purposes zzFor low-alloy and unalloyed steels zzVery good resistance to thermal shock zzOperating temperatures up to 550 °C Standards EN 14700 S Fe 3 DIN 8555 WSG 3-GZ-45 T Material number Chemical analysis C 0.3 Si 0.2 Mn 0.3 ~ 1.2567 Cr 2.4 Wo 4.3 V 0.6 Fe Rest Length 1000 mm Hardness 43 HRC Materials Die-casting moulds, plastic moulds, dies, pressing mandrels, die plates, swaging tools, pressing swages kg 5.0 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.0 Item no. 097-004876-10016 097-004876-10020 097-004876-10024 097-004876-10032 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 173 TIG Tool steels TR Tool 55 T zzTIG welding rod for deposits on hot-work steels zzHighly wear-resistant deposits on tools at elevated temperatures zzSuitable for new fabrication of hot-work tools zzOperating temperatures up to 550 °C Standards EN 14700 S Fe 3 DIN 8555 WSG 6-GZ-55 ST Material number Chemical analysis ~ 1.2367 C Si Mn Cr Mn Ti 0.35 0.4 1.3 7 2.2 Rest Fe Length 1000 mm Hardness 56 HRC Materials Hot-work shear blades, clamshell sprockets, punching knives, mangle rolls Production of wear-resistant surfaces on low-alloy steels, further processing of weld metal only with grinding or carbide-tipped tools kg 5.0 174 Ø /mm 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.0 Item no. 097-004877-10016 097-004877-10020 097-004877-10024 097-004877-10032 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 TIG Hardfacing TR COBALT1 zzCobalt-based, high-alloy TIG welding rod zzExcellent wear resistance zzCan be used in conditions with high abrasion, hard impacts and extreme temperature fluctuations zzFor heavy-duty, corrosion-resistant GMA-surfacing on steel zzVery good corrosion resistance zzFor impact loading and mineral abrasion zzMachinable with carbide tools zzHardens up to 45 HRC in use zzStamped Standards EN 14700 Chemical analysis C 0.25 Si 1 Mn 1 W Co1 Cr 27 Ni 2.5 Mo 5 Fe 3 Co Rest Length 1000 mm Hardness 45 HRC Materials Hot stamping tools, exhaust valves, vapour and acid-proof fittings, valves in combustion engines kg 5.0 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 3.2 Item no. 097-003625-10032 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 175 TIG Hardfacing TR COBALT2 zzCobalt-based, high-alloy TIG welding rod zzExcellent wear resistance zzCan be used in conditions with high abrasion, hard impacts and extreme temperature fluctuations zzFor heavy-duty, corrosion-resistant GMA-surfacing on steel zzVery good corrosion resistance zzFor impact loading and mineral abrasion zzHardness 40 – 43 HRC zzMachinable with carbide tools zzStamped Standards EN 14700 Chemical analysis C 1.1 Si 1 Mn 1 W Co2 Cr 28 W 4.5 Fe 3 Co Rest Length 1000 mm Hardness 40 - 43 HRC Materials Steam valves, fittings, high-temperature liquid pumps, hot-stamped matrices, valve seats from combustion engines, shears kg 5.0 176 Ø /mm 3.2 Item no. 097-003633-10032 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Gas welding rods Overview Gas welding rods SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Page 178 Unalloyed www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 177 Gas welding rods unalloyed GFR R60 zzUnalloyed oxyacetylene welding rod zzCopper-plated and stamped zzSemi-fluid molten pool, good controllability zzRecommended for seal welds Standards DIN EN 12536 O III AWS A-5.2 R60 Material number Chemical analysis C 0.08 Si 0.1 Mn 1.1 1.6215 Ni 0.4 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥22 % ≥310 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥400 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥50 J (20 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB Length 1000 mm Materials S235G2T - S255GT, S235JO - S275JO, P235G1TH, P255G1TH, P235GH, P265GH, P285NH, P295GH kg 5.0 178 Ø /mm 2.0 2.5 3.0 4.0 Item no. 097-003488-10020 097-003488-10025 097-003488-10030 097-003488-10040 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MMA Overview MMA Page Unalloyed Low-alloy, creep-resistant High-alloy Stainless steel Heat resistant Creep resistant Duplex Nickel-based Hardfacing SZW 2016 2016-01-08 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 180 188 191 195 196 200 201 205 179 MMA unalloyed SE 6010 CEL zzCellulose-coated stick electrode zzCan be welded in any position, including vertically down zzParticularly suitable for vertical down welding of root, filler and final passes zzExcellent mechanical quality values Standards DIN EN ISO 2560-A AWS A-5.1 Coating type Cellulose Baking not necessary Chemical analysis C 0.14 Si 0.2 E 35 2 C 21 E 6010 Mn 0.8 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥22 % ≥390 MPa Tensile strength, Rm 450 MPa - 550 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥47 J (-20 °C) Approvals CE Materials S235J2G3 - S355J2G3, L290MB (X42), L320 (X46), L320M (X52), L385N (X56), StE 210.7, StE 240.7, StE 290.7 TM, StE 320.7 TM, StE 360.7 TM, P235G1TH, P255G1TH, A (DC-/+) 50 - 65 90 - 120 110 - 140 180 kg 4.0 5.0 Ø /mm 2.5 3.2 4.0 l/mm 300 350 PU/Pc. 304 195 129 Item no. 097-003576-25300 097-003576-32350 097-003576-40350 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MMA unalloyed SE 6013 RC zzRutile/cellulose coated stick electrode zzCan be welded in any position, including vertically down zzGood slag removal characteristics, medium spatter tendency zzVery good ignition and reignition characteristics zzPerfect for roots zzHigh mechanical quality Standards DIN EN ISO 2560-A E 38 0 RC 11 AWS A-5.1 E 6012 Coating type Rutile cellulose Baking not necessary / (120 °C / 1 h / possible) Chemical analysis C 0.06 Si 0.3 Mn 0.4 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥22 % ≥380 MPa Tensile strength, Rm 450 MPa - 550 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥47 J (20 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / LR / CE Materials S235J2G3 - S355J2G3, L290MB (X42), L320 (X46), L320M (X52), L385N (X56), StE 210.7, StE 240.7, StE 290.7 TM, StE 320.7 TM Shipbuilding steels A, B, D Cast steel GS-38–GS-52 A (DC-/+) 55 - 70 55 - 85 115 - 145 145 - 190 200 - 250 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 kg 4.0 4.4 5.0 4.4 6.0 Ø /mm 2.0 2.5 3.2 4.0 5.0 l/mm 300 350 450 PU/Pc. 419 250 169 98 65 Item no. 097-003461-20300 097-003461-25350 097-003461-32350 097-003461-40350 097-003461-50450 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 181 MMA unalloyed SE 6013 RC Blau zzRutile/cellulose coated stick electrode zzCan be welded in any position, including vertically down zzExcellent ignition and reignition characteristics zzEven with rusty, primed and galvanised workpieces thanks to the aggressive arc zzVery good mechanical quality values Standards DIN EN ISO 2560-A E 42 0 RC 11 AWS A-5.1 E 6013 Coating type Rutile cellulose Baking not necessary / (120 °C / 1 h / possible) Chemical analysis C 0.06 Si 0.3 Mn 0.4 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥22 % ≥420 MPa Tensile strength, Rm 510 MPa - 610 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥47 J (0 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / CE Materials S235J2G3 - S355J2G3, L290MB (X42), L320 (X46), L320M (X52), L385N (X56), StE 210.7, StE 240.7, StE 290.7 TM, StE 320.7 TM, StE 360.7 TM, P235G1TH, P255G1TH, Shipbuilding steels A, B, D Cast steel GS-38–GS-52 A (AC) 50 - 60 65 - 80 110 - 140 125 - 180 160 - 230 182 kg 4.0 4.4 5.4 Ø /mm 2.0 2.5 3.2 4.0 5.0 l/mm 300 350 450 PU/Pc. 380 230 136 91 64 Item no. 097-003530-20300 097-003530-25350 097-003530-32350 097-003530-40350 097-003530-50450 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MMA unalloyed SE 6013 RR zzThick rutile-coated stick electrode zzCan be welded in any position except vertical down zzSelf-removing slag, very low spatter tendency zzExcellent ignition and reignition characteristics zzVery homogeneous seam finish zzExcellent mechanical quality values Standards DIN EN ISO 2560-A E 42 0 RR 12 AWS A-5.1 E 6013 Coating type Rutile Baking not necessary / (140 °C / 1 h / possible) Chemical analysis C 0.09 Si 0.5 Mn 0.7 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥22 % ≥420 MPa Tensile strength, Rm 510 MPa - 610 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥47 J (0 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / CE Materials S185 - S355, P235G1TH, P265G1TH, P295G1TH, L210 - L360, E235 - E355, GP240GH Shipbuilding steels A, B, D Cast steel GS-38–GS-52 A (DC-/+) 50 - 70 55 - 85 90 - 135 130 - 170 175 - 220 220 - 270 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 kg 4.0 4.4 4.0 5.4 Ø /mm 2.0 2.5 3.2 l/mm 300 350 4.0 5.0 6.0 450 PU/Pc. 340 205 122 77 80 50 42 Item no. 097-003459-20300 097-003459-25350 097-003459-32350 097-003459-40350 097-003459-40450 097-003459-50450 097-003459-60450 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 183 MMA unalloyed SE 6013 RRB zzThick rutile/basic coated stick electrode zzCan be welded in any position except vertical down zzGood slag removal characteristics, medium spatter tendency zzVery good ignition and reignition characteristics zzEven with rusty, primed and galvanised workpieces thanks to the aggressive arc zzSatisfactory mechanical quality values Standards DIN EN ISO 2560-A E 38 2 RB 12 AWS A-5.1 E 6013 Coating type Rutile/basic Baking not necessary / (140 °C / 1 h / possible) Chemical analysis C 0.1 Si 0.2 Mn 0.55 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥24 % ≥360 MPa Tensile strength, Rm 450 MPa - 540 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥47 J (-20 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / LR / CE Materials S185 - S355, P235GH, P265GH, P295GH, P235 - P355, L210 - L360, S(P)275 - S(P)355, GP240R Shipbuilding steels A, B, D, E Cast steel GS-38–GS-52 A (AC) 70 - 90 115 - 145 145 - 190 200 - 250 184 kg 4.0 4.4 5.4 Ø /mm 2.0 2.5 3.2 4.0 5.0 l/mm PU/Pc. 300 234 350 450 230 134 90 86 54 Item no. 097-003460-20300 097-003460-25300 097-003460-25350 097-003460-32350 097-003460-40350 097-003460-40450 097-003460-50450 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MMA unalloyed SE 6013 RRC zzThick rutile/cellulose coated stick electrode zzCan be welded in any position, including vertically down zzGood slag removal characteristics, low spatter tendency zzVery good ignition and reignition characteristics zzEven with rusty, primed and galvanised workpieces thanks to the aggressive arc zzSatisfactory mechanical quality values Standards DIN EN ISO 2560-A E 42 0 RC 11 AWS A-5.1 E 6013 Coating type Rutile cellulose Baking not necessary / (140 °C / 1 h / possible) Chemical analysis C 0.08 Si 0.4 Mn 0.6 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥22 % ≥420 MPa Tensile strength, Rm 500 MPa - 640 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥47 J (22 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / CE Materials S185 - S355, P235GH, P265GH, P295GH, P235 - P355, L210 - L360, S(P)275 - S(P)355, GP240R Shipbuilding steels A, B, D Cast steel GS-38–GS-52 A (DC-/+) 40 - 55 55 - 85 90 - 135 130 - 170 175 - 220 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 kg 4.0 4.4 4.0 5.4 Ø /mm 2.0 2.5 3.2 4.0 5.0 l/mm 300 350 450 PU/Pc. 370 218 118 77 49 Item no. 097-003462-20300 097-003462-25350 097-003462-32350 097-003462-40350 097-003462-50450 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 185 MMA unalloyed SE 7016 BR zzBasic, double-coated, hydrogen-reduced stick electrode zzCan be welded in any position except vertical down zzGood slag removal characteristics, low spatter tendency zzVery good ignition characteristics zzExcellent for positional welding zzVery good mechanical quality values zzCTOD tested welding material Standards DIN EN ISO 2560-A AWS A-5.1 Coating type Basic-coated Baking 380 °C / 1 h) Chemical analysis C 0.05 Si 0.65 E 42 4 B 12 H10 E 7016 Mn 1 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥22 % ≥420 MPa Tensile strength, Rm 500 MPa - 640 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥47 J (-20 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / CE Materials S185 - S355, P235GH, P265GH, P295GH, P235 - P355, L210 - L360, S(P)275 - S(P)355, GP240R Shipbuilding steels A, B, D, E Cast steel GS-38–GS-52 A (DC-/+) 60 - 90 90 - 140 140 - 190 190 - 250 186 kg 4.0 5.0 Ø /mm 2.5 3.2 4.0 5.0 l/mm 350 450 PU/Pc. 202 122 75 50 Item no. 097-003464-25350 097-003464-32350 097-003464-40450 097-003464-50450 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MMA unalloyed SE 7018 BH5 zzBasic coated, reduced hydrogen stick electrode zzCan be welded in any position except vertical down zzGood slag removal characteristics, low spatter tendency zzVery good ignition characteristics zzExcellent for positional welding zzVery good mechanical quality values zzCTOD tested welding material zzHydrogen content under 5% Standards DIN EN ISO 2560-A AWS A-5.1 Coating type Basic Baking 400 °C / 1 h) Chemical analysis C 0.07 Si 0.6 E 42 4 B 32 H5 E 7018 Mn 1 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥24 % ≥440 MPa Tensile strength, Rm 510 MPa - 610 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥47 J (-40 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / GL / LR / CE Materials S185 - S355, E295, E335, P235GH, P265GH, P295GH, P235 - P460, L210 - L460, S(P)275 S(P)460, GP240R Shipbuilding steels A, B, D, E Cast steel GS-38–GS-52 A (DC-/+) 50 - 70 65 - 90 110 - 140 140 - 180 180 - 230 60-90 90-140 140-190 60-90 90-140 140-190 kg 4.0 5.4 2,0 0.8 Ø /mm 2.0 2.5 3.2 4.0 5.0 2.5 3.2 4 2.5 3.2 4 l/mm 300 350 450 350 PU/Pc. 270 171 110 78 53 86 55 37 34 22 15 Item no. 097-003463-20300 097-003463-25350 097-003463-32350 097-003463-40350 097-003463-50450 097-003463-2535V* 097-003463-3235V* 097-003463-4035V* 097-S03463-2535V* 097-S03463-3235V* 097-S03463-4035V* * vacuum package SZW 2016 2016-07-05 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 187 MMA Low-alloy, creep-resistant SE 7018 Mo zzBasic coated, reduced hydrogen stick electrode zzCan be welded in any position except vertical down zzGood slag removal characteristics, low spatter tendency zzVery good ignition characteristics zzExcellent for positional welding zzExcellent mechanical quality values zzCreep resistant and super strength characteristics DIN EN ISO 3580-A E Mo B42 H5 AWS A-5.5 Coating type Basic Baking 400 °C / 1 h) Chemical analysis C 0.05 Si 0.6 Mn 0.95 E 7018-A1 Mo 0.5 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% >20 % >460 MPa Tensile strength, Rm 530 MPa - 680 MPa Impact energy, Av >47 J (-20 °C) / >47 J (-40 °C) Approvals TÜV / CE Materials S235JR - S355J2G3, P380NH - P460NH, P235GH - P285NH, P295GH, 20MnNb6, 16 Mo 3 Cast steel GS-22 Mo4 A (DC-/+) 65 - 95 110 - 140 140 - 180 180 - 250 188 kg 4.0 5.4 Ø /mm 2.5 3.2 4.0 5.0 l/mm 350 450 PU/Pc. 183 110 79 60 Item no. 097-003472-25350 097-003472-32350 097-003472-40450 097-003472-50450 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MMA Low-alloy, creep-resistant SE 8018 CrMo1 zzBasic coated, reduced hydrogen stick electrode zzCan be welded in any position except vertical down zzGood slag removal characteristics, low spatter tendency zzVery good ignition characteristics zzExcellent for positional welding zzExcellent mechanical quality values zzCreep resistant characteristics zzMaximum operating temperature 550 °C zzHydrogen content under 5% Standards DIN EN ISO 3580-A E CrMo1 B 42 H5 AWS A-5.5 Coating type Basic Baking 400 °C / 1 h) Chemical analysis C 0.06 Si 0.6 Mn 0.95 E 8018-B2 Cr 1.1 Mo 0.5 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥20 % ≥470 MPa Tensile strength, Rm 570 MPa - 670 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥95 J (20 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / CE Materials 13CrMo 4 4 (1.7335), 15CrMo3 (1.3566), 13CrMoV 5 8 (1.7734), 15Cr3 (1.7015), 16MnCr5 (1.7131), 20MnCr5 (1.7147), 15CrMo5 (1.7262), 25CrMo4 (1.7218) Cast steel GS-22CrMo 5, GS-22CrMo 5 4 A (DC-/+) 65 - 95 100 - 130 140 - 180 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 kg 3.4 4.0 5.4 Ø /mm 2.5 3.2 4.0 l/mm 300 350 450 PU/Pc. 171 110 81 Item no. 097-003471-25300 097-003471-32350 097-003471-40450 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 189 MMA Low-alloy, creep-resistant SE 9018 CrMo2 zzBasic coated, reduced hydrogen stick electrode zzCan be welded in any position except vertical down zzGood slag removal characteristics, low spatter tendency zzVery good ignition characteristics zzMaximum operating temperature 600 °C zzExcellent mechanical quality values zzHydrogen content under 5% Standards DIN EN ISO 3580-A E CrMo2 B 42 H5 AWS A-5.5 E 9018-B3 Material number Coating type Basic Baking 400 °C / 1 h) Chemical analysis C 0.06 Si 0.6 Mn 0.9 1.7384 Cr 2.4 Mo 1 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥20 % ≥470 MPa Tensile strength, Rm 570 MPa - 670 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥95 J (20 °C) Approvals CE Materials 10CrMo9-10 (1.7380), 10CrSiMoV7 (1.8075), 30CrMoV9 (1.7707) Cast steel G17CrMo9-10 A (DC-/+) 65 - 95 100 - 130 140 - 180 190 kg 3.4 4.0 5.4 Ø /mm 2.5 3.2 4.0 l/mm 300 350 450 PU/Pc. 171 110 81 Item no. 097-003542-25300 097-003542-32350 097-003542-40450 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MMA l high-alloy l stainless steel SE 307 zzRutile basic coated, high-alloy stick electrode zzSelf-removing slag, very low spatter tendency zzSuitable for dissimilar joints and buffer layers zzExcellent ignition and reignition characteristics zzMaximum operating temperature 300 °C zzStrain-hardening zzWeld metal made of austenitic chrome-nickel-manganese steel Standards DIN EN ISO 3581-A E 18 8 Mn R12 AWS A-5.4 E 307 L -16 Material number 1.4370 Coating type Rutile/basic Baking seldom necessary / (300 °C / 2 h) Chemical analysis C 0.1 Cr 19 Ni 9 Mn 7 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥40 % ≥350 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥600 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥70 J (20 °C) Materials Dissimilar joints, cladding, buffer layers for hardfacing, high C-content and difficult to weld steels, manganese steel (example: 1.3401) A (DC-/+) 60 - 90 80 - 110 100 - 150 150 - 200 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 kg 3.0 3.5 4.5 Ø /mm 2.5 3.2 4.0 5.0 l/mm 300 350 450 PU/Pc. 174 106 89 87 Item no. 097-003527-25300 097-003527-32350 097-003527-40350 097-003527-50350 097-003527-50450 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 191 MMA l high-alloy l stainless steel SE 308 L zzRutile-basic coated, high-alloy stick electrode zzCan be welded in any position except vertical down zzSelf-removing slag, very low spatter tendency zzExcellent ignition and reignition characteristics zzVery homogeneous seam finish zzCold tough up to -196 °C Standards DIN EN ISO 3581-A AWS A-5.4 E 19 9 LR 12 E 308 L -16 Material number 1.4316 Coating type Rutile/basic Baking seldom necessary / (300 °C / 2 h) Chemical analysis C 0.03 Cr 20 Ni 11 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥35 % ≥320 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥550 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥70 J (20 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / CE Materials 1.4300, 1.4301, 1.4303, 1.4306, 1.4308, 1.4311, 1.4312, 1.4371, 1.4541, 1.4543, 1.4552 A (DC-/+) 50 - 90 80 - 110 100 - 150 150 - 200 192 kg 3.0 3.2 4.3 5.4 Ø /mm 2.0 2.5 3.2 4.0 5.0 l/mm 300 350 450 PU/Pc. 256 162 163 87 78 49 Item no. 097-003465-20300 097-003465-25300 097-003465-25350 097-003465-32350 097-003465-40350 097-003465-50450 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MMA l high-alloy l stainless steel SE 309 L zzRutile-basic coated, high-alloy stick electrode zzCan be welded in any position except vertical down zzJoint welding on heat-resistant CrNi steels zzSelf-removing slag, very low spatter tendency zzFor dissimilar joints and buffer layers zzExcellent ignition and reignition characteristics zzMaximum operating temperature 300 °C Standards DIN EN ISO 3581-A AWS A-5.4 E 23 12 LR 32 E 309 L-26 Material number 1.4332 Coating type Rutile/basic Baking seldom necessary / (300 °C / 2 h) Chemical analysis C 0.03 Cr 23 Ni 12 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥30 % ≥400 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥550 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥55 J (20 °C) Materials Austenite-ferrite joints (dissimilar), cladding, corrosion-resistant layers on non-alloyed construction steels, buffer layers A (DC+) 40 - 60 60 - 90 80 - 110 100 - 150 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 kg 3.0 3.2 4.3 Ø /mm 2.0 2.5 3.2 4.0 l/mm 300 350 PU/Pc. 256 161 88 79 Item no. 097-003556-20300 097-003556-25300 097-003556-32350 097-003556-40350 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 193 MMA l high-alloy l stainless steel SE 309 MoL zzRutile-basic coated, high-alloy stick electrode zzCan be welded in any position except vertical down zzSelf-removing slag, very low spatter tendency zzExcellent ignition and reignition characteristics zzMaximum operating temperature 300 °C zzVery homogeneous seam finish zzSuitable for dissimilar joints Standards DIN EN ISO 3581-A E 23 12 2 LR 32 AWS A-5.4 E 309 Mo - 26 Material number 1.4459 Coating type Rutile/basic Baking seldom necessary / (300 °C / 2 h) Chemical analysis C 0.03 Cr 23 Ni 12 Mo 3.5 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥30 % ≥460 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥650 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥55 J (20 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / CE Materials Austenite-ferrite joints (dissimilar), cladding, corrosion-resistant layers on non-alloyed construction steels, buffer layers A (DC-/+) 50 - 70 60 - 90 80 - 110 100 - 150 150 - 200 194 kg 3.0 3.2 4.3 5.4 Ø /mm 2.0 2.5 3.2 4.0 5.0 l/mm 300 350 450 PU/Pc. 254 162 87 78 49 Item no. 097-003466-20300 097-003466-25300 097-003466-32350 097-003466-40350 097-003466-50450 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MMA l high-alloy l heat resistant SE 310 zzRutile basic coated, high-alloy stick electrode zzWeld metal made of fully austenitic chrome nickel steel zzFor welding heatproof steels zzSelf-removing slag, very low spatter tendency zzScale resistant up to 1150 °C zzExcellent ignition and reignition characteristics zzNot resistant in gases containing sulphur Standards DIN EN ISO 3581-A E 25 20 LR 12 AWS A-5.4 E 310 - 16 Material number 1.4842 Coating type Rutile/basic Baking seldom necessary / (300 °C / 2 h) Chemical analysis C 0.1 Cr 25 Ni 20 Mn 3 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥35 % ≥380 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥750 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥70 J (20 °C) Materials 1.4710, 1.4713, 1.4726, 1.4745, 1.4823, 1.4832, 1.4837, 1.4840, 1.4841, 1.4845, 1.4846, 1.4848, 1.4849 A (DC-/+) 80 - 110 100 - 150 150 - 190 160 - 210 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 kg 3.2 3.5 4.5 4.9 Ø /mm 2.5 3.2 4.0 5.0 l/mm 300 350 PU/Pc. 181 99 83 51 Item no. 097-003529-25300 097-003529-32350 097-003529-40350 097-003529-50350 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 195 MMA l high-alloy l creep resistant SE 312 zzRutile basic coated, high-alloy stick electrode zzCan be welded in any position except vertical down zzSelf-removing slag, very low spatter tendency zzSuitable for dissimilar joints and buffer layers zzExcellent ignition and reignition characteristics zzVery homogeneous seam finish zzScale resistant up to 1100 °C Standards DIN EN ISO 3581-A E 29 9 R 12 AWS A-5.4 E 312 - 16 Material number 1.4337 Coating type Rutile Baking seldom necessary / (300 °C / 2 h) Chemical analysis C 0.1 Cr 29 Ni 9 Fe Rest Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥20 % ≥500 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥750 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥40 J (20 °C) Approvals DB / CE Materials corrosion-resistant similar steel and cast steel (e.g. 1.4762, 1.4085), difficult to weld steel, manganese steel, repairs and wear-resistant layers A (DC+) 40 - 60 60 - 90 80 - 100 100 - 150 150 - 200 196 kg 3.0 3.2 4.3 4.2 Ø /mm 2.0 2.5 3.2 4.0 5.0 l/mm 300 350 PU/Pc. 249 162 89 80 49 Item no. 097-003467-20300 097-003467-25300 097-003467-32350 097-003467-40350 097-003467-50350 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MMA l high-alloy l creep resistant SE 316-L zzRutile, high-alloy stick electrode zzCan be welded in any position except vertical down zzSelf-removing slag, very low spatter tendency zzExcellent ignition and reignition characteristics zzMaximum operating temperature 400 °C zzVery homogeneous seam finish Standards DIN EN ISO 3581-A E 19 12 3 LR 12 AWS A-5.4 E 316 L - 17 Material number 1.4430 Coating type Rutile Baking seldom necessary / (300 °C / 2 h) Chemical analysis C 0.03 Si 0.8 Mn 0.7 Cr 18.5 Ni 11.5 Mo 2.7 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥35 % ≥380 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥560 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥60 J (20 °C) Approvals TÜV / CE Materials 1. 4401, 1.4404, 1.4406, 1.4408, 1.4420, 1.4435, 1.4436, 1.4571, 1.4573, 1.4580, 1.4581, 1.4583 A (DC-/+) 30 - 50 50 - 85 70 - 125 110 - 165 165 - 230 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 kg 4.0 5.0 6.0 Ø /mm 2.0 2.5 3.2 4.0 5.0 l/mm 300 350 450 PU/Pc. 348 223 138 85 55 Item no. 097-004824-20300 097-004824-25300 097-004824-32350 097-004824-40450 097-004824-50450 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 197 MMA l high-alloy l creep resistant SE 318 zzRutile-basic coated, high-alloy stick electrode zzCan be welded in any position except vertical down zzSelf-removing slag, very low spatter tendency zzExcellent ignition and reignition characteristics zzMaximum operating temperature 400 °C zzVery homogeneous seam finish zzCan be used for welding stabilised Cr-Ni steels Standards DIN EN ISO 3581-A E 19 12 3 Nb R 12 AWS A-5.4 E 318 - 16 Material number 1.4576 Coating type Rutile/basic Baking seldom necessary / (300 °C / 2 h) Chemical analysis C 0.03 Cr 19 Ni 12 Mo 3 Nb 0.3 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥30 % ≥440 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥600 J Impact energy, Av ≥70 J (20 °C) Approvals TÜV / DB / CE Materials 1.4401, 1.4404, 1.4408, 1.4420, 1.4435, 1.4436, 1.4571, 1.4573, 1.4580, 1.4581, 1.4583 A (DC-/+) 40 - 60 50 - 90 80 - 110 100 - 150 150 - 200 198 kg 3.0 3.2 4.3 5.4 Ø /mm 2.0 2.5 3.2 4.0 5.0 l/mm 300 350 450 PU/Pc. 249 162 89 80 49 Item no. 097-003469-20300 097-003469-25300 097-003469-32350 097-003469-40350 097-003469-50450 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MMA l high-alloy l creep resistant SE 347 zzRutile basic coated, high-alloy stick electrode zzCan be welded in any position except vertical down zzCan be used for welding stabilised Cr-Ni steels zzSelf-removing slag, very low spatter tendency zzExcellent ignition and reignition characteristics zzMaximum operating temperature 400 °C Standards DIN EN ISO 3581-A E 19 9 Nb R 12 AWS A-5.4 E 347-16 Material number 1.4551 Coating type Rutile/basic Baking seldom necessary / (300 °C / 2 h) Chemical analysis C 0.03 Cr 19 Ni 9 Nb 0.3 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥40 % ≥350 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥600 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥65 J (20 °C) Approvals CE Materials 1.4300, 1.4301, 1.4303, 1.4306, 1.4308, 1.4311, 1.4312, 1.4371, 1.4541, 1.4543, 1.4552 A (DC+) 40 - 60 50 - 90 80 - 110 100 - 150 150 - 200 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 kg 3.0 3.2 4.5 5.0 Ø /mm 2.0 2.5 3.2 4.0 5.0 l/mm 300 350 450 PU/Pc. 250 160 98 84 50 Item no. 097-003587-20300 097-003587-25300 097-003587-32350 097-003587-40350 097-003587-50450 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 199 MMA l high-alloy l Duplex SE 2209 Duplex zzRutile coated, high-alloy stick electrode zzFor ferrite-austenitic Cr-Ni-Mo steels zzResistant to products containing chloride and acid gases zzSelf-removing slag, very low spatter tendency zzUse in offshore technology e.g. in pipe construction zzExcellent ignition and reignition characteristics zzMaximum operating temperature of the end product: 250 °C Standards DIN EN ISO 3581-A E 22 9 3 R 32 AWS A-5.4 E 2209 L-16 Coating type Rutile/basic Baking seldom necessary / (300 °C / 2 h) Chemical analysis C 0.03 Cr 22 Ni 9 Mo 3.3 N 0.15 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥25 % ≥480 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥690 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥50 J (20 °C) Materials 1.4462, 1.4417, 1.4460, 1.4362 A (DC-/+) 60 - 90 80 - 120 110 - 170 200 kg 3.2 3.5 4.5 Ø /mm 2.5 3.2 4.0 l/mm 300 350 PU/Pc. 181 99 83 Item no. 097-003528-25300 097-003528-32350 097-003528-40350 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MMA Nickel-based SE Ni zzBasic graphite-coated stick electrode zzCold welding of grey and malleable cast iron zzSoft, low spatter arc zzGood slag removal characteristics, low spatter tendency zzGraphitic separation of the carbon in the weld metal zzOptimum for the repair and maintenance of cast iron Standards DIN EN ISO 1071 E C Ni-Cl 1 AWS E Ni-CI Coating type Basic-graphitic Baking seldom necessary / (150 °C / 2 h) Chemical analysis C 0.5 Fe 2.5 Ni Rest Length 350 mm Hardness 160 HB Materials EN-GJL-100 - EN-GJL-350, EN-GJMB-350 - EN-GJMB-550, EN-GJMW-350 - EN-GJMW-550 A (DC-/+) 60 - 90 90 - 120 110 - 150 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 kg 4.5 5.0 Ø /mm 2.5 3.2 4.0 l/mm 350 PU/Pc. 230 135 100 Item no. 097-003532-25350 097-003532-32350 097-003532-40350 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 201 MMA Nickel-based SE NiFe zzBasic graphite-coated stick electrode zzCold welding of grey cast iron, malleable cast iron and spheroidal cast iron zzGood slag removal characteristics, low spatter tendency zzGraphitic separation of the carbon in the weld metal zzOptimum for the repair and maintenance of cast iron Standards DIN EN ISO 1071 E C NiFe 1 1 AWS A-5.15 E NiFeCl Coating type Basic-graphitic coated Baking seldom necessary / (150 °C / 2 h) Chemical analysis C 1.5 Ni 55 Fe Rest Hardness 200 HB Materials EN-GJL-100 - EN-GJL-350, EN-GJMB-350 - EN-GJMB-550, EN-GJMW-350 - EN-GJMW-550, EN-GJS-400 - EN-GJS-700 A (DC-/+) 60 - 90 90 - 120 110 - 150 202 kg 3.5 4.0 5.0 Ø /mm 2.5 3.2 4.0 l/mm 300 350 PU/Pc. 212 124 101 Item no. 097-003533-25300 097-003533-32350 097-003533-40350 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MMA Nickel-based SE NiCr82 zzBasic coated, high alloy nickel based stick electrode zzCold tough up to -196 °C zzScale-resistant up to 1,000 °C zzMaximum operating temperature 800 °C zzResistant to embrittlement zzIn sulphurous atmospheres up to 500 °C Standards DIN EN ISO 14172 E Ni 6082 (NiCr20Mn3Nb) AWS A-5.11 E NiCrFe-3 Coating type Basic-coated Baking seldom necessary / (300 °C / 2 h) Chemical analysis C 0.05 Cr 21 Ni Rest Mn 5 Nb 2.4 Fe 5 Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥35 % ≥380 MPa Tensile strength, Rm >620 J Impact energy, Av >70 J (-196 °C) Materials 1.4429, 1.4539, 1.4876, 1.4922, 1.5662, 2.4816, 2.4867, 2.4870 Dissimilar joints at operating temperatures of -196 °C to +650 °C A (DC+) 60 - 90 80 - 120 110 - 160 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 kg 3.0 3.5 4.5 Ø /mm 2.5 3.2 4.0 l/mm 300 350 PU/Pc. 168 98 81 Item no. 097-003579-25300 097-003579-32350 097-003579-40350 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 203 MMA Nickel-based SE 625 zzBasic coated, high alloy nickel based stick electrode zzSelf-removing slag, very low spatter tendency zzExcellent ignition and reignition characteristics zzMaximum operating temperature of the components 1000 °C zzCold tough up to -196 °C zzScale resistant up to 1100 °C zzSuitable for transformer zzAlloy core rod Standards DIN EN ISO 14172 E Ni 6625 (NiCr22Mo9Nb) AWS A-5.11 E NiCrMo3 Material number 2.4621 Coating type Rutile/basic Baking seldom necessary / (300 °C / 2 h) Chemical analysis C 0.03 Cr 19.5 Mo 11 Nb 4 Ni Rest Expansion, A5 Yield strength, Rp 0.2% ≥30 % ≥450 MPa Tensile strength, Rm ≥760 MPa Impact energy, Av ≥75 J (20 °C) / ≥60 J (-196 °C) Materials Alloy 625, alloy 800 and similar Ni-Cr alloys A (DC-/+) 60 - 90 80 - 110 100 - 150 150 - 200 204 kg 3.2 3.5 4.7 4.9 Ø /mm 2.5 3.2 4.0 5.0 l/mm 300 350 PU/Pc. 170 96 91 53 Item no. 097-003531-25300 097-003531-32350 097-003531-40350 097-003531-50350 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MMA Hardfacing SE Hard 300 P zzBasic coated electrode with a metal recovery of 120% zzFor crack-free application of wear-resistant and impact-resistant passes zzWeld metal consists of low-alloy chrome-manganese steel Standards EN 14700 E Fe 1 DIN 8555 Baking 300 °C / 2 h) Chemical analysis C 0.3 Cr 2.5 E1-UM-300 P Mn 1 Hardness 300 HB Fields of application For crack-free application of wear-resistant and impact-resistant layers such as rollers, guides, idler pulley support surfaces, rope winches A (DC+) 60 - 90 95 - 150 140 - 190 190 - 250 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 kg 5.0 6.0 Ø /mm 2.5 3.2 4.0 5.0 l/mm 350 450 PU/Pc. 230 133 83 53 Item no. 097-004806-25350 097-004806-32350 097-004806-40450 097-004806-50450 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 205 MMA Hardfacing SE Hard 350 GP zzBasic-coated high-performance electrode zzSuitable for repair and production welding on medium-alloy steels zzAlso suitable for difficult to weld steels zzBroad range of applications with problem free processing at the same time zzVery strong and highly resistant to cracking Standards EN 14700 E Fe3 DIN 8555 Baking 300 °C / 2 h) Chemical analysis C 0.1 Cr 2.5 E3 UM / 350 GP Si 0.5 Mo 2.3 Mn 1 Fe Rest Yield strength, Rp 0.2% 810 J Tensile strength, Rm 1200 MPa Length 350 mm Hardness 350 HB Fields of application For medium-alloy and hard-to-weld steels for shock stress and low fretting, tool steels, machine parts, armour steels A (DC+) 60 - 90 95 - 150 140 - 190 206 kg 5.0 6.0 Ø /mm 2.5 3.2 4.0 5.0 PU/Pc. 218 130 81 56 Item no. 097-004807-25350 097-004807-32350 097-004807-40450 097-004807-50450 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MMA Hardfacing SE Hard 60 zzBasic coated Cr-Mo-V alloyed electrode zz120% metal recovery zzFor very hard surfacing under friction-impact wear conditions Standards EN 14700 E Fe 8 DIN 8555 E 6-UM-60 Material number Baking 300 °C / 2 h) Chemical analysis C 0.6 Cr 8 Mn 0.6 ~ 1.4718 Mo 0.7 V 1 Fe Rest Hardness 60 HRC Fields of application Mixer arms, excavator parts, impact jaws, anvils, roller crushers, power hammers, screw conveyors,caterpillar tracks, rolling mill guides, rotors, cams, clamping jaws, anvils A (DC+) 60 - 90 95 - 150 140 - 190 190 - 240 200 - 260 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 kg 5,0 6,0 Ø /mm 2,5 3,25 4,0 5,0 6,0 l/mm 350 450 PU/Pc. 230 135 88 56 Item no. 097-004808-25350 097-004808-32350 097-004808-40450 097-004808-50450 097-004808-60450 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 207 MMA Hardfacing SE Hard 61 GRZ zzRutile high-performance electrode zz160% metal recovery zzFor welding of highly wear-resistant and abrasion-resistant build- up with a low pressure or impact load Standards EN 14700 E Fe 14 DIN 8555 Coating type Rutile Baking 300 °C / 2 h) Chemical analysis C 4 Cr 30 E10-UM-60-GRZ Fe Rest Hardness 57 - 61 HRC Fields of application Slides, excavator teeth, mixer blades, press dies, conveyor systems A (DC-/+) 80 - 120 100 - 160 160 - 220 190 - 260 208 kg 4.0 6.0 Ø /mm 2.5 3.2 4.0 5.0 l/mm 350 450 PU/Pc. 137 78 65 40 Item no. 097-004809-25350 097-004809-32350 097-004809-40450 097-004809-50450 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 MMA Hardfacing SE Hard 61 GTZ spezial zzPipe-shaped special electrode zzHardfacing of parts exposed to especially heavy abrasive and impact wear zzHigh hardness values already in the first pass due to low current Standards EN 14700 E Fe 15 DIN 8555 Baking 150 °C / 1 h) Chemical analysis C Mn Cr 5.5 1.5 40 E10-GF-UM-65-GTZ Other 2 Length 457 mm Hardness 61 - 63 HRC Fields of application Pump parts, mixer blades, agitator arms, concrete pumps, screw conveyors, excavation machinery and agricultural machinery A (DC-/+) 80 - 110 120 - 140 140 - 180 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 kg 5.0 Ø /mm 6.0 8.0 11 PU/Pc. 67 38 22 Item no. 097-004789-60457 097-004789-80457 097-004789-11457 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 209 MMA Hardfacing SE Hard 68 CZ zzBasic-graphitic coated stick electrode with 180% metal recovery zzFor depositing layers of extreme resistance to abrasion zzSuitable for use under ore, gravel, sand, slag or cement Standards EN 14700 E Fe 15 DIN 8555 Coating type Basic-graphitic Baking 300 °C / 2 h) Chemical analysis C Cr 4.5 28 Other 5 E 10-UM-70 CZ Fe Rest Hardness 66 - 68 HRC Fields of application Robot intermediate hose package, 2 x 95 sq mm, water cooled, ribbed hose, 7/12-pole A (DC+) 80 - 120 100 - 160 160 - 220 190 - 260 210 kg 4.0 6.0 Ø /mm 2.0 3.2 4.0 5.0 l/mm 350 450 PU/Pc. 138 80 63 41 Item no. 097-004810-25350 097-004810-32350 097-004810-40450 097-004810-50450 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Submerged arc welding Overview Submerged arc welding SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Page 212 216 Flux Wire electrodes www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 211 Submerged arc welding flux FW AB 1 67 zzNeutral, medium-basic agglomerated welding flux zzSuitable for fillet and joint welding of low-alloy steels, fine- grained and boiler steels zzConstant metallurgical behaviour zzGood weld forming ability and self-detaching slag zzConstant grades and low-temperature ductility in connection with Mo, Ni or NiMo alloy wires zzVery low hydrogen contents (H2diff. <4 mIll OOg) in the weld metal Standards DIN EN ISO 14174-A SA AB 1 67 AC H5 Baking In dry rooms, welding flux in original packaging can be stored for up to 3 years from the delivery date. Moist welding flux is to be dried at an effective powder temperature of 200 ± 50 °C. Welding current 1000 A Approvals TÜV: SMA S2 Weight 25 kg Density 1100 g/cm³ Grain size DIN EN ISO 14174-A: 3 - 20 Materials Construction steels up to 420 N/mm² yield strength, fine-grained steels up to 460 N/mm² upper yield strength Pressure vessel steels up to P 355 N/mm² Creep-resistant steels such as 16Mo3, tube steels up to L480 or X 70, high tensile shipbuilding steels up to EH36 Welding current 1000 A 212 kg Item no. 25 097-003711-00025 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Submerged arc welding flux FW AB 1 67 Main constituents Si02 + Ti02 Al2O3 + MnO CaO +MgO CaF2 20% 30% 30% 15% Basicity according to Boniszewski: ~1.7 Chemical analysis of the weld metal in acc. with EN ISO 15792-1 and AWS A5.17/5.23 Guideline values in per cent by weight Solid wires C Si Mn S1 (EL12) 0.05-0.08 0.2-0.4 0.7-1.0 S2 (EM12) 0.05-0.08 0.2-0.4 1.1-1.5 S3Si (EH12K) 0.05-0.08 0.3-0.5 1.5-1.9 Mechanical quality values in acc. with AWS A5.17/5.23: (Guideline values) Charpy impact ISO-V (Joule) at Solid wires ReH N/mm² RM N/mm² A5 % - 40°C S1 (EL12) > 380 > 470 > 22 (> 47 bei -30°C) S2 (EM12) > 420 > 510 > 22 > 47 S3Si (EH12K) > 420 > 510 > 22 > 47 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 213 Submerged arc welding flux FW CS 1 63 DC zzMolten neutral welding flux zzSuitable for high-alloy stainless steels, Ni-based alloys and low- alloy steels zzEspecially crack-resistant in connection with similar or over- alloyed wire electrodes (solid or flux cored wire) Standards DIN EN ISO 14174-A SF CS 2 DC DIN EN ISO 14174-A SF CS 163 DC Baking In dry rooms, welding flux in original packaging can be stored for up to 3 years from the delivery date. Moist welding flux is to be dried at an effective powder temperature of 200 ± 50 °C. Welding current 900 A Approvals TÜV: SMA 316L Grain size DIN EN ISO 14174-A: 1 - 16 Materials Creep-resistant CrMo steels such as 12 CrMo 19 5/A378 gr. 5 or X 20 CrMoWV 12 1/A351 for boiler, container and pipe construction Martensitic (soft martensite) and ferritic Cr(NiMo) steels in acc. w. DIN EN 10088 and austenitic CrNi(Mo) steels in acc. w. DIN EN 10088 Low-temperature tough and heat-resisting high-alloy CrNi(Mo) steels, dissimilar joints and nickel-base alloys Welding current 900 A 214 kg g/cm³ Item no. 15 25 1500 097-004848-00015 097-004848-00025 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Submerged arc welding flux FW CS 1 63 DC Main constituents Si02 Al2O3 CaO +MgO CaF2 30% 5% 35% 20% Basicity according to Boniszewski: ~1.3 Chemical analysis of the weld metal in acc. with EN ISO 15792-1 and AWS A5.17/5.23 Guideline values in per cent by weight Solid wires S 19 9 L C Si Mn Cr Ni < 0.03 < 1.0 < 1.6 18.5-20.5 9.0-11.0 11.0-14.0 S 19 12 3 L < 0.03 < 1.0 < 1.6 17.5-19.5 S 22 9 3 N L < 0.03 < 1.0 < 1.6 20.5-23.5 S Mo < 0.08 < 0.5 < 1.0 Mo andere > 2.5 > 2.5 N < 0.2 0.5 S CrMo5 < 0.08 < 0.7 < 0.6 5.5 S CrMo91 < 0.15 < 0.8 < 1.0 8.0-10.0 8,7 0.6 >1.2 V < 0.3 Mechanical quality values in acc. with AWS A5.17/5.23: (Guideline values) Charpy impact ISO-V (Joule) at Solid wires Heat treatment Rp 0.2 % N/mm² Rp 1,0 % N/mm² RM N/ mm² A5 % +20 °C S 19 9 L U* >340 >370 >540 >30 >70 S 19 12 3 L U* >350 >380 >550 >30 >70 S 22 9 3 N L U* > 550 > 600 > 750 > 25 > 80 S 2 Mo S* > 440 > 540 > 20 > 90 S CrMo5 A* > 470 > 600 > 18 > 70 S CrMo91 A* >470 >620 >18 >45 - 60°C -196 °C >40 >40 > 40 *S = stress-relieved 620°C/1 5 Std; A = annealed 740 - 760 °C; U= untreated, as-welded SZW 2016 2016-01-08 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 215 Submerged arc welding Wire electrodes SMA S2 zzSubmerged arc welding wire for welding unalloyed and low- alloy construction steels Standards DIN EN ISO 14171-A S2 AWS A-5.17 EM12 AWS A-5.23 EM12 Material number Chemical analysis C 0.09 Si 0.08 1.0494 Mn 1.05 Approvals TÜV: FW AB 1 67 DB Processing information Welding parameters, including preheating and interpass temperature and heat treatment, depending on the parent metal to be welded, the panel thickness and the sets of regulations to be applied. Materials Shipbuilding, pressure vessel construction and steel construction S185-E360, S235JRS355JR, S235J0-S355J0, S235J2-S355J2, S275N-S355N, S275MS355M,P235GH-P355GH, P275N-P355N, P355M, P355Q Pipeline steels L210-360, shipbuilding steels A-E, AH36, DH36 ASTM: A36, A106 grades A/B/C, A139, A210 grades A1/C, A216 grades WCA/WCB/ WCC,A234 grade WPB, A266 grades 1/2/4, A283 grades A/B/C/D, A285 grades A/B/C, A299grades A/B, A515 grades 60, A516 grades 55, A656 grade 50API: 5L grades X42-X56 216 Packing drum kg K 415 25 Ø /mm 2.0 2.5 3.0 4.0 Item no. 097-003700-02520 097-003700-02525 097-003700-02530 097-003700-02540 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Submerged arc welding Wire electrodes SMA S3Si zzSubmerged arc welding wire for welding unalloyed and low- alloy construction steels Standards DIN EN ISO 14171-A S3Si AWS A-5.17 EH12K AWS A-5.23 EH12K Material number Chemical analysis C 0.11 Si 0.3 ~ 1.0497 Mn 1.72 Approvals TÜV: FW AB 1 67 Processing information Welding parameters, including preheating and interpass temperature and heat treatment, depending on the parent metal to be welded, the panel thickness and the sets of regulations to be applied. Materials Fine-grained steels, unalloyed and low-alloy steels S355J0, S355J2, S355N-S460N, S355NL-S460NL, S355M-S460M, S355ML-S460ML, S460Q, S460QL, P355GH, P355N-P460N, P355NL2-P460NL2, P355M-P460M, P355ML2-P460ML2, P355Q-P460Q Pipeline steels L210-450, shipbuilding steels AH40-FH40, ASTM: A36, A106 grades A/B/C, A139, A210 grades A1/C, A216 grades WCA/WCB/WCC, A234 grade WPB, A266 grades 1/2/4, A283 grades A/B/C/D, A285 grades A/B/C, A299 grades A/B, A515 grades 60/65/70, A516 grades 55-70, A656 grade 50/60 API: 5L grades X42-X65 Packing drum kg K 415 25 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø /mm 2.0 2.5 3.0 4.0 Item no. 097-004839-02520 097-004839-02525 097-004839-02530 097-004839-02540 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 217 Submerged arc welding Wire electrodes SMA 316 zzHigh-alloy submerged arc welding wire electrode zzMaximum operating temperature 400 °C zzCan be used for stabilised and non-stabilised Cr-Ni steels Standards DIN EN ISO 14343-A S 19 9 3 L AWS A-5.9 ER 316L Material number Chemical analysis C 0.11 C 0.25 Si 0.4 1.4430 Mn 1.7 Cr 19 Ni 12.5 Mo 2.8 Fe Rest Approvals TÜV: FW CS 1 63 DC Materials 1.4401, 1.4404, 1.4406, 1.4408, 1.4429, 1.4435, 1.4436, 1.4541, 1.4550, 1.4571, 1.4580, 1.4581, 1.4583 218 kg Packing drum 25 K 415 Drum Ø /mm 2.0 2.4 3.0 4.0 Item no. 097-004880-02520 097-004880-02524 097-004880-02530 097-004880-02540 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Accessories Drum covers Page 220 220 Covers Connectors SZW 2016 2016-01-08 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 219 Accessories Drum covers and connectors BC rund mit Lippe zzDrum cover with lip zzFor connection to drums Packing Drum 220 Ø/mm 510 580 Item no. 097-003592-00510 097-003592-00580 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Accessories Drum covers and connectors BC rund, flach zzDrum cover with lip zzFor connection to drums Packing Drum SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Ø/mm 520 590 Item no. 097-003591-00520 097-003591-00590 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 221 Accessories Wire guide Wire Lead 7.1 Pos. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7.1 7.1 7.2 7.2 - 7.2 7 Type WIRE LEAD 1,5M WIRE LEAD 3M WIRE LEAD 5M WIRE LEAD 6,5M WIRE LEAD 8M WIRE LEAD 10M WIRE LEAD PRO CONNECTOR BARREL WIRE LEAD CONNECTOR DV-CAB WIRE LEAD CONNECTOR DRIVE ROB2 WIRE LEAD CONNECTOR DRIVE ROB3 WIRE LEAD CONNECTOR WIRE LEAD PRO Wire Lead zzFor steel wire, round wires zzOutside dia.: 13 mm zzWire dia. up to 1.6 mm Designation Wire guide, material sold by the metre Connection for large spool/drum Item no. 094-018280-00000 094-018281-00000 094-018282-00000 094-018283-00000 094-018284-00000 094-018285-00000 094-018279-00001 094-018277-00000 DV-CAB connection 092-007931-00000 Wire guide Connection set for Rob 2 wire conduit 092-007913-00000 Connection set for Rob 3 wire conduit 092-007912-00000 End piece wire guide for material sold by the metre 094-018278-00000 Wire Lead Soft Wire Lead Soft zzFor aluminium and stainless steel wire, round wires zzOutside dia.: 12 mm zzWire dia. up to 1.6 mm Pos. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7.1 7.1 7.2 7.2 7.5 7.6 222 Type WIRE LEAD SOFT 1,5M WIRE LEAD SOFT 3M WIRE LEAD SOFT 5M WIRE LEAD SOFT 6,5M WIRE LEAD SOFT 8M WIRE LEAD SOFT 10M WIRE LEAD SOFT 12M WIRE LEAD SOFT CONNECTOR BARREL WIRE LEAD CONNECTOR DV-CAB WIRE LEAD CONNECTOR DRIVE ROB2 WIRE LEAD CONNECTOR DRIVE ROB3 WIRE LEAD CONNECTOR WIRE LEAD SOFT UEDFS WLS 2,5x4,5mm 150mm Designation Wire guide, material sold by the metre Connection for large spool/drum Item no. 094-020383-00000 094-020383-00001 094-020383-00002 094-020383-00003 094-020383-00004 094-020383-00005 094-020383-00006 094-020382-00000 094-018277-00000 DV-CAB connection 092-007931-00000 Connection set for Rob 2 wire conduit 092-007913-00000 Wire guide Connection set for Rob 3 wire conduit 092-007912-00000 End piece wire guide for material sold by the metre Transition liner for soft wire lead 094-020381-00000 www.ewm-group.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 094-020380-00000 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Accessories Wire guide Wire Conduit 7.1 Pos. 7 7 7 7 7 7.1 7.1 7.2 7.2 7.2 7 Type WIRE CONDUIT 1,8M WIRE CONDUIT 3M WIRE CONDUIT 4,5M WIRE CONDUIT 8M WIRE CONDUIT 12M CONNECTOR BARREL CONNECTOR DV-CAB WIRE CONDUIT CONNECTOR DRIVE ROB2 WIRE CONDUIT CONNECTOR DRIVE ROB3 WIRE CONDUIT Wire Conduit zzRugged design zzFor steel wire, round wires zzOutside dia.: 16 mm zzWire dia. up to 1.6 mm Designation Connection for large spool/drum DV-CAB connection Item no. 094-011515-00004 094-011515-00000 094-011515-00001 094-011515-00002 094-011515-00003 094-011517-00000 092-007741-00000 Connection set for Rob 2 wire conduit 092-008205-00000 Connection set for Rob 3 wire conduit 092-007916-00000 Wire guide Rolliner HD 7 7.2 7.1 Pos. 7 7 7 7 7 7.1 7.1 7.2 7.2 SZW 2016 2016-01-08 Type ROLLINER 5M ROLLINER 10M ROLLINER 15M ROLLINER 20M ROLLINER 25M ROLLINER CONNECTOR BARREL ROLLINER CONNECTOR DV-CAB ROLLINER CONNECTOR DRIVE ROB2 ROLLINER CONNECTOR DRIVE ROB3 Rolliner HD zzFor all material types, round wires zzOutside dia.: 50 mm zzWire dia. up to 4.0 mm zzWeight: Approx. 600 g/m Designation Connection for large spool/drum Item no. 092-002575-00000 092-002575-00001 092-002575-00002 092-002575-00003 092-002575-00004 094-014623-00000 DV-CAB connection 092-007930-00000 Wire guide with plastic rollers Connection set for Rob 2 wire conduit 092-007917-00000 Connection set for Rob 3 wire conduit 092-007918-00000 www.ewm-sales.com Request current scope of the permit for welding consumables if necessary. 223 Notes Notes ewm worldwide Rathenow Czech Republic Göttingen Benešov u Prahy Pulheim Siegen People‘s Republic of china Mündersbach Kunshan Ransbach-Baumbach Austria Weinheim Blaubeuren Pinsdorf Great Britain Neu-Ulm Plants Branches Sales partners Tettnang Morpeth More than 400 ewm sales partners worldwide – we‘re never far away. Sales and Logistics Centre Headquaters EWM AG Sälzerstr. 20 56235 Ransbach-Baumbach Tel: +49 2623 9276-0 · Fax: -244 www.ewm-sales.com info@ewm-sales.com EWM AG Dr. Günter-Henle-Straße 8 D-56271 Mündersbach Tel: +49 2680 181-0 · Fax: -244 www.ewm-group.com www.ewm-sales.com Sales / Consultancy / Service © EWM AG WM.0924.01 / 2014-10 Visit us!
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