CSA, Community Supported Member circle
CSA, Community Supported Member circle
The purpose of this guide is to facilitate direct-market connections between local farms and eaters. Purchasing local food helps support family farms, grows our local economy and keeps farmers in business. Farmers Markets - due to frequent changes in days/times and locations, we do not include farmers markets in this guide. However, we publish an annual brochure of Northern Tier Farmers Markets. Look for it at markets and also on regional tourism websites. Some markets in the Northern Tier are not strictly “Grower-Only” markets; along with producers there may be vendors selling items purchased from auctions or sources outside our region. We encourage you to shop at the growers market nearest you, ask questions, and purchase from members of the Northern Tier Buy Fresh Buy Local chapter. CSA, Community Supported Agriculture - is a system in which consumers pay in advance and share the risk and the bounty of a farm. For a share price, you receive a bag or box of farm products on a regular basis (usually weekly) for a set number of weeks. Arrangements and products vary from farm to farm, but CSA members are assured an adventure in eating and a relationship with “their” farm and farmer. Member circle - A blue “member” circle signifies an active member in the PA Northern Tier chapter of Buy Fresh Buy Local. Consider this a “seal of approval” and evidence of the business or farm’s commitment to produce food and sell it in our region. “The Northern Tier Local Food Guide” is a publication of the Northern Tier Buy Fresh Buy Local (NTBFBL) Chapter currently administered by the Northern Tier Cultural Alliance. NTBFBL is a chapter of the FoodRoutes Network LLC (FoodRoutes.org) a subsidiary of the Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture (PASA) - our Contact us at NTBuyFresh.BuyLocal@gmail.com Continued on page 1... ...Continued from front cover statewide coordinator. Northern Tier is one of 13 BFBL chapters in Pennsylvania and over 75 chapters nationwide! The Northern Tier chapter covers Bradford, Potter, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Tioga and Wyoming Counties. Contact us at NTBuyFresh.BuyLocal@gmail.com. Join us! Funding for this publication provided entirely by our members and advertisers! Please patronize them as their support makes this guide possible. The goal of our BFBL chapter is to make it easier for Pennsylvania consumers to find, choose and appreciate local foods… and to support farmers and farmland retention. We create food guides, create and distribute food fact cards for elementary age students, coordinate events and educational programs, document and celebrate our regional agriculture and craft heritage, and maintain a Northern Tier Buy Fresh Buy Local Facebook page along with managing the Northern Tier section of buylocalpa.org. Local food is fresher, often produced in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner, and tastes better than produce transported from many miles away. So, if you are looking for a specific local food or dreaming of a BuyFreshBuyLocal “road trip,” use this publication as your guide to nutritious and delicious food and as your road map to a healthier life and more vibrant rural communities. Enjoy! 1 There are very few raw milk and/or on-farm milk processing facilities left in Pennsylvania, however, we are lucky to have some in the Northern Tier. Some milk and cheese producers are cross-listed under farmer/growers so check that list also. LeRaysville Cheese Factory Milton or Tiffany Repsher - Off Rt. 467, 1/2 mi. west of LeRaysville, 3/4 mile up dirt road. 570-744-2554 or 1-800859-5196; cheeses@epix.net. Open Mon. – Sat. 9 - 5, except major holidays. Closed Sundays. Amish made cheeses, specializing in rawmilk cheddar, award-winning Pennsylvania Jack and Cajun Cheddar. Also stock local maple products, honey and hand-made craft items. Available at factory store at LeRaysville, by mail order and at many local stores. Endless Mountains Cheesery LLC Pam Trynovich - 15 Wolf Run Rd., Wellsboro 16901. 570-724-7112; emtcheesery@hotmail.com. Five miles west of Wellsboro on Rt. 6 to Wolf Run Road. Tasting Room open: Friday - Monday 11 - 5. Artisan style goat cheeses. Wholesale / retail from website and on-farm sales. www.endlessmountainscheeseryllc.com God’s Country Creamery Melanie Bachman - 439 Pushersiding Rd., Ulysses, PA 16948. 814-848-7262; mmbachman@verizon.net. Artisan cheeses made on the farm from all-natural, clean raw milk, free from artificial growth hormones. Fluid raw milk, free-range eggs and pastured meat chicken. Online ordering, on-farm sales by appt. and at numerous retail outlets in PA, NY and other states. www.LERAYSVILLECHEESE.com Milky Way Farms See listings under Growers and Restaurants Kim Seeley & family - 570-673-5651; milkyway1@ frontiernet.net. Grass based dairy farm with on-farm restaurant, store and bottling plant. Retail sales of milk, ice cream, cheeses, butter and other local food products. Frozen grass-fed beef also available. www.milkywayfarms.net www.godscountrycreamery.com Inn to the Seasons Specialties Bernard & Carol Jurkowski - 1333 Ayres Road, Canton PA 17724 570-673-3955; inntotheseasons@frontiernet.net. Goat Dairy with licensed on-farm kitchen and store. Ricotta cheese, manicotti, blintzes, giant pierogi, lasagna, New York style Cheesecake and Fudge. Also seasoned meatballs, kielbasa, meat sauce. Custom raised natural pork, lamb, veal and goat meat. Sell at: Forks Farm Market, Mansfield Growers Market, Wellsboro Growers Market, Eagles Mere, others by appointment - wholesale and retail. Farm store. New Horizon Creamery Karl Torrey - 45 State Route 244, Coudersport, PA 16915. 814-6982227; newhorizoncreamery@gmail.com. Cheeses & ice creams made on farm from Jersey milk. Several types of cheddar, jack and more. Sales at on-farm store and kitchen on Friday evenings and weekends. Visitors welcome. Also at Mansfield Growers Market. (Cross listed under Restaurants.) www.newhorizoncreamery.com Bradford County Back Achers Farm Susan Bullock and Aaron Bullock - 2908 North Rome Road, Rome, PA 18837, about 2.75 mi. north of Rt. 187. 570-247-2940; backachersfarm@epix.net. Farm store: Weds. - Sat. 10-4. Pastured organic-fed broilers, turkeys, laying hens & eggs, grass-fed lamb, grass-fed beef, pastured pork, maple syrup & maple products, wide variety of vegetables. At Essential Eating Market year-round and Sayre Farmers Market in season. All Natural Beef Co. Mike and Chick DeBach - 1961 Leona Rd, Troy, PA 16947. 1-800-416-3968; sales@allnaturalbeefco.com. Naturally raised, grass-fed beef. Available at Leona Meat Plant www.leonameatplant.com www.allnaturalbeefco.com 2 www.backachersfarmpa.com / Facebook page Back Hills Angus Russell Hollenback - 570-265-8255 - backhillsangus@yahoo.com 823 Old Plank Road, Towanda 18848 Frozen Angus Beef. Farmers markets and sales from farm. Farmer Fred’s LLC Fred McNeal & Kelsey Buffenmyer 607-738-3837 or 607-846-0518 Farm Stand at 1135 S. Main St., Towanda – Open Tues.-Friday 10-6; Sat. 9-5; Sun. 10-4. Tomatoes, cukes, summer and winter squash, greens, peas, beans and other produce. Own maple syrup. Compost, mulch and wood crafts. Flowers, transplants, Christmas trees and gifts. No chemical fertilizers or sprays used. www.farmerfreds.com Berry Fields Farm (see also Restaurant listing) Charles and Barbara Gerlach - 570-924-3019 or cell 717-586-8793; gerlach@epix.net. 7 miles north of Forksville – 138 Berry Lane, New Albany. Blueberries, market garden, orchard fruits; grass-fed beef cattle, Tamworth pigs, Boer goats; Red Bourbon Turkeys; organic pastured poultry and eggs; Maple syrup; Homemade jams and sausage. Sell at farmers markets and farm stand. Also run Bed & Breakfast and On-Farm Dining Room at farm. www.berryfieldsfarm.net Gardiner’s Orchard LLC Don & Dottie Gardiner - 570-297-8904 5420 Fallbrook Road, Troy PA 16947 (1.5 miles up Fallbrook Road from Rt. 14 south of Troy); Mon.- Sat. 9–5; Sun. 11–4. 18 varieties of apples. Sweet cherries, peaches, nectarines. Homemade apple butter, jams & jellies. Local honey, cider & maple syrup. U-pick apples during farm stand hours. In season: Mansfield Growers Market, farm stand and wholesale (call for availability). Farm Stand: late August thru November; Bohlayer’s Orchards David and Heather Loomis - 570-297-2480 1621 Farmers Valley Road, Troy PA 16947 2 mi. west of Troy on Rt. 6, turn on Farmer’s Valley Rd. for 2 miles. Labor Day to Thanksgiving: 7 days a week. Call for hours. Apples and pears grown using natural products. U-pick Memberships. CVM Romeldale Sheep – sales of fiber and breeding stock. www.gardinersorchard.com Granville Farm John Shamro & Joann Semancik 570-364-5810 johnshamro@hotmail.com 878 Calkins Road, Troy, PA 16947 Pastured meat chickens; Turkeys for Thanksgiving. Custom poultry processing. Call or email to order. www.bohlayersorchards.com The Herb Corner Diane and Phil Fiorentino - 570-537-2793 pdfiore@npacc.net 175 Mott Town Road, Gillett PA 16925 Vegetable and herb plants. Early greens; baby eggplants, peppers and hot peppers. Fresh cut Herbs and Flowers by the bunch – retail and wholesale pricing available. Farm Stand open Mon. & Weds. evenings – call ahead. Also at Mansfield Growers Market & Wellsboro Growers Market. Bristol’s Produce Gavin Bristol - 607-742-2575 - Corn, tomatoes, squash, peppers, melons, pumpkins, peaches, cherries. Other fruit from local growers. Two stands in season: Corner of Rt. 6 and Mudcreek Road in East Troy 9-6 daily and South Main St., Mansfield - across from WalMart Open 10-6 daily “by the bridge” Jennifer and Dave Caplinger 570-265-3572; djcap8@frontiernet.net 47 Woodside Road, Towanda, PA 18848 - Corner of Rt. 220 and Woodside Road by Towanda Creek bridge at Monroeton. Small multi-generation farm raising large variety of vegetables, herbs, flowers & small fruit. Pastured chicken, turkey, pork & eggs. Quilts. Self-serve farm stand. Meat sales by reservation. Some U-pick crops. Find us on Facebook Inn to the Seasons (see full listing under Dairy) Carol & Bernard Jurkowski - 570-673-3955 Goat milk products. Kuhn Family Farm - Columbia Cross Roads Randy and Tina Kuhn - 570-297-4466 - TheKuhnFamilyFarm@hotmail.com 24 Parmenter Road, Columbia Cross Roads, PA 16914 - corner of Springfield and Parmenter Roads. 100% grass-fed Beefalo & Red Angus, pastured Duroc Cross Pigs, Pastured Poultry, Maple syrup, honey, cheese, eggs, molasses, goat milk soap. On Farm stand Thurs./Fri. 1 to 6; Sat. 8-2. Closed Sundays. Other times by appointment. Wholesale. See website for current list/locations of Farmers Markets. Like us on Facebook for updates. Champdale Farm – Laceyville Tom or Barb Champluvier - 1177 Spring Hill Road, Laceyville, PA 18623 - 570-869-1683 - Farm stand: July to September, Mon.- Sat. dawn to dusk. Also sell at Millers in Wyalusing and various other local markets. Sweet corn, tomatoes and other vegetables. www.thekuhnfamilyfarm.com “The first farmer was the first man. All historic nobility rests on the possession and use of land.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson 3 Lake Wesauking Blueberries Edward Kulick – 418 Claverack Road, Wysox, PA 570-265-5047; suzo@frontiernet.net Blueberries - farm stand and u-pick. Milky Way Farms (see listings under Dairy & Restaurants) Kim & Ann Seeley - 17075 Rt. 14, Troy 16947. 570-673-5651; milkyway1@frontiernet.net. Grass based dairy farm with on-farm restaurant, store and bottling plant. Retail sale of milk, ice cream, cheeses, butter and grass-fed beef. On-farm store (open year-round). Lifetime Member of PASA. Slocum Farm Produce Evert Slocum – 570-637-4016; 76 Slater Hill Road, Towanda, PA 18848 (follow signs from Rt.6). Wide variety of produce – vegetables and fruit. Farm Stand: Dawn to dusk. Sayre Farmer’s Market. Small Castle Farm Michael & Rhoda Burgett – 570-358-3606; smallcastlefarm@gmail.com - 1048 Sackett Road, Ulster, PA 18850. Heritage vegetables raised without pesticides. All are non-GMO. Eggs from free-range hens. Hay. On-farm sales - seasonal. Call. www.milkywayfarms.net Northern Tier Greens Darryl Holdren - 108 Steam Hollow Road, Troy PA – off US Route 6 west of Burllington. 570297-0724; ntgreens@epix.net. Hydroponically Grown lettuces (6 types) plus basil & cilantro raised in greenhouses utilizing methane from adjacent landfill. Wholesale to restaurants, schools and retail stores. Retail on site: Mon.- Fri., 8-4. www.ntswa.org Spring Lake Farm – Rienze / New Era Jim Ahern & family - 570-746-1145 - 3019 Rienze Road, Wyalusing, PA 18853 Strawberries (u-pick), Blueberries, Apples, Cider, Asparagus. Farm Stand. Hours vary according to availability. Please call! Spring Meadows Andy Lyon - 570-537-2128; springmeadowsfarm@gmail.com; 9578 Route 549, Millerton, PA 16936 - 12 mi. south of Elmira. Mixed chemical-free produce, grass-based beef and pork, eggs. Oxen powered. Sales from the farm and at Mansfield Growers Market. Ask about “Farmer Supporter Program.” Paul Plum Paul Pauliny – Plums, sweet cherries, apricots, peaches, apples, pears and tomatoes. Sales at Farmers Markets in Pittston, Wyalusing & Clarks Summit (Essential Eating). Udder Merry Mac Farm Raymond & Janet MacWhinnie – 570-596-3657 rmacw@empireaccess.net. 806 Reber Road, Ulster, PA 18850 - Hydroponically grown lettuce, basil, cucumbers and other produce. Raspberries. Mansfield & Wellsboro Growers Markets, Sayre Farmers Market. www.PaulPlum.com Romberger’s Farm Mathew Romberger & Family –570-888-9295; cell: 607-4252821; mromberger@hotmail.com. 3 Miles North of Sayre - 4071 Riverside Drive, Sayre, PA 18840. Farm raised beef and grain fed pork; Potatoes, field crops and seasonal vegetables. Farm Stand open June to October: Weekdays 10 - 6. Also sell at Sayre Farmer’s Market. Accepts PA FMNP certificates. Potter County Blue Marble Farm Lisa & Jeff Werner - 814-228-3934 - lisa@bluemarblefarm. com - Wide variety of vegetables and fruit. Heirloom tomatoes. At Alfred, NY Farmers Market starting in July and at Wellsville NY Farmers Market starting in August. www.rombergersfarm.com Running Bear Farm Cliff and Margarita Bruszewski - 570-297-3701 runningbearfarm@yahoo.com. 848 Wallace Road, Troy, PA 16947 - 1 mile north of Rte 6 in West Burlington. Organically raised Pastured Lamb – whole, freezer cuts & various sausages; Duck, Chicken, Turkey; Eggs; Herbs, Fruit and Vegetables; Tanned Sheepskins; Chicken Stock and Tomato Sauce. Farm Stand open Mon. to Saturday 10-5. Mansfield Growers Market; Wellsboro Growers Market. On Facebook. www.bluemarblefarm.com and on Facebook Coolridge Farms Jon Blass - 814-274-9639, cell: 814-558-1596 coolridge@zitomedia.net - 943 Brookland Rd., Coudersport Potatoes, green beans, wheat, oats. Wholesale and retail potatoes and seed potatoes. Russell Sprouts Farm Sheila Russell – 570-637-6498 – farmers@ RussellSproutsFarm.com. 31766 Rt. 187, Rome PA 18837 (10 miles south of NY/PA border). Wide variety of vegetables grown organically. Established in 1796. 7th generation of Russells to farm chemical-free. Farm Stand: open Tues. to Sundays [closed Mondays]. Wholesale to restaurants. www.RussellSproutsFarm.com CSA Fitzgerald’s Family Farm Loren & Sharon Fitzgerald (see listing under Maple/Honey) 4 Jackson’s Carol Jackson - 814-274-0219 - buckandcarol85@yahoo.com - 296 N. Ayers Hill Rd., Coudersport - Specialty jams/jellies and relishes (Potter County Leek Relish and Cherry Butter, for example). Made from farm grown fruit and vegetables. Farmers Markets; Farm Stand / Gift Shop. Hours: Thurs. - Sat. 9 to 5. Jones Produce Marcia Jones - 814-274-7321 - marcia@zitomedia.net - 557 Rt. 49, Coudersport, PA - Sweet corn, lettuce, chard, beans, cucumbers and other vegs. Farm stand late July to end of October; Mon - Sat. 10-6 and Sun. 10-5. Carlton Farms Jennie Clifford & Richard Cross - 570-396-0886 - info@carltonfarms.net 317 Prospect St., Montrose, PA 18801. Small Grains: Flax, Buckwheat, Wheat & Rye. Hay. Pastured meat chickens and layers; Tunis sheep; Biodynamic herb and flower salts. Organic and Biodynamic Certified. On-farm sales and at Back Mountain Farmers Market in Dallas, PA. www.CarltonFarms.net Miles Farm Produce Derrick Miles – 814-848-9841; milesfarmproduce@yahoo.com 3571 State Rte. 49 E., Coudersport, PA 16915 A Variety of produce available at the Potter County Farmers Market. Clodhopper Farm Pete and Eliza Comly - 570-965-2201 - clodhopper@epix.net 3076 State Route 3006, Springville, PA 18844, (3/4 mi. west of Springville on SR 3006. Head west from Springville on SR 3004. At stop sign bear left onto 3006. Farm is on top of first hill on the left. 1/2 mile from stop sign.) Eggs, beef, pork and pasture-raised chickens and turkeys. Farm stand and by reservation. www.clodhopperfarm.com Blog: www.milesfarmproduce.wordpress.com Steven Unangst 1666 U.S Route 6 West, Roulette, PA 16746 (between Coudersport and Roulette); 814-544-7545; unangst_2005@yahoo.com. General produce, blueberries, strawberries, sweet corn, tomatoes, pumpkins, squash, watermelons, cantaloupes, asparagus, beans. PA grown fruits and more. On farm: 8 am - 7 pm; 7 days a week Funny Farm Kerry & John Foose - 570-434-2367 - funnyfarmnaturally@yahoo.com 2479 Bennett Road, Hop Bottom, PA 18824 - Honey, maple syrup, herbs & vegetables. Dried herbs year round, fresh herbs in season. Handmade soaps and candles. www.freewebs.com/funnyfarmnaturally Wooleylot Farm Alvie & Monica Fourness - 814-647-8458 - wooleylot@ yahoo.com; 57 Matt Ward Road, Coudersport, PA 16915 - Garlic scapes, garlic bulbs, fingerling potatoes, shallots, winter onions, winter squash (delicata and sugar dumpling), kohlrabi, radish and heirloom zucchini. On-line; Farmers Market on Courthouse Square in Coudersport and Wellsboro Growers Market. www.wooleylot.com Hemlock Creek CSA at Skoloff Valley Farm Stephanie Roberts & Bret Morris - 570-727-3046 hemlockcreekcsa@gmail.com; 1944 Stevens Point Rd, Susquehanna PA 18847. Diversified vegetables, herbs, flowers, and fruit for CSA, market, and farm stand. Certified by NOFANYCertified Organic LLC. www.hemlockcreekcsa.com Sullivan County Hepler Beef Curtis & Brian Hepler - 570-465-3921; cell: 607-239-2877 cshepler@nep.net. 2232 State Route 1018 - Franklin Hill Road, Hallstead, PA 18822. Freezer beef sold by the 1/4 or 1/2. Custom-cut, wrapped and frozen. All natural, no hormones or antibiotics. Grass fed or grain finished. Black Angus, Hereford, Devon, Red Polled, pure & cross bred beef, raised on the farm. Available May & September (orders taken year round). Heess Farm Josh & Tamara Heess – 570-924-3154 – heessfarm@yahoo.com - 11137 Ellentown Mountain Road, Shunk, PA 17768 - Pastured poultry; beef; pork; honey; Maple Syrup; Flemish Giant rabbits; Tomatoes, Pumpkins, and a whole lot more! Buying club with online ordering and weekly drop-offs in many locations. Store located on the farm. www.heessfarm.com Susquehanna County Hilltop Berry Farm David Osborne - 570-465-3515; 570-504-6128; 2328 Osborne Road, New Milford, PA 18834. Blueberries since 1949. Farm stand & pick your own - call for availability. Usually July/ August/Sept. 4 Seasons Farm Market Gerald & Tina Carlin – 570-833-4592 or 570-618-3877 4seasonsfarmmarket@gmail.com; 3064 State Route 3005, Meshoppen, PA 18630. Fresh produce year-round from passive solar greenhouses. Pasture Raised Beef. Dry goods, hand crafted soap, beeswax candles and more. Farm Store: Open year-round, Mon. - Sat. 9 - 5. Also sell at Wyalusing Farmers Market and at Farm Tent on Rt. 6 West, on Saturday mornings from June to October. Check website for updates. Jayne’s Orchards since 1878 Roger and Jeannie Jayne - 570-869-1405; 750 Jayne Road, Laceyville. Off Rt. 365 between Laceyville & Lawton. Farm Stand open August: Tues.-Sat. 9-5; Sept. til end of season: Mon. to Sat. 9-5 and Sundays 1-5. 25 varieties of apples, concord grapes, 6 varieties of peaches, u-pick sweet cherries and sweet cider made on premises. Also honey products. www.4seasonsfarmmarket.com Bel Park Farm John & Mary Parks - 570-879-2426 - msprn21@hotmail.com 29800 State Route 171, Susquehanna, PA 18847. Exit 230 off Route 81. Follow route 171 for 4.7 miles to Hickory Grove. Sweet corn and other vegetables. Farm Stand – August to October 10-5. 5 LaRue’s Farm Market Ben & Renee LaRue - 6195 State Route 706, Montrose, PA 18801, between Lawton and East Rush. 570-934-2618; LaRueProduce@yahoo.com. Flowers, strawberries, asparagus, bedding plants. Assorted veggies - corn, tomatoes, melons, pumpkins and gourds in the fall. Brown eggs. Farm stand open daily 9-5 in season, closed Sundays. Retail and wholesale. Prospect Street Gardens Mark Rosengrant - 570-396-7460 - rosengrant@epix.net; 295 Prospect Street, Montrose, PA 18801. Assorted organic produce: Heirloom tomatoes, salad greens and lots more. On-site and Montrose Farmers Market Tioga County Always Somethin’ Farm Mike & Christine Chester - 570-662-1082; asfarm@mail.com. 825 Newtown Hill Rd., Mansfield, PA 16933. Asparagus, garlic, heirloom tomatoes, (also goat milk soaps & natural creams). Mansfield Growers Market and on farm sales. www.alwayssomethinfarm.com Family Rock Farm Sue Benjamin - 570-724-3839; 4familyrock@gmail.com. 672 Round Top Road, Wellsboro, PA 16901. Healthy produce; Icelandic/Shetland sheepskins; Grass-fed freezer lamb; fleece for spinning or felting. Call or email for info. Roosting Tree Farm Susan Jennings – 570-662-3555; rjen@ptd.net. 620 East Mulberry Hill Road, Mansfield PA 16933. Pasture raised eggs fed certified-organic nonGMO soy-free feed. Homemade jams & jellies, art work. Sales on-farm and at Mansfield Growers Market. Golden Rock Farms Raymond Ingalls - 570-324-3075; 11590 Rt. 414, Roaring Branch, PA 17765. 100 % Grass-fed Beef – Wholesale and by the Half. West Hill Farms Brian and Dawn Tinney - 570-605-0021; oldwesthill@yahoo.com; 335 West Hill Rd, Covington, PA 16917. Grass-fed lamb, pork, beef and chicken. Oberhasli dairy goats for breeding stock, fresh goat milk, natural goat milk soaps. Also horse-quality hay in round & square bales. On farm sales – call or email. www.westhillfarmandranch.com Wyoming County Fertile Grounds CSA Deb Shoval – 570-262-3930; Fertile.Grounds.Office@gmail.com. Organic CSA providing wide array of vegetables and herbs June through October. Deliveries at Hillside Farms in Shavertown, YMCA in Wilkes-Barre and Dundee Gardens in Hanover Township. Heyler’s Greenhouse Ed & Dorna Heyler - Flower and Vegetable Plants - May and June 9-5 daily. Closed Sundays. www.FertileGroundsCSA.com Ken Harvey Farm Ken Harvey - 570-836-1550; poppabearken@yahoo.com. 6 miles north of Tunkhannock - 68 Baker Hirkey Road, Tunkhannock, PA 18657 Red Angus Beef – wholesale and retail. Keeney Farm Cheryl & Gary Keeney 570-376-2551; 570-376-2120 KeeneyGC@ptd.net; 12303 Rt. 287, Middlebury Center PA 16935. Variety of vegetables including sweet corn, watermelon, potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, beans, beets, carrots and more. Hay, Ear corn, ornamental corn and stalks. Farm Stand: July – November, self-serve, 7 days a week. On Rt. 287, 1.5 miles north of Middlebury Center. Also at Wellsboro and Mansfield Growers Markets and by appointment. Hopkins Farm Ruth Hopkins – 570-388-2858; sweetlucytwo@yahoo.com. 502 River Road, Falls, PA 18615. 50 acres of vegetables grown for wholesale and retail market. Farmstand and sell at Scranton Co-op Farmers Market on Mon/Wed/Fri. from mid-July to Thanksgiving. Find us on Facebook. Provident Farms Dave Johnson - 570-324-2285; Cell: 570-772-6095; provident@epix.net. 1254 Blacks Creek Road, Liberty PA 16930. Hay, small grains, corn, sunflower, beef, pork. Certified Organic, grass-based. On-farm sales – call ahead. 6 Purple Pepper Farms Trevor Brown & Jake Burgess – purplepepperfarms@ gmail.com; 570-815-7861. 327 Erhardt Road, Lake Winola, PA 18627. Hydroponic peppers, tomatoes, greens & herbs as well as diverse soil-based produce. Open on farm 10-6 during season. Farmers markets. The Whistle Pig Pumpkin Patch Joel & Stacy Field - 570-298-0962; Infoseek@ WhistlePigPumpkin.com 3369 State Route 29 South, Noxen, PA 18636. Summer: Strawberries, Raspberries, Black Raspberries, Blackberries. Fall: Fall Raspberries (Call for hours), Pumpkins, Hayrides, Gourds, Cornstalks. Sat & Sun-Noon - Dusk. Check us out on Facebook. www.WhistlePigPumpkin.com Rowlands Pennsylvania Produce Amanda Banta - 570-388-3966 or 570-561-4093; abanta@frontier.com. 598 Miller Lane, Falls, PA 18615. Hydroponic pesticide-free bibb & romaine lettuce, greens & herbs. Sales at Gerrity’s Supermarkets and Hillside Farm. www.rowlandspaproduce.org The Northern Tier of Pennsylvania has a long history of lumbering, woodwork and maple production thanks to our abundant forest resources. Many farmers and growers produce maple syrup in addition to other farm products so check for cross listings. We apologize for the omissions we are certain exist. For maple related events, check the following websites: www.pamaple.com www.pamapleassociation.com Dewy Meadows Maple Andrew & Sally Dewing, 3249 Montrose Turnpike, Warren Center, PA. 570-395-3458; info@deweymeadows.com. Pure maple products including syrup, candy, maple cream, crumb sugar, maple jelly, maple mustard, gift packs and wedding favors. Sold from farm, website and mail order. BackAchers Farm Maple products – (cross listed under farms) Beckwith Maples Pat and Phil Beckwith - Maple products sold online from website and at Wilmot’s Apple and Spice (north of Rome on Rt. 187). www.dewymeadows.com www.maple-syrup.com Draper’s Super Bee Apiaries Royal Draper - 32 Avonlea Road, Millerton PA 16936. Follow signs off Rt. 328 East. 800-233-4273 or 570-537-2381; sales@draperbee.com. Mon. – Fri.: 8–5, Sat. 8 -1. Tours by appointment. Honey, bees, beeswax, comb honey, assorted candies, apple butter, bee keeping supplies. On-farm and on-line sales. www.draperbee.com Berryfields Farm Maple syrup – (cross listed under farms) Brookfield Maple Products Bud & Tina Bowers and Jim & Jackie Mills, 111 Plank Road, Westfield, PA 16950; 814-367-5284; info@brookfieldmapleproducts.com. Full line of Certified Organic maple products sold from website and at farm. Endless Mts. Cabin Maple Syrup Rex Russell and Larry Russell - 371 Orwell Hill Road, Rome PA 18837. Rt. 187 north of Rome; 570-247-7212. Year round sales from farm store, website and various retail outlets. www.endlessmtscabin.com www.brookfieldmapleproducts.com and Find us on Facebook. Brydonson Farm 592 N. Ayers Hill Road, Coudersport. 814-274-9680; anson@penn.com. Maple products. The Cabin Country Store (cross listed in retail stores) Betsy & Tim Blaine - Route 706 between Stevensville and Rushville 570-746-3461; cabincountry@epix.net; Tues. – Sat. 10 - 5. Honey. Bee keeping classes offered. www.thecabincountrystore.com www.endlessmountains.org 7 Fitzgerald’s Family Farm Loren & Sharon Fitzgerald, 144 Snowman Road, Coudersport, PA 16915. 814274-7825; srfitzg@zitomedia.net. Maple syrup, honey, hand-painted antique maple buckets, naturally grown pesticide-free vegetables. Sales at Farmers Markets. Patterson Farms Richard Patterson & Mary Lee Zechman - 119 Patterson Road, Westfield, PA 16950. 814-628-3751; sugarmaster@pattersonmaplefarms.com. Maple products, jams/jellies, gift baskets. On-line and farm sales Mon.-Sat. 10 -5. www.pattersonmaplefarms.com www.fitzgeraldsfamilyfarm.blogspot.com Rathbun Farms Maple Products Howard Rathbun - 2254 Eleven Mile Rd., Shinglehouse PA 16748. 814-698-2421. Maple products. Gingher Apiary Richard & Laura Gingher -231 Lane Hill Rd., Tunkhannock, PA 18657; 570-836-4716; gingher@epix.net. Honey, beeswax skin cream, lip balm and candles. Robinson’s Apiary Rt. 706 Stevensville, PA. 570-746-3235. Honey & Bee products, including honeycomb, beeswax products, and recipes. PA state inspected. Sales at store & in other stores in region. Summer: 8-8; Winter 8-6. Gobbler’s Knob Farm Michael Fetchko & Denise Fedele - 814-435-7755; denisenmike@verizon.net 1660 Germania Rd. Galeton, PA 16922. (Rt. 144 between Germania and Carter Camp). Honey & honey products (lip balm, beeswax, candles, etc.) Roloson Brothers Maple Syrup Rt. 6 West of Troy, about 3 miles on the left at 3069 Farmers Valley Road, Troy, PA 16947. 570-297-2103 (Alan); 570-297-4509 (Ralph) or 2972033 (sugarshack); rbmaple4@frontiernet.net. Maple Syrup and maple products. Offers sugaring demonstrations in season. Call ahead for tours. Sales at Troy Lunch and Bohlayers Orchard, in season. Hamilton’s Maple Products Larry & Phyllis Hamilton - 19 Bunnell Rd., Ulysses, PA 16948. 814-848-9853; hamiltonsmapleproducts@vmail.com. Maple syrup and wide array of maple products sold retail & wholesale from farm store and website. Call ahead. www.hamiltonspuremaple.com and on Facebook Russell Maple Farm Donald Russell - 1379 Orwell Hill Road, Rome, PA. 570-247-7360 or 888429-4854; cell: 570-637-0218; russellmaple2@frontiernet.net. Two miles north of Rome on Rt. 187, turn onto Orwell Hill Road - 1.3 miles to Orwell. Maple products. On farm store – call ahead. Also mail order. Loch’s Maple Randy & Jamie Loch - 143 Cokely Road, Springville, PA 18844. 570-965-2679; info@lochsmaple.com. Take Route 29 to Springville and follow signs. Open year round (see website for hours). Online sales and at several fairs. Maple products and equipment. Custom animal fiber processing services. www.russellmaplefarms.com www.lochsmaple.com Slipping Down Farm Terry Butler - 5947 Route 514, Granville Summit, PA 16926. 570-364-8375; cell: 607-425-7108; slippingdownfarm@cqservices.com. Honey, maple syrup, apple cider vinegar. Also performs bee removal. Farm stand, Jurnacks Naturally in Wysox, Russell Sprouts Farm, 911 Earth in Athens. Mann’s Country Gardens John & Kelly Mann - 2863 Bird Creek Rd., Gillett, PA 16925. 570-537-6676; info@mannscountrygardens.com. Pure maple syrup products, Gift Sets, Christmas trees, wreaths, garlands, fresh cut flowers, produce, Gift Shop. www.mannscountrygardens.com Jim and Dora Tice Farm 427 Tice Road, Mainesburg, PA. 570-549-5257; ticejd@npacc. net. Maple syrup. Millers Purely Maple Dale & Melanie Miller - 2766 Hills Creek, Wellsboro, PA 16901. 570-724-7907. Maple Syrup - wood fired evaporator. On-line sales. Weber’s Apiary Gerald or Paula Weber - 144 Pinneo Hill Road, Shinglehouse, PA 16748. 814-698-2481; gpwbr1@frontiernet.net. Pure Honey, bees wax ornaments. Sales from home after 5pm weekdays and 10-5 weekends; call before coming. www.millersmaple.com Charles B. Nelson Sons 214 Grover Hollow Rd, Genesee, PA 16923. 814848-7950; cnlnelson@pennswoods.net. Full line of Maple products and gift baskets. Sell at Farmers Markets and from home. Please call ahead. 8 These restaurants and bakeries make an effort to use and sell local ingredients when possible. They also support local farms in various other ways and the use of local foods is part of their identity. Weigh Station Café “Enjoy casual dining inside or overlooking the Susquehanna”. Barb Keeney & Karen Parkhurst - 1 Washington St., Towanda, PA. 570-265-CAFÉ. Open 7 days a week (Closed Major Holidays). Seasonal fresh produce and local ingredients used in menu items. Open Mic Thurdays 6-9. Live music on Fridays 5:30-8:30. PA Craft Beers, Local Wines - Legal beverages. Eagles Mere Inn Barbie Gale - 1 Mary Ave., Eagles Mere. 570-525-3273; relax@eaglesmereinn.com. A Country Inn with full service dining. Uses locally grown and produced products as often as possible in menus. Open by reservation all year round. www.eaglesmereinn.com Milky Way Kim Seeley - 17075 Rt. 14 - between Troy and Canton. Monday – Friday: 10–6, Saturdays 10-3. 570673-5651. Farm raised dairy products produced without antibiotics and synthetic hormones. Milk, chocolate milk, Pure Heavy Cream, butter, grassfed beef, cheeses. Available retail as well as in menu items. www.weighstationcafe.com and on Facebook The Strawberry at Berryfields Farm Barbara & Charles Gerlach - 570-924-3019; gerlach@ epix.net. 7 miles north of Forksville; 138 Berry Lane, New Albany. Located between Millview and New Albany near the Bradford/ Sullivan County line. An Organic dining room with farm grown foods. Over 90% of ingredients in all meals served are raised on the farm. Baked goods made on site as well. Friday Night Pizza (5-8 PM), Saturday Dinners (6 PM) and Sunday Brunch (noon). By reservation only. See cross listing under farmer/grower. The Gerlachs also run a Bed & Breakfast at the farm. www.milkywayfarms.net and on Facebook. New Horizon Creamery Karl Torrey - 45 State Route 244, Coudersport, PA 16915. 814-698-2227; newhorizoncreamery@gmail.com. Cheese & ice creams made on farm from Jersey milk. On-farm store and kitchen open Fridays 4-9 PM; Sat. & Sundays 1-9 PM. Pizza, subs, etc. & Home-made ice creams. (Cross listed under Dairy). www.newhorizoncreamery.com Night and Day Coffee Café Jessica Czako - 2 North Main St., Mansfield. 570-662-1143; nightanddaycoffee@hotmail.com. Corner of Rt. 6 & Main St. Mon. - Sat: 7 to 7, Sun. 8 -5. Local dairy and produce used in menu items. Varied local foods & art for sale. www.nightanddaycoffee.com and on www.berryfieldsfarm.net Facebook. York Holo Brewing Company 19 North Main St., Mansfield, PA 16933. 570-662-0241; yorkholobrewing@ gmail.com. Freshly brewed artisan ales paired with dishes made from local ingredients. “Like” us on Facebook to get food specials, beer releases & live music up-dates. Olga’s Cafe & Bistro John and Olga Snyder - 4 East 2nd Street (Route 6 East), Coudersport, PA 16915. (814) 260-9966; jsnyder@eggdecorator.com. Fresh baked goods, salads, stuffed pitas, wraps, flat bread pizzas, house-made chips & other local specialties. Lunch & dinners, Weds.- Sat. Live music Thursdays and most Saturdays. Also visit Olga’a Gallery and Yarns. www.OlgaExperience.com and on Facebook www.yorkholobrewing.com and on Facebook West End Market Café 152 Main St., Wellsboro, PA 16901. (1 mile west of center of town) 570-605-0370; westendmktcafe@gmail.com. Café uses fresh, locally or regionally sourced food ingredients, organic when possible, and fair trade or Rainforest Alliance coffee products. Fresh baked goods for sale daily. www.westendmarketcafe.com and on Facebook 9 While many stores in the region have some local products – particularly maple items - the stores listed here focus on supporting local food producers and carry items from more than one farm. BackAchers Farm Store Susan Bullock - 2908 North Rome Road, about 2.75 mi. north of Rt. 187 at Rome; 570-247-2940; backachersfarm@epix.net. Farm store open Weds.Sat. 10 – 4. Store has our farm meats, eggs, maple products, vegetables as well as other local and organic foods. See also listing under Farmer/Grower. Bryan’s Meat Cutting & Country Butcher Shop 8861 Springfield Road, Milan, PA 18831, just west of East Smithfield. 570-596-3334. Custom Butchering. Retail store. Meat Bundles. Smoked meat from hickory smokehouse. Beef by the 1/4, 1/2 or whole. Pork by the 1/2 or whole. Cut and wrapped to your specifications. www.bryansmeatcutting.com Cabin Country Store Betsy Blaine - on Route 706 btw. Stevensville and Rushville. 570-746-3461; cabincountry@epix.net. Open Mon. - Sat. 10-5. Honey, quilted items, birdhouses, duck houses, local PA Bluestone items. www.thecabincountrystore.com Gold Mtn. Ice Cream and Deli Wendy Swartz - 201 West Main St. Knoxville, PA 16928. 814-326-0888; cell 570-404-0961; wendy@knox.pa.net. General store with Perry’s ice cream, subs and sandwiches using bread from local bakery. Local maple products, honey, jams, cheese, breads, rolls and more. Open 7 days a week. Local Amish farmer sells produce and home-made products on site during the summer. www.icecreamanddeli.com Painter’s Meat Processing Becky Painter and Charlie Painter - 408 East River St., Elkland, PA 16920. 814-258-7283; bestcut4u@hotmail.com. In conjunction with Hillsprings Farm in Addison, NY. Sales of own grass-fed Angus beef in addition to custom meat processing. Sell at Locally Grown Food Festivals and by order. www.paintersmeatprocessing.com “Farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil, and you’re a thousand miles from the corn field.” -Dwight D. Eisenhower Pag-Omar Farms Market Inc Oliver and Marian Butler - Rt. 287, 3 mi. north of Wellsboro across from tour train. 570-724-3333; pagomar2@ptd.net. Sweet corn and other local vegetables in season. Deli meats, ice cream. Open year round. Shores Sisters Farm Market Renee and Mike Wilson - 1003 Golden Mile Rd., Towanda, PA 18848. Rt. 6, Wysox (across from Wendy’s). 570-265-0333. Open April – December: Mon-Fri: 9-6 & Sat 9-5. Homegrown sweet corn, fresh seasonal produce, winter squash & fall pumpkins. Local meats. Bake shop. Spring garden center with bedding plants, herbs & vegetable plants. Christmas trees. Local Gift baskets. Find us on Running Bear Farm Market 848 Wallace Road, Troy, PA, one mile north of Rt. 6 at West Burlington. Own poultry, lamb and produce plus local baked goods, honey, maple syrup, soap and more. Open Mon. – Sat. 10-5 in season. Cross listed under Farmer/Growers. Facebook. Photos in our Food Guide Courtesy of Barbara Coyle, Diane Fiorentino, Barbara Gehrlach, Dick Heyler, Kerry Sloan, Jessica Seeley, T.C. Owens and Ruth B. Tonachel. Original artwork by the amazing Sadie Allen of Granville Summit, PA. Look for her at DancingHeiferArt on Etsy. 11 12 There has been significant growth in the number of small wineries in the Northern Tier in recent years. Some have vineyards and others buy grapes from other local farms. Since it takes a number of years for grape vines to mature, several wineries are not using all homegrown grapes but hope to increase their percentages. Ask about the source of grapes and other fruit being used. Some buy grapes or juice from farms in the Finger Lakes region of New York – which is actually closer to the Northern Tier than is southern Pennsylvania. Others buy juice from California or elsewhere - which does not support our local agriculture in any way. In this guide, we are listing only wineries with active vineyards and a commitment to using local fruit. None are certified organic. Further regional winery information can be found online at www. UpstateWineCountry.com, www.weekendwinery.com and www.pennsylvaniawine.com, among others. Nimble Hill Vineyard & Winery Gary & Ellie Toczko - 1/4 mile east of Tunkhannock on Route 6. 570-836-WINE (9463); nimblehill@gmail.com. Tasting Room. Grapes from several local vineyards. Hope to attain 75% local grapes. www.nimblehill.com Grovedale Winery & Vineyards Jeff Homer - 71 Grovedale Lane, Wyalusing, PA, across from Wyalusing High School. 570-746-1400. 8 acres of vineyard planted - buy from local vineyards also. Hope to attain 80% local grapes. Tasting room. Located on historic 1812 family farm. www.grovedalewinery.com Laddsburg Mountain Winery Steve & Jane Grazaitis -20 Winery Lane, New Albany, PA 18833, Marsh Rd. off Route 220. 570-363-2476; Laddsburgwine@frontier.com. Open Sat./Sun. 11-5. 14 acres of grapes and purchase other local grapes. Growing grapes since 1998. www.laddsburgwine.com Lopez Winery & Vineyard Albert Kapler - 44 Winery Road, Lopez, PA, 18628. Route 487, 8 miles north of Ricketts Glen State Park’s main entrance. 570-928-7897; kapler@epix.net Grows and uses approx. 75% own grapes. www.lopezwinery.com Contact us at NTBuyFresh.BuyLocal@gmail.com - 13