CARB Executive Letters - Clean Cam Technology Systems, LLC
CARB Executive Letters - Clean Cam Technology Systems, LLC
Air Resources Board Mary D. Nichols, Chairman Liilda S. Adams Secretary for 1001 I Street· P,O. Box 2815 Sacramento, California 95812· . ',_.0""" ., . .••. ,.r " Govemor Environmental Protection October 26, 2010 Mr. Don Fairchild, Manager Clean earn Technology Systems 6300 Seven Seas Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93308 Dear Mr. Fairchild: The California Air Resources Board (ARB) staff reviewed the emissions test data submitted for a Detroit DieseI71-seriestwo$trok~die~elengine rebuiltwlth a Clean Cam Technology .Systems (CCTS) Detroit :,Diesettebdildkit. The CCTS Detrclt.Diesel rebuild kit emissions data satisfY the 'ARB's Gommercial H arbor GraftRegtJlatiol11 . compliance requirements fotarfexistiriglsngiheto meet United States Environr11ental Protection Agency (U ;S.EPA)tier2 marineenqineemlsstonstandards or equivalent. ARB is not certifying the engine rebuildkit, Rather, we areapprovinq engines-rebuilt with this kit to comply with the Commercial, Harbor Craft Regulation U.S. EPA Tier 2 marine engine requirements. The rebuilt engine will have a new label attached identifying the engine as rebuilt with this eCTS Detroit Diesel rebuild kit. Two sets of emissions test data have been submitted for the GCTS Detroit Diesel rebuild kit. These data sets are summarized in Table 1. Both sets of data showed , emissions rates below the U.S. EPATier 2 marine engine standards for the 71-series Detroit Diesel engine. The U.S. EPA Tier 2 marine engine standards, which vary with engine size, are summarized in Table 2 below. One set of emissions tests were performed .by thebJhiversi~ of 'California.; ~jverside .(YCR.yano. theqth~rbySol.tthwest Rese~rchln,stltut~(SwRI):,'Both'xJ~ed·theJSO 81'78 E3.marinepropeller duty cycle. "'The.emissions tests were conducted with.CARB diesel fuel:' The HarborCraft ',' Regulation allows compliance by demonstrating emissions levels that meet U.S. EPA Tier 2 marine engine emission limits. The emissions test results for particulate matter (PM), nitrogen oxides plus hydrocarbons (NOx+HC), and carbon monoxide (CO) are at or below the U.S. EPA Tier 2 marine engine emission standards fora marine category 1 diesel engine with a per cylinder displacement of less than 1.2 liters/cylinder. Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation (section 93118.5, title 17, California Code of Regulation (CCR). 1 The energy challenge facing Cafifomia is real. Every Cafifomian needs to take inmediate action to reduce energy corisumption. For a list of simple ways you can reduce demand ana! cut your energy co is, see our website; California Environmental Protec ion Aoencv _. Arnold Schw3i'zenegger Mr. Don Fairchild October 26,2010 Page 2 Table 1: eeTS Detroit Diesel Rebuild Kit Emissions Testing Rebuild Kit NOx+He (g/hp-hr) 5.21 UCR TestAvq Doe 12V71 (1.16Iiter/cyl) ccrs UCR TestAvg Doe 12V71 (1.16·liter/cyJ) .SwRI Test DOC 6L 71 (1.16 liter/cyl) Rated . 210 hp SwRI TestDDC 6L71 (1.16Jiter/cyl)Rated 208 hp SwRI Test DDC6L71 (1.16 liter/cyl) Rated 228 hp 4.98 4.97 PM . (g/hp-hr) 0.149 0.145 .0.188 eo (g/hp-hr) 0.60 0.61 0.75 4.88 0.198 0.77 5.2 0.217 '0.6 The eeTS Detroit Dleselrebuildjdthastwovariatlons, one forthe 71-series and '. I . . -. .' ....•. . .:... . .'. '.. .. . . . . another for the 92- series DetroitDiesel2"stroke engines. The 71-,seriesDetroit Diesel .engines displace 1.16 liters percYli(ld$raJ'1d\t~~92~seiies DetroitDieselengines displace 1.51 liters per cylinder. The:MariheTier2standards for these two engine series are different in regard to~thePMemissiohJates. As shown in Table 2, the 71-series Detroit Diesel engineshavectoibeequ~Lto or less than 0.22g/hp-hr PM to meet the marine Tier 2 standard while, the 92'::seriesDetroitDiesel engines have. to be equal to or less than O.15g/hp-'hr PM. The'92':'series Detroit Diesel engines have to meet a cleaner PM standard. 'Sksed On the' ernissionstesfs .. the resultspresentedjn Ta6.i~ '1~bove, ccrsoeiroir 'Diesel re~lHld.·kit'reduees ·e.niisslonsfr()mthepetroit Diesel 71,-seriestwo stroke diesel . engine to. below U.S. EPA Tier 2 marine engine 'emission standards. Therefore. ARB' staff finds that the eeTS Detroit Diesel rebuild kit, when used with a Detroit Diesel 71-sedes engines, can be used to comply with the emission standard requirement in the Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation for Tier 2 engines. This does not extend to the Detroit Diesel 92-series engines because these engines are required to meet a stricter Tier 2 PM emission standard. A component parts list for this engine rebuild kit is attached to provide a means to identify the individual parts specific to this rebuild kit. The component parts list may be 'needed to help resolve any future compliance issues. The eeTS Detroit Diesel rebuild .kit requires specific injectors that are not on the attached parts lists. Mr, Don Fairchild October 26, 2010 Page 3 Table 4 below lists the injectors allowed for the 71-series engines, All ofthe injectors must be certified by Signal Diesel Injector Service located in Signal Hill, California, T abl e 4 CCTS De t rot't D'lese I Re bUI"Id K'tI Fue II' ruect or Iden ffi IleafIon Injector Part # Certified perfonnance by Detroit Diesel Enoine ·71-series SignaLDiesel7G70 Si~HialDiesel7G75 71-series Signal Diesel Injector Service SjgnalDje~eJ9G75 71-series SiQnaFDieset9G85 71-series A CCTS engine label must be installed or placed on an engine rebuilt to comply with the Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation marine Tier 2 requirements. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact Mr. John Lee, Air Resources Engineer, at (916) 327-5975. Sincerely, ~73~£.C0cr~~ __ Daniel E. Donohoue, Chief Emissions Assessment Branch Attachment cc: John Lee Air Resources Engineer Control Strateqies Section -' [g- -_ c.J/EPA _ - I~~ted Sf-afe WnLSbm~Hidtox. -Agency secretary. Califo~ia Envi-romnental~tection _ An: Resources Board: waSte Mau:genrentBoaral of Cttlifornu;. l Department Office of Environ-mental of Pesl:icide Regulal:i~ Health Haza,-d Assessment! - -' GrayDavls Governor Agency I Deparl:ment of Toxic Substances Control _ State Water Resources Control_Boa,-d1 Regional Water Q~ity _. . em;.tr~l Beard, . October 5,-2001 ~Mr. Don Fairchild Clean- Carn Technology Systems 1901 Mineral Court, Suite-A ~ _ - - Bakersfield, California 93308 , Dear Mr. Fairchild: On behalf of the California Environmental Protection AgEmcy (CaUEPA). I am pleased to forward an official certificate-for the Clean Cam Technology Systems' (CCTS) CamShaft Cylinder Reengineering Kit - Version I (for application-to Detroit-Diesel Corporation's pre--1993-modelyearengines: 1~V-92, 12V-9_2,8V-92, 6V-92~ 16V-71, 12V-71, 8V-71 , 6V-71 , 6L-71 , 4L-71 , and-31-71). This performance certification is - subject to the conditions in the Air Resources' Board (ARB) Executive Order ~G~96~29~ '038, which is also enclosed. ' The control of exhaust emissions from stationery reciprocating -engines is an .important part of GaUEPA's strategy to achieve and rnaintaln healthy air quality in California. Upon review, local air 'management districts issue permits for stationary sources. The, CCTS's Reengineering Kit can be incorporated in a districfs plan_to control nit~ogen oxides, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and particulate matter emissions. I -CCTS's custom earn Shaft and Cylinder Reengineering Xit allows the specified pre1993-model yea-r engines to meet 2001 exhaust emission standards established by U.S. EPA and ARB. The Reengineering Kit modifies the camshattcyllnder liner, and piston along witl1 changing the fuel il1ljection timing and O>sYg~nratio to allow ~he engine to be operated with lower emissions. ARB" staff at the CaUEPA has independently verified the operation ofthe iisted model year engines. Additional information about the Certificati.on of this technology is available at - - While CallEPA does not provide endorsement or approval of spe . products, -our certification represents the validation of environm __- . based on an evaluation of available data. Certification ;":k high degree 0 confidence to potential customers and_regulators that the y will perform a claimed, under specified operating conditions. Developers ari_,--' cturers_of certified technologies have credited certifi~ation as a key pa"i>f their in .. domestic and international markets, ,.f:••, ~-:a 'l1te eneJID' ebaU -immediate action to - =luce demand and 1001 I Street I Sacra - Mr. Don Fairchild October 5, 2001 Page 2 . Increasing the use of innovative products that have a net environmental benefit will assist CallEPA in improving our state's overall environmental quality. CallEPA has endeavored to share certification information with our colleagues in environmental protection, as well as potential technology customers. This year, we plan to eOncentrate our efforts in advancing the acceptance of the California Environmental Technology Certification Program (CaICert) among private and regulatory communities. I invite you. to join the CalCert team ·in coordinating our outreach, marketing, and technical transfer activities. . . I have also enclosed a sorvey we developed to solicit client feedbaCk on the certification process, cost, .and timeframe. We welcome your observations and opinions, particularly any recommendations toward improving our service and your certification experience. "Please complete the enclosed survey at your earliest convenience and return it to the Office of Environmental Technology at P.O. Box 2815, Sacramento, CA 95812. Your candid feedback will help CallEPA improve CalCert and ensure a more efficient and responsive certification service. Congratulations on the re-certification of the Reengineering Kit. We look forward to continuing our cooperative association with Clean Cam Technology Systems to facjlitate the development, use and transfer of innovative environmental sofutions. Shouldyou have questions or need assistance in this endeavor, please contact. Ms. Melissa Meuser, CalCert's marketing analyst, by telephone at (916) 445-6023 or via e-mail . . Sincerely, ~iJ~ ~ . . -.' ~ Tam Doduc, P.E. Assistant SecretarY Technology Certification Enclosures < co: Ms. Kitty Martin, Air Resources Board Ms. Melissa Meuse~, Office of Environmental Technology 0.- .'~" . :-: :"','- .~.:::-.. - •. _'-.: ....<----.;.. , [i1~J~~l€~~l~~S~E . ~...~.:--::-... '~":.: -, ..:>-.':) -r : -~:; ... i~ valid.only when this equ!~ment or p~6~sis-~~J)Aed .stationar:yscHirces and iS~J)~tvalidfor mOdificatiO~()pn~~~~_-engines; .:·.:-".'... >.:./ ' .'. . WHEREAS~thi~ Precertffi~fion to ;;,~~~~~:e~~t;=;~~a;t.tlln:;;~'~lI~the preCe~ci.ffo~,()ft - ;"'e''g--'u--'Ia'tions: , • ' WHEREAS. Clean,GamT~n\Jlogy Shaft Cylinder R.eengiileeringKit mechanical unit injecoohDetroit .>. , ····,·,··'·ts<·: - '~-: .,:.." .... --."..... -;:.• r " .- _.' Systern~b!JS~lJeSted -". .... '«. ,',.. _ '.' ) J . '. .':' --~:.:.:. a Carn {Versi6n __ IJfotfApplication to any pr~t~g~>m()delyear Diesel CbrpOratlC)fl'S engines (Mod~f$'16\l+92. 12V~92, 8V-92 6V-92 12V-7116V;;.71 3L-71 4L-7161)·i1 t 6V-71and8V-"71)''-:.· , ._ ' .. ., J '-~-- •• ' ....• .' c" ,', .'. J WHEREAS, clean Cam Tecl;ll10iogy Systems, identified the foilowingPre~itifK::ation . standards regarding the emissions performenceoffhe earn Shaft CyliriderReengineering Kit (VersionJ) for application to any pre-19931nOclelyear mechanicaloriiti~on Detroit Diesel Corporation's engineS (Models 16V-92~12V..c92, 8V-92,6V-92;'12V-71C16V-71 • . ' .3l-71~ 4L-71. fiL-71. 6V-71. and 8V-71):· ..... :.: .: 1. emissions no greater than ~.8 grams per brake norsepower-hour (glbhp-hr)of nitrogen oxides; . . .... . 2. emissions no greater than 1.0glbhp.hi of hydrocarbons; 3. emissions· 4. eJ!1issions no greater than 0.16 glbh~hr of particulate matter; . no greater than 8.5 glbhp-hr of carbon monoxide; and WHEREAS •.1find that the Applicant. Clean Carn Technology Systems, has metthe requirements specified in Title 17, California Code of Regulations. section 91400 which incorporates the ARB's Criteria for Equipment Precertification· (adopted June 14, 1996) a£:ld has satisfactorily demonstrated through independent testing that the reengineering kit described in the application meets the identified Precertification standards; :"~i. .0:.-:;". "-.::-' '. -: ":-"~~~>.,. '. 'NHEREAS}ims.:pfirtonnance Precertfficati()riis~ubject to ali CQnditi6risa'1{it¢qui~~n:ts. . ... 6ffl1e ARJ:ts Ci1t~riafor EquiPment Precel"1:ffioatloQ, including the proviSloris '>~,~".;>. . 'suspensi01'l\angfevocati~0t1: .> .--."'----:':." WHEREA~. marketing of this device using anidentffi~tion.otb~~tl1fif1tfiat.!)tJPWq;IDJhis ·.·.·~pcutiveOrdershali 'be prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from .thEf ARB~'~~~y -: ...•.....• Oral or written. refet¢nces to this Executive Order or its 'conteQ!IJY Clean Carn T echnO~f .. . Systemsj its prin¢;' agents, employees. distributors. deal~F()r.other representativeS . must include theJfi.sclaimer that this Executive Order is not an endQrsement or approval of the Garn Shaft:cylfnder Reengineering .Kit (VetSionl»)for applicatl6~·toany pre-1993 mod¢Lyear me~l1anical unit ini~~on Detroit Diesel <J9rporation's engines (Models 16V-92. 12V~92,8V-92;6V~92, 12V-71/16V-71,3L=11,4b-1:'1{6l-71, 6V-71.and 8V-7t)~.No ..' ctttiTIlShaU be made, such as "APproved by the AiiRE!sources Boafd,iiWith reSPE!titoany advertiSing or other oral or written communication.Jtis only a findirigtfJatthe Can(Shaft cynnded~eengineering Kit (Version I) for app1icati01'l to any pre-1993}nooel y~f . mechanical unit injection Detroit Diesel Corporation~s~engines (Mod~fS16V":"92,>1.?V~92. 8V-92, 6V-92, 12V-71 , 16V-71, 3L-71., 4l-71,6L-71;6V-71. and 8V-7.1}meeiSfue identified Precertification standards under the recommended operatingtonditiOnsat specified in the evaluation for application. number 980901; . . . ·NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED. that theperfcrrnence.precertitication, Executive Order G-10-089, executed at Sacramento, CGiJrfQmia,this .~~dayo( '. January 2011, is hereby granted subject to the foliowing?d6nditions anclrequirements: 1. .Tne issuance of this Precertification Executive Order does not constitute'· compliance with, or that-the equipment or technology identmedhereinllas been verified to meet the requirements of the 'Verification Procedures tarin-Use Strategies to Control Emissions from Diesel Engines" contained in the ~C.arlfomia Code of Regulations, 2. Title 13. section 2700 etseq. . . The equipment or technology'ideotified herein shan not be used to comply with emissions requirements contained in any law, ruie or regulation where retrofit technologies for in-use diesel. engines are required to meet such verification procedures. . .' . 3. This PrecertfficationExecutiveOrder shaU.expire on January ,,~2014 James Goldstene Executive Officer --/ . by: j/ ...'---''\ - L· ""/' ~;;,.,~ -j; . Richard Corey, otilef Stationary Source Division . -~ .: